#sonic forces angst
cutegirlmayra · 7 months
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Aye, Aye, Capt'n!!!!
Note: All the obstacles listed are basically what's in the above mentioned Anon requests XD I just didn't want to have to describe everything when they did it so well! <3
However, do I like a 'Hi, I love this and that <3' every now and then. Peace and love, My Cuties~
War had ruined most hearts against the sunny light of hope… it was a dark time, hardly counts to call it the ‘worst’ since most refuse to acknowledge that time should even consider it. To most, it was a mistake.
Many looked to the basking Sonic with quiet anger, seeing him up on a ruined pillar that had fallen on some poor sap’s rooftop. They saw this as an open rebellion of sorts, as though their ‘hero’ was ‘too good’ to help with reconstruction efforts.
This soured their hearts, as they had all mourned his supposed passing… now they envied the time they thought him better than this.
Amy, sensing the hostility, requested a plot of land to not be cleared yet. With the trash, she constructed obstacles, feats of daring intique, and even thrills in hopes of getting Sonic and the rest of the remaining survivors a entertainment spectacle to lose themselves in.
Maybe… sparking love once more for their daring, dashing hero again.
However… Sonic was a fickle sort of heart. Always darting around, Amy couldn’t find the time to actually stick his feet to the ground long enough to engage him in these ‘sports’ of sorts.
Not giving up, though exhausted, she asked for more time from Knuckles and Tails happily took her spot to cover for her.
She was determined to make Sonic care… there was no doubt in her mind that he did, but no one saw the actions a hero did when alone… and no one was watching.
‘How do I make them understand him?’ She thought to herself, getting a bungie chord secured and ready, locking it in place. “How…” She arched her eyes, in worry. “How do I show them who he truly is?”
At night, dead in its darkness, Sonic traveled hundreds of miles… searching the ground with due diligence, he would race back with seeds of every different kind of plant life he could find–down to the smallest grain of mustard seed.
He would run and scatter from his hands the seeds into the wake of his wind, and thereby, he was healing the earth… digging out channels of land to make small canals for water to be brought to the new seedlings, and he did this all without a single eye upon him… except, when Amy tracked his location one night, that is.
She took out her tracker and followed in his footsteps, covering her mouth when her eyes were alight with green… and all sorts of beautiful colors from the freshly watered plants springing up again.
It was so far from the city… of course no one would interfere with it.
But Amy clenched her heart, she knew the people would still think Sonic a decadent, his credence simply being that he never helped the living civilians and rebellion people whom he led… caring more for ridiculous plants than their own wellbeing.
But Amy knew in her heart that this was important work, too… No matter how many homes are rebuilt, if the earth was damaged, so would their futures be…
“I have to make them see.” She hit the large, steel spike into the ground adamantly, sweat forming on her forehead as she wiped it off, ‘He’s so kind.’ she teared up, gritting her teeth, ‘How dare they say he doesn’t care! If they saw the beauty of that place… of the wide and green miles upon miles he’s worked so hard to restore… they’d see he is on their side… just… in a different way!’
She hammered and hammered… growing more upset, ‘Sonic..’ Her heart cried out and she fell to her knees, “How do I make them understand..?”, ‘How do I get them to see your heart… without actually showing them your private passion project?’
She wiped her eyes with her arm… before hearing a familiar spinning sound, like a pinball spin-up.
“H-huh?” She turned to see Sonic blazing through her track, “Oh!” She was elated to see him… but then…
“Wait!” She rose straight up, “No, no, no!!!” She raced forward, wanting to stop him! ‘If he completes the obstacle course and thrill rides… No one will see it and laugh with us at his accomplishment!’, “Sonic!!!”
She raced after him with her hands outstretched along the track, like a true test of courage and strength, as Sonic was literally destroying the track as it wasn’t done yet while completing it.
He was having a ball!
Amy quickly had to run to get on the track, unable to save it, she just tried to keep up and dodge the crumbling setup built from the ruins of the area. “Soooniicc!!!” She tried to balance along a beam as he swung from rail to rail, smirking the whole way as he was enjoying the strange setup, not looking back, always moving forward…
‘Why isn’t he looking back?’ She saw the railing swing had snapped on one side, and jumped to the bars to climb up the rope and move along that way.
Sonic only halted at the bungie chord, putting a finger to his chin.
“This is meant to be for all to see! To do it with me! As a game!” Amy cried out, but Sonic tied the rope around him… She had to hurry before he-!”
“Waaaiiittt!!!” Amy grabbed his waist, as Sonic smiled and took hold of her, jumping. “AHHHH!!!!”
Sonic held her the rest of the way through, leaping over large rubber balls, spin-dashing through punching bags, and narrowly avoiding the water traps too.
Scaling a climbing slope, he threw Amy up top and then made it the rest of the way no problem.
He hit a button and laughed, “I did it!” He put his hands straight out, “Yes!” as the whole of the entire area crumbled to pieces, and smashed over other parts of the track to completely fail and fall, slashing big portions of the setup to rumble once more…
He put his hands on his hips, “Huh, wonder why Eggman randomly put this track out in the middle of no where, huh, Amy?” He looked down at her, “... Amy?”
She was on all fours, shaking…
“... Amy, are you okay-?” He went to reach for her hand, bending down but she turned her head away, silently looking as though growling at him in her head. 
Her eyes were covered in shadows… “Why don’t you listen?”
His outstretched hand paused.
“This isn’t a game… Well, it was- but it was meant to be adored by millions of suffering fans who needed to see you do it!” She gripped the steel upon rusty steel flooring of the top of the tower. “You just… you don’t stop and think, you just… you just do it!” She cried, “Sonic The Hedgehog… Do you care about anyone’s hard work besides your own!?” She looked up at him and it cut air off between the two of them.
He stepped back, his arms out to the side of himself now.
Amy’s eyes were blurred by her emotions, her tears like blobs of weighted mass, she couldn’t wipe them from her eyes as more just kept coming… like a floodgate had been opened.
“I don’t get it… I’m the one that doesn’t understand you.” She lowered her head, “I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have said all of that…” She cried into her hands, “I worked so hard… so people could see a different side of you… But… this is all they see.” She gestured to the ruined obstacle course and thrilling feats she had been working on. “I… I don’t want to give up on you… or the people… or myself.” She lowered her hands to her lap, now sitting on her knees.
“Sonic…” She looked up at him, his face still distorted by her tears. “Why do you do your works in the dark?”
Realizing in that sentence what she was finally talking about, his shoulders relaxed and he took a deep breath.
“I’m not offended, Amy…” He put a hand behind his head, scratching it a bit to loose some of the awkward tension that had arisen. To him, this had come out of left field, literally no where, and he was expected to catch a baseball he didn’t even know was pitched. “Just taken aback, is all.”
“...” Amy said nothing, her head lowering down, as though distraught that that was his first reply.
He looked worried, and smiled gently as he looked over the track. “... I’ve seen you working on this, Amy.” He admitted, as her head came back up, and she got herself straightly up right away onto her feet.
“Then why did you destroy it!? Why’d you say it was Eggman’s doing!?” She shook her fists, “Why did you-…” Her voice broke a bit, “I always thought I had to entertain you, Sonic… that I couldn’t keep up, so I might as well keep you around by making a good effort on my end… but even then… I’m tried, Sonic.” She closed her eyes, as Sonic twitched and put his fingers to his heart, looking down as though feeling literal pain there.
“That sank pretty low.” He admitted, his tone sounding more heartbroken then ever. He couldn’t hide that.
“You’ve done… nothing for others to witness.” She rubbed her eyes, “I can’t keep trying to make them see the real you, Sonic… or even love you, anymore.”
He smiled and turned to her, “I never asked to be ‘entertained’, Amy… No friend should have to feel like they’re catering to one or the other.”
Amy’s head shot up at that.
“If you’re tired, it’s because you’ve been trying to grab at something that just isn’t there. No one can control another’s emotions… you aren’t responsible for how I act, or how other people feel, Amy…”
Amy got wobbly, so Sonic held out a hand, catching her. “... It’s the moments people hold personal… that make them heroes, Amy.” He lowered his head, “I never asked to be a hero… I just became one… because I couldn’t hide myself anymore.” He smiled, “Good deeds or not, I live by my own creed… I don’t need cheers or approval from others… I do what I want to do, and it just so happens that saving the world, protecting my friends and others,... those are things I enjoy doing.” He helped her back to her feet, her hands gripping his arms as though never wanting to be let go of them.
“But… why can’t you… be celebrated openly, Sonic?” She shook her head, “I don’t want to hear people speaking ill of you…”
“You’re burnt out, Amy… worrying about how other people view me.” He rubbed the top of her head, affectionately. “Eggman made this mess… but you made another, putting your time into something that wasn’t your problem to deal with in the first place.” He lightly pulled her head to his chest, dropping his own head to hers. “Amy… Whether people like what I do or not, I would hope in my heart… that you’d at least choose to accept it, accept me… and for what I am, I accept all of you… even the parts that worry about me.” He smirked and moved her out of his embrace. “Life’s no fun if you’re always waiting for someone to witness you doing it.” He gave her a wink and a thumbs up, “You miss too many opportunities that way.”
She couldn’t help but feel there was some truth in that, “... The best things…” She sniffled, rubbing the back of her nose against her gloved hand, looking at it as though disgusted, but having no alternative. “Are what’s unseen…”
Sonic nodded, “My merit isn’t credited by those that can view it… it’s what I know I did, Amy. So have faith that people will warm up to us all again, you’ll see.” He grinned, leaning towards her, “Keep a smile on that pretty face of yours, and quit playing in the trash, alright?” He rubbed her cheeks, getting some dust off of them.
She giggled, “Sonic… you’re the best and the worst at this!” She pushed him and he stumbled, wobbling off the edge of the tower as Amy placed her hands on her cheeks and swayed repeatedly back and forth, “Ohh~ You sweet talker, you~”
She blinked her eyes… “Sonic?”
She looked over to see he was gripping the edge of the tower.
Looking over, she saw him with chibi tears spraying out of his eyes, “HELLLP MEEE!!!” He cried out, “AMMYY!!!”
She immediately gasped and reached down, “Oh, OHH!! Sonnniccc!!! I’m so sorry!”
“Wah-hah-ha, why’d you make it so tall!?” He wiggled his feet out as she hoisted him up, looking down and getting freaked out.
When she got him up, he laid across her and starting laughing.
She blinked her eyes again but he just rolled off of her, “That sure was fun! I’m glad I got to be here with you… Amy.” He smiled and put a hand on his stomach, “What should we do next, huh?”
She smiled, “First… you’re gonna do all my work I left behind.” She narrowed her eyes, “You’re gonna take responsibility for your actions… and you’re going to at least clear up the misunderstandings.”
He looked as though she didn’t get what he was saying, but sighed, “Fine. If it makes you happy… Amy.” He closed his eyes and put his hands behind his back, “But first…” He tilted his nose up, “Can you smell that?”
She tried to, “Smoke? Oil?” She guessed, but he kept shaking his head lightly.
“Nah… keep trying.” He smiled gently, “Emmm~”
She tried again… reaching her nose out further, “Ah..! Your flowers!” She looked to the area far off, seeing his passionate project coming to life now that the thick smog parted to show the whole area… and people picking flowers, playing in the clean water, and enjoying life out there.
“Ah… They already knew.” Her eyes twitched at the beautiful sight, “From way up here…”
“... You saw a problem that you thought was there.” Sonic opened his eyes lightly, “No one hated me, Amy…” He looked to her, “... You were projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto others… You thought you were the only one… but really,” He took on a serious tone.
“I think you felt I wasn’t giving you enough time, Amy… for all you do for me, I think you felt jipped.”
She broke down and sobbed profusely, as Sonic slowly got up and put an arm around her again, letting her cry…
She was the one thinking those horrible things… this whole time…
“Eggman really made a mess of things.” He gently rested his head over Amy’s shoulder, “Didn’t he, Amy?”
With an absolute heart full of grace and sorrow, thankful for Sonic’s understanding, she held her hand to his back and pulled him closer, “Yes…” She admitted, feeling the weight finally set in. “I tried to be so strong when he took you away from us… I never once believed you were gone…”
“... That must have been a heavy burden… keeping everyone’s faith and hope alive… in me, and in the war efforts,... Amy.” Sonic closed his eyes, letting her let it out.
“I just… I wanted to see you.” She smushed her eyes into his shoulder. “I wanted you to want to see me…”
“...” This time, Sonic remained silent.
“... I love you, Sonic.” She mumbled through her tears.
“... I know.” Sonic took his other hand and adjusted his legs to be able to sit and hold her with both his arms now around her. “I missed you too, Amy…”
They both then said, as though one healing thought spoken aloud from their souls…
“I missed you so much.”
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cosmo-production · 4 months
I think Silver is a tiny bit more tragic than Shadow. shadow has trauma but sliver is forever doomed by the narrative
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we see in this photo that Ilbis is very much still alive and from what you can see in the back silver has been fighting him for a while
it's easy to say that it takes place before Sonic 06, but I think Ilbis is a good representation of Sliver as a whole, mostly his role in the Sonic Universe. Thinks about silver at his base, He is from the future, so he needs something terrible to happen in his world to justify going to Sonic's time to stop it, like Infinite, the metal virus, or even Sonic himself in the old comics. a "good future" for Sliver is the end of his interactions with Sonic, therefore, the main cast, and therefore…. us.
Silver has to be on a never-ending mission to "save the future" because the moment the future is saved is the second sliver loses his place in the story and place among the cast. He is living the definition of the phrase "a hero's work is never done" because he's fighting a battle that will NEVER end
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luuxxart · 5 months
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something something two sides of the same coin
twt doodles (in a more chronological order than before) below the cut:
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itz-pandora · 8 hours
This is for my AU, specifically Sonic Forces
Kind of a follow up to This Post
(I retconned a bit though)
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I started on this a couple days ago, but finished it today. Sorry if it's hard to follow!
After Shadow ripped the Phantom Ruby out of Infinite's chest, he dropped it, and Sonic caught it, explaining why Sonic has it.
Shadow isn't in this comic due to him currently being incapacitated and with Rouge. They're on the sidelines.
Infinite is doing all in his power to get the Phantom Ruby back. He went from begging to manipulating, trying to buy time for him to grab it from Sonic. He wanted Sonic to be so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he wouldn't be able to defend himself. It was Infinite's best plan.
Infinite needs the Phantom Ruby because that is what's keeping him "alive". He should be dead though. Infinite's still moving because of the left over power he has from the Phantom Ruby, it's essentially a grace period.
Sonic crushing the Phantom Ruby (Or Silver with Sonic's hands) unleashed all the energy inside the Ruby into Sonic at once.
I want to make a follow-up comic on this.
I also want to make more comics about what happened prior.
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thealpacaavenger · 4 months
Prisoners of War, the Effects of Solitary Confinement, and Sonic the Hedgehog
Remember when Sonic was a prisoner of war? Well turns out, that can damage your brain in some pretty awful ways (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). It’s been revealed in several studies that being a POW can cause schizophrenic disorders, anxiety, debility, etc.
But, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s talk about the torture that happened in those six months. 
Sonic Forces is said by many fans to employ the term “torture” loosely, that simply being confined to an empty room for an extended period of time (six months in this case) is no warrant for the term. While yes, the game certainly does not address the event properly, making it seem as if this circumstance is no big deal, in reality, being confined to an empty room with no human contact is what is defined as “solitary confinement”, a punishment becoming more and more infamous for its adverse effects on those it is inflicted onto.
The various consequences of solitary confinement on a person’s psyche go as follows (Stuart Grassian, Psychiatric Effects of Solitary Confinement):
-Hyperresponsivity to external stimuli, including ordinary things such as the sound of plumbing in another room. 
-Perceptual distortions, illusions, and hallucinations, mostly auditory, but may be visual depending on the individual
-Panic attacks
-Difficulties with thinking, Concentration, and Memory 
-Intrusive thoughts, typically those of violence against captors 
-Lack of impulse control
Furthermore, the effects and issues with solitary confinement are so severe, that a UN human rights expert stated that solitary confinement for more than 15 days has every right to be labeled as psychological torture (https//www.ohchr.org). 
I’ll drop a bit of the professional tone because, well, this is Tumblr, but on with the hedgehog. 
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As shown here, Sonic has cuffs around both his wrists and ankles. In all honesty, this is even worse than being locked up in a small room. All proper movement for him was restricted. There was no proper stimuli around him, he was locked in a metal prison. Once again, this was for six months. Sonic already struggles with staying still, he feels the need to run most constantly. Being restricted for that long could not have been good for him.
The thing is, you don’t even have to stretch to say that Sonic was tortured, because solitary confinement is torture. Perhaps it would explain why he didn’t give Tails a proper hug upon his return. After all those months with no proper contact, it might have been too much for him at the moment.   
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“Yawnfest” is nowhere near the proper term to describe these conditions. The proper term is said in the game itself: “torture”. 
Maybe this was why Infinite said Sonic “reeked of fear”. Sure, it could easily be interpreted as infinite stroking his massive fucking ego, but what if Sonic truely was afraid? Not only was he defeated (easily) by him, but also Infinite locked him in solitary confinement (ie: torture) for six months. 
You don’t have to come up with a bunch of stuff not shown on screen to feed your angst needs (I mean, if you want to, all power to you). You’ve got all the ingredients for a delicious angst-pie right here.
Edit: Just realized that solitary confinement and torture were said as two separate thoughts in the original dialogue. Jesus fucking Christ.
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helpful-hardware · 2 months
yoo i FINALLY made a new audio drama.. and its a super angsty post-forces one!! be prepared to listen to some gay hedgehogs cry 🥲
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playertwotails · 1 year
Who wants to get angsty tonight!!!
So I was thinking about that cut scene in Forces again when Sonic and Tails unite finally and then proceed to NOT REALLY HUG EACH OTHER!!!
So here I am with a headcanon/AU little thought for why that is.
What if while Eggman and Infinite had Sonic trapped they used the Phantom Ruby to make copies of Tails that would rescue Sonic. But it was only after Sonic hugged the Tails copy would things immediately be terrible. Infinite would do this by either showing Tails suddenly being killed or just having all of it suddenly vanish so Sonic sees he never even left his cell and is still all alone.
So that's why Sonic doesn't full on hug Tails again because he's scared if he does then he'll only find out he never left his cell, the whole rescue was another lie and possibly having to watch Tails die again.
Idk I wanted a full on big ol' hug in that scene and at best it's a light shoulder grasp. So I'm personally fixing it by making it sad. Let me know what ya'll think.
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short-boii · 1 year
Small Talk
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btw this is a talk between shadow and tails
this occurs during tails disappearance to the resistance but instead of going bonkers he tags along with shadow
shadow is wearing a mask bc of the phantom ruby clone that’s running around and being his faker
I already have a WIP for the prologue for this
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sonysakura · 4 months
Angsty Sonadow Drabble #13
Grew out of a quote I thought up which isn't even included 🤷
sharing a bed, pining for ex
It isn’t important how they ended up in this position. Most likely there are not enough beds in the local medical unit with so many people stationed near that explosion, and with the two of them being relatively unharmed… Shadow thinks they might be in Rouge’s room.
He’s the first to wake up. After all, he just needed to sleep off exhaustion. Same probably goes for Sonic, but the hedgehog is soundly asleep, face pressed into his chest. It was familiar once. Not for the past few weeks though. But if he closes his eyes and relaxes, if he stays in the moment… Warmth. Soft fur under his fingers. Sonic’s heartbeat. As if nothing had changed.
…It isn’t important how it happened, but this is the cruellest thing that could have been done to him.
Read the whole collection on Ao3.
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pastelspindash · 3 months
may i interest you in sonic forces angst ... aka shadow rescues a significantly more fucked up sonic from the death egg
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rapidhighway · 8 months
K I've been thinking about this for like a week now. Ignoring any immortal headcanons if you have them. Knuckles knows he's not going to be able to guard the Master Emerald forever and that probably troubles him, but, if he was dying do you think he'd ask Sonic to guard it? He's the person with a unique connection to Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds and he's basically chosen one the most specialest guy, and one of the few people Knuckles could trust with that duty.
Of course I think Sonic would say no. I think he'd never be able to do that and he wouldn't want to.
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cattyanon · 2 months
Thinking about the fuckery Eggman could do to Sonic in my Sonic but Undertale Souls concept during Forces... It doesn't help that he's probably messed with animal souls in the past, so to have Sonic helpless and at his disposal? Well that's not going to be good for his soul.
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inefficientstory · 2 months
Casually gives myself emotional whiplash from my previous art post-
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lyrarizi · 2 months
The most top notch garbage game gave us some of the best canon fuel for angst
Sonic forces is literally enuf angst for us to last atleast 5 yrs but make it even more traumatizing by adding a metal virus that made sonic isolate himself physically and not sleep for a solid week atleast i think.
SEGA is putting a 15yr old boy who got pushed into the hero shtick from really young age through some of the most unbearable things that someone of that age shouldn't go through
Some examples for angst for fanfic writers (because i'm nice and absolutely adore those kind of fics ❤️😏:
- yr own take on what could have happened in those 6 months death egg
- how sonic felt while the metal virus was a thing
- post sonic idw 56 (that shit was fucking traumatizing to read imagine if you had to go through that)
- post sonic Sa2
- a couple specials for the boom writers ❤️, how sonic is feeling while living in the village, post just a guy episode, how he feels abt his friends (who are honestly absolute trash sometimes) and why shadow and sonic their relation in that universe is so shitty and just a dumpster fire
- you could make a pretty angsty backstory if you want
- another forces idea is to rewrite it but much darker like they are actually going through a war for the world and ofcourse sonic his torture
- maybe unleashed like how it felt to be the werehog
- or just how sonic feels because we all know he is really good in pushing aside his feelings
If you wrote any of these ideas please message through the comments with the link to the fanfic in this post so i can read it ❤️
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twentytwoarts · 2 years
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sonic got to mystic jungle a little too late
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helpful-hardware · 8 months
you're thinking "don't be frightened"
The party came as a celebration of victory, of Mobius coming back from the brink when they were oh-so-close to losing everything. For Sonic, it's not the most opportune time. Thankfully, someone else noticed.
yo finally published a thing again! this was originally meant for a zine but things on that end fell thru so here!
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