vrnicky · 4 months
Lol then tell me about the reaper boys
Hehehe, I took the concept of "god's" to a new level. And kinda fantasy because I have swap and fell as well of them because they're six brothers lol
And my reapertale brothers are Azrael and Deus, the oldest ones and "gods of death", they're not inmortal but the death touch was actually their magic being too negative to the point of hurting real things. Thanks to the royals scientist, they're able to balance the negative magic with normal one
The owner of the library is Deus (Papyrus), he's the one got all the books from their au into ebott and Azrael is the one translating them from latin to english while also being at the front desk
If you were curious, reaperswap brothers work in a vet meanwhile reaperfell sans (Astarte) is a blacksmith and papyrus (morpheo) is a cashier in a coffee shop
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snowy-bones · 2 years
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It’s cold... I can warm you...! It’s dark... Let me be the light...! I don’t feel anything anymore.... You don’t have to...I’ll do it for you...! I’ve still failed...haven’t I? You’ve done your best...!
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For all of the papyruses, what pet would they get on the surface?
All the papy's? this is gonna be a long post, but alright! i'll cut it off at Tango's for length's sake.
(Undertale) Puff
Puff loves dogs! Specifically, he'd get a labrador. He's very active on the surface, so he'd be able to keep up with them easily.
(Underswap) - Rus
Rus actually prefers dogs. Sure, he likes cats, but on the surface once he starts to feel better, he actually gets a bit more exciteable, and he's surprisingly good at keeping up with dogs. Though, he'd probably get a bulldog, he is still lazy, after all.
(Underfell) - Edge
Edge adores cats. He likes dogs too, and would probably own one as well, but his first love will always be cats. He'd adopt the tiniest kitten he could find, or whatever scarred cat looked at him first. He's very weak for animals.
(Swapfell Purple) - Ghost
Ghost would own fish. Dog or cat wise he's a cat guy, but honestly? this man loves fish. he'll spend hours just watching them swim around.
(Fellswap Red) - Fuzz
He'd get a service dog for his anxiety and panic attacks, but he wouldn't get any other pets. He's fine with just one.
(Fellswap Gold) - Coffee
He would also have a service dog! though, he'd also get a cat, he finds them extremely soothing.
(Dancetale) - Tango
Tango would get a bird. not a very big one, just a budgie or something, but he'd spoil them.
(Danceswap) - Hoodie
Hoodie would have rats. Most pets are just a bit too much for him, but he adores his little rat buddies. Of course, their all puns.
(Dancefell) - Twist
Twist would get a snake, he's more of a germaphobe than most fell paps, and can't stand the idea of cleaning up animal mess from his nice clean home, so cleaning up animal mess from an enclosure is far better. Plus, their quiet and pretty. In his opinion, snakes are the best pets.
(Outertale) - Charon
He'd get hermit crabs, he's actually very interested about fish, due to the fact their essentially his opposite. he's from really far from earth, and their from deep in the earth.
(Outerswap) - Orion
Like Charon, he loves the ocean, possibly even more, but his favourite water pet would be an urchin. He'd give it a little hat.
(Outerfell) - Orbit
Like the other two, he'd get a water pet, specifically leeches. why leeches? he finds the idea that they suck blood both badass and kind of funny. He's a bit twisted in the humor department.
(Horrortale) - Aza
Like Fuzz and Coffee, he'd require a service dog. though, for more physical activities than mental support. The underground did quite a bit of damage to his health, so he can't always get up. His dear dog helps him with grabbing things. He also has a cat, who's lazier than any sans in the multiverse and will just lay with him all day unless he feels okay enough to get up.
(Horrorswap) - Rusty
It'd take a long time for him to think about getting a pet, but when he would, he'd get frogs. He was luckier in terms of physical health, so he doesn't require a service animal. he more just wants one to keep him company when hes in his room.
(Horrorfell) - Claw
Claw would be extremely nervous about getting any type of animal, and it'd take years until he felt like he was safe enough for an animal to go near him. Not because he's dangerous, but because the underground left his hands very, very sharp and very very long, and he couldn't judge his own strength or sharpness and didn't want to hurt anything. eventually, though, he too would get a cat. the first time it fell asleep on his chest, he cried.
(Mafiatale) - Sniper
He, like Puff, is a dog person. Though he'd probably for a german shepard, he just loves their fur patterns and floppy ears. He'd never take it anywhere near the dangerous parts of mob territory, though, that's his baby.
(Mafiaswap) - Con
One word: Ferret. he loves ferrets more than he loves honey, and thats saying something. He'd totally hold it like hes wielding a rifle and 'shoot' his brother
(Mafiafell) - Boss
Cats. lots of cats. he's the crazy cat man of the mafia. If you thought Edge was soft for animals, that's nothing compared to Boss. though, his claws are bigger than edge's, so he'd be pretty careful with them.
(Reapertale) - Soul
Soul has a pet crow he shares with his brother, it's actually an immortal crow gifted to them by Life so they'd have a pet that could never be killed. It ended up adopting the spirit of a raven hatchling, and raising it as its own.
(Reaperswap) - Scythe
He'd get rats and turtles, he couldn't make up his mind so he decided to have both. He teaches his rats to do tricks and solve his brother's puzzles.
(Reaperfell) - Demise
Rabbits, especially lop-eared ones. He isn't the biggest fan of noisy animals, so a nice quiet rabbit is exactly his speed.
(Echotale) - Patch
He owns rats, which are all named after elements on the periodic table. His brother calls them lab rats.
(Dusttale) - Craze
He is dead, no pets for him
(Dustswap) - Axe
Oddly enough, chickens. he has a whole coop of them, and stopped eating chicken meat the moment he brought them home. He will kill you if you try hurt them.
(Dustfell) - Thorn
he is also dead, no pets for him either.
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arietis-ramumera · 10 months
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Mi versión de como sería reaperswap frans.
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colourpatternist · 7 years
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OuterReaperSwap Papyrus Outer!swap and Reaper!swap Papyrus belong to @buttercupsticksntricks
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lily-the-furry-blog · 7 years
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i was try to draw Reaperswap!Sans
(pls don’t be mad at meh ;-;)
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Cassis…..uhmm f..for you senpai and also Can i join your scifresh army and uhmm can you teach me how you draw a chibi Uhhh wow im sorry because i have a lot of questions Cassis @pepper-mint Art me
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I shall name all of the AU's that I've heard of because wht the fuck not?
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Hans: all of his brothers! The six of them can see paranormal stuff!
Avleen: but prefer not to use it to actually talk with them, that's the reason Deus wouldn't accept this adventure
*Hans sighs and start checking if there's extra batteries*
Yes, reapertale, reaperswap, reaperfell sanses and papyruses are actual brothers so there's only one gaster who had them
Pine: That makes sense. If he can see them all the time, he probably doesn’t want to bother with any of them.
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The Final Battle of Gears (straight from a discrod rp that i monologued)
"and in this corner, we have Gears, the undead military steampunk... And his opponent and one of his own brothers, the reaperswap Levi... Let the chaos ensue!" Baillie announced before she then opened the cages. The two eyed eachother for a while sizing eachother up from a distance. Soon enough the two clashed, locking forearms in an attempt to overpower eachother. Gears began to get the better of Levi, knocking him down and wailing on him, punching him in the skull over and over again. Levi then kicked him off and summoned his scythe, taking a swing at Gears, but missing. Gears got up, brandishing his wrench, he attempted to sideswipe him in the face, knocking his hood off to reveal his right eye was a gaping crater. Levi frowned, taking a hold of Gears's jacket and tearing it off allong with the shirt underneath to reveal the bronze speckled bones that were cracked and leaking ferrofluid everywhere. Gears hardened the fluid into spikes, which impaled Levi all over, who seemed none too impressed... Suddenly they were teleporting everywhere, only able to be tracked by the black trail of liquid falling from Gears, and the dull orange glow of Levi's magic. All that could be heard were hits landing, gurgling from Gears, and sounds similar to Link from legend of Zelda only lower pitched from Levi. This went on for minutes before Gears was finally ejected from the battle, landing on his feet and sliding back a few inches. Levi sent a barrage of bone attacks hurtling towards Gears, which he dodges clumsily before shooting ferrofluid spikes at him, a few hitting him and making him wince. Gears charged forward, bashing Levi in the ribs with his wrench, only to get his shoulder sliced by the scythe, a deep wound which almost like in the anime Bleach, spewed ferrofluid like a shaken up soda. Gears looked to the arm, which was now barely hanging on... It would become a hinderance to his fight... Only getting in the way as it was.... So he tore it the rest of the way off, casting it to the side like garbage as he began wielding his wrench one handed, still very proffiecient with it even when using his prosthetic arm. He went to lash out at Levi again, who blocked him. Gears, however, trapped him with both hands on his weapon and the weapon down at his hips. A modified double cross low.... Levi was quick to kick up, nailing his little brother right in the nosegap, before spinning around and kicking him away. Gears skidded away, clutching at his face, only to get kicked in the face again, and once more, then the ribs, the crotch, and then the backs of his knees before yet another roundhouse to the skull to send him sprawling out. "brother.... Stay down if you know what's good for you" Levi rumbled. Gears being as headstrong as ever got back up and charged at him, spikes on his knuckles and punched him across the face, sending him sprawling for once. Gears cracked his knuckles and neck before stomping on Levi brutally. He grabbed Gears's boot and twisted it at an unnatural angle, making him lose his balance and fall over. Levi then lunged at him. The two tumbled and Levi pinned Gears to the ground. "bother.... Please.... Stop..... I don't want to hurt you anymore" Levi pleaded, only to look into his empty sockets.... Gears was gone.... Locku, the don of the mafia that owned this illegal fighting ring... His magic had Gears's consiousness lying dormant. Gears suddenly bashed his skull against Levi's, shoving him away before hooking his fingers in his eye sockets and bashing the back of his skull into the ground. Levi kicked upwards, hitting him in the pelvis and sending him flying. He got to his feet again, only to see Gears charging again... He looked at Gears's HP.... At his own... Thoughts of his adopted daughter Mijara and his siblings raced through his head.... Even of Gears's original Papyrus Camo.... He thought of the old Gears... The one that was healthy and loved his family and the one that wasn't...... This.... This monster before him..... The Gears he knew would never willingly attack his family with such malice.... Gears was suffering. The Gears Levi knew would rather die than become this thing.... He hoped just to knock him out with this next attack. Levi stepped back, charging forward with a mighty battle cry. First came the scythe, which, swiped back hand to slice across his ribs and up... Levi's reaper instinct then got the better of him... In the heat of the moment.... He grabbed Gears's skull roughly with bare bones, the death touch draining his hp fast, and with one smooth motion........ Oh god... Time seemed to stand still....... Levi snapped out of it to find...... Gears's body slowly disintegrateing into dust..... And his head.... Still grasped brutally in Levi's hand... ..... Levi was in a state of shock.... He dropped Gears's skull in horror.... His little brother's body shattered and blew away in the breeze, which Levi reached out to grasp at.... Desperate to bring his brother back.... And with a heavy heart.... And eyes overflowing with tears of loss.... Baillie announced.... "And with the dusting of Gears......... Levi.... Is the winner......." Baillie flew off after the dust, attempting to gather what blew away. Levi scooped up some of the dust on the ground, clutching it in his hands as he began sobbing hysterically. Baillie returned with the escaped dust in a jar, moving to scoop up the last of it to save the last of her son....
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vrnicky · 1 year
I got 21, my dude
Heyo gonny! This boy could have been also a good match to you due to his energy! But it's hard to actually catching him in one place!
You got...
Angelus! My reaperswap sans!
You and your skeleton boyfriend were dynamite together, people fear your energy mixed together! Your sassy and his no-filter attitude could make a Karen even regret treating both of you that way.
Because well, a Karen was in a bad mood while you two were ordering some food to take home. You were just chilling, flirting and the normal stuff until a woman without caring bumped into you, pushing against Angelus chest, not that you mind but she got in front of you! When it wasn't her turn! Oh you two were getting mad.
"Uh, excuse me? Lady, we were first." You try to control your anger mixed with hunger and she just gave you the side eye!! That-
–Excuse Me! My Girlfriend Is Talking To You!–Angelus step between both her and you and she just scoffs, turning to see both of you.
'well I don't care about either your girlfriend or your place on the line. Monsters shouldn't be mixed with.. humans..' just hearing that from that lady made your blood boil, how dare she!
"No no, listen here you lady, who are you to tell us what to do? You're a nobody who just wants to ruin our day and believe me, you don't want to see that happening!!" While you were talking, you pushed outside of the line and the lady turned red from how angry she got.
'dont you dare touch me!' before she could get any closer, Angelus step in between and hold her still with his magic.
–Now, Don't You Dare Talk That Way To My Girlfriend, Old Woman.–oh you were so happy when he refers to you as his girlfriend! Even if he says it several times.
Due to the incident with that Karen, you and Angelus had to eat there, in the restaurant and it wasn't as fancy or comfy like your house but you were laughing at that crazy lady.
"You must have seen her face! She was red!" You keep laughing, not noticing how Angelus was watching you with heart eyes until he kisses you softly.
He then pulls away blushing.
–Sorry! I-i Didn't- –you then took the collar of his shirt and kissed him, even though your kisses were more intense than his.
He didn't pulled away though ;)
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whats your headcanon of if there was a reaperswapfell
(if there was for this swapfell aka classic swapfell i imagine SF!papyrus to be a god for the underworld since they just gave the 2 bros the reaper job in regular reapertale and since only one of the bros owns a scythe i think making SF!papyrus a god for the underworld while SF!sans would be still the grim reaper may work and they both may kill the hateful so that SF!papyrus in that world would torture more souls for his amusement but thats my idea whats yours i would like to know)
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Intro Post
Hello all! Welcome to my ask blog, this is not a story driven blog, but feel free to ask about backstories, their current lives, etc, alongside s/o, reactionary, and ship asks. This blog will be entirely text-based, with the exception of References
Note: Characters may change as my headcanons shift
Examples: Backstory Asks - “Hey Edge, how’d you get that scar?” Current Life Asks - “Rus, are you on the surface?” S/O Asks - “How would [AUs/Names] react if their S/O brought home a pet alligator” Reactionary Asks - “How would [AUs/Names] react to this situation happening?” same as S/O without the S/O, more events than personal actions Ship Asks - “What would [Character] and [Character] be like as a couple?”
Rules: -No NSFW, im a minor & ace -No Incestuous (ex: Fontcest) or Pedophilic (ex: Frans) ships will be involved, don’t ask to see those, that includes s/o asks. ‘Incestuous’ does not include selfcest (aka two papyruses together) -Most of the backstory will be HC, along with any non-canon info (like age, height, pets, etc) -Feel free to ask about Angsty topics, i thrive on angst
AUs I Do: (listed as Sans & Papyrus)
Undertale - Classic & Puff Underswap - Blue & Rus Underfell - Red & Edge Swapfell Purple - Rubus & Ghost Fellswap Red - Navi & Fuzz Fellswap Gold - Wine & Coffee Dancetale - Dance & Tango Danceswap - Dash & Hoodie Dancefell - Break & Twist Outertale - Outer & Charon Outerswap - Pluto & Orion Outerfell - Meteor & Orbit Horrortale - Drum & Aza Horrorswap - Juniper & Rusty Horrorfell - Tooth & Claw Mafiatale - Cue & Sniper Mafiaswap - Bullet & Con Mafiafell - Boss & Roulette Reapertale - Reaper & Soul Reaperswap - End & Scythe Reaperfell - Grim & Demise Echotale - G!S & Patch Dusttale - Dust & Craze Dustswap - Axe & Flare Dustfell - Bramble & Thorn Bad Sanses - Nightmare, Error, & Killer Others - Dream, Ink, Geno
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Have you ever seen the new underswap papyrus design? If you have,can you draw a reaperswap papyrus with that new design?(Not rushing,if you don't have time don't do it oki)
What new design.....?
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THE UNDERVERSE You better thank me for 10 Days of research LIST OF CURRENT UNDERTALE AUS 1: Sciencetale 2: Underswap 3: Undertale 4: Underfell 5: Echotale (Gastertale) 6: Outertale 7: Dreamtale 8: Swapfell 9: U know what universe 10: Altertale 11: Birdtale 12: Possession/flowey tale 13: Freshtale 14: Bromalgamate (tale) 15: Nightmaretale 16: Darktale 17: Ultratale (its the same but ultra) 18: Photonegative (tale) 19: Firewalltale (What!?!?!) 20: Aftertale 21: Synotale (beforetale) 22: IXOZ (dunno what dat is) 23: GLITCHTALE 24: Lasttale 25: Negativetale 26: Endtale 27: Killertale (Murdertale) 28: Horrortale 29: Dusttale 30: Underheck (This was renamed by toriel for the kiddos) 31: Undervirus 32: Bluescreentale (windows xp?) 33: X-tale 34: Whattale (what?) 35: Hatetale 36: Reaperswap 37: Reapertale 38: Timetale 39: Underglitch 40: Undernegative 41: Inktale 42: Errortale 43: King multiverse (sans) 44: Alphatale 45: Error404 (Alphatale) 46: Omniponent (sans) 47: Digitale (digital-e) 48: Understeam 49: Dancetale 50: Trainertale 51: Littletale 52: Mafiatale 53: Storyspin 54: Storyshift 55: The thought 56: Handplates 57: Underverse 58: Undertale Mob 59: Epictale 60: Coretale 61: Christmas in duh void (Christmas Party Au 62: Flowerfell 63: Endertale 64: Enderswap 65: Enderfell 66: Negatale 67: Drunktale (ask drunk chara) 68: Entry number 18 69: Ask frisk and company 70: Underwar 71: Underfail 72: Monofell 73: Underpatch(Why?) 74: Undertail 75: Zombietale 76: Heavenfell 77: Undertail 78: Underanti 79: HUNGERTALE(God yes...) 80: Swapshift 81: Blueprint (sans) 82: Fell Blueprint (sans) 83: White Print (sans) 84: Mahoutale 85: Partytale 86: Other Undertail 87: Surftale 88: Fruittale 89:Undernovela 90:Understuck 91: Witchtale 92: Underbend 93: Underhades 94: Gemtale 95: Gendertale??? 96: Futuretale 97: CPUtale 98: Sugurtale (Swap Aprooves) 99: Portale 100: Katanatale (internet, why?) Error: BRO I NEED TO END SOME OF THESE OR ELSE NEW UNIVERSES WILL START TO FALL OUT OF THE FREAKING VOID! 101: Jaseontale? 102: Overtale/Uppertale 103: Abysstale 104: Cattale 105: Alterswap 106: Elementale 107: Asylumtale 108: Auratale 109: Astraytale 110: Coldtale 111: Blighttale 112: Chesstale 113: Cardtale 114: Quantumtale 115: Darktale 116: Demitale 117: Emotale 118: Underbed (monsters live in the underbed?) 119: Soultale 120: Sorcerytale Error: Multiverse! STOP PULLING THESE THING RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BUTT! 121: Eclipsetale 122: Singtale 123: Drugtale (call 911 on the person who mad this) 124: Sonictale 125: Fnaftale 126: Ponytale (FREINDSHIP!!!) 127: Gravitytale 128: Undertailia 129: Undertoad 130: Underwatch 131: Spongetale 132: HELPtale 134: Colortale 135: Puppetale 136: Oceantale 137: Emotiontale 138: Hopelesstale 139: Magmatale 140: Icetale 141: Inversetale 142: Humanitytale 143: Legendtale 144: Linetale 145: Lolitale 146: Oppositetale (underswaps Copy) 147: Martialtale 148: Crossovertale 149: Undernight 150: Underhope This is so long that our first writers quit and we had to hire a new one 151: Revotale 152: Underworld (Please be a MMO) 153: Underlovania 154: Underportal 155: Underkeep 156: Fallen Children 157: Twistedtale 158: Predetortale 159:Lucktale 160: Mythitale 161: Underill 162: Nextale 163: Pastrytale 164: Fusiontale 165: Anti-Physicstale 166: Yanderetale? 167: Underwolves 168: Underscramble 169: Thundertale 170: Hardtale 171: Underflesh 172: Underfates 173: Underchild 174: Positale 175: Minortale Napstablook: oh, I didn't know you were here too... Ohhh sorry for being a bother. OooooooooOOOOoooooh. 176:  Wondertale 177:  Undertournament 178:  Alterfell 179:  Haventale 180: Powertale 181: Bluetale 182: Cloudtale 183: Fairytale 184: Underlink 185: Undersanity(Mine is gone) 186:  Naturetale 187: Differenttopic 188: Tubetale 189: Changetale 190: Angrytale 191: Newtale 192: Sintale 193: Underwest 194: Fabletilt 195: Fallunder 196: Dreadtale (I am full of that) 197: Hypertale 198: Shadowtale 199: Underswitched 200: Dreemurr Reborn Error:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHGHGHGHHGHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 201: Talemix 202: Grouptale 203: Weabootale? (wut, I dont even kno what that means) 204: Vocatale (OBJECTION) 205: Devianttale 206: OCtale 207: Beatlestate 208: Engietale 209: Applefell 210: Und_rt_le 211: Fullmental tale 212: Flowey is not a good life coach (duh) 213: Underworld 214: Cubone (sans) 215: Goth (sans) 216: Pallette (sans) 217: Cray (sans) 218: Paperjam (sans) 219: Granite (sans) 220:Colonna (sans) 221:ASFAL (sans) 222:Pastel (sans) 223: Swirl (sans) 224: Papercut (sans) If i forgot any universes then tell me to add em. I Refuse to write any more down until this post gets 500 Like for my time wasted...
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vibeless15 · 7 years
My Au Ships (you do not have to agree you just need to take note and grab your pencils)
ErrorTale x InkTale
UnderFell x UnderSwap
DanceTale x UnderFresh
SwagTale x UnderLust
AfterTale x ReaperTale
AlphaTale x The OmegaTimeline
UnderHell x EpicTale
BeforeTale x ReaperSwap
X-Tale x DreamTale
KagoneTale x SakuraTale
X-Swap x NightmareTale
if you guys have any Au ships you like, plz notify me and i’ll make quote about them.
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