#rip sam winchester you would’ve loved tv girl
jaspey · 27 days
Haii :3 sam winchester i loveyou
for @damienlovessam !!!! ^_^
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jenstracted · 5 years
okay... so spn 15x03
spoilers below don't keep reading if you don't want spoilers.
so this one was a lot, especially for the third episode of a season! so lets get into this. So as we remember from last week the wall is breaking down, so the boys and rowena need to try to fix it, so the original plan is to have rowena strengthen the barrier, that doesn't work so then Belphegor just hApPeNs to remember liliths crook the one thing that will call everything from hell back! WOW SEEMS AMAZING RIGHT! SO EASY!!!! well no turns out its in hell so they form a new plan to have Bel and Cas go to hell [sidenote dean doesn't really give cas a say in the fact that he has to go to hell with Bel whom he can’t stand cause he's wearing jack... but anyhoo] sam and rowena are going to do a spell to close the tear that leads to hell, and dean well dean is going straight into the fire to help the spell be cast, so they all get their assignments and everything is dandy! Cas and Bel head out to go to hell and Bel is his snarky self and keeps pushing cas about how the winchesters are just using him [I feel like this contributes to the end but also fuck you Bel they love cas] so they jump into hell. the scene changes and we see ketch in the hospital, I previously didn't like Arthur very much but I can really appreciate the character development and his newfound heart unfortunately that heart gets ripped out like five minutes after he wakes up; and here is where I cried {the first time} so the demon who ripped out his heart turns out to be the girl demon who hates bel so she texted dean to find out what the plan was and him thinking it was ketch he told her. so we flash down to hell where bel and cas find the box containing lilts crook! sHoCkEr its in Enochian which conveniently cas was the only one able to read it! so turns out they have to be sung [which unfortunately got cut, but misha texted me that if jensen wasn't already dropping an album he would but he doesn't wanna seem like a joiner] so the box opens and they get liliths crook, but the female demon shows up and bel kills her but not before she puts some doubts into cas’ head about bels intentions. so cas tries to take the crook but gets knocked away as bel [ShOcKeR] betrays them, so cas Is trying valiantly to get back to bel to stop him from becoming basically a god, and dean trying to do his part to close hell throws the hex bag in and the tear starts closing. cas finally gets to bel and kills him... the sob that he left out right after killed me and my heart broke {the second cry} since cas killed bel the souls stopped getting pulled back to hell. Sam and rowena realize something is wrong and start freaking out and trying to come up with a new plan. Heres where my heart broke. rowena comes up with a new plan, to sacrifice herself...not for glory, or power, or even the greater good, purely because she believes in prophecy and according to death her final and permanent death is by the hands of one sam winchester, she wants him to stab her so she can suck all the soul into her body and take them to hell together, my heart broke immediately rowena has long been one of my favorite females on the show not to mention she is a badass ginger like me! sam is reluctant for this plan because he has grown fond of rowena, but after some protesting he stabs her in the stomach, the way he did it hurt too, he said “no” then went in for a hug and stabbed her. when rowena felt the knife she said “thats my boy”  then pushed the knife in harder {cue my gross sobbing}  she then walked out and sacrificed herself into the tear and took all the souls with her {I gross sobbed for like 10 minutes}. then we are back in the bunker and dean goes to do his big brother duty of checking up on sam, when he leaves Sams room, he goes and talks to cas, [reminder I LOVE DEAN! HE IS MY FAVORITE! PLEASE DON’T COME FOR ME] dean blames cas for rowenas death and asked why he couldn't stick to the damn plan, when cas tried to explain that bel was a lot worse than they thought so he was trying to stop him before he got unstoppable dean didn't want to hear it he shut him down  “we would've figured it out after WITH ROWENA!” cas tries to talk some sense into him “the plan changed dean, something went wrong, you know this something always goes wrong” then dean something that hurt me as much as it hurt cas “yeah? why does that something always seem to be you” {do you hear that??? THATS JUST MY HEART SHATTERING}. cas is finally fed up with deans bullshit of taking out his anger on him and said “you used to trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt, now you can barely look at me. my powers are failing, and I've tried to talk to you, over and over, you just don't wanna hear it you don't  care, I’M DEAD TO YOU. you still blame me for Mary, well I don't think theres anything left to say” this broke my heart because you could see from deans expression he knew he was being a dick but his pride wouldn't let him talk, when cas starts to leave he just said “where are  you going?” cas broken said “jacks dead, chucks gone, you and sam have each other... I think its time for me to move on” then he just leaves. I was screaming at my tv for him to go after him. but he didn't. 
so this episode was a lot and I had to literally lay in bed wrapped in blankets for an hour to just process. At the end of the episode I felt like didn't have any emotions left. but lets break down my thoughts with the happy first; the boys managed to stop another apocalypse in record time! now for the sad; we lost ketch, we lost bel which I’m kinda salty about cause I enjoyed the snark, we lost rowena this broke my heart and I'm still not over it tbh, and finally im low-key mad at dean right now it just felt so out of character for him to act that way Cas has been nothing but loyal to the Winchesters and dean does this? I know that castiel made mistakes but so did many characters in the show, including Sam and Dean so why is Dean acting like this? Cas betrayed the angels to side with them and protect them, he risked everything for them and after seeing this episode, the way he was treated broke my heart... What happened to Mary was not castiel's fault. It was barely jack's fault so why is Dean shoving all this anger at cas? After Rufus died, dean talked about how you should forgive family and friends, and cas deserved nothing but forgiveness, in fact he saved them from a worse threat. if dean were in cas’ shoes he would've done the same damn thing! I do understand that dean has to grieve I get it, he acted the same way when John died, but this hurts a little more because we always knew no matter what sam and dean would stick together. but Cas... he doesn't have any blood ties, so he doesn't have to come back. I love dean and I know he deals with grief by shoving it down, but this does feel out of character   ALSO IM MAD AT WHOEVER WROTE THIS AND THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY BECAUSE ITS NOT! BAITING US WITH “WE ARE” LAST TIME TO PULL THIS CRAP! FUCKING SADISTS! 
 this is only the third episode im scared on how the show will get towards the end, this episode was more painful than most even some of the season finales were less painful than this.
I’m sorry if this is a little choppy I cant read it again because im still hurting
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
The End
Yes, we have 5.04, the episode titled The End, with the whole end!verse, but every time this phrase pops up in the show since then, I think this is the first thought a lot of people have. And I think it’s... wildly misleading. I mean, since we haven’t actually had a return to this specific “end.” And I don’t think we ever will. As everyone will recall, the show did not actually end after 5.04.
So to that end (pffft), I wanted to cobble together a history of the phrase as it’s been used throughout canon. Just for my own reference purposes. Here’s the big ones, though:
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK types "THE END" and takes a drink.  CHUCK: No doubt – endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? 
(spoiler alert: fuck you, Chuck)
11.22: We Happy Few:
AMARA: My brother will dim and fade away into nothing. (Outside, ROWENA staggers to her feet. The sunlight is no longer just rosy, tinting the sky purple.) AMARA: But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash. (Outside, ROWENA turns, lifting a hand to shield her eyes.) AMARA: Welcome to the end. (She disappears.)
(lol, bzzzt, wrong, try again)
13.23 Let The Good Times Roll:
CASTIEL (to Michael): How do we stop him? MICHAEL: You don't. After consuming the Nephilim's grace, Lucifer's juiced up. He's super-charged. He'll kill the boy, your brother. Hell, he could end the whole universe if he put his mind to it. And you thought I was bad. DEAN: No. No, you beat him. I saw you. MICHAEL: When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart. But now in this banged up meatsuit... not happening. This is the end, of everything.
(way to horrifically manipulate the situation!)
14.20 Moriah:
CHUCK: (angrily): Fine! That's the way you want it? Story's over. Welcome to  The End.
(cue things happening for another 20 episodes... he’s 20 episodes too soon)
and since there were *a LOT* of results:
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yes each one of those open tabs is a reference page I’m pulling quotes from, and yes there are so many open tabs they’ve blurred together. one big drawback about watching a show that has apocalypses every now and again. i’m omitting references that aren’t directly about narrative ends, too (like casual “at the end of the day” references and the like). this is gonna be long so it’s going under a cut:
2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two:
YED Oh, Jake. It's got to be you. I've been waiting for you for a very long time. You're my leader. You open that crypt, and you will have your army. JAKE You're talking about the end of the world. YED No, not the end— the beginning... a better world, where your family will be protected. More than that. They'll be royalty. Buddy boy, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor of a thrilling opportunity. Whaddya say? It's your call.
(spoiler alert: pffft... the whole “Demon Army” thing was always a sham, I think pulled ON Azazel by Lilith, even if that was only retconned in later in canon. but also, endings are beginnings, the spiral loops ever onward, and it’s laughable now eleventynine loops of the spiral down the way from this moment, isn’t it? Jake who? Azazel the fanatic who wasn’t even trustworthy enough to be let in on Lilith’s real plans? Incredible)
4.05 Monster Movie:
DEAN: You think "elegance" is really the word for what you did to Marissa, or Rick Deacon, or any of the others?! DRACULA: But of course. It is a monster movie, after all. DEAN: You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie? DRACULA: Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he’s... electrocuted. And tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero.
(spoiler alert: the monster does not win)
4.06 Yellow Fever:
Sam: So uh...so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean. Dean: Oh, besides a cop beating my ass? Sam: Seriously. Dean: Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me. Sam: Right. Dean: No, just the usual stuff, Sammy. Nothing I can’t handle.
(spoiler alert: it was definitely not anything Dean could handle)
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer:
ANNA: Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true. PSYCHOLOGIST: It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen. ANNA: The end... is coming. The apocalypse. PSYCHOLOGIST: The apocalypse. Like in the Bible? ANNA: Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
(spoiler alert:... we know how this turned out)
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday:
DEAN: You know what I mean. We're talking the end of the world here, okay? No more tasseled leather pants, no more Ramones CDs, no more nothing.
(spoiler alert: Pamela’s cool with that since she’ll get an endless show at the Meadowlands in her personal heaven)
4.22 Lucifer Rising:
DEAN: But me and Sam, we can stop... (he cuts off, having an epiphany) You don't want to stop it, do you? ZACHARIAH: Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you.
(spoiler alert... it bombed at the box office)
5.02: Good God, Y’all:
Dean: Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory— Castiel: He is out there, Dean. Dean: Or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us. I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?
(spoiler alert: i mean he really wasn’t far off the mark was he...)
5.03 Free To Be You And Me:
REPORTER: —the town of Tully? tonight, John. Locals say that what started as a torrential hailstorm late this afternoon suddenly turned to massive lightning strikes that triggered the fires now consuming more than twenty acres here along the Route 17 corridor. County officials are advising all Tully residents to prepare for what could become mandatory evacuations. The BARTENDER shuts the TV off. BARTENDER: Damn. Is it me or does it seem like it's the end of the world? SAM looks away.
(spoiler alert: that was an observant bartender)
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester:
A WOMAN, MRS. XAVIER, is reading the Weekly World News, headline: "LEADING PSYCHICS AGREE: THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE! Experts confirm the end is upon us!" She chuckles. The door opens.
(spoiler alert: that time the Weekly World News was actually right)
5.08 Changing Channels:
Dean: Hey there, Sam. What's happening? Sam: Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: lol)
5.09 The Real Ghostbusters:
CHUCK: Ok, Ok, just..okay, it's okay. so, next question. (hands shoot up) Yeah, you. FAN: Yeah, at the end of the last book, Dean goes to hell. So, what happens next?
(spoiler alert:  how do you feel about angels? Yeah, because let me tell you, they're not nearly as lame as you think.)
5.11 Sam Interrupted:
Dean: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical Apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die. Dr. Cartwright: That's horrible. Dean: Yeah, tell me about it. Dr. Cartwright: I mean, Apocalypse or no Apocalypse... monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning? Dean: That's a good question.
(spoiler alert: this is actually Dean talking to himself)
5.17 99 Problems:
SAM : Busy night? PAUL: I’m telling you, since The End started, it’s been like one long last call. That round’s on me. 
(spoiler alert: welcome to the apocalypse, pull up a bar stool)
DEAN: We’re all gonna die, Sam. In like a month—maybe two. I mean it. This is the end of the world, but these people aren’t freaking out. In fact they’re running to the exit in an orderly fashion. I don’t know that that’s such a bad thing. SAM: Who says they’re all gonna die? What ever happened to us saving them?
(spoiler alert: hey remember that other time Dean went all nihilistic about the end of the world? yeah good times)
DEAN: So the demons smoking out—that’s just a con? Why? What’s the endgame? CASTIEL: What you just saw—innocent blood spilled in God’s name. SAM: You heard all that heaven talk. She manipulates people. DEAN: To slaughter and kill and sing preppy little hymns. Awesome. CASTIEL: Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it’s…just beginning. She’s well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit. 
(remember the whore of babylon’s MO? manipulating people into doing stuff they never would’ve out of fear? yeah)
LEAH: This is why my team’s gonna win. You’re the great vessel? You’re pathetic, self-hating, and faithless. It’s the end of the world. And you’re just gonna sit back and watch it happen. DEAN grabs the stake, punches LEAH, and stakes her. DEAN : Don’t be so sure, whore.
(remember that time the whore of babylon taunted Dean about rejecting his destiny as the vessel of Michael, basically trying to manipulate him into doing the thing? And then he tried to go out and do the thing in the next episode but Cas stopped him? yeah good times)
5.18 Point Of No Return:
PREACHER : The end is nigh! The apocalypse is upon us! The angels talk to me, and they asked me to talk to you! The apocalypse— DEAN: Hey! I’m Dean Winchester. Do you know who I am? PREACHER: Dear God. DEAN: I’ll take that as a yes. Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I’m here. 
(spoiler alert: good thing that guy prayed too loud)
5.20 The Devil You Know:
CROWLEY Now...For the record, I'm against this. Negotiating a high-level defection -- It's very delicate business. SAM What are you talking about? CROWLEY I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away...from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my "corn chute." SAM (scoffs) CROWLEY So, go ahead. Go --ruin our last best hope. It's only the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: considering this entire thing was a demonstration of Crowley’s ability to manipulate things to his favor... nice tug on the ol’ apocalypse card to get your way)
5.21 Two Minutes To Midnight:
Pestilence: Hmm. You boys don't look well. It might be the, uh, Scarlet fever. Or, uh, the meningitis. Oh! Or the syphilis. That's no fun. However you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions? Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy. Chaotic. Uh, but, really, t-that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself... very... pure... single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose -- divide and conquer. That's why, in the end... it always wins. So, you've got to wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy! And weak! It's ridiculous. All I can do is show him he's wrong, one epidemic at a time. Now... On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your pain?
(spoiler alert: blowing up the bacteria actually kills them)
Death: As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless -- at the end, I'll reap him, too. Dean: God? You'll reap God? Death: Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean. Dean: Well, this is way above my pay grade. Death: Just a bit.
(spoiler alert: *taps watch and raises eyebrow at Billie*)
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK (VOICEOVER): Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.
(spoiler alert: with the context that this is God speaking, RUDE)
6.15 The French Mistake:
BALTHAZAR Hello, boys. You've seen "the Godfather," right? DEAN Balthazar... BALTHAZAR You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop? (Balthazar finds a container of salt and pours it into a bowl on Bobby's desk) DEAN Hey! BALTHAZAR  "Dead Sea brine." Good, good, good. You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door? DEAN I said "hey." BALTHAZAR You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb. (looking through Bobby's fridge contents) Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb. Yes! Blood of lamb! SAM Why are you talking about "the Godfather"? BALTHAZAR Because we're in it – right now, tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone – The archangel Raphael.
(spoiler alert: Raphael was playing at being a Michael wasn’t he...)
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King:
CASTIEL You want to make a deal? With me? I'm an Angel, you ass. I don't have a soul to sell. CROWLEY But that's it, isn't it? It's all of it. It's the souls. It all comes down to the souls in the end, doesn't it? CASTIEL What in the hell are you talking about? CROWLEY I'm talking about Raphael's head on a pike. I'm talking about happy endings for all of us, with all possible entendres intended. Come on. Just a chat.
(spoiler alert... it all comes down to the souls in the end, happy endings for all of us, or we can hope)
Bonus, for the sake of hilarity, because of the implication that Hell is a spiral narrative that begins at the ending, All Along The Watchtower style:
CROWLEY Yeah. See, problem with the old place was most of the inmates were masochists already. A lot of "thank you, sir. Can I have another hot spike up the jacksie?" But just look at them. No one likes waiting in line. CASTIEL And what happens when they reach the front? CROWLEY Nothing. They go right back to the end again. That's efficiency.
(spoiler alert: THAT’S EFFICIENCY!)
Double bonus, because I said so:
CASTIEL If you touch the Winchesters... CROWLEY Please. I heard you the first time. I promise -- nary a hair on their artfully tousled heads. Besides, I think they've proven my point for me. It's always your friends, isn't it, in the end? We try to change. We try to improve ourselves. It's always our friends who got to claw into our sides and hold us back. But you know what I see here? The new God (pointing at Castiel) and the new Devil, working together.
(no spoilers, this is just Cas giving everything, selling himself out, for his loved ones again)
6.21 Let It Bleed:
March 15, 1937 Providence, Rhode Island
(A man, H.P. Lovecraft, is typing on a typewriter. He drinks and continues typing. He types "THE END" then places the final paper on top of the others. His door creaks open, seemingly by itself. At the same time, there is a crack of thunder and the lights flicker. He looks up, afraid
(spoiler alert: guess what happened next? *screams and blood splatter* *title card*)
CASTIEL: It's a means to an end. Balthazar, you understand that. BALTHAZAR: Oh, absolutely. But what's the end here exactly? You know, raid Purgatory, snatch up all the souls? CASTIEL: Win the war.
(spoiler alert: or option B, exploding and taking half the planet with him... always an option, apparently, and the one that kinda happened...)
7.20 The Girl With The Dungeons And Dragons Tattoo:
CHARLIE: So what's the end game – steal our resources, make us some slaves? DEAN: Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat.
(spoiler alert: sorry they weren’t kidding, Charlie. the Leviathan’s end game was pretty miserable)
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental:
DEAN picks up a “Sorry!” card. CASTIEL: You know, we weren't sure at first which monkeys were gonna make it. No offense, but I [DEAN moves a marker on the board] was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was... just amazing. It's in perfect tune [CASTIEL picks up a card] with the spheres. But in the end, it was you – the [CASTIEL moves a marker] homo sapiens sapiens. You guys ate the apple, invented pants. DEAN: Cas, where can we find this, uh, Metatron? Is he still alive? CASTIEL: I'm sorry. I – I think you have to go back to start. DEAN moves a marker. DEAN: This is important. CASTIEL motions for DEAN to pick up another card. DEAN does and moves another marker. DEAN: I think Metatron could stop a lot of bad. You understand that? CASTIEL picks up another card. CASTIEL: We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? [CASTIEL puts down a marker and moves DEAN’s marker back to the start.] But these are the rules. I didn't make them. DEAN: You made some of them. When you tried to become God, when you cut that hole into that wall. CASTIEL: Dean... it's your move. DEAN pounds a fist on the table and swipes the board to the floor. DEAN: Forget the damn game! Forget the game, Cas.
(spoiler alert: In the end, it was you... I mean humanity won the evolutionary lottery and ended up being able to make the rules for ourselves. All through this, Dean’s looking for other potential avenues toward saving the world from being devoured by Leviathan. Remember when Metatron might be able to do a lot of good? while Cas dodges the actual subject and plays a game that literally continually sends Dean “back to the start” to make the same moves again, maybe slightly differently this time, different strategy, as he repeatedly tries to get Cas to answer HIS question about the actual world-ending game they’re playing against the Leviathan? THIS IS THE SPIRAL NARRATIVE IN ACTION IN ONE SCENE. “WE LIVE IN A SORRY UNIVERSE ENGINEERED TO CREATE CONFLICT” “BUT THESE ARE THE RULES” And when Dean is tired of trying to work within the rules? *game goes flying* *smashes God’s guitar* heck this is a perfect scene... have I mentioned that I love Ben Edlund lately?)
8.01 We Need To Talk About Kevin:
DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. SAM: What exactly does that mean? DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go.
(spoiler alert: Dean’s already rewriting this ending in his head because he can’t accept the truth of it. Endings suck, and this one would not stand.)
8.12 As Time Goes By:
HENRY : John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the ways of the Letters. DEAN : Well, he learned things a little differently. HENRY : How? DEAN : The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood, a stinking war... only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon... and later killed by one himself. That man got a bum rap around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end, he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad.
(spoiler alert: see, Dean’s already made a hell of a lot of peace with John even way back then)
8.14 Trial and Error:
DEAN: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation. SAM: Dean— DEAN: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone – end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.
(spoiler alert: just look at the title of this episode to see how this all turned out. It ain’t called “Trial and Major Win”)
SAM: I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it. DEAN: Sam, be smart. SAM: I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius – when it comes to lore, to – you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen – better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please – please believe in me, too.
(spoiler alert: hell if this doesn’t sound like the speech Sam gave Dean in 14.12, but like way less frustrated, angry, and afraid)
8.17 Goodbye Stranger:
Meg: You ever miss the Apocalypse? Castiel: No. Why would I miss the end of times? Meg: I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot. We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?
(spoiler alert: Cas doesn’t miss the end of times. And the only reason he was “kind of bad” here was because he was being mind-controlled by Naomi so... Meg will be dead by the end of the episode, and Cas will be freed from Heaven’s control. Good times. Better than the apocalypse anyway)
8.19 Taxi Driver:
BOBBY: Yeah. Yeah, well... You know, I always figured that'd be the end of it... You know, just a Hunter's funeral. Zip. Nothing. And I was okay with that. Imagine my surprise. SAM: Well, I guess if there has to be an eternity, I'd pick Heaven over Hell. BOBBY: Yeah. 'Cause there's nothing screwy going on up there. SAM: I wish I made the rules. BOBBY: Well... I'll, uh, do my part, get to the end of this, but... I ain't exactly the retiring type, so, you idjits figure out a way to spring me...
(spoiler alert: apparently what’s burned doesn’t stay dead, s8 version? Also Sam wishes he made the rules... I love all these mentions of “the rules”)
8.21 The Great Escapist:
DEAN: We got the other half of the tablet. KEVIN: What? DEAN: It's the light at the end of your tunnel, kid. Don't say we never got you nothing.
(tfw the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a locomotive)
Dean: Cure a demon. Okay, ignoring the fact that I have no idea what that actually means, if we — if we do this, you get better, right? I mean, you stop trying to cough up a lung, and, and, and bumping into furniture? Sam: I feel better, yeah, um, just having a direction to move in. Dean: Well, good, cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic. Sam: But we're heading somewhere. The end.
(spoiler alert: LOLOLOL thing again bub.)
9.20 Bloodlines:
ENNIS: Look, I don't need no apology from you. DAVID: I lost someone, too, okay?! But I'm trying here. ENNIS: I'm sorry about your brother. He spoke about you at the end. He said, "David, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."
(I wasn’t gonna include this, because it’s purely conversational on top of being from this episode which doesn’t really count but... when they’ve both lost people in a sacrifice play, and one is mistaken for the other and his dying words for his brother are “I didn’t have a choice?” um... that just felt relevant)
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles?
Gadreel: I sat in this hole for thousands of years thinking of nothing but redemption, of reclaiming my good name. I thought of nobody, no cause other than my own. Castiel: You've been redeemed my friend. Gadreel: The only thing that matters in the end is the mission: protecting those who would not and cannot protect themselves. The humans. None of us is bigger than that, we will not let our fears, our self absorption prevent us from seeing it through. Not anymore. Castiel: No, no of course not. Gadreel: Move to the other side of your cell Castiel, and keep your head down. When they say my name, perhaps I won't just be the one who let the Serpent in, perhaps I will be known as one of the many that gave Heaven a second chance. Run sister.
(spoiler alert: redemption, selfless sacrifice, Gadreel meets his end to prove Metatron’s manipulative duplicity and reveal his real motive... that was just another game in a different loop of the spiral. In the end, it’s the only thing that matters)
10.20 Angel Heart:
CASTIEL: So do you think she's better off on her own? SAM: Cas, she just turned 18. CASTIEL: You were alone when you left for college at that age, weren't you? SAM: Yeah, but that's different. CASTIEL: How, Sam? SAM: Here's all I know ... going it alone, that's no way to live. You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you. CASTIEL: Maybe, in the end. SAM: In the end.
(spoiler alert: things don’t just get better right away, and they’re hard but family sticks together, loved ones stick together, even when they say they don’t want to... it might not be easy now, but in the end...)
11.02 Form and Void:
SAM: I was infected last night. You? RABID MAN: This morning. SAM: Wait a second. Then why -- RABID MAN: . . . am I further along? Don't know. This thing, it ain't math. I seen some people change fast, some change slow. But in the end . . . We all end up the same. We go psycho. And then we go boom. SAM: Well, that's not -- I'm gonna fix this. RABID MAN: LIAR! You and me, we're dead. We're just taking our sweet time about it. So if you were smart, you'd put a bullet in me . . . and then eat one yourself.
(Sam wasn’t lying, Rabid Man. You just didn’t make it. And Sam was smart not to put a bullet in either of you.)
Bonus, for extra manipulation:
HANNAH: Where is it? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then who would? The Winchesters? Castiel, if this is true, it's the end for all of us. Sam and Dean -- where are they? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then think harder! CASTIEL: How did you find me?
(because that’s the thing, Cas realized Hannah wasn’t there to help, not there to heal him, and that she’d been in charge of all of this all along. She could’ve helped Cas like he’d asked and earned his trust and he probably would’ve shared what he knew of the Darkness with her, but she resorted to the old Heaven Way Of Doing Things instead... and he saw through the manipulation)
11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
Man: Repress your sins. Beg for his divine mercy. When the end comes – and come it will – only the forgiven will ascend to holy grace.
Amara raises both her arms skyward, compelling lightning bolts. One by one the members of the crowd are struck down; with the final lightning bolt hitting the man who had been preaching. They are all dead, completely scorched. The blood on the fountain turns back to water. The thunderstorm ends. Amara surveys her work, her gaze resting on one body, still holding a sign that says: THE END IS NEAR!
(gotta love those wackadoo religious nuts in this universe, right?)
Dean: What is it exactly that you want? When you make the world of bliss and peace, what’s in it for you? Amara: What I deserve. Dean: Which is? Amara: Everything. Dean: Everything? Amara: I was the beginning and I will be the end. I will be all that there is. Dean: So, you’re it. [Dean turns away from Amara]. That would make you God. Amara: No, God was the Light. I’m the Dark.
(So Amara was the beginning and will be the ending, all that there is... kinda... sounds a bit like... the empty?)
11.10 The Devil In The Details:
Lucifer: Okay, you don't like me. I get it... I get it; sometimes I don't like me either. But Gabriel and Raphael are dead. God went out for a pack of smokes and never came back... and Michael... well, let's just say prison life hasn't really agreed with Michael. These days he's usually sitting in a corner singing show tunes and touching himself. Sam: So you're it. Lucifer [laughing]: I'm it! And hey, I'm not the good guy, we both know I'm not, but the Darkness, she's the end of everything. Lucifer crouches down so he is face to face with Sam, imploring with him. Lucifer: But I can beat her. We can beat her. You and me, together. So come on, Sam. Make the right choice, the big sacrifice one more time, man. Sam, it's time to save the world, man.
(hooooly shit there’s a lot of lying and manipulating happening here... and the Darkness? even she wasn’t the end of everything)
11.16 Safe House:
(mostly included for flashback-to-the-apocalypse lolz)
BOBBY: The apocalypse is on the horizon, and you wanna hunt a damn ghost! RUFUS: Well unless you found a way to stop the end of the world during your little siesta, we got jack all on any of that business. Now I knew you were in the area, heard about this possible little gig, I thought a win would be nice.
(because it’s the end of the world and weird random “wins” help. Plus things that exist outside of time and space in convenient pocket dimensions for easy storage outside of God’s lil creation)
11.17 Red Meat:
Michelle: I... I just wanted to see how you were doing. And to tell you th... [Her voice shakes with emotion and she pauses.] I'm sorry. You saved our lives and... [another pause] well, my mom used to say, um... I didn't believe her then, but I... I think I do now. She used to say... death... it's not the end.
Dean’s spirit: You know, the Darkness is out there... and the world is gonna burn. And once she gets started, that's the end of everything, including you. Now, Sam's the only one who can stop it. Billie: Hmm. How's that? Dean is lost for words. Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario. Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead. Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.
11.21 All in The Family:
Dean: You're right. I am drawn to you. And it bothers the hell out of me, 'cause I can't control it. Amara: Then why fight it? What you're feeling is that I am the end of your struggle. Something stops you. Keeps you from having it all.
(lol Amara REALLY wants to be the end doesn’t she... poor thing gonna get stuck with Mr. Infinite Loop Chuck... no wonder that’s like her worst nightmare. Heck, being locked up in nothingness sounds better, since that IS her deal... she’s not just the “end” though... she’s also the beginning...Alpha and Omega... Chuck is all the middle bits)
11.22 We Happy Few:
CHUCK: I can’t say I’m sorry if I’m not. (He places plates of pancakes in front of SAM and DEAN.) What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity. For the world. Look, Lucifer wants what everybody wants: Amara gone. ‘kay? Let’s just give him a little time to cool off. (CHUCK sips from a mug labeled WORLD’S GREATEST DAD.) DEAN: Okay, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is frickin’ nigh.
(omfg it’s all the Dabb era themes... god Chuck has always been a dick)
CLEA: End times shouldn’t bother you though, Ro, you a rat. Find your way off any sinkin’ ship. ROWENA: Damn right. The spell I’m working on is Book of the Damned magic, and it can get us back. We can buy ourselves a few more centuries of life. Turn back the clock for us before the world inevitably goes (sing-song) ‘bye-bye.’ CLEA: You scared. ROWENA: Aye. I came face-to-face with the Darkness. The Apocalypse bell’s been rung a few times in our day, but when I looked inside her, I saw it. Not just the end of the world, Heaven and Hell. The end of magic. 
11.23 Alpha And Omega:
CAS: The angels are—Heaven won't help. DEAN: They know that this is the end, right? Of everything. CAS: Yes. SAM: And they don't care? CAS: No, it's not that. It's... They know—They know God is dying and they don't think we can win this. Souls or no souls. They're sealing Heaven, and they're "dying with dignity".
(spoiler alert: it’s like they keep trying to do this all through Dabb era... even after the Shadow throws open every gate. They’re still dying. Kinda makes me think it’s Chuck’s doing... literally... all of it, since it was Humanity’s Plan in this episode that CHANGED things from Chuck’s plan to just... wait for the inevitable blast wave ending)
[Sam, Cas, Crowley and Rowena, and Chuck pull up in the Impala to ‘The The Lazy Shag’ bar/restaurant which has a ‘Closed’ sign on the door. A man walks by with a sign that says ‘The End Is Near’.]
(and a bit later Cas comments that Chuck looks terrible >.>)
12.12 Stuck In The Middle (With You):
[organ music plays, Castiel is sitting in his truck listening to the radio] RADIO: Each of us has a time the physical body dies. We all face God’s judgment in the end. There’s not one of us alive walking on this earthly plane that will not pay the consequence for their actions. [the Impala pulls into the parking lot, distracting Cas from the radio] RADIO: The Lord will hold us in the palm of his hand, and he’ll weigh our souls. Brothers and sisters, are you worthy? [Cas turns off the radio]
RAMIEL: Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted up angel? CROWLEY: I admit they don’t sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody, “this is the end of all things,” a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they’re an asset we can’t afford to lose.
(Crowley being sensible, there’s something much bigger than Ramiel’s surface-level read at stake here)
12.20 Twigs And Twine And Tasha Banes:
KETCH: It's the end for the American Hunters. Their time has passed.
WOMAN: I'm reaching the end of my very long life, and it's a problem. Max and Dean are also in pain. Another image of Tasha in the cellar bleeding profusely from her stomach area flashes. WOMAN: 'cause I sold my soul for power. So when I pass, my soul goes to Hell. Unless I can find someone to take the burden, to take my magic.
(spoiler alert: that’s YOUR problem, lady)
12.22 Who We Are:
SAM: Is this how you pictured it? The end? DEAN: Oh, you know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style. (Sam chuckles) SAM: Yeah. Blaze of glory. DEAN: Blaze of glory. (Dean smirks) Son of a bitch.
(spoiler alert: the grenadebaiting payoff. Gonna die anyway? May as well get the big boom.)
13.02 The Rising Son:
SAM: These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin’, huh? DEAN: Mm—hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family. SAM: According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it’s the end of the line.
(hey, for once, reaching the end of the line is a relief)
13.16 Scoobynatural:
SAM: Dude, what's wrong with you? DEAN: They don't know that they're in a...a C-word. And we're not gonna tell 'em about anything. Not where we're from, not about monsters. Nothing. Capiche? (Dean looks over to the Scooby Gang, standing across the room) DEAN: They are pure and innocent and good, and we're gonna keep it that way. SAM: Look, if you've seen this episode, why-why can't we just skip to the end? DEAN: Well, 'cause sometimes it's about the journey and not the destination.
(we can’t “skip to the end” because it’s about the JOURNEY, which is still ONGOING, and therefore NOT THE END)
Sam: Ha! Velma was right. It was a shady real estate developer after all. Jay: It's not fair. I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids. Dean: He said it! He said the line! Scooby Dooby Do! Sam: What are you doing? Dean: Well, I mean at the end of every mystery, Scooby looks at the camera and he says-- Castiel: Dean, you're not a talking dog. Dean: I know that. I... Sam: Yeah. Dean: No, but come on, I-I do look cool with the ascot, right? No? Guys? Come on, guys. Look, red is my color!
13.20 Unfinished Business:
KEVIN: I didn't have a choice! I… Y-you don't understand. I… I… I never used to believe in anything. Well, ex-except science-- quantum mechanical unpredictably. But then the end of the world happened, and everyone around me-- my friends, and my… my mom-- they all started to die. But God chose me? What… What does that even mean?! Michael said he wanted to save the world, not kill it. But he… he hurt so many people. When I couldn't perfect the spell, Michael, he got mad and threw me in the dungeon. And I was so scared, but I fixed it. B-but I… I couldn't do it anymore.
(aah, the poor Worst Version of Kevin, no choice, thought he was doing the right thing, manipulated by circumstance and empty promises...)
GABRIEL: I had it made-- all the booze I could drink, all the, uh, entertainment I could handle. [Sam interrupts and Dean looks disappointed, but the action returns to the motel room] SAM: Okay! Why don't we just skip to the end? [Gabriel sighs and skips to the end of the story, asleep in bed with the two women, when Sleipnir, Narfi, and Fenrir bound him with a sigil and kidnapped him from his bed] GABRIEL: So this is how it ended. By the time I came to, they had sold me to Asmodeus. SAM: Why would they do that? GABRIEL: Hello? Lucifer? In case you don't remember, there was an apocalypse brewing at the time.
(LOL Sam asked Gabriel to skip to the end of the story, and unlike Dean in 13.16, Gabriel did... no wonder Dean was disappointed, he was enjoying the journey even if most of Gabriel’s story was embellished beyond recognition)
LOKI: You think you're some… poor, innocent victim? [he strolls over and punches Gabriel again] Gabriel, with his deadbeat daddy and his mean older brothers. [he stomps on Gabriel] “Who will help me?” “Who will save me?” [he picks Gabriel up and pins him to the wall by his neck] I did! But you… you couldn't keep one promise. And then you had the audacity to ask me to help you again?! [he throws Gabriel down the hall, where Sam and Dean have arrived in a doorway behind him] You think I deserve to die for your spinelessness?! That my sons deserved to die?! [the fight continues, as Dean slides Loki’s sword to Gabriel and Gabriel finally gets Loki pinned to the wall at the tip of the blade] LOKI: Of course, of course you would need someone to swoop in and save your pitiful ass. GABRIEL: Shut up! LOKI: Face it, old friend, you're a joke. You're a failure. You live for pleasure. You stand for nothing. And in the end, that's exactly what you'll die for.
(heck... I mean, Loki dies here, because that “promise?” Gabriel didn’t break it. Loki just wouldn’t listen to facts or accept the reality of what happened. Gabriel had been trying to SAVE his father in 5.19, but THEY also wouldn’t listen... so... poor Gabriel was just stuck in the middle again, and he was imprisoned and tortured for it. Heck he better still be alive and that was another projection that died in 13.22)
14.03 The Scar:
Dean: You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. Sam: Yeah, I know. Dean: You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. Sam: Dean, you did what you had to do.
(ugh there’s that awful “you did what you had to do.” there was NO CHOICE. NONE. and Dean just wanted revenge at any cost for having been used like that... not even just by Michael, but in the Grander Scheme he has context for after 14.20)
14.07 Unhuman Nature:
Rowena: It's as I suspected. A Nephilim, for all its power, is an unnatural presence. Part human, part angel… It -- It doesn't quite fit. It's delicate. Its grace is what holds it in balance, and when Jack's grace was taken from him, his being fell into chaos. The -- The cells are gobbling each other up. Castiel: Well, if it's grace he needs, he can have mine. Rowena: No, dear, it won't do. Jack is part archangel. He needs a much stronger force and probably some kind of magic, and he needs it quick. Dean: How quick? Rowena: I don't...I don't exactly know, but he's enterin' a critical phase. Sometimes he'll look just fine, but then his body will give way and...it'll be the end of him.
(interesting phrasing...)
14.10 Nihilism:
Mainly, I wanted to make note of the song choice that plays in Rocky’s Bar, “Searchin’ for a Rainbow” by the Marshall Tucker Band. Because the lyrics repeat on a loop about looking for the end of the rainbow
14.11 Damaged Goods:
SAM: Mom, we don’t hug. I mean, w-we do, but only if it’s literally the end of the world, you know?
(yet... Dean awkwardly hugged him... sign of the apocalypse)
14.12 Prophet and Loss:
DEAN: Hey. Man, I-I just want to make sure that you’re still with me on this thing. You’re gonna see it through to the end. SAM: Well, I gave you my word, didn’t I? DEAN: Okay, alright. Just, you know, after what you said last night, I-I-I don’t need you and Mom coming up with some way to stop me. SAM: You know, Mom hates this. I hate this. DEAN: I know. SAM: And Cas and Jack, you haven’t even told them. DEAN: Okay, well, yeah, that’s because I’m not good with the whole big goodbyes, alright? I-I-I don’t need to get shaky on this thing. SAM: Wouldn’t be the worst thing. DEAN: You know what Michael wants to do, you know that this will stop it, and you know that there’s no other way. So, just put the end of this trip outta your head, okay?
(spoiler alert: oh look it’s nihilistic Dean from back in 5.18 come for a brief visit. good thing he got clocked on the noggin instead of doing this dumb thing)
Bonus that’s not really a bonus, because boy’s obsessed and it’s just not healthy:
DEAN: I believe in all of us. And I’ll keep believing until I can’t. Until there’s absolutely no other way. But when that day comes – if that day comes… Sam, you have to take it for what it is – the end. And you have to promise me that you’ll do then what you can’t do now, and that’s let me go. And put me in that box.
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The Daughter of a Righteous Man- Chapter 13
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After her husband is drug to Hell, Ava Winchester and her brother in law Sam try their best to do right by Dean and raise her daughter, only to find that good intentions aren’t always enough. Loving someone isnt always enough.
Chapter Thirteen, The Touch of an Angel
One kiss for the road. One kiss to say everything that we couldn't say, that we would never say. He pulled me closer, and I let him.
My heart was confused, my head swimming. There wasn't ever a choice. Not for this. Maybe in a different life.
Thunder rolled around us, and I pulled back. "We need to get inside."
"But if we go inside then it's over..."
I touched his cheek. It was rough from the beard he was growing. He looked older. "Sam... it already is over."
"I don't want to leave Nel..."
"You don't have to," I whispered. "I don't want you to leave." It wasn't fair, but I had to say it.
"I don't want to leave either, but this..." he gestured to us. "It's complicated. I don't know if I can look at you every day and not be with you."
I sighed and wiped my eyes. "Sam, I'm his wife. We got married. We had a child... He died for me. The two of us were happy, in love." I swallowed hard, biting back tears. "I'm his wife."
"And I'm his brother, Ava. You're not the only one who betrayed him."
Betrayed. There it was. The word I was searching for, but couldn't speak out loud. I promised my unborn child that I wouldn't let her fathers sacrifice go in vain. Instead, I got with his brother.
"It'll destroy him," I whispered. "If he finds out."
Sam looked down and he sucked in his breath. "Okay."
"It never happened." He turned toward the house, walking up the stairs, and through the front door.
It was final. It's what needed to be done. Thunder roared around me again and rain started falling all around me, washing me clean. Or trying to drown me. At this point I honestly couldn't tell which was which.
I walked up the stairs and around to the other side of the house, opening the sliding glass door that connected the wrap around porch to our bedroom. I didn't want to pass Sam again. I needed some space. We needed some space.
I slid open the door, shivering from the rain.
Dean sat up suddenly, his muscles tight. He looked around for me.
"Hey," I said to him.
He exhaled in relief. "Hey back." He opened his arms for me and I crawled into bed, despite my rain-soaked clothes. "Ave, you're soaking wet." He raised his eyebrows.
"I needed some air."
He ran his fingers through my wet curls. "Is this too much?"
I searched his face, he looked vulnerable. He was looking into my eyes for an answer. One that sat on both of our tongues. Do I still love him? I touched his cheek with my cold hand. He was warm, and he smiled at my touch, turning to kiss my palm.
"It's not too much. All I've wanted for the last four months is to be with you."
I thought back to my birthday wish. I wanted to be with him forever. It was always us.
"You're shivering," he commented. "Let me warm you up."
I scooted toward him, and he peeled off my wet sweatshirt and leggings. I snuggled against him under the blanket, pressing my naked body to his. He wrapped his arms around me and tangled his legs with mine.
"Thank you," Dean whispered to me.
"For what?"
"I don't know much about Hell, I don't remember much... but I do know that the only reason I'm here is because of you. I know that if I'm still sane it's because I never forgot how I felt about you."
I pulled him closer, so close that my very being ached. I love him. I love him so much.
"I could still feel your lips... and your hips." He grinned and winked at me.
"I thought about your hips the first day I met you." Bed breaking to be exact.
"I thought about yours too." Dean looked me over, his eyes burning my skin even in the midst of darkness. "You look way too good in your dress pants."
"And you look good in a suit."
"I guess we make a good pair." He kissed me again.
"I guess we do."
Our hands we're together, fingers intertwined, and I examined his hands. They were cut. His knuckles still fresh. "What happened?"
"Have you ever clawed your way out of a coffin?"
I frowned and pressed my lips to his knuckles. "Can't say I have," I whispered, my heart breaking inside of my chest.
"Did you get my note?"
I licked my lips and frowned. "It took me a long time to come back in here, but eventually I did read it."
"Did you do it? Let yourself be happy?"
I closed my eyes.
"Sam, if I watch anymore How I Met Your Mother I think I will morf into Ted Mosby."
"But it's happening. Come on one more."
"Why do you like this so much?" I asked, curled against his chest.
"It's hilarious."
"I mean, yeah. But why do you stay up with me watching it?"
"I like it,” he said stroking the length of my hair.
I knew why. I couldn't sleep, so he stayed up with me. It's how it had been since the first night I came home. The two of us cuddled on the couch watching some new tv show to distract me.
"So, I'm doing you a favor by watching it with you, is what you're saying." I grinned.
"You're so dumb." I laughed. "I'm going to make some popcorn."
"Add the ranch seasoning!"
"What? Do you think I'm new here or something. Of course I'll add the ranch seasoning!"
"In my own way, in a different way than what I'm used to... yeah I was happy."
"I'm glad." Dean nodded. "What about Sammy?"
"What about him?"
"Was he happy? He's out of the life so I bet he is."
"Yeah, Sam was happy."
I just hoped with everything in me that he could still be happy.
"Whiskey." I nodded to the bartender as I almost fell onto the bar stool. She kissed him. Of course she would. I knew she missed him, but somehow I thought it would've been different. Maybe it was because I still was tingling from being in bed together that morning. "Actually, make it a double."
The bartender slid me the glass, and I accepted the warmth willingly. Dean was back. I was so happy when I saw him, seeing him smile, seeing him alive. It's what I begged for as I dug at the frozen ground. It's what I threatened for with every demon Ruby and I exercised.
All I wanted for months was to see my brother again, and to not wake up in a cold sweat picturing him in Hell. It was all I wanted, but yet, when Ava saw him everything changed.
She looked shocked. He picked her up and her eyes locked with mine. The romantic dinner I was cooking for her was cold on the stove.
I finished the whiskey, and I gestured for another. What the fuck am I going to do?
I turned toward the familiar voice and was face to face with Ruby. Her hair was down in loose waves. She wore a tank top under her leather jacket. She looked pale.
"Ruby? What're you doing here?"
"Is it true?" She took a step toward me.
"Is what true?"
"Is Dean back from the pit?"
I took a drink of the new pour. "How did you hear about that?"
"So it is true."
"We think it was a demon."
"Sam." Ruby shook her head. "Demons can't just pull people out. Souls don't walk out of Hell. No one can do that. Not even Lilith."
I could see her shocked face as she tried to attack me, falling off short. "Maybe she isn't as strong as she likes to pretend she is."
"Sam this is serious," Ruby said low. "The demons are scared. I'm scared. Whatever did this is bad."
"You're a demon. Isn't bad your thing?"
"Not bad like a demon.. the earth quakes at its voice. This is cosmic. This is big."
"So what are you saying?" I asked with a sigh, gesturing for another glass.
"What are you doing?" She grabbed for the drink, but I stopped her arm.
"Celebrating," I said dryly.
"Is this about the girl? Fucking really Sam? What are you fourteen? There's so much more going on here than your love life." She moved closer to me. "Besides, if you need a girl in your bed you know one that's always willing."
I batted her away with a groan. I was attracted to Ruby, there was no doubt about it. She was sexy and powerful, but she wasn't Ava. Not even close.
"You need to figure out what this is before we are all dead," Ruby said, pulling her hand out from under mine. "So I hope your little fling doesn't get everyone killed. Goodbye Sam."
I watched Ruby walk away, swinging her hips. She was right. I couldn't be with Ava even if she wanted to. She was never mine to start off with, and more importantly, something yanked Dean from the pit, and we still have no idea why.
Alastair's eyes were black, his snaked tongue licking his lips as he brought the blade over my skin, carefully peeling it away.
I screamed out, not able to be the stoic badass I liked to believe myself to be. I tried to find my happy place away from the heat and sting of his blade. If I were alive I would've passed out a long time ago, but I'm not alive. I'm in Hell.
There was no happy place for me, no matter where I went I still felt his fingers on my skin forcing open wounds with tools that could only be invented by a master.
"Little Dean Winchester. So many scars. So much pain." He ran his knife along my skin, and I struggled against the restraint. "It's only a matter of time before I break you. Everyone has a breaking point."
Tears streamed down my cheeks. I wanted to call out for Sam, for Ava, but I knew better than to give him ammunition, to give him something else to hurt me with.
He lifted the blade and slammed it down on my ring finger, slicing it in two. My vision blurred for a second as I cried out, begging to pass out.
"Oops! It slipped!"
He was a liar. It never slipped. I was set up to endure an eternity of his sharp teeth and black eyes hanging over me, breathing hot wet breath that smelled like death.
"Well I'd hate for your other hand to not match." He lifted his blade with a larger than life smile, almost ripping open his cheeks to show rows and rows of razor sharp teeth.
I sat up in bed gasping for breath. I moved my hands out in front of me. They were still in tact.
"Hey, are you okay?" Ava asked, sitting up. She pressed the sheet to her bare chest.
"Just a bad dream," I admitted, my heart still pounding. I clamped my eyes closed trying to send the images away. I felt her lips against my shoulder and suddenly I could breathe deeply again.
I wasn't in Hell, I was with Ava.
A knock came to our bedroom door. "Hey ya idgits need to get around. I've got a lead." Bobby said through the door. "My friend Pamela is the best damn psychic in the US. If anyone can find out what pulled Dean out its her. Put on your boots, we leave in 10."
Ava and I drove in the Impala, and for some reason Sam rode with Bobby in his truck. Ava called Dad and told him we would pick up Nel on the way back home.
"He said he will take her to the park. He has enough bottles to last the rest of the day."
"He's going to take her to the park?" I asked dumbfounded. Not only was a four month old baby too young to possibly play at a park, but he never took his own kids to a park.
Ava snuck away to the bathroom to pump, complaining that her breasts were sore, while I got ready. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to take a peek, but I knew there'd be time to make up for everything I've missed.
We pulled up to Pamela's house, and found a curvy brunette in a Led Zeppelin tank top and tight jeans waiting for us on the porch. "Bobby!" She said, waving as he got out of the car.
I raised an eyebrow at Sam. Maybe he could take her out. Sam and Pam, they could double with Ava and I.
Christ when did I turn into the guy who thinks about double dates?
I glanced at Ava as she shook hands with Pam, she smiled shyly and my stomach fluttered. I knew exactly when I turned into that guy, and I was weirdly okay with it.
"Dean Winchester back from Hell." Pamela grinned as she took my left hand in hers. She eyed my wedding ring. "That's a real shame,” she murmured tapping the ring.
I shrugged. "That's What all the women say."
I heard Ava snort next to me, and I grinned cheekily.
"Any word? Are the spirits talkin?" Bobby asked as we entered the house.
"I've used my spirit board with about a dozen spirits and no one knows who pulled your boy out."
Sam sighed. "So what next, then?"
"Next, tall dark and handsome, I do a seance."
"You're going to summon the damn thing?" Bobby asked, shocked.
"No, no." Pamela laughed. "More like take a glimpse at it, like a crystal ball, but without the crystal." She patted Bobby's shoulder.
She went into the dinning room to set up and I hung back to catch Sammy. "Hey," I whispered to him. "You should go for it."
"Focus, Dean," he said sharply before walking away from me.
I frowned. What's his deal?
"Alright, take a seat around the circle,” Pamela said.
The table had a cloth draped over it and a pentagram in the center. There were a variety of candles lit, and the only light in the room was coming in through the closed blinds.
We all sat, Sam next to Pamela, Bobby next to Sam, Ava next to Bobby, and me in between Ava and Pamela.
"Take hands,” she instructed us.
I took Ava's in mine. Her palm was sweaty. "It's okay," I promised her at a level only she could hear. She nodded, but didn't look convinced.
"I need to touch something that the mystery monster touched." Pamela eyed me up and down.
"Here," I said exposing the handprint on my shoulder.
She closed her eyes and we followed her lead.
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle."
I opened my eye to take a peek. Something felt wrong. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I saw the tv in the corner come to life, on a static screen just like in the gas station.
"I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."
"Castiel?" I asked, feeling Ava squeeze my hand harder.
"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back."
Pamela's nails dug into my skin, and the table began to shake. The energy in the room was growing, threatening to bubble over.
"I conjure and command you, show me your face," Pamela chanted, over and over, her hand growing hot on my skin.
All of our eyes were open now, but Pamela's. Bobby looked alarmed as everything in the room seemed to tremble with the power pulsing through it. "Maybe we should stop."
"No, I've almost got it." She turned her face upwards and with a loud voice she shouted. "I command you, show me your face! Show me your face now!"
The flame from the candles in the center of the circle shot upward, and Pamela screamed out. She fell backwards in her chair, clawing at her eyes. Our hands dropped, and I fell to the ground next to her, taking her head in my lap. She was bouncing between screams and sobs. "I... I can't see."
Where her eyes used to be, were two burned out holes. She was completely blind.
"Call 911!"
Castiel. What the fuck are you, and why did you bring me back? What could you possibly want with me?
Chapter Fourteen, You Deserve to be Saved
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Supernatural AU: Episode 1 - Born to Fire
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Part 1 
I’m a big fan of books when I don’t have to pour over hours and hours of lore. Emerson and Shakespeare are two of my favorites. Actually, Emerson once said “the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” Tell that to whatever cosmic entity fucked up the lives of my brothers and me. We keep deciding and ‘they’ keep knocking us off the path we ride.
Ask Sam and he’d tell you he’d make his own destiny. No one was in control but him. Ask Dean and he’d tell you destiny was bullshit.
Me on the other hand? I had to believe my brothers and I, our family, was destined for this. Whatever this even is. Otherwise I’d have no other way to justify the years of unrelenting anguish. Losing Mom. Losing Dad. Heaven. Hell. Torture. Separation. Loneliness. Guilt. So much fucking guilt. If it was destiny, it was palatable – at least for me, but without the drive of destiny behind all this…I would’ve put a bullet in my brain long ago. Boy do I wish we could go back to the good ol’ days. You know, your typical vampires, ghouls, ghosts and werewolves?
Then again, life has never been typical for us and our childhoods were lost before we’d even hit double digits. Again, if this wasn’t destiny, if this was all just happening and we have no say in anything at all, I’ll eat the butt of a gun.
I know the kind of person I want to be, but something about all this seems a little too out of my control. 
November 1981
“Should we say goodnight to Sammy?” Mary asked with her fingers clasped lightly around Bobbie’s hand. The young girl pulled away and carefully but quickly climbed into the crib to place a kiss on her littlest brother’s head. He’d only been here for six months, but everyone, even the neighbors they barely spoke with could see that the five-year-old girl would already do anything for him. She was a little mother-in-training. That wasn’t to say that Dean wouldn’t do the same. He was hovering around the littlest Winchester almost as much as Mary and his older sister.
With his mother’s help, Dean leaned into the mahogany crib and pecked the top of his baby brother’s head. “Goodnight, Sammy. Love you.”
Although it took another hour, promises to take them to the park in the morning and three bedtime stories, which Bobbie and Dean fought about of course, Mary finally got her eldest two to sleep. With the kids down for the night, she was able to go sleep herself (thankfully, so necessary), waking up just hours later to the white noise from the TV downstairs mixed with the rustling of Sam’s baby monitor. How had parents survived before baby monitors?
“John?” Mary was in bed alone again. He never had been able to sleep well. It was a perfect night, cool but not cold, no wind whatsoever – only the slight rumbling of thunder far off in the distance. A little abnormal for a November night actually. There was no reason he shouldn’t have been able to sleep, but that’s how he’d always been.
As she slipped out of the bedroom, sleep still heavy in her eyes she saw a flicker of light. At the end of the hallway, the light was flaring on and off. This house wasn’t all that old and they’d just recently replaced the light bulbs so she found it a bit odd. Some poking and prodding turned the light steady, but before she could go and find John, she got distracted by a sound coming from Sam’s room.
When she opened the door, she saw her worst fear realized.
Downstairs, John awoke to an ear-piercing scream in the direction of Sam’s room, but when he went to find his wife, she was nowhere to be found. “Hey, buddy,” he said softly, touching the top of the peaceful infant’s head. For a moment, he looked around for Mary before turning his attention back to his third, and final (definitely final, he was getting too old for this) child.
A small drop thudded onto the crib beside Sam’s head. It was liquid of some kind and was seeping into the sheets. Seriously? Was there already a leak in this roof?
“What?” John asked aloud as his finger dragged across the drop and the copper smell began to fill his nostrils. A pit formed in his stomach as he looked up to see Mary pinned to the ceiling, a gash across her stomach and blood staining her flowing, white nightgown. “Mary!”
Before he could process anything, fire began to bloom around her body; she was petrified in place but was all too aware of what was happening to her. He could see it in her eyes - the fear, the uncertainty, the guilt. Why guilt? An inherited family trait it seemed. Quickly, he turned toward the crib and grabbed Sam, running down the hallway to get his other two children to safety.
“Daddy!” Bobbie called. The little girl had bolted upright the second her mother had screamed. Dean followed closely behind, bewildered by the frightened look plastering his father’s face. His father was never scared. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”
Without a second thought, John shoved the six-month old into Bobbie’s arms. “Take your brothers outside as fast as you can. Don’t look back. Now, Bobbie!”
She bolted down the stairs, gripping tightly onto her baby brother while glancing back over and over again to ensure Dean was still there. Her father was trusting her. She had to make sure the boys were safe. That was her job. “Bobbie, Mom and Dad?” Dean asked focusing his gaze on the steps as they moved toward the door and out into the cool November night. In his short little lifetime, he’d never seen his father or his sister more scared.
He stopped in his tracks for a second and searched for either of their parents before Bobbie grabbed him by the collar of his pajama shirt and dragged him outside. “I don’t know, but we have to go!” It was the moment her innocence was lost and she was forced to grow up before her time.
Once outside, Bobbie and Dean stopped again and stared up at the house, jarred forward when John came running up behind them. “Move!”
It was just in time. The force of the explosion propelled the family toward the front of the lawn. It was probably for the best that the children didn’t see the horror unfold. They could remember what the house looked like, what their mother…
John however looked back in horror. His wife. His home. Both gone.
“Where’s Mommy?” Dean asked. His eyes were resting on Sam who was still resting somewhat peacefully in his sister’s arms.
“She’s dead,” Bobbie said softly, taking John off guard, before she burst into tears. “Mommy’s gone!” As a neighbor emerged from next door, Bobbie ripped the cross necklace off her collarbone, threw it on the cement and ran to him. She couldn’t look at her father; he’d told her that God would watch over them and keep them safe. God was nowhere around their house. He wasn’t real. He couldn’t be. The God her parents had described wouldn’t have let this happen.
Three-year-old Dean had no idea what Bobbie really meant. Mom would be back in a while. He just knew it. “Where did Mommy go? Why did she leave?”
“I don’t know, Dean,” John said, his hand shaking as he held it to his mouth. “I…I don’t know.”
Present Day – 2002
“Don’t you dare sit your vamp gut covered ass in my beautiful Baby,” Dean yelled, his voice carrying through the grove of trees as Bobbie made her way toward the decades-old Impala. It was a thing of beauty, passed down to Dean, the car-lover of the three of them, but they were still no closer to finding John and after taking out a small nest of vampires on the California-Nevada border, they desperately needed a shower and a few hours sleep before heading out to get Sam at Stanford…hopefully. They really did need the extra pair of eyes.
Turning back, Bobbie sing-songed. “Oh looooook! I’m sitting down in the car! I’m covered in vamp guts. Oh, no, Baby’s gonna get so dirty.” Teasing Dean about the car was so much fun. It was astounding how much he loved this car and how he expected it to stay clean and safe and pretty given their line of work. As Dean stared her down, she flashed the cheesiest smile at him pointing at the dimples she’d never seemed to be able to lose.
In mock anger, Dean threw the car door open, silently apologizing to his one true love when the door bounced back and hit him in the ass. “I should kill you for defiling my Baby… Ass.”
“Bitch. I’d like to see you try.”
Hours after checking into their crappy motel, the two elder Winchesters checked out, showered and as well rested as they were ever going to be. “You look like hell,” Dean said sarcastically as they got into the car. The beds were like cardboard and there was a couple next door that really needed to keep that shit at home. No sleep was had.
“Aww. You’re one of the sweetest little brothers anyone could ask for,” she replied, her tight –lipped smile causing Dean to snort. “I slept like shit.” She was surprised he’d actually slept, given the noise next door, but then it occurred to her that there were a few extra bottles of beer on the nightstand this morning. Apparently, he’d knocked himself out.
“Same nightmare?”
She spoke softly, almost drowned out by the roar of Baby’s engine and the gravel under her wheels. “Yea, both of them though.”
One was of the night their mother died. That much Dean knew. However, Bobbie had never shared the other with him and he knew better than to ask. She was open with him, almost to a fault and his annoyance. If she didn’t want to talk about it, there was a reason why and he didn’t want to press it. Plus, she was scary when she was pissy.
For nearly 40 miles, they sat in silence. It was hard to forget the things they went through –at least entirely. Actually, to forget it entirely was impossible, but zoning out on the open road ahead of them or the skyline of whatever city they happened to be passing through helped them to drown out the incessant noise in their heads for awhile. It was obvious to both that the other was thinking about something - something not all together pleasant – but it was Dean who broke the silence. This is why he blasted music. Silence left too much room for running thoughts, but after a mission or a case or whatever you wanted to call it Bobbie insisted on some quiet. “Why us?”
There couldn’t be a bigger question. It was always in the back of their minds but only after large swathes of silence did one of them ask the all-important inquiry. The silence took away the filter on their brains for some reason. “I don’t know, but I say it’s fate.”
“You believe in fate and destiny and all that crap?” Dean asked in surprise, shoving a slightly melted candy bar into his mouth. Bobbie was so grounded in reality, so good at getting the job done each and every time that it seemed out of the realm of reason for her to believe in something so indefinable as destiny.
Shrugging, she faced her brother, who was of course driving the car because god forbid anyone else put their hands on Baby’s wheel. She could’ve commented on the chocolate he was getting on the wheel, speaking of defiling, but she didn’t have the energy for it. “I have to Dean. If I don’t, my head gets more fucked up than it already is. If what happened to us plays some part in some bigger plan, then I can make sense of it.”
“How? How does Mom dying in the middle of the night engulfed in flames and plastered to the ceiling make sense?”
She started kneading the side of her head with her knuckle, feeling another migraine coming on. “It doesn’t, but if what happened back then leads to something else, then my brain has a course to follow. A stupid course, a totally not fair course, but there’s a path. It’s fixed in that way in my head, so in my own way I can make sense of it. If I can’t make sense of it, then I put a bullet in my brain.”
Dean nearly slammed the brakes as they came to the red light. Oops. She did tend to say things she shouldn’t, overshare if you will, when she was in pain and tired. The cranky ramblings of a deranged hunter are what she tended to call it. “You’ve…?” He asked shakily, unable to keep his voice steady. She was his rock; the thought that she’d wanted to check out even just once made him anxious.
“Thought about blowing my brains out?” She asked. “With what we’ve gone through and what we do is that really a surprise to you?”
He cocked an eyebrow as he thought about it. It was understandable. They’d been through more bullshit in less than 30 years than most did in their entire lives, but in his mind, he’d just drink and whore himself to death eventually. Or go out in a bloody battle. One or the other. Probably one after the other. “I guess not.” In an instant everything Dean thought he knew about his sister was turned on its head. “So why us. If we were destined for this, which I think is bullshit by the way, why us?”
Nearly every second of every day had been spent trying to figure that out. “I don’t know, but the Winchesters were born to fire, Dean. I’m sure of it.“
A/N: I hope you like Bobbie as much as I already love her. There’s so much more in store. If you want to be added to the taglist, go here and like the post.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 9x06: “Heaven Can’t Wait”
THEN: Reverend Buddy Boyle, the angels’ new way to find vessels. Abaddon vs Crowley for the throne of Hell. Crowley went almost human. Cas is human. Zeke told Dean to kick Cas out of the Bunker; Dean kicks Cas out of the Bunker.
Rexford, Idaho.
Poor man. I wonder what brought him to this moment.
RIP first victim. Vaporized.
Cas’ new human life, as Steve.
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Aww, denied a high-five. :(
“Okay, Steve, last question – where have you been all my life?” Don’t answer that literally, hon.
“There's... something different about you.”
“I can assure you, there's – there's not.”
“I know these things. You're ... hmm … special.”
Kevin’s back at the Bunker.
Research time. Dean does not look happy.
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Saved by the bell.
“I may have a case for you. Four missing in Rexford, Idaho. Presumed dead, but no bodies have been released to loved ones. And, there were reports of a strange substance at the scenes.” 
“Oh, well, hello to you too, Cas. How are you?”
Aww. I love Dean/Cas phone calls.
“All right. So, how do you want to do this? You want to meet up at the latest scene? You want me to pick you up? What?”
“Um … I've got my hands full over here.”
Cas is just struggling.
Dean telling Sam that he won’t be seeing Cas while investigating the case he gave him...I’m sure he was really speaking to Zeke there.
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“You got me.”
“I also found a rolled-up sleeping bag behind the tool locker.”
“Yes, I wanted to be thorough with inventory, so I worked late last week, and taking a nap here was easier than going back home to my bed. Which I-I have, of course – a bed...and a home.”
“Wow, Steve. You're so... responsible.” HOMELESS. HE’S SO HOMELESS.
“I've been afraid to ask. I-I don't want to take advantage of you as my employee, and I certainly don't want to jeopardize our working relationship. But as a working single mom, it's hard enough to get a date, let alone meet a really great guy. And … tomorrow's my night off, and I know you're off, too, and … I was just wondering if there's any chance you're... free tomorrow night?” 
She even kissed him on the cheek when he said yes! Come on, now!
“Four dead. Just got confirmation.”
“And, uh, any common threads you can think of?”
“Well, Joe in there had the suicide hotline on speed dial. The gal before him was a shut-in. Had enough antidepressants in her medicine cabinet to stock a pharmacy. The first victims – a married couple out of Sugar City. Pretty much a walking billboard for no-fault divorce.”
All victims were basket cases.
“If the tests come back same as the others … it's everything. Blood, skin, hair, nails. Internal organs. Even clothing fibers. Like these poor souls got run through the world's finest wood-chipper.” Good lord.
“Have you tried Professor Morrison?”
“Yeah, he's unreachable. He took a sabbatical to live amongst the Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea.”
Professor Morrison! Holy hell, didn’t expect to hear about him.
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Dean just...stared at Cas...this entire time....
“He dumped me, Jace. In the cafeteria. In front of everyone. It's just like ... who does that, you know? Like, why couldn't he just dump me on Facebook like a normal person? I've been destroyed. Socially and romantically … totaled. I know. I'm just so embarrassed, Jace. I could just die.”
RIP teenager. Vaporized.
“Good day, ma'am. And good luck!” Cas, you sweetheart.
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Aww Dean. You really wanted to surprise Cas.
“I'm responsible for inventory, sales, customer service. I keep this place – thank you – clean and presentable. And when my manager's busy, I even prepare the food.”
“Wow. So you went from fighting … heavenly battles to nuking taquitos?”
“Nachos too.”
Cas takes pride in what he does, as average as it is. It’s kinda admirable.
“Crowley, the only reason you're alive is because my brother thought you would be useful. So far you've done Jack. Back to plan ‘B,’ I guess.”
“Which is?”
“Give you up to Abaddon.”
“You think you can threaten me with that hack?! She's all fury, no finesse.”
“I'm not so sure. Our last encounter with Abaddon, she was, uh – she was pretty terrifying. Scarier than you've been in years.”
Hit him where it hurts: his ego.
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What a freaking child.
“This is not you, man. You are above this. Come on.”
“No, Dean. I'm not. I failed at being an angel. Everything I ever attempted came out wrong. But here … at least I have a shot at getting things right.”
What did Nora think of these two?
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“That's what this is about!”
“The girl.”
Come on, now.
Agent Lee Ermey.
“There was another kill, over at the high school. You comin'?”
“I wouldn't be much use. I don't have my powers.”
What Dean said to Cas back in S6 still stuck. ( “Well, that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trenchcoat.”)
“All right, my shift's over in five minutes, and my date's not until later, so...”
“Attaboy! I'll go get the car.”
“Not just yet. I have to clean the bathroom?”
“One second, we're talking, and the next, she just...stops. And then everyone in the cafeteria freaks, rushing, and pointing out the window, at— C- could that really be her?” Yeah it is, unfortunately.
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“Kinda bummed?”
“Yeah. Like more bummed than when she got a "C" on a quiz, and... less bummed than when her parents split up. 'Kind of ... bummed.'”
“Dean, this is bad. This is very bad.”
Rit Ziens. “It's, uh, Enochian for "Hands of Mercy." They functioned like medics. They tended to the wounded. They healed those who could be healed, but for the mortally wounded, those who were past saving, the Rit Zien's job was to put them down.”
“The Rit Zien home in on pain, it's like a beacon to them. So, when this angel fell to earth, he heard the victims' cries, and their anguish, same as he'd hear an angel's in heaven. He's continuing his heavenly work down here. One suffering human at a time.”
“Yeah, but this last victim was not suffering. She was just a normal, moody kid.”
“But he just got here. The ebb and flow of human emotion – Dean, I've been on earth for a few years, and I've only begun to grasp it. To him, pain is pain.”
“All right, well, we got to stop him.”
“You have to stop him.”
“You're scared.”
“It's different now, Dean. Everything feels different.”
Poor hon.
“You stay safe.”
Did Dean think Cas was gonna walk?
Crowley asked for a phone call with Abaddon.
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“I don't think so. I mean, I – I don't trust Crowley, either. But I can't honestly see him working with Abaddon. He hates her too much.”
“Cas, wait. I can’t let you do this.”
*Destiel shippers hold their breath...*
“You're gonna wear that, on a date?”
*Destiel shippers release breath, disappointed as hell.*
“Lose the vest, come on.” “And do the buttons – why don't you unbutton it?”  
Bro. This is gay af out of context.
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Cas picked a rose for her. Swoon.
“Steve! I'm so glad you're here. Come in. I thought I was gonna be late!”
“Late for what?”
“My date!”
*groan* The plot twist. Cas is babysitting.
Aww, Cas. I’d go on a date with you.
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Cas’ face when Tanya starts crying is me when a baby starts crying.
Kevin still believed his mother was dead.
He still has his tattoo.
Crowley gets his phone call.
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“What? What happened?”
“I've been placed on hold.”
Never forget that Cas sang a lullaby to a crying baby...and it was TV show’s theme song.
(Singing a TV show’s theme song as a lullaby is perfectly in character for Cas, who loves TV and would’ve watched this show at some point. However, if they had stuck with the original idea of having Cas sing “Highway to Hell”, I would’ve flipped my shit. It would’ve been proof of Cas picking up habits from Dean.) 
“Nobody told you. Nobody explained. You're just … shoved out kicking and screaming into this human life, without any idea why any of it feels the way it feels, or why this confusion, which feels like it's … a hair's breadth from terror or pain. You know, just when you think you do understand, it'll turn out you're wrong. You didn't understand anything at all. Guess that's just how it is when you're new at this.”
Tanya’s the cutest little baby.
“You know, it wasn't that long ago when all I'd need to do to ease your pain was touch you.” 
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“Okay, Tanya, we're taking a little walk.” Aww. 
“Hello, Castiel.”
Cas has a habit of remembering any angel he meets, popular or not.
“You know, there's a lot you don't understand about humanity at first. If you would just stop—”
“Stop? I won't stop … until I wash the planet clean of all suffering.”
Good luck with that.
“Don’t. Touch. Her.”
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“No, Castiel. I came for you.” OOhhh, other plot twist.
“Crowley, how in the hell are you?”
RIP person. Killed by Abaddon.
Cas just cut his palm with rose thorns and didn’t wince once.
“Earth can be a hard place. But these humans, they can get better. They're just doing the best they can.” Thanks, Cas. :’)
Damn it, so close.
“Now what are you doing? Burying your head in the sand. Right when your kind needs you the most.” They’re trying to kill him, dude.
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“But as what, Castiel? As an angel? or a man?” Again with this dilemma.
Dean, who knew that Cas was in danger, comes barging in, angel blade in hand....Was he afraid that he’d enter that home to find Cas dead again??
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“...to be the Winchesters' bitch? It's been fun indulging in your bluffs, but we both know you have no real authority left, no leverage. You have nothing to offer me. You have – nothing.”
“Your way will backfire.”
That’s true.
“You. Will. Burn.” That’s also semi-true.
“Bring me the translations. I keep my agreements.” Crowley’s business ethics are great.
The spell is irreversible. “This spell can't be undone. The new world order – we're stuck with it.”
“You say you want to live. But you can't see what I see. By choosing a human life, you've already given up. You … chose … death.” Ephraim’s last words.
RIP Ephraim. Killed by Cas.
Dean now knows about the spell being irreversible.
“I'm, uh, sorry I overreacted. Um. My friend gave me a tip. A low dose of acetaminophen brought the fever right down.” Dean told Cas how to deal with Tanya’s fever.
[How long was Dean around the house? At what time did Nora come home, and was it enough time for them to clean the house?? I have so many unnecessary questions.]
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“...that cares so much? That's what makes you special.”
“Where to, Cas?” Did Dean think Cas had a place to go home to?
A missing syringe...
Crowley’s addiction to human blood has been exposed. 
So, I gotta ask...where did Cas spend the night?
“Listen, Cas … Back at the bunker, I, uh... Sorry I told you to go. I know it's been hard on you, you know, on your own. Well, you're adapting. I'm proud of you.” Aww.
“Thank you, Dean. But there's something Ephraim said. The angels – they need help. Can I really sit this out? Shouldn't I be searching for a way to get them home?”
“Me and Sam will take care of the angels. You're human now. It's not your problem anymore.”
Dean had the chance to tell Cas the truth...and he didn’t. (What did Karen Singer say? “I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you've never been in love. He's my husband. My job is to bring him peace... not pain.”)
Cas, the jilted lover.
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