#sorry lori
missameliep · 1 year
Dani, my dearest! I hope you're doing well! For the gentle cottage core asks:🌻🐔
Have a lovely week! 😘
Hi, Lori! I hope you're doing well too! ☺️
Thanks for the ask, my dear!
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
I have soooo many. For films some I love rewatching are Sense and Sensibility, 10 Things I hate about you, Pride and Prejudice and Rogue One (weird choice, I know. But I love it); and for shows, definitely Friends and Gilmore Girls, I love seeing these characters and it's like meeting good old friends ❤️
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today?
I could give you a nice and lovely answer but that's not my mood lately especially since I'm pmsing... so... Can I be petty? Because I'm going to be petty now sorry 😅
I'll add a cut here because I'll talk about Brazil and fascism so not the nicest subjects...
I usually have a lot of issues with discourses focused on punition and our penal system... but... After I've seen what happened Sunday at Brasilia and all the sadness I felt, not only because of the material things that were broken and shattered, all the pieces of art, etc, but the immaterial ones that are being systematically destroyed for years, I was happy seeing the buses filled with fascists and brainwashed morons being taken into custody and the camp in my city being disassembled and videos of bozonildos's followers outraged at being arrested made me laugh... Even if it's very little, even if most of the exposed faces are not very different from what Datena and others like him love to expose on their tv shows... But, I'm allowing myself to be a bit hopeful. If this is the beginning of people realizing that's not funny and that it's time they all face consequences for their actions (big and small), then it was a good thing and made me hopeful. It's been like 20 years now, I found out about Brazilian extremists groups online, and leaned what they did to Lola Aranovich while reading the attacks to her blog... Those internet trolls are confident enough to march on our streets now, and I have hope we'll see them returning to the gutters they should never crawled out of or better yet, being held responsible for their actions.
To cansada de ver a mídia e parte da esquerda passar pano para racista, fascista, antissemita etc
Thanks for the ask, and sorry about the rant 😅
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rickswh0r3 · 6 months
save me white twink
taglist : @itsgrimeytime @catt-leya @addicted2twd @starkstiless @sinsandsweetness @blazemm98 @grimesgobbler @andrewstinkylinky @eternalrose81 @marlboro-reds-13 @dxrkymxrchy @nadiasgf @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @virtualreader @versatilehater
if you want to join the taglist comment here
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thosewildcharms · 2 months
Your rhetorical questions have lit up my brain lol like what if Rick had met Michonne and Andre first instead of Morgan and Duane? 🤯 But anyway on a separate note, it’s so wild to see Rick and Shane’s first scene and Rick laughing along to Shane’s mysoginistic weird ass rant in light of who he is now. He really was just some emotionally repressed small town guy, And while Lori telling Rick “I wonder if you even care about us” in front of Carl was horrible, I wonder what Rick could’ve done or not done that would make her feel that way? And Shane said women’s problem is they don’t know how to turn off a light switch, to which Rick says part of the problem is he’s the one who’s leaving light switches on; I hate to be missing something that’s probably obvious but what did he mean with that?
oh that's a great idea for an AU anon. your mind!
this got long because who am i, so under a read more it goes.
maybe i got my rickgirl blinders on and am giving him too much credit but i thought rick was laughing at least somewhat incredulously at shane's speech (he was at the very least shaking his head a lot until the very end) but yes present-day rick would probably not have entertained that quite so much lol. but to kind of go along with that, my interpretation of light switch thing was rick kind of dismissing shane's, as you pointed out, misogynistic joke by saying he's the one with the issue turning off lights, and also to shift the conversation into the Actual Problems he and lori are having. also in retrospect it kinda feels like the show was lowkey already telling us lori and shane were more suited for each other than lori and rick but i could be reading into that. but listen metaphors have a habit of flying right over my (probably) autistic little head so i could also be missing some hidden meaning there.
as for the fight with lori, there's a flashback (i think in season 2?) where lori is talking to a friend about that same fight and she admits that she was the one who was being the asshole and how she got even more pissed off over how even-tempered and reasonable he was in response. from rick's perspective, he said he would try to talk about his feelings only for it to seem like lori didn't actually want to hear them after all. honestly i think they were just fundamentally incompatible, as we saw over and over in seasons 1 and 2. it wasn't anyone's fault, and their fights probably escalated because they didn't even know how to argue the way the other person wanted them to.
and not to constantly compare rick/lori to richonne, but rick similarly almost never yells or gets mean the few times we see him and michonne argue. the couple of times he did in towl were such an anomaly it set off alarm bells for michonne that something was really wrong with him (and also the situation was just objectively insane). but michonne and rick know how to disagree without getting ugly, and she certainly never has to try to provoke him into communicating because they have a fundamental understanding of each other that rick and lori never had. for sure rick learned from his mistakes with lori but i don't think the rick who was with lori was an entirely different person who said horrible things to his wife. he couldn't express himself the way we see he can with michonne because he just didn't have that type of connection with lori. and to be fair, lori didn't feel that with rick either, and again, that's okay. they probably should have just called it quits well before rick got shot. @cantstayawaycani and @jonesywrites go into this far more eloquently than I did here in their very excellent towl season 1 reaction video that you should definitely watch, because it's wonderful from start to finish.
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swiftviolets · 6 months
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Lori Roux for Playboy magazine, May 1968
centrefold picture below:
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schnanko · 4 months
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self destruction as a means of survival
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pentacass · 8 months
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give her a minute she has a concussion
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marvelstarwarshero · 7 months
Still not over Beth practically being Judith's first mother and everyone just never mentioning her again 💔
And as much as I absolutely love Judith and Michonne's relationship, Judith's braid better be for Beth
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dreamlandiasims · 1 year
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Part One - Frankie
story intro | next
Lori: You're awake.
Frankie: Hm.
Lori: I think we’re almost there, I can see a town up ahead.
Frankie: Hm.
Lori: Look, you’re mad at me, I get it. But can we please just—
Frankie: Did we hit something?
Lori: I’m not sure, but something doesn't feel right.
Lori: … Crap.
Frankie: So… what do we do now?
Lori: Um, I’m not sure. But we could probably walk to town from here.
Frankie: What, seriously?
Lori: Come on. It’s not that far.
Lori: What I was trying to say earlier is that I’m sorry. I know this feels unfair, and you don’t understand why we left—
Frankie: Can we please not talk about this right now?
Lori: Fine, I give up.
Frankie: Thank you!
Lori: Oh thank God, someone’s coming. Maybe they can help us.
Neal: Strange place to be out for a stroll.
Lori: We’re trying to get to Oasis Springs, but our car broke down. Any chance you could give us a ride?
Neal: Well, the bad news is that you're nowhere near Oasis Springs. Up there is a town called Strangerville. But the good news is that I happen to be their only mechanic.
Neal: Tell you what. I’ll give you a ride into town to get your bearings and whatnot, then I’ll come bring your car in later. How does that sound?
Frankie: Mom—
Lori: That would be great, thank you!
Lori: Come on, Frankie. Where’s your sense of adventure?
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leclercstarrs · 11 months
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family dinner, rick grimes.
summary: in which you and rick have your first family dinner in a while after arriving at alexandria!
warnings: lori doesn’t exist and reader is pretty much her alive replacement aka carl and judith’s mom instead! not yet proof read!
notes: no hate to lori tho sorry lmfao! also im so tried atm so this is probably really bad but mwahh goodnight cuties!
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“Ooh, smells good.” Rick walks into the kitchen of, possibly, your new home. You look up from the pot of spaghetti your hovering over, your eyes slightly widening at the sight of him. He’s no longer covered in dirt, he looks clean. His beard is completely shaved off, you’re finally able to see his entire face.
“Woah, I can’t remember the last time I saw you without the beard.” You laugh, Rick rolling his eyes and walking towards you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You smile, “Okay, dinner’s ready. Can you call Carl while I get Judith?” You add. “Sure.” He walks away momentarily while you get Judith into her high chair, another thing you’re relieved to now have. “Carl! Dinner’s ready.” Your husband yells from the end of the stairs, as your son’s in his new room.
“I haven’t had a real, home cooked dinner in forever.” Carl grins, twirling more of the pasta onto his fork and eating it. “None of us have.” You reply. “This is really good, look, I think Judith likes it.” Rick compliments you, gesturing to your daughter who’s currently hand feeding herself cut up pieces of the spaghetti and meatballs, earning laughs from everyone at the table, Judith looks at the three of you with curiosity. You take a sip of wine from the glass, making sure to let the taste linger on your taste buds, considering you haven’t had wine since your stay at the CDC. You’re happy that you and your family finally have a safe place to stay, but rightfully so, both you and your husband are on edge about this place.
“Thanks for dinner, love you guys.” Carl places his dishes in the sink as you continue washing Judith’s dish. “Love ya.” You and Rick reply at the same time, watching as Carl walks away, going upstairs to his bed. “So.” Rick suddenly looks serious, “Do we trust this place?” He sighs. “I don’t know, I mean, Judith and Carl have warm and safe beds, finally.” You place the dish down in the sink, pausing for a second. “We don’t that, we don’t know these people. (Y/N), this is all temporary, I wish it wasn’t, but it is. Everything is temporary.” Your husband whispers, attempting to not wake up the kids. “Temporary is good enough for right now, hm? It’s safe in the meantime. Lets live in the present, give Deanna and this community a chance. There’s gotta be some good people left, baby.” You dry off your hands with a cloth, walking towards him and sliding your hands around his waist, trying to comfort him.
“If that’s what you think, then..” He pauses, clearly still feeling uneasy. “Your right.” Rick nods. “I always am.” You joke, trying to make him feel better. “Hmm, are you now?” He laughs, shaking his head slightly, “Yup.” You pull him in for a quick kiss before pulling back. “Not tonight, I need my beauty sleep, I finally have a bed!” You cheer, running away from him and upstairs, simply excited to get a good sleep. “Wait for me.” He says, following you towards your shared bedroom.
Even if this is temporary, it’s something. Something safe for your family.
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jarchaeology · 9 months
hey mutuals, come hold my hand while i take my dog to the vet.
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halfaleagueonward · 26 days
Hi, sorry to bother you but I'm curious about your oc, Purl.
I see you've found The Knitter comics!
Purl is not especially my OC- she's based on the initial post by @bespectacledbookworm, with a character design by @fernacular
At this point I made the comic and art 12 years ago, so I don't have much to say about her that isn't in the comic, and I'm unlikely to continue anything.
I'm glad you enjoyed her though! I think she's pretty cool!
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grimsdeadb0nes · 8 months
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Okay so I WICKEDLY overestimated myself so for now all you get is a very very to-the-point & CONDENSED version of what I was trying to do 😭 (I'll post the Full Version of the "intro" the SECOND its done I promise theRES IMPORTANT STUFF (TO ME) IN IT I PROMISE) (THE FULL VERSION HERE)
Zenyx Vs Lori-Ki oh what a very coincidental matchup, I certainly haven't seen these two species/races pit against eachother beforeeeee, noooooo siiiiir anyway @julie-su im glad we both see how funny this matchup is considering last @sonic-oc-showdown, but I am ready to have fun here >:)
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uhhh hello stp fandom!! question: is there a transcript of all the dialogue in the game, by any chance? I know that’s a tall as hell order but I mean if one exists I would like to have it pls
Many little bits of dialogue I can not find anywhere (the one I’m looking for in particular is spectre’s monologue when you try to kill her/yourself in the ending sequence with shifty, actually if I could just have that one I’d be happy lol)
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Could I request headcanons on how Bakugo would act having a hyperactive S/O who has a especially hard time getting tired at night
i am. so sorry this is late af skfhsdkf before i answer this im just gonna plug this fic rq bc i was reminded of it LOL it's just what u asked for
bakugou loves his sleep. we all know he's in bed at eight, the old man, and once he's out, he's out. he's one of those really deep sleepers, yet he wakes up at even the slightest of things if he senses them.
he's gotta wake up early for his shifts and so he likes being well-rested for them. he doesn't particularly like having to wake up early of course—he'd much rather sleep in (who wouldn't?). but well, he had a job to do and he wouldn't let his urge to sleep stop him from being a hero.
for so long—so many years—he had grown accustomed to his set routine and sleep schedule. it was practically ingrained in him—he wouldn't alter it for anything. on days where he had to stay up later than usual or wake up earlier, he'd be so grumpy. his friends quickly learned that he needed his beauty sleep lol.
but then... he met you. and he fell in love.
once you moved in with him, though, he quickly learned that you were not... the easiest person to deal with when it came to sleep.
he loved you, he really did, but fuck you were hyper at the latest times of night. you would be up on your phone or laptop, watching shows or typing away.
at first, he left you alone, figuring that you would eventually come to bed or adapt to his own sleep schedule. but the first few nights where he didn't fall asleep with you tucked into his chest, he found himself waking up crankier than usual. and he knew he was fucked.
sometimes he'd wake up with you curled up in bed next to him. but at other times he'd find you passed out on the couch in the living room, your laptop still open on the little table in front of you.
there was one time he woke up randomly at three in the morning to find you fucking baking cookies. it was a nightmare.
he didn't blame you, no. never got too upset at you or too angry. but he was always tired once eight or nine hit, and he didn't want to sleep without you. he liked having you in his arms as he slept and he knew he couldn't let this shit slide anymore if it was starting to impact his own sleep. he was getting exasperated, at this point.
he came up to you one evening as you were reading something on your phone and stared at you until you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"'m stagin' an intervention," he said bluntly. when you asked what for, he replied, "you 'n yer shit sleep schedule."
"my sleep schedule's not that bad—" you started to protest, but he was having none of that.
"bullshit, you went to bed at four a.m. last night," he hissed out. you gave him a sheepish look and fiddled with your phone.
"okay fine, maybe it is bad. but i just have a hard time sleeping!" you told him.
"no shit." he huffed and crossed his arms. "'m gonna help ya." you only gave him an uncertain look.
he was patient with you. he did his research. he made you try teas that would make you sleepy, had you try melatonin, made you do extra work during the day to tire you out, even had you try to do a 12 hour fast to reset your circadian rhythm. he wasn't going to give up, no sir.
he set up a rule that you couldn't use any technology after eight, to prevent you from staying up even more with all the artificial light in your face. you protested weakly at first, but you knew he was doing this for your own good.
some of the things he did worked. but not all the time. and he eventually had to come to a compromise with you when it became clear that you just couldn't fall asleep as easily as he did.
and so, you settled on going to bed with him whenever he would retire for the night. you let him curl up into your side or wrap you in his arms. sometimes you'd just wait until he would fall asleep until you'd pull up your phone on its lowest brightness setting to play around on it. other times you'd be on it from the start and would let him tug you close to him as he'd peer over your shoulder until he'd fall asleep.
it wasn't perfect, no. but it would do. and eventually, you found yourself falling asleep easier and easier whenever you were warmly tucked against him, listening to the sounds of his soft breathing.
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swiftviolets · 4 months
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somewhere in the French Quarter … sometime in 1964 …
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schnanko · 8 months
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love the idea of bea looking insanely queer and having to constantly be like "actually i'm the token straight"
lori m is a kind of god to me
i finally got the explanation about the musicians in her dreams and i just. love possum springs funky little hell town. east coast gravity falls
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