#powder coat
diabolicdetective · 6 months
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celebsaggers · 9 months
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Home Bar - Rustic Home Bar seated at a home bar in a mid-sized mountain style single-wall image with a medium tone wood floor and a brown background.
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aultreneveulxestre · 1 year
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Home Bar - Rustic Home Bar
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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The People Have Requested A Granby, and By Golly, A Granby They Shall Have!
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phantom-bleu · 6 months
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God ok i spent an hour on this got frustrated and then realised i DONT give a shit and dont need to finish it but like does anyone get the vision? anyone?
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orbital-inclination · 8 months
argument: Nightmare is well fed on Halloween because the holiday is chalk full of negative feelings, specifically, fear. counter-argument: Thanks Giving harbors more potential for negativity then all the mainstream american-centric holidays combined, second only to Valentine's Day (for Valentine’s Days specifically: ill timed break ups. loneliness. and said loneliness being rubbed in your face by commerce.)
Halloween is second only to Christmas in it's production of sheer glee.
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planetsallalign · 4 months
I’ve been using Nellies laundry soap and using wool dryer balls (that I made an essential oil blend to spray on them cause I do like a little scent), and my clothes/towels/sheets have never felt as soft and fluffy as they do now.
Currently still in bed hunkering down because everything feels way too good to get out of.
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mothric · 5 months
if you ever make soup from scratch and you sit down and have a fresh bowl and you think to yourself "this is good and flavourful but it's just missing a liiittle something" that's the devil talking to you. let the flavours marinate overnight and taste it again the next day, it'll be great. if it's still missing something then try adding a little salt to your bowl. but do NOT mess with a finished soup.
signed, someone who ruined their perfectly good soup with too much salt and garlic powder after it was already done and may have cried a little bit about it this morning
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Interrupted Prayers
(Synopsis: Even her most sincere prayers would do nothing to soothe the repetitive strumming of the ancient artifact - located in the middle of the island - to a halt.)
(ft. Kujou Sara, Raiden Ei, Sayu/Me)
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It was an average day for Kujou Sara; both the shrines, the gateway to the island, and the front porch of the lookalike building of Tenshukaku were as clean as ever, thanks to her.
Her Eternal Excellency must've finished long before her, she'd think. After all, all she had to do was clean a stage and dust a few chairs and tables.
Her peaceful and quiet session of prayers of thankfulness towards her Grace ended up interrupted as a sudden gust of a wind passed by.
Suspicious of the sudden presence of wind and possible intruder, she turned her head to the sound, only to see a trail of leaves leading to the next island.
She grimaces at the mess, but figured she'd clean it up later.
That is, if the ancient lyre in the middle of the island would stop strumming.
... Wait...
... The ancient lyre was strumming?
The sudden turn of her head could even rival the strike of a thunder bolt.
A child, one that was around to her upper extremity, just below her upper abdomen, was recklessly playing with the artifact as if it was just a normal instrument.
Didn't it know that carelessly touching, much less tampering, would be disrespectful and that it could face severe punishment without the explicit permission of her Grace?
She shook her head no. Her Grace would specifically tell any of their acolytes that decided to enter their personal domain to never be aggressive nor directly interact with them and stay in place unless the visitor themselves comes up to them.
And from there, they had the option to say anything, minus threatening and asking for information regarding them and the visitor themselves.
But despite the limitations her Grace placed on them, she still couldn't focus on her prayers because that child couldn't stop playing with the damn instrume-
"Hm? Wait- Is that Sara? It's Sara! Sara!! Kujou Sara!!"
She heard the footsteps of the child nearing, as well as its voice.
"Yooo, it's Kujou Sara!!"
She heard it coo over her, calling her name over and over. She could only hope that the child would grow tired quickly and leave her alone.
"Hey, Saraaa, look at me! Look at meee!"
Her eyebrows furrow. Great, now it wants her attention. She was never really great with kids, if ever. So, getting stuck between her Grace's orders, her inability to interact with children and the kid asking for attention was utterly out of her expertise. As much as she hated to say that.
"Lookie meeee! Look at meeeeeee!!"
With a quiet, defeated sigh, she turned her head to the child. Wait... Wasn't this that tanuki that hid behind her wings before? Sayu, was it?
Well, technically, the child was already under her Grace's wing(haha get it) but this was... Certainly a sight to see, especially after their first meeting.
Nevertheless, seeing the chi- ahem. Sayu happy brought a small smile on her own face.
Sayu was giggling that she finally noticed her, jumping up and down in excitement.
Ofcourse, and unfortunately, the moment was short-lived and Sayu quickly said her goodbyes to her, rolling away in a ball of wind and slightly ruining the path along her way.
She sighed in slight annoyance, but as long as the child was happy, she guessed that she would be happy as well for the time being.
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Not a few moments later, the child came rolling back carrying a coral crystalfly and a shiny looking slice of pineapple in her arms, saying a quick goodbye and rolling away once more, presumably to the island connected to the one she was on.
Another sigh escapes her lips, a small smile brushing her face as she watched the child roll through the messy, building-filled space.
She was glad she wasn't in charge of maintaining cleanliness on that island.
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C/N: thx to a friend of mine for letting me in their teapot, couldn't have made this fic without it 🫶🫶
btw, the "ancient lyre artifact" is the "Resonant Melody" furniture lyre you'd get during the 1st year celebration of genshin (should've been me smh)
and Sara's "unique" impression on Sayu is based on this comic on reddit - it speaks for itself :))
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galactic-bi-cat · 1 year
Dr Livesey from That TM "Treasure Island"
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Honestly, I'm not even gonna explain myself,,,
(He has zero to none fandom here but enjoy?... whoever's left of his enjoyers)
Edit: w the famous audio
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inkylizard · 3 days
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I learned how to powder coat!! I got to spend a couple days at Artisans Asylum in Boston this week, working on a project, & learning and doing things.
I love skills that let me make something that feels Real. This one feels like magic.
Spending time in creative spaces wakes up something important in my brain.
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clonerightsagenda · 7 months
trick or treat! your thoughts-feelings-hcs about either Small victories or The Pasithea Powder??
Ok so in the spirit of the season, I wonder if Sophie sometimes disguises herself so she can move around Medea without having to deal with the experience of.... being Sophie Green on Medea. I don't know how many people this would fool if she's wandering around with Jane, since even random people whose houses she breaks into take Jane and Sophie as a package deal, but still. Worth a shot. I was going to say she'd probably get into it - the drama, the performance - but now I'm wondering if she would, actually, after months on the Others' planet watching a bunch of aliens wear other people's faces. Does that take the fun out of playing pretend? Still I can see her playing up whatever persona she invented attempting to re-seduce Jane as a ~breathtaking stranger~ while Jane keeps telling her she's being ridiculous while trying not to laugh.
Anyway sorry this took a while I got distracted and listened to Mary Ann again.
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viatrix-glow · 6 months
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sorry about the lack of uhhhhh everything i have been con crunching <3 anyways flambé nails (they were a little rushed)
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anchovy · 4 months
Had someone break into and ransack my car this morning and the only thing he took was my tin of mints and was nice enough to spit one into my car door handle
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that--unusual-person · 8 months
Imagine if Soundwave or Starscream had lightning scarring
Dunno I think the idea of them being struck by lightning on Cybertron or something would be really cool
there are lightning scarings, neither have been struck by lightning yet (spoiler; soundwave stayed in the pool too long) but Ion Storm is a perfect example of what lightning scaring would look like
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aintitfierce · 30 days
@age733: // we need melon and good mango... It's not fair
tbh i don't think i've had anything mango-flavored outside of the japanese candy i sometimes get :o it's good tho
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