#slasher x niece
loveandmurders · 23 days
Hey I love your writing I know your busy at the moment but do you think you could do something like Missing piece but with Sinclair Daughter!reader where reader got taken by csp or something and they come back with their adopted family.
Hello love! Thank you so much for this request <3 I had so much fun writing for this that I did a little series in which you are Bo's daughter and you got taken away by your mother and then by social care.
I really hope that you'll enjoy it! <3
Warnings: ANGST and more ANGST, no proof reading, mute!reader, mentions of suicide, death and violence, quick mentions of domestic violence, difficult childhood, sadness, despair and anger
“Are you alright, hon? What are you thinking about?” your adoptive mother asked you.
You were sitting on the porch, looking into the distance. She sat next to you as you shrugged.
“Are you not cold?” she asked you again and you shook your head. She kissed the top of your head before getting up.
“Don’t stay here for too long, ok? You need to get some rest too” she hummed and you nodded. You waited for her to come back inside before laying down on the ground, looking at the sky. 
You were silent now, almost completely mute.
You hadn’t always been like that though. When you were a young child, you were chatting around all the time. You were babbling to Lester about the nicest insects you saw or about what art project you started with Vincent. You were also happily asking questions to your dad about absolutely anything because you were certain that Bo had to know everything. You were telling all your little secrets to Vincent because you trusted him with them and your feelings. You were laughing around with your mother as she was cracking jokes for you. You were happy, you were solar. You were “the sun of Ambrose” as your uncles and father would call you. 
The Sinclairs couldn’t imagine a day without you; your presence was making everything so much better. You were too young to realise what your family was doing with the tourists, but you knew it was bad because your parents didn't want you out of the house when people were coming in. And Vincent needed to authorise you into the basement before you could come down. Your father always told you he would explain everything to you when you were a big girl, and you accepted this answer because Bo never lied to you before. You were aware that everytime people were coming in, there were new sculptures in the House of Wax though. 
But you were happy and loved; and when you are a child, it really all that matters. You couldn’t wait to be a grown up so you could help your dad with his business, but other than that, everything was perfect for you.
Until it wasn’t anymore.
Things had changed so much. You didn’t live in Ambrose and you often wondered if the House of Wax was still doing good, if your family was still doing good. You wondered if they missed you like you missed them. A hole inside your chest was constantly making you feel sick, but you couldn't do anything about it. No one could do anything about it.
You missed the nickname of “the sun of Ambrose” quite a lot too. The little necklace around your neck, in the form of a sun, was there to give you some comfort.This jewel has been a gift from your parents when you were 7 years old. And you have never removed it since then. 
And you wouldn’t now because it was the only thing left from your previous life. You weren’t even called a Sinclair anymore. It was as if everything had been a dream and you woke up pretty roughly when you were 9.
You didn’t truly remember everything that happened. You just knew that everything was going alright, you were safe in your family’s arms, you were loved, you were happy. And the next morning, your mother was gently waking you up.
She told you she needed you to come with her, that she had planned a secret birthday gift for your father and you were part of it. Didn’t your father call you “the best thing life ever gifted him” after all?
However, you needed to stay quiet, so no one would notice you were both leaving the house, so early on this Sunday morning. You obeyed your mother, no matter how hard it was for you to stay fully quiet, but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise for Bo. You were softly giggling behind your hand, innocent of what was truly happening. You left the house with your mother. She settled you in her car and drove away. You were getting curious as you were going away from Ambrose. You used to leave Ambrose only to go to Lester’s place or to go look for road kills with your uncle, but you never went so far away. Your mother wasn’t answering your questions either. You started to get upset with her and you wanted to come back home. It wasn’t fun anymore. 
At some point, she stopped in front of a big building and asked you to stay there. You obeyed again because you used to trust the adults in your life, fidgeting with your fingers and the rime of your cute little dress. You saw your mother entering the building and you felt uneasy. You weren’t too sure what kind of gift it was, but you wanted to come home very quickly. You hoped your mother let at least know Vincent or Lester where you were. A little voice inside your head told you that they couldn’t know, otherwise you wouldn’t be there. But you left the house very easily, so they had to know, right? Or maybe Vincent and Bo were too exhausted from the hunt of the day before, and Lester wasn’t home, to notice you were gone with your mother.
You jumped when you heard a gunshot and screams coming from inside the building. You knew those sounds quite well, but it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like usual. You weren’t at home, you weren’t safe. You looked for your mother’s phone but you didn’t find it. You started to worry so you got out of the car and started to look around. You didn’t know what to do. Fear took possession of you when people you didn’t know ran to you. You were so terrified you didn’t fly away. You wouldn’t have been able to go far anyway, not under the burning sun, not with your cute little shoes and cute little dress. You silently prayed for your father to come get you soon.
You didn’t remember much of this moment, all happened in a quick blurr. You just remembered how terrifying it was that there were so many people checking on you and asking you questions. You told them you wanted your dad and your mom and you started to cry. No one listened to you and your dad never came to get you.
It was the last time you ever used your voice, after that, you grew mute. You cried even more when they took you away from the car and brought you inside the building. You were in an unfamiliar world, full of people who had no love for you. You were alone and powerless in the middle of adults who weren’t always nice to you. You were living your worst nightmare, without any hope to wake up anytime soon.
You spent days, weeks, months being asked questions about yourself, your family and where you came from. From those interrogations, you understood quite a few things:
No one knew anything about you, not even that you existed. You were like a ghost. Y/N Sinclair wasn’t registered anywhere. Actually, officially, there were no more Sinclair in the region. They disappeared like Ambrose disappeared from the maps. But why would the world need to know about you, when Ambrose was already your world?
Your mother went into the social care centre, told them she brought with her her child who was in danger, because your father was a killer. She told them the Sinclairs were abusive and violent people. Then she killed herself with a gun she stole from Bo. You didn’t know if it was true that the Sinclairs were abusive to her, because you never saw them hurting her. Maybe they hid this dark side of them from you because you were their heir. You didn’t believe your father was a killer though, how could he be when he loved you so much?
Your father always told you to keep Ambrose a secret, no matter what. He knew you would go to college or to university at some point - even if he wasn’t too happy with the idea - so he needed to make sure you wouldn’t say anything. It was the only promise you ever made to him, so when people started to ask you questions, you knew you had to stay silent or you would put your family in danger. And you didn’t want anything to happen to your father and uncles, otherwise how could they come get you and save you from this hell?
You had never cried so much in your life before, and now it was the only thing making people stop asking you questions. They did physical tests to make sure your mutism was psychological, which it was. They truly believed you were so shocked by what happened in your life, that you couldn’t talk anymore. However, the fact you already knew ASL - thanks to Vincent - made them wonder. The fact you refused to say anything about the Sinclairs too. You were a mystery no one seemed able to solve, a mystery that didn’t want to be solved actually.
You were relieved when you realised that even the police couldn’t find Ambrose, and hence your family. You didn’t understand when the police told you you had been sequestrated by your father. Yes, you used to be homeschooled, but you were happy. And no one ever hurt you before. And your father always told you that the rest of the world was a threat and dangerous for you. You believed him and now you could see how right he was.
You didn’t even cry for your mother’s death, because she betrayed you, your father and the family. And your father told you that family was everything and that you were everything to him. You were proud to be his daughter, his heir, his legacy. 
Now, you were nothing.
You didn’t know if the Sinclairs knew what happened. But after several months, you guessed they had no idea where you were or they would have already got you back home. You would never know how Bo reacted when he saw his daughter gone, how he broke everything in Ambrose out of pure pain, how Vincent grew even more merciless to tourists, how Lester never asked himself anymore if it was alright to kill people. Killers without their sun only grew even more destructive.
Bo never stopped bringing gifts for you in your bedroom; a bedroom he never touched since your departure. Everything was like you left it, because he was still hoping all of this was a nightmare. Or maybe he was dead and this was hell and his personal punishment. If only he was truly dead, he thought more than once.
At some point, people stopped asking you questions, but you stayed silent, as if something died inside of you, or at least stayed in Ambrose. Talking was betraying your family, and you couldn’t be a traitor like your mother.
Life has been happy and easy. Now things were different. 
You moved from place to place, from family to family. You were lucky enough to never be abused, but there was no joy and no laughter in your life anymore. Life was rough and children growing up around you, even rougher. The worst were the adults of course, because they thought they knew everything about you when they knew nothing. They thought you were a traumatised little girl, they thought you were a lost darling whose mother found social care before killing herself in front of everyone. They thought you were broken.
Two years later, you finally got adopted. 
Everyone said you were so lucky to get adopted away so quickly and that you should be grateful that a couple decided to take you with them. You weren’t sure you were happy about it or not. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about your real parents. 
You never stopped wondering why your mother did what she did. If she wanted to kill herself, she could have done it without bringing you down with her. She might have believed she was saving you from hell. But “hell” was your home, and the only place you wanted to be. Hell was soft to you.
You wondered if your father found a new wife and got a new baby. You knew how important it was for him and your uncle Vincent to have an “heir”. Now you were gone, so they needed to replace you. You couldn’t replace them.
What if they never looked for you and that was why you never saw them again? What if you weren’t that important to them? What if the police found them? What if they got killed because of some tourists?
Those questions were driving you crazy at night and there was nothing you could do about them.
Your adoptive family was good to you though. 
Not good like the Sinclairs used to be, of course, but they tried their best with you. They made sure you were doing good at school and that no one bullied you because of your past, or because you were mute. They learnt ASL for you. 
But they didn’t call you their sun and they didn’t talk about legacy. They didn’t praise you everyday, they didn’t have a limitless amount of patience with you, they didn’t allow you to be fully yourself.
They even forced you to stay calm. 
Sometimes, you could get angry, mad, or violent. Bo would have allowed you to get crazy so you would feel better. But in a normal world, you had to see a doctor and to take meds. But you didn’t want that, you didn’t want to believe you were simply so truly broken, you needed meds to be normal. You didn’t even want to be normal. And more than anything, you were tired of people talking about you in front of you without addressing you, you were tired of the other children whispering in your back, you were tired of people telling you what to do.
You were tired of being a prey when your father promised you you would be a huntress. You kept the anger for you and you let it burn you from the inside. You tried to play the role of the perfect and cute little angel so your parents would stop bringing you to the doctors and they would stop making sure you take your meds.
It worked. Of course, it worked, because you were a smart and dangerous girl. 
You were a Sinclair. And you would forever be one.
However, one day, the anger got too strong.
Taglist: @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21
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Welcome my the new masterlist. Yes thats vhagar you saw that right.
UPDATED ON 16-5-2024
Hello, welcome, welcome welcome!
I hope you brought cookies
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Aemond Targaryen
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Wicked dark and twisted dreams part one (vampire au)
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One part, possibly being rewritten into a bigger series, but thats a maybe. A really big maybe.
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Sweet Nothings (College au) formally known as ''Games in the library''
🔷Summary: Your GPA is tanking and you need help. Luckily there is the grumpy antisocial Aemond to help you out.
PART 1 PART 2, updates planned but it will be a mini series.
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The heart is an ocean (Aemond titanic au) (mini series)
🔷Summary: You attend the ship of dreams, the Balerion in hope of finding your match to enrichen your family. But fate is cruel for those who dream. And the Balerion might not even reach the harbor of Valyria.
Part one, updates are planned but it will remain a mini series.
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the doomed jaessa (???) (aemond avatar au) ONE SHOT
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Part one, one shot.
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maffia au (aemond maffia au) One shot
🔷Summary: Its your 21st birthday. You dont expect to spent it as the captive of your new criminal husband, but here we are.
Part one, one shot, but might be rewritten in a bigger series.
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Sandstorm (Dornish oc x aemond request) (One-shot)
🔷Summary: You are Elna/Reader Martell and before you marry you go on a vacation to the land that always held a close space to your heart: The Six Kingdoms. You become the captive of Aemond Targaryen.
One shot, Part one
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A little wicked (dark prince regent x niece)
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Ashes Burn
🔷Summary: Dark aemond fic about a girl who becomes aemonds bedmate. Very dark.
part one, part two, part three, updates planned but might become a smaller series.
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What power looks like dark prince regent one shot
🔷Summary: You once bullied Aemond and fell in favour with his brother, but now that Aegon is uhm...not able to talk right now, Aemond wants revenge for all you did to him. And he means all of it.
Part one, finished one shot
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Fight and die (Main series)
🔷Summary: Your ancestors once betrayed the Targaryens and paid a high price. Now you are back at court with your brother, who hopes to sell you in exchange for his freedom.
Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part 6.
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The Song of Ice and Fire (Mini series)
🔷Summary: After getting kidnapped on your way to King's Landing, you end up in another time where you meet a dangerous prince
Part one, updates planned.
Mis characters
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Daemon Targaryen
Daddy dearest (stepdaughter request) (One shot)
🔷Summary: You are Rhaenyra's and Harwin's daughter and you just proposed to Aemond, your stepdaddys worst enemy.
Part one, one shot, finished.
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Vhagars diary (on hiatus for now)
Summary: The majestic dragon Vhagar shares her story, in a exclusive interview/tell all biography. What does she remember and what can she tell us about the past? What do we know? Vhagar tells all is part of a mini series featuring three parts of Vhagars life leading up to house of the dragon, with her ...unique thoughts and perspective!
Part one
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Aegon Targaryen II/ Attention
Summary:🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
Part One, more updates planned, mini series.
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Older masterlist with old work (mind your step please) series
Old and mostly very dark fanfics about aemond.
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Ready to read somewhere else?: Bitterballetje - Works | Archive of Our Own
last update 16-5-2024
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issa-pheonyx · 10 months
Select Your Story💀
Began in: August 22, 2023
Updated in: October 10, 2023
Please, read FAQ {Must Read]👹 for more info on what specific content and tropes I mainly do before sending asks/requests. Anyways, back to your bookmarks where you left off. Besitos~💋
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
Resident Evil
Stupid Mutt [Yandere-sub!Leon X GN!Reader]🔪🌶️
Left Behind [Puppy!Abandoned!Leon X Pre-Owner!Reader]
Best Friends Forever [Yandere-bestie!Chris X GN!Reader]🔪
Cut Me Up [Yandere-sub!Krauser X GN!Reader]🔪🌶️
My Puppy Sugar Daddy [CEO-Leon X Fem!Reader]🌶️
Gentle Giant [Carlos X Reader]
Opposites Attract [RE2!Leon X Goth!Reader]🔪
Roles Reversed [Umbrella!Leon X Agent!GN!Reader]
Super Soldier Down [Yandere!Piers Nivans X BSAA!GN!Reader]🔪
Bad Dog [Yandere-sub!Puppy!Leon X Fem!Reader]🔪🌶️
Break My Heart Again [Leon S. Kennedy X GN!Reader (ANGST)]
He Don't Bite [Yandere-sub!Puppy!Leon X Fem!Reader]🔪🌶️
Desperate To Please [Yandere-sub!Krauser X Fem!Agent!Reader!]🔪🌶️
Pick Me, Take Me [Yandere-sub!Plaga!Krauser&Leon X Fem!Agent!Reader]🔪🌶️
You're My Bitch Neow [CEO-sub!Leon X Fem!Reader]🌶️
Two Heads Are Better Than One [CEO-sub!Leon&Chris X Fem!Reader]🌶️
Re2 VS Re4 Leon [Soft and Stern Leon]
Devil May Cry
Demon Dog [Yandere-sub!Dante X GN!Reader (DMC3)]🔪🌶️
In Denial, Not Scared [Yandere-sub!Vergil X GN!Reader (DMC5)]🔪🌶️
Silent Hill
Unforgivable Actions [Yandere!James X GN!Reader]🔪
Eat It Up [Yandere-sub!Konig X Fem!Soldier!Reader]🔪🌶️
Sit On It [Needy-sub!Konig X GN!Reader]🌶️
Spiderman ATSV
Kitty Kat [Yandere-sub!Kitty!Miguel X Owner!Reader]🔪🌶️
Stay Quiet For Once [Sub-Miguel X Fem!Reader]🌶️
The Neighbor Next Door [Yandere!Michael Myers X Childhood-neighbor!GN!Reader]🔪
Mortal Kombat
The Fun Uncle [Being Johnny's Niece]
Hollywood's Favorite [Uncle!Johnny Cage Intros]
Oh My Sweetheart [Smoke X Reader]
-Resident Evil
Yandere!Lord Dimitrescu&Sons X Fem!Reader🔪 [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4]
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
A fair warning as I do take a lot of time to write drafts. Plus, with updating here due to my scheduled as stated in my FAQ page. When seeing the 🔪 next to the story it is yandere related, but when it doesn't it is NON-yandere related. Same applies with spicy ones that has a 🌶️ and highly advised minors to NOT intervene with my work as you will be blocked. No exceptions. Come back anytime, stranger~👹
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dgknightblue · 7 months
Where’s my fairytale grimmons?
My creatures and monsters?
My lonely horror writer x starving artist in a haunted mansion?
Okay so I have this weird idea.
These various slashers/ killers/ physopaths are at this camp and none of them know they are all the similar type of people.
Actually, they know because of an invitation to the camp. There’s a community for the slashers and physopaths via Addams family style.
Grif and Simmons still falls in love with each other.
Simmons is a bit insane, but he’s a little occupied with his crush to notice anything that he knows is what normal people don’t do.
Simmons is insane
Sarge is insane and a killer
Grif and Kai are slashers and insane (?)
Donut is insane
Caboose is a killer
I don’t actually know what I’d classify them.
I mean like movie slashers and butcherers and stuff. Like Sarge might be in a cabin in the woods type of slasher. Church is obviously cult with Tucker and Caboose.
HA Father Church and Priest Tucker with Helper/ choir boy Caboose!
Tex… hahahahaha Texas chainsaw massacre!
Kai and Grif are like family of slashers. Grif is more of the butcher or do things that help Kai that she can’t do.
Simmons lives in a castle in the woods of absolutely nowhere. He doesn’t really know much about social ques but he would love to connect with living people!
He might be a occultist too like his uncle Church, but he worships a different god. Church is a little pxssed his niece NEPHEW is here and disrespecting him, but he can’t complain because to be fair Simmons did write him a letter telling him he’s trans. He really should have checked his mailbox.
I don’t know to be honest, maybe he could be the only one that hasn’t committed a crime other than digging up graves and stealing.
Cannibalism and vampirism…. Oh! Yeah! Simmons vampirism he could be the type that steals blood bags or knocks someone out, cut them on the arm to drain them, take the blood, bandage them, leave them near hospitals or graveyards and have his glasses of bloods because he likes to be fancy.
Simmons is very rich and he’s living his fantasy in his old castle in the woods he inherited from his grandfather.
Also Simmons burned his childhood home down and let fate decide on if his abusive step dad survives. No one thought it was him, because he made it look like it was his step dad being careless with his cigars again and he was with his cousin when it happened.
Initially his step dad was going to live until someone (not Simmons actually) visited him in the hospital. Again Simmons wasn’t there, but this time he didn’t do anything.
I wonder who could have visited his step dad in the hospital in Ireland?
Is it A Church, who hasn’t seen Simmons since he was 16?
Is it B Tex, who hasn’t seen Simmons in five years?
Or is it C Carolina, who hasn’t seen Simmons since he was 12?
Who could have been in the neighborhood and decide to pay a visit? (Without ever meeting Simmons when that happened and just decided to finish him?)
Hm…. Wash had a break down maybe?
The freelancers…..
Sheila is Simmons’ childhood caretaker and Fliss’s younger twin sister. Lopez and his little brother is Sarge’s nephew’s that he’s cared for for a few years now. (Lopez is an adult and his little brother is maybe 14?)
Flowers, South, North, and the others I don’t know.
Simmons walks into the camp grounds in black and maroon clothing and a big hat.
He’s barely there when he automatically gets caught up in Sarge shenanigans. Camp erupts into chaos. He meets Grif, who made him giggle. He gets embarrassed at being caught and looks a way (looking back several times as he blushed).
That’s when Church shouts the second he sees him. They get into an argument as Church didn’t want Simmons to be there (only remembering 16 year Simmons as the last time he saw him and what his ex did to him, who was never found).
Caboose interferes very confused and trying to help. Simmons smirks evilly.
“You must be Uncle’s best friend! I think I might have remembered him talking about you!”, he lies.
Caboose hugs Chruch and drags him away, Church cussing him out.
“Unintentional or not, that’s for deadnaming me Bxtch!”, he shouts.
Grif might have notice Simmons has a very cute face with very cute expressions.
Anyways, Simmons noticed he was assigned the wrong cabin. The cabins aren’t unisxx unless they are related.
He brings this up at the first meeting and the one in charge, VIC, tries to think of a solution.
Kai volunteers to trade places. It makes Grif mad and he gets into a small argument with Simmons. Both agreeing they are not going to be friends.
Won’t say much since I’m not sure how I want to handle this. Since they are all kind of twisted, a little twisted show of affection can be seen.
That said They are both totally into it. Into each other.
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Of course injuries happen! It wouldn’t be a community with a dark sense of humor with out it!
I don’t think I’ll have that many die. Maybe a handful I wouldn’t know what to do with long term.
Like Wyoming, Flowers, Connecticut.
Maybe a few more and that’s it.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
If slashers interact regulalary, like as if going about more or less like rgeular people(but still slahsers of course :P), I am curious. Jamie Llyod, how would slashers interact with there buddies niece?Suddenly finding herself with a bunch of honorary "uncles"
Specific curisiotes include, Brahms, Jason, Bubba, both Scream guys(Billy and Stu), Leslie Vernon, and anyone else you might wanna toss in there if your happy to answer :)
AWWWW (i had to google Jamie Llyod cuz i thought you meant a guy from lego ninjago cartoon series and i was a little confused) Request open!!
Voorhees Jason
Accually he seems to be great with kids, he is just overthinking. If they go to shop together he wont be able to resist buying her whatever snack she wants!
He would rather pick her up and carry her around than to hold her hand because he gets distracted easly and he would just loose her in middle of forest
Jason will melt if jamie will say something along the lines "you are the best unlce ever!!" he will litteraly pass out and die
Jason and Micheal are besties so i can see them just hanging around and Micheal just randomly bringing her with him. just to chill and vibe. It would be very quiet vibe due to them being mute but it doesnt stop them from hanging out!
Billy and Stu! (tw to yall homophobes, this biches gay)
"ew a child..." "sup uncle Billy and Stu" "uhh look you are here only because Micheal made us baby sit you" "lol okay"
"I hate childen so much Stu :( " "Cmon its not that bad! She painted my nails!" "of course she did" "Also she said Im way better baby sitter than you!" "I- aint no way you are better than me"
This evening just turned into Billy and Stu trying to beat each other in "who is better uncle" competition
"Hey Jamie wanna see a scary movie :]" "cmon shes like 4" "im almost sure shes like 7 dude"
"I'm hungry im calling Micheal" "NONONO I- i mean why- we ordered fastfood! right Stu?" "uhh yeaahh, wait i just need to go outside for a, eeehh for an *runs to nearest fastfood to buy sometihng to eat*
they forgor that children accualy have to eat
they are so chaotic, they will fall asleep together (all 3) while watching Sponge Bob (Stu and Billy are secretly boyfriends btw i do not care that it has nothing to do with this headcanons, i just wanna inform you all)
"I know you guys are gay" " :O WHAT! I mean- who told you that! pfff some prankster probably" "I saw you hold hands! and thats what people do when they love each other! :3"(top tier sin)
Billy and Stu live together probably and their house is such a mess! its probably huge too, because Stu perents kinda rich. So i can imagine them loosing Jamie in middle of hause and then looking for her (shes goofy ah she will pretend they are playing hide and seek jsut to scare the shit out of them)
Heelshire Brahms
HE he would be so akward!!! Like "ehhh uhh hello child why are you in my house child, uhhh bloody hell" (Quick reminder that hes British and i will make fun of him)
HE WOUDL PROBABLY CALL MICHEAL "Uhhh Mr Micheal ur eeh your niece is here uhh can you like pick her up-" Jamie just standing behind hir "AAH-You, you wanna play scrabbles?" "ew no, can we play hide and seek" "Oh.My.God nevermind you can stay"
Micheal just comes to pick her up or something and Brahms with Jamie are already besties and they prolly made frienship braslets (and shit talk some people too)
okay ladies im back and i will write some more soon! pls comment and dont remember to like and subscibe and hit that bell button
tbh i dint have a lot of ideas (thats why Bubba isnt included i just had no clue what to write) but its good ig, and if i will find any people bullying stu/billy for being homosex i will steal ur steam account B)
x reader tags are only for more people to reach this post nothing sus here
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hvbris · 2 years
A little cheat sheet of all the different ways & context our muses could meet and interact. Don’t hesitate to check verses or ask me for more info, and I’m always happy to create new verses!  Concept by @omniishambles
Isaac Soliman (General practioner)
Hannibal Lecter (Doctor, early years - Pyschiatrist)
Jill Collins (Psychiatrist - Therapist)
Wednesday Addams (Mortician)
Prim Everdeen (Doctor, medic for the army)
Brook Graham (Veterinarian)
Law enforcement / Crime 
Cassandra Miller (FBI agent)
Clarice Starling (FBI trainee - FBI agent)
Elliot Alderson (Hacker)
Hannibal Lecter (Psychiatrist - FBI most wanted - Serial killer)
Jill Collins (Psychiatrist - Serial Killer)
Fox Mulder (FBI Agent)
Dana Scully (FBI Agent)
Salomé Blake (Leader of a powerful criminal organisation)
Eve Polastri (MI6 Agent)
Hélène (High-ranking member of The Twelve, a criminal organisation)
Harley Quinn (Criminal)
Eve & Noah Gideon (Foster kids - Pickpockets - kids of a serial killer)
Grace Crawford (Daughter of the head of the Behavioral Science at the FBI)
Wednesday Addams (Mortician - Apprentice serial killer)
Deirdre Adams (daughter of a black widow)
Lavinia Adams (black widow)
Brook Graham (niece of Will Graham)
Cassandra Miller (secret paranormal investigator)
Mina Miller (amateur paranormal investigator)
Isaac Soliman (alien - Gray)
Salomé (Demon - Daughter of Satan)
Dimitri (Immortal being, Exorcist in his exorcist AU)
Haniel (Angel, Leader of Heaven armies)
Scarlett Woods (Slasher)
Olive Bennet (Possessed)
Wednesday Addams (Witch)
Morticia Addams (Witch)
Fox Mulder (FBI Agent - X-files)
Dana Scully (FBI Agent - X-files)
Jane “El” Hopper (strange kid with powers)
Ava McGee (strange kid with powers)
April Becker (wannabe supernatural investigator)
Viktor Hargreeves (caused the apocalypse twice, powers)
Lucy Gray Baird (has a ghost verse)
Lucretia Snow (has a vampire verse)
Wizarding World 
Haniel (Ravenclaw student)
Eve & Noah Gideon (Gryffindor students, beaters)
Salomé Blake (Slytherin student)
Clarice Starling (Gryffindor student)
Lord Voldemort / Tom Riddle (Dark wizard, Slytherin student)
Eve & Noah Gideon (Pirates)
Jill Collins (Victorian AU: Serial Killer)
Dimitri (Immortal Being - can time travel)
Salomé Blake (is around 1000 years old)
Haniel (is around 1000 years old)
Captain Hook (Pirate)
Lucretia Snow (Her young verse works great with historical verses)
Sci-Fi / Dystopian Future 
Isaac Soliman (Alien - Gray)
Elliot Alderson (Hacker)
AISHA 1.0 (Artificial Intelligence)
Fox Mulder ( X-files & aliens )
Dana Scully (X-files & aliens)
Lucretia Snow (Army General, dystopian society)
Lucy Gray Baird (Hunger Games victor, dystopian society)
Tigris Snow (Stylist, rebel, dystopian society)
Prim Everdeen (Medic, dystopian society)
Caesar Flickerman (Games host, dystopian society)
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knowltonsrangers · 4 years
Alphabet: Baker
[a/n: OOF this is a long one! A quick fyi, I’ve got a couple requests I’m working on right now :) but life has been so hectic lately and I’m so sorry I haven’t been around! If y’all want, my inbox is open for this fluff alphabet! Just send me a couple letters & a person 💓]
Ensign (Thomas) Baker x reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Thomas is.. shy, for lack of a better term. In the beginning of your relationship, it’d be soft touches, hand holding and an arm around your shoulders. Although, he shows affection in many ways, not only by touch. The smiles he sends your way are enough to melt you right there.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Oh oh oh! he would be like the definition of a genuine, best friend. You know he has your back and will stand by you regardless of the outcome. Thomas is a ride or die, for sure! And on how the friendship would start.. I’d have to say how it was I met my best friend. Imagine just working your job with him, just working shift after shift with him, and getting to laugh out loud with him for hours. The friendship would for sure begin on terms of similarities and small talk.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Omg yes! Thomas’ characterization just radiates purity and softness. He would absolutely love to cuddle, and often is the big spoon, but is never opposed to being the little spoon. And on some bad days, you know that he just wants to be held. Cuddling ranges from burrowing into the others sides on the couch, to hugging from behind in bed.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
YES. We can see in TURN that Thomas yearns for love, and that if he’s found it, he’s yours forever. He’d definitely want to settle down, if you were up for it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don’t really ever see Thomas being the one to break things off unless it was a situation where he either felt he had to remove himself, or he thought something was by his doing. But, if he had to, he’d do it in person and it wouldn’t be like dropping a big bomb. You’d know, and he would never lead you on in a different direction.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is 100%! But slow on the marriage part. Of course he wants to marry you, and spend the rest of your lives together! He just isn’t the one to propose after one or two years. Give him some time. However, y’all talk about marriage a lot. It’s not something he’s afraid of, it’s something he just wants to cherish and not rush.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
For his like, extremely intimidating height, he is like the gentlest person. Ever. He’s got calloused hands, sure, but he’s always hesitant that what he’s about to do will upset you in some way. Like he says to Mary, “there is love here, because I know what it’s absence feels like” (I’m paraphrasing pls forgive me) he is so gentle with his actions because he wants to show the love he has for you and that is it, bottom line.
Emotionally.. he’s also the gentlest. He is a shoulder to cry on, a never moving pillar of support. And while you do not have to pry his feelings out of him with a crowbar, you do have to do some coaxing. He never wants to feel like a burden. Pls tell him he’s the best and that he’s never a burden.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
GUESS WHAT. You lucked out in the hug department! #1 form of affection FR! He does the thing where he’ll hug you from behind & drops his chin on the top of your head. He loves to give hugs, but when you give him hugs... he melts. Wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze him. Tell him how pretty he is. Hugs from Thomas feel like a million bucks, with a tray of never ending affection.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Takes him a bit. If y’all met in April, started dating in September, he might just save it for Valentines Day because he’s cheesy. But, sometimes more intimate and emotional moments catch him off guard and he finds himself mumbling it to you. When you’re not around, he says it so casually you’d think he’s told you already. “(y/n)? They’re the best, I love them.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
About 25%. He never saw himself as ‘good enough’ (his terrible childhood gave him that horrible impression) so in moments of insecurity he has tiny doubts. But it never lasts for long, because jealousy can’t ever stick in his mind for long. Once you’ve both committed to the relationship? All doubts fly out the window. His bouts of jealousy never last long because he trusts you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are like,,, spectacular?? Fantastic??? Amazing!??!? Hardly a word to describe ‘em. He’ll kiss you just about everywhere in private, but in public it’s mild. Leans down and presses his nose to your temple, and then plants the softest kiss on your cheek.
Thomas.. loves to be kisses on the nose.
Can you imagine just starting to boop his nose, just to be funny. Mainly cause when he looks down at you it’s funny to reach up and boop his nose.
And then, when y’all are on the couch, just sitting and chillin, you reach up and kiss the tip of his nose.
He gets weak in the knees every time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s the absolute best! Thomas gets down on his knees and will chat along with little children. Have a baby niece or nephew? He’s still as a statue holding them, but they always fall asleep in his arms every time. He is the best around children, because he’s used to being surrounded by them. Being raised in an orphanage taught him to have the patience of a saint. Children just gravitate towards him, because he radiates kindness.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Thomas is early to bed and early to rise. He prides himself on a good nights sleep to have a good day. When he sleeps in past his alarms, something is bothering him.
But on the topic of how mornings are spent.. they are full of drowsy kisses and breakfast being made and eaten together. The kitchen is the heart of the household, and that’s why mornings are so meaningful.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
While never opposed to a nice dinner or outdoors date, many nights are spent together binging tv shows and movies. (Especially during quarantine!) I’ve mentioned this before, but I HC Thomas to be a huge horror/slasher movie fan. If that isn’t your thing, don’t worry! Thomas loves all genres. Sappy rom coms, comedy, action, adventure-your pick is perfectly fine with him! He just enjoys your company, and if date night is a movie and take-out, he’s over the moon about it!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It doesn’t take too long, per se. Many things he is open about, not knowing his mother, being raised in an orphanage.. he’ll tell you these things when your relationship starts, not extremely fast. But fairly quick. Other things about his life, that’s a whole other ball park. Getting him to open up is a bit harder, but not impossible.  
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It would take a really low blow to anger Thomas. I really don’t have much to say on this one. Because although he can get angry, he try’s hard to be passive in most arguments. He doesn’t want to ruin anything, so if it’s a silly argument, he’ll find a compromise. If it’s more serious, he usually announces he needs time to think, and he’ll slip away to do some.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Yes yes!! You will tell him your shoe size ONCE and he will remember it forever! Swear he has photographic memory. He’s so good at birthdays, anniversaries, holidays-all these little facts you share about yourself are all stored in a part of Thomas’ brain.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you told him you loved him back. Yes, he’s said it to you, but you saying it back? Or whomever says it first, maybe it’s you. Doesn’t matter, because either way hearing those three words come out of your mouth is enough to send his heart into his throat. The feeling of being loved is so overwhelming. He will always use that memory as a crutch in hard times, because you both felt so vulnerable to the world yet full of absolute hope.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not overprotective at all. He’s not overbearing, but of course if someone was being degrading or negative towards you, he wouldn’t hesitate to defend you. If you can defend yourself, he’s behind you silently cheering you on.
Like mentioned before, Thomas is a rather intimidating man apon first glance. Although he has never picked any fights, he’s had to dodge a few. If you defended him, he’d feel his heart swell. “(y/n), it’s okay, really,”
But he’d never forget it, ever.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
About 200% and then some. He is a SWEETIE and wants to show how much he loves you!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Doubting. Can ruin his own day with the clouds of doubt and rampaging thoughts that take over his mind. He’s gotten much better at it, but he needs some guidance every once in a while. Be his light at the end of the tunnel, guide him home!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Basically at a 0% concern. He’s always considered himself average looking (and you disagree with him on that all day long!) he dresses like any man of the time, and looks absolutely handsome all the time. Call him pretty all you like, because it makes him blush. He’s not changing how he looks to impress you, because you’ve made it abundantly clear you love him just the way he is.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh, yes. If you were ever away from him, no matter the reason, he’d feel like a piece of his heart was missing. You’re his other half, he needs you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves everything about the wintertime, but his favorite has to be when you steal his jackets and hoodies. He finds it so endearing and downright cute.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Lying and dishonesty.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s an early riser, but he’s a bit guilty of reading before bed and when he wakes up.
Although, when you both share a bed, he’s curling himself around you. He can’t sleep any other way.
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sneakend · 5 years
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Horror movie recs for Halloween ♡ Turned longer than anticipated so here’s part 1/3. [part 2] [part 3]
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Serial killers
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) (x) (x)
“The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo.”
The Cabin by the Lake (2000) (x) (x)
“Stanley Caldwell is a screenwriter working on a story for a suspense film about a lunatic who kidnaps and murders young women. However, Stanley's research methods are more than a bit unusual -- he actually does kidnap women, and once he's learned as much as he thinks he can from them, he disposes of their bodies by drowning them in a nearby lake.”
Creep (2014) (x)
“A young videographer answers an online ad for a one-day job in a remote town to record the last messages of a dying man. When he notices the man's odd behavior, he starts to question his intentions.”
Creep 2 (2017) (x)
“A video artist looking for work drives to a remote house in the forest to meet a man claiming to be a serial killer. But after agreeing to spend the day with him, she soon realizes that she made a deadly mistake.”
The Last Horror Movie (2003) (x) (x)
“A serial killer uses a horror video rental to lure his next victim. What begins as a teen slasher transforms into a disturbing journey through the mind of Max Parry, a mild mannered wedding photographer with a taste for human flesh.”
Man Bites Dog (1992) (x) (x)
“A film crew follows a ruthless thief and heartless killer as he goes about his daily routine. But complications set in when the film crew lose their objectivity and begin lending a hand.”
Scream (1996) (x)
“A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a new killer, who targets the girl and her friends by using horror films as part of a deadly game.”
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) (x)
“A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer, a madman who skins his victims.”
Lady Killers
American Mary (2012) (x) (x)
“The allure of easy money sends Mary Mason, a medical student, into the world of underground surgeries which ends up leaving more marks on her than her so called "freakish" clients.” 
Audition (1999) (x)
“A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all.”
The Grudge (2004) (x)
“An American nurse living and working in Tokyo is exposed to a mysterious supernatural curse, one that locks a person in a powerful rage before claiming their life and spreading to another victim.”
May  (2002) (x)
“A lonely young woman traumatized by a difficult childhood and unsuccessful attempts to connect with the people around her is sent into a murderous tailspin.”
A Slit-Mouthed Woman (2007) (x) (x)
“A suburban town in Japan is the victim of what is supposedly just an urban legend, a woman's spirit with a horribly disfigured face who is intent on kidnapping children for unknown reasons.”
Tomie: Forbidden Fruit (2002) (x)
“Tomie terrorizes an artistically inclined young girl and her widowed father, slowly integrating herself into the family.”
Tomie: Re-birth (2001) (x) (x)
“An art student disappears after murdering his model. Now his friends and family are being haunted by the resurrected woman, Tomie.”
Tomie: Unlimited (2011) (x)
“A photography student's life takes a turn for the worse when her dead sister is welcomed back into the family home.”
Creepy Children
Children of the Corn (1984) (x) (x)
“A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believe everyone over the age of 18 must be killed.”
Mama (2013) (x)
“A young couple take in their two nieces only to suspect that a supernatural spirit named Mama has latched itself to their family.”
The Omen (1976) (x) (x)
“Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?”
Orphan (2009) (x)
“A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9 year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.”
The Ring (2002) (x)
“A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone one week to the day after they view it.”
Sinister (2012) (x)
“Washed-up true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt finds a box of super 8 home movies that suggest the murder he is currently researching is the work of a serial killer whose work dates back to the 1960s.”
A Group of Friends
Battle Royale (2000) (x) (x)
“In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.”
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) (x)
“Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods.”
The Descent (2005) (x) (x)
“A caving expedition goes horribly wrong, as the explorers become trapped and ultimately pursued by a strange breed of predators.”
Final Destination (2000) (x)
“After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one.”
Fritt Vilt (2006) (x)
“5 young Norwegians head up to the mountains to snowboard. One breaks his leg and it's getting dark soon, so they spend the night in a big, abandoned hotel, closed 30 years ago. They are not alone.”
House of Wax (2005) (x)
“A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.”
Nightmare (2000) (x)
“Seven friends will die one by one for protecting a terrible secret. Can a vengeful spirit be stopped?”
When They Cry (2008) (x) (x)
“Early summer, Keiichi has just moved to a remote mountain village and becomes close friends with a group of girls. However, when he starts to become suspicious that Rena, Mion and the others he’s befriended may be deeply involved in the successive murders that occur every summer, the situation around Keiichi gradually starts to turn.”
A Group of Strangers
Botched (2007) (x)
“During a heist in Russia, a professional thief finds himself dealing with serial killers, insane hostages, double-crossing psycho Russian hardmen and the real possibility of a horrible death.”
Cube (1997) (x)
“6 complete strangers of widely varying characteristics are involuntarily placed in an endless maze containing deadly traps.”
Downrange (2017) (x)
“Stranded at the side of the road after a tire blowout, a group of new carpooling friends become targets for an enigmatic sniper.”
The Mist (2007) (x) (x)
“A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives.”
Saw (2004) (x)
“Two strangers, who awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there, soon discover they're pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer.”
Funny Games (2007) (x) (x)
“Two psychopathic young men take a family hostage in their cabin.”
Hereditary (2018) (x)
“After the family matriarch passes away, a grieving family is haunted by tragic and disturbing occurrences, and begin to unravel dark secrets.”
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) (x)
“A family falls victim to a group of mutated cannibals in a desert far away from civilization.”
The Lodge (2019) (x)
“A soon-to-be stepmom is snowed in with her fiancé's two children at a remote holiday village. Just as relations begin to thaw between the trio, some strange and frightening events take place.”
Pet Sematary (1989) (x)
“After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.”
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connorrhodess · 6 years
Not Alone - Lakewood is Cursed
Pairing: Criminal Minds x Chicago PD x reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, graphic (kinda)
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Welcome to Lakewood: A small town that no one really knows or cares about. I moved here about 2 years ago, and shortly after I did, the Lakewood slasher terrified the town, myself included. And it turned out, the Lakewood slasher turned out to be Piper Shaw, the half-sister of my friend, Emma. The whole reason she did it was because Emma’s mom abandoned her after she had her all because Piper’s father was the notorious Brandon James, the original mass murderer in Lakewood back in the 80s. Piper figured that she would have this whole murder spree to get back at Emma for having the perfect life. At the end of that spree, Emma, Noah, Audrey, Me, Kieran, Brooke and Jake were left. Now 3 months later, there’s another killer on the loose.
“Have any of you heard from Jake today?” Brooke asked. I have to admit, I hadn’t. His parents went on the trip to Mexico, so I figured he tagged along last minute.
We all shook our heads. “You guys still fighting?” I questioned. Brooke and Jake fought often, so when they weren’t texting each other, it wasn’t much of a surprise.
“Yeah, but I’m not gonna text him first. I’m trying to prove a point.”
“I’m gonna text him real quick, just to check in.” I told her, earning a shocked look in doing so. “He’s my best friend. I wanna make sure he’s okay.”
It was true. When I moved to Lakewood, Jake showed me the ropes; where each classroom was, invited me to sit with him at lunch and even helped me with my locker every once and awhile.
Hey, it’s just me. I know you and Brooke are still fighting, but I just wanna check in. You okay?
I sent it before rejoining the group conversation. “They’re announcing the Lady of the Lake nominees today.” Emma announced, “And I think we know one of them!” She gestured towards Brooke.
“I don’t event want to be in the stupid pageant.” She mumbled.
“So then why are you doing it?” Noah asked her.
“My dad is making me. He thinks it’ll make him look good as mayor.” She rolled her eyes.
I stood there, my boyfriend, Kieran next to me, when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Jake.
Yeah, I’m good. I know they announce the Lady of the Lake nominees today. Thought maybe I would text her before she goes up there.
I smiled slightly. I have to admit, I loved Brooke and Jake’s relationship. They did fight a lot, but I could tell by the look on his face, he was head over heals for her.
All of us head into the auditorium just in time, sitting close to each other.
“And that's why it gives me great pleasure to announce the five finalists that will compete in the up-and-coming Lady of the Lake Pageant. As I call out your names, please come to the stage. Andrea Conway, Jamie Blumhardt, Jennifer Gutierrez. Zoe Vaughn, And last but not least, our final contestant... Brooke Maddox. And there you have it! The five lovely finalists to compete for the title: "Lady of the Lake.””
Just as they released the banner, blood starting pouring down on Brooke, before a body drops down. I couldn’t see who it was, all I saw was Brooke’s horrified facial expression and heard her scream.
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Meanwhile in Quantico….
The group sat at the round table as Garcia started presenting the case.
“Okay friends, do any of you remember the Lakewood Slasher from last year?” She starts.
“Yeah, I remember hearing about it. Piper Shaw killed people who were friends with her half sister to get back at her mother for abandoning her.” Reid informs.
“Where’s the father?” Derek asks, knowing Reid knows the answer.
“He was the original Lakewood Slasher back in the 1980s. He killed 5 of the kids he went to school with before getting shot at the local lake.”
“Well, they believe there’s another one out there. Earlier today, a Jake Fitzgerald was…well, he was quite literally slashed, then wrapped up in a banner for the annual ‘Lady of the Lake’ thing, and when they unraveled it, his girlfriend was covered in blood.” Gacia informs, putting the images on the screen.
“Have we been invited in?” JJ sighed.
“No, the killer tells them not to call any form of law enforcement. The state police invited us in, however we have to keep everything away from the press. If he finds out the FBI is in Lakewood, he may escalate or stop all together.” Hotch mentions, swiping through the photos on the tablet.
“And why is the Chicago police department joining us?”
“It’s the intelligence unit. The sergeant’s niece is involved and they figured we could use the backup, which we could. Wheels up in 30.”
Back in Chicago…
Voight sat in his office, jotting down important facts about the case. A knock at the door gets his attention.
“Almost ready to go?” Jay interrupts, looking at what he was doing.
“It scares the crap out of me that she is about to go through this a second time. It’s her senior year of high school. This shouldn’t be her life.”
“We’re gonna get ‘em. Just wait until I get my hands on him.” Voight nods, glancing at the photo of his niece. He stands grabbing Jake’s file and Piper’s, briefing the team.
“When we get there, we are taking orders from the BAU, you got me? We don’t want him to know that he’s got the FBI and Intelligence there, alright? Upton, you think you can go undercover?”
She nods. “Of course. Where would you want me?”
“There’s a tiny coffee shop in town. Be a customer. If he’s a local, chances are he goes there, too. Halstead, Ruzek, and Atwater, I want you guys at any social events this guy can be at. The “Lady of the Lake” pageant is this weekend at a carnival. Be there, badges and guns hidden, you hear me? Burgess, Olinsky, you’re both going to help the Lakewood police, see if they need anything. Lindsay, Dawson and I are going to be with the BAU trying to figure out who this son of a bitch is. Never go anywhere without backup and keep me and the FBI updated, got it?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Good, let’s get out of here.”
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theboogeyman-blog1 · 7 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog!    tag 10! good  luck!      TAGGED. stolen from @bloodbaptised      TAGGING. @formother and those who really want to attempt to flesh out their muses!!
FULL  NAME :  Michael Audrey Myers. NICKNAME :  Michael, Shape, Mikey. AGE : Twenty-one in his main verse. BIRTHDAY :   October 19, 1957. ETHNIC  GROUP : Caucasian. NATIONALITY :  American. LANGUAGE / S : Understands English. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Asexual with an inclination towards females.      ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Aromantic. RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Relationship-less. CLASS : Middle class until containment in Smith’s Grove Sanitarium, technically in poverty upon escape. HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Haddonfield, Illinois.  CURRENT  HOME : Haddonfield, Illinois. PROFESSION : N/A. Serial murderer and escaped mental patient.
HAIR : Brown and overgrown, slightly curly at the ends. It was dirty blonde when he was a boy. EYES : Like large, shining obsidian stones on his pale and empty face. Full lashes. NOSE : Average length and width, slightly turns up at the tip. Almost button-like. FACE :  Surprisingly youthful, nearly angelic. Slightly round, lack of wrinkles or laugh lines from lack of expression. LIPS :   Near thin. Very gentle curves on the Cupid’s Bow. Pale pink. COMPLEXION :  Pale, unblemished and unmarked. BLEMISHES :  Nothing visible. SCARS : Verse dependent. No scars in his main verse but covered in burns after the explosion at the hospital. TATTOOS : Verse dependent. None in main verse, but in the Cult verse he wears the symbol of thorn on the inside of his wrist. HEIGHT : 6'0″. WEIGHT : 168 lbs. BUILD :    Average, but mildly lanky. Possesses much more strength than what meets the eye. FEATURES :  Pale skin and smooth, unblemished features. Blank expression and deep black eyes that stare. ALLERGIES :  N/A. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Very much unkempt. Tangled and unbrushed. How it falls is how he wears it. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Smooth and unfettered as a blanket of fresh snow or a blank sheet of paper. His eyes don’t seem to focus. They seem to stare past you and far into the future---or far into the past. USUAL  CLOTHING : Blue mechanic’s coveralls and work boots. On his head is a white mask that shields his face, expressionless and intimidating. He does not like to remove it.
FEAR / S :  None. The closest thing that arouses anything remotely like fear in Michael is the exposure of his face. He is not the evil entity he tries so hard to be when his youthful, cute face prevents him from being as scary. Plus, that mask has become an integral part of his personal identity. Without it he can function (assuming that he himself made the choice to remove it), but when it’s taken from him he experiences a sensation akin to panic. ASPIRATION / S : To recreate again and again the events that preceded his incarceration: the murder of family members reminiscent of his murder of his elder sister, Judith.  POSITIVE  TRAITS : Tenacious, resourceful, clever (in ways) NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Remorseless, withdrawn, deceitful, bears grudges, murderous, blase, cunning, dangerous, manipulative, obsessive, unemotional,  MBTI : ISTP-A: The Virtuoso ZODIAC :  Libra. TEMPERAMENT :  Choleric. SOUL  TYPE / S :  Hunter. ANIMALS :  Hunts much like a cougar does. VICE HABIT / S :   Murder, holding grudges. FAITH : The Myers family went to church every Sunday but Michael never believed in God. No faith. GHOSTS ? : Does not want to think about it. AFTERLIFE ? : Does not care to think about it. REINCARNATION ? :  No. ALIENS ? : Does not care. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  None. ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Technically he is in poverty. SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : No. EDUCATION  LEVEL : Kindergarten.
FATHER :   Peter Myers. MOTHER :  Edith Myers. SIBLINGS : Judith Margaret Myers (elder), Cynthia Myers (renamed Laurie Strode, younger) EXTENDED  FAMILY : Jamie Lloyd (niece), Steven Lloyd (son/grandnephew), John Tate (nephew) NAME  MEANING / S : Michael: “Who is like God?”/”He who is closest to God.” Audrey: Drawn from “noble” and “strength.”  HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  Michael’s name is EXTREMELY biblical.
BOOK :  None. MOVIE : None. 5  SONGS :  He has none. However, these songs remind me of him. ( x x ) DEITY :  Verse dependent. Forced to worship the Entity in Dead by Daylight. HOLIDAY :   Halloween, the only time when he is truly active. MONTH :  October. SEASON :  Autumn. PLACE :  His home on Lampkin Lane in Haddonfield, Illinois. WEATHER :  Cloud cover darkening the night sky. Cool, crisp air that just nips at the skin. SOUND : The radio from outside a window, carefree prattle of teenagers who are unaware of his presence, their anxious calling when they hear a sound when they think they’re alone, their shrieks when he plunges his knife into their young, supple flesh, the snapping of bones, the splatter of blood. SCENT / S :  Gentle wafts of floral shampoo that trail his obsession. TASTE / S :  The metallic hint of blood in his mouth, candy.  FEEL / S : Control, the charge of following someone without their knowing, their desperate grasps at him as he seizes them. ANIMAL / S : Has no favorite animal.  NUMBER : Seventeen--the age of both of his sisters when he makes attempts on both of their lives. COLOUR : Red for the blood that he spills, black for the shadows that provide him shelter.
TALENTS :  Hunting, he is very adept at following his prey without alerting their attention until he wishes for himself to be noticed. Inducing fear into the hearts of those surrounding him. Misleading those who associate themselves with him. Lacking any kind of humanity or decency that would sway his warpath.  BAD  AT : Communicating, as he cannot and/or will not say a word to a single soul. Taking care of himself, as he cannot manage to feed himself regularly or to bathe himself or tend to his own injuries. TURN  ONS : Fear of him. Watching, watching, watching.  TURN  OFFS :  Intimacy. HOBBIES :   Drawing pictures in crayon, writing his elder sister’s name on them. TROPES :   Face of an Angel; Mind of a Demon, Creepy Child, Humanoid Abomination, Malevolent Masked Man, Silent Antagonist, The Stoic, Super Strength, The Voiceless. AESTHETIC  TAGS :  Knives, gore, masks, graveyards, urban neighborhoods, Halloween, trick or treat, jack-o-lanterns. GPOY  QUOTES :  ".........”
MAIN  FC / S :  I haven’t done extensive research on faceclaims for adult Michael because I see no situation where he would remove his mask for anyone so I will stick to his faceclaim in the first movie for now-- Tony Moran.  ALT  FC / S : Tyler Mane. OLDER  FC / S :   Don Shanks. YOUNGER  FC / S : Noah Wiseman.  VOICE  CLAIM / S : None. GENDERBENT  FC / S : None.
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 : Well, Michael already has several movies made all about him but there are a lot of things that I’d like to see in the one coming out next year. First of all, I would love it if they would scratch the ideas of Michael being tied to a cult and being the puppet of a cult because I believe that Michael’s actions are completely of his own free will. I would also love to see some of Michael’s time in Smith’s Grove and Dr. Loomis’s struggle to bring Michael out of himself. I would love to see the little boy before the event on Halloween 1963 and how he acted around his family. I want to see Michael stalking and murdering people that have no connection to him whatsoever. I believe it would be much scarier that way. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :  I would keep elements of the original Halloween soundtrack because they’ve come to resemble Michael’s screen presence so much. I’d like to thicken the orchestration.  Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  I’ve been obsessed with Dead by Daylight since its release and I was kind of like ????? when they announced that they were going to release Michael as a playable character in the game bc honestly it just reads as jealousy that Friday the 13th is already doing so much better than it, and oh my GOD. I honestly hated Michael so much when he was first released into the game because he is ridiculous to play against. It is so fucking hard to get away from him. Like my hatred for him was unholy. But then I started to watch the movies on a whim and??? I loved him?? My murder sON.  Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4: I really love the aesthetic of the old slasher movies and I love horror movies in general. I told myself that I was going to see all of the movies of all the original slashers and Michael was the one that I picked up first. What I really found attractive about his character at first is how inhuman he is and how terrifying the situation is. He has complete control. And plus, I’m a sucker for a scary man in a mask. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 : I hate that it’s implied in the sixth movie that he raped his teenage niece. Michael is a god awful living organism and I know that he isn’t morally above doing something like that, but I really can’t see him doing something like that. I can’t see him developing any kind of substantial arousal about anyone on that level.  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 : I suppose that we’re both reserved. Beyond this, we don’t really have anything in common.  Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 : Michael would fucking stab me in a heartbeat lmaO. I would be trying to mother him and he would be like NOPE. Not having it. He doesn’t feel anything about me and he doesn’t feel anything about anyone tbh, but I don’t think he’d appreciate my attempts to take care of him.  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?   A8 :  Laurie Strode, Jamie Lloyd, Dr. Loomis, Judith Myers, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Pennywise the Clown, Jason Voorhees, Nea Karlsson, Trapper, Hillbilly, Meg Thomas, Dwight Fairfield, the Entity.  Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :  Watching the Halloween movies, listening to dark, ambient music, rock music, or looking at aesthetic pictures of suburban neighborhoods at night and Halloween.  Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 : SO LONG. Like a month omf 
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forcefclt-a-blog · 6 years
tagged by @stillsolo
A . AGE:  20 B . BIRTHPLACE:  canada :^) C . CURRENT TIME:  5:09 pm D . DRINK YOU HAD LAST:  strawberry banana smoothie E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH:  uhhhh my alarm or... my cats doing smth annoying F . FACE REVEAL?:  ive posted selfies before go find em u lazy eggs G . GROSSEST MEMORY:  the smell of frogs in preserving liquid for 10th grade bio frog dissection. nasty H . HORROR YES OR HORROR NO:  depends on the kind of horror? i guess? slasher flicks and gore dont scare me as much as gross me out, ghost horror/psychological horror usually fucks me up tho. but it depends on how its executed I . IN LOVE?:  i guess? i have a boyfriend J . JEALOUS OF PEOPLE:  yeah bitch lol K . KILLED SOMEONE:  irl?? no. in rp? yes L . LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN?:  no M . MIDDLE NAME:  i got three try and guess i promise you wont get any of them N . NAME & NICKNAME: nikki, nicole, nicolette (my full name), clarch O . ONE WISH:  unlimited wishes for me forever :^) P . PLACE THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY:  home :^) Q . QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: 'is that how you really spell your last name?’ ‘is that supposed to be a d or an e in your last name?’ R . REASON TO SMILE:  my cats S . SOMETHING YOU MISS: my dad lol :^) T . TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS:  i cant pick just three but uh i guess for now ill go with dwight (office us), elliot stabler (law and order svu), nick valentine (fallout 4) U . UNDERWEAR COLOR:  harry potter so its black w the hogwarts house colours V . VACATION:  last vacation was universal studios when i was like 16-17? i might go to disney w my family (nieces, nephew, sister, mom, brother in law) in september W - WORST HABIT: my bad eatin and sedentary lifestyle lmao X . X-RAYS: last one i remember is when my foot was fucked up but it was plantar fascia problems and luckily nothing was fractured or broken Y . YOUR FAVORITE FOOD:  a lot.... a lot of things ok Z . ZODIAC SIGN:  cancer
uh idk who im tagging do this if u want
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loveandmurders · 16 days
The Sun of Ambrose II (Sinclair daughter!reader)
Hello everyone, this is the second part of a new Sinclair!daughter AU in which the reader is Bo's daughter and she has been taken away and adopted by a new family.
This is the direct continuation of this.
Hope you'll enjoy! <3
Warnings : No proof reading, angst, mentions of a boy groping, touching and wanting to rape reader, killer!reader, violence, blood, anger, manipulation.
Your grandfather and grandmother were killers. 
Your father and uncles were killers. 
Even if you didn’t know about all of this yet, it was written in your blood, in your DNA. You were born to be a killer too. You were born with this rage and with this skill. You were born to be something else than just normal. 
You weren’t a lost little girl anymore.
You were 16. 
You were doing your best to have the life your adoptive parents wanted you to have; you were good at school, you had friends, you were going out to parties. You were mute so things could sometimes be a bit difficult, but you were enjoying watching people in silence. You knew everyone’s secrets and dramas. You knew people’s weaknesses and desires.
So you knew when John came to greet you one morning, he didn’t have good intentions towards you. 
“Hello sweetheart. It’s been a little while since I've noticed you. We’re in the same maths class by the way. You remember me?” he said and you nodded to let him know you did remember him. He brightly smiled “Awesome. So, my friends are organising a party on Friday night and I’d love you to come with me” he offered.
You licked your lips and leaned into your seat, wondering what to do. He was towering over you and everything in his gestures showed he was acting like a predator. He probably thought that since you were mute, you would be a very easy prey.
You weren’t too happy to put yourself into danger, but at the same time you were bored out of your mind and your parents would be happy if you would go out with a boy. It would be another proof that you were settling in your life and that everything was going alright. And as long as you were wearing your sun necklace, you weren’t afraid for yourself. 
You finally nodded again and his smile turned into a smirk.
“Brillant, girl. See you on Friday’s night. I’ll come get you at your place” he said before leaving. 
He really wasn’t interested in you in a good way. 
You neither.
Your mother was really excited for you so she helped you get ready for what she was calling a “date”. You dolled up like you were supposed to before leaving the house without feeling anything. Your parents reminded you to be careful. 
Little did they know that at the instant you got into John’s car, he placed his hand on your thigh and groped you. You softly pushed him and gestured for him to drive to the party, which he finally did.
You were annoyed. 
Once at the party, he quickly greeted the people he knew, keeping you by his side like you keep a pet. You hated it. You started to get angry. It was a quiet anger you knew a little too well. You did everything to keep it manageable inside your heart. You couldn’t have a crisis here, in front of those people you were going to school with. You didn’t want your parents to get you to the doctors again.
You kept a smile on your face, even when he rushed you upstairs and found the closest empty bedroom he could. He hushed you inside, before locking the door behind you two.
“Ah finally alone, baby” he mused
You knew what his intentions toward you were but you weren’t afraid, you were oddly calm as you watched his every move. The fact that someone would want to hurt you and use you was making you burn with anger now. You had never felt so full of rage, and yet it was the cold madness of a killer that was taking possession of you. You knew what was going to happen, but you also knew you weren’t the prey. 
Your father and uncles started to teach you how to take care of yourself, how to kill, even if they never said it was for killing. It was always to protect yourself from “the bad people of this hostile world”. You had continued to learn how to fight without your parents knowing.
And even if you had never shed blood before, you were ready. The rage was too strong to make it stay inside of you. You smiled as the boy came closer to you, clearly not realising he was the mouse, and not the cat. He touched you and you let him do it, at first. 
“I knew you were going to be a good girl” he murmured to you and you hummed in answer. You gently grabbed him by the hair before your grip tightened and without a warning shot you moved to the side and brutally led his head against the wall. You hit him hard and he got disoriented. You continued to hit him over and over again.
You killed him. 
You killed him violently. And you felt good, oh so good. For the first time in years, the anger quieted down and you felt like you could finally breathe. 
You cleaned up the crime scene, your bloody hands and face, and his body before leaving it where it was. Your black dress was hiding the blood stains littering it but you knew you would need to burn it down once you would be back home. You went downstairs to dance with the others, as if nothing had happened. 
The body was found only when everyone thought it was time to go to sleep.
Of course the police interrogated you, but they couldn’t believe that such an innocent looking girl, who went through so much in her life already and was hence very soft, could have killed someone with such hatred. Your parents were so relieved nothing happened to you, not realising you were the danger. 
No one even found out who killed John.
And you found this very exciting.
So you continued to kill.
You realised you were very good at it, as if it was a gift running through your veins. Whenever you felt anger, you left your house at night for a “little walk”. You would easily find a new prey; anyone was good enough for it. It was also why the police couldn’t find you: there was no link between your victims, not even their profile. You killed for the sake of it, for the well being it finally gave you. You were known as the “serial killer of the shadows”. Your parents always worried when you were wandering around at night, not realising you were the danger prowling around the city. 
Killing wasn’t the only joy in your life, even if it was getting a big part of it. Around the same time you murdered John, you asked your parents to take up art classes. You wanted to do sculptures, to build things with your hands. You enjoyed doing pottery a lot. It was appeasing you because you could just focus on your hands and on your art. You were very good at it, mostly because you watched Vincent making art a lot so his gestures were written inside your brain.
You started to work on wax as well. You asked your parents to buy you the materials and they agreed. They were happy you were expressing yourself through art. It was certain you were doing better now. They had no idea that you simply still wanted to be Sinclairs’ heir. You wanted to find them again one day, and to prove to them that you were the only daughter they needed. You wanted to come back home more than anything. You knew your "real" father would understand your anger. You weren’t too sure if he and your uncles were killing the tourists, but you were certain they wouldn’t judge you for your night activities. You would be free in Ambrose… You just needed to find your way back to it.
And one day, it happened.
“So, Y/N, where would you like to go during the holidays this summer?” your adoptive father asked you as you were all having dinner in the living room. You had meant to talk to them about your biological family for a quite a while now and it felt like the perfect moment.
“I want to go in the South of the country” you replied and your parents were surprised you seemed so determined about it
“Why there?” you mother hummed
“Because I come from there… I want to find where I come from. I want to find what happened to my mother… I mean I want to know if she was right about my father”, you explained
“I’m not certain this is a good idea, hon” your mother instantly replied and you pouted, disappointed but ready to fight for it
“Why not?”
“We… We haven’t told you about all the stories we heard about your family. Your mother had the time to say quite a lot about them and the fact you weren’t even officially existing for the State is proving a lot. You were a child so you probably don’t remember or didn’t understand what was going on…” she babbled
“What you mother means is that they are dangerous people and we can’t just go find him” your father added
“This is unfair. I need to know my past. If you were at my place, wouldn’t you want to know the truth?”
The discussion stopped there for the moment but a few days later, your parents offered you a deal. The plan was you would all go to the South of the country for some holidays. You would try to find the region where you came from, but you wouldn’t try to find your father. You agreed. 
The problem was you didn’t know exactly where Ambrose was, but you had found your uncle Lester’s town on a map. At least you thought you remembered it was. Your mother and you found somewhere nice with a cute little hotel around the area you wanted. You hope to find your way back home… and to find your family again. You had changed quite a lot and you weren’t too sure your family would recognise you. However, you were still wearing your sun necklace.
You thought the day of the trip would never come, as you were so excited about it. You could feel in your bones that you were finally coming back home, so many years after having left it. Your parents were a little bit on edge, but they loved you too much to cancel the holidays. Your mother had a very bad feeling about all of it.
However, once on the roads, you couldn’t help but panic when the car went by on the dusty roads without going by the advertisements for the House of Wax. You remembered them by heart as you saw them quite a lot when you were in Lester’s truck. You worried you would come by close to Ambrose but not close enough. You worried you wouldn’t find your family. You worried everything was lost forever. Your adoptive parents noticed how you looked around and they asked you if you were alright.
“I come from here” you admitted to them as you signed. They exchanged a very concerned look at those words.
“Are you sure? You recognised this place? Your mother asked you in a soothing manner
“Not really, but the roads were the same when I was a child. It’s not here, but it must be in this area. My family is so close by now” you replied
“Hon… We are your family” your mother frowned
“You know what I mean… I want to see them, I want to see my dad again” you shyly signed, knowing your adoptive parents wouldn’t be happy about it. They did exchange another look, full of concern.
“We already talked about it… We want you to be safe and… your biological father didn’t seem like a good person. We don’t want you to meet up with him… and certainly not like that” your mother continued as your father stopped the car and parked.
“You don’t know him, we don’t know if my mother said the truth. He never hurt me when I was a child” you said
“You didn't know him either. What your mother did…” she trailed off
“But now we’re here, we can have a look around” your father offered to your mother’s dismay. 
They argued in whispers until you left the car. 
You recognised the violent heat of the sun hitting you, you recognised how silent the road was, you recognised how easy it was to get lost and in need of help here. You had to be close to Ambrose, you could feel it in your heart.
“Let's get back in the car, honey. We’ll go to the hotel we booked and we’ll talk some more about all of this. It’s understandable you want to find your father, even just out of curiosity… But you cannot just come over like that. You don’t know how he would react, what he became after you left… We need to respect a process” your mother rationalised and you were forced to agree with her.
A little voice inside your head wondered what would happen if your family didn’t recognise you? Would they kill you like they probably got rid of the tourists during your childhood?
And yet, you prayed for the car to stop working or for Lester’s truck to appear on the road. Unfortunately, you safely travelled to the hotel. You all ate at a restaurant before deciding to go to sleep and to talk about everything the day after. Your parents thought it was better to rest and have a good night sleep before doing anything. They might hope you would calm down as well.
You didn’t. You talked about finding your dad right at breakfast.
“I could find my father” you said
“It has been said that you didn’t know where you came from exactly and that you didn’t even know your father’s name.” your mother said “Did you lie about all of this? Did you try to protect him somehow?” she continued and you hated to be trapped in your own lie
“I didn’t know back then. But when I saw the roads, I remembered” you replied
“Makes sense,” your father nodded and gently smiled at you.
“I don’t like this,” your mother whined. She had always been very protective of you and she felt something was off.
“Look, darling, we’re going to find a solution for everyone to be happy.” your father continued to smile “The two of you are going to have a nice day out together and I’m going to look for your biological father. If you can just show me on the maps where he used to live… And if I can find him, I’ll talk with him and make sure he is good enough to meet with you. How does it sound?” he offered
“It’s rushed! He was a violent man, how do you know he won’t hurt you, hurt her?” your mother continued 
“If you don’t have news after an hour, you’ll call the police. Y/N needs to realise who her father is to move on in her life. That’s normal. Everyone needs to know and understand where they come from. And even if it’s rushed, even if it doesn’t sound like a good plan, she needs it now. We have to try.” your father replied. 
“This is too risky. We can ask for the administration to help us with this… Especially if he is a bad man. It’s indeed important but we need to take our time.” your mother argued back so you started to cry. 
It was always your most efficient weapon. 
It was settled then.
Your adoptive father would look for Bo Sinclair.
Part III
Taglist: @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @12gaugefalls ; @kriston1210
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loveandmurders · 7 days
The Sun of Ambrose III (Lost Sinclair!Daughter AU)
Hi everybody, this is the third part of a new Sinclair!daughter AU in which the reader is Bo's daughter and she has been taken away and adopted by a new family. You can find part I here and part II here.
Hope you'll enjoy! <3
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of suicide and death, mentions of potential abuses, murderous!reader
You found where you thought Ambrose was on a map and you showed it to your dad. You told him about the House of Wax advertisements on the roads too. 
And he left, while you spent time with your mother. 
You couldn’t focus on what she was telling you because you were giddy, like when you were a small child. Giddy, like when you were waiting for your father to come back home so you could greet him by jumping into his embrace. For the first time in years, you were hopeful, you were almost happy. Everything was going to be alright very soon.
After an hour or so, your adoptive father phoned your mother. He said he found Ambrose and found your biological father. He said Bo Sinclair seemed to be quite a decent man, even if the town was quite strange. And more importantly, Bo Sinclair was more than eager to meet his daughter. ASAP. Your mother convinced your father to come back to the hotel so they could have a little chat. Your father agreed and left Ambrose without troubles. He had no idea he was the first man, estranged to the Sinclairs, who had ever been able to leave Ambrose alive since Ambrose became a dangerous ghost town. 
Your adoptive dad was a little bit scared his daughter would pick another father over him, but at the same time he hoped you would know who was loving you the most and the best. He was certain that Bo, even if he was being polite for the moment, probably did something terrible for your biological mother to kill herself like she did. He thought you might remember the abuses you went through and you would understand you needed to cut the Sinclairs from your life… forever.
On the other hand, Bo was losing it with hope and relief. His baby girl was alive. His baby girl was on her way back home. Everything was finally going to be alright again. He wasn’t too sure how he was going to explain to you about the murders and the truth behind the House of Wax, but he was certain you would understand. You weren’t going to be afraid of him, because to you he wasn’t a monster, he was your father. And he loved you more than everything, even more than his dead mother who never loved him back.
Bo had given to your adoptive father a phone number so your parents could call him whenever you all would be ready to come to Ambrose. Bo had invited your parents and yourself for a little family dinner with both your uncles as well. Bo was ready to do absolutely anything to get you back. He had begged both the Devil and God so much for this day to finally come, for his daughter to finally be back home, where she belonged. 
Even if you were a little bit disappointed, you agreed you would enjoy your holiday and on the last day, you would greet the Sinclairs for dinner at Ambrose. You spent some good time with your adoptive parents. Deep down, you knew it would be the last time you would be with them like that. You might not remember Bo very well, you knew he wasn’t going to let you go that easily once he would see you again. You didn’t mind, even if you were concerned about what goodbyes with your adoptive parents were going to look like. 
You thought the end of the week would never come and you realised your excitement even made you forget about your usual need to kill to stay calm and quiet.
After a few days, it was time to go to Ambrose. Your mother was so on edge that she needed to be the one driving, so she could focus on something and calm down. You watched the roads, trying to remember them by heart as your mother drove to your hometown, following your father’s directions. She parked in front of the house, at the end of the town. 
You recognised everything. You recognised how empty the place was, despite the wax statues. You recognised the smell of danger lingering around, you recognised your home. You calmed down for the first time in years. You closed your eyes and leaned into your seat. You were back. Everything was going to be alright again. It had to be. 
Or you would kill everyone, and yourself.
Your parents turned toward you.
“Are you sure it is what you want? We can still leave.” you father said but you shook your head
“I want to be here” you replied
“If you feel like you don’t want to do any of this anymore, you just have to show us the door, okay? And we’ll leave. The most important thing is that you feel safe, okay? We won’t let anything happen to you.” your mother promised and you smiled
“It’s going to be alright, I’m sure of it” you said
“I just want you to keep in mind that your father is probably someone dangerous. It’s both a greeting… and probably a goodbye” she added and her husband nodded
“It’s important to know where you come from, but it’s also important to let go of the past, especially when it is a toxic past” he said and you found yourself nodding. 
You would have agreed to anything as long as it meant going back into your house.
Bo opened the front door to greet the three of you. He tried to play it cool but he was impatient, too impatient to even wait for you to knock at the door. 
He shook hands with your parents before his attention went on you. He looked you up and down and did his best to stay calm. Deep down, he wanted to cry and scream for not having seen his daughter growing up. He was desperate to see how the light in your eyes seemed to have died down. He hated he hadn’t been able to protect you and to find you after your mother left with just a message on the kitchen table saying “Happy Birthday, Bo. This is the day you lost everything”.
Most importantly, he was very excited to see you again. You were so beautiful, so perfect. He was certain you were the smartest as he saw you quickly looking around and taking everything in your surroundings. Vincent could gesture like that too. He tried not to think you were looking like an angel of death, a killer. His baby darling couldn’t be a killer, not yet, not when she had grown up so far away from the corruption of Ambrose.
He came closer to hug you but your parents blocked him. 
“We would be grateful if you wouldn’t touch her… We don’t know what are your intentions toward her” Your mother said and you recognised the pure anger moving through his eyes before disappearing. He gave her his most charming smile and nodded.
The Sinclairs agreed they wouldn’t kill your parents right away. They needed you to say out you were a Sinclair, one of them before that. They needed you to choose them, and they would do anything for that. Even if it meant taking the risk of having your parents around Ambrose several times.
Bo instantly noticed how silent you were and it concerned him.
Your parents and yourself greeted Lester and Vincent as you arrived into the kitchen. Your parents exchanged a look as they noticed Vincent’s mask.
“My brother’s got some scars he’d rather hide behind a mask, don’t worry ‘bout it” Bo explained, trying to not sound too annoyed. 
He was the only one who could judge his brother. He couldn’t stand anyone else looking at his twin as if he was part of a freak show. Your parents apologised and you all settled down.
The silence was deafening, as you looked around the house, taking into everything once again.
Nothing had changed, unlike you. 
Bo and your uncles looked older than when you were a child too, of course. But they didn’t really change. You recognised Lester’s soft light and warmth. He smiled at you with pure kindness. But you could see past it, you could tell that despite the love he still had for you, there was some hidden darkness. An even more dangerous one for Vincent. You recognised his presence right away, you recognised how his silence seemed to be the same one before a storm. He was quietly analysing everything and everyone but you felt at ease, unlike your parents. More importantly, you felt your father’s love for you. You recognised the way he looked at you as if you meant the world to him. You recognised his anger, hidden away inside his heart, like yours. You recognised him in yourself and yourself in him. You were home.
The Sinclairs noticed your necklace.
“Still got that jewel, hmm?” Lester said, trying to chat with you like he used to. You looked up at him as your hand reached for the comforting feeling of the necklace under your fingers. You smiled and nodded before signing:
“Never removed it”
The brothers kept a straight face but panic grew inside of them. Why were you using ASL? Why couldn’t they hear your voice? 
“She said…” your mother started but Bo cut her off:
“We all know ASL here; Vincent is mute. But ya’re not, ain’t ya?” he asked you
“Of course she is, when social care found her, she wasn’t talking” Your mother said as you shrugged
“Did your mother do anythin’ to ya?” Bo asked as he leaned toward you. He had no idea what truly happened, apart from the fact that you got taken away from him “Do ya know where she is now?”
“She took me away, saying she had a gift for you. When we arrived at the social care centre, she killed herself” you replied “I don’t remember much. But I didn’t forget this house” you smiled as you gestured around. You wanted to change the subject, you didn’t want to talk about your mother.
But Bo was too upset about the news. He thought she might have killed herself since the police never came into Ambrose and since he never saw her again. Plus, it was the only option for her to keep you away from him: otherwise he would have had a lead to find you and she didn’t want that. She wanted to punish Bo for the man he was, for the monster everyone could see in him and in his brothers.
“I’m sorry we have not been able to protect ya from her… She was sick, but I never thought she’d take ya away from me, us.” Bo told you “We should’ve done better for ya” he continued, regret lacing his voice.
“We heard you actually were the abusive one and her mother saved her from this place” your mother said. She wasn’t afraid to speak up but she thought that maybe she should have talked about the police or someone before coming here.
“Obviously, we don’t know everything that happened here. Y/N really wanted to come here, but it doesn’t mean we trust any of you with her” your adoptive father continued. It angered the Sinclairs a lot more than they showed it. Bo and Lester hummed and smiled. They didn’t want your legal guardians to be afraid of them, especially when they didn’t know who was aware of your presence in Ambrose.
“I believe my daughter can tell I’ve never hurt her in any way” Bo replied “Y/N had always been very important to me, to us three. I hope ya never forgot this, love” he smiled at you and you smiled back
“I thought you didn’t look for me. I heard a lot of bad things too, because of what mother did and said.”
“I swear we all look for ya, but ya were out of reach and gosh I prayed so much for ya to find your way back home. And ya finally did.” Bo whispered, you could hear the emotions swirling inside his voice. You were still wanted, you were still loved by your father.
“Y/N might have found her way back here… It doesn’t mean she’ll let go of her actual life. She is soon going to go to college after all, in only one year.” your mother said and she was quite proud of you.
“That’s great!” Lester exclaimed, even if Bo wasn’t too glad about this news. Your education was important but it was getting in the way of his plans to get you back.
“What subject are you interested in?” Vincent signed to you
“Medecine” you signed “but I’m also very good in my art classes. So if I fail medical school, I can still be an artist” you said
“But we all know you will be a great doctor, hon” your mother cooed
“Like your grandfather and grandmother then” Bo hummed in approval as well “I knew you’d inherited of the best of everything in the family” he added and you smiled even more “Ya’re the heir of the Sinclair, so I guess that’s normal”
“Y/N isn’t your heir anymore. Do you realise that child care and the State didn’t even know about her before her mother brought her to them? She didn’t exist and thanks to the situation, the administration had been able to fix the issues quite quickly. As a matter of fact, you never recognised her as your daughter, so she can’t be your heir or a Sinclair.” your mother said
“Look, ma’am I’m doin’ my best here for all of us to have a nice dinner, so maybe ya could be nicer as well” Bo said with a look of danger in the eyes
“It’s okay, mom is always protective of me” you signed to calm Bo down. He disliked the fact you recognised her as your mother, because it meant you recognised the other man as your father. He couldn’t stand the idea alone, so the proof you were accepting your adoptive family as your family was unbearable.
“Of course I'm protective of you… especially when we see how dangerous the world can be.”
“Always told that to my daughter” Bo agreed for the first time with your mother
You all stayed silent for a little moment.
“Ambrose sounds very… quiet. At least, it feels like a safe enough place. You see, there is some sort of serial killer murdering people in the city we live in, and around it as well” your adpotive father said, trying to find a new subject of conversation
“We live in a mad world” your mother whined
“A serial killer? And ya didn’t move out? Not even for Y/N's safety?!” Bo asked, he couldn’t help but be worried about your safety. He knew how dangerous people could be indeed. Gosh, he couldn’t wait for you to move back to Ambrose so he would be able to keep an eye on you.
“I’m no prey” you shook your head wich was very thought provoking for the Sinclairs
“What kind of art do you enjoy making?” Vincent asked to change the subject
“Sculpture” you instantly replied and without any hesitation “Speaking of, how is the House of Wax doing?” you asked back
“Oh, you remember it. :) It’s going well.” you could feel Vincent was excited in the way he signed back to you
“I’d like to visit it again. You must have done so many new sculptures since I left.” you replied
“I’m not sure we’ll have time for that, hon” your mother intervened. 
The twins hoped they would soon be able to turn your adoptive parents into wax statues and hide them away in one of the abandoned houses.
You simply nodded in agreement, which annoyed the Sinclairs. As a child, you never agreed with anyone who didn’t want to let you do what you wanted. You were strong minded, you were determined and you were smart. They hated to see you so docile.
Soon enough the dinner was over and the Sinclairs couldn’t force the three of you to stay any longer. You got up with your adoptive parents, as they were getting ready to go. You quickly walked to Bo and hugged him, before anyone could stop you. He hugged you back, as tightly as he could without hurting you, and kissed the top of your head.
“Missed ya” he whispered “So much”
“I’ll be back soon” you signed to him, your back to your parents so they couldn’t read your hands “I promise.”
And with this promise, the Sinclairs let you all go, unharmed, hoping you would keep your words.
They needed their heir.
And more importantly, they needed their sun back.
Taglist: @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @12gaugefalls ; @kriston1210
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loveandmurders · 8 months
Love is insanity (Sinclair daughter!reader one shot)
Hello everyone. Today I'm posting a one shot about reader being Bo's daughter, but her mother took her away from him. Not gonna lie, this is pure angst.
Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: angst, angst and more angst, no proof reading, mentions of violence, blood and death, reader is kidnapped by her mother.
You were Bo’s first thought when he was getting up every day of his life. 
He wondered how you were doing; he hoped you were happy and, more than anything, he prayed for you to come back to him one day. Every morning and every night, he was going into your room. It never failed to break his heart; he couldn’t stand how empty the room was, but he just couldn’t help himself to check it because it was all he had left of you. You were the happiest thing that ever happened to him; and yet your mother took you away from him. It felt like a punishment that he knew he deserved. But it wasn’t making this any more bearable.
Your mother had done anything to survive, including marrying him. Bo wasn’t too sure he really loved her, but he tolerated her and he was enjoying her in bed. He also liked the idea to get married because he was a family man. The woman did find Bo attractive and she had been glad to have fun with him. She hadn’t cared much about the wedding, but she didn’t want to say no to a man who could kill her and ask his twin to turn her into a wax statue. The killing was bothering her a lot, and she was terrified. She wanted to get out of here, no matter how much Bo could sometimes be a nice man to her when he wanted to be. 
Or when she got pregnant.
The day she told him she was, she had been very nervous, not too certain how he was going to react. Bo had looked into her eyes to make sure she wasn’t lying about it before a big smile appeared on his face. She had never seen him smiling like that before; a genuine and happy smile. He kissed with fierce passion and he started to be very gentle to her. He was doing his best to not argue with her anymore, he didn’t yell at his siblings in front of her, he didn’t allow her to do any more chores, even in the house. He was usually rough when they were having sex, but he started to be more careful. She couldn’t deny that Bo was showing a new side of his personality. He had been by her side the whole time she went into labour. And he was so emotional when he took you, his daughter, in his arms for the first time.
And then he never let you go. He stayed nice to your mother, because she was your mother. He wasn’t caring too much about her anymore, but he didn’t want to do anything that would upset you. He wanted you by his side all the time, and it seemed you did too. You were very close to one another. If your mother was asking you to come with her, you were always looking back at Bo to make sure he wouldn’t like to have you instead. 
Bo was affectionate with you and he was sincerely trying to be a good father to you. He never showed you the angry side of his personality, and he never let you see him covered in blood. You were the most important person in the house. You also adored your uncles and they all doted on you. You were a Sinclair, you were their heir and they loved you so much. Your mother was happy they were all so distracted with you that she could plan an escape for you and herself. It took her 8 years to find out a way, but when she finally did, you both disappeared before Bo could do anything about it.
She left a message on the kitchen table for him to find in the morning. He had known right away something was off because she wasn’t in bed, there was no sound from the kitchen and his darling daughter didn’t open the bedroom door to greet him. When he had checked your room, it was empty and your favourite plushie - a teddy bear Lester got you when you were three - was gone. His stomach was twisted when he saw the note and started to read it.
We’re leaving and we’ll never come back. Don’t look for us or I’ll tell Y/N who you truly are. I’ll tell her what the statues she loved so much are made of. I won’t call the police on you because I’ve been part of it for a long time and Y/N needs some normality in her life from now on.
Hope to never see you again, and hope you have enjoyed your daughter’s presence till it lasted. I know you truly loved her, but she deserves better and you know it too. I’ll make sure she’ll forget about you.
Bye, Bo, see you in hell.
He couldn't express how broken he felt when he read those words and his brothers and himself looked for the two of you for weeks. 
But you truly were gone. 
After this, Bo had been very difficult to live with, and Lester wasn’t often home anymore. Vincent didn’t say anything and he let Bo be mad. He perfectly understood that his twin just lost his favourite person in the world and that it was very hard for him. Vincent was also very disappointed because he had started to teach you how to sculpt… They lost their heir. And Bo lost his sanity.
He couldn’t stand to see kids any longer, and Lester was always keeping families away from Ambrose because he knew Bo would have a very bad breakdown otherwise. When Vincent was asking him if he needed anything before he would go to his basement, Bo was always shrugging and saying “Apart from my daughter, ya mean?”. And there were always tears in his voice when he was mentioning you. Lester and Vincent never talked about you; you were too much of a sensitive subject. Bo was sometimes drinking in front of his TV, until he would fall asleep, so he could forget he lost the only thing he promised himself to never hurt and to always love. But how could he show you he loved you when you were away from him?
Bo was trying very hard to calm down and to focus on work and on his siblings; but it was almost impossible now he didn’t really believe in a future. You were his future. And everything was gone.
It had been ten years.
And it still hurt like the first day.
He often tried to imagine you and you were of course such a beautiful young woman now. He was certain he would have been so proud to have you, to know you. And he simply truly hoped that you had indeed a better life without him.
You would beg to differ. You had missed your dad just as much as he had missed you. But whenever you would try to talk about him to your mother, she would lock herself in her room and blast music into the speakers so loud she couldn’t hear you. She wanted to forget about all the awful things she saw and did during those years in Ambrose, and even if she loved you, she wanted to forget you were the daughter of a sadistic killer. 
She was quite desperate about how you never stopped talking about your dad. She knew you had a bound, but she had hoped she would be able to break it, or at least that time would be able to. She was wrong and she was aware of it.
You needed your father more than anything. And one day, you decided it was time to get back home. You had passed your driving licence and you had some holidays before the next school year would start. You stole your mother’s car, just leaving a note on the kitchen table, like she did years ago.
Need to go see my dad. Please, don’t call the cops on me, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be back soon.
Love you, Y/N. 
Your mother had no intention in calling for the cops. She drank a lot that day, terrified for you and for what you were going to discover. She was pretty certain that if the Sinclairs were still alive, they were also still killing people and turning them into wax statues. In a way, she had always wanted to preserve the happy memories you had from Ambrose. She was scared Bo was going to ruin it.
Even though you were 8 when you got snatched away from Ambrose, you remembered how to get there. Maybe it was because since then you had dreamt to come back home, or because everything in you knew how to come back there. You belonged to Ambrose and to your father. You loved your mother but it was nothing compared to the adoration you used to have for Bo. You were worrying to be disappointed - or even worse to disappoint him - when you would meet him again, but you needed to see him again.
You drove and drove for days, having quick stops at motels, until you found the dusty roads leading to your hometown. You instantly recognised them because you never stopped seeing them in your dreams. You had travelled so much on them with your uncle Lester that you couldn’t mistake them either. You continued to drive and you smiled when you saw the sign advertising the House of Wax. You wondered how it was now, because you could imagine that your uncle Vincent had worked a lot on it while you were gone. It had been ten years after all, and it saddened you even more. You wished your dad could have seen you growing up. He barely had the time to teach you how to use a gun and to fix cars; and your mom was afraid of weapons so you never touched another one.
When you arrived in Ambrose, you felt like something was off. And yet oddly familiar at the same time. You noticed blood on the ground, and you heard screams coming from the museum. You parked your car next to your father’s mechanic shop and wondered what to do. You used to hear people scream in Ambrose when you were small, even if your mother was always putting on loud music in the house for the two of you to forget about what was truly happening. You had often asked questions about it to your dad but Bo never answered you. 
You got out of your car, not too sure what to do. You remembered that your dad always asked you to safely stay home when you were hearing noises in town. You had always obeyed your father, because you disliked displeasing him. But now it would feel strange to get inside the house without anyone knowing it… It hadn’t been your home in ten years. You noticed that the screams were quietening down. You carefully walked to the house. It seemed like nothing had changed. You knocked at the door but no one answered. You weren’t too surprised about it because your dad and uncles were often out and about.
You finally decided to get inside. You needed to get some glass of fresh water anyways and you thought your family wouldn’t mind. You were surprised how the house seemed unchanged from the last time you saw it. It made you feel at home right away and you smiled to yourself. You walked to the kitchen without any hesitation. You were about to open the cupboard to get a glass, when you felt rough arms wrapping around your waist and a knife being pressed against your throat. Your eyes widened and you looked up at your attacker.
“Uncle Vincent?” you whispered out and the man instantly let you go. You had recognised him right away thanks to his mask and his still long and dark hair. It really felt like you had never left Ambrose and it was nice. You turned around to face him. Vincent had let go of his knife and his hands were now on your face, softly trying to memorise all of your features.
Y/N? Is that really you? What are you doing here? He signed, hoping you still remembered the sign language. You actually took classes after you left Ambrose because you wanted to remember and improve yourself. You smiled.
“I ran away from mom, I wanted to be back home” you replied “Is dad here?” you asked before noticing the blood on Vincent’s clothes. You came closer while frowning in concern “Are you hurt, uncle?” you asked again. Vincent didn’t have the time to answer that Bo busted into the house, covered in blood as well.
“There’s a fuckin’ car…” Bo started before stopping when he saw you.
“Oh yeah, it’s mom’s… Hi, father” you smiled. Bo didn’t move at first, he couldn’t process what was going on. But soon enough, you were in his arms and he was tightly holding you against him. He thought he was going to cry with pure happiness. His baby was finally back home. Life could finally go on and be joyful. He could finally feel whole once again.
It was how Bo always imagined it. 
He always thought that one day you would come back and you would learn about the killing, but you would support it. You would come living again in Ambrose and everything would have been happy once again, like it should have been from the beginning.
But it never happened. 
Because the day you finally arrived in Ambrose, the House of Wax was melted to the ground because of a big fire, and both your father Bo and uncle Vincent were dead. You knew it because you didn’t find anyone in the house you grew up in or in the garage or in the church. Ambrose was truly empty and you couldn’t imagine your family leaving. 
Lester found you the second day as you were crying in front of what was left of the House of Wax. He didn’t recognise you, of course, but he guessed who you were, because no one had any reason to cry here other than you. You jumped when he placed a hand on your shoulder before turning to him. You gasped his name before getting up and tightly hugging him. You were so happy one of them was still there. You asked him what happened and he told you everything.
And he told you how happy Bo would have been to know you were finally back home, because the man had never stopped thinking about you one second in his whole existence. You wished you hadn’t arrived too late. You wished he would have known that his daughter was finally home. You wished your mother never kidnapped you from Ambrose and your family. You hated her so much.
But it was nothing in comparison to what you felt against the two people who did this to your family. You promised yourself you were going to find them and give them the most painful of death. You also promised yourself you were going to rebuild the House of Wax, so Bo and Vincent could be proud of you, because you knew it was what they would have wanted. 
You also knew they were going to be your first statues of wax. Lester had kept the bodies because he hadn’t wanted to leave them there for the cops to find. And he hadn’t had the strength to bury them yet. You asked him to keep looking over the bodies for a couple of days more and then you would take care of them. You just needed to kill those people first so you could focus on your art, your mind at peace. 
You were so excited to see your dad again and to chat with him like if you hadn’t left the house for ten years, like if he wasn’t dead inside the wax, like if you weren’t insane.
And Lester was so grateful he wasn't going to be alone in this.
Taglist : @bloodmoon-bites ; @kawaistrawberry21
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