#so eventually I just said 'fuck it I have a YouTube account'
victorluvsalice · 1 month
Surprise -- it's video time! Rather pixelated video time, but there's not much I can do about that -- this is a straight upload of a video I took in my Chill Valicer Save a little while ago, and apparently this is the quality that it's in. *shrug* Besides, it's not the video that I'm so interested in sharing as it is the sound --
Because, as you might have guessed from the title, the whole point of this 17-second clip of my game is to share what my Smiler actually sounds like. Back when I first posted the 2013 Alton Towers Firework Show for a "Song Saturday," I mentioned that the surprisingly deep voice they used for The Smiler stuck with me as what my Smiler should sound like. And while the Sims version doesn't sound quite the same as the coaster, it's close enough in my ears. At the very least, it gets the point across that their voice is deeper than you might expect coming out of them! So yeah. Enjoy your new knowledge of Smiler's voice!
(Oh, and if you want context for the clip, this was recorded when I sent the trio to Chestnut Ridge for SimCity Founding -- that's a few Chill Valicer Save updates in your future, though!)
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zombvic · 20 days
TINDER IRL PART one (harry lewis x reader)
summary : in which y/n gets invited to the sidemen tinder irl (usa edition) and meets a certain brit and their instant friendship slowly progresses into something bigger
face claim : no one right now (kendall jenner later)
notes : reader is like a 2019 ICON like disstracks against the paul brothers, ricegum etc.. now STILL doing youtube but on a much more lowkey basis. also im sorry but i had to add that the reader is an f1 fan IM SORRY (im locked in as an f1 girlie) 😵 yall im not american or even close to a native english speaker (#slavicstruggles) but i tried making the readeramerican cause i tried to do the american la gf x british bloke bf xx god bless 'merica RAAAAAH. also i used lines from like all the videos and made my own cause the lines from this video were insane.. last also, don't be a ghost reader 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️
pairings : harry lewis x reader , sidemen x platonic!reader , all the other youtuber in the videos x platonic!reader
warnings : drugs (ketamine joke)
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You got invited to the SIDEMEN Tinder In Real Life youtube video. You are acutely aware to what the Sidemen are and you've seen their videos before. Now to be fair, the genres between your channel and their channels were pretty different. The Sidemen were known for football challenges, those 100$ vs 100,000$ challenges and other things with a similar vibe. You on the other hand, you did vlogs, lifestyle hack and tips, in your time you've achieved some disstracks and occasionally broke down some formula 1 grand prix weekend.
The moment you saw the instagram dm from the Sidemen official account you weren't sure how to react. Should you be excited? scared? worried? yeah.. all. It was the Sidemen, Logan Paul, Mike and George (idk who Mike and George but who cares).
Eventually you accepted the offer and waited till the day you had to be "picked up" by kinda random men for 5 minutes straight. The day came, you got dressed for the video shoot, they made you wait with the other girls until they called your name and then you walked in.
"Hi, I'm (your name). I'm 24 and i'm from Newark, New Jersey" (go devs go) You've practiced that line like 50 times before you left, not because you wanted to come out of this video with a new man but because you didn't want to embarrass yourself lmao.
"Hi, I'm Vikk. I'm 26 and are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten i see"
"Would've been funny if i hadn't just said im from New Jersey dude, no sorry"
"Hello, I'm Logan-"
"No. Complicated history" you said as you swiped left.
"One chance please"
"Alright, BUT u gotta watch it tho"
"Okay. SO. If i were a pizza delivery guy, i'd be giving YOU the tip"
"Ew no sorry lmfao.. that was weak as fuck"
"Alright wow, Hello, I'm Tobi. I'm 31 and they say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?"
"Sure go on.. yes. I love that"
Hello, My name is Ethan and let only latex stand between our love.
"Yeah thats funny.. alright, go on"
"Yo, I'm KSI. I'm 30 and you know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Well.. Not in my case."
"Lmao, yes go on"
“Hello, I'm Mike. I'm 37 and girl, you don't need no vibrator when you got this Pickled Dick.”
"Jesus Christ. No, get out"
"Hi, My name is Simon and.. Simon says you want to swipe right"
"Lmao. I love that, Yes"
"Sup, I'm George and I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex"
"Jeeesus, that’s crazy bro... no"
"Hello, My name is Josh and I find your lack of nudity disturbing"
"No, I'm so sorry" (guys i love freya sm i couldnt do this)
"Uhm, Hello. I'm Harry. I'm 26 years old and what do ketamine and your underpants have in common?"
"I don't know" you said looking at the blonde-ish man confused.
"I'd like to sniff them both."
The whole room fell into a laughter, you included. "Yes"
"BUT I GET A NO?" Logan exclaims. "What a scam"
(NO : Logan, Josh, Mike, Vikk and George)
"For Logan i think we left this in 2019 and rightfully so. For Josh i dont really know tbh, i just thought his line couldve been better. Mike, i think you know why i said no. Vikk.. Im gonna be honest i dont even remember what youve said but im sure i had my reasons and George, you couldve been waaaaaay smoother mate.. tough luck"
YALL. this is part one because i cant be arsed and put it all right here right now 😁😁😁
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(Disclaimer: please don't read this out for content on any video or audio streaming site. I don't know if people have started pulling them from here yet, but I don't want this to be on youtube.)
I have a really shitty ex, he was someone who's mentally unwell, but would use it as an excuse to take everything out on you. He did some awful things to me while we were together; abandoning me outside of a bar in a dangerous, unfamiliar city, at 9pm when I had no phone or way home if anything went wrong, taking me inside adult stores and trying to pressure me to buy things when he knew I was anxious and made fun of me afterwards (I can't go near them without feeling on the verge of a panic attack), basically telling me that if I wanted to see him that I should send him gas money, kept calling me slurs when I asked him not to, etc etc list goes on and on.
I was younger and stupid, and just head over fucking heels for this dude. He'd constantly need reassurance and comforting that his friends didn't hate him, and all this emotional support and he just absolutely drained me. I couldn't send him a "hey, I'm out with so and so rn, they say Hi!!" without him going into a monologue about how everyone actually hates him. Eventually after one almost break up because he couldn't actually articulate that he wanted to dump me, he finally ended our relationship about 2 years ago.
A few months ago, I got a heads up from a friend that he's tweeting on his nsfw side account about me and how I was the shitty one. Come to find out, there's months of this. Hes been tweeting about me for all this time. Our last actual conversation was civil. I actually warned him not to go on a road trip with an ex friend of mine because this person admitted to raping another friend of mine and tried to flirt with me as soon as he found out I was single. I've only talked a few times about his clearly abusive behavior to what were mutual friends and that was directly after the break up, again close to almost 2 years ago.
Every blue moon I'll check his stupid god damn Twitter to see if he's said something new due to morbid curiosity and the fear that he might do something about his anger. He knows my address and where I work, and he's sent me a picture of a family pet with a gun next to it. As of sending this, he's recently tweeted about being enraged about me.
Its been going on for so long and I think its geniunely bad for both parties so I'm considering talking to his dad. I still have his number from when we were together. His dad's not going to beat him and probably won't do anything extreme, but I think my ex geniunely needs an intervention. Would I be a dick for contacting his dad?
What are these acronyms?
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ophernelia · 2 months
big simblr vs small simblr anon, you've been blocked. not interested in disingenuous questions about the same grating ass conversation. people reblog what they like. idc if it has a thousand notes or two, if i like it then i reblog it. i'll see posts with low notes and be surprised they don't have more for sure. it's just the luck of hitting the algorithm or not. so again- if i like it then i reblog it. some of us are here for the community, to just genuinely have fun, and to interact with the friends we've made in the community be it big or small. the notes and attention aren't the sole focus. whining about not having access to someone else's platform just so you can grow your own is so goddamn entitled. we have access to the same audience. curate your content, use good seo, utilize other social networks if you're seeking growth. i started all my stuff at literally 0. celebrated when i got 10 subscribers on youtube. was grateful when i had 20 followers on tumblr. majority of my growth came from my own merits, not larger accounts or attention seeking. just like so many of the other folks here- we were not handed a platform. i was talking about lykaia to a wall for the longest and eventually other people came to listen too. y'all hate the aesthetic girls down for their semblance to traditional influencers, but then exhibit similar behavior as said group. regardless of your follower count, you're still a valid part of the community. focus on that more.
and the meanest thing i'll say about this is: sending this to a black creator, especially one that uses alpha cc, knowing damn well how hard it is for black creators to grow an audience in general is outright crazy. not to mention- my shit is fantasy based so my niche is real fucking niche. starting out i have had to delete so many comments and block so many people who felt the need to tell me they were repulsed about how i choose to do shit. it wasn't just a lack of engagement, it was negative and hateful engagement. and despite that, i've been able to find and connect with other people. get a fucking grip.
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palepinkgoat · 4 days
tag game Wednesday Thursday!
thank you for tags and mentions @gallawitchxx @thepupperino @wehangout @blue-disco-lights @gardenerian @deedala @energievie and @jrooc !!! I love you all so much.
how did you get into the fandom? Girl, let's get in a Time Machine to 2013.
I had just had a massive injury that left me unable to walk or leave my bed for months. In this time, I was watching YouTube a lot. YouTube knows me well, so one night said "oh, this is gay, you will like it." The clip was the van kiss. Like, the first kiss. It piqued my interest and soon I'm in a YouTube wormhole. Season 3 had finished so there were some newer uploads. I loving the morning scenes with the Gallaghers too, and once I kind of pieced it all together I went on amazon and bought the first 3 season digitally. There I was, obsessed and bed bound. After a little googling I found Tumblr around Christmas, and lurked until season 4 started. Then I started poking my head out a bit and reblogged some stuff. But I wasn't really fully "in" until I started writing fics in 2014. Then I got more active and after writing a series called Four Eight, more people learned who I was (via a post by a super "popular" and now deactivated Tumblr account). Then I was in. sidenote: Eventually I did physical therapy around the time the club kiss aired (being there for that in real time?? Guys, I'm still screaming) and I'd watch that over and over as I iced my weak leg and took half a prescribed Percocet. The club kiss was better than the Percocet.
how long have you been here? So technically I guess I've had Tumblr 10 years. In December it will be 11. HOWEVER I was not active for several years in between like season 7ish until after the series ended, so I guess I should subtract. But that gets too be too much math.
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) Youtube at first since that's how I found them. I was also really into watch fan video edits and watched them OBSESSIVELY.
what’s your favourite now? For fandom, Tumblr! Nothing quite like it. I'm glad to be back.
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? Oh my gosh. @captainjowl, @wehangout and @the-rat-wins are the ones who come to mind but I'm sorry if I'm overlooking some. So many people left!
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? I remember really loving @captainjowl and being so glad when we got to be friends. Then because I almost have a Tumblr Season 2 life, I was really impressed by @heymacy and she just JUMPED off the screen. I wanted to be friends so I sent a message about chapell roan and now we talk ALL THE TIME. I've met so many newer to me people and I am so glad I know so many cool people.
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) I wish I remembered the first fic I read!! Sexual Harassment in the Workplace was posted around the time I started writing fic and of course that's amazing. I know works by anythingbutgrief were some of the first too. Beautiful.
first fan art that blew your mind? @steorie blows my mind every time. That's the first person I remember just losing it over. But there are so many incredible artists!!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? a/b/o! But I mostly was like "what the fuck is this about?" And then got on board pretty fast.
What surprised you most about this fandom? the level of talent is absolutely wild.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the first one was probably s3 "not everybody gets to blurt out how they fucking feel every minute!" because i was like, OHHH OH THIS IS GONNA HURT ME & then it just kept getting worse.... @gallawitchxx just said it best BUT! I have a tattoo that says "sorry I'm late" so I guess you could say I'm into that one too.
Ian or Mickey? Ian is my baby, my friend. my familiar. I adore them both and it's hard to choose, but I loved him right away and never quit.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? I'm honestly a lot like Ian. But maybe if I swung Milkovich I'd be Sandy.
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shuttershocky · 9 months
hi shutters. im gonna start arknights. do you have any guide/tips for new players? what to do, what to not do, what to save, what to discard, where to find community resources(if they exist). stuff like that. thanks in advance!
Most new player guides will tell you all you need to know about getting started in the game, so I'll list down 5 things about the experience of /learning/ the game instead.
You don't have to play - Before we start, it must be said that Arknights is still a gacha game, an inherently predatory monetization scheme no matter how generous the in-game system is. If you feel like you may be vulnerable to FOMO and spending real money, I don't recommend you play at all. If you're here for the world and characters, Arknights has excellent comics available for free on their website, while players upload most event stories on Youtube for you to read through without having to touch the game. With that said, let's continue.
Take your time - Raising units and generally progressing in Arknights takes a lot longer than in other mobage. Don't worry about things like "catching up". Limited time events that have already had their rerun get added as a part of the main menu permanently, and eventually they even include the free units you get per event. You're generally not going to be missing out on any content (except for 3rd party collabs like the upcoming Monster Hunter event, but that's because they don't own Monster Hunter), so don't feel like you have to rush through the game. It won't work, and you'll get easily frustrated. Think of it more like a puzzle game with updates. You don't rush through puzzle games, the point is to enjoy the puzzle.
Don't spend - This goes for all mobile games in general, but especially Arknights. The money to in-game currency conversion rate is godawful, but the actual flow of the gacha currency (called Orundrum) given to you by just playing the game normally is rather generous. Combined with a few other features that don't need to be discussed here and even a F2P player's account looks like a whale after enough time, because you eventually just get most of the units from how often you're given free rolls. Take it from me, you don't need to buy anything to get gigastacked, it will happen to you over time.
Ask for Help - Arknights is a puzzle game, and that means even with some of the best units in the game, you can find yourself stuck on stages if you have no idea how to approach strategy. If you're ever stuck, Youtube is filled with various clear guides made by the community, targeting everything from lazy clears (often called AFK) by super strong Doctors that don't want to think, to low rarity clears targeted towards new players who are mostly using the 3 star characters (as they are much quicker to raise). Just take a look at the codename of the stage you are stuck on (for example: "WD-EX-8"), and type that into the Youtube search bar. You'll find a ton of different guides from various creators. You can even shoot an Ask to this blog if you want more personalized help, though of course I can only answer those in my free time.
Take reviews with a grain of salt - Probably the biggest source of FOMO pressure in Arknights is the community itself, what with how much content creators love to use clickbait videos telling you a certain unit is a godtier must-have and if you don't have them you WILL be unable to keep up so roll for them NOW or a certain unit is fucking dogshit unusable and if you have them they're a waste of space. No in-betweens. Of course, when you actually get to try these characters for yourself you're going to realize even the absurdly powerful units aren't going to be autowinning stages by themselves (usually), nor are even the most despised, godawful units completely worthless strategically. It's a puzzle game, ultimately a lot more is going to depend on your ability to problem solve. My general rule of thumb when it comes to seeing community reactions to new operators is if everyone says they're good, they're almost certainly very good, but if everyone says a new unit is trash, it's a cointoss as to how bad they actually are. Probably the best recent example is the 6 star Mystic Caster Ebenholz, who was derided as being awkward to use and generally awful in most stages. His stock eventually rose and rose as people discovered that while Ebenholz struggled in most stages, he was incredibly good at taking on stages with very difficult, powerful enemies, flattening most of these elite enemies and bosses in an instant and trivializing the stages meant to be challenging. If you look up Ebenholz online you're mostly going to find people reacting to his initial appearance and calling him bad, but you're not going to see how he's carved out an extremely valuable strategic niche for himself. You never know who's going to end up useful, so don't be afraid to play around with your favorite units.
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memryse · 5 months
talk on the dash about the state of hermitblr and yeah i agree i think this fandom is like. really obsessed with validation and appearances which i guess comes with the territory of a lot of us being adults/older teens and liking minecraft youtubers and subconsciously feeling weird about that not being an accepted thing. which i think is fine and normal to a certain degree i certainly fall into that trap sometimes but sometimes that morphs into shutting anything and everything down for the sake of appearing Nice and No Discourse and Not Like The Other MCYT Fandoms and being absolutely vehemently fucking defensive of every single little thing
idk i have a lot of feelings about the cat poll because i do feel culpable for everything that happened there, there wasn’t really any talk about the creator in the notes at all until my reblog. logically it was not my fault when all i did was make one reblog that i deleted after a few hours and certainly did not call for any kind of harassment, if anything i had people in the notes telling me i should be More mad but. there’s not really anything i can do about that and any apology would be more to assuage that feeling of guilt rather than making things better for the person who actually suffered the harassment at all. but seeing it all happen did seriously make me think about how fucked up this fandom can be, watching it morph so rapidly from “they said this cruel thing, that’s really fucked up” to me realising they already spoke about it and thus deciding to leave it alone on my end to the reblogs just going up and up and up and the op speaking about it again and it becoming “let’s win this to spite the op” (personally not sure how that one works exactly) and spreading it to twitter specifically encouraging people to make accounts to join the poll and again “spite the op” and also with very little regard for scar, The Actual Owner Of The Cat, potentially seeing any of it or whether he’d want anyone acting like that over HIS cat. like that is just actual targeted harassment over some kind of moral crusade over a stranger’s cat. and idk in a vacuum i don’t think anyone would be in the wrong per se for finding the initial comment upsetting but eventually it just became more about punishing the person
but then on the other end of the spectrum there’s no real room for discussion about certain topics within the fandom either because of a desperation to not repeat 2019 and not be like twitter because we have to be Better and Nicer and Not Do Discourse but in a shocking twist of events this has resulted in a fandom that is still Really Fucking Toxic and lets certain genuinely wrong things slide for the sake of keeping the peace but when something bad does get addressed it turns into a swarm of harassment and death threats that nobody will ever own up to being responsible for. i like to think i manage to stay on the good side of things by only being sporadically active to begin with (aka having other interests and a life) and generally leaving most of my opinions to private conversation until i feel the need to write a thinkpiece like this every so often but even then it’s exhausting looking in sometimes
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7grandmel · 1 month
Todays rip: 29/04/2024
slider has swag
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by Mitchell
So, it's been more than a week since it happened: the glorious 4/20 event of SiIvaGunner Season 8. Are we all in agreement that it was fucking amazing?
Look, I love the olden internet days and all what Unregistered Hypercam 2 brought as much as anyone else, those anthems of YouTube's earliest beginnings as heard in rips like Unregistered CyberSpace 4-5: Arrow of 2009 are well worth remembering - but the truth is, that I was just a bit too young to get to experience it all in a way that I can tangibly recall. My age was still in the single digits during the Dreamscape's reign - but in contrast, I remember every little bit of how MLG and Montage Parodies rose in popularity, and how they eventually fell out of style. And like I said back in we are number one but with outdated memes over it, it was as if they died out right as SiIvaGunner itself was taking off, like the torch was being passed from one to the other. All these years later, I presume even the SiIvaGunner team themselves were getting nostalgic for the sheer chaos of it all - and so, the age of MLG was celebrated for a day straight on the 20th of April, 2024.
It was a fantastic day across the board, and it was really hard to pick just one rip from it to feature on here. It featured everything from the typical Snoop Dogg rips a la Ganja Man 9: Hash Blunt Hash (Shorty's Stage), to genuinely excellent melodyswaps using songs featured in MLG parodies, to rips not even prominently featuring music, spoofing MLG edits more directly in a genuinely super nostalgic way. In the end, I had to go with slider has swag, just for it being the most whollistic rip choice possible - a cacophany of noise using all corners of MLG, and in said noisiness perfectly encapsulating the ""appeal"" montage parodies had back during their prime. That, and just like with slideless, I feel like there's just something special about Slider rips in particular - they've been around for so long, posted with both such frequency and such enduring quality, that a meme getting Slider'd feels as if its being inaugurated into the SiIvaGunner Hall of Fame. Seeing my beloved MLG get that very same treatment felt like a prophecy come true, a story in the making since the very beginning of SiIvaGunner, realized at last.
But, okay - what exactly IS slider has swag? It was maybe a bit wrong of me to describe it as just noise, because it does have a throughline carrying its melody from start to finish - Smoke Weed Everyday, that is. This isn't a meme medley that changes sources with every half measure of the song a la Memey Hell - rather, other MLG-related sources instead play like accents onto the base melody, little flourishes that make the rip feel more complete. The rip would've been a great listen with JUST the main melody edits, the pitchshifting on Snoop's vocals are fantastic as-is, but each little flourish just adds more than the last. I think a big reason why it works so well is because of how Slider as a track is composed of a lot of call-and-response segments: The melody plays one segment of four or five notes in a steady rhythm followed by a pause, and within said pause the music leaves just enough room for a different melody cue to "respond" to the lead melody. My favorite example of how that's used in slider has swag in particular has to be the airhorns at 0:25 - Snoop's pitch-shifted vocals are met with the infamous airhorn sample which is ALSO pitch-shifted into the aforementioned response melody, and the two sources keep playing off one another for the rest of the segment.
All your other, uh, "MLG Favorites" are here and accounted for as well, I love the hitmarker sounds as the melody starts up at the very beginning, and how the responses before the airhorn segment are just small audio clips like "NICE MEME", "Mom get the camera" and more - it lets the rip add in just about every part of MLG possible incredibly seamlessly. Perhaps most seamlessly is when Slider's melody changes midway through to a slightly less upbeat segment, as it does in the original track, only here being paired with Enya's Only Time - a song you may not recognize by name, but one that was used CONSTANTLY for shitposts about characters dying in MLG compilations, the theme song of all "RIP in Pepperonis" and "liek if u cri evrytim :(" comments all over the internet. And hey, Semi-Charmed All Star - All Star itself even makes it into the rip, taking over Snoop's lead melody duty toward the end of the rip before it loops, along with everyone's favorite Darude Sandstorm. The list goes on - you're surely getting how much fun of a listen this rip is by this point, right?
And like, I know MLG stuff isn't for everyone - there's a reason it all died out, and I'm sure many viewed this event as to be taken purely ironically. But shit, I dunno, sometimes loud DOES equal funny - and though my perspective may be tinted by nostalgia, Montage Parodies are undeniably a part of internet history, a brief but nonetheless HUGE part of online culture, and one that we need to acknowledge happened no matter its obnoxiousness. They weren't all funny, sure - but rips like slider has swag don't feel like they're made to remind us of how terrible things were, but rather how much fun they all COULD be when done right. Not that SiIvaGunner is spearheading an MLG revival per se - but the entire event gave me a ton of nostalgia for something I only recently realized that I was missing. Nice meme indeed, Mitchell - and I suppose that with THIS. IS. SOLEANNA., we've now come full circle on your rips, in paying tribute to all corners of the internet's shitposting history.
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valtharr · 1 year
You know what fucks me up the most about the whole "we're gonna delete your Google account if you don't login regularly"-thing?
So, in the 2000s, when internet speeds started being good enough for actually watching videos online (as opposed to downloading them to then watch offline on your PC), a lot of websites popped up creating video content and hosting it right on their own webspace. Some I can think of that I used to visit regularly are CollegeHumor, ScrewAttack, and GameTrailers, just as examples. Then, eventually, YouTube happened, and became the website for watching videos online. There were accounts taking videos from those other websites, and uploading them to YouTube. Eventually, those websites themselves realized that YouTube was the best way to get a bigger audience. At first, they only uploaded a select few of their videos to their own YouTube channel, and advertised that, to see more original content, you'd have to go to the website. Some also did stuff like early access, as in, you get new vids on the website a week before they're uploaded to YouTube.
But it was only a matter of time.
Eventually, the people running those websites realized that it was just more economical to just run a YouTube channel and enable ads on that, than having to manage a whole-ass website. And hell, some websites just died without even having an official YouTube channel.
But like I said, there were also channels uploading videos from those websites without permission. And eventually, as those websites started dying out, people even made channels specifically to archive those old videos. Mad accounts literally just to upload every video they had saved from their favorite website. Youtube remains as an archive for content that Youtube killed in the first place.
And now a lot of that archived content is at risk of being erased forever. Google all but forced this content to only be readily available on their platform, and now they're gonna nuke it. It's like a supermarket chain driving all the mom & pop stores out of business, only to then close shop themselves and leave an entire community without a way to get groceries.
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
Have you seen the argument that SnC can't be pulling away from the fans on social media because their 'social media stars' and that their entire job is social media so they are required to give fans tweets and instagram posts etcetc?
My opinion is no they're not social media stars anymore, they are YOUTUBERS, Instagram, twitter, tiktok and snapchat are just extras that these days they could stop if they so wanted. Their job is to create youtube videos, everything else they give us is given to us by their choice, they don't have to do any of that. They could if they wanted just use their social media accounts to promote only their videos and merch and nothing else like a lot of other youtubers do. They CHOOSE not to because in the past they have enjoyed the social side of things, but with their fans being assholes they are allowed to pull away from socials as they are not social media stars, it is not required of their job anymore. They are YOUTUBERS.
What are your thoughts?
it is very funny to hear ppl say this, especially when for years i thought the general consensus was that snc need to take a break and they deserve one. but now… no one wants them to have one. how weird.
first off, the main problem with this argument is that fans expect something for staying so long when we've never been guaranteed anything. i've been here for years, i don't expect snc to do dick all except give me content occasionally that i enjoy and continue to post on xplrclub where i pay to be/get exclusive content. that's all i'm owed. anything else is an added bonus.
fans that think they are owed something just bc they bought the most amount of merch or have been here for years or whatever other reason need a reality check. you are mistaking a past time of yours as a job. you aren't getting paid to be here. you can leave whenever. if you are no longer entertained, go.
snc haven't been consistent posters in years. like, yeah, there was a period of time from like 2015-2017 when snc were constantly posting on insta or twitter or snapchat or youtube. but it has not been like that in a very long time. snc don't have to put in that kind of work bc they have blown up already and now it's quality over quantity.
the problem i have with all of this is that snc have made it abundantly clear why they have started pulling back. EVERYONE IN THIS FANDOM IS AN ASSHOLE. what's not to get??
colby can't read comments anymore and has admitted so, he gets emails and loses followers over him growing facial hair, has been picked apart for years over his choice in gfs, got a terrible death threat a couple years ago that made him basically leave twitter, has gotten constant and dumb hate on there for years, got made fun of for being "fat" when it really him being sick with undiagnosed cancer, literally questioned even telling the fandom he had cancer in the first place bc he knew how they would react if he went bald, plus a mirade of other shit i can't get into. and even sam, the miracle child who rarely has ever had to face consequence for anything he's done or said, is now saying that fans are mean and words can hurt. so you KNOW it has to be bad for him to say something.
and they both said that they put too much of their personal life out there for everyone to see and it wasn't good for them, that they regret doing that.
this fandom thinks it "can say whatever it wants" without snc seeing it. or at the very least, they don't care if snc see. and in what universe would the idol want to stick around when it's fans are shitting on it?? you tell me. they're pulling back bc you all fucking suck. and when they eventually remove themselves entirely bc you want to bitch about their gfs or their face puffing up or whatever random other nonsense you deem worthy of a tweet, i don't want to fucking hear a peep. shut up, for once.
(none of this directed at you anon)
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xdreamie · 3 months
i’m kind of stuck between two very different opinions right now on what george should do:
A) he addresses it
i don’t think he needs to post another video, maybe a tweet or something similar, he either confirms or denies caiti’s claims of touching her breast and reiterates what he said in his previous video, maybe adds a part where he says he’s taking a hiatus or something similar.
B) he stays silent
this one is tricky because to me he’s already said all that he needs to say, he’s addressed and taken accountability for the power dynamic and how he didn’t see it that way, how he was careless for ages and how explains how he’s gonna do better to prevent another situation like this in the future, all while apologizing to caiti. But since she refuses to watch his video where he addresses all that she claims he didn’t address (so fucking stupid on her part imo, specially when she begs ppl that hate her to hear her out fully but whatever).
To me the best thing no matter what is to just move on, maybe wait a week or two and start off with a dteam video on Sapnap’s channel, then slowly start content again with dream and eventually post on his own channel. The less they stay on twitter the better and if they start being full time youtubers again it’ll be perfect. Maybe streaming if he gets a tight circle of mods that’ll do their job (paying them will be good too to avoid controversy)
but what do you think?
yeah im conflicted about him responding. i think he should only respond to deny that he touched her breast and not to say he did because it’s pointless (since not saying anything would somewhat confirm what she said). staying silent is very tricky because people have said they’ll leave if he doesn’t address it, but i don’t know what more he could say other than “no i didn’t do this”. moving on is definitely the best plan of action regardless of making another statement or not though, and sticking with youtube and leaving twitter.
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My breaking point...
//Hey, so...I hope you guys don't mind, but I need to vent for a bit.
//I'm here to announce that I need to take a break for a bit and...I'll explain why. Just a warning, I'm gonna be talking about some pretty heavy stuff.
//I don't really want to go into proper details, but these last few months since the start of the year have been...rough for me.
//I've been stuck in a horrible place and suffering from depression and unfortunate circumstances, even with the arrival of my new university year. I've been trying to make some changes and better my physical and mental health, so I can work my way through it.
//But it hasn't really worked. For some reason, every time I try and do something better, my life and mood just gets worse. And I will admit, some of it has derived from me doing stupid things and I'm the only one who can be held accountable for it. However, a lot of it also comes from other people both around me and online, who are making my life difficult for literally no other reason than what I can assume to be an innate desire to want to hurt me, with no rationality behind it. You guys have no doubt seen my complains about Tumblr's changes and how they've completely ruined my usual setup, and I still hate that I'M the one who has to change my way of doing things just to adapt to what are unquestionably stupid and terrible changes to what was once a perfectly good website.
//And even if it's completely unrelated to me, I just hear so much negative, and just horrible, terrible stuff going around that makes me question what the point is of even having a life to live. Take this past week leading up to today for example. If you've been following social media and the latest news, the situation with SSSniperWolf and JacksFilms and how YouTube are protecting her. Even today, I logged online to see what was happening, only to find out Wendee Lee (Miu and Akane's VA) is deciding to be a cunt and talent agencies fucking people over.
//Additionally, on AO3, I caught one of my followers being homophobic, saying they were desperate to not have any gay relationships in PToH. Because they post from a private account or whatever, I can't block them either.
//Inconsequential to me in the grand scheme of things, but the knowledge that other people are suffering at the hands of others is making me sad and prompting me to just reflect on whether there's a point or not in even trying to do what you love or make something of yourself if it only means someone else will hold it against you for the sake of their god damn ego.
//Because ultimately, people are horrible. They just are. To be honest, I'm still shocked that I have an understanding and kind audience on this platform like you guys, because I know a lot of you sympathize with me and have done in the past. And for that, I'm grateful.
//That being said, even though I would REALLY rather have avoided it, there's something I DO need to make perfectly clear, because it's happening again and I'm not in the mood to put up with it this time. I know I said I wouldn't go into detail, but I kind of need to here, even if I really rather wouldn't.
//If you follow me on other platforms of have seen my other work, you'll know that I have a sprite edit blog called @creepercraftsprites, and recently, I was requested by Mod Bubbles from A Student Out Of Time, to make some sprites for their blog. These sprites involved Kanata Inori from Another Despair Academy in a bunny girl outfit.
//A while back, I uploaded a series of sprites of every DR girl in a bunny girl outfit on Reddit; a series which included Chihiro, Hiyoko and Himiko, and sparked some heavy controversy on the subreddit. It gradually got worse, and eventually, I got permanently banned from the subreddit entirely.
//I still assert the moderators for the subreddit are ungrateful and favouritist cunts, but that aside, part of the reason why the situation got worse is because I was harassed, threatened and verbally abused by multiple people, and accused of pedophilia.
//And low and behold, I got some messages saying the EXACT same thing in light of the Kanata edits.
//I knew this would happen, but I still wanted to go through it anyway because I respect Mod Bubbles, and in no way am I saying this is THEIR fault. Of course it's not! I had every right to refuse making those edits, but I accepted. But I will not let myself be held accountable for statements that are just blatantly false, and I know even back then, the people who did this kind of harassment to me didn't actually care about the edits. They just wanted to hurt me.
//Case in point, they went out of their way to CREATE ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS after I blocked their mains, JUST TO KEEP HARASSING ME!
//And it's PATHETIC! It's just a sad state of existence and it makes me angry just thinking about it! That people do this!
//And do you know WHY they do this? Because the internet is the perfect place where you can say the worst thing imaginable to someone, or accuse them of something that is just completely and utterly ridiculous, ruining their reputation for no good reason, and face NO repercussions for it.
//Twitter, or X as it's now known, is the prime example for this. Almost EVERYTHING about that platform is horrible. It's a toxic platform full of toxic people, owned by a toxic manchild. But this is a problem that exists EVERYWHERE. Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook; if it's a social media, there's going to be someone who's going to take advantage of it with the intention of HURTING people.
//Whether it's because people can't think for themselves and have to be led by some influencer or whatever, because they can't take a joke, because they like seeing people suffer or because they misunderstand someone's intentions and refuse to let them explain themselves.
//If somebody offends you, or you don't like what someone's opinion states, then that's fine! Either ignore them, or block them! Blocking someone might be toxic, especially if they haven't gone out of their way to harm you, but at least it ends the problem right there and then! Why do people think that a perfectly reasonable solution to saying you don't like someone's work or statement, is telling them to kill themselves!?
//That's NOT funny! And you deserve some kind of punishment for saying that! Do you really think telling someone like me, or someone else who you think has screwed up, to kill themselves, or to die, is going to make YOU the BETTER PERSON!?
//People over react to everything nowadays; you cant even talk without pissing people off. GenZ and people on the internet are just really fucking immature, and I hate that it really does get to me. It shouldn't. But when people tell you you deserve to die just because you made one innocent piece of artwork of a character you like...
//...I won't lie, I considered it for a brief second, just if it means I can get away from the world that I share with these horrible, disgusting people.
//Before anybody asks, I AM seeking help for this. I just needed to rant a bit because this keeps happening, but I need to take a few days to just...readjust, focus on myself and my life, and what ACTUALLY matters right now, because frankly, I'm on the cusp of losing my fucking mind.
//I'm tired...I'm just...so...damn...TIRED...I'm fed up of ALL of this.
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
I want to say it really ticks me off when this fandom (and Cassandra Clare to some extent) acts like TMI isn't for children. I've seen posts comparing Cassandra Clare's work to Colleen Hoover. As far as I know Colleen Hoover is an adult novelist who basically makes abuse fetish smut so like great comparison to a YA author guys in the fandom!
Clare's choosing to include things like normalizing abuse (Maia and Jordan) and incest are really terrible. Clare always hides behind the fact that the reason the incest existed in her story was "symbolic" for like how love can make us do evil things. But children can't understand something that complex and Clare does NOT do a good job at making this theme clear in the story and SHE DOES romanticize their incestuous relationship as so bad it's good (Clare fans go reread the scene in book 2 where clary has to kiss Jace in front of everyone and then go reread book 3 where they're constantly kissing and cuddling and sleeping in the same bed in a romantic way) and it's just really upsets me because I've witnessed first hand (I've been in this Fandom since 2013) child fans normalizing and becoming attracted to incest fetish because of these books. I've seen so many children normalizing incest because of Clare's continual refusal to JUST APOLOGIZE! She literally writes these LGBT books with incest fetish and rape fetish tied into it and eventually a conservative is gonna find these books and it's gonna be all over for Miss Clare and the LGBT community will probably be blamed for her bullshit because we're always blamed for gross books like these.
I also wanted to say (and you don't have to post this ask if it's divulging too much I don't want to offend anyone) but I'm an incest survivor. I read these books when I was thirteen years old (they were in my schools library listed for my age and up) and they really really hurt my recovery because at the time I thought what had happened to me was normal and when I read these books I thought it was totally okay and normal what happened to me. I won't go into any more detail than that but these books made it so hard to seperate the "love" from the "abuse". I've talked to others in this fandom and many other girls have said that these books normalized abuse to them because Jace is so controlling and abusive to Clary and she does nothing to stop him. The abuse is also normalized by the Fandom too I see posts all the time joking about how "Jace isn't a hero who helps people he's a hero who helps his girlfriend!!!" And "haha Jace doesn't let clary have her own tooth brush or space or any friends! Sooo kawaaaaiiii!!!!!" Or "if clary died Jace would be worse than sebastian lol so smexyyy!" Like as if that isn't disturbing and disgusting to normalize to MINORS!
I just wanted to take a moment to talk about the people who suffer the most from Cassandra Clare's continuous deflection of any wrong doing. You wrote these books about incest Clare, and children read these books and cannot understand your "complex" symbolism for how incest is bad but it's oh so good. It makes me want to burst into tears sometimes but instead I'll just send this ask and forget about it.
Fuck you Cassandra Clare for writing a Trump supporter female character who is against incest to try and say all the people who hate incest are Trump supporters or conservatives. I am a victim of a serious fucking trauma and I am not a fucking conservative because I want you to be held accountable for your fucked up books. You have spit in the face of rape victims time and time again and I genuinely hope some day you get torn to shreds by the public for everything you've perpetuated to CHILDREN.
Every once in a while I think about this interview Clare once gave that I saw on YouTube. She said that her readers often told her (at the time of the interview) that they are older than they consider the target audience of her books to be, and Clare commented something along the lines of, if you read her books, no matter the age, you are the target audience. Which is a nice thought, but the tonality is still very juvenile—even in her later works that are supposedly new adult genre. They differ in no way in style or tone from those works that are categorized in young adult fiction.
Colleen Hoover? Yuck. Perhaps it tells something about the mentality of those readers who liken Clare to Hoover.
Clare’s writing, tone, and capacity to handle serious and complex matters have always sucked. Each topic is handled with surface-level attention or used as a vehicle to ruminate and moan over the main couple and their obstacles in love. The writing has never went into any great length to realistically include themes such as incest (societal or personal level approach and attitudes) or abuse because the characters’ need to be liked and loved and be above the characters that are only used as a fodder for ridicule and betterment of the main characters in comparison. All while Clare tries to create a guise of them being “complex” because of the fact. It’s one of the reasons I have found comparing G.R.R. Martin’s style of implementation of different themes to Clare’s meaningful (as there have been convos about this some time back on the blog) because they are not nearly the same even though it is an easy comparison her readers like to make.
When it comes to idealizing abusive behavior, similar attitude within the readership can be seen in Isabelle’s character when she thinks Valentine is hot for being a villain. Young adult literature is littered with characters exactly like Jace who do not face responsibility for their abusive behavior because that is what the author chooses to prioritize and coddle, simultaneously failing to realize the impact that kind of behavior realistically has on others around them. Jace’s behavior isn’t acknowledged because others are meant to serve him and conform around his needs. Even Clary, who is the protagonist and heroine of the story. It’s never really about her—even her pain—it’s about Jace.
When I read TMI for the first time, I was incredibly conflicted with feeling the way I did (hateful and uncomfortable with many decisions and characters) because authors know better, right? This is how it is supposed to be, right? This isn’t supposed to be about anyone else than Clary and Jace, right? So why anything would be done different or better or given more attention to?
Fuck that. And also fuck Zara Dearborn because we know what Clare’s doing. And it’s embarrassing.
I am incredibly sorry that you had to live through such a horrible thing. I can’t even imagine the pain and confusion you’ve had to endure and work through. There isn’t much I can say but I hope you are faring better today and had good and trustworthy people around you to support you during the recovery (and still do). How could you offend anyone with your thoughts when you’ve survived it and know the destruction it causes? Never apologize for that. I wish you happiness and all the best in life.
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debbiechanclub · 7 months
bestie…. i fear i need finlay match recommendations 😗
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Bestie. I have loaded you up with 20 matches. I told you if you give me an inch where Finlay is concerned, I will take a mile.
Now, first things first. All but three of my recs are on NJPW World (and two are free to watch without an account). If you don't have an account, I'm more than willing to share my login with you in the name of spreading the gospel of Debbie Chan.
That being said, if you think you might want to sign up for an account, now is a GREAT time to do it because they're actually launching a brand new website this Thursday (11/9), complete with apps for Android and iOS, which they didn't previously have. It's only $9 USD/month, so I think it's well worth it. However, you won't be able to sign up until Friday, after the new site is live. Additionally, as part of the overhaul, they're upgrading a massive portion of the archive footage, and, unfortunately, nothing from prior to 2021 will be available to watch until they put it back up. (All my recs except for one on YouTube are from 2021 on.)
Again though, I will absolutely share my login with you (and you'd be able to log in right away and watch as mine is an existing account). Just let me know!
Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the recs! And my apologies because this... is long.
FYI: I've listed these in chronological order, and they're best viewed in that order as it really helps to tell the story of how Finlay became who he is today :)
FinJuice vs. G.o.D (YouTube) - YouTube comes in clutch for a pre-2021 match! This is good viewing because 1) FinJuice was a well established and fairly successful tag team, and don't even get me started on all the messiness of Juice running around with Jay in Bullet Club Gold while Finlay is literally leading real Bullet Club now; and 2) Since overtaking Bullet Club in March, Finlay has almost exclusively feuded with G.o.D. (he finally put an end to it this past weekend at Power Struggle). And it's crazy seeing Finlay's evolution from then to now.
2021 New Japan Cup Quarter Final vs. Jay White (3/18 show) - This was a HUGE win for our boy because, going into this match, Finlay was on an 0-12 losing streak against Jay. And he and Jay will be forever intertwined because they came up in the NJPW dojo together and were roommates and best friends and everyone constantly compared Finlay to Jay (they still do now), and that created a MASSIVE chip on his shoulder that lead to him clocking Jay over the head and subsequently taking control of Bullet Club. So yeah. V. important match in the lore of Finlay.
2021 New Japan Cup Semi-Final vs. Will Ospreay (3/20 show) - I hope you're ready for a lot of Ospreay, because he and Finlay have history. Back in 2021, Ospreay defeated Finlay in the semi-final of the NJ Cup and then went on to win the tournament and the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. This plays into why Finlay is gunning for Ospreay now.
Resurgence 2021 vs. Jay White - This match was for the NEVER Openweight Title. Jay retained... but Finlay eventually went on to win that title after taking over Bullet Club, which also used to be Jay's.
G1 Climax 32 vs. Juice Robinson (7/26), Will Ospreay (8/2), and El Phantasmo (8/10) - Finlay returned to Japan for the first time in over a year for the G1 Climax 32, and he had a really strong showing. This was when I first started to get the brainrot for him. I really recommend watching all his matches from that tournament... but these three are the most important to Finlay's character because of his history with Juice and Will and what would come later with ELP and Bullet Club.
Burning Spirit 2022 vs. Will Ospreay (9/25 show) - This match was for the IWGP United States Championship, the very one and same that Ospreay currently holds and that Finlay destroyed with a giant mallet at Power Struggle this weekend. Ospreay retained back then. But I have a feeling (and sincerely fucking hope) that there's a new title in Finlay's future.
NJPW World TV Championship Tournament vs. ZSJ (YouTube) - After coming up short in the G1 Climax 32 and against Ospreay (again), Finlay still had a chance to win the newly created NJPW World TV Title; and then ZSJ eliminated him in the second round. I really think this loss was the straw that broke the camel's back and really set the stage for Finlay's frustration and his comeback as the leader of Bullet Club.
2023 New Japan Cup vs. Tomohiro Ishii (3/6 Anniversary Event, free to watch without an account!), Tama Tonga (3/19), and Sanada (3/21) - And we've reached Bullet Club Finlay! Finlay's match against Ishii was the first match of the tournament, and no one―absolutely no one―expected him to come out in Bullet Club gear with Gedo, of all people, in his corner. And not only that, but he handily disposed of Ishii. He made it all the way to the final where he lost against Sanada, but he sent a loud and clear message during the entire tournament that this was a new David Finlay (and I was a goner).
Capital Collision 2023 vs. AR Fox (YouTube) - I think you've seen this one? But including it because it's a good match and also the night Finlay recruited Clark Connors, the first member of what would become Bullet Club War Dogs (and I was there!).
Wrestling Dontaku 2023 vs. Tama Tonga (5/3 show) - Remember how I said that Finlay eventually won the NEVER Openweight Title after taking over Bullet Club? This was when he did it.
Dominion 6.4 in Osaka-Jo Hall vs. El Phantasmo - This. This is the match and night that ruined me forever. After kicking ELP out of Bullet Club (basically because he was and is close with Jay and didn't respect Finlay), Finlay defended the NEVER Openweight Title against him and proved that he could back up all the shit he was talking. But besides that, this was the night the War Dogs were formed. I highly recommend also checking out the end of the IWGP Junior Tag Title match just so you can see Drilla Moloney turn on United Empire and join Bullet Club. It quite honestly altered me forever.
G1 Climax 33 vs. Tama Tonga (7/26), Eddie Kingston (8/8), and Will Ospreay (8/10) - Did I mention that Finlay has spent most of this year feuding with Tama/G.o.D? They tried to kill each other in this year's G1, and it was fantastic. He and Eddie also tried to kill each other. But Ospreay beat him in the quarter-finals. Just more fuel for why he's going after Ospreay now.
12-Man Elimination Match: Bullet Club vs. G.o.D. and Intergalactic Jetsetters (10/1 show, free to watch without an account) - Because I would be remiss not to rec a match with all the War Dogs (and Chase is there, too). This is a fun one, if not a bit of a clusterfuck. (And shout-out to Kevin Knight, who I also adore.)
Destruction in Ryogoku 2023 vs. Tama Tonga (10/9 show) - This is the last of Finlay's singles matches against Tama, and unfortunately he lost the NEVER Openweight Title back to him (which I don't think anyone expected). But it's a good match and Finlay looked strong despite his loss. And now that I know he likely (hopefully?) has a new belt coming to him after the start of the year, I'm honestly okay that he lost. (Because Tama doesn't even have the title anymore, believe it or not).
So there are my Finlay match recs. I'm well aware this is overkill lmao, but I really am excited that you want to know more about him, and I want to do him justice. Because he really is my favorite guy, and he deserves to be recognized as his own wrestler and person not just in relation to Jay or Juice or anyone else.
But I won't blame you if you don't watch all of these, because I know I went insane 😂
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noriirori · 10 months
A friend recently asked, "what's the reason why you're in that fandom you're in right now?" And I couldn't help but dip my toes into answering this question because the reason why I'm in the tf2 fandom is a bit amusing to me.
Okay, July 28 of this year I was scrolling through Twitter, and then I happen to come across a comic page about two characters I had no idea about. This comic is titled HeavyMedic comic | Milk strawberry popsicles by Cabbage on Twitter. Now, keep in mind I had no clue who tf these characters were, I just saw that first page of the comic and I knew I had to stay and read this entire thing (even though I have no clue who tf they were). The hot weather, the bald character carrying a popsicle to give to a black haired character with glasses who the bald man called "Doktor", even though I wasn't in the tf2 fandom nor did I know who these characters were, I just knew one thing and it's that these guys are absolutely gay for each other.
Now at this time, I was pretty hooked. Multiple questions were coming into mind: who were these guys? Are these the creators original characters? Or are they from a video game? A movie maybe? I couldn't help myself, so I commented.
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And ever since then, I was hooked! Since then, I've researched about this ship and eventually about the game itself. I've watched the official videos and read the comics, read fanfics, saved fan-art, etc.
I asked an online friend of mine (they were in many fandoms and I remembered them sending a picture of a group picture of a game that had those two guys.) if they knew which social media platform the tf2 fandom is very active on because I kinda wanna get involved in the community itself to talk and to engage in the fandom itself, and they said "oh, you should go to Tumblr since I've got mutuals that are active on there and they mainly post tf2 content." So, I downloaded Tumblr, made my account and since then, my feed is nothing but tf2 content (sometimes food and some other digital art stuff but tf2 definitely is my feed).
And after we shared the reasons why we're in the fandom we currently are in right now, they asked (the same friend who asked the first question) "and why did you chose to stay? Do you have favorite content creators in that fandom and why are they your favorite?"
First I'll answer, why I chose to stay. To keep it short and simple, it's because this fandom made me feel welcome and accepted. I love how nice the creators of artworks are, the writers, and the other people, who like me, also views fan-art in Tumblr. I love how there isn't really issues in the community (at least that I'm not aware of) and how respectful and funny people are. Obviously, we can't avoid that there is also a bad side to this fandom, and I was unfortunate enough to experience this type of treatment. I don't really want to go into detail but I guess *some* YouTubers are very homophobic which is so sad considering that most of them are genuinely fucking funny and their tf2 content absolutely bangs but as a non-binary pansexual myself, I can't let stuff like that slide. And thankfully, it is just some YouTubers, plus the content creators I watch in the tf2 fandom usually do SFMs instead of like having voice over shit and complain about the fandom enforcing LGBTQIA+ onto the characters. So yeah, I stayed because I'm in the good side of the community where people aren't fucking mean for no reason and respects and welcomes anyone despite whatever they are.
Also, the second question is a bit tricky because I LOVE ALL OF THE ARTISTS IN THE FANDOM each and every one of them are very much talented, amazing, beautiful, god-sent and wonderful. So, these are the artist that I mean:
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Yeah, I love all of them, also I know what you'll say "but some of them don't do art, they just reblog!" So? I still consider them as artist bcuz they share ART. Okay, my absolutely favorite like my number one is Ncalabby. Most of my favorite fan-arts come from them. They are my favorite,well, because they are the reason that I'm in this fandom in the first place but other than that, I love their art. I love how they do their line art, the background and how each color on every art of theirs contrast with each other beautifully and makes the subject of their art shine because of the color scheme. And I love how they draw Medic, strong and massive unlike those fucking twink ahh Medic that people seem to make him as he is. It's *fine* if that's how your style is but making Medic small and skinny because he's a support and heals people isn't right. But that's just my opinion though.
Now, SFM creators, there are some that I absolutely love because well, they contribute heavily into the fandom. I'll be ranking them into 3rd to 1st.
3. DasMxD - I love their series' if tf2 was realistic, their SFMs are very smooth and natural.
2. Winglet - this guy, has the *smoothest* SFMs animations ever. I love how the mercenaries move in a way that's very much smooth and very natural, and I love their videos so much.
1. the-sound-of-progress -> I love Dusty, despsite their works being comics I don't think that SFM is made for comics yet somehow their SFMs are very pretty and natural, I love that the fact that they info dump on their blog because I am very interested in making my own SFMs in the upcoming future but I still don't have my own PC but their info dump about Blenders, SFMs, how to fix if the Medic model has that black thingy on his gloves, etc. Their works are wonderful, and them as a person as well ks just as fantastic as their work is. I did message them, told them how much I loved their work and they replied, and we're very humble with themselves which I love so much. Like I always wait for them to upload their comics because I find them so entraining and godsent stuff. Also, Dusty contributes heavily on the red Oktoberfest content, if you don't believe me, check out their page.
So yeah, this was what I answered to my friend and because I have nothing else to do, I will just share it here on my blog. Anyway, you, what's your reason why you're in the tf2 fandom? I'd like to know!
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sugarepoxy · 10 months
Ive been aching to tell this story but since nobody has asked me yet im just going to take it upon myself lmao. Here is:
How I Discovered JRWI :D
It all started with blood in the bayou, the catalyst to the massive brain rot that was about to ensue. The earliest memory i have of it is seeing it recommended to me on YouTube, and scrolling away because it didn't catch my interest. I remember clicking on it but then realizing it was a podcast, and then being like "oh no i can't listen to podcasts my attention span is WAYY too short for that, plus its patreon exclusive! I dont wanna get too attached :("
and then, after it was recommended to me a second time, i clicked, said "fuck it", and watched it over about a week. And i. Fell. In. LOVE. I distinctly remember finishing that first episode on the school bus home and trying sooooo hard not to actually explode. BITB had taken my whole heart and mind and life and i loved it. I decided to check out the channel it was posted to, saw riptide, but was like "nahhh pirates aint really my thing" and left it at that. I proceed to absolutely explode all over BITB and GUSHED about it to my friends. I ended up convincing two of them to watch it and they also LOVED it. Success! One of my friends could fortunately afford the patreon, so we all binged blood in the bayou together each study hall (: . Unfortunately i can't remember much of what happened in each episode, but i do remember that It fuckin DESTROYED me and i loved it. I was also interested in watching prime defenders, but my friends were less convinced so we didn't end up doing it.
Cut to, a few months after that, im watching the new slimecicle QSMP stream. This was the one where juanaflippa had died and he was taking revenge. His acting was sooo godamn good in that stream, i was like "lol maybe i should start watching jrwi, all the comments are saying that if i want more improv i should check it out" And so, after a few more days, i stopped procrastinating and checked it out! I started on the first episode of riptide and immediately fell in love with the characters and world. It was a little hard to follow since i wasnt used to podcasts, and I was intimidated by the sheer AMOUNT of episodes, but i decided "fuck it, ill catch up eventually!" And KEPT GOIN! i did slow down watching at the paramount tournament arc, but i PERSEVERED
This is where i made a tumblr account finnally, and started really getting into the fandom!
And currently, im chipping away at prime defenders and i love it so far (:
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