#mco gifs
marypioneer · 7 days
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eldaryadiary · 1 year
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Killers, criminals, liars Fictional crushes.
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nyssabong · 6 months
‘Do memes provide a useful way of understanding politics?’
Before we get into our topic, what exactly is a memes? These days, memes have grown in popularity. A meme, in my opinion, is a piece of information that is hilarious, goes viral on the internet, and may be remixed and changed over time. These are also the main elements that define a meme. As to Pettis's (2018) study, Richard Dawkins provided the initial definition of the term "meme" in his book ‘The Selfish Gene’. The term "memes" was first used by Dawkins (1976) to describe the transmission of ideas virally. Memes are similar to biological "genes" in that they are self-replicating and convey information, opinions, perceptions, and beliefs that are shared across individuals (Kasirye 2019). Dawkins defined a meme as any unit of culture that might be copied and transmitted among humans; examples of such units of culture include popular songs, fashion trends, or religious traditions (Pettis 2018). Dawkins did not define memes only as pictures and videos.
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Do memes provide a useful way of understanding politics?
Even though memes might be a fun method to share knowledge, they are not a reliable tool for understanding political topics in their entirety. For what reason? Memes frequently employ humour, satire, or exaggeration to express a point; it is impossible to determine if the content is real or fabricated. It could also include bias from the author. For instance, if I dislike a politician, my memes will highlight all of their flaws, even if they are good politicians overall. However, it also offers a useful way of knowing politics, as shown in the memes below. Through this meme, teens will know that who is our Prime Minister and what happen between them.
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Memes provide a useful way of understanding politics because of the funny point, it can attract teenagers easily, compared to news. It can serve as a gateway for young people to become more politically aware and involved.
Simplified Political Messaging
Besides, the complexity of political messages is another reason why the majority of people in today's society don't fully understand politics. Political information is more widely available to the general public because to memes, which frequently create complicated political messaging into formats that are easy to understand. For instance, the government usually makes announcements through news or videos during the MCO time. Personally, I am lazy to bother watching these announcements, especially because the most of them are in Bahasa Melayu. Because of memes, they made the announcement in this instance easier for me to understand. Memes need to be humorous and relatable, like I already stated. On these two main components, they simplified political message, people began to share with their friends, and the general public began to understand politics. However, this can also lead to the dissemination of false information or misinformation due to the bias of the authors.
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Impact of Politics Memes
In 2019, the government officially announced that the voting age would be lowered from 21 to 18 years old. But when it comes to voting, memes could have an impact. Since those teens have minimal political knowledge, they will select politicians who frequently appear in memes. Participants may also use an anonymous account to publish their own memes in order to market themselves and make teens remember them. In the book "Memes in Digital Culture," Shifman explains how memes were effectively used in the US election of 2008. Because to memes, Obama received around 70% of the vote among Americans under 25 in the 2008 US presidential election (Oakes 2020). Politicians may create humorous content and advertise a nice, friendly image to the public by using memes. They will be able attract more teenagers to vote for them if they use this strategy.
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Memes, in my opinion, can help us understand politics, but only if we are able to identify the difference between information that is true and that is fake. Political memes may make politics easier for pupils to recognise and comprehend than heavy textbooks, especially for those taking history exams. Additionally, because of its hilarious element, which makes politics less boring, and since it is simple to attract people in, it is also a helpful approach to learn about politics.
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Dawkins, R 1976, The Selfish Gene , download.booklibrary.website, viewed 19 October 2023, < https://download.booklibrary.website/the-selfish-gene-richard-dawkins.pdf>.
Kasirye, F 2019, ‘THE EFFECTIVENESS OF POLITICAL MEMES AS A FORM OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AMONGST MILLENNIALS IN UGANDA’, Journal of Education and Social Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, viewed 20 October 2023, <https://www.jesoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/KC13_032.pdf >.
Limor Shifman 2014, Memes in Digital Culture, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, viewed 20 October 2023, <https://research.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=348695e0-233d-3fc5-9070-95351505ffab>.
Oakes, A 2020, How has social media changed the US presidential election?, New Digital Age, viewed 21 October 2023, <https://newdigitalage.co/social-media/how-has-social-media-changed-the-us-presidential-election/>.
Pettis, B 2018, ‘Pepe the Frog: A Case Study of the Internet Meme and its Potential Subversive Power to Challenge Cultural Hegemonies’, Scholars’ Bank (University of Oregon), University of Oregon, viewed 17 October 2023, <https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/24067/Final%20Thesis-Pettis.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y>.
Shifman, L 2013, ‘Memes in a Digital World: Reconciling with a Conceptual Troublemaker’, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 362–377, viewed 20 October 2023, < https://academic.oup.com/jcmc/article/18/3/362/4067545>.
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ruthannabelleckl · 5 months
How can crowdsourcing aid in battling the COVID-19 pandemic?
What is Crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing is a distributed online problem-solving and innovative sourcing paradigm where participants of online communities collaborate to accomplish a common objective (Vermicelli et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022). It supplements conventional data gathering by collecting massive amounts of data and information from individuals worldwide.
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Crowdsourcing Initiatives for COVID-19 Pandemic
An endeavour spearheaded by the scientific community with the intention of mobilizing all accessible resources to combat the COVID-19 pandemic (Vermicelli et al., 2020). It is designed for COVID-19 researchers who wish to submit a brief description of their inquiries or projects. The request may involve anything from a straightforward but time-consuming task (e.g., data transcription) to the resolution of a technical inquiry that exceeds their area of expertise or the establishment of a collaborative relationship. Further, another scientist within the community will try to comprehend and fulfill the demand.
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COVID Near You
Created by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, which allows individuals to report symptoms in real-time by ZIP code (Zhang et al., 2022). Using crowdsourced data, it maps existing and future pandemic areas to help local, online communities and public health organizations track disease progression. Public reporting of COVID-19 signs may supplement public health monitoring and assist people in determining where symptoms are happening in their community (Fliesler, 2020).
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Open Innovability - Call4Ideas COVID-19 Challenge
The crowdsourcing platform Open Innovability by Enel hosts the Call4Ideas COVID-19 Challenge, launched by Marzotto Venture Accelerator and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (Vermicelli et al., 2020, p. 186). This is an open invitation to everyone within the online communities who has innovative projects or ideas that could potentially turned into an entrepreneurial endeavour to assist the Italian system in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. This challenge encompasses various areas, including medical and personal protective equipment, telemedicine and home care, diagnostics, therapy and post-therapy.
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Types of Crowdsourcing
While there are four main types of crowdsourcing, this blog will specifically delve into one of them, which is crowdfunding (Cricelli et al., 2021).
Crowdfunding: Soliciting financial contributions and investments for charitable endeavours, initiatives, and entrepreneurial ventures, without the intention of providing monetary returns to the contributors (SendPulse, 2023).
Crowdfunding Campaigns for COVID-19
The objective of the campaign was to generate financial resources for Mercy Malaysia's COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan which offers crucial assistance to Malaysia's healthcare system by providing medical supplies and other vital necessities (Maybank, 2020). Additionally, it aims to support frontliners and volunteers, who are actively combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it would furnish vital provisions and support to marginalized factions within the community, guaranteeing their access to aid throughout the MCO. In only two weeks, Maybank and Mercy Malaysia received almost RM300,000 for their ‘COVID-19 Pandemic Fund’ after public support. Donations are processed via the online banking platform Maybank2u.
Asnaf Care
Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) developed Asnaf Care, a virtual crowdfunding platform that was introduced on March 26, 2020, to raise money for asnaf (have-nots Muslim) in Negeri Kedah who suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 18 March 2020, Asnaf Care has asked the local and online communities to help distribute food to individuals experiencing food shortages under the Restriction Movement Order (Eldersevi & Muhammad, 2021).
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Crowdsourcing Initiatives to Combat Infodemic during COVID-19 Pandemic
The proliferation of misinformation persisted without restraint on publicly accessible social media platforms such as Facebook. In Malaysia, Facebook, and Twitter have spread the misleading concepts that alkaline foods may treat COVID-19 (Yang, 2021). In response to the difficulties posed by the infodemic, crowdsourcing endeavours have prioritized the development of websites containing reliable data and information about COVID-19, with the backing of established fact-checking efforts.
CoronaTracker.com was established in late January 2020, during a period when widespread reports of COVID-19 compelled communities to attempt in comprehending the situation (Yang, 2021). Malaysian data scientist utilized LinkedIn, Facebook, and Telegram to recruit individuals from online communities to cooperate on pandemic remedies, receiving responses from across the globe. The site shows worldwide COVID-19 outbreak statistics, including reported cases, recovery, and fatalities in impacted nations.
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KawalCOVID19 is another crowdsourcing initiative that adopts data-centric methodologies to provide precise and reliable information about COVID-19 in Indonesia (Yang, 2021). Its webpage has current information on confirmed cases, medication, recovery, and mortality. Notably, KawalCOVID19 reviews its portal content with medical community including doctors, virologists and epidemiologists to assure accuracy. Moreover, KawalCOVID19 provides links access to the authoritative sites of World Health Organization and official Indonesian government site. In an effort to counteract falsehoods associated with the pandemic, KawalCOVID19 and the Indonesian Anti-Slander Community (Mafindo) collectively gathered deceptive information from unidentified volunteers to verify its accuracy.
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In conclusion, crowdsourcing has been shown to be a crucial asset in combating COVID-19 in physical and online communities, providing a wide range of viable alternatives. It facilitates the accumulation of real-time information and the development of innovative approaches by enabling global community collaboration through online crowdsourcing initiatives such as Crowdfight, COVID Near You and Open Innovability. Additionally, the ability of crowdfunding initiatives such as MaybankHeart-MERCY and Asnaf Care to amass financial backing for COVID-19 is underscored. Concurrently, crowdsourcing effectively negates misinformation through the provision of accurate information within online communities, as exemplified by initiatives such as KawalCOVID19 and CoronaTracker.com. Fundamentally, crowdsourcing manifests itself as a complex entity, capitalizing on collaborative endeavours to efficiently address the obstacles posed by COVID-19.
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List of References
Cricelli, L., Grimaldi, M., & Vermicelli, S. (2021). Crowdsourcing and open innovation: a systematic literature review, an integrated framework and a research agenda. Review of Managerial Science, 16, 1269–1310. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-021-00482-9
Crowdfight. (n.d.). https://crowdfight.org/
Eldersevi, S., & Muhammad, M. (2021). Asnaf care: A case study of the Malaysian-based charity crowdfunding platform to combat the impact of COVID-19. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 615-626. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37706/iconz.2021.309
Enel. (2020). CALL4IDEAS COVID-19 challenge-campus bio-medico university of Rome and marzotto venture accelerator. https://openinnovability.enel.com/challenges/call/2020/4/call-4-ideas-covid-19-challenge
Fliesler, N. (2020, April 9). Crowdsourcing COVID-19. Harvard Medical School. https://hms.harvard.edu/news/crowdsourcing-covid-19
INCEIF. (2023). Asnaf care: A case study of the Malaysian-based charity crowdfunding platform to combat the impact of COVID-19. https://inceif.edu.my/2022/12/20/asnaf-care-a-case-study-of-the-malaysian-based-charity-crowdfunding-platform-to-combat-the-impact-of-covid-19/
Maybank. (2020). Generous donors raise over RM300,000 in MaybankHeart-MERCY crowdfunding campaign against COVID-19. https://www.maybank.com/en/news/2020/04/07.page
SendPulse. (2023). Crowdsourcing. https://sendpulse.com/support/glossary/crowdsourcing
Vermicelli, S., Cricelli, L., & Grimaldi, M. (2020). How can crowdsourcing help tackle the COVID‐19 pandemic? An explorative overview of innovative collaborative practices. R&D Management, 51(2), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12443
Yang, J. (2021). Crowdsourcing during the infodemic: Technology and ground-up initiatives during COVID-19. Medium. https://medium.com/digital-asia-ii/crowdsourcing-during-the-infodemic-technology-and-ground-up-initiatives-during-covid-19-603e6d1fb792
Zhang, S. I., Meng, J., & Huang, R. (2022). Reporting COVID-19 via crowdsourcing: The US vs. China. In Xu, X. (Ed.), Coping with COVID-19, the mobile way (pp. 119-138). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5787-1_6
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pcsasg · 6 months
Is social media useful in spreading information on covid-19 in Malaysia or your country? What is your opinion?
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Hi there! This week’s blog is about public health and we will dive a little about the coronavirus disease, also known as covid-19 and in days gone by, named 2019 novel coronavirus. Coronavirus was first spotted at one of open air “wet market” in Wuhan, China. Afterwards, during that time, there was an assumption that there might a coronavirus originated in one of lab in China as a biological weapon. However, the newest reports concur that the coronavirus is not an engineered virus being developed to become a biological weapon.
What is social media role during coronavirus issue?
According to (Abbas et al., 2021), people usage time on social media is higher than usual during COVID-19 pandemic period since social media is the only platform where people can search for health information for their own and their loved one’s benefits. Due to global crisis and health disaster during the pandemic, social medias have become the most welcome relief for people.
(Abbas et al., 2021) also stated, typically, users will create or share about health information that already available via local or international sources as their response to an international public health issue.
As social media platforms can bring impacts to people, people also need someone who can share their own life experience or their knowledge about health issue and shared their experience or knowledge about health information. This method called peer support. The peer support concept on social media is referring to health information that will help people to know more about Covid-19 pandemic issue. People will be searching for health-related news regarding to Covid-19 pandemic in their social media account, for example the most common one is Facebook. Since Covid-19 pandemic brought “culture shock” to the world, people will be searching for the detailed health-related update and stay keep in touch with family, friends and peers. Public communication and interaction searching for accurate information and opportunity of Covid-19 to create proper virus prevention on social media. Since social media provides the latest news and trustable information to the world, social media have become the central role in answering in global health crisis issue.
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Social media and electronic government (E-government) role during Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia
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Image from YouTube
First Covid-19 case detected in Malaysia after three individuals had a close contact with one individual in Singapore. They had their trip into Malaysia from Singapore on January 24th 2020 and tested positive on January 25th 2020. After that, on the February 4th 2020, the very first Malaysian was tested positive Covid-19 after he returned from Singapore and started to cough and had fever.
During the pandemic time, the Ministry of Health of Malaysia take advantages of social media to educate and spread the awareness to the public about the Covid-19 precautions. On 18th March 2020 until 18th April 2020, the Malaysia Government implemented Movement Control Order (MCO) to control the Covid-19 from widespread.
During the entire period of Covid-19, social media accounts for example like X (previously known as Twitter) and WeChat were used to share the updates about preventive measure and healthcare. After Tan Sri Muhyiddin implemented MCO, the media started to actively using the #stayhome hashtag to spread the awareness. The government of Malaysia come up with enough latest information to the public via the Official Portal of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, verified Facebook page named Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia posted about the Crisis Preparedness and Response Center (CRPC) and Telegram channel named CPRC KKM.
The Malaysia government also launched one application that can only used on mobile named MySejahtera in April 20202 to help all the users to keep track of their health progress, helping the authorities to collect the latest information, check in location and come up with the most essential and fast reply.
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Screenchot of CPRC KKM telegram page
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Screenshot of KKM Facebook page
Now, if you ask me, i would definitely say yes. I do agree that social media is useful in spreading information on Covid-19 because through social media is the way that Ministry of Health Malaysia can reach out to the people since gathering is not allowed during the MCO period. People will depend on social media to stay connected with their family or friend and also to get the latest update regarding to health issues.
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Image from Facebook
Brennan, D. (2022) Coronavirus history: How did coronavirus start?Dan, WebMD. Available at: https://www.webmd.com/covid/coronavirus-history (Accessed: 01 November 2023).
Abbas, J. et al. (2021) Social media technology during COVID-19: RMHP, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. Available at: https://www.dovepress.com/the-role-of-social-media-in-the-advent-of-covid-19-pandemic-crisis-man-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-
Elengoe, A. (2020, June). Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia. Osong public health and research perspectives. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7258884/#:~:text=On%20the%2025th%20January,the%2024th%20January%202020.
Ahamd, N. S., Zulkifli Hussain, Abd Hamid, H. S., & Khairani, A. Z. (2021, July 10). Roles of social media and counselling support in reducing anxiety among Malaysian during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212420921004179
Kahe. (2021, May 4). Important role of social media during pandemic disaster. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education. https://kahedu.edu.in/important-role-of-social-media-during-pandemic-disaster/
Md Shah, A. U., Azrie Safri, S. N., Thevadas, R., Noordin, N. K., Abd Rahman, A., Sekawi, Z., Ideris, A., Hameed Sultan, M. T., & h. (2020, June 2). Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia: Actions taken by the Malaysian government. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971220304008#:~:text=The%20Government%20of%20Malaysia%20enforced,personal%20protective%20equipment%20for%20frontliners.
Mat Dawi, N., Namazi, H., Hwang, H. J., Ismail, S., Maresova, P., & Krejcar, O. (2021, January 27). Attitude toward protective behavior engagement during covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia: The role of E-government and Social Media. Frontiers. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.609716/full#:~:text=Malaysia%20residents%20can%20get%20information,of%20CPRC%20KKM%20(24).
#Week7 #MDA20009
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skyrimworkshop · 2 years
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Delia MCO Test
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dan6085 · 2 months
The ranking of the world's largest airports can vary based on different criteria, such as passenger numbers, land area, or terminal size. Here, I'll focus on the airports' total area (land size) to highlight some of the world's biggest airports, providing details about each:
1. **King Fahd International Airport (DMM) - Saudi Arabia**
- Area: Approximately 780 square kilometers
- Notable for being the largest airport by area in the world.
- Located near Dammam, it serves the entire Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
2. **Denver International Airport (DEN) - United States**
- Area: 135.7 square kilometers
- Known for its distinctive peaked roof, designed to resemble snow-capped mountains.
- It's the largest airport in the United States by total area.
3. **Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) - United States**
- Area: 69.5 square kilometers
- Serves as a major hub, located between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.
- Features its own ZIP code, post office, and public services.
4. **Orlando International Airport (MCO) - United States**
- Area: 53.83 square kilometers
- The busiest airport in Florida and serves as a major gateway for the state’s tourism.
5. **Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) - United States**
- Area: 52.6 square kilometers
- Located in Loudoun and Fairfax counties in Virginia, serving the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
- Known for its iconic Eero Saarinen-designed terminal building.
6. **Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX) - China**
- Area: 47 square kilometers
- Opened in 2019, it's one of the world's most modern airports, designed to alleviate congestion at Beijing Capital International Airport.
- Features a starfish-shaped terminal for efficiency and reduced passenger walking times.
7. **George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) - United States**
- Area: 44.5 square kilometers
- Located in Houston, Texas, and named after George H. W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States.
8. **Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) - China**
- Area: 39.88 square kilometers
- Serves as a major aviation hub for Asia, particularly for international flights.
9. **Cairo International Airport (CAI) - Egypt**
- Area: 36.3 square kilometers
- The busiest airport in Egypt and serves as the primary hub for Star Alliance member EgyptAir.
10. **Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) - Thailand**
- Area: 32.4 square kilometers
- Opened in 2006 to serve Bangkok, it's known for its massive single-building terminal.
11. **Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) - France**
- Area: 32.38 square kilometers
- France's largest airport and a major aviation hub in Europe, located in Roissy, near Paris.
12. **King Khalid International Airport (RUH) - Saudi Arabia**
- Area: Approximately 31.75 square kilometers
- Located near Riyadh, it's the second-largest airport in Saudi Arabia.
13. **Hamad International Airport (DOH) - Qatar**
- Area: 29 square kilometers
- Opened in 2014 in Doha, replacing the former Doha International Airport.
14. **O'Hare International Airport (ORD) - United States**
- Area: 29 square kilometers
- Located in Chicago, Illinois, it's one of the busiest airports in the world by total passenger traffic.
15. **Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez Airport (MAD) - Spain**
- Area: 28.8 square kilometers
- The largest and busiest airport in Spain, located in Madrid.
16. **Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport (DMK) - Thailand**
- Area: 28.8 square kilometers
- One of two international airports serving Bangkok, it's one of the world's oldest international airports and a major hub for low-cost carriers.
17. **Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) - France**
- Area: 32.38 square kilometers (mentioned above with more detail).
18. **Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS) - Netherlands**
- Area: 27.87 square kilometers
- Known for its single-terminal concept, it's one of the busiest airports in Europe.
19. **Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - Germany**
- Area: 23 square kilometers
- Germany's busiest airport by passenger numbers and the main hub for Lufthansa.
20. **Dallas Love Field (DAL) - United States**
- Area: 20.3 square kilometers
- Located in Dallas, Texas, primarily serves domestic flights and is the corporate headquarters for Southwest Airlines.
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just-liaa-01 · 5 months
Is public health campaign on Social Media more of a one-way communication than conversation? Let’s dig into this!
Yow what sup tumbler people! It’s been a long time right my people, well you guys won’t miss me for these few coming days. And I’m back with new topic today.
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First thing first, do you actually enjoy exercising? How often do you exercise in a week of time? Well, on my part, I do enjoy exercising but I only like certain exercises. Yeah, I’m picky. You can say that, I’ll admit it.
Hmm public health?
Do you guys know what that public health term stand for? Public health is the study of preserving and enhancing the health of individuals and groups. This is achieved by encouraging healthy lifestyles, doing research on the prevention of illnesses and injuries, and identifying and responding to infectious diseases (CDC Foundation). This is especially important during the pandemic era where everyone’s life might be in danger. The citizens were instructed to wear masks when they are outside and to wash their hands often.
To tell you the truth, the MCO had turn me from an ambivert to an introvert who had a hard time to even go and ask for direction or other. The MCO had not only affect the individuals but also the country and even the global economy which get a big hit in it. But thankfully it is slowly recovering and rebuilt now. In addition, a lot of strange items and trends gained popularity. The one I remember the most is the Dalgona coffee. I tried making it several time, after a few fail attempts finally I achieved it. If you love coffee and also has a sweet tooth, try it I am sure that you’ll love it.
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Public Health Alert Through Social Media
Since its creation, social media has been crucial to the spread of news, but during pandemics, its importance is increased. Since its creation, social media has been crucial to the spread of news, but during pandemics, its importance is increased. Subsequently, the majority of nations created their own apps to monitor COVID instances both domestically and internationally. Social media platforms that connect doctors, patients, and the general public have the potential to use crowdsourcing knowledge for public health surveillance. Since data were not obtained using any conventional technique, organizations such as the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network also rely on online sources for current surveillance operations.
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The platform's potential to identify disease outbreaks is enhanced by its well-timed disease surveillance region. In order to investigate or take action in the case of alerts, media and techniques referred to as user-generated information and real-time information surveillance of various public health outcomes, such as influenza, foodborne illnesses, or heat alerts, can identify cases of infectious diseases more quickly. (Sushim Kanchan and Abhay Gaidhane, 2023).
The practice of social media campaigns has developed more quickly than theory and conceptualization. There are theories of communication, and these can help us understand why individuals use social media and how messages are spread. (Kite et al., 2023).
Disorientation related to mental health might also result from spending months alone at home. Cautionary tales about triggers! The pandemic era saw a rise in suicides due to stress, loneliness, or a sense of impending doom. In order to pass the time during this trying period, society had to find new pastimes. In contrast to other years, there has been a rise in the use of social media sites such as YouTube, Netflix, and others. Mobile games, online games or games in general start being popular as people have so much free time and doesn’t know what to do. People also begun a home workout routine to kill their time and also to live a healthy live at the same time.
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It was undeniable difficult period of time. More and more health campaign are carryout during the hit of pandemic in order to safe the nation mental and physical health. Which result positively. Now the pandemic is over and everyone is back to their daily life routine as usual. Its been a hard time but life must go on. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” (Bill Kaene)
Bye guys. See ya next time.
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magchiato · 5 months
"Is Social Media & Health Application Useful in Spreading Information On COVID-19 in Malaysia??"
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COVID-19, COrona VIrus Disease of 2019 first known case reported in China in December 2019. A contagious, deadly and fast spreading virus that infected 229 nations and took over 6.9 million lives world wide (worldometer, 2023). As response to the pandemic news when it first started, the Malaysian government implemented the Movement Control Order (MCO) on March 18, 2020 to minimize the movement of its citizen. Since then people stayed home a lot due to the social distancing and work from home rules that was set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia in order to avoid the virus from spreading.
How did Social Media help?
As the virus spread from country to country, social media has become an integrated feature of the public's life and a powerful communication medium for rapid information sharing, health awareness and real-time news updates on the deadly virus.
With people seeking information, support and connection in the face of COVID19's pandemic, use of social media has been on a steep rise especially when remote work and education are also contributing to the number. Social media has become a primary source of information on the pandemic, a platform for sharing experiences, and a means of maintaining social ties during physical isolation. The diversity of content on social networks offered both information and entertainment, offering a welcome relief from the stress caused by the pandemic.
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At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia's Health Ministry effectively utilized social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, to communicate vital information to the public. Their strategy was to update regularly on their official social media platform, in addition to preventive measures, awareness campaigns, timely updates on pandemic situations which include daily covid cases and amount of deaths, the promotion of healthy behavior and the (SOP) Standard Operating Procedure that were set by the government for businesses.
In times of global crises, this proactive use of social media has had a crucial role to play in the dissemination of accurate information, fostering community engagement and promoting public health. Using Twitter has facilitated a dynamic and participatory communication process with governments and the public, which will foster community involvement as well as sharing of responsibilities to manage this epidemic. Active participation in the discussions and exchange of information, notably via Twitter, shows that social media has an effective role to play in providing a sense of awareness and engagement with the general public as regards the outbreak of COVID 19 in Malaysia.
For the dissemination of essential information and COVID19 updates, the Malaysian government has made use of Twitter. They found that Twitter users are highly engaged and participate actively in a variety of ways. Participation is to give input, participate in the Internet conversation, read status reports, retweets of news and share information on a Community basis.
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What is MySejahtera?
The Government's commitment to leverage ICT for public health has been further demonstrated by the launch in April 2020 of MySejahtera, a mobile application. This application's intended to serve many purposes, among them tracking individuals' health status and registering their location. Authorities can receive valuable insights into the virus's spread and take adequate action to reduce its impact by gathering pertinent information via an app. (MySejahtera, 2022)
Contact Tracing and Timely Information:
By allowing users to register their locations and provide the authorities with realtime data, mySejahtera facilitated effective contact tracing. This has helped to identify potential hotspots of COVID 19 and allows timely intervention.
Health Monitoring and Reporting:
The app allowed users to monitor their health status via regular updates of medical information. Individuals may report their symptoms and receive instructions for appropriate action to be taken, which will contribute to the early detection and response to potential cases.
Efficient Allocation of Resources:
MySejahtera provides competent authorities with accurate and up to date information in order to allocate appropriate resources, such as testing facilities and healthcare services, according to the public's needs.
Public Awareness and Education:
The app has been a platform for the dissemination of information on COVID-19, including prevention measures, symptoms as well as guidelines from governments. This has led to the raising of public awareness and informing people about how to protect themselves and others.
Overall, the MySejahtera mobile app and social media platform have had a positive impact on promoting good protection behavior, enhancing contact tracing capability as well as fostering an interinstitutional cooperation between Malaysia's authorities and citizens to combat COVID19. But, despite its potential as a valuable source of information and connection, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, for example the dissemination of misinformation. Critical evaluation of information that one encounters and relies on proven sources is essential for individuals. In order to disseminate accurate information and combat misinformation during times of crisis, health authorities and organizations have also an important role to play in the use of social media responsibly.
worldometer (2023) Countries where COVID-19 has spread https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/countries-where-coronavirus-has-spread/
Statista (2023) Distribution of main news sources in Malaysia during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1118979/malaysia-main-news-sources-during-covid-19/
International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2020) COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia: Actions taken by the Malaysian government https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971220304008
MySejahtera (2022) Privacy Policy https://mysejahtera.moh.gov.my/en/about-mysejahtera/privacy-policy
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misskasu · 8 months
Extra Credit Opportunity MCO 427
As journalists, one of our crucial responsibilities is to combat misinformation. We strive to present accurate and unbiased information while also fulfilling our ethical obligation to correct any errors in reporting as soon as possible. In a world where misinformation spreads like wildfire, we must face this daily challenge head-on to uphold the integrity of journalism. Let us work together to fight against the spread of false information and ensure that truth prevails.
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I am glad that you mentioed the mandela effect. I find the spelling debate of  "Berenstain Bears" vs "Berenstein Bears" instersting. Considering Stan Berenstain and Jan Berenstain wrote the book, the spelling of their surname is correct. The idea that there was an epidemic of misinformation on such a large scale lurking in the dark corners of 4chan or Reddit or some other small isolated online forum in the dark ages before 2016 is hard to comprehend.
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To assess the quality of communication, one should use the CRAAP test, This method assesses information credibility, relevance, accuracy, authority, and purpose. The acronym CRAAP stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. These characteristics determine data reliability and ensure the growth of credible sources in the business market.
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This interview was fascinating and full of enlight information, which I found very interesting. I want to check out the VERIFY channel on YouTube so I can check it out as soon as possible. As I have more time, I intend to explore more when I have more free time. Conspispary is on the right side, while Sophie, who hails from Mars, is on the left side of the picture.
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Work cited:
“Libguides: Research Help: Home.” Home - Research Help - LibGuides at Kamehemaha Schools - Kapalama High School, khs-ksbe.libguides.com/mlcresearchhelp. Accessed 14 Sept. 2023.
Wendling, Mike. “The (Almost) Complete History of ‘Fake News.’” BBC News, BBC, 22 Jan. 2018, www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-42724320.
What Is the Mandela Effect - Berenstein Bears vs ... - Cosmopolitan, www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a7664693/mandela-effect-examples/. Accessed 14 Sept. 2023.
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sherenachan · 1 year
Socializing through Gaming
Note: this post will be mostly be based on personal experience :D
Can you actually socialize through gaming? In my opinion, yes.
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I used to play mobile games only such as MLBB but MCO and a new gaming laptop has changed that and introduced me to too many PC games (now I own games that I've paid for but never play and also spent too much in game😭).
My game time has definitely increased a lot during the Movement Order Control (MCO) but even though everything was online and we can't really go out, I've still managed to make new friends virtually. A research done by Kowert & Kaye (2018) has proven that people that had met while playing games virtually do actually end up spending time with those people too. I've also have experienced that first handed HAHA. Up until today, I still am in contact with the friends that I have met online during MCO despite our geographical location differences (some are in peninsular Malaysia, some are furthering studies overseas).
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Creation of a Community (with the help of Discord)
Discord, a platform that is no stranger to gamers, has increased in popularity and hit it's peak in 2020 when people were all stuck at home during the pandemic. This platform is normally used by gamers and streamers to communicate with each other, especially in game, because it doesn't take up too much bandwidth and thus, not affecting the gameplay experience. (Eric, 2022) Most of the more popular gaming streamers have their own Discord server to build a community among their followers/fans.
"Yay you made it!"
The new friends that I've made, I've known them through a Discord server from a mutual friend. At first I didn't think about it too far and thought that I was only going to join this server for this one game. But nope, it was game after game, nights after nights. Literally from some stranger that I never meet before to people that I feel like I've known for ages. The Discord server's participants were not much at first but over the time, the amount of people that is on that server rapidly increases. A community, on social platforms, is defined as "a group of people who have similar interest or who want to achieve something together" (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022). More and more people hop onto the server to play with their friends or just finding someone to play with and this can be seen as a creation and expansion of community. Basically we're all in there because we all game.
Putting gaming aside, sometimes the channels in the server are just used for casual chatting and gossiping. Just few friends, joining in the voice channel, talking to each other and catching up or maybe just talking about the games, just like how people normally do it physically but without the physical setting. Some of us even had the chance to meet up physically in Kuching.
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To put everything short (actually a very short conclusion), socializing through gaming is possible and might even end up in building a community and you may even end up having new friends.
That's all for Week 10! W GAMING!
Community (no date) Cambridge Dictionary. Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/community (Accessed: December 8, 2022).
Eric (2022) When did discord get popular?: Streamers Playbook, Streamers Playbook. Available at: https://streamersplaybook.com/when-did-discord-get-popular/ (Accessed: December 8, 2022).
Kowert, R. and Kaye, L.K. (2018) “Video games are not socially isolating,” Video Game Influences on Aggression, Cognition, and Attention, pp. 185–195. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95495-0_15.
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marypioneer · 6 months
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On te voit, Gaspard...
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joankho · 1 year
Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in global or even your home town?
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In this day and age, the number one source of news that people receive is definitely social media. It is safe to say that any news that humans receive today, whether it is political or entertainment, is news that comes from social media. All adults and teenagers in the world have at least one social media account. The first and main advantage of social media is communication/connection. People from anywhere can communicate with anyone through social media, regardless of their location or religion. The beauty of social media is that you can connect with anyone to learn and share your views/ideas. Social media has improved people's lifestyles and raised the awareness of the audience. It is social media that helps people discover new and innovative things. Social media improves people's lifestyles and raises the awareness of the audience. With the help of social media, all the latest information and updates about important news can be easily spread. Most of the time TV, all the famous channels, and newspapers these days are biased and do not convey real information. With the help of social media, you can get facts and real information with some research.
Public Health Campaign Is Spreading Better On Social Media
During the Covid-19 pandemic, people used social media to get news and information about the situation at the moment. Government departments also used social media platforms to disseminate information about the pandemic. Not only in Malaysia, but people can also use social media to learn about the pandemic situation in other countries. During the MCO in Malaysia, the government forbids people to go out and stay at home. During the MCO period, it can be said that one-third of the Malaysian population was using social media platforms to get news and information about the outside world. The national government also realized that the use of social media platforms could make the news spread faster ( O’Brien, Moore & McNicholas 2020 ). As a result, the Malaysian government and prominent organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have set up public accounts on social media such as Facebook and Instagram to deliver news of the pandemic faster. They have also made it an integral part of their communication strategy.
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Social media has also played an important role in facilitating communication between members of the scientific and medical communities ( O’Brien, Moore & McNicholas 2020 ) . It has played an important role in communicating between members of the medical community. Timely and regular updates on social media platforms between frontline physicians around the world provide a level of accuracy and agility.
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As an example, the Malaysia Health Campaign often posted on social media platforms during the pandemic about the effective prevention measures for Covid-19. In addition, the organization often uploaded and urged people to participate in health-related activities. The campaign has received a lot of attention from Malaysians.
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Social media allows various public health campaigns to better communicate their messages to people and urge them to participate.
O’Brien, M, Moore, K & McNicholas, F 2020, ‘ Social Media Spread During Covid-19: The Pros and Cons of Likes and Shares’, Irish Medical Journal, vol.113, no. 4, viewed 5 November 2022, <https://www.irishpsychiatry.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Social-Media-Spread-During-Covid-19-The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Likes-and-Shares-IMJ-2020.pdf>.
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givemegifs · 2 years
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transmenlikehim · 5 years
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Azul’s FIRST A330 Neo lands here at MCO airport Orlando, FL 👩🏽‍🔧
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bakerstreetlady · 6 years
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