#relevant intelligence
reasonsforhope · 3 months
Determined to use her skills to fight inequality, South African computer scientist Raesetje Sefala set to work to build algorithms flagging poverty hotspots - developing datasets she hopes will help target aid, new housing, or clinics.
From crop analysis to medical diagnostics, artificial intelligence (AI) is already used in essential tasks worldwide, but Sefala and a growing number of fellow African developers are pioneering it to tackle their continent's particular challenges.
Local knowledge is vital for designing AI-driven solutions that work, Sefala said.
"If you don't have people with diverse experiences doing the research, it's easy to interpret the data in ways that will marginalise others," the 26-year old said from her home in Johannesburg.
Africa is the world's youngest and fastest-growing continent, and tech experts say young, home-grown AI developers have a vital role to play in designing applications to address local problems.
"For Africa to get out of poverty, it will take innovation and this can be revolutionary, because it's Africans doing things for Africa on their own," said Cina Lawson, Togo's minister of digital economy and transformation.
"We need to use cutting-edge solutions to our problems, because you don't solve problems in 2022 using methods of 20 years ago," Lawson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a video interview from the West African country.
Digital rights groups warn about AI's use in surveillance and the risk of discrimination, but Sefala said it can also be used to "serve the people behind the data points". ...
'Delivering Health'
As COVID-19 spread around the world in early 2020, government officials in Togo realized urgent action was needed to support informal workers who account for about 80% of the country's workforce, Lawson said.
"If you decide that everybody stays home, it means that this particular person isn't going to eat that day, it's as simple as that," she said.
In 10 days, the government built a mobile payment platform - called Novissi - to distribute cash to the vulnerable.
The government paired up with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) think tank and the University of California, Berkeley, to build a poverty map of Togo using satellite imagery.
Using algorithms with the support of GiveDirectly, a nonprofit that uses AI to distribute cash transfers, the recipients earning less than $1.25 per day and living in the poorest districts were identified for a direct cash transfer.
"We texted them saying if you need financial help, please register," Lawson said, adding that beneficiaries' consent and data privacy had been prioritized.
The entire program reached 920,000 beneficiaries in need.
"Machine learning has the advantage of reaching so many people in a very short time and delivering help when people need it most," said Caroline Teti, a Kenya-based GiveDirectly director.
'Zero Representation'
Aiming to boost discussion about AI in Africa, computer scientists Benjamin Rosman and Ulrich Paquet co-founded the Deep Learning Indaba - a week-long gathering that started in South Africa - together with other colleagues in 2017.
"You used to get to the top AI conferences and there was zero representation from Africa, both in terms of papers and people, so we're all about finding cost effective ways to build a community," Paquet said in a video call.
In 2019, 27 smaller Indabas - called IndabaX - were rolled out across the continent, with some events hosting as many as 300 participants.
One of these offshoots was IndabaX Uganda, where founder Bruno Ssekiwere said participants shared information on using AI for social issues such as improving agriculture and treating malaria.
Another outcome from the South African Indaba was Masakhane - an organization that uses open-source, machine learning to translate African languages not typically found in online programs such as Google Translate.
On their site, the founders speak about the South African philosophy of "Ubuntu" - a term generally meaning "humanity" - as part of their organization's values.
"This philosophy calls for collaboration and participation and community," reads their site, a philosophy that Ssekiwere, Paquet, and Rosman said has now become the driving value for AI research in Africa.
Now that Sefala has built a dataset of South Africa's suburbs and townships, she plans to collaborate with domain experts and communities to refine it, deepen inequality research and improve the algorithms.
"Making datasets easily available opens the door for new mechanisms and techniques for policy-making around desegregation, housing, and access to economic opportunity," she said.
African AI leaders say building more complete datasets will also help tackle biases baked into algorithms.
"Imagine rolling out Novissi in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast ... then the algorithm will be trained with understanding poverty in West Africa," Lawson said.
"If there are ever ways to fight bias in tech, it's by increasing diverse datasets ... we need to contribute more," she said.
But contributing more will require increased funding for African projects and wider access to computer science education and technology in general, Sefala said.
Despite such obstacles, Lawson said "technology will be Africa's savior".
"Let's use what is cutting edge and apply it straight away or as a continent we will never get out of poverty," she said. "It's really as simple as that."
-via Good Good Good, February 16, 2022
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blaiddraws · 2 years
been wildly ping-ponging between projects and not finishing any of them. but finally. finished a worm thing. it doesn’t help that it ended up being so long. ignore any pacing issues (this is an command). you'll wanna click through
honestly it still feels like it’s got problems but i just want to stop thinking about it now
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(this occurs Before it becomes semi-public knowledge that subway boss ingo is. a worm now.)
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lucky-draws · 1 month
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hamburger dipshit
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fromtheseventhhell · 2 months
I'm not sure how to get it into people's heads that Arya is a female character. She's not a boy, not nonbinary, trans, agender, or genderless. I don't intend this in a way to be negative or wanky, but her girlhood is imbedded within her character. The problem isn't that Arya stans are missing the point by overemphasizing her femininity and wanting her to be a barefoot tradwife baby making machine, but that we're stating it exists when the majority of fandom and the show itself have gone out of the way to minimize the relevancy of her gender. I'm fully convinced there are a lot of people who think Arya would be the exact same character had GRRM created her as a male character named Arry instead, perhaps they'd do a better job at acknowledging her importance.
What's most ironic to me is how these same fans will gush and coo over the sisters being more alike than we think, but only if it involves giving Arya's characteristics to Sansa. Well acktually, Sansa likes to ride horses just as much as Arya does! They're so alike uwu! But dare acknowledge that Arya has traits and aspects commonly associated to Sansa then not only does that get accusations of wanting Arya to become Sansa, but that it's solely about showing Sansa up and wanting her to grovel in Arya's shadow and superiority 🙄 Hypocrisy and projection showing itself.
Somewhat of an aside, but I recently saw a post on reddit complaining about the fact that all four of Daemon's children survived the Dance specifically focused on the fact that both Rhaena and Baela lived. According to the OP, one of them should've died and their post-war roles in the story should've been given to only one of them. Which at its core is really the main conflict between Sansa and Arya stans, no matter how much the Stansas want to cover their ears and play dumb. It's not about Arya stans projecting their sibling squabbles onto the two of them but simply the fact that it's not possible for two characters to fulfill the same role in the story, specifically when it involves two female characters. The existence of two Stark sisters is an inconvenience for the people who want the story to revolve around Sansa.
I have to believe there's some bubbles that they don't want to admit will burst if TWOW will ever be released and that's why they cling to the idea that Arya stans are the delusional ones. They have to believe that the parts of Sansa's seasons 5-8 storyline they like came from GRRM instead of D&D or else their Jonsa and QITN fantasies will fall apart. I have no idea how someone can watch the scene where Sansa tells Arya she couldn't survive what she had while Arya can only sputter out that she was training and believe 1) it makes sense for their book characters and 2) D&D didn't blatantly favor Sansa and Sophie over Arya and Maisie.
This ask came literally seconds after I drafted a post talking about this exact topic and it's so wild to me that we were both up thinking about Arya + her girlhood and wanting to discuss it 🥹
As for this ask, you really hit the nail on the head. Arya's gender is an essential aspect of her journey but fandom ignores that because they've decided that there's only one "right" way to exist as a female character. Arya's self-esteem issues stem from her being a non-conforming Lady in a misogynistic society, she has to disguise herself as a boy in part because of the threat of sexual violence, in Harrenhal she is assigned gender-specific tasks/labor, political matches are made without her knowledge/consent, she is threatened with sexual violence multiple times, and even her role within the FM is influenced by her gender. Her being non-conforming doesn't mean she's the complete antithesis of everything feminine. The obsession with propping up Sansa has ruined people's ability to perceive complex female characters, ironically including Sansa herself. They genuinely would've respected Arya more if she had died passively rather than fight for her life and you can't tell me that isn't misogyny.
That Reddit post is a great example of how people genuinely can't (or refuse to) comprehend the idea of two female characters occupying the same space. Cause you're right, that is the root of the issue. I think the only reason they bother with the fake "Stark sisters uwu" crap is because they've backed themselves into a faux-feminist corner and they don't want to look hypocritical for disliking Arya. So instead, they pretend to care all while rewriting her to serve as Sansa's prop. This is also why so many Queen!Sansa truthers are also anti-Dany + think that Sansa becoming Queen depends on Dany's downfall. They desperately cling to the show as canon, when D&D have openly admitted they changed the story because they favored Sansa/Sophie. They're fine with how show!Arya is written because to them, that's exactly how she should be; a subservient lapdog for Sansa. TWOW is definitely going to ruin that illusion, and one of the reasons I'm optimistic about it being released is getting to see fandom's reaction.
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theorangepdf · 3 months
oh my god i forgot how incredible andor is i wish more people watched it
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vladimir777sk · 11 days
Интеллектуальная собственность. Дайджест.
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В Microsoft изобрели персонализированные уведомления о зарядке устройства
Одна из последних патентных заявок Microsoft посвящена системе персонализированных уведомлений о том, что владельцу нужно зарядить свой гаджет. Персонализация реализуется на основе изучения его личных паттернов использования.
Техногигант обещает предсказывать поведение пользователя на основе его предыдущих действий и заблаговременно предупреждать его, что надо поставить телефон на зарядку. Уведомления могут быть реализованы по-разному, например, сообщениями на экране, включением или переменой цвета светодиода.
Технология уже вызвала настороженность по поводу защиты персональных данных. Один из вариантов реализации подразумевает отслеживание того, в какие игры играет пользователь, с кем он играет и использует ли гарнитуру.
Помощь роботов изобретателям должна быть прозрачна и проверена
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Американские патентные поверенные при подаче патентных заявок должны раскрывать вклад искусственного интеллекта в изобретение. Ведомство по патентам и товарным знакам США выпустило новый гайдлайн по оформлению охранных документов на технологии, созданные с помощью ИИ-моделей. Помимо запрета опускать описание вклада ИИ в разработку, он содержит требование проверять текст заявки и всю указанную в нём информацию, если заявку тоже составлял искусственный интеллект. Иначе возможны критические ошибки и упущения.
Предыдущее руководство USPTO по подаче заявок на изобретения с участием ИИ утверждало, что патенты будут выдаваться только в случае существенного вклада человека в разработку. Правда, как именно оценивать уровень вклада и каким он должен быть, пока не описано.
LG продали патенты на мобильные кодеки китайской Oppo
Корейские производители электроники продали часть патентного портфеля, связанного со смартфонами, китайской компании Oppo. Всего было продано 48 патентов. В основном они относятся к кодекам, то есть, ПО для сжатия цифрового видео и аудио и преобразования в популярные форматы, такие, как MP4 и AAC.
Это незначительная часть интеллектуальной собственности для LG, у корпорации в активе осталось более 24 000 патентов, связанных с 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi и другими ключевыми для мобильной передачи данных технологиями.
С рынка смартфонов корейцы ушли несколько лет назад, не выдержав конкуренции с более активными, специализированными и современными игроками. Подразделение LG Mobile генерировало операционные убытки с 2015 года. Компания пыталась исправить эту ситуацию, выпустила несколько интересных моделей сма��тфонов, но успеха не добилась.
Amazon оказался виновным на полмиллиарда в нарушении ключевых облачных патентов
Крупнейший провайдер облачных сервисов Amazon Web Services заплатит компании Kove $525 млн за нарушение патентов в области технологий хранения данных, решил суд. Спорные технологии, по утверждениям представителей Kove, являются критичными в реализации хранения и извлечения больших объемов данных для облачных вычислений.
Базирующаяся в Чикаго Kove подала на Amazon в суд в 2018 году и утверждает, что стала пионером в области технологий высокопроизводительного облачного хранения данных задолго до прихода популярности облачных технологий. Amazon собирается подавать апелляцию, утверждая, что патенты недействительны.
Tesla показала пальцы и колени нового робота
Несколько свежих патентных заявок Tesla описывают узлы, обеспечивающие движение их нового человекообразного робота Optimus Gen 2. Несколько месяцев назад компания официально представила этот проект роботов нового поколения, которые смогут взять на себя выполняемые людьми повторяющиеся задачи.
Новые роботы Tesla оказались убедительнее предыдущего поколения. В частности, в них используются разработанные и созданные силами самой корпорации приводы, обеспечивающие движение конечностей.
В одном из новых патентов описывается сам привод и методология его проектирования. Описано несколько типов приводов: одни типы используются для сочленений бедер и плеч с туловищем, другие типы — для запястий, локтей и голеней, прочие — для коленей и т.д.
Отдельный патент посвящён коленному суставу, в котором нижняя часть может вращаться относительно верхней по нескольким осям вращения.
В патенте на роборуку описываются пальцы с отдельными приводами, которые обеспечивают им повышенную подвижность и ловкость.
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todayisafridaynight · 1 month
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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cryptidsncurios · 11 days
My Kimbley is just an evil Sherlock Holmes send post
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quietwingsinthesky · 29 days
how do i put eldest daughter syndrome on my resume
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luckyemocode · 3 months
i always forget naegi/togami is like... a popular ship i guess so theres ppl who think like Deeply about togami and i just wha
#just saw a post that was like 'is byakuya smart? absolutely' and i cant stop laughing and being like ?????????? what#bc 1. whos thinking about togami enough to be like Oh Yea Hes Smart 2. hes Not????????????/ he has like financial knowledge but how is that#a measure of intelligence esp in the context of danganronpa universe (+ esp in the context of like dr1 killing game)#like how do u finish the second chapter of dr1 being like Yes This Guy Is A Thinker HOW#and 3. really out of all the characters in dr who the fuck is thinking abt togami#-> and the answer is just idk basic main male character x 2nd most relevant male character shipping I GUESS#also the post this was in was criticizing the black+white view ppl have with 'smart' vs 'dumb' characters so no ill will there or anything#will queue it in a bit#just funny bc like I Do Not think abt togami much let alone think of him as the Smart One of anything#like tbh naegi is probably 'smarter' but i have a feeling his optimism makes him have like the stupid label between them w.e#(which in turn makes togami the smart one i guess?)#so yea just a moment of someone being like 'heres an issue in the fandom' and me being like 'mhm agree' but that example being like what#bc its something i dont really see/never seek out/not how i think of the character/dont interact w fanon for this character etc#lol anyways time to fill my queue up sorry it ran out on the weekend but i only like to reblog stuff when im at work lmao#time theft my beloved <3
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bentrollio · 4 months
Goats are the best members of bovidae because they’re the only ones that evolved to become wizards
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guideaus · 1 year
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ohhh my god, i forgot about this
#personal#im still thinking abt comparing shima and vash 🤔#ive thought abt them and they both are averse to conflict but for different reasons. and diff reasons for self loathing.#my boy shima has low emotional intelligence and is a people pleaser. he'll do what other ppl expect of him. he wants (?) to fill his role#BUT he still wont like it. mitsumi listened to a rumor abt him and he silently got pissed abt it and avoided saying why. he compared#himself to a nazi soldier bc he hates his inability to change/be decisive/commit to improving himself#from ch 10 to almost where the series is at rn he's still struggling w that. he prioritizes how he's perceived over anything else.#how likable he is is how much hes worth. he doesnt think hes allowed to be happy otherwise#shima also doesnt believe himself (?) when hes kind. he claims he doesnt really care. even when acting to make someone happier is#good enough evidence probably that theyre kind lol. if ur actually shitty u wouldnt do smth#while vash has the uwu puppydog babygirl vibe as much more of a strategic way to ease tensions. hes also performative in his role of#human typhoon and his rep. he doesnt like it ofc but chooses to use it in regards to others. while alone he might be full on suicidal#and trigun is ofc an action sci-fi but if u replace the ppl vash has unintentionally hurt w 'disappointed' (to be relevant to shima's pov)#its similar. tho the twin in trigun are meant to be hypocritical. vash specifically imagines second chances/love&peace for everyone but him#and goes out of his way to imagine rem (his mother!! who he idolizes) being disappointed w him if he does make a mistake#how trimax ends also kinda skips past his personal development concerning his perception and unintentionally (imo) uses him as a tool to#end the story#sorry i wrote an essay in the tags FHSDFHJSD
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passportinspection · 1 year
Would gordon be tortured by the incredibly strong desire to understand how in the world borrower!barney exists, or would he just hand-wave it like, “That must be very interesting biologically, but i am not a biology person.”
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angelmotifs · 6 months
ok this discourse is like as old as i am but "hans rilow is an evil mastermind who would be a fascist" is a crazy take to have when hans rilow is literally a 14 year old bisexual in an oppressive environment just trying to survive. tbh.
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ezraphobicsoup · 7 months
pulp is right it is monday morning !!!
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kurokoros · 9 months
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