#siiiiigh coming back with the sillies
finnprof · 16 days
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a w c h e e s e : c
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demonsfate · 7 months
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and then there's ppl in the comment sections that are like "it's cool they're bringing this up so that jin can have a proper redemption arc!" sorry sorry (not sorry) you CAN'T have a redemption arc from literal war, being a cold bastard, killing millions. you can't. you can't without dying, and then you're still seen as a piece of shit. it's something you really can't come back from. with strong implications that azazel was gonna be here, with lars' characterization - i was REALLY hoping for that retcon. for SOME retcon. but that first 4 mins? it actually killed most my hope. and yet i'm STILL inhaling that sweet sweet copium in HOPES that it still gets retconned. that maybe jin is just BLAMING himself for it when really, it's not directly his fault - it's dj's or azazel's. right? right??? they're REALLY NOT going with this right???? it just makes NO SENSE!! it makes no sense at all. even if jin's intentions were good all of a sudden - lars makes no sense. because lars was very hateful towards jin in tek7, but understood his worth. that's in character for sb like lars, realizing the man who tormented him is their only hope. but now lars being a CHEERLEADER practically???? wtf????? the only way i can see THAT happening is if lars found out that jin wasn't in control of his actions, and realized that in a way, jin's also a victim.
JUST. i might sound legit upset here and i actually am. LIKE IT'S SILLY I KNOW IT'S SILLY. but i'm upset, yet at the same time - i don't really know why i'm surprised. i should've seen this coming. but i guess i just got my hopes far too up. but like icarus, i fell too close to the sun and now i'm falling down.
y'all know how i feel about the tk6 jin. y'all know how i feel about the story and how i was really hoping that'd be improved upon. i guess it doubles down on me rn bc i already complained about another fighting game and its weird decisions that just ruin things for me. now it seems like tek is doing the same thing and just SIIIIIGH.
this blog definitely may stay very canon divergent. just siiiiiiigh.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
~Snatcher x Reader~
Summary: Hey Phineas whatcha doooooin
Warning(s): One dirty joke, the rest is safe fluff and silly ghostie
"...Are you okay?"
"...OH, I'M FINE."
"Oh, alright."
You were sitting in the corner, playing around with your phone, while Snatcher was busy reading his book-...Well....Sort of busy reading his book. He was incredibly annoying today, clingy, whiny, all of the above and more.
He kept peeking over his book at you, then looking down right as you noticed him looking. He shifted around in his chair, as if it were the most uncomfortable position he had been in (....and we all know, it's not the most uncomfortable position he's been in...). And worst of all, he wouldn't shut up.
Snatcher muttered random little words, hummed to himself, let out the occasional "UGH..", and sighed incredibly loud, fake sighs, to get your attention. You, personally, were in a constant state of wanting him to shut his big mouth.
Yet again, Snatcher shifted around in his chair. But this time, it seemed he 'fell' out of it. He was upsidedown, and his book was on his face.
He threw his book to the side, and stayed in his position.
You jumped at his sudden yell, and stifled a laugh as you noticed his sprawled out, half on the chair, half on the floor pose.
"May I help-"
"What'cha dooooin'~"
You stayed quiet a moment, staring at him, and waiting for him to say something else. When you were sure he was to let you explain what you were doing, he- "THAT SOUNDS BORING."
You scoffed, while a goofy little half smile formed on your face. You knew full well he was obviously joking- this was his way of playful flirting, trying to get attention.
"You're boring," You retorted in a giggly tone.
Snatcher slithered off of the chair. "I AM NOT!!! If I were boring, you wouldn't be here. I am the most smart, fun, poetic, intellectual being-"
"I'm going to sit on your face if you don't shut up!" You threatened jokingly.
Snatcher's fake annoyance quickly morphed into the biggest, most ornery Grinch smile you had ever seen on a person.
"Ohh, pleeease dooo~" He sang at you, his tone deep and seductive.
You let out a little scream, and covered your blushing face. "What the heck?! I'm leaving!" You shouted, quickly getting to your feet and running for the door.
He grabbed you by the ankles. "WHAT??? NO NO NO I'M SORRY COME BACK," Snatcher wailed, dragging you back toward him. Snatcher dashed in front of the door to block you from leaving. "Did I make you uncomfortable?? I'm sorry, I was just kidding, I won't do it again-"
He respects you. How attractive.
"You're cute," You say simply, throwing a wink at him. Snatcher looked offended, but the brightest, golden yellow blush on his cheeks warned your heart.
"HOW DARE YOU!" Snatcher said dramatically. He quite literally deflated, into a simple pile of goop on the floor. You chuckled at his wailing. Snatcher's personality was so ridiculous, in every way possible. You loved it.
He was currently on the floor, whining and yelling at you, for nothing in particular. He had regained shape, and curled into a snake like ball. "You don't take me seriously!" Snatcher complained.
"...No, not really-"
"Yeah, I do! HA!"
He crossed his arms and pouted. "...Can I at least have a hug," He mumbled.
You couldn't believe your ears. Snatcher? Asking for a hug?
He was always so tsundere, refusing to be touched. You were sure this was a trap, like a cat exposing his soft belly, only to claw at your hand the moment you pet it.
"Hmm, nah," You said. You put your hands on your hips to strike the most cocky pose you could manage.
Snatcher looked up at you with shocked eyes. "...'NAH'?" He repeated in disbelief. You shrugged. Giving him a straight answer would only prolong his dramatic episode.
"HOW COULD YOU! WAAAAAAAA-" Snatcher sobbed loudly, burying his face in his nubby hands. "YOU DON'T LOVE MEEEE!"
You rolled your eyes fondly at him, and walked up to the large fluffy noodle. You silently hoped he'd still accept a hug.
Unfortunately for you, he didn't.
"NO, GET AWAY FROM ME." Snatcher closed his eyes, and looked away. He crossed his arms, and whipped the end of his tail around in annoyance.
"What?" You groaned. Snatcher whined, and threw himself to the floor like a child throwing a tantrum.
"I was only teasing--- ARE YOU CRYING?!" You exclaimed, noticing large golden tears running down his soft cheeks. You sprinted over and did your best to pick him up, holding the big ghost in your arms.
He slipped out of your arms like soap in the shower.
"...You're a hot mess," You muttered, kneeling next to him, and running your fingers through his fluff.
"BUT I'M MORE HOT THAN A MESS, RIGHT??" Snatcher wasn't crying anymore. How strange of him to be sobbing so hard, and immediately be alright afterwards.
You furrowed your brows. "How did-"
I HAVEN'T SEEN FANFICTION WHERE ALL THAT HAPPENS IS SILLY TEASING, SO I'VE COME TO DELIVER. He's such an ornery brat who just wants to make you giggle..Maybe he wants to drive you a bit crazy, too! But only because he loves you!
Not proofread or detailed at all, it's 1 am and I'm tired ✨
~Love, PinkBoots
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x21: Rewatch Blog
Hey everybody! It’s time for another rewatch blog, this time for the big Season 2 finale! Well, the start of it anyway ;) This first half is called “Second Star to the Right...” and I bet you can’t guess what the next part’s called!
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...Okay, let’s, uh, not worry about that now. We’ll worry about that next time! For now, let’s start the show!
Aw, poor Bae.
6 months on the streets. That really sucks :(
Aww... Wendy is sweet <3
Hahaha, Gold, that's a little silly, making Whale kiss the bottom of your boot, don't you think?
I mean, the TOP of the boot is so much nicer, then you get to WATCH them do it. Also, the bottom of the boot is just gross. Ew. Not hot at all.
Ummm... what were we talking about? Oh, right. The show.
"Haven't you already gone down that road?" Oh, Snow. Your complete lack of faith is... touching? Kinda? No? No.
"Orrrrr maybe it's time for you to let it go?" WHAT DID I JUST SAY, SNOW?
Hahaha, I never noticed this before, but Hook is the one strapping Regina to the gurney in the background.
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I can just imagine how that came about. “No, no, let me tie down the Queen. I’m good at it, you see. Very skilled. I have... skills.” “Is this some sort of sex th-” “No, no, just let me tie up the lass.”
And the hook teasing her cleavage. Hook, you little stinker. I take back anything I ever said about him not having a topping bone in his body. He’s got a little one. Somewhere. Not sure where. It hides most of the time.
"Sorry, mate. Gonna have to say no." <3
EEEEEEE I love this, tho <3 Don’t hate me for it, it’s kinda my thing ;)
Awwwwww <3 The Darlings have taken Bae in <3
Aaaaaaand I hope you enjoyed your red hot minute of belonging in a happy, functional family, Bae. Now here comes news of the shadow -_-
Geez. You guys aren't going to listen to him at all, are you.
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"Regina's missing and we think she might be in danger." "...just the way I like her!"
Rumple's in top form this episode, what with the boot-licking and the sass.
"This is one of Regina's tears." WHY DO YOU HAVE ONE OF- "Why do you have one of Regina's tears?" THAT'S SUCH A GOOD QUESTION. "Because I do." THAT IS AN UNSATISFACTORY ANSWER, MR. GOLD.
"Whatever she sees, you'll see. Whatever she feels, you'll feel."
UMMMMM. I don't remember that part. Twice the whump, twice the fun XD
Also, what happened to a simple Locator Spell? XD Not whumpy enough?
"You really can do magic..." Oh, Lacey <3
"My heart is dark because of what I did to Regina." Umm... I think it's 'cos of what you did to Cora, actually. Also, it's more like... a baby guppy of darkness. Very small. Not even a tadpole. I wouldn’t worry about it, really.
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Like one of these, but DAAAAAAARK and made of murder.
Snow can't put the drop in her own eye, though? Oh, I guess with only one drop, they have to be sure... Although that sure looks like a lot more than one drop. Eh, whatever. It sounds legit.
...except the drop totally slipped right out of her eye, haha. Oops?
Awww... it didn't wo-
I mean, except not, but you can tell that's where one would've been if they'd been there XD
Aw, hell no. Back to the Darlings. They're still not gonna listen to Bae, are they? *siiiiigh*
Don't be sad, Bae. She was stupid. In time, gravity will get her.
Lana, that was a nice gasp.
Oooh... raspy voicefrom screaming. Threats in the raspy voice. NICE.
Guys, I’m so sorry I’m enjoying this so much, but...
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"We're here to cleanse this land of it." That doesn't sound nuts or anything.
I lied, by the way. That sounds hella nuts.
Oh, no. He said believers. That's not as funny.
It smelled like sardines. Like, that's maybe a CLUE, guys.
Oh, good. He mentioned the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS clue XD
Good detective work, Emma!
Oh no. We're back here again, at the Darlings'.
Can we go away again? Maybe back to the Cannery? The beach? Tamara's room? ANYWHERE but here? No?
Guess not. We're still here.
This is like a slow train into a brick wall and I hate it. Choo chooooo.
Aw, geez.
Rumple... Geez.
Aw, geez.
Cannery time!
Hahahahahahaha :) I love it when they all pull guns on each other XD
"What the hell, you guys?" Ummm, what the hell, YOU? How did they get down there so fast when you were RIGHT next to this place and they were at the loft? Are you moving at a snail's pace?! Is the loft right upstairs? Where is anything, actually? What is everything?
Did he just... hand Emma his GUN? Why would he- Oh, a walkie-talkie. Okay.
Ahhhhh Regina’s eyes are all red T_T Don't worry, help is coming!!
I love it when help comes :D
Ahhhhhhh "Now go ahead and kill me." SO BRAVE T_T
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Aw, shit. We're back with the Darlings again.
"Don't be frightened."
Aww, Bae being heroic!
SEE, Wendy? This is why I TOLD you to listen to him, dammit.
Creepy ass shadow.
Is he trying to fly him to Neverland or trying to KILL his ass DEAD? Seriously, man. FLYING LESSONS. PRONTO. You suck at this, and it’s like, the ONLY thing you fucking DO, you creepy ass shadow.
AHHHHHH Where's the rescue? We need a rescue! All good whump scenes have a-
That was a pretty good rescue there. Good job, Dave!
Neal: "So I was right, it wasn't Tamara." *Tamara knocks Emma out with a pipe* Neal: "Oh, hiiiiiiiii honey. Whatcha doin’?"
Tamara... Ugh. I really don't like her, guys. Like, really.
I know Neal did Emma bad, and I know he's not a great guy by any means, but... Tamara did him worse, honestly. I mean, she was playing him ALL ALONG. That's cold, man. COLD.
Aaaaaaand now she's shot him. And it's not even a good shooting, whump-wise :/ Tamara, you fucking faker, ISTG.
Oh, no, she's gonna shoot him in the he-
Holy shit, that was some slam into the wall, Emma. Geez. DO IT AGAIN.
Hahahaha, I love how dumb Tamara looks throwing the bean. I wish it had been a dud and just not done anything. That would've been hilarious. "Did you... just throw a BEAN at me?" "Yeah, I, uh... It was supposed to do something..." "That's so sad."
You know, maybe if they'd GOT THEIR ASSES MOVING instead of standing there chatting, Neal wouldn't be getting SUCKED INTO A GIANT GLOWING PORTAL OF DOOM right now. Just a thought.
Ooooh a dramatic "I love you" at the zero hour!
And another one! What is this, Zero Hour Love Confession Christmas?!?!
Bye Neal T_T
SERVES YOU RIGHT, DUMBASS GREG D: That’s what you get for being a giant dumbass, you dumbass.
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Shut up, it’s not like YOU’VE never taunted a dude over his dead DAD.
Ummm... How does MAGIC work to remove the magic cancelling cuff? And couldn't, like, any of them just... take it off? Isn't that how they work later in the series?
Oh, wow. Emma. Wow. Good acting there. She looks totally shook.
"Neverland?" Well, where did you THINK you were going, Bae? Seriously? Wendy EXPLAINED this to you.
Into the water he goes.
Aaaaand out of the water he comes.
Aw, Regina <3 Babe, feel better <3
Aaaaaaand Greg and Tamara are planning to blow Storybrooke off the map.
Meh. Worst villains ever.
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darksidechick823 · 5 years
💎 Love Will Thaw
💎- What was your favorite part?
Wait what? I don’t know if I have just one favorite. I’ll try to narrow it down to five things from what I can remember without rereading all 66 chapters. These aren’t in any specific order. I’m numbering them as I think them up. Oh– and I’ll keep these spoiler free for those who haven’t read it.
1.Writing Frederick’s Ball– Ok, more like everything contained in those two chapters. That event took up so much head-space for the longest time, and so much happened that night. Just the idea of writing almost everyone completely out of their element was fun. Plus, we were officially introduced to Giselle and then Princess Charlotte.
2. The duel (you know the one)– Lol, don’t hate me. I really enjoyed roughing up our favorite prince. 
3. Introducing Annalise– okay, pretty much ANY scene Annalise was in. Writing her is like writing out my inner child and it’s so much fun. She’s just so pure and innocent. *siiiiigh* :) 
4. Anna and Elsa’s fight– I like Elsa, but sometimes she just needs to be put in her place. Thank youuuuuu, Anna! 
5. When Hans taught Annalise how to play chess– okay, this kinda goes in with #3, and this may sound silly, but i remember when i made that scene, I actually had a chess board in front of me and I played a crack game against myself so I could write out their moves. It was even more hilarious from a “behind the scenes” point because it was my sister’s Harry Potter Wizard Chess set so naturally the playing pieces were all unique. Staring at the backs of them all, I kept getting them mixed up.
Honorable mention: Hans introducing Anna to his brothers– it was hard a first fleshing out 12 different personalities and such, (heck, coming up with 12 different names was its own challenge!!) but I’ve always been fascinated with Hans’ home life and upbringing. It’s partly why I chose this particular setting for LWT in the first place.
To be honest, I love the entire story and I know that’s the cheaters answer, but there’s just waaaaay too many things that happen. I can’t possibly choose them all and list them here. 
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Ralph Domzalski’s Guide To Falling In Love With A Sorceress
Step 2 (of 5): Dance In The Sky Together
“Ok, open your eyes in 3, 2, 1…” Ralph removed his hands from over Megan’s eyes and carefully stepped back into the shadow of the tower.
Megan huffed.  “You’re being ridiculous.  We climbed up here together.  I know what I’m going to see.”
Ralph grinned.  “So why haven’t you opened your eyes, then?”
“Ok, maybe I am savoring the moment.”  Megan retorted.  “Look when you have a hopeless pipe dream become reality, you’ll be able to understand what I’m feeling.”  She opened her eyes and turned back to face him.  Her green eyes glinted in the sunlight.
Ralph rolled his eyes.  Megan stuck out her tongue at him.
“So, do you?  Have a hopeless pipe dream?”  She asked.  “Now that we’ve done mine, it’s only fair.”  Megan finally looked out over the railing of the very top of the Eiffel Tower.  “Break Merlin’s left toes, this is beautiful,” she added in a quieter voice.
Ralph looked up to check the sun’s location to confirm he was still safe against the side of the tower.  Daylight didn’t agitate him like it did when he was a kid, but still, it wasn’t good for him to be out in it for too long.  Their hours-long hovering car ride over the ocean without much cloud cover had left him feeling queasy for two days.  He’d prefer not to have a repeat performance.
“Eh, you know, anything that involves me not getting daylight-sick is always good.”  Ralph shrugged.
Megan smiled at him.  “Good thing I’ve been working on a little spell then.  This view is great and all.”  She gestured out to all of Paris.  “But I think I know what would better.  So much better.”  Megan held out a hand to Ralph.  “Don’t be shy.”  She smirked.  “Oh, and I almost forgot.”
Megan stomped her foot.  Nothing happened.  She frowned.  Stomped again.  “Come on.  I got you to work this morning,” she muttered.
“Meg, I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but—”
Shadows sprang out from Megan’s foot in a pool around her, then spread out to where Ralph stood.
“Ah, there we go!  Personalized shadow!  So those among us who are more trollish in nature can walk under the gaze of the sun with perfect ease.”  Megan twirled in a circle.  “Yet another magnificent spell brought to you by Megan the Marvelous Magician.  Praise me, dear commoner, for I have succeeded where you thought I would not.”
“Oh yes.”  Ralph teased.  “You’re becoming quite the pro at this magic stuff.  Soon you’ll be able to perform at little children’s birthday parties.”
“Shush you.  Or I’ll leave you all alone up here.  You’ll have to climb all the way down to the ground knowing you wasted your chance to experience the splendor of diving through the sky with the most captivating woman you’ve ever met.”  Megan gave an exaggerated sigh.  “And you’ll say, oh woe is me.  How foolish for my ridiculous self to pass up such an opportunity.  I know one like it will never happen again.  I must embark on a quest to find a lonely cave by the sea to inhabit for eternity as I slowly become more sad and lonely and evil and trap unsuspecting folk in binding agreements to their detriment.  Siiiiigh.”
Ralph laughed.  “I’m impressed.  So many words and not a single cuss word in the bunch.  I think I am rubbing off on you.”  He smirked.  “Also really?  I seemed to be getting along just fine in life before you entered the picture.  So I think it is you who’ll end up sad and lonely and evil by the sea.  And you’ll say, oh dearie me, I should have listened to that Ralph more.  Really, he was such a smart, outstanding guy—”
“Shush, you.”  Megan playfully pushed him back against the wall of the tower.  “Or I’ll have to do something impulsive.”
“Like what?”
“Like this.”  Megan quickly kissed Ralph on the lips.
“Holy shit, you kissed me.”  Ralph stammered.  “You kissed me.  Holy fucking—you—you like—”
Megan patted his cheek with her hand.  “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.  I just wanted to see if I could make that golden tongue of yours utter some ugly, ugly words.  I’m still not convinced I shouldn’t turn you into a cutesy little bunny.”
“If you did, I would gnaw holes in all of your clothes.”
“How romantic.  You even rhymed.”
Ralph tapped the tip of her nose with his finger.  “If you’re lucky, I may just do it a second time.”  He grinned.  “See what I did there?”
“Yeah, but time doesn’t rhyme with rhymed.  Now that I think about it more, someone failed their language lessons.”  Megan answered.
“But time does rhyme with rhyme, and also lime.  Dime.  Mime.”  Ralph paused.  “Ok, now I’m out.”
“Ah, he admits his defeat!  Thus, the victory goes to MEGAN!”  Megan mocked bowed at a nonexistent audience.  “Thank you, thank you, I know I’m the best.”
Ralph swallowed his laughter.  “Ok, ok fine.  Now, what was it you were going to do?  With the shadows, which are great by the way.”  He walked around the small platform.  “I can’t even feel the sun.”
Ralph felt Megan grab him around the waist.  Felt himself pass through the barrier between the open sky and the Eiffel Tower.  Felt himself start to plunge.  Being yanked back up.
“GODDAMNIT!  What is with you and falling from great heights!”  Ralph yelled over the wind.
“What can I say but I think I want you to fall for me!”  Megan flew onward toward a massive bank of clouds.  “You see what I did there?  With the word, ‘fall’?  Yeah this is what you sound like when you ask me questions like that after you make a ‘joke’.”
“Ralph, dearest, I’m right here.  You don’t have to shout.”
“That wasn’t for you, that was for the fly I just swallowed.  Little guy needs to know that he’s in the belly of a master comedian.”  Ralph twisted his neck to look back at Megan.
Megan replied dryly, “I can and will drop you in the Seine.”
“See I would believe that if you hadn’t kissed me.”  Ralph looked back at the sky.  “You like me too much to get rid of me.”
“I suppose I do.”  Megan whispered in his ear.  “You may be a ridiculous man, but you’re my ridiculous man.”
“And you’re my cutesy wootsey most adorablest little angel cuddly bunny, um, pretty little…”
Megan threw back her head and laughed.
“Ha!”  Ralph yelled triumphantly.  “You do love my jokes!”
“Of course I do, silly, but it wouldn’t be fun if I didn’t tease you back, now would it?”
“I’ll agree to that.  Hey, I bet you’ve never flown through a cloud before.  Wanna—?”
Megan charged forward toward the cloud bank.  “Way ahead of you!”
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theadasave · 6 years
kavi’s house
NULL - 10/03/2017
"Aww. Still in a mood? Baby, baby, I'm sorry. Please take me back." He hovers after Kavi. "If it makes you feel any better, picture me in panties. It's making me laugh on the inside."
Barbor - 10/03/2017
Bor flies up to land on the counter top but they dip away from their path and only managed to land on the side of it, they were having a giggle fit all the way there. "Oh sweet satan I don't think I can unsee that now, pff-aahahah!"
Lunch - 10/03/2017
"I'm not taking you back until I'm finished changing! Get your pantied ass OUT of my ROOM!" Kavi tried to not imagine it.  They were TRYING to retain their foul mood and be all scowly.  Unfortunately, it's failing fast, so they're doing their best to get Bill out before they break into giggling.
NULL - 10/03/2017
Bill backs out of the room, but giggles manically as he does so. Manical giggling in panties. You're seeing it. He knows you are.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi slams the door shut, then breaks into helpless laughter immediately, slumping against the wood as they wheeze.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi emerges a small while later with some new clothes on, as well as a backpack over their shoulder.  "Right, good to go.  Except for the mental image that just scarred my psyche, of course.  Hop on up when you're ready, Bor!"
NULL - 10/03/2017
"Right, here are the locations!" A display opens on his "chest" area with the appropriate coordinates. From the cabins to the woods, apparently.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi leans in to stare at the ChesTV, memorizing it as best they can.
NULL - 10/03/2017
He displays some images of the areas as well, just be to sure.
Barbor - 10/03/2017
Bor isn't even paying attention,  this isn't their job to do they're just tagging along to sight see and grab some grub.  that's a half lie, they can't see the images, their vision both in bug and out is incredibly shitty
Lunch - 10/03/2017
"Right, think I got it."  Kavi waits for Bor to board on up, then lifts their right forearm.  They begin to trace a pattern of runes, mumbling soft nonsense words and frowning hard as they focus in and-- POOF.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi takes a moment from putting away groceries to step outside and SCREAM.
Barbor - 10/05/2017
Hears the scream and throws their voice to sound like it's coming from the forest, it almost sounded like it came from another human.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi RUNS OUT OF THEIR ROOM.  They still have some weed pajama pants on and an overly large t-shirt with a ghost that says "I'M HERE FOR THE BOO-S". "LET'S DO IT."
Barbor - 10/05/2017
Barbor jumped off from the second floor balcony and roughly headbutts the door open, their tail thrashing from side to side excitingly. "FUCK YEAH! THOSE SQUIRRELS ARE GONNA GET IT!~"(edited)
Lunch - 10/05/2017
"GRAB ON." Kavi shoves their arm towards Bor, ready and raring to go.
Barbor - 10/05/2017
The baph  dashes towards them and jumps in to the human's arms, sure they're heavy but Kavi has mechanical stuff attached to them, it shouldn't be too bad.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi's STRONK like Russian bull.  They heft Bor over their head and activate the runic inscriptions on their arm, poofing the both of them away.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
Kavi is outside with a huge grill and a huge smoker.  There's a fresh rack of unicorn ribs on the grill at the moment, drizzled in sauce and roasting away.  UNICORN COOKOUT.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The baphomet was sitting outside gnawing on a unicorn femur as they waited for those ribs to be done, and they heard of rumors of unicorn flesh tasting like your favorite thing in the world and boy they weren't kidding. "Oh man that stuff smells so goood~"
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Right? Man, we should've done this sooner.  Remind me to go on regular killing sprees, those steaks last night were the best thing I've ever had."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
snrk "Remind you?~ I'm gonna drag you along when ever I go hunting!~ But I gotta hunt more mythical beings though,  it's way more rewarding then killing the normal stuff."(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! What do you think we should try hunting next?  I've got a cool new weapon design I wanna try out."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"How cool are we talkin? like that sploody type of cool or something different entirely?" They tapped the bone on their chin in thought.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"I dunno.  Maybe a giant cyclops?  It's based on a bow 'n arrow, dependant on energy rather than a projectile.  Hoping it'll do less exploding so I can actually gather meat.  Maybe it'll even cook it in the process!"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The baph perked up their ears to hear that this new weapon could take on cyclops, even probably cook it "Damn that is pretty cool~... I'm actually torn between a manticore and that cyclops."
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Ooooh, manticore sounds cool too..." Kavi rubs their chin thoughtfully with one hand, the other grabbing the ribs with some tongs and flipping them over.  Sizzle sizzle. "Maybe we could take a look at some books and see what we wanna fight? Then we can make a list or somethin'. Maybe roll a dice to pick?"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The demon's nose twitched and wibbled as the smell of the unicorn meat filled the air again, "I'm not gonna lie, but it sounds like we're making a hit-list of some sorts and that's fricken cool.~" "Make a list of twenty and roll to choose? Sounds good. Though what if some mythical police starts noticing this? What do?"(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"I mean, I've never heard of any kind of mythical police.  Well, not any inter-dimensional ones, at least.  I should be fine here."  Kavi shrugs, pulling the ribs off the grill and plating them. Some corn cobs go on next.  Gotta have veggies! Plus, roasted corn is the shit, man.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Haha, nice!~ This place is like our nice little hide out, grazie vuoto(thank you void)!~" they cheered while motioning their bone in the air gleefully the demon's stomach grumbled and seeing the human guard the meat like this they huffed and crossed their arms.  Wait are they putting vegitables on the grill? EWW?
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! Plus I can use some of that unicorn hair, maybe? Iunno."  They shrug, turning the corn and banking the flames a tiny bit.
The grumbling stomach prompts a siiiiigh-- and they finally relent.  Kavi tears off half of the rack and tosses them to Barbor.  "Catch 'em!"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The demon's floppy ears lifted up  to hear the sigh and once those rib pieces start coming at them,  Barbor leapt up and caught the ribs in their mouth. "* Grazie Kavi.~*"  the ribs is gone bones and all, even the bones they were gnawing on is gone.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"So, what's that you're speaking, by the way?  Sounds a little familiar, but I'm not really recognizing the words.  Close to spanish though, maybe?"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"It's just italian, you were kinda close though, spanish and italian share a lot of similarities actually.~"  nod nod.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Niiice! Is that your original language?" Kavi pulls the corn cobs off the grill and moves to a nearby lawn chair.  They plop down with a hard cider, some ribs, and some corn.  MONCH.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
This is a good picnic, what's better then eating something you killed the day before with friends? Not much?
"Yeah! It is, my old mom and pop wanted to teach us both languages would help more then just knowing one." Bor chuckled and grabbed themselves a bottle cider of their own. "How about you dude?"(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Oooh, nice! Nah, I only know a bit of Latin.  Useful when dealing with demons and ghosts, y'know?  But I'm pretty useless when it comes to language." They give a bit of a sheepish smile, then start to tear into the ribs.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"That's still cool though!  I guess it means you can understand me when I say something demonic, hehe~" Bor took a swig of the hard cider, "I could teach you some more latin, well that's if you want it."
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Sure, dude! I'd love that.  Some Italian too, maybe? Then I can sound like one of those mobsters you wanna be." A cheeky grin is tossed towards Bor.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Hah, that'll be great! We'll be a couple of mobster goons working under a dapper ranch dorito~*" Snrk! it sounds so silly right now but these two just rallied some friends to kill some fancy horses for fun.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! I bet I could make us some tommy guns or something..." Kavi taps their chin and mumbles to themself, something about mechanics of rapid-fire energy projectiles.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Oh man, I remember using that on a person who thought it was a good idea to send a "message" to my dad by killing me and my sibs," the baph placed their hands on their cheeks and purred delightfully.  "That man was riddled with holes when we were finished with him, dude.~"
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Then we could do some real drive by's!  Pewpewpew!" Kavi mimes shooting a tommy-gun, using a rib bone as a prop. "You ever give someone cement shoes, dude? That's like, the one I always hear about when someone talks about mobsters."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"YES!~" they pound on the table but not enough to disturb the human eating, "Fuck yeah for real drive by's!!" "Oh the cement shoes? Kinda, I didn't do it per-say? I was there to see it happen though, but it was only only a hand full of times since my dad isn't fond of putting dead guys in water, he felt it might be too easy for cops to find the dead body if they're looking hard enough."(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Niiice.  I can see why it might be too messy, though.  Eventually the muscles around the leg will rot and the rest of the body will pop free and float away.  That, or a fisherman catches 'em." Kavi snickers at the thought.
Barbor - 10/07/2017
"Dude, that's usually the case and whenever one comes floating up in the river some of us would wonder 'Shit,  is that one of ours?'"  The demon cackles  before taking another swig of the cider. "But thankfully no fishermen found any, it still could be the case though!  Most were smart enough to keep their mouth shut."
Lunch - 10/07/2017
Kavi shakes their head, immensely amused.  "Can you imagine? Going out for a nice bit of fishing and BLAM.  You hook into some poor dead fuck's rotting nose holes and think you've caught the big one, then have the shit scared out of you when you finally land it."
Barbor - 10/07/2017
The demon was so close to drinking off the rest of their hard cider but they burst out laughing  as they imagine such a scene happening.  Sure they'd be scared shirtless of it playing out that way when they were human, although now it sounds like a great prank to use on a mortal when they're bored. "Kavi, holy fuck! That's hilarious!~"
Lunch - 10/15/2017
--- Kavi is in a kitchen that seems to have straight up exploded.  There's butter and sugar everywhere, at least 5 ruined pans in the sink coated in black ooze, and one perfect pan of delicious looking caramel on the stove. They're currently grabbing some pretzels and chocolate and marshmallows to dip in the caramel.
Barbor - 10/15/2017
Barbor trotted over to where the smell was coming from and when they got to the kitchen, the demon's nose was assaulted by the smell of caramel, failed attempts at caramel, and ingredients to make the stuff. They were so confused, what kind of cooking battle went down in here? "Kavi? Why do I smell butter on roof? How did you even manage that??"(edited)
Lunch - 10/15/2017
"Uhhhhh.  I might have taken some drastic measures with attempt number three to try and stop the damn sugar from seizing up.  And by drastic I mean really drastic.  Explosions.  I used explosions."  Kavi's wearing the tattered remains of a 'KISS THE COOK('S ASS)' apron that's still somewhat on fire, but they're positively beaming over at the baphomet regardless. "But I got it right this time! Dude, lookit that.  It's like, fuckin' perfect."
Barbor - 10/15/2017
The baphomet's constant smile grew a little bit, showing their teeth just a bit is a good indication that they were beaming over this too. Explosions. They used fricken explotions to make this stuff. "You're insane you know that?" bor said that in the most lighthearted way possible, they came over and took a pretzel to dunk it in the sause. They gave it a taste... their ears perk up in suprise. "YOOOO!~ YOU DID IT!~ This is spot on!~"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Pretty sure that's true in every sense of the word." Kavi gave him a very big, very cheeky grin, which quickly just turned into proud beaming at the praise.  "TOLD YOU, DUDE! This shit is legit!  I'm glad I didn't give up on that last try, this shit tastes amazing! Dude, try doing this--" Kavi grabs a pretzel stick and stabs a marshmallow with it, then dunks both of them into the sauce.  Once they're good and covered, they pull them back out and shove that straight into their face, dripping caramel everywhere in the process.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
The demon tilted their head curiously to see what they were picking up, it looks like it was a pretzel stick and...  A marshmellow!~ If this goat could do those sparkly eyes right now they would, it's really getting hard not to just shove their face into the pot itself.   "That's genius!~ I wanna try that~"
They picked up a stick and a marshmellow to dunk it inside the caramel, but instead of dunking the marshmellow part in the pot Barbor dunked their hand into it too along with  the snack. "...Shit." they totally ment to do that.(edited)
Lunch - 10/16/2017
Kavi cackles with amusement, reaching over and ruffling the top of Bor's head.  "Just stick your whole hand in your mouth, dude.  I'm not gonna judge you, I'd prolly do that too." In fact, they do that right now.  Grab a chocolate bar, stuff their entire hand into the caramel, then pull it out and shove that hand into their mouth.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Not getting reprimanded by a friend? Good shit right there!  If this place wasn't messy already the demon removed their hand from the pot and made a mess like how Kavi did before.  The goat demon was purring from having their head raffled but it got louder when they put their entire hand in their mouth along with their dipping pretzelmellow snack. It's hard not to nic themselves on teeth like barbor's but it's worth it the trouble for this yummy gooey goodness~
Lunch - 10/16/2017
Kavi's probably going to regret all this mess later but OH WELL.  They're having fun right now and that's what matters.  They show Bor how to melt a tiny circle in the chocolate by warming up the pretzel with some flames from the stove, then add it to the marshmallow kabob. "It's like a smore, almost!"
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Holy fuck, this human just blew this demons's mind! The demon took their hand out their mouth and exclaimed  "YOOO! What the heck! No 'almost' all smores are good, this one included!" "...Wait, what if we coat the entire thing in melted chocolate?"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Duuuuude! Hell yes! Let's try that!"  Kavi scrambles around for another saucepan, tossing a bunch of the chocolate bars inside.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
While Kavi is melting the chocolate, bor is getting the kabobs ready with the occasional crunch of a pretzel or two. "The smore kabobs are ready for dipping!~"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Chocolate is ready! I think! Good enough or whatever."  Kavi shrugs, then eagerly snatches up a handful of the kabobs and shoves the handful into the chocolate, though making sure their entire hand doesn't go in.  Shit's hot, yo. Then into the caramel it goes! There's some mixing going on now, but oh well. SHOVES THAT SHIT RIGHT INTO THEM MOUTH.  NOM."MMMM."
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Bor however used their telekinesis to lift up a glob of caramel and melted chocolate out of both pots,  the two orbs came together just as they spear it with the kabobs.  Regardless if the chocolate was hot or not the baph is gonna eat it in one bite. If this demon could melt they would right now, it's THAT DELICIOUS!~ They didn't say anything but let out a delighted whimpers and bleats.
Lunch - 10/16/2017
They're gonna get sugar highs at this rate, but Kavi don't care.  Kavi don't care about nothing right now, except this delicious shit right here.  SO MUCH FACE STUFFING.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Even with a bunch of molten chocolate and caramel sauces coated kabobs stuffed in their mouth, Bor wanted to try other snacks with it too. So this demon raided Kavi's cabinets for chips, and once they got the lays chips this beast just pours the entire bag in there! IN BOTH PANS!!
Lunch - 10/16/2017
GLORIOUS FOOD CHAOS.  Kavi cheers him on and shovels some of those chips into their mouth.  HECK YEAH, SALTY AND SWEET UP IN THIS MOUTH.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
This whole feeding frenzy was clearly getting out of hand AND ITS FRICKEN WORTH IT!~ They don't even smell the failed attempts of caramel around the kitchen, hell why would they waste the chip bag too? The baph dunk it in the chocolate and ate that too! Man the stomach aches is gonna be a killer after this
Lunch - 10/16/2017
This kitchen has turned to MADNESS.  Tasty, tasty madness.  They're probably going to both be covered in caramel and chocolate and various other unidentifiable food bits by the end of this.  Kavi already has somehow managed to get chocolate into their hair.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Jelly beans some how made it into this abomination of a snack fest, where did this goat get jelly beans and why is it sticking onto their cheeks?? They didn't even move from their spot and why is there so much chocolate and caramel sauce? Is this boi duplicating the stuff? THEY ARE! OH DEAR SATAN THEY ARE!
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi bursts out of their room and runs to the fridge, ripping it open.  Thankfully, nothing ever bothers to rot while it's inside their little domain, so all the food they'd made earlier can just be pulled out.  The only reason they asked everyone to wait a couple of seconds was because they have to shove all the dirty pots and pans off the counter and into the sink.  Eh....they'll get to them eventually.  Plus there's a few things that need to warm up. They lay out a literal crapload of food, using one of the weird gadgets in their belt to zap stuff like the pizza back into the 'fresh out of the oven' range.  You name it, it's here.  This is one serious spread.  But once again, nothing ages here, so none of it will go bad if it's not eaten.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Bor scampers in rather quickly, they knocked into a junk pile or a chair occationally while they'd head for the kitchen. And It seems that they were already ahead of the game, there was a big king sized chocolate chip cookie in their maw. The baphoment didn't really bother to eat it fully until he head made it towards the counter to pick up some soda and a good slab of peppered jerky cuz he needed a good chew once in awhile.
Snark MUNCH CRUNCH, there goes the cookie and full can of soda, and yes even the can itself.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill pops it and tosses his hands into the air. "Boy am I hungry! Ahahaha! That's a lie! Can you imagine? I'm just saying human things for fun." He floats over to the flood, eyeing it curiously. It doesn't appeal that much yet. Maybe once he's in a vessle that benefits from it that'll change.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
There's a crackle and POP as Ribbons follows Bill in, tracing Devro's ribbon to get her. She looks like a mostly normal human right now, thanks to her extensive glamour. "heya!"
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi rolls both eyes, offering a hand out to Bill. "Get in here, you obtuse.  The whole point of this was to let you try food, s'what we discussed, remember?"  The other hand waves to Ribbons, then reaches out to give the top of Bor's head an affectionate ruffle. "Heya folks, feel free to stuff your gobs.  I got booze too if you want it."
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Bor bleats a muffled greeting to Ribbons and Bill while they chew and gnaw on the jerky,   they're so glad that most of this stuff wont make him feel full any time soon.
NULL - 10/25/2017
"Oh right. Okay! This might take a minute since you've got anti-possession measures in place, but since you've shaken my hand before I should be able to bypass them." He takes Kavi's hand with a bright flash of blue flame, then melds into them, leaving a small stone statue of himself behind in his place....yeah this is going to take a while. (3 possession)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"thanks luv. booze's always welcome." Ribbons goes to grab some noms, zeroing in on any chocolate around.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi shakes Bill's hand, then zones out.  They try to help him get around the security they've laced into their body, but it's tough going.  ( 6 help ) Meanwhile, there's definitely chocolate on the counter! There's a giant pot of melted down chocolate right next to a vat of homemade caramel sauce.  Lots of little toothpicks surround it, with various things on the end to dunk in;  brownie bites, pretzels, marshmallows, angel food cake, frozen squares of cheesecake, popcorn.  You name it!
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The demon had an idea to get a medium sized bowl to put at least two or one of everything including a scoop or two of ice cream,  cuz they know they're gonna just keep coming back to the table for some more. After getting it filled they went in face first and chow down.~
NULL - 10/25/2017
It takes a while, but eventually, Bill's in! He blinks Kavi's eyes a couple of times and they turn a bright yellow with his very own slitted black pupils. A stiff, unnatural smile spreads across their shared face as he takes a few deep breaths and tries not to fall over. Their legs seem to help him keep steady, unlike the wobbly, fleshy legs most humans have.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Yep! The actuators and pistons in the legs work overtime to keep Bill standing. This doesn't keep Kavi from being extremely amused in the back of their own mind, though.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons takes care not to inhale food like most Doves would, savoring it instead. Hey she had two years of not starving. She has manners. Not to mention cheesecake-brownie-caramel is to be savored.(edited)
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill takes care not to snuff Kavi out completely. They're able to act if they please. This is co-op time, unless they'd rather stay in the background to avoid conflicting actions. He's practiced at this though, able to predict his host's actions through their thoughts and compensate that way. "Oh boy! This is still as fun as I remember." He gets them steady in front of the table and takes in the sight and smell of all the food. He's not sure where to start!
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
chocolate-covered cheesecake bite is offered by the chocolate fiend.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi had to take a little bit to get used to the sensations, mostly.  Once they've re-acquainted themselves with their own body plus one, they reach out and grab up a slice of fresh watermelon and take a big ole' hunking bite.   Chewed, swallowed, then they hand the reins over to let him try the cheesecake.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Cheesecake, bitten. He doesn't quite understand how to swallow with this kind of throat. Assuming that Kavi helps him with that, he manages with only a little trouble. For the most part, Kavi's preferences are passed to him. Same body, same taste buds, same chemical responses, with only a few exceptions. Bill is usually drawn more towards the sting spicy and sour foods more than his hosts.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The bowl of snacks they've made was gone in a matter of minutes and now they're refilling it with their favorite snack, fruit cocktail with the charries~ they got back into their roach body for this and plopped into the mini pool of the syrupy goodness.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"Booze is in the cabinet, I've got all kinds.  Feel free to make something for yourself, Ribbons.  Bor, what the fuck dude." Amused snorting. "Guess you're feeling cherry good in that." Kavi's not too fond of the sour, but spicy definitely seems to appeal to them.  Once they notice that Bill seems to like it as well, they grab a couple habaneros and chow down, then pass the reins fully over to Bill to check the reactions, grinning the whole while. (They also make sure to help with swallowing.  Gotta stay alive and all that. )
NULL - 10/25/2017
Straight peppers? Their eyes water up, and just when it looks like they're about to cry, Bill's laughter emerges from deep in their chest instead. It's a good laugh. An annoying laugh with some evil undertones, but when he's having a good time, everybody knows it. "Wow! Wooh... oh boy. Oops! Uh oh! Oh no!" He's laughing and wheezing, holding their gut all red-faced and a little... something else.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbon's eyebrows shoot up and there's maybe an ERROR or two flashing over her before she averts her eyes and goes back to stuffing her face. Cake? CAKE.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The little roachie chuckled at the pun and decided to throw one in for themselves, but they were cut off to see Bivi laughing up a storm, and to them it's  a type of contagious laugh to get them into a giggle fit too.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi's laughing too much inside their mind to do much of any directing at the moment.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Alright, so he crunches down on one more raw pepper, letting the seeds sit on their tongue and burn away at it before swallowing all by himself. As inexperienced as he is, he's a quick learner. "Oh man. Now that was something new. Is there anything else that hits that hard?"
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"OH OH OH! TRY THE GHOST PEPPER!~"  Bor screed while flailing their little legs!(edited)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"yeah, yeah that'll probably do ya if ya like that."
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"Oooh, I was gonna grab something else, but that's a good idea."  Kavi's back and grinning at Bor.  They go to the pantry and grab a tightly sealed jar.  It's popped open carefully, and one single ghost pepper is pulled out and popped into their mouth.  Whole. REINS GO BACK TO BILL.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Metal or not, those legs get shaky. Their sinuses start clearing out and Bill doesn't know what to do about that. FACE LIQUID? WEIRD. KIND OF GROSS. He sits down, plunks their forehead into the table, and makes some noises of intense mixed feelings.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi returns for one quick moment to request a napkin for the face liquids, pointing out the pile to Bor and Ribbons, then disappearing instantly.  Flop goes the arm.(edited)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons reached over to gently patpat Bivi's back. There there, you poor masochistic fucker.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Barbor is having a fine ol time,  who knew watching a dream demon's reaction to new hot stuff was so entertaining?  "Are you guys okay??"
NULL - 10/25/2017
"I'm great! Never been better!" As difficult as that was to say, it sounds sincere. He's doing pretty great. "I didn't think the point of eating was to experience extreme levels of pain, but hey! Who am I to complain?"
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"usually it's to experience extreme levels of pleasure but y'know, whatever floats your boat."
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"both is good! I ate some boiling caramel and that fuckin fun!"
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"It's not, I just thought your reactions would be hilarious.  And I was right!"  Sniggers, then stands and walks back over to the counter.  "Pain, pleasure, same thing.  My nervous signals are fucked to hell anyways.  One last thing to try..."
They grab a bottle of really really spicy cinnamon whiskey and chug.  Not the whole thing, but a few good swallows.  It probably feels GREAT in the mouth that just got tenderized by capcaisin.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"Hey can you pour some of that into the bowl here? it'd be nice to have this stuff spiked a bit!~"
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill presses a free hand to the side of their head and tugs at their hair a little. As soon as that whiskey's swallowed he's panting, lolling their tongue with watery, half-lidded eyes and a far off look on their face. This was weird from the start, but he's making it weirder, as he's prone to doing simply by existing at any given point in space and time. "More tingly stuff? That feels warm all the way down. I'm-"(edited)
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi sniggers after he's finished speaking, turning and pouring a little of the whiskey into Bor's tiny swimming pool. "Sure thing, my dude."  They set the bottle down, then that weird look returns as the reins are given back over to Bill.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons looks for something a bit smoother to mix in with soda. Rum and orange soda if she can find it.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"Thanks!~" Bor stood on a peach boat and slurped up the sweet and spicy mixture. "OOooh man that's yummy~."
Lunch - 10/25/2017
There's some nice Bacardi in the cupboard and Fanta in the fridge for Ribbons!
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill takes another chug of the whiskey all on his own. He's never been drunk in a human body before, and probably doesn't even recognize that that's where this is leading. Oops. His pupils fizzle for a moment then refocus with a smaller laugh that borders on a giggle.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
the bug lets out a small click while they're considering something, but after a minute of debating it the demon poofed up a bottle of Absinthe on the table. "hey try this too~"
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"oh boy. this oughta be good." She takes a good swig of hers. "oh, Bor, try this. tastes like an orange cream icecream bar."
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill lets out a sharp gasp! "It's my second favorite color!" He takes Bor's advice, the brilliant dumbass, and has a big swallow of the Absinthe. He likes it so much that he tucks the bottle against their chest. It belongs to him now. All of it.(edited)
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The moment she said orange cream, he was already flying over to ribbons and dipping their head into the cup. They gasped softly in amazement "T-This is great!!"  They dunk their head in again to take another sip
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi groans.  Ew, licorice.  "You're only allowed to drink that one while you're in charge.  Licorice tastes so bad."
0 notes