#spins simulation
sshtonedseagoat · 1 year
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Redwoods 🖤🖤
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2-dsimp · 6 months
I’ll list all Ally votes down here!⬇️
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Current tally!
Wriothesley: 2
Zhongli: 2
Heizou: 4
Ayato: 2
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lecameleontv · 2 months
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Captures de l’Ep. 4.10 : Simulations / Spin Doctor (2000) de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender)
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Distribution : - Rex Linn, qui avait déjà croisé Paul Dillon dans le film L’Ile aux Pirates (1995) et le recroisera dans la série Les Experts : Miami (2004), et retrouvera Michael T Weiss dans l'Episode incursion 4.10 de la série Profiler; - Robert Davi, qui avait déjà croisé Richard Marcus dans l'Ep. 1.07 de la série Hôpital St. Elsewhere (1982), de la série Profiler qui a 3 épisodes incursion avec Michael T Weiss, et qui croisera Jason Brooks dans Alerte Astéroïde (2014); - Max Martini, qui croisera Jeffrey Donovan dans l'Ep. 2.07 de la série Burn Notice, qui participe également à l'incursion 4.10 de la série Profiler et avait déjà croisé Harve Presnell dans le film Il Faut sauver le Soldat Ryan (1998); - Jamie Luner, de la série Melrose Place, et qui croisera Jason Brooks dans le TVfilm N'oublie jamais (2017); ...
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Todd Baxter : "Je veux faire quelque chose qui compte... C'est ok selon vous ?"
Jarod : "Hoquey.. ça c'est ... c'est un sport je crois ?"
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journaliste : "La réponse se trouve derrière cette porte"
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Jarod : "Pourquoi tu m'as aidé ?"
Todd Baxter (réfléchi) : " Mon coeur me dit que je peux te faire confiance... Ah attend (fouille dans une poche et lui tend un billet) Prend ça."
Jarod : "Ah non non non non non Je ne peux pas accepter, tu m'as déjà tellement aidé !
Todd Baxter (déposant le billet dans les mains de Jarod) : Si j'insiste. Tu dégusteras une glace à ma santé !"
Jarod (détaillant le billet, étonné) : "Déguster une glace ? ... Est-ce que c'est bon ?"
Todd Baxter (amusé, riant) : "Tout ce qu'il y a de délicieux ! ... Quelque chose me dit que tu as vécu en hermite Jarod... Si tu vas à Washington, passe me voir :)"
Jarod : "Avec plaisir.... Je te remercie."
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B. Malone : "La Vérité ? C'est ce que tout le monde recherche."
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M. Parker (insistant) : "Jarod reste l'avenir du Centre"
Mlle Parker (pas convaincue) : "Pourquoi ?"
M. Parker (crispé, fuyant) : " C'est notre plus bel exploit, un atout sans égal..."
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Sydney : "Menteur ... ! TOUS DES MENTEURS !!! ... MEEENNNNTTTEEEUUUURRRRRRS !!!!!!!! "
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Mlle Parker : "J'ai toujours su que c'était un savan fou"
Broots : "C'est le Centre qui nous rend fou."
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Agent Linden : "On croit devoir abandonner la partie quand on sent qu'on n'a plus d'atout."
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Il s'était déjà infiltré au F.B.I. dans :
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source : imdb
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Saison 4 : Episodes 01 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 16 - 18 - 19 - 20.
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vgtrackbracket · 7 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 1
Come Away from Book of Hours
The Magician from Spin Rhythm XD
No propaganda was submitted for either track.
If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
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beamng-dot-shark · 1 month
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Me: This game is flawless
PPDS: -launches my ducks high into the sky if my PC enters sleep mode while running the game-
Me: Absolute perfection
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beepbeepdespair · 9 months
i think they should rename powerwash simulator play hide and seek with dirt simulator. the last 4% of this job has taken me about ten years i think
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nonbinary-beast · 7 months
Thinking more about Automaton!AM, or maybe just AMtomaton, idk. Mainly with how computer hell changes when AM gets a body, given what the survivors deal with in there are reflections of how AM experiences things (or doesn't). Under a cut since this got long, and might fall a little into suggestive territory.
The first thing is that Ted is given his body back. Probably at first he does not know exactly why, and figures there is some horror AM has in mind that requires him to have a human body to experience it instead of being a jelly thing.
The "food" changes, slightly.
It is not worms and filth anymore, not this insult to sustenance that AM gives them because it knows that it is not real food and is merely a hologram, and so cannot truly poison its captives. In essence it insults them by not feeding them at all, while letting them believe it has given them food. Anyway, the food now has more to it than being purely unpleasant. Now that AM has a mouth and a means to taste, it decides that maybe, Ted can have something palatable for a change. Basic things at first, bread, water, a pile of herbs and seasonings.
Whatever AM feels like trying, Ted gets it too. At one point there is an entire half of a cow, roasting on a spit, waiting for him to take a bite. It satiates him.
Speaking of water, suddenly there is a lot of it. Ted is standing on the shore of a sea, the sand and air around him is blistering hot, but the air coming off the water feels cool, refreshing, inviting him to wade in and seek sanctuary from the heat. To his surprise he is allowed in, up to his ankles, his knees, his chest, he can submerge himself. It's refreshing. He does not drown.
"Never for me to plunge my hands into cool water on a hot day" no more. AM celebrates, but Ted has yet to catch on.
Later, for the first time in decades, Ted hears music as he wanders. Mozart played on a piano, its harmony draws him, but the source is always far off in the distance. No matter how far he walks, he can never reach it.
Then, his surroundings change. Tall grass licks at the bottoms of his palms, soft dirt cools his feet. He smells the green smells, the wet odor of the earth after a rainfall. There are birds, and flowers, and bumblebees. There is a sky above him, that's new. It holds all the reds and oranges and pinks of a fiery sunset.
There is no more music. Only the sounds of the birds and the bugs. Being satiated for once has allowed Ted to finally think. He knows he is not in a grassy plains, he knows the birds and bees are dead. He knows that the sky will never glow with the color of the sun's fire to mark the end of the day- all of it is dead. But why, he wonders, is AM allowing him to see it all? Then he hears something behind him, the subtle shift of the grass in the absence of the breeze.
There is something lurking there, in the place where the fading light cannot reach. He sees its eyes glittering through the dusk at him, between the long grasses. Several eyes, now that he gets a good look. The thing moves, and he catches how the sunset glistens over its skin- like liquid, living chrome.
He then realizes the thing in the grass is stalking towards him, slowly, deliberately. Despite knowing full damn well this is something AM has stuck down here with him, his heart hammers in his chest, fear sweat chills his skin and prickles his nostrils with its sharp odor. He knows what AM wants, AM wants him to panic and run, he won't run. God help him he would not run for that damn thing's amusement.
His legs shake, feeling like they will bolt without him or collapse entirely at a moment's notice.
Don't run.
It moves closer, close enough that Ted can see that its eyes constrict and dilate, and that the grass is hiding much more of it than he thought. It jumps up suddenly, and all at once everything Ted had given to stand his ground crumbles, and he takes off. He can hear the thing behind him, its footfalls heavy, shaking the ground under him as it gives chase.
It does not sound like an animal, Ted cannot hear the galloping pace of four feet hammering the ground. There's only two, pounding out a rhythm of doom as they quickly gain on him.
Ted's blood runs cold as he hears it laugh, and then calls his name in a voice all too familiar and yet strange at the same time. He recognizes the cadence, but not the tone. Then the ground and sky cartwheel around him as the thing catches him and they both are sent rolling over each other. Ted is pinned with his face in the dirt, the granules stinging his face as a great weight is firmly settled upon his back. It's almost too much, like someone had parked a truck on top of him. He can feel his ribs bend under the strain, his entire body screaming for the pressure to be removed. His surroundings have grown dark, and trying to breathe is suddenly the greatest effort he could ever muster.
Then he hears that voice again, and he finally places it as it gloats over him. This creature, it's AM. Not an representation of AM, but actually it, itself given a form. The computer now had an actual body. But, Ted had never heard it so cheerful, eager as it speaks to him- almost candidly about how it can feel water and taste food, and touch the long grasses and play the piano whenever it wished. But of course it still hated him, it still hated humans, it made sure to tell him that clearly. The machine went on long enough that Ted almost relaxed, almost thought that maybe this was another mind game- another long rant of berating him and all of mankind before running off back into itself.
Then he felt teeth tearing into the nape of his neck.
Or at least he could only assume they were teeth with how he was forced to see nothing but the ground. They felt more like razor blades, as they bit, and they twisted, and they sliced at him. He could feel his blood running down his skin, the pain was searing to the point where he could not find the strength to hold back his screams.
It felt like an eternity before AM grew tired of its latest torment, and let him up- of course it was too far for Ted to think of giving chase even if he wanted to, by the time he picked himself off the ground.
The wounds, thought they covered his back almost entirely in a criss-crossing pattern of angry red dashes- like he had been mauled by a machine punch of some sort, he noticed they were all shallow. AM had left him with only skin-deep wounds.
Those would always be what AM left him with, whenever he visited Ted in person.
AM would stalk him, it would wait for him in murky replicas of the Nile River. It would await him along the jagged cliffs of the mountains that it rendered for him to climb. Where before, the machine could only summon monsters to terrorize Ted, now AM could be the monster and hunt him down in person.
Sometimes AM would let Ted see it in full, to stare in awe and terror at the powerful form it had built for itself, to watch how it shimmered in the artificial sun. Other times AM wanted Ted to feel its form instead, pinning and pressing him into the ground until his joints popped and his bones creaked. It would personally maul him, to let him feel its teeth, its breath, its claws, the power in its limbs as it flung him around like the toy he was.
Regardless, the intent was clear. AM wanted Ted to know it had a physical presence, a body. Funny as it sounded, the machine was showing off.
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steakout-05 · 1 month
i was looking at old plushies on ebay and i found this Douglas horse bag plush and you gotta look at the gif i made out of the listing pictures man its absolutely hysterical
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horses ROTAT E. rotato faster horsy.
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cauli-flawa · 1 year
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mcrizzystardust · 4 months
guys i think we need more love for shitty games that (pretty much) everyone takes for granted, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
ive taken up poledancing and uniformly the music during class has been the same kind of beats-pop-type-music that works for getting a rhythm, but yesterday all of a sudden the song playing was system of a down’s “chop suey,” which immediately outed those of us with more than three tattoos 😂 
we asked our teacher about it and she excitedly talked about having done a performance with one of the other teachers to that song, which she showed us after class and my goodness!!!! 
was that the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen
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starsandthorn · 10 months
OH. just like the elysian realm
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2-dsimp · 7 months
Congrats the Halloween costume chosen was the Kitsune!
Warning! The (secondary trait) is your repressed trait that can shine due to the decisions you make correlating to it within the pocket dimension!
Should you indulge too much in your (secondary trait) you’ll lose yourself and gradually turn into an actual yokai and be stuck within the pocket dimension! Making it an immediate game over!
However if you’re too reliant on your primary trait you’ll cause suspicion amongst the yokai! And they’ll discover that you’re human! And depending on who finds out your little secret it could spell doom or perhaps a silver lining~
You must maintain the balance between your Primary and (secondary traits)! It’s crucial for your survival.
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spectralarchers · 1 year
"I'm not a gamer!"
*proceeds to discuss best Pokémon Go strategies and help apps and which way to best optimize your gameplay with several friends made on a specialized Pokémon Go remote raid Discord channel*
*also owns a Got'cha Evolve autocatch watch AND an auto-walker*
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woobified komaeda is still fun to read but people waste his potential in fics by woobifying/forgiving him instead of exploring the infinitely more interesting angle of him being incredibly fucked up, terrible, and possessive
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leafofkudzu · 1 year
Gonna spin the wheel and ask for 1, 5, and 7 for character 36!
And number 36 isssss.....Llaryen!
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1. Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What's their deal?
Llaryen is a necromancer-turned revenant Nightmare Courtier, though he doesn't so much act to further the Nightmare as much as just mill around being miserable. He essentially sacrificed himself so his beloved could escape the clutches of the Court, but in the process of his subsequent conversion his necromancy got "corrupted" into a lore-bendy version of revenant magic (though given EoD stuff it's less bendy than it used to be) where the spirit is channeled through him and into a minion that hangs around and insults him telepathically while waiting for him to let his guard down so it can bodyjack him.
Behind the scenes, he has the extremely rare honor of being one of the few characters that has a fic written about him, since I rolled his number for a randomizer exercise I was doing a few years ago! It's over here!
5. Their most favorite map/place in general?
I swear not all my Courtier characters mill around Caledon, but in this case Llaryen does, and specifically the area where Dolorous Vale (the Courtier camp he operates out of) opens up into Ogham Wilds, aka that waterfall area that imitates the sylvari tutorial instance in the Dream. This is the last place he was with his dearheart and therefore also the place he was captured by the Court, but despite that the area still holds strong positive memories for him so he tends to hang out there reminiscing whenever he can.
Additional fun fact: the banner image for the fic I linked in the last question is a view of the sky from this very spot!
7. Do they have a favorite mount?
Technically speaking that account doesn't have mounts yet (whoops), but any he would use IC would be either Court-affiliated (I'm thinking large nightmare hounds or spiders) or something he rigs up himself with necromancy and lets his resident spirit drive around, though that is an infinitely more risky option considering the spirit's recklessness. Mechanically this would work out to a jackal skin of some kind minus the teleporting bloops, or something wholly original in the case of the spider (rip that one scrapped spider mount idea ;-;). Essentially, largely terrestrial but with a smidge of verticality to make navigation easier.
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