#real furry behavior (positive)
t4t-scout · 6 months
love watching a tf2 casual server devolve into meowing and barking after like 3 rounds
very cool and normal game <3
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cautuscoralcoast · 4 months
Laios w/ a beastkin!reader? I think a lot about how weird he got when izutsumi stripped in front of them and they had to blindfold him and he made that comment about wanting to count her nipples askshfjk and there are only a handful of confirmed beastkin types - werebears, weretigers, werecats, weredeer, wererats, and werewolves - so I feel like we could go crazy with hcs about what the other types are like! I like to imagine Laios with a beastkin partner that’s bigger than him. I think he’d go crazy if his “big and scary” beastkin partner let him eat off of them. It’d put him in such a vulnerable position, his partner being a predator and all, it’s like he’s their prey being lured into a trap. and I think he’d be so enticed by the looming threat of danger
Oh? OH! 👀✨️✨️✨️
I get what you mean anon!
I remember reading that part with izutsumi stripping and laios asking that; I remember thinking how weird laios was and autism in him spiking up ("It should've been me!"). I can also imagine laios himself going "feral" over a beastkin who allows him to inspect their body.
Anon, you're onto something with the "as if he's prey being lured into a trap"
Considering how izutsumi was treated as a child. Taken from her mother (presumably) forced into a beastkin, sold as a slave, etc. And when shuro's father bought her, he didn't treat her like a slave —she was more like a pet than anything else.
That being said, it's safe to assume that the general consensus is that beastkin are "lesser."
Tw. Brief mentions of abuse and human trafficking, like very brief
Beastkin!reader, who was sold as a child and forced to fuse with the soul of beast. Beastkin!reader, who was abused, starved, beaten, all considered training to be the perfect weapon.
Forced to confront the cruelty of humanity from an early age, beastkin!reader who rejects all forms of companionship. They never love or kindness, and the concept of such is foreign to them.
I imagine beastkin!reader escaping in their teen years. I imagine them traveling from place to place, like never staying in one area for too long in case anyone realizes that they are a beastkin.
I feel as if beastkin!reader finds themselves as detestable or disgusting. Especially considering when reader was thrown away by their parents and abused by the slave traders. Being a beastkin was a curse, and being fused with the soul of beast was filthy and wretched.
So imagine beastkin!reader's surprise when they meet Laios in the dungeon.
Think of beastkin!reader as the wolf princess from the blind prince and liar princess. Giant, furry, strong, and terrifying, the basic werewolf.
I like to imagine that Laios got separated from the group and found beastkin!reader in their partial wolf form (the ears and tail). Beastkin!reader is definitely on guard with their claws out and fangs ready to attack him.
I bet it came as a real surprise when Laios completely ignored their aggression and asked if he could possibly see the inside of their mouth (You said no). So surprised by his reaction in fact (people tend to scream or attack you) that you just blanked out and didn't realize how close he got until he held your paw.
"You nails and fur are rather immaculate—"
You kicked him hard (he's okay) and ran away, leaving him alone until his party found him.
I don't think their first meeting would have been long. Beastkin!reader is far too skittish and wary of "human" races to stick around and have a proper conversation with Laios — and considering how Laios is, beastkin!reader may have actually attacked with the intent to kill if they interacted any longer.
This meeting serves more as a basis and allows beastkin!reader to ponder his behavior. This way, when they meet again, beastkin!reader isn't as on guard, and they can interact!
Now that it is said, I will write this after I'm done with the fics I currently have in progress. One of them being Laios x SeaSerpant!reader.
Same concept Laios with monstrous reader but more philosophical, heavily reader-based, and very "touchy."
So I'll try to be as quick as possible! ❤️❤️✨️
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thepurrfectpick · 2 months
Say Goodbye To Stains: Tips For Removing Dog Pee From Your Mattress
There's nothing quite as disheartening as discovering that your beloved furry friend has left an unwelcome surprise on your mattress. Dog pee stains can be a real hassle, but fear not! With the right tips and tricks, you can say goodbye to stains for good. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need How To Remove Dog Pee From A Mattress  so you can rest easily. Let's dive in!
Understanding Why Dogs Pee on Beds
Dogs may pee on beds for various reasons, from medical to behavioral problems. It could be a sign of anxiety or stress, significantly if their environment has changed recently. Sometimes, dogs mark their territory by urinating on things that carry their scent, like your mattress.
Sometimes, a dog might have a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection or diabetes, that causes it to urinate indoors. Age-related issues can also lead to accidents on the bed. Understanding why your dog is peeing on the bed is crucial in addressing the root cause and preventing future incidents.
Observing your dog's behavior and consulting with a veterinarian if you suspect any underlying health issues is essential. By identifying the reason behind this behavior, you can take proactive steps to resolve it and keep your mattress clean and fresh.
Quick Tips for Cleaning Up Fresh Urine Stains
Imagine waking up to find your furry friend has left you a not-so-pleasant surprise on your mattress. It happens, and it's essential to act fast! The key to dealing with fresh urine stains is speed. The longer the mess sits, the harder it will be to remove.
Start by blotting up as much urine as possible using paper towels or a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the stain, which can spread it further into the mattress fibers. Once you've soaked up what you can, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spritz the affected area generously with the vinegar solution and let it sit for a few minutes before gently blotting again. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the stain to help absorb any remaining odor. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before vacuuming it up.
These quick tips can help tackle fresh urine stains effectively before they have a chance to set in and become more challenging to remove later on.
Effective Methods for Removing Old or Set-In Stains
Dealing with old or set-in dog pee stains on your mattress can be a real headache. These stubborn stains leave an unpleasant odor and pose a challenge to remove altogether. However, fret not, as there are effective methods you can try to tackle this issue.
Creating a cleaning solution using equal water and white vinegar is one method. Gently blot the stained area with this solution using a clean cloth, allowing it to sit for some time before rinsing with water.
Another approach is to sprinkle baking soda over the stain and then mix hydrogen peroxide with dish soap. Let the solution sit for a while before gently scrubbing away the residue.
Consider using enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to break down pet urine molecules effectively for tougher stains. Follow the instructions provided by the product for the best results in removing those pesky old stains from your mattress.
Preventing Future Accidents and Protecting Your Mattress
Consider using a waterproof mattress protector to prevent future accidents and protect your mattress. These handy covers are a barrier against spills or accidents, making cleanup much more accessible. Additionally, regularly wash your bedding to maintain a fresh and clean sleeping environment.
Training your dog is crucial in preventing future accidents on your bed. Consistent potty training and positive reinforcement can help reduce the likelihood of them peeing on the mattress. Providing regular bathroom breaks for your furry friend can also minimize accidents indoors.
If you notice any signs of anxiety or health issues in your dog that may be causing bed-wetting incidents, consult with a veterinarian for guidance on how to effectively address these concerns. Remember, patience and consistency are crucial to preventing accidents and protecting your mattress from unwanted stains caused by dog pee.
Alternative Solutions and Products for Tough Stains
When it comes to dealing with tough dog pee stains on your mattress, various alternative solutions and products can be effective. Enzymatic cleaners designed specifically for pet urine removal can work wonders in breaking down the stain's odor-causing components. You can also use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a powerful cleaning paste.
For persistent or stubborn stains, steam cleaning your mattress may provide a deeper clean and help eliminate any lingering odors. Additionally, investing in a waterproof mattress protector can prevent future accidents and keep your mattress safe from potential damage.
By following these tips and utilizing the right products, you can say goodbye to dog pee stains on your mattress for good. Remember, patience and persistence are key when tackling this common pet-related issue. With the proper approach, you can keep your mattress fresh and clean while enjoying quality time with your furry companion.
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alligatorjesie · 8 days
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Can I please request Yandere Candyman with Gn bookworm reader, thanks in advance, have a great day/night and don’t forget to drink some water!
whoever requestsed this you read my mind, i was just thinking about yandere candyman and this is perfect, thank you so much🙏🙏 also, ty for 470 followers!!
Summary: After your friends force you to play 'Candyman', the man himself has taken a liking to you, determined to prove that he's all you'll ever need by any means he finds necessary.
requests are open, masterlist is up!!
Yandere Candyman x Gn Reader :)
Warnings: Yandere Behavior, Stalking, Possessiveness, Murder Mentioning/Blood Mentioning, Not proofread im too tired💔
Your feet were planted on the bathroom floor as you stared back at the image of you, reflected in the mirror. Letting your arms tense, you readied yourself, gripping the sink and beginning the game.
"Candyman, Candyman, Candyman,"
Pausing, you let the silence come over you, refreshing to your beating heart. The hair on your arm raised from the chilled air that circulated throughout the room, accompanied by the thoughts of the certified myth that was keeping your senses heightened,
Your head hung low as a sigh emitted from you, thinking of nonsense your friends would say to you once you made your way out of the bathroom they locked you in,
Bringing your eyes to the mirror once more, you smiled at the thought of your foolishness, Of course he isn't real, why be afraid of someone you can't see?
Your figure stayed quiet, trained on the mirror, awaiting to see any movement behind you, but the longer you waited, the longer nothing happened. Although the lights were off, you concluded it was what you thought, a myth. With that, you turned on your heels and headed for the door, a hand outstretched to take ahold of the doorknob. As you touches the metal, you went to twist the door, opening it to ecstatic friends, but you physically couldn't turn it, the metal was frosted & stiff. Hazed by what felt like the bathroom collapsing in on you, you went again, positioning yourself against the presumed door, but what met you was a furry coat, and a stature of somebody much larger than you.
With your throat closing up from the adrenaline, you cocked your head up, the thought of being able to see Candyman terrified you, but your curiosity took ahold of you.
What welcomed your eyes was a small smile, and piercing eyes staring amused right at you, observing you like an insect.
"I'm here, blessing your presence, honeybee. Acknowledge me."
You couldn't bring yourself to move, so when you felt the hooked hand bring itself to your chin to place itself under it, a supporting beam for eye contact, you accepted in silently, engraved with a grim feeling. A deep chuckle filled your ears as the man bent down to your level, upon seeing how shaken and terrorized you were he let the silence fall over again, drinking in your physique. Where most would scream or fight, you sat respectfully in his attendance, awaiting on his next move.
Taking the back of your neck with his hook, he pulled you in, just until you were inches away from his face, the sharpened end digging into you, causing a winced expression to form.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. It's my fault, please don't hurt my friends-"
Before your next words could escape you, his hand came onto your cheek, and a thumb covered your mouth, shushing you. His calloused yet smooth fingers caressed your face, tracing circles as if he were embedding them.
Truthfully, he had clearly come with the intent to torture you, give you a painful death for disturbing the little peace he was given, showing you what 'Candyman' is, but on laying his eyes to you, your body quivering before him, begging for your friends lives & not the one who was in eminent danger piqued his interest, and left him wanting to invest more time into observing you, seeking you out. In his eyes, he needed to have you, as you were his. His to protect & his to guide, he immersed himself in those ideas and the more they lingered in his head, the more your fate was sealed like concrete. He would love you, have you, and do whatever it takes to achieve your care, in the only way he knows how; disposing of everyone else.
A quiet sob that left you brought him back to the current situation, peering the tears that began to swell in your sad little eyes. It was a sight that he wanted all to himself.
"Cherish your time, my love."
With that, his touch left you, and you were alone in a dark bathroom, appearing to be crying to yourself.
As you opened the door, your friends gathered around after seeing the commotion, claiming that when they tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge, like it was being forcefully held shut. Even as your friends comforted you, promising to stay with you, you couldn't help your hazed mind, or the feeling that somebody was watching you, glancing over your every move like bees to a flower.
That incident, you concluded, was days ago, and since then your life has been uneventful to your liking. A sunny Saturday pulled in, and school called for your exhaustion, so you decides today could be your chance to wind down at your library, a large building with windows leading to natural sunlight was what you needed to stop the memories, which now seemed more like a hallucination, but you tried to not put it in your mind.
The humid air sifted in the library, a comfortable and desired silence accompanying it. It was mid-day, and you had nothing better to do, so a stack of books sat on the table in front of you, anticipating to be read after you finished your current one.
You were relaxed, your back lay eased on a chair, a bookshelf that was placed a few feet away from you held a mirror, leading you to occasionally glance up at it, capturing yourself with your pride and joy. Of course, since that day, you were weary of any reflections, and even seeing somebody walk behind you startled you, irrationally, you thought. As a finger slipped to the next page, the familiar feeling of being observed fell over you once more. Taking your eyes away from your book, you turned left and right, seeing nobody but other patrons filling their time in. You felt on edge, but smiled at the slight relief, determining it was you being unreasonable.
Bring your attention back to your own space, you caught sight of the mirror, this time flinching and releasing your book from your grasp. The man you'd met previously stood over you, a taunting look plastered on his face, hand and hook stilled on the back of the chair, securing you. Whipping your head around, you were greeted with nothing, an empty library like before, but as you turned back, he waited for you, admiring you. Bringing his hand up to his mouth, he motioned for you to be silent. In the mirror, you saw him walk beside you, maintaining his eye contact with you in the mirror, making sure you were attentive to his next actions. A finger was pointed at your stack of books, so while trying to keep composure, you followed and nodded, your heart causing your ears to ring & a headache forming. When he caught you looking at the books, he performed, sending one flying off the table, while the others scattered around, like he'd hit them with a bat.
A gasp hitched in your throat, and at that moment you thought your heart would too, you could tell he wasn't mocking you, but providing you with evidence he wasn't a hallucination. He wants you to know he's real, that he is with you, materialized.
Your body jolted to pick up the books, setting the closest ones on the table, then going for the one in particular that flew away from your stack. Embarrassment could be seen all over your face, due to the ruckus you unintentionally instigated, but other people would be paralyzed with anxiety as well if they had a legitimized myth after them.
After retrieving the last book, you took your seat once more, planning to leave after this encounter, but before you could handle the books together, your eyes landed on the small bug that sat on the wooden table, calmly waiting to catch your eyes. A small bee rested, not moving when you shook the table by getting up, and remaining unmoving when you stopped and stared. The little thing lingered, not departing from its position even when you were long gone.
"I don't know what to do, alright? All I know is I blackout, and then my friends are dead. I try to escape, but he's already where I mean to go."
Your voice was desperate, but as you sat in your living room with a blood stained shirt pulled on, you were exhausted. The weeks had been dragging by, and each week it seemed that every friend once had, or was in the making, dropped dead. You wanted to scream at him, beckon him for doing this, but wach time you found your friend dead, you had no recollection of the night before, just bloody clothes that stuck to your skin in the morning. You now felt like you were living day after day, the essence of him was always with you, whether it be the physical form of him with you, or the spiritual presence of him, he had you caged in his hands, restricting your contact till you dwindled to him.
The debilitating adrenaline seemed to never wear off, you couldn't process the deaths because of it, and you couldn't sleep, your life turned to a process of just barely living. But, of course, he thrived to live through you, possessing you to kill through you, guiding you to become acquainted him. The more you rejected the idea of him, the more annoyed he became. He didn't want to torture your being, seeing you relentlessly tired day after day saddened him, he wished to hold you, stroke your hair, love and care for you as you would to him, but for that to be permitted, he needed you to accept him & only him.
It was enervating resisting him, you felt ashamed to say this, but his company was building on you. So when it brought you to this, pacing your house with one of your last breathing friends in your living room, the fatigue began to run up with you. You'd been talking for hours, trying to engrain the concept of him & what he wanted from you into their heads, but they didn't seem to understand, consistently asking how, or why, or denying you. When the questions became repetitive, and the tones became combined with a mix of confusion and concern, you broke. Breathing out an uneven sigh, you told them to leave, through the bickering and bargaining you needed to relax, to clear your mind & to find serenity within yourself.
Locking the wooden door, trying to drown out the voices of your friends whom only wanted to understand, you turned to walk back to your bed, the feeling of drowsiness enough to knock you out if you weren't faced with the familiar figure.
"Spilling blood is necessary dear, I see you've taken that to heart."
A light chuckle came out of his mouth as you examined him, cleancut & classy, through your fogged mind you saw that as desirable.
It'd been weeks, maybe months, since your first encounter, but he seemed to be all you knew now. Wherever you looked he was found, and whatever you thought was filled with him, you could be fueling his existence with how much you think of him, and he loves that.
"I could make this world you inhabit easier. For you, for me. Join me, be the thing they fear & shout at alongside me."
In your overwhelmed & sleepy state, you didn't realize it then, but his plan had been successful. He navigated isolating you, reassuring you wouldn't feel fulfilled or go desiring anybody else besides him, and when he'd made you vulnerable, he would fully have you, caging you for himself, just as how it was meant to be.
Walking became heavier, and by the time you made it to the man you were halfway asleep, leaning into his firm arms. The secure and protective demeanor he set out for you finally gave him what he wanted, a warm embrace, and you.
i didnt realize that candyman had so many powers i was in shock reading them to see what i could incorporate LMAOO but i finally finished, i hope you liked it, i loved writing this🫶🫶
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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The thing is, I 1000% acknowledge and respect that a lot of art communities have damned good reasons to be wary of AI, because a lot of commission economies - especially furry and furry-adjacent communities - are already constantly, CONSTANTLY under fucking siege by assholes who hear of their reputation for being willing to spend a lot on commissions and try to muscle in on the action while actively showing disdain for the communities they're blatantly trying to exploit for that sweet sweet "freak" money. Seriously, if I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone who has ZERO respect for furries - thinks they're all a bunch of freaks playing chicken with zoophilia, treats furries as a punchline in that kind of way that sounds like they might be in on the joke but when prodded further you realize no they're really not - say "hmm maybe I should learn to draw furry art, that pays well", well, I would have enough money to commission actual furry artists.
It fucking sucks. It's an eternal frustration to be surrounded by a bunch of fucking assholes trying to milk your community for money while still pointing and laughing at you like you're some kind of sideshow attraction, taking your money and then calling you a freak in the next breath, but they GUESS they could DEIGN to claim to respect you because you pay so very well. It's cruel and shitty and should not be abided, and it's painful that there's no real way to protect a community against that kind of behavior other than essentially playing whack-a-mole as long as you're there and concerned about it - and AI art absolutely does have the power to enable these assclowns, because before AI, these types had to do a lot more work to learn to draw some new subject matter, do studies on what makes it tick and what the community values about it - AI dramatically lowers the skill floor to get a passable result, and while this is a huge positive from most standpoints...well, most of the time, through the process of doing these kinds of studies, your typical greedy asshole will realize that oh shit, there actually IS work involved in this and unique skills and a community that's not just a bunch of gullible freaks but PEOPLE with inner lives as rich as your own and either find some passion for a community they once felt that disdain for, or just balk at having to ACTUALLY work for it and burn out before they even get off the ground; AI is not SO easy as to eliminate this completely but it may make it more likely that these types could get a foot in the door and...essentially Funko Pop-ify even custom art. We already see people trying it in certain adoptable communities and it fucking sucks.
This is why I'm 100% comfortable with, and even tentatively encourage, sites and events geared toward communities frequently targeted by this kind of assholery banning AI art - I have my reservations about it as a long-term solution, as it's only going to get easier and easier for people to just lie (and this is why a huge aspect of my personal approach to keeping things as ethical as possible is to be as transparent as I can be about my processes) and AI is commonly used as an accessibility tool, but at the very least in the short term I see those policies and usually my first thought is "yeah that is absolutely, completely, perfectly fair."
I just wish I was better at finding an appropriate time and place to point out to people who are taking those concerns to the level of outright lying or otherwise blaming the tech more than the assholes, that There Are Many AI Artists Who Hate Those Types As Much As You Do And There Are Many Other Approaches To AI Art. When I started this blog, I, too, thought I was nearly alone in my desire to see AI tech used ethically, for both accessibility and its own unique features as a medium, and I've rarely if ever been happier to find out I was wrong. If there's one emotional skill I wish more people had, it is this - please...learn how to be happy to have been wrong when a situation turns out to not be as bad as you thought it was.
tl;dr: It's not wrong at ALL for people to want to protect their community from people who just see them as a crowd of walking ATMs. If you're looking at AI somewhat favorably because you see it as an easy way into those communities for their commission money, you're a piece of shit and I hope you break your fingers so badly you can't even type anymore, let alone noise paint, which you're gonna have to do if you want to get a result to exact specifications.
Just, if you're in one of those communities...please don't invent, and try to stop spreading misinformation about the tech, because the collateral damage is...A Lot.
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scarsmood · 1 year
what does and doesnt count as zoophilia? monsterfucking? yiff? porn of cartoon characters like disney or anime? how far can you go before its too far? is zoophilia the same as beastiality or is there a line to separate them?
zoophilia- so this a topic all on it's own but from a little bit of digging i've identified a few things, zoophilia is a sexual attraction to animals. This does not mean committing acts with animals which is considered beastiality. additionally there is also zoosadism which means sexual attraction from inflicting pain on animals. A fun tidbit to according to a relevant research article paper a quote they noted about zoophilia "the American Psychiatric Association has determined that ‘‘zoophilia is virtually never a clinically significant problem by itself’’ (American Psychiatric Association 1987:405). link here
They also gave a fun estimate about 50% of rural men in the 19th century engaged in bestiality at least once. yipee. Another interesting note from their research was the following: "A growing body of clinical research defines zoophilia as the ‘‘sexual desire for, emotional attachment to, and love for animals,’’ which often becomes crystallized through the choosing of a ‘‘partner’’ with whom a deep relationship is formed (Wilcox et al. 205:307)" so to reiterate the difference: a zoophile would find a dog attractive as they are a beastialist would sexually abuse a dog (in this journal it was found that attraction often isnt the case of beastiality also link here) a zoosadist would find sexual attraction in kicking a dog specifically. monsterfucking- is an attraction to specifically labeled fantasy creatures deemed monsters, werewolves, beasts, cryptids. I'd argue a dragon would fall under the monster category, while donkey from shrek would fall under the furry category. what's the difference? a dragon from traditional folklore that possesses no anthropomorphic qualities will be considered a monster since it is fantasy if the dragon was real as in dragons existed in the natrual world and was not fantasy then it would be zoophilia, donkey from shrek is anthropomorphized he can talk like a person and is considered a furry. This brings us to Yiff which is anthropomorphic animal porn. Which holds a wide range of porn. Feral anthro porn is still considered yiff. Feral drawings and depictions with no anthropomorphization is considered zoophilia porn. if you took away donkeys ability to speak uh, yeah thats just zoophilia porn. some fast examples: bolt- yiff, can talk like person and thinks like one simba- yiff, talks and thinks like a person bambi- yiff, talks and thinks like a person but wait till he's an adult please lol the bird from up- monsterfucking, a cryptid in a story Tiger from life of Pi- Zoophilia, thats just a tiger my guy Overall, for some specific scenarios/depictions it probably is up to interpretation. With that being said. The line of going "to far" is when illegal IRL contact is being planned, done, or is being ignored. Watching "real" content online is to far, engaging is to far, planning is to far, being a passive bystander in these actions from others is also to far. being complacent with this type of behavior is dangerous and often breeds repeat offenses. It's best to cut ties and report to authorities what you know when possible. I would suggest to read both articles as they have lots of good information that is expanded on further. I would also note that even being passive to common arguments that are positive of bestiality is currently being posturized as to whether thats enough to have someone finally feel comfortable to engage in bestiality. I would aire on the side of caution, if you see these arguments for it refute them, or just let them know it's not welcome. any hostility or rejection is shown to help tamper down community engagement with bestiality as its a very fragile community. Hope this helped :>
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agapemastiffs · 1 month
The Tibetan Mastiff: Your Own Personal Himalayan Yeti (But Friendlier)
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Forget those mythical beasts guarding snowy peaks – the Tibetan Mastiff is the real deal. This ancient giant boasts a lineage older than your grandma's favorite rocking chair, and their loyalty runs deeper than a Himalayan crevasse. But before you start digging a moat for your new best friend, let's break down the good, the giant, and the fluffy of owning a Tibetan Mastiff.
From Nomadic Guardians to Living Legends
Imagine a world without fences. That was life for Tibetan nomads, who relied on these colossal canines to guard their herds from hungry predators and sketchy characters. These weren't your average guard dogs – Tibetan Mastiffs were basically furry fortresses, with a booming bark that could scare away a yeti (or at least make it reconsider its snack choice). Today, they're still revered symbols of good luck and protection, but with way less yak wrangling involved.
A Gentle Giant with an Independent Streak
Tibetan Mastiffs are as loyal as they are large. They bond deeply with their families, offering unwavering devotion (think best friend who also happens to be the size of a small pony). However, their independent streak is real. The Cane Corso can also be as large as these gentle giants. These pups aren't pushovers – they're thinkers who need early socialization to avoid becoming suspicious of strangers. Think of them as the chill bodyguards of the dog world – they'll keep an eye out, but won't necessarily attack first (unless you mess with their humans, then all bets are off).
Living with a Mountain Guardian: Not for the Faint of Leash
Owning Tibetan Mastiff Puppies is like having your own personal mountain lion (but way cuddlier). These giants need ample space to roam and stretch those long legs. Forget tiny apartments – a fenced-in yard with secure boundaries is a must-have. Grooming is a breeze (think one or two good brushings a week), but bath time might require a team effort (or a professional groomer).
Keeping Your Gentle Giant Healthy:
Tibetan Mastiffs have a lifespan of 10-12 years, but their size can make them prone to certain health issues like hip dysplasia and bloat. Regular vet checkups, a healthy diet, and keeping them at a good weight are key to a long and happy life for your furry giant.
Training Your Himalayan Companion: Respect is Key
Tibetan Mastiffs are smart, but their independent streak can make traditional training methods a challenge. Positive reinforcement with treats and praise is your best bet. The Neapolitan Mastiff needs quite a bit of training as well. They're eager to please their trusted handlers, so positive vibes go a long way. Early socialization is crucial to prevent fearfulness or aggression later in life. Think of it as teaching them proper mountain etiquette – gotta know how to interact with other creatures (especially the smaller ones).
Who Should Adopt a Tibetan Mastiff?
These aren't your average lapdogs. The ideal owner has an active lifestyle and a house that resembles a small castle (with a secure yard, of course). Experience with large breeds is a plus, as their size and strength require a confident and capable handler. Families with older children who understand canine behavior can find a loyal companion in a Tibetan Mastiff. But first-time dog owners and those living in cramped spaces might want to consider a smaller guardian, like a fluffy chihuahua.
A Loyal Companion with a Storied Past
If you can provide the space, care, and consistent training a Tibetan Mastiff requires, the rewards are epic. Their unwavering loyalty, independent spirit, and majestic presence make them cherished companions. The English Mastiff is also a wonderful companion as well. Owning a Tibetan Mastiff isn't just about having a dog; it's about welcoming a guardian, protector, and a living piece of Himalayan history into your life. Just be prepared for the endless supply of fur tumbleweeds and the occasional mistaken identity as a mythical beast (because, let's face it, they're pretty darn impressive).
In Conclusion
The Tibetan Mastiff is a breed unlike any other. Their colossal size embodies the spirit of the Himalayas, while their gentle heart offers unwavering companionship. Carefully consider the responsibilities involved in owning one of these majestic creatures. If you can provide the space, training, and love they deserve, a Tibetan Mastiff will reward you with a loyal friend and a guardian for life.
A Watchful Protector: For The Progression Of The Ages
Mastiffs, gentle giants with ancient roots, come in various breeds. Loyal guardians with calm temperaments, they require ample space, training, and experienced owners due to their size and strength. Though some breeds have wrinkles, all Mastiffs offer a lifetime of devotion.
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daresplaining · 2 years
Daredevil Beats Up Cap...and Everybody Else!
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It's been a while, but this July 4th I'm returning to one of my favorite traditions: blogging about FIGHTS!...specifically, of course, fights between the Scarlet Swashbuckler and ol' Winghead. This year, let's turn our attention to Daredevil volume 1 #155, in which Matt encounters a whole crowd of exciting guest-stars...and punches ALL of them.
Our story starts two issues earlier, in #153, when Mr. Hyde fast-pitches DD at a wall and knocks him unconscious.
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Hyde: "You may be good at whipping a sniveling coward like Cobra-- but I have you now-- and you'll not escape me again!" Matt: "Blast! Hyde recovered sooner than I'd hoped! Got to go limp-- roll with the-- unghh!" Caption: "The dull crunch of bone against granite..." Daredevil vol. 1 #153 by Roger McKenzie, Gene Colan, Mary Titus, Tony Dezuniga, and Denise Wohl
At least, that's the official diagnosis. However, here is a full plot synopsis of the two issues in question:
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Anyway, whatever mysterious event might have possibly caused it, poor Matt goes into #155 with a teensy little nagging headache.
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Matt: "Oh, man! Am I glad that's over! My head feels like it's going to split wide open! I don't think I could've faced another..." Becky Blake (off-panel): "Mr. Murdock? I hope I'm not too late, but..." Matt: "(Oh, no!) P-please...I'm sorry...but could you just go away?" Daredevil vol. 1 #155 by Roger McKenzie, Frank Robbins, Frank Springer, Bob Sharen, and Denise Wohl
This headache is...well...a pain. It stops Matt from shaving, breaks his concentration when he's swinging around as Daredevil, almost getting him killed, and worst of all, it nearly causes him to chase away The Becky Blake, who stops by the office in this issue to apply for the vacant assistant position. (Fortunately for all of us, The Becky Blake can't be chased away that easily.)
After a long, grouchy, miserable day at the office, Matt and his headache finally get some good news: Natasha Romanov is in town! Matt is sort of on the outs with his current girlfriend, Heather Glenn, since he was kind of indirectly responsible for her father's arrest and subsequent death, and hey, he hasn't seen Natasha since they broke up 30 issues ago. He instantly-- and I mean instantly-- ditches Becky (his new employee, who he was taking out to celebrate her new job) and Foggy (who is in the middle of announcing his engagement):
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Foggy: "I didn't have a chance to tell you earlier, but we've decided to go ahead and tie the kn-- Matt?" Matt: "That's great, Foggy. It really is. But I can't talk now..." Becky: "Matt?"
I could blame it on the concussion, but let's be honest, this is just normal Matt Murdock behavior.
But where, I hear you ask, are the fights? Where is Steve Rogers and his perpetually punchable face? I promise, this post is not just about Matt being a mess. As it happens, at this very moment, Natasha is hanging out with a few of her Avengers buddies...when suddenly, the Avengers Mansion intruder alarm starts blaring. The lights go out. And somebody starts throwing kicks.
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Hank: "Hey! Watch the merchandise! This blue, furry bod may not look like much-- but I call it home... unghh" Steve: "Look out! The Beast's down! But whoever that is, lurking in the shadows-- will answer to Captain America! (No! He grabbed me almost as if he knew...sensed somehow...that I was about to leap! But that's just not possible--! Nnnh)" Natasha: "You!"
That's right, it's Matt, whose little headache has taken an extreme turn for the worse. But though he may be concussed and delusional, you have to admit, he pulls this off with style, making this just about the shortest 4th of July FIGHT(TM) so far. (He spinning plates the shield! How great is that?). With one mighty, balletic heave at the nearest wall, Cap is down for the count. With Natasha's friends out of the way, Matt turns to his real target, and the only person in the room who presents a real challenge: the Black Widow herself. After a thrilling fight (a topic for another post!), Matt finally comes to his senses...and then falls into a coma.
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Matt: "Y-you're going to pay, Widow! I swear you'll p-pay...for all... all...the...pain! N-no--! I-- I can't...bear it...any longer... I-- Dear god! What have I done? Forgive me... Natasha...please...forgive--!" Natasha: "M-Matt--? Matt!"
When he comes to, Cap generously agrees to help Natasha rush him to the hospital. Beast and Herc are less enthusiastic, but this is not the first time that Matt has randomly attacked Steve for no apparent reason, after all, so maybe he's getting used to it. After an intense boxing match with Death (another topic for another post!), Matt comes out of the coma feeling much better. The concussion is identified as the cause of his random violence, and his life returns to its normal state of chaos. But I have to say... if it somehow gives him the power to singlehandedly take out Captain America, Hercules, and Beast, maybe Matt should consider getting concussed more often.
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space-sweetheart · 1 year
meeting the neighbors
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pairing(s): dean x werecat!heather lucille valentine/self insert x oc (gift for @derelictdumbass)
summary: dean meets two of their new neighbors. and one of them isn't a werewolf.
a/n: the black werewolf with a patch of white on its chest is harley :3 anyways more AU shenanigans <3
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dean once again found themself walking around the woods behind their cabin. at night. with their trusty(faulty as all hell) flashlight in hand. there was really no reason to keep going out into the woods at night, their internet connection now fixed and up and running.
well, no other reason than to see their favorite annoying vampire. only he was proving hard to find at the moment.
the crack of a twig behind them made dean turn around with an annoyed huff. "john, where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you-"
dean cut themself off when their flashlight landed on something furry. nope. that was not john at all. no witty remarks or irritating comments came from the creature as they would come from john. no, just a low growl.
dean's flashlight slowly traveled up the mass of fur until it stopped on the face(snout?) of... a werewolf. wait no. that was no werewolf. the snout was too short, and the whiskers were too long. also, there was a long feline like tail swishing back and forth behind it. a.... werewcat?
the werecat was in an upright position, and it was... TALL. most definitely towering over dean. its fur was so black and shiny. if not for the flashlight, it would surely blend into the darkness surrounding it. its eyes, on the other hand, were so bright, and yellow. they were practically glowing.
dean raised their hand that wasn't currently pointing a flashlight at a giant werecat, awkwardly waving it. "um... hi."
wow, real smooth.
the werecat took a step forward, and dean immediately froze, hand still hovering in the air. it then slowly moved its head towards dean, keeping eye contact with them all the while, before softly touching it's wet nose with their warm hand.
it took dean a second to realize the werecat was sniffing their hand and gently nudging it.
wonderful. dean meets a werecat for the first time(john had been very keen on keeping them away from the new neighbors, whether that was because of john's dislike of the furry supernaturals or because he was worried for dean's safety they didn't know. they like to think it was because of both.), and the first thing that happens is they practically boop it's snoot.
a howl in the distance distracts the two, the werecat pulling away and its ears perking up. that is, until another growl, not from the werecat in front of dean, but from their right makes them snap their head in that direction.
a second creature emerges from the shadows. this one was definitely a werewolf. but oddly enough, the werewolf was similar to the werecat, same yellow eyes, and black fur, but unlike the werecat, there was a big patch of white on its chest. and unlike the feline, this one had its ears pinned back and teeth barred, growl more intense, and menacing the closer it stalks towards dean.
unexpectedly the werecat quickly gets in its way, letting out an equally terrifying growl before biting the air near the werewolf's face, not nearly close enough to accidentally nip the other but close enough to get it's point across. it looks like the werecat is almost reprimanding the werewolf for its rude behavior? the werewolf only huffs in response.
another distant howl pierces through the night.
the two furry were-creatures share a look before the werewolf immediately takes off into the night, most likely going towards the direction of the howl. the werecat nearly takes off as fast as the other before pausing in its movements.
it looks back at dean one final time, slightly tilting its head to the side, before also disappearing into the night.
dean stands there a few more minutes trying to figure out what the hell just happened before giving up and deciding that's enough excitement for one night. they start their journey back home.
one thing's for sure, john is going to get all whiney when he realizes dean finally met the new neighbors. he's overprotective and jealous. not that he'd ever admit that, of course.
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vodkaleaf · 2 years
Just a PSA: Some people can bring out the worst in you from the toxic behaviors they’ve distributed and if they can’t admit that, they’ll never get it or grow as a person.
No, I shouldn’t have messaged you at all and let you stay delusional because you never liked to listen to opposite views regarding your behavior or take responsibility when it comes to someone you don’t like. I felt guilty after messaging you harshly from that eating disorder awareness account because I do have a conscience despite whatever you believe about me. I didn’t think you’d take the overall message seriously if I had made my identity clear, but it didn’t matter anyway to you. However it’s true that willingly promoting dangerous behaviors for attention and play is not positive or beneficial, and you’ve seen the picture of what fat does to your heart. It’s not empowering and it’s not just fantasy if it will affect your real life. Ask your doctor about it and see what he/she says. Also, harassing people from multiple different accounts with immature lies/nasty jokes long after you’ve cut ties (Telling a family member to message a former friend and threaten to behead them, DEFEND IT, but play as if you weren’t involved at all) and posting a bunch of misinforming TikToks to slander them but then acting surprised when they message you even though it was wrong/immature to stoop to your level, you will get what you give in life. “I should just let people do whatever they want to me?” Same here, even though most likely no sane person would believe someone who’s been in and out of mental hospitals several times and constantly posts about their drama like a 14 year old, blaming literally everyone else but themselves. It’s time to act your age instead of whining when things don’t go your way. Nobody owes you SHIT.
People with god complexes have excuses for everything. No I wasn’t perfect in our friendship and I’ve admitted that. I picked up some pretty unhealthy behaviors from you and other people/projected certain things dumb onto you from my past as well as you did to me, but you DID give me trauma that you won’t admit to, so why should anyone believe what you say? The world doesn’t have to kiss your ass in order to be unproblematic. If you constantly blame everyone else for your wrongdoings to defend yourself when you’re acting like someone else is bad for doing the same thing, that’s beyond comprehension. You’re a hypocrite. When you willingly engaged in/made up the idea for some of those things but it’s not your fault at all in your head, you are toxic.
Funny to call people like me transphobic when there are trans people out there who publicly agree with us but are shunned by much of the LGBT community because god forbid anyone doesn’t agree with them, even their own people. It’s delusional for you to think I wanted to leave you for only one reason when you were constantly destroying yourself in every way possible and messing up my nervous system, not to mention the fact that so many people in my life were baffled by the stability you openly showed that you lack, and thought it was best for me to no longer contact you. Most of your friends that are equally as mentally unstable as you, telling you that I was abusive from whatever you said has no relevance or true knowledge. It is in no way equal or logical for numerous reasons. I don’t even have to say it because looking at them and hearing about their actions/behaviors was enough. The others who may be closer to sane you manipulated because you’re good at that, much like your parent you despise and say you’re nothing like. People never want to hear the other side of the story.
“Don’t be angry because I decided to grow up,” okay.. so posting TikToks of yourself with binkies in your mouth, drawing childish furries to escape responsibility for your actions, never owning up to anything that you’ve done wrong, posting all of your personal info about your life publicly that literally no one needs to know but you and people close to you just to get attention, posting on your story you don’t believe you’ve ever grown up internally and that you’re likely just playing pretend, promoting stuffing yourself up until you get health issues and thinking that people who engage in that “fantasy” actually love you and want you to be healthy (which is twisted if you look at it from an outside perspective), calling anyone who doesn’t agree with your identity when you’ve changed your pronouns and sexuality nonstop bc you can’t seem to make up your mind a transphobe/bigot, saying you feel like a different person constantly, asking your friend if you’re actually trans and then insisting later on it wasn’t from self doubt but rather judgment, openly talking about your privates on your account and bragging about them but insisting you’re still a trans male with real dysphoria, telling your friend when you edged yourself and say you’ll need to talk to them about your sexual attraction/actions with females when they’re not comfortable because of their past, say you would make out with literally anyone but that doesn’t mean you’re attracted to them, make fun of your friend’s interests as a joke but then get offended suddenly when they do the same with you and proceed to call them unsupportive, get pissed that your friend didn’t believe in something that isn’t supported by science and is claimed by people who face many mental issues, defend posting about taking blood baths and downing a bunch of pills ironically after someone respectfully says they don’t want to be friends anymore and say suddenly that it wasn’t for that reason, defend shoplifting and acting like a baby as a legal adult in public, dress as the complete opposite gender than what you want to be referred to as and then get pissed when people point it out because you supposedly face dysphoria, thinking literally everything about your former friend is the same as it used to be because you’re projecting your insecurities onto them.. all of that isn’t childish or delusional at all? I beg to differ. You defend literally all of these behaviors. That is the opposite of growing up.
Whether you want to accept it or not, you influenced me in bad ways and guilted me into staying in your life because I felt sorry and terrified for you. I had to sit there shaking and crying SO MANY TIMES, wondering if you were going to kill yourself after you made it clear you had the intention to harm yourself in dangerous ways. You ended up in the mental hospital joking around as if everything was fine, and expect me to say you were a healthy and good friend to be around??? You shoplifted in front of me and justified it. We both could’ve gotten arrested. I told you to put it back but you didn’t listen. You decided to steal from a very valuable alcohol bottle from my grandmother but justified it because I drank some with you too. You elbowed her aggressively out of the way as you were walking by during the house drama and gave her a bruise. You shoved my mother and father back, but when your father did this to you, you cried that it was assault. You banged hard on my house from the outside and hit yourself in the head repeatedly instead of trying to calm the situation and prove that you’re mentally stable. You edited pictures of people you didn’t like in the most immature ways like a preteen, posted it when I told you it’s not a good idea, and then got pissed when they messaged you about it. You told me it was wrong to not want to hang out in public with someone in a fursuit and not want to watch lesbians make out or act sexual in public because it makes me uncomfortable due to embarrassing reminders of my past. I’m sorry but dressing up as a furry to go to the store, the park, or for god sakes in my damn backyard, is not normal to do as an adult and I do not as an adult woman NEED to be okay with and do everything you want me to, yet you expected me to do/be okay with EVERYTHING you wanted or I was automatically abusive? Get help is all I can say. You blame everyone possible but never stop to think about yourself. Look deep inside yourself if you’re able and question your actions. If you are not messed up like your parents then act like it.
I won’t name you out of respect, because I know I’m a good person. I am not immature or petty enough to do that. I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come since we cut each other off. I acknowledge my past wrongs and I’ve grown from them just like I’ll grow all throughout my life like everyone else, but I won’t blame myself for things that I know were done for my own well-being. I’ve changed so so much within a few months after we stopped communicating and accomplished things in my life that people told me I never could. It’s been nearly two years now but it’s felt like many more with my growth and change of mind, and I’ve surrounded myself with better people. I really hope for people like you to realize one day though, they are not the saints/Gods they think they are. Spend time alone and think about everything you’ve done and if all of it was reasonable or if you could be wrong about some of it. It will change your life. Believe me.
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dognpooch · 16 days
Mastering Freedom: Off-Leash Training for Dogs in San Luis Obispo, CA
In the heart of San Luis Obispo, CA, where picturesque landscapes beckon and outdoor adventures await, there's nothing quite like watching your dog revel in the freedom of off-leash exploration. Yet, with this newfound liberty comes responsibility, and ensuring your furry companion is well-trained is paramount for their safety and your peace of mind.
Enter DognPooch, your trusted partner in off-leash training excellence. We understand the desire to let your dog roam and romp freely, and we're here to make that dream a reality through our specialized off-leash training programs.
Why Off-Leash Training Matters
Off-leash training isn't just about giving your dog the freedom to roam; it's about fostering a deeper connection and understanding between you and your canine companion. It's about building trust, enhancing obedience, and ensuring safety in any environment.
When your dog is trained to respond reliably off-leash, it opens up a world of possibilities for adventure. From hiking trails to beach outings, your dog can accompany you off-leash with confidence and control, enriching both of your lives.
The DognPooch Approach
At DognPooch, we believe in a positive, reward-based approach to training that emphasizes communication, consistency, and trust. Our experienced trainers work closely with you and your dog to create a personalized off-leash training plan tailored to your goals and your dog's unique needs.
Our training begins with establishing a solid foundation of basic obedience commands, such as recall, sit, stay, and heel, all while on-leash. We then gradually transition to off-leash work in controlled environments, gradually increasing the level of distraction and difficulty as your dog progresses.
Key Components of Off-Leash Training
Recall (Come Command): Teaching your dog a reliable recall is the cornerstone of off-leash training. We use positive reinforcement techniques to make coming when called the highlight of your dog's day.
Focus and Attention: Off-leash training isn't just about teaching commands; it's about capturing and maintaining your dog's focus in distracting environments. We teach techniques to keep your dog engaged and attentive to you, even amidst exciting stimuli.
Proofing Behaviors: Dogs don't generalize well, so it's crucial to practice commands in a variety of settings and situations. Our trainers gradually introduce distractions and challenges to proof your dog's obedience in real-world scenarios.
Safety Precautions: Safety is our top priority. Before transitioning to off-leash work, we ensure your dog has reliable obedience skills and is equipped with proper identification and, if necessary, GPS tracking devices.
The Benefits of Off-Leash Training
Enhanced Bonding: Off-leash training strengthens the bond between you and your dog, as you learn to communicate effectively and trust each other in any situation.
Freedom and Adventure: Imagine the joy of exploring the great outdoors with your dog off-leash by your side. Off-leash training opens up a world of adventure for both of you.
Improved Behavior: Dogs who receive proper off-leash training are often better behaved both on and off-leash. They learn self-control, impulse management, and social skills that carry over into all areas of their lives.
Safety and Peace of Mind: With reliable off-leash obedience, you can trust your dog to respond appropriately in any situation, whether it's encountering other dogs, wildlife, or unexpected hazards.
Join Us on the Off-Leash Journey
Ready to unleash your dog's full potential and embark on a journey of freedom and adventure? Join us at DognPooch for the ultimate off-leash training experience in San Luis Obispo, CA. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards mastering the art of off-leash living with your furry best friend.
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barkingblends · 28 days
Tail-Wagging Goodness: Exploring the Best Healthy Dog Treats by Barking Blends
As dog owners, we strive to provide our furry companions with the best care possible, and that includes their diet. Healthy dog treats are an integral part of a dog's overall well-being, offering not just a tasty reward but also essential nutrients to support their health. In this article, we'll delve into the world of healthy dog treats, with a spotlight on the top offerings by Barking Blends, a trusted name in the industry.
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Understanding Healthy Dog Treats
What exactly makes a dog treat healthy? It goes beyond just taste; it's about the quality of ingredients. Healthy treats for dogs are typically made from natural, wholesome ingredients, free from artificial additives, fillers, and preservatives. Look for treats that are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, with limited or no added sugars or sodium.
Benefits of Healthy Dog Treats
The benefits of healthy dog treats extend far beyond just satisfying your pup's cravings. They play a crucial role in promoting better overall health, supporting dental hygiene by reducing plaque and tartar buildup, and aiding in training and behavior reinforcement. By choosing the right treats, you can contribute to your dog's longevity and happiness.
Comparing Barking Blends Treats to Others
When it comes to healthy dog treats, Barking Blends stands out for its commitment to quality and nutrition. While other brands may offer similar products, Barking Blends sets itself apart with carefully sourced ingredients, rigorous quality control, and a dedication to customer satisfaction. Despite their premium quality, Barking Blends treats are competitively priced, making them accessible to all dog owners.
Tips for Choosing the Right Treats
With so many options available, choosing the right treats for your dog can be overwhelming. Consider factors such as your dog's age, size, and dietary restrictions. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure that the treats you select align with your dog's nutritional needs. Additionally, pay attention to the texture and flavor preferences of your furry friend to ensure maximum enjoyment.
Incorporating Treats Into Your Dog's Diet
While treats are a wonderful way to reward your dog, moderation is key. Avoid overfeeding by practicing portion control and limiting treats to no more than 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake. Distribute treats strategically throughout the day, using them as rewards for good behavior or during training sessions. By integrating treats into your dog's diet thoughtfully, you can maintain a healthy balance while strengthening your bond.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Countless dog owners have experienced the transformative power of Barking Blends treats firsthand. From noticeable improvements in coat shine and overall vitality to behavior enhancements and eager obedience during training, the positive effects are undeniable. Real-life testimonials from satisfied customers attest to the efficacy and quality of Barking Blends products, solidifying their reputation as a leader in healthy dog treats.
When it comes to your dog's well-being, every choice matters. By opting for healthy treats from Barking Blends, you're not just rewarding your pup; you're investing in their health and happiness for years to come. With a range of delicious and nutritious options to choose from, there's no better way to indulge your furry friend while supporting their overall vitality.
Are Barking Blends treats suitable for all dog breeds and sizes?
Yes, Barking Blends treats are designed to cater to dogs of all breeds and sizes, providing them with essential nutrition and delicious flavors.
Can I use Barking Blends treats for training purposes?
Absolutely! Barking Blends treats are perfect for training sessions, thanks to their irresistible taste and convenient bite-sized portions.
Are Barking Blends treats safe for puppies and senior dogs?
Yes, Barking Blends treats are formulated with the health and well-being of dogs of all ages in mind, making them suitable for puppies and senior dogs alike.
Do Barking Blends treats contain any artificial additives or preservatives?
No, Barking Blends treats are made with natural ingredients and are free from artificial additives, fillers, and preservatives.
Where can I purchase Barking Blends treats?
Barking Blends treats are available for purchase online and at select retailers. Visit our website to find a store near you or to place an order conveniently online.
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agapemastiffs · 7 days
The Neapolitan Mastiff: A Guardian Angel Wrapped in Wrinkles
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The Neapolitan Mastiff is the real deal when it comes to gentle giants with a touch of personality. These colossal canines boast a history as rich as your grandma's heirloom rug, and their loyalty runs deeper than a doggy paddling pool. But before you start measuring your living room for a future roommate, let's break down the good, the giant, and the surprisingly squishy of owning a Neapolitan Mastiff.
From Roman Guardians to Living Room Legends
Imagine a world without fences. That was life for folks in ancient times, who relied on these massive pups to guard their stuff from both sketchy characters and wild animals (because apparently, protection wasn't a DIY project back then). These weren't your average guard dogs – Neapolitan Mastiffs were basically furry fortresses, with a calming presence that could de-escalate any situation (except maybe dinner time – that drool is real). Another Roman guarding and a furry fortress is the Cane Corso. Over time, they became prized possessions of nobility, and their legacy as loyal companions continues today, minus the fancy togas.
A Gentle Soul in a Wrinkled Body: Don't Let the Folds Fool You
Neapolitan Mastiffs are basically giant teddy bears with a heartbeat (and the occasional impressive snore). They're super affectionate and have a chill temperament that makes them perfect for families with older kids. Think of them as the security guards of the dog world – they'll keep an eye on things, but would rather cuddle on the couch than chase squirrels. However, their size is no joke. Early socialization and training are key to ensure your gentle giant doesn't accidentally knock over furniture while reaching for belly rubs.
Living with a Wrinkled Giant: Not for Apartment Dwellers
Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff is like having your own personal bodyguard (but way cuddlier). These giants need ample space to roam and stretch those long legs. Forget tiny apartments – a fenced-in yard with secure boundaries is a must-have. Grooming is a breeze (think one or two good brushings a week), but bath time might require a team effort (or a professional groomer). Bath time for an English Mastiff can also be difficult, you may require at least two people. The real challenge lies in their wrinkles – regular cleaning is necessary to prevent skin infections.
Keeping Your Wrinkled Giant Healthy:
Neapolitan Mastiffs have a lifespan of 7-10 years, but their size and those adorable wrinkles can make them prone to certain health issues like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and cherry eye. Regular veterinarian checkups, a healthy diet, and keeping them at a good weight are key to a long and happy life for your furry giant.
Training Your Gentle Giant: Positive Vibes All Around
Neapolitan Mastiff Puppies are smart, but their independent streak can make traditional training methods a challenge. Positive reinforcement with treats and praise is your best bet. They're eager to please their humans, so positive vibes go a long way. Early socialization is crucial to prevent fearfulness or aggression later in life. Think of it as teaching them proper doggy etiquette – gotta know how to interact with other creatures (especially the smaller ones).
Who Should Adopt a Neapolitan Mastiff?
These aren't your average lapdogs. The ideal owner has an active lifestyle and a house that resembles a small castle (with a secure yard, of course). Experience with large breeds is a plus, as their size and strength require a confident and capable handler. Families with older children who understand canine behavior can find a loyal companion in a Neapolitan Mastiff. But first-time dog owners, those with small children, or inhabitants of cramped spaces might want to consider a smaller guardian, like a fluffy pug (minus the impressive wrinkles).
The Unwavering Devotion of a Wrinkled Guardian
For those who can provide the space, care, and consistent training a Neapolitan Mastiff requires, the rewards are epic. Their gentle nature, unwavering loyalty, and unwavering companionship make them cherished companions. Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff isn't just about having a dog; it's about welcoming a gentle giant with a heart of gold and a truly unique appearance into your life. Much like the Himalayan giant the Tibetan Mastiff who also has a very unique appearance. Just be prepared for the endless supply of furballs laying around, the occasional drool puddle, and the possibility of being mistaken for the dog from the movie Sandlot.
In Conclusion
The Neapolitan Mastiff is a breed unlike any other. Their imposing size is matched only by their gentle temperament and unwavering loyalty. While their needs are significant, the rewards of owning an Neapolitan Mastiff are immeasurable. By carefully considering the responsibilities involved and ensuring you can meet their needs, you can welcome a gentle giant into your life who will fill it with love, companionship, and unwavering devotion.
A Watchful Protector: For The Progression Of The Ages
Mastiffs, gentle giants with ancient roots, come in various breeds. Loyal guardians with calm temperaments, they require ample space, training, and experienced owners due to their size and strength. Though some breeds have wrinkles, all Mastiffs offer a lifetime of devotion.
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dp-ho · 2 months
Can blind people tell if a dog is friendly by its smell? Or do they have to pet the dog and see how it reacts to touch?
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Navigating the World with More Than Sight: How Blind People "Read" Dogs
For blind individuals, navigating the world relies heavily on senses beyond sight. When it comes to encountering a dog, the question of friendliness can be a crucial one. Here's a breakdown of how blind people assess a dog's temperament, revealing a world rich in sensory detail:
1. The Power of Scent: While smell doesn't definitively tell the whole story, blind people can glean valuable information from a dog's odor. A relaxed dog might emit a neutral scent, while a stressed or aggressive animal might have a stronger, potentially unpleasant odor due to elevated stress hormones.
2. Decoding Vocal Cues: A dog's bark, growl, whine, or whimper are all forms of communication. A playful bark sounds different from a territorial growl. Blind people become adept at interpreting these vocalizations, understanding the emotional state of the dog.
3. Body Language Through Touch: While petting isn't always the initial step, a gentle touch can reveal a wealth of information. A relaxed dog might offer a loose wagging tail and a soft lean, while a tense dog might stiffen or pull away. This physical interaction allows for a more nuanced understanding of the dog's body language.
4. Context is Key: The environment plays a significant role. Encountering a dog on its home turf might elicit more guarded behavior compared to a neutral park setting. Blind people often pay close attention to surroundings to understand the context of the encounter.
5. The Value of Training and Experience: Just like anyone else, experience plays a crucial role. Blind individuals who interact with dogs regularly become more skilled at interpreting subtle cues. Additionally, training programs can equip them with the knowledge and confidence to navigate canine encounters effectively.
Beyond Canine Companionship:
It's important to remember that not every dog encounter is about potential companionship. For a blind person using a guide dog, recognizing signs of aggression in other dogs is crucial for ensuring safety during walks. Understanding a dog's temperament allows them to maintain control and navigate potentially risky situations.
Technology as a Tool:
Technology is also evolving to assist blind people in understanding their surroundings. For example, some apps are being developed that analyze sounds and translate them into text messages, potentially offering real-time information about a dog's vocalizations.
The Importance of Communication:
Open communication remains key. When encountering a blind person with a guide dog, it's always a good practice to ask permission before interacting with the dog. This ensures safety and allows the blind person to assess the situation comfortably.
A World of Sensory Perception:
While sight plays a critical role in human interaction, the world of a blind person is far from devoid of information. By honing their other senses and utilizing different strategies, blind individuals can navigate the world confidently, understanding the nuances of canine encounters and building positive relationships with these furry companions.
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smartindent · 2 months
Choosing the Best Dog Training Collar: What You Need to Know
Training your dog can be a rewarding experience, but sometimes our furry companions need a little extra guidance. Dog shock collars, also known as e-collars or remote training collars, can be useful tools when used correctly and responsibly. In 2024, there are several advanced options available that prioritize your dog's safety and well-being while aiding in effective training. 
Our Top Pics
1. Bousnic Dog Shock Collar
Bousnic Dog Shock Collar a simple yet effective training option. It offers different ways to correct behaviour, like beeping, vibrating, or using a safe level of shock. This means I can choose the best method for my dog's needs without causing any harm. Plus, its long range and ability to train two dogs at once make outdoor training a breeze.
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2. Delupet Dog Shock Collar
I really like the Delupet Dog Shock Collar because it's simple to use and gets the job done effectively. With its three safe modes – beep, vibrate, and shock – I can easily choose the right level of stimulation for my dog without worrying about causing any harm. Plus, the security lock on the remote prevents any accidental button presses, which gives me peace of mind during training. The collar is also waterproof and adjustable, so it's comfortable for my dog to wear, no matter the weather or activity.
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3. Halo Collar 3
I really like the Halo Collar 3 because it uses advanced GPS technology to accurately track my dog's location. Unlike other GPS collars, it has special software that ignores false signals and provides precise tracking, even in areas with poor coverage. This gives me peace of mind knowing I can always find my dog quickly and easily, no matter where they are. Plus, the real-time tracking feature keeps me updated on my dog's activity levels, ensuring their safety at all times.
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Tips for Using Dog Shock Collars Responsibly
Always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Start with the lowest effective stimulation level and observe your dog's response.
Use positive reinforcement techniques alongside the collar to encourage desired behaviors.
Avoid leaving the collar on your dog for extended periods to prevent skin irritation.
When used responsibly and as part of a comprehensive training program, dog shock collars can be effective tools for reinforcing commands and addressing behavioral issues. However, it's important to prioritize your dog's safety and well-being at all times.
Before purchasing a shock collar, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian to ensure that this training method is suitable for your dog's needs and temperament.
Remember, effective dog training relies on patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. A shock collar should complement these principles rather than replace them entirely.
Choosing the right dog shock collar involves considering your dog's size, temperament, and specific training needs. Whether you opt for a high-end professional model or a budget-friendly option, prioritize humane training practices and your dog's comfort. With the right tools and approach, you can help your canine companion become a well-behaved and happy member of your family.
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