Quesadilla bezmięsna z jarzynami kuchnia meksykańska Jarzyny zapiekane w placku tortilli. Quesadilla bezmiesna
Quesadilla bezmięsna z jarzynami Kuchnia Meksykańska Quesadilla bezmięsna- danie kuchni meksykanskiej , Quesadilla bezmiesna
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Quasadilla bardzo dobra przekąska meksykańska na każdą okazję. Quesadilla bezmiesna
Potrzebne produkty : ------------------------
1 chińska kapusta 2 papryki 2 ogórki zielone 1 cebula duża 100 g sera żółtego startego Placki tortilli
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Jarzynki pokrojone by łatwiej zawijać w placki tortilli
Sposób przygotowania : -----------------------------
Awokado kroimy na pół i w plasterki pozostały jarzyny kroimy drobno w dowolne kształty. Placki układamy na blasze do pieczenia i na każdą połowę dajemy jarzyny i ser i składamy na pół placek zamykając tym samych jarzyny z serem w środku. I pieczemy w piekarniku na 180°C przez około 10-15 minut. Można też robić na patelni. Na patelni kładziemy placek na jego jednej połowie układamy jarzyny i ser, zginamy na pół placek przykrywając jarzyny z serem i podsmażamy z obu stron. Można podawać z sosem najlepiej na bazie jogurtu skoro już jemy wersję mało kaloryczną. Albo tradycyjnie z salsą pomidorową.
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Placki z farszem. Quesadilla bezmiesna
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Placki bardzo smaczne
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Trzeba pilnować placki żeby się nie przypiekły, potrafią szybko złapać ciepło. Quesadilla bezmiesna
♥ 🌮 Smacznego - Bon appétit 🌮 ♥
CIEKAWOSTKI : --------------------- Quesadilla (IPA: kesa'ði?a) – danie kuchni meksykańskiej, tortilla z masy kukurydzianej z roztopionym serem. Tradycyjnie stosuje się ser typu Oaxaca, lecz bywa on zastępowany również innymi rodzajami sera. Salsa to sos ze zmiksowanych warzyw lub owoców z przyprawami. Salsa to także taniec latyno-amerykański pochodzący z Karaibów bardzo popularny na Kubie.
THE END <><><>&lt;><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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chromecries · 1 year
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ghostsgrazing · 3 months
My joke hc that tubbo is originally from the egg island actually seems more possible when thinking about it now. Creation said that he was made by tubbo with purpose to protect the eggs a long time ago, as a "last means to hold on" to something, when the island looked completely different and federation wasn't in control (or maybe didn't even exist yet).
If my memory serves me right, the egg island also used to look a lot different before the Watcher took control over it.
Assuming that once upon a time, the old order was controlling the quasadilla island and possibly the egg island because the implied existence of eggs back then.
Im thinking what if qtubbo made creation to protect the eggs on the egg island? What if he specifically made the Creation with so many eyes because he's supposed to protect the eggs from the one eyed watchers? If the Watchers started showing up at the egg island, possibly driving off the old order, it'd make sense that creation was made as a means to hold on onto control of the egg island before tubbo joined the operation? Probably not, but its fun to think about it.
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gangsteri-aine · 5 months
Apparently smoking cigarettes is illegal on Quasadilla Island and Fit and Bagi are going for a hunt to get them secretly as a way to lie about their rebellion mission.
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becauseplot · 7 months
Can’t stop thinking about an AU where Cucurucho and the other fed workers get to egg island like a week later than they do in canon. This is exactly enough time for:
Baghera and Cellbit, the only ones left in Purgatory, bump into each other.
They work together to find the missing children.
They find Richas first and help him look for his siblings, who scattered when the earthquake happened. Between getting new food/equipment, avoiding disasters, and hiding from the big eye guy and his lackey(s), this takes several days.
Meanwhile they start devising a plan to get everyone (two adults and six eggs) back to the island.
“I saw the escape boat head north off the shore, so that’s a start. We’ll need four rowboats. Or actually two motorboats. Yeah, exactly, we can each drive one. I mean, it will take more supplies to build, but it’ll be faster in the long run. We should have some supplies in the old Bolas base we can use. How far do you think Quasadilla island is? Yes, enough food and water for at least a week is a good idea. Oh, fuel too…”
And then they find Pepito, Empanada, and Sunny. And, yeah, they’re glad they were able to find the other eggs and fold them into their plan to escape to Quesadilla island—which is arguably safer for children than Purgatory, arguably—but now there’s eleven of them total.
Back to the drawing board. Two motorboats with rowboats tied to the back? Probably too much strain on the engines. Hm. Who’s the oldest—does Chayanne know how to drive a motorboat? Can Chayanne be taught how to drive a motorboat? (No Richas, you don’t have to crawl under his feet and press the gas, he can reach it just fine…)
So FINALLY, after several days of preparing escape supplies and wrangling nine kids, everyone piles up into their respective boats and they get underway. They’re sailing off into the ocean with just a vague idea of where they’re headed, but they’ve got a whole lot of hope and determination to get everyone home safe and sound—
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They are barely half an hour off-shore.
Cellbit and Baghera (both very anti-federation) want to refuse help on principle, but they’re not stupid—they REALLY don’t know where they’re going.
The eggs are the priority. For the kids, they remind themselves. For the kids.
So, while Cucurucho and one fed worker continue on with their investigation of Egg Island/Purgatory, the other fed worker gets in Baghera’s boat. She refuses to let them take the wheel, but she allows them to give wordless navigation.
It takes no more than a day to get back to Quesadilla.
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please, explain the entire premise of the qsmp to me.
tell me all the little bits and details.
tell me everything.
think of this... as an informational post, for those such as myself uneducated in the world of the qsmp.
thank you.
oh shit oh fuck okay i'm gonna do my best, yeah? just keep in mind three things: i only watch charlie's pov, i got into qsmp the day they got the eggs (so like two weeks late) and it's currently 3am
now let's get into qsmp
but i'm actually gonna be explaining the past two weeks, from the day they got their eggs, since i never really caught up with Charlie's pre-egg vods
so, to set the scene, the smp is on an island - the Quasadilla Island and the players are not allowed to leave; there is a big wall running through like half of the island, a lot of people have houses in and on the wall
also, the server has a lot of cool mods! there are new bioms, mobs, activities (painting, photography, etc) and weapons (like guns and bombs)
the thing is, they broke the wall and woke up a dragon that was apparently sleeping on the island; and since the dragon left somebody needs to watch out after its eggs
most of the players are paired up - one english speaker and one spanish, and they get to pick their own eggs. due to luzu and wilbur's absence, bad and quackity are both single parents to their eggs
the ones we're gonna focus on are the flippos because i love them.
so you've got Slimecicle, ElMariana and their egg daughter JuanaFlippa - and from the very start they establish themselves as The Drama; they argue a lot and since they are very poor they can't really take care of Flippa, also Mariana is known for having a romance with Foolish (which is problematic since Slime and Mariana are now married)
for the life of me i can't remember why they did it but the two of them went to see Foolish and Vegetta's kid and after destroying its bedroom they are absoluely convinced that they killed it. they leave a sign suggesting that somebody drowned the kid and they ran away.
they take a picture of Flippa's bedroom in the same state as Leonard@'s as an alibi AND THEN then they make a deal with little jesus (rubius) to atone for their sins
they're making badboyhalo a farm and in exchange lil J will grant JuanaFlippa an additional life <this is important later
oh, and because neither Charlie nor Mariana showed up for a while, Flippa lost one life to neglect, leaving her on one life since all eggs have two
the next couple days it's mostly Charlie hanging out with Flippa but there's one thing you need to know - satan is real (also rubius) and he will give Juana a gun if charlie kills somebody else's egg in return; Slime tricks Philza into logging off by pretending that Phil's audio is glitching and during that time he breaks the bed in which Chayanne (Phil and Missasinfonia's kid) is sleeping - by doing that he establishes a rule that breaking a sleeping egg's bed means killing the egg < also important
on his quest of revenge Phil tries to kill Flippa the very same day but she kills him with the gun Satan gave her and Slime makes Phil promise not to hurt her
in the meantime Flippa becomes friends with Tilin - Quackity's kid. together the four of them (slime, q and eggs) build little J a house and decide to become family (: flippa hits the sickest water bucket on lil J's request and then tilin and flippa have a sleepover at charlie's
the next day Mariana spends time with Juana and after a whole day he tucks her to bed and accidentaly breaks it, killing her as per the rule that Charlie established; immediately after he goes to play crab game (or something like that)
next time he logs in, charlie tries to go on a rampage to kill everybody's eggs but he fails lmao, he cries himself to sleep while jaiden does a dramatic reading of blue by eiffel65
ok now i gotta be real - i did not catch this particular stream but what i know is, charlie was out with tilin, flippa and roier, he was fightning mobs and his sword had sweeping edge. he kills Tilin and then sad (since he came to love him as his own) he gives Flippa all his stuff except for a flower she gave him a long time ago, leaves Flippa under Roier's care and sets out to find a way to bring back Tilin
then they have the trial! it's Mariana & Roier against Charlie & Jaiden & Quackity & Foolish & Fit & Bad; i could talk about the court case itself for an hour but the gist is, jaiden slayed absolute penis, slimeriana made out, the cheating allegations (of foolish and Mariana) were presented and Philza's testimony of Charlie killing his kid was deemed irrelevant to the case
the judge (Maximus) decides that JuanaFlippa will be revived since her death was a mistake but both parents must spend 10 minutes in jail and then attend couples therapy
Foolish tries to assassinate the two of them while in jail but fails and is imprisoned himself; Mariana and Slime break out of jail so they don't miss Flippa's revival
Juana is back! they take her home, tuck her to bed and then roleplay having sex to coldplay outside
The next day Mariana and Roier take their eggs out to a dungeon (?) and the same thing happens to Flippa as it did to Tilin. she dies only two days after being revived
in today's stream Charlie is in exile and he decides to build a shrine for little J to convince him to switch Juana's backup life (from the farm deal!) to Tilin - he doesn't know that Flippa is dead yet; he's first told by the creepy white island person? (i'm not really sure who they are since it's pre-egg lore but i know they have something to do with census bureau) while gathering supplies but he doesn't believe them and continues work on the shrine; he summons lil J and reminds him of the deal, lil J confirms that Flippa is dead again
Slime decides to switch and ask for Flippa back instead of Tilin; lil J takes him to see the farm since he never saw it and decides to talk with God. he comes back after a while and says that God will take Juana's case to the council of gods and it might take a couple of days, and then he goes back to tormenting other members
before ending stream, Slime says that he didn't expect that to work and that if he does get Flippa back he's gonna go back into exile so nobody sees her
and this is pretty much it! i'm not sure if this is what you had in mind when you asked anon but it is now 4am and i was meant to work on a fic in this time
apologies for any mistakes it is late and i'm not editing this
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multi-soup · 23 days
So I've been trying to think of a new/better way to describe our system and I think I've got one.
So to understand we have to assume you've seen the movie "Inside out" at least once OR know the basics on the emotions and the human they're "piloting" as I'll put it.
So I, Indigo, the main "host" person thingy am Riley. I'm the conscience that exists outside pretty much forever. Everyone else is the emotions (plus more cause we have roughly 9/10 members). The only real difference besides them being more than mere emotions is that I can see, hear, and interact with them compared to Riley not knowing about the emotions "piloting" her around but still seeing her as a person. Just like how the emotions pull Riley around a bit by making her feel like them for a sec that's how everyone kinda runs for us.
Its not a perfect analogy and I'm sure I'm missing SOMETHING in this explanation, but it's still similar and it's probably the best way I could ever explain it.
The differences past actually communicating instead of Riley's unawareness would be:
They do randomly say stuff outta pocket
Theyre VERY vocal about when we should do or eat something (cravings with them is aggravating, we do not need to eat a quasadilla, pb&j and saltines in the same sitting!!)
As I said in the ask game question we communicate best when imagining ourselves hanging out somewhere (there are like 2 consistent locations but usually it's wherever we wanna). Also is this headspace? Is that what that is?
we have 2 fictives/introjects out of the 9/10 of us and they're just vibing not really involving themselves much.. well past Alice wanting her name used for certain things
Again probably forgetting some smaller things to add, but that's as much as I'll put for now.
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team-canada · 1 year
im at mexican restaurant im about to live blog eating quasadila
how tf do i even spell it
yeah anyway. i ordered it already. waiting time
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vampiiriic · 1 year
Went to this local restaurant for a quasadilla and I asked for extra cheese. The worker looks me straight in the eyes and pours like three huge scoops onto this small tortilla. He then asks me, with a serious face, "does this satisfy your cheese hunger?".
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dino-anarchy · 2 years
9, 12, 38
these questions are hard lol ill do my best
9. tell a story about your childhood
ive forgotten everything thats ever happened in my life T-T um um my preschool had a pet hamster we would play with in its lil ball and so i wanted a hamster as a pet but my dad said no cuz he 'didnt want any vermin in his house'. is that anything?
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
uh u don't need butter or oil to make a quasadilla the tortilla can brown well on its own. thats all i can think of. is that common knowledge? idk im gonna make a quasadilla when i get home
38. fave song at the moment?
hmm that's tough maybe thrash unreal by against me! or really the entire transgender dysphoria blues album is my favorite rn
also i listened to bloodbath at burger king by teenage bottlerocket yesterday and i rememebered how fun it is :) prolly not my favorite but it deserves an honorable mention
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deezlilnuggs · 11 months
♥️2001+ 🧡 2000-1501 💛 1500-1201 💚 1200-1001 💙 1000-900 💜 899-500 🩷499
(I fixed the numbers so they actually made sense lmao I didn't realize how off they were)
Tortilla- 280
Tuna- 90
Muenster cheese (3) - 300
Butter- 110
((^^Tuna cheese quasadilla^^)) 780 total
Salsa- 20
Sour cream - 60
//860 calories// 💜
I fasted for most of the day no problem and got full off of one meal. Pretty proud of that 💪
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💌 , 🍟
for da ask game :D
Ooo! I love these questions!
💌 — what’s something age regressors do that you think is extra cute or endearing?
I love when age regressors get comfy and start talking about their interests with me! Knowing that they can share their favorite things with me is so fun! It can be about TV shows, their newest drawing, or head canons of characters they see as age regressor or caregiver!
🍟 — what’s your favorite meal or snack?
I'm gonna say chicken. Chicken nuggets, tenders, or quasadillas! It's definitely a safe food for me!
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hakuraikou · 1 year
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This week ended up being a whole ordeal. Pathfinder, got to try my friends plum wine. going out to El nopal for a quasadillas and margaritas🍹! Bought a new sketchbook(had to buy one for a friend so why not get one for me too right? Lol), planning a trip to the speed art museum for their gesture drawing days. New book to read "the last ronin". Spending time running around the city for medicine for kids and trying to take care of people. It's been a fun and exhausting weekend. (at Louisville, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coqeyr_NJJw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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becauseplot · 5 months
well it’s official. i’m brainrotting my dsmp x qsmp x botw au.
i think a lot of the qsmp characters will live in the in-world equivalent of Hateno, a little town called Quesadilla. so far i have Tazercraft as the scientists living up on the hill—because they’re scientists you see—and Fit owns the farm up on the foothills. he chats with Pac e Mike every time they head into town for groceries and dubious building materials. i might make Mike a co-owner of the dye shop / hair salon, but idk who the other co-owner would be. Felps, maybe?
anyway Jaiden and Roier own that first shop you run into when you enter town, and they’ve owned it for years, even before Roier married Cellbit. they live together in a house down the street from the store. while Cellbit does help them with the shop, he mostly does inventory work after hours. Jaiden and Roier do most of the customer service stuff during the day while Cellbit either sleeps or works on projects in the office in the upstairs of the shop. (sometimes he’s asleep at home tho.)
right now i have Jaiden as Elytrian, Roier as Hylian, and Cellbit as Enderian (or part-Enderian). im tempted to make one of the morning crew a Piglin, and the obvious answer would be Fit, but ooooough i love human!FitMC soooo much in qsmp that it feels weird to make him anything but human in any au. he’s Just Some Guy, you know? he’s Just Some Guy who’s been through some shit. but, with the tight-knit warrior culture of the Piglins in this au, having him living alone in Quasadilla…Backstory™️ potential >:)) there’s a lot for me to work with here
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shug-the-gawd · 4 years
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Cheese steak quesadillas #mrhoundztooth #foodie #foodlust #cooksoninstagram #chefsoninstagram #doubledstuffed #quasadilla #cheesesteak #foodporn #foodlust #foodphotography #hungry #mancancook # https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lWXikpnTW/?igshid=1uxnmjqlsq7st
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