platycryptus · 2 years
nereid worms (Alitta sp.) prowling the tidal mudflats
nereids and other predatory polychaete worms (such as bobbit worms) are related to earthworms but have a more complex brain, leg-like parapodia, eyes, antennae, and sharp retractable jaws for grasping prey. I think of them as marine centipedes.
normally they stay out of sight buried in the mud, so I was a bit surprised to see these ones crawling out in the open, various smaller invertebrates scrambling out of the way to avoid becoming the worms’ next meal.
(PEI, Canada, 7/29/22)
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snototter · 6 months
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A bristleworm (Polychaeta sp.) off the coast of Boca Raton, Florida, USA
by Bryant Turffs
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a-book-of-creatures · 10 months
I not only support reclaiming worm, but I also support accepting kinship between Dragons and Annelids. Dragons are ultimately the lords of those who slither, annelids included.
Strong agree! Besides, some annelid worms are basically dragons anyway - and I’m not just talking about bobbit worms, I’m talking about polychaetes in general! Lookit those beauties!
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rosybetta · 2 years
literally not lying or exaggerating at all when I say I think polychaete worms are SO CUTE. like. not even because I think they have "traditionally cute" features, I just literally love the way they look and I think it's so adorable. the whole Nereididae family is just,, shaped like cute to me????? go google it and look at their little faces??? chubby bodies??? little hands???? truly God's favorite creatures. nature abhors a vacuum but it loves a good worm.
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noncompliantcyborg · 6 months
Do you have any idea how delighted I am that y'all are so delighted about polychaetes? Not one person has been mean about them. Everyone is just like !!!! 😍
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nereididae · 10 months
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Since it's national polychaete day here's a couple of my favourite guys from my masters research :)
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odetoscavengers · 3 months
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plaguedocboi · 6 months
I went for a walk on a private beach because all the summer home people are long gone for the year and I found an extra large and extra in charge polychaete
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iguanodont · 4 months
Mentioned briefly in my last post, but I do in fact have holographic worm stickers for sale now.
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There’s far more to the world of Annelida than the humble nightcrawlers you find in your yard; many species are found in marine environments, where they take such varied forms as the fearsome bobbit worm or the ethereal tomopteris. Here I’ve rendered a ragworm (family Nerididae); a sort of polychaete (bristle worm) found in benthic marine (and occasionally freshwater) environments the world over.
Some cool facts to win you over:
1. The largest ragworm in the world is the king ragworm (Alitta virens), which ready achieves lengths of 4 ft/120 cm.
2. Ragworms are an important part of the live sea-bait industry. Unfortunately that also means they have been harvested so extensively in some areas that their populations are threatened.
3. Ragworms reproduce through a bizarre process called epitoky, in which the benthic worm either transforms into a free-swimming reproductive morph, or buds off several free swimming sex-clones to party in the world above. Either way, it will be the final act of the animal’s life.
4. Ragworms, like bobbit worms, have large, eversible mandibles in their pharynx that they extrude to give a nasty bite.
5. On the topic of ragworm jaws, the material they are made of is very strong and lightweight, despite lacking the calcium mineralization of most other animals with hard body structures. There is some research investigating its structure for aerospace engineering applications!
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writheworm · 6 months
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aquatic animal illustrations for friends
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incinerated · 2 years
Love love love sabellastarte magnifica & spirobranchus gifanteus
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marinebiologyshitposts · 10 months
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toadalled · 29 days
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I edited my leech sketch to make a ragworm for a customer
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riftless · 8 months
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My bobbit worm Fakemon :)
Babbit is based off of the larvae and Annihilid is the adult worm!
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vestaignis · 22 days
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Сабеллиды – семейство сидячих многощетинковых червей, распространенных в донных сообществах всех океанов. К сидячему образу жизни сабеллиды приходят не сразу. На стадии личинки червь безмятежно дрейфует в океанических водах. Взрослые особи живут в песке или в илистом грунте мелководной зоны. Сабеллиды - социальные животные, образующие большие колонии в тех местах, где достаточно пищи. На переднем конце тела сабеллид расположена пара перистых, покрытых ресничным эпителием пальп. С помощью этих перьеобразных щупальцев-жабр черви собирают из толщи воды и с поверхности грунта частицы, которые затем используют в пищу или для построения трубки. Кусочки грунта они смешивают со слизью и строят трубки из материала, напоминающего пергамент. Длина трубок в зависимости от вида колеблется от 2 до 10 см. Пальпы одновременно служат и органами дыхания, так как через их поверхность осуществляется интенсивный газообмен. Кроны этих щупальцев выступают из торчащих на дне трубок подобно лепесткам великолепных цветов. Однако при малейшем движении воды «цветы» мгновенно втягиваются, оставляя на поверхности лишь низкие серые «пеньки». Окраска щупальцев-жабр червей разнообразная, но чаще всего это бежевые, желтые, коричневые, черные, темно-красные, лиловые и белые цвета. Зоологи обнаружили более 10 тысяч видов этих животных.
Sabellidae are a family of sessile polychaete worms common in benthic communities of all oceans. Sabellids do not immediately adopt a sedentary lifestyle. At the larval stage, the worm drifts serenely in ocean waters. Adults live in sand or muddy soil in the shallow water zone. Sabellids are social animals, forming large colonies in places where there is enough food. At the anterior end of the sabellid body there is a pair of feathery palps covered with ciliated epithelium. With the help of these feather-like tentacles-gills, the worms collect particles from the water column and from the surface of the soil, which are then used for food or to build a tube.They mix pieces of soil with mucus and build tubes from a material resembling parchment. The length of the tubes, depending on the type, ranges from 2 to 10 cm. The palps also serve as respiratory organs, since intensive gas exchange occurs through their surface. The crowns of these tentacles protrude from tubes protruding from the bottom like the petals of magnificent flowers. However, at the slightest movement of water, the “flowers” ​​are instantly retracted, leaving only low gray “stumps” on the surface. The color of the tentacles-gills of worms is varied, but most often they are beige, yellow, brown, black, dark red, purple and white. Zoologists have discovered more than 10 thousand species of these animals.
Источник:https://m.vk.com/video-177833227_456240992?list=f6ce210ae901f2fd35&from=wall-3724862_1674, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сабеллиды, /vk.com/volgbioclub //www.gismeteo.ru/news/animals/raspushit-perya-kto-takie-sabellidy-i-zachem-im-nuzhny-pjoryshki/, /muzei-kholmsk.shl.muzkult.ru/Sabellids, //pofoto.club/32013-sabellidy.html, /zoogalaktika.ru/photos/invertebrata/annelida/polychaeta.
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
there's this strange sort of beast that's inspired arguments on pinterest, and I was wondering if you or your other followers could identify it. personally I am of the opinion that it is some variety of Leggéd Worm
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It's marine, not a bug. I'm no sort of expert on marine life but it looks like a polychaete worm to me. No idea what species since there are thousands. The "legs" aren't used for walking but rather for swimming.
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