#santino is a writer
bluelolblue · 1 month
I always headcanonned Santino as a writer. Like he never published his own works, but yeah, he has written a lot and enjoys writing :))
Yes! I was thinking about that too!
Maybe so I can relate to him even more, but he is giving me that vibe. A writer who writes for himself and doesn't publish his work. And I think it really does fit him. We all know he likes art (considering his meeting with John at the museum and hosting a party there) and writing is also a form of art if you ask me so yeah I can absolutely see him enjoying writing :]
And I believe he's really good at it and writes some poems or like mini stories based on his day or some life event that he went through and based on his feelings, too. I can see him writing down his emotions and writing his soul into all that. He's really passionate about it, too :)
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evren-sadwrn · 2 months
𝒔𝒆𝒊 𝒎𝒊𝒐 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 ( 𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒊 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆 )
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paura di uscire, anche se non accade | trans mtf!gianna d’antonio
⟢ a/n: la mia prima volta a scrivere in italiano scusate se ci sono errore :[
version on ao3 for quick translation | wc: 1090 | divider by @/benkeibear
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Il buio gelido della mezzanotte che albeggia sulla casa della Famiglia D'Antonio, l'odore della polvere depositata su ciottoli e marmi, la puzza di un qualcosa di dolce, l'odore del mare che circonda l'Italia. Un mare freddo di notte. C'è un sentimento, quello disgustosamente opprimente dell'empatia. Non essere spietati per qualcuno, nientemeno che per Gianni stesso. Gianni D’Antonio. Il figlio d’oro. Il favorito della famiglia.
Santino è avido, è sempre stato un uomo avido, avido. Tutto quello che voleva, e anche di più, lo pretende da tutti gli altri. Lui è così.
Vuole tutto e ancora di più. Lui, è avido. Ma mantiene una facciata di elequonza.
"Gia", chiama Santino bussando alla stanza del fratello. La risposta? Silenzio. Santino bussa ancora, prima di decidere di aprire la porta a se stesso. “Gianni?” La stanza è buia, fredda. Molto freddo. L'odore del profumo—
Profumo? Santino si guarda intorno nella stanza del fratello. Profuma di ciliegie e di odori dolci e femminili. Qualcosa che Santino si aspetterebbe dalle sue ragazze— e non dalla stanza di Gianni. Oro e ornamenti finemente lavorati sono sparsi ordinatamente per la stanza. Alle pareti sono appesi quadri, la collezione d'arte privata di Gia.
Santino invidia Gianni, da cose semplici a una comprensione molto più complessa. Il suo aspetto, la sua sicurezza, il suo carisma, il modo in cui si comporta; Santino vuole sentire che, la falcata sicura di Gia.
Un’altra cosa: è differente. Più morbida. Le coperte che drappeggiano il letto sono morbide, foderate di pizzo insieme ai cuscini. Fiori in vaso: sul comodino, nell'angolo, accanto all'armadio.
Ora che è qui, forse può rubare l'auto di Gianni per un'ora o due. Santino apre uno dei cassetti di Gia sulla scrivania per le chiavi dell'auto. Lo trova quasi subito, ma sotto c'è un piccolo quaderno. Suscita il suo interesse, così lo raccoglie rapidamente e si siede sul bordo del letto di Gia."Non gli dispiacerà se ho dato un'occhiata ai suoi pensieri,” Santino pensa che mentre sfoglia le pagine. Le parole non lo interessano, poiché si tratta soprattutto di come Gia racconta la sua giornata e le cose che ha fatto. A Santino non importa nulla della sua vita.
Ma c'è qualcosa che cattura lo sguardo di Santino.
‘Non mi piace essere un uomo. Vorrei essere una donna. Prima a Roma ho comprato degli oggetti che mi aiutano a sentirmi meglio.’
“Santino!” Santino ha appena il tempo di accorgersi che Gianni è tornato nella sua stanza. Rapidamente, Gia strappa il taccuino a Santino. “Cosa hai letto?”
“Niente!” Santino promette, mentre prende le chiavi della macchina e le infila in tasca. “Posso avere la tua auto?”
“Non dirlo è papà, per favore, Santino.” Gia sa che Santino sa. “Qualunque cosa leggiate qui, non diteglielo.”
Santino è silenzio, la sua lingua diventa secca. Gia espira pesantemente.
“Perché?” Santino chiede. Santino ridacchia a mezza voce. “E’ uno scherzo, vero?” Gia è silenzio stavolta. “No..?” La voce di Santino si disperde mentre guarda Gianni, osservando l'espressione del volto del fratello.
“No, Santino.” Gianni dice. “No. Vorrei che fosse uno scherzo. Vorrei. Così posso ridere con mia madre quando chiedo di andare in altri posti. Ma non. Fa male desidare qualcosa che non si avvererà.”
Santino guarda Gianni con attenzione, in attesa di qualcosa. Non si sa bene cosa stia aspettando, ma tra i due fratelli c'è silenzio. Sorella? Forse.
Schiocca la lingua prima di passare silenziosamente davanti a Gianni per andarsene. Santino non aveva intenzione di fare nulla. Ma ora lo fa. Gli costerà molto, ma non gliene importerà nulla.
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Sono passate quattro o cinque ore da quando Santino è tornato alla villa e ora è di nuovo qui!
“Quello stronzo ha preso la mia macchina.” Gia sussurrò sottovoce mentre vede Santino scendere dalla sua auto. “Cazzo,”
Quel coglione sta tornando a casa dal garage con le borse in mano. Probabilmente un regalo per la sua nuova ragazza. Esibizioniste.
Gia ha un sapore amaro in bocca mentre guarda Santino che torna verso la porta d'ingresso della villa. Il palmo della mano sotto il mento, guardando con i suoi occhi verdi. Gia sospira, la mano gli accarezza la testa mentre lui sbuffa per lo stress. È in difficoltà. Il suo cuore batte forte e i suoi pensieri corrono più veloci dei cavalli in fuga. E se Santino lo avesse detto al padre? E se lo avesse detto a tutti? No, no, no. Cazzo. Non avrebbe dovuto scriverlo, non avrebbe dovuto—
“Gianni!” La voce di Santino è forte dall'altra parte della porta bianca. Bussa, con forza.
“Vattene.” Gia grida dall’altra parte. “Vattene, Santi, Vattene.”
“Le chiavi…?” Santino dice di entrare. Si lascia convincere e Gia ci casca. “Le chiavi dell'auto, le ho prese io. Se non apri questa porta, la tua macchina è mia!”
“Questo fastidioso parassita…” Gia borbotta sottovoce. “Mio dio,” Gia apre la porta, ma Santino entra a forza con un sorriso fastidioso. “sei irritante, Santino.”
“Sì, lo so, cara sorella.” Gia deve ammettere che quelle parole di essere chiamata sorella le hanno dato un po' di felicità.
Santino ha in mano delle borse. Gia è un po' preoccupata per l'interno delle borse. "Santino, che cazzo hai in quelle borse?" Gia chiede, indicandole.
"Sei molto eccitata, Gia." Un'osservazione sarcastica e sciocca di Santino, che si siede sul letto di Gia come se fosse suo. Santino apre la borsa che ha, prima di richiuderla e lanciarla a Gia perché la prenda. “Ho graffiato la tua auto. Non voglio pagare i danni.”
“Certo che hai danneggiato la mia macchina, insolente, disordinato, irritante stronzetto....” Quando gli occhi di Gia guardano la borsa, le sue parole svaniscono mentre elabora ciò che sta vedendo e che suo fratello le ha appena comprato (sacrificando la nuova verniciatura della sua auto). “Cosa?”
L'incredulità colpisce Gia.
“Cos’è questo, Santi?” Gia chiede a Santino che sta scegliendo delle scarpe di Gia che molto probabilmente vuole portare con sé.
“La borsa, Santino.”
“Sì, è?”
“Gli abiti di seta sono per le donne.”
Gia dice, mentre Santino raccoglie le scarpe— "Non toccarle.” Lei dice severamente.
“Non ti ho ancora comprato un vestito o dei tacchi. Dato che potresti dover iniziare dal primo livello. Bisogna entrarci lentamente.” Santino fa spallucce.
"Non so cosa dire" Dice Gia mentre si siede e guarda l'accappatoio.
“Grazie mille?”
“Benvenuti,” Gia dice che è un modo per colpire Santino.
“Dovrebbe essere il contrario, Gia.” Santino dice.
“Hmmm….. no.” Dice Gianna prima di lanciare un paio di scarpe a Santino. "Ora vattene"
“Hey!” Santino osserva le scarpe. “Puttana.” Sussurra prima di andarsene, posando le chiavi sul letto di Gia.
( wickblr pride anon if you see this i love you )
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thenerdsofcolor · 3 months
Director Peter Farrelly and the Stars of ‘Ricky Stanicky’ on the Movie’s Funniest Moments
NOC Interviews: Director Peter Farrelly and the Stars of ‘Ricky Stanicky’ on the Movie’s Funniest Moments @JohnCena @ZacEfron @WilliamHMacy @CheetoSantino @PrimeVideo #RickyStanicky @AmazonStudios @mgmstudios
It’s time to meet Ricky Stanicky, the best friend we never had! That’s right, the new R-rated comedy is finally streaming on Prime Video and I was lucky enough to speak with director and co-writer Peter Farrelly as well as stars John Cena, Zac Efron, Andrew Santino, Jermaine Fowler, and William H. Macy. Continue reading Director Peter Farrelly and the Stars of ‘Ricky Stanicky’ on the Movie’s…
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lovevamp · 20 days
allow me a moment of absolute haterism when i say that the “armand is keeping akasha and enkil in dubai” is truly my least favorite iwtv theory in the world. not that i put it past the writers to do it, but i think to do it demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding between all characters involved. first of all, for this theory to work it implies marius either A) abandoned the parents or B) is dead. i won’t even entertain the theory that akasha abandoned him for armand bc that’s just fucking absurd, so let’s just break down why these two options are both terrible.
okay so option A. i’ve seen people who believe this theory answer the “well where would marius be if not dead?” question with “well he’s dealing with the great conversion!” which like. what? marius’ priority has always been the parents. the great conversion just means there’s an influx of fledglings which is literally not marius’ fucking problem. he would NOT abandon the parents for this! not only that, but i think this theory doesn’t take into account that akasha very much has a say in who keeps her. she picked marius, she has picked marius multiple times. she very pointedly did not let marius go after armand after he was taken by santino, so why on gods green earth would she let marius abandon her and then let ARMAND take her? be so fucking serious now.
as for option B, marius being dead would require someone even more older and/or powerful coming out of the woodwork to destroy him and if they can kill marius they could definitely kill armand. and furthermore what reason does anyone have to kill marius if not to take the parents? marius hasn’t even called everard big boned because blood & gold hasn’t been published yet! so nobody has any reason to want him dead at this point in time!
also, how would armand even know who the parents are or what to do with them? who told him this information? MARIUS? like i said, there’s no fucking way marius just up and left them and if he somehow died (🙄) then i doubt the man left fucking instructions on what to do with them. i just don’t see a reason why armand would’ve fallen into possession of them that isn’t fucking stupid.
akasha is most likely going to wake up to deal with the great conversion. i can see them blending the QOTD/PL storylines so that akasha wakes up due to an influx of fledglings she needs to cull, but instead of mekare it’s lestat that takes the sacred core from her. i think this is likely because of rolin’s comment about how seeing harlequin lestat made him realize he had to do rockstar lestat, which leads me to believe that lestat’s music waking up akasha was not in the original plans for the show. not only that, but the PL storyline just reinforces why marius WOULDN’T leave akasha to deal with the “great conversion” AKA cull the fledglings. in PL marius never gave in to amel to burn down the coven houses.
in conclusion. this is what you look like:
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hekateinhell · 2 months
Having Marius on Monday is perfect for his personality. I like the idea of Marius being a straight laced 'every single Monday' like clockwork (I almost typed cock work-) type of regular. Have you considered putting Santino on Sunday? :3 A little bit of religious play, Armand calls him Father and he binds his hands with a reinforced rosary, mayhaps? Edging? Because orgasms are sinful? Some soft humiliation because Armand is into his punishments when he ought to be crying/repenting?
Just an idea!
I love the idea so far. If you have any other thoughts on this, I'd love to hear whatever else you're adding.
asksjshs COCK WORK.
yes, yes he is both those things. and yeah that's exactly how I was picturing it! he's meticulous in his routine; he is always there at 4:30pm on the dot. he doesn't know either or not armand sees anyone else on mondays but he's committed to being his first customer of the week, every week!
I did think about santino sundays tbh lol both for the religious angle and the alliteration, but I really wanted to end armand's work week with daniel 🥺
there will definitely be religious kink all up in there with santino though! the flagellation and deprivation were inspired by the more culty catholic organizations that tend to go with the extreme stuff like the "mortification of the flesh" 🫢 it sounds kinky but uh... it's really quite something irl.
SANTINO HAVING A HARD ON FOR ARMAND'S TEARS THOUGH??? anon you're a visionary oh my god I'm- 🫢🥹🥵🫣 it's so CoD flavored! it's perfect!
so far I don't really have much else yet, I'm thinking riccardo and denis are armand's coworkers but they won't have a huge presence here. and of course allesandra is the manager!
thank you I'm so glad you like the idea! I've been wanting to write it forever, but there's a lot of aspects about it that I find intimidating because like certain characters I've never written before and is this really the way I want to start? 😅 but I do love rambling about fic on main and workshopping some stuff as a community, plus I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that as a fic writer it's super motivating to actually go and write when you know that people are already interested in your silly little ideas! 🤧💕
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mrssimply · 4 months
I was tagged by @peaches-n-screem, who valiantly continued to tag me in WIPs games despite my lack of participating most of the time (because of the cursed writer block). Thank you friend!
I'm still not back on the saddle yet, but I did write some things.
I wanna tag @m-lter @civilization-illstayrighthere and @katbatmadethat if they want to share some snippet of any current works - no pressure of course, I'm just always interested!
Two WIPs today:
Continuation of my Wild Animals Rebellion series (John Wick x Santino) and a snippet from my Jedi x cyberpunk AU
The Burning of Rome :
John came to consciousness in the way he always did: suddenly and completely awake, no transition between the void and full awareness.
The first thing he registered was the light: low, indicating the end of a day, coming through the window to the west of the room. The familiarity of his surroundings were the second thing he registered: The good quality bed sheets, the dark blue wall behind the bed, and the typical sounds of the D’Antonio mansion everywhere around him. Finally, John could smell the seabreeze in the air. He was back in Naples, having no recollection of the final segment of the trip, and the events leading up to it were still fuzzy.
Movement caught his attention on his left side. His eyes found Winston, to his surprise. It was rare for the manager to be found so far from his hotel, especially since its destruction about a year ago. Winston’s face was set in a disapproving moue as he looked over his charge. Today’s newspaper was laid on his lap, over his crossed legs, but John knew instinctively that his old friend hadn’t taken a word written on the day’s edition.
To most, Winston was an enigma, but with John he was always more open, it made him easier to read, and right now he was pissed. 
For a moment, John looked inward to try and find why the New York Continental’s manager was here in Italy, in the heart of D’Antonio’s territory, but his brain remained too foggy. He was still working on reflexes and survival instinct only. John took the time to assess his body’s condition and came up with the surprising conclusion that he was fine. Yet, something nagged the back of his mind, demanding to be acknowledged with all urgency. His subconscious was already on the warpath : bursts of adrenaline were diffusing in his blood system while his organism worked overtime to bring everything back online as fast as possible. 
It clicked a few seconds later. Everything aligned into place so suddenly it made the lingering headache of post sedation pulse in the ex-assassin's head. The shock of remembering what had happened robbed John of his next breath: incandescent rage filled him in the time it took for his lungs to fill again. 
“I’m going to kill him,” he vowed, voice dark and raspy.
John was going to kill Santino
And more of my Jedi x cyberpunk AU under the cut:
The Other Side of the Light
[Jackie just died]
Found on the edge of the Republic space, Socalar was known for its liberal government that turned a blind eye to a number of crimes : from smuggling drugs to human trafficking, with a hefty dose of corruption and political plots, it was a lawless zone in everything but name. Controlling the planet’s activity was made particularly arduous because of its secular magnetic field, created by the explosion of the moon at the end of the Entry War. It gave the planet a natural shield that filtered outside communication and kept internal ones hidden, which people used liberally. Socalar might officially be Republic’s territory, but it was more of a legally gray pirate base than anything else. In conclusion, the planet was the thorn in the senate’s side and a sore subject in the Order’s history, since they’d been just as unable as the Republic forces to bring peace to that quadrant.
Even worse, Jedi generally weren’t welcomed due to their part in helping the Republic win the Entry War. In Night City in particular, whole districts were hostile to their presence, with two notable exceptions.
Padre and V made their way to the Coyote Cojo in Heywood by airspeeders to avoid pedestrian traffic, but also for discretion. they might be tolerated here as Jedi because of their origins, that didn’t mean they were totally welcome. The Coyote Cojo was a consecrated neutral ground, where Mama Welles made everyone behave. Today of all days they were going to be on their best behaviors.
“You’re quiet,” Padre commented as they landed.
“Hm?” V said, coming out of his strange meditation. Coming back here brought mixed feelings of nostalgia and guilt. “Oh I… Just mentally preparing. It’s not — I don’t…”
He looked at his master with wide desperate eyes.
“Ah, V,” Padre replied, his accent thickening with shared pain, “grief is like that. It deconstructs the self, floods every part of our being, tears and carves new places in ourselves. It changes us,” he paused, extending an arm to gently grab V’s knee, “When the tide recedes, we discovers all these changes. The key is to believe these changes will make us grow: that the salt of our tears will become stones on which we can rebuild stronger foundations, that the iron in the blood we shed can be forged into new tools for us to use, that the pain we experienced will help us hear the song of the universe.”
His voice was like a balm over V’s psyche and he found himself breathing easier, but still gripped by one all-encompassing fear.
“What if I can’t?”
“You can, young one, I know it in my heart, and I can feel it in the Force. You can, you will. Just trust yourself. And if you can’t right now, then trust me."
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tugadork · 1 year
Discussing Hans' Hypothetical Return in Frozen 3
So... been a long while since I've made a post on here. For the few Frozen peeps who follow me, my Fractured fan-fic is currently on an indefinite hiatus (I still very much plan to continue writing it and seeing it through to the end and actually post it at some point, but writer's block continues to pester me and I still need much more storybeats to properly flesh out before I get any serious work done; by now I've only written like half the prologue section).
With that out of the way, and with Frozen 3 being officially greenlit, the question still wonders in the air whether or not everyone's favorite dastardly prince has the opportunity to make a comeback after being left out of Frozen 2 (though, at least we know via that one Santino Fontana's old interview that Hans was intended to be a part of the second movie very early on during development, or at least, the idea itself was discussed).
As of right now, and realistically speaking, I don't think it's very likely for a few reasons: Jen Lee clearly has changed her mind between Frozens 1 and 2 in regards to Hans' character so I don't believe she would begin to consider revisiting his character; him literally being called an unreedemable monster by Elsa in F2 is not a good indication for any chances of a redemption arc with him should he return; in that one group interview with Santino, Josh Gad and the Lopez a few years back, Hans was brought up and Gad even supported the idea of him coming back for a Frozen 3, but Santino seemed very hesitant to the idea so, if he doesn't want to do it assuming they want Hans back, then I don't think he would do it (unless maybe they give the character some depth or give him an overall importance to the plot. I don't know, something that could convince him to come back to the role.)
But I also like to consider what-ifs, and one of those what-ifs is with what to do with Hans' character should he be revisited, because there are quite a few storytelling routes they could go with him, which I will discuss below and you guys can tell me your thoughts if you're particularly interested. These are just basic ideas that came to my head:
1 - Hans is hellbent on revenge against the Arendelle sisters, is the main villain of Frozen 3 and somehow manipulates his family (who is 100% innocent and comprised of good people) into starting a war with Arendelle because of Elsa's unlimited power; still being portrayed as he was during the fireplace scene in F1. [a very generic and boring option for me; many people take issue with how almost unnatural his shift to mustache-twirling villain was, so fleshing his character out a little, villainous or not, I think would help in the long run. Plus, him being the sole main villain would get stale imo]
2 - Like F2 and Frozen Fever, Hans does return somewhat but is made into nothing but a punchline throughout the whole movie, aka the General Hux effect while one or some of his family members play the main villain(s) and ridicule him. [the least interesting and most cringeworthy route to take, and the joke would get old real fast. Not to mention, canonically speaking, Hans' family life hasn't been... great, so I feel like portraying an abusive family relationship like this, even if Hans isn't a good person, would be very uncomfortable and send the wrong message]
3 - Hans' abhorrent actions and consequences, as well as his backstory bit by bit, are fully explored, and he's disowned and exiled by his family following a trial that takes place shortly after his arrival home. Stewing with anger and resentment as he wanders alone, he is eventually approached by the actual main villain (another elemental user would be cool and long overdue for these movies in my eyes) and is ironically manipulated into taking vengeance against those he feels wronged him (Anna and Elsa included) when said villain promises him the rule of the Southern Isles and the happiness he so desires. The villain only intends to use him for their own agenda and someone to take the fall for their actions, choosing to stay in the shadows until the right moment to strike. Hans goes along with the plan, and at first he's thrilled and vindicated, but one tragic moment shatters his concept of morality (this could be any number of things as long as it results in him having a serious wake-up call) and makes him realize how catastrophically wrong his actions are and not being able to cope with it. In the end though, and through moments of actual self-reflection, he helps Frohana to take down the main villain. If he dies, then Anna realizes that people aren't black-and-white like in the storybooks she read as a kid, and decides to forgive him despite what he's done, while Elsa does not. If he survives, either Anna still forgives him or none of the sisters forgive him, but they recognize the change in his character. Hans ultimately gets to make a life for himself, one where he's not shackled by the past. Also, he gets to interact with Olaf in this (seriously guys, immediate comedic potential here, this is literally one of the reasons why I want them to bring Hans back) and Kristoff which he never got to do in the first one. [this, to me, would be much more interesting. Hans' actions would not be taken lightly and the story would later punish him, but through that experience owning up to his mistakes and starting to atone; maybe meeting a few commoners during his exile which he eventually grows to care for or something would gradually kickstart his change. I really love this concept and will probably make a separate post on this that's much more elaborate and better detailed if anyone's interested. It would have to be a different beast than Fractured though, and less of a handful to write for 😅]
4 - Hans is brought back and is still portrayed as a villain, but is given the proper time for his character to be explored and given depth. He also gets an actual villain song. He plots to take vengeance on those who wronged him, but instead of being portrayed as the cunning snake he was in F1, it's more a drive out of desperation and anger. He ends up doing things he would not normally do, horrible things that do weigh on his mind but he pushes on because he sees no other way to claim his happiness; that since barely anyone cared for him when he was younger, that he learned to only care for himself. He's given moments to stop what he's doing and not escalate things further, and despite pausing, he still chooses the worst option. In the end he becomes his own worst enemy, and accidentally dies by his own hand. His defeat is not something that brings either Elsa or Anna joy despite how much he's wronged them and how justified they'd be feel some relief, his family is affected by it, and so the ending of the movie is bittersweet. [let me start off by saying that there is no way in hell Disney would have the cajones to do something this depressing, but man I would kind of love it if they did. One thing I do love about the idea of bringing Hans back and keeping him a villain is turning him into a Shakesperean tragedy, and his quest to claim his happiness by any means unnecessary would be so compelling to watch imo. Sort of similar to Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 in that regard. You could still have another villain in this, either one with powers - seriously, introduce another elemental user in Frozen 3, Disney, pretty pls - or one/some of his family members that are up to their own nefarious plots]
And that's it! Let me know which plot idea sounds good to you or if a combination of certain elements from all these would be more preferable in your opinion for his hypothetical return. 👍
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greatqueenanna · 1 year
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Should Hans Make a Return?
One of the burning questions that some have for Frozen 3 is if Prince Hans, the twist villain from Frozen, should return in the next film. He was absent in Frozen 2, only mentioned in passing, which was met with indifference from most Frozen fans, but disappointment from fans of the character who believed he was getting a redemption arc.
This idea originally stemmed from an interview with Hans' voice actor Santino Fontana who had hinted at the possibility that he may return. He mentions that the writers told him that they want to bring him back and redeem him. You can see this interview here, the Frozen segment lasts from approx. 15:35 - 19:35.
However, F2 had Elsa say that Hans is an irredeemable monster, and the songwriters had once compared him to a politician they don't like - giving off the impression that this wasn't actually considered, or the idea was scrapped.
The option has once again presented itself for Frozen 3, and I wanted to discuss the possibility and if he should even make a return.
Hans After Frozen
Hans' last film appearance was Frozen Fever in 2015, where we see him shoveling horse manure before being hit by Elsa's giant snowball.
Later that year, Hans appeared in the novel A Frozen Heart, where his point of view was explored alongside Anna's during the events of the first film. We learned quite a bit about his backstory, but this book's canon is debatable due to it being retconned by A Forest of Shadows in 2019 (the book gives a different description of what happened after Anna was hit by Elsa's magic).
Speaking of Forest of Shadows, Hans actually does make a brief appearance in this book. He appears in Anna's nightmare, one that shows her fear of Elsa thinking that Anna is useless to her.
The dancer bowed, the silver wolf mask nearly tipping off his nose. “As you wish, Princess Anna.” The blood in her veins turned to ice. Anna knew that voice. It was a voice she didn’t want to hear again. She peered uncertainly through the dark eyeholes of the mask. “Prince—Prince Hans?” “The very same.” A diamond ring suddenly materialized in his hand. “Your sister said I should give this to you when I ask for your hand.” “My—my hand?” Hans grabbed her wrist and jammed the ring onto her finger. “Your hand in marriage, of course. Your sister has given her blessing. She has no use for you.”
-Frozen 2: Forest of Shadows
Hans of course makes an appearance during live shows, most notably during the musical, and is given his own song, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. In F2, other than a brief mention during their charades game and Elsa later destroying his memory in Ahtohallan, Hans is, as said, absent in the story. As a side note, he also appears in Once Upon a Time's season 4 non-canon spin-off as a villain.
Other than these instances, Hans has yet to make a return as a character in the mainline story.
How Hans Could Benefit Anna's Development
One thing we have to consider is that Hans is part of Anna's story more so than Elsa's. Yes, the two interact, but Hans was always a bigger part of Anna's overall development. I bring this up because many Hans fans that are also Helsa (Hans x Elsa) fans tend to hyper-focus on how his return would affect Elsa - when Elsa would largely be irrelevant to his return in reality.
Thus, let's refocus the conversation back on Anna. After all, it was Anna who Hans hurt and manipulated. If we're talking about him returning either as a villain or with redemption, it would directly affect Anna in one way or another.
As of Frozen 2 - Anna is the Queen of Arendelle, is engaged to marry Kristoff, has Mattias as an advisor/General, and works with Elsa in the Enchanted Forest to ensure peace.
Anna being Queen opens up some interesting narrative opportunities with Hans. His main goal was for Anna to become Queen so he would be her King. Thus, now that Anna is Queen without him, how would Hans view this? How would he react?
More importantly, how would Anna react to his return? Would she immediately shun him and give him another punch? Would she be afraid or nervous, with the writers exploring any trauma Anna may have from him? Basically, if Hans is brought back, it would actually give some interesting development opportunities for Anna and, to an extent, Kristoff.
Thus, Hans could actually make a return if his story is somehow integrated into Anna's development.
Villainous Return or Redemption?
My personal preference would be for Hans to return as a villain and, as described above, to be a development point for Anna to overcome. It would also benefit the series so that we wouldn't have to introduce a brand new villain character to develop on top of the already over-stuffed cast list. Hans already has his villain backstory and relationship with Anna, so it would be less work to make him the main villain and explore his already-established lore. I would also love it if he had a pretty amazing villain song since the series has been lacking in this department for a while.
When it comes to redemption, I don't mind the concept at all but feel it wouldn't be as fun and just make things a bit more complicated. After all, a redemption arc is a serious endeavor and requires a lot of work and care. As I said in this post here, it is not as easy as making Hans do something heroic, say he’s sorry, and now he’s good to go.
And considering the lukewarm reaction towards the simplistic and avoidant approach the writers to Agnarr and Iduna's 'redemption' (if you feel that they needed redemption, the opinions here are very polarizing) in F2, Hans' redemption would be received even more negatively due to his serious actions if they chose to oversimplify it.
As I said in the above post linked, which I'll copy here, the following would have to be addressed if the redemption takes place -
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1. Having the villain learn why what they did was hurtful so that they genuinely feel bad about what they did.
This is difficult for a character like Hans because he is a Sociopath. It is not impossible to redeem a sociopathic character, but it requires a bit of nuance that not only has to disregard this aspect but may be too complex for a children’s title. Thus, the best option is to either retcon the Sociopath aspect or find a way to address the nuances in a way a child can understand.
2. Giving the villain quite a bit of time to reflect on everything and actually have the audience go on this journey with them. Thus helping the audience themselves believe that they have changed.
The issue here is that the interest is very low from audiences in the first place. People don’t want to see a Frozen 3 or Frozen Series focus on a Hans redemption- they want to see Anna and Elsa. Thus, this arc would need to take even longer because it would have to be a side story - more fitting for a series.
3. The victim’s pain needs to be the main focus, not the villain’s. Yes, understanding why the villain did what they did is important in any redemption arc. However, if the focus is too much on their tragic past, then it tells the audience that we need to feel sorry for them and not the victim.
In the case for Hans, the focus of his redemption needs to be what he did to Anna without any sugar coating or downplaying. He manipulated her, emotionally abused her after revealing himself, and then went to kill her sister after leaving her to die. The narrative would need to address all of this and let Anna express her pain to him, without his excuses.
With all this in mind, we also need to understand that it is Anna is not obligated to let Hans be part of the sister’s family no matter how much he’s changed. Even if she forgives him, letting him back in and giving him that trust again is a lot to ask. Forgiving ≠ letting back into your life. Basically, Hans would have to get his redemption and then be on his way to finding his own purpose in life. A forgive but not forget the idea.
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My personal view is that I would love for Hans to return to the series. He was a big part of Frozen's success, with both Love is an Open Door and his twist reveal, thus it would be a shame if he never came back. My personal preference is for him to return as a villain because the narrative opportunities would be much more fun, however, I am not against the idea of him having a redemption arc - as long as it is done with care and respect.
Even better if the writers can somehow accomplish both - bring him as a villain, but somehow redeem him haha. Just give me my villain song dang it.
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the-darklings · 2 years
Me? Falling in love with the Corinthian you created in your Dream series?..... more likely than you think AND I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT NIGHTMARE CARVING WOOD🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭💘💘💘
I seemingly have a strange penchant for making villainous/unlikable characters more likeable. First Santino and coa, now Corinthian and tibyim.
Corinthian is still Corinthian though. I never set out to make him better or improve him in any way (I like him awful : ) ) I simply thought it might be fun to give him a version of events that justify him going rogue. It’s only one take of many. It honestly wasn’t until the very end of season 1 that his character really hit for me. It all started with Jed and ended with “so I can taste what it’s like to be human” the rest was just writer brain itch. But I’m really glad you like my take on him 💕
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yesmissbzzz · 10 months
It’s time for the Dream Show Challenge 3.0 (*audience cheers*) organized by @singledarkshade
I’ve got this cast for : Kirsten Vangsness (Criminal Minds). Goran Visnjic (ER… sorry I didnt get creative in another nationality but the real one of him), Dina Meyer (DragonHeart), Ice T (Law and Order SVU), Rupert Everett (My Best Friend Wedding), Rhys Darby (Our Flag Means Death), Carol Kane (The Princess Bride) and because this is a Rip Lovers Place, imagine who will appear without a request.
Sinopsis: Evangeline tries to start a new life, and find a new love, a year after her husband passed away. She gets on a Europe Press Tour promoting her new book and getting in dates with not the best results. Finally gets back to London with her former family, a place she really don’t wanted to get back, never… why?
Evangeline Reed – Kirsten Vangsness
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A writer and journalist. She wanted to stay at his husband country, but Croatia is Nikola, and she can’t bare feeling him in every inch. Allysa, her publisher and best friend, decides that is the moment for a Press Tour of her new book and throw a challenge to her about dating with men again.
Nikola Kerr - Goran Visnjic
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We meet him in flashbacks of their marriage. Evangeline remembers him and tries to figure out what he could say and do in most of situations.
Allysa Miller – Dina Meyer
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The perfect publisher. The perfect best friend. The perfect adventures companion. Allysa will say yes to everything in the Europe Press Tour.
Donald Sieger – Ice.T
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At Amsterdam, they met this suave American guy, and Evangeline decides to taste the yankee love.
Santino Fontes – Rupert Everett
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They say that a girl in Italy will fall in love each 5 minutes, but Evangeline gets to the practical side: choose the most handsome, with the finest italian suit at the Editorial Party.
Ernest Reed – Rhys Darby
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Evangeline’s brother, who host her little sister back in London. Evangeline is disappointed that passing time with men to get over his husband just managed to make her miss him more, and he push her to one more try.
Dinorah Reed -- Carol Kane
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She is old fashioned only in the using of getting his husband family name, but this woman is far from the traditional granny. Ernest kids will get loads of delivery food and 80’s slashers on DVD instead of baked handmade goodies and old rhymes.
Jerome Twight – Arthur Darvill
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Evangeline meets this guy singing the same song her late husband used to sing a lot.
Yes, I wrote the song lyrics, and they are cheesy lyrics, because I tought I would get a better development of the plot, using it, and make wordplays with stars and space.
And I
Stars crossed
Before beginning of love
As love was created for those bonded stars
In a crossed faith
In an eternal bright
The stars
The stars
Brights of love
Burns of desire
All trough the sky
Night by night
Lovers meeting
Lovers dancing
Lovers brights
Lovers burns
I don’t know how to make poetry, I never did. But I wrote the bloody song and I won’t keep It hidden forever :p
Episode 1.
Evangeline Reed feels his deceased husband everywhere.
At this episode we know how the couple met in flashbacks from places she moves on a normal day.
One night at the University Library, he came to ask her for conversation because they are the only students left in there and he doesn’t want to get asleep.
Surviving the end of semester, they started proper dating.
Back to present, at the end of a normal day she decides to move, and calls her best friend to accept a Press Tour of her new book which publication was delayed when she became a widow.
Episode 2.
Berlin. Allysa makes her best efforts to distract her friend and have fun. But everything makes Evangeline remember Nikola (oh yes the flashbacks).
By the end of the episode, Allyson decides to challenge her friend to get on dates, even without a romantic interest, just for meeting more men than the one in her memories.
Episode 3.
Amsterdam. Evangeline picks the first dude to date: finding him checking the underground movies from the Book Store where she signed books. He is an american tourist using his life savings for a worldwide trip. She has fun for a couple of days, until he has a train to ride.
Episode 4.
Rome. After a deep evaluation, Evangeline decides to pick up the man with the most elegant suit at the Editorial Party, finding that he is the main investor from the Editorial. Santino gives her three days of luxury, fashion, limousine rides, dinners at the best restaurants, just to find that they have zero chemistry when they try to kiss.
Episode 5.
Another round of dates at different cities, where she get fun but can’t stop thinking about Nikola. In the meanwhile, she is trying to persuade Allysa to erase the last stop from the tour or at least set her mind for it: London.
Nope, she don’t succeed, next and last stop: London.
Episode 6.
Meet the Reeds!!! Ernest is the kind of older brother that won’t let her sis to stay at a hotel, because she needs their childhood homemade dinners and a familiar room to pass the night, also her nephews don’t leave her side all day.
Dinorah is the kind of mother that never cooked and survived with delivery and his son cooking after becoming a widow 5 years ago.
Evangeline is happy with her family, until the adults insists that she needs to get out of the house and roam by London as an adult, because she left for University and met London only as a child and teenager.
She founds that the Cafe with her favorite sights to the city is still working, and she sits in there, looking at the early morning, wishing that Nikola were there.
Suddenly she thinks that he gots allucinations or she is still dreaming, because she hears Nikola singing the tune he always sang. She looks around and by the next table, there is a man, singing the same song, and now that she is totally aware of being awake and in the real world… he doesn’t look or sing like Nikola at all.
Episode 7.
The man looks at her, with the “Do I have something at my face?” expression that most of people fix when a stranger is locking their eyes on you.
She apologizes, introduces herself and explains.He also introduces himself: Jerome Twight, who is very happy because he likes her books. They roam the city, talking about how a lot of things had changed and how others stays just the same.
Evangeline is enjoying herself, not even thinking about Nikola, until… it starts to rain.
Episode 8.
Evangeline starts running, asking strangers to let them in their houses for sheltering from the rain that is becoming a storm very quick.
Jerome understands that she is getting a panic attack, and the complete scenario gets to him while she begs in panic to the lady entering her house to let them in, or the man holding her hand will die just like his last husband did.
He finally finds a shelter, a thin roof just enough for them both. Evangeline hugs him, crying and swearing at London and the rain.
This is why she did not wanted to came: Nikola had a weak inmune system and got pneumonia when a little kid from the Croatian Town where they lived went missing, and refused to get back when the rescue groups wanted to stop the search by a storm.Jerome tries to comfort her.
Yes… GETTING IN LONDON AFTER THE RAIN KILLED YOUR HUSBAND was a horror, but after some minutes of making her sure that himself won’t die for just some rain, Evangeline calms herself enough to wait until the rain stops.
She walks her back home, gives his phone number, but she is so ashamed that makes clear meeting again has very very low possibilities to happen.
Some days pass, until Jerome gets a call on his phone, by an Unknown Number.
He picks it up, and the last thing we see is his expression when the voice from the other side is Evangeline greeting “Hello. Do you know the chances of rain for today?"
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marquisedegramont · 23 days
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✶ this blog is a TRANS & QUEER safe space
✶ wickblr writer !
✶ i like to write queer/trans hcs
✶ i write canon x canon & reader x canon
✶ n also submissive men
✶ pls send me bottom marquis asks ^_^ (if not i will die/j)
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-> Headcanons
-> Fanfiction
-> Imagines
-> Canon x Canon
-> Reader x Canon
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bluelolblue · 3 days
Does Santino publish his writing or does he just write for himself? If he publishes I’m sure he uses a pen name bc mob family but do his parents or anyone else know and maybe get mad that he is airing personal stuff or family secrets to the world? Does he write about growing up in the underworld and the violence etc that he’s seen?
Ooh what an interesting ask! Thank you so much, I love this! I actually headcanon that he likes to write and do art :)
I think at first he was writing for himself (I think we all kinda start like that). He started as a teen, let's say 14, and he was having his own little journal in which he would write about his daily life, his experiences, and similar. In Italian and later also in English (he wanted to improve his grammar and writing skills). I like to think his mother knew about it since he felt most comfortable sharing it with her. He didn't want to really share it with Gianna because he felt a bit embarrassed to show her all that, especially the notes when he felt really down. But... he did show her, just not all pages. I think Gianna also had her own journal, which is why she was interested in his, and she even showed it to him. But they kinda just wanted to do their own thing. So they stayed out of each other's writing. Their father wasn't interested in that, and he would probably tear up Santino's journal if he knew what he was writing.
After a while, when he got more separated from his family, he started writing about his life, how it is to be a part of a underworld - growing up in that family. And yes, he had a pen name/nickname when he started publishing. No way he was gonna let anyone know it's him. Although it would be pretty hard to even hide with a fake name in that world. BUT um, you know what... I like to think he used "Vitale" (Referencing to "A Haunting In Venice" I saw the opportunity I had to hehehue), or some mythological names like "Achilles" or "Apollo"... something with a meaning, something special to him!
And he was terrified someone was gonna find out it's him, but he also wrote all that in poems! So, he wasn't making it that obvious, and he was putting a lot of his emotions into all that. I feel like Santino has the soul for writing. You know what I mean? I think he feels everything he writes down. Definitely writing about the violence he has witnessed and experienced. The pain he experienced, mentally and physically... he is writing it all. He knows he's not really allowed to talk about the family secrets... he's dead if he does, no matter if it's a fake name or not. He's not safe in this world of crime. So he plays it safely and avoids that. He also writes about his mother, how much he loves and appreciates her even after she is gone. Especially because of the way she was killed (there's so many possibilities with this: his own father killed her, she killed herself, she was shot and so on...). Writing about how it all affected him mentally... how bad it got. And it got really bad. So he likes to express himself through writing.
Oh and of course he writes romantic stuff. C'mon, he falls in love and he writes love poems all day. He's a romantic soul. When he gets really... into it, ummm, it gets nsfw because it's Santino D'Antonio we're talking about. :>
Thank you sooo much again, I appreciate it! 💙💙
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evren-sadwrn · 3 days
Random ask but :P
If Santino is a writer, do you think Vincent helps him with it? Or he isn't interested in writing. What would Santino write about to get his attention? :>
I think Vincent would help him :3 atleast pre-movie Vincent. Since we know that some sort of spiral happened with him caused to make him into a menace
Anyways, I think Santino writes about his own experiences in a more novelist way, in which he takes parts of his own psyche and dissects them to their very core to create a story. Of course, he was never confident enough to show them especially to his sister— God forbid Gianna if she ever read his stuff. With Vincent I think he would have been fond of reading Santino’s stuff, whether it was in Italian or English. Mostly Italian, but Vincent did understand it considering he was an associate of the Table under Gianna. Vincent would help Santino gather his words and form them into something, it’s like solving a puzzle piece for him since Vincent likes reading, and enjoys the romantic parts of life— the things in life that require time, talent, or effort; all of which he sees in Santino
Or rather, saw
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
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How do you follow a film like John Wick? The 2014 ballet of violence was such a pleasant surprise because it took a plot that’s been done to death and revitalized it. That’s where John Wick: Chapter 2 finds its purpose: by expanding on the world at the characters within it to make what was familiar new.
Set about two weeks after the first film, everyone now knows that assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) has come out of retirement. For crime boss Santino D’Antonio (Riccardo Scamarcio), this is the opportunity to collect a debt John owes him.
Like before, the stunt choreography is the reason to buy an admission ticket. By now we sort of know Wick’s preferred method of dispatching his enemies but it’s still plenty of fun to watch him efficiently and methodically take out anyone foolish enough to stand in his way. Director Chad Stahelski even throws in a couple of new tricks to make our jaws drop, like a scene in a bar that involves a pencil and not much else. There’s a particular death in that scene that’ll have you squirming, and you’ll love it.
If you think the only appeal is the violence, you're wrong. There are several points where the cinematography and staging are a wonder to behold. A climactic scene set in a hall of mirrors is a great example. Amazingly, cinematographer Dan Laustsen was able to shoot real people performing real stunts in this tiny enclosed space while keeping the cameras out of any reflections and making it look as good as it does. Oh, and shoot it in a way that’s easy to follow, which is the most impressive aspect.
So far, we’ve talked about what you’d expect from a John Wick film. What’s new? The side characters and large chunks of world-building. John is back in an environment he sought to escape. We caught a glimpse of it previously but now, writer Derek Kolstad gives us a good look. This world hiding in the shadows has its own politics, codes of conduct, currency, honor system and rules. Piecing how it all works is loads of fun because it makes so little sense it makes perfect sense. Countless assassins are hiding among us. The busker playing violin in the subway? They’re hiding a gun in their instrument and are ready to take someone out as soon as they get the call. Think that’s weird? Try wrapping your head around the secret society of killers disguised as vagrants! You have to believe these people spend most of their bullets taking each other out rather than high-ranking politicians who’ve made enemies, which actually makes the movie much more digestible than you’d expect. Like Sin City’s Marv said “I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.” When these hired killers take each other out, they’re not people with jobs; they’re targets for John to take out. The secret society is so busy with itself that there's no room for police officers to respond or innocent civilians to get in the way/be taken hostage. Anyone and everyone has a gun hidden on their person. It’s so absurd it removes you from the weight of what all of these deaths would mean had this film been set in the real world.
John Wick: Chapter 2 (which is not going to be the last in the series) is not as surprising or fresh as the first but it makes up for it. Common, Ruby Rose, Laurence Fishburne and Claudia Gerini all play memorable characters with small but important roles. They join Lance Reddick, John Leguizamo and Ian McShane in the pool of actors who give the world a lot of personality. Once again, the fight scenes and gunplay are spectacular. It’s got more than a few brilliantly shot scenes, and its fast pace means the 122-minute running time flies by like nothing. If you liked the first, you'll want to see this one too. (March 26, 2022)
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💥 and 👻
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Gosh only ONE thing??? 🤣 Tough tough tough choice but I think in the second half of the series I wish we could've spent more time with the fam and not invented so many new characters. And even a book like Blackwood Farm, I love it! I think it's one of her better books! But it's like. Can we give Armand this much attention LMAO. Can I learn more about Armand. Can you bring Daniel back. Is Louis still around? Etc. I've always understand why she was like that as a writer and I get it and I'm not entitled to her writing the book that I want to read LOL but man it's frustrating. I would've just love to know more about what happened to Daniel, more about Pandora, MORE ABOUT SANTINO, etc.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Marius was subjected to bananas cult sex rituals leading up to his turning so that they could have his God Seed :) WHAT DID THEY DO WITH IT? DOES HE HAVE A BUNCH OF CHILDREN? HOW LONG DID MAEL STAY IN TOUCH? DOES HE KNOW MARIUS'S DAUGHTERS? DOES HE HAVE LEVERAGE WITH THIS? WERE ANY OF THEM TURNED????
(idk if this counts as a headcanon vs something I just like to daydream about oops but. idk i'm not good at headcanons I tend to just fold them into my fics when I think of them!)
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esoterium · 5 months
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by request only muses.
// these muses are muses i would love to write but are less popular on the blog! they are now by request only. feel free to send memes or approach for plots, etc! they are always open and ready to go but i will prefer some plotting beforehand and have a little bit of an idea where we are heading out the gate! current partners and threads are good to go as usual. much love!
name: daryl dixon age: 30+ and timeline dependent sexual preference: straight(ish?) occupation: survivalist, jack of all trades, dog dad faceclaim: norman reedus notes: i’m willing to play all timelines up to the end of season 11. so far, i’ve not watched twd: daryl dixon. i don’t plan to til i find out what happens with carol in it. tbh i’m not interested if they hurt her. lol! so i’ll be divergent with my own canon til then.
name: rick grimes age: 23+ sexual preference: bisexual, mostly curious til plotted occupation: father, husband, former deputy, leader, survivalist faceclaim: andrew lincoln
name: beth greene age: 25+ (prefer to write beth post season 7 and plotted!) sexual preference: straight occupation: former farmer’s daughter, survivor, thief faceclaim: emily kinney notes: heavily divergent. was found by a surgeon of the hospital and taken in. they have remained together since then. she is a thief/nomad who lies on the outskirts of the commonwealth and has yet to be encountered.
name: pete moore age: 32+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: wanted to be an astronaut but became a car salesman faceclaim: timothy olyphant fandom: stephen king's dreamcatcher, derry crossovers welcome!
name: joe 'beaver' clarendon age: 31+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: the comic relief, the divorced drunk, the seer faceclaim: jason lee fandom: stephen king's dreamcatcher, derry crossovers welcome!
name: stanley "stan" uris age: 12+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: the birdmad boy, accountant, the one who remembers faceclaim: wyatt oleff, andy bean fandom: stephen king's it, primary muse from it.
name: nicolas de lenfent age: appears 21 sexual preference: bisexual occupation: violinist, playwright, mad vampire faceclaim: none
name: santino age: appears 32 sexual preference: bisexual occupation: former coven leader, wanderer faceclaim: none
name: lydia deetz age: 39+ (will only write her in the first era w/ est. partners!) sexual preference: bisexual occupation: photographer faceclaim: winona ryder fandom: beetlejuice (film! see above for musical!)
name: ellison oswalt age: 35+ sexual preference: straight occupation: famous true crime author, currently on a comeback? kinda hated by some. mostly cops. and district attorneys. and most law enforcement. faceclaim: ethan hawke fandom: sinister
name: grace le domas age: 26 sexual preference: straight, bi-curious occupation: former server at a high end restaurant, writer, survivor of a hell of a honeymoon night faceclaim: samara weaving fandom: ready or not
name: timothy price bryce age: 27+ sexual preference: homosexual straight occupation: another vice president of mergers and acquisitions at pierce & pierce faceclaim: justin theroux fandom: american psycho notes: heavily influenced by headcanons. please see rules @traintracked as they are unique to him for extremely important reasons!
name: laurie strode age: 18+ sexual preference: demisexual occupation: babysitter (younger), former headmistress && teacher, writer faceclaim: jamie lee curtis fandom: halloween
name: terry bellefleur age: 35+ sexual preference: open minded occupation: retired military, jack of all trades, construction worker faceclaim: todd lowe fandom: true blood
name: elon "eli" spengler (canon but HEAVILY developed damn near oc) age: 35+ / verse dependent sexual preference: demisexual occupation: professor of microbiology and abnormal psychology and brain studies at columbia university, extremely hesitant paranormal researcher, inventor, scientist, environmentalist, wastebuster, former researcher at the cdc. faceclaim: jeff goldblum fandom: ghostbusters notes: my favorite movie of all time. elon is a canon but never truly expanded on twin brother of egon spengler. i'm making them fraternal. elon or eli as he prefers to be called in honor of his grandfather is an absolute paranormal magnent and the reason why egon became so fascinated with the paranormal (and a means of researching it) to begin with. in spite of what was told to their parents and the outside world.
eli was plagued with visits, whispers, dreams and sights of the dead. something he feared, hated and was terrified of. not only because of the nature of what he was seeing and his age. but how their scientifically minded parents and family would view his claims. eli did not go egon's route of understanding. instead. he went the opposite trying to rationalize his fears, visions and hauntings in hopes of the problem 'ceasing to exist'. where one was an outcast (egon), eli was viewed as conforming to the spengler mindframe and fit in with his family.
a guilt he carries now as all his willful ignorance and blind eyes never truly worked (the ghosts? nightmares? everything is still there) and with egon dead? has only worsened. it's with the arrival of an anonymous letter warning him of what is about to pass in new york city than the reclusive spengler has made himself known and extremely reluctantly involved with his brother's former teammates. all of egon's inventions. those that exist and never were are inside of his mind. his brother's research, thoughts, ideas? it's all there. he's just never told anyone.. and who knows what he's willing to give up?
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