#respect the evps
supakixbabe · 3 months
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Had over 30 slides, so I chose the best of the best, in my opinion. 😌
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elitehoe · 3 months
Matthew and Nicholas jumping ric flair everyone say thank you EVPS
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superelitesworld · 3 months
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crescentfool · 3 months
bonerattle arena fucks severely. i was not expecting it to rival my love for jammin' salmon junction, but wow. this map feels like a love letter to people who love and enjoy salmon run. (i ended up playing the rotation for around 3.5 hours... which you can watch here if you like!)
the map's circular shape on normal/high tide effectively makes the spawns from this map come from every angle. it's a test of awareness and movement skill- and the walls + inkrails really, really make rotating around the map feel so fluid and easy.
and low tide's hexagonal two-ring design is so fascinating too! instead of testing movement, it tests your team's ability to make judgment calls on luring and making sure you don't overwhelm basket from luring too much.
i also feel that every special in salmon feels really rewarding to use on this map- even reefslider! i've played enough to see that most specials bring so much utility and value, and i just love that no special feels like it's "useless" on this map.
there's also a few flyfish tech on this map that echoes the bomb tricks on jammin' salmon junction and spawning grounds (and i guess gone fission too), it feels really intuitive on what spots can pop two baskets at once (it's the grates and the rails) and i just? feel really rewarded for playing as much salmon as i do.
i feel that the map's inclusion of the ink rail mechanic evokes a lot of similar vibes to ruins of ark polaris- and i really liked that! there's definitely some things i want to fine tune and understand better about them, but they're really fun.
i still need to see how other weapons feel on this map, but it feels like both mobile and stationary weapons can exceed here- there's nice perches for long range weapons, lots of walls for quick weapons to use to escape situations... it's so swag...! a very good final map, i think!
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cephalopodsquad · 3 months
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
How to communicate with spirits
Communicating with spirits is a topic that encompasses various beliefs and practices. While some people claim to have had experiences communicating with spirits, it's important to approach this subject with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism.
Here are a few methods that some individuals believe can be used to communicate with spirits:
Meditation and Visualization: Some people use meditation techniques to quiet their minds and create a receptive state for spirit communication. Visualization can also be employed, imagining a connection or dialogue with the spirit realm.
Séances: A séance is a gathering of individuals attempting to communicate with spirits. Usually led by a medium, participants create a conducive environment and invoke spirits through various rituals and techniques. This method is often associated with spiritualism.
Automatic Writing: Automatic writing involves allowing a spirit to guide your hand as you write messages. The idea is to enter a relaxed state and let the spirit communicate through your writing instrument.
Ouija Boards: Ouija boards are flat boards with letters, numbers, and other symbols. Participants place their hands on a movable pointer (planchette) and ask questions, hoping to receive answers spelled out by the spirits. It's important to exercise caution and use Ouija boards responsibly.
EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon): EVP involves using audio recording devices to capture spirit voices that might not be audible to the human ear. This method often requires carefully reviewing recordings and listening for potential spirit responses.
Divination Tools: Some people use divination tools such as tarot cards, pendulums, or scrying mirrors to connect with spirits and seek their guidance. These tools are believed to facilitate communication and provide insights from the spirit realm.
It's worth noting that the existence of spirits and the efficacy of these methods are highly debated and can vary based on personal beliefs. If you decide to explore these practices, it's important to approach them with respect, caution, and an understanding of the potential risks involved.
It may also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced practitioners or spiritual leaders who can provide further insight and advice.
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hangmanshorse · 1 month
The elite attacked tony for HOOK and the HOOKERS, nothing but respect for MY EVPS
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
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okay but like. seriously
like he says, what kenny says clearly means he gets it; but while hes name dropping deadly alliance, wheres the actual support by letting them inside the ring and giving them opportunities to actually shine and show what they are made of?
all five of them are aew originals. butcher and blade have had some of the hardest hitting and bloody hardcore matches in this company. bunny and penelope are standouts in the womens division likewise with hardcore background and just in general they are unique. kip reinvents himself at almost jericho pace and keeps being fresh and just getting better and better in the ring, and his character is incredibly unique. hes also charismatic as hell and who wouldnt want their company super villain to be british, lbr
anyways. you promised me a new era. lets get it by having some respect for your original talent that one of your evps name drops as standouts, why dont we?
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layce2015 · 2 years
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Fear Of Flying
Masterlist / Next Chapter
Jerry was looking through a microscope as Dean and I stand near him. "Sulfur?" Dean asked Jerry, who sighs then nods at him. "Well, that's great." Dean grumbles, annoyed, as I rub my hands over my eyes. "All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him." I said.
"With all due respect to Chuck, if that's the case, that would be the good news." Sam said and we look over at him.
"What's the bad news?" Dean asked him.
"Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485." Sam said.
"Forty minutes? What does that mean?" Jerry asked.
"It's biblical numerology. You know Noah's ark, it rained for forty days. The number means death." Dean replied.
"I went back, and there have been six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in." Sam explains.
"Any survivors?" I asked. "No. Or not until now, at least, not until flight 2485, for some reason. On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the EVP said?" Sam asked. "No survivors." Dean and I said in unison and something hits me. "It's going after all the survivors. It's trying to finish the job." I said.
That night, Dean was driving the Impala as I follow them in my bike. While following them, I start to think that I need to find a safe place to put my bike in. As much as I love to drive this bike around, I wouldn't mind riding in the Impala with the boys and plus to save me gas money. Maybe I can stop at one of the safe houses Dad had bought and put the bike there for safety.
We make it to an airport and Sam gives me a rundown of the flight attendant from flight 2485, Amanda, was about to board a new flight. We rush into the airport and check the Departure board. "Right there. They're boarding in thirty minutes." Sam said once we make it inside. "Okay. We still have some cards to play. We need to find a phone." I said then Dean goes and picks up a courtesy phone.
"Hi. Gate thirteen." Dean answers. "I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um...flight 4-2-4." He replied to the person at the other end then he stands there.
"Come on." He mutters, annoyed, as Sam and I stand there. Then Dean jumps then said. "Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here. Nothing serious, just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so—" Dean started to say but pauses.
"You what?" He asked. "Uh, well...there must be some mistake." He said as Sam and I go up to Dean and try to hear what's going on.
"Is this one of Vince's friends?" I hear Amanda's voice asked.
"Guilty as charged." Dean said, smiling.
"Wow. This is unbelievable." Amanda said.
"He's really sorry." Dean said to her.
"Well, you tell him to mind his own business and stay out of my life, okay?" She said, angrily. "Yes, but...he really needs to see you tonight, so—" Dean started to say but Amanda interrupts him. "No, I'm sorry. It's too late." She said.
"Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic." Dean said. "Really?" Amanda asked.
"Oh, yeah." He said.
"Look, I've got to go. Um...tell him to call me when I land." She said.
"No, no. Wait, Amanda. Amanda!" Dean shouts into the phone but I hear the dial tone.
"Damn it! So close." Dean growls. "All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane." I said to them and Sam nods. "Whoa, whoa, now just hold on a second." Dean said as he places a hand on my shoulder. I turn to him and see that he's wide-eyed.
"Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right, that plane is gonna crash." I said to him. "I know." Dean said and I could've sworn I heard his voice shaking.
"Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it. I'll get the tickets. You guys get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes." Sam said and Dean looks between us, anxiously.
"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned.
"No, not really." He replied.
"What? What's wrong?" Sam asked him.
"Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..." Dean stammers, anxiously.
"Flying?" Sam and I asked.
"It's never really been an issue until now." He said.
"You're joking, right?" I asked him in disbelief.
"Do I look like I'm joking? Why do you think I drive everywhere, guys?" Dean said, angrily, and I chuckle a bit.
"What?" He asked me.
"Nothing. Just...I never thought I'd see the day where Dean Winchester was afraid of something." I said and had flowers at me. "Shut up." He grumbles.
"All right. Uh, (y/n) and I will go." Sam said to Dean. "What?" He asked. "We'll do this one on our own." Sam said, gesturing between me and him. "Yeah, we can handle it." I said.
"What are you, nuts? You said it yourself, Sam, the plane's gonna crash." Dean said. "Dean, we can do it together, or Sam and I can do this one by ourselves. I'm not seeing a third option, here." I said and I pat Sam's back and we started to leave.
"Come on! Really?" I hear Dean exclaim at us but I look ovef my shoulder and see him following us, reluctantly.
Dean, in the aisle seat, was anxiously reading the safety card while I sat next to him and Sam got the seat behind us. "Just try to relax." I assured him, calmly. "Just try to shut up." He grumbles and then the plane takes off, with Dean jumping at every rumble and sound. I smirk then look behind and see Sam smirking as well and shaking his head.
Dean leans back in his seat, humming to himself. "You're humming Metallica?" I said, disbelieving, "Calms me down." He replies.
"Look, Dean, I get you're nervous, all right? But you got to stay focused." I said to him, firmly and calmly.
"Okay." He said.
"She's right. I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down, or whoever it's possessing, anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism." Sam said as he leans over to the side and looks over at Dean. "Yeah, on a crowded plane. That's gonna be easy." Dean remarks.
"Just take it one step at a time, all right?" I said and he looks over at me. "Now, who is it possessing?" I asked the boys. "It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Somebody with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress." Dean replies.
"Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up." Sam said. "Mm-hm." Dean hums then he turns to a flight attendants.
"Excuse me. Are you Amanda?" He asked her.
"No, I'm not." She replied. "Oh, my mistake." He said and the attendant walks away. Then he looks to the back of the plane. "All right, well, that's got to be Amanda back there, so I'll go talk to her, and, uh, I'll get a read on her mental state." Dean said.
"What if she's already possessed?" Sam asked. "There's ways to test that." said Dean and he goes into his bag and comes out with a Virgin Mary-shaped bottle of water. "I brought holy water." He said and my eyes widen.
"No." I said as I snatch the bottle and tuck it inside my jacket. "I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God." I said. "Oh. Nice." Dean said then he turns to go.
"Hey." Sam said and Dean turns to him.
"What?" Dean asked.
"Say it in Latin." Sam replied.
"I know." Dean said and he starts to leave but Sam stops him again.
"Hey!" He said.
"What?!" Dean said, annoyed and I try to hold back a chuckle. "Uh, in Latin, it's Christo." Sam said. "Dude, I know! I'm not an idiot!" Dean growls at him and he makes his way back to the plane.
Moments later, Dean returns to his seat. "All right, well, she's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet." He said once he sits down. "You said Christo?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Dean replied.
"And?" I asked.
"There's no demon in her. There's no demon getting in her." He said. "So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere." Sam said just as the plane shakes.
"Come on! That can't be normal!" Dean exclaims.
"Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence." I said to him.
"(Y/n), this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four." He growls at me and I roll my eyes at him. "Well, maybe quit acting like one." I said and he glares daggers at me and I sigh.
"Look, you need to calm down." I said. "Well, I'm sorry I can't." He said. "Yes, you can." I said to him. "(Y/n), stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping." Dean growls, angry and annoyed.
"Listen, if you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down. Right now." I said, firmly. "She's right, Dean. We don't need that. So, calm down." Sam said and Dean takes a long, slow breath.
"Good." I said as Sam leans over to the side of the chair. "Now, I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum." He said.
"What do we have to do?" I asked Sam.
"It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful." Sam replied.
"More powerful?" Dean and I said.
"Yeah." Sam said.
"How?" I asked.
"Well, it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own." Sam said. "Oh. And why is that a good thing?" Dean asked. "Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all." Sam said and I nod at this.
"First things first, we got to find it." I said and Dean nods.
Dean walks slowly up the aisle with his EMF meter, getting odd looks but no readings. Sam suddenly claps him on the shoulder, and he jumps. "Ah! Don't do that." He said as I come up to them. "Anything?" I asked him.
"No, nothing. How much time we got?" Dean said and Sam looks at his watch.
"Fifteen minutes. Maybe we missed somebody." He said.
"Maybe the thing's just not on the plane." Dean said and I look over at him.
"You believe that?" I asked him. "Well, I will if you will." Dean said but then he looks down as the EMF meter spikes.
"What? What is it?" Sam asked as I look up and see Dean staring at one of the pilots. "Christo." Dean said and the man turns slowly to face us, his eyes are black. Then he goes into the cockpit as the boys and I share a glance.
"She's not gonna believe this." Sam said to Dean as we make our way to the back. "Twelve minutes, dude." Dean mutters as we come up to Amanda.
"Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope." She said as she looks between us. "Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Dean said and I closes the curtain.
"Um, okay. What can I do for you?" She asked, nervously. "All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole the truth is out there speech right now." Dean said. "All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485." I said to her and her smile disappears.
"Who are you guys?" She asked us. "Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure." Sam said to her. "We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now." said Dean.
"I'm sorry, I—I'm very busy. I have to go back—" she stammers and she brushes past Dean but I stop her.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. We're not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh...The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead." I said and she looks up at us in shock.
"Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?" She said, shocked. "He died in a plane crash. Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?" I asked her.
"Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too." Sam said to her. "Amanda, you have to believe us." Dean said to her.
"On...on 2485, there was this man. He...had these eyes." She admits. "Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about." I said to her.
"I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?" She asked us. "Okay. The copilot, we need you to bring him back here." Dean said.
"Why? What does he have to do with anything?" She asked us. "Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?" I said to her.
"How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot—" she said but Sam talks over her. "Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit." Sam said.
"Do you know that I could lose my job if you—"
"Okay, well you're gonna lose a lot more if you don't help us out." Dean said to her, firmly, and she hesitates. "Okay." She said and she leaves and goes to the cockpit. She knocks on the door and says something to the copilot, who follows her back. Sam pulls out the holy water while Dean pulls out John's journal and hands it to me and I open it.
"Yeah, what's the problem?" The copilot asked as he comes in. Dean punches him in the face, knocking him down. He pins him down and puts duct tape over his mouth. "Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." Amanda said, freaking out.
"We are gonna talk to him." I said as Dean splashes holy water on his skin, which sizzles.
"Oh, my God. What's wrong with him?" She asked, confused and shocked. "Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain." Sam instructs her.
"Well, I don't underst—I don't know—"
"Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that, Amanda?" I asked her. "Okay. Okay." She said, nodding then she leaves.
"Hurry up, Sam. I don't know how much longer we can hold him." Dean said as he and I hold the demon down while Sam looks down at the book and began to read it. "Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino—" he said and the demon breaks free briefly and hits all three of us until Dean and I manage to subdue him again. Sam pick up where he left off but the demon knocks Dean off again and pulls the tape off his mouth then knocks me to the side.
Then he grabs Sam by the collar.
"I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" he taunts as Dean and I recover and we hit the demon as Sam sits there, stunned.
"Sam!" Dean and I shouted and he recovers and begins reading again. He puts the book down and helps us pin down the demon, who kicks the book up the aisle.
"I got him." Sam said but the demon exits the copilot's body and disappears into a vent. "Where'd it go?" I asked, fearfully.
"It's in the plane. Hurry up. We got to finish it." Dean said just as the plane suddenly dips and heaves violently. Sam struggles to retrieve the book as Dean and I splay ourselves against the exit door, Dean began to scream.
Suddenly a bright electrical charge runs through the entire plane, which then levels out. I sighed with relief then looked over at Dean. "You okay?" I asked him and he nods after letting out a few deep breaths. "Yeah, you?" He asked me. "Yeah..." I said, breathless, and he gets up then helps me to my feet. We come out from behind the curtain as we see Sam standing up.
The passengers from the flight were disembarking to an area milling with uniformed agents. The copilot was seated in a wheelchair with a blanket wrapped around him, being questioned by an FAA agent. Amanda was being questioned by another agent.
She sees us standing across the way and mouths Thank you to us and we nod at her. "Let's get out of here." Dean said to us and we head for the exit. I looked over at Sam and noticed he had a disturbed look on his face.
"You okay?" I asked and he stops and turns to us. "Guys, it knew about Jessica." he said and I give him a concerned look. "Sam, these things, they, they read minds. They lie. All right? That's all it was." Dean said to his brother.
"Yeah." Sam said in a tone of voice that said he didn't believe that. I frown then I go and hug him, he hugs me back and he buries his face into my shoulder. I patted his back, reassuringly, then I pull back from the hug and smiled at him. "Come on." I said and we head out.
"Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do. A lot of people could have been killed." Jerry said to us as we went to tell him what happened the next day. He goes and shakes our hands. "Your dad would be real proud." Jerry said to me as I go and hug him. "Thanks, man." I said to him.
"We'll see you around, Jerry." Sam said and we head out to our vehicles and drive off.
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supakixbabe · 4 months
Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I think the Young Bucks should give out Valentine’s cards with a $500 fine taped inside along with some witty poem about being an EVP written on the inside of the card.
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elitehoe · 3 months
When the EVPS end up rehiring Jack Perry to boost company morale >>>
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louisupdates · 7 months
Thomas Coesfeld, CEO of BMG since July, has made another major move at the Bertelsmann-owned company.
MBW revealed in September that, under Coesfeld, BMG was taking the digital distribution of its music in-house – bringing its longstanding distribution deal with Warner Music Group/ADA to an end. (BMG has since confirmed that, while keeping digital distribution in-house, it’s inked a deal with Universal Music Group to handle its physical distribution business.)
Now, Coesfeld is enacting another set of significant changes at BMG, which posted an operating EBITDA of €90 million ($97m), up 22.6% YoY, in the first six months of 2023.
Berlin-based Coesfeld this week confirmed to staff that BMG is reorganizing its global structure in pursuit of his strategic goal for the company to become “more efficient and more effective”.
The biggest change under that plan will see BMG discontinue its centralized international marketing department for recordings, which to date has been led by the company’s EVP Global Repertoire, Fred Casimir.
In an internal note, issued to staff on Thursday (October 26) and obtained by MBW, Coesfeld said: “The international marketing team was set up five years ago in response to the needs of the company at the time.
“Our talented team have done a great job, driving international campaigns for artists including Lenny Kravitz, Kylie Minogue, and Louis Tomlinson, but unfortunately on a business level, expectations from this novel structure were not met and it created duplication of functions with local teams.
“The clear business decision is to instead give artists a single contact point with their local repertoire teams.”
In addition, Coesfeld has green-lit four other significant alterations to BMG’s structure: (i) The discontinuation of BMG’s Modern Recordings label based in Berlin; (ii) The closure of the firm’s New York-based theatrical productions initiative; (iii) No more active commissioning of new films to take place at BMG; and (iv) The consolidation of BMG’s New York and Canada-based recorded music operations into its Los Angeles office.
In total, MBW has confirmed, these changes – including the international marketing function closure – will affect 3% of BMG’s global staff, equating to around 40 employees. Fred Casimir will be leaving the company later this year as part of the move.
“These are tough but necessary decisions,” said Coesfeld in the Thursday internal note to BMG staff. “I would like to extend my thanks to the team members involved on behalf of everyone at BMG. They have done us proud. They were given the news only today, and I understand it has been a shock. We are in close contact with them and in Germany with our Workers Council to ensure everything is handled in a respectful way.”
Elsewhere in the internal memo, BMG confirmed that it is “on target” to begin distributing its own recorded music to streaming services such as Spotify from Wednesday next week (November 1).
In addition to becoming a “more efficient and more effective” business, Coesfeld’s comments in the memo outlined three other core strategies that form part of his “four-point plan” for the company this year.
The other points in this plan include “better engaging with our clients and partners”, “renewing BMG’s culture”, and “investing money wisely”.
Referencing the latter point, the internal BMG memo said that the company recently introduced “a new deal-modelling tool and new deal-approval routines to create more rigor in the system”.
As a result of the closure of BMG’s international marketing function, the company’s artists will no longer have two marketing contact points (domestic and international).
Their sole contact point for marketing going forward will be the repertoire team to which they are signed.
“Much like our distribution alliance with Warner Music/ADA struck in 2016, our previous international set-up – established around the same time – was the right decision back then,” said Coesfeld in Thursday’s memo.
“It allowed us to grow and was the ideal structure for the time. Our recordings business is now three times the size it was then and it’s overwhelmingly streaming-based. It is no surprise that the way we manage our business also has to change.
“While the logic of this move is clear, however, we should not underestimate the impact on our colleagues. Our best wishes are with them and BMG will do what we can as a company to help them at this time.”
When contacted by MBW, a BMG spokesperson said today (October 28): “Just as we have insourced our digital distribution because we had outgrown the old set-up, so we are changing the way we do international to reflect the scale we have now achieved.
“A centralised international department made sense when our local repertoire teams were not as strong as we are now. We’ve addressed that and a centralised function is no longer needed. As the only global player outside the three majors, international continues to lie at the heart of what we do. We’ll just do it differently.
“It’s far better to make changes like these from a position of strength when you’re performing well, rather than leaving it too late”
“Obviously these are tough decisions to make, but there’s better ways to invest this money to improve our service to clients and you can expect further announcements on improvements to our service offering imminently.
“97% of the BMG team are unaffected by these changes.”
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nyctarian · 2 months
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The Bucks are so iconic for this, nothing but respect for MY EVPs
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audiobook-mike · 6 months
See this is what separates WWE from AEW. Even though people in WWE got beef with Punk, they respect the business and make that shit work and go out and work.
EVP's with glorified titles to make them feel special actually think they are bigger than the business.
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banannabethchase · 5 months
if mox was a god/demigod what would he be god of or who's kid would he be?
Okay I have thought about this SO MUCH. And I think this is very controversial but I am saying it anyway, because it's an insight into the Demigod Wrestlers AU (as opposed to the Wrestler Demigods AU) that has been in my head since December of 2022. It will not be written but it is in my noggin.
...Mox is a son of Poseidon with MASSIVE Percy energy. TELL ME I'M WRONG. He hates heights, he's smart in unexpected ways, he's a brawler with surprising technique for how much of a chaos disaster he is in lower-impact scenarios (see: constantly crashing into things out of the ring, mics not working), avoids newer technology, we don't have much answers about how he deals with water. But he HAS interacted with fire and never seems to be long term damaged by it, which makes me think.
He's a natural leader, even when he's not sure that's what he wants to be doing, he commands respect, but he doesn't put himself into positions of huge power like EVP or lead booker. He works well with others but finds his People that he is most successful with.
And he is in love with a blonde son of Athena. Yes there's a HangMox angle in this AU ONCE AGAIN DON'T GET ME STARTED.
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connectparanormal · 11 days
How to Communicate with Ghosts
The fascination with communicating with ghosts, or the spirits of the dead, has always captivated humans, leading to the creation of numerous techniques throughout history. The practice, which aims to close the gap between the material world and the spirit realm, frequently combines ritual, belief, and occasionally technology. One of the most common ways to communicate with ghosts is through mediums. Those who profess to be able to perceive and converse with spirits are known as mediums. A medium may go into a trance-like state during a séance, which enables a spirit to speak through them to the living. In order to verify the spirit's existence and identity, the medium frequently communicates certain details about them. Typically, seances take place in a serene, dimly lit environment to enhance concentration and minimize external disturbances.
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Using spirit boards, like the Ouija board, is another popular strategy. When asking questions out loud, participants place their hands lightly on a little movable indicator called a planchette. People believe that the spirits will guide the planchette to spell out the answers on the board. Some people consider this to be a kind of entertainment, but others think it's a real instrument for communicating with spirits. On the other hand, people frequently suggest care because they believe it can provide access to evil or harmful entities. Modern technology has also opened up new avenues for communicating with spirits. Using audio recording equipment, people who engage in electronic voice phenomena (EVP) attempt to capture sounds they perceive to be the voices of the dead. Practitioners will pose queries and provide room for answers before going over the recordings to look for any strange noises or voices. Similarly, to find and record paranormal activity, ghost hunters may employ infrared thermometers, video cameras, and electromagnetic field (EMF) detectors. Dreams are another way some people think they can communicate with ghosts. Many people claim to see comforting, guiding, or message-giving images of their departed loved ones in their dreams. Writing in a dream journal might assist people in remembering and analyzing these experiences, looking for trends or interpretations that could point to interstellar contact. Certain civilizations engage in pre-sleep rituals or prayers in order to facilitate this kind of communication. Some cultures employ offerings and rituals to facilitate ghost communication. Creating a sacred area, lighting candles, burning incense, and making offerings of food or drink are common components of these rituals. In order to communicate with the spirit, the individual pursuing contact may also use personal items from the deceased or perform certain prayers and chants. These customs aim to honor the spirit and cultivate a friendly atmosphere for it.
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Visualization and meditation are additional techniques. People may go into a meditative state where they concentrate their thoughts and energies on making a connection with a particular spirit. One way to use visualization techniques is to picture a location where people can get together and speak with the spirit in a clear and safe manner. This technique needs a great deal of focus and practice, along with a firm belief in one's capacity to communicate with the spirit realm. The goal of communicating with and comprehending the world beyond our physical existence is the fundamental idea that unites all of these approaches, despite their differences in methodology and cultural relevance. Since speaking with the deceased is very intimate and frequently emotional, it is crucial to undertake these rituals with caution and respect. The search to communicate with the spirit realm, whether through conventional rites or contemporary technology, never ceases to enthrall and inspire.
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