#peraona 5
c-o-t-o · 5 months
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Came across a whole bunch of photos today with Akira's dreams of Akechi, and the ideas are
f l o w i n g lol
Expect a fluffy story of them soon, maybe it can lead to something spicy after? 👀
UPDATE: here is the fic!
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fundashnee-rott · 2 years
I mean theoretically there is nothing stopping yusuke from ordering a bunch of clay and making super realistic sculptures of food then leaving the room in instantly forgetting they're not actually food walking back into the room seeing the food sculpture and being like ooo food and then eating it.
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lightlykos · 1 month
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I got a great idea for a band au everyone
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flare-the-freak · 1 year
Akechi winced sharply, normally he'd be able to tolerate pain, but burns hurt.
He grabbed the first aid kit, maroon eyes scanning the Safe room. He had refused healing from Akira, like he'd let his rival see him like this. A seething hatred filled his chest, watching as the Raven haired boy made his rounds, checking everyone to be okay. Akechi hated that about him. Such a self sacraficing fool.
"Crow? Can I see your arm?" A grossly gentle voice broke Akechi's train of angry thoughts. Looking up, he stared at Akira.
"It's fine." He flatly replied.
"Clearly not, you're barely touching it and it looks like a nasty burn," Akira shot back. Akechi opened his mouth to retaliate and fall into their routine of bickering when he suddenly whipped around.
"Hey, can you guys step outside? Scope the area out real quick. I need to talk to Crow." Akira raised his voice, commanding the attention of everyone. Akechi could sense the discomfort in the Phantom Thieves at the idea of leaving them alone together.
Something must've been silently said within the group (Like Akechi cared, he didn't need to understand their stupid side conversations.) as they all started to file out, leaving the two alone.
"There, they're all out, now will you let me treat your arm?" Akira sat down beside him, gaze filled with unspoken demand.
"Your brainless hospitality is going to kill you someday." Akechi snarled, despite holding out his arm. Akira gave a smug grin, leaning forward with amusement.
"Yet here you are letting me tend to you."
"I'm going to shoot you a second time." At this, Akira barked a laugh, carefully starting to wrap the burn.
"You wouldn't, now take your shirt off so I can make sure you aren't hiding any more injuries. Knowing you, you'd walk around with a fucking knife in your back." Akira muttered. Akechi glared, the idea of exposing himself didn't necessarily make him uncomfortable, but he never did in front of the one before him.
So why was he already trusting Akira to help get his shirt off?
"Woah- you have tattoos?" Akira held the shirt in his gloved hands, scanning Akechi's chest as he looked at the many tattoos covering him.
"Yeah? Didn't realize that?" Akechi hissed. Akira suddenly traced a hand along one on his stomach, a tiger one he'd gotten, causing Akechi to hiss and smack his hand away.
"Sorry- should've asked." He laughed, seemingly unremouseful. Akechi shifted, jabbing a finger at the first aid kit.
"Just- hurry up."
Akira nodded, wrapping up the brunett's arm. He was- slow. It was irritating. The Raven haired boy just seemed to be staring at his arm.
"Are you done? This is taking forever," He demanded sharply. Akira looked up.
"Do you have tattoos on your back?"
"...Yes." He replied slowly, not sure why Akira was asking.
Akira seemed to light up at this, "Can I see?" Akechi stared, shocked at his straightforward approach.
Akechi slowly nodded, trying to keep the conversation to a minimum as he turned around for Akira to look.
"Is this Loki?" He heard the boy ask, feeling him start to trace the tattoo.
"The one you're tracing yes-" Akechi mumbled out, slightly annoyance in the pit of his stomach, along with a weird warmth mixed in. (Not like he'd ever admit that to Akira.)
He felt something something pressed against his shoulder blades, knowing a scar was there, "What're you doing?" Akechi questioned sharply.
"It looked like that scar hurt, so I kissed it." Akira replied nonchalantly. Akechi really couldn't explain why he turned around, looming over Akira. If he had his mask on, it would've been stabbing him with how close they were. Akira grinned, "Want something detective?"
Akechi opened his mouth to retaliate, demand something of him, yet all that came was pathetic silence as his heart raced.
Akira stood with a wide smile, offering Akechi's shirt. Akechi wanted to shoot him.
Snatching his shirt back, he yanked it on when Akira suddenly pulled him forward, "I think you look good with tattoos," He whispered, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
Releasing him, he sauntered towards the door with Akechi in tow, who wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss him senseless or kill him.
Either way, he wanted Akira to look at his tattoos more. (Maybe Akira could get some?) (Did Akira always have piercings? God he looked gorgeous-)
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manofmanymons · 7 months
Given ur love for miu, I think you'd like futaba from peraona 5
Are persona games more like kh where if I don't play all of them I'll be horribly confused, or like final fantasy where you can start anywhere and it's fine 🤔
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axelrubengarciag · 2 years
Catalogo de algunas pinturas ambientas en la epoca de la revolucion indutral.
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1.José Uría y Uría,"Despues de la huelga" , Óleo sobre lienzo,250x380cm,Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias (Oviedo),https://www.museodelprado.es/coleccion/obra-de-arte/despues-de-una-huelga/ad71b440-64a1-4101-a4d6-b1d8d3967353#:~:text=de%20residencia%20de%E2%80%A6-,Obra%20presentada%20en%20la%20Exposici%C3%B3n%20Nacional%20de%201895%2C%20en%20la,gran%20repercusi%C3%B3n%20en%20la%20ciudad.
(La razon por la cual se escogio esta pintura fue por que es algo que representa la revolución industrial ya que algo caracteriztico ya que se representa la explotacion que causo la explotación laboral , ademaa de que el titulo "despues de la huelga" esta inspirado el mismo suceso, los tono apagados para darle esa seriedad al tema social que representa esos difuminados para resaltar ese dramatismo de la madre con su hijo en brazos sollozando en su marido caido que probablemente este muerto y notar que la niña mira hacia la izquierda a dos guardia que permanecen indiferented al dolor de la mujer. )
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2.Adolph Menzel,"Molino de laminación de hierro",óleo sobre lienzos, 254x158cm , Museo Nacional de Berlin , http://www.diegoperis.com/ih-16-la-pintura-del-trabajo/
(La razon de la seleccion de esta pintura es la representación de una de las cosas que se vivia dia a dia en un dia laboral en una fundidora de hierro la cual formo una parte ensencial de la revolución industrial,resalta ese color llamativo de la fundicion en el centro la representacion del calor abrumador al que se debieron someter esos trabajadores, esa interracion espectacular entre el hombre y la maquinas, si lo vemo bien es casi un enjambre de abejas trabajando en su colmena.)
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3.Claude Monet , "La estación de Saint-Lazare" ,óleo sobre lienzos, 75 x 104 cm ,Museo de orsay paris , http://paraindustrial.blogspot.com/2016/08/la-industria-en-la-historia-del-arte.html?m=1
(Se selecciono esta pintura como algo que representa la revolucion indutrial ya que muestras una estacion de tren la cual era algo muy novedoso en esa epoca , representa el humo y como estas se sitia con un techo de crustan mas abierto para que el humo no se acumule, como convierte a esta bestial maquina en el centro la protagonista de este lienzo, se ve lo geometrico aun en las estructuras , como se puede aun ver la estacion apesar de todo el humo. )
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4.Honoré Daumier ,"El vagón de tercera clase",pintura al óleo, 65x90cm, Museo metropolitano de arte ,https://sites.google.com/a/ieandinos.net/octavo1/primer-modulo/revolucion-industrial
(La selección de esta pintura se debe a que ilustra la vida cotidiana durante la revolución industrial, sus rostros cansados por el trabajo, las figuras del fondo apenas y se notan como peraonas;es sorprendentes como centra toda la atencion entres personajes dos mujeres una amamantando a un niño y la otra una anciana , a lado de ella un niño cansado medio dormido sin saber a donde se dirige y si vemos al fondo otra figura femenina mirando a las otras dos mujeres o incluso al espectador se puede su rostro un descontento de miseria )
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5. J.M.W Turner ," Lluvia,vapor y velocidad , el gran ferrocarril del oeste",pintura al óleo, National gallery londres,https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/joseph-mallord-william-turner-rain-steam-and-speed-the-great-western-railway
(Esta pintura se selecciono ya que igual que la anterior represenra una locomotora o tren , es poco visible al inicio ver la figura pero se logra distingir entre esos pincelazos , se ve el tren y las vias ademas de que al fondo se ve parte de un puente, muy muy en el fondo del lago una barca con dos personas que casi no se notan esto para enter lo diminutos que somos alado de estas monstruicidades )
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6.Max Liebermann,“El almacén de lino en Laren”, óleo sobre lienzos, 135x232 cm , Alte Nationalgalerie berli , https://profesorantoniocarrillo.weebly.com/revolucioacuten-industrial-e-industrializacioacuten1.html
(Seleccione esta pintura ya que de igual forma que las anteriores se representa gran parte mas que nada por los niños cerca de las ruecas como estos ya a temprana edad tenian que trabajar por lo mismo que lo hacian las mujeres, note como estan acomodades en una fila alineadas con el techo , todas trabajando el mismo Tiempo como una maquina automatizada llena de una luz muy opaca grisasea , se puede ver en su rostros esa fatiga y aburrimiento. )
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7.LS Lowry AR, "aproximacion a la estacion",óleo sobre lienzos, 407 x 509 x 4 mm,The Royal academy,http://www.bifurcaciones.cl/2014/09/l-s-lowry-el-pintor-de-la-industrializacion/
(Seleccione esta pintura porqué apesar de no paresca de la revolucion industrial se logra notar en el fondo un tren y no solo eso tambien se representa la gran masa aglomerada de personas la rapides con la que se mueven debido a todo este progreso en las grandes cuidades , esos automoviles circulando por la calle y esos tonos frios com pequeños tonos rojos calidos ademas de un paisaje un poco melancolico de grises y unos manchones de azules.)
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8.Georges Seurat,"Tarde de domingo en la isla de la Grande Jatte",puntillismo,207,6cm × 308 cm,instituto de arte de chicago,https://temasycomentariosartepaeg.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_807.html?m=1
(Esta obra apesar de que es la mas distinta a las demas ya que no representa lo que mas vemos , no tiene fabricas , barcos, etc. Lo que principalmente representa es a la burgesia como lo dice en un tarde de domingo , como ellos no tenian que procuparse por el trabjo solo disfrutaban del paisaje de estar hechados en el pasto ,ademas de la tecnica del puntillismo que apesar de no ser el primero en ocuparla se implementa al igual que la combinación de colores , colores no tan lugubres mas calidos y menos frios mas alegres aunque las personas no posean expresion alguna)
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9.LS Lowry,"El estanque",pintura al óleo sobre lienzos, 1143 × 1524 mm,Presentado por los fideicomisarios del legado de chantrey,http://www.bifurcaciones.cl/2014/09/l-s-lowry-el-pintor-de-la-industrializacion/
(Seleccione esta pintura por irme a lo mas vistoso , ya que represneta priemro una gran cuidad y como aparecieron estas monstruosidades de fabricas llenando de humo negro todo el cielo, la aglomeración de personas que apenas y se distinguen sus formas ,el color frio que se maneja con los cielos melancolicos y grises representacion del frio al igual que el estanque congelado tenues colores calidoscomo el rojo y naranaja)
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10.Johann Bahr,"Accident in an Engineering Works»",pintura al óleo sobre lienzos, 600 × 393,http://www.bifurcaciones.cl/2014/09/l-s-lowry-el-pintor-de-la-industrializacion/bahr-1890-accident-in-an-engineering-works/
(La seleccion de esta pintura fue mas burda ya que me agrada lo que representa puesto que lo que representa es un accidente en el trabajo algo muy comun en esa epoca puesto que esto eran explotados y era muy comun los accidentes ya que no habia ninguna medida solo habia alguien que remplazaba si algo le ocurria al trabajador, la indiferencia de los dos trabajadores de la izqueirda al ignorarlo debido a la cotidianidad con la que esto se presnetaba la manera en que lo importante era la producción u otra interpretación es que estos estan buscando la causa del accidente.)
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rumorren · 4 years
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He just smiles back at him❤😭❤
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mproductions7152 · 4 years
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Ryuji.exe has stopped working
( guess the reference I got for this picture)
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angstyastro · 4 years
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Did a few memes of some ships I have. I'll do some more but these the first 2 uwu.
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fadedtree · 4 years
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Funny meme 🤣🤣🤣
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maganne-bonete · 4 years
Not to sound pathetic,
But don't you just sometimes wish that Takuto Maruki was real so he could use Adam Kadmon on you so you don't have to deal with yourself?
Heck, I'll settle for Azathoth even
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fundashnee-rott · 2 years
I feel like yusuke but kinda fun to smoke with, like you know that fucker gonna have his third eye super glued open for like 3 days afterwards.
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shichiro1995 · 5 years
IT Futaba
Joker: So, can you find the guy?
Futaba: *(on her computer)* It's no good, he's using VPN software, we can't track his IP.
Joker: *(slams his hand down)* IN ENGLISH!!!!!
Futaba: We can't find his computer.
Joker: *(slams his hand down)* IN JAPANESE!!!
Futaba: 彼のコンピューターが見つかりません。
Joker: *(slams his hand down)* IN FRENCH!!!!
Futaba: Nous ne pouvons pas trouver son ordinateur.
Joker: *(slams his hand down)* IN MORSE CODE!!!!
Futaba: *(holding a morse code machine)* .-- . / -.-.
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misutorekun · 5 years
We will have more dates with Yusuke, now in an aquarium!! 💕
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ryujisakamotoisbaby · 5 years
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The Shadow grips his arms as he starts to laugh, Goro looking absolutely terrified as Ryuji's shadow looks at them, tears pouring down its face.
"You guys..care for me..." the room suddenly becomes dark.
tfw you want to draw something in your fic that you arnt even close to yet-
Also fuck backgrounds
They can go die
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artguycharlie · 7 years
I got the Persona 5 soundtrack today and there's a slight chance that I may have played Life Will Change (Instrumental) on repeat for a solid hour.
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