zegalba · 11 months
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Björk: Medúlla (2004) hair sculpture by Shoplifter
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todays haul! $270.75 cost, paid $0 :))
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"CHINESE SHOPLIFTER IS SENT TO PRISON," Victoria Daily Times. December 23, 1913. Page 18. ---- Stole Bottle of Perfume From Spencer Store and Gets Two Months ---- There have been some complaints made to the police about petty pilfering in the stores during the Christmas rush, but nothing very extensive is being done, and there do not appear to be any professional shop-lifters at work.
Acting on information the police had received in regard to a Chinese, Detective Macdonald arrested So Kee as he came out of Spencer's about eight o'clock last night, following him across View street and arresting him on the other side. So Kee had in his hand a small parcel wrapped up, but a casual feeling of his clothes failed to reveal anything concealed.
Macdonald took his prisoner to the detective-office for more careful search. The door was locked and he had to reach for his keys. When the Chinese heard the keys jingle he began to struggle with the officer and proved to be a husky individual. Macdonald had to call in the assistance of a passing citizen to open the door for him.
In the struggle a bottle fell from the clothes of the man and broke on the pavement. When he had the man secured inside, Macdonald went out and found a twelve-ounce bottle which had contained perfume. In falling the corner had been knocked off the bottom and the contents had vanished, but the air carried scents of new-mown hay such as even the market building never knew before. The bottle was unwrapped and there was everything to indicate that it had not left Spencer's as a purchase.
Inquiry there showed that no sale had been made of the bottle, and today So Kee was accused of stealing it from David Spencer, Limited, pleading not guilty and being defended by J. S. Brandon.
Miss Mary Bell, assistant manager of the drug department, identified the bottle and her marks on it. The bottle was one from which perfume was retailed, and none of the clerks would have been able to sell it either whole or part filled without obtaining a price on it from the manager or herself. She was certain that the bottle had not been sold, as under the office system it would be impossible for this to take place without her knowledge, and a record being in existence.
There was nothing to be said for the defence, and So was sent to jail for two months.
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oozequest · 4 months
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charlotteswebbbbb · 1 year
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The work of Shoplifter.
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buck4yabang · 2 years
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frankmweber · 2 years
Shoplifting, large and small, tends to rise during times of crisis. As inflation makes things harder for more families, retail theft data will be a telling gauge for consumer distress. With prices rising exponentially, expectations are that this will become even more of a problem as long as high inflation persists. And it is’t just shops that thieves turned to as food prices spike. Brits who grow…
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woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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yesokayiknow · 4 months
incredibly enamoured with the way that so far fifteen can't wear an outfit for more than ten minutes before changing. he said no more looking like a cartoon character
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walmart, bath and body works, Claire's, hot topic, spencers, 5 and below, jcpenney haul! $0 spent <33
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE," Winnipeg Tribune. April 25, 1942. Page 17. ---- By J.C.R. OLD Samuel couldn't stretch his $20 Old Age pension quite far enough this month. When he went to make some purchases at a grocery store Friday he put three items in his pocket for which he hadn't the cash. At the paying counter clerks noticed that his pockets bulged suspiciously. They investigated, found he had hidden a pound of butter, a tin of condensed milk, a tin of cooked meat, total value 63 cents. At 72, Samuel is almost stone deaf, and when he was hailed into court this morning couldn't hear either the theft charge read out by Howard Maltby, clerk of the court, or, the questions asked by Magistrate Fred Law. At length, by means of exchange of written messages, Samuel was let off on suspended sentence. If he commits the same offense within the next two years he'll be sentenced for the old as well as the new theft. Apparently Samuel doesn't intend to do any such thing, for he left the court room smiling.
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scienza-magia · 6 months
Dal Regno Unito è allarme taccheggi nei supermercati
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Carne, farmaci, carta igienica: nel Regno Unito è boom di taccheggi. Furti nei negozi aumentati del 24% nel 2023. Effetto inflazione o solo più criminalità? Le aziende hanno portato il problema sul tavolo del governo e anche negli incontri con gli analisti finanziari. Il Regno Unito è alle prese con un nuovo problema. O meglio: con un problema vecchio quanto il mondo ma che oggi è particolarmente difficile da gestire e sopportare. Tanto da aver costretto i “big” della vendita al dettaglio, come Primark, Tesco, Target e Foot Locker, a portarlo al tavolo del governo e agli incontri con gli analisti finanziari. È il boom dei taccheggi. Londra ha una certa familiarità con il fenomeno. Secondo alcuni storici è proprio qui che è nato questo crimine. Effetto collaterale dell’essere stata per secolo la capitale mercantile più trafficata d’Europa. Il termine ancora oggi utilizzato per identificare i taccheggiatori, shoplifter, è comparso per la prima volta in un libro del 1694, intitolato The ladies dictionary, che, oltre a spiegare come acconciare i capelli descriveva con dovizia di particolari la donna avvezza a rubare la merce esposta al mercato. I piccoli furti rappresentano una costante secolare dell’economia e della società britannica (e non solo). Ma negli ultimi tempi, Oltremanica, se ne parla tutti i giorni. La stampa locale abbonda non solo di cronache di ruberie, tentate o riuscite, al supermercato o ai grandi magazzini. I giornali propongono mappe delle zone più colpite dal problema e, persino, dei negozi che potrebbero essere presi di mira nelle prossime settimane. Previsioni statistiche mescolate a intuizioni investigative. La portata numerica del fenomeno non è univoca. I dati della polizia dicono che i taccheggi registrati in un anno, fino a marzo 2023, sono aumentati del 24% ma che sono più o meno in linea con quelli dell’era pre-Covid.
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Circa 340mila. Secondo il British Retail Consortium, l’associazione britannica che rappresenta il settore della vendita al dettaglio, il numero dei casi non può essere invece sceso al di sotto degli 8 milioni del 2022. L’ente ha rilevato anche che sono raddoppiati gli episodi segnati da violenza, aggressioni fisiche e minacce a mano armata. Nel 2019 se ne contavano 450 al giorno. Oggi sono arrivati a quota 850. La gran parte si consuma nella cornice dei discount. Oltre la media sono gli incidenti avvenuti nei punti vendita Co-op, società di supermercati economici, che nel primo semestre di quest’anno ne ha contati mille ogni 24 ore. Nessuna statistica spiega chi è chi ruba e perché lo fa. Prima fra le possibili cause c’è la crisi scatenata dall’inflazione e dal carovita. Povertà. Le zone in cui le segnalazioni alle autorità di pubblica sicurezza hanno subito una forte impennata sono, non a caso, quelle più depresse del Paese: Cleveland, Nottinghamshire, Humberside, Northumbria, West Yorkshire e Durham. Anche la tipologia di prodotti portati via dagli scaffali la dice lunga. Si rubano soprattutto prodotti alimentari, proprio come secoli fa, e medicinali. Tra la merce più a sottrazione furtiva c’è la carne e i farmaci pediatrici del marchio Calpol. Seguono latte artificiale, caffè, formaggio, burro e detersivi. Molti obiettano che è offensivo sostenere che la povertà genera furti. E che l’indigenza incide poco sulla portata del problema che è invece di pura delinquenza. Questo è il fronte di quanti chiedono pene più severe per il taccheggio che una legge del 2014 ha relegato a “reato sommario” se relativo a furti da massimo 200 sterline di valore. Dagli scaffali, certo, scompaiono anche prodotti di lusso. Ma vedere la placca antitaccheggio sul pollo, sui rasoi da barba, sui cioccolatini e persino sulla carta igienica (come successo in un supermercato Tesco a sud di Londra) fa più impressione di quelle poste allo champagne in esposizione nelle catene chic. Le perdite causate al settore ammontano a un miliardo di sterline all’anno. Sono 88 le aziende, tra cui anche Burberry, John Lewis e Marks and Spencer, che hanno chiesto l’intervento del Ministero degli Interni. Pesa anche il timore che prima o poi possa verificarsi un altro furto collettivo come quello organizzato dai teenager ad agosto, via Snapchat e Tiktok, al negozio JD Sports di Oxford Street. Agli addetti alle vendite di alcuni supermercati è stato intanto chiesto di indossare telecamere di sicurezza, tipo quelle in dotazione ai poliziotti, per scoraggiare i malintenzionati. Balordi, cleptomani o disperati che siano. Read the full article
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rocketpoodlecartoon · 7 months
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Rocket Poodle puts a Stop in shoplifting by our villains, Skylar and Ricky.  Rocket Poodle came just in time to ask them to leave, pick up the goods and hand them back to the store.
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nakeddeparture · 7 months
Holetown, Barbados. Ricky Small (of Jordans Supermarket video fame).
He showed up in the police station talking about his conscience. Naked!!
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The society that punishes heroes instead of criminals easily falls
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