#seventeen change up
waldau · 4 months
hii i would like to request a fake dating scoups x reader au where the reader falls first but coups falls harder <3 thank u!
here you go anon, hope you like this :)
reset — choi seungcheol | 2,008 words | fluff, hurt/comfort
cheol brainrot go brrrr
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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technically speaking, the party’s going fine.
despite how much you want to hate it, it’s going the way parties do. there’s music, there’s alcohol, there’s your own corner if you want to tune out the sound of everything else, and there’s seungcheol’s friends. he’s spent at least half an hour introducing you to everyone — you’ve met a lot of them before, but there’s still some new ones. there’s always new ones.
and even though they’ve been nothing but polite to you, engaging you in conversation and making an effort to learn more about you, you can’t shake off the feeling that this isn’t really where you’re supposed to be.
you don’t know who you were kidding when you agreed to be his fake date for the party. he’s already had a ton of people hanging onto him throughout the course of the night. you’re not sure why he even bothered asking you. he could have asked his manager to find someone that would actually match with him, and maybe create a big splash if it made it to the news.
instead, he’d asked you out.
it won’t make a difference in the news, anyway, he’d said, like he wasn’t aware of the way he shattered your heart with those words. like it was common knowledge that nobody could even imagine the two of you together. like it wasn’t worth anyone’s time or imagination, most of all his.
suddenly, you find the sounds in the room too loud to bear. it’s not the first party you’ve been to, but it’s the first one where you’ve felt truly alone. you’re glad you haven’t touched your drink yet.
no one’s really paying attention to you exclusively, and you’re okay with nodding along and throwing in an occasional response here and there. but then it’s not okay, anymore. you shouldn’t have to be here in the first place, on this stupid fake date you agreed to because of your little crush on seungcheol.
okay, maybe it’s not just a little crush. but the point is that you shouldn’t have to be here hurting your feelings in order to spend a little time with him.
you excuse yourself under the pretense of having to take a call and head towards the balcony. joshua, one of seungcheol’s closest friends, comes up to ask you if everything’s okay. you’ve been friends with him for long enough that he can tell when you're fine and when you're not, but you give him a look that hopefully conveys you want him to let this slide.
“seungcheol mentioned this isn’t really your thing, so let him know if you want to go home. i know he’ll be okay with that.”
you nod wordlessly, words of gratitude stuck in your throat. what seungcheol tells you is true — joshua is just too damn perceptive.
you feel like you can finally take a better breath when the door shuts behind you, separating you from everyone else. the cold air makes you feel better, even if it’s beginning to seep into your skin because of the outfit you’ve worn.
it doesn’t matter, though. you need a bit of a reset.
somehow, it hardly takes four minutes before you feel someone behind you. and it’s not just anyone.
“do you have a death wish or something?”
you choose not to grace him with an answer.
“hey,” seungcheol prompts when you don’t reply. “what’s up?”
“shouldn’t i be asking you that?”
seungcheol steps to your side and looks at you. even though you’re gazing down at the empty road sparsely dotted with streetlights, you can feel his gaze pierce you.
“do you want to go home?” he asks softly.
it hurts. he shouldn’t be this considerate to you and then not like you back. it can't just be one without the other.
“i don’t know, do you?”
he sighs. “okay. i don’t know what i’ve done wrong, but i can tell you’re not comfortable right now. are you done for tonight?”
you shake your head. “i don’t want you to leave because of me. it seemed like you were having fun back there.”
“and you weren’t,” he replies, reading between the lines.
“it doesn’t matter, okay? it’s not your fault i’m not having fun.”
“that’s not how this works,” seungcheol stresses, stepping forward to grip your arms and recoiling a bit. “you’re cold.”
you shrug. another thing that’s not gone well today.
seungcheol takes off his jacket and hands it to you without any hesitation, but you don’t take it. you can’t keep living in your little daydream, living on moments where you think he might love you just a bit more than he would a friend. one of you needs to break the cycle, and if it’s going to be you, you’re prepared.
“seriously, what is wrong with you?” he asks, soft but sharp. you finally look him in the eyes. he has that gaze — the one where it looks like he knows exactly what you’re thinking about. it scares you sometimes, the way he’s so accurate. he must have picked up something from joshua over the years.
“nothing’s wrong with me, cheol,” you say, slightly bitter. “just because i don’t want your jacket doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.”
"you're right, i'm sorry," he says, taking a step closer to you. "i shouldn't have said it like that. but...it's not just about the jacket. at first i thought i caught you on an off day, but you seemed fine till we got here. i don’t know what happened after that. are you hungry? did someone say something to you? do you need me to punch anyone?”
you give him an exasperated look. “you’d punch someone if i asked?”
“in a heartbeat. i thought you knew that by now.”
“and if i was wrong?”
“you’re never wrong when it comes to things like these. and i’d forgive you even if you were.”
"you're too trusting, you know that?"
"well," seungcheol says, lowering the jacket. but it's still in front of you, still on offer. "you're my best friend. i think you have some privilege."
you hate the earnestness in his voice as much as you love it. “i know. sorry.”
“don’t apologize, sweetheart. tell me what’s wrong, and tell me how i can fix it. i’ll do anything.”
“it’s…nothing you can do,” you say, turning away from him. it's most definitely not in his control, but it’s not your fault for loving him, either.
“how will you know if you don’t try?”
“you just know some things, cheol. trust me on that.”
“yeah? like i know you’re hiding something from me right now? something that’s eating my best friend up, and i don’t even know what to do to help?”
again. those two words. they tear you up from the inside just as much as they hold you together. you can’t help the sharp feeling in your throat which indicates tears might be on the way. you're just frustrated at the unfairness of it all. if only life was a little kinder.
seungcheol, ever perceptive, notices immediately. “sweetheart? it’s something i did, isn’t it? something i said?”
you shake your head, not wanting tears to well up.
“don’t lie to me,” he says, draping the jacket over your shoulders and pulling you into his embrace. you push him away, even though you whole body wants nothing more than to be with him.
“please tell me?”
you take in a breath, the cold night air stinging your nose. “you said something.”
“what was it?”
“you said it wouldn’t make a…difference, if i was your date,” you say, focusing so much on not crying that your voice is barely audible to your own ears. “you said it like no one would care if we were together. like it wouldn’t affect you in any way. like i’m just…your best friend. and no one can see me as anything more.”
seungcheol sucks in a sharp breath. “can i hold you? please?”
you almost refuse, but decide otherwise. you’ve spilled out your mind to him, anyway. the least you deserve is a hug from him.
“i’m so fucking sorry,” he breathes into your hair, his arms looped around your waist and holding you close to him. “i didn’t— i’d never say something like that. that’s not what i meant when i said it.”
“then what did you,” mean, you mean to ask, but your breath gets swept away when he presses a kiss to your head.
“it’s just…everyone knows how close we are,” he says, hand gently running up and down your back. “i thought people wouldn’t bat an eye if they assumed we were dating, you know. i know people who already think we are. or…that we should.”
you look up at him at that. he looks serious about what he’s saying, but also shy, like he doesn’t want you looking at him when he’s speaking.
“some of my close friends.”
that's news to you. “so you don’t mind…people thinking we’re a thing? or thinking we should be?”
“of course not,” he says, holding you with one hand and tracing your cheekbone with the other. you fall for him just a bit more, right there. “anyone would be lucky to have you. i’d be the luckiest guy to have you.”
he just says things like that, and it makes you wonder if he really means them. so you decide to push him this time, and see where it goes. and blame it on your nerves and the drink you never had if things don’t go well. “would you?”
“want to have you?”
you nod, breath trapped in your throat.
“yeah,” he breathes out, leaning forward and tucking his chin in your shoulder.
you swear your world stops for just a second. you’re hardly even aware that he’s leaning on you now.
"yeah as in?"
“i’d like you to take you out for a real date. if you’ll let me.”
you pull away to look at seungcheol. he’s blushing, but he’s not looking away.
"if i'll let him, he says."
"well?" seungcheol lifts a hand to fix your hair.
“this isn’t a joke?”
he steps back and rubs his face, probably in an attempt to brace himself for whatever he wants to say. it doesn’t work. you like him like this, you think. with his hair messy and his eyes shy.
“of course not. i’d never joke about something like this. especially when it’s you.”
you should be the one who's shy and blushing, and yet there's nowhere else you'd rather look. “what made you…”
seungcheol takes your hands. they're a warm contrast to your cold ones. “i’ve been wrestling with it for a while, and i never told you because i didn’t want things between us to be weird. but i couldn’t keep faking it after i saw you tonight. you look so good, it’s been killing me.”
you shake him off to loop your arms around his neck and pull him down to you, feeling a bit braver. “so if i told you i wanted to leave right now…”
he swallows loud enough for you to hear. “we’d be out of here right now.”
you stand on your tiptoes to bring yourself to his height and place a little kiss on his nose.
he pouts. “that’s it? that’s all i get after confessing to you?”
“i don’t want our first kiss to be in front of an audience, cheol.”
seungcheol smiles. “fair. but i don’t know how much longer i can wait now.”
“you’re going to have to ask me out for real, you know.”
“but you haven’t told me you like me back yet,” seungcheol says. you can hear the whine in his voice and it makes you laugh a bit.
“you need to hear me say it?”
“of course i do! i've spent weeks thinking about tonight.”
“aren't you lucky, then?" you tease.
“the luckiest,” he says solemnly.
it's your turn to blush now.
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi
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everyonewooeverywhere · 3 months
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wanna know a hill i would gladly fucking die on??
i know for a FACT that a hug for seungcheol would change the entire trajectory of my life. like, you cannot tell me that a hug from this man would not be the most life-altering experience known to man.
this man is 1000% a phenomenal hugger. you cannot convince me that a hug from ANYONE else would have the same impact as a seungcheol hug 😤
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hwiyoungies · 1 year
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seventeen 8th anniversary countdown ↳ favorite song from 2017
370 notes · View notes
Game Boy
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Request: i just read your cheol 'bento' fic and its amazing. i apologize if requests aren't open but could i request a cheol fic where him and reader (female is possible but g.n is okay ) are online gaming friends and they finally meet irl?
A/N: have you ever seen the drama Love O2O? The request made me think of it and I started rewatching it. It is so good.
You wished sometimes that you had the ability to suddenly make friends that would play video games with you. None of your friends really seemed to understand your urge to play video games but it was something that you felt was practically necessary in your life.
You didn’t know how you would possibly ever be able to unwind if it wasn’t with a video game. You felt ease when it came to exploring virtual lands, and leveling up by mindlessly killing slimes, and shooting random people in Valorant.
And yet playing Valorant in random lobbies could be one of the most frustrating things on the planet. Especially for a girl. Men could be such trash in this dumb game and while it was totally possible to have a positive experience with randoms today simply wasn’t your day.
People were being sexist and mean and you weren’t even playing ranked.
You swore to yourself that this was going to be your last game because you couldn’t handle being told one more time that you should just play Skye so that you can heal the team.
You decided that for this last game you were just going to try to play tour favorite character and pretend like your mic was broken.
When you finally found a group of randoms to play with you were a little miffed to discover that someone else was already about to click her.
Just before you could throw your silent fit and just settle for Phoenix the person who had Reyna highlighted suddenly spoke.
“Does someone else want to play Reyna? I could play someone else.”
He switched away from the character and you switched onto her so that you could lock your choice in. Your eyes narrowed suspiciously at the screen wondering why the guy had given you Reyna. She was a popular character to play.
You decided not to question it. Maybe it was the Universe trying to give you something good after your shitty day.
It was normally pretty easy to sit in silence over a game of Valorant but this person was rather talkative and was strangely kind.
“Nice shot Reyna! You really carried that round!”
You sent a quick message of gratitude in chat which just made your other teammate snort.
“What’s wrong Reyna? Too good to actually speak? Phoenix gave you a compliment. Say something.”
Anger flared in your stomach, and you considered just leaving the match, but Phoenix’s response stopped you.
“Shut up, they don’t owe me anything,” he blurted. “It’s probably people like you that makes them not want to talk.”
“She’s probably just some stupid girl who’s so far up her ass she doesn’t think she needs a compliment.”
“God you must never get laid at all,” Phoniex shot back. “Playing with people like you is such a headache.”
The entire rest of the lobby was silent as you all played through your games. Despite the turmoil you were all winning. You in particular were doing an amazing job, and Phoniex wasn’t doing half bad. Kay-O was about as good as he was kind.
“Look if you’re going to argue with me all game I’ll just leave,” he said angrily.
“Okay? You’re the weakest on this team anyways. We won’t miss you.”
That seemed to be the final straw. The fifth player on the roster disappeared from your screen and the voice chat went silent for the first time in ten minutes. For a few seconds everyone was quiet.
“Good coms.”
A laugh left someone else’s mouth, and Phoenix chuckled nervously.
“I can’t stand guys like that,” he murmured. “It’s just a game.”
There was a hum of agreement over the call and the conversation devolved into a focus of the game itself. You were all leagues ahead of the other team, despite the fact that a player had left your game and without him around the air between the group of you all was light.
“Hey, do you guys want to continue playing as a squad? We make a good team,” Phoniex suggested. The responses that came were hesitant, but no’s in the end. Everyone was logging off for the night after this.
“We can add each other though,” someone said. “We can all play another time.”
You could practically hear the smile in Phoenix’s voice.
“Sounds great!” He was silent for a moment. “What about you Reyna? You didn’t respond. We could hit some duos.”
You sat there for a moment, mulling it over. You clicked the key on your keyboard that allowed you to speak through your mic. You hesitated for just a second. Were you really going to cross this line?
“Sure. Duos sounds fun.”
You played duos with Phoenix for two hours before finally telling him you needed to log off. You were relatively quiet the whole time. You didn’t waste much time talking to him. He, however, was not in any way deterred by your silence. He was quick to compliment you on good plays and was always way too excited for you two to win a game.
Still, whenever he was cheering, you caught a smile on your face.
When you logged onto Valorant you were completely ready to start playing as you always did, probably going to fall victim of another sexist man making the game awful for you, but despite that thought the first thing you were welcomed to was that of an invite from another player.
Your eyebrows strewn in confusion, and you were even more confused when you realized you recognized the username. It was that same person from the day before.
You considered for a moment not accepting the request, but before you could decline it you remembered the day before.
Hey, you’re pretty good.
You pressed your lips together and clicked the accept button.
“You actually accepted!”
You hummed into the microphone.
“This is my friend,” Phoenix said excitedly. There were a chorus of hi’s from the others in the lobby and before too long you all started to play.
Quickly, you learned a few things about this person. One, he trusted too easily. He was much too quick to declare you his friend. Much too fast to decide that if you were both on Valorant then you both needed to play with each other.
But you were much too fast to accept the invites so maybe the problem lied with you.
You hovered over a different character, considering playing someone else for the day. Ever since you had started playing with someone you had learned was named Seungcheol you had always played Reyna. After all, it was rare to begin with for you to get Reyna at all, so you treasured every moment you got to select her.
But playing as Reyna everyday was getting a little boring. Maybe today you would play as Skye. It would be a nice change of pace.
“What are you doing?” Came Seungcheol’s pouty voice. “Don’t you want to play Reyna? You can have her.”
A small smile grew on your lips. He was so funny, always worried that you were trying to make someone else’s life easier by doing something you didn’t really want to do.
“I just thought I would play someone else today. You mind?”
“I’m sure you’ll be just as good. As long as you are playing who you want to play.
Seungcheol was sweet. You hardly ever met such nice people playing Valorant.
“Hey I’m not going to be logging on for a few days because I’m absolutely obsessed with another game right now,” Seungcheol said conversationally. You hummed into the mic, focusing primarily on your shot. You clicked your mouse and the person in front of you dropped to the ground.
“What game?” You asked.
You laughed.
“Balloons Tower Defense 4?” You asked. “Isn’t that a kid's game?”
“Don’t dishonor the art of Bloons!” Seungcheol protested. “You’d get it if you played.”
You laughed.
He was silent for a few moments.
“Do you want to play?”
You had never crossed gaming platforms with an online friend before. It was seldom that you just made friends with people in-game, and you usually didn’t even play with them more than once or twice.
But with Seungcheol you practically gamed with him every day. It would be admittedly boring to play with strangers again.
“Sure,” you decided. “We’ll see if it’s worth the fuss.”
Playing Bloons with Seungcheol meant adding him on discord, adding him on discord meant playing other games with him and that quickly turned to only playing games with Seungcheol. You had never had a solely gaming friend before. And you had never had a friend quite like Seungcheol.
He was always extremely light-hearted, and despite you teasing him relentlessly he never failed to praise you for the tiniest things.
You didn’t think you deserved a Seungcheol, but you loved him with your whole heart anyways.
Your finger tapped lightly against your computer desk while you waited for your computer to load. This day had been terrible, literal trash and all you wanted to do was try and get yourself out of your foul mood.
Even the usual trill of excitement that filled your body as you started to load a game had practically evaporated from your body. All you felt was the dull pounding of annoyance. You knew that the littlest thing would send you over the edge in a fit of anger.
All you wanted to do was play some Fall Guys. You just wanted to run through a few matches and win a few games and yet the stupid screen wouldn’t load.
A sudden familiar ringing blared in your ears, sending another thud of aggravation through your body.
It was only after you tried to shut off that annoying sound when you remembered why it normally made your heart soar.
You scrambled to drop your feet to the ground, and you grabbed your headphones, sloppily plugging them in and throwing them over your ears. Then as quickly as you could you answered the waiting discord call.
“I didn’t think you were ever going to answer.”
The jesting tone of your friends' voice brought a smile to your lips.
“Despite not wanting to talk to you in the least I had nothing better to do so I figured I’d cave in and join the call.”
A full body laugh filled your ears.
“Yeah, yeah, what are we playing today?”
“Fall guys.”
Seungcheol whistled and you could practically hear him shaking his head as he began to load the game.
“Bad day huh?”
“The absolute worst.”
But even as you spoke your heart felt lighter.
“What happened? If I may ask,” Seungcheol asked as you entered the third round. You blew roughly out of your mouth, making him chuckle.
“Just work stuff,” you said. “You work customer service and suddenly people forget you are a human being with feelings.”
You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see your face.
“I love my job, but I hate my job.”
Seungcheol was a very understanding person. You felt like you could complain about anything to him, and he would never judge you. You could probably tell him you yelled at someone for no reason at all and he would do his best to justify it in any way he could.
“Well at least you’re here with me now.”
You smiled.
“At least I’m here with you now,” you agreed.
One of the oddest things you had ever done in the entirety of your friendship with Seungcheol was agree to play Stardew Valley with him.
No- that wasn’t the odd part. The odd part of the whole ordeal was what Seungcheol had literally proposed in the game.
“Hey, do you want to get married?”
Your fingers fumbled across your keyboard making you lose the fish that you were trying to catch.
Seungcheol was clearly nervous. He was hesitant to elaborate.
“Well, y’know, you can get married to npc’s in the game just, what if we married each other?”
You didn’t respond which made Seungcheol more nervous.
“It would just add some fun aspects to the game we’re missing out on by playing together! One bed, we could have kids-” He was rambling at this point, and it made you laugh. He stopped talking.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
You could hear the pout in his voice.
“What are you so nervous for?” You teased. “You’re acting like you like me or something.”
Before he could respond to that you continued:
“Sure, why not? Let’s get married.”
Marriage in a game with Seungcheol wasn’t really that different than just regular gaming with him except for one specific thing. Seungcheol getting very in character.
He didn’t hesitate to call you pet names or to dott on you as if you two actually were dating. The way he talked and the way that you spoke back… It was just like flirting and it made butterflies sprout in your stomach.
When had you stopped seeing Seungcheol as just a friend? Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had stopped treating you as a friend. It was like he couldn’t turn the pet names off.
Whether you were playing Dead by Daylight or Valorant he was calling you “the misses” or “baby” or “wifey”.
You thought it should drive you crazy, but instead it just made your heart flutter. You weren’t sure when you had started to like it so much.
“Babe, can you join me in B?”
You didn’t hesitate to turn your character already starting to run over to B. As you did, someone in your lobby laughed.
“Wow, babe, huh? How long have you two been together?”
You opened your mouth to tell the other guy that you and Seungcheol weren’t dating but he beat you to it.
“It hasn’t really been that long, but it feels like we’ve been together for ages.”
You choked on air, and the sound of your surprise was heard very clearly over the call.
Neither of them commented on it, they just continued their conversation as if Seungcheol hadn’t just confirmed that the two of you were dating- which you weren’t. Still, you weren’t mad at all.
Your heart ached at the thought of dating Seungcheol.
Was it really possible that all the flirting you two had been doing was more than just playful banter?
“Okay, I’ve got to call it a night,” you announced. Seungcheol booed in protest.
“You always turn in so early, and then you’re gone all day-”
“I have work Cheol, what am I supposed to do?”
Seungcheol was silent for a moment, and all you could hear was the sound of his breathing.
“We don’t really live that far from one another,” he commented softly. You hummed.
“Not really.”
“What if we... Met up...”
You were quiet.
“On discord?”
“In real life.”
“...Over zoom?”
“Like face to face.”
Now it was your turn to fall silent. Seungcheol wanted to meet you in real life? Weren’t you two skipping a few steps? You didn’t even know what he looked like. You hadn’t even told people in real life about Seungcheol. Not really. What were you supposed to say?
Hey, just so you know I practically have a gamer boyfriend.
Everyone would think you were crazy.
“I would love to meet you.”
Maybe you were crazy.
So, that was how you managed to get yourself here. Sitting in a coffee shop, your leg bouncing as you waited for Seungcheol to show up. All you knew was the color shirt he was going to be wearing. You two had decided- well you had insisted- that you two didn’t send pictures and just let it be a surprise what you two looked like when you got together.
Why you had pushed for that, you had no clue.
All you knew for sure was that you liked Seungcheol a lot.
And you were really excited to meet him in person.
“Hi... Uh, I’m Seungcheol?”
You looked up, your eyes widening a bit when you looked at the person in front of you. Seungcheol looked tall, maybe that was just because of the angle you were sitting at. He had large kind eyes and hair that fell just past the tips of his ears. You swallowed hard and scrambled to your feet.
“Cheol! Hey. Wow.”
You were at a loss over what to say. It wasn’t that you thought that Seungcheol was going to be ugly, you just didn’t expect him to literally look like he was a model. You squinted at him.
“Are you wearing makeup?”
Seungcheol’s cheeks warmed up.
“It was a special occasion,” he said softly. You waited for him to tell you he had an interview or something. “I get to meet you.”
Now it was your turn for your face to turn red.
“You came early,” you said. He hummed and nodded.
“You came early too.”
You didn’t have a good response to that so instead you tapped his side of the table, urging him to sit down.
“What are you thinking about getting?” You asked him softly. “I can’t figure out a flavor to get.”
As you spoke Seungcheol did not turn around to look back at the options laid out for him on the menu for coffee, instead he stared at you and to make matters worse (or more distracting) as he stared at you a smile started to cross his face.
You gave him a frustrated look.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“You’re just so beautiful,” he replied. “My wildest expectations could never match up to just how beautiful you actually are.”
Your eyes dropped to the table and before you could think about what to say, Seungcheol saved you the embarrassment.
“Don’t you like maple? It’s not every day you can get maple flavored coffee. You should get that.”
You nodded. He was right.
You had worried that when you finally met Seungcheol in real life things would be a little awkward. What were you supposed to do when you met an internet friend in person? You were so used to always having the social buffer of a game playing to prevent awkward silence from coming forward, but here in a public café that luxury was absent.
Still, the longer you were with Seungcheol the less stressed you were about being able to make conversation less awkward.
Seungcheol loved to talk about things, and all you had to do was ask him a question before he went off telling you his new favorite obsession and when he wasn’t talking, he was urging you to talk about something. Seungcheol was odd in that he remembered just about everything you had ever told him, and he showed interests in even the smallest parts of your life.
When you were with him you really felt like he cared about you.
Seungcheol’s phone suddenly started ringing, startling both of you out of your conversations. Seungcheol smiled apologetically and glanced at his phone, his eyebrows rising in surprise.
“It’s been three hours,” he said, before picking up his phone call.
You didn’t hear what the person on the other end of the call said but Seungcheol looked at you, his eyebrows rising slightly before he turned away to say:
“Sorry I lost track of time. I’m on a date.”
You could hear the person on the other end of the phone speak very loudly suddenly, and you hoped that covered the sound of you choking on your coffee.
When Seungcheol covered a small laugh, you knew that he had unfortunately not missed it.
From what you could tell from the rest of the conversation Seungcheol was late for something, and he had to go. But you weren’t going to let him go until you had some answers.
“On a date? Since when are we the type of friends to go on dates with one another?”
Seungcheol feigned offense.
“Babe, we’ve been dating for weeks now. You’re telling me that our time together meant nothing to you?”
You gaped at him, so Seungcheol continued.
“I thought it was obvious that we’re dating. We’re married in Stardew Valley.”
As much as you wanted to argue with him over the semantics of how he should have asked you out, your heart could only focus on one thing.
“You really like me like that?”
Seungcheol seemed surprised by the serious tone of voice.
“Well... Yeah, I thought it was obvious,” he replied. He raised his hand to the back of his neck nervously. “I’m kinda...”
You waited for him to continue but he must have decided what he wanted to say was something he shouldn’t say quite yet.
“Anyways, I have to go,” Seungcheol segued reluctantly. He stood up and you followed suit. “It was more amazing to meet you than I ever thought it would be.”
A smile lit your face.
“Yeah, you too.”
Before Seungcheol turned to leave he suddenly closed the difference between you two. He gave you a smile that was somehow more prominent in his eyes and then he leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of your lips.
“See you again soon.”
And before you could say anything he disappeared around the corner and out the door.
You smiled to yourself, raising a hand to where he had kissed you.
“Yeah, see you soon.”
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ambivartence · 1 year
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do you guys like the poem i wrote for english
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tsukisdiary · 2 years
sometimes i think about the fact that rick's mom canonically didn't give a shit about his achievements when he was growing up and after his daughter died he had to encounter multiple versions of her who were constantly frustrated due to having their potential nipped as a teenager because of something that happened when they were seventeen without even knowing that in multiple realities the same event that changed their lives was also orchestrated by the same fathers that abandoned them. and how angry he must feel with everything; with the citadel, with other ricks, with himself for even leading the fucking other ricks to begin with. and just being so angry he can't shoulder all the guilt so he chooses to project it on his son in law who happens to be an incompetent, egotistical, idiot
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movedto-whiskyearts · 2 years
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❌ reposts | ⭕️ personal use | commissions open | ko-fi
change up change up change up
Edit: i realised that this is a sideblog so i cldnt interact with you guys T-T  so i moved to @whiskyearts
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geekwiththegoggles · 9 months
Y'all ever been so creatively inactive it hurts?
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I typed in “highest protein foods ever” and — aside from whey protein and other things like fresh haddock and pollock which are extremely expensive — it turns out tuna has the highest protein content per calorie, followed somewhat closely by chicken breast. It looks like oats and brown rice have a decent amount of protein as well so I’ll have to get some in bulk.
So I went to Aldi (I’m from America and we have Aldi Sud, which is different than Aldi Nord; Aldi Nord is on the boycott list) and purchased six cans of albacore tuna, one can of chicken breast, two cans of French-style green beans, two cans of potatoes, and one can of carrots. I also purchased two dozen eggs (in cardboard; not styrofoam, of course) and a giant container of vinegar for use as a multipurpose cleaner and laundry detergent which will probably last me at least half a year.
$18.85 hell yeah AND I didn’t break the eggs on the way home despite getting irritated with the stupid “press to cross” button because it DOESN’T FUCKING WORK and basically rushing in front of a car because I wasn’t about to wait for it to turn when it didn’t turn last time after two full cycles. I knew I could make it if I swerved left a little and I did. I didn’t get hit. I’m not dead. This is not my ghost speaking. It didn’t faze me at all; I know the driver is probably shaken though. Sorry, man.
Once I get the brown rice I can make tuna and vegetable stir fry with an egg scrambled in. I’m sure my neighbors will appreciate the smell SJDBJDJDNDNDJDJNDNSNSN that’s what they get for making the heat vents smell like weed. Tuna attack. Suck it. I’ll need to ride my bike for 45 minutes straight over “gentle hills” (gentle my ASS) soon so I’ll cook that meal the night prior and have it for breakfast. I have a small can of orange soda I saved from the staff break room when we had treats, which I will take with me in case I need sugar on the road.
Other things I’m noticing from riding a bike around all the time:
The webbing between my thumbs and forefingers feels raw from rubbing on the handlebars all the time
Riding into a strong gust of wind IS THE LITERAL DEVIL
”Push to cross” buttons don’t work half the time. They do the BEEP beep but they don’t change the picture to the little white walking man. Yay for pedestrian safety! /s
I am not as in shape as I thought
Ride as hard as you can on dips then stop pedaling when going back up to conserve energy and not kill yourself
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littlestarprincess · 2 months
tfw a k-drama subplot is unfolding in your workplace. . . .
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kankan2 · 2 years
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This is actually unfinished, but look at the progress( *_* )
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hwiyoungies · 2 years
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SVT LEADERS ✧ CHEERS Official Teaser
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sol1loqu1st · 1 year
WOO finally slogged through a version of chapter 17 i'm somewhat happy with
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toxicrevolver · 9 months
I made a post saying SM artists are on weverse. My dumbass joined the SHINee community, all 3 NCT communities, and the RIIZE community.
I’m about to smother NCT. Every single one of them. WayV is the exception those are my favourite kids.
The Dreamies are just as bad as TXT and Enhypen. And Johnny and Doyoung were literally having a convo on weverse when they were physically sitting next to each other (Johnny confirmed that)
So. NCT 127 and NCT DREAM. I’m coming for your knee caps.
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