#recited prayers and mantras are nice
many-sparrows · 1 year
These days, my most common prayers are "help me to be Your hands on earth" and "teach me to walk humbly so that I can be a vessel for Your love"
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japamala0 · 1 year
Website : https://www.japamala.biz/
Address : Prague, Czech Republic
Japa Mala necklaces were born out of a passion for creating handmade jewelry that is original and meaningful. They are designed with love and according to the client's wishes. My goal is to provide beautiful jewelry that not only looks good, but in which you will feel good. My necklaces are designed to increase vibrations through the healing properties of gemstones, which are not only nice to look at, but also have the power to heal. I create my jewelry to inspire and support your connection to yourself, and to support your mindfulness journey. Slow down, breathe and come back to yourself. Use Japa Mala necklaces or ""Buddhist rosary"" (as they are often called) to focus your energy and attention.
What Are Mala Beads?
A mala is simply a string of beads that are used in meditation practice. Sacred Buddhist mala beads have been used for centuries by many spiritual traditions as a tool to help to calm the mind, center oneself, and connect the best that is within us.
""Mala"" means ""meditation garland"" in Sanskrit, ""Japa"" means to repeat a mantra or prayer. Malas are typically made with 18, 27, 54, 81, 99, or 108 beads. But mostly they are a strand of 108 beads, which are traditionally used in Buddhist and Hindu practices of meditation and prayer.
These necklaces, sometimes called “Buddhist rosary”, are traditional tools used to count the number of times a mantra is recited or breaths we've done, it is a tool that acts as a tactile guide as you sit in silence…
Benefits Of Mala Beads
Mala beads have been used in so many different spiritual traditions for so long because these beads have many powerful benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the below eight benefits are universal for all types of prayer or counting beads but several of these benefits are specific to mala beads.
Increases focus during mantra meditation.
An efficient and practical tool to count mantras.
An easy way to keep track of the number of mantras recited.
Physical contact with prayer beads transmits their inherent healing powers.
Once mala is empowered it can be used for even more powerful healing of yourself and others.
Choosing a mala to purchase can help in the process of determining goals and intentions and spiritual pursuits.
Seeing or wearing a mala can serve as a reminder of one’s intention and goals. It can also be used as a reward or symbol for accomplishing a difficult task.
Mala Beads In Modern Yoogi Time
Malas are growing in popularity and can be used not only for your meditation practice but also as decorations or jewelry. You may see malas adorning the wrists, necks, and altars of meditation devotees and at the top of mats of yoga practitioners. These beautiful necklaces often hold special significance for the bearer based on where they got it, why they chose the stones, and the energy resonance they feel with the beads.
People more and more love malas because they can combine fashion and function. Malas can be made out of any number of materials including rudraksha tree, the wood of the tulsi plant, lotus seeds, sandalwood, or precious gemstones.
These days people choose to wear Mala Beads for a number of reasons: as part of meditation practice; to benefit from the energy of the crystals and gemstones; as a reminder of intentions they've set; because of a meaning they've associated with them; or simply because they're beautiful…
The History Of Mala Beads
Mala beads are used in other cultures and religions but are known by different names, such as prayer beads, rosary beads, and worry beads. Over two-thirds of the world’s population employ some type of counting beads as part of their spiritual practice. The use of beads in prayer appears to have originated around the 8th century B.C.E. in India.
Beads by themselves have had a powerful influence and importance in human history. The oldest beads found to date are approximately 42,0000 years old. Beads have been used throughout our history as talismans for protection, amulets for luck, status symbols for wealth and authority, spiritual and religious tools, and as a form of barter. The meanings and use of beads have changed significantly over time—they have been used to symbolize personal and cultural relationships, physical, magical and supernatural power, and common cultural world-views.
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syndicated-ltd · 2 years
Day 29: Fuse
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What brought a man of action to a sleepy Shrine? What kept him here? Near death and gratitude. Save his life, earn his loyalty. Now he wasn’t sure if they didn’t regret it from time to time but that was the situation. They needed a gate guard and he happened to be quite good at being a deterrent. He was big, his face was unfriendly, and if things went sideways he could handle himself nicely. But Leo would be lying if he said his time here hadn’t changed him a little bit. That violent, short temper of his, this place was...helping. It wasn’t as though they were teaching him meditation or anything. He wasn’t reciting mantras and offering up prayers...even though he was starting to believe more and more in this kami...stuff. There was something in this Shrine, that was for sure. How else did half the stuff here happen?
No. It was just the acceptance. The peace. It grafted itself onto his soul. It gave him a moment. Like a safety switch. He could just breath in and smell the air and that would settle him for just another few moments. Sometimes, the situation resolved itself in the space of that breath and life went on. If not...more of the usual he supposed. But it was nice to have that choice now.
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alokkhandelwal · 1 year
Astrological Significance and Rituals of Shravan - Alok Astrology
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In the area of astrology, the month of Shravan holds sizable importance. It is a time whilst cosmic energies align, permitting us to tap into divine wisdom and embark on a transformative journey. In this blog, we will explore the astrological importance of Shravan and delve into the rituals and practices related to this sacred month. Get equipped to unveil the mysteries of Shravan and discover the profound effect it can have on your lifestyle.
Know more about the Astrological significance of Shravan. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
1 - Astrological Significance of Shravan:
Shravan is considered a surprisingly auspicious month in Vedic astrology, related to Lord Shiva and the planet Mercury. It falls all through the zodiac signal of Cancer, dominated by the Moon. 
The energies at some stage in this time are strong, permitting a non-secular boom, self-reflection, and inner transformation. The celestial alignment empowers us to deepen our reference to the divine and align with our actual cause.
2 - Key Rituals and Practices:
Offering Milk and Water to Shiva Lingam: One of the most massive rituals during Shravan is the day-by-day presentation of milk and water to the Shiva Lingam. This act symbolizes devotion and searching for advantages for prosperity, harmony, and non-secular awakening. The imparting is made with utmost reverence, accompanied by using chants and prayers.
3 - Fasting on Mondays:
Observing fasts on Mondays at some stage in Shravan is a common exercise. Devotees abstain from eating grains and positive foods, dedicating the day to prayer, meditation, and self-discipline. Fasting is thought to purify the frame and mind, improving non-secular receptivity and promoting ordinary well-being.
Read Also:- Karmic Astrology: Unraveling Past Life Connections
4 - Reciting Shiva Mantras and Chants:
Chanting sacred mantras and hymns devoted to Lord Shiva is an effective practice in the course of Shravan. The repetition of mantras like the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or Om Namah Shivaya invokes divine advantages, eliminates limitations, and brings internal peace and readability.
5 - Visiting Shiva Temples:
Paying visits to Shiva temples, mainly the twelve Jyotirlingas holds titanic importance at some point in Shravan. Devotees offer prayers, carry out rituals, and seek the divine advantages of Lord Shiva. The vibrations in those sacred spaces amplify non-secular stories and deepen the reference to the divine.
7 - Embracing the Transformative Energies:
Shravan offers a unique opportunity to include transformative energies and make nice adjustments in our lives. It is a time to allow the passing of poor styles, domesticate virtues, and deepen our religious practice. 
Here are a few ways to make the maximum of this auspicious month: Self-mirrored image and Introspection: 
Use this time to mirror your lifestyles, set intentions, and check your spiritual adventure. Take moments of solitude, journal your thoughts, and ponder on regions in which you are seeking for boom and transformation. 
Embrace Spiritual Practices: Engage in meditation, yoga, or pranayama to enhance your non-secular connection and internal peace. Explore exclusive non-secular practices that resonate with you and contain them into your day-by-day ordinary. 
Acts of Service and Charity: Practicing acts of kindness and charity at some point in Shravan can amplify nice energies. Offer assistance to the ones in want, donate to charitable causes, or interact in volunteer paintings to spread compassion and make a difference in the lives of others. 
Seek Astrological Guidance: Consult a skilled astrologer to apprehend the private astrological importance of Shravan in your lifestyle. Gain insights into the planetary influences and acquire steerage on how to navigate challenges and harness the transformative energies of this auspicious month. 
Shravan is a time of spiritual significance and transformation. By embracing the rituals, practices, and energies of this auspicious month, we will deepen our connection with the divine, wake up our internal knowledge, and embark on an adventure of self-discovery. Let the mysteries of Shravan spread and guide you closer to spiritual boom, concord, and fulfillment.
Read Also:- Predict Future Events Through Palmistry
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Astrological Significance and Rituals of Shravan
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In the area of astrology, the month of Shravan holds sizable importance. It is a time whilst cosmic energies align, permitting us to tap into divine wisdom and embark on a transformative journey. In this blog, we will explore the astrological importance of Shravan and delve into the rituals and practices related to this sacred month. Get equipped to unveil the mysteries of Shravan and discover the profound effect it can have on your lifestyle.
Know more about the Astrological significance of Shravan. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
1 - Astrological Significance of Shravan:
Shravan is considered a surprisingly auspicious month in Vedic astrology, related to Lord Shiva and the planet Mercury. It falls all through the zodiac signal of Cancer, dominated by the Moon. 
The energies at some stage in this time are strong, permitting a non-secular boom, self-reflection, and inner transformation. The celestial alignment empowers us to deepen our reference to the divine and align with our actual cause.
2 - Key Rituals and Practices:
Offering Milk and Water to Shiva Lingam: One of the most massive rituals during Shravan is the day-by-day presentation of milk and water to the Shiva Lingam. This act symbolizes devotion and searching for advantages for prosperity, harmony, and non-secular awakening. The imparting is made with utmost reverence, accompanied by using chants and prayers.
3 - Fasting on Mondays:
Observing fasts on Mondays at some stage in Shravan is a common exercise. Devotees abstain from eating grains and positive foods, dedicating the day to prayer, meditation, and self-discipline. Fasting is thought to purify the frame and mind, improving non-secular receptivity and promoting ordinary well-being.
Read Also:- Karmic Astrology: Unraveling Past Life Connections
4 - Reciting Shiva Mantras and Chants:
Chanting sacred mantras and hymns devoted to Lord Shiva is an effective practice in the course of Shravan. The repetition of mantras like the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or Om Namah Shivaya invokes divine advantages, eliminates limitations, and brings internal peace and readability.
5 - Visiting Shiva Temples:
Paying visits to Shiva temples, mainly the twelve Jyotirlingas holds titanic importance at some point in Shravan. Devotees offer prayers, carry out rituals, and seek the divine advantages of Lord Shiva. The vibrations in those sacred spaces amplify non-secular stories and deepen the reference to the divine.
7 - Embracing the Transformative Energies:
Shravan offers a unique opportunity to include transformative energies and make nice adjustments in our lives. It is a time to allow the passing of poor styles, domesticate virtues, and deepen our religious practice. 
Here are a few ways to make the maximum of this auspicious month: Self-mirrored image and Introspection: 
Use this time to mirror your lifestyles, set intentions, and check your spiritual adventure. Take moments of solitude, journal your thoughts, and ponder on regions in which you are seeking for boom and transformation. 
Embrace Spiritual Practices: Engage in meditation, yoga, or pranayama to enhance your non-secular connection and internal peace. Explore exclusive non-secular practices that resonate with you and contain them into your day-by-day ordinary. 
Acts of Service and Charity: Practicing acts of kindness and charity at some point in Shravan can amplify nice energies. Offer assistance to the ones in want, donate to charitable causes, or interact in volunteer paintings to spread compassion and make a difference in the lives of others. 
Seek Astrological Guidance: Consult a skilled astrologer to apprehend the private astrological importance of Shravan in your lifestyle. Gain insights into the planetary influences and acquire steerage on how to navigate challenges and harness the transformative energies of this auspicious month. 
Shravan is a time of spiritual significance and transformation. By embracing the rituals, practices, and energies of this auspicious month, we will deepen our connection with the divine, wake up our internal knowledge, and embark on an adventure of self-discovery. Let the mysteries of Shravan spread and guide you closer to spiritual boom, concord, and fulfillment.
Read Also:- Predict Future Events Through Palmistry
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liberate-women · 2 years
Was at a mostly-lesbian/bi women event last night, very casual, and the woman next to me made a pun about not wanting “the d” and then immediately apologized and literally started saying stuff about how she’s learning, that’s not inclusive, she’s sorry. I said with a little laugh “hey there's nothing wrong with being homosexual” which prompted the woman on my other side to start literally reciting “twaw, they're real women who are valid, also i’d do hunter schafer even with the d”. I made a funny face and said “ooh, can’t relate!” and she started reciting the twaw mantra AGAIN! 
It was wild, like she thought saying it out-loud was some kind of warding spell or rosary prayer. I don't know if she was drunk or high but she was looking straight ahead at the ground when she said it, it was very strange. Maybe she was just avoiding eye contact with a woman who didn’t want any dick, idk. 
Later my friend who had been near the group but not in the conversation asked me if everything was okay because said second woman was worried she upset me, I made an excuse and laughed it off. I made sure to say goodbye in a friendly way when i passed that mantra lady when I left the event for the evening, compliment something she wore, because frustratingly I know that showing that a woman who is not into dick and doesn't consider piv to be homosexuality is also nice and friendly can go a long way but ughhhh. 
Anyway just wanted to rant. Can’t even make jokes about personally not being into “the d” at an lgbt party because it’s not inclusive enough. Then have to be nice to show “hey maybe the man hating dykes aren't all evil and i can talk to them”
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vajranam · 3 years
Thangtong Gyalpo: Mahasiddha and Builder of Bridges
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Thangtong Gyalpo: Mahasiddha and Builder of Bridges
“Visualize in front of you a vajra made of meteoric iron. At its center is Thangtong Gyalpo, 900 years old, very beautiful, with red rosy cheeks, dark red, healthy, with a big belly and muscles. But to symbolize the nonduality of youth and age he should have white hair, mustache and beard, a long white beard. He is the one who built Tibet’s bridges and also created the Tibetan operas that we know.”
— Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
The 14th-century mahasiddha Thangtong Gyalpo was a busy man. His status in Tibetan and Bhutanese culture is unparalleled: He was a master of the highest Vajrayana teachings, in addition to displaying unparalleled skill as an architect, blacksmith, civil engineer, artist, writer of operas, and dispeller of epidemics. He is both a legend and a historical figure. Some records say that he was born in 1385 and instantly attained the age of 60 years. Most sources agree that he died when he was 125, having perfected secrets of longevity that practitioners can attain through supplication and prayer.
Rinpoche said in a recent teaching that Thangtong Gyalpo lived to be 900 years old, “but this 900 years old is very relative. Thangtong Gyalpo, depicted as an old man, with a white beard, nice white hair, really big, muscle-y, not frail — all of this has tendrel. Being a healthy old man brings the meaning of long life.  The white beard means wise. So by visualizing, praying, and supplicating, it creates this tendrel for the practitioner to receive this blessing of longevity.”
Born in Ölpa Lhartse in upper Tsang, Tibet, the historical figure Thangtong was a unique mahasiddha both because of his tremendous realization and his engineering accomplishments. He established incredible engineering marvels under challenging circumstances and over difficult terrain. Imagine a larger-than-life man like John Henry (an American legend who made railway tunnels through mountains with his hammer and huge forearms faster than steam-powered machines) combined with the wisdom of Padmasambhava, sitting astride a horse that he’d ride into shrine rooms. He became known as “the madman of the empty land.” In some Tibetan texts, he is reported to have been seen feasting just as easily on a long-dead and rotting horse as on delicacies.
It was because of his madman looks that one ferryman refused him passage across water to a holy site, and from this experience Thangtong Gyalpo had a vision of iron-chain suspension bridges that any pilgrim could cross.  To build such a bridge, he would need to learn metallurgy to create durable links, study engineering to span unpredictable rivers and deep gorges, and raise funds to buy the iron ore and pay for labor.
Thangtong Gyalpo developed a method of smelting iron to create enormous chain links that remain untarnished to this day. Many of the 58 suspension bridges that he built are still in use in Bhutan and Tibet. He opened the route through the land of Kongpo aborigines,  where he obtained iron for his bridges and rights of passage for Tibetan pilgrims to visit the holy places in Tsari to the southeast of Dakpo, near the Indian border. Many practitioners pray to him when they are seeking strength and connections. He also designed and built many large and unusual stupas across Tibet and Bhutan, including the great Kumbum Chörten at Chung Riwoche, and established Gongchen, a Sakya monastery in Derge.
It is said that Thangtong Gyalpo used his skills as a performing artist to raise money for his projects. He established Tibet’s first dharma theater troupe, which performed operas, recited mantras, and told stories that were meant to subdue demons and teach sentient beings . Today, Bu chen (“Great Sons”) performers in Tibet consider Thangtong Gyalpo the founder of Tibetan opera. They often perform a sword dance that ends with breaking a stone to reenact Thangtong Gyalpo’s triumph over an epidemic-causing demon. After flying to Lhasa on a white-tailed eagle, he trapped the demon inside a stone that he carried into the marketplace and split open with a rock shaped like a ritual dagger.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s ability to eradicate sickness is also part of his legend. His prayers are considered to be effective against myriad adverse circumstances.  Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche writes that Thangtong Gyalpo’s Refuge Prayer is one of the most powerful. “The Outer, Inner, and Secret Refuge Practice of the Mahasiddha Thangtong Gyalpo prayer is very helpful. I do it all the time, day and night, whenever there’s a need. It was given directly to Thangtong Gyalpo’s teacher by Avalokiteshvara himself for Thangtong Gyalpo to spread… I’ve given it to a few people to do, to transform their life circumstances and different difficulties and patterns, and it seems like it really has worked wonderfull
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
Jamil x Leon | Right Where I Should Be
For the last day of @gentapprentices Gentleman Apprentice Week: Dear Husband—your apprentice’s wedding or married life, we have a very soft post-wedding fic for Jamil and Leon. This takes place post-game, and realistically it could happen in any timeline, so there isn’t a specific route I had in mind for this.
Also, as a reminder (because it’s been a minute) Leon is nonbinary, but uses both he/him and they/them pronouns, and for this fic likes being referred to as a “husband.”
Title: Right Where I Should Be by Us The Duo 1.5k words
The late morning sun cast soft shadows across the guest room of the palace as Jamil stirred with a groan, blinking lethargically.
“Gods, what time is it…” he started, but trailed off as he raised his left hand above his head. He felt his heart skip at the gold band on his finger and took a shuddering breath as his memory of the day before returned.
I’m married.
He wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry, but he was sure he did both yesterday, dozens of times.
“Are you crying again, Jamil?” Leon teased as they danced together in the ballroom, a small smile on their face. Camia and Alec were playing their song for them, and they were surrounded by the rest of their family, their friends—but they could have been alone for all Jamil could tell, eyes never once leaving Leon’s face. “Don’t go taking your vows back.”
“Never,” Jamil said, kissing their hand, stroking his thumb over the band of obsidian on their finger, reciting the engraved words that sat underneath in his mind. “Never, I’m just… so happy.”
They laughed, leaning forward to press their foreheads together. “Me too.”
Looking down at his chest, where Leon’s head lay, Jamil’s gaze followed their long dark hair that trailed down their bodies and over the silk sheets surrounding them, having been pulled loose of its tight updo. Alec had spent a long time gathering all of their hair and braiding the sections up, but it had been worth it in the end, as it all sat neatly on the back of their head, no less than twenty pins holding it in place. It looked nice, and Jamil had made sure to say as such, but he had always preferred their hair down.
“At least this way I can see your whole face,” he said, as they dug into the dinner Nadia had arranged for them, everyone chattering loudly at tables around them.
“I would think you’d be tired of seeing my face by now,” Leon replied, cupping his cheek in their hand, manicured finger tracing his skin. “You trimmed your beard?”
“Lee, would I be marrying you if I was tired of looking at you?”
They pressed a quick kiss to his lips, one of many to come over the course of the night, and he felt them smile against him. “I guess not.”
Jamil’s eyes flickered over to the pile of clothes on the floor; a glittering pile of red and gold delicate fabrics. His sister, Mia, had designed the outfits herself and brought them from Prakra as her wedding gift to the two of them. The outfits had taken a long time to put on, but they couldn’t come off fast enough once the door had shut behind the couple when the night with their friends and family had come to an end.
He lost count of how many times he said, “I love you.”
It was whispered first, his lips ghosting against their neck, feeling them shiver in his arms. Then, in a moan, as they kissed him, over and over again. It was said breathlessly, as they both lay on the bed together, their bodies illuminated only by the gentle moonlight streaming in through the window. Rushed, repeated like a mantra, like he would never get the chance to say it again. Soft, like a prayer, when they were holding each other close.
Leon answered him with their own declaration of love each time, and Jamil knew he could listen to their honey-sweet voice forever. And he would.
They shifted on his chest, bringing him out of his thoughts, and he watched as their hand reached out for his, face still buried in his neck. With a small laugh he took their hand, squeezing it lightly.
“Good morning.”
“Mm,” Leon replied, the sound of their voice vibrating against his throat. After a moment they moved from his side, laying completely on top of him, their chests pressed together. “What time is it?” they groaned; thin, dark eyebrows knit together. “I feel like I slept forever, but also for no time at all.”
Jamil chuckled, tucking a strand of their hair behind their ear with his free hand. “I don’t know what time it is, and I don’t care.”
They grinned, leaning into his touch, dark eyes opening slightly, glittering in the sunlight. “Aren’t you cheery.”
“Did you have anything planned for today?”
They shrugged, thumb gently tracing circles on the back of his hand. “No, you know me, spending a whole day in bed is like my dream.” They pressed a kiss to his chest, right over his heart. “And the company only makes it better.”
He gasped in mock distress. “Is that all I am, company?”
“Well,” he sat up, ignoring their noise of protest as he made to get up from the bed. “If I’m just company to you then I should probably go find my husband—”
Leon cut him off with a rough kiss, pulling him back down and pinning him underneath them, their legs on either side of his stomach. Jamil melted into their touch, unable to fight the smile tugging at his lips. He let them take the lead, as always.
“Are you done?” They whispered, still pressing kisses to his jaw, and he nodded, hands traveling down their back.
They fell over onto their side, wrapping their arms and legs around Jamil’s body again, grip snakelike, and Jamil couldn’t suppress a laugh as their hair tickled his side. The two of them lay in silence for a while, just listening to the other breathe, hands clasped over Jamil’s chest.
He stroked Leon’s ring with his finger, and slowly pulled it off to look at it in the light, catching the engraved words on the inside of the obsidian band. Leon’s fingers wrapped around his wrist, thumb stroking his skin.
“Tell me what it says, again.”
Jamil smiled, his finger tracing the words as he spoke them aloud. “To the end of the world and back.”
“That’s so cheesy,” Leon laughed, but they were smiling wide as Jamil slid the ring back onto their hand. “Yours says the same?”
“To the end of the world and back,” they repeated, voice soft. “I like the sound of that.” They were quiet for moment, and Jamil could tell that they wanted to say something.
“What are you thinking about?” He half-expected them to answer him with a sarcastic wouldn’t you like to know, or something similar, but the serious look on their face said otherwise.
“Those three years you spent traveling, the world and back, Jamil, looking for a way to help Alec—I…” they propped themselves on their elbow to press their forehead to his, letting out a trembling breath. “I was afraid you’d never come home. I couldn’t stop checking on you. Every morning and every night I checked, and you’d always be further away.”
Jamil felt the magic Leon had cast years and years ago thrum faintly between them in time with their heartbeats, a tether connecting them that never went away.
“A few times…” Leon’s grip on his wrist tightened. “You traveled too far, a few times. I couldn’t find you.” Their voice dropped to a quiet whisper, and Jamil felt their pain resonate in his chest. “I was so scared. Scared that you were hurt or dying somewhere, and I couldn’t do anything to help you. I didn’t even know where you were. I never told Cami when you disappeared, but I think she could tell.
“Then, a few days later, I would feel you again, like nothing had happened. And all I could do was keep checking, waiting for you to come back.” They sighed, and Jamil shifted, sitting up against the headboard to pull them completely into his lap.
“I didn’t know—”
“I didn’t want you to know.”
Jamil kissed their forehead, cupping their face in his hands, trying to pour as much love as he could into his words. “I’m sorry, Lee.”
“I forgave you a long time ago, Jamil,” they said, giving him a small grin as they draped their arms over his shoulders, voice lifting slightly. “I wouldn’t have married you if I hadn’t.”
“But still, I kept you waiting a long time, didn’t I”?
They sighed again, but this time it was peaceful, resigned. “If it meant I would get to be with you like this, darling, I would have waited forever.”
That’s not fair, Jamil wanted to say, but his throat was too tight to speak. Instead, he kissed them, hands wrapping around their back to pull them closer, fingers gently digging into their skin. They returned the kiss, lacing their fingers in his hair, tugging lightly on the dark strands. Slowly they both shifted in the bed until Leon was pressed into the sheets, Jamil leaning over them. When Jamil finally found his voice again, it was soft, and he kept caressing the body beneath him as he spoke.
“How can I make it up to you?”
Red and slightly puffy lips curled into a smile as Jamil stroked the scar on their cheek with his thumb. He remembered saying something similar, many years ago, when they had gotten that scar in the first place, protecting him.
Their answer was the same as it was back then, though they looked much happier now. “Just keep holding me, Jamil, please?”
How could he say no?
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
09/11/2020 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalms 55:1-23, Proverbs 23:4-5
Today is the 11th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue the journey forward step-by-step day by day just consistently takin’ the next step forward in its leading us into the inner workings of our hearts as the Bible does but it's also giving us wisdom and advice and encouragement for the journey that we are on this journey called life. And what a joy that we can share this stretch of road together as we as…we move through the Scriptures. So, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Today, Isaiah chapters 8 and 9.
Okay. So, in the book of Psalms today we came across a very, very, very, very famous passage of Scripture, “cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; he will never allow the righteous to be shaken”, right? You may quote that every day. Every time that we find ourselves suffering in some sort of way, this is the kind of passage that we turn to for encouragement to ourselves or this is the kinds of passage that we quote while handing it to somebody else who's facing difficulty. So, how does this work? What's going on here? First of all, we see that David in this Psalm has been betrayed by a friend. Okay. So, that brings things close. Like, somebody really, really trusted has betrayed him. And, so, he's angry, but he’s also broken very, very hurt. And, so, we can see both of those kinds of emotions mixed in with this psalm – very very human outburst, very very human way to feel and think about this. And he’s just looking at all the things, all of the difficulties of life, all the hardships and he says something that we probably all feel or have felt, “I wish I had…I wish I could fly away like a bird”, right, “if only I had wings like a dove I would fly away and find rest. I would flee far away. I would stay in the wilderness.” “I”, basically, “I would get to a solitary place away from all of this all-consuming difficulty.” Man…I just…I mean…I don't even know how many thousands of times I've felt that way of my life, right? Haven’t you? Like, “O…if I could just fly away from this all.” So, for David to sort of conclude with an encouragement to himself, “cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you. He will and never allow the righteous to be shaken.” Indeed, that's very encouraging. So, it's very encouraging when we are reminded of it by someone. It's very encouraging we remind ourselves of it. It's even very encouraging when were able to encourage another with this passage of Scripture. But I gotta tell you something about this passage of Scripture, it's not going to work if you say it. I know that's crazy. It's not gonna work even if you memorize it. It's a short one so you can memorize it by the end of the day and then you could say it 100 times as a mantra and it's still not gonna work. Knowing it, saying it, that’s just reciting words, that doesn't do anything. To enjoy what David is encouraging himself and us with we have to engage and do what it says. Normally what happens is that…I mean like there are three lines in this piece of poem that we’re reading today and we skip the first one and then just hear, “he will sustain you, he will never allow the righteous to be shaken” and take that as an encouragement when the first part is an invitation to collaborate in this thing, “cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you, he will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” You can say that a thousand times, until you cast your burden on the Lord nothing's gonna happen. Are you with me on this? I…like…I know I’m like being right up in our face today but, kinda being up in my own face today. We can't carry the burdens around and then complain about how God’s not sustaining us. He was willing to carry it all if we had been willing to cast it on him. And casting it on him isn’t like, “hey Jesus, my shoulders are weighed down with anxiety today could you carry this backpack of pain and suffering for me for the next, I don't know, quarter of mile, and then I'll pick it back up and take it.” Like that doesn't lead to freedom. The invitation here is…and man…David’s talking about a pretty grievance, the betrayal of a friend. So, this is a deep-rooted pain that he’s saying like, “cast this on the Lord and he will sustain you. H won’t allow you to be shaken.” So, one thing that we are told here pretty explicitly is that we are…that we must be involved in engaging this, but also that we are not just helpless. When we are facing whatever it is that seems to be overwhelming us there is an out, there is an escape hatch, cast it on the Lord. Man…if just for one day let's practice that today. Like it's like so many of the other instructions that we come to in the Bible that are stark, especially when they’re famous passages. We can live into this today. What do we have to lose? We can carry the backpack of stress and anxiety, all of the poison that’s in that backpack, we can carry that heavy burden around or we can cast it on the Lord and see what happens. What is there to lose? If we really can't part with that anxiety then I guess we could go collect it back, but wouldn't it be nice to be free. Wouldn’t it be nice to be in collaboration with God, knowing that he will sustain us if we cast our burdens upon Him.
Father, what a gift you are offering. Like, what and immeasurably loving thing to say, that we can come and cast these things off that are killing us inside giving them to you knowing that you will sustain us and lead us forward if we will pay attention, if we will have eyes to see and ears to hear. And, so, our eyes are open and we’re gonna walk into this and live into this day and we invite your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's the…it's the website, it's kind of a new thing these websites. You put a www and then you type the name Daily Audio Bible, and then you put a .com and magic happens. Do you remember when that used to be true? I remember the first websites. It was like I remember reading in a magazine, “point your browser to www” and I was like, “I don't even know what that means” but it certainly did take hold and is certainly ubiquitous now in our lives, but it is home. dailyaudiobible.com is home for everything that is the community. This is the where the Global Campfire lives. So, stay tuned and stay connected.
Stay connected to the Prayer Wall. Be aware of the resources that are available in the shop for the journey that we are on.
And if…if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage or if you're using the app you can press the Give button, it's in the upper right-hand corner kinda next to that Hotline button, the red button we’ll talk about in a second or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, we are a community that loves to pray for one another. That is one of the most beautiful distinctives about this community. We love to pray for one another and reach out to another. So, you can hit it the Hotline button in the app, that little red button we were just talking about at the top. You can't miss it. Doesn't matter where you are in the world, doesn't matter where you are, you have a Hotline and there are thousands and tens of thousands of people who pray every day. And, so, you can reach out there or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey this is just a shout out to Brian, Jill, Ezekiel, China, all the DABbers. Some mornings I wake up and I’m grumpy and groggy and just feel overly unhappy and then I think about going and having my coffee and listening to Daily Audio Bible and taking in Scripture and my prayer time and it totally lifts my spirits. It’s something to look forward to in the mornings. I love that. So, thank you for providing this. It’s such a beautiful thing. Every morning it gives me this warm feeling like I’m going to the table, I’m going to the campfire to be with my people. And I don’t know, never has there been an app that comes with such a personality and has such a connection to other people. I really feel like I’m taking part in something with many other people. That’s a special thing. Love you guys.
Hello, my DAB family this is Mark Street from Sydney Australia today’s Friday the 5th of September and I just want to call in to say how grateful I am to God and this community. There’s so much love, God’s love flowing to this community. I should’ve been writing everybody’s name down who’s dialed a prayer request for me but I haven’t been doing it so instead of mentioning anybody’s name, you know you called in for me and I have listened and I’m up today and I’ve heard your messages to me and I just want to say how grateful I am for your love and God’s love and I just want to pray to…to God to say thank you. Heavenly Father…and just a quick update first. I am recovering very well. I do have to have some heart surgery in about five weeks-time, and I’ll let you know prior to that but I just want to thank God. Heavenly Father I come to You and say thank you to everyone in this community Lord, not just the people who pray for each other but also the people that are paying in the background. Also, the people that are hurting Lord. Lord this community is so wonderful. Your love is expressed so wonderful in this community Lord and I…I am in awe of Your presence in this community Lord. And Lord I ask You to extend Your blessing to everybody in this community, show them Your love in Your personal way in their lives Lord and as You have in me as well Lord. Lord I thank You for Brian and his whole family for listening to You and presenting this program for everybody to love each other through You Lord. In Your name I thank You Lord. And I love you family and once again…
This is Ricky from Louisiana first-time caller I’ve been listening to my DAB family since October last year. I’m calling in with a prayer request. I have a request for my son, my 25-year-old son who has been recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He was a two-time all-state and one-time all-American football…football defensive back in high school. Now he is unable to walk at all. He’s unable to bathe himself. Initially when he was diagnosed, he was able to…he went to the hospital, he did not…he wasn’t able to walk and then he got better. He was able to walk with the use of a cane but now it has…his condition has deteriorated. So, I’m calling in to ask my prayer warriors to lift him up in prayer. He’s my namesake, Ricky Junior. Thank you in advance for your prayers and we continue to give God the glory, the praise, and the owner for what Je’s going to do.
Yes, I am Alicia Hansen I just wanted to pray for what’s going on in the world. I’ve been listening to your devotional and I really love it. I know I’m going above and beyond 365 day. I’m trying to read it all and I’m just addicted to it. It’s is a wonderful book and I want to pray for all the strife that is going on in this world right now, all of the anger, the loss of jobs, the plague, the pestilence. We were told that it will happen, and it is happening, and you can see it clear as day. I am a blind person. I see only darkness all the time but yet my eyes are open and I see what is happening to our society and I just would like to ask that we all join hands and we pray to Jesus and God the Father almighty that he may rescue us and that He may show us the light and lead us to the land that He promised. And I just…I give my prayers and I ask that only the Lord and Jesus Christ let the words come from my mouth because a tongue is a double edge sword. It can hurt and it can make you feel good. You need to choose your words and your actions wisely. I’m sitting in a small town in South Carolina and it’s been hot here but it’s pretty …
Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Abigail from California I’m just listening on the way into work as I do some days through __ my workdays. I work at a group home for teens in crisis and I just want to share…I know it’s been a while since…I believe it was Angel…was your name…you called in about your daughter. I just wanted you to know that I pray for you every morning and I pray for your daughter every morning on my way into work as I just think about our youth in America and just…they’re going through a lot. So, I just wanted to pray with you guys for…for our kids. Dear God, I’m just so thankful for Your provision and that You do have resources and prayer and…and Your hands on these kids. God I just pray…I just break the bondage of depression and anxiety over these kids. I pray that Your hand would be on the Lord, that in Your name, Jesus, these chains would be broken, that…that they would not have to struggle with this. I just pray for myself and those who work in homes for teens, God that You would just be with us, that You would fill us with peace and joy and patience …
Hello, my fellow DABbers first-time caller Chris from Minnesota beloved son of an affectionate father. I also go by rompin stompin dynamite. I am so grateful my fiancé Dawn also known as bouncing poucin love and joy called in a while back and asked that you pray for my son Gabriel whom I haven’t spoken to in five months. He did three tours of duty in Iraq as a Marine in the infantry. The day Dawn’s prayer aired is the day one of my other sons said, “dad Gabe is going to be coming to the wedding.” And thank you so much to Lisa the Encourager who let us all at a very specific heartfelt prayer. The day her prayer aired was the day my son called me to apologize for cutting me off. There has been an amazing change in his art. On a more corporate note I have been listening for five years and my heart cries out and my holy ambition is to pray for those who are going through or face divorce. I did face the destruction that divorce can unleash on a family, but I do know there’s life in through and on the other side of this tragedy. Let me encourage you that our life is not defined by our failures or accomplishments. Our identity is found in whose I am and who I belong to. One of my favorite portion of description is when the Father gives to Jesus the one thing we all want to hear, “this is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased in whom my favor rests.” My prayer for us all, no matter how good our lives are or the struggles we go through, this is your identity. You are a beloved son. You are a beloved daughter of an affectionate father. This is Chris from Minnesota.
Good evening DABbers this is Running Desperately to Jesus a.k.a. Staying Desperately Connected to Jesus. That’s from kingdom seeker Daniel. We just finished reading September 4th Ecclesiastes chapter 7 and I am so blown away. I want my DABbers to know I have not been with the guy that I openly was transparent that I fornicated with. I have not been with him and I feel a weight has been lifted off. I feel clear. I haven’t been with him now for several weeks and I made that decision. Initially it was…I gave all other kind of reasons but finally I gave the right reason to him, which was I was disrespecting and doing something against God. One of the things that I thank God for and Brian everything that you said in Ecclesiastes about godly sorrow and sorrow is exactly what I felt. Thank God for the godly sorrow or the sensation of conviction. I felt convicted the whole time I was with this person and I regret it. I feel ashamed. I’m angry with him. I’m angry with myself even more. But I thank God for the conviction for the godly sorrow that has led me back to say, “God I repent for my actions that were against you and your word.” Running Desperately to Jesus. Also known as Staying Desperately Connected to Jesus.
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durgautsav-blog · 5 years
Kolkata South - A Durga Puja Exclusive
Durga Puja, the most ecstatic competition of Bengalees is the worship of the divine power. It is celebrated through the point out, but with fantastic grandeur in Kolkata. This competition celebrates the victory of very good in excess of evil. The annually pay a visit to of the goddess is thought to provide well-being and pleasure to the persons. It is the time when the entire of Bengal pulsates with the distinctive philharmonic of conch shells, the rhythms of dhaks, the "Ulu Dhani of Bengali women, the burning of dhoop, pushpanjalis and of training course, the chanting of hymns and prayers. To mark the 4 days of durga puja festivity, listed here we provide for all Bengali men and women a one of a kind portion on durga puja. You may well go as a result of our content articles, wallpapers and recipes and other info regarding durga puja. What is required only to log on durgapuja online. Broadly durga puja Kolkata can be divided into 4 areas: East, West, North and South. Whilst South and North host vast majority of the ideal durga puja in Kolkata. Some of the durgapuja s are well known for the idols of the Goddesses that are designed by the most reputed potters in the metropolis, some pujas bring in folks for the decoration and artworks within and exterior the pandals. Even there are some durgapujas in which countless numbers of people gather at night to delight in the demonstrate of colorful lights. The attempts manufactured by the durgapuja committees, the potters, the artists and the electricians make an amazing ambiance in and around the place where by the durga puja s are held and that is what appeal to the men and women like magnets. Ekdalia Evergreen is among the most well-known pujas in South Kolkata, organised by Congress MLA Subrata Mukherjee. Positioned appropriate on the heart of Gariahat, the nerve center of the South Kolkata. Ekdalia Evergreen pulls substantial crowd for its huge mandap and idol, which once more is a specimen of the artistry of Sanatan Rudra Paul. The durga Puja of Babubagan is quite properly recognized specifically for the natural beauty of the puja mandap. Each 12 months, the puja committee attempts one thing new to entice crowd. Babubagan is also between the significant award successful pujas in the South. In the modern situations, Badamtala Ashar Shangha has come up as a main group puller and award winner for durga puja kolkata. Every calendar year, the durgapuja committee provides a thing new to the individuals and receives appraised for its brilliance. Be it a fisherman's village, or a fortress, it in no way misses to supply its innovativeness with art. Who is aware of, Badamtala Ashar Shangha will shock us with a further magic in durgapuja 2010. Behala notun dal has been emerging with a classical risk to other durgapuja committees. In 2007, this puja committee stunned everyboby with their theme, thought and more than all effect. "Go Eco" appears to be the mantra. They have referred to the previous belief, that after on a time, Goddes Durga utilized to reside in the forests. They presenting with a total forest of 10,000 Sq Ft to the site visitors of the pandal, and the forests contains kinds of crops, getting antiseptic attributes, like Ashoke, Pipul and Bel, have been planted, so increasing consciousness. Suruchi Sangha has been the significant crowd puller for the last couple of a long time durgapuja, and have been putting lots of large durgapuja organizers to shame. Mudiali Sangha organizes one of the most important pujas in South Kolkata. The main attraction of Mudiali's durgapuja is the conventional seem of Goddess Durga. The durga puja of Babubagan is rather effectively recognized specifically for the beauty of the puja mandap. In competitors with the idols and pandals lightmen generate illusions with the dazzling generation of light-weight. Lightings are no longer suffice to provide their rudimentary goal. It is now regarded to be a medium of art. And the Today fashionable luminosity depicts a excellent recital of current socio-cultural functions, nearly anything of countrywide or worldwide relevance. Bengalees residing in Kolkata are nicely aware of the finest pujas in the city, but for those who are not inhabitants of the metropolis, listed here is a temporary description of some of the ideal of durga puja s in Kolkata.  
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alokkhandelwal · 1 year
Weekly Rashifal from June 26th to July 2nd, 2023 - Alok Astrology
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Welcome to our Weekly Rashifal newsletter, wherein we dive into celestial energies and astrological influences as a way to form your upcoming week. From June 26th to July 2nd, 2023, get equipped to uncover what the universe has in save for you. Let’s explore the predictions for every zodiac signal and include the opportunities and insights that lie in advance. 
 Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Career: Prepare for a surge of motivation and pressure in your expert endeavours.
Business: Embrace new opportunities with self-belief and assertiveness.
Love: Experience passionate and dynamic interactions in your relationships.
Marriage: Foster open conversation and assist inside your marital bond.
Students: Channel your electricity into your research and personal projects.
Health: Prioritize self-take care of a wholesome work-lifestyle balance.
Advice: Seek power and braveness via prayers to Lord Hanuman.
Career: Expect reputation and advancement in your expert adventure.
Business: Taurus entrepreneurs can also find achievement and development in their ventures.
Love: Enjoy harmonious and loving moments along with your accomplice.
Marriage: Embrace balance and happiness in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Find this week beneficial for academic interests.
Health: Take care of your bodily and mental properly-being.
Advice: Illuminate your path to prosperity and abundance by way of lighting a diya in front of Goddess Lakshmi.
Career: Showcase your talents and network for professional growth.
Business: Discover new possibilities for growth and growth for your commercial enterprise.
Love: Communication flows results easily, deepening your emotional connection.
Marriage: Experience a harmonious and loving week along with your spouse.
Students: Make the most of this week in your research. Health: Prioritize your mental properly-being and relaxation.
Advice: Recite the Gayatri Mantra daily for intellectual growth and expertise.
Career: Embrace new opportunities and popularity in your difficult work.
Business: Witness boom and expansion in your ventures.
Love: Enjoy harmonious and loving connections in your relationships.
Marriage: Experience stability and know-how in your marital life.
Students: Benefit from elevated consciousness and determination in your research.
Health: Prioritize self-care and emotional nicely-being.
Advice: Offer water to the growing solar and seek advantages for emotional properly-being.
Career: Leverage fantastic advancements and progress in your career.
Business: Expect fruitful consequences, successful negotiations, and an increase in your ventures.
Love: Single Leos can also stumble upon thrilling connections.
Marriage: Find concord and information in your relationships.
Students: Have an efficient and galvanizing week on your research.
Health: Manage pressure ranges for the greatest physical and intellectual fitness.
Advice: Worship Lord Surya (Sun) for the management and fulfilment of your endeavours.
Read Also:- How to Predict Important Life Events with Astrology?
Career: Experience expert growth and reputation as a Virgo.
Business: Enjoy a stable and efficient week as a commercial enterprise owner.
Love: Deepen emotional connections and decorate understanding in relationships.
Marriage: Promote stability and happiness in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Excel in your studies with stepped-forward consciousness.
Health: Focus on self-care and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
Advice: Chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for desirable fitness and safety. 
Career: Embrace possibilities for boom, reputation, and development.
Business: Collaborations might also result in achievement and expansion.
Love: Enjoy a harmonious and loving week in your relationships.
Marriage: Experience happiness and expanded mutual help.
Students: Enhance your consciousness, concentration, and information absorption.
Health: Take care of your bodily and mental properly-being via exercising and relaxation.
Advice: Perform Saraswati Puja to decorate know-how and artistic skills.
Career: Experience productivity and success in your professional endeavours.
Business: Expect a beneficial week in your ventures as a Scorpio enterprise owner.
Love: Deepen emotional connections in your relationships.
Marriage: Find stability and concord in your marital existence.
Students: Excel in your studies with heightened recognition.
Health: Prioritize your properly-being and hold a wholesome way of life.
Advice: Offer prayers to Lord Shiva for religious boom and transformation.
Career: Enjoy a lift for your career possibilities this week.
Business: Witness boom and expansion for your ventures.
Love: Deepen your bond and enjoy moments of joy and romance.
Marriage: Find knowledge and mutual assistance in your marital life.
Students: Excel in your instructional pastimes with heightened focus and clarity.
Health: Prioritize your physical and mental properly-being.
Advice: Visit a close-by temple and search for blessings from the divine.
Career: Experience possibilities for the increase and expert advancement.
Business: Enjoy a success deals, growth, and extended profitability.
Love: Deepen your emotional connection in relationships.
Marriage: Find concord and support in your marital relationship.
Students: Feel inspired and targeted to your research.
Health: Prioritize your bodily well-being via a balanced lifestyle.
Advice: Perform Satyanarayan Puja for ordinary prosperity and fulfilment.
Career: Embrace unexpected possibilities or modifications on your expert course.
Business: Encounter new ventures or collaborations that carry an increase.
Love: Experience a period of harmony and emotional connection.
Marriage: Enjoy renewed love and expertise in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Discover heightened creativity and highbrow talents.
Health: Pay attention to your intellectual and emotional properly-being.
Advice: Offer prayers to Goddess Durga for energy and steerage.
Career: Feel inspired and motivated for your expert hobbies.
Business: Witness fine traits for your enterprise ventures.
Love: Deeply connect to your companion on an emotional level.
Marriage: Experience more suitable love and romance in your marriage.
Students: Excel for your studies with heightened creativity and intuition.
Health: Maintain a balance between your bodily and emotional well-being.
Advice: Light incense and meditate to connect to your internal spirituality.
As you technique the week ahead, take into account that astrology gives valuable insights to guide you. However, it’s miles in the end as much as you to form your future. Use these predictions as a beneficial manual, but trust your instincts and make selections aligned together with your actual self. Embrace the opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and pleasure that this week brings. Wishing you a week packed with positivity, success, and happiness.
Read Also:- Good and Bad Impact of Saturn’s Transits on Life
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Weekly Rashifal from June 26th to July 2nd, 2023
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Welcome to our Weekly Rashifal newsletter, wherein we dive into celestial energies and astrological influences as a way to form your upcoming week. From June 26th to July 2nd, 2023, get equipped to uncover what the universe has in save for you. Let’s explore the predictions for every zodiac signal and include the opportunities and insights that lie in advance. 
 Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Career: Prepare for a surge of motivation and pressure in your expert endeavours.
Business: Embrace new opportunities with self-belief and assertiveness.
Love: Experience passionate and dynamic interactions in your relationships.
Marriage: Foster open conversation and assist inside your marital bond.
Students: Channel your electricity into your research and personal projects.
Health: Prioritize self-take care of a wholesome work-lifestyle balance.
Advice: Seek power and braveness via prayers to Lord Hanuman.
Career: Expect reputation and advancement in your expert adventure.
Business: Taurus entrepreneurs can also find achievement and development in their ventures.
Love: Enjoy harmonious and loving moments along with your accomplice.
Marriage: Embrace balance and happiness in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Find this week beneficial for academic interests.
Health: Take care of your bodily and mental properly-being.
Advice: Illuminate your path to prosperity and abundance by way of lighting a diya in front of Goddess Lakshmi.
Career: Showcase your talents and network for professional growth.
Business: Discover new possibilities for growth and growth for your commercial enterprise.
Love: Communication flows results easily, deepening your emotional connection.
Marriage: Experience a harmonious and loving week along with your spouse.
Students: Make the most of this week in your research. Health: Prioritize your mental properly-being and relaxation.
Advice: Recite the Gayatri Mantra daily for intellectual growth and expertise.
Career: Embrace new opportunities and popularity in your difficult work.
Business: Witness boom and expansion in your ventures.
Love: Enjoy harmonious and loving connections in your relationships.
Marriage: Experience stability and know-how in your marital life.
Students: Benefit from elevated consciousness and determination in your research.
Health: Prioritize self-care and emotional nicely-being.
Advice: Offer water to the growing solar and seek advantages for emotional properly-being.
Career: Leverage fantastic advancements and progress in your career.
Business: Expect fruitful consequences, successful negotiations, and an increase in your ventures.
Love: Single Leos can also stumble upon thrilling connections.
Marriage: Find concord and information in your relationships.
Students: Have an efficient and galvanizing week on your research.
Health: Manage pressure ranges for the greatest physical and intellectual fitness.
Advice: Worship Lord Surya (Sun) for the management and fulfilment of your endeavours.
Read Also:- How to Predict Important Life Events with Astrology?
Career: Experience expert growth and reputation as a Virgo.
Business: Enjoy a stable and efficient week as a commercial enterprise owner.
Love: Deepen emotional connections and decorate understanding in relationships.
Marriage: Promote stability and happiness in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Excel in your studies with stepped-forward consciousness.
Health: Focus on self-care and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
Advice: Chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for desirable fitness and safety. 
Career: Embrace possibilities for boom, reputation, and development.
Business: Collaborations might also result in achievement and expansion.
Love: Enjoy a harmonious and loving week in your relationships.
Marriage: Experience happiness and expanded mutual help.
Students: Enhance your consciousness, concentration, and information absorption.
Health: Take care of your bodily and mental properly-being via exercising and relaxation.
Advice: Perform Saraswati Puja to decorate know-how and artistic skills.
Career: Experience productivity and success in your professional endeavours.
Business: Expect a beneficial week in your ventures as a Scorpio enterprise owner.
Love: Deepen emotional connections in your relationships.
Marriage: Find stability and concord in your marital existence.
Students: Excel in your studies with heightened recognition.
Health: Prioritize your properly-being and hold a wholesome way of life.
Advice: Offer prayers to Lord Shiva for religious boom and transformation.
Career: Enjoy a lift for your career possibilities this week.
Business: Witness boom and expansion for your ventures.
Love: Deepen your bond and enjoy moments of joy and romance.
Marriage: Find knowledge and mutual assistance in your marital life.
Students: Excel in your instructional pastimes with heightened focus and clarity.
Health: Prioritize your physical and mental properly-being.
Advice: Visit a close-by temple and search for blessings from the divine.
Career: Experience possibilities for the increase and expert advancement.
Business: Enjoy a success deals, growth, and extended profitability.
Love: Deepen your emotional connection in relationships.
Marriage: Find concord and support in your marital relationship.
Students: Feel inspired and targeted to your research.
Health: Prioritize your bodily well-being via a balanced lifestyle.
Advice: Perform Satyanarayan Puja for ordinary prosperity and fulfilment.
Career: Embrace unexpected possibilities or modifications on your expert course.
Business: Encounter new ventures or collaborations that carry an increase.
Love: Experience a period of harmony and emotional connection.
Marriage: Enjoy renewed love and expertise in your conjugal relationship.
Students: Discover heightened creativity and highbrow talents.
Health: Pay attention to your intellectual and emotional properly-being.
Advice: Offer prayers to Goddess Durga for energy and steerage.
Career: Feel inspired and motivated for your expert hobbies.
Business: Witness fine traits for your enterprise ventures.
Love: Deeply connect to your companion on an emotional level.
Marriage: Experience more suitable love and romance in your marriage.
Students: Excel for your studies with heightened creativity and intuition.
Health: Maintain a balance between your bodily and emotional well-being.
Advice: Light incense and meditate to connect to your internal spirituality.
As you technique the week ahead, take into account that astrology gives valuable insights to guide you. However, it’s miles in the end as much as you to form your future. Use these predictions as a beneficial manual, but trust your instincts and make selections aligned together with your actual self. Embrace the opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and pleasure that this week brings. Wishing you a week packed with positivity, success, and happiness.
Read Also:- Good and Bad Impact of Saturn’s Transits on Life
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charmingxsmiles · 6 years
feel again: ten
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feel again
It was becoming harder and harder to live with Rhian. I didn’t hate having her here, in fact, I was glad she was here, problem was, I was getting used to having her here. And my feelings? The one that I thought I buried, were back full force and I didn’t even know where to place myself. There were only 2 days left before we embarked on our tour for our China leg.
Thankfully, we didn’t have any work lined up in China except for our concerts. I’ve missed doing assignments, but it was a nice break.
This type of thing could take a toll on you.
To enjoy my last few days off, Rhian and I decided to cook dinner and just have a day off from the world. Just the two of us, cooking together and drinking. Seung Ri tried to invite himself, but he should know how much I value my alone time with her. I’ve been selfish with Rhian, but could anyone blame me?
After her confession yesterday, I understood her better. The way she was, it wasn’t due to the fact of all the people she had killed, it was cause of her child. She lost something so dear to her and instead of having the person you love by your side to support you; Victor abandoned her.
I already hated the guy, but after what I heard, I would pull the trigger with no hesitation. No one hurts Rhian, not if I can help it.
His mother had a bullet with her name on it too.
I may act with my emotions, but that’s due to the fact that instead of weakening me, it is my drive, my motivation. Emotions played such a big part in our music and in some strange ways, it played such a big part in our missions as well.
Amelia seemed to have this crazy idea that emotions made you weak, but it made you stronger. Your emotional connection to people kept you sane, kept you from going to the deep end. We all heard about Amelia’s story, how she killed with no qualms and how she became the top agent in Maquina. I would never want that on anyone, especially Rhian. It seemed that Rhian was almost there, but she was reeled back in.
Whoever did it, bless their fucking soul.
Currently, Rhian was in the kitchen cooking and I was out on the patio, taking a cigarette break. She hated the fact I smoked, she always had, but she never tried to bug me about it. I looked back at her and I noticed she’s been on her phone much more often than before. I never tried to pry on her privacy, but I just found it weird.
She wasn’t acting different, but whenever she was on her phone, I could tell it was a serious matter because her face was just void of emotions. She would call Juno, walk out of the room, and then come back like nothing happened.
I tried not to question her, I know she would tell me when she wanted to.
But that didn’t mean I wasn’t dying to know what the hell was going on.
I joined her in the kitchen, sitting by the counter and watching her as she concentrated on the task before her. Rhian was a good cook, but she was boasting how she got better. I challenged her to prove it and here we were now. With me watching her cook and I relaxed.
Watching the scene before me, it pinched my heart since this was what I always wanted with Rhian. It was what I dreamed. That we would be together, with her living with me, her waiting for me to come home or whatnot since if she was a teacher, she would be home way before me, and we would just spend our time together.
I love Rhian so much and as much as I would like to say the ship has sailed, it hasn’t.
She thought of herself as a monster, but she wasn’t, I saw her as someone who went through hell and back, now she was trying to recover. No matter what she thought, she was still the same person, more mature, more experienced, but the same person.
“You never liked to cook,” I said to her as she concentrated on cutting the fish in front of her.
“I lived alone during college, you either learn or rely on fast food.” She smirked. “I relied on fast food, but whenever we did a physical activity in the academy, I would become out of breath too quickly. I began to eat better and work out as well.”
“Michael didn’t stay with you?” This was a good way to truly find out what happened between the two.
“He was always away with Amelia, he was a crucial part of her team so he was gone often.” Rhian cut up the fish so smoothly that she was either professional with knives or really liked sashimi.
“You two seem to be off course.”
She placed the knife down then, wiping her hands with the towel beside the cutting board. Shrugging her shoulders she spoke, “I think you’re reading too much into it.”
“You think I am or you just don’t want to talk about it? Come on Rhian, I want to know about you. I’ve told you so much about me, it makes me feel like a terrible friend to not know what’s going on with you.”
She sighed, sitting beside me. “My brother and I are not as close as before. Victor drove a wedge between us due to my brother’s disapproval of him.”
“No one is ever good enough for you in your brother’s eyes.” I should know, Michael never thought I was good enough for Rhian. At first, he was okay with me, but I think he noticed the shift of my feelings towards Rhian. That’s when he became less approving of me. He didn’t want us to be alone, but their aunt was always able to talk him down.
“I know, but this was after the whole miscarriage.” Rhian was tapping her fingers on the counter, a habit she did when she was talking about something that made her nervous, something that she was unsure of how to approach. “When Victor changed, he didn’t exactly hold back in front of my brother. If anything, he became distant with my brother as well. He became reckless and was causing problems. My brother wanted me to take care of him since he knew too much, and I couldn’t do it.”
“Michael would tell me how I was able to kill all these other people yet, I couldn’t kill a threat like Victor.” Rhian continued. “I understood his concerns, but I always believed that he wouldn’t be idiotic enough to actually and try to cross Maquina.”
“How was Victor a threat?”
“He knew of Maquina and the Leon’s connection. More than once, he had threatened that he may slip and reveal things to our enemies, to the Leon’s enemies. He knew too much about Maquina too, cause of me.” Rhian halted the tapping of her fingers and now intertwined her fingers in a prayer like formation. “Victor was so harmless before I came into his life.”
“You can’t possibly think that, he was a part of a crime organization.” She was an idiot for even suggesting that. If you’re a part of a crime organization, it’s basically in your DNA,you weren’t harmless. Maybe less threatening than others, but he was not harmless.
“He was never truly one of us till you came along.” She recited that sentence as if it was a mantra.
“It’s what Raymond Leon told me once,” Rhian said with a bitter smile. “I made Victor criminal organization material.” She chuckled then. “He was terrible, like one of those disposable goons in a movie. But with my influence, I made him a crime lord.”
“After you miscarried, his behavior amplified?”
“Yes, he was beginning to make too much noise and the government did not like it.”
“What did you do since you didn’t choose to kill him?”
“I tried to talk him down,” Rhian stood up again and I knew this method. She was going to try and distract herself so she didn’t have to talk about this anymore. And for once, I’ll let her run. This was supposed to be a good night. I shouldn’t have pushed.
“Baby, I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” she gave me a smile. “Michael told me I should talk to you about this, I’ve never exactly tried to talk to anyone about those terrible years after the miscarriage.”
“Is that when you’re kill rate increased?”
She simply nodded her head, opening the over to check on the chicken she was baking. “It becomes easy.” Closing the over door once more, she placed the sashimi onto a plate.
“What does?”
“Killing people.”
“I know,” I always thought killing people would be difficult and it was, in the beginning. But the more lives I took, the easier it became. It was second nature at this point. I didn’t revel with my actions, but I knew it was a necessary evil.
She looked at me once again as she slid over the plate over to me. One of the most captivating things about Rhian was her eyes. Once she made eye contact with you, she held it and it was so hard to look away from her. Her hazel green eyes were so different for me. It wasn’t the best thing about her, but it definitely got my attention the first time we met. Ever since then, she had me hooked and I honestly don’t know how I could ever part from her.
Not that I wanted too, but it didn’t seem feasible. These past few years, my feelings became dormant, they were there, but it did not make too much noise. Now, it was screaming and I know it won’t stop. I was a fool to think they’ve gone away.
The way I felt about her, it’s not one of those things that you could just brush aside and forget in a few years. They always say the person you love would always have a part of you. She always had a part of me and I don’t want it back, if anything, I want to have a piece of her.
It was a weird dynamic. There were times that I felt that maybe we had a chance and there were other times that I wanted to slap myself for even thinking that something could happen between us.
“Are you dating Simon-sshi?” My question obviously threw her off since she dropped the spoon that she was using to taste the Galbitang.
“What?” She let out once she regained her composure.
“I noticed how you reacted the first night we met again when your brother and Justin informed you that Simon was coming. Is he an ex? Or someone you’re currently dating?”
“No, lack of a better term, he’s my fuck buddy.”
“Excuse me?” Rhian never liked the fuck buddy type of relationship, I should know, she judged me when I had one. Now that she has one, I had an urge to call her a hypocrite, but at the same time, for what? She was an adult who was allowed to partake in such activities even if it made me jealous.
“You know what a fuck buddy is, you’ve had some during your hay day,” the teasing tone in her voice slightly made the situation better.
“Just never expected for you to have one,” I watched as she picked up the spoon she dropped and she placed it in the sink. Then it hit me, we were fuck buddies. Well, not really, cause she never wanted to label us as such. She stated I was her teacher and I was teaching her how to have sex. Not sure what that even meant, but she was adamant we were not fuck buddies.
“Is this a double standard situation cause I swear to god, I’m going to punch you at your throat.”
I laughed at her words, shaking my head. “No, of course not. When we were younger, you gave me such flack for having a fuck buddy, I’m surprised you would have one now.”
“Simon’s a good looking guy, I’m not looking for a relationship and neither is he. We know our boundaries and stick to them.” I studied her then, just making sure she wasn’t trying to throw me off her trail, but she wasn’t, she was being truthful. “After Victor, my perception on relationships are fucked up, I much rather keep my baggage to myself.”
“Some people don’t mind the baggage, isn’t the point of a relationship to work through your issues together?” I was obviously reaching, but I couldn’t help it.
She raised an eyebrow at me then, a sly smirk appearing on her lips. “I don’t think that counts if the issue is prior the start of said relationship.”
“What if you’ve known each other for some time and it wouldn’t hurt to give relationships another try?”
“It’s not bad being single, you don’t have to worry about another person and the only person you really have to worry about is yourself.”
“That sounds like a lonely life.” I don’t even know what I’m saying because I lead a lonely life. In this industry, its hard to be with anyone because of the demanding schedule and due to the expectations placed upon male idol singers. I adore our fans, but it’s impossible to have a private life. But I guess its what I gave up when I chose this life. Though, they don’t know our biggest secret, but I’m sure if they ever found out, we would have a massive crisis in our hands.
“After what I’ve been through, a long life of solitude is something I crave. I want to go to a place where no one knows me, where I can start anew.” The hopeful smile on her lips made me want to give that to her, but we were both realist and knew that would be impossible.
“Did you truly never know I was in love with you?” I had to ask, the one time we had it out, I don’t think we truly know what we were saying. Now that the anger has subsided and we were back to being friends, I really wanted to pick her brain about this. I wanted to pursue Rhian, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t forcing her or wasting my time. If she wasn’t interested, I could take a no.
“No, I didn’t,” she turned off the stove along with the oven. “Food is ready.”
“Why did you lie?”
“It was the only thing I could come up with. I assumed you wouldn’t come after me and respect my wishes. But now that you’ve told me you were in love with me, I made a mistake.” She turned to face me, placing her forearm on the counter, leaning against them. “Since we’re being truthful, I did find you attractive when we were younger, but you’re my best friend, as cliché as it sounds, I knew we had boundaries. Besides, you were really into that one girl.”
“You truly were the only thing that made me forget her.” Her words caught me then. “Wait, do you still find me attractive?”
For once, I saw her blush. Her cheeks showed a slight tint of pink as she turned around to get the food she had cooked and placed it on the dining table. I couldn’t let this one go.
“Yah! I was asking you a question!”
“Rhian, you’re an amazing cook,” I told her as I poured more wine in her glass after pouring some on mine.
“Thanks oppa, I told you I was a good cook.” She playfully stuck her tongue out at me.
I smirked. “You should always cook for me, I’ll hire you as my personal chef.” This was our 4thglass of wine and I knew it was getting to the both of us.
Currently, we were on my couch, with Rhian’s legs resting on my lap, her head against the couch as she looked up at me. She gave me a soft smile, playing with the fingers of my hand that was resting on her knee.
“I’ve always loved your smile,” she stated as she closed her eyes for a moment. “Whenever I was afraid, I would think of you and all I saw was your smile. It kept me going.”
“When we were kids?”
“No, until now,” she opened her eyes. “When I lost my baby, all I wanted to do was call you, to hear your voice soothing me, to tell me that everything was going to be okay.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” It was stab in the heart to hear that. The situation as out of my control, but the fact that she wanted to call me during the time of her greatest need, it made my heartache. I should have made more of an effort to find her, I almost did, but Maquina blocked my attempt. Her location as locked then all of a sudden it was erased. I didn’t know what happened then, but I’m almost certain one of the Maquina agents erased her whereabouts so I couldn’t find her.
“Because I was embarrassed, after what I did to you, who was I to call you?” I could see her eyes watering, but no tears came down. “What was the hardest mission you’ve ever had to do?”
“Crossing over to North Korea to retrieve a package that held sensitive content regarding their nuclear program.” I didn’t think I was going to make it out, but somehow, I did.
“Do you go to the North often?” There was a slight worry in her voice and I softly squeezed her knee, to let her know it was okay.
“Not often, maybe once or twice a year.” I took a sip of my wine. “How about you?”
“What?” That threw me off. “Victor was your assignment?”
“Raymond Leon was worried about his only brother’s son. It seemed that his mom was whispering lies into his ear and Raymond wanted me to make sure that Victor wouldn’t go insane just like his mother.” Rhian begun. “My assignment was to build a relationship with Victor, be his friend, a confidant.”
“He knew you were in Maquina, how could that be?”
“At first, he wasn’t as opposed to Maquina, he just didn’t understand why the Leon’s had to be partnered up with our agency. When we first met, it was set up. Raymond was confident that Victor would take a liking to me and he did.” She drank her whole glass in one drink. “And the rest is history.” Placing her glass on the coffee table in front of us, she went back to her position.
“Did Victor ever find out?”
“Yes, part of a reason why he came to hate me so much, his mother told him.”
“His mother sounds like a great person.”
Rhian laughed. “She’s the absolute best, I would strangle her out of love and admiration.”
I looked at Rhian then, her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted. They were so inviting, but I didn’t want to overstep.
“Can I be honest?”
“Of course.”
“You’re the best kiss I’ve ever had.”
I had to smirk at that. She was working wonders for my ego. “Am I now?”
She nodded her head, opening her eyes, biting her lower lip.
Rhian was pushing it and I don’t know how much more I have in me to stop myself.
“Why am I the best?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “You just know how to kiss well.” A giggle escaped her lips. “Can I tell you another secret?”
Drunk Rhian was the best Rhian.
“Of course.”
“I had the biggest crush on you when we were younger, but when I saw you become infatuated with your ex-girlfriend, I knew I never had a chance. She was so pretty, intelligent, nice and she was older.” Rhian pouted. “Every time I saw you two together, it was terrible, but she made you so happy.”
“Rinnie,” I breathed out.
Before I could get another word out, Rhian’s lips were pressed against mine and everything shut down for me. Being able to feel her lips against mine again, to taste her once again, it was far more intoxicating than any alcoholic beverage I have.
She moved, straddling me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I couldn’t believe she made the first move, but there was no argument from me.
One of my hands cupped her face, while the other went under her shirt, holding her hip so she would stay still on my lap.
God, this woman was going to be the death of me.
A shrilling tone broke us apart. We looked at one another before looking at the source of the noise and it was my door.
We both stood up, with Rhian trailing behind me.
“You know, I should be in front of you, I’m supposed to be protecting you.”
I gave her a look and she held her hands up.
Looking through the peephole, I saw Justin on the other side. I gestured for Rhian to get the door as I walked back over to the couch to sit down.
“Justin? What’s going on?” Rhian questioned him.
“Ian, we have an emergency meeting. I’ve been trying to reach you and got no answer.” Looking beyond her, he waved at me, which I returned. I never hated Justin till today. He had to come now? What emergency could there be on a Wednesday night?
“About?” I heard Rhian ask.
I didn’t here Justin’s reply, but it seemed to sober Rhian up quickly since next thing I knew, she was rushing towards the dinner table to retrieve her phone.
She stopped by me and gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry our night is cut short, they need me at headquarters.”
“We’re going to have to talk about what happened earlier.” I wasn’t going to let her run. This was my opportunity, she obviously felt something. She wouldn’t kiss me if she didn’t.
“And we will,” she gave me a reassuring smile. “Don’t wait up, I’ll be there till tomorrow, I’ll most likely sleep there.”
“You sure you don’t want me to come?” I was worried now. Why did she have to sleep at Maquina and not just come back here? Wasn’t she supposed to be protecting me?
“It’s fine, just an update about the situation in Europe.” She slipped her jacket and walked over to Justin. “Bye oppa!”
With that, she left, closing the door behind her.
Dynamics have changed and I was glad we kissed.
Maybe we could take the next step, if she was willing to open her heart again.
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handmadeforgifts · 3 years
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PWMENLK Jewelry,8MM Turquoise 108 Rosary Prayer Mala Beads Tree of Life 7 Chakra
PWMENLK Jewelry,8MM Turquoise 108 Rosary Prayer Mala Beads Tree of Life 7 Chakra Bracelet Necklace
PWMENLK - Bring power and luck to everymen
PWMMENLK was inspired by a poem "Auguries of Innocence" who is the British romantic poet William Black.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
From humans to a grain of sand or a wild flower, each individual has his own story. Life is full of unknown and uncertain, and often feel upset and frustrated. Then you need to calm down,experience and feel the life. People in small villages are self-contented with a leisurely and comfortable life, positive and optimistic, and enjoy the happiness of life. However, in contrast to city life,everyone is in a hurry, irritated by busyness, stress, and work. People gradually forget what the life is ,always full of negative energy
PWMENLK hope to narrate a story through unique and beautiful handmade jewelry, which is intended to make the wearer change from depression to relaxation, not anxious and impatient, to balance the energy of life, so as to enjoy life, and hope every piece will bring your life more colorful and meaningful
PWMENLK's stone jewelry is made of natural stones, each stone jewelry has its own unique meaning, I hope you can find love, faith, happiness, luck and power in our jewelry, live out what you want Life, and write your most wonderful story
Properties of Turquoise
Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets,and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures.It representing warmth,luck and success
This stone has a unique vibration that resonates with the energy of truth.The affect of this unusual energy within the throat chakra,will help you to speak with truth,wisdom and forthrightness.It can Promotes communication,resolving hostilities and arguments and Heightens wisdom.At the same time, it also absorbs negative energy to protect the wearer
7 Chakra
There are 7 main energy centers in the body,known as chakras.Each chakra correlates to a specific area of the body;each energy center houses physical,mental and emotional strengths.Releasing this energy from the body is key to living a balanced,feel-good life!Through yoga,you can feel your body and mind and energy balance well
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is a many-branched tree that represents the interconnectedness of all life on our planet.It's meaning represents life itself,wisdom,love,strength,protection,beauty,bounty and redemption
The Tree of Life illustrates that idea that all life on earth is related and we all have the same beginnings.With beauty and diversity,we are all leaves on the same Tree of Life.It is associated with the creator because it provides protection,supports abundant fruit production and thereby,regeneration
108 Prayer Mala Beads
108 is a sacred number,commonly 108 beads,a symbol of the removal of 108 kinds of trouble
Mala beads are traditionally worn for their spiritual and qualities as well as a tool for certain types of mediation/prayer.In Tibet,Nepal and India they are used for keeping count while reciting,chanting,or mentally repeating a mantra or names of a deity,each bead representing a repetition of a mantra.Malas are worn on the neck,wrist
It may also serve as a nice accessory in everyday life
Perfect Gift
The amazonite bracelet/necklace with an elegant jewelry gift box,and expresses your love and blessings for the people you love
Whether you choose for your friends, lovers, or yourself, we hope it is a good gift to bring you positive power, luck, health and happiness
108 Mala Beads Bracelet Wearing Method
Tassel Turquoise Tassel Lava Amazonite Solar System Lava OM Buddha Material Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Creation Method Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Beads 108 108 108 108 108
100 Authentic 108 8MM Mala Beads Each mala bead will be unique and may vary slightly in color and size because they are made from natural high quality Turquoiseselect stones depending on their purpose and energyEvery braceletnecklace have a nice real weighted feel to itwhen you wear ityou will be luckconfidentpositive and happy
Meaning 108 BeadsThe 108 beads are intended to eliminate 108 problems and thus achieve a state of peaceThe 108 Count Prayer Beadsmeditation beads is believed to be powerful in bringing positive forces of self realization and contentmentconducive to focus your attention and keep you distracted from stress and or anxiety
Beautiful Gift Box PackagingWonderful AmazoniteIt not only symbolizes luckfortune and speculationbut also has energy of change danger into safetyhelps to get rid of negative energy which makes people full of confidence and courageWe hope when you wear ityou will be luck and success
Malas are used for keeping count while recitingchantingor mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity In Tibetantraditionally malas of 108 beads are usedDoing one 108bead mala counts as 100 mantra recitationsthe extra repetitions done to amend any mistakes in pronunciation or other faults of recitation
The beautifully polished stones are threaded onto a durable elastic cord measuring roughly 34 in diameterwhich allows to be worn as either bracelet or necklace depending on your mood and preferencesFit both women and men of any ageit can be folded into three or four layers of bracelets depending on your wrist sizeAnd you can also use it as a car hangingto bless the safety of your travelor to hang it in your house as a hanging decoration to protect your familys luck and auspiciousness
MPN: SZ-031 UPC: Does not apply Brand: PWMENLK ISBN: Does not apply EAN: Does not apply Style: Bangle Theme: Anchor Main Stone: Abalone Shell Clasp Type: No Clasp Base Metal: Metal Alloy Material: Unknown Color: White Secondary Stone: Abalone Shell Metal: Metal Alloy Main Stone Creation: Lab-Created/Cultured Certification: AGI Main Stone Treatment: Not Enhanced EAN: Does not apply ISBN: Does not apply UPC: Does not apply http://nemb.it/p/wbi8rJ1j8C/tumblr
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goodvibesatpeace · 4 years
Love And Light
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Have you ever wondered about the meaning of 'Love and Light'.
It’s a common phrase within the metaphysical and New Age community, but many people simply use the words without really knowing what they mean.
Contrary to what some people think, it is not just a nice greeting or farewell phrase – although it is also both of those things!
There is power in this special phrase. To discover the true meaning, we will delve into the origins of the use of these words and the tangible effects they can have when used with understanding and intent.
Words Like “Love And Light” Hold Great Power
Words and vocalizations have been used in metaphysical practice for a very long time.
Although you might not have thought of it this way, you already know it!
Think of chants like “Ohm,” which hold power in Eastern traditions as one way of enhancing meditation and contemplation techniques.
Specific sounds created with the voice can focus and concentrate power.
More than that, nearly every religion that has ever existed has made use of this effect.
Words like “Amen” in the Christian tradition have seen widespread use, as have recitations such as the Lord’s Prayer.
However, you should not confuse the meaning of the recitation with the truth of its power.
While you may not believe in the Christian God, the power of the various phrases and recitations are obvious for anyone to see.
Even an atheist feels the energy, so it has nothing to do with any higher being.
What is happening with these phrases and passages when read aloud is the same thing that is happening with “Ohm” in the Buddhist tradition and all the other chants and mantras you can think of.
So What’s Special About “Love And Light”?
There is something that sets this particular phrase apart from the rest.
While other philosophies coat their phrases in extra layers of physical-based thinking, here we can see the concept pulled back to its fundamental form.
When somebody asks for it to be sent to them, they are reaching out for that support.
And it is very much within your power to lend it to them!
Doing so will help them, but it will also help you by raising your vibrations and helping to excite your aura, bringing you enhanced powers of manifestation and intuition.
Let’s break down this phrase into its constituent parts so you can see exactly how that happens.
Meaning Of “Love”
What is the meaning of Love? That’s a very big question, but one that can be answered (in this context, at least).
Firstly, put aside your notions of what it means. The kind of love that we all talk about in our daily lives is separate, even if the two are inextricably linked.
We are not talking about the emotion, which is merely a manifestation of our capacity for storing and transferring specific wavelengths of energy.
Rather, we are talking about the energy itself. Love is a specific wavelength of energy – and it is the stuff of creation!
To illustrate this point, consider the effect that hate has on the world.
Hate is responsible for the destruction of things – nothing was ever created in hatred, but many things have been destroyed, taken away, or otherwise hampered.
Even if someone builds a big wall to keep out the people that they hate, they have not created anything. Instead, they have destroyed their connection to those people by erecting barriers (both the physical wall, and the mental/emotional walls that go along with it).
Love, on the other hand, drives creation. It is the force behind passion, creativity, and motivation.
People will go to the ends of the world for it. It drives us to do what is necessary and good, even when it does not directly benefit us.
Through love energy, our souls are nourished, and our power is increased. Light follows a similar pattern.
Meaning Of “Light”
“Light” is another word that has a mundane, physical meaning as well as a metaphysical one.
In every day use we might mean actual light, consisting of photons – the type that we can see!
While Love is a type of energy, Light is pure energy.
When we talk about positive and negative energy or high and low vibrations, what we are actually describing is the presence of Light and how it acts when we perform a specific action.
When we are kind and conscientious we are both absorbing and transmitting it, whereas when we act poorly, we consume it.
Those who brim with wisdom are described as great beacons, or as glowing brightly.
As many have said, Light is the medium of wisdom – the secret of this lies in its breadth.
It can be transferred into all other types of energy. It can take on any frequency and wavelength, aiding every action we take.
This is the reason nothing can move faster than the speed of light – it is pure potential.
It applies to everything.
Love And Light Meaning
And so we come down to the crux of it. Hopefully, now that you understand the words, the meaning has become more obvious.
When you send Love and Light to someone,e you are nourishing them, if they are consumed or weighed down with negative energy they need this support.
Like a flower at nigh,t they are curled over – but when you send this energy it is like a sunrise and their buds open.
Their leaves unfurl and absorb the nourishing rays, helping them to ground themselves and grow.
This is more than just a phrase. It is more than just words and their literal meaning.
Speaking them with intent raises within you the power to have a positive effect on another person, drawing energy from Mother Earth and funneling it to where it is most needed.
So I hope that if you are burdened right now I can do a little to help you, as I send you Love and Light today.
Much Love To All... Go In Peace My Beautiful Friends ❤❤
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heckamech · 7 years
You know that trope where theres just the janitor wearing headphones while all this chaos goes on but the janitor just Keeps Janitoring. Say we’ve got a bot reader on the lost light who is basically that. Who actually tries to get them out of the way, who tells them that uh hey you know the ship is like on fire right, who tries to stop the Concerned Shipmates from interfering because they want to see how far it will go before they notice
Okay, okay. OK. First of all I’m picturing this entire situation like. 
And then… Janitor buddy. Just dutifully scrubbin’ along, listening to the tunes, keeping things in order like they do - never turning around to see the chaos going on bEHIND THEM…
Like this kid just bENDS to wipe away a smudge on a table and narrowly misses a wRENCH TO THE HEAD like wow it’s wild
So! That said… Who’s Who. Yeah.
Who actively tries to get Janitor Bro out of the line of fire:
Drift is in the zone. Leave the warning shouts to the others - he’s out there defending Janitor from every threat known to the Lost Light with his Blades of Spiritual Might. He’s slicing through flying chairs and taking every single bullet for Janitor Buddy. If you get close enough you can hear him reciting Mantras and Prayers through all the War Noise.
Ratchet is covering Drift and making sure that he doesn’t get too wrecked in this fight because he’s not being careful. He’s yelling So Much. He ends up chucking a wrench straight at Janitor’s head to get them to pay attention but the fool dodges it. Ratchet is Not Having A Good Day.
Rodimus joins the fray late because he spend five years gaping at the mess of fire and screaming, but he’s coming in s w i n g i n g. His wildly flying fists create a sort of barrier between Armed Mean Persons and Janitor Buddy, and when he has time to process it he’s probably going to laugh his head off at Rewind’s recording because heck, man, Janitor’s sheer luck. It’s ridiculous.
(Bonus) Who Is Punching To Punch Stuff: 
Tailgate is punching Everything That Moves. He’s also panicking because the universe’s infrastructure is crumbling around him and he is So Confused but that just makes him punch HARDER.
Whirl honestly doesn’t give a flying heck about what’s going on with the janitor right now because there is a bATTLE TO BE FOUGHT AND HE’S KNOCKING SOME HELMS TOGETHER
Who is like, “Uh, hey, Janitor Frand?? the ship?? Is on FIRE?? Please respond??”:
Rung is waving his arms at Janitor Friend, frantically trying to get them to please take notice of the actual world war happening behind you, be careful - but alas, as it always goes, Janitor doesn’t even notice him. 
Swerve has been reduced to an incoherent babbling mess that might include some things like hey, watch out or holy scrap holy sCRAP. Blease Help.
Rewind is partially hiding behind Chromedome (who has long given up on Janitor Buddy’s survival) but he’s still recording the entire scene. For posterity. And for Janitor Friend’s memory. And - what is going on with Ultra Magnus?
Brainstorm calls out exactly one (1) warning, but it looks like the Super Noise Cancelling Headphones he made for Janitor Frand are just too perfect. Mostly, he’s taking notes and being impressed with himself. Nice going, Brainstorm. Good Science.
Who Just Wants Everyone to Watch It Play Out Because It’s Funny/Cool:
This would have been Whirl, not gonna lie. He probably would have started a betting pool with Swerve, actually. But he’s a little busy squaring up with other unfortunate souls and Swerve is having a mental breakdown. So. 
(But after the crisis is somehow averted, most everyone’s going to be laughing over the whole thing. In Swerve’s bar. With the footage Rewind took. Janitor is never living it down.)
Now let’s go to Janitor Buddy, who finally finished cleaning the entire Lost Light! They’re feeling so proud of themselves, as they well should - it took days of hard work! Thank Primus for those fancy headphones Brainstorm whipped up for them. 
Now imagine Buddy turning around to survey the finished product of their diligence - and it is, to put it lightly, a hecking disaster. What was once clean and spotless and beautiful is now a smoldering wreck with all of their friends strewn about. Drift is full of bullet holes. Ratchet is patching him up and muttering under his breath. Magnus looks like he’s going to cry. Tailgate is still in the process punching someone out and Whirl is helping. All Janitor’s hard work has been erased by these hooligans.
Janitor Buddy screams.
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