#state actually wrote something
Joy’s Writing Prompt #8
Whumpee is free, but remembers nothing of the world or their captivity due to circumstances. The world is scary, and they rarely accept any kindness. They don’t know what to do with it. 
Caretakers new favorite thing? Getting Whumpee gifts and making up some random holiday it’s for to get Whumpee to take it. 
“A gift?” Whumpee asked, skeptically. “No, that’s okay, I-” 
“Oh but you must! Today is siblings day!” 
“But I don’t have-” 
“Exactly why I decided to get you a gift!” 
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danmeichael · 3 months
"shen qingqiu is a liar who is lying about his feelings so we can't ACTUALLY tell how he feels about anything"
so you admit that you can tell he is lying and by extension you can actually discern what his true feelings on the matter are and that he's just unwilling to admit to them.
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lovvecherrymotion · 5 months
i'm seeing the jance posts and i do have some thoughts about that but i'm also in a hurry so i guess i'll make a more general post about Everything™
some fans seem to forget they're only fans and try to act more like friends than anything else (i see this mostly on twt and instagram). and since joker out interact a lot with the fandom, i guess people forget about the boundaries and go wayyyy overboard on their behaviour. there are certin jokes and comments i'd do with friends and would never do with strangers which... they pretty much are? we only actually see what they want us to see (and no matter how genuine their public persona is, it's still a very small part of who they are)
i avoid interacting with the boys unless it's normal stuff like tagging them in a story about the show i went to or something. every single time i leave a comment on their social media i make sure it's something i'd actually say to their faces
and sure i'm a shipper and i say plenty of unhinged things on my tumblr but at the end of the day i also KNOW they're real people and they deserve respect and i'm a huge fan of shipping and whatnot being in fandom spaces
bring the 4th wall back, please
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mattodore · 7 months
i’ve been pretty quiet on here and avoiding my activity and dms these last few weeks because october was easily one of the worst months i’ve had in a very long time and i lost my family dog of seventeen years and had a medical scare for not only myself but my cat and just all these things happened at once that felt incredibly hard to bounce back from mentally… but aside from being sick atm things are starting to get better for me and my family so hopefully i can actually start being. normal. again soon 🧎
#river dipping#i don’t think i get personal on here very often just bc. the pd. um#but i figured i should say something bc my avoidant personality disorder is uhhhhhhhh#certainly Avoiding.#i’m so sorry if you’ve messaged me or @ed me or just tried interacting in any way#ik i wrote in my pinned navigation that yea i take breaks and avoid my activity and it’s nothing personal#but i still just wanted to reiterate it#i tend to keep notifications off for tumblr and my activity and everything like i only ever check when i’m mentally prepared for the State#my brain goes into when interacting with people#it’s not that i’m ignoring you!! my brain is just. very bad.#and i have a lot of trouble actually replying#especially in private messages#i’m much more comfortable talking publically which is why discord is so not for me 😭#i really have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone a lot this past year and it’s certainly helped a ton#but still. it’s a disorder i’ve had my whole life so 🤷 it’s still sticking around ykwim#so i’m sorry 😔 but i’m also incredibly thankful toward everyone who’s taken the time to talk to me and interact with me and just thought of#me in general even when i’ve been so isolated recently#ummmm but on the bright side i moved out finally and am at a place that isn’t gonna poison my brain anymore so ‼️#it took a few horrible days for my pets to get used to the house but things are fine now and i’ve set up my room and am :) doing better#surprisingly my panic disorder has been absent since the move… which is very weird for me#i fr think my previous place might actually have been poisoning me like i’m serious#……..i might delete this post in a bit if i start feeling too crazy abt being vulnerable lmao. um.#but for the people that’re online rn! my beloved friends and lovers yk#there’s my little update
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hibiscuslynx · 1 year
i keep imagining the statehouse as this huge house in the middle of nowhere. the entire property is in the middle of a grassland—yellow-green grass that reaches up to your knees kind of grassland. the plains. and there's a fenced off backyard behind the statehouse, but not more than a few hundred feet after it there's a forest—a temperate deciduous forest, like you find in the eastern U.S., with a creek a little ways in. venture deeper and you'll find a river. there's a mountain backdrop as well, and you know they're huge mountains, but they're so far away they appear a little small.
the house itself is... queen anne meets folk victorian-ish. shades of golden brown and white. there's a paved road leading up to it and a parking lot off to the side, about the size of a decently sized high school parking lot. and the road ends at the house. if you keep driving the other way, though, you eventually make it to town. a fairly urban city, with your standard fast food joints and stores and gas stations and whatnot. it's not the heart of a metropolis, not the suburban edges of it, but a decently populated urban city with a freeway or two running through it. somehow, somewhere, after a bit of an elevation drop maybe, absolutely rural plains gives way to the city. blink and you'll miss it, except no matter what you do, you'll always miss it.
the thing is, i keep imagining the statehouse and the land surrounding it as this little pocket in time and space, that exists on vaguely the same line as where central time meets eastern. the states are immortal, and that's practically magic, so why can't the statehouse be magic as well?
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aberooski · 14 days
I love my gx winx au and I love that it's just bits and pieces of me being like oh that's fun and not having any semblance of lore or plot. It's purely contained to the character designs I've drawn for the girls.
#it will stay contained to art too it's not something I'd ever write#like I know absolutely nothing about this au of mine but I'm obsessed with it all the same#like I learn something new about it every time I've drawn something#I don't draw a lot for it yall have seen everything I've done and it's usually just a drawing of alexis cuz I love her design lol#but like I'm doing panels for it rn right? and like it's just coming together like the story of what's happening atm#and that's like the only story there actually is rn but it's just falling into place#so I can actually make something of substamce out of this tiny concept I had for a drawing I wanted to try because I had an itch and it grew#that doesn't really happen to me anymore like I haven't felt a spark like that since I wrote OUAD#nothing I've written since has felt the same#and like I said this isn't something I would write into a fic or anything it would just be too much but it's really everything to me rn#something I can come back to and dip my toe in whenever I really feel like I need a spark again and it just makes me happy#I grew up with 4kids winx club so another reason I'd never write anything for real is because I refuse to watch any other version#like I've tried I just can't do it my mind rejects any other version so I only know the universe to a point anyway and but that was my thin#it made me so happy as a kid and it still does now like those are my girls and they mean the world to me and being able to play#within that space with other characters I'm obsessed with and combine into something that miraculously works is amazing#I need to draw more stuff for this au I guess is my whole point#I need to see what other things can..... bloom....... (heh) within that space and what will just manifest before me#I need that something to make me feel that spark again because I don't want to lose it forever and I think I'm starting to find it again#life has just been knocking down over and over lately and it's destroyed so much of my mental state and honestly randomly deciding to try#and actually draw actual stuff for this au has been so healing. I almost feel lighter#it feels stupid amd silly to say but it's true#abby's just rambling don't mind her
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kenobihater · 4 months
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the last remaining threads of my sanity are slipping through my fingers rn 🚬 😑
#i'm out of cigarettes i'm incredibly ill and i'm reconsidering my relationship to a certain fandom.#look i'm NOT saying i'm gonna stop the divorce proceedings but uh. fuck. i may have been re reading some of my older works and unfinished#fics and i MAY. i repeat MAY. have some tiny shred of interest posting about st*r w*rs again#motherfucker i'm SO hesitant to speak that into existence and will be absolutley APOPLECTIC if it happens bc i don't fucking WANNA like sw!#i divorced it! i took the kids (my ocs) & filed a restraining order & crossed state lines & broke all contact and yet! and fucking yet!!!!#i find myself in tags i havent visited in over two years on the archive like some beaten dog slinking back home to a shitty master#i honestly hate like. fucking ALL of the shit i've written from then that i reread and some of it was so bad i couldnt even bring myself to#click on it after reading the summary. like. UGH! i have a half baked fic idea i wrote a little for and i think it's more compelling than#any of the literal dogshit i posted back then so i MIGHT work on polishing that up and posting something that isn't actual garbage by my#current standards. all of this is still up in the air tho bc i dont know if the hyperfixation or even the bare minimum lvl of interest has#returned or if it's just fever induced delirium. i've been having INCREDIBLY fucked up bad horrible awful vivid dreams as of late so fever#induced brain fuckery isn't out of the question. sigh. i'm so mad abt this#even if i do regain some interest in the fandom i don't think i'll have any interest in new source material after the mando s2 finale &#tbo.bf sucking ass & the obi show being mid & everything with the ST. i plan on watching ando.r but after that? zero interest in anything#new from sw. so. if anyone still reading this and is getting excited abt me POSSIBLY MAYBE being interested in sw just know i still hate it#a bit and feel like i'm being dragged kicking and screaming back into this mess unwillingly. or it's due to a fever. god i need a smoke#len speaks#that's literally the longest tag rant i've ever gone on. fuck that's a BAD sign
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jittyjames · 4 months
going back and reading the first line of the means to go on and being in a completely different place than I was when I wrote it....
It's a funny thing, moving on. One day, upon waking, the pain isn't as severe as expected. It's still there, god knows it is, but now it's taken a backseat to the other emotions swirling inside. Then it gives way to something more horrible. Hope. That's what Alexander allowed himself to feel. Things began to feel like they were turning around. So many new, exciting things were happening. Perhaps that's where he went wrong. Perhaps he never should have allowed himself to feel as comfortable as he did.
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Whumptober #1
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
I’m not sure if this is allowed or whatever, but I’m a bit tired to write this today. I’m doing a prompt
Whumpee was just saved about a month ago. It’d been tense, so tense in their friend group since then. To fix this tension, they decided to have a suprise birthday party for Whumpee, since their birthday had passed while they were healing. Problem was, Whumpee was still not prepared. 
“Surprise!” They all shout, flipping on the lights. 
Whumpee proceeds to have a full on panic attack. 
And when Caretaker learns of this, you can imagine how they feel. 
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domoz · 1 year
"oh its mermay you should update your mermaid fic that you've been trying to update for over a year" wrong. hindbrain wants more mada/hika/tobi
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alicepao13 · 8 months
Pretty late to this but whatever (you don’t want to know what is happening in this blog’s drafts lol). Since season 5 is over and no extra insight came forth, I must say that it slightly bothers me that based on what we saw, the sole excuse for Charlie’s behavior in season 4 seems to be that he was acting out because he couldn’t have the woman he wanted. There were so many things going on that for this to be the only takeaway, we’d have to choose to brush over the dozens of times he and Rex had their lives threatened and almost died, and that the people close to him were in danger a bunch of times too.
And then he and Sarah get together and that’s like, a magical fix on everything? It would be nice if relationships worked like that.
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jonathanbiers · 2 years
holy shit i just realized my silly little fic about steddie and snow cones hit 500 kudos and i am feeling a lot of things about it
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quatregats · 1 year
One of the books I have been sporadically reading is CLR James's Beyond a Boundary and it's very different from The Black Jacobins but I think I could easily be equally obsessed with it. The first chapter is such a beautiful treatment of the tension between parental/societal expectations and the actual reality of being a smart kid, I don't even know how to explain it but he Gets It and I'm fascinated by it.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
No paywall version here.
"Two and a half years ago, when I was asked to help write the most authoritative report on climate change in the United States, I hesitated...
In the end, I said yes, but reluctantly. Frankly, I was sick of admonishing people about how bad things could get. Scientists have raised the alarm over and over again, and still the temperature rises. Extreme events like heat waves, floods and droughts are becoming more severe and frequent, exactly as we predicted they would. We were proved right. It didn’t seem to matter.
Our report, which was released on Tuesday, contains more dire warnings. There are plenty of new reasons for despair. Thanks to recent scientific advances, we can now link climate change to specific extreme weather disasters, and we have a better understanding of how the feedback loops in the climate system can make warming even worse. We can also now more confidently forecast catastrophic outcomes if global emissions continue on their current trajectory.
But to me, the most surprising new finding in the Fifth National Climate Assessment is this: There has been genuine progress, too.
I’m used to mind-boggling numbers, and there are many of them in this report. Human beings have put about 1.6 trillion tons of carbon in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution — more than the weight of every living thing on Earth combined. But as we wrote the report, I learned other, even more mind-boggling numbers. In the last decade, the cost of wind energy has declined by 70 percent and solar has declined 90 percent. Renewables now make up 80 percent of new electricity generation capacity. Our country’s greenhouse gas emissions are falling, even as our G.D.P. and population grow.
In the report, we were tasked with projecting future climate change. We showed what the United States would look like if the world warms by 2 degrees Celsius. It wasn’t a pretty picture: more heat waves, more uncomfortably hot nights, more downpours, more droughts. If greenhouse emissions continue to rise, we could reach that point in the next couple of decades. If they fall a little, maybe we can stave it off until the middle of the century. But our findings also offered a glimmer of hope: If emissions fall dramatically, as the report suggested they could, we may never reach 2 degrees Celsius at all.
For the first time in my career, I felt something strange: optimism.
And that simple realization was enough to convince me that releasing yet another climate report was worthwhile.
Something has changed in the United States, and not just the climate. State, local and tribal governments all around the country have begun to take action. Some politicians now actually campaign on climate change, instead of ignoring or lying about it. Congress passed federal climate legislation — something I’d long regarded as impossible — in 2022 as we turned in the first draft.
[Note: She's talking about the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Act, which despite the names were the two biggest climate packages passed in US history. And their passage in mid 2022 was a big turning point: that's when, for the first time in decades, a lot of scientists started looking at the numbers - esp the ones that would come from the IRA's funding - and said "Wait, holy shit, we have an actual chance."]
And while the report stresses the urgency of limiting warming to prevent terrible risks, it has a new message, too: We can do this. We now know how to make the dramatic emissions cuts we’d need to limit warming, and it’s very possible to do this in a way that’s sustainable, healthy and fair.
The conversation has moved on, and the role of scientists has changed. We’re not just warning of danger anymore. We’re showing the way to safety.
I was wrong about those previous reports: They did matter, after all. While climate scientists were warning the world of disaster, a small army of scientists, engineers, policymakers and others were getting to work. These first responders have helped move us toward our climate goals. Our warnings did their job.
To limit global warming, we need many more people to get on board... We need to reach those who haven’t yet been moved by our warnings. I’m not talking about the fossil fuel industry here; nor do I particularly care about winning over the small but noisy group of committed climate deniers. But I believe we can reach the many people whose eyes glaze over when they hear yet another dire warning or see another report like the one we just published.
The reason is that now, we have a better story to tell. The evidence is clear: Responding to climate change will not only create a better world for our children and grandchildren, but it will also make the world better for us right now.
Eliminating the sources of greenhouse gas emissions will make our air and water cleaner, our economy stronger and our quality of life better. It could save hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives across the country through air quality benefits alone. Using land more wisely can both limit climate change and protect biodiversity. Climate change most strongly affects communities that get a raw deal in our society: people with low incomes, people of color, children and the elderly. And climate action can be an opportunity to redress legacies of racism, neglect and injustice.
I could still tell you scary stories about a future ravaged by climate change, and they’d be true, at least on the trajectory we’re currently on. But it’s also true that we have a once-in-human-history chance not only to prevent the worst effects but also to make the world better right now. It would be a shame to squander this opportunity. So I don’t just want to talk about the problems anymore. I want to talk about the solutions. Consider this your last warning from me."
-via New York Times. Opinion essay by leading climate scientist Kate Marvel. November 18, 2023.
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soopysoap · 3 months
graham dunne they will never make me hate you
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bazelgeuce · 3 months
I love taking naps but the dreams i get are fucking wack
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