#power chair user
heart-buzz · 7 months
something i think a lot of able-bodied people (or really, ANYONE who doesn't use an electric mobility device) fail to realize is that while having a power chair can certainly open up your ability to go places, many places are not power chair/scooter friendly. even curbs aren't power chair friendly, (frankly im ignoring the width of sidewalks for this post... 😒) the first time i left my home with my chair, i had an emotional breakdown upon coming home, because my own driveway isn't power chair friendly. the curb has a two inch rise, which simply can't be rolled over. we'd already had to buy an expensive ramp to get OUT of the house, and i had to get out of my chair (ow) so that my fiance could lift the chair over the curb. if he wasn't there with me, i would've been out of luck. not only would i have had to leave my $5000 chair outside on the street, i would've had to walk myself back inside, which is one of the main contributions of my back pain. btw, insurance doesn't cover anything towards non-permanent chair ramps. as a disabled person, you are expected to cover those expenses yourself, and they are not cheap.
i also realized that not every road has an ADA-compliant curb to roll onto. do you know what that means? that means i have to drive my chair in the street, with actual cars. do you know the top speed of my chair? it's 5.1 miles per hour. im not sure if it's illegal to pass someone in a mobility scooter, but no one wanted to drive around me when this happened so i held up the traffic on a somewhat busy road. it was embarrassing and somewhat frightening.
i guess all im saying is, please think about power chair and scooter users when you think about wheelchair accessibility. please consider what our heavier, battery-operated chairs can and can't do when it comes to curbs and ramps.
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flowercrowncrip · 1 year
I’m in bed! Here’s a recap of the access issues we’ve had this afternoon for people who don’t realise what it’s like travelling as a wheelchair user:
1. Stuck on train because the person with the ramp didn’t realise we were there (despite booking assistance in advance and a phone call from the station we got on from telling them to expect us)
2. Hoist at train station changing places toilet not working
3. Taxi driver saying my chair was too big for his taxi (we got in the identical car behind him)
4. Hotel hoist blocked by badly placed fire alarm – had to change rooms.
And I’d rate this journey as pretty good in terms of issues.
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flintbian · 10 months
There's a disabled angel in good omens 🥺
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smoov-criminal · 10 months
if you use more than one, choose which you use more. if you use them equally, choose which you like the best or find the most helpful
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Hey, you're being lied to about what fitness constitutes. If you can't work in an hour-long crossfit slog, but you can work in a five-minute walk, then that is still fitness. If you can't use your legs but you can do arm circles every now and again, that is still fitness. If you're moving around at work, that's still fitness. It can be intentional or incidental, but here's the best part: your body doesn't care if you're dedicating specific work-out times. It doesn't care if the "only" fitness it gets is your nine to five on your feet. It doesn't care, fitness is fitness is fitness. Some of us do it differently, but the end result is more or less similar.
If you can do any type of fitness safely, your body isn't going to care if you're doing it like an Olympic athlete or if you're just a casual.
#fitness#gentle reminders#i hate hate hate the idea that fitness must be done Intentionally and in a Hegemonic Way#like... fitness is whatever you make of it and whatever you do#your body isn't going to be like 'well you walked for fove minutes but you didn't do shoulder presses at the gym so it doesn't count 😊'#if you want more specific forms of fitness then SURE you might want to do more specific exercises and activities#but if your goal is overall movement for however much if your body then... you don't Need to be THAT specific#and your goals may be specific for only parts of your body and that's GREAT!#a wheelchair user may for example do more arm exercises so they can use a manual chair for instance...#...and to many people i've noticed they don't think it 'counts' because the chair user isn't using 'all' of their body...#...but it's like... using your arms in non-powered chairs can be really important so like. it's still fitness.#you don't actually have to equally focus on everything if you don't want to or can't#all this to say that fitness is Not hegemonic and you don't need to feel shame about what you do or don't do#even a tiny tiny TINY amount is significant and matters <3#this is definitely something i've gotten more passionate about since becoming a ~gym bro~#because you see just how different people are and what they want out of fitness#and it's taught me a lot more about my own disabilities and how i work with (and even against) them to find balance#this is what i love about those fitness video games too! because they're often made to be engaging and fun!#i LOVED just dance as a kid and that was fitness merging with video games (and i loved video games (still do!))#and i HIGHLY recommend people get video games like just dance or that one nintendo ring game because of these elements!#it combines the comfort of home with movement with engaging music/story/video game elements#and things like that make me believe in peace and love and care on planet earth <<3
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Bus drivers don't break my chair challenge
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autism-polls · 2 months
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iamyouknow-yours · 1 year
I've seen a few people trying to decide between getting a mobility scooter and an electric wheelchair.
Mobility scooters are cheaper but both are expensive. I'm gonna tell you about my scooter and my experience with it. I have the CTM HS-115 scooter. She is red and has 3 wheels. I'll include photos at the end plus a bonus photo of my cat sitting on it.
The turning circle!!! My house has narrow passages and it can be quite difficult to maneuver the scooter because of the turning circle. Especially when I'm having a bad brain fog day. I have gotten better at maneuvering though.
Wheelchairs have a turning circle of themselves. My scooter has one that is I think around a metre? I don't remember, my memory is bad.
Also it has this really annoying function where it can't be pushed even on pushing mode if it isn't on perfectly flat ground because the automatic braking system kicks in.
I'd also have a look at the amount of rise any mobility aid you are looking at can go over because when entering inaccessible buildings (like my house, I have to lift it up/get someone else to lift it for me.
Some of these problems would not be fixed by getting not a mobility scooter but some would.
My back sometimes hurts if I'm in it for a while (because the back rest is not very tall) but I've fixed this by having a cushion and remembering to lean back all the way.
To be clear though I love my scooter. She is very useful and has loads of benefits.
And I don't know any of the downsides of a power chair because I have no lived experience with one.
She can go on pretty rough terrain. She's pretty sturdy. I've taken her to the park near my house and round my friend's garden. As well as more obvious places like the mall.
Only time I've had an issue was when I went to this very hilly place where the ground sloped to the side and then she didn't want to brake.
The driving system means I can switch which hand I use plus my friend can walk next to me and maneuver me.
There's enough space by my feet that I can put my backpack there too.
It's fit in every car I've tried it in with just regular disassembly. Except my friend's dad's two seater car but then he disassembled it more using Tools™ and it fit.
It has good battery life, it hasn't run out on me.
The system for viewing how much battery you have left is bad though. It has 3 lights (red, orange, green) and supposedly the green turns off then the orange then the red and it's dead. But me and my friends can never figure out which lights are on and which are off.
It has a blue warning light which flashes in various sequences when something is wrong. I've had the scooter for several months and have never had it flash.
Fastest speed is 6km/h which is like someone jogging.
I got them to remove the beeping it makes when it reverses because that was Terrible.
The only customisation I've done to mine so far is put stickers that tell me which direction (forwards or backwards) the controls make it go. Because it's the opposite on the left and right. Which makes it easier if you want to swap hands or have a friend maneuver you but I need the stickers to tell me which way to push or pull the lever.
I am looking for ideas on how to customise her so please give suggestions. If anyone has suggestions on how to make the back rest taller that would be so appreciated.
Please include your own advice in the reblogs/replies. Looking forward to advice for future wheelchair users who need it.
That's a playlist from the british youtuber Jessica Kellgren-Fozard. It's 4 videos of her trying out and picking a mobility aid. Includes useful advice and tips. And then 1 excellent video talking about mobility aids and "giving up". That video was quite useful in convincing various family members that that was not what I was doing by getting my scooter.
My scooter's name is Atalanta after the woman from Greek mythology who could run faster than any man. I think I'm very funny.
My cane is in the background of some of the photos because I rest it next to my scooter.
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cannabisbutch · 1 year
Used my new chair at the zoo, and i still struggled a lot with hills and the sometimes bad camber, but its def easier than a hospital chair!!
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gendernewtral · 4 months
the wheelchair i currently have to use is bulky and inconvenient due to the fact that a properly sized, more compact one is way too expensive. so until abled people in checkout lines who decide to complain start chipping in, they’re getting inconvenienced too.
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happyk44 · 6 months
Every so often I remember that David occasionally uses a wheelchair, but she's also blind, so that thought also accompanies the vague image of her holding her cane out like she's jousting 😂
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
Messaging all my lecturers to see if I can charge my chair during classes so I don't die before I can go home
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thespacecowb0y · 2 years
Guys. I got a new wheelchair
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 6 months
Power chairs are the coolest mobility aids. I mean it literally has "power" in the name, that's cool as hell
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smoov-criminal · 10 months
on the last poll (here), canes were at over 50%, so i wanna get some data on other mobility aids. if you use more than one, choose which you use more. if you use them equally, choose which you like the best or find the most helpful
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hate-kill-repeat · 1 year
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revamped design with all of my disabled keith haring style dancin' guys all together, updated to include the yellow power chair user ~
ID in alt text
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