#so i guess this is my late contribution to this fandom
alwaysbethewest · 8 months
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
mmm i can sense the discourse rumbling in the distance. Everyone please remember to tag your neg/critical/discourse posts, please
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kanerallels · 2 months
My first contribution to Spring Fling, run by @monthly-challenge!
Day 2: Green
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla
Had it been any other person, any other encounter, any other voice, Kanan probably would have just brushed it off and moved on.
Bumping into some stranger in the hall of the VA? That was normal enough. Getting around with about 75 percent of his vision gone was something he was still getting used to, and the building was pretty full on an average day.
So when he bumped into someone while leaving a meeting he’d been at, Kanan caught himself quickly. “Sorry,” he said, stepping back to let whoever it was by.
“No worries,” they said— she said. It was a woman’s voice, and the very sound of it rooted Kanan to the ground, speechless.
He’d been alive for 25 years, fought in a war, lost people he loved, and made a variety of highly questionable decisions. And in that time, Kanan had seen and heard a lot, both ugly and beautiful.
This voice? It blew all of them away. Both gentle and firm, with a musical quality that sent warmth through his bones and made his heart skip a beat. It was absolutely exquisite, and Kanan knew, without a doubt, that he absolutely had to know the woman it came from.
She was already walking away, towards the elevator, by the time Kanan recovered enough to come to this conclusion. And by the time he’d started to move or speak or do anything, the elevator door was already sliding shut.
All he’d seen, with what was left of his vision, was a bright, vibrant flash of green.
From a shirt or a scarf, or something else entirely? Kanan didn’t know. All he knew was that the color was burned indelibly into his memory, and that he definitely needed to find out who that woman was.
He took the stairs, but when he made it to the lobby a floor below, the woman was long gone, leaving behind the memory of her voice. Kanan bit back a frustrated growl. Don’t worry, he told himself. If she was at the VA, it was for a reason. Which means I might bump into her again.
So he stayed calm, and headed out. Unfortunately, he was late for lunch with his friend Zeb thanks to his searching. The burly man was waiting in the usual booth at their favorite diner when Kanan made it.
“Oh, thanks for bothering to show up,” he said as Kanan slid into the seat across from him.
“Sorry,” Kanan said with a grimace. “I didn’t think I was going to be that late. But I— got distracted, and then the cab had to take a detour thanks to some accident. Did you order already?”
“I waited like ten minutes, but then I got bored,” Zeb said with a good-natured snort. He wasn’t the type to hold a grudge over one being late. “What exactly distracted you so much you forgot about lunch with your best mate?”
“I didn’t forget,” Kanan corrected. “I just got distracted, like I said.” The waitress approached, and Kanan ordered. He and Zeb had been coming to the diner since long before he’d lost his vision, and the menu was ingrained in his memory.
As were the staff, for that matter, and Kanan frowned as the waitress walked away. “We don’t know her, do we?”
“Nope,” Zeb said, slurping from his drink. “Some Russian kid Quinlan picked up. Now, are you being evasive, or am I going nuts?”
Kanan hesitated, then admitted, “You’re not going nuts. I was distracted by… someone I met. She and I bumped into each other in the hall—”
“Ohhh,” Zeb said, and Kanan didn’t need to see him to know a smirk was stretching across his face. “She?”
“It’s not like that!” Kanan protested, then paused. “Well… it is a little. But it’s not like I had enough time for anything to happen.”
He recapped the incident for Zeb, lingering just a little on what he remembered of the woman. Especially her voice— he probably lingered a little too long on that.
“Right,” Zeb said as the waitress reappeared, carrying both of their meals. “So you fell head over heels for this girl you met one time, and you’re gonna do what about it?”
Kanan shrugged. “Find her, I guess? Thanks,” he added as the waitress set his sandwich in front of him, along with his drink. “How hard could it be? I just need to talk to all the women in Lothal City until I find one that sounds—”
“Like an angel from your dreams?” Zeb said, snickering as he took a bite from his burger.
“I was going to say familiar,” Kanan said, scowling at him.
The man chuckled. “Sure, mate. Well, you’ve got the VA to start with. Maybe ask Piett. He and Veers know everyone around there, and if they don’t know her, they’ll know someone who does.”
“Good point,” Kanan said, his heart lightening a little. Veers was his former CO, and between him and his best friend Piett, they had a handle on pretty much everything that went on in both the VA and Lothal City. (Although it helped that Piett’s sister in law was a state senator.) After their meal, Kanan headed home planning to speak to them the next day.
He didn’t have to wait that long.
While he knew it made him something of a stereotype, Kanan liked to stop at the same diner every morning before work. He’d been going there for years, and the owner, Quinlan Vos, had been close with his mother. So he could usually count on cheap— or free, depending on if Vos’s wife was there— coffee, and a decent breakfast.
What he hadn’t counted on, however, when he stepped inside, was finding someone in his usual booth. In fact, Kanan had been expecting it so little that he’d sat down before he realized someone was sitting across from him.
“Oh— sorry,” he said, starting to slide out of his seat.
“No apologies necessary.”
Kanan froze. That was the voice— warm, slightly amused and curious, and stunningly gorgeous. And, as he gave her a proper look, there was the green. Her hair, by the looks of things. It was unexpected, and fit her well. Really well, he thought.
“Do we know each other?” she asked, her voice thoughtful. “You look familiar.”
For a moment, Kanan couldn’t speak. A long moment, as it turned out, because she asked, “You speak English?”
“Words fail me.”
There was no mistaking her smile, gentle and wry, as she said, “So they do.”
Recover, Jarrus. Pull yourself together. “Um.” Not a strong start. “We, uh, we actually met the other day,” he told her. “Bumped into each other at the VA— literally.”
“That’s right,” she said. “Which is why you sat down next to me?”
Kanan couldn’t help himself— he laughed. “Believe it or not, this is a complete coincidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it happened. But this is my favorite spot, at my favorite diner.” 
It’s almost like fate, the unhelpfully romantic side of his brain whispered.
He elected not to say that part out loud.
“Well, you may as well stay, then,” she told him serenely. “I’m Hera.”
“Nice to meet you, Kanan.”
A smile crossing his face, Kanan said, “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
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nerdgirljen · 5 months
Unfortunately, I was unable to get my contribution to @lewmagoo’s A Lew Magoo Christmas challenge completed before 11:59pm EST on December 24. The holidays completely snuck up on me, and before I knew it, it's Christmas Eve and I only had a mood board completed, and yet I had so much left to do. It is, however, being posted on Christmas, and I am so extremely sorry I missed the deadline.
It was inspired by the Eagles song, "Please Come Home for Christmas." I hope you all enjoy!
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Please Come Home for Christmas by NerdGirlJen
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick Character: Bob Floyd Pairing: Bob Floyd x reader Word Count: 1,300ish... Rating: G/PG
Summary: Bob’s away from home on Christmas, and he absolutely hates it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Top Gun: Maverick, I just like to play with the characters a bit. I also know nothing about the Navy, Navial aviators, aircraft carriers, so all mistakes are on me because I did very little research. Also not betaed… did you miss the part where real life has been hectic af and I didn’t even start this until late on Christmas Eve?
Warnings: missing family, homesickness, other than those, no warnings.
An aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was not where Bob Floyd wanted spend Christmas, but here he is sitting in the ship's mess hall waiting for his allotted time to video call home. A bag of peanut butter M&Ms sat before him, open, but Bob was too distracted to eat any of the tasty treats. His mind wasn’t concentrating on the chocolate goodness, nor on the television they wheeled in that was currently playing White Christmas. No, his mind was somewhere else, indeed.
The one real place he couldn’t get out of his head for the last three weeks at sea. He missed you dearly, and he was wracked with guilt knowing that he should be stateside with you. You were partners, in life and in love, and he doesn’t think it fair to you that he’s not home to help with such a momentous day.
He especially doesn’t think it’s fair to himself that he’s not home to celebrate his daughter’s first Christmas. Charlotte only gets one first Christmas, and it’s killing him that he’s missing it.
Bob doesn’t regret enlisting in the Navy. He’s done some amazing things since beginning his career as a Wizzo, gone to some amazing places, both domestic and abroad, and he’s met some amazing people, as well. However, none of those things, places, or people compare to where his head is currently daydreaming of and where he left his heart behind. So no, he doesn’t regret enlisting, but he sure doesn’t appreciate the timing of the mission he just wrapped up.
“Bobbo, you alright over there?” A voice close to him knocked him out of his thinking, and he turned to face his friend, and pilot, Natasha, looking down at him with concern.
“Oh, I’m alright, I guess” he sighed. “I was just thinking about back home.”
Natasha’s face lit up at the mention of “back home” knowing exactly to whom Bob was referring. He smiled at her exuberance and motioned for her to sit at the table he currently occupied.
“How is my baby?” she asked, excited to hear about her god-daughter’s latest antics. “Lottie still keeping her mom up at all hours of the night wanting to party instead of sleep?”
Bob smiled, remembering the last phase the 8-month-old had gone through. He was still at home for the beginning of that stage, and no matter what you or he did, Lottie didn’t sleep much at all, and so neither of you got much sleep either. Natasha thinks that Lottie has a strong case of ‘fear of missing out’ and doesn’t want to miss anything going on around her, and, unfortunately after a few weeks of restless nights in a row, Bob and you started thinking that the pilot was right. It didn’t matter what the time of day was, but whenever she was awake, Charlotte’s beautiful hazel eyes would look at everything around her so intently and so curiously that Bob wondered if she were trying to solve some puzzle neither of you could see.
“Lottie’s perfect, Nat,” he bragged. “Growing like a weed, and sharp as a tack.” He regaled his friend with her latest antics you told him about over the phone. Just before he deployed, Charlotte had just started to crawl; however, it was on the call he made to you last week that you told him that instead of forwards, Lottie was now crawling backwards with great enthusiasm. Bumping into any and everything along the way. Natasha’s eyes lit up and she laughed, delightedly. “I can’t wait to get home and be able to hold her again. I’ll take the sleepless nights just to be home soon.”
Bob missed his baby girl. He missed you, too, and he was so grateful that the mission he and Natasha had just finished was completed safely and successfully so that he could get home in one piece to be with his girls. If he had his way, he’d not leave the dock again for a long time. Maybe it was time to request he be stationed on land for a while, that way he doesn’t have to be away from you like he currently is.
“Well, I can’t help you be there quicker,” Natasha noted. “I mean, not unless we steal a jet, but I’d prefer to not be court martialed, dishonorably discharged, and face jail time.”
Bob grinned. “Yeah, if I can’t stand spending a month away from them, I know I couldn’t spend twenty plus years away.” Natasha grabbed at the bag of chocolate in front of him and started munching at a few of the candies. She smiled, wistfully, at the melancholy she could hear in her friend’s voice and the faraway look in his eyes.
“Trace!” came a barked shout. “You’re next! Floyd, you’re after Trace.” Finally.
Bob expected Natasha to stand and follow the Info Systems Tech to the conference room they had set up for the day, but Natasha surprised him by calling out to the IST instead. “Sir,” Nat said, “I’m forfeiting my time to Floyd so he can spend a bit more of the holiday with his family.”
Bob’s eyes grew wide, and he grabbed Natasha’s hand to object. “Nat, no,” he started to protest, but the look she gave him told him not to argue with her. It wasn’t a secret to anyone on board the carrier that he had a wife and new kid at home that he loved with every fiber of his being. He was constantly showing photos of the two to anyone who asked or even stood still long enough to chat. Other sailors and officers with families knew and understood where the WSO was coming from because they all did the same.
The IST looked pointedly at the pilot before nodding once and amending his earlier proclamation. “Floyd, you’re up!”
Bob stood, still gaping at his friend – his daughter’s god mother – in shock. “Nat, I don’t know how to thank you,” he sputtered.
“The only thanks I need, Bobby Boy, is a special Natasha/Lottie Day after we get back,” she stated. “Okay?”
“More than,” he was barely able to say as his emotions were overwhelming him. He squeezed Natasha’s hand in thanks, and quickly got up to follow the tech officer. Once reaching the conference room, Bob sat in front of the provided laptop, and gave the IST the number to call.
One ring, two rings, three…
The screen lit up with a small face with a gummy grin that was mid giggle. “Merry Christmas, Daddy!” he heard his wife exclaim through the speakers, but Bob was more mesmerized by the cherub cheeked infant whose eyes sparkled brightly and whose jubilant squeals lightened the WSO up from the inside.
“There’s my girls,” he said, gratefully, beginning his scheduled video chat time.
Now, while Bob Floyd couldn’t be home for Christmas this year, he was happy to receive what little bit of time he could have with you on the screen. He was up for reassignment soon, and he was absolutely going to be ask for fewer, and shorter, missions and deployments. Whether the Powers that Be would grant his request, he didn’t know, but he was certain he didn’t want to spend another holiday being away from you two.
“Tell me, how has Christmas been so far?” He smiled as you started detailing the holiday spent with his parents and family.
Yeah, he definitely couldn’t wait to be home.
Annnnd end scene.
Feel free to tell me what you think in a comment. If you think it's completely horrid, keep that to yourself! (Just kidding, all constructive criticism is good constructive criticism.)
Anyway, happy Christmas to everyone. Or Happy Holidays to whatever holiday you celebrate. Love you all!
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I feel like this conversation is a bit played out, but I’m curious: do you think JK’s banking on winning a Grammy and potentially getting out of his military service? I’ve tried to take their words for what they are and I know everyone’s said that they’re all going to the military, will be back in 2025, yadda yadda, whatever. I can’t understand why, if that’s the case, they’re banking so much on his solo career if he’s just going to disappear from the scene (physically) for almost 2 years. Do you get what I mean?
My thoughts are that they are actually hoping for a Grammy and subsequent deferment of mandatory service, but then again, nobody knows so I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out.
As this is only speculation and might as well not happen, let me bring my own contribution. I don't think this is about Jungkook and I'll explain why.
If you look at this entire issue from the perspective of the artist/idol, you'll realize soon that you're stuck, that you can't explain why he's doing this or that. But looking at it as a business deal will shine another light on it.
Yes, Jungkook is leaving to do his military service soon and everything he said up until now points to that so why are they investing so much into making him a "global pop star"? Because Hybe and Hybe America need to show that they can do that. That their strategy is one that works for future business. Why do you think they tried it first on the most versatile of the BTS members, the one that can do any song because he has the voice needed for that? This wouldn't have worked with Taehyung or Jimin. God, I'm so happy it didn't work with Jimin because it would have been horrible to see all that unfoulding. Besides, they had projects on their own and without making any contribution to the song writing, Tae's album was still something that matched his personality, it was him with the help of MHJ.
With Jungkook, the situation is different. I wouldn't know the details, but when they announced their hiatus, it looked like everyone was set on releasing an album, including JK. And then, most likely, life happened. Because you can't plan your state of mind. And when you're under a contract, you do need to listen to other people. I know army always uses the shares in Hybe argument, but the value allocated for the members is insignificant on a larger scale. Yes, they are rich and they can do what they want and sleep on a wlive, but I don't think for one second the company would have let Jungkook do nothing and be a couch potato.
So they found this opportunity. You also have to keep in mind that Hybe paid a lot of money for Scooter's company and then what happened to him? Most of his artists left? So where is this big opportunity for collaboration and projects and all that?
This is just business. That's it. They chose the idol capable of being a blank slate and stuck the concept of global pop star on him. Because that's what it is which is incredibly funny (not). Usually that accolade comes after some time, when the results can be seen over a prolonged period of time, but in this case, that was the starting point. As much as Bang wants to get rid of the k in kpop, they're still using a kpop strategy, that of making an album based on a concept or creating a specific image for an idol.
And now they are pushing it hard. They are investing a ton of money into this in a way that makes them look desperate and I think that in the industry at large, people see it. Not the fans because they either choose to turn a blind eye or their mind doesn't go that far. There are voices which have said a thing or two lately among army, but it's an insignificant minority. The company can rely on the fandom to buy all those 284836521 versions and remixes and they will eat it up. And voila, look at how Hybe produced a global pop star in less than half a year. Quick, open the catalog for some songs that sound mediocre enough for a top 40, make the singer record them asap, fast, done in less than one week. Quickly come up with some generic argument of how this is just to show the artist's vocal range (good job PR for that one, jesus) and then also openly admit that it was made for a Western market, aka US cause the world stops there.
Jungkook had the possibility to show more personality of his own when he was with a group of six other people than with his solo album, which is so ironic. But that is because it is not his album. He's merely a vessel through which Bang and Scooter can show investors that they can invent a global pop star and fast while their pockets grow bigger and bigger.
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descendant-of-truth · 27 days
A Rudimentary Translation of: The Dark Mage, Schezo
(The video here is not mine, it's from the channel "The Madou Puyo Archivist." It's just here so you can follow along the translation with audio)
So, I was already considering doing something like this, since so many of these Puyo Drama CDs remain untranslated as far as I could find. But upon seeing this post from @douglasanondr, I ended up checking out this particular CD, and after deciding that it seemed doable, I got to work.
I'm definitely not fluent in Japanese yet, so some parts are missing with a summary of the general gist, and the phrasing isn't always the most accurate, but! This fandom needs all the translators it can get, so even if I'm not the "best" person for the job, I still wanted to contribute. I also included translator notes when applicable.
With the preamble out of the way, I hope you all enjoy it!
-The Dark Mage, Schezo-
Schezo: S-stop it! Don't lay a hand on him!
Witch: Aaaand… got it!
Schezo: Please, Witch! Stop!!
Witch: Now then, here we go! *cheerful effort sound*
Onion Pixie: *despair noises*
Witch: *giggles* I've gotten the magic skins from this big ol' onion!
Onion Pixie: *sad onion noises*
Schezo: O-Onion's skin…! YOU DEMON! VILLAINESS!!
Witch: What's the problem? I only took a single piece of it, it's fine!
Schezo: But he's so cute, don't you feel bad for him?!
Witch: …You…
Schezo: What?!
Witch: Somehow, it feels like you've grown soft.
Schezo: Huh?
Witch: Like, it feels as though even you're expression's gotten softer than before.
Schezo: Hmph! What nonsense are you speaking? I am the Dark Mage, Schezo. To say I'm soft--
Witch: Yeah, yeah. Well, it might just be a misunderstanding on my part. Now then, have a nice day!
Schezo: I've gotten soft, she says? Hmph! That can't be… but then again, it might be possible that I've been influenced by this place called Primp in some ways, lately. After all, it's peaceful and quiet here--
Amitie: Ah! It's Mr. Pervert! Heyoo~!
Sig: Pervert--!
Lidelle: H-hello!
Schezo: Who. are you. calling. A PERVERT?!
Amitie: Hahaha! Sorry, sorry! [something I can't make out] But honestly, what does "pervert" mean, anyway?
Sig: "Pervert…"
Sig: I'll explain! It is the process of a bug changing its shape, with the purpose of developing from a pupa into a proper insect.
Lidelle: So that's what it means…
Sig: Uh-huh.
Amitie: Impressive!
Schezo: Who are you talking about?!
Amitie: Hey, Mr. Pervert, when will you transform into one?
Schezo: I WON'T!
[Side note: this might be a play on the words "hentai" (pervert) and "henshin" (transform). Perhaps Sig got the second half of the words mixed up?]
Lidelle: Aah! I-I'm scared…
Amitie: Whoops, I guess we got him angry?
Schezo: Hmph! Do as you please! Farewell!
Schezo: The children here sure are carefree, and stupid, and full of it! [another thing I can't make out, he might be proclaiming himself a "stoic"] If I've gotten soft, then it's their fault! I need to look for a way back…!
*sounds of Raffina training*
Raffina: Not done yet! RAFFINA SPECIAL!
Schezo: Hey, you.
Raffina: KYAA!
Schezo: What are you doing?
Raffina: I-interrupting a lady's training, that's awfully rude of you!
Schezo: I see. Training, huh?
Raffina: Yes, pay attention! …If you would!
Schezo: But if you're training to be a mage, you shouldn't be practicing martial arts, but spells… hm?
Raffina: Shut up, if you please! That's my choice, isn't it?!
Schezo: I see, you're similar to Rulue, then.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: You're not very good at spells, so you use martial arts, isn't that right?
Raffina: H-how… how do you know about that?
Schezo: I understand power when I see it.
Raffina: Ah, is that so? Well, that's enough. Get going along to somewhere else. I need to continue my training. …Hey, wait!
Schezo: Hgk! What with this?! It's quite heavy…
Raffina: Don't just randomly try to pick up one of my dumbbells!
Schezo: Well, I'm somewhat interested in it. However, I think it's a little too heavy for a "lady"--
Raffina: It's not "a little too" anything! If I'm going to aim for the top of my school, then I'm going to need strong muscles!
Schezo: Hmm.
Raffina: Wh-what?
Schezo: Why do you work so hard for that?
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: This "Primp" place is quiet and peaceful. You don't need to be strong to live here. Even the magic school's students are peaceful simpletons. I don't think it's necessary for you to go to so much trouble for it.
Raffina: I don't understand what you're babbling about!
Schezo: Like I said…
Raffina: I'm doing all of this to reach my ideal self. Whether it's peaceful or not, I don't care in the slightest! O~hohohoho!
Schezo: Ahh! I see… Heh. I get it now.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: It's nothing. I just think you have the right idea.
Raffina: Well, I'm not really sure what you mean, but alright. That aside, you mentioned the other students from the magic school earlier, right?
Schezo: That I did.
Raffina: They're… t-they're, they're sort of my friends, so I would rather you didn't make fun of them.
Schezo: Hm?
Raffina: It's true that they're awfully carefree, but at the same time… well, at least to some extent, they're working hard, too.
Schezo: Oh?
Raffina: That's why, I've decided that I'm going to shine the most out of all of them!
Schezo: Hm.
Raffina: So… um, so that's… hm? AAAH, I FOUND HIM!
Schezo: AAH, what's this, all of a sudden?!
Raffina: It's him, it's him! It's that guy I've been seeing that guy a lot around here lately!
Schezo: Hm? That's… Satan?!
Raffina: [can't quite make out what she says here, but basically she plans to challenge him to a Puyo Battle]
Schezo: Wait, no, he's--!
Raffina: Hold it! You there!
Satan: Hm? And the reason this person is interrupting the Demon King's lovely stroll would be…?
Raffina: You're pretty strong, aren't you? [Another thing I can't quite make out, she's making an offer of some kind but it doesn't immediately sound like it has the word "battle" in it]
Satan: Hmph. How interesting… to approach the great Satan, you must be strong yourself, no?
Raffina: *giggles*
Satan: I won't treat anyone who comes at me differently, even if they're a girl. Let's go!
Schezo: W-wait!
Raffina: O~hohoho! That's exactly how I want it!
*puyos go bloop bloop*
Satan: Ohh? It seems you're actually pretty good. However, it's too bad; nobody else can match the great Satan! Let's go, Catastrophe!
Raffina: H-he's fast! There's no way I can keep up! My chain isn't enough, it's going to collapse!
[I couldn't make out if she actually said "collapse" or not but it was the closest thing that made sense]
Schezo: Hm! Dunamis!
Raffina: Eh? I've… been protected?
Schezo: This battle… is on me.
Raffina: Don't underestimate me! Even without your help, I--!
Schezo: Don't get the wrong idea. This geezer is still too much for you.
Schezo: Besides…
Satan: Oh? The Dark Mage, huh? What's wrong? You've got a good expression on your face today.
Schezo: Besides! For some reason, I've suddenly felt like competing in battle.
Satan: HAHAHAHAHA! It's been a while since we've had a serious competition. Come at me, Schezo!
Schezo: I was thinking the same thing! Let's go, Satan!
Raffina: Urrgh, even though this was MY battle…!
Schezo: Just as Witch said, I may have gotten a little softer. But no matter where I go, no matter who I meet, it doesn't matter. I strive for my ideal, regardless of where I am. I'm the most spectacular Dark Mage, Schezo!
-The End-
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sweet-potatah-pie · 2 months
hi, i hope you’re doing well! as a big fan of patf, you may already know that tiana’s bayou adventure is opening some time this summer. some exciting sneak peeks dropped today and i wanted to share them with you! disney released this video on their youtube and the patf related segment starts around the 4:30 mark. the animatronics look so cool and realistic it’s insane! i’ve seen some complaints about her outfit but…she’s in the swamp what do y’all expect lol. it’s honestly way overdue for tiana to have a ride, but better late than never i guess 🤷🏾‍♀️. hopefully, the next update we get will be on the tiana show!!
take care 💚💚
Thank you for thinking of me and sharing this!💖
I’m not even a parks girl myself, but it’s definitely time Tiana got her due in them! I love the way her animatronic looks. She’s the princess with the most outfits and hairstyles, so it makes sense that she would have new ones for her Bayou Adventure. Her animatronic even has a wedding ring! I love when they remember that detail! I can’t wait to see what Naveen’s fine ass will look like either 👀LOL lemme stop 🤣
I’m also hoping for a show update soon! That’s where my heart is for sure.
I know I haven’t been writing as much. Other things have been taking up my time and attention lately. But I do still have more writing I plan to contribute to this fandom. Maybe the new ride will even inspire me at some point!
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I just wanted to ask whether you think there is even a slight possibility that SJM might go for a Gwynriel book next?
I know you're adamant that it will be Elucien (I'm kind of hoping it is them too), but is Gwynriel completely out of the picture in your mind?
I'll be happy with whatever ship happens because it would finally end this shipwar, but I've just seen a discourse between Eluciens and Gwynriels about whose book is next, and I think SJM's set it up so it could go either way.
I definitely think there is a real possibility for Gwynriel to be next!
There are a lot of reasons, both plot related ones and ones that make the most sense to me in relation to the characters individual journey's that lead me to think it will be Elucien's however these aren't my characters and this isn't my story to tell. I have no authority over what SJM does and even with my best guesses based off what's she's said or done in the past, I don't know if the way I think is the way she thinks.
I'm not even confident enough to say that I know without a doubt that E/riel is not happening though I think that is much less likely.
There has been discourse between Elucien's and Gwynriels as of late, you're right. For some Gwynriels, I think they are just so ready to have confirmation that Az will not end up with Elain because of the battles with E/riels over the years and are excited to see him end up with one of their favorites instead. But as a result I do think some are at times forgetting to be a little more considerate of who they proclaim to be their allies in the fandom (Eluciens) and why the force feeding of the"Gwynriels book is 100% next!" rhetoric (because of Az's recent buildup) sort of stomps all over Elucien's who know Lucien had buildup from book 1 and has been a prominent character from the start yet that still didn't guarantee him a book yet. Who is being undermined by Az's character.
I think if the roles were reversed and Lucien was mistreating Az in the series and Az had been waiting for the resolution to his mating bond since 2016 they would probably be feeling a lot like Elucien's right now. And if Elucien's book is next and they then acknowledge they'll be waiting another 4 years for an Az book, they'll probably be feeling a bit of the intense disappointment Elucien's have lived with.
On the flip side to all that, a few Elucien's (not many, I know I'm one of the main ones) have been more vocal in arguing against all that which does contribute to the overall negativity in the fandom. But I do think that sometimes it's too much for anyone to look the other way and be the bigger person. We're all human but I have noticed that Elucien's are often expected to be the bigger people in this fandom, that they're expected to be the ones who sit quietly by and allow everyone to say whatever they want about Elain or Lucien, to just accept that "they're delusional for thinking Elucien could be next when it's so obvious" and the second you begin to argue back you're called out for the exact same behavior the other groups have participated in.
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missicitty · 1 month
I made seven sonnets about one-sided radiostatic because I guess I’m very deeply entrenched in this fandom now. This is my first ever post on this site, I’ve been on it for approximately two minutes now so if I mess up the tagging or whatever, just tell me please.
Sonnet 1
It all started when Vox sat in his tower
Quite bored, couch-sitting with Val and Velvette
He sat there contemplating Alastor’s power
Determined to have him in his clutches yet.
“There has to be a way,” his fury erupted,
“To topple his throne, get him here, make him pay.”
Val and Vel ignored him uninterrupted
These outbursts were common, the same day by day.
He rounded on them with a terrible groan.
“Listen to me, I need to defeat him.
But he has friends, I need friends of my own.
Let’s plot, scheme, plan something not on a whim.”
Vel looked up finally, sighing she says,
“You work on waves, so does he. Disrupt his.”
Sonnet 2
Vox posture relaxed, he was taken aback,
Their contributions were few and far between.
His obsession and his verbal attacks
They encouraged not and did not intervene.
But this was a plan, and not a half-bad one
He mused, pacing, thanking Vel as he went.
He had to start planning and get that plan done
With Alastor gone, he would be content.
But how to disrupt the Radio Demon
And kick him off of his own radio waves?
He would be stopped before he could even begin
Fighting head-on would be making his grave.
Then he stopped pacing, revelation struck
With a signal-blocking device, Al would be stuck!
Sonnet 3
Vox rushed his room, plugged his head in with glee
To make a device both subtle and strong
Until too late, Alastor shouldn’t see
This half-planned device that could do no wrong
Surely Vel and Val still sat grateful
That Vox’s obsession was turned to his work
To make a device that could be so fateful
They relaxed finally, still bored, jobs shirked.
But Vox was still tense as he worked without tire
Building programs, deleting, scrapping it all
Every click of the keyboard had passion of fire
Perfection was key, no wrong big or small.
Finally, after hours of hard toil,
It was done, complete, his work long-last assoiled.
Sonnet 4
Now to enact his plan most effective
He sent off a drone to infiltrate the hotel
It would, with luck, complete his objective,
Do what has failed prior for all of Hell.
He cackled with mirth as he set the drone free,
It had quite the girth as it sailed red skies
Precious cargo aboard, worth all can see.
Vox watched it from earth with stars in his eye.
It attached, like a fly, to the hotel wall
Its camera eye glinted as it drilled way inside
Then scuttled, a spider, scurrying down the hall
Sneakily slithered, snakelike, to where Alastor did reside.
Finally it breached, the mighty little bug,
Alastor’s room. It buried in a rug.
Sonnet 5
They waited, Bug and Vox, for Alastor
Anticipation nearly swallowed them whole.
But he came, cane clicking, as Bug ticked and whirred
It was quiet, Vox made sure to control.
Alastor stopped, his smile frozen in place
While both Bug and Vox stayed frozen in seats.
Did he notice Bug, which invaded his space?
Or would Vox’s mission be long-last complete?
Then he looked down to where Bug was hidden.
Vox’s brain-child, his brain-egg he freely exposed
To Alastor’s brain-sperm of thought, unbidden
They made Bug jointly, their joining predisposed.
He looked at the floor and gave a soft hum
And he plucked Bug between his forefinger and thumb.
Sonnet 6
“Why hello Vox, I am aware, my old friend,
Your spying, that’s old, that, I can allow,
But my room is a reach you cannot extend.
Arrive prompt, and by prompt I mean now.”
Bug chittered, scared, as Vox nervously sweat.
They were caught, no escape, their plan had failed.
Vox teleported there, his match had been met
Saw poor Bug trapped in Al’s grasp and he paled.
“I just want to talk, no harm meant I swear.
You know spying, for me, often crosses lines.
There were limits? I was not made aware.
I can go now, leave you and your confines.”
“No, you wanted to talk, let’s talk right here. ”
“I should leave, I’ve invaded your space, that’s clear.”
Sonnet 7
Then, with no hesitation, he dropped Bug
Who made a “ting” on the hard wood floor
For Alastor had moved the soft, plush rug
Crushed Vox’s work underfoot, destroyed forevermore.
It was a threat, that much was made glaring
No time to mourn, now Vox had to think fast-
Why would they talk? They made an odd pairing-
To cover his lie and escape un-harrassed
So quickly he blurted what came to mind
“I’m in love with you, I don’t want to fight.”
Alastor laughed loud, then rudely declined
On his heel turned, left, and turned out the light.
And Vox was left sitting, alone, in the room
Sonnets are about love, but this one is gloom.
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solradguy · 8 months
Mr. Badguy I have a question as a guilty gear lore baby. I have been told sol/ky is problematic and I do not know why I fear. Could you please explain
Oh boy. I'm probably not the best person to ask about what ships are and aren't problematic because I honestly... just don't have the energy to care about it that much, it's like infinitely easier to block/blacklist and then move on. I don't know how people have the free time to get as worked up about it as they do.
Anyway. So, Ky's age before Missing Link (the earliest in the timeline of the games' stories) is generally the biggest problem. He was 20 in ML and a teenager through the Crusades. I think he was probably at least 18 near the end of the Crusades right before Sol left but that's pushing it. Anything with Ky and Order Sol's bad weird. I won't argue that at all, Ky was a kid and Sol was very much an adult, on top of the physical and mental power imbalance between them. Not good. Luckily, I really only see HOS/Ky stuff from the really early fandom (<2006) and IIRC their ages were still pretty vague back then so I'm just gonna chalk it up to no one knowing, especially in the EN fandom where it was a lot harder to find/get official information.
Between Missing Link to like late GGX/early GGXX I don't see what the problem with shipping them then is; they were both adults at that point and there wasn't even the power dynamic between them that there was during their Holy Order days. This, I think, really just comes down to personal reasons for not liking it. Which is fair.
After GGXX it gets... complicated.... Ky marries Sol's daughter but it's vague on when exactly Sol pieced it together that he even had a kid and that it was Dizzy, of all people. Ky definitely did not know she was Sol's kid until at least like partway through Xrd, when they both kind of put the pieces together and had a crisis over it. So shipping them after this point, between the timelines of Overture through Strive, you've got the issue of Sol now being Ky's father-in-law.
But the canon never straight up says Dizzy is Sol's kid (it is VERY HEAVILY implied though) and Sol and Ky both end up being dads together for Sin...?? It's like ASW is playing gay chicken with whether or not Sol and Ky are still shippable from an ethical standpoint lol Whatever that saying is about having a cake and eating it too, etc.
I saw the email for this ask this morning and I presented the Sol/Ky situation to my mom as if they were real people (she doesn't know anything about GG) and she was like, "That's a hell of a love triangle but I guess if the guy (Ky) and the daughter (Dizzy) got divorced and the daughter is alright with it, and it's consensual between the men, then it's weird but it's not as bad as some other relationships I've seen."
That's kind of how I feel about it too...? It's messy as fuck lmfao But I guess if there's a way to like write it so that Dizzy doesn't end up needing lifetime therapy then like... go for it....? I guess....???
I don't ship Sol/Ky because I think their dynamic is WAAAYYYY more interesting keeping them as rivals-turned-friends, and I like Dizzy too much; there's too big a chance of her ending up getting completely devastated by it. But as far as "problematic" Guilty Gear ships go, Sol/Ky's in the like... "People are wasting time arguing about this?" tier, imo. It being Thee biggest GG ship throughout the series' entire history is something to be considered, too. It's unavoidable, even the official art contributes sometimes. I often wonder why they decided to make it weird by throwing Dizzy into the mix because I know that, from digging through old forum archives, that change made a lot of people furious hahah
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I've been thinking about this blog lately.
It was a huge part of my life even though I'm not in the fandom anymore. I wrote for years, contributed a lot to the fandom, made some great friends and had a good time.
Now, years later and no longer really interested in TWD, this blog is just full of cobwebs.
I've considered deleting it several times, wondering what the point in keeping it is. But then everytime I think about it, I still get notes from things I posted years ago.
I considered it again today. I figured since all my work is on AO3 that it didn't really matter anyway, but I was getting notes all day and it made me reconsider.
The thing that's bothered me most is that a couple of years ago, Tumblr fucked all of my work up. So many fics have zero formatting which makes them horrific to read and makes new readers think I'm incapable of writing (I'm not lmao). Other fics have the text entirely deleted and I have no idea why or how. It's bothered me so much that it's fueled the thought of just deleting this blog so many times.
I've decided to try and fix the formatting on my work. I'm just gonna try and redo it all and the ones completely missing I'll copy from AO3.
The thing is, I did try to fix the formatting as soon as I noticed it had gone wonky years ago and it didn't work. So I guess I'll leave it up to fate.
If I can fix it and make it readable then I'll keep the blog, if not I'll probably get rid of it soon.
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pastelwell · 1 year
With a new season airing I figured I would do a lil post of tomgreg fics I’ve written that I’m kind of proud of, just for funsies 🙈 I've loved being part of this fandom, and I'm hoping to contribute even more as the final season plays out :) I have two things half finished right now, so I guess we'll see.
I love to make friends (I know I'm so laaame shut upppp) and talk about succession so if you see this feel free to reach out here or on Twitter :) 💜
Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you did ahhh...
Truth or Dare Rating: E Probably my magnum opus lol. Tom & Greg play an insane game of truth or dare that drastically alters their relationship and throws everything they know into question. I love when Tom’s a little insane, and he is definitely insane in this (in a hopefully canon-typical way at least?!).
Landslide Rating: E A bit of a character study on Tom and his complex and layered emotions. He goes on a bit of a journey in this fic, trying to figure out how to be the most authentic version of himself after repressing it for so long (with Greg being enduringly patient).
Little lies Rating: T The blossoming of Tom & Greg’s relationship through the eyes of Shiv. I loved writing this so much that I made it into a mini series.
For what it’s worth Rating: E Tom propositions Greg over dinner and it goes better than he expects. The dialogue is some of the best I’ve written, I think, which isn't bad considering I'd watched like 5 episodes of Succession when I wrote it (plus about a million tomgreg fancams :'))
Pictures of the past Rating: E Wrote this for my iconic pal @chasingbodies birthday, who actually came up w the idea in the first place. Tom’s friend from college unearths pics of him from his youth and Greg kind of becomes obsessed with seeing them. Such a fun concept, Ana has the best prompts.
The Hirsch Foundation for Waifs and Strays Rating: T Throwing this in here because it’s just silly and cute. When I’m sad I write the softest nonsense and I was so sad when I wrote this 🫣 the plot is essentially ‘Greg can’t stop adopting dogs, and Tom let’s it happen bc he’s in love with Greg’
Surreal, but nice Rating: E Notting Hill AU. Ewan gives Greg his aging bookstore as an early inheritance, and in attempting to run it he meets mega famous actor Tom Wambsgans, who develops an interest in him 🤭 it’s literally a reimagining of the movie Notting Hill, which I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. (Though I don't think you need to have seen it to enjoy this, it's just like if tomgreg were a romcom)
Microfics Rating: Varied An ongoing project that I have neglected of late, but just a home for drabbles that I’ve written to submitted prompts! You can see a chapter-by-chapter list of prompts here.
I’ve written quite a few tomgreg fics since I started posting 12 months ago, and you can find them here if you like! I always welcome prompts, though there’s no guarantee I’ll fill them. I have a bit of a list I’m working through though so… you never know :)
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ethaneldritch · 4 months
Starting to think my LoK ideas are veering too far from the source.
I have a tendency for lightheartedness in my storytelling that hasn't been sitting well with me as of late. Maybe I've just had too much Land of the Lustrous influence leak into the mix, but I almost feel guilty for headcanoning as much wholesome stuff as I do.
LoK is a gothic tragedy, steeped in grey morality and predestination with the faintest tinge of hope on the horizon. I feel like my work, both written and visual, can't do that atmosphere justice anymore.
It was funny in the beginning: "Hey look, the big scary vampire is being silly!" But that's become almost all I contribute. I'm straight-up awful at writing angst, and yet I feel like a fraud constantly putting a positive spin on something so dark. It just feels...unrealistic. Unnatural.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't seem to remedy my own headcanons with what I think I "should" be headcanoning. There's no right or wrong in fandom, but because LoK's is so close-knit I fear I might "ruin" something if I stray too far from canon.
I see headcanons I disagree with all the time, and yet I somehow can't allow myself the same grace to freely play with ideas. I'm always prefacing my thoughts with phrases like "I imagine" or "I like to think", because I'm constantly wary of writing something "wrong". It's confusing, isolating, and maddening.
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rebelrebelwrites · 1 year
I’ve decided to resurrect…
Fic Friday! ❤️ Weekly Fic Recs
Years ago, I did this back in the Reylo fandom, but I’m bringing it back for the Saurondriel/Haladriel fandom because: A) I’m still obscenely obsessed B) I’m all about supporting creators and C) Since I’m not currently writing for this fandom, I want to contribute how I can. 😊
Let’s do it!
This week’s recs are…
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal reading preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: Across That Fine Line by @myrsinemezzo
What you need to know going in:
A post-S1 that’s got hype for great reason. After stealing the mithril and Fëanor’s hammer, Sauron spirits away to Mordor with Gal hot on his heels. Once they reunite, things get spicy — we’re talking banter, manipulation (on both sides), a devious and devoted Sauron who’s also terrified of falling too far in love (too late, bro), and a Gal who’s rightfully wary but wants to believe that there’s a way to thread the needle with him. As their journey progresses, so does the depth of their dynamic. Plus! Some awesome inclusions/characters from Tolkien lore. All in all, an absolute must-read.
WIP, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and on AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: our souls were made from the stars by SilverWing12
What you need to know going in:
Oh gosh, where to even begin??? This lush, brilliant, meticulously measured slow burn of an AU is something I bask in every update. This story sees Mairon delayed in joining Melkor, and instead, he meets Galadriel in Valinor while she's still a child. Hundreds of years pass in which their friendship grows and grows, building to a point of mutual attraction and affection that is stifling in how well-realized and precarious it feels. The world-building, intentionality, pacing, characterization, and mounting pressure in this fic as Mairon falls deeper into darkness and Galadriel grows more suspicious (though both are clearly in love with each other) is simply luxurious.
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Queen of the Southlands by @formerlyir
What you need to know going in:
Gal doesn’t find out about Sauron’s deception for years, and as a result, she becomes his Queen. The post-S1 ensuing romance, angst, delicious tension and SCORCHING smut is sublime. Get ready for a delightfully unhinged, very devoted Sauron and a Gal who’s rightfully sharp, incredibly brave, and demands what she’s owed. This fic more than sticks the landing at the conclusion — it shreds it. In the absolute best way. I cheered, folks. Cheered.
Complete, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter, Instagram, on AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): Litost by @demonscantgothere
What you need to know going in:
It’s no secret that this story, as with every other story I’ve read by Helholden, is wonderful — expect to see their work on this list a few times at least. That being said, I think Litost might be my favorite. It’s post-S1, but by many years, starting with Galadriel being captured and brought back to Numenor as a prisoner of Ar-Pharazôn and his new High Priest of the Cult of Melkor… wonder who that could be? 👀🙃 You guessed it, everyone’s favorite Dark Lord! The resulting twists and turns in this fic continue to surprise, and the angst and longing (on both sides) simmers. The dialogue between these two, when they really communicate, is stellar at getting at the heart of their every conflict. It will pierce you — and you’ll love it.
WIP, Rated Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Can't Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: Instruments of Salvation by @scriberated
What you need to know going in:
It's Gal who gets hurt when Orodruin erupts, and as a result, Sauron must save her the only way he can — by forging a bond, all while she still believes he's Halbrand, rightful king of the Southlands. As with all of Scriberated's works, the writing is impeccable, the smut is steamy as all hell, and the characterization is 🤌🤌🤌. As Gal and Hal/Sauron's bond grows in strength, so does the pace at which you'll consume this tantalizing treat of a fic. Stop reading because it's bedtime? Doubtful.
WIP, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don't see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don't fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend... ❤️
Until next week!
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memilylove · 8 months
I kinda guess I would be considered a part of this fandom. Thinking and wanting to talk to endless lengths about Inuyasha and the entire fictitious world he is from is something that takes up a pretty large portion of my free time (and no so free time.)
I basically would like to say that I appreciate all of you who are so active in this fandom and keep it alive some decades after it’s initial release in the 90s. While I can be hesitant to directly comment in interact with many, I’m still here to quietly like and share the things that are put out there with my whole honest appreciation.
Lately, I’m feeling a major downturn in my mental health. If I were to map it out on a chart, it would go down six units before coming up two and nose diving once again, but further and further. I want to achieve in my career but am often set up for an extreme stress test with little to no salvation in site. I’m typically good at getting through tough spots, they suck, but I know and I will ensure that it’s not a forever feeling. Career rambling aside, what has helped me in the past is being able to to apply my passion and energy into things and topics I love. Hyper-fixate, if you will, so the juxtaposition of my means to live is balanced with something I /really/ care about.
Upon moving to a new city far, far away from my family and friends, the Inuyasha community was that but of salvation for me. I genuinely enjoy the fandom and all the pieces each person across the platforms brings.
Lately, that enjoyment has ebbed. I feel like what ever social insecurities I have have taken hold of me and now I’m oscillating between wanting to contribute to the fandom and being struck with the heaviest dose of impostor syndrome coupled with the questioning of my worth as a human being. I don’t have the answer of how to move past this feeling, but it’s making me feel estranged from those who I used to spend lots of time interacting or directly talking with in the fandom. I feel so isolated in the social space but I know it’s all of my own doing, and I don’t know how to un-do it.
Thank you if you gave this a read. I really don’t know what else to add so-uh. Bye.
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power-handmaiden · 2 months
Day 91: Bisexually Banged By These Sentient Plastic Easter Eggs Who Eat Me Out From Both Sides While Im In A Standing Position Which Is A Pretty Cool Move
Easter came twice this year, just like the protagonist of this story!
The last few holiday tinglers I've read have had messages that mostly focus on celebrating the holiday in the way that one finds it the most personally fulfilling and meaningful. I was expecting more of the same with this one, and I was pleasantly surprised that the mystery present in my egg today was another journey into meta tinglers.
My chronological reading hasn't yet hit the bi, lesbian and trans tinglers so this is my first time seeing the big red button mentioned in one of these categories, and in the back of my mind I have been wondering what "gayer" layers will mean in the future when the erotic tingleverse expands beyond man-only pairs and groups. I guess the answer should've been obvious: it's more of whatever the orientation of that story is: more bi, in this case.
What makes this story stand out more from other meta tinglers I've read so far is that the protagonist doesn't grapple with her existence as a character. Other characters will struggle with the thought that their existence will end when the story ends, or jump into other layers to travel into a new story as a means of continuing their story. The protagonist of this one, though... not only does she not assume that her life is limited to the word count of this story, she also is a very rare individual who doesn't choose to push the button because she believes in what she has to contribute to her timeline. It's inspiring to see! I wonder how much of this has to do with how much Dr. Tingle has been thinking about characters' interaction with fandom lately. (Bury Your Gays is not out yet so I don't know the details, but I know vaguely that fandom is important to the story.) Readers are always imagining what happens before and afterwards in their heads, and often even depicting it in their own art. Why should the character's contribution to the world end where their original written story does?
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