#studyblr valentines 2023
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welcome to the secret valentines exchange 2023!
the aim of this exchange is to spread some valentines cheer and help people make some new studyblr friends
how will this work?
once everyone’s signed up, you will be assigned your secret valentine recipient
starting on the 7th of february, you can start sending your recipient anonymous asks to get to know them
be kind and have some fun starting a new friendship!
on valentine’s day (14th) you can reveal yourself, perhaps with a little valentine’s gift (e.g. a moodboard, playlist, icon set, recipe etc.)
you should have your own secret valentine sending you asks and a valentine’s gift
you must be an active studyblr (or writeblr or langblr etc.) to take part
please have anonymous asks on from the 7th of february, and after you’ve signed up allow messages from people who aren’t following you so i can send you your match
try and interact with your recipient as much as possible! this is only fun if everyone is active and takes part
please be kind and respectful to everyone involved
tag your replies to your valentines asks with #studyblr valentines 2023
have fun!
sign up
please use this form to sign up with the url of the blog you want asks to be sent to
sign ups are open until the 5th of february so i can give matches out on the 6th
please follow this blog for any further rule changes or announcements
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izicodes · 1 year
My Studyblr Secret Valentine's Gift
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As yesterday was Valentine's Day, I gifted my secret valentine her gift! A make a simple little webpage of Russian-English love poems as she was learning Russian!
I don't know as much Russian as I used to so I do believe the translations are a bit off, as well as I used sources online to help me translate - I am prepared for a lot of spelling/grammatical errors to appear!
But I wanted to share it on my blog as lowkey I am very proud of it!
Links: The GitHub repo | The actual webpage ♡
Thank you and I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♡
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xiabablog · 1 year
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I have the most brilliant idea for my Studyblr Valentine's valentines gift 😎💗
I hope they like it! (* ̄3 ̄)╭
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emgoesmed · 1 year
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Mind - my version
Create boundaries for school + mental health priorities (brainstorm - how do I do this???)
30 pages left in current journal → finish in 6 wks
3 things to be grateful for x1 month
Happy Valentine's day! <3
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ownedbybooks · 1 year
so, it's been a while since I've posted original content in this blog lmao.
I have been reading, that's fore sure, but my life focus has shifted a bit this year, since I feel a bit more secure to leave my house, after all that crazy stuff happened the past 3 years.
Still, I still love this space of mine on the internet and for the last couple of days I've been thinking about it, specially because I do believe that we change overtime and since i've been moving on with some of my life stuff, I feel this could be a start of a new era of this little blog. I don't think it is fit to be only about books anymore.
That said, i've decided to start posting more about the studyblr community and, mainly, productivity over here as well. Mainly because I want to do some productivity challenges and I feel that posting about it over here will help me get motivated and continue to do them.
So, may I announce that starting tomorrow (June 12th 2023 aka. brazilian valentines day) I will be doing the Project 50 Challenge!
I will be following the basic rules (+ my takes on it) of the challenge, that are:
wake up before 8am (my goal is to wake up everyday at 6am)
do your morning routine: 1h no distractions (i have no idea what i'm going to do except that i can't use my phone and i will be dressing up and making myself some breakfast lmao)
exercise for 1h a day (gym during week days and blogilates exercises during weekends and holidays)
read 10 pages a day (i will start by reading The Prince, by Machiavelli)
dedicate 1h towards a new skill (revising and learning French)
follow a healthy diet (no soda, no red meat and i have to bring my own healthy snacks to work +edit: follow the weight watchers program!!!)
track your daily progress in a journal (this space of mine will work as my journal)
PS: I feel some of my takes on the goals will be changing as the 50 days will pass by. For example, The Prince is a really short book, so I guess I will finish it pretty early on the challenge and then change to another non-fiction book.
As for why I decided to start this productivity challenge, I have to say that's because I have a lot of things to do right now, and I need to put my life in some kind of track. I need to do online courses I've bought and haven't done yet. I'm a bit left behind my reading goals. I need to save a bit of money and eat healthier, as I need to build consistency at the gym. So finding about this 50 day challenge seemed perfect to try and go back on track.
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thank you so much to everyone who participated this year!! i’m so glad people were interested in my silly little idea and hope it’s helped y’all make some new studyblr friends. see you next year!! <3
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sign ups are closed!! and all matches have been given out! feel free to start sending anonymous asks to your match and get ready for a lovely week <3
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happy valentine’s day everyone!!! 💞 today’s the day to reveal yourself to your match, perhaps even with a little gift <3
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izicodes · 5 months
My 2023 Projects
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Wednesday 3rd January 2024
I thought it would be cool to share some of the projects I made last year that I liked and enjoyed working on! Most of them were small projects, some were projects I built straight after I learnt a new concept and a few are discontinued (I won't finish them anytime soon)!
I really hope, which I know I will because it's natural for me at this point, to make lots of more cool projects! This year, I want to make more with other people! Coding alone is cool and all but with other people I get more inspired!
Lastly = always remember to build projects that you're interested in. Projects you will have fun working on for a while. Every single one of these projects I've made, I was interested in somehow. And I had fun!!
Anyhoo, check out the projects below~! 🙋🏾‍♀️😊🖤
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Basically a formatter for Tumblr posts by adding custom colours to your text! Even learnt how to make FireFox extensions so I could add it as an extension to my browser - link 1, link 2
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Web Odyssey
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I looked at old Windows GUI on Pinterest one day and decided to recreate the GUI with HTML, CSS and JavaScript! - link 1, link 2
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Cat Fact Generator
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For one of the projects I did for the #3Days1Project challenge, I created a cute cat generator. Learnt how to work with APIs and a CSS library (Pattern.css) - link 1, link 2
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Studyblr Valentines Gift 2023
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It was valentine season in the Studyblr community and I participated! I made a poem webpage for a studyblr who was learning Russian! (I don't know anything in Russian but for a couple of weeks I learnt some of the poems!) - link 1, link 2
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Saint Jerome Tribute Page
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I made a page for my favourite patron saint, Saint Jerome, for his feast day (Sept 30)! I haven't had time to complete it fully and there's no live page for it but I did make posts about it! - link 1
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Trigun Quote Generator
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Just finished the Trigun anime series at the time so I decided to make a project for it for the #3Days1Project challenge! The anime is so good, it is my 2nd favourite (JOJO comes 1st place) - link 1, link 2
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Froggie To-Do
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Just came from learning the absolute BASICS of React.js, so I wanted to test my skills so far so I made this project! Shared it on my blog and some people started using it for studying (which made me so happy!) and it became a mini open-source project because random people started adding mini features to the app! Very special project for me! - link 1, link 2, link 3
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izicodes · 1 year
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Tuesday 14th January 2023
Finally back from not posting for a long time! I wanted a break because I deserve one! It’s been fun the last week so let me summarise what’s been happening:
Joined another programming-related discord server, small but very cool people in it
Randomly started learning the Rust programming language (I’m so confused)
Nearly destroyed the house computer installing Rust. Still not fixed the issue.
Joined the Studyblr Secret Valentine challenge! Got to know the person, that I’m their secret valentine, a lot more! Seem like a really cool person.
I finished building the gift for my Studyblr Secret Valentine
Got a new job task from work - officially task no. 5!
Starting the second to last week of my coding night classes (we end next week!!).
Started using Study Together (@web-dev-with-bea mentioned it once and I got intrigued).
Made random study challenges for myself to stay motivated - will share in the future!
But that’s all! So much going on, I think things will dial down around the end of March time 🕰️
Hope you’re having a nice day/nice! 💕
⏪ previous update
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