#platelet reactivity
Some help for fellow Phlebotomy students!
This is the saying that helps me remember the order of draw for venipuncture:
Yellow (blood cultures)
Light (PT, PTT, Coagulation)
Stop (Chemistry testing)
Green (Any plasma test except plasma cells)
Light (Blood group, Carbon Monoxide levels, CBC)
Go (Glucose, Lactic acid, Blood alcohol levels)
And then these are the tubes and their functions!
Yellow tube:
Blood cultures
Invert 8-10x
Light blue tube:
Coagulation studies.
Always draw two.
Invert 3-4x
Red, tiger, or gold tubes:
Chemistry testing
Electrolyte panel:
Bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, chloride, potassium, sodium
Basic metabolic panels:
Electrolyte panel, BUN, creatinine, glucose, calcium
Drug monitoring:
Digoxin, vancomycin, aminoglycosides, phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproic acid, methotrexate, lithium, theophylline
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Basic metabolic panel, hepatic function panel
Hepatic function panel
ALT, AST, Bilirubin, albumin, total proteins
Total cholesterol
Lipid panel
Thyroid profile
T3, T4, TSH
Individual tests
Folic acid, Vitamin B12, HIV, hCG
Invert 5-6x
Capillary/Dermal Tubes:
Pink tube:
Blood bank studies
Rh typing
Pearl/white tube:
Keep on ice.
Royal blue with purple or red stripe:
Heavy metal testing
Chain of custody.
Tan, royal blue (no stripe), or lavender:
Lead levels
Royal blue (plain):
Trace metal analysis.
Sodium Heparin
Pale yellow:
Compatibility for transplant
DNA & Paternity testing.
Chain of custody
Capillary/Dermal Tubes END
Dark or light green tubes:
Any plasma test EXCEPT plasma cells
C reactive protein for inflammation
Immunoglobin A measures antibodies and tests for autoimmune diseases
Liver enzymes
Bone marrow disorders
Serum HCG
Gets spun!
Lithium heparin
Sodium heparin (Dark green)
Ammonium Heparin
Invert 8-10x
Lavender tubes:
Blood group (ABO)
Carbon monoxide levels
WBC w/ diff.
Hemoglobin A1c
Rh typing
Sickle cell anemia
ANY blood cells
Invert 8-10 times
Gray tubes:
Glucose fasting and tolerance testing
Lactic acid
Do NOT use tourniquet
Patient does NOT need to make a fist
Blood alcohol levels:
DO NOT USE alcohol-based antiseptic
USE Chlorhexidine as an antiseptic.
Potassium Oxalate
Sodium Fluoride
Invert 8-10 times
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, or if I missed something!! This is straight from my notebook, so it's highly likely that I missed something!
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!!
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tiredsn0w · 7 months
Can you provide a laconic description of SCP-6118? I don't really understand his anomalous properties…
Of course! This is a little bit long, but I'm not sure what you (or anyone else reading this) know about biology and physics, so I want to be extra safe!
So, appearance-wise, SCP-6118 is a small humanoid, with albino colouration, meaning he has very little to no pigment in his body. He also has blue blood, because it's based in copper instead of iron like human blood is (which is what makes human blood red). He has a lot of inhuman features, but they're more relevant to his species' evolution rather than his anomalous properties, so we'll skip over those here.
In terms of his anomalous properties, he does not have regular immune cells. In humans, we have these tiny little cells in our blood that direct each other to bad cells/diseases and destroy them.
There are a lot of different immune cells, like commander T cells (they direct other T cells) and white blood cells (they're the most common and respond the fastest) and platelets (they stitch cuts back together and grow new skin for you).
These are grown all over your body, for example in your bone marrow and lymph nodes (the things that get hard and swollen on your neck, face, armpits, etc. when you get sick).
Instead of something like this, he has one organ, similar to the Leydig's organ found in sharks. It is like the combination of a liver and kidneys in humans, that filter your blood. You may have heard of someone who drinks or does a lot of substances having bad things happen to their liver. This is because your liver gets rid of it, so that it doesn't kill you.
This organ filters his blood from bad things, and also makes a lot of his immune cells. These immune cells are also not normal like what I described above. Instead, they're these little things that are completely normal and inert (non-reactive) until they get close to something harmful in his body. Then, they react or "detonate" by turning into an antimatter like substance, and come into contact with the substance to get rid of it.
Antimatter is the opposite of matter. This is a hard concept to explain laconically, but basically, they have the opposite charge and spin as their matter counterparts. (A charge is the electricity an atom has that makes it positive or negative. This is an important property for chemistry to work. Just like a magnet, positive is attracted to negative and repulsed by positive, and vice versa.)
If that wasn't weird enough, when antimatter comes into contact with matter, it should make a huge explosion. This is because when that happens, both of them disappear.
This breaks a law of physics that says that nothing can be destroyed. In order to keep in line with the laws of physics, a huge amount of energy is released that's equivalent to the matter that disappeared. But, when 6118's immune cells "detonate" and come into contact with things, they simply disappear without a trace, instead of emitting a ton of energy.
Hopefully that makes sense! Feel free to send me any asks if you need more clarification. (I can also add the clarification to this post in order for anyone seeing this after the fact.)
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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I have a pt who had a splenectomy 2 weeks ago whose platelets went up from 925 to 1165 in one day. She does have recent hx of significant bleeding (she has blood in her abdomen 2/2 splenic rupture), is asplenic, and has autoimmune hepatitis. She thus has multiple reasons for elevated platelets. From UpToDate:
Thrombocytosis – Thrombocytosis is defined as a platelet count >450,000/microL (>450 x 109/L) in adults and children.
●Causes – Thrombocytosis can be caused by:
•Reactive processes – Platelet counts increase with iron deficiency, splenectomy, and in response to infectious, inflammatory, or malignant conditions.
•Autonomous processes – Essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and other myeloproliferative neoplasms cause unregulated, clonal proliferation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
●Evaluation – Initial evaluation (algorithm 1) should seek to distinguish reactive thrombocytosis from an autonomous process, based upon:
•Clinical – History of bleeding, thrombosis, vasomotor symptoms (eg, erythromelalgia, flushing, pruritus), constitutional symptoms (eg, unexplained fever, sweats, or weight loss), iron deficiency anemia, and examination for splenomegaly
-Complete blood count (CBC)
-Blood smear
-Serum ferritin
●Further evaluation and management – Further studies and management are guided by findings from the initial evaluation.
Scenarios include:
•Evidence of iron deficiency – Thrombocytosis may be due to iron deficiency in patients with a history of blood loss (eg, gastrointestinal bleeding, menorrhagia, multiple pregnancies), hypochromic/microcytic anemia, or low serum ferritin (eg, <15 ng/microL).
The source of blood loss should be investigated, and the platelet count should be re-evaluated after iron repletion.
•Inflammatory causes – The patient with an apparent infectious or other inflammatory cause of thrombocytosis should be evaluated as clinically indicated and the underlying disorder addressed.
•Post-splenectomy – No further investigation is warranted for thrombocytosis after splenectomy.
•Suspected hematologic malignancy – Essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, or another myeloproliferative neoplasm or hematologic malignancy should be suspected in a patient with erythromelalgia, pruritus, constitutional symptoms, splenomegaly, or an abnormal blood smear (eg, nucleated red blood cells, teardrop cells, blasts).  
Further evaluation for an myeloproliferative neoplasm or other hematologic malignancy should include testing for mutated JAK2, CALR, MPL, and BCR::ABL1, as described separately.
•Family history of thrombocytosis – An inherited disorder may be suspected in an individual with primary relatives who have unexplained thrombocytosis, leukemias, or characteristic skeletal, skin, or other somatic anomalies. Evaluation and diagnosis of familial causes of thrombocytosis are described separately.
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How The Regenerative Medicine in Houston Redefining Healthcare Solutions
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In the heart of Texas, a healthcare revolution is underway, redefining traditional medical solutions and offering renewed hope to patients seeking innovative treatments. At the forefront of this transformative movement lies Regenerative Medicine in Houston, where pioneering approaches are changing the landscape of healthcare as we know it.
Regenerative medicine represents a paradigm shift, moving away from merely treating symptoms to fostering the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate. This progressive field encompasses a range of cutting-edge therapies aimed at repairing, replacing, or regenerating cells, tissues, or organs to restore normal function.
One notable institution leading this charge is the Campbell Health Center, a beacon of excellence in regenerative medicine. With a commitment to patient-centric care and a multidisciplinary approach, the center is dedicated to harnessing the power of regenerative therapies to address a myriad of health conditions.
What sets Campbell Health Center apart is its integration of advanced technologies and evidence-based practices to deliver personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. Whether it's utilizing stem cell therapy to promote tissue regeneration or deploying platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to accelerate healing, the center's holistic approach emphasizes both efficacy and safety.
In recent years, regenerative medicine has garnered attention for its potential to revolutionize the treatment of orthopedic injuries, chronic pain, and degenerative conditions. Through innovative techniques such as mesenchymal stem cell therapy and regenerative orthopedics, patients are experiencing improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life, often without the need for invasive surgeries or prolonged medication regimens.
Moreover, regenerative medicine holds promise in addressing a wide range of medical challenges beyond orthopedics. From autoimmune disorders to neurological conditions, researchers are exploring the therapeutic potential of regenerative therapies in diverse fields, offering hope to patients with previously untreatable conditions.
The impact of regenerative medicine extends far beyond individual patients, influencing the broader healthcare landscape in Houston and beyond. By shifting focus from reactive to proactive care, regenerative therapies have the potential to reduce healthcare costs, minimize the burden of chronic disease, and improve overall population health.
At Campbell Health Center, this forward-thinking approach is evident in its collaborative efforts with leading researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry partners. Through ongoing research initiatives and clinical trials, the center remains at the forefront of innovation, driving progress in regenerative medicine and shaping the future of healthcare delivery.
As awareness and acceptance of regenerative medicine continue to grow, so too does the demand for accessible and comprehensive care. Campbell Health Center is poised to meet this demand, providing patients with unparalleled expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and compassionate support every step of the way.
In conclusion, the emergence of regenerative medicine in Houston represents a transformative milestone in healthcare, offering new possibilities for healing, recovery, and wellness. With institutions like Campbell Health Center leading the charge, patients can look forward to a future where innovative therapies pave the way for healthier, more vibrant lives. As the journey towards regenerative healthcare unfolds, the promise of hope and healing shines brighter than ever before.
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stems-health · 27 days
Exploring the Rise of Regenerative Health Centers of Florida
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In recent years, there has been a notable shift in the healthcare landscape towards a more holistic and proactive approach to wellness. This shift has led to the emergence of regenerative health centers of Florida, which offer innovative treatments and therapies aimed at restoring and optimizing health at the cellular level. As these centers gain popularity and recognition, it's essential to explore the factors driving their rise and the transformative impact they're having on the way we approach healthcare.
The Evolution of Healthcare
Traditional healthcare has typically focused on treating symptoms and managing diseases after they manifest. While this approach has its merits, it often overlooks the underlying factors contributing to illness and fails to address the root cause of health issues. In contrast, regenerative health centers prioritize prevention, restoration, and rejuvenation, aiming to optimize health and vitality through proactive measures rather than reactive treatments.
Know about Regenerative Medicine
At the core of regenerative health centers is the field of regenerative medicine, which harnesses the body's natural healing abilities to repair, regenerate, and restore damaged tissues and organs. This approach utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, and other regenerative techniques to stimulate the body's innate healing processes and promote tissue regeneration.
The Rise of Regenerative Health Centers
Several factors have contributed to the rise of regenerative health centers in recent years. One significant factor is the increasing demand for alternative and integrative approaches to healthcare. Patients are seeking alternatives to conventional treatments that offer more personalized, holistic, and sustainable solutions to their health concerns. Regenerative health centers fill this gap by providing comprehensive, patient-centered care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and wellness.
Advancements in Technology and Research
Advancements in medical technology and scientific research have also played a crucial role in driving the growth of regenerative health centers. Breakthroughs in stem cell research, genetic engineering, and biotechnology have paved the way for new and innovative treatments that were once thought to be science fiction. These advancements have expanded the possibilities for regenerative medicine and enabled healthcare providers to offer groundbreaking therapies with unprecedented precision and efficacy.
Holistic Approach to Wellness
Regenerative health centers emphasize a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit and strive to address the underlying imbalances that contribute to disease and dysfunction. Through a combination of lifestyle interventions, nutritional support, stress management techniques, and regenerative therapies, these centers empower individuals to take control of their health and live vibrant, fulfilling lives.
The rise of regenerative health centers of Florida represents a paradigm shift in the way we think about healthcare. By focusing on prevention, restoration, and rejuvenation, these centers offer a new model of care that is proactive, personalized, and holistic. As they continue to evolve and expand, regenerative health centers have the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry and usher in a new era of wellness and vitality for people around the world.
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yourcancerguru · 2 months
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​​How to Increase Your Immunity Naturally (By Enhancing Your White Blood Cells and Neutrophil Count)
White blood cells and neutrophils are the powerhouse of our immunity. Unfortunately, most forms of conventional cancer treatment (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies) can damage the bone marrow, causing an inadequate production of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, and neutrophils.  
White Blood Cells and Neutrophils
White blood cells are the central part of our immune system that help our body fight against infection and disease. I like to think of them as our “family of defense.” Just like different members of a family, our white blood cells have different members with specific roles and functions. Neutrophils are one of the family members that is intimately tied to immunity. They provide the first line of defense when we come into contact with a virus, bacteria, fungus, or a parasite. Their primary task is to engulf and neutralize pathogens (that which are harmful and cause disease) through a process called phagocytosis. This rapid response helps contain the spread of infection and initiates an inflammatory cascade, recruiting other immune cells to the area. Neutrophils also release antimicrobial proteins and reactive oxygen molecules to enhance their killing capacity. Together with other types of white blood cells, they are able to create a defense network crucial for fighting disease and maintaining good health.  
Regular Exercise: Physical activity has been shown to boost immune function and support overall health. Engage in regular exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming, as tolerated based on your individual ability and fitness level.
Stress Management: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and negatively impact white blood cell production. It’s important to incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine. Consider incorporating these into your DAILY activities: prayer, mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, acupuncture, or spending time in nature.
Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for immune function and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Here is a previous blog I wrote that might provide some helpful tips, 7 Habits for Healthy Sleep. 
A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is essential for supporting immune function. Focus on consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Some specific foods that can help boost white blood cells and neutrophils include:
Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, and grapefruit are high in vitamin C, which supports the production of white blood cells. *Please note that grapefruit interacts with a number of medications so it’s important to talk to your doctor about this in relation to your specific medications.
Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that play a role in white blood cell production.
Garlic: Garlic contains compounds that have been shown to enhance immune function and increase white blood cell activity.
Berries: Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and acai berries are rich in antioxidants that help support overall immune health.
Mushrooms: Mushrooms have strong immune-boosting properties due to their rich content of beta-glucans, polysaccharides, ergothioneine, and antioxidants like selenium and vitamin C. For thousands of years, mushrooms have been used medicinally. Extensive research has shown that mushrooms are a powerhouse food and supplement for immunity.
Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and may help decrease inflammation in the body, thereby supporting the immune system.
Turmeric: Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that boost the immune function.
Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which have been shown to enhance immune function and protect against certain diseases.
Zinc-Rich Foods: Zinc is an essential mineral in the body that helps increase white blood cells. Foods rich in zinc include turkey meat, beef, crab, oysters, fortified cereals, and beans.
There are many vitamins, minerals, and natural supplements that can enhance the immune system. As it relates to cancer, here are my top picks based on their ability to enhance the immune system and stimulate the production of white blood cells and neutrophils. Also, I’ve included links to research studies you might be interested in reading.
Vitamin D - Our Vitamin D level is intimately linked to our immunity and bone density.  More importantly, low levels of vitamin D increase our risk for various cancers.
Vitamin D and the Immune System
The Role of Vitamin D in Cancer Prevention
Vitamin C - Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a key antioxidant that helps protect our cells from free radical damage. It also aids in the production of cellular energy, promotes wound healing, and helps increase immunity.
Vitamin C and Immune Function
Intravenous High-Dose Vitamin C in Cancer Therapy Vitamin C in Selected Malignant Neoplasms in Women
Zinc - As mentioned above, zinc is an essential mineral that helps stimulate white blood cell production. Zinc is an essential mineral necessary for the development and function of our immune system. It activates killer T-cells, a component of our white blood cells that is responsible for killing foreign cells, cancer cells, and cells infected with a virus. Research shows that the antioxidant properties of zinc help mitigate oxidative stress.
Zinc as a Gatekeeper of the Immune System
Role of Zinc in Immune System and Anti-Cancer Defense Mechanisms
Medicinal Mushrooms - Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to enhance immunity.  Mushrooms are high in beta-glucans, which help protect against infection. Beta-glucans have been shown to prevent cancer progression and have synergistic anti-tumor effects when combined with monoclonal antibodies and certain chemotherapies.
Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms: Application to Integrative Oncology
βeta-Glucan Functions as an Adjuvant for Monoclonal Antibody Immunotherapy by Recruiting Tumoricidal Granulocytes as Killer Cells
Colostrum - Colostrum is a mother's milk produced in the mammary glands directly after giving birth.  It contains high levels of protein, immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides, and growth factors that strongly enhance the immunity of a newborn.  Research has shown that bovine colostrum, taken in supplement form, has similar effects on the immune system and can increase neutrophil count, promote immunity, and help fight infections.
Effect of bovine colostrum on the absolute neutrophil counts of Acute Lymphocytic 
Leukemia patients undergoing Chemotherapy: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study
EGCg - EGCg (Epigallocatechin gallate) is a polyphenol antioxidant found in tea leaves, most notably in green tea. Polyphenols, like EGCg, have free radical-scavenging abilities that protect cells and tissues from damage and prevent the development of certain cancers.  EGCg is also known to strongly enhance the immune system.  
A Comprehensive Review on the Effects of Green Tea and its Components on the Immune Function
Green Tea Compounds in Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Protective Effect of Green Tea Consumption on Colorectal Cancer Varies by Lifestyle Factors
Here are the brands of professional-grade supplements I use in my practice and highly recommend:
Vitamin D
Thorne Vitamin D 5,000
Vitamin C
Integrative Therapeutics Buffered Vitamin C
Thorne Buffered Vitamin C Powder
Thorne Zinc Picolinate
Medicinal Mushrooms
Host Defense My Community
Designs for LifeTegricel Colostrum
 Protocols for Life Balance EGCg
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, stress management, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet, plays a crucial role in enhancing our immune system. Certain dietary supplements can also provide additional support. During treatment for cancer, it is essential to take proactive steps to support your immune system. This helps to minimize the risk of infection and reduces the likelihood of developing secondary diseases.
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parthbhel29 · 2 months
It is important to know that regardless of age, individuals should undergo regular health check-ups to ensure that various body organs are functioning correctly, to screen for illnesses and to identify health concerns in advance. As individuals grow older, prioritizing regular health check-up becomes even more crucial, as ageing can increase susceptibility to various illnesses. Early detection through these check-ups is key for better management and improved health outcomes. This blog provides valuable insights into important tests for men above 60, focusing on their specific health needs.
Important Tests for Men Above 60
Health check-ups are essential for senior citizens to evaluate and maintain their overall well-being. The detail of common and important blood tests for men above 60 is described below.
Lipid Profile
A Lipid Profile screen test tracks the levels of several types of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can increase the risk of heart stroke and disease. By regularly monitoring lipid levels, senior men can assess their cardiovascular health and take necessary measures to manage cholesterol levels through medication or lifestyle changes.
HbA1c; Glycosylated Hemoglobin
The hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test is a blood examination that reveals the average blood sugar (glucose) level over the previous two to three months. This test plays a crucial role in managing and monitoring diabetes, a condition that becomes increasingly common with age. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels among men in this age group helps in the early detection and effective management of diabetes. Thus, lowering the risk of complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney issues, and nerve damage.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays an important role in immunity, bone health, and muscle strength. Deficiency of Vitamin D is commonly observed in senior men due to reduced sun exposure and age-related bodily changes. A Vitamin D test monitors the levels of this important nutrient and assists senior men in managing their Vitamin D intake through diet, sunlight exposure, or supplementation.
Complete Blood Count; CBC
A CBC test provides important information about white and red blood cells, haemoglobin, platelet count, and other components in the blood. This test plays a significant role in identifying medical conditions such as infections, clotting disorders, anaemia, and certain types of cancers. Regular CBC tests contribute to maintaining optimal health quality and detecting potential underlying health issues.
C- Reactive Protein, Cardio; hsCRP
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is particularly important for senior citizens to monitor due to its ability to detect inflammation in the body with greater sensitivity than the standard CRP test. This is important because inflammation can indicate underlying health issues, such as infection, injury, or surgery complications, which are more common in older people. Additionally, hsCRP levels can indicate the individual's risk of heart disease.
Rheumatoid Factor
The RA, also known as the Rheumatoid Arthritis factor test, is particularly relevant for men aged above 60 who face joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. Higher levels of RA factor in the blood might affect Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune medical condition that affects the joints. Early detection is crucial for prevention, thereby reducing the chances of speeding up the illness and managing symptoms effectively.
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), Total
The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA Total) test is a blood test utilized for screening prostate cancer. PSA, a protein generated by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate gland, helps in this screening. Additionally, the test is valuable for tracking recurrence and treatment response in diagnosed prostate cancer cases. Elevated PSA levels may also indicate conditions like an enlarged or inflamed prostate.
Apolipoprotein B (APO B)
The serum Apolipoprotein B test assesses Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) levels in the bloodstream. Apo B is a protein involved in lipid metabolism and primarily linked to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, often referred to as "bad" cholesterol, which can contribute to heart problems. By testing ApoB levels, doctors can see if someone is at risk for heart problems and suggest ways to keep their heart healthy.
9. Liver Function Test
The Liver Function test (LFT) checks the overall functioning of the liver. As we age, the liver’s efficiency in processing toxins and metabolizing medications tends to decline. Regular monitoring of bilirubin levels, liver enzymes, and other markers assists in the detection of liver illnesses such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or liver damage caused by alcohol or medication
Kidney Function Test
Kidney function tests (KFT) are a series of examinations that assess the health and performance of the kidneys. These assessments help in the diagnosis of kidney disease, monitor kidney function, and assist doctors in making informed about treatment choices.
Enhance Health with the “Swasthfit Senior Man” Test Package.
Routine health examinations are essential for individuals of all ages, but particularly crucial for elderly individuals with delicate health conditions. Dr. Lal PathLabs offers the Swasthfit Senior Man Test Package tailored to identify age-related health issues. This comprehensive health assessment package is specifically curated for older men, incorporating a variety of tests as mentioned above.
To book an appointment, visit at https://www.lalpathlabs.com/test/details/wm117
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drripalmadnani · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to PRP Treatment in Abu Dhabi
The goal of improving fertility and overcoming obstacles experienced by those trying to conceive is a constantly changing field in reproductive medicine. Treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is one interesting and promising option that has drawn attention. With so many people in Abu Dhabi actively looking into cutting-edge reproductive treatments, Dr. Ripal Madnani's knowledge is a bright light.
PRP is a special blood-derived product that is enhanced with significant amounts of chemokines and growth factors. It is made from the patient's own blood. To extract the platelet-rich fraction, a little amount of blood must be centrifuged. This fraction is then injected into particular body organs. Although PRP is already used in many other medical disciplines, research and investigation into its potential applications in reproductive medicine are still underway. Reproductive specialists face a critical challenge in reactivating the ovarian reserve in females with premature follicular depletion or those desiring pregnancy at an advanced age. The use of PRP has been proposed as a potential solution, particularly in cases of recurrent implantation failure or thin endometrium. Dr. Ripal Madnani, renowned for providing the most effective PRP treatment in Abu Dhabi, has been at the forefront of utilizing this innovative approach to address reproductive challenges.
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The application of PRP in reproductive medicine is grounded in its putative ability to stimulate cell proliferation, leading to tissue differentiation and regeneration. While the efficacy of intra-ovarian PRP injections for premature ovarian failure has not yet been subjected to randomized placebo-controlled trials, it has shown promise in awakening dormant prenatal ovarian follicles, especially in cases of idiopathic poor ovarian reserve and advanced maternal age.
Despite the ongoing need for more extensive studies and clinical trials to establish PRP as a standard treatment option in reproductive medicine, it is being considered for individuals who are determined to pursue all available avenues to conceive. The treatment's potential to rejuvenate ovarian function and improve pregnancy rates makes it a hopeful consideration for those facing challenges like premature ovarian insufficiency.
It can be difficult to navigate reproductive issues, but speaking with an expert like Dr. Ripal Madnani is an important first step. Dr. Madnani is the top fertility specialist in Abu Dhabi with a wealth of experience who is well-versed in cutting-edge procedures including platelet-rich plasma. His commitment to remaining abreast of the most recent developments distinguishes him and guarantees that every patient receives individualized care tailored to their specific requirements. In addition to providing care, Dr. Madnani fosters a caring environment where patients feel heard and understood. He spends time educating his patients so they can make well-informed choices regarding their reproductive journey. Because of his collaborative style, he works closely with each individual, fostering a sense of cooperation and trust.
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In order to make your transition to motherhood as easy as possible, Dr. Ripal Madnani is more than just a medical professional—he's your ally. He does this by fusing the most recent advancements in technology with a compassionate, patient-centered approach.
In conclusion, PRP therapy in Abu Dhabi appears to be very promising for those who are having trouble conceiving. Expert in PRP use for reproductive health, Dr. Ripal Madnani offers hope to individuals attempting to conceive. PRP shines like a bright beacon for individuals who are committed to realizing their baby goals, even though additional study is required to establish it as a routine treatment.
In order to better serve his patients, Dr. Madnani never stops learning and utilizing the most recent advancements in medicine. He's a friend who knows how difficult the path to parenthood may be, in addition to being a doctor. Instead of just speaking in medical jargon, he engages in conversation with you as a friend, ensuring that you feel understood and encouraged.
And this is where it gets really cool: Dr. Madnani is one of the persons setting the standard, not merely following in others' footsteps. You're getting someone who is proactive and will do everything in his power to ensure that you have the best chance of realizing your child's ambitions when you work with him, not simply a doctor. In summary, having Dr. Ripal Madnani on your side helps the route to parenting feel less rocky, even though PRP treatment is exciting. With him, it's about having a guide who genuinely cares about you and is making every effort to assist you in bringing a child into your family, not only about therapies.
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marlinpaull · 4 months
Clinical Policy: Verteporfin (Visudyne)
The intent of the criteria is to ensure that patients follow selection elements established by Centene® clinical policy for verteporfin (Visudyne®).
Visudyne (verteporfin) is a light-activated drug used in photodynamic therapy. Visudyne therapy is a two-stage process requiring administration of both verteporfin for injection and nonthermal red lights. Verteporfin is transported in the plasma primarily by lipoproteins. Once verteporfin is activated by light in the presence of oxygen, highly reactive, short-lived singlet oxygen and reactive oxygen radicals are generated. Light activation of verteporfin results in local damage to neovascular endothelium, resulting in vessel occlusion. Damaged endothelium is known to release procoagulant and vasoactive factors through the lipo-oxygenase (leukotriene) and cyclooxygenase (eicosanoids such as thromboxane) pathways, resulting in platelet aggregation, fibrin clot formation and vasoconstriction. Verteporfin appears to somewhat preferentially accumulate in neovasculature, including choroidal neovasculature. However, animal models indicate that the drug is also present in the retina. Therefore, there may be collateral damage to retinal structures following photoactivation including the retinal pigmented epithelium and outer nuclear layer of the retina. The temporary occlusion of CNV following Visudyne therapy has been confirmed in humans by fluorescein angiography.
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healthandmedicalblog · 5 months
Here's How to Handle Hair Loss Following Childbirth
A typical individual loses up to 100 hairs every day, but new mums can lose up to 400 hairs per day. While it can feel like you're in a real sense going bare, postpartum hair loss is totally typical. It as a rule happens anyplace between two to a half year subsequent to conceiving an offspring, yet can some of the time be postponed. The uplifting news is, it very well may be overseen and it improves. We should take a gander at a portion of the motivations behind why ladies go through postpartum hair loss and what can be done.
Why are you losing hair postpartum?
Hormonal changes: When you're pregnant, very elevated degrees of progesterone and estrogen chemicals bring about thick, lavish hair. However, as levels of these chemicals begin returning to typical post labor, hair goes into the telogen or "resting stage" and at last drops out. This is the hair you see on your pad, your brush, the channel and all around the floor. This sort of hair loss is otherwise called telogen exhaust or postpartum alopecia.
Frailty: During pregnancy, your body goes through your stores of iron and these levels are additionally drained when you drain during labor. Breastfeeding can additionally diminish your degrees of iron in the body. This implies the body can't produce red platelets and this thus lessens oxygen and supplements being moved around the body. As of now just crucial organs get valuable oxygen and supplements and your scalp is less inclined to get oxygen and supplements prompting further hair fall.
Stress: Whether you decide to have a C-segment or a characteristic birth, going through work is unpleasant for the body. Whenever you've recuperated from labor, you actually need to become acclimated to the absence of rest, continually being accessible to a minuscule human and for the most part being another mum, which can be in every way exceptionally distressing. Also, stress is one more reason for hair fall.
Now that you're mindful of a portion of the purposes behind postpartum hair loss, this is how you might oversee it.
Actually take a look at your eating routine: Your imprisonment caretaker is most likely ensuring you're getting every one of the supplements you want for yourself and the child. Yet, ensure that you're likewise eating food sources that are wealthy in iron, proteins and omega-3 to sustain your hair from the inside and help with hair growth.
Be delicate with your hair: Hair is the most sensitive when it is wet, so be extra cautious while washing it and let it air dry no less than 80% before you begin styling it. Be delicate while brushing and brushing, beginning at the base and fixing hitches tenderly as opposed to pulling at them. Essentially, stay away from hairstyles that pull hair back like tight buns or high pigtails.
Pick anti-hair loss shampoos and conditioners: Utilizing items that have the right fixings to assist with lessening hair fall and advance hair growth is particularly significant as of now. The Papilla Haircare Hair Rewind shampoos and conditioner covers all elements of the exclusive Phyto-Resuscitate Complex. A mix of powerful plant removes, it restrains the androgen chemical that causes hair loss, reactivates and drags out growth period of hair and expands the number and size of hair follicles. Another key fixing, the Multi-Peptide Complex, highlights biomimetic peptides and growth factors that help hair growth by enacting the hair follicle undifferentiated cells.
Seek normal scalp treatments: Seeking standard scalp treatments will keep up with the scalp balance while empowering sound hair growth. The S.E.P Activator for Hair Loss is great for the individuals who need to support hair growth. It begins with a delicate scalp peeling to eliminate dead skin and flotsam and jetsam, which is then trailed by a loosening up head knead that likewise elevates blood course to the scalp. Then, the Papilla Haircare selective undeveloped cell arrangement is conveyed to the most profound layers of the scalp with S.E.P or Scalp Electroporation innovation. This innovation utilizes low electrical heartbeats to briefly disturb the skin's water-based channels to increment retention by up to multiple times making it an incredibly compelling treatment. The actual arrangement is wealthy in PDRN, which helps regeneration at a cell level for a better scalp and further developed hair growth.
Get your Papilla Haircare enrollment now and partake in a free preliminary, advantages on your birthday as well as admittance to more modest treatment bundles.
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uniqpathlab0023 · 5 months
Full body checkup in Greater Noida | UniQ Pathlab
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       Full body checkup in Greater Noida | UniQ Pathlab | https://shorturl.at/nzOS2
UniQ Pathlab in Greater Noida welcomes you to prioritize your health with our comprehensive Full Body Checkup, designed to provide you with a holistic view of your well-being.
Our Full Body Checkup includes a thorough assessment of key health markers, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your overall health. The package may cover:
Blood Pressure Measurement: To assess your cardiovascular health.
Complete Blood Count (CBC): Evaluates red and white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets, providing insights into your overall health.
Lipid Profile: Measures cholesterol levels, essential for assessing heart health.
Liver Function Tests: Assesses the health of your liver by measuring various enzymes and proteins.
Kidney Function Tests: Evaluates the efficiency of your kidneys by measuring creatinine and other markers.
Blood Glucose Levels: Essential for detecting diabetes or prediabetes.
Thyroid Function Tests: Measures thyroid hormone levels, crucial for metabolism and overall well-being.
Urinalysis: Checks for kidney function and detects conditions such as diabetes or urinary tract infections.
Electrolyte Levels: Assesses the balance of electrolytes in your body.
C-Reactive Protein (CRP): Measures inflammation in the body.
UniQ Pathlab combines advanced technology with a commitment to accuracy, ensuring that you receive reliable results for informed decision-making about your health.
To prioritize your health with our Full Body Checkup or to learn more about our services, visit our website or call us at [078388 91500]. UniQ Pathlab in Greater Noida is dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge to lead a healthier and fuller life.+
Address: Shop No. 4 Basement, B.J. Mart, Jagat Farm, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Facebook id: -https://www.facebook.com/uniqpathlab
Instagram Id :- https://www.instagram.com/uniqpathlab/
website Link - https://www.uniqpathlab.in/
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ebisudiagnostics1 · 6 months
Top 10 Diagnostic Tests
The top 10 diagnostic tests that everyone should get
Diagnostic tests are used to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases and conditions. They can also be used to assess overall health and well-being. There are many different types of diagnostic tests available, and the best test for you will depend on your individual needs and medical history.
Here are the top 10 diagnostic tests that everyone should get:
Complete blood count (CBC): A CBC measures the different types of blood cells in your body, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It can be used to detect a wide range of conditions, including anemia, leukemia, and infections.
Basic metabolic panel (BMP): A BMP measures the levels of certain substances in your blood, such as glucose, electrolytes, and kidney function markers. It can be used to detect a variety of conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease, and electrolyte imbalances.
Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP): A CMP is a more detailed version of the BMP. It measures the levels of additional substances in your blood, such as liver function markers, cholesterol, and thyroid hormones. It can be used to detect a wider range of conditions than the BMP.
Lipid panel: A lipid panel measures the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Thyroid panel: A thyroid panel measures the levels of thyroid hormones in your blood. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating metabolism, and thyroid hormone imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms, such as weight gain, fatigue, and mood changes.
Vitamin D test: Vitamin D is an important nutrient that plays a role in bone health, immune function, and cell growth. A vitamin D test measures the levels of vitamin D in your blood. Vitamin D deficiency is common, and it can lead to a variety of health problems.
Iron test: Iron is an essential mineral that is needed to produce red blood cells. An iron test measures the levels of iron in your blood. Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition, and it can cause symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and pale skin.
C-reactive protein (CRP) test: CRP is a protein that is produced by the liver in response to inflammation. A CRP test measures the levels of CRP in your blood. High CRP levels can be a sign of infection, inflammation, or other health problems.
Cancer screening tests: Cancer screening tests are used to detect cancer early, when it is most treatable. There are a variety of different cancer screening tests available, depending on your age, sex, and risk factors.
Eye exam: An eye exam is a comprehensive examination of the eyes and vision. It can be used to detect a variety of eye problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and glaucoma.
If you are unsure which diagnostic tests are right for you, talk to your doctor. They can help you develop a personalized testing plan based on your individual needs and medical history.
Diagnostic centre in Bangalore
Ebisu Diagnostics Center is one of the leading diagnostic centre in bangalore. They offer a wide range of diagnostic tests, including blood tests, urine tests, imaging tests, and pathology tests. They have a team of experienced and qualified medical professionals who use state-of-the-art technology to provide accurate and timely results.
If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy diagnostic center in Bangalore, I highly recommend Ebisu Diagnostics Center.
Diagnostic tests are an important part of preventive health care. By getting regular diagnostic tests, you can detect diseases and conditions early, when they are most treatable. Talk to your doctor about which diagnostic tests are right for you.
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cresastre · 8 months
Vitamin E has many uses in the body to stay healthy. It is one of the groups of fat-soluble compound. Its chemical compound has anti-oxidant property responsible for the protection of damaging free radicals when the immune system failed to give their over-all support.  
Vitamin E was composed of many chemical forms like delta tocopherol, beta, gamma and alpha, delta tocopherol and beta gamma. Each one of them has specific biological activity in the body.
The presence of free radicals is the effect of polluted environment (air pollution) from industrial fumes, vehicle smoke emission, cigarette smoke and other toxic chemicals in the manufacture of industrial products and consumer goods. The ultraviolet radiation of the sun invites free radicals to damage the human cells.
Vitamin E gives human cells enough protection against harmful effect of free radicals. Once the cells are damaged, many major diseases appear. It was found that it causes terminal cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin E stops the production of reactive oxygen species especially if the fat goes into oxidative process. With vitamin E, it assists prevention of chronic diseases. Once the immune system is affected, the entire body system is vulnerable and under the mercy of free radicals. To remove it from the body if it is already penetrated deep in the cells is quite impossible.
Its anti-inflammatory agents inhibit platelet aggregation. It enhance the immune system to defend from the attack to the cells and keep it healthy. With regulr intake of vitamin E (fruits, vegetables, nuts and other dietary foods including supplements prevents or delay coronary heart and cardiovascular diseases. It prevents oxidation of low-density lipo-protein (LDL) cholesterol. 
Elevation of cholesterol level may create plaque to block the coronary passes of the blood in arteries, capillaries and veins.
Vitamin E has major role in the prevention of the formation of blood clots where many incidents of heart attack occurred. With regular intake, it lowers the risk of heart disease. With better eye vision, vitamin E found to be helpful in the treatment of macular degeneration due to old age. It antagonize vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.
It controls breakdown of body tissues. It protects essential fatty acids including vitamin A from oxidation in the cells of the body. It assists in the production of red blood cells.
Best sources of vitamin E are soybean oil, broccoli, spinach, olive oil, corn oil, hazelnut, peanut butter, dry roasted peanuts, raw tomato, mango, almond, sunflower seeds and oil, wheat germ oil. Other sources are liver, nuts, eggs, mayonnaise, vegetable oils, dark-green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, avocado, yams and asparagus.
Health conditions will occur if there is Vitamin E deficiency:
It cause muscle weakness and tiredness. There is loss of muscle mass. It has abnormal eye movement, vision problem and other eye defects. It leads to liver and kidney disease. There will be premature infant lacking full development at the early stage of his life. It is difficult for the liver to secrete bile into the digestive tract. Normal transmission of nerve impulses is hampered and slower in its action. Too much deficiency causes cystic fibrosis, a major health disease.
This is how important Vitamin E for is to the general wellness of the body. Take it and you will be in the arms of better health.
Health condition has its own remedy to relieve, lessen or prevent the impact of the disease. All vitamins and minerals have the ability to prevent whatever deficiency the body is lacking.  
Vitamin E is one of most important vitamins to prevent the deterioration of cell growth caused by the damaging free radicals. As the human cell dies, the immune system can no longer protect the human body against infections. The formation of terminal disease is the result of lack of necessary prevention.  The use of vitamin E gives promise to prevent free radicals to take total control of the body.
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testpackage · 9 months
Aarogyam Advanced profile - Bookmytest
This is Basic Health Checkup Package Aarogyam Advanced profile which Consists of 74 Tests and Consists of fundamental tests for screening of the health status Like cardiac Risk Marker.Diabetics, Iron Deficiency Profile, Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Kidney Profile, Vitamins,electrolytes. This package is ideal for People Aged 30 years and above. We at Bookmytest offers health checkup packages at a low price. We offer sample collection services at your home.
List of Profiles Included:
THYROID (TFT) (3 Tests)
DIABETES (4 Tests)
ELEMENTS (2 Tests)
VITAMINS (2 Tests)
HORMONE (1 Tests)
RENAL (8 Tests)
HEMOGRAM (CBC) (24 Tests)
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topheartspecialist · 11 months
Best PRP Treatment in Dubai
How to reactivate part of the presumptive "ovarian reserve" in females who have early follicular depletion or who want to become pregnant at an advanced age is the key question for reproductive medicine specialists. Consult Dr. Ripal Madnani if you're looking for the most successful PRP treatment in Dubai. An item made from blood called platelet rich plasma (PRP) has high levels of chemicals and growth factors. The active, platelet-rich fraction of a little amount of the patient's own blood is centrifuged and used to create PRP.  This is because PRP may be able to promote and drive cell division, which in turn promotes tissue regeneration and differentiation.
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writerscampus · 11 months
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain
New Post has been published on https://writerscampus.com/2023/06/09/57-year-old-caucasian/
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain and fullness, urinary frequency, urgency, and nocturia for two months.  He has unintentional weight loss of 40 pounds over the last six months and he has been experiencing fatigue, malaise, general body aches, polydipsia, and polyuria.  He has not seen a physician since he was a child. His past medical history is negative. His past surgical history is negative. He quit smoking five years ago but smoked four packs a day for eight years. Denies any alcohol or drug use. His family history is positive. His mom had some type of cancer but does not know what kind. She also had Parkinson’s disease and pneumonia. His father had diabetes, chronic kidney disease and hypertension. Physical exam.  His temperature is 98.6, Heart rate is 82, respiratory rate is 18, blood pressure is 160/90 and O2 sat is 98% on RA.  He is alert and oriented x 3. He is obese and in no acute distress. His head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. There’s no nystagmus or scleral icterus. His neck is supple, there is no JVD. There’s no tracheal deviation, or thyromegaly, or thyroid nodules. His rate is, uh, normal. His has an S1 that is normal and S2 that’s present without any S3, S4, gallop, friction rub or murmur. There’s no edema in the lower extremities. The brachial, radial, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses are 2+/4+ bilaterally.  Respirations are regular and even. Lungs are clear in the anterior and posterior bilateral lung fields. Abdomen is obese and soft. Bowel sounds are active. There’s generalized tenderness. We’re unable to palpate the liver due to his body habitus, and there’s no rigidity rebound or guarding.  There’s no cervical lymphadenopathy. Cranial nerves II-IV are intact. The skin is warm, dry, and intact. There are no rashes, lesions, or abrasions.  Mood and affect are normal. He has a calm and cooperative behavior and judgement is intact. As you recall, he’s not on any medications. During your first visit, you ordered labs and a CT of the abdomen, and now more labs are available. Unfortunately, the liver function tests, lipid panel, TSH are still pending. If you remember his CT of the abdomen/pelvis shows hypovascular liver masses consistent with metastatic disease of unknown primary.  His available lab results are here. His sodium is 125, potassium 5.7, creatinine is 1.5, BUN is 35, Glucose is 350, his serum bicarb or CO2 is 15. Anion gap is 22. Osmolality is 302. WBC is 5,000. RBC is 3.0. Hemoglobin is 8.0. Hematocrit is 24%. MCV is 72 and the platelets are 200,000. 
What type of anemia does patient most likely have? 
What additional lab work would be helpful with helping you determine the type of anemia?
What is most likely cause of his anemia? 
What is patient at risk of developing? 
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