#p: arya gendry
stormborns · 6 months
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GAME OF THRONES 2.02, The Night Lands
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gendrie · 1 year
just for fun i was considering what arya’s story might look like in twow by chapter. my current estimate for her count is 6......ish. more arya twow chapters have been referenced over the years than any other character [x] not just by grrm but by jonathan roberts too. he received “a set” of arya chapters from twow way back in 2012 to create the map of braavos. grrm has mentioned writing arya material several times since. i think she could very possibly get more than 6 but i doubt any less. arya has the 3rd most chapters of any character in the entire series. she will get a decent amount of chapters in this book. quite frankly, 6 is a modest estimate, but i think its a decent place to start speculation. for reference her current pov count is: agot - 5, acok - 10, asos - 13 (the most in the book), affc - 3, adwd - 2 for a total of 33 published chapters
couple other notes i think are relevant to arya’s upcoming plot:
mercy was originally supposed to be arya’s first chapter after the five year gap [x] which was intended as a means of skipping over the training arcs of characters like arya and bran. so the appearance of mercy should signify that this phase of her arc is wrapping up. its time for serious plot development. if grrm ever wants to finish this series in 7 books than these characters have got to move in the direction of the endgame.
grrm has confirmed an arya/gendry reunion and that nymeria’s wolf pack will be utilized. both of these confirmations strongly suggest a return to the riverlands for arya. i think by the end of twow. grrm has also been adamant over the years that lady stoneheart will play an important role. if arya’s returning to the riverlands i think a meeting between her and stoneheart is likely (necessary?) all the more so considering how crucial arya was to catelyn being resurrected in the first place. it really fits his to go forward you must go back theme too. theres a lot of unresolved threads for arya in that location. but first she’s got to settle thing in braavos. so we begin there:
1. [mercy] arya, as mercy, awakens from a wolf dream where "a tree” (bran) is watching and calling out of her true name. this chapter focuses on arya’s apprenticeship with the mummers. she is honing her acting/lying ability by playing different roles. it’s implied arya also has a mission to complete while there. she carries on her possession 1. a deadly weapon 2. a key 3. coins - none of which belong to mercy. arya was always supposed to kill one of the envoy’s guards. when she sees raff the sweetling she thinks “the gods have given me a gift” she lures raff away under the pretense of sex and kills him; effectively framing him for mercy’s murder. this will “make trouble” (sabotage) for harys swyft and the sealord. arya acknowledges this fact before running back to the playhouse to finish out the last night of her apprenticeship. 
2. [unknown alias] i think her next chapter will be an apprenticeship with bellegere otherys as many have speculated over the years. bellegere has appeared several times in arya’s storyline so it has to lead somewhere. the courtesan was last seen escorting harys swyft to 'the bloody hand’ at the gate. this will give arya an opportunity to learn how to craft a charming, sophisticated persona in a more affluent environment. in the company of this very beautiful and influential woman arya will become a maiden. we will see the fallout for arya’s frame up job too. harys swyft will be denied by the bank sealing the lannisters downfall. the sealord choosing will heat up (tbh im still not sure where this subplot is going)
3. [unknown alias] i think we could see one last apprenticeship in the iron bank itself. another widely speculated point is jeyne p. arriving in braavos (due to jon being dead) with justin massey who is going there to collect stannis baratheon’s coin from the iron bank. (and none for harys swyft!) he intends to hire sellswords for the campaign in the north (set up in theon i twow) i think arya gets inside the sealord’s palace (with a new sealord?) - a likely host for a noble guest. whether as part the ongoing mission with the FM or by her own desire to get close to “arya stark” arya learns of many things happening in westeros (jon’s murder, her own stolen identity by her enemies, the abuse jeyne suffered, and generally how poorly things are going in the north - her home) which will motivate her to leave. 
4. [arya?] we gotta see the uncloaking at some point and theres no doubt in my mind it will coincide with arya reclaiming her identity. grrm laid it on thick with the symbolism. this event is to celebrate the anniversary of braavos revealing itself to the world after over a century of hiding. the braavosi party for ten days until on the last at midnight when all the revelers remove their masks; identity, revelations, new beginnings, ect. arya extracts herself from the FM, retrieves needle and leaves braavos. 
(a lot will go down with arya and the faceless men. theres lore to be revealed that will have a big effect on the plot. i am not convinced that the FM are a true neutral entity. they have an agenda. that will also be explored in samwell’s storyline since he was, unknowingly, introduced to a faceless man at the citadel. so arya doesn’t have to bear that alone. i think 4 chapters is enough to wrap up braavos for her.) 
5. [arya] arya returns to westeros. i think she might be shooting for the north, as usual, probably with the intention of killing some mutineers and/or boltons but will get diverted to the riverlands where she will land at the saltpans. she ends up at the inn at the crossroads again where gendry has been conveniently posted. this is the last place arya was seen in westeros and has become a refugee for orphans. gendry is a follower of lady stoneheart so he will inform arya of what has happened to her mother. this will derail whatever arya had planned. she will go to lady stoneheart. 
6. [arya] riverrun will probably be under the brotherhood’s control after trw 2.0. its one of the places arya tried to reach, her mothers childhood home, and the place where robb was crowned. it feels like an appropriate place for the meeting of lady stoneheart and arya. i expect this will be a very cathartic event. stoneheart’s role ends here and arya assumes leadership of the brotherhood. arya is a potential heir to robb so his former allies in the riverlands and their current allegiance is an interesting thing to consider. and, of course, theres nymeria. i think arya will be reunited with her wolf by the end of this book. 
i will admit this is VERY simplistic (and VERY self indulgent) but i do think these are some plot points for arya that could appear in twow. this is definitely a very direct line between arya in essos and westeros which may not play out so neatly in the actual book. i know there are a lot of theories about her going to another one of the free cities. i’ve always thought there was a real possibility that arya would return to westeros in the company of dany too. if arya does go on a major detour i could see a couple more chapters for her as well as her appearing in other povs. lately, grrm has been saying that a lot of storylines are intersecting, but we won’t know anything for certain until the book is published. 
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Im new to shiping needleheart and i was wondering if you also think nymeria and ghost will mate when arya and jon reunite
So I don't technically ship Jon/Arya romantically. I see the possible foreshadowing and definitely think it's possible for their stories, but I'm more of an Arya/Gendry shipper. I do absolutely adore Arya's relationship with Jon but more in a familial/platonic sense. However, if these two end up being romantic and endgame I wouldn't be angry or anything. I do follow a lot of people in the Arya and Jon fandoms who ship Jon/Arya though. :)
I can still absolutely answer your question though, even though I don't romantically ship Jonrya. I absolutely 100% believe that if Nymeria and Ghost come out alive at the end of the series they will mate with each other. In Arya I AGOT, we see this bond between the wolves. Nymeria treats Ghost like an "alpha" which is interesting considering she herself turns out to be an "alpha" of her own pack. We also have hints that the direwolves will survive:
"Where are the rest of you?" Bran asked Leaf, once.
"Gone down into the earth," she answered. "Into the stones, into the trees. Before the First Men came all this land that you call Westeros was home to us, yet even in those days we were few. The gods gave us long lives but not great numbers, lest we overrun the world as deer will overrun a wood where there are no wolves to hunt them. That was in the dawn of days, when our sun was rising. Now it sinks, and this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions of the western hills have been slain, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred. The direwolves will outlast us all, but their time will come as well. In the world that men have made, there is no room for them, or us." (Bran III ADWD)
So it does seem to me that this could be a hint that not only will House Stark survive past the ending of the books, but that their direwolves will as well. And considering Nymeria is the only female, I think if this is the case, Nymeria would logically mate and have litters of direwolves. This could also be a way for Sansa to eventually have a direwolf again as well.
So while I may not ship Jonrya romantically, I do think there is a huge chance that Nymeria and Ghost will become mates. Hell, GRRM may have already symbolically made them mates considering it's said by the smallfolk that Nymeria won't let any wolf mount her (ie mate with her). Of course this has the potential of being awkward if Arya and Jon do not become romantically linked, but then again, it's considered an abomination to skinchange your animal while they are mating. :P
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girlwithakiwi · 2 years
in your game of thrones fics what's your favorite scene you've ever written? if that's too broad, what's your favorite fluff scene? acton scene? sad scene? line?
Ha, are you the other anon? I'm glad you specifically clarified GoT because I've been writing fanfic for 23-24 years—while I'd definitely not pick any of my early work as my favorites, I might've gone down the rabbit hole of FFN for scenes. Narrowing it down to the two fics I've written for GoT helps. :P
Generally, as a whole, I think 'the gather, the bend, the bringing forth' is the best thing I've written and completed so far, hands down. There are a lot of scenes from that fic that I absolutely love to reread: Jon and Sansa's confrontation in Winterfell (and, subsequently, on Dragonstone), anything with Robin Arryn since he was a fucking delight to write, all conversations between Dany and Arya or Sansa and Olyvar or Bran and the stranger, the atmospheric horror of the sleepers appearing, scenes with Jon and Dany being friends on top of being lovers and confidants, everyone's final POV chapters...
But I think my favorite scene, which is only toppled by the last scene in the follow-up chapter (which is far more spoilery) and the entirety of the epilogue (which I'm not going to copy-paste for sheer length), is the fight between Jon and Gendry:
"And then the warhammer is swinging, whistling through the silent chilled air, rage and resignation behind the vicious blow, and it strikes against the rippling dark steel of Lightbringer with a resounding clang. Flame and moonlight cast dancing shadows across the remnants of the throne room, pale silver and wintry blue, fiery gold and that hideous black, turning the ruins into a nightmarish pantomime of the past, as the ghosts of Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen crash together below the inescapable shadow of the Iron Throne."
PS I'm not adding anything from 'the silhouette of a single memory' yet, simply because it's not finished. Ask me again come December.
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welt-verbessererin · 4 years
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How I Met Your Mother
Gendry is being his asshole self and takes Arya's seat while she's gone and then refuses to give it back to her.
Arya adapts quickly to the situation by simply sitting on the stranger's lap.
Gendry is too stunned to tell her to fuck off. Actually, he finds he doesn't even want to tell her to fuck off…
Oh boy.
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six(ish) sentence sunday ❄️
from my take on ‘the return of spring’ for arya x gendry week - which somehow has gone from a short & sweet art school au, to a long enemies-to-lovers mess/reminder that exploring Emotions™️ is a personal catharsis/my first foray into writing grief & loss.
(and which, despite what this very ambiguous snippet might indicate, does have a happy gendrya ending, i promise!)
It felt very unnatural, very un-Stark, to curse winter. But what good had it done for her recently? It was heartless in its chill, pitiless in its bite, and storm after storm had chipped away at all of the things she loved best.
Her brothers - the bookends of their family. The two warmest fires she ever knew, snuffed out by the cold.
Her parents. Her parents who had loved winter, loved her, who had held on just a little bit longer - but not nearly long enough.
And this. The emblem of her favorite place in the world, the creation of which was her earliest memory. The endurance of which was her family’s legacy.
It felt unnatural, but she didn’t care.
Fuck winter. All it ever did was take.
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goldcloaksbitch · 5 years
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'You make my weapon yet?'— 'I'll get right on it.'
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outlawarya · 5 years
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Fellas, what does it mean when she rejects your proposal but looks at you LIKE THAT?
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geraltcirilla · 5 years
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Be my wife.
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stormborns · 5 months
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GAME OF THRONES 2.02, The Night Lands
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
None of it’s worked out how he thought it would: he’s in love, but she won’t marry him. He’s legitimized, but none of his family's alive. He’s a Lord, but he doesn’t know how to read or write. And now he’s a Baratheon. One allied to the Targaryen Queen who just brought all of King’s Landing to the ground.
Above everything, Gendry needs help. One day, it rides in on a white horse.
interlude: arya
"Gendry won't marry her."
"Why? Because he loves you?" Sansa's lips turn into something that is not quite a smile. Her shoulders slump forward then straighten. What she says next is haunted. "Love is for songs, Arya."
Her mother used to call her wild. Her father said she had wolf's blood. The court whispers she's feral. Her blood rushes in her ears and she wants to prove them all right.
"We love each other," she corrects. "And Gendry gets to go home."
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gendrie · 7 months
What relationships/dynamics are you excited for if the remaining books come out, here's a few from me
Arya and Gendry
Arya and Jon
Arya and LSH
Jon and Dany
Jon and Sam
Bran and Euron(if that theory about him being Bloodraven's student is true)
Bran and Theon
Bran and Howland
ooohhh i was actually just thinking of bran and jon's future dynamic the other day with bran rolling up right after jon's been crowned kitn @ the end twow lol surprise bitch! but let me try to keep this brief
arya + key braavosi figures (ie: the sealord, bellegere otherys)
arya + jeyne p. (+ aly mormont)
arya + the riverlands gang (ie: lady stoneheart, gendry, nymeria, thoros, the ghost of high heart, the tullys, ect)
any combo of the big 3 in essos (arya, dany, and tyrion)
jon + theon
brienne + the stark girls
arya + sansa
melisandre + bran and/or arya
jaime + lady stoneheart
dany + jaime
dany + sam
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lillian-81 · 4 years
So I’ve been re-reading some P&P FanFiction for the last few days. Quality stuff, all pretty G rated and fluffy with minor angst.
But I’ve still been reading Jonerys stuff when it comes through because they’re my loves.
And like the contrast between very proper Darcy and Elizabeth getting themselves together and all the kinkfest stuff 😂🤣😂🤣🙈
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blacksmithgendry · 5 years
I swear to God, the only goddamn fake thing about #forgesex is the fact that Arya's hair is still intact. SHE RODE THAT BOY FOR ALL HIS WORTH AND YOU'RE TELLING ME HER BUN IS STILL IN PLACE???
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sassbewitchedmyass · 5 years
Chapter 13 of House and Honor is up y’all and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC!
But it’s Brienne’s laughter that fills his belly with more warmth than winter stew. A hardy, braying thing that pours from her lips as free and unashamedly as everything else about her.
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the reassuring thing about GoT ending is that...... no matter how many of my faves they end up killing off, it won’t hurt as much as the Merlin finale did. I survived that (barely), I can survive this. Whatever ‘this’ ends up being.
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