gmr-transcription · 10 months
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healthdisclosed · 2 years
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Read Transcript Summary and Notes from Andrew Huberman’s podcast “Huberman Lab” on HealthDisclosed.com #healthdisclosed #podcast #podcastnotes #podcastsummary #podcasttranscript #health #mentalhealth #hubermanlab #andrewhuberman (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0qOm7I7S7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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virtuadmin · 5 years
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#tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaytips #googletips #tuesdaymorning #tuesdaythoughts #virtuadminservices #transcription #podcasttranscriptions https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7qu_0l5Ow/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2umltodvw00k
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actinglessonspod · 4 years
Acting Lessons - Joker
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Episode 1   June 23, 2020
["Gardenwalk" starts playing]
["Gardenwalk" fades out]
Teacher:  Man... it's tough to be an acting teacher, [sigh] but somebody's gotta do it.  I only got one last student for the day.  Oh here he comes.
[door opens]
Hey, there he is.
[door closes]
Student:  Hey, how's it goin, Sir?
Teacher:  Not too bad, not too bad.  What did you wanna work on today?
Student:  Yeah actually, um, I'm working on this audition I--I wanna try out.  Here, check it out.
[paper rustles]
Teacher:  Oh this looks interesting.
Student:  Yeah, it's for the the Joker.  I think might have a shot.
Teacher:  Okay, okay, that's good, it's good to be confident.  Let's hear what you got.
Student:  [in Joker's voice] Let's put a smile on that face!
Teacher:  Okay... okay let's--let's try the next line.  Let's try the laugh. You know the--it's pretty iconic.
Student:  [softly] the laugh, okay...  Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo heh hoo heh hoo
Teacher:  Was that you laughin'?
Student:  uhh, yeah, um... but it was--it was just my first try, I can--I can try again.
Teacher:  Yeah, let's try it again.
Student:  Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh hhhhhhuh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huuuuuh
Teacher:  Let me see those papers again.
[papers rustle]
It's--it's the..  the Joker, right?
Student:   Yeah, yeah the... the famous Batman villain, the Joker.
Teacher: This isn't some...  reinterpretation or anything, is it?
Student:  No it's--it's--it's the Joker.
Teacher:  Okay, let's... let's try it again.
Student:  Ho ho ho ho ho hoo hoo ho
Teacher:  Oo-kaay
Student:  Ho ho ho ho
Teacher:  Oh, there's more!
Student:  Ho ho ho ho ho
Teacher:  Okay let's--let's try it one--one more time, just think, iconic.
Student:  Right, iconic... iconic laugh.
[does bad impression of Woody Woodpecker's laugh]
Teacher:  What the hell was that?
Student:  Um--well you know, I was thinking ic--iconic laugh, so, uh who--wh--who's laugh is more--how much more iconic can you get than, you know...  Woodrose Woodpecker.
Teacher:  Woodrose Woodpecker?!
Student:  Yeah, that's his name.
Teacher:  Let--let's tr--let's just try a bunch of 'em quickstyle.
Student:  Okay.  Haw haw haw haw haw haw haaaw
Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huuuh
Hee hee hee hee hee hee
hee hee hee hee hee heeeee
[timidly] Let's... put a smile on that face?
Teacher:  We did that already, man!
Student:  Oh ya, I forgot.
Teacher:  You forgot?!
Student:  [laughs like Three Stooges]
[laughs like Nelson from the Simpsons]
Alright, how did I do?
["Attention is a Powerful Thing" fades in]
Teacher:  That'll be 800 bucks.
["Attention is a Powerful Thing" continues playing]
0 notes
Dreamboy Episode 2: The Boy & The Buck
DISCLAIMER: During the show, there are sounds and background noise playing as if to seem like you are actually there. This is what goes inside his brain, almost like he is talking to himself. The parts in “” are what he or other people say out loud. Also, I apologize for the spelling of names.
DANE: [Snoring]
RADIO: [Starts and plays opera] [High pitched note]
DANE: “Uh! Okay. Okay Okay. I’m up, I’m up... 12. 12. It’s 12. 12 am…”
RADIO:[Clapping and women saying ‘thank you. Thank you’]
DANE: “Fuck.” I’m half hanging off my bed, sheets twisted in my legs, pillows on the floor. Hand on my face.
MAN ON RADIO: “That was ‘The Mint Apple’ music by Francois Gearde. Preformed there by Allison Balvinbalm at the Cleveland Moriarity last Sunday evening. Ms. Bavinbalm’s offered a stunning program consisting mostly of Gearde’s songs and arias. And if you would like to hear more opera tonight, tune in later for ‘Opera Tonight’ with Brian Kettering. The news is coming up, but first a small pivan for solo piano, from French composer John Luplane.”
[Piano music starts playing]
DANE: I do not believe I did the A.M. /P.M. alarm mix-up thing. The radio alarm, which is usually news in the morning, is currently deep in its late-night classical program. Jesus, who stays up all night listening to this shit. I have to pee anyway. So I get up and I float to the bathroom in the dark. Arms out in front of me like a Macy’s Day balloon of a huge naked man, grumbling.
I pee, I flush, I shuffle back to bed. But, just before I lay down I hear something. Outside. In the front yard. Through the open window. Like a small voice. I walk over to the window. And then I jump and hide as soon as I see them. It’s the little girls from the grocery store. Standing under the street light in front of my house. Staring right up at me.
“What the fuck.”
I give it a few seconds. And then I look again. But now they are gone. I know I just saw them, they were just here. Then they reappear under another streetlight down the block, walking fast. They turn the corner and they’re gone. I go back to bed. But I feel off, something feels off. I’ve been seeing these little girls everywhere since the grocery store last weekend. They’re always ducking down allies and looking away when I look like they’re following me. I try to calm down. I try doing these breathing exercises that this boy in New York taught me.
[Inhaling] “One two three. Dollars in the bank.”[Exhaling]
[Inhaling] “One two three. Dollars in the bank.”[Exhaling]
It doesn’t seem to be working. I pull the covers up to my chin like I haven’t done since I was a kid.
MAN ON THE RADIO: “We just heard a lovely, if a bit meandering, pivan by John Luplane. Now it’s time for the news.”
[News music]
“Authorities have their first lead in the search for a plane that went missing over Lake Erie last weekend. Species of scavenger fish have been reported in the north-central part of the lake and could indicate the possible presence of large carcasses in the water, according to officials. In other news, Judge Elizabeth Gardner is set to rule on the controversial case of Zoe the Zebra sometime in the following week. The zebra is being quarantined and faces mandatory euthanization after an incident resulting in the death of 12-year-old Ian Harris last summer. Eli Critch, director of the zoo, declined to comment on the Zoe controversy, but instead flashing his infamous smile at reporters and said ‘Love is timeless. We’ll see you next spring for the new exhibit, The Forgotten Sea.’”
DANE: “How do you forget a whole sea?”
MAN ON RADIO: “And later this week we are turning to the garden center outside of the Lawsers-[fades into background]”
DANE: I’m starting to calm down. And I’m hot so I pull the covers down to a normal adult place. And close my eyes.
MAN ON RADIO: “-and call the station and give us your best impersonation of an orchid. What does an orchid sound like? Hm? Boohoo Bree pp [continues making noises in the background]”
DANE: And this guy’s voice is actually relaxing.
MAN ON RADIO: “Buhhhhhh. You know, I don’t know. Who knows. Anyway, the weather. Feels like there is definitely something blowing in off the lake. Currently 66 degrees and blustery. Chance of rain in the early morning hours. It’s just after midnight and this is 897 Classical Cleveland. Which must mean, I’m Dan Rudelstein. Welcome.
Next up we have a real piece of musical esertaria for you. Now most of you are probably familiar with ‘Hale to the Chief’, the official fanfare that plays whenever the United States president enters a room or formal function. But there are other less known and seldom heard pieces of music associated with the U.S. presidency. Take for example, the Inaugural Waltz. Now, the first Inaugural Waltz was composed in 1809 for the inauguration of James Madison and was danced by James and his wife, Dolly, at the ball. And it was such a hit, everybody loved so much they said we need to have one for every inauguration. So a new waltz was commissioned, composed, and dance at every inauguration all the way up until 1933, when F.D.R. did away with the tradition of dancing the waltz. Calling it a quote ‘thick ritual for thin times.’ Now, the waltz did not go quietly into the night, no [laughs]. Instead it went underground and remained a vital part of the ceremonial fabric of the inauguration. A new waltz still being commissioned and composed for every president all the way up through present day. However, most of this music has never been heard, until now. In a fabulous new recording entitled ‘Undanced’. Some of this music finally gets it debut. So, without further ado, here is the United States Marine band, augmented by the United States Marine Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Lieutenant Colonel James K. Montoc with ‘Dance of the Honey Wasp.’ The official inaugural waltz of President Ronald and first lady Nancy Reagan.” [Music starts playing]
DANE: I know he just it didn’t happen but I can’t help but picture it. A dark ballroom. A circle pf stoned faced dignitaries standing around. Ronald on one side, Nancy on the other. Slowly they approach a spotlight in the middle of a big dancefloor. They grab onto each other and lean in and say something in their nasty secret little language. Then they smile. Take a breath. And start waltzing.
RADIO: [Waltz starts]
DANE: Ugh. As they spin, his joules come out like wings like gross flesh wings. Ugh. I’m getting sick just thinking about it. Them spinning around and around and around. And around.
RADIO: [Music continues to play then turns ominous at around 9:24]
DANE: I’m back in the dream. Totally submerged in that dark water. Hanging. Swaying. And then the cold on my legs again. And again I try to get away. Swimming harder and harder until I’m thrashing and I open my mouth to scream. And nothing. Everything is dark and still for what seems like a really long time. And then, a light. Soft but growing coming from everywhere. Like dawn. And the water goes from black to cloudy green all around me. Except for some of the water stays black. The water below me. A shadow. And then it moves like a wall. It slides away into the green murk in front of me and I watch the spot where it disappeared. I keep watching. Waiting. And then I see its face come out of the green. It’s so big it’s-it’s the size of a front of a school bus. It stops. Like 20 feet from me. Like it’s looking at me. But its eyes look dead. Black with bony circles around them. And its jaws are, lust huge jagged bone blades that don’t quite fit together all the way. They are hanging half open. All of a sudden they start to move. They start opening. And I feel the water around me start to flow towards the mouth. No. No. NO. And the mouth is opening wider and wider and I try to get away. [Gasp and music returns to background]
I turn off the radio. I sit up in bed. I throw off the covers. I’m in the guest bedroom at Emily’s house. I look down. My dick is so hard it’s throbbing. My belly is wet with pre-cum. A breeze from the open window makes it feel instantly cold. The open window. I remember the girl scouts and get creeped out all over again. My eyes fall on a rectangle of warm light on the bedroom wall. The house next to Emily’s is empty, it’s been on the market for months now, ever since I got here and the realtor comes everyday almost to show it and I see him come and go. But when he leaves he leaves lights on inside the house. I guess to deter break-ins at night. Anyway, since there are no curtains on the windows these lights cast rectangles of warm light all over, all around the house. On the lawn, on the side of Emily’s house, and one in my bedroom. I’m looking at it right now, trying not to think of those girl scouts, when all of a sudden it vanishes. Like it had never been there at all. Leaving perfectly blue wall. Blue as a whale dream. And then it starts. The thrum thrum thrum of blood in my neck and the physical arrival of a question. I can feel it in my gut. Why did the light go out? Now there are plenty of perfectly reasonable explanations of why the light went out but for some reason my brain is only interested in the terrifying ones, the unreasonable ones. I have to look. I get out of bed, I start walking to my window but a chilling thought occurs me just before I get there, what if there is someone or something in the empty house? It could see me If I’m next to my window. So I jump on my bed and army roll across it and I land on the floor on the other side in the dark. And I walk until the window of the empty house comes into view through my window. I try to squint into it. Try to see into the blackness beyond the reflection of the streetlight but I can’t. And then, another light, from the side. It’s the motion light from behind the house. And then another question, what’s moving in the backyard? So I put on shorts and I go downstairs. I can hear the old house moving all around me, groaning like I woke it up. And I get into the kitchen and that motion light is blaring through all of the windows and it’s coming through the crack and the backdoor, it’s like ‘Close Encounters’ of the third kind down there and I walk up to the backdoor and I look out the window and I try to peek over the privacy fence into the yard of the empty house next door but I can’t see over the privacy fence. I mean it’s a privacy fence. I’m gonna have to go outside. So I take a breath and I open the door and I step out onto the porch. It’s cold. I can see my breath. I walk to the edge of the porch and I look over the privacy fence into the backyard of the empty house. Nothing. Just the driveway of the empty house. A long satin grey loaf that runs all the way down to the street. And the new sod of the backyard, green. Half of the backyard is in shadow. And just then the motion light clicks off. And it’s like everything relaxes. And slowly my yes just starts to adjust and the nighttime starts to give me things back and that faint blue outline stuff, there’s like a hose spool in the backyard. And the electric meter on the side of the house and then a pair of large eyes. I find them already watching me. And then antlers come into view above the eyes. And something about our eyes connecting must have engendered and ultimatum in the buck because it straightens up and looks at me for just a second before it takes off and dashes down the drive way. And the motion light comes on and splashes its warm hide in my eyes for just a second before it’s gone. I watch it disappear Run into the street. And everything is quiet except for the hum of the motion light. And then the flick of a lighter. I instinctively hunch down. A small orange ember appears on the back porch of the empty house. It floats towards the edge, until a young man comes into view. He is young but his skin is covered in what look like tattoos. He takes a hit of his cigarette and leans out into the light and looks down the driveway to where the buck disappeared. And then he turns and his eyes meet mine.
He lets the hit go until the smoke obscures his face and when the smoke clears his eyes have moved on. I don’t think he saw me. He’s looking over his shoulder, scanning the dark yards. And then he takes his cigarette and he puts it in his lips and holds it there in that way that smokers do where they sorta purse their lips. And his hands goes down to his pants. He undoes his button, his zipper, puts one thumb in the elastic of his underwear and pulls down until his dick flops over and hangs there. My eyes swallow it. It’s big and floppy and it has one long view that zig zags through it like a river. And the foreskin ruffed and folds around the head, it looks like the collar of ancient royalty. It’s lit dramatically by the motion light on the garage, it’s like a diva getting ready for her aria. I see his checks suck in as he pulls in on his cigarette. The ember brightens. My eyes widen. Her music starts. And then the motion light clicks off. And the slat sound of piss hitting new sod. Then after a few second the cigarette is a shooting star, explodes on the driveway. And then I hear the screen door on the empty house shut and I’m left alone, in the dark. Piss steam and cigarette smoke drifting towards me and I feel like a young boy after his first magic show.
I go back inside and I go back upstairs. Call it a hunch but I get my phone out and I re-download Grindr. I sign in with my email and my password, it takes like 10 seconds and I’m back on the grid. And sure enough, right next to me is a blank profile, 20 feet away. I click on it. It expands. No age, 5’8”, 130lbs, right now. And then the sounds. Brrip.
NO NAME: “Hey.”
DANE: “Hey.”
NO NAME: “Big buck, huh?”
DANE: “Yeah it was.”
NO NAME: “Are there a lot around here?”
DANE: “Yeah they like the lake.”
NO NAME: “What lake?”
DANE: “Um, Lake Erie. It’s one of the Great Lakes.”
NO NAME: “LOL, you’re funny. More pics?”
DANE: The headlights of a car swing through my window and I hear the unmistakable sound of tires on driveway grid. I get up and look. An SUV is parked in the driveway of the empty house next door. A man gets out. It’s the realtor.
NO NAME: “I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon. I’m Luke by the way.”
DANE: Luke. Luke? This is Luke from the cake box? The realtor goes into the house. The lights that were on inside the house turn off one by one. I see two shadows move on each other, their legs tangling. They spill into another dark room and I lose them for a minute. I get closer to my window and I wait. And when they reappear, their forms are defined by the dim glow of streetlight. Luke is naked and bent over. The realtor is behind him, still wearing his shirt and loosen tie and there is rhythm to their movement. Soft lion's flexing with each other. I feel myself getting hard in my shorts. The realtor quickens and Luke’s eyes close tight. His jaw falls open a little more with each thrust. I start touching myself. Luke steadies himself with an arm on the window ledge. The realtor reaches around and puts his fingers in Luke’s mouth.
“Fuck this is hot.”
I’m rubbing my dick through my shorts. The realtor runs his other hand up Luke’s back, threads it through his blonde hair, makes a fit and pulls Luke’s head back hard. His eyes swing up towards me in the window and I see him see me. My hand on my dick. And then he smiles wide. As much as a person can smile with fingers in their mouth. So I slide my shorts off and get closer to the window so he can see all of me. My dick is rock hard now and I start jerking off. Faster and faster. And realtor is drumming away on his own holy agenda and completely unaware of me. But Luke eyes are locked on my dick and the realtor’s rhythm reaches a climax and his drumming turns into this sort of twitching. [Breathing hard] And I feel myself build and build and let go and I hear it hit the window. And I double over. When I look up they are gone and my cum is running like slow milk down the pane. After a little bit I see them reappear in another window, in the kitchen of the empty house. The realtor dressed, tightening his tie. Luke is still naked. They are facing each other. And then a flash of movement. The realtor pulls his hand back and punches Luke hard in the face. Luke spins and falls back down out of view and the realtor turns quickly and leaves. I see his legs rushing through the dark house. I back away from my window. My heart starts pounding. I hear a car door and then an engine and then the lights swing back through my room the way they came.
“What do I do?”
I peak out again. I look down at the kitchen window. Nothing. He still hasn’t gotten up. So I put on jeans and a hoodie and shoes and I go downstairs. And I go out my front door and I cross the lawns and the driveway. And u on the porch of the other house. I try the handle. It’s open. I go inside.
Nothing. I make my way to the back, to the kitchen. Just around the corner, I see him. Luke. Laying there naked on the kitchen floor. Bloody. His face is young, gorgeous. And his dick is rock hard. Bobbing. And what looked like tattoos before are actually bruises. All over his body. Like little storms. I lean down and I shake him. he comes to.
LUKE: [Inhales]
DANE: his eyes widen when he sees my face. He looks down at his bare chest and fingers the red pooling in his collarbone.
“Hey. Hey, don’t worry, it looks a lot worse than it is.”
LUKE: “Great. Take a picture.”
DANE: He hands me his phone and I reach out to take it but we both just hold onto it and stare at each other. And my stomach feels weird like it wants to crawl out of my mouth. But in a good way?
That sound could be the sound of laughing
Not the cold October wind
Maybe this feeling is the beginning
And not the end
And this cold autumn day could be the first day of spring
Any moment the songbirds could start
And I could find someone beside me
In the dark
In the dark
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Podcast Transcription from 80p per minute
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Podcasts are booming at the moment, and transcribing them is becoming a busy part of our day to day work. Popular with commuters for years, they are usually free to listen to, easy to tune into without needing to pay attention and available on demand. They are a disruptive medium, taking on the might of the radio stations, and essentially enable anyone to say anything they like and pick up an audience. Very much like YouTube, but audio rather than video. We are seeing a large increase in the number of clients asking us to transcribe podcasts and so this article is all about how we can assist and common questions asked about podcast transcription. How much does it cost to transcribe a podcast? Our podcast transcription prices start at 80p per minute. This is the cost of transcribing a one speaker podcast and the return not being time specific. Our standard return time is 14 days. The price increases depending on the number of speakers on the audio file and the turnaround time required. Can I ask for any podcast to be transcribed? No. You need to ask the author of any podcast for permission to make a written copy of the audio file. Usually podcasts are copyright and the ownership of the recording of the podcast belongs to the person who recorded it. It is an original piece of work and hence there is an automatic assumption that the ownership rights belong to the person recording it and you cannot copy it without the owners' consent. Making a written copy of an audio file is a breach of copyright if you do not ask. How many MB is a 1 hour podcast? The average 60 minute audio podcast is 25MB. This is fine to upload for transcription using our file upload service. What audio file format should I record my podcast in? MP3. Pretty much all podcasts are MP3 files - they are easy to manipulate, small in size, convertible and provide a good standard of audio quality. How do I find podcasts? They are available all over the place. From The Guardian newspaper app to the BBC, you can get them on your iphone, you can download numerous apps to listen to them. A lot of websites have them as well. How much data will I use listening to a 1 hour podcast? In theory, you will use about 60MB for every hour you listen to a podcast, although this will vary according to the recording and amount of data used in the first place to record it. What do I need to record a podcast? Not a lot. A smart phone will usually do the trick. On an iPhone simply click the "Voice Memos" app, press the red button and start talking! The sound quality is good enough for you to record a podcast. However if you want to add jingles, higher quality recordings and sound effects you will need a lot more equipment. A quality microphone, headphones, a 'pop filter' will all add to your capabilities and enable your recording to be that be higher quality. What software should I use to record a podcast? Either use the existing app on your smartphone - so on the iPhone use the Voice Memo app. You can also use Audacity - available for Windows and Mac operating systems, or GarageBand - available on the Mac operating system. Audacity is free but GarageBand is usually paid for (free to some students). How do Podcasts make Money? This is one of the contentious parts of podcast recording. Quite a lot of well known podcasters will promote products and services or have sponsors who support their podcast series. You will often hear a podcaster say "welcome to my podcast, supported today by Nobbies Nutlets, top suppliers of food for fussy dogs. Buy their high quality products - I love eating them myself, they taste great!" Or something similar. The product or service may have nothing to do with the podcast but this is the way the podcasters will make money from their podcasts. Can you use Zoom to record podcasts? Yes absolutely - very easy - simply click the record button and then download the audio file once you have finished the call. We transcribe Zoom files constantly at the moment - the standard of audio is usually excellent. Why would you want to transcribe a podcast? Hard of hearing clients may well want to read the content of podcasts, but one of the main reasons for transcribing podcasts is so that an author of a podcast has another medium to promote their podcast through. If you transcribe an audio file you can then use the text on your websites, in emails, in press releases or news items, you can add the file as a pdf to your website, you can add a post to your blog. It is a simple trick to increase your website page ranking on the search engines and does not cost a lot. How do I transcribe an audio podcast for free? You can use Google Docs, Apple Pages, or just your note app on your iphone. Simply open a document or note, click the voice typing tool, and start speaking. The software will transcribe your spoken word. Word of warning - this is incredibly frustrating to use! But it is free.. To request a quote for your podcast to be accurately transcribed by experts, please click here. We work in all languages and in all countries around the world. Read the full article
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legalservices123 · 4 years
Why Your Business Can’t Avoid Podcasts and Their Transcripts
Podcasts are powerful content tools in digital marketing that help build a loyal audience. Adding transcripts will make them accessible to a wider audience. https://bit.ly/2P57135
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frontflipgaming · 4 years
Front Flip Gaming - Final Fantasy VII Remake Saved my Life - Transcript
Episode 2   June 17, 2020
Welcome to Front Flip Gaming, um, thank you for joining us.  This is episode 2—how Final Fantasy VII, uh, saved my life.  It’s probably going to be kind of a downer episode. Um, I’m going to be talking about anxiety and depression.  Um, so sorry in advance for that, but if you are someone who is suffering from anxiety and depression, I urge you to get help.  Reach out, talk to a friend, I mean, I know how it feels to—if you feel like you have no one to reach out to or you don’t want to reach out to anyone, but I urge you to do so.  Reach out to a professional if you can; get on meds if that helps you.  I’m not an expert on the subject, but I am gonna talk about it.
I suffer from anxiety and depression, and I have been suffering for, I’m not exactly sure how long, about maybe 10-15 years.  Some moments are harder than others, but I’ve been suffering for a long time.  I have gotten help; I have been to professionals and I’ve been on meds.  Around January of this year, it hit particularly hard, and my anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t hold a job.  I started one job; I lasted for a day before I quit because of anxiety.  I started another job about a month later.  I lasted two days, and then I quit because of anxiety.  And then about a month later, I started another job, and I was there for about a week and two days, before I felt I needed to quit.
It’s not a good feeling. I descended into a real deep depression, and the hard part for me was—I just lost all motivation to do anything. So I would basically stay in bed and that’s all I wanted to do.  I just wanted to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing.  I would lay in bed and look at the TV.  The TV would be off, and sometimes my eyes would be open, sometimes they would be closed.  But I’d basically wake up, get up to eat when I had to.  I would just get back into bed and just lay there and do absolutely nothing. I didn’t want to move, essentially; I didn’t want to leave the house, I didn’t want to get up, I didn’t want to walk. I just didn’t want to move.  And so when that’s your whole life, day in and day out, um, just every day, it’s really not a good feeling.  That feeling of not caring about anything, not being motivated to do anything, not looking forward to anything.  It’s a scary place to be in.  And I was getting treatment, I was speaking to a professional therapist, I was on meds, but that stuff—it helps but I mean to be honest, sometimes you just have to ride it out.  When you’re in that deep of a darkness, sometimes there’s very little that can help you.  So that’s how I was feeling basically since January of this year.
And so April 10th, Final Fantasy VII Remake came out.  I actually bought a PS4 last year during Black Friday because of Final Fantasy VII Remake.  I never owned a PS4 before.  I didn’t have any g—well, I had two games, I had Final Fantasy XV.  I bought Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age, before I even had a PS4.  And so I had those games for years just sitting there.  Last Black Friday, I purchased a PS4.  I didn’t play any games right away, it just kind of sat there. And then April 10th rolls around, and the game arrives, but at that time, I didn’t even have a TV connected in my room, and I didn’t have my PS4 connected in my room.  And I was excited for it, but because of my depression, I kind of wasn’t really hyped for it.  The box came and I was like, whatever.
But I was interested in it, so I started looking on Twitch—started watching playing it on Twitch. If you listened to the last episode, I talked about my favorite game of all time, Final Fantasy VII.  So I was very familiar with the original; I was not worried about spoilers or anything like that.  So I was watching people play it on Twitch; it was getting me really excited to play the game.  About five days passed by, and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I hooked up a TV in my room, hooked up the PS4 and I started playing on April 15th, and I was hooked.  And I remember seeing the opening movie, and it’s like really beautiful, and then when they did a close up on Aerith’s face, and in all its 3D amazing magic or whatever, I was like, this is amazing.  This is awesome.  I actually said “Jesus Christ” out loud, because I couldn’t believe that I was able to experience this.  I was like, this game shouldn’t even exist.  This is a remake of a twenty-three year old game, like I can’t believe I’m getting to do this.  So I played through the game.  I beat it in five days.  It took me like fifty hours.  I loved it. I just absolutely loved it.  I loved the graphics, obviously, the story, the battle mechanics, the voice acting was amazing, and it got a little weird at the end, but we won’t get into that today.  I essentially loved everything about it, and I just absolutely loved it.  It not only revitalized my love for the Final Fantasy franchise, but it kind of revitalized my love for gaming and gaming culture, and video games.  It just kind of turned my life around.  I started playing other games.  I played Final Fantasy XV, I played Nier Automata, I played Spider-Man. And some of these games I bought during Black Friday, and they were kind of just sitting there.  I was playing all these games.  I’ve been watching people on Twitch, and it got me excited about, not only games and gaming culture, but just honestly it got me excited about life again.  It got me something to look forward to.  I’m really hoping the game will come out—the part two will come out in – I mean who knows, I doubt it’ll be next year.  It’ll probably be closer to 2023, as much as that hurts to say.  I can’t wait for part two, although I have to.  And we all have to.  But it gives me something to look forward to, and I’m really excited for that. It makes me think how powerful how video games are and how impactful they are and how much of a positive element they can be for some people’s lives.  Cause some people might say “dude it’s a video game, it’s a game, it’s fiction, it’s not real.”  But it’s so much more than that.  It is so much more than that.  I mean like I said, I was day in day out I was laying in my bed just not doing anything at all.  After playing Final Fantasy VII Remake, and then getting back into gaming again, it’s gotten me motivated to get out of bed.  I set up some of my audio equipment.  I started this podcast because of the game.  I met some people online and I’ve started writing about games. And like, I feel like I’m not even the same person I was a few months ago.  It just feels kind of unbelievable, the impact that it can have on you.  And I’m not saying this is a permanent fix, like, I could be back where I was in a few months, like hopefully not. Hopefully this feeling sticks around for a while.  I’m in a much better place today.  I mean, there’s all bits and pieces, I am still talking to a therapist and I am still on medications, so everything is helping.  It’s all like small pieces of a whole.  But it was just kind of a trickle effect of playing this game, which got me interested in other things.  Let me start this, let me start that.  I just feel excited about life again.  Looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to what I can experience in the next day, in the next week, and in the next few years when part two comes out.
Like I said in the beginning, if you are suffering from anxiety or depression, I urge you to reach out to a friend, hopefully you have someone that you’re comfortable speaking to. Hopefully you find a group of people that can help you or just chat about anything.  Just find your happy place.  Talk to a professional if you can.  Get on meds if that works for you, if you can.  And keep fighting the good fight because I know it can be hard.  And I know sometimes it feels like you’re drowning and you can’t find your bearings.  It can get better, and it will get better.  And I’m really thankful for everyone who was a part of the creation of this game, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and everyone part of gaming culture because it’s a great culture to be a part of.  So that’s my story, I just wanted to share it.  Hopefully if you’re in a bad place, I hope you can get out of it soon, and you will get out of it soon and you’re not alone.  There are so many people who are struggling, but hopefully, you find your bliss.  Hopefully, you find something that you love, that will start getting you motivated and get you to a better place.  So that’s all I got for today.  Thank you.
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Shared History is a History & Comedy Podcast from Arcade Audio
Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people. 
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gmr-transcription · 11 months
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gmr-transcription · 11 months
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Ep. 1- Goodbye, Esmerelda Part 1
DANE: The milky way galaxy. Planet Earth. Cleveland, Ohio. Twelve-year-old Esmerelda looks out the window of her father single-engine airplane.
All of Cleveland is rolling underneath her. The trees look just like broccoli, she thinks. And the lake looks like one of her mom’s silver plates and it’s getting bigger in her eyes. And she smiles.
Now, little Esmerelda doesn’t know this probably, but a hundred years ago or so her great great grandfather John Stonefall, the oil tycoon, bought all the land currently rolling under her for a suspiciously small sum. But rather than build on the land like everyone expected, he instead had it all dug up. Leaving mounds of dirt everywhere, much to the chagrin of the locals. Petitions were signed, ladies groups had lunches. Finally, as a compromise, Stonefall filled most of the holes, built a summer home on a small piece of the land, and donated the rest of the city of Cleveland for parks.
The Stonefalls ended up liking it in Cleveland. Despite the controversy, they were happy there and they breed like rabbits becoming more and more cousins with cleaner and cleaner money. And that money eventually thinned and settled, becoming locked up in foundations, orchestras, zoos. Many of these cousins left Cleveland, but a few stayed. Their lives buoyed by the steady pumping of old trusts.
And it was one of these cousins, a guy named Roger Parring. A man made foggy from a life of never having had to know that he had never really had, who took his little daughter, Esmerelda Parring, for a ride in their single-engine airplane. Now, later on that night they will show their flight path on the news. A single red line that ends abruptly in the solid blue section at the top of the map graphic. Apparently, their engine began to malfunction as they were right over Pepper Heights and people on the news later will say they could hear it.
A sound like a saw in the sky.
But while that plane was still in the air above Pepper Heights, I didn’t hear it. I was far below, sleeping late in an old bed in my friend’s guest room. Huge white clouds were racing through the sky, making the light in my bedroom change from bright to dim to bright to dim. But I didn’t notice that either. I was deep in a dark dream.
Now, my dreams are pretty fucked up usually. Like me and my mom are astronauts and she’s floating away and I can’t do anything about it. Or like the train car I’m on is full of a thousand big, fat slow black flies landing on everybody's face and lips and they don’t notice because everyone is reading their Kindles that sort of thing. And I don’t dream about sex that often but, when I do it’s always something really awful. Like I’m at the deli and the guy behind the counter is making me fuck my cousin, Bryan, in front of a line of old ladies waiting for their hams and I can’t get hard and everybody is waiting.
Anyway, ever since I got to Cleveland I’ve been having this strange recurring dream. It always starts the same. I’m in the water. Hanging suspended and it’s deep water. And it’s dark, I can’t see anything. The water is the same temperature as my body. It feels pleasant. My hair’s just gently swaying. And then I feel a little bit of cold on my legs. And at first, I think it feels sort of nice. And then a little bit more cold and then slowly I realize, that’s something huge is moving underneath me.
I start to freak out and I start to try to get away but I can’t get anywhere. The water isn’t moving and I feel the coldness coming up more and more cold like the thing is getting closer. So I start to crash and I open my mouth to scream but the icy water rushes in. It hits the back of my throat and zooms down into my stomach. I feel it fill me up. And then it zigzags it’s way through my intestines like a cold knife and just before it gets to the back of my asshole, I wake up.
And I throw off the covers and I look down. And my dick is rock hard. Like so hard that it’s actually like bobbing up and- oh fuck I am late for work. I jump out of bed, I throw on my faded red Zenarc Corporations t-shirt and I tuck my boner into my shorts as best I can. I run downstairs and grab a pop tart and I dump a glass of water on the counter somewhere near the plants and then boom I’m out the door.
I usually walk through the neighborhood, Woodshire to York to Willowbrook to Cedar Ridge and then I cut through the woods. But not I have to run right down the main street area of Pepper Heights, Rivington Road, because I’m running late.
I get to the four-way stop and people in Ohio are way too polite for four-way stops so everyone just of sort sits there going:
“No, you go first” “Nah you go first” “No please I insist” “No please”
So I just run diagonally right across screaming. [sounds of screaming and honking cars] Now the thing about Rivington Road is that it’s a busy little street. There’s all these different kinds of food: Indian, Ethiopian, a Ramen place, a Sushi place, a Chinese food place, a toy shop, an independent bookshop, records, second-hand clothes, Peruvian imports, A head shop, a couple of bars, and even a gay bar. All in like a few blocks and it’s always crowded.  And there are so many different types of people and outside of New York, I’ve never ever seen anything like Pepper Heights. It was such a mix of people. People from every country, every income bracket. All living in the same neighborhood. It felt like some sort of lefty public tv fantasy. All these different kinds of lovely humans right here on Rivington but not a single fucking one of them knows how to walk at the right speed. “MOVE!”
I turn the corner right by the mirror store and boom. I see a truck, I almost run into it. Some sort of utility truck. It’s like parked half on the grass and half in the street. And I hear cussing coming from somewhere close.
“Cock sucker motherfucker son of a bitch”
And it sounds like it coming from above me so I look up. And there is a sort of crane coming up from the utility truck to bucket and there is a man in the bucket fiddling with the light pole but I can’t really see him because he is silhouetted by the sun but he’s just cussing up a storm. I have never heard some cuss so blatantly and out in the open and I mean this is a neighborhood. There’s like old ladies and like little kids-
[child's voice] “Move fucker!"
DANE: “Hey!”
A little girl comes out of no where she almost runs me over on her bike. Jesus. Okay, just a few more blocks. And I don’t have to run anymore I think I can just walk briskly, I don’t want to be a complete sweaty mess when I get there. And I’m only…..13 minutes late that’s not so bad. That’s close to ten minutes, it's almost ten minutes late. Okay.
I get to the side entrance, this big metal building and above the door, there is a sign that says “Zenarc Corporation: Shuttle Bay Five.” I stop for a minute. I take a breath. And then I open the big metal door. The cold air instantly hits me. The security guard gets up from his chair and blocks the hallway. He crosses his arms and stands in front of me. His eyes narrow as he demands to see my id badge.
“Really I’ve worked here for three weeks and I’m late.”
After a ridiculous amount of looking at me up and down, looking at my badge then looking back at me looking at my badge again, he lets me pass. Four more heavy metal doors and finally, I’m in the shuttle bay.
VOICE FROM OVERHEAD: “Mission Log 10182135 - Project Objective: To survey the 69 known moons of Jupiter for possible helium2 deposits. You are to report any signs of helium2 directly to your superiors at Zenarc Corporations upon debriefing. All 69 target moons are classified as lifeless but nonetheless, you are advised to keep your scanners on. Be safe and happy hunting miners.”
DANE: Okay, hold on for a second. I know what you are thinking.
Cleveland? Why Cleveland? Why did I go to Cleveland?
Well, I went to Cleveland… because I was tired. Tired in- tired in like a cosmic sense. Like a big sense. Not like a day to day tired. Not like ‘I need a nap tired’ but like ‘I need a 6-month soul nap’ tired. And my friend Emily was going to be gone for 6 weeks so she said ‘Come stay in my house, water my plants, and you can be alone’ and I thought ‘Alone. Alone time. That sounds great. What a gift to somebody who's been living in New York, especially a musician.’ So I thought ‘I’ll write an album.’ And so I went. I took my keyboard, I set it up in her living room, I turned it on, I sat on the bench and Grindr-ed. And ate my way through an Amazon shipping error of Doritos but every once in a while my free hand would reach out blindly and finger a random cord.
Grindr for some people, I think, is fun. Like they can just pop into it and then pop right back out of it whenever they’re done. But for me, I’ve never been able to stop having fun. But not in like a- not in like a ‘I’m always having fun’ kind of way. But in like a- like ‘There’s so much fun that it hurts’ kind of way. Uh, it just eats all of my time, obsessively. But after three days, I still hadn’t gotten laid and all of my white keys were orange. So I deleted Grindr again, and started looking for a job. But after literally walking into a mirror while dropping off my application at the American Apparel and being given what I thought was a rather gosh but nonetheless classic runaround by the assistant manager at the Chipotle, I was running out of options within walking distance. But I finally scored a late season job working at this tiny little neighborhood amusement park. It’s called the Pepper Heights Zoo. This place has been a risk free tax haven since before plastic was invented. It was like a nursing home for the old oil money and the zoo part was a motley collection of creatures gotten cheap for various reasons. But the most popular attraction by far, the animal on all the lunch boxes, the star, was an elderly zebra named Zoe.
Now, I don’t have any experience with animals myself so they gave me a job as a ride attendant on one of the few rides. This large indoor roller coaster called ‘Jupiter’s Lifeless Moons.’ It was right next to Zoe’s exhibit. Everyone just referred to it as ‘The Moons.’ It was a pretty tame ride actually, with a rider minimum height of only 48 inches. 44 if you had an adult. The whole idea was that it was a space shuttle that took space prospectors out to the moons of Jupiter to look for helium2 deposits. My job as an employee of the fake space prospecting company, the Zenarc Corporation, was to unload the kids, instruct them them to report any helium2 deposits during their debriefing in the next room and I had to use my most official sounding voice. And the park did a pretty good job making it all seem spacey and fun, there were flashing lights and space props. And in line, you heard a robot voice saying the mission objective on loop.
[Overhead voice plays again]
There was even, like, space adventure music playing from hidden speakers during the ride itself. That was the cool thing about the Pepper Heights Zoo. They piped in music all over the park like specifically made for the park. A lot of it was recorded years ago by these three ladies. They were sisters. The sherggeburg- the something sisters. I- I don’t know but you can buy their CD in the gift shop.
[Music fades in]
You’re my only dream boy
You’re my only dream boy
Dream fade into the night
But rather than die away
Why don’t you stay
You’re my only dream
[Music end]
But they also recorded a theme song for Zoe
[Upbeat(Kind of crazy) music starts]
[Sisters laughing]
Zoe, Zoe
The most amazing zebra
Zoe, Zoe
She’s our favorite friend!
La la la la..
[Music fades to background]
And since the ride shares it’s huge metal building with part of Zoe’s exhibit I did have to listen to that on loop for my entire shift. Other than that it was a pretty easy gig though, I just had to stand behind my podium and say my one line into this rank microphone that jesus smelled like a hundred summer’s worth of spit.
“Attention all miners aboard Shuttle Five. Please report your helium2 findings in the debriefing room.”
The lap bars clank open and the kids scramble out. They all run into the next room, the debriefing room but one girl lags behind. She stands there beside the track. I realise slowly that I recognize her. She has ridden the ride several times this week and she’s dressed like a Catholic school or-or I don’t know what I think they dress like. The lap bars slam down automatically on the coaster behind her but she doesn’t jump. The empty car disappears into the dark tunnel to pick up another batch of kids in the next room, leaving us alone.
“Are you okay?”
GIRL: “I’m perfectly fine.”
DANE: “O-Okay. Um, you need to report to debriefing.”
GIRL: “Please. I’m nearly 60 inches tall.
DANE: “O-oh um…”
GIRL: “I know it’s all pretend.”
DANE: “Okay, well you still have to leave before the shuttle comes back though okay?”
GIRL: “I know. I just thought I’d wait till they clear out a little. The other kids.”
DANE: She nodded towards the debriefing room but she wasn’t really looking at it. She wasn't looking at me either and she spoke like a small adult.from the 1960’s in that creepy way that kids who are raised by their grandparents sound. Her eyes settle on a far door. I instinctively step out from behind podium. Then another door opens and a man enters. He walks quickly towards me. His nice suit makes him look completely out of place but he stops when he notices the little girl.
MAN: “Oh! Hello there!”
DANE: He winks at me as he walks over to her and bends down to her eye level.
MAN: “So, tell me. Do you have any helium deposits to report?”
DANE: She says nothing. She just glares at him. It’s the kind of glare that stays anchored on his face as she walks around him and disappears into the debriefing room behind him.
MAN: “Awww. That’s a great age.”
DANE: This man is Eli Critch, the director of the Pepper Heights Zoo.
ELI: “Hello Dwayne.”
DANE: “It’s um..it’s Dane, actually.”
ELI: “Oh yes of course. I’m sorry, Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane.Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. Dane. I knew that! Dane. Dane. How are you liking it over here at the moons?”
DANE: “Um, it’s fine.”
Somewhere else in the building the old roller coaster car makes a turn and the whole building responds with a soft metallic groan.
[Kind of a aggressive groan from the building]
ELI: “Okay. Well, I just wanted to give you an updated set of keys. Changed the locks last night. Can’t be too careful. What with the current...rigamarole situation.”
DANE: He sets a key ring on the podium. Two shiny new keys on it.
ELI: “That’s the broom closet, that’s the front of the ride and that should do ya’”
DANE: Then he smiles and there is an awkward moment where he is just smiling at me. And then the smile turns off like a neon sign and he walks away. But he stops short in the middle of the Shuttle Bay and turns back around. That green shuttle approaching light flashing on his nice suit.
ELI: “Oh, indeed. You do know that door leads to Zoe’s night time enclosure, yes?”
DANE: He points at the far door. I nod slowly.
[music change to softs casual music]
Now I’ve always loved the grocery store at night. Like a 24-hour grocery store is like my church. And it’s mostly because there are no people, yeah sure but, also because everything has been restocked and straightened and it’s perfectly neat. There’s just row upon row of brightly colored boxes with little cartoon faces all peeking out the same way. And I think it’s because everything is so neat and there are no people moving around and there’s this bouncy music playing, that if you look for it you can really glimpse the shape of a terrible screaming skull behind the gorgeous face that the grocery store. And it hits you. You are standing in a warehouse of death. A plant and animal morgue.
Tonight I want a pie. But the bakery section of the store is dark. Like the lights were out in just that corner and also the pie case, I know exactly where it’s at, I can see it from here, but it has a shorted light tonight. And it’s blinking randomly. Giving the whole bakery section sorta bad part of town feel. Now… I’m maybe a bad boy, maybe not a bad boy, depends on who you ask, but I’m certainly not afraid of the dark and I mean… sort of a rebel. I even have the cart with a squeaky wheel. So, I like squeak right over to that bakery section.
CART: “Squeaky. Squeaky. Squeaky. Squeaky. Squeaky. Squeaky. Squeak.”
Dane: And as soon as I cross the threshold, I see them. Sitting in shadow. Three little girls. Girl Scouts maybe, behind a table. About 12 years old, give or take. They had doll eyes. Over thin smiles.
GIRL: “Good morning.”
DANE: “Oh! Go-But it’s just after midnight.”
GIRL: “Technically morning.”
DANE: “Oh. That’s uh… That’s pretty by the book.”
GIRL 2: “There are enough lies.”
DANE: They’re all wearing matching uniforms? And they all have different patches and I recognize the one girl from the ride easier. It’s the girl that lagged behind and she recognizes me. And the other two are twins but with, different hair.
“Uh… Are you selling something?”
GIRL:“No. But if you would like to donate we would be most appreciative.”
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Ep 1: Goodnight, Esemerelda Part 2
DANE: “Don’t?- Oh! Uh. Oh, so you don’t have like cookies. Or uh, anything. I just thought y’know, bakery section, um girl scouts, that maybe you had-”
GIRL 3: “We are not affiliated with The Girl Scouts of America.”
DANE: I reach into my pocket and thought ‘I’ll just give them a dollar and be on-
GIRL: “Minimum donation is three dollars, for the pamphlet.”
DANE: “But that’s called selling something… What’s-What’s the pamphlet about?”
They hold up a small paper book. The title elegantly printed in dark blue ink on cream colored card stock. It reads:
‘Friends Till the End: Advocating for Animals’
“What are you raising money for, anyway?”
GIRL: “Zoe.”
DANE: “Zoe.”
GIRL: “The zebra. We are raising money to save her. Apparently, the zoo is too broke to do anything about it. Even though they seem to have plenty of money for that stupid new exhibit.”
GIRL 2: “The Forgotten Sea.”
GIRL: “It’s stupid! How do you forget a whole sea! You work there don’t you.”
DANE: “Yeah. Part-time.”
[bubbly music fades out and is replaced with ominous music]
Walking home I couldn’t stop thinking of how that little girl said the word ‘zebra’. Zebra[sounds like sea-bra]. Her weird little voice and her weird little cold blue eyes. Like two little hard candies that someone spat on the sidewalk. Now I just want to get home. It feels weird being out in the open. And this pie is hurting my arm.
Ughh. Thank god. I walk up Emily’s steps. I open the screen door but it hits something. I bend down to pick it up.
“What the-”
It’s a small cardboard box. It feels warm in my hand and there’s a name written on top of the box in beautiful cursive.
“Luke Prescot”
I don’t know anyone named Luke. I look around. Nobody is out. All the windows in all of the houses are dark. The the smell hits me. Cinnamon and cardamom. I look down. I open the box and more of that smell billows up. It’s a small spice cake and it smells like a thousand Christmases. I instantly feel wrong for looking so I close the box back up again. I go inside and put the cake in the fridge, I think I’ll just text Emily tomorrow and be like ‘Do you know anybody named Luke?”
I get a fork and I sit down with the pie box in front of the TV. I open it and I wait for a pillow of delicious smell to hit me but it doesn’t. The pie seems to have no smell compared to the cake. I take a bite anyway and turn on the news.
Some millionaire and his daughter crashed their plane at a lake. Search and rescue operations are underway. People on the news are pointing to the sky and talking at the camera. They show a picture that the  father posted to social media right before the flight. It’s the two of them standing next to the plane. Her smiling really big. And it was captioned ‘Esmerelda’s first plane ride.’ I take a bite of pie and stare at Esmerelda's face. Then I stop chewing.
I think of the bottom of the lake. I think of that plane. Folded up like a sleeping bird, down there. And I think of that man, slumped over in the crushed cockpit. His daughter trapped in the backseat behind him. And then suddenly I feel like I’m in that backseat. Unable to move. Looking at the back of my dad’s head. His blood like ribbons of red silk in the water. And then I just had this feeling, in my gut, I just know. They’re never gonna find this plane. They will never find Esmerelda Parring. She’ll be down there alone forever.
The bite of pie is much in my mouth. I swallow it and turn the TV off.
And then there is only my reflection. In the dark glass. Looking back at me
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gmr-transcription · 2 years
Read Full Article: 9 Podcast Ideas for Beginners in 2022
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