#pas de quatre
blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
What 'War and Peace' is to the novel and 'Hamlet' is to the theatre, Swan Lake' is to ballet - that is, the name which to many people stands for and sums up an art form.
Robert Gottlieb
It’s hard to believe that Swan Lake’s original premiere was seen as disastrous. When it first performed on 4 March 1877, at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre.
Tchaikovsky’s magical ballet tells the story of the doomed love of Prince Siegfried and Princess Odette. Prince Siegfried goes out hunting one night and chases a group of swans – one of them transforms into a young woman, Odette, who explains that she and her companions were turned into swans by the evil Baron Von Rothbart. The spell can only be broken if someone who has never loved before swears an oath of undying love and promises to marry her. The Prince declares his love to Odette and promises to be loyal forever.
At a grand reception at the palace, the Prince must choose a bride – but he can think only of Odette. Suddenly a fanfare announces the arrival of two guests - it is Odette! The prince dances with her and asks for her hand in marriage. But it’s not Odette - the mystery woman is the daughter of the evil von Rothbart, Odile. Odette has witnessed the whole scene. Too late, Siegfried realises his mistake.
Siegfried follows Odette to the lake and begs her forgiveness. She says she forgives him but nothing can change the fact he broke his vow. They decide to die together. The lovers throw themselves into the lake.
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There are a few different theories as to how Tchaikovsky came up with the idea for Swan Lake. Though the libretto is based on a story by the German author Johann Karl August Musäus The Stolen Veil, many of Tchaikovsky’s contemporaries claimed that he was deeply fascinated by the tragic life story of Bavarian King Ludwig II - sometimes called the Swan King - who died under mysterious circumstances by drowning himself in a lake.
It is likely that Tchaikovsky chose Ludwig II as the prototype of Prince Siegfried. It is easy to tell that the composer clearly enjoyed working on the music for Swan Lake, as he wrote far more material than would ever be required. As a result, the version most commonly performed today is, in fact, an edited one, created after Tchaikovsky’s death and significantly shorter than the original work. 
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Considering that Swan Lake is currently the most frequently performed ballet in the world, it's hard to imagine that it was a failure upon its premiere, with near unanimous criticism of different production aspects. Critics were universally disparaging, claiming the production was indistinctive and forgettable. They disliked the set and the choreography, thought the orchestra and dancers were subpar, and thought Tchaikovsky’s score was too complicated. The dancers who performed in the ballet’s premiere also declared Tchaikovsky’s music was too rich to accompany their balletic moves, and simply too difficult to dance to.
Because of these distractions, the actual brilliant score by Tchaikovsky got largely overlooked amidst the chaos.  Although a few critics did recognise the virtues of the masterful score, it was considered far too complex for ballet, too “noisy” and too “symphonic”, resembling the grand, weighty music of Richard Wagner. Even the initial ballet dancers deemed the music too difficult to dance to as its density clashed with the fluid and graceful balletic movements.
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One of the issues for the premiere performance was the absence of the Bolshoi’s prima ballerina, Anna Sobeshchanskaya. Sobeshchanskaya rejoined the production as Odette/Odile in April 1877 but insisted on making certain changes to the choreography and score. Two years later the original choreographer, Julius Reisinger, left Moscow and was replaced by Belgian choreographer Joseph Pater Hansen. Hansen set about re-staging Swan Lake, launching his new version in January 1880.  All 33 performances of the ballet between 1877-1883 sold out, attesting to the ballet’s increasing popularity amongst audiences.
A planned revival of the ballet in the early 1890s was cast into doubt by the death of Tchaikovsky in November 1893, who didn’t live to see the ultimate success of his ballet. Tchaikovsky had written far more material than was ever required, and after his death, Riccardo Drigo took on the job of revising Tchaikovsky’s score, with the approval of his brother Modest Tchaikovsky.
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The revised and edited version – commonly the version of the score used today - is considerably shorter than the original, full-length work. It premiered on 15 January 1895 by the Maryinsky Ballet at the Maryinsky Theatre to overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Call it what you like - Dance of the Four Swans, Dance of the Cygnets, The Four Little Swans - but for me the pas de quatre from Swan Lake is one of the most iconic dances in one of the most iconic classical ballets of all time. It is a coveted role for a ballerina, one that requires technical precision and teamwork. The light-hearted Dance of the Cygnets involves 16 pas de chat performed by four dancers moving sideways in exact unison with their arms interlaced. 
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I’ve always found its spirit of sheer innocence and beauty breath-taking to watch. I’m left with wonder restored and a distinct feeling of the flight of innocence coming back to rest in my hardened heart.
Video: Royal Ballet's Swan Lake (2018)
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bones-ivy-breath · 1 year
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Rosella Hightower in Ballet Theatre production of Pas de Quatre, by Alfredo Valente. 1941 - 1946
From the New York Public Library.
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discendia · 2 years
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Romeo and Juliet ~ Balcony
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loeilafaim · 2 years
7 juillet 22 | du A qui aurait perdu barre, 2 | 25
7 juillet 22 | du A qui aurait perdu barre, 2 | 25
Note : j’utiliserai l’étiquette / Rhizome / pour signaler une échappée nécessaire. 543. On a vu avec quelle célérité les instances narratives glissent, coulent l’une vers l’autre. Les effets-personnages du texte, créations de l’auteur et du lecteur, sont des signes à la fois littéraux (graphiques, comme le A, le O, le R, la queue d’aronde, les lettres khmères…), littéraires (par l’imaginaire qui…
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musketeermaiden · 21 days
Have I recently discovered a guilty pleasure in the form of fics where Athos and Aramis fight???
Yeah, maybe- so what. Their dynamic is ALSO so interesting to me. Because they're so unlike each other, they have so many polarizing traits and mindsets, and yet they still care about each other so much. They're still inseparable. In many ways it makes their bond stronger-
But it also can tear them apart.
Have any of y'all ever read a fic where Athos and Aramis actually fight? Not physically, no spars or boyish tustles, but verbally. Words and accusations and cold hard truths thrown at each other with venom. With the intent to hurt.
And it works so well because they're so different. They don't always see eye to eye, they don't always agree with how the other reacts to something. That's canon- we see it in the show. And that gives them the ability to say things that are downright cruel.
Things they might've said to each other if they weren't friends, or if they had never grown from their pasts. Athos with his privileged nobility, and Aramis with his flippant, almost nihilistic behavior.
The last fic I read with it was so good- the author did almost too good of a job making them fight. The words stung, insults that felt irreversible. And there was even more pain behind it because Athos was struggling with internalized homophobia, and taking that out on Aramis who was actively taking part in this illegal (17th century paris yk) thing.
Their fight clawed at my chest. And now I find myself looking for more of that for nothing if not just the absolute depth and the angst that Athos and Aramis fighting can provide in a fic. Needless to say the continuous searches are falling flat.
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perduedansmatete · 9 months
ce soir on devait sortir avec ma sœur son mec et tous ses potes qui repartent bientôt dont un que je voulais trop voir mais au final on est restées toutes les deux parce qu'on est devenues folles de fatigue au point de se cacher dans des placards puis dans tout ce qui comportait une porte en faisant toc toc toooc dessus et en rigolant comme si c'était la meilleure blague de la terre pendant que son mec gérait le gars trop nul de l'état des lieux le plus long de l'univers alors que lui aussi n'avait pas dormi plus de cinq heures en deux jours et qu'il n'avait pas pris sa ritaline ni mangé de la journée (ça aussi pareil) du coup au lieu d'être en train de danser ma sœur vient de me faire un tirage de cartes pour mes pieds parce qu'ils ont trop souffert dernièrement j'ai des bobos partout j'en peux plus ils sont trop moches et j'ai mal mdr mais je suis contente apparemment c'est bientôt le renouveau et la transformation donc je vais avoir des pieds tout beaux à défaut de régler tous mes autres problèmes et je suis encore plus contente car j'aurais passé une mauvaise soirée si j'étais sortie comme j'avais des gens à éviter en plus de ceux que je voulais voir et surtout celui que je voulais voir (j'envisage de lui voler la recette secrète de sa... sauce magique avec laquelle j'ai une relation toxique mdr (elle est trop bonne))
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aljeitfael · 1 month
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HOLY SHIT???????
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hueberryshortcake · 10 months
the rumors are false I am not thinking about 1890s ballet dancer goldie o gilt
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
je travail même plus là-bas mais j'ai proposé de faire des traductions bénévolat pcq... j'aime bien traduire, je peux les aider, et ca me fait une tache sympatoche et tranquille pourquoi pas ? mais on vient de m'envoyer un document à traduire et... est-ce le doc final ??? je le crois pas, ca se lit comme un brouillon, un premier brouillon, et j'ai envie de tout récrire sauf que j'en ai ni le temps ni le statut qui me permettrais à faire ce qu'il faut et grrrrrrr j'suis trop gêné
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marypioneer · 1 year
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godysseus · 1 year
La petite étudiante en alternance dans ma boîte qui me sort aujourd'hui "la première fois que je t'ai vu j'ai hésité sur si tu votais Le Pen ou Zemmour" je 😭😭😭
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lizzibennet · 2 years
making my mom watch swan lake with me like a hostage
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jules-and-company · 1 year
un jour je vais vraiment finir par péter un câble face à mes notes de concours pas proportionnelles au travail fourni en révisions
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elinaline · 9 months
Love reading the paper of the precedent PhD candidate on my subject to write my last part and being like. Baby. What the FUCK are you talking about
"ok so I'm gonna use voronoi tesselation to calculate the local volume fraction of my spherical emulsions here's the reference !" Reference: "voronoi diagram cannot be used with polydisperse spherical objects because they fill the cells". Aight. Ok. Cool.
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evergardenwall · 1 year
verrouiller les frontières ne freine jamais l'immigration et ne fait qu'augmenter les drames ❗❗❗
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J’ai laissé les hommes m’abîmer, chacun a sa façon car ma vision de l’amour est erronée.
J’ai toujours tout donné, trop, pliée en quatre, simplement pour recevoir un semblant d’amour. Prête à tout accepter juste pour espérer avoir un soupçon d’affection.
Je suis tombée dans l’autodestruction, m’en voulant à moi même d’être comme ça.
En 15 ans, J’ai fait un nombre incalculable de thérapies, dépensant sans compter simplement pour espérer vivre enfin un peu dans la sérénité. En vain !
J’écris pour décrire un maux commun à beaucoup d’entre nous ♥️
La perfection n’existe pas.
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