fattyneedtobeskinny · 22 days
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So i found this today on Pinterest today and it's true! People will only Love you if you're skinny and pretty!
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liliaarcher · 9 months
Tips 4 losing weight/ pro4n4 tips
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Stay physically away from areas w food if u feel like your gonna binge
drink looottttsss of water
If you have family over, quiet night workouts are great
always eat breakfast, It boosts metabolism
vitamin D boosts metabolism
weigh in the morning
tell me if a missed anything!! Stay skinny <3
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nity-0803 · 2 months
Reasons to keep going:
•I want to look prettier
•i dont wanna be fat
•i want to fit in every size
•food tastes better when im ⭐️ving
•other ppl need food more than me
•i want to be lighter than my mom
•i dont want to feel bad everytime i look into a mirror
•I want to be skinnier than my sister
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serenadethem · 2 months
saying no to food is saying yes to beauty
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mouse-is-sad · 5 months
PSA: Pickles are only 5 calories and the juice helps with with cramps, heartburn, helps you stay hydrated (and keeps blood pressure up so you don’t pass out)
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stressymessyana · 4 months
She held me in her clutches and whispered,
“You used to be so thin.”
And I cried, acknowledging her statement as fact.
“Not to worry,” she replied while drying my tears. “I knew you’d come back, you always do.”
And as she took my hand I felt freedom and power for the first time in a long, long time.
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syynthia · 2 months
TW: undertones of ED
i will always be jealous of those girls who have never thought about getting sick just so they can lose weight. you know those girls who lose weight and look visibly thinner when they get sick,i hate it. hate it so much. god knows how many times i've thought about falling sick just so i can lose weight. “oh but it's an unhealthy way” DO YOU THINK I CARE?!? i don't give a f*ck about whether it's a healthy or unhealthy way,once you reach your goal no one will even feel sorry for me that 'oh she lost weight unhealthily'. even though they say it for the sake of saying it, i just know that internally they'd be thinking 'finally this b*tch lost some weight'. i don't really get sick or get fever, and even when i do, i don't lose weight. it's so difficult. like, whats even the benifit? i suffered from a fever and didn't even get anything in return. those girls who never had a thought like this, or lost weight when they got sick, how does it feel to live my dream?
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st4r7ight · 3 months
anyone willing to be my ana buddy?
idk man i just feel lonely and i want ppl to talk to who can understand me
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daisyinbutterflyland · 2 months
This blog is 18+.
January 8: 159.17lbs/72.2kg (sw)
January 15: 156.08lbs/70.8kg
January 22: 149.47lbs/67.8kg
January 29: 146.60lbs/66.5kg
February 5: 143.85lbs/65.2kg
February 12: 141.31lbs/64.1kg
February 19: 139.66lbs/63.3kg
February 26: 135.36lbs/61.4kg (cw)
This week I reached my first goal, -22lbs/-10kg (Feb 23). I'm so happy. I started whitening my teeth so I quit coffee and c!g4rett3s on Feb 15 (also it's a great tip if you don't want to eat bc eating hurts and you can only eat white food idk why nobody is talking about that great excuse). It's hard but I'm doing okay. I hope by the end of March I will loose another 11lbs/5kg. It will be difficult because since I can remeber going under 132lbs/60kg was a challenge (my muscle weight is around 88lbs/40kg lmao).
Ten blog jest 18+.
Styczeń 8: 159.17lbs/72.2kg (sw)
Styczeń 15: 156.08lbs/70.8kg
Styczeń 22: 149.47lbs/67.8kg
Styczeń 29: 146.60lbs/66.5kg
Luty 5: 143.85lbs/65.2kg
Luty 12: 141.31lbs/64.1kg
Luty 19: 139.66lbs/63.3kg
Luty 26: 135.36lbs/61.4kg (cw)
W tym tygodniu osiągnęłam mój pierwszy goal, -22lbs/-10kg (Luty 23). Jestem taka szczęśliwa. Zaczęłam wybielać zęby więc zrezygnowałam z kawy i p4p!3r0sów 15 Lutego (poza tym to dobry tip jeśli nie chcesz jeść bo wtedy jedzenie boli i należy jeść tylko białe jedzenie nie wiem czemu nikt o tej świetnej wymówce nie mówi). Jest ciężko ale radzę sobie dobrze. Mam nadzieję że na koniec Marca stracę kolejne 11lbs/5kg. To będzie bardzo trudne bo od kiedy pamiętam zejście poniżej 132lbs/60kg było wyzwaniem (moje mięśnie ważą około 88lbs/40kg lmao)
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deers-headhlight · 2 months
this is my first time posting on here but i'm really going through it right now...i've been on a journey to lose weight and I just found out recently that i've gained THREE POUNDS....I wanted to seriously do a cartwheel off a balcony- I'm not going to give up but it's getting harder and harder to keep going....
thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!!
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fattyneedtobeskinny · 23 days
As a fat Person who lost weight in the past i can tell you, the World treat you better the more skinny you get. No one cared how i lost my weight back then, all they cared was that i looked better with any pound i lost so I will do it again, and this time i will NOT screw up! I will only stop when i'm skinny!
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liliaarcher · 9 months
Who else is feeling like an ✨Attention Whöre✨ Rn?
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delucash · 2 months
I've not been on Tumblr for quite a few days now. I think it's showing. I am 53kg now and need to be 47kg maximum. The last time I was happy with my weight I was 45kg. So if I can get back to that I will not ask for anything else ever again. I don't have long as I have made a plan that if I don't reach this goal within 2 weeks I will end everything. So that is 13pounds I need to loose, it should be easy.
I have bought alot of prune juice and laxatives, I was wondering if anyone else has taken both before at the same time.
If so.
How much of each did you take.
How often did you take it.
How well did it work.
Is there any better alternatives.
I would like to say any suggestion is very much appreciated as I am willing to try anything.
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rinapsy · 22 days
Hey so I'm new to this but does anyone know how to stop craving food? Sometimes I eat and I can't stop, and then I feel all guilty Abt it pls help if u know what I'm talking about
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stressymessyana · 4 months
My latest obsessions has been my morning coffee.
Coffee - Sweet n Low - Splash of Whole Milk
The only calories come from the milk and I can drink coffee all day (keeping my stomach feeling like it’s full even when it’s not) for about 300 cals a day at most - and that’s only if I actually use 2 whole cups of milk, which almost never happens!
Keep going, you’ll get there soon
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serenadethem · 2 months
hi i’m really wanna become an ana bc it’s hard and i don’t know where to start. any tips on how to a avoid temptation and enter that mindset ??
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