#please go anywhere else. mother fucker l
phossyjaw · 1 year
i hate retail
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 2 - 76
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel to Honor Bound.
DISCLAIMER: hey folks, as most of you know Vera is ex-law enforcement. This is an important part of her character and backstory. In this chapter, she relies a lot on her training, using tactical skills that aren’t specifically isolated to law enforcement. If you’re uneasy about engaging in that sort of content right now, please just ask me for a cliffsnotes version!
Cw: dissoci@tion, death thoughts/mention/discussion, Colleen Stormbeck, death, blood, mild gore, suicidal thoughts a la ‘I deserve to die’, self-hatred
Vera sat in the open door of the passenger seat, her hand clamped so tight around her gun that her fingers ached. Thirty seconds had passed, if that, since the team reached the car. Every second flayed her alive. She pushed her tears down, pushed down the terror welling up in her chest. Sam is dying. Sam is dying. Sam is dying.
She couldn’t look in the back seat. She couldn’t look at Finn helplessly wringing their hands over Sam, muttering to themselves. She caught only a few words at a time.
“…tourniquet for eight hours…”
“…need fluids, but…”
“…Sam, please, stay awake…”
Her eyes shone with tears. She blinked them away, her gaze fixed on the front door. The door where Ellis and Gavin were supposed to come out any time now.
Any time now.
Any time.
She pushed away the sound of Isaac sobbing in the middle seat of the car. “Sam, no, I’m s-so sorry, I should ha-have put my vest on, on you, p-please, Sam, no…”
Almost worse than Isaac’s sobs was Tori’s silence. She sat huddled beside Isaac, her arms wrapped around her legs, her knees against her chest, and shivered. Her eyes were unfocused, far away. If Vera hadn’t had to watch the door, she would’ve had her arms around Tori, her face buried in Tori’s hair, her lips anywhere Tori would let Vera kiss her. But she couldn’t do that. Not with Isaac falling apart in the middle seat.
Tori probably isn’t even here.
Vera whimpered softly, and tossed her head to clear the thought.
She couldn’t listen to any of it. She couldn’t stand the waiting, the knowing that they were moments from freedom but they couldn’t leave. Couldn’t leave their family behind. If they left Ellis, Finn would break. And if they left Gavin…
I’m not fucking leaving Gavin. I said he’s on the team. He’s not… family… but he’s ours, just as much as any of us are. He’s suffered right alongside us. He broke, so we’d have a shot at escaping. I’m not fucking leaving him.
The muffled gunshot punched Vera in the chest like she had taken the bullet. That was right behind the door. Her gun snapped up to point at the door. If someone’s shooting, they’re probably shooting at Ellis. Or Gavin. No…
Vera lurched forward, ready to charge the door and help whoever it was behind it. They didn’t have a gun. There’s no way it’s them shooting. Unless they got one… The thoughts flew through Vera’s mind in the moment it took for her to climb the first step.
Vera’s heart nearly burst as the door banged open. Ellis ran out. Gavin wasn’t behind them. The door slammed closed.
“Finn. Finn…” Vera dashed around to the back door and pulled it open. “Finn, it’s Ellis.”
Finn looked up from Sam where they lay across the back seat and let out a strangled sob. Finn launched themselves out of the car. Just as they got to their feet Ellis collided with them and slammed them back against the car so hard it rocked to the side.
“Finn,” Ellis sobbed, barely able to speak through their tears, their hands touching every inch of Finn that they could reach. “Finn, I love you so much, I thought you were dead, Finn, I…” Ellis pulled Finn into a kiss, shoving their mouth against Finn’s with a desperation that bordered on violence. Ellis spoke against Finn’s lips as tears poured down their cheeks. “Finn, babe, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…”
Finn wrapped their arms around Ellis’s waist and pulled them tight against them, wailing Ellis’s name. “Ellis,” they cried. “Oh, Ellis, you… you’re here, you’re alive…”
“Ellis,” Vera rasped, putting a hand gently on their shoulder. Not pushing them away from Finn, but pulling them closer to her. Her fear stated bitter on her tongue. “Where’s Gavin?”
Ellis twisted to look back towards the house. “G-Gavin, he…” Ellis tore a hand through their hair and whined softly. “L-Leo—”
“No,” Isaac whimpered from the middle seat, straining forward towards the door, one hand still stretched back into the back seat, reaching for Sam. “Did Leo… did he…?” Isaac covered his mouth and sobbed.
“Leo shot at us b-but he didn’t hit us,” Ellis said, tears running into Finn’s shirt. “G-Gavin stayed behind, to, to… to give me a ch-chance to run…” Ellis hiccoughed as they cried.
“No,” Isaac said, staggering out of the car. “Finn, give me your gun, please, let me—”
“No,” Vera growled, looking back at the house. “Isaac, no. You’re hurt. I’m going in.”
“N-not without me,” Isaac whimpered. “Vera, please, I n-need to find him, I need, I need…”
Vera placed a hand on Isaac’s vest and pushed. Not roughly, but enough to prove her point. Isaac grimaced and sucked in a breath through his teeth.
“No,” Vera said softly. “You can’t help him like this. I’m going in.” She lifted her chin. “If I’m not back in ten, or if someone comes out that door who isn’t me, run. Run like hell, okay?”
“Vera,” Isaac sobbed, and clutched at her. “V-Vera…”
Vera took Isaac’s chin roughly in her hand. “Don’t insult me by saying I can’t do it,” she said, forcing a smile across her face. “I’ll be right back.” She released Isaac.
“Okay,” Isaac whispered. He crumpled back into the car and leaned over the middle seat, reaching back to take Sam’s hand. Sam stirred and whimpered weakly.
Vera turned back to the house and adjusted her grip on her gun. Carefully, she climbed the stairs, every nerve buzzing. Her skin felt like it was on fire. She blew out a slow breath as she reached the door. Her hands shook as she pulled it open, her gun held out in front of her. There was no one on the other side. She swallowed hard and stalked down the hall.
There was one place Leo would take Gavin, if Gavin was still alive. There was no way Leo would kill Gavin outright. He’d take Gavin to his mother, so his mother could do it. And if his mother truly was as much a creature of habit as she seemed, she would only do it in one place. And Vera remembered how to get there.
She made a left. No guards. Then a right. She shuddered, hoping they were somewhere else in the house, searching for the others. Every second seemed to slow, her own body moving through the air with an unshakeable sense of unreality. Any moment, she could die.
Any moment, she could find Gavin’s body.
With a jolt, she realized she’d made a mistake. She hadn’t taken Finn’s ammo with her. I have four rounds left. God fucking help me. But if the guards found the family outside, Finn would need it.
Besides, if she killed any more guards, she’d just take their ammo. I’m three-two with Isaac. I could stand to up my count with these fuckers. If her family wasn’t at stake, she might have stayed, just to make sure she killed every single one of them. They deserve to die.
Another turn. Another turn. Another turn. Why Colleen would have such a fucking maze for a house was beyond Vera. Maybe it’s to keep captives confused. Maybe it’s to keep us from finding the way out. Somehow, Vera figured captives didn’t find their way out of here very often. Maybe they were the first.
She made another right. Her heart pounded in her chest. She approached the door of Colleen’s office. Vera’s hand shook as it settled on the doorknob. Her blood thundered through her ears. Another slow breath. She twisted the knob and shoved the door open. Her eyes went wide.
Gavin was on his knees, hunched over, sobbing at his mother’s feet. Colleen was staring down at him with a smug, poisonous smile on her face, her arms crossed delicately across her chest, looking like the picture of ease.
Vera’s heart clenched as the door swung open all the way. Leo stood behind Gavin, a gun pointed at the back of Gavin’s head.
Two to the chest, one to the head.
Vera’s finger pulled the trigger almost before her brain sent the command. She felt the recoil of the gun. Heard the shots. Saw Leo jerk, then crumple to the floor.
Vera snapped her gun to the side and pointed it at Colleen. Adrenaline poured through Vera’s system. One shot left. She took aim. She fired.
Colleen lurched to the right, the bullet punching through her shoulder. Colleen toppled to the floor. The slide on Vera’s gun locked back. Empty.
Vera lunged towards Leo where he lay unmoving on the floor, blood running from the hole in his skull. She snatched up the gun that had fallen from his hand. Vera stepped over Colleen and looked down at her, pure hate boiling in her stomach. Vera shivered as rage swept through her. I’m going to fucking kill you, Stormbeck.
Colleen stared up at Vera with terror in her eyes. Colleen clutched at her shoulder, gasping, blood pouring out from between her fingers. Vera licked her lips, savoring the feeling of burning retribution that clutched at her chest. Colleen looked fragile. Weak. Colleen looked like she was nothing, now that she didn’t have her guards around her to hurt whomever it was that Colleen wanted hurt.
She is nothing.
Vera pointed her gun at Colleen’s head. “You should never have touched my people,” Vera spat through her teeth. She pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through Colleen’s skull.
For a moment that could have been an eternity, Vera looked down at Colleen and watched her die. Colleen’s forehead was a mess of blood and shattered bone, and her eyes went dull, unfocused, all the life gone from behind them. The look of terror was still etched on her face.
Vera shuddered as she looked down at the woman who had tortured Tori, who had hurt every single one of her family. You’ll never touch my people again. A spasm of dying rage gripped Vera for a moment. Vera clenched her jaw and pushed it down. Mission’s not done. She turned back to face Gavin.
Gavin was still on his knees, his hands raised above his head. He cowered away from Vera, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Tears poured down his face and he stifled a sob. “Okay,” he whispered, and nodded.
Vera’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Um… Gavin… what are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” he said weakly. “I’m so sorry. God, I’m sorry. But please, j-just… please don’t make it hurt, please…” He dissolved into sobs.
Vera’s mouth fell open slowly. “What… what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I kn-know you’re going to kill me, I d-deserve it, just… please… please don’t make it hurt, I…”
“I’m not gonna kill you, Gavin,” Vera said, impatient, taking a step towards him and holding out her hand. “Come on. Get up. We don’t have much time.”
Gavin cast a glance at his mother where she lay dead on the floor. He shivered and ducked his head. “But… you s-said… she sh-shouldn’t have… hurt your people, and I—”
“You are my people, dumbass.” Vera grabbed Gavin’s arm and tried to pull him up to standing. “Come on.”
“No!” Gavin sobbed, and pulled away. “P-please don’t, don’t take me out there to do it, I… I can’t… f-face them, please don’t… don’t make me… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I… can’t… please just do it here, please…”
“Okay, Gavin, get your shit together,” Vera snapped, her chest tightening with a growing panic, her heart beating hard, counting away the seconds. “We don’t have a lot of time. We have to go, now. You can lose your shit after we’re on the road.”
“Vera, please!” Gavin sobbed, clutching at Vera’s hand. Reaching for the gun. Pointing it at himself. “I know it’s going to happen, it has to happen. Please, please d-don’t make me look at the others, they… I kn-know I don’t deserve f-forgiveness, but I… please, will you just… do this for me…?”
Vera jerked her hand away, pulling the gun out of his reach. Is this what Colleen did to him? Made him think that…?
Ryan said the same fucking things.
Vera swallowed hard and yanked Gavin to his feet. “Enough of that shit,” she growled. “We’re going. Get your shit together. They’ll leave without us.”
“No,” Gavin whimpered.
Vera checked the gun. Five rounds. Dammit. “Let’s go. Stay behind me. Keep up, or I swear to Christ…”
“I will,” Gavin whispered, his face wet with tears. “I’m s-sorry.”
Vera pressed her lips together as she pushed the door open and stalked out into the hall. She pulled Gavin behind her. Her eyes burned with tears.
He was good, she thought with a wave of grief. He was good, he was ours, he was becoming good. And Colleen took that away from him. A tear escaped to roll down her cheek. He can be that again. We’ll help him. We’ll help him remember who he really is.
Gavin stumbled along behind, crying softly. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, over and over and over. “I’m sorry.”
What if he’s broken? So broken we can’t fix him?
No. I was broken, and I found my way.
She retraced her steps, one hand clamped down on Gavin’s shirt, the other tightly clutching her gun.
She stepped out to clear the hallway and nearly collided with a guard. He reached for his gun. Before he could get it out of its holster, Vera fired a shot. The guard crumpled to the ground.
“Motherfuck,” Vera hissed. “Why haven’t we seen any more?”
“I don’t know,” Gavin whimpered. “I don’t know.”
Vera sighed and ground her teeth together. He’s not Gavin Stormbeck anymore. Why does he have to be such a fucking dumbass about this right now?
A left. A right. She could see the doors to the outside. Christ, I hope they don’t shoot me as I come out. She shook her head. Isaac’s not stupid. He’ll make sure nobody shoots us.
She reached the doors. Gavin pulled away from Vera, making a desperate lunge back down the hall.
“Hey!” Vera barked. She grabbed the collar of Gavin’s shirt and yanked him backwards. He stumbled into her. “The fuck are you doing?”
“Please, no,” Gavin whimpered. “I know I… I’m fucking evil but I… please just kill me here. Please. Please d-don’t make me… please…”
Vera’s hand closed on the front of Gavin’s shirt and she jerked him close, so close their noses were almost touching. “Fucking stop that,” she said, her voice trembling. “Fucking stop. There isn’t a single one of us who blames you for this. We know you did what you had to do. We fucking know how much it hurt you. Okay? I see it. We all saw it. We’re not going to kill you, okay?” Vera’s vision blurred with tears. She furiously wiped her eyes on her sleeve. “You’re Gavin fucking Uriah,” she said softly. “And you’re our family.”
Gavin erupted into sobs, nearly falling to his knees, held up only by Vera’s hand on his shirt. She pulled him upright again. “Get your shit together, Uriah,” she spat through her teeth. “We’re almost out.” She pulled him towards the doors again.
Gavin hesitated for a moment. Vera adjusted her hold on Gavin and dragged him down the stairs, her hand clamped tight on the back of his shirt like he was an unruly kitten. He panted behind her, sobs making their way out between breaths. The car door opened and Isaac stumbled out. The front of his pants and the lower part of his vest were still soaked in blood.
Gavin gasped. "Isaac, oh god, no…"
"Not his blood," Vera rasped. "Not his—”
As they reached the car, Isaac lunged forward and pulled Gavin into a bruising kiss.
Oh. Cool. So Isaac's completely lost it.
Isaac broke the kiss and opened the front passenger door, shoving Gavin inside. "There's blood," Isaac said harshly. "There's, there's blood, stay up here so you can't, um, smell it…” He went to close the door.
"Who is it?" Gavin whispered, his hand shooting out to brace the door open. He threw a glance over his shoulder into the car. "Is it—”
"It's Sam," Isaac sobbed.
Gavin folded forward with a sob, his hands going to his hair. “No,” he whimpered. “NO!”
Vera closed the car door on Gavin, muffling his sobs. She pushed Isaac into the middle seat next to Tori and Ellis. Finn’s hands still moved over Sam in the back seat.
Vera threw the door closed and dashed to the driver’s seat. She slammed the car into gear and tore out of the driveway, leaving the house behind.
Final chapter here
@untilthepainstarts​​, @womping-grounds​​, @free-2bmee​​, @quirkykayleetam​​, @walkingchemicalfire​​, @inpainandsuffering​​, @redwingedwhump​​, @burtlederp​​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​, @insomniacscoprio​​, @cursedscribbles​​, @whumpywhumper​​, @stxck-fxck​​, @omega-em-z-02​​, @whumps-the-word​​, @slaintetowhump​​, @finder-of-rings​​, @cinnamonflavoredhugs​​, @thatsthewhump​​, @im-just-here-for-the-whump​​, @orchidscript​​, @this-mightaswell-happen​​, @newandfiguringitout​​, @whumpkitty​​, @pretty-face-breaker
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
What could have been: the original plot for “all you have to do is ask”
So, for some context, initially Reid was the one who was injured. And the angst was all because Reader couldn’t let herself be with him at all. They were never going to have “sex” until chapter 10. 
Obviously all of that is different now, but, here are some snippets of what might have been, copied and pasted directly from my computer as a sort of apology for what I put you through today. 
Chapter 7. “Don’t,” I whispered against his mouth. “Just be with me. Please? Spencer, just be with me now.”
Chapter 8. I had expected him to try and reach out to me. I hadn’t expected him to show up at my front door in the middle of the night. “Spencer,” my voice was thick with sleep. “What are you doing here?”
“Y/n, you can’t keep doing this.” He looked wild, his hair sticking up in different directions, his eyes rimmed with red. “I can’t keep watching you do this.”
“Doing what, Reid? What am I doing?”
He rushed forward, his hands cupping my jaw, his eyes staring into mine with a sorrow that stole my breath. “You’re shutting me out. I know it’s hurting you the way it’s hurting me.” I shook my head, but he would not be silenced. “It is hurting you, y/n. I can see it. I’m so sorry that he wasn’t there for you when you needed him. It was wrong. He was wrong.”
It felt wrong to have any words about my ex in Spencer’s mouth. Spencer was pure and light and warm. He was everything I had ever wanted.
“I want to be there for you,” he was so desperate. “But you won’t let me!”
His volume was still low but his words were laced with so much passion. “Spencer…I’m not- I’m not what you want.” My voice was thick with the tears pooling at the corners of my eyes.
“No, no, baby. No. You are everything I want.”
He looked so earnest during his declaration that the dam cracked inside me, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.
“You have to let someone care about you, y/n,” his thumbs brushed my tears away. “I care about you. Please, please let me care about you.”
But, how could I? That was my only thought when his lips pressed to mine. If I let him care about me…I’ll have to admit how much I care about him
Chapter 8.
“Y/l/n,” Hotch’s voice carried through the fog that was surrounding my head. “Go home. The doctors said he’ll be fine. We just have to wait for him to wake up.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” My voice was raspy, broken; I barely even recognized. “I won’t leave him Hotch.”
“Y/n,” he began again.
“I said no Aaron.”
That gave him pause. That made his eyes take in the scene before him in a totally different way. I wasn’t looking at him, my eyes were focused on my beautiful boy, this amazing man that wasn’t even mine. Because I wasn’t looking, I missed the way Hotch’s face softened, the way his brows dropped, and his mouth seemed to relax into something that was almost a smile. His hand clapped over my shoulder. “Call us when he wakes up.”
All I could offer him was a tight nod.
Chapter 9
I’m not sure how much time had passed while I sat with Spencer; the shifting of the sun’s shadow in the room was the only indication that the world was continuing on for everyone else. My world had long stopped moving.
I held his hand in mine, brushing my thumb over the dry skin on the back of his hand. “You know, I was afraid to touch you for so long.” I didn’t know if he could hear me, but I had to tell him. “I thought that I would make you uncomfortable.” I gave a bitter chuckle. “I wasted so much time, Spencer. Not just with you. I wasted so much of my life being so blind.” A sob hiccupped in my chest while I rubbed the tears on my face away. “I let this one man, this one stupid mother fucker control so much of my life. For so long.”
I clung to his hand, unsure of how long I sat there before I spoke again. It felt like years and it felt like seconds “I…I had you, Spencer. You were right fucking there in front of me, And I let you go. You came to my door in the middle of the night like some hero out of a fairytale begging me to let you care about me.” My voice shook. Even if he could hear my words, I don’t know that he’d understand them. “But I do care about you.” I looked at his face, so still. I would have given anything in that moment to see him blush again. “The doctors say you’re going to be fine, they’re just waiting for you to wake up,” I rushed on. “I promise I’ll tell you again when you wake up. I swear it Spencer.”
The words I was so afraid of tumbled out of me. “You’re the most wonderful person in the entire world. And I…I love you, Spence. I’m not even sure when I started loving you; I feel like this love has always been a part of me.” My words were just whispered that sat in the air. “I love you so goddamn much. And I’m afraid. I’m so afraid. You have to wake up. Please. Spencer, I can’t do this without you. I can’t do any of this without you.”
Chapter 10
Reid had been released from the hospital earlier that day. I pretended that it didn’t hurt that he asked Morgan to drive him home. I acted like it was fine that Penelope sat with him for the first 24 hours to watch over him.
He’s alive, I told myself. Even if I can’t have him. He’s alive. That’s enough.
“I heard you.”
My brows drew together. “What?”
“In the hospital,” he said simply. “I heard you. At first I thought I had dreamed it, because it was all I dreamed of since I’ve known you.”
My heart stopped; my breath froze in my lungs. Fuck. “Oh.”
He walked towards me, his steps purposeful and slow.
“I meant it, Doc.” I kept my eyes on him; he deserved that. “I meant every word.”
When I dreamed of this moment, I dreamed of passion. I dreamed of Spencer Reid pulling me into his arms and kissing me so hard; like I was the air he needed to breathe.
Reality was so much better. I don’t think Spencer Reid knew how to kiss without holding his partner’s face. Those soft, soft hands came up to cup my face. One of my many favorite things about this man was that he was never afraid to be himself. I’m sure he didn’t give the tears that were in his eyes a second thought, they didn’t mean that much to him; but those tears, that emotion meant so much to me. “You don’t have to be afraid, y/n,” he whispered. “If you’ll let me, I want to love you so much that you never have to be afraid again.”
I really hope y'all like my new ending better then this one...or I might cry. The epilogue has been, and will always be, the same. 
tagging the folks that asked for this: @rachelxwayne @imjusthereformggcontent @cielo1984 @exbest-friend
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imaginewithme · 7 years
Save You
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A/N : Hello~! Sorry it took me so long to post another imagine, I was in a writer’s rut. But besides that how many of you guys saw the IT remake yet? I just watched it now too long along and let me tell you, it was goood. I liked it so much, I’m writing an imagine for it haha xD so in a way it inspired me 
- How Y/N began to be friends with Bill and the loser’s club. (A little background/prequel to the imagine I have planned.)- 
Word Count : 1583
The sudden chorus of rattling lockers near you caught you off guard as you were putting some books away.
“Hey there B-B-Bill, still looking for your dead brother?” You heard and without needing to look, you already knew who it was.
Henry Bowers and his goons were harassing Bill Denbrough again but by the looks of it, Bill wasn’t going to take it sitting down this time. 
“F-Fuck you, H-Henry.” Bill snapped before pushing the bully back with all the strength he could muster up, obviously angry at the mention of his brother. 
Henry stumbled back into Belch and Victor while Patrick slugged Bill into the stomach, making him hunch over in pain. The older boy then forced the boy’s back into the lockers again, the locks probably digging into his back. As if they were on autopilot, Belch and Victor reached out to grab hold on to Bill’s arms to hold him still while Patrick stepped to the side to let Henry through. With a sinister smile plastered on his face, Henry stepped closer to Bill. 
“And what if I don’t? You gonna make me disappear like Georgie?” You heard the other three idiots laugh but there was nothing funny about it. You quickly glanced up and down the hallway, trying to see if there was an adult near by that could stop all of this before it got out of hand but unfortunately there was no one. School was out for at least an hour now so you didn’t know why you even got your hopes up in the first place. “How about you join him, B-B-Bill?”
You heard a swift click slice through the air that made you bring your attention back to the boys.
Bill’s face visibly paled as the gleam of Henry’s knife caught his eyes. Henry seemed to want to go even farther than usual but you’ve had enough. He crossed the line the moment he even decided to bully people but the moment Georgie’s name left his lips and he took out his knife, he was taking it way too far. 
You hastily closed your book bag and threw it at Henry’s head, mentally thanking your dad for trying to teach you how to throw a baseball the other summer. It must have been your lucky day because your throw was spot on and it hit him square in the face. 
Finding your courage you then grabbed the largest book in your locker and rushed over to Victor and Belch. Cracking Victor over the head before throwing the book itself at Belch, you tried to grab Bill’s hand and make your great escape but before, you could you felt a hand weave into your ponytail. Henry harshly yanked you back while your hands instantly reached up to pry his fingers out of your hair. 
Hissing from the pain, you had no other choice but to follow the pull back and soon you found yourself face to face with Henry Bowers himself. 
“H-Hey, let her go!” Bill lunged forward but Victor shoved him back. 
“I don’t think I will!” Henry screamed, shaking your head back and forth vigorously with every word. “I don’t think I will.” He said again in a calmer demeanor, the evil glint in his eyes making you uneasy. “I think Y/N deserves to be taught a lesson, don’t you think boys?” Henry traced the dull side of the knife along your cheek before pausing at the junction where your jaw and your ear met. He leaned closer to you, whispering in your ear. “This is what you get for not minding your own business.”
Having had enough of his bullshit tough guy act, you let your mouth run wild and free, not entirely caring about the repercussions at the moment.
“It’s kind of hard to mind my own god damn business when your ugly ass mullet is in everyone’s face don’t you think, Bowers? Now let me go!” You thrashed and kicked against his hold, even scratching at his hands if it’d loosen up just a little bit. 
“L-L-Let her go, H-Henry!” Bill struggled against Victor but had no luck of getting free.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you Bill?” He laughed as he pushed the tip of the blade against your skin, breaking the surface right underneath your eye. You closed your eyes, afraid to see what he was doing to you. He leisurely pushed the blade across your skin, milliliter by milliliter. 
“Stop!” You heard Bill scream but Henry seemed to be too focused on you to care. 
“Henry…” Victor mumbled loosening up his grip on Bill, looking unsure about the whole situation. 
“What!” Henry turned his attention away from you to glare at the other boy. You took the opportunity to snatch the knife out of his hands and cut yourself free. A few strands of your once long hair flowing down to the floor while the rest stayed clenched in Henry’s hand. Scrambling to your feet, you hurried to grab hold of Bill’s hand before practically dragging him down the hall with Bowers and his goons in hot pursuit. You’d get your bag some other time, maybe when your possibilities of dying weren’t so high.
“Get back here!” The two of you heard them yell after you. 
Using your shoulder, you rammed into the school doors, pushing them open. The harsh sunlight momentarily blinding you. Looking behind you, you made sure to look Henry in the eyes before chucking his knife into the bushes as far as you can. 
“Have fun finding that, fucker!” You threw him the bird, watching as he visibly turned an unhealthy shade of red. Tugging Bill in the other direction, the two of you hurried out of their sight.
You and Bill ran all the way back to his house.
“I-I think we’re safe now.” You panted as you leaned on the wooden rails on Bill’s porch, out of breathe. 
“Y-Yeah…” Bill nodded. He wasn’t as out of breathe as you were but you figured that was because he had more stamina than you did from all the biking he did with his friends. The two of you took a few more minutes to recollect yourselves before Bill spoke up again. “I-I-I’m sorry ab-bout your hair.” 
Looking down to the unfamiliar sight of loose chucks of hair sprawled around your shoulder, it finally hit you what happened. Slowly reaching up to touch the bunt cut, you held a plank expression on your face. 
To be honest, it scared Bill how quiet you were. He’s heard how important a girl’s hair was to them and he felt bad that it got cut because of him. 
Taking a deep breath, you tried to smile as you held back tears. “It’s ok! Its just hair plus I’ve been meaning to cut it away.” You waved him off as to not worry him. “What about you though? You ok?” You leaned toward him, examining his face for bruises or cuts.
Bill was taken back by your sudden closeness and quickly averted his eyes to look somewhere else. He did note how pretty you were before looking away though. “I-I’m fine.” 
“That’s good!” You pulled back with a smile on your face, pleased that he wasn’t hurting anywhere. You felt an itchy feeling on your arm and turned to see what it was when you felt something push a strand of hair behind your ear. Looking back up, you met eyes with Bill. 
“H-H-How about y-you? You ok?” Once your eyes met and the tuft of hair was neatly tucked behind your ear, Bill retracted his hand back to his side. 
You could feel the light blush on your cheeks as you smiled at him. “Just peachy.”
He smiled right back at you before pulling a little bit of his flannel’s sleeve down and wiping the blood from your cheek. 
“Thanks.” You said quietly, your cheeks turning a darker shade of red.
“N-No problem.”
Not wanting to stay too long and make the moment awkward, you decided to was time to head home. 
”I’ll see you around, Bill.” You smiled before moving to step off the porch, already thinking of ways to explain your hair to your mother. 
“W-Wait Y/N!” You made it as far as the front lawn when Bill called back to you. “Can I-I walk you home?” He stammered. 
“I’d like that.” And like the gentleman he was, Bill walked you safely back to your house and later that evening your book bag and books were mysteriously returned back to you.
Needless to say, that was the day you developed a crush on Bill Denbrough.
- To Be Continued. - 
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
What did you guys think? Please let me know! I’ve been out of the game for a while now and want to know what your thoughts and feelings are~! 
Forever Tags @a-little-bit-obsessed @shyestofhearts @iseethemonsters @gladerwitchfromdistrictgotham
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mcrpg-archive · 7 years
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“Happy birthday, Jr.”
a f f i l i a t i o n : Himself primarily, Cartel Pinilla, Fujioka Family
Nathaniel Abram Holland, better known by his alias 'The Butcher', and the string of mostly unsolved murders, is a criminal whose territory stretches far beyond the borders of La Juventud. But that is to be expected of someone who was born into a life of crime... especially when it comes to the Pinilla's. See, Nathaniel is Sal's uncle, half brother to Sal's father -- and illegitimate children didn't really get the same perks as the rest of the family. So, Nathaniel made his own way in life... ultimately working his way up the food chain and secretly working for the Fujioka family. He mostly works the borders of La Juve and surrounding territories, but ever since his son, Ziggy Holland gave him the slip, he's found himself tracking the little fucker down. After all, he's not one to cross, and stealing from him has consequences in the form of heavy blows and a shallow grave. Though, there is just one tiny problem with that... he can't technically kill Ziggy, having promised him to the Fujioka's when he was just a toddler. Still, no matter how far or how fast Ziggy runs, Nathaniel is determined to get ahold of him and hand him over to the family he secretly serves... if not kill him for his theft and disobedience.
Please excuse the rambling, but this will give you some added insight. Let’s start from the beginning. Nathaniel Holland’s childhood wasn’t necessarily bad, but it wasn’t particularly ideal either. He was raised with the same luxuries as his siblings, but because he was only half Pinilla, he had to work twice as hard to get not only his parent’s approval, but his whole family as well. He’s not jealous of his brother, who is Sal’s father. But he absolutely hates being talked down to, and hates being seen as inferior. The Pinillas don’t treat him like an equal… well. People that work FOR the Pinillas DO treat him as though he were a full blooded Pinilla. It’s just his immediate family and some close uncles and cousins that don’t. Not to mention his step mother was always a little more hesitant around him – having to raise a child that wasn’t her own, and was, in fact, the product of an affair her husband had with someone else. This sparked a desire in him to make a name for himself – outside of ‘Pinilla’. This leads him to venture away from home, with his father’s blessing, of course. Not that Nathaniel told his father everything – he didn’t. Else he would have never been given permission to leave. Drawn to authority and power, two things he was denied growing up, he becomes obsessed with playing God and gets himself into quite the murder spree. This catches the attention of The Fujioka family, who would rather not get blood on their own hands, and thus see an opportunity in Nathaniel. They hire him to take care of any problems they happen to have, and Nathaniel is only too eager to oblige. He finds he gets a certain respect from The Fujioka family that he didn’t get with the Pinillas. At some point, and this is totally up for reworking as well, Nathaniel spends some time in Toronto, where he meets Ziggy’s mother. I imagine they used to be in love at one point, but when Nathaniel left Toronto to pursue other opportunities, time not only hardened him, but changed her as well. She became an addict, and only realized she was pregnant when she started to show. She wasn’t very good at staying clean, and gave birth to Ziggy – who was actually born an addict due to his mother’s habits. It’s a miracle, really, that he survived and was born fairly normal. When Nathaniel returns to Toronto, he looks her up and is both shocked and fuming that she’s living in a homeless shelter with his son. A son she never told him about – and, yes, she did have means of contacting him, which is why he was so pissed. This prompts him to smuggle them both out of Canada to live under his supervision. For a long time, Ziggy’s mother isn’t allowed to see Ziggy in their own home. Just because she was a little crazy with being deprived drugs. Nathaniel was trying to get her clean. Not that he much cared about her at this point, but he couldn’t be seen in public with a wife who was clearly high out of her mind. This leaves Ziggy to be raised primarily by Nathaniel, which is exactly what he wanted. And he took Ziggy with him to meet with the Fujioka family – mostly because he didn’t trust nannies. The Fujioka’s have always taken a particular interest in children, because they see them as easy to mold into what they want. But they also don’t want just any children – they want the best, which leads to Nathaniel training Ziggy up to follow in his footsteps and attempt to desensitize him. Make it easier for him to kill someone, when he needed to. He would make Ziggy practice on small animals and stuff like that, all different methods of torture and killing. Despite Ziggy doing surprisingly well with weaponry, he never really took to killing animals. And so the disappointment begins. So, Nathaniel’s a pretty strict parent. He planned out Ziggy’s day from start to finish, and only allowed him one pleasure that was really all his – and that was skateboarding. Realising this, he began using it as leverage to get Ziggy to do what he wanted. And so, he did. But it didn’t mean he was any more comfortable with it. They live this way for only a few years, really, before Ziggy’s mother finally cleans up her act enough to notice everything Nathaniel’s doing. There’s just one problem, though. Ziggy doesn’t really trust his mother, since he was raised to think she was crazy. She eventually convinces him to trust her enough to talk him into leaving Nathaniel with her. She doesn’t want Ziggy to turn out like Nathaniel, and gets in touch with her brother, organizing an escape plan. Everything seems to go off without a hitch… until it doesn’t. While stopping for the night at a motel, Nathaniel finds them and, in a fit of rage, kills Ziggy’s mother and uncle. The cops, however, manage to get there just in time to keep Ziggy from getting killed. Ziggy had managed to slip out of the room and hide with the motel’s owner until police arrived. YOU already know Nathaniel goes to jail, and Ziggy gets sent to live with family members, so I won’t go over that. We’re gonna flash forward to his escape, where he’s living with his uncle at the time. One of many ‘uncles’. They weren’t really related, they were really just associates of The Butcher that took Ziggy in. Unlike his other ‘foster’ families, this uncle put Ziggy to work, dropping him off at a truck stop every day after school to service anyone willing to take an interest in him. (SOMETHING Nathaniel would have never allowed to happen, and he likely killed this associate when he found out. IF he found out). The Pinillas had no knowledge of Ziggy, really. But they heard rumours. Ziggy’s existence wasn’t confirmed for them until they caught word of Nathaniel’s escape. Because Nathaniel was pissed to arrive at the home of his associate, not only to find Ziggy missing, but also a small chunk of his ‘savings’ missing. Ten grand is petty cash to someone like Nathaniel, but he’ll be damned before he lets anyone steal from him – his son included. What’s worse, that money wasn’t even really his money. It was Fujioka money. He was able to make it back up, so the family wouldn’t notice, but Ziggy still owes him personally. Their relationship NOW is… not that it’s non existent… just that Ziggy is doing everything he can to AVOID Nathaniel. There is nothing that strikes more fear in Ziggy Holland than his own father. He’s absolutely terrified of him. He knows what his father is capable of, and he knows what he did and what the consequences are. He would NOT want to be alone with him, or in the same room as him, in the same anywhere as him, really. If they were ever to cross paths (which, they will, obviously), Nathaniel is extremely charming and persuasive in person. He’d probably play nice with Ziggy AND his friends in public to give everyone the impression that Ziggy’s out of his mind talking smack about him. He’d grab him and pull him in for hugs that Ziggy doesn’t want, whisper little threats in his ear, he might even hurt him a little. The Fujiokas are the only ones outside of the Pinilla family that knows who Ziggy Holland is to Nathaniel. And so, Ziggy fears them as well. Ziggy has a huge tendency to get mouthy, something Nathaniel wouldn’t tolerate if it was directed at him (Ziggy knows better, though), but would find absolutely amusing if it was at anyone else. He hasn’t given up on the idea of turning Ziggy into a weapon, and for him to take on the family business. In fact, he’s only more determined to make it happen now. Even if he’s willing to play it cool and take things a little slow – taunting Ziggy with his presence and keeping him up at night wondering when he’s gonna strike. He’d run into issues with Sal, though… Because Sal is the one that intercepted the call from social services, and pulled some strings to get Ziggy a new birth certificate showing him to be Sal’s son. Because, again, the Pinillas were only certain of Ziggy’s existence and relation to Nathaniel once Nathaniel escaped. (He made a big fuss about being stolen from by his own son). It should be noted that Sal and Ziggy had met once before, when Ziggy was real little. But Ziggy was never introduced to Sal, so that explains why they weren’t sure what Ziggy was to Nathaniel, and why Ziggy was so paranoid over seeing Sal again at social services. He genuinely thought Sal was going to turn him over to his dad.
Actual axe murderer.
Spent the last several years incarcerated for the murder of Ziggy's mother and uncle after they tried to run off with Ziggy in tow.
During his incarceration, Ziggy was bounced around from relative to relative, no one wanting to keep him for very long. And when Ziggy heard his father broke out of prison, he packed himself a bag and took ten grand of his dad’s money and fled, not wanting to see him ever again.
Once tracked Ziggy down to Los Angeles, where he broke into the home he was staying in and got into a scuffle with Ziggy's friend. Nathaniel slaughtered the guy, which in turn gave Ziggy just enough time to give him the slip... again.
Sal Pinilla, who was also trying to locate Ziggy, happened to intercept a call from Social Services meant for Nathaniel and managed to get ahold of Ziggy before Nathaniel could. The meeting at the Social Services office was tense, to say the least, as Ziggy assumed Sal was working for his father.
Upon finding out all the abuse and torture Ziggy had gone through at the hands of Nathaniel, Sal had the family pull some strings so he could legally adopt the boy, and vowed to end Nathaniel himself.
Often referred to as the 'Gringo' by the Pinillas.
The Pinillas are split about 50/50 on Nathaniel. Some of them like him and admire him, while others despise him. And the situation with Ziggy has caused a minor rift in the family.
Personally taught Ziggy from an early age to use knives and guns, and had plans for Ziggy to continue the family business, going so far as to promise him to the Fujioka family.
Initially, he did not know he had a son. It was only when Ziggy was about two years old that he found out he had a son and immediately pulled the toddler and his mother out from the slums of Moss Park, Toronto to live with him in California.
Used to send Ziggy to school with security guards to watch over him, and never let him or his mother out of anyone’s sight.
Made a tradition of killing and torturing people in front of Ziggy for his birthday. One for every year he’d aged.
Heavily based on Nathan Wesninski from The Foxhole Court/All For The Game Series.
Faceclaim: Skeet Ulrich - somewhat negotiable. Alternative fcs: Ben Hill First and Middle name are somewhat negotiable Last name is non negotiable for obvious reasons
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