winterblues · 8 years
blog rates (+compliments♥)
so i’m procrastinating and i don’t have work today so i’m doing blog rates
- must be following my lame self - reblog this post -  SEND ME A RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOURSELF AND I’LL TELL YOU A RANDOM FACT ABOUT ME OR/AND YOUR SELFIE TAG FOR A COMPLIMENT!  - you can blacklist ‘alexis does blog rates’ if you ain’t about that life
What you’ll get: url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | LYDIA MARTIN
 icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | STILES STILINSKI  
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | BLUE SARGENT header: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | DEAN WINCHESTER posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | BARRY ALLEN overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | CLARKE GRIFFIN  following: no, sorry | am now | yes | forever and always bae that’s all!
if i get like zero notes i’ll burn all evidence and run.
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natashas-bucky · 8 years
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welcome to beacon hills: [2/10] duos ♡ Scott and Sciles
"Scott, just listen to me. You’re not no one. Scott, you’re my best friend, okay, and I need you. Scott, you’re my brother. Alright, so if we’re gonna do this, then I think you’re just gonna have to take me with you then"
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llydiahstiles · 9 years
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I      n e e d       you
Happy Sciles Day!
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masonshewitt-blog · 9 years
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and you liked me ‘cos i was blue..
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winterblues · 9 years
xoeternalflamexo >> winterblues
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llydiahstiles · 9 years
Okay okay, but do I post my tw christmas icons when I finish exams next week or at the beginning of December ??
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
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hey guys i'm super close to my next hundred so i thought its tumblr awards time!! ♥ ♥
♡  rules:
mbf this trashbag
reblog this post
deadline is nov. 25th
1 winner and 1-2 runner ups for each category
♡  categories:
kira yukimura award// best url liam dunbar award// best icon allison argent award// best theme lydia martin award// best edits* stiles stilinski award// best teen wolf clarke griffin award// best the 100 glenn rhee award// best multifandom malia tate award// best overall  scott mccall award// nicest blogger bellamy blake award// personal favourite  * = reblog with your creations tag
prizes under the cut, enjoy!!  ♥ ♥
♡  winners' prizes:
a follow from me
spot on my updates tab
unlimited promos
3 icon requests
gif request
my undying love
♡  runner ups' prizes:
a follow from me
spot on my updates tab
3 promos
1 icon request
my undying love
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
blogrates cause i finished my coursework!! (✿◠‿◠)
finished all my assignments for the uni year and first year’s been a lil bit stressful to say the least so im happy yaaaaayy!! so here goes:
mbf trashcan #1
send me anything!! tell me about your crush or your day or how great you are!!
blacklist ‘darce’s blogrates’ if you aint feelin it
everything under the cut, enjoy :)))
url: don’t get it | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | LYDIA MARTIN theme: not my thing | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | KIRA YUKIMURA icon: don’t get it | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | DEREK HALE sidebar: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | MALIA TATE updates tab:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ALLISON ARGENT posts:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | STILES STILINSKI overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | SCOTT MCCALL following: no(t yet) but ilysm | now i am! | yasss | ALLISON TO MY LYDIA TBH comment: - 
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llydiahstiles · 9 years
Alphabet Meme
I was tagged by @xoeternalflamexo , thank you for the tag !!
A - Age: Turning 17 in 6 days omfg
B - Biggest Fear: Hmmm, it’s probably lizards and being alone for a long time. C - Current Time: 12:35
D - Drink you last had: A milkshake  E - Easiest Person To Talk To: My best friend, Jordan. We talk about random shit all the time. F - Favourite Song: Howl by Florend + The Machine and Colours by Halsey
G - Grossest Memory: Laughing so hard in class that I spat my bubblegum out and I’ve never eaten bubblegum since oops H - Hometown: Pietermaritzburg in South Africa, also known as Sleepy Hollow bc it’s dead af. I - In love with: Too many people that don’t know I exist and words. J - Jealous of: It comes and goes, no one in particular.
K - Killed Someone?: So many people mentally. L - Longest Relationship: I’ve never actually had a relationship??
M - Middle Name: I don’t have one and it makes me sad. N - Number of Siblings: One older sister whom I fondly refer to as “fucker” or “little shit” even though I’m the smaller one hahaha
O - One Wish: To overcome all my fears and displeasure for myself and work to my full potential [let’s be honest, I procrastinate too much] P - Person who you last called: Jordan, my best friend [re: above] Q - Question you’re always asking: What if? Why?  R - Reason to smile: SO many reasons. For me, it’s the little things, like someone opening a door for you, being polite, a quick thank you, food, my friends, the internet, tv series, books, life.
S - Song you last sang: Colours by Halsey [my friends and I are working on it haha]
T - Time you woke up: 08:50someting a.m.
U - Underwear Colour: Cyan. V - Vacation Destination: Venice or London.  W - Worst Habit: Procrastination and biting my lip. X - X-rays you’ve had: A dental one hahaha
Y - Your favorite food: Pasta, always. Z - Zebras or Jellyfish?: Uhhh, zebras?
I tag @blakesmilitia , @drkhales , @wardskye and anyone who wants to do this as well as all the amazing people in my networks !!
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winterblues · 9 years
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- 9 icons + 2 bonus - made by me - like or reblog if you use please - no credit necessary otherwise - find my other icons here
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
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deaton makes me have sex with all his clients, its a new policy
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
15 away from my next big hundred!! :))))
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masonshewitt-blog · 9 years
icon requests!!
okay so many people have been asking me to make them son icons so i’ve decided hey why not just do some icon requests so here are the rules:
mbf me
send me a character(s)
reblog this post
must be either teen wolf or how to get away with murder
send me what colors you like best
don’t take credit
and you can check out my icons page here
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
blogrates because i’m bored (✿◠‿◠)
the usual:
mbf this trashbag
reblog this post
tell me about your day, or your crush, or anything, or just send me a ★
maybe apply for my stydia network or birthday page?
blacklist ‘darce’s blogrates’ if you aint feelin it
format under the cut, enjoy :))))
url: not my fandom | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | LYDIA MARTIN theme: 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | KIRA YUKIMURA icon: not my fandom | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | LIAM DUNBAR sidebar: 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | MALIA TATE updates tab:  6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ALLISON ARGENT posts: 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | STILES STILINSKI overall: 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SCOTT MCCALL following: no(t yet) but ilysm | now i am!!| ofc!! | i’m with you till the end of the line   compliment: -
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natashas-bucky · 9 years
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because me and my trash sis kayahumprey love stydia so much we thought it was time to make a stydia network!! we know there are a billion out there but you can never have too much stydia amirite ladies??
mbf stiles and lydia
reblog this post (likes count for bookmarking etc)
fill out this quick form
deadline is nov. 17th
what we are looking for:
people that love stydia
active tw blog or blogs that post a lot of tw
a nice clean blog with a tagging system
new friends!! friends that love stydia!!
new followers!!
a great place to chat about stydia!!
people to like/reblog your stuff!!
more stuff:
picking around 20-25 members
track #stileslydianet for updates
have your ask box open
good luck!! <3 <3
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llydiahstiles · 9 years
. Tag the person who tagged you and let them know when you’re finished.
i was tagged by @martinstilinski ! Thank you for tagging me (:
2. Answer the questions and then tag 20 people.
GENERAL APPEARANCE 1. How tall are you? 5′5″ 2. What color and style is your hair? Black and short but I’m growing it out 3. What color are your eyes? Lightish brown 4. Do you wear glasses? Nope. 5. Do you wear braces? I used to wear braces like 2/3 years ago. 6. What is your fashion style? It depends on my mood. I’m still getting used to wearing dresses for non-party events. I think I’m a bit diverse when it comes to fashion ?? I almost always wear black though.
YOU IN GENERAL 7. What is your full name? Macaira 8. When were you born? 16 October 1998 9. How old are you? 16 10. Where are you from/where do you live now? Born, raised and still live in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 11. Do you have siblings? My sister is 21 years old. 12. What school do you go to? RHS 13. What kind of student are you? I’m generally very dedicated and studious. I procrastinate a lot though, especially during exams. Most time I try to work in advance and I try really hard not to leave stuff for the last minute [not always that successful though]. 14. Do you like school? Surprisingly, yes. I enjoy most of my subjects, my teachers are not bad and my friends and class are great. I just hate the stress and work that follows. 15. What are your favorite school subjects? English, maths, physics and accounting 16. What are your favorite TV shows? Supernatural, teen wolf, the walking dead, pll, the 100, etc. 17. Favorite movies? Harry Potter, Mean Girls, The Avengers [almost all marvel] 18. Favorite books? HP, THG, TMR, PJO, The Selection series, Shatter Me. I love dystopian, post-apocalyptic books. 19. Favorite pastime? Photoshopping, messing around on the internet, watching tv and reading. 20. Do you have any regrets? Yes but I try not to focus on them. 21. What is your dream job? Probably an actress or a job at Google. 22. Would you like to get married one day and where? Yeah, I would like an outdoor wedding. Probably a forest or something. Not the beach, though. It would be too windy omg. 23. Would you like kids one day? How many? 1-3 would be fine. 24. Girly girl, regular girl or tomboy? I tend to alternate. Sometimes I like embracing my girliness and other times I like being a tomboy. Although in the last few years I’ve been leaning towards regular girl. 25.  Do you like shopping? Yes and no. I like having a purpose for shopping, aimless shopping is something I dislike. 26.  What countries have you visited so far? Only the USA. 27.  What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve had? I can’t really remember. I tend to forget nightmares soon after. 28. Do you have enemies? Hahahahaa probably, it would be fun. I don’t care though. 29. Do you have a s/o? Not really, I prefer to focus on my schoolwork [nerd and proud haha] 30. Do you believe in miracles? Yupp.
YOUR MUSIC Put itunes on shuffle and list the first 30 songs that come up
1. Your Bed - ATL 2. Spaces - 1D 3. Fall - Ed Sheeran
4. Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
5. Sad Beautiful Tragic - Taylor Swift
6. Laughter Lines - Bastille 7. Up - Olly Murs ft Demi Lovato  8. Sleepwalking - BMTH 9. Can We Dance - The Vamps 10. No Idea - ATL 11. Control - Halsey 12. Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran 13. Hallelujah -P!ATD 14. Stars - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals 15. She Looks So Perfect - 5sos 16. Take Me To Church - Hozier 17. Hope For The Best - You Me At Six 18. Over My Head - The Fray 19. Cut The Rope - Charlotte OC 20. Kicking and Screaming - ATL 21. Low - Sleeping With Sirens 22. Illusion - 1D 23. Drown - BMTH 24. Centuries - FOB 25. Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings 26. Icarus - Bastille 27. Throne - BMTH 28. The World I Used to Know - We Came as Romans 29. Drive - Halsey 30. Come Together - The Beatles
I tag: blakesmilitia , malietates , haylieyatwell , ginevra17 , lydiamrtn , martinskistilinski , bonecity , drkhales , obrienslydia , wardskye , regvlusblxck , scottmccalle , allisonagrnt , all the lovely people in my networks and anyone else who’d like to do this ♥ [sorry if you’ve been tagged before or have already completed this]
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