#oz kills me lmao
can-of-slorgs · 30 days
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The other researchers are also here! (magical edition!)
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shakuson · 10 days
I'm drinking so I'm logging back on to Ev*ll*ous post sorry. makes me actually crazy to think about how Nemesis went back to the forest to get Gammon before she destroyed it (before being sidetracked by Ma) like why would she have this as a consideration for anyone? especially when she thought he was dead? and how when Gammon pulls the whole thing with the Black Box in Motheavenly he literally tells her "Even if it's only us, let's start over from the beginning" and he (jokingly) tells her she's "grown to be fine woman" and stuff? and they spent like six or seven years together during their time in the Tasan Party to the point where you could argue they are each other's closest friend and you guys don't pick up on all of this/claim they have no relation like ??????
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flovverworks · 2 years
maybe im so obsessed with parent-child aligned relations cuz majority of my muses are parentless.....
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fizzie-frog · 4 months
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Look I've never been much of a shipper but Fizzarolli with Asmodeus really demolishes me I swear to God. Just the way they know each other inside and out (which, obviously, they've known each other for possibly a decade). The way Fizzarolli sleeps without his cute little jester hat on, the way he, in general, trusts Ozzie with his body and his being and just-- Agh.
And the little things too like how he finds comfort in things from Ozzie and helps him calm down (as showed above). The way Fizz can just be bare, scars out front and broken horns and know that Ozzie will continue to think he's the best fucking thing ever. How Ozzie is always so supporting and finds just the right words and brings him up when he is down.
Also I know it tends to be shadowed cause it's not discussed much, but let's remember that Fizzarolli is disabled. And I'd assume he has more issues than just being an amputee (I love fics that approach that subject but I understand why there's not many as you can go wrong with this so easily).
He was in the god damn middle of an explosion as it happened and he survived something that by all means would've killed him, by some miracle (side note: omg just the thought of him being conscious even long enough to see Blitz while burning alive, I don't doubt he'd have preferred to just black out right away). I highly doubt such a thing wouldn't give him some other sorts of physical damage too. The whole speaking and hearing thing (why he probably knows sign language), the pain stuff, so many things.
Not to even go over the mental trauma and probably years of help and sleepless nights he'd have had on a psychological level. So when I say Ozzie has been through thick and thin with him, it's probably an understatement. But he loves him and aaaaghhhh I'm just so happy for Fizz that he has someone who will be by his side no matter what, to bring him up and help him out. Not many people get that, so many turn and run the moment their partner hits even the slightest hard time.
But hey, I guess this is why it's a fictional couple.
Btw, maybe I missed it but I haven't seen anyone mention this: I don't know if I'm overthinking it - I've already seen the whole pointing out of Mammon's mirror being shaped like him, specifically his mouth, but I'd like to also go into the metaphorical senses of the mirrors. With Mammon's mirror, he's looking into Mammon's mouth, like he's eating Fizz alive. But then he turns his attention to Oz's mirror, the heart shaped mirror, and looks in it to calm down. He opens the heart shaped mirror that reads "Oz". He's looking into Ozzie's heart, and Fizzarolli is reflected in his heart.
Could totally be accidental lmao but I think it's such fkin good symbolism I-- Don't even get me started.
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strqyr · 7 months
Every think about how one of ravens coping mechinizism was to regress to a time in her life were things were simply just kill or be killed with minimal connection instead of every that came with team stqr and oz.
Cause I think about it a lot
this is the kind of thing that keeps me up at night, like
she would have had to change, right? qrow says raven has "an interesting way of looking at the world" that he doesn't particularly agree with—which likely is at least partly related to 'the weak die, the strong live' rule—but for team strq to be as close as they were, for raven to once trust ozpin enough to be part of his inner circle, for her and tai to get together and start a family, she would have had to move away from that line of looking at the world. to actually live instead of just survive.
when she learned the truth, maybe even whatever happened on summer's mission played a part, did all of it feel like it was built on lies? that this ideal, romantic life of a huntress wasn't what it was made out to be? that there's no fairy tale ending when an invincible monster who cannot even be stopped, who they've been tasked to fight and stop anyway, exists?
did that make it easier to go back to her previous life, where everything was simple; the weak die, the strong live. kill or be killed. there's no hidden truths there, no lies, just what everyone in the tribe takes as the cold, hard facts of the world.
and like. if raven felt like the very foundation of the life she had in beacon and beyond was built on a lie, did her teammates feel the same way about her? she was there to learn how to kill huntsmen, after all, and now she has gone back to the tribe and reverted (at least on the surface) to the person she was before beacon; to them, was the raven they knew a lie, too? especially to qrow who grew up with raven and would know exactly what she has been like from an outside perspective, to know the beacon era was practically a drop in a bucket compared to the rest, it definitely would have come across as an act.
which hurts bc i also feel like that raven was the real raven, and the rest is, to an extent, an act she had to put up to survive bc she grew up in a hostile environment where the weak died and the strong lived which is pretty much about physical strength and compared to adults, kids aren't strong like that, of course she would have had to make up for it somehow and, well. she's strong enough to do what others won't. that doesn't exactly sound like she was prioritizing physical strength to survive, rather that she was willing to do whatever it takes. it's like, scrappy, ya know?
...anyway. this got out of hand quickly, so safe to say: yeah, i do think about it. a lot lmao
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the WishVerse that were never explored. enjoy.
so in case you forgot: buffy never came to sunnydale in season 1. the master took over sunnydale and made xander and willow his deranged vampire sidekicks. buffy fights the master and her, cordelia, angel, willow and xander all die. almost all these points are going off the branching timeline where giles didn’t destroy anya’s pendant and the wishverse kept going.
larry is a “white hat” working with giles, oz and nancy. he has dyed black hair. I think it’s safe to assume that larry is out in this universe, and apocalypse or no apocalypse I love the idea of these three being a found family friend group just like buffy and the scoobies. also love the idea that oz and larry were in love but that’s just because I am insane lmao. anyway larry is out as gay and friends with oz with surrogate father figure giles… yeah that just makes me happy. I would love to see his season 1-3 growth in coming out and becoming a better person / not a bully similar to cordy. and shittily dying his hair black.
were spike and dru there during the season 2 period? did the master kill them? did the white hats kill them? did they leave? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM????
the mayor, adam, glory and the first would likely still happen on top of all the vampire apocalypse stuff. the trio could be dead or vampires and dark willow obviously would not be able to happen. does giles fight these threats, collecting various child fighters over the years?? no idea. do they succeed?? no idea.
dawn doesn’t exist because buffy is dead. I wonder who the key would have taken the form of, perhaps she would be faith’s sister…???
what’s the status of jenny calendar?? joyce?? tara?? amy?? no one knows!! I just hope they didn’t meet too grisly of ends. the idea of leather-clad apocalypse vampire versions of all these badass women intrigues me though…
did anya remain a demon?? destroying her necklace would reset the timeline back to normal, so I guess she must have done. my anyiles heart says giles thought “I could fix her” and fell in love with a vengeance demon who doomed reality but that might just be wishful thinking (no pun intended).
angel investigations simply doesn’t exist. angel and cordy are both dead.
connor would not exist because darla would not be brought back (I wonder if jasmine would find some other way to bring about her birth??)
lindsey would have both hands intact and he and lilah would likely stay at wolfram and hart, and neither would die unless they were caught in the crossfire of vampire apocalypse stuff.
gunn would stick with his crew in LA and would likely fight the master at one point, not to mention even more vampires than usual, and without superpowers would likely die eventually.
angel investigations would never run wolfram and hart, meaning illyria would have to find a different host body. if it was lindsey or lilah that would be awesome.
pylea would stay the same and suck forever because cordy would never go there.
lorne is flourishing and loving life running caritos. he’s probably better off for it tbh. the wishverse says gay rights!!!!
in terms of wesley, faith and doyle, I recommend this amazing fic. it really speaks for itself, it’s awesome!!
its unclear as to who would be called after buffy. is it a person to person thing or simply a timing thing?? would it be kendra, faith, or someone else entirely? as I said this is explored in the fic I linked, but still interesting to discuss.
season 7 would be very different. we don’t know what slayer is currently around and we don’t know if that would change the first’s plan or the ending with all the potentials becoming slayers. no idea. kennedy would not be important thank god.
fred is still in pylea.
if you can think of anything else, please do share in notes!!
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Alright: What the FUCK happened to Summer???
Because something sure did, and every new thing we hear about her gets more disturbing, and it haunts me.
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So, I'll start with stuff that's fairly certain and like, small leaps of logic before I go full tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. We have very little actual info about Summer, nearly all of it from different characters talking about her.
From Yang we get the basic facts from her family's perspective: Summer was a Huntress who went out on a mission and never came back. We also get the characterization of, "Super-Mom: Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters."
From Qrow, we learn that 1. She was a brat, which like, honestly STRQ was probably just "oops! all brats" 2. He thinks she would have pressed on if she knew the truth, which, uh, she almost definitely did. "We don't have to kill you to stop you," is not the sort of thing you say to Salem if you don't know she's immortal, that's all I'm saying. 3. Whatever her final mission was, she didn't tell him or Tai or Ozpin. I'm inclined to believe Ozpin when he says he genuinely doesn't know what happened to Summer, since his biggest secret is already out—plus he's been genuinely repentent about the mess his lying caused in Volume 6 and is taking steps to do better in the future. It would feel really weird thematically if he knew and was keeping yet another giant bomb of a secret. So Summer went on her final mission alone, or at the very least, she didn't tell any of Ozpin's inner circle where she was going.
We'll get to speculating about why not later, but I think this point is probably going to be important in Ruby's character arc—whatever Summer's ultimate fate, she got there because she tried to save the world alone, and we've seen Ruby do something similar. Like she's not running off after Salem by herself, but she's definitely trying to shoulder the burden of leading and inspiring everyone to keep going all on her own, without asking for help as that responsibility has been slowly yet systematically destroying her mental health. I mean ffs she's been literally carrying her team on her shoulders for two episodes now.
HOWEVER: Oz, Tai, and Qrow don't know anything about what happened to Summer, but it's possible that Raven might. When Ruby tries to reach out to her and convince her to work together, because they'll have a better chance than if they try to do it alone, Raven says, "You sound just like your mother," in truly the most bitter, disdainful-ass tone I have ever heard. And then she opens a portal for Cinder to throw a fireball at her. Whether this is about a more generalized friction that maybe contributed to Raven leaving, or a specific moment when Summer tried to get her on board with whatever she was doing on that final mission, is kind of uncertain. Or it could be both!
(And it might also be she married my ex bitterness but, admitting my biases here, I hate that fucking trope with a fiery passion and I think it's more interesting if her anger at Summer is actually about Summer.)
Regardless, if Summer did ask her for help, then based on how Raven reacted to Ruby I don't think she got it lmao
And then. Oh, and then. We get Salem!
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"Your mother said those words to me. She was wrong too."
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"Her again?"
So like. Salem definitely met her. Had a whole-ass conversation with her, even.
And that fucking smile??? Salem did some shit to Summer. It's just a question of what, exactly?
Right. Okay. So after they kill the Hound and realize WHOOPS that was a person and he looks an awful lot like Ruby! and everyone reunites, Ruby says this:
"When I saw its eyes, I knew. Salem used to kill people with Silver Eyes, like Maria. But she’s always wanted me alive. Why would that change unless, when she met Mom, she learned she could do something new?"
Timeline-wise, this seems accurate! But I'd like to also insert TR into the equation. It's a little hard to tell given the uhh, body horror of it all, but he definitely looks younger than Qrow (which is maybe not saying a lot given that Raven looks at least ten years younger than Qrow and she's his twin lmao) and, more to the point, like he's probably younger than Summer.
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Like, yeah, hard to tell, but I don't think this man is past forty. And even if he is, it doesn't seem like Salem's had him for very long, seeing as she never sent him after Ruby or the relics in previous volumes. So he's probably an example of what Salem's been doing to SEWs after Summer.
Also, Salem calls him an experiment, and says that so far she's pleased with the results. Meaning Summer isn't exactly a Hound, though I wouldn't say that puts grimmification off the table. Just that it's not in the exact same way he is. And it's worth pointing out that the way TR has been grimmified, it's left him completely without agency and unable to disobey Salem. Even after Ruby blasts the Grimm off his head, he's still left repeating "Take The Girl" over and over without any sign of whoever he used to be coming back to the surface. It's possible that is what Salem is referring to when she calls him a successful experiment.
So the way Salem has dealt with people with silver eyes has gone:
Maria (kill her) > Summer (?!?!) > TR (an... experiment) > Ruby (bring her to me alive)
Adding TR into the mix, it seems unlikely that the "something new" Salem learned she could do from Summer Rose would actually have been, y'know, a Hound. Plus from a narrative perspective, I don't think we're going to have Ruby literally saying exactly what happened to Summer into the camera only for her to turn up, Hound-ified just as expected, a couple volumes later. So, some possibilities:
Ruby is actually exactly correct about what happened to Summer, but she's not going to show up later so there's no reason not to just tell us. Personally I doubt it's this, given the way the mystery has been unfolding over eight volumes and counting. It'd be kind of weird to just tell us instead of showing us, or indeed having the Hound literally be Summer. Also, if Summer is a Hound too then why is TR an experiment?
Summer was Grimmified but didn't survive the process, so she gave Salem the idea but she's not actually a Hound. This also seems a bit odd to me given that would mean she's basically just dead like we assumed, but with extra steps. Like it's upsetting but it doesn't represent the kind of dramatic upheaval to the sisters' worldviews that it feels like this is building towards. It doesn't explain how fucking smug Salem is about the whole thing.
Summer was Grimmified, but didn't actually lose any agency. This would explain why Salem is still experimenting, and why she's so pleased with TR—he's even more singleminded in carrying out her goals than Tyrian is. It also fits with the way the Grimmification worked on Salem. Even after she jumped into the goop, she was still very much herself—it's possible it influenced her, but she was definitely capable of showing love and affection to both Ozma and her daughters. She just, uhh,,, was also willing to try and murder them. But it's unclear to me how much of that was Evil Goo and how much was just that there's no way a human being spends any significant length of time as the Last Woman Alive without some unpleasant side effects. We're social creatures and we do not generally do well when completely deprived of company.
Summer wasn't Grimmified at all, the whole Hound thing is a red herring.
In either 3 or 4, regardless of how much body horror happened, Ruby is wrong about what happened to Summer. And in order to not undercut that moment of utter despair at what probably happened to Summer... I feel like what actually did happen has to be. like. worse.
So. Time to put our tinfoil hats on: what if we add an element of horrible betrayal?
Yes this is a Summer-joined-Salem conspiracy post.
But hear me out okay! Circling back a bit, why wouldn't Summer tell any of the inner circle where she was going? If she talked to anyone, it was Raven, who had already noped the fuck out by the time Summer went on her final mission. Now, if it was just Tai and Qrow I'd say she might've kept it from them for the same reason everyone always keeps that secret—she didn't want them to lose hope. But... Ozpin already knows. There'd be no reason not to tell him what she was doing, unless she knew he'd try to stop her.
Now: my goal here is to make all this make sense, without altering the first foundational piece of characterization we get for Summer. Namely, "Super-Mom: Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters." I'm not saying Summer learned the truth and went, welp, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Because both Summer and Raven tend to act as foils to Ruby and Yang, and "gave up immediately" doesn't feel like an interesting foil to Ruby's perserverence. But, if you find out that there's an existential threat to the entire world, and she can't be killed...
Isn't it worth trying to negotiate?
Especially if, say, you were absolutely desperate to end this war in your lifetime. Because Summer knows that if it's really impossible, if Salem can't be stopped, then Ruby will get dragged in whether she likes it or not. All because of a trait that Summer passed down to her.
Salem's been killing people with silver eyes, probably for millenia. It's easily possible that Summer had her own visit from someone like Tock, or noticed the same thing Maria's father did, that there's a suspicious lack of people with silver eyes considering how useful they are against the Grimm. As long as Salem is a threat, Ruby is going to be in that same danger. Forever.
So she has to do something, right? If there's even the tiniest chance she can end this now, before Ruby will ever have to suffer for it, before she gets pulled into an impossible war and Yang comes charging in after her, because of course she's going to try to help her sister... isn't that a chance worth taking?
This is why I think Raven knows some shit, by the by—when she's telling Yang about Salem, she actually kind of indirectly drops the same bomb that went off in Volume 6, it's just that she didn't do it in the same explicit terms that Jinn did. "She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she will not rest until Humanity crumbles at her feet."
"Can't be stopped" is Raven's translation of can't be killed, since "We don't have to kill you to stop you" seems to be a flavor of terrifying exclusive to Ruby and apparently Summer. But "can't be reasoned with" implies that somebody tried. And like, let's be honest. Do we really think Raven was the one who decided to give diplomacy a go?
Not to mention this line, which I'm like 90% sure is referring to Summer:
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"Or... you can go back to Qrow and join Ozpin's impossible war against Salem, and meet the same fate as so many others."
It really seems like Raven knows something she's not telling us. Like, if that is a reference to Summer's fate, does that mean Raven knows what it is, or is she just speculating like everyone else? Does she have a portal to Summer, and is that giving her information the others don't have? All that, combined with the fact that she's also way more bitter about Summer than everyone else, seems signficant.
Anyways. Let's say Summer decides to have a chat with Salem.
She can't tell Ozpin. He'd try to stop her, because he'd see it as a suicide mission. Qrow or Tai both might tell him, or agree with him and get in her way, so she keeps it from them too. Maybe she goes off completely by herself—or maybe she goes to Raven, because she's the only one who might be able to help who Summer knows won't breathe a word of it to Ozpin. Either way, Raven doesn't help her. She's not getting anywhere near Salem.
And then... well. Salem got here by manipulating people, by swaying them to her cause. Summer asks her what she actually wants out of all this. Isn't there some way they could resolve this without this endless war, all this endless death?
Important to note, I don't think we've heard Salem's motivation in her own words. At least, not since the Lost Fable, when she wanted to rule with Ozpin as the new gods of Remnant. I think it's safe to say at least a few things have changed since then. Closest I can think of is what she says to Cinder in Volume 8, "In pursuit of a new world, no cost is too great." Which is ominous, but also quite vague, and says nothing about what she plans to do with the relics.
Instead, we get a whole lot of people guessing. Ozpin thinks she wants to die. Tyrian thinks she wants to destroy the world. Hazel and Mercury think she wants to remake it, with no Huntsman Academies, with them as the new top dogs.
There's a pattern here—Salem never actually says what she wants, and other people have a habit of projecting their own motives onto her actions. Ozpin wants to die, Hazel wants to destroy the Huntsmen Academies, Mercury wants to be the one with the power so he's not getting hurt, and Tyrian's just in it for the chaos.
And it's not like Salem hasn't done stuff like that on purpose. By the time she started growing her army against the gods and telling people they would all steal immortality like she did, she'd already tried to kill herself. She didn't want immortality. She just let people think she did, because it was more convenient for her.
So if this agent of Ozpin's comes to her, absolutely desperate for a way to end the fight before it can come for her daughters, well... why not just tell her about the gods? About how Ozpin plans to one day reunite the relics, and submit Remnant to their judgment? About what might happen if he does?
(TBH I don't think Oz will ever do that, not because I think he's decided not to or anything like that, but because I doubt he'll ever see a humanity united enough for it to be worth trying. We're an argumentative bunch.)
But like. To Summer, all of a sudden there's this other, even bigger existential threat. And Salem isn't like Ozpin. She does have a plan! She wants to destroy the relics, so that the gods can never be resummoned, because of course she hates them and so she would never want them to come back!
(Again, not saying this is actually true, my best guess is that she's trying to bring them back so she can fight them again slkdfjlskdj)
And then, if they succeed, not only will the gods not be a threat anymore, Salem won't be a threat either. She'll have gotten what she wants!
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"This can all... be... over..."
Summer has to finish this. There has to be a way for her to do this by herself, to save everyone, to put a stop to it all in time to protect her children! (Raven can't be right, it can't just be hopeless!)
From there, all Salem really needs to do is be a bit careful how much she tells her other followers about what she plans to do—which it seems like she has—and eventually find a way to either hide what relics she has or convince Summer that she's trying really hard to destroy them, definitely, pinky promise!
(And, as an aside: if true, it's very possible that the reason Salem's so insistent on keeping Ruby alive isn't that she wants to turn her into another Hound, but rather that was one of Summer's conditions.)
All this, of course, may or may not come with a sprinkle of Grimmification. Because why not add some body horror to the good old-fashioned betrayal horror! Though, if I'm right and not going completely off the wall here, I suspect it's probably more in the vein of Cinder than TR. Namely, like, consensual.
Regardless, it definitely feels like Summer has been idealized to a point that's just sort of... begging for trouble. She's the perfect Huntress. The best of us. The one who would have pressed on. And like, historically putting people on pedestals like that has not gone well in this show (see: Pyrrha). Not to mention the way trying to be the perfect Huntress that Summer was has been affecting Ruby over the years.
Also, definitely totally unrelated to all of the above: I think paragons that turn to evil despite or indeed because of all their wonderful paragon qualities FUCK SEVERELY and I would like to see it.
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Mothman's Buffy Rewatch, Season 2, episode 22, "Becoming (Part 2)"
Becoming (Part 2)
Wow so many 2s in this episode
Willow's in a coma :( poor girl
Aw Cordelia asked about Willow :)
The way Angelus was choosing the best position for Giles to wake up too lmao
I feel bad for Joyce when the police came like she's not the best mom but it's still rough
Spike jumpscare
Spike's so real in this scene tbh
"Cause your girlfriend's a big ho?" Buffy is not being a girl's girl tsk tsk
Seeing Buffy punch him is so cathartic
Rare sweet Xander moment I love this scene... too bad she asks for Oz
Is that blood or lighting on Giles' face
Spike as the singer makes so much sense I'm ngl its just his vibes. Same with Buffy drummer
Why does Oz's mouth kind of make him look slightly wolfish
"Have we met?"
"Uh. You hit me with an axe one time." LMAO?
"Mom, I'm a vampire slayer." I thought she told Joyce much later lmao
"Dru bagged a slayer? Good for her!" He's such a supportive bf fr
"I mean have you tried not being a slayer?" Yes, Joyce, she has and it didn't work
"It's because you didn't have a strong father figure" Joyce what
Giles looked so smug when he told Angelus to wear a tutu I'm crying
"Sit n spin" can we cancel Angelus for being ableist /j
"In case you haven't noticed, the police of Sunnydale are deeply stupid" rare Synder W that was funny
Snyder gets no bitches confirmed
Who tf is the Whistler
"Calvary's here. Calvary's a scared guy with a rock but he's here"
"Then why would they make you see me?" Lmao
Buffy with the sword... hot
Willow kicks off her witch arc with this I presume
"No weapons, no friends, no hope." No bitches?
Angel's back (not for long)
"Shh. Don't worry about it" fucking kills him
I Feel so fucking bad for Buffy after Joyve told her not to come back...it hurts so much i can't imagine your mom rejecting you like that
I feel bad for her friends too... they have no idea where she went
Anyways fuck Joyce
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bonnielunkas · 4 months
okay hear me out, hurricane paranormal society dashboard simulator
actually that's a dumb idea forget i said anything
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🎮 gamerswag39
jesus fucking christ i'm so upset rn. literally got a call over NOTHING. so what if the animatonics are moving at night that doesn't mean shit man. they move at night at my location. they move at night at the pizzaplex. they moved at night in the 80's and 90's. they just do that. and then they had the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to deal with it? like? just get a technician to deal with it if it's that big of a problem?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmao didn't they like. kill night guards in the 80's/90's
🎮 gamerswag39
yeah? jake our boss's husband literally got assaulted by mangle?
📞 phone-a-dude
yeah i remember him talking about that lmao
📞 phone-a-dude
just checked some company records my dad almost got killed by chica back in like 93 lol
🎮 gamerswag39
didn't your dad literally kill those kids?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmfao yeah
💙 stanleyblogs
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238 notes
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⚙ exo-gurl
Alright, today's the day guys, gonna be showing off the exosuit in my robotics class. (Made it with a bit of help from @ history-with-shelly but no one in my class needs to know that. Thanks btw Shelly, you're a real one.)
⚙ exo-gurl
⚙ exo-gurl
🖥 coding-and-cats
you're welcome 👍
⚙ exo-gurl
749 notes
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🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Me and my gf are going on a date later hopefully nothing weird or paranormal happens!
🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Hey what the fuck is Faz-goo and why is this random kid I don't know warning me about it.
1,253 notes
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🔧 cob-rulez
not to name names, but istg i'm this close to dropping one of my friends. he literally went like, 50 in a school zone, almost ran over tobes' boyfriend, and he didn't even fucking apologize? he just kept driving like that didn't happen? like? wtf?
(pete when you see this i'm really sorry my friend almost hit you)
🏈 absolutely-footballin
🔧 cob-rulez
yes unfortunately.
💛 aimees-corner
And this is why I've been telling you to drop him for the last few years.
🔧 cob-rulez
in my defense i haven't been in a truck with him before i thought everyone was just like, exaggerating when they said he's a terrible driver
💛 aimees-corner
Need we forget all the times he's ended up on the news? Enough to where there's a whole post about it?
🛻 trucks-n-shit
gang i'm like, RIGHT HERE.
🌐 certified-hurricane-moment
Certified Hurricane Moments in history
🔧 cob-rulez
13,572 notes
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🧃 applesauceboy
Okay so I kinda always figured? I was adopted? Since me and my parents don't look alike at all. But WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER I JUST NEVER KNEW ABOUT? I'm hanging out with him right now and like? How did we just never know?
🧃 applesauceboy
His name is Devon btw if like, any of you guys know him.
📓 kaiju-fanboy
I work with him, I guess? He joined the paranormal team I'm in because he accidentally killed a classmate once.
🧃 applesauceboy
👾 gregorygaming
oh yeah I know him too lol. apparently he went to that abandoned freddy's out in the woods with his friend and said classmate and the classmate put on a springlock suit and bled out? but then devon went back a week later and his classmate was there and they were fine and then everyone just moved on like nothing happened.
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
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🦊 yargfoxyforever
hey guys what does it mean if my cousin has blue eyes and his name is freddy and he's really nice
💖 m4rl3y
Alec please stop borderline shit-talking my younger brother I really don't see what the issue is
🦊 yargfoxyforever
chat, Does She Know?
💖 m4rl3y
Alec what does that mean
💖 m4rl3y
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🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Hey guys, Mandy here with some exciting news!!!! I'm gonna be visiting Utah next week to see my friends!!!! I'll let you guys know if I can learn any cool info on this trip!!! See you guys in a week!!!! ^v^
🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Guys I think I'm being haunted.
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🧢 thegreendemon
🧢 thegreendemon
@ kaiju-fanboy @ gregorygaming YOU TWO.
46 notes
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🌹 heather-the-musical
This close to kicking this random blonde dude out of Film Club, he's annoying when it comes to directing and he can't use a camera to save his life.
🌹 heather-the-musical
No fucking way he just showed me literal footage of a Freddy's just to prove he's a good camera man. What the fuck.
🌹 heather-the-musical
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💀 tomb-and-gloom
like this post if you love yuri
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🍀 sir-gee-oh
stuck on a phone call with matt. ignoring him isn't enough i need to kill this guy.
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mudefrau · 6 months
okok i'm not normal about them but adding to why i like elphie & nessa so much, i think part of it has to do with when i read the wizard of oz in summer. i had not seen the 1939 movie or wicked, and i was like (inexplicably) "the wicked witch of the west is so cool and my fave character!". however, she was very one-dimensional, and part of me wanted to headcanon the real reason she didn't hurt dorothy wasn't fear of the dark or of the good witch's kiss or anything like that- but rather, that she genuinely did not want to harm her. (while being aware this is non canon and a rewriting)
so in a way, i was already trying to come up with a redeemable www even before learning about elphaba. no i don't think you need moral justifications to like a villain character, but adding some facets to said character makes them feel more like a tangible person and not a cardboard cutout with the word WICKED written on it.
then i watched the 1939 movie and imo this was the first time the www was more humanized (although... elphaba wouldn't like that word lmao): she was mad that her sister was killed, not that the munchkins were freed or anything! i found this oddly wholesome.
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of course, later, finding out later that the musical wicked is about her gave me everything i wanted. but before i could even consider www having positive feelings for glinda and scarecrow (because lbr, who could come up with those without the context of wicked? except the author LMAO), there was the wicked witch of the east.
and i found her so intriguing on her own, since you can only see the witch of the east's legs AND YET she has such a nice style. not over-the-top glittery pink like glinda but like a middle point between her and www (and i love that this can also be said about nessarose). when i first the musical and she made her appearance in a wheelchair being introduced as elphaba's sister, i instantly formed expectations for her character that were totally subverted. and just like in the 1939 movie, never all of her is shown; which is both frustrating and fueling my fascination with her and drive to create.
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yarrayora · 3 months
Fic author interview!
tagged by @carriagelamp and immediately interested in doing it after seeing the questions
tagging people who will be mentioned at question 12 alongside @mickeymagpie @unexbellexreverie and @booksandberries
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 surprisingly!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
235,399 words which is actually lower than i expected it kinda annoys me
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
if i didn't delete my rise of the brave tangled dragons and my voltron fics it would be them but i did. i deleted them. now my top 5 are all bsd fics
A Good Enough Reason to Keep Meeting Up (1,055 kudos) is part of Stray Gods series where the supernaturals are all real and Abilities came from them. This specific fic is about Chuuya and Atsushi's budding relationship. Or rather Chuuya's budding crush on Atsushi with malnourishment and chronic pain as the vessel to get there.
Money Makes the World Go Round (939 kudos) BSDxOuran crossover that is part of a collection of crossover fics about Atsushi attending high schools from different fandoms in order to attain the qualifications to enjoy the employment benefits his workplace has to offer. You can tell I'm old when that's my worldbuilding for writing high school AU
Moral Compass (923 kudos) the first installment of the Stray Gods series set post Dead Apple where unlocking his repressed memories about Shibusawa let the actual god Byakko to finally communicate with his Champion.
Delicate Job (791 kudos) A case fic written to explore Atsushi's role as a detective and how he would handle a case while prioritizing the victim's feelings unlike popular depictions of detectives where they use facts and logic to trample over people because the authors think that's what makes intelligent people cool
The God of Destruction Wished For Naught (752 kudos) the third installment of Stray Gods and a continuation of A Good Reason to Keep Meeting Up where Chuuya's body is falling apart, which could lead to Yokohama's destruction via blackhole, forcing Atsushi to make connections with the Port Mafia
I was a bit disappointed at first that my most kudos'd fic hasn't broken 2k kudos yet but seeing how my top 5 fics don't have a huge disparity between the amount of kudos makes me happy
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! i don't always know how to reply but i especially makes the effort for people who leaves paragraphs on my fic. sometimes if i know the commenter i just reply on their discord lmao
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh that's hard. i have a lot of oneshots that are basically "and so, the cycle of suffering repeats yet again" and you'd think it would be the servampxbnha crossover where despite mahiru's best attempt to help deku get into UA even without a quirk so he will let go of his self-hatred for being born quirkless, in the end he receives One For All from All Might, undoing all the works mahiru-sensei has done to help deku but NO it's a bsd fic again that embodies this concept in the worst way possible as it's revealed that the event that happened in canon timeline was kickstarted by post-beast!atsushi who copes for his feelings for beast!dazai (both affection and hatred) by writing numerous worlds into existence to prove that dazai is a good man all along
wait. no. actually. the persona 5 fic where the phantom thieves deal with goro's sacrifice might be angstier considering this line
Akechi Goro was the only murder they ever committed, and in the years that follow never once would his name ever passed their lips. But he would always be at the edge of their vision, a ghost that they could never speak to.
or the birthday fic i wrote for the hunt twins where oz killed ewan who crawled back out of the cauldron to re-sacrifice himself so patchman won't survive???
or the big hero 6 fic where people are holding a funeral for personal health companion robots who carried a bunch of people out of a burning building??? repeating the word "Tadashi is Here" to people who never knew the man to comfort the terrified humans?
or the ben 10 fic where ben accidentally used too much force in his alien form resulting in his first murder and then repressing the memory??
it's impossible to make me choose
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
d-do i have a happy ending posted
actually im choosing the dragon age fic where cole accidentally made him saving the inquisitor from the envy demon sounds sexual which leads to hilarious results
7. Do you write crossovers?
yes and my non-crossover fics are actually stealth crossovers
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i dont remember ever getting one
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
this is the question that actually made me want to do this interview. SO. be kiddie yarra during ff.net era. i was writing persona 4 fic where naoto says goodbye to souji. it was romantic. someone left a comment on my fic saying my writing got stolen and linked me to a naruto fic which made me go??? huh??? and turns out it was Word By Word the same fic but with souji being replaced as naruto, naoto as hinata, and the train station into konoha gate. it was insane.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not on AO3 i think?? someone DID contact me to ask for my permission to translate my fic to russian but i don't remember the details
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
stray gods is written alongside @faerynova while @katzkinder helped with children's war. oh and also the Not Posted smtiva series written with @gothamcityneedsme
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
impossible to choose but i can tell you the very specific criterias that attract me to my ships if you want
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
usually when i abandon a fic i lose interest in it altogether
15. What are your writing strengths?
my bsd x ouran fic has been complimented as staying true to the characters even though im throwing ouran into a serious series like bsd and vice versa so i like to think it's my ability to keep the core of the characters true even when putting them in a different AU unrelated to canon. also writing convoluted political struggles that makes sense.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
grammar. but apparetly im also somehow better than a lot of native english speakers???
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
im writing in english, arent i? (lol)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
persona 4. it was an talkshow styled interview fic
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
don't have one as far as i can think of. i guess i want to write more of "how to make my notp make sense" and "characterxreader fic that doesn't sacrifice canon characterization" as a challenge for myself
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
the hope chapter of Despair (and Hope) because i had fun writing mahiru fixing mikuni through a persona 5 palace-like challenges except with zero fighting and more puzzle-solving
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wawamouse · 19 days
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Wip wednesday!!
I thought I had worked on a lot this week, but when I went to go search for a snippet to share, I couldn't really find anything 😆 The above is from "Desire Path", which I feel like is my fallback for wip wednesdays because it's my longest wip right now LOL.
After careful consideration, I realised that I actually haven't written that much for my Oz wips recently—I just THOUGHT I had because I did actually just write and post "Dead Air" last week. Like that's very much a thing that happened lmao. I made a couple gifsets over the past week, too, and in the process spent a lot of time just staring at images and thinking really hard about the characters, so I guess things sort of blended together in my mind. What is time, anyway?
In other writing news, I've been working on a couple of prompts for the Cdrama action thing this past week/week and a half, i.e, filling prompts in exchange for users donating to aid for Palestine. It's been fun thinking about my old fandom—The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty—again, having taken some time away from it... Doubly interesting, I guess, because I have been working on prompts for the main ship of that fandom, which I never actually wrote for at the height of my hyperfixation (I wrote 50+ fics for a rare/sidepair instead 🤣✌🏼).
I still have two prompts for that event to work on, so I've sort of just been working on Oz things here and there. After the bit of writer's block I had with "In the Course of Destiny" (mostly gone now!), I've realised (not for the first time, to be honest) that it's best for me to remember to aim short. Me being me, that is, longwinded, the fic is sure to run past my word aim anyway, and also, I psyche myself out whenever I get ambitious and try to write some sprawling epic. "Holding Up the Sky" was a bit of a breeze because I had no real idea what I was doing, and didn't decide to post it as a chaptered fic until I had already written up to the part where Miguel has the second meeting with Sykes... so there was no time to psyche myself out about ch.3, basically, because I was already fully in it.
One of the troubles I've been having with "In the Course of Destiny" is that the fic has completely gone off the rails from what I initially envisioned. Maybe I'll talk more about it when I actually get it the fuck completed, but as I said before (somewhere), that fic wasn't even initially supposed to HAVE a robbery, and adding it has really changed everything... and maybe not for the better, either.
Me 🤝🏼 Miguel, shooting ourselves in the foot with this series. Not that he's going to shoot himself in the foot... well, 啧. You'll see, I guess. Eventually.
IN MEMORIAM this week:
crack ficlet I wrote on a device that subsequently died, taking the fic with it. I might try to rewrite it, but I might also just let it go in the wind, because it wasn't that well written anyway. The premise was that Jaime did actually successfully kill Chico in the showers lol
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lesbianspirirt · 2 years
Masterlist: D.R Ideas
hey! this is a masterlist (obvi) of D.R/I.R ideas for you<3 please let me know if you like it, what reality you're going to shift to, and what other shifting content you want to see from me
just a nsfw warning, there are some mature themes in a lot of the media listed, as well as some jokes, swears (i think idk tbh), all below the cut
ALSO: please remember that reality shifting brings you to real worlds, the people in those places are REAL they have feelings, thoughts, they aren't just characters there!
Once Upon a Time (it's a T.V series based on fairytales, but it's kinda dark, never watched it tho so idk much about it)
The Wolf Among Us (telltale video game, similar vibes to Once Upon a Time)
Stranger Things (never watched it, but it looks horrifying so yknow)
FNAF/Five Nights At Freddy's (might start working on one for myself, kinda want to be a paranormal investigator in that world)
Elden Rings (I know nothing about the game so if this suggestion is ass just ignore it lol)
Halo (looks like a cool world but again idk what its like so)
Squid Game (don't remember if this was in my other lists and too lazy to check)
Minecraft (maybe not blocky cuz like that's nightmare fuel)
Days Gone (video game)
World War Z (never seen anything from it but i think there's a story and characters with personalities)
Detroit: Become Human (i think i already added this in the other lists but whatever)
Red Dead Redemption
Doki Doki Literature Club (maybe, like, a normal version without the sentient computer storyline)
Yandere Sim (maybe remove Yan-chan cuz obvious reasons 😨)
Life is Strange (idk, seems pretty chill but idk much about it either)
Heavy Rain
Watch Dogs (kinda boring unless you're a super-hacker but hey, i need to fill this list lmao)
The Walking Dead Game: Michonne (don't think a lot of ppl know about this one)
Beyond Two Souls (kinda scary ig but cuz of the paranormal shit going on in that world)
that's all the new stuff, everything below this is form my other 2 lists since this post is a masterlist lol
Disney (I personally want to shift to experience the story of Frozen and Tangled since it's hinted that they're connected also bc I'm Norwegian)
Modern! A.U of media from your current reality
TMNT (whatever version you prefer)
Teen Titans (i can't remember if I added it to the last one lol)
Justice League
Villain (not an excuse to kill, torture, etc.)
Sims (there's lot's of lore, lot's of the pre-made characters have cool stories, some are hot too)
Domestic (live a domestic life style with anyone you want to, you could have a few children or live like a house-spouse)
Divergent (recently. the movies were added to Canadian Netflix, it's kind of like The Hunger Games and isn't too bad other than the horrible love interest it should've been Christina and Tris they would've been so cute)
High School! A.U of media from your current reality (for example: Arcane in a high school setting, can be set in whatever decade or world you want)
Decade! A.U of any media from your current reality (script out the bad things cuz good god if it's anything like this reality, you'll be leaving asap)
Time Traveler (y'know, time travel)
Totally Spies
The Princess Bride
Percy Jackson
The Wizard of Oz
Avatar (the blue one)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Criminal Minds
Bob's Burgers
Modern Family
Artemis Fowl
The Maze Runner
The Owl House
Z Nation
The Walking Dead Game
Deadpool (his sidekick, side-chick, im not judging)
The Outsiders
Ouran High School Host Club (be rich, incredibly desirable, both, neither, whatever)
Your own Spiderverse world
Avatar The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
The Last of Us
Everything Sucks!
Birds of Prey
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (make manga with an unlikely group of friends)
Royalty D.R
Victorian Vampire D.R (maybe like just make yourself need rare steak instead of humans or something)
Animal D.R (try out living as a cat with some sweet folks or live as an ant idk just make sure that you can still think DO NOT let yourself forget to keep your human consciousness)
No Nips D.R (can you tell that I’m running out of ideas?)
Decade D.R (you got a favourite decade? one that has music, fashion and movies that you love? yeah)
H2O: Just Add Water (stay away from the condensation tho)
Genshin Impact (powers and you could be a god ig)
D&D (basically a fantasy D.R)
Randomly Generated Rom-Com (you don’t know what kind of story you’ll get to live through plus it’s a rom-com, no sad shit here)
any Tremors movie (movies are scary af, not really recommended but its your choice)
Miraculous Ladybug (make sure you script out the uh, odd things)
Ghost D.R (scare, harass, haunt, whatever you want!)
Rage Room D.R (have a D.R thats just a room full of shit to break)
Pillow D.R (lonely and tired? just shift into a world where you’re sleeping on a hot persons thighs/boobs)
Mario Universe
Zelda D.R (based on whatever game or the show from like the 80s)
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zalrb · 10 months
Has there ever been a case where you know a dialogue is unearned but you liked it anyways?
Hmm, interesting question!
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Like, you've known her two minutes, Oz, couldn't you just really like her? You dork.
I accept it because seasons 1-3 BTVS is very teen with very teen characters so sure, you hung out and went on two dates and now you're in love, lol OK, but also because they do end up earning this as the seasons progress.
Yue and Sokka aren't exactly unearned
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they go through a lot of shit in a short span of time and they're also very young which exacerbates the very high angst and they're established from the get-go as a forbidden romance
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but the high drama of it all within three episodes always makes me chuckle because it's SO MUCH and SO maudlin for the one week to maybe one month they've known each other.
Like, Sokka volunteering for the dangerous mission when the Fire Nation attacks is within character since it's established from the pilot and consistently throughout the season that he is/strives to be a warrior but it's also framed as a partial response
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to the back-and-forth he's got going on with Yue
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and I just find it all almost comically angsty. Like, this their first meeting alone
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after their initial meeting that went like this (although when he asks her out the next day he says the party wasn't as fun after she left, which could mean they got past the awkward phase and actually, you know, spoke)
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I've spoken about how Reaper and Sunny are earned and unearned at the same time for me. From another post of mine:
Essentially, I used Reaper and Sunny from Goblin as an example of a ship with chemistry but with what I consider subpar execution.
Essentially, in their past lives Reaper was a king – Wang Yeo – and Sunny was his queen – Kim Sun
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and he murdered her because of her brother, Shin, who is the titular Goblin. After Yeo killed Sun, he then committed suicide.
Centuries later, they meet again where Yeo is reincarnated as a grim reaper and Sun is now a restaurant owner named Sunny and they have no recollection of their past lives but when Reaper sees Sunny, he immediately cries
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and when he sees a portrait of Sun that his past self painted, he has a breakdown
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but he doesn’t know why, and while he and Sunny are drawn toward each other in the present
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they spend virtually no time together, which is a part of the comedy, because Reaper isn’t a human and therefore doesn’t have human things, he doesn’t have a name so he tells her that his name is the name a very popular Korean actor.
He doesn’t have a job he can tell her about or a business card, at first he doesn’t even have a phone, so he avoids her because he doesn’t know how to answer her questions
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so basically 95% of their time in the present is apart with Sunny wondering why he isn’t calling her or contacting her (when he wears his hat he’s invisible to humans)
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and Reaper very much wanting to and not knowing how.
And that would be OK because what’s happening is their history is fuelling their present so even though they don’t know much about each other, their love and their tragedy survived reincarnation and is causing all of this intensity, but the issue with that is, we don’t get their story in the past either, we get three scenes repeated over and over and over and over again, which are
1. he watches her walk with bowls on her shoulders.
2. he catches her when she falls
3. he kills her.
Near the end of the drama, we get the last argument between them and then the drama replaces the actors who play their past selves with them.
So I don’t know a lot, I don’t know why they loved each other in the past, I don’t know why they love each other now,  I don’t really know what they’re like together but what I do know is their emotional chemistry is off the charts
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so I like them enough to go along with what I’m seeing because they sell it
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YOOO so excited for the Oz DLC for roadtrip but so nervous at the same time that it will kill all my headcanons. I reaaaally don’t want all-powerful eldritch Oz to be canon, of course he’s still a monster, but when it comes to characters with anxiety or generally timid dispositions they do the secretly all powerful thing SO MUCH in all of media and it’s empowering and all but as a person with debilitating anxiety sometimes I just want a more realistic take on anxiety and coping mechanisms, which I know is silly to ask from Monster Prom but Oz for the most part has always been a pretty grounded character in that regard (minus player actions since all players are horny chaotic bitches in gameplay for our sake, ignoring the PCs actual character for the most part) and essentially tumblr sexymanification with a really tragic story, otherworldly powers and probably secretly being some kind of kinky sex master isn’t really what I’d like to see Oz become.
I’m probably alone on this, but the autism makes me project on him TOO hard and cherish him too hard and I really like the concept of Oz as more of just an abstract concept that came to life out of a want to live, or just strong enough fear energy, or something like that. I like my humble, definitely strange and mysterious, but not outright eldritch deity Oz.
So yeah… here’s your local autistic guy getting possessive over his comfort character but I’m still excited though! I’m excited to learn more and spend time seeing him in actual in-character dialogue like in the hall of mirrors, I just hope they still keep the directions of the main players relatively open-ended.
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(Also worried about how this will affect all the fics I’m currently working on and all of the ones sitting half-finished on my shelves that never went anywhere but still mean something to me lmao)
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 6 months
New Glee OCs!
When I will I stop making Glee ocs? For sure not today. Most of these live on vibes only but whatever
Veronica "Ronnie" Nell - part of an all-girls band (lead singer); New direction Member; baby lesbian; socially awkward but really nice; Quinn Ship Her fc is Maya Hawke!
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Susan Cole - part of the band (guitarist and second voice); Cheerio and New Direction Member; Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Harper "Honey" Hayes - part of the band (drummer); not ND Member; called Honey but ain't sweet Her faceclaim is Sophie Thatcher!
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Lula Delaney - part of the band (kayboard player); not ND Member; Her faceclaim is Saoise Ronan!
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Audrey Clay - part of the band (bassist); not ND Member; into witchy vibes (you should see her room lmao I love her) Her faceclaim is Barbie Ferreira!
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Connie Sanchez - future star; joins Glee in season 2 with Sam (but she's a Freshman!); basically just New Directions baby; basically no plot just vibes Her faceclaim is Madison Reyes!
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Linda Berry - Rachel's half sister; named after Glinda from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; totally a Diva; oblivious as hell (aka "this girl hates me/ we're total enemies" when the other is highkey in love with her) Her faceclaim is Victoria Justice!
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Jennifer Glynn - "Beware The Quiet Ones" Trope Queen; doesn't know how to express feelings bc of shitty parents; angry face is her basic face (Is she angry all the time? No. Does she look like it? Absolutely); doesn't understand why the girl she likes hates her but she's sure she deserves it (no, you don't dear 🥺) Her faceclaim is Liz Gillies!
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Melody Wells - Lyra's twin; Little Miss Sunshine; pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Lyra Wells - Melody's twin; Little Miss Badass; ready to kill you in any moment lol; just like her sister... pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Cosette Chamberlain - Actress; Rich Bitch Energy; her and Cooper briefly dated when they were in high school; still good friends; will eventually end up together again Her faceclaim is Tilly Keeper!
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Chrissy Chamberlain - Blaine's best friend (due Cooper and Cosette); Crawford Country Day's student (at least at first); Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold until you piss her off (she can totally kick your ass so don't try it trust me) Her faceclaim is Peyton List!
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Carina "Cara" Fabray - Quinn's "less popular and weird" sister; a sweetheart; lowkey acts dumb on purpose; wants to be a photographer; Rachel ship Her faceclaim is Aimee Lou Wood!
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Kathleen Bao - Hopeless romantic; firmly believes bakery is a form of art; looks sweet, is sweet, still doesn't take anyone's shit; Artie ship Her faceclaim is Lana Condor!
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Garreth Duke - English teacher; sigle father; also basically ND's honorary father; a bit man-child but would die for his honorary kids; Emma Pillsbury ship His faceclaim is Paul Rudd!
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Ramona Solomon - Cheerio; McKinley's Queen Bee; lesbian princess who comes from a queer rich family; Quinn ship Her faceclaim is Sarah Jeffery!
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Kipp Hudson - Finn's twin brother; silly loveable jock; mainly lives on vibes His faceclaim is Milo Manheim!
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