#so they’re not exactly on their way to Auradon yet
thebluestbluewords · 3 months
Dunderback, oh Dunderback…
Somewhat graphic descriptions of injury, isle-related violence. Not actually that dark despite this.
"Dizzy," Evie asks sweetly. "You've been on the isle more recently than us. Do the twins..." 
She trails off meaningfully. 
Dizzy blinks up at her like a little red-headed bobble toy. "Do they what? I was thinking about the best ways to starch cobweb lace into shape for a hair bow and I think I stopped listening at the end there. Sorry. What did they do now?" 
Oh, little Dizzy. Never change. 
Mal puts down her spoon, and actually swallows her mouthful of cereal, instead of talking with her mouth open and full, because despite her insinuations otherwise she is aware that it's a disgusting habit and Evie hates it. "Do they talk, Diz? Because from where we are, it looks like they've been here for a week, and the only people we've seen them talk to is each other." 
They do talk!" Dizzy says quickly, putting down her own spoon as well. "Just. Not to other people." 
Great. Perfect. They'll have a great time explaining that one to Fairy Godmother. Their new kids, who are supposed to be a hand-picked selection of model citizens, fresh from the ferocious claws of Harriet Hook herself, only talk to each other. That'll go over great, Mal's sure of it. Nothing at all to make FG absolutely nutty there. 
Still. Mal's old and wise now, and the twins' issues aren't Dizzy's fault. 
"Do they talk to you, Diz?" she asks, trying to emulate Evie's sweet tone. "We thought maybe they like you better than us."
Dizzy frowns. Her whole face scrunches up when she does it. It's cute, but it's also a reminder that they have got to get that girl a new pair of glasses that aren't so broken they're falling off her face. Maybe there's a special Auradon glasses store out there somewhere, where they'll be able to achieve one of Evie's lifelong dreams and get glasses that are actually cute and functional for Dizzy. 
And maybe sheep will fly, and the twins will start talking, and they'll all get a pony. 
Dizzy pushes her glasses back up her nose with a practiced flick of her fingers. "Well, no. They used to talk to me more, but...  Evie, do we have to talk about it?" 
"We want to make sure they can communicate with us, Diz."
Dizzy sighs. Her sharp little elbows are resting on the table, which is another thing they're going to have to train her out of before the fall. Fairy Godmother is nuts about table manners. "They used to talk more, but there was a fight in March between Hook's crew and Harriet's crew, and it got so loud that a bunch of the unaffiliated pirates decided it was their problem to shut them all up before they all started burning buildings again, so they stepped in with their swords, which were fresh out of Gaston's fight club, the one he fired Gil from, remember?" 
"I remember.” 
Spirits bolstered by the acknowledgement, Dizzy nods, and flicks her glasses up her nose again. "So their swords were really sharp, and Mister Smee, he's the one who always tries to step between pirates and talk them down when they're getting loud, because he knows how mean the neighborhood is. But this time, the unaffiliated gang didn't let him get a word in, and they--" She stops. "Do I have to say it? I don't want to remember." 
Mal looks to Evie, who shrugs, and looks back to Dizzy again. They're not really equipped to deal with something so bad that even Dizzy won't talk about it, but if they don't know what they're dealing with, they're not going to be able to make a plan of action. "You can summarize."
"They made him into meat." Dizzy says bluntly, shuddering. "It was awful. Like sausages were spilling out of him, only it was just guts, and I had to go wash the blood off the front steps after, because Harriet dragged him out and brought him to the house, because she knows that Anthony keeps a guts needle in the house, and the twins were there when they were stitching him back up, and I don't think they saw everything that happened, but they were there when-- when he started dying for real, and I think that's when they stopped talking to other people." 
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shellyseashell · 1 year
descendants au where the core four plus some others are sent to auradon. they all have the same plan (get the other vks off the isle) but go about it in wildly different ways. there is no communication among them. (also they have foster families but that’s besides the point)
mal, being maleficent’s daughter (2014 maleficent) is a protector. and not above cursing people to get her way. she’s staying with mulan and shang, so maybe she learns a less violent way to protect people, but it’s also enforced in her to do what’s right. while she’s encouraged to just try to fit in, she knows from her mother that sometimes you can’t blend in. currently, her plan is to intimidate ben into listening to her. it may or may not be working.
evie is also not above cursing people, though she prefers to charm them first. or manipulate them. staying with snow white doesn’t help at all, surprisingly. though maybe she stops caring about her looks so much. anyway, she’s a healer, so with every chance she gets she’s ranting to whoever will listen about how bad healthcare is on the isle. it may get disgusting sometimes, but hey, it’s working. ben insisted they send better medicine on the next boat.
jay has magic, because jafar was a sorcerer when he was sent to the isle. with the barrier, he may not be at his full potential, but hey, it’s there. now, jafars scepter is in auradon. jafar tells jay to steal it and sure, okay, he’ll do it, if only so his father will feed him should the whole thing not work out and they’re all sent back to the isle. but then he realizes the scepter would give him more power, and jafar is always lamenting that he’ll never be as powerful as he was. so jay decides to steal it to prove he can be that powerful, and with that power he can liberate the isle. also, he’s staying with aladdin and jasmine. aladdin knows exactly what kind of person jay is, because he was him once too. he guesses jays plan within minutes of meeting him. he says nothing, but when jay is inevitably caught, he makes sure he’s not sent back to the isle.
carlos is happy to just not be his mothers servant, but given he’s staying with cinderella, that’s enough for her to fight for other kids to get off the isle.
isidora, my oc, is the daughter of the queen of hearts/red queen, since i base my headcanons off the live action. anyway, she couldn’t careless about auradon. she doesn’t care about the isle much either. this isn’t because she doesn’t want others off the isle — she does — but her mother is having an affair with time himself, so she knows things will happen when they happen. even if that means she has to bully time into helping her. what she does care about is how many places in wonderland could be turned into homes. she doesn’t exactly have much of a gang, but she does know carlos, and through him she has connections with mal, and mal has a lot of connections, as one of the main leaders of the isle (kinda want to call that alliance the triumvirate tbh). her personal goal may be not getting beheaded by her own mother and working the salon, but she has a sister to look out for, and mal may call on her resources one day. also, she’s staying with alice in wonderland, and let’s just say she fits right in.
claudine was invited off the isle, but she was also smuggled off so her father wouldn’t find out. she’s honestly just happy to be away from him, but she’s also part of the lost revenge, and uma is her captain. technically uma’s orders were to not forget about them, but claudine interpreted that as “get us out of here, if you can”. so she gets close to ben, makes sure he knows exactly what happens to vks. as one of the isle kids with the worst home lives, who better to inform him? her foster family, the de chateaupers, support her on the basis of she exists, and if frollo of all people was allowed to raise another kid, who else was?
how do these plots collide? i don’t actually know yet, except that that’s not all that’s going on, and the isle becomes a war ground at some point.
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Dead Beauty AU (Chapter seven!!)
In other words, about 3k words of everyone’s favourite de Vil cousins accomplishing exactly nothing.
They got to the garden slowly, walking at leisurely pace – no need to rush, really, since it’ll take some time for Carlos to get there, anyway. On unrelated note, Ivy has scraped up her knee; she was sliding on the railing by the stairs, as she just didn’t feel like dealing with the stairs today, not in her high heels at least.
The blood just adds to the aesthetic anyway.
And the bruise can be a future her problem.
She abruptly stops right in front of the lawn, if it can be called that, really: Overgrown weed sharp enough to cut skin, thorny bushes, some vaguely leafy stuff that she’s pretty sure she saw one of the Mims harvesting at some point.
It occurs to her that they should have demanded a payment for that, or at least a discount in the Apothecary.
Diego finally stops too, already halfway through the miserable parody of a lawn, and glares at them.
Ivy glares back and loses her balance a bit; she holds onto Claudine as she removes her heels.
She’s not walking on grass in heels, who do you think she is?!
She holds Claudine’s hand in one hand and her shoes in the other when she steps into the garden.
The ground feels weird under her bare feet, all squishy and muddy in all the wrong ways; she frowns and drops the shoes, as she has just decided they’re too much trouble anyway.
Neither Claudine nor Diego pick them up.
Besides, the gate just creaked. They should probably do something about that, it’s giving her a headache – then again, it does work like a rather effective alarm system, and making it shut up would just be entirely too much work.
And really, soon, they join them: Carlos and the Badun kids, who just as quickly leave with a very rude „try not to die,“ to which Ivy pays no mind.
„Carlito!“ she lets go of Claudine and stumbles over to her baby cousin – the long stems of grass were maliciously weaving in between her legs, yeah?
Carlos catches her before she can fall and she holds onto his shoulders and gives him a greeting kiss on the cheek – she needs to stand on her tiptoes for that, now!
Her baby cousin grew so much since she saw him–
Somewhere back in her mind, she recognises that might have something to do with the access to actual food and the distinct lack of Cruella that there is in Auradon.
Larger part of her doesn’t really care right now.
„How are you?“ she takes a step back, remembering his disdain for casual touch; she steps into Claudine again. Neat.
„Why didn’t you visit us?“
„Yeah,“ Diego says, trying his best not to sound angry, „Why didn’t you at least tell us you are back?“ He then proceeds to hug Carlos and almost lift him off the ground, by which Carlos is entirely unamused. Ivy smiles.
„Hi,“ adds Claudine with an honestly impressive amount of indifference. Ivy gives her a kiss on the cheek.
„What the fuck–“ mutters Carlos and Diego just cackles, that bastard.
„Rude,“ comments Claudine towards both of them, Ivy pressumes.
„You know what’s also rude?“ answers another voice, high and already grating on her nerves. When she looks around, she sees no one else who could be talking. Weird. „Ignoring me! No one has greeted me yet!“
Ivy thinks she has managed to locate whoever spoke, but– it’s some mangy thing, a dog barely big enough to make a fur hat from, not that Ivy would wear a fur hat. Why, that thing was not even fashionable in the sixties!
She shakes her head and looks around to find the annoying Isle rat that made the mistake of trying to prank the de Vils; she sees Diego and Claudine gaping at the dog; Carlos shaking his head at it all.
„Really, Dude?“ he sighs, „I told you not to come with me!“
Wait a fucking minute.
„That thing’s real?!“ Ivy shrieks and staggers backwards, „That dog’s fucking talking?!“
Claudine grips her arm hard enough to bruise and searches for a knife; Ivy steps in between the– the <i>thing</i> and Claudine.
„Not for long,“ says Diego with deceiving calmness, finally breaking from his own surprise, „I’m gonna get the gun.“
He turns around mechanically and walks back towards the Hell Hall; when he glances back, Ivy thinks his eyes are not quite there.
„Wait!“ whisper–yells Carlos after him, „That’s just Dude – I mean, my dog! Don’t– don’t hurt him!“
Oh, hurt it– They’ll merely be putting that thing out of its misery.
Silver gleams through the dull Isle air, a yelp of pain or maybe just surprise: there’s a knife in the ground where the dog’s head was just a moment ago.
And neither Ivy nor Claudine have any other weapon.
Carlos picks the <i>still fucking talking</i> dog up and mutters calming nothings to it; Claudine clutches Ivy’s arm harder, clearly distressed. Yeah, that’s definitely gonna bruise.
„Ivy it’s– it’s talking, it’s talking it must be possessed or–“ Claudine hisses and holds on tighter yet, „Ivy, the Lord has decided. This is the end–“
She descends into what Ivy can only presume is a prayer and still doesn’t let go; Ivy brushes her fingers over hers. Just – please, she’s a de Vil. She’s <i>so</i> not dying by some talking dog.
„No end, love,“ she tells her, „Diego’s getting the gun and then you can get perhaps gloves from this thing, or anything. We’re de Vils, remember?“
„And you’re not killing my dog,“ butts in Carlos, as if anyone asked him. „There’s this neat thing called breaking the generational cycle of expectations,“ he informs her and, again, Ivy doesn’t fucking care.
She turns her back to Carlos.
„Honestly, Ives, you’re doing this on purpose.“
Well, duh.
If he didn’t get too smart in Auradon, that little shit – oh, who is he kidding. He always had too sharp tongue for his own good. Usually, it was more amusing.
„If you’re just gonna sulk the whole time, I’m gonna leave.“
Well, that seems like his problem, if he won’t hear about the boy king, then. 
Ivy tried.
„Say hi to Diego for me.“
She doesn’t think she will – oh, who is she kidding. They’re her cousins. She turns around again, to see Carlos honestly very reluctantly backing away. She almost smiles at that – It goes both ways. They’re family.
„Where do you think you are going?“ interrupts Diego. He is really good at that. 
Claudine finally shuts up and loosens her grip, her fingers pale, bloodless. Ivy rubs them with her own.
„Ives,“ Diego turns at her, „The gun is gone.“
Carlos stops now that he assumes no danger for his poor excuse of a dog and Ivy starts laughing.
Oh, just– „This is too good!“ she cackles, „Harry Hook must have nicked it – don’t you think, Claudine?“ Claudine just hisses. She doesn’t particularly like Harry.
Diego answers with something like „Dear god in the fucking Heaven, why–“ and Claudine hisses again. Ivy doesn’t see the problem – the Hooks with a gun is going to get oh so entertaining– She doesn’t stop laughing.
„Also, I think Auntie heard me,“ adds Diego, „So we better get going.“ He motions at the tree house.
Ivy makes a long face as they start moving and Carlos asks: „Why was Harry Hook here?“
„Curiosity killed the cat,“ she bitches at her darling cousin, „Or that dog, or whatever that is.“
Carlos doesn’t dignify that with a response. Diego unfortunately does: „Oh, you know. They were just trying to poison one another. Or fuck one another. I’m not sure.“
Claudine flings the lighter at his head. Lovely.
„Go get, that, sweetheart,“ Ivy nudges her, because, lighter, you see, „And you go fuck yourself, Diego.“
„Oh, don’t worry about me, Ivana.“
„You know what, Claudine, you can just throw that at him again. Or light him on fire.“
„You can certainly try.“
Claudine walks over to Ivy though, pulling her close, which is good for closely unspecified reasons, and instead eyes the dog, which would probably burn way better than Diego anyway. Carlos clutches the dog closer and hisses something like „One fucking conversation,“ and Ivy has no idea what he means, really.
She turns up her nose as she motions for him to start climbing up; she grabs the rope ladder after him.
„If you fall, I’m not catching you, Ivana,“ Diego informs her. That doesn’t sound like her problem.
She puts both of her feet at the ladder and gasps out in surprise when the thing swings; the partitions dig harshly into her bare feet.
„I’m not falling,“ she growls through her teeth.
„Yeah, sure.“
„…Why would she fall?“ asks Carlos, already mostly up, and didn’t she just tell him curiosity killed the cat? Honestly.
„Oh, I don’t know– Might be the poison. Might be the alcohol. Or Auntie’s sleeping pills,“ Diego says obnoxiously, and all of these are absolutely fine, Ivy will let you know. Just a little something to get her by. She giggles.
„For good– Holly hell, Ivy! Get down right this second, we can talk somewhere else!“ Oh, look, now her baby cousin has the audacity to pretend he looks after her. Well, fuck that.
Ivy laughs more and starts climbing up, ignoring both his protests and the way the rope burns at her hands. She just hopes her nails don’t get damaged from this escapade, that’d be a shame.
„Are you okay?“ he asks when he helps her climb into the treehouse, and why wouldn’t she be? She just laughs more.
„…Yeah, I think I’m gonna take that as a no.“ Always so clever, this baby cousin of hers.
She moves away from the trapdoor so Claudine and Diego could follow after them and asks:
„Me– What about you, Carlos? How’s Auradon treating you?“
He bites his lip, trying to find his words, and meanwhile, Claudine climbs in, very unhappy with the whole ordeal and rubbing at her hands. Ivy pulls her close and settles down, gives her the lighter so she wouldn’t just run her fingers raw.
Diego’s in now, too, finally, and:
„He must be bored in Auradon, Ivy,“ he teases, „For that to happen.“ He motions at the dog.
Speaking of which, Ivy would like to know if all dogs in Auradon talk, or just those that have the misfortune of meeting the de Vil family.
„That’s Dude,“ repeats Carlos, „He’s my friend.“
„And it’s talking,“ points out Ivy, eyeing it warily. Claudine runs her fingers too close to the flame and starts muttering prayers into her skin.
„Yes, because– well because me and Mal– Because Jane–“
Ivy perks up at the unfamiliar name, as does Diego. 
„Who is Jane?“
A distinct blush creeps into Carlos’ cheeks as he stammers the most unconvincing „No one!“ Ivy has ever heard.
„Come on, Carlito,“ she coos at him, „Who is Jane? Is she someone special?“ She threads her fingers through Claudine’s hair, just because she can.
„Come on, little man!“ adds on Diego, „Tell us! Maybe we can help you!“
Now, Ivy doesn’t beg, just– relationship drama, you see.
„I– fine,“ Carlos allows, still blushing, „Jane is a girl I… <i>fancy</i>,“ he frowns at the unfamiliar Auradonian word, „Fairy Godmother’s daughter.“
Oh, yes, relationship drama and also – Carlos’ first crush! Ivy squeaks and Diego whistles; Claudine flinches at the sound.
„And I… I kinda… sorta…“
„He’s a coward!“ jumps in the <i>rude</i> talking dog. No one asked him. It’s only fair Claudine throws the coincidentally still lit lighter at it.
Ivy and Diego laugh as Carlos scrambles after it and:
„Yes! Yes, we can most certainly help with that.“
„How does I can’t talk to a girl become there is now a hellish abomination of a talking dog?“ asks Claudine, extending her hand to get the lighter back, and, yeah, reasonable question, actually.
„Hey!“ barks out the demon-dog. Everybody ignores it.
„Yeah,“ Ivy prods at her cousin and snatches the lighter, which he doesn’t want to give back, for some reason, „How did that happen? Nearly gave me heart attack.“
Well, not really, but close enough.
„It’s lucky we don’t have the gun and I don’t wanna dirty my knives,“ adds Diego, running his fingertips over one of his blades, which looks fun. The fire is better though.
„I– Diego, no. Dude is mine,“ says Carlos, focusing on the incorrect part of this situation.
„Yeah, too late to kill him now anyway.“
Ivy looks at Claudine and at then at the dog: „Is it though?“ She wonders if Claudine will be more upset by the dog’s continual survival or Carlos by its death. „I suppose it’s much too ugly to be of use anyway.“
„Hey! I’m very pretty!“ protests the fucking animal and Ivy catches Claudine’s hand to stop her from throwing the lighter again.
„Shut up, Dude,“ sighs Carlos, „This is a good thing.“
„It’s not!“
That thing just <i>wants to</i> die.
And still, how is it talking anyway?
„Anyway,“ Carlos grabs his dog around the muzzle to shut it up, fucking finally, „Mal kinda gave me a truth gummy so I’d finally tell Jane what I feel to her, but this menace ate it first, so. Talking dog.“
Ivy cackles again: „Oh, you <i>do</i> need help!“
Diego is too busy gaping to agree with her, what a shame.
„Pray tell, did you take her at any romantic outings yet?“
„Like what,“ deadpans Carlos. Doesn’t seem like he appreciates her gracious help at all.
„…Midnight graveyard?“ she offers.
„Oh, good idea,“ says Diego, finally getting his head into the conversation, „It’s gonna be cold, you can offer her your jacket.“
„Oh, how romantic!“ Ivy clasps her hands, „Midnight graveyard, only the two of you… and the dead body you’re getting rid off. Just take a jacket you wouldn’t mind getting dirty or not getting back from her.“
(„The body we’re getting rid of?!“ mouths Carlos silently and, well, obviously. Nothing bonds people like getting rid of a body together, Ivy would know. She absentmindedly catches one of Claudine’s hands and brings it to her lips.)
„Oh, yes,“ nods Diego, „Nothing brings two people close like getting rid of a body together.“
See? Diego agrees!
„Torture also works.“
Ivy looks at him, almost asking „You and who?“ before deciding that she can ask that whenever and to focus on baby Carlos instead. She leans her head down on Claudine’s shoulder as she says: „Or arson. Good for the cold, too.“
Ivy might be just a little too jealous of her jackets and coats.
„Of course you’d say that.“
„Fuck off.“
Ivy just shows him the middle finger; she thinks Carlos is just too shocked to intervene. By how great their suggestions are, of course.
„Also, did you try getting rid of her parent yet?“
There is no underlying motive behind this suggestion of Diego’s, Ivy is so sure. She grins wickedly:
„Have you tried stealing anything for her yet? Jewelry? Designer tiaras? The wand – she seemed pretty hung up on that, didn’t she?“
„Ivy! She’s not– she’s not like that!“
Well, too bad.
„If you don’t like that, murder is always an option.“
„Yeah, what girl could resist when such a handsome young man kills someone for her?“
„…Guys. Guys. I don’t know how to tell you. All of these are illegal,“ says Carlos and, honestly, seems to Ivy he’s just being a kill joy. She slides down, laying her head in Claudine’s lap, and takes the lighter from her to play with it herself.
„…Fight for her hand at a grand tournay the king hosts in her honour?“ offers Diego.
„That’s not real,“ sighs Carlos again. Ivy yawns. He just isn’t putting his heart in it, you see.
„Kill a dragon for her?“
„You sure you are not stealing the wand?“ 
„Dunno, then, wait till she’s comatose and kiss her awake with a true love’s kiss.“
„Arrange for an accident so she falls comatose faster,“ advises Ivy. And Diego keeps telling her she’s not practical, honestly.
„Diego! Ivy!“ cries out Carlos, „I’m not doing any of that!“
Well, too bad.
Ivy closes her eyes; Claudine is running her fingers through her hair. It’s nice.
„Sing her a love ballad then,“ says Diego, as his last ditch attempt, presumably.
„That’s…Not illegal. And not that terrible idea.“
Ivy raises her hand for Diego to high five.
„Still not doing that though.“
Diego high fives her anyway.
„Oh, by the way,“ Ivy decides she should probably tell Carlos about the whole hostage situation now, before she falls asleep, „The Hooks have the king. They want ransom.“
Carlos jumps to his feet:
„The Hooks– What?!“ he shouts in surprise and Ivy grimaces at the volume. Her head hurts. „Ivy, couldn’t you have led with that?!“
„Geez, chill a bit,“ she complains, „It’s just a hostage situation.“
She wants to sleep.
„It’s not like Harriet will have him killed while she can get something in exchange for him,“ adds Diego helpfully.
„Yeah, they could just kill him on accident,“ adds Claudine way less helpfully.
„Shush,“ advises her Ivy. Little lethal accident, who cares? Just adds thrill to life.
„Fucking hell, I can’t believe you guys,“ grumbles Carlos. Well, he’s welcome to go check. She’s sure the Hooks will be all to pleased at him showing up with bare hands. „What do they want?“
„Oh, just the usual,“ she yawns, „Alcohol. Like, obscene amounts of money. A functional remote to the Barrier.“
„Wha– nevermind,“ Carlos shakes his head, „How much money?“
And, you see, Ivy isn’t actually sure. You’ll have to forgive her, with everything else that has been going on.
„Claudine?“ she says instead.
Claudine lists a number and Diego whistles; Carlos just curses again and mutters something about their general insanity, as if that was anything new.
„I’m pretty sure Harry made up the number on the spot, though,“ adds Claudine, shaking her head. Her hair fall into Ivy’s face and she sputters. „Sorry.“
„I– I–,“ Carlos, and thankfully the dog too, are at the loss of words. Neat. „I’m gonna go tell Mal, I suppose.“
He sounds about as enthusiastic about it Claudine does when she offers to take her to the Tremaine salon, that is, like he would rather have his teeth pulled. Mood.
„You do that,“ Ivy waves him away. She is tired and he refuses to take any reasonable advice with that Jane girl anyway. Speaking of which:
„Hey, bring Janey a gift while you’re here. Maybe something from the Mims, or the Faciliers. She’s magic, isn’t she?“
„I–“ He just shakes his head at her before crouching down to the trapdoor, „Lovely seeing, you, Ivy, Diego.“
She blows him a lazy kiss.
„Wait, I’m gonna go with you,“ Diego stands up too, and, well, that doesn‘t seem like her problem.
She wonders if she wants to fall asleep here or try to get to her bed first.
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worldbuilder-brainrot · 6 months
PE AU: Scene 25-27
Scene 25:
Mal: “Okay, we all know what this looks like.” She refers to a picture of Fairy Godmother’s wand. “So it’ll be up on the dais under the beast’s spell jar, and we’ll be coming in from here.” She gestures to other papers with diagrams on them. “Evie will be in the very front. The rest of us will be up in the balcony. Okay?” She can tell they’d rather not be talking about this, but she needs to know they’ve got the plan down. “Carlos?”
Carlos: “Okay, so I’ll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand.” He remembers his part.
Mal: “Perfect. Jay?”
Jay: “I’ll use this on the driver.” He lazily lifts a spray bottle with light blue liquid off the table. “‘Two sprays and he’ll be out like a light.’”
Mal: “Exactly. Evie?”
Evie: “I’ll grab the wand and use it to teleport myself to you, then you’ll use it to get us to Carlos and Jay.”
Mal: “Right.” She slowly sits down, her cue that they can stop talking about this since they obviously want to.
Jay takes the chance to go to bed, and then so does Carlos. Evie is about to leave too, but notices the “How to Break a Love Spell” page Mal is reading.
Evie: “M?” She sits down so they can talk. “You want to break Ben’s love spell?” She’s not against it, just… didn’t know it was part of the plan.
Mal: “Uh… I… thought you’d want me to… I mean, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot, and kick everyone out of their castles, and imprison their leaders, and destroy all that is good and beautiful… Do you still want Ben to be in love with you?”
Evie: “No.” She’s quick to say.
Mal: “Right. So, I’ll work on this now.”
Evie: “M?” She stops her from getting up yet. “… Would the spell work on me?” She whispers.
Mal: “You… You’re in love with Ben—?”
Evie: “No.” She corrects her. “Not Ben.” She can’t make eye contact with Mal, but Mal knows exactly who she’s referring to.
Mal: “… I’ll see what I can find.”
[Jay deserves something to do, okay? Plus, Evie won’t be knocking out the driver anymore, so it’s a sensible change. (And, as a sticky-fingered thief, Jay is a master of discreetly hiding objects in his clothes. Including bulky spray bottles in stiff leather.)
In my defense, the end wasn’t supposed to be that heartbreaking. But then I thought of it…]
Scene 26 (“If Only” reprise) is all the same.
Scene 27:
The introduction to Family Day is all the same. The cameraman stuff is still happening.
Ben: “Oh, by the way, I was wondering if my friends can join us for lunch.”
Adam: “You’ve never asked if Audrey and Chad could join us before.” He’s teasing, but also curious if Ben is up to something.
Ben: “Not them.” He says too quickly. “I mean, they’re new friends.”
Adam: “Did something happen to Chad and Audrey?”
Belle: “It’s okay. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She gives him an out from what she assumes is a loaded question.
Ben: “No, I wanted to tell you anyway, just… haven’t had the time. Um… I broke up with Audrey. And now she and Chad are together.”
Belle and Adam share a look.
Belle: “We’re sorry, dear. I know you three have been friends since you were just babies, but, um… There’s nothing wrong with finding new friends as you grow up. And we’d love to meet the ones you’ve found.”
Adam: “Right.” He smiles encouragingly. “And do we already know them?” He’s just curious.
Ben: “Um… Kinda. I’ll go grab them.” He starts to turn around.
Adam: “Oh, wait! How about a game of croquet before lunch?” He smiles playfully, competitiveness flashing in his eyes, and Ben responds the same.
Ben: “Game on.” He reaches out to fist bump him, their little pre-game ritual.
Adam: “Game on.”
Ben snaps out of it long enough to nervously look between his parents.
Ben: “You promise you’ll be okay with them?”
Belle: “Ben, if they’re not royalty, that’s okay. I wasn’t either.”
Ben: “… Alright, then. Be right back.”
Belle and Adam watch as he walks up to… the VKs…
Belle: “He might just be talking to them.”
Adam: “They’re walking over here… Do we tell him he’s insane?”
Belle: “No. No.” She says to herself as much as to him. “We’ll just… observe first, and then, based on what we see, we’ll tell him our… informed opinion.”
Ben approaches with the VKs behind him.
Ben: “Mom, Dad? This is Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie.”
Mal and Evie curtsey (Mal being a bit wobbly) and Jay and Carlos bow (Jay being extra).
Adam and Belle: “Hi.” They awkwardly greet (Adam sounding slightly suspicious).
Ben: “Uh… So, have you all played croquet before?”
Carlos shakes his head confusedly and Mal and Jay eye him like they think he’s making it up.
Evie: “Um… We’re willing to learn.”
Ben: “Great.” He looks to his parents, who nod as a sign they can go.
Ben leads them away and his parents let themselves fall behind out of earshot.
Adam: “Why are we humoring this?”
Belle: “He’s going to be king soon, we should be supportive. Besides, they haven’t done anything wrong. They seem nice.”
Adam: “… I can admit they’re better behaved than I was. There would’ve been a lot more huffing and yelling.”
Belle: “Exactly.” She chuckles, a little more certain of her own advice.
They begin their game of croquet and everyone’s having fun when Leah curiously approaches Mal.
Leah: “Hello there.”
Mal: “Hi.”
Leah: “Now, have we met?”
Mal: “No, I don’t think so. I’m new. I’m sort of like a… transfer student.”
Leah: “Oh, yes.”
Audrey comes over then.
Audrey: “Grammy.” She greets her.
Leah: “Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear.”
Mal: “‘Grammy’?” Mal starts to realize who she’s talking to.
Audrey: “Sleeping Beauty’s mother.” Just as Mal hoped not. “Grammy, I don’t think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap.”
Leah: “What?” She takes another look at Mal and realizes why she thought she recognized her. “You!” She panics, drawing the attention of everyone around. “How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?”
Ben hurries to mitigate the situation.
Ben: “Queen Leah, it’s okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don’t you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?”
Leah: “A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?” She turns to the people who have gathered, focusing on Fairy Godmother right behind her. “Come on, you remember, don’t you? The poison apples.” Fairy Godmother steps forward, attempting to reassure her, but then she turns back to Ben. “And the spells.” She looks at Mal, repeating herself in a whisper. “Spells.” Her volume raises again. “My daughter… was raised by fairies because of your mother’s curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!” Getting too emotional, she turns back to Fairy Godmother. “You mustn’t trust her.” She pleads.
Mal knew what her mother did, but seeing its effect firsthand makes her aware of the damage that evil does.
Mal: “I’m so sor…” She reaches out.
Chad: “Go away!” Chad blocks her. “Stay away from her.”
Ben: “Don’t do this, Chad.” He warns.
Chad: “What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play?” He turns back to address the people around them. “No way, okay?” He turns back to Ben. “Uh-uh.” He turns to Mal. “You’re a vandal and manipulate people with magic.” Mal lets out a dry laugh, pretty sure he’s making up the second accusation, but cuts it short when she remembers it is what she did to Ben (and Evie by extension). But Chad wouldn’t know that, so she masks her emotions with an angry glare.
Ben: “Hey– Hey!” Ben aggressively steps toward him, but Chad just steps aside to point at Jay.
Chad: “You enjoy hurting people.” Jay is genuinely bothered by that and Evie takes notice. “And you,” he scoffs at Evie (she’s only distracted from her concern for Jay out of worry that “you” is directed at Carlos), “you stole another girl’s boyfriend. You’re nothing but a gold digger and a cheater.”
He smugly looks at Doug, who’s scowling.
Doug: “She is not.” He’s not yelling, but his voice is just as firm and clear.
Chad starts to turn towards Doug and Evie steps in to prevent another one of her friends from getting hurt.
Evie: “Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who’s the biggest jerk in the land?” She steps forward as it shows Chad’s face. And not as a reflection.
Insulted, he shouts at her and slaps her hand, knocking her off balance. Doug runs forward to catch her while Jay shoves Chad back and yells at him, but Ben steps in between them. Jay backs off, but Chad is still trying to fight past Ben, so Evie asks Jay for the spray bottle and sprays Chad to knock him out, the sight triggering Leah’s memories of her sleeping daughter, making her faint too.
Though her hurt is emotional, it still sends Jay reeling into thoughts about Chad’s accusation and Mal is stuck staring in horror at the sudden understanding of the power her mother wants to gain back.
Chad and Leah are each caught by one of the guards who approached when the commotion first started. Evie panics now that she’s noticing the guards and pulls Mal away with her. She gestures for Carlos (who’d already started backing away from them) to follow her and calls to Jay to snap him out of his daze, and they all run off.
Doug watches sadly, knowing it’s probably best they get a break from all this, but it’s not fair they had to leave.
Ben: “Guys!” He calls after them, but he knows getting them to stay is futile.
Once Chad wakes up and they know he’ll be okay, Adam finally speaks.
Adam: “I feared something like this would happen.”
Ben: “This isn’t their fault!” He protests.
Adam: “No, son. It’s not.”
Doug watches the way Ben’s shoulders slump and the way Adam won’t look at his son.
Doug: “You can’t seriously be blaming him! Chad instigated this whole mess!”
Belle: “No!” She insists. “He’s not—! Are you…?”
Adam: “No! Of course not! I just… I don’t think the kingdom was ready for this…” He walks away and Belle goes with him.
As everyone else around watches with a mix of pity and secondhand awkwardness, Doug puts a supportive hand on Ben’s shoulder and Ben offers him a strained smile in gratitude.
[With Ben being free from the love spell, he doesn’t introduce his “girlfriend”, but he does still want to hang out with a certain VK and for his parents to meet her.
The Queen Leah scene is basically the same, but it’s an important scene, so I kept it all in so no one would have to rewatch the movie to remember how one scene got to the next.
Chad’s accusations had to be changed since Mal is no longer the one to “steal another girl’s boyfriend.” Honestly, I like how it worked out that it shows Ben caring most about Mal (not that he only cares about Mal; just, from Auradon Prep’s perspective, you would think he would come to his girlfriend’s side).
Of course I had Doug support Evie here; he should’ve done so in canon!
(I was going to have Chad accuse Carlos of planning to turn Dude into a coat, but then I realized that, in Chad’s mind, Carlos hasn’t personally slighted him, and Chad is the type to thus view Carlos as irrelevant. And with that realization, I almost took out Mal’s accusations too, but I think Audrey talking in his ear influenced him to bring up her locker graffiti and stretch the truth about the nature of her hair spells.)
Adam did Ben so dirty in this scene. Like, Ben made so many mistakes before and after this moment, but this was 100% Chad’s fault (sure, Leah “started it”, but he was the escalator).
This is where the “idyllic” use of “romantic” comes into play: The VKs are finding a better (an ideal) life in Auradon and learning about being good (the ideal way people should treat each other) from the Auradonians. How the Auradonians act should reflect that, and a place with people that blame Ben (and the VKs) for what Chad did, is not better (except in stuff) or good. (But this explanation section is getting long, so I’ll get more into this after the next scene.)]
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telli1206 · 3 years
(Per our discussion 😘) It's summer, but Carlos tends to layer up. He falls asleep after a long day out while Jay's in the shower or something, so Jay decides to tuck him in like that and go to bed, but then Carlos starts getting wiggly b/c he's way overheated btwn. his clothes, the blankets, and Jay being a human furnace, so Jay tries to wake him up to get him to strip down so they can both be in peace, but Carlos doesn't wake up and Jay thinks he's faking, so he starts to help things along. 😉
Finally getting the inspo to write this one @hersilentlanguage​, so I hope it was worth the wait 😁
WARNING: Mild smut with sexual implications
Jay grunts and jolts suddenly from the feel of a sharp pain under his arm. He blinks furiously to coax the sleep out of his eyes, the fog in his brain too deep to even register what’s happening.
Not that he really needs to, he kind of already knows what’s going on. It’s always the same person who’s to blame for his shittiest nights of sleep.
Jay should be angry. Fuck, he has every right to be. Is there anything worse than being ripped from a deep sleep by a physical attack? He can’t think of anything. Still, he just sighs and rubs at his side. If he didn’t love the boy so damn much, there’d be nothing stopping him from grabbing him and just chucking him off the bed. And yet...
Auradon may have made him soft, just a little bit. But he’s pretty sure Carlos Oscar De Vil was already well on his way to turning Jay into a teddy bear anyway.
He reaches for the culprit of his pain, managing to curl his fingers around a sock-covered foot before another jab has him wincing and scooting back, positioning himself away from another attack.
“Fuck, ‘Los,” he moans, still gripping tightly to his boyfriend’s foot. “You can be a little shit, you know that?”
Carlos starts to mumble unintelligibly, his nose scrunching adorably as the utter nonsensicals spill from his lips. He’s moving as he tries to talk, his body shifting and wriggling it’s way up the bed, jerking out of Jay’s grasp. He kicks up Jay’s side, bit by bit, scurrying his lithe body upwards until it lands flat and flush against their headboard.
Jay sighs, watching as Carlos finally settles just above his head. His new position on the hard wood of their headboard looks terribly uncomfortable, and Carlos must subconsciously agree as he clearly continues to squirm, batting Jay repeatedly on top of his head with the billow of his sleeve in the process.
“Carlos!” Jay tries again, his voice hushed but firm. He grabs at the sleeve in his face and tugs, but Carlos simply rolls the other way, pressing his body onto the wood with a discontented hum.
Jay huffs as he props himself up on his forearms and turns fully to face Carlos. His plans of going to sleep at the moment have gone to shit, so he may as well try to get Carlos situated again. His best shot at a proper night’s sleep anyway is when he’s wrapped around his favorite warm body, his face pressed into Carlos’ soft expanse of white curls.
So he’s doing this for both of them, really.
Jay carefully snakes an arm under Carlos, moving slowly to keep from jostling him too much and potentially waking him. Once he can reach, he wraps both arms around Carlos and pulls him into his chest, holding him tightly and remaining as motionless as possible, hopeful that the few movements aren’t enough to cause him to stir.
To Jay’s surprise, Carlos hardly startles. Actually, he hardly moves at all. Definitely not what he expected.
He decides to loosen his grip to check on Carlos, and Carlos surprises Jay again by spinning slowly to face him. Though his eyes are pinched closed, Jay can still hear his soft mumblings, coming and going lightly with each breath.
“‘Los?” Jay leans in closer, pressing their foreheads together as he tries to focus on his boyfriend’s words.
Carlos moans at the contact and pushes in even closer so they’re practically cheek to cheek. He’s slick with sweat, and Jay can feel the dampness and heat radiating off of him. Jay reaches over to cup Carlos’ cheek, running his fingers gingerly over the moist skin.
“Fuck, I’m sorry pup,” he sighs, pulling back. “I shouldn’t have let you sleep in all this shit. It’s way too hot.” He thumbs at the zipper of Carlos’ hoodie with one hand while his other moves to Carlos’ head, gently pushing his red beanie back until it slides off and drops behind them and onto the floor.
Despite today being sunny and warm, Carlos had opted to layer up his clothing as usual, throwing Jay’s hoodie and beanie on over his shorts and t-shirt. It’s a habit that Carlos just can’t seem to shake. But, after years of Carlos feeling that he needs to hide...both his imperfections and his existence as a whole, no one had really expected for him to change that overnight.
Besides, Jay is more than happy to see Carlos wearing his clothes. He doesn’t want to look possessive, but, he really is. Especially when it comes to Carlos. He’s been dying to claim the cute freckled boy since they met, and it finally feels safe, normal even, to do that in Auradon. So he’ll gladly take every chance he can get to show that Carlos is...well...his.
It’s not like anyone is complaining about it anyway. Carlos is fucking adorable when he’s in clothes that are too big for him. That’s just common knowledge.
Still, Carlos overdid it with the layers today. And Jay scolds himself for being a lazy boyfriend and just dropping Carlos in bed to sleep instead of helping him change first into something less...suffocating.
He’s definitely paying for that choice now.
Carlos gasps when the beanie falls away and exposes his head to the cool air of their room. He tips his head back to shake out his matted down curls, relaxing back into Jay with a sigh of relief and resting his head on Jay’s shoulder.
“Does that feel good, pup? Do you want me to take off a little more? Cool you off?”
Jay reaches for Carlos’ zipper again, dragging it down slowly just an inch or so and then stops, waiting for Carlos’ reaction.
“Just say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Whatever you want I’ll do it. I just wanna help you sleep.”
Carlos is quiet, his head unmoving from Jay’s shoulder. Jay breathes soft and shallow, his hand still frozen at Carlos’ zipper as he listens for any type of response from him. But the silence hangs in the air for over a minute, and Jay is starting to wonder exactly how deeply his boyfriend may be sleeping.
Finally, Carlos starts to shift, moving his hips slightly to bring his body even closer to Jay’s. He drapes a leg across Jay’s waist as he tilts his head up to bring his lips to Jay’s ear. He doesn’t speak, instead choosing to kiss his way down the shell of Jay’s ear, stopping only to tug at Jay’s lobe with his teeth.
“Pupppp,” he moans, biting down hard on his lip to muffle the sound. His hands fly to Carlos’ hips, squeezing tightly as Carlos’ kissing continues its way down his jaw to his neck.
“I didn’t think undressing you would get you in the mood that easy, but I’m not gonna complain,” Jay chuckles. But his laughter fades away with his breath when Carlos bites down on the junction of his neck and starts to suck at his most sensitive spot.
Jay chokes, his mind numbing with pleasure as he starts to fumble for Carlos’ hoodie again, this time grabbing the zipper roughly and ripping it down. Carlos is still latched to his neck as he pushes the sleeves down, quickly freeing Carlos of his hoodie and dropping it to the floor to join his beanie.
When Carlos’ mouth finally detaches from Jay, he takes the opportunity to dip down and kiss over Carlos’ collarbone, letting his hands glide down Carlo’s t-shirt as he does so. When he reaches the bottom he hooks his fingers under the hem, pulling away for only a second to tug it over Carlos’ head and toss it aside.
Carlos hums his approval, his eyes still closed but his mouth spread wide in his most pleased smile. He looks utterly content when Jay starts to kiss fervently over the newly exposed freckled skin of Carlos’ chest, flushed and warm under his lips.
Jay smiles against Carlos’ shuddered breaths, his body responding almost desperately for more of Jay’s touch. And Jay is eager to please. He kisses his way down Carlos’ stomach, reaching for the button of his shorts as his mouth descends closer. Within seconds he has them unbuttoned and unzipped, and they’re off and on the ground before Carlos can react.
Not that he would. He’s already distracted himself with the skin of Jay’s neck, scraping his teeth along it and mouthing lightly at Jay’s pulse.
Jay is encouraged further by Carlos’ moans, hot and tingly against his skin. He snakes both of his hands down the back of Carlos’ boxers, grazing along skin that’s too soft, and feels too delicious against his own. He stops to  playfully squeeze at firm cheeks, as perfect and perky as he’s ever had the pleasure of touching. He peppers kisses at Carlos’ shoulder, massaging tenderly with his hands before lifting his arms to slide the material down--
“Uh. Um. J-Jay?”
Jay stills in his movements. “Yeah, Pup?”
He shifts backwards, his eyes searching for Carlos’ in the dim twilight. But when their gazes meet, Jay can feel guilt pooling in his gut.
Carlos’ eyes are wide...confused. There’s no recognition in his features at all, no indication left of the passion he and Jay were engaging in just moments ago. Jay releases his grip when he feels Carlos start to squirm, sliding his hands out of Carlos’ boxers and urging some space between their bodies.
“Are we...is th-this...”
Jay winces at the uncertainty in Carlos’ tone. His brow furrows, unable to hide his worry.
“Shit ‘Los, I’m sorry. I thought you were...I thought we were...were you not, into it? Evil, if I did something you didn’t want, I swear I didn’t mean to-”
Carlos puts a finger to Jay’s lips to end his ramblings. Jay complies, laying silent as he stares into Carlos’ deep brown eyes. They’re more alert now, but laced with softness, and they stare back at Jay with an intensity that’s making his heart constrict and his breath hitch. When the finger is dragged away from Jay’s lips, Carlos is quick to replace it with a tentative kiss, light and airy with barely a brush of contact.
Jay opens his eyes, unsure as to when he even closed them. Carlos is smiling at him now, bright and toothy and so, so beautiful. Jay silently hopes his damn eyelids didn’t deny him of this for too long. Every single one of Carlos’ smiles is his favorite thing in the world.
“Jay,” Carlos repeats, brushing his fingers across Jay’s cheek. “Are you good now? I swear, you’re too damn sweet for your own good sometimes.”
Jay blinks and blinks, his face blank as tries to understand what he thinks he heard.
Carlos shakes his head and laughs. With a swing of his hips, he flips Jay onto his back and rolls on top of him. When Carlos sits up, he’s straddling Jay’s waist and looking into surprised eyes. He smirks and flicks a finger to Jay’s chin, snapping shut his slightly agape expression.
“I thought I was dreaming, Jay. That’s all. I know you’d never mean to do anything I didn’t want to. I’d never think that. You’re so good to me.”
Jay exhales, grinning up at Carlos, who leans in for another kiss.
“Ok, thanks pup. I-”
He’s cut off by Carlos squeezing his face and pressing a kiss down firmly onto his pursed lips.
“Besides,” he mumbles against Jay’s mouth, “Who the hell would complain about waking up to their dreams coming true?”
Carlos slips his hands underneath Jay’s shirt, splaying them out as he sits back upright with a cocky grin.
“Now, can you fill me in on what we were doing? Because I’d like to continue.”
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hcppilyevercfter · 2 years
Tumblr media
name: theodore fortin (théodore if u wanna get french with it)
nickname: theo. 
age: 29 (october 27, 1795).
homeland: shadow realm. 
parents: gaston fortin.
gender: cisman (he/him).
born to a father who didn’t want him and a mother who had no means to care for her son on her own, it’s safe to say theodore had a childhood one would lament. but even if food was scarce, even if he was more accustomed to the chill in his bones than the warmth of a soft bed, he didn’t complain. he had everything he needed with his mother. she loved him and doted on him and tried as best as she could with what she had; she called him her ‘trésor’, her greatest treasure. nothing could ever part him from her.
until the cauldron war. 
olaf vc: his mother - dead. 
or on death’s door, at least. she became gravely ill and with no help from anyone else, she worsened by the day. it was then that gaston, just back from a crushing defeat at the hands of all those good in the newly formed auradon, decided he wouldn’t fail again, not this time, not with the heir to his name, his son (who he had previously dismissed as a bastard born to a whore of a mother, but y’know...). he would raise theodore to do all he couldn’t, to be the sort of man who was revered by others, the way once gaston had been. he’d be great - or he’d be nothing.
and so he was whisked off to join his father in his eternal damnation, learning to hunt, to charm the fairer sex, to carry one’s head high and to never back down from a fight. gaston hoped for a day his son would carry his name and make him proud, outside of the shadow realm.
not that he was a caring and loving father by any means. downright cruel and harsh most of the time, theo didn’t seek to be his father’s prodigy; he would’ve much preferred to be the one to send gaston to his demise. 
but along came a decree from the one and only princess of auradon, heir to the throne, and so theodore didn’t think twice about putting a fair amount of distance between himself and his father. now in auradon, he seeks to keep it that way. 
though he enjoys being a world away from his worthless father, he isn’t exactly jumping at the chance to socialize with auradon’s finest. he enjoys his solitude. most people are obnoxious and oh-so predictable. most of the time now, he strives only to find ways to cure his boredom, be that with a handsome person who catches his attention or with some lighthearted debauchery among the few people he likes enough to call his friend.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
romantic orientation: heteroromantic.
family: gaston fortin (father), angélique beaufort † (mother).
height: 6′0
zodiac sign: scorpio
wanted connections.
a friend he used to mess around with back in the shadow realm - both have an understanding that this is nothing more than physical, but when the two aren’t otherwise occupied, he shares a comfortable friendship with them. (taken by melinoe papatonis, 1 spot available)
someone who didn’t like the fortin son - perhaps theo’s ego rubbed them the wrong way, or perhaps the two just simply didn’t vibe. whatever it is, they don’t see eye to eye and have likely gotten into a physical altercation or two. (taken by lark andersen)
an auradonian friend - or nuisance. this person has tried in vain to get the fortin son to lighten up and partake in the festivities, but their welcoming nature hasn’t quite yet touched theodore. frankly, it likely never will, but it amuses him how hard they try. (1 spot available)
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
New AU idea: I’ve found out that there’s some versions of the Batman comics where Tim Drake becomes Red Robin straight off the bat (he was never Robin & didn’t go to Batman) so I’m running with that
This Tim Drake doesn’t find Batman all that amazing, he recognizes Batman as a hero and as a symbol of Hope for Gotham, but he also sees him as just one man trying to make a difference, he holds more admiration towards Robin, specifically Jason’s Robin since he knows Gotham in ways Batman doesn’t, he checks on the street kids and the homeless, makes hot chocolate runs for the working girls when he can, and he is more interested in helping those in Crime Alley, a place where Batman and the previous Robin didn’t tend to patrol before Jason
And Tim has never been a normal child, there’s really no way for him to be human but there’s also no way to prove that he isn’t human, he passes the DNA tests, he doesn’t have a meta gene, he doesn’t have a mutation nor a difference in genetics, physiologically? There’s nothing to prove that Tim is anything other than human. In practice? Tim isn’t exactly limited if he cut off a limb, if he were to be shot in the head it would take approximately five minutes for him to heal back up, he can decide whether or not a wound will leave scars on his body, he can choose whether or not a mortal wound would put him in the ground permanently, most importantly, he can choose whether or not to contact his crew from the Isle that was supposed to be his home
There’s a reason as to why Tim isn’t exactly fond of heroes, after all, heroes decided to sentence countless of children yet to be born to a life of pain, suffering and poverty amongst an island filled with villains, heroes are the ones who put a barrier over the Isle that prevented its occupants from accessing their magic, heroes are the reason that his fae sisters and djinn brother and sea witch cousin and pirate friends are unable to access a part of themselves, he reason that they are unable to grow up properly and learn to control and feel and channel their magical cores, heroes are the reason for why him and his family hide behind fake names, and if it wasn’t for his parents’ quick thinking and preparations to flee then heroes would’ve been the reason he would’ve also grown up imprisoned and unable to access an integral part of himself
So no, Tim isn’t exactly impressed by the Batman
But Gotham exudes a similar signature as the one of the Isle of the Lost, making it the one place to where his parents could establish themselves undetected as the pollution would obscure their magical signatures had anyone looked for them, of course, Tim wasn’t old enough to learn how to lock down his own magical core in a way that wasn’t detrimental to himself, so he couldn’t be taken out of Gotham to accompany his parents on their numerous trips around the world, and such was his boredom that he decided to take advantage of his lack of adult supervision and explore Gotham
Having been taught about what became of the people he would’ve known as family from his parents as well as reading up every book he could in the ancient family library regarding long distance communication with magical kin, Tim ends up with a plan to meet with kids on the Isle as soon as he can, it turns out that establishing communication with the Isle requires for him to be in a part of Gotham that has the same atmosphere as the Isle, so Little Tim sets up shop in a semi secure rooftop in Crime Alley and establishes communication, needless to say he’s in for a surprise because “Oh wow why are you there Mr. Hades, you could escape any time and there’s no way those mortals could hope to contain your power, so why are you on the Isle?”
Turns out that attempting communication from a place surrounded by death and sorrow would lead to Tim establishing a magical video chat with the Lord of the Underworld, who’d’ve thunk? Anyway, Hades is literally just chilling for the next hundred years on the Isle because it’s easier to agree to mortals’ demands than obliterate them, and it’s less paperwork too so win-win, and one afternoon he’s suddenly communicating with one of the cutest little chipmunks he’s seen (kids are cute, and Tim is still a baby so he’s Tiny Cute) who introduced himself as Timothy Dwake and isn’t that just precious that the little tyke still has trouble with his r’s but how is he able to communicate with him on the Isle oh, that’s Janet’s kid, well shit guess he has a godson now (Janet had always wanted for Tim to be protected and that’s why she had been one of the few to escape the Isle, she had been a good friend back in the day so it seemed only fair for him to return the favor by looking out for Tiny Tim; it has nothing to do with Tim’s very cute face and slightly chubby cheeks that he kinda wants to pinch and his cute little lisp no Persephone I’m not attached-)
Anyway, so Tim ends up learning from his Uncle H on how to control his magical core and how to defend himself against physical and magical threats, he has a talent for using shadows to conceal himself as well as to listen in on others and gather information, if he concentrates really hard he can even manipulate shadows into solid figures, once he told this to his Uncle new training lessons began and now Tim is able to maintain his shadow constructs solid for longer periods of time as well as give them shape, over time he would learn more control over his ability and it will become easier to make weapons from shadows, his Uncle H also trains him in combat, particularly lost forms of combat from ancient civilizations
One particular night Tim wasn’t able to go to their meeting spot in Crime Alley, there was an Arkham Breakout and he wasn’t about to be caught up in that shit because could he fight off some villains and protect himself? Sure, but that would mean a possibility of getting the Batman’s attention and he’s not about to do that so staying at home it is, and now he is walking alone in the Drake gardens, he has no one to practice his fighting techniques with, no one to talk to, no one to teach him about what’s happening in the Isle, no one to teach him how to control his powers and his parents are gone for most of the year and they say that they’ll take him with them when he’s older but they’ve been saying that for years and now he’s much better at concealing his power and the King of Auradon believes he put every villain away for good so it’s not like they’re searching for his magical signature anyway so WHY WON’T HIS PARENTS TAKE HIM WITH THEM!?!?!? WHY IS HE ALWAYS LEFT ALONE!?!?!?
As he got progressively angrier, Tim hadn’t noticed how his power became stronger, how shadows grew larger, nor how the ground seemed to tremble and crack, it wasn’t until the ground literally split in front of him that he realized that maybe his power may have gotten out of hand, a bit, maybe, to be fair, he didn’t mean to summon a skeleton warrior with who he could practice his fighting with but hey, silver lining and all that, and he has something else to tell his Uncle H about in their next meeting (Hades may or may not have blessed his godson, and the blessing may or may not have given Tim some sort of control over his domains)
Anyway, eventually Tim learns how to see what’s happening in the Isle on his own from a sort of bird’s eye view, he sees what kids his age are going through and tries to find ways to alleviate the pain, he begins to talk to the kids and establishes rapport with them, he becomes friends with little Uma and Harry by bonding over swordplay, he gives Jay and Carlos tips for how to find the best hiding spots, he learns from Evie how to hide more stuff in his clothes and how to add more protective fabrics to his wardrobe, he and Mal bond over high parental expectations (she reminds him of Hades sometimes, and he thinks her eyes are a very pretty green with gold flecks sprinkled in, he may have a crush???) (Psssst, Mal likes Tim’s eyes too, she thinks it’s very pretty how they seem to change shades depending on his mood and when he’s happy they match her purple hair) *cue cuteness from these unfortunate little beans because yes*
Anyway, Tim has been working on creating a portal to a secluded part of the Isle from where he could send supplies to kids there, he was 8 years old when he started looking into this possibility after managing to make friends with the kids and now, at 13, he has finally managed to make it happen, he can only send non-living things through the portal tho, because although theoretically he Could send himself over, then he’d be stuck behind the barrier and couldn’t access his magic so that’s a big no, and he also can’t take the risk of getting someone from the Isle out because he can’t guarantee their safety (he tried with small insects and one time with a mouse; they died); the first thing he sends are medical supplies, food and bottled water, at first it’s only for his close friends, then they all establish a sort of routine and plan to get these supplies to other kids while hiding what they’re doing from their parents behind the guise of building their own gang on the Isle, Uma with the pirates and Mal with the inner city, Tim becomes their sort of advisor on important matters having seen what strategy tends to work when recruiting people as well as how to better approach street kids, he gets nicknamed the Shadow Angel for helping from behind the curtain, literally
Tim continues to learn as much as he can from his Uncle H, shadows Robin around Crime Alley, avoids gaining Batman’s attention and acquires supplies to send to the Isle three times a week from different places (he’s gotta cover his tracks, otherwise he runs the risk of getting Batman’s attention even if it’s just because the same person keeps buying food, water and medical supplies from various stores each week) but Tim has money, and he has experience regarding gangs and their recruiting and internal works (he’s helping his friends make their own gangs after all) and these people are in need of help as well, so he decides to make his own ‘gang’ by hiring people to do supply runs for him, he poses as a recruiter and gives fliers with information about his own gang and the benefits that joining will have (health insurance, dental, payed maternity leave, payed recuperation period, payed physical therapy and medical bills in case Batman decides to pop in, education is provided for anyone who wishes to get their GED and continue their education, etc); in the end, Tim keeps the Boss’ identity a secret until he reaches adulthood because no one would take a kid seriously, but he ends up amassing his own gang in Gotham while at the same time improving the life of people in poverty areas like Crime Alley and the Bowery
Of course, everything comes to a head when Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are elected to go to school in Auradon leaving Uma as the only leader on the Isle, meanwhile Tim has been keeping tabs on Robin and gets to save Jason from Joker in Ethiopia (turns out being able to summon a skeleton army comes in handy when rescuing Robin from a deranged psychopath like Joker) so Tim is simultaneously saving Jason while still trying to remain anonymous to Batman (he’s built and maintained an entire gang in the most crime ridden part of Gotham for years, he’s not about to get involved with the Bats now)
So Tim only finds out about what happened to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos until they’re already in Auradon and decides you know what? Fuck it, I’m gonna meet my friends face to face, besides, he can handle maintaining a gang in Gotham, he’s sure he can handle Auradon (update: he cannot, he’s this close 🤏 to rocking someone’s shit, he proposes overtaking the kingdom twice a day, he knows they could do it, and it’ll be easy even, but it’s the paperwork that’s holding them back, meh, let Ben do the grunt work and become an advisor, at least their manipulations would be in favor of improving the life of kids in poverty unlike other people who just want to get more money from their position close to the crown, gotta love politics)
Anyway, Tim Drake does become Red Robin, gang leader and benevolent overlord of Crime Alley and the Bowery, helping Gotham citizens and being the Shadow Angel of the Isle, plotting Auradon’s downfall for fun on his slow days as well as working on taking out the kids from the Isle and setting up safe houses for them for when he and his friends figure out how to save the kids
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bunny-lou · 4 years
First Kiss Fic
Here, have part 1 of a long Jaylos shot I’m working on.
This is unedited yet, so don’t point out any mistakes! I’m just trying to keep the tag alive!
Of course Auradon would play something as boring as truth or dare and consider it scandalous.
Jay is lying on his stomach in the common room of the girls’ dorm, in between Doug and Mal. It’s been a busy couple of weeks for all of them, with midterms and more VKs coming over and the tourney season ending. Jay’s been in Auradon a full year now and sometimes it still feels like he’s drowning in the differences, still going through the culture shock that Evie explains to him. Audrey had suggested this stupid game to ‘unwind and relax’ and Jay really doesn’t have an interest in these weak dares (which have included Lonnie prank calling Fairy Godmother about a running refrigerator that Jay still doesn’t understand) or silly truths (like Jane admitting she cheated on a math test her freshman year).
But Chad brought beer and Audrey brought wine and Jay isn’t about to say no to a pleasant buzz and it’s his duty to encourage something as devious as underage drinking with these poor, naive kids.
“Okay, okay,” Jane waves her hands as she takes another sip of her drink, half wine and half water, nose crinkling at the diluted taste in a way that makes Jay snicker. He likes his new found friends in Auradon, really, but they’re just so pure. “Doug. Truth or dare?”
All of the Auradon kids offered to go first to show the VKs how the game is played, but it’s not that fucking hard. Jay has picked it all up pretty damn fast and he’s not the smartest of his friends.
Doug sits up eagerly. “Truth.”
“Umm, how about…” Jane presses a finger to her lips in thought.
“When was the last time you jerked off?” Jay asks, chin in his hands. Lonnie and Jane both gasp and Chad whoops and Audrey’s mouth drops. “What?” Jay blinks innocently at them all, snickering at Mal’s wicked look. “Isn’t that the idea of the game?”
Audrey grins slowly. “Yeah, we can get this game more interesting.” She takes a long sip of her wine. It’s not in a sparkling glass like Jay is sure she’s used to, but Audrey hasn’t complained about their little paper cups yet, stolen from the communal bathroom down the hall. Jay had expected a scolding from Princess Prissy, but the game had been Audrey’s idea to begin with. “Do tell, Dougie.”
Doug’s ears turn red. “I, uh, well, I-I- it, um…” He tugs at the collar of his shirt. “Can I pick dare instead?”
“No.” Audrey shuffles on the ground, sitting so her feet are tucked underneath her. “You stick with choice one. And you must tell the truth or do the dare.”
Doug gulps and hides his face in his hands from everyone’s stare. He’s quiet for a long moment before he groans. “This morning.”
“Before our chemistry test?” Chad gapes at him, but he looks oddly approving of Doug’s answer.
“Well Mr. Deley intimidates me!”
“You were thinking about Mr. Deley?” Chad nearly gags, but Audrey shushes him.
“No, no. He’s being smart.” Evie is nestled into Ben’s side, her cup nearly empty. “Orgasms lower stress, it’s a good way to go into any test or nervous situation.” She finishes off her wine and shakes her cup at Mal, who takes it with an eye roll to refill.
“When’s the last time you got off, E?” Mal grabs Ben’s empty cup as well as she stands.
“Ah, ah,” Evie wags her finger at Mal. “You don’t get to ask until my turn.”
Doug is still hiding behind his hands. “Someone else please go!”
“You get to ask next,” Audrey tells him. “You can ask me. I pick dare.” She looks over to Jay. “But I want Jay to pick my dare.”
Jay doesn’t move off his stomach, but he raises his head at the challenge. “As long as Doug doesn’t mind.” Doug doesn’t object, but Jay thinks he’s still mortified. Whatever. Audrey’s a hottie and Jay knows exactly what he wants her to do. “Okay, Audrey…I dare you…to make out with…” He pauses for dramatic effect and he notices how Audrey’s eyes grow wide.
“Let me guess, a girl?” Carlos drawls from Evie’s other side. He’s been quiet the whole time, but parties have never been Carlos’ scene. He’s here because Jay and Mal and Evie are and he’s taking small sips of Evie’s drink occasionally, but cradling his own soda. “Shocker.”
And, not that Jay’s going to say it now, but no, he wasn’t going to tell Audrey to make out with a girl, he was going to dare Audrey to make out with him. They had danced after Ben’s coronation earlier in the year and flirted in the halls after she broke up with Chad, but nothing more.
But Carlos’ suggestion is way more interesting.
“You really are a genius, C.” Jay shoots Carlos a grin. “Ben, do you mind if either of your girlfriends make out with Audrey?”
Ben blinks at Jay’s question. He’s also drinking a soda, still fizzing in his cup because Mal just refilled it for him. It’s drink number three for Benny Boo and his cheeks are pink and his eyes are bright. He’s not batting an eye at all the open alcohol or the scandalous truths or the stupid dares. “It’s not my place to give them permission to who they can kiss.”
“Oh, you’re sweet.” Evie kisses Ben’s cheek. The alcohol hasn’t affected her much, despite the year in Auradon they all have gone without it, but Jay thinks a high tolerance is one of the few perks of being from the Isle. “I’d prefer to not kiss anyone but you or Mal.”
“I’ll pass as well.” Mal leans into Ben’s other side. She had grabbed her sketchbook when she refilled Ben and Evie’s drinks and she has it opened to a page Jay can’t see, lightly going at it with her pencil.
That just leaves Jane and Lonnie. Jay looks at both of them for a moment and takes in Jane’s high blush and the way her fingers are crushing her empty cup. Jay doesn’t speak to Jane often, but she’s friends with Carlos and Jay knows enough to know that Jane is probably terrified of making out in general, let alone with a pretty girl like Audrey or with a room full of people watching. Her breathing is rapid and she’s looking everywhere but him.
Last year, Jay would have jumped at the chance to make her squirm like this, but now, after choosing good and making friends…
They’re all still developing a ‘conscience’, Evie calls it.
Jay still doesn’t know if he likes it or not. Watching Jane’s quiet panic nearly makes him freak out.
“Audrey, I dare you to make out with Lonnie.”
Lonnie doesn’t look nearly as nervous as Jane, but Lonnie’s fearless like that. It’s what Jay likes about her. Still, she raises an eyebrow and folds her arms. “And if I refuse?”
“You can’t!” Audrey looks appalled at the very idea. Who knew she was so passionate about truth or dare? “You have to.”
“Those are the rules.” Chad nods his head and he looks more excited than even Jay for what’s about to happen.
“Your dad fell in love with your mom when he thought she was a man.” Jane shyly supplies, still hiding away as if she’s afraid the attention might all move on to her. “So it’s not like any of us will judge you.”
“Just because my dad likes both doesn’t mean that I do.” Lonnie tells them all, but she unfolds her arms and bites her lip. “I mean, I don’t know. I-I don’t know!”
Mal nudges Lonnie with her foot before returning to Ben’s lap. “Relax. You’re not being asked a truth. You’re not being asked anything. Princess is.”
Audrey rolls her eyes at Mal as she soothes down her dress. “I mean, if you really don’t want to, we don’t have to, but if you’re afraid of a little kiss...”
“Oh, come here.” Lonnie reaches across their wide circle, half kneeling on the ground, as she grabs Audrey’s face and pulls her close.
Audrey stumbles, but catches herself on Lonnie’s shoulder. Jay has a great view to watch Audrey’s wide eyes slip shut and her head tilt to better meet Lonnie’s mouth. One of them sighs, Jay can’t tell which, and Audrey moves to cup Lonnie’s face, moving her lips slow and gentle.
Jay knows he’s staring (and he’s sure Chad is staring too), but it’s been way too long since he got anything. There were some girls and a very shy guy whose name Jay doesn’t remember when they first came to Auradon, but that was back when VKs were new and dangerous and exciting.
Jay is still dangerous and exciting though! He has more detentions than anyone in this room. Yeah, detentions in Auradon come from dress code violations and being late to class instead of breaking someone’s nose or getting caught with his pants down in the hall closet like in Dragon Hall, but detentions in Auradon carry a way worse reputation than they did on the Isle.
There are still a few Auradon students who wink at Jay and flirt with him and wait by his locker, but Jay is busy. He has responsibilities in Auradon. He’s devoted to tourney and he’s helping Ben make plans for new VKs and Carlos has been volunteering at an animal shelter and Jay tags along and Evie needs a model for her designs, so Jay is there too and-.
Audrey and Lonnie break away and Jay realizes he missed the whole fucking make out.
Still, Audrey’s flushed face and Lonnie’s heavy breathing are kind of hot, so it’s not a total loss.
“Ahem,” Audrey delicately wipes at the back of her mouth. “Who’s next?” She composes herself, but Jay can see the little tremors in her fingers, how her toes curl into the carpet. Audrey liked the kiss.
“Me next! Please, please, me next!” Chad clasps his hands in front of Audrey. They broke up months ago, but are still pretty close from what Jay can tell. “Dare! Come on, come on, dare me!” He looks excitedly at Lonnie who has hardly noticed him, still panting and trying to relax.
Audrey grins. “Are you sure, Chad? You really want-?”
“Yes! I do! Dare!” He practically vibrates on the floor with excitement and Jay snickers at the sight of Chad coming undone for a simple make out.
“Whatever I say, you’re going to have to do.”
“I’m ready! Dare me!”
“Well, if you’re sure…” Audrey looks at him through her eyelashes. “I dare you to massage my feet.” She kicks her feet into his lip, laying down on the ground to get comfortable. “For the next twenty minutes.”
Jay laughs so hard that his elbows can’t hold him up anymore and he falls completely to the ground. He rolls onto his side and clutches his stomach. Over himself, he can hear everyone else in the room laughing, except for Chad.
“That’s not funny!”
“You have to do it, Chad! You said you would!” Audrey teases, wiggling her toes in his face.
“Aw man, this is bullshit.” Chad gripes, but he grabs Audrey’s foot anyway and begins to dig his thumbs in. “I’m picking truth next time.”
Audrey still giggles from her spot on the ground. “Okay, last one up is Ben.”
All eyes turn to Ben except for Mal, who is still invested in her sketchbook next to him. He sits straighter and nods his head. “Okay guys.” Ben says with hard eyes, setting his cup down carefully. It’s a big decision for him, Jay is sure. “I’ve thought about it.” Ben takes a deep breath. “Dare.”
Jay’s eyebrows raise. He certainly hadn’t expected Ben to pick dare and, guessing at the silence of the group, no one had.
Chad snaps his fingers, one hand still working Audrey’s foot. “I dare you to declare war on China!”
Lonnie throws her crumbled up paper cup in his face and Chad yelps. “I know.” Lonnie says and looks at Ben’s phone, laying in his lap. “I dare you to call your mother and say ‘I love you mommy’ in front of the whole group.”
Ben smiles. “That’s a good one!” He picks up his phone and dials quickly, placing it on speaker.
Jay is hardly paying attention as Belle picks up but, based on how enthusiastically Ben tells her he loves her, Jay thinks he does this quite often.
Actually, based on Belle’s lack of surprise and how easily she says “I love you too, dear,” Jay thinks Ben probably does this in between every class.
“Who’s next?” Ben immediately skips both of his girlfriends, but Jay is sure they’re honest with Ben and probably make out with each other just fine. Ben’s eyes land on him and Jay grins in excitement, but Ben turns away from him. “Carlos.”
Carlos looks over at him. “Yes?”
“Truth or dare?”
Carlos isn’t a scared little shit like the kids in Auradon all like to think. (Some of the teachers say he’s ‘riddled with paranoid anxiety’ which is something Jay can’t deny as easily.) He’s not afraid of a dare, but he is unwilling to move and evict Dude out of his lap.
Ben places a finger to his chin and thinks for a moment. “When was your last kiss?”
Jay snickers. One, it’s pretty fucking funny that Ben thinks that question is an embarrassing one. Two, “Carlos has never kissed anyone.”
Carlos looks over at him with narrow eyes. “Yes I have.”
Jay scrambles to sit up. He nearly knocks over his drink in his haste, but Doug catches it. Next to Carlos, Evie sits up straight and Mal finally looks up out of her sketchbook. They’re as confused as Jay. “No. No, you haven’t.” Jay says, but he’s talking more to himself than to Carlos.
“Why didn’t you tell me that?” Evie asks as she twists to face him instead of the circle.
Carlos’ eyes widen under all of the attention. He squirms under Evie’s gaze and looks down at Dude. “I didn’t want to.” He peeks at her from the corner of his eye. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Ben tells them all, hand to his chest. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Carlos. I can ask someone else.”
“Good idea.” Audrey says and sits straighter in her spot. She has taken her feet out of Chad’s lap and her arms are crossed in annoyance.
“The hell you can.” Mal doesn’t even look at Ben. “Carlos, who was your first kiss?”
“Ben’s question was when my last kiss was.” Carlos says softly as he curls his fingers around Dude’s collar.
Jay feels the tiniest bit guilty (which is not something he ever felt before coming to Auradon. Fucking conscience). Carlos is uncomfortable being the center of attention like this. People watching him doesn’t typically work out well for him. On the Isle, it led to him getting hurt and in Auradon, it leads to people laughing at him.
But Jay knows everything about Carlos. They’re best friends and roommates and partners in crime. There’s no other reason Jay would waste his Saturdays in an animal shelter.
“Well he’s changing his question to who.” Mal snaps.
“Oh, so he can change the question when you okay it?” Audrey looks at Mal with a sneer. “You can’t just pick and choose what rules to follow when it’s convenient for you.”
Mal waves Audrey off with a brush of her hand, which is actually pretty nice considered how she could have responded. “Who was it?”
“No one can change a question. You said those were the rules.” Carlos says to Audrey quickly. One hand is still in Dude’s collar and the other is digging into his knee. “It was a while ago. I don’t even remember when.”
“Like back on the Isle?” Jay pushes. He can’t keep his eyes off Carlos. “Or here in Auradon? Was it some dick on the Isle? Did they make-?”
Lonnie waves her hands in front of the group. “Really, Ben can p-.”
“I don’t know!” Carlos finally throws his hands up and Dude’s head raises. “I don’t remember!”
“Bullshit.” Mal scoffs. “When was it?”
“It’s just a game, guys!” Lonnie nearly shouts to remind them all.
“Who was it?” Jay asks. He wants to lace his fingers through Carlos’ to stop the nervous twitching, but he’s on the other side of the circle.
“I’d like to change my question please.” Ben waves around the room.
Carlos nods. “I second that.”
“If it would make people be a little quieter,” Jane looks around nervously, as if a teacher is about to run in and shush them, “I’m okay with it.”
“But he already answered.” Chad says. “He said he didn’t rem-oof!”
Audrey plops her feet back into his lap heavily. “Carlos can get a new question, move on!” She snaps her fingers at everyone and Jay wants to tell her to fuck off, conscience or not, but another look at Carlos’ twitchy and spasming hands has him quiet.
“Please stop looking at me like that, Evie.” Carlos breathes out, his words softened with the exhale of his breath.
When Jay looks at Evie, her face is as crestfallen as he feels.
Jay loves Evie, the same way he loves Mal, but the bond between her and Carlos has always been different. She and Carlos had each other first, before Jay and Mal came along. She looked out for Carlos, took care of him and Carlos did the same for her.
Carlos turning away from Evie and not noticing her causes Jay’s gut to twist.
“What, um, what’s your middle name?” Ben asks quickly, but the mood of the game isn’t going to be recovered.
Jay’s mind supplies the answer before Carlos does, because he knows everything about Carlos and it’s not fair for him to not know this.
Carlos knows about all of Jay’s firsts – his first kiss, first time he got a girl’s panties, first time he got head, first time he gave head – even the little shit, like the first thing Jay ever stole or the first time he got caught.
But Jay’s knows about Carlos’ firsts. The first time a girl asked him out and Carlos stammered so hard, she got tired of waiting and just left him. The first time he stole something on his own (it was a knife from Gil). Hades, Jay even knows the first fucking book Carlos read, Writing History With the Pencil Skirt, which was a book of mostly pictures that Cruella allowed him to touch.
It’s not until the room is completely quiet that Jay gets knocked out of his own head. He startles, worried that someone was talking to him and he wasn’t listening, but Carlos is looking at Mal.
“I dunno. I guess I already know everything about you.” Carlos mumbles. “I can’t think of anything.”
That’s so irritating to Jay, which is weird because nothing about Carlos irritates him, but they all know everything about each other. Or so Jay fucking thought. He can see it on Mal’s face too, the irritation. Thankfully, she doesn’t say anything hurtful back to Carlos, but she shrugs coldly to him. “Well, someone else can ask something I guess.”
Jay can hear Jane asking Mal a question, but he doesn’t really care (partially because he knows Mal’s favorite quality about Ben is his kind heart, really, Jane, step up your game).
He watches Carlos for the rest of the game, but Carlos never makes eye contact with any of them.
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slytherwrites · 3 years
Family Day
Character(s): Jane French; Fairy Godmother; Anxelin Rider
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Before the VKs ruined Family Day, Jane helped run a successful Family Day.
Jane clicks her heels as she waits outside the courtyard doors. A pristine white clipboard is in her hair. It matches the white bow in her bobbed hair. A blue dotted dress sways in the slight breeze heading through. Most kids wear colors similar to their parents in order to imitate them. Jane models her look after her mother, The Fairy Godmother. She doesn’t wear the fall colors of her father, it brings back too many grieving memories
A crowd forms, students enter from her door; parents enter from a different entrance. The students are impatient, but the guards have yet to open the doors, so she can’t let them through. She’d rather be curled up in her bed, looking through the family photo album they stopped updating when her father died.
She checks her phone, lunchtime will be in an hour and she’s promised her mother that she’d overview the activities happening in the school’s courtyard. Jane checks the list, silently seeing if everyone who reserved is here. We don’t need any surprises.
The doors open and Jane steps to the side. After a minute or two she’s the last to leave. Ironically, on family day she’ll spend no time with her mother or father or her extended family. She’ll see them, in the cases of her mother and extended family, but she can only silently mourn the loss of her father. It’s the most she an do familywise today.
She sees the pink and white themed place, Queen Aurora and her family must be officially hosting the event (even if Jane spent more time then all of Aurora’s family actually preparing the event). She gives the courtyard a clean sweep, waving and giving the occasional hug out; she’s on a mission, but must maintain a friendly air around her.
Once she accounts for every family member in attending (even all seven dwarfs and Doug), Jane makes sure the refreshments table is sufficiently stocked. Towers of cupcakes and glasses of soda line a circular table. She hears a group of girls clamor around Audrey. They are congratulating her on her boyfriend (Prince Benjamin) or the party she didn’t even help in (spearheaded by her mother and herself).
Jane groans. She’s sick and tired of royal children. She is sick and tired of the entitled girls and boys who see themselves as better than she is, simply for being born into a family. Her family had to work their way to prestige. Most of their mothers sat on their butts while their stories played out. Her parents were side characters to other people’s stories. She heard the tales her mother and father told her and the lessons she was taught from them. She sees how side characters are treated and its sick (almost as sick as what happens to villains, but Jane won’t digress into that).
As the hour dwindles, she heads to the central gazebo. Jane collects herself and grips the clipboard as she reads off of it, “Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, and everyone else,” she laughs internally, “may you all please calmly head to the dining hall where lunch will be served.”
En masse, they all leave. Luckily for her, not many little kids came to this year’s Family Day. She follows suit, minutes later. She thinks to herself and looks at the abandoned courtyard, it looks almost exactly how it did when they were constructing the party (sans the food of course).
She doesn’t sit down to eat, Jane doesn’t get that luxury. Instead, she heads into the kitchen (luckily she gets to take a break and get some food). Grabbing the plate her mother set aside for Jane, she sits atop a stool and eats, careful not to spill anything onto her special dress.
Despite her mother being in one of these two rooms, she doesn’t get to see her. Fairy Godmother is watching over this event, instructing waiters where to deliver and making sure all of the cooking staff follows everyone’s necessary dietary requirements. Jane can hear her mother’s voice and the hint of stress over today’s event (she feels bad about it, but doesn’t want to potentially stress her out more by distracting her).
Walking out of the kitchen, avoiding the dining hall, she sets off for the library. Nobody will head there, they will be with their families inside of their dorms (unless they are preparing for the final event, the show Auradon Prep’s theatre department has been putting on). Jane should head to her dorm, try to participate in at least one of the events going on today, but the Li family will understand. They don’t need her there.
Walking through the walls of the library, she touches the spine of every book, just feeling how different they all. She hears faint sobs. Following them, she finds Anxelin Fitzherbert (who recently adopted her father’s criminal surname, Rider). Jane’s surprised to see one half of Rapunzel’s twins without the other, but she sits beside the shorthaired counterpart.
She looks up, tears streaming down her face. Her hair is a wreck, haphazardly cut even shorter than her sister’s hair. She’s wearing all black casual clothes (Jane is suddenly reminded that Anxelin is in the show, doing technical work). Anxelin asks, her voice hoarse form the crying, “Has my sister sent you to find me?”
Jane sits quietly, across from Anxelin, “No. I didn’t think there was anyone in here.”
“Why are you here?” Anxelin sounds a little less angry, a little less hurt, a little more relieved.
Jane sighs, “To be honest, I don’t want to deal with the Li family’s questions, acting like I am a valuable person to talk to.”
“Hey,” Anxelin responds, “you’re a great conversationalist.”
“I mean,” Jane comments, “I mean, while the Li family isn’t royalty, they are protagonists of their stories. Li Mulan, she saved a country; Li Shang, he was a military general. Li Lonnie and her family are fantastic, but they’re still protagonists. THey’re going to get their happily ever after and have a family dynasty spanning generations.”
“Not all royals are like that.” Anxelin wipes her eyes, getting a bit defensive.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know,” A weak laugh lets out of Anxelin, “though, not all of us will have big families.”
“Not going to find your Prince Charming anytime soon huh?”
“I never will.”
“Oh don’t say that.”
“Jane I’m,” Anxelin pauses, the words get caught in her throat, but she forces them out, “Jane I’m gay.”
Jane pauses. She’s never had anyone come out to her, but she knows how the LGBT community is treated inside of Auradon. They’re second-class citizens. If they are royal, they are treated like side characters at their best (Jane doesn’t think to imagine what treatment side characters would get if they were gay, they are barely treated above villains already).
“Is that why you’re crying?”
Anxelin nods, “I came out to my family and一and一and my mother and sister said no words while my father made a joke about it and I feel terrible because they didn’t react badly and I don't know why I’m crying in a library to someone who I don't even talk to and thank you for being here with me I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.”
Jane is about to speak before an alarm goes off. It isn’t her’s so it must be Anxelin’s. Anxelin stands up and Jane follows suit. Anxelin pulls her into a hug, “Thank you for helping me Jane. I’ll see you around. The show must go on.”
Jane watches her walk out of the library and wipes away a tear she didn’t know she had. Taking a deep breath, she heads to the auditorium to guide people into the theatre. A renewed sense of vigour is in her; if Anxelin can make it through the rest of the with all she went through, Jane can deal with the snotty royals and not spending any time with her family.
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disenchantedhq · 3 years
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It is the early crack of dawn post May Day celebrations and this Author suspects she is not the only one who is awake. The Faerie Bacchanal may just be ending, those in attendance might still be in a carriage on their way to their townhomes, but sleep will not hide them from this Author’s pen.
We’ve often been told of the extravagant and occasionally sinful parties the Fae are know to throw, but this is the first time any members of Auradon have had the pleasure to attend. And pleasure they found. It seems most of our young Lords and Ladies of the Ton left their inhibitions at the door and acted upon their most primal of urges. Could this be because their mothers were not in attendance, and there was an air of freedom? This Author suspects it could be a factor, but there is more at work here.
There have been whispers of enchanted faerie foods. Foods that could cause those that consume it to tell nothing but the truth, or do whatever is ordered of them. This Author should like to hope this is not the case, as it is in poor taste to enchant your guests without their knowledge. Enchanted foods seem to be one of the only explanations as to the behavior that was shown at the Bacchanal. And I’m sure all of you readers are curious as to what exactly transpired within those walls. Do not fret, dear readers, as I will tell you everything I know.
We shall start with the High Prince of the Faerie Court himself, Sevastyan Petit. The Prince was often found in the company of other fae, seated above the splendor to take in the party. Some whispered his mood was sour, and other’s said this was due to one of his couriers and future bride, Silverbell of Neverland. We are unsure of what transpired between the two, but they remained on opposite sides of the manor for most of the night. When they did finally return to their chambers at the parties end, they were both uncharacteristically solemn and serious.
It seems the High Prince did sneak away for some time with Mr. Nikolai Chernov. What were the two doing? Play cards or sharing a brandy, perhaps? This Author thinks not. Wrestling is more like it, with how disheveled both looked afterwards. Speaking of Mr. Chernov, we were told he spent a remainder of his time with Miss Genevieve Schwann. This is the second time the two have been seen together at a formal event, and it seems they may be courting. We have not heard of Mr. Chernov calling upon Miss Schwann at her townhome, but perhaps this is the early stage of an impending nuptial?
Love was in the air last night, and it was not just Mr. Chernov and Miss Schwann that felt it’s soft caress. Lord Eadric Pendragon was seated incredibly close to Miss Li Yue, one might say too close, for a couple that is not officially courting and was without a chaperone. We are unaware of what was spoken between the two, but Lord Pendragon seemed extremely pleased with whatever the topic of conversation may have been. Lord Phineas Charming and his fiancé Miss Sonya Sudayev shocked all those in attendance by sharing a very public kiss in the middle of the party. The two were seen leaving the event together and it is uncertain where they ended up, together. This Author is certain if the two had not already been engaged the be married, she would be hearing about an upcoming wedding in the near future.
Miss Sabine Facilier and Mr. Marcelo Clayton were also seen sharing a kiss in view of all those in attendance. This Author must confess she is unaware of what is acceptable for men and women out in society in the Shadow Realm, so she can not say if an official courtship or mention of an engagement is to be expected of these two.
There seemed to have been a number of close encounters during the event as well, or at least, encounters that lacked the decorum we often see at Auradon City events. Lady Drusilla White-Prince and Miss Gwendolyn Dallben were seen dancing and gossiping at the party. After dispersing Lady White-Prince was dancing with Miss Yasha Rasputin, sans shoes and gloves, in what looked to be they're under garments. Miss Dallben disappeared for some time, before returning later in the evening from outside, absolutely drenched from head to toe. Cheeks flushed and dress almost sheer, she was followed by Lord Lark Andersen, who was in a similar state. We have been told the two were traipsing through a fountain on the grounds together. Some even whispered of a near kiss being exchanged between the two, but it is uncertain if this exchange did in fact transpire.
Our future Queen, her Royal Highness the Princess Emma Perrault spent most of her time dancing the night away with every eligible gentleman that approached her. We have yet to place bets on who she could potentially enter a courtship with during this season, but she has been particularly close to Mr. Baxter Pan-Darling. We’ve always assumed the two were close friends, but could there be something more there?
Silverbell was also seen spending a bit of time with a number of different people. In close quarters, but we found last night that seems to be how faeries interact. She spent some time with both Lord Raymond James Maldonia and Mr. Benedict Smeethington, but retreated to her private chambers with Mr. Andres Hook. We are unsure if he was present for what transpired between Silverbell and the High Prince, but we are certain at the time of writing this, he has yet to leave the manor.
Lord Citrouille seemed in good spirits throughout the night. In fact, some said he was singing a rather loud sea shanty to those who passed, while removing certain items of clothing. This Author is unsure of where he may have heard such a song, but we suspect it could have come from a certain pirate, Mr. Hook, that he spent a portion of his time with. Miss Mercedes Reyes also had a shy smile on her face for the majority of the night. In fact, she spent most of her time with the fae, speaking with them and learning of their ways. I am unsure if she agreed with their way’s, as her posture was quite timid.
The entire night was not just happiness and stolen glances, there was also some tears and tense words exchanged.
Mr. Nasir Ababawa and Mr. Abraham Mariner seemed to be in a rather heated conversation. We are unsure if it was an argument, as fists were never thrown, but the two did leave together, with Mr. Ababawa leading Mr. Mariner away from the festivities. Both Lady Astrid Bjorgman and Mr. Benedict Smeethington seemed to have strange reactions to the food they consumed. The two seemed to break out into cool sweats, turn as white as a sheet, and abruptly leave the party. This Author was unable to detect what it is they saw that had both leaving so abruptly, but one could suspect it might be a ghost of their past come to haunt them.
Lord August Fitzherbert was also seen leaving the party early. He was last seen in the company of Miss Theodora Le Bouff, before storming off into he night. Some mentioned there were even tears spilling down the Lord’s cheeks, as he retreated to his carriage. This Author is unsure of where he ran off too, but there are rumors he was seen packing bag and leaving the city early this morning.
As for the rest of the guests, there were a few that seemed unaffected by those around them. Perhaps they did not eat any food, or maybe the food was never enchanted in the first place, and many of those in attendance were momentarily caught up the splendor and mischief of the Fae?
This Author is still learning about the events that transpired last night, and will continue to report on them throughout the week as she hears about them. But until then, have a wonderful morning Auradon.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Eat More Dirt
The kids from the Isle of the Lost are tiny. They’re also dirty, but that’s easily fixable with some soap and water, and they’ll have that in abundance once they get the kids settled in their rooms. 
“They’re so dirty,” Audrey whispers under her breath. “Are you sure we can’t send them back now? They haven’t even unpacked yet. It would be easier on them.” 
“Be nice,” Ben whispers back, while trying to look like he isn’t. “They’ve had a long drive.” 
Audrey scoffs, very quietly, and flips her hair over her shoulder. “…wish it were longer.” she murmurs, so low that it’s basically inaudible, and therefore fine for Ben to ignore. 
The isle kids have arranged themselves in something like a line along the side of the limo. Two of them, the shorter boy and the taller girl, are staring openly at the school band, who stopped playing basically as soon as the boys fell out of the car. The other two are trying very hard to look like they aren’t staring, and they’re almost succeeding. 
“Welcome!” Fairy Godmother says brightly, “to the illustrious Auradon Preparatory Academy! I’m Fairy Godmother, your headmistress.” 
The smaller girl, the one with the messy purple hair who’s doing the best job at concealing her stare, twitches. “Charmed,” she says, and her voice is rough in a way that Ben usually associates with being sick, except she doesn’t seem sick. “We’re…glad to be here, I guess.” 
“I’m sure you are, dears. Well, we do have a few rules here, the most important of which is to remember that the gates of learning will always be open to you so long as you are here.” 
Purple hair leans back from the overbearing onslaught of Fairy Godmother’s enthusiasm. “Wow. That’s…cool.” 
“I’ll be seeing you all for a little meeting tonight, but for now, let me get myself out of the way so you can meet your student guides!” Fairy Godmother says brightly. Maybe a little too brightly, if the way the girl is pulling back is any indication. 
Ben doesn’t want her to pull back. 
He wants, suddenly and completely, to make these kids comfortable. 
“Hello,” he says, because that’s what he’s prepared. “I’m Ben, and this is Audrey.” 
“His girlfriend,” Audrey adds sweetly, clinging to Ben’s arm like her life depends on it. “Princess of Auroria, heir to the land of the dawn, and head of the cheer squad.” 
The taller girl, the only one who managed to step out of the car rather than falling, perks up at the mention of Audrey’s title. “Princess? I’m a princess too.” 
Audrey’s fingers tighten. “Oh, no. You’re not.” 
The girl smiles faintly. She’s stunning, Ben can already tell. Not that he’s looking, not exactly, but even under the layer of dirt and goth sensibilities, the new girl looks like she expects people to pay attention to her. 
“Princess Evie,” The girl says clearly. Evie. Her name is Evie. “Daughter of the Evil Queen, heir to the Mountain Territories, and presently the princess of the upper trade district of the Isle of the Lost.” 
“The Evil Queen holds no status here,” Audrey says through a smile so bright and fake it could sell toothpaste. “And neither do you.” 
Evie’s smile grows a bit wider. “I hold no status in Auradon, you mean. My land is on the Isle of the Lost, and I think you’ll find that I do hold quite a bit of status there.” 
Audrey’s hand spasms. “You’re not on the Isle of the Lost anymore, but if you’d like to go back I’m sure Ben could accommodate that!” 
One of the kids laughs. 
“No, no,” the handsome, dark haired boy says. He’s still laughing, and it makes him look…younger, maybe? Lighter? Different, somehow, than how he looked before. “We’re good right where we are.” 
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Spidermonkey - Jay
A/N- due to the fact that I first found BooBoo in Twilight this is going to slightly seem like the scenes where they jump up to the window or through it.
Characters: Jay x Mother Gothel’s daughter, Best friend Carlos x reader
Words Count: 1,572
    “My mother never got over losing Rapunzel but when when I came around she was slightly more okay with letting me out of the house. I’m allowed to actually go to school, though of course you know that It’s only Dragon hall, nothing like your school but it’s still school. Now I even get an hour and a half after school that allows me to do so much more than I could when you guys were still here. I was at Jafar’s store when I met the man who said he could get my letters to you, I don’t know if you even actually know anyone who brings supplies over to the Isle, but he heard me talking about you and Jay with Jafar and he spoke so many praises. I heard that Jay was on the tourney team, the delivery guy says he’s amazing. He said that you were on the team too but he told me more about your brain. He said that you made the 3D printers better and that you’re on the path to become an engineer. Though I don’t exactly know what a 3D printer is but I’m sure what you did is amazing.  I’m a little jealous of you, you get to have the big brain and the nice school. Carlos I’m so proud of you. Tell Jay that I’m proud of him too, it’s so crazy that the cocky lab partner I got my freshman year of highschool would be a hot shot in Auradon.”
    I sigh, staring at the sheet of paper in front of me, it has been months since I saw them. My writing to Carlos wasn’t exactly what I wanted it to be, in all honesty I can’t even tell if I want to be writing to him at all. I wanted him to know how my life was of course, but the true person I wanted to talk to out of the group is the boy who used to sneak up to my window every night. The one who would sneak up that old dying tree and sit on the thickest limb there was up at the level of my window and sit there until the sun was rising so we could just talk. The one who would send me exhausted smiles across classrooms and cafeterias the day after we stayed up talking. The cocky lab partner that became the perfect friend and even at some point a little bit more than that. The one who would climb into my windows on the worst nights and just, hold me.
     I doubt that he would want to hear from me, I’m sure there’s a new girl in his life, maybe even a boy. I hope they’re both happy with whatever the two of them found to occupy their time. I hope that the shy, scared, little boy who walked up to me in the library during lunch and asked if I would want to be friends with him on our first day of school has found a large friend group and maybe even a girlfriend of his own in Auradon. I hope she’s good to him, and gentle.  But none of my hopes for him and Jay are things I can bring myself to write down. I don’t know how to tell him what my life is like with out them, and I’m scared that if I write down my hopes for him that it would come back to my biggest hope. I’m scared I’ll tell them that I want them to come home to me. Telling him that would be the most selfish thing in the world and that’s why I can’t seem to write this well.
   I pick the pencil back up, twirling it between my fingers, “How do you write to someone about what is going on in your life without telling them what they shouldn’t know?” A sudden knock on the wall outside causes me to jump out of my skin and drop the pencil, breaking the tip of it. I jump to my feet, turning to look at the window that sat behind me. The face I saw at the window making me feel like I was going crazy. “To answer your question, if goodness class taught me one thing, it’s that lying is never the answer.” “Jay?” He smiles softly, letting himself climb through the window, “You should really keep that locked, Princess, what if the villain of your story climbs through it instead of me?” “Well, Spidermonkey, I guess that would be really bad for me,” the familiar words seemed to roll off of my tongue as I look at him, still trying to figure out if he’s real.  Jay steps closer to me, placing his large hand back onto my hips and pulling me up to him. 
      “I can’t be here as often as I would like to protect you, Princess, I need you to have those windows locked,” he whispers, leaning down so that our foreheads and noses touched. “What are you doing back?” He hums, “Mal ran back to the Isle, we had to come to get her back for Ben, but it turns out we were all too stupid to realize that bringing Ben was a bad idea.” I look into the dark eyes before mine and felt the familiar calm wash over me, “You always were one for bad ideas Jay.” He chuckles, pecking my lips, “I guess you could say that I’ve only ever had one good idea.” I hum, reaching up to peck his lips back, “What would that idea be?” “Well, you see, in Auradon they have this thing called love, it was a foreign concept to me when I first found out about it. But it makes me think about this one girl back on the isle, who spends all her time reading books and hiding me from her mother.” I bite my lip to hide the smile that is trying to cross my face. 
      “Is that why you’re here Jay?” He smiles, pulling his face away from mine, “Actually I’m here because Carlos wanted help from the biggest brain on the Isle, but I needed to tell you that before I told you that he wanted you.” I giggle softly, “Of course Carlos sent you.” “But I was going to come see you anyway before we went back. I needed to see you.” I smile up at him, “You have no idea how much I missed you.” His hand leaves my left hip to cup my cheek, “What were you working on when I scared you?” “I was actually writing a letter to Carlos, the guy who brings supplies over said he would get the letter to him.” “You weren’t writing me a letter?” I bite my lip, looking away from him, “I was scared that you forgot about me.” 
       “He couldn’t forget about you, he talks about you every single day. Did you ask her yet?” Carlos’ voice drifts in through the doorway causing me to smile. “He asked me but he had to confess his undying love first. Not like I’ll ever get to see you again,” the last part came out as a whisper. Jays lips found their way to my jawline for the first time in months, “We are going to see each other again. Every chance I get.” “Come on if you help us save Ben we’ll guilt him into bringing you back with us,” Carlos smiles from the window, “Now Jay, can you just ask her to be your girlfriend so that we can go? I’ve listened to you talk about wanting to ask her out for months but you’re taking forever to do it!” “Look who’s talking!” Jay laughs as he snaps at Carlos. “Oh there’s a girl?” I ask with a smirk, watching a pink blush spread across his face, “You have to tell me everything Carlos.”  “I will, now I will be waiting at the bottom of this tree, and if you two aren’t down here in five minutes I will be dragging you both out of here,”Carlos’ laugh brought a familiar smile to my face. 
 The last of his salt and pepper hair disappeared before Jay turned me back to face him. “So, the pup kind of ruined my plans on how I was going to say this but-” I cut Jay off with a smile, “Yes Jay, I will be your girlfriend. But you have to promise if  you and Carlos can’t talk Ben into bringing me with you guys that you will come to see me.” “Promise,” he whispers, leaning back down to kiss me. “We better get down that tree now though, we can’t have the big ad dog drag us out,” Jay chuckles, grabbing my hand to pull me to the window. “Would you look at Jay and (Y/n), falling back into bed together,” Mal’s voice drifted up to us causing Jay to roll his eyes. “We’re the next Flynn and Rapunzel, Mal,” he laughs, grabbing my hand to help me out of the room. “Well, then I’ll help you get her to Auradon,” Mal says with a smile from beneath us. “Me too!” Evie’s giggle comes up to us as I step out onto the tree branch. “Guys shut up before you wake up my mom!”Jay chuckles slightly,”It takes a lot to wake her up.” “Oh shut up, Spidermonkey.”
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wwickedwasteland · 3 years
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(BAE SUZY, 26, SHE/HER) | ERIS is the CHILD OF OOGIE BOOGIE, which makes them a SIBLING TO THREE SIBLINGS. The isle used to be their prison making them JOVIAL + CHAOTIC, which suits them as they’ve pledged allegiance to the royal family. The new world is finally here, long live the queen.
name: Eris
age: 26
faceclaim: Bae Suzy
pronouns: she/her, cis female
sexuality: pansexual ; panromantic
parentage: Oogie Boogie ; Unknown Mother
likes: pranks, jokes, candy, baking
dislikes: rules, get woken up, being told off
F A M I L Y  B A C K G R O U N D  (TW: violence mention)
People have always underestimated Oogie Boogie. They always thought of them as the bug dude from Halloween Town or someone who was all about betting odds. For instance, no one believed he could have a family or that they could have his own business and have it be a success. But look at them now. Having raised their own kids, as well as running a “loaning business” on the Isle, Oogie has proved everyone wrong.
Oogie’s known to be a ruthless, hardworking family-person on the Isle and that’s the exact type of reputation they wants to keep. But don’t forget, Oogie is a villain. More than that, they’re pure evil. While everything seems to be all good fun on the surface of their business…what happens behind the scenes is a completely different story. People who rack up too high of a debt, those who come to them for loans and never pay up, or anyone who just crosses Oogie or they’re family the wrong way, tend to find themselves face to face with the truth of who they really is, how much a villain they could really be. If they’re lucky, they get to leave with a few scrapes, bruises, and broken bones but most…most never leave at all.
Its known fact that Oogie’s someone who is working closely with the villains in hopes that once they take over Auradon, Oogie would mosey on over to Halloween Town and do the same. Information and power is key in their eyes and as such, if you ever want to know anything about anyone or something is needed to be done in the shadows, they’re who you go to. Oogie likes to hold all the cards as they say
Eris was born one gloomy day after her mother had a drunken night with Oogie nine months prior. She doesn’t have much care for who her mother is since she practically abandoned her when she was a young child as she wanted nothing to do with Oogie thanks to their reputation. They aren’t exactly the kindest person and everyone on the Isle knows it. She is the one of four kids that they have Practically spoiled her rotten since she birth.
She knows all about the business they runs and what they does on the side. And sure it scares some but to her, she just thinks they’re someone who knows who they are and what they want, that they’ll do anything to get it. the violence and evil of it never scared as a kid and she grew up with being a norm to her.
Grew up on the stories of Halloween Town and honestly thinks it neat, wants to live there cuz who wouldn’t want too. Hates the Skellington crew, daddy dearest has basically pushed the idea into her since a kid and so if she ever crosses one of them, she won’t hesitate to fight them. She developed a love for many things but the two top are causing mischief and baking; with the latter being something she has done since she was a child
Eris practically embraces her villain side. Face of an Angel with devilish intentions is what is said about her. She’ll pretend to be kind and such but its mostly all for fun or if she has something to gain. Though with some people, particularly VKs, it’ll be a more genuine interaction or as genuine it could be. Is very much proud to be a VK and spent most of her childhood causing all sorts of trouble on the Isle knowing she could get away with it. Pick-pocketing, lock-picking, stealing and anything in those skills sets is something she learned early on how to do. So if something goes missing after having a conversation with her, chances are she has the item. If she does like you though, just know she will be gifting you many sweets she had baked herself.
Tends to be run by her emotions so watch out for her temper. She also has a jovial mind that tends to lead her into getting into situations so if she talks alot or ask alot of questions, just know its because she wants to know as much as she can. The thing about her is that while she is outgoing and funny, she is also very good at being chaotic. She practically rode the wave of everything that has happened, not really picking a side and just happy to cause mayhem to someone that’s not her friends.
She has a way of being to talk to others and getting them to spill things, she says its because she has a face that looks like she is good at keeping secrets. Whether it be her overhearing things or threatening people, its what she does and since coming to Auradon, she has continue doing the same thing. Knowing full well that the villains succeeded, Eris will most likely be on their side as long as it serves her and her family, ready to offer her services to act as eyes and ears for them or get shit done for them if they don’t want to get their hands dirty too much.
Currently she is part of the villains and has pledge her loyalty to Uma, for the time being. Eris has been living her life for the past four years causing trouble to mostly AKs (and some VKs!). She travels back in forth between Auradon and Isle doing what she has always been doing but knows the whispers of a rebellion has her quite intrigue and can’t wait to see what other mayhem can occur. works part time as a baker at a cafe that caters to VKs though her version of working probably isn’t the best and its a miracle she hasn’t been fired yet.
Connections wise:
looking for friends - either from childhood, in general, etc.
platonic soulmate - her ride or die, the one person who most likely has to try all her crazy baking inventions, etc.
maybe someone who she has information and extorting them in some way, etc..
romantic relationships - relationships probably aren’t her forte but doesn’t mean she hasn’t had one before; exes, current people he hooks up, etc.
kind of serous - love was not something common on the Isle and honestly it scares her the idea of being vulnerable with someone. lowkey afraid if she finds something real, she is going to screw it up majorly
anything really, i just want all the plots.
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hannahmcne · 4 years
The Test of your Trial (Carlos vs Cruella)
Mal’s first official act as queen was to deliver Carlos’s court summons to him.
Carlos blinked at the envelope, studied the addresses written on the front, and then looked back up at her. “What’s this?” he asked.
Mal chewed on her lip. “It’s about your mother,” she said. “She’s been arrested and charged.”
Carlos blinked and his mouth fell open. Ben and Mal, in removing the barrier to the Isle, had acknowledged that many wrongdoings had occurred on the Isle that would need to be sorted out, but a majority of the villains were going without charges. Gaston had been charged for assault and rape, of course, and Jafar had had to pay a fine for making his son an accomplice to robbery and crime. Evie’s mother would serve community service for a few events that had happened while she was growing up and Mal’s mom… well, they’d just kinda let Maleficent stay a lizard. Hades had been completely pardoned for aiding Auradon. In most cases, the time they had served on the Isle negated the need for any jail time and Auradon was taking into account the fact that they hadn’t exactly served the villains and their children well and had inadvertently created a dystopic society. It hadn’t honestly occurred to Carlos that his mother would be called to a court as Auradon went through the hundreds of cases.
“What for?” Carlos asked. “Did she do something wrong?”
Mal’s eyes flicked down to the table. She’d asked Carlos to meet her in the Auradon Accelerated café where he was attending school. She’d hoped that would make the delivery easier. “Child abuse,” she breathed.
Carlos’s eyes grew even wider. “She’s not being acquitted?” he asked.
Mal shook her head. “Ben wants her to see a trial. He didn’t even finish reading the list of charges. He set it down after the first two and said she was going to stand.”
“What were they?” Carlos demanded.
“Mal drummed her fingers on the tabletop. Her lip was starting to go numb underneath her teeth. “They conducted an investigation of the house,” she began. “Found your old room and a few of her… toys. Also lists of chores and stuff like that. They tested a lot of the things in your room and found old blood and stuff like that. And, uh, I don’t know if you knew this, but the backyard area where she had you put the fire ashes…” Mal trailed off, still biting her lip as she examined Carlos.
“Yes?” Carlos asked.
“Bodies. Of children. They don’t know if they’re hers or not yet.” Mal ran a hand through her hair with an exhale. “I’m sorry, Carlos.”
“Bodies?” Carlos repeated with a choke. “No, no, they can’t be hers. Someone else must have put them there. I would have known.”
“The heat from the ashes preserved some of them pretty well,” Mal whispered. “I think Ben said that they have four bodies undergoing autopsies now. We’ll know by the time the court date rolls around.” She swallowed hard. “Sorry I don’t have much more information about it. Ben has taken on the case personally. He just asked if I would deliver this to you because… he thought it would come off easier from an old friend.”
Carlos exhaled and set the envelope down. “When is it?” he asked.
“Fourth of December,” Mal replied. “In three weeks.”
“Why so long?” Carlos asked.
“Because the investigation is still ongoing and because they wanted to give you some time to decide and to, well, prepare to speak. If that’s what you want.” Mal folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. “Ben’s hand-picked the judge and the jury and set aside seats for everyone. It’s going to be public. He wants to know if you’ll speak against - or for her, if you want - by the first.”
“Sounds like he’s going to town,” Carlos sighed, sinking back into his chair.
Mal nodded. “He hasn’t taken up a personal case since Gaston’s came up, and that one only lasted a week.”
“He letting you help?” Carlos asked.
Mal shook her head. “Not this time,” she whispered. “Bias. But I’m still handling all the other cases from the Isle.”
Carlos nodded. “Is there… anything else?” he asked.
“Umm,” Mal closed her eyes to think. “One more small thing, I guess. Ben asked if, even if you don’t want to speak, if you’d be willing to go in for a physical. The palace would cover any expenses.”
Carlos hesitated, then nodded again. “I’ll think about it,” he whispered.
Mal got to her feet and slid a few bills onto the table to cover for the comfort food they’d ordered while sitting. “From Ben,” she whispered.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Duh,” he snorted.
Mal gave him a little smile and then walked past him and out of the café, pulling a hood up over her hair as she left. Carlos heard the clicks of phone cameras as she left. It was still a little strange to think that Mal was grown up now, a wife and a queen, and no longer the vicious and delusional teen they’d all known.
He wasn’t the teen he once was either.
Carlos split the envelope open and began reading it. The official seal of Auradon was in the top right corner. The letter began “Mr. Carlos De Vil, you are hereby requested to join the prosecution of…”
He set the letter back down.
A slip of square paper was left in the envelope. He pulled it out and immediately recognized the over-the-top, fancy handwriting. “Carlos,” Ben had written. “I know this is hard for you, but I want to lay what happened on the Isle to rest. You deserve justice, as do the other children with cases like yours who will follow. Please consider it.”
Other children… Carlos set the leaflet down and exhaled. Of course Ben would take that route. Thinking of the big picture… advocating for all. He closed his eyes and pressed his fingertips to the bridge of his nose.
What was he going to do?
After twenty-two years on the Isle of the Lost, Cruella could barely fit into society anymore. Carlos had figured that at some point, she’d run into trouble with the law again. But he hadn’t realized it’d be for anything involving him. He’d moved forward with his life – he’d left the Isle behind him. Everything that had once happened… that had been a different him. A different time.
And here it all was again.
“I’m here to see Cruella De Vil,” he mumbled as he produced his official ID and swallowed.
The guards examined the card and then gestured him forward through the metal detectors. It took a while to take off all his gloves and unload his phone and keys and watch and everything else, but then he was through and able to proceed. They summoned a guard to lead him through the holding cells.
The people behind the bars were all Auradonian. There weren’t many of them – Auradon had never been a very crime-ridden place. Most had sunken eyes and scraggly hair and yellowing skin. Even indigenous people with colored skin like Uma had yellow tones to their cheeks. Clear signs of drug use and health problems and general lack of sleep. Things Ben and Mal dealt with normally and would deal with once the Isle Cases were gone.
He was shown straight to his mother’s cell. Beside the door and behind enchanted glass was a small table with a desk and a place to speak through the glass. A chair was pulled up for him to sit down and he did as his mother glanced forlornly past the door and towards him. She got up and came to sit in front of him. His hands felt clammy and chilled.
“You’re pretty thin,” he said in lieu of a greeting as the guards walked away.
Cruella looked at her hands. They were bone-thin, with sagging skin and with dark marks stretching across her skin. The bags under her eyes could probably carry a marble or something. “Yes,” she sighed. “Age. Happens to everyone.”
“Are they taking care of you?” Carlos asked.
Cruella snorted. “Does Auradon ever take care of prisoners?” she asked.
“Not under Adam’s rule,” Carlos murmured. “But I’m told Ben changed tons of things. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to be a prisoner, but…”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Cruella agreed.
It was odd to be conversing with her like this. They’d never been able to carry a conversation before the barrier had come down. He’d introduced her to Jane in a series of bumbling descriptions and murmured names. Then they hadn’t seen each other and he’d heard through the grapevine that she was being placed in Auradon as Ben tried to evacuate the Isle in the build-up to the royal wedding and his and Mal’s honeymoon. But Carlos had been busy with school and then with applying for college courses, so he’d never looked into the rumors.
“What’s been happening?” he asked.
Cruella shrugged. “They went through the house,” she said. “And then came and said I was under arrest. What else is there?”
“Mal said that there were bodies in the backyard?” Carlos asked. Cruella blinked slowly. “You know about them, then?”
Cruella leaned back and drummed her nails against the desk on her side. Carlos closed his eyes. “Were they… did you know them? Or were they someone else’s?”
“Will you be testifying?” Cruella asked, avoiding the question with carelessness as she discovered a chip in her nails and began scratching and frowning at it. “Give me a file,” she demanded and Carlos pulled one out with mechanical compliance.
“Do you want me to?” Carlos asked.
Cruella snorted. “The king has it out for me,” she said. “I’m locked up either way. I’m sure he’d like to have you testify, though. Make you out to be an example. One of the ‘Core Four’ fighting against the abominable childhood he had.” She blew a bit of her hair out of her face. “I’ll need you to bring me things on court day. Hairspray, hair dye, a few other things. I’ll make a list.”
Carlos stared at her blankly. He didn’t know what he’d expected. An apology? A plea? She seemed almost indifferent – both to him and to her situation. As if she had won through loosing in the worst way possible.
He scooted forward. “Doesn’t it bother you?” he whispered. “You’ll never… you’ll never have your things again. The lampshades and the furs and everything. Aren’t you even a little sad?”
Cruella rolled her eyes. She did. Behind the glass where he could see them as if he couldn’t have said anything more ridiculous. “Oh pup, don’t be silly,” she chided and a chill ran down his spine. “You’re not asking whether I’ll miss my babies. You’re asking whether I miss you, and the answer is still no.”
Carlos got up. He pushed his chair back where it had come from and left without a goodbye. Cruella was not fazed by his departure. She wasn’t fazed by anything anymore, it seemed.
Ben called on the morning of the trial. “Are you feeling okay?” he asked.
“I am,” Carlos responded, standing in his bathroom alone with his shirt off, looking at the old scars on his arms.
“Are you still okay to testify?”
“I think so.”
“Is there anything I can do to help you?”
Carlos traced a long, old, ugly wound the stretched across his shoulder in the shape of a jaw. “I don’t think so,” he whispered.
There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. It was Ben waiting for him to continue. It was an emotional ploy he did without even realizing it – stay quiet long enough for the other person to get uncomfortable and start talking. Carlos didn’t feel like falling for it today. He stayed quiet until he heard Ben take a long and ragged breath on the other end of the phone.
“Hush,” he heard his friend murmur from a distance. It sounded like Ben had removed the microphone from under his mouth, but Carlos could still hear what he was saying. “Don’t do that,” he gasped. “I’m on the phone.”
“Is that Carlos?” Mal asked, sounding out of breath.
“Is that Mal?” Carlos asked. “You guys aren’t starting anything while you’re on the phone with me, right?”
“No!” Ben squeaked and a smile spread across Carlos’s mouth in spite of the day. “No, no, we’re not starting anything. Don’t worry.”
“Speak for yourself,” Mal mumbled as she got further and further from the mic.
“But you are good?” Ben asked. Carlos heard him kiss someone – probably Mal. “You’ll be okay?”
“Yes,” Carlos repeated. “I’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” Ben said. “Keep me posted.”
“I will.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye Ben.”
The phone line died, but not before he was treated to another one of Ben’s groans as Mal presumably began doing something wicked with him. Hopefully they managed to make it to court in time.
He stared up at himself in the mirror. A thousand disjointed images flashed before his eyes. What was he going to say? She would be right there – how could he prosecute against her?
But then again, how couldn’t he?
She was led in without chains. Nothing holding her except for two guards who led her to the defendant’s table and helped her sit down. Carlos sat beside Ben and the lawyer the crown had hired to prosecute Cruella and couldn’t keep his eyes off his mother as she took her seat.
The room was circular with Ben’s hand-picked judge sitting on a raised dias. Cruella’s defendants were sat on the left side of the room in front of a half wall behind which the public had been invited to fill the area. On the right side was the prosecution, with Ben’s lawyer on the end, then Ben, Carlos, and the physician who had examined Carlos. Ben was currently leaning back into his chair. Mal, Evie, Jay, Jane and Belle were all sitting in the first row behind the prosecution and Mal was leaning forward to run her fingers through Ben’s hair and lean her cheek against his from time to time. They were still newlyweds by two months, so no one really expected less, but it meant Ben was distracted and not talking to him about what was about to transpire.
The room filled slowly. It took forever. Carlos felt like he might be sick as his classmates and teachers walked in to see what would happen. The jury, which was even farther to the left in its own little alcove, filled with dozens of different people from all sorts of jobs and statuses.
The judge called for attention. Ben himself got up to announce the prosecution and read through the summary of what they’re about to debate. Then he sat down and the lawyer stood up to read the evidence to the jury. There were long, long lists of things and stories that they’d collected from people. One story was about ‘an unnamed witness who built a place for Carlos De Vil to stay when his mother threw him out’ that he knew was Jay. Those stories were all substantial, though. Almost every child on the Isle had been thrown out at some point. Being beaten was somewhat common. No one could afford to feed their children, so neglect – voluntary or involuntary – was hard to pin.
It’s the examination of the house that Carlos was curious about.
The Lawyer finally began explaining what the police and detectives found when they went through Cruella’s Isle hideaway. He talked about elaborate places and expensive furs before they began talking about his bedroom. Carlos pictured it as they spoke. The spare coat closet with the furs he couldn’t touch and the pile of rags lying underneath the busted window where he slept. They probably found all his old, twisted wires and batteries from when he’d try to make things work. The lawyer talked about blood on the traps that were stored there and how it tested positive for human blood. He talked about the pieces of flesh and the bandage supplies hidden under his cot of rags. Then, he moved on to the most critical piece of evidence.
“The search also uncovered the bodies of six children in the backyard,” The lawyer announced and people stir. Some of them had fallen asleep – Carlos didn’t blame them – but they all perked up at the words “bodies in the backyard”. “All under the age of four,” the prosecutor continued. “The youngest being not even a few days old. All died of different causes. The oldest body, that of a two-year-old girl, was placed about thirty-months after the Isle was instated. She was killed with a bludgeon to the brain. A second four-month-old girl was strangled and buried under hot ash about a year later and a six-year-old boy with shattered limbs was discovered not far from her grave. We believe the boy must have died from the traumatic injury months before Carlos De Vil was born. One young toddler with damaged lungs was also recovered, her body having been placed sometime after the four-month old’s, and a stillborn baby was recovered from the corner of the yard. The last was that of a three-week-old baby girl whose neck was snapped back.”
“What are the identities of the children?” the judge asked.
“All were children of Cruella De Vil,” the prosecutor said. “We believe she killed her own children, either through accident or malicious intent, over the years.”
There was a stir throughout the room. Carlos turned to stare at Ben. “You didn’t tell me that,” he gasped.
Ben shook his head. “Didn’t want to,” he said with guilt in his tone. Mal was leaning forward with one hand on the wall and Ben was leaning against her hand for comfort. He was holding her other hand over his shoulder. Carlos didn’t understand – they acted like they were in pain all the time when they had to be apart. Newlyweds.
There was more evidence – more descriptions regarding the gruesome way the six children – Carlos’s older brother and sisters – died, but Carlos tuned it out in favor of shock and focusing on what was about to happen.
He was finally called to the stand.
“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” a man asks, holding a book of law for Carlos to swear on.
“I do,” Carlos nodded.
Ben’s lawyer and Ben have a quick discussion/escalating argument/fight and then the lawyer sits down and Ben gives Mal one last squeeze before getting up. Ben has a degree in law that he received alongside his graduation diploma and is, as such, able to question a witness without a major problem. Also, he’s the king who brought down the barrier to the Isle of the Lost and married the daughter of Maleficent, who had dragon-shapeshifting powers. At this point, he can do whatever he wants. All at nineteen. What a winner.
“Carlos,” Ben began, clapping his hands together in the same way he does whenever he wants everyone’s attentions. “Will you tell us about your mother?”
It was a very general question for a very specific reason. Ben wanted to know the scope of what Carlos was willing to share and then target the most important parts.
“She and I were never quite close,” Carlos started. “Growing up, I was there to do most of the chores. Like most other Isle kids, I was beat and hit and sometimes left outside.”
“Did you feel that Cruella cared for you?” Ben asked softly. Carlos felt his throat swelling up. Trust Ben to ask these hard-hitting questions.
“No,” he said. “She didn’t. She told me so.”
Ben exhales and steps forward to be closer to Carlos. “Carlos, was there every any other people living in the house with you and your mother?”
“And you were unaware of the bodies in the backyard?”
“I first learned about them when Mal invited me to be part of this prosecution.”
“Taking those children into consideration, did your mother ever threaten you?”
Carlos’s hands shook even though he was doing nothing with them. “A few times,” he agreed and his voice cracked. “Almost every day, actually. Most of the time with small things, though. She told me I’d get locked out if I didn’t finish chores or that she’d b-hit me. Or that I would go hungry. Stuff like that. Normal stuff.” He flinched away from his own words as people in the audience exchanged looks. It is not always that he remembers it is not normal to abuse children in Auradon.
Ben tilted his head. “Did she ever threaten to kill you?” he asked.
Carlos swallowed hard. The memories are flashing in front of his eyes and cold sweat is dripping down his forehead. “Yes,” he agreed.
“Tell me a time,” Ben requested. Carlos closes his eyes.
“I…” he stammered off and then cleared his throat. “I came back late with Mal, Evie, and Jay. Someone had broken into the house while I was gone and had stolen a bunch of things. She was furious. She called me a thief and demanded I make restitution for not protecting the house. She said I had a week to make it all up or she would… well, she would kill me.”
Ben knew Carlos. They were good friends. Still, he glanced back at Mal and Jay and Evie to make sure it’s okay to keep asking before he said: “Is there anything else you want to tell me about that time? Specifics… how old you were?”
“I was thirteen,” Carlos nodded. “I turned thirteen the next week. And… she specifically said she would use my stomach to hang me up in the streets.”
The defense attorney pinched the bridge of his nose.
Ben nodded and stopped wringing his hands. “Carlos, were you ever hurt by your mother?”
The question made him freeze up. How could he possibly tell one? So many different instances came to mind. “Yes,” was all he could think to say. “But we all were.”
“Strike that from the record,” Ben requested, addressing the judge. “It’s irrelevant to the case and generalization.”
“So stricken,” the judge agreed.
“Carlos,” Ben called, walking a little closer. “You know I want the best for you. And for all of the Isle kids, correct?”
“Objection!” The defense attorney raised his hand. “You are leading the witness.”
The judge nodded and gave Ben a firm look. Ben nodded, took a deep breath, and then focused on Carlos. “Bearing in mind the others who will come after you and how you may feel when this is all over, is there anything in particular you wish to tell the jury?”
Carlos glanced at the jury. He glanced at his mother. He focused on Ben. Honest, hard-working Ben who was going to be elbow-deep in child abuse cases from the Isle of the Lost for the next five years, if he was lucky. He swallowed and ran a thumb over his index finger.
“There are a lot of things,” he mumbled. “Things I pushed out and grew up through. Most of the time, they just come back in pieces.” He reached up and squeezed his own shoulder before sliding the neckline of the red and black t-shirt he was wearing down. The scar in the shape of a bite was revealed and he watched several jury members take deep breaths.
“There was a cat,” he recalled. “One that accidentally came over with the ships. A cat that was black with poufy fur and one dead eye. She locked it in a room and left it there for two days until it was feral with hunger. Then she threw me in. It got my eye… I couldn’t see but I somehow managed to smash it into the wall. It bit me here and I obviously still have the marks.”
He reached down and lifted his leg up onto his thigh to trace his calf. “They’ve already talked about my room… it was a spare closet where she hung her old furs and left all these old bear traps… things you step on and they take off your leg. When I was seven, I triggered one, but it didn’t go off all the way. It mangled up my leg and I couldn’t walk. Jay happened to walk past my window, heard me calling for help, and snuck in to sneak me out. I couldn’t walk for almost four months and I had a limp until I turned twelve. She used to follow me around the house, screaming because I couldn’t walk straight and I couldn’t move as fast.”
Carlos combed his fingers through his head and found a bald spot. “She burned a ‘C’ into my head,” he announced and pulled his hair aside to show them. “She found a curved piece of metal and held it into the fire for a few hours.” He let his locks fall back into place. “I just… never understood it. I felt like it was normal punishments, even if my friends never went through the same stuff. And I understood that I was in danger, but she always made it feel as if it was my fault.”
“How would you describe your situation?” Ben asked.
“I was trapped,” Carlos replied. “Trapped until you took me away. I was living a life where she would never be proud of me and I would always be trying to make her proud of me.”
“Can you expand on that, please?” Ben asked. “Specifically, why do you believe she couldn’t be proud of you?”
“Because she hated me,” Carlos said and a weight lifted off his chest. The words began to come faster, as if he’d finally unlocked them. “She told me every day that she hated my guts and I knew it. It was just a truth… we grow up knowing that the grass is green and that food fills you… I knew that my mother hated me and I was only around to keep the house. I knew that one day, I would die, and it would probably be by her hand, and I was never sure if I wanted it or not because I thought it might be easier to be dead.”
Tears burned his eyes, but he pressed onwards as they came rolling down his cheeks. “She tried to murder me once, when she was drunk. In one hand she had a busted bottle of champagne… in the other a fire poker. She threw a heavy fur on me and tried to beat me through it. I think she was drunk. I passed out in my own blood. And when I woke up, I cried because I was awake and alive and I knew I had to clean up my own mess of vomit and blood before she saw it or she would do it all over again. I cried because I didn’t want to do the cycle again. I wanted to stay asleep so she couldn’t hurt me.”
Carlos had never known silence to be as quiet as if was in the courtroom as Ben pulled a box of tissues off the stand and handed them to Carlos. “No further questions,” he murmured, only loud enough for the judge and Carlos to hear, before he went to go sit down in his seat. Mal’s hand immediately tangled into his hair and she slid up to kiss the skin at the nape of his neck. Carlos looked down the line at his friends. Poor Jane was crying just as bad as he was.
The judge directed her attention to Ben’s attorney. “Any further questions?” she asked. He shook his head. “The defense may begin their cross-examination.”
Surprisingly, the defense team didn’t try too hard with him. They fired off a few things about where and when things had happened, but when they couldn’t trip him on the first few items they simply gave up. He was allowed to sit down and they began to fire statistical arguments at the jury. “This woman has served twenty-two years in prison and in an area that was not secured by Auradon government. How can we hold her to standards in a place where the law did not exist?” But it was clear that even Cruella’s defense thought she should be locked away. Hardly anyone listened to their lawful reasoning.
The jury left to make their decision and Cruella turned around to ask one of the people behind her for a comb. Carlos watched her fluff up her hair from a distance. He put his head down on the table until the jury walked back in. The entire decision had taken less than ten minutes.
Carlos listened to her be pronounced guilty and sentenced to life. Cruella seemed unfazed. She didn’t even glance his way. He didn’t understand. He had just helped put her away. Could she at least spare him that?
The court adjourned and people began walking away. Guards came to cuff her and put her behind bars. Without even realizing what was happening, Carlos was jumping over the table and running to break their path. “Mom,” he snapped, the word foreign on his tongue. “Look at me.”
Cruella rolled her eyes. “Why?” she asked.
“Don’t you understand?” Carlos demanded. “You’re going to prison. For life. And I put you there. Don’t you want to glare? Or be upset?”
Cruella’s cold, uncaring eyes skimmed over him. “What’s the point?” she asked. “I don’t owe you another thought and don’t think I give things away for free.”
And they walked by him.
She’d looked at him. He could feel those cold eyes like hands dragging him down.
“What should I have done?” He asked Ben as they all crowded into the dark end of a restaurant. “I mean… she was right there.”
“I think you did wonderfully,” Ben said, dropping an arm around his bride. Her hair was covered so as not to draw paparazzi attention. “You don’t owe her anything.”
“I feel like I do,” Carlos snorted with a disbelieving laugh. “You know… she asked me for a nail file when I went to visit her and I just… did it. Because that’s my job. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”
“I do that,” Evie mumbled down the table. “My mom called and said she was out of mascara and I was down to the car before I realized that I have a life now and I don’t need to go help her all the time.” She sighed and sipped the smoothie she’d ordered. “I mean, I still went to help her, but it was just an automatic response. I need to work on it.”
“I think it’s just something you do for people,” Jane whispered. “You and Evie.”
“What about us?” Mal raised an eyebrow.
“Nah,” Ben began to laugh. “If someone asks you to do something, you’re all like: ‘why’, ‘what are you gonna give me?’”
“Whatever, Ben.” Mal scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Hey Mal,” Jay smirked. “Can I see your phone? Need to look something up.”
Mal sneered. “Use your own,” she snapped, then blinked and began to laugh when she realized Evie and Carlos had both reached for their phones to offer up sacrifice to Jay. The two teens blushed and put their phones back.
“I guess that’s right,” Carlos agreed, laughing a little. “It just felt different in the moment because I just… reacted. And it was such a small thing, but I’ve been so worried about testifying. Like… if she said not to talk about something, would I have?”
“Did she say not to talk about anything?” Mal asked.
“No,” Carlos shook his head. “She said she’d get me a list of things she wanted me to bring to court, but it never arrived. She didn’t even talk to me at all during court… barely even looked at me on the way out.”
Mal shook her head, “What a-“
“Don’t swear,” Ben cut her off. “You need to get into the habit, remember? Our publicist will go insane if you keep cussing during interviews.”
“Whatever,” Mal scoffed. “Just think of it this way, Carlos. Now she’s in a place where they’ll take care of her and you’re not required to go see her or do anything. If you do go, she can’t touch you and you can’t bring things into her anyways. This is just your way of gaining more control of your relationship with her.”
Carlos stayed silent for several seconds, swirling his straw in his soda pop. Everyone waited patiently for his response. “I like that,” he said at last. “I guess… I just have a little bit more control over how much control she has of me.”
“And that,” Ben picked up his drink and bumped it against Mal’s head with a sly grin on his face, “is something worthy of a toast. To Carlos!”
Everyone else picked up their glasses as well. “To Carlos!” Was echoed a bit too loudly around the restaurant. Patrons glanced over, and Carlos found himself blushing. Ben swung back the entirety of his drink in one go and dropped the glass with a thud before he and Jay joined up to squish Mal between them as hard as they both could. She squealed and, with one arm each (the remnants of her strength from the Isle) pushed them aside. Ben grabbed her arm and Jay began to help wrestle her down to tickle her.
“By the way,” Ben announced. “I’m paying tonight.”
“Way to flash your money at everyone, Ben,” Evie rolled her eyes.
Carlos laughed along with everyone as Mal squealed and tried to wrestle away from Ben and Jay’s joint attacks. Everything that had happened suddenly seemed very far away.
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dani-luminae · 4 years
This might be a weird question but you know the high school assignment where you have to treat a sack of flour like your baby? How well would your OCs and their love interests do with that assignment?
This is not something I considered before now, but my god the mental images this ask has conjured are hilarious.
In no particular order, below the cut.
Haley (OC) and Layla (canon to Sky High) are fourteen and probably not that good at this assignment, however hard they try. Haley has helped out with taking care of younger foster-siblings, but that hasn’t prepared her at all for Flour Sack Baby, and Layla would rather look after plants. They don’t *intend* to be neglectful to Flour Sack Baby, but probably would be. These girls are fourteen, though, and still have lots of room to grow.
Royal and Nik (both OCs) would probably be the one of the best on the list at caring for Flour Sack Baby, considering they’re both 20/21 and have cared for younger siblings (Royal practically raised Mal, and she still looks after baby Beryl, so there’s that.) Their Four Sack Baby is treated very well and rarely ever unattended, although neither of them understand how this happened.
Bianca (OC) and Mal (technically canon) have no idea what they’re doing. Mal grew up on the Banished Land with a neglectful mother, and while Bianca grew up with loving yet evil parents in Auradon/Dark Haven, she’s also a spoiled princess who has no experience with caring for younger people at all, considering she’s an only child. (I don’t know how Sophia and Bianca would be together on this; your thoughts, @megamultifandomtrashposts?)
Adam II and Minnie (both OCs) would actually be really good parents. Once Adam gets it into his head that Flour Sack Baby is (supposedly) family, he’s on top of it the way he looks after other family - protective and defensive and very dedicated. Minnie is naturally more detail-oriented and takes to looking after Flour Sack Baby easily.
Jackie (OC), Theodora (OC), and Jay (canon) don’t know what to do with Flour Sack Baby and probably give him up for adoption.
Aria and Killian (both OCs) are probably right up there with Royal and Nik for “best parents on this list.” Aria knew loving parents and a happy life, and would be a fantastic mother. Killian might take a while to get the hang of it, but once he does, he’s great at being a dad.
Gwyn (OC) and Willa (canon) already spend a lot of time looking after the Were-pups in the packs, what’s one more Flour Sack Baby Were-pup? They’re fine with it. (Wynter gives it little ears and draws a face on it. She’s a proud aunt and offers to babysit.)
Cassia (OC) and Warren (canon) probably would be like Haley and Layla... they try their best, they really do, but considering they’re both still fourteen, they’re just not cut out for parenting yet. And Warren accidentally sets it on fire.
Lia (OC) and Ben (canon) are fantastic parents. Nothing can change my mind on this. They love their Flour Sack Child and even make a little pair of wings for it. It is a very loved sack of flour. Although Lia thinks that Auradon assigning their students sack of flours to be treated as children is bizarre and useless.
Zeraphina (OC) and Bucky (canon) such at being parents to Flour Sack Baby. They’d try their best, but with football practice and cheer practice, they’re very busy parents. (Fortunately, Payton adopts their Flour Sack Baby and is a fantastic father.)
Carly (OC) and Chad (canon) would be good parents. Chad’s parents spoiled him when he was a child, so he would probably do the same to their Flour Sack Baby, but because of the bullying he experienced as a kid he is also very protective of the flour sack. Carly makes cute little clothes for it. They might be taking this too seriously, but it is a very loved Flour Sack Baby.
Nara (OC) and Evie (canon) would struggle to be good parents. Evie’s mother and Nara’s adopted mother weren’t exactly great moms, and while Nara has her biological parents back, she’s still not sure what to do with a Flour Sack Baby. They do well, for the most part, but they do struggle.
Rose and Serena (both canon) would be inexperienced, naturally, but probably good mothers. Serena had a loving father, and Rose has a lot of family to learn from, so their Flour Sack Baby is well-taken care of and has a wonderful extended family too.
You have no idea how many times I wrote “Flack Sour Baby” by accident.
There’s probably some OCs missing from this list and I apologize for that, but I think that’s all I can remember at this time.
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 4 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 14
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 13
Word Count: 4,007
Summary: Now that the group has everything they need for the magic elixir, how will they react to giving the Isle of the Lost a little taste of magic?
Pairings: Harry x OC, Uma x OC, Harry x Uma x OC, platonic!Gil x OC, a little bit of platonic!Gil x Harry, past!OC x OC in a flashback scene
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild profanity, descriptive threats of murder, a flashback scene that kind of shines a light on how much of a dick Sofi’s dad was and how much she deserved better, also a little bit of sexual tension at the beginning but honestly not much
Tags: I honestly feel like people have stopped paying attention to this fic so I’m gonna stop with the tags for now but I’ll start them again if enough people ask.
Author’s Note: I am really sorry about the long pause, it’s been kind of hard writing for this fandom when the content for it has started to dwindle. I’m going to try my best to keep the Descendants fandom alive since I really love it but considering it’s been almost a year since the last movie came out, it’s going to be hard.
“How do we know the Doctor’s not going to flake out on us? He’s done it before.” Harry asked as he shifted into the sofa. The four of us, now permanently deciding to include Gil on our plan, had gone back to the room where the plan first became set in stone. I had sent out a sort of distress call to the Doctor himself telling him that the hairs were ready to be mixed into the elixir, which was incredibly hard without any magic, but somewhat possible nonetheless. I looked over to Harry and leaned my head on his shoulder as a small, bored yawn escaped my lips. 
“He won’t flake on me. Dr Facilier has worked with my family before. He’s well aware of how powerful my father was; and, if I am anything like my father, he’ll know I’m not a force to mess with either. Unfortunately, my father and I have more in common than I’d like to admit.” I ran a thin finger through his black, matted locks as the four of us sat and waited not so patiently for the doctor to arrive. Noticing my physical affection towards Harry, Uma moved closer next to me and leaned in to whisper to me.
“You know, you’ve been latching onto Harry a lot today, you two didn’t play without me, did you?” Due to our vicinity, both Harry and I heard her words. A small shiver ran up my spine as her voice sent warm air across my skin. 
“Of course not, Captain. If a game is what you want, though, I’m sure the two of us would be happy to oblige.” Harry smirked, interjecting the tension between Uma and I. The two looked as if their lips were about to lock when they were both blocked by a lock of blonde hair. 
“Not to interrupt, guys, but I hear footsteps.” He was definitely interrupting. But, it was for good reason. Harry, Uma and I moved slightly farther apart as Harry quickly grabbed his hook and I readied my hand on my dagger, prepared in case it was some unwanted visitor walking through the door. 
“Will you put your hook down, pirate boy? It’s just me. Sorry if I’m late, but I had a bit of a run in with one of Cruella’s goons.” My eyes quickly widened as I stood and ran towards him like a wild, hungry tiger.
“What the fuck, Doc! What did you tell them? You didn’t see Cruella, did you?” Before I could get close enough for the Doctor to feel the steam from my ears, Uma and Harry interjected the space between. Harry put an arm out to block Facilier from defending himself as Uma moved closer to me in an attempt to calm my anger.
“Relax, babygirl,” Uma calmly spoke, using the pet name that seemed to work on me like a magic spell every time. Yet it only worked when it slipped from her lips. “Cruella’s been indisposed since she saw Maleficent get turned into a lizard at Ben’s coronation. Jafar’s been hiding from the embarrassment of his son becoming a good kid and the Evil Queen...Well I don’t know what’s happened with her. Rumor has it she changed her name to Regina and drank a potion transporting her to some different dimension where Auradon doesn’t even exist. Wherever she is, she’s not here. None of them care about themselves anymore to worry about some little trinkets getting stolen.” With a deep inhale, I took a step back and watched as Uma turned toward the Doctor. She somehow seemed so confident, so professional, no matter the circumstances. I very rarely let somebody else dominate me both in and out of sensual situations. But with Uma, it was like disobeying her meant taking away every ounce of oxygen in my body. I needed her like a fish needs water. “I’m sure they were taken care of? Tell me, Doc, how’d you do it? Choke them until their faces turned blue? Slashed them across their necks and watched as their blood spewed like a fountain? Then again, I guess that would’ve messed up your clothes.”
“I left them unharmed.” Facilier replied after a slight hesitation. This must have been his first time meeting Uma. Otherwise he would’ve been prepared for her high-handed attitude and body language. “Getting my hands dirty would have perked some ears around the Isle. I assume you want this plan to remain secret until the time is right?” Uma nodded her head and turned around, leading the two of us back to the sofa we sat on before. She fixed her eyes on the black, still cauldron in front of us. 
“You’d assume correctly. Now, do you have the ingredients or not?” Facilier stood still, looking through his large, black satchel for what we were hoping were the ingredients. Uma, however, was not going to accept silence as an answer. “Now, Doctor. We mustn't lurk in doorways...it’s rude.” She chuckled as she watched Facilier hesitantly walk into the room and towards the cauldron. Then, like a child tentatively unwrapping a present, he started to take the ingredients out of his satchel and placed them on a nearby rickety desk. 
“I know you said enough for two gulps. But, I figured it’d be best to take everything instead of leaving some behind and risk getting caught. Should be enough for five elixirs. One for each of you kids...and an extra in case things go sideways.” It was laid out like a buffet. Eight dog bones, a large bowl of dust from Jafar’s stolen lamp,  and five apples with exactly one bite taken out of each. “How many hairs did you get?”
“Ten. The recipe called for five but...I may have gotten carried away. There’s something succulent about hearing his pain, especially since he deserves every single bit of it.” I stated, keeping my voice and face as blank as possible. Despite the Doctor knowing what Ben had done to the boys on Neverland, I refused to let him see me emotional or otherwise affected by it. 
“Showing any kind of emotion, especially towards men, is weakness. The second a boy or man sees a tear fall down that wretched face of yours, they’ll know what I’ve known since the day you were born. You could never be a leader.” I heard my own father’s voice echo in my head. I couldn’t help but feel my surroundings grow fuzzy and mute as I only heard his voice. “If you can’t stand up to a measly wolf cub, how could you ever lead these boys in the case of battle?” His one remark to me when I came to him with bite marks and gruesome scratches. He’d sent me into the jungle to hunt for dinner. While walking back to camp with some fox meat, a couple of baby wolves had attacked me and stolen the meat. I came to my father looking for comfort, or at least some kind of potion that would heal the wounds. The only thing I was given was ridicule and mockery. In a way, he was right. The entire island was ransacked, murdered, ruthlessly slaughtered. I couldn’t save them. I can’t bring them back either. Maybe this wasn’t Ben’s fault, or even Mal’s. Maybe it was mine.
“Hey, kid. You still with us?” A dark hand waving in front of my face brought me back to reality. Uma, Harry and Gil had all sat on the sofa while I still stood, my eyes locked on the table of ingredients. “You having second thoughts?” I looked back up at him and quickly shook my head. Was I lying? A little. If I couldn’t help my boys back then, how am I going to help them now? They’re already gone, and there’s no magic in this entire realm that could bring them back. But, this far into the plan, I’m starting to realize that this plan isn’t just for me anymore. It may have started that way. I may have befriended Uma and Harry for the sake of numbers and people that share a common enemy. But, I know now that these people can have some serious potential if they had enough power. This elixir and the succession of this plan could give them that potential. “Alright then, let’s get this started! This elixir ain’t gonna make itself!”
One by one the ingredients slipped into the cauldron. The boiling water shifted colors as each bone was dunked, as each fingerful of dust was sprinkled in, as each apple slice was slowly dropped in. By the time nearly all the ingredients were mixed together, the bubbling water had changed from clear to a murky, dirty dark brown. Harry looked up in confusion, nearly disgusted by the color despite being surrounded by it. “Isn’t the elixir supposed to be gold? Or green? Or...something not so disgusting?” 
“It’s because we haven’t put in the key ingredient.” Uma replied, everybody’s eyes shifting towards me. I took the vial out of my pocket and watched as the hairs glimmered gold.
“Wow, and people say Rapunzel has magic hair.” Gil chuckled, amazed by the sparkling shimmer inside the glass vial. As I go to open the vial, Gil interjects with his voice once more. “Wait, um...Doctor F?”
“Facilier, it’s Doctor Facilier.”
“You said there’d be enough of this potion thing for the four of us to drink it but..Harry and I don’t have magic. What’s going to happen to us?” Everyone paused where they stood. For once, Gil had actually made a good point. This was only my third time making this elixir, the past two times making them for some sick fairies who needed the extra push to fly again. I had never tested them on people not Neverland native, much less a person not born with or capable of magic. 
“Well, if you really think about it...magic is basically taking your strongest traits and making them unstoppable. Even without my abilities, I’ve always had a good read on people, making it easy to manipulate their opinions and emotions. Uma’s never been able to use her mother’s magic, but she still feels better when she’s close to water. Don’t you, Captain?” Uma shrugged and nodded her head. “So, maybe you’ll be strong enough to lift the whole ship with just one arm. Imagine how cool that’d be.” Gil gasped and smiled, surely encaptured in that concept. I looked to the cork on the vial, then back at everyone else. “So, shall we?” Everyone nodded eagerly and I could hear a small cackle of excitement from Harry as I opened the cork and dropped the royal hairs in one by one. By the time all ten hairs were mixed in, the potion had turned a glimmery, sparkling gold just as we thought it would. Uma grabbed a ladle she had snatched from the Chip Shoppe’s kitchen and scooped enough to fill the glass vial to the top. 
“So, who’s drinking first?” There was a small silence in the room. Whether it was from fear or from not wanting to sound too selfish, nobody vocally volunteered themselves to take the first sip of the elixir.
“You should, Uma. You are the Captain, after all.” Harry mumbled, a hint of his sincere admiration and affection peeking through a small smile. Uma looked to me, as if wanting my consent to be the first to indulge in this magic elixir.
“Go on, Captain. Don’t worry, if it tastes anything like the Neverland elixir, it should be easy to swallow.” I slowly took the empty ladle from her hand and placed it on the empty desk that once held the elixir’s ingredients. I held onto her empty hand with both of mine and let my fingers caress over her skin. After a deep inhalation, Uma chugged down the sparkling potion and swallowed it whole. A few seconds of silence and slight fear went by before Uma took in a quick gasp, gripping tighter onto my hand to keep herself balanced. I could see her eyes flash a bright, ocean blue for just a moment before returning to their near charcoal shade. Harry and Gil immediately stood up from the sofa and rushed to her side, ready to lift her up if she were to feel faint.
“Uma? Are you okay? What happened?” Harry asked, leaning in to make sure the look on her face wasn’t too pale or otherwise sickly. A second of silence scared everyone else in the room, but after she started to let out her infamously wicked and alluring snicker, we knew she was okay.
“I’ve never felt more exhilarated in my entire life! Nothing was happening at first and then, it felt like my entire body was this massive tidal wave crashing onto shore. And now, I feel like there’s something different going through me. Not blood or thoughts but, something more.” I smiled and helped Uma stand up fully, taking both her hands in mine.
“That’s how magic is supposed to feel. Here, I’ll pour the next one. Go ahead and sit down, you may feel a bit woozy if you stand too long.” As Gil led her down to the sofa, I took the ladle and scooped yet another vial full of the delectable potion. “Does anyone want the next one?” Again, there was silence. As I was about to take the second swig myself, I felt a strong hand take the vial out of mine. I looked up to see Gil holding the potion in his hand, eyeing it in a longing sort of way. “Go ahead, Gil. I promise we won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Gil took a quick nod, certain of our promise, and downed the potion in a single gulp. 
This time, Harry and I waited more in excitement then in fear. Gil’s reaction wasn’t as huge as Uma’s but there definitely was one. One second, Gil was standing with the empty vial in his hand. The next he jumped high and shook away a bunch of energy coursing through his body, as if he had just taken his first shot in a long night of drinking. “Holy shit, that was awesome! You really think I could lift the ship, Sofi?”
“Easy there, Gil. Save the strength for tomorrow, okay?” I laughed as he started to roughhouse a bit with Harry. The two had a relatively short round of horseplay before Gil suddenly had Harry over his shoulder. Considering the two boys’ relatively similar weight and muscle mass, we never thought that was possible. Then, we had realized that my theory had turned out to be correct. Gil’s new spout of magic had brought a whole new meaning to him being ‘the muscle’ of the group. 
“Okay, okay, okay, now I want some of this action. Pour it up, duckling!” Harry near shouted like an excited child on Christmas morning. I grabbed the ladle and poured a third portion of the elixir into the glass vial. With no hesitation, Harry took the vial and lifted it high as he poured the potion down his throat, letting the last drop linger on his tongue. He felt a rush immediately, but from what I could see, there was little to no physical change showing that he now had magic. He was potentially on a rush of adrenaline, meaning whether the elixir had given him magic or not, he definitely felt a physical rush of change. There was only one way to know for sure if the potion had worked on him.
“I guess it’s my turn.” I quietly huffed as I poured another portion of the elixir into the empty vial. A part of me was fearful of the outcome. I knew the potion would work correctly, but I had no idea the effect it would have on me. These past three months were the first time I had ever gone without using my magic. Three months of no magic after who knows how many years of near constant magic was wild enough. But taking all that magic back in at once? I was diving into the ocean without knowing whether or not I’d drown. But, if it would help my Uma take Mal down and claim the leadership she deserves, that’s a risk I’d be willing to take. I slowly tilted my head back and let the elixir slide down my tongue. The taste was oddly familiar. Tangy like a fresh orange with a hint of something herby and earthy. It tasted like home. As the elixir was wholly consumed, I laid the vial and ladle aside as I put my hands on the nearby desk for support in case of any sudden dizziness. 
What I felt next was both euphoric and catastrophic. The thoughts of others didn’t slowly slip in through my ears. They rushed inside my brain, nearly knocking me out with their speed and intensity. I could feel my eyes burning with an emerald flame, something only the kids on Neverland had seen. By the time it was all over, I was electrified with the magic I had once called my home. 
“Is she okay? She looks a little faint. Maybe I should check on her? Should I ask Uma to check on her?”
“Wow, that looked like a lot. I wonder if she felt everything I felt when I drank it. Or maybe she felt more since she’s used her magic before? Maybe Harry and I should check on her.”
“These damn crazy kids. I wouldn’t be doing all of this if those Auradon bastards didn’t kill my boy. But nobody messes with my kids. If they even lay a finger on Celia I’ll have all their heads.”
“Can you really curl your hair with your finger? I see Uma and Sofi do it all the time...maybe it’s just a girl thing.”
Their thoughts began to slow down enough for me to thoroughly listen to them. “You guys don’t need to check on me, I’m fine. I’m more than fine.” I stood up straight and wiped some dust off my shoulders before sitting next to Gil and Uma on the sofa. “Also, Gil, Uma and I don’t curl our hair with our fingers. Our hair is just naturally curly. If you wanna curl your hair so badly, I can give you a ride to Lady Tremaine’s.” Gil’s perked up, confused brow caused a small rise of laughs throughout the room. The thoughts in the room began to quiet down as I slowly gained control over my magic again, putting the minds of others in the background of my brain. As we all grew adjusted to the elixir and its effects, Facilier poured the final scoop of the elixir into the vial and corked it shut as he handed it to Uma. 
“Keep this close with you. The elixir ain’t permanent. You may need this if those Auradon bastards come at you with something strong.” As he saw Uma slip it into her jacket pocket, he walked over to me and glared at me sincerely. “I don’t know what kind of second thoughts you may be having, but you’re going through with this. If not for me, then for Mateo. He would’ve wanted you to keep going.” 
I thought back to the moment that I knew Mateo was going to be a really close friend. It was the same day I had gotten attacked by the wolf cub. I sat alone in my tent, attempting to dress my wounds with palm leaves and hold back the pained sobs when those attempts had failed. Suddenly, I heard the flap of my tent wave open. “I heard someone’s got some new battle scars..can I see them?” I kept my mouth shut and attempted to close him off, knowing that the second I said a word, tears would rush down my face. “I brought something from the med tent that may take the edge off. Do you want it?” I turned and nodded my head, still keeping quiet to keep too much ‘weakness’ from peeking through.
As Mateo dressed the wounds correctly and sprinkled on some healing pixie dust, the pain from the wounds began to subside excluding a small sting from the pixie dust. But the emotional pain, the ping in my chest from my own father telling me I could never be a leader, that’s what was hurting me the most. “Mateo...do you think I made a mistake?”
“Made a mistake? Doing what?”
“Choosing to age, to grow up. I thought it would help me become stronger, faster, smarter. But I don’t think it’s doing any of that. I couldn’t keep a wolf cub off of me!” A shred of my anger began to shine through as everything my father had said came rushing back.
“Well, to be fair, your hands were a little full with all of that fox meat. Pan probably should’ve sent someone out with you.” Mateo chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood as he always did.
“It’s not funny! I couldn’t fight off a wolf cub, my swordfighting is total shit, this new magic I’ve been developing lately is completely out of control...I can’t do anything! What if my dad is right? What if I’m just not fit to be a leader?” As Mateo dressed the last bite mark, he shifted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in for comfort.
“Okay, your swordfighting isn’t the best. And yeah, you’ve got some new powers that you don’t really know how to control yet. But, who threw a dagger so far and so well that it pushed an apple off of Reggie’s head and into a tree?”
“...I did.”
“And who taught Felix how to use the tidal waves to tell if a storm was coming?”
“...I did.”
“And who saved a Lost Boy’s life by catching an arrow that was heading straight for them with her bare hand?” That Lost Boy was him. My dad was angry and drunk and thought killing him would be a good way to piss off Facilier and get a good bloodbath going. But something in my gut clicked fast enough to move Mateo out of the way and catch the arrow to prevent it from hitting anybody else. It could’ve killed me, but I didn’t care.
“I did.”
“So you have some things you need to improve on. That’s fine. But do you know what you’re best at, Sofi? Your strongest skill is helping the other boys. Whether you’re keeping them happy, keeping them safe, or helping them grow in the areas that they need improvement. You never back down on an opportunity to help the Lost Boys. If that’s not a sign of a good leader, I don’t know what is.” 
As my mind came back to the present day, I realized that I shouldn’t be having any sort of second thoughts about this plan. Succeeding in making Mal suffer and taking over Auradon would not only be giving the Lost Revenge crew the potential and inclusion they deserve, but it would be avenging the deaths of everyone I’ve ever cared about. It’d be another instance of me not backing down on an opportunity to help those I loved. This plan will prove that I am, in fact, a good leader. As I watched Facilier pack up his satchel and begin to leave the room, I stood and shouted towards him. “I’m going to make him proud, Doc. I promise.” At the sudden yell, Harry, Uma and Gil all stood to listen. “We were all brutally wronged by Auradon. Their system has been suppressing us, starving us, killing us for far too long! Tomorrow, we will take Auradon into our hands and give every single kid on this Isle the chance they deserve! If we have to spill some blood to do it...then let the blood spill. Rest up, everyone. Because tomorrow, we fight!”
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