1leoking1 · 2 years
This is a newly started subreddit for the overturning if Roe V. Wade! Take away our rights and we take away our sex!
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darlingdemi · 5 years
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diallokenyatta · 5 years
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Me: Sitting in a lounge & wondering why WYT Feminist are just now getting around to having a #SexStrike. Y'all was OK with fucking Genocidal Imperialist, Ecocidal Capitalist, & Dehumanizing Racist, but y'all draw the line at Evangelical Anti-Abortionist? If you WYT Feminist were really about justice y'all woulda closed them legs back in 1492...or during the rise of the Roman Empire. Hell, I woulda settled for a Labia Lock-Out in solidarity with any justice Movements of the last half century. I never understood Western Liberalism & WYT Morality. 🚫😾 #BroDiallo (at The University of Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfZNzWnYvI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ppeb0wa2mu2s
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arunmehta · 5 years
NEW EPISODE! Arun and Patricia discuss:
Why can’t Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage answer a straight question? Was Ben Shapiro’s appearance on the BBC embarrassing for the American right-wing? Roughly 3.5 billion people are having sex at least once a week. How does a #SexStrike work? Netflix Acquires Nickelodeon's 'Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling' and 'Invader Zim: Enter The Florpus' TV Movies Is Hey Arnold! Season 6 still possible? Should Splatoon 2’s Off the Hook tour the United States? All-Elite Wrestling score TV deals with TNT in the US and TNT in the UK. Could they compete with WWE? The Creators Of The Super Mario Super Show Had Plans For Metroid And Castlevania. Would they have worked? Netflix references “The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.” Was the show really that bad? So let's talk about this Little Mermaid TV spot? Does it sound like a completely different movie?
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backroombuzz · 5 years
Alyssa Milano Calls For A Sex Strike 'Our Reproductive Rights Are Being Erased'
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While Tweeting something moronic, Alyssa Milano actually said something intelligent. Unfortunately for her, it's only considered smart by the people she wasn't speaking too.
Read the full article
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This is how we fight back, by telling the stories we can’t unlive.
We stand with all the women in Alabama, and around the world, who have had the rights to their bodies taken away. We will not be silenced. We will not go quietly.
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gabyglifestyle · 3 years
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#gabysrandomthoughtsoftheday #moretexasefition #becausewejustcant #boycotttexas #nosexintexas #theunfuckablestate #gofutexas #sexstrike #budinessstrike #everythingstrike #republicanssuck (at Carmel Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTXws3HPYzz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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primalaska · 5 years
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#brokeahontas #bluetidalwave2020 #ditchmitch #theyallgottago #PopeFrancis #traitortrump @unfollowtrump #sexstrike #meeto @alyssa_milano 🌊 #wtp2020 #votebluetosaveamerica #unfollow trump #ditchmitch2020 #libyees #fatNixon #trumprussia #unite #saveourrepublic #trumpmustresign brokeahontas bluetidalwave2020 ditchmitch theyallgottago PopeFrancis traitortrump @unfollowtrump sexstrike meeto @alyssa_milano 🌊 wtp2020 votebluetosaveamerica unfollow trump ditchmitch2020 libyees fatNixon trumprussia unite saveourrepublic trumpmustresign https://www.instagram.com/p/B1t8eFQHyLG/?igshid=ygxptu9pxum5
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vexedintellects · 5 years
This week the Intellects discuss the Sex Strike that indirectly responds to the new abortion laws passing in Georgia and Alabama. (Part of that conversation is captured in the clip)
The guys also discuss Kim Kardashian’s role in getting inmates released, Game of Thrones, Chinese Tariffs, the NBA Draft Lottery, Rolling Loud Festival, Moechella, and more.
Also, a new segment titled “This Week in WTF” is introduced.
#getvexed and enjoy!
Link to hear podcast on various platforms are
here 👉🏾 https://linktr.ee/thevexedintellects
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la activista quiere decir que con abstinencia y una sexualidad orientada a la reproducción se reduciría la necesidad de abortar a niveles propios del Pleistoceno, es decir, a cero. #Repost @actualidadrt • • • • • • La actriz y activista estadounidense Alyssa Milano instó a las mujeres a participar en una "huelga sexual" para protestar contra una nueva ley de aborto en el estado de Georgia. "Nuestros derechos reproductivos están siendo borrados. Hasta que las mujeres no tengan control legal sobre nuestros propios cuerpos, simplemente no podemos arriesgarnos a quedar embarazadas. Únanse a mí y no tengan relaciones sexuales hasta que recuperemos la autonomía corporal. Estoy llamando a una #SexStrike ('huelga de sexo')", escribió la actriz en su Twitter. El tuit llega poco después de que Georgia adoptara una ley para prohibir los abortos una vez que se detecte un latido fetal, que puede ser tan pronto como seis semanas, incluso antes de que muchas mujeres sepan que están embarazadas. "Vasectomías obligatorias" Por su parte, otra actriz Evan Rachel Wood pidió una vasectomía obligatoria para los hombres en respuesta a los severos proyectos de ley sobre el aborto que se están introduciendo en EE.UU. Explica que es una forma de prevenir embarazos no deseados cuando el aborto no es una opción. "Vasectomías obligatorias hasta que quieras tener hijos (...) ¡Vamos chicos, salvemos vidas!", tuiteó. . . . #rtenespañol #noticias #actualidad #rtplayes #sexstrike #protesta https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcP3MsI_2i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1etuzkupy3u3d
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weekinnerd · 5 years
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Alyssa Milano called for a #sexstrike and both sides of the political aisle weren’t happy with her comments. Click the link in our bio to read the responses. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYg_mLBrm8/?igshid=15enblvm86enh
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Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike, ignites social media Actress Alyssa Milano ignited social media with a tweet Friday night calling for women to join her in a sex strike to protest strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislatures. The former star of "Charmed" and current cast member of "Insatiable," which is filmed in Georgia, urged women in her tweet to stop having sex… https://kdwn.com/2019/05/12/alyssa-milano-calls-for-sex-strike-ignites-social-media/ #sexstrike #socialmedia #legislature #protest #abortion https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYHti3HcEC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kkret5iiyetv
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newsnomadblog · 5 years
#MeToo activist calls for #SexStrike over new Georgia abortion law
#MeToo activist calls for #SexStrike over new Georgia abortion law
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The US actress has called for women to not have sex until the state of Georgia rescinds its new abortion law. Some film and television companies working in Georgia said they would no longer work in the state.
12 May 2019 | DW
American actress and #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano struck a chord on social media after she called on women to stop having sex with men until the US state of Georgia…
View On WordPress
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gabyglifestyle · 3 years
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#gabysrandomthoughtsoftheday #texasedition #texaswentdown #boycotttexas #sexstrike (at Carmel Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTWZXhoLDzv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cnbnews · 4 years
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好莱坞女星,“堕胎”女权主义活动家艾莉莎米兰诺(Alyssa Milano���自爆染疫后大量脱发。(合成图片)
【希望之声2020年8月11日】(希望之声记者安娜综合报导)好莱坞女星,兼“堕胎”女权主义活动家艾莉莎米兰诺(Alyssa Milano)1980年代曾出演高收视影集「妙管家」男主角女儿,一度是超人气美少女形象,就算到如今47岁也是风韵犹存,依旧称得上美女。近日艾莉莎在推特和IG上却自爆自己感染新冠肺炎(中共病毒,武汉肺炎,新冠病毒,COVID-19)全身都疼不能呼吸快要死了,医生说病毒潜伏已久。从她晒出的视频上看,她染疫后造成头发大量脱落,模样苍老憔悴。
艾莉莎米兰诺说,尽管出现了症状,但她在3月底的两次冠状病毒检测中都是阴性的,直到最后一次检测出新冠肺炎抗体,她发布了她最新检测结果的截图。“我患上了Covid19”。  医生认为病毒可能在她体内潜伏已久。
现年47岁的艾莉莎米兰诺1980年代在大受欢迎的影集「妙管家」中扮演男主角女儿,被捧为超人气美少女,也曾与阿诺史瓦辛格合演电影「魔鬼司令」。2011年后艾莉莎几乎没有任何电影作品,转型成「Me Too」的女权主义运动的旗手,去年更是提议女性“性罢工”  ,反对美国堕胎禁令,主张男女平权。
好莱坞反对堕胎禁令  艾莉莎发动“性罢工”  
2019年五月美国乔治亚州通过「心跳」法案,规定在怀孕六周,也就是能检测出胎儿心跳时,就禁止堕胎。许多好莱坞一线明星纷纷表态反对,包括艾莉莎米兰诺、亚历鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)、艾米舒默(Amy Schumer)、班史提勒(Ben Stiller)、莎拉席佛曼(Sarah Silverman)、米亚法罗(Mia Farrow)等50多人,早在3月底就向乔治亚州递交联名公开信,表示如果「心跳法案」通过,今后将拒绝在乔治亚州工作。
艾莉莎米兰诺推特发起#MeToo    各国女权运动广泛采用
艾莉莎米兰诺也不是第一次对热门话题积极表态,2017年韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)案后,她也在网路上丢出许多震撼弹,吸引了大量媒体注意,因此而粉丝暴增,是个标准的网红、KOL(关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader)。
但这项表面看上去维护女性权益的运动却遭到质疑。有观点认为,正是因为女权主义者主张男女平等和性解放,造成色情产业在社会上堂而皇之的流行,这才是女性受害的源头。研究性别正义的娜塔莉‧柯林斯(Natalie Collins)认为,现在很多年轻女性在所谓男女平等的问题上被灌输,误导了。 
还有批评声音说,社会的焦点被女权主义者刻意模糊了。2018年1月9日,100位法国知名女性共同署名,于《世界报》上发表公开信,批评好莱坞如今已受#Me Too#政治正确审查,并认为这种网络的「快速正义」,是对追求爱情的人性的「矫枉过正」,终将混淆女性主义的真正要义。署名者包括记者佩吉・萨斯特(Peggy Sastre)、畅销书作家凯瑟琳・米勒(Catherine Millet)、精神分析学家萨拉・奇切(Sarah Chiche)、演员凯瑟琳・罗伯-格里莱特(Catherine Robbe-Grillet),甚至还有知名女星嘉芙莲·丹露(Catherine Deneuve)。
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像武肺!蜱虫病毒席卷多省;内蒙再爆鼠疫,1死35隔离;台风暴雨,上海被淹;收购TikTok地雷多;美国净网行动,5领域清共;好莱坞媚共细节;战略重心全转中共,美军:打就要赢 |新闻拍案惊奇 大宇
新报告细揭好莱坞为票房向中共下跪 威胁西方价值观
安卓翻墙APP、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:好莱坞“堕胎”女权旗手艾莉莎中镖 自爆狂掉发病毒潜伏已久
原文链接:好莱坞“堕胎”女权旗手艾莉莎中镖 自爆狂掉发病毒潜伏已久 - 新闻评论
本文标签:堕胎, 头发, 女性, 女权, 女权主义, 好莱坞, 掉发, 病毒, 肺炎
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theidahojew · 5 years
The Gonzo Radio Show! Missed Monday’s Show...? Again...?🤨 Here’s Your Link To The Replay: https://youtu.be/IdFSdykxav4 The Gonzo Radio Show! Every Monday Night...LIVE! 8pm est/5pm pacific YouTube Channel: The Gonzo Radio Network: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealBigDaddyGonzo #KevinSiegelbaum #TheIdahoJew #TheGonzoRadioShow #TheGonzoRadioPodcast #BigDaddyGonzo #LisaTheExtremeCanineEnthusiast #TheGonzoRadioNetwork #RUFKM #DOTW #AreYouFuckingKiddingMe #DouchebagOfTheWeek #Podcast #InternetRadio #MondayNightLive #FloridaMan #SexStrike #AlyssaMilano #HeartbeatBill #GeorgiaBoycott #NoSexationWithoutRepresentstiin #FuckGeorgia #😶 #TheGonzoRadioShowPresents #SupportLocalComedy #SupportLiveComedy #SouthFloridaComedy #SoFloComedy #OpenMic #GoodKarmaPetRescue #GoodKarmaPetRescueFeatureFosterPetOfTheWeek #TheSevenDeadlyQuestions #The7DeadlyQuestions #SubliminalMessegesInHashtagging https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxidre9jTAI/?igshid=1fobekquut5qz
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