#sunkist sunday
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
03/01/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
OMG is is already march? Today's a long one yall.
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
More BTS! The particularly exciting part about this post was Samba's words:
"Last scene of the season, it was a heavy one which required extreme focus and emotion, and I decided to clown around☠️ What were they gonna do, fire me?👀 #readtheroom #ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #ofmdseason2"
A lot of folks are feeling like there are two important points in this message:
"Last scene of the SEASON" (vs series)
"I decided to clown around"
=Vico Ortiz =
Needed more reasons to love Vico? They're a Good Omens fan as well!
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== Don't Panic! ==
Many of you have probably heard about a lot of Our Flag Means Death Props being sold off at auction. Several crew-mates have made some excellent points as to why not to panic yet. I saw a tweet somewhere and now of COURSE I can't find it, but just a reminder, props are not the SET itself. The Set not being sold off is a huge plus, props come and go.
Thank you to @OFMDBingo42 and @cumulativehchaos for your thoughts and reassurances regarding this!
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And a final note I whole-heartedly agree with from @chaotickraken91
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== New Charity Fundraisers! ==
#WeeJohnWonday Fundraiser
A new fundraiser in aid of @KristianNairn's favorite charity, Team HAVEN Belfast will be going live on Monday, March 4th! If you'd like to see last years documentation/receipts please visit #HonoringKristianNairn Source: @ForceMonument's Twitter
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== Smiles for Samba! ==
It's finally #SmilesForSamba day! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the scrapbook and fundraiser in honor of Samba!
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== Watch Parties and Events ==
== Reminders! ==
Last chance for Season 2! Marathon tomorrow! Saturday 8am CST / 2pm GMT
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= March 2 - Captain's Orders =
Tomorrow is #CaptainsOrders! Our Captain Rhys Darby has said more than once that getting out into nature is so incredibly important and healing. Weather permitting, try to get outside tomorrow even for a little bit and get some fresh air! Src: @rebels_rascal / Graphic by @SharpenYourSword on Twitter
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== #WereWolvesWhen ==
With all the buzz going around regarding "We're Wolves" being scripted finally (from the Wellington Paranormal Podcast). Our Vianton Crew have asked fellow Rhys Darby fans to start spreading the word on "We're Wolves". Wanna help? You can hop onto your favorite social media and share your favorite parts of WWDITS or werewolves in general!
Please use the following hashtag #WereWolvesWhen!
== Save OFMD Crew Updates==
=Transparency Policy=
Clarification edits have been made to the Financial Transparency Policy. The next full review period will start on May 22nd Transparency Policy
= Immoderate Citrus! =
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For National Sunkist Citrus Day, the SaveOFMDCrew wants you to send them all your citrus-related favorite! Reach out on any of their socials: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr
= Billboard has been Scheduled! =
The #BeABillboard campaign to SaveOFMD will go live in London's Leicester Square on 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th of March. Are you in London? Feel free to go check it out!
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
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Today @AdoptOurCrew hosted a These Thems watch party! There was a whole lot of engagement and they were kind enough to share some BTS bits that Vico shared with them! Check them out over on Instagram!
I've posted the images here as well for those of you who don't have access. All photos and posts regarding #TheseThems are courtesy of @adoptourcrew!
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Didn't get to join the Watch Party? Check out These Thems On Youtube!
= More AOC Analytics! =
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= #OurFlagTurns2 Bingo =
Did you know that our friends over at @adoptourcrew are running a Bingo game in celebration of OurFlagMeansDeath turning 2 on Sunday? Give it a whirl if you'd like! Feel free to hop on over to them on Twitter or Instagram and let them know how it's going!
Twitter / Instagram
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== Fan Spotlight! ==
More cards from @melvisik! Thank you for letting us collect them all! Today is Con O'Neill!
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== Dgdd Gwyl Dewi Hapus! (Happy St David's Day!) ==
Happy St David's Day all! Several fans are honoring our lovely David Jenkins on this Welsh holiday! Thank you @wastingyourgum for the dedication and the translation!
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== Articles ==
TV Shows That Were Canceled In 2024
== Love Notes ==
Hey my darlings. As you can tell, today has been a very VERY long day. There is just SO MUCH going on. I don't know about you but it feels like something's building. Maybe it's just til OFMD's 2rd anniversary on Sunday the 3rd, idk, but i've got a good feeling.
Either way though, whatever that hype is, it's so nice to see everyone having fun and engaging so much. You are all so wonderful and deserve to smile and enjoy yourselves.
You are allowed to be loud and excited about things! In fact, please be! It makes us all excited too, and I love "seeing" you smile and in your element.
I'm off to bed, but I'll leave you with @thelatestkate's latest picture that's so very true. You deserve to be considered. You Count. Love you all.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm a bit lazy tonight so we're doing a combo, but to be fair it's one of my faves. Gif courtesy of @shegoesbyjoy
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sunkist-scientist · 19 days
ppl found the gordon dreams something post again omg<3 and on sunkist sunday no less.........
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bonigaby · 25 days
Sunday, Feb 25th 2024
Berhubung sudah janjian mau Gereja Katedral hari ini, akupun bangun pagi di jam 6 dan bersiap-siap... hihihi.. sampe2 Bunda nanya: Mau kemana kamu pagi-pagi? kerja?
dan aku jawab: Ngga.. mau Gereja sama Boni...
Bundapun terheran-heran lalu menanyakan: Boni siapa? yang Katolik? emang udah gmana dia? jam berapa Gerejanya?
terus aku jawab semua dan bertanya lagi: Bun, kalau Boni mau ke rumah hari ini boleh ngga?
jawab Bunda: Ya, kalau dia mau serius sih pasti dia mau kesini.. kalau mau kesini sebelum jam 2 ya.. Bunda Bapak mau Gereja Hang Lekiu jam 4..
OKE BHAIQ KARENA SUDAH DAPAT RESTU, Akhirnya aku berangkat jemput Boni di hotel.. Sebelum jemput aku whatsapp dan telepon-telepon dia, namun nampaknya sang pria terlelap sangat.. sampai2 nada dering tak satupun terdengar...
akhirnya aku buatkan bekal roti dengan nutella, bawain minum, dan berangkat menjemput Boni...
Sesampainya di hotel, aku naik ke kamar Boni dan mengetok-ngetok.. eh benar saja, dia masi bobo.. wkwkkw akhirnya dia bukain pintu dengan muka bantal.. wkwk lucukk..
Bonipun bergegas mandi, siap-siap dan kamipun berangkat menuju Gereja Katedral...
Sesampainya di Gereja Katedral, ternyata masih penuh karena yang ibadah sebelumnya belum pulang.. Sehingga kami menunggu sejenak di parkiran pinggir jalan sembari memakan sarapan dan mengobrol...
Setelah parkiran mulai lowong, kamipun parkir ke dalam Gereja dan berfoto-foto di depannya.. Thanks to Bapak Pengarah Parkir yang baik hati mau motoin kami berdua.. hihhiihi ❤️❤️❤️
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Puji Tuhan bisa Gereja bareng.... ❤️❤️❤️ Sebelum ibadah, Bonipun doa rosario juga.. huaaa :") BEST!
Setelah selesai Misa, kamipun kembali ke mobil dan memutuskan untuk pergi makan siang soto kudus... sebelum berangkat, tiba-tiba saja Boni bilang: I Love you...
WAAWWWW... DAKU TERKHAGETT :") baru ketemu dua hari, udah i love you aja kamyuuuu...
aku hanya dapat membalas dengan: thank youu..
wkwkwk masi kaget shocked... wkwkk
kemudian kamipun berjalan menuju restauran, namun karena jam sudah menunjukkan hampir setengah dua dan Bunda meminta untuk makan di rumah saja karena ada babi panggang, hahaha, akhirnya kami cancel makan ke tempat soto dan pulang ke rumah...
Sepanjang perjalanan, Boni yang akan segera bertemu orang tuaku nampak tegaang .. terdiam.. berusaha mengobrol namun hatinya tak tenang,... ahahhaa.. aku berusaha menenangkan namun tetap saja Ia tegang... apalagi ketika sudah mendekati rumah...
Sesampainya di rumah, Miranda dan Apri menyambut kami berdua.. Aku dan Bonipun menyalami mereka berdua seraya mengucapkan selamat hari minggu...
kemudian Aku mendapati Bapak sedang menonton televisi, dan Boni mendapati Bunda yang baru saja keluar kamar, dan langsung menyalam Bunda dengan mengatakan: Selamat Hari Minggu...
Setelah itu, Bapak dan Bonipun berbincang seraya aku mempersiapkan makan siang bersama dengan Bunda... Bapak menanyakan tentang marga Malau, tentang kerjaan.. Puji Tuhan Boni bisa menjawab semuanya dengan baik.. ihiwww...
Setelah itu merekapun mempersilahkan kami berdua makan dan kamipun menyantap makanan dengan sangat lahap karena sudah lapar sekali, wkwk dan juga lahap karena lauknya babi panggang,,. hahhahaha BEST....
Ketegangan belum usai untuk Boni, karena setelah makan, aku memotongkan buat sunkist untuknya dan dilanjutkan dengan mengobrol di ruang tamu rumah sebelah... Disana sudah ada Bunda, Bapak, Miranda, dan Apri yang sepertinya menanti-nantikan kami untuk segera selesai makan siang.. wkwkkw...
Kamipun berbincang,.. Mulai dari Gereja, Agama, Politik, IKN, dan lain-lain sampai akhirnya sudah waktunya untuk Bapak, Bunda, Miranda, dan Apri pergi ke Gereja... Setelah mereka berangkat ke Gereja, akupun mengobrol dengan Boni sebentar sampai akhirnya tiba juga waktu kami untuk berpisah karena Boni harus kembali ke Bandung untuk bekerja...
Akupun mengantarkan Boni ke cititrans travel dan Iapun berangkat kembali ke Bandung.. hxhxhxh aku menungguinya sampai travelnya berangkat.. hxhxhxhx sediiih,,, nggak pengen pisah.. huhuhu
di jalan, Boni bilang kangen... karena parfum aku nempel di bajunya dia.. hihihihi aku jg kangen 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚
Sesampainya di rumah, aku menanyai Bapak dan Bunda tentang Boni...
Bapak berkata: Ya saya lihat di awal anaknya baik dan sopan ya...
Bunda bernyanyi: "Oke gass... Oke gas..."
Puji Tuhan.... hari Minggu ini berjalan lancar.. direstui Tuhan semua yang direncanakan... dan dapet respon positif juga...
Terima Kasih Tuhan...
Terima Kasih, Boni ❤️❤️
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
There a few more things happening and they would be in Charlotte county
-and there's a lot going on here this is there are a few people getting laid off and yes it is talking some kind of smack but not much it's kind of strange said Tommy have finally got over it and our son figure out what he's doing and they joke about things again and even though he's a problem he's still kind of a rebel and her son has a rebel Spirit here cuz he has to and it's for us.
-there are a few things happening they're pretty big and we're going to start to describe them and we're going to go through it there are several additional layoffs today and they are coming down the pike and they're good size marker anything like that it has to do with manufacturing facilities and a lot of what they make here they sell overseas and this is a lot of it one thing they make here keep cold did you sell a lot of orange juice it is a huge huge seller and globally orange juice is one of the biggest sellers for a juice anyone on Earth. They make a lot of products and other than orange juice and they sell a ton of it a virtual time of these products is sold every day all over the world and about 20% of it comes from Florida it's a huge number. So they're pretty proud of it they're upset today a few of them have gotten preliminary notices today they're getting final message you can't happen in there they're spitting when they're talking they're not wearing their masks and they're doing it on purpose and people do not want him touching their food and beverages and it's going on all day and all night that they're trying this things and it is terrible there has to be a better solution than what they're doing cuz it's not nice there's about 7,000 people they get fired and that's a lot okay they have about 10 million employees in Florida out of those 10 million $200,000 are more lock of all kinds out of those 200,000 about 30,000 have been fired or laid off they're laying them off cuz they can't prove it 100%. Today they fired or laid off another 10,000 but doesn't seem that much but they did it in one area to test it and to see what the resultant factors were and apparently it did not go over well start screaming shouting and they want their money back and time and all sorts of things that they say they're entitled to so it's kind of a scene it's not nice and they're going to fire and lay off more fairly soon and it is only a matter of time before they get to it and there are other companies like this in Florida if they started laying people off of and taking over their jobs but you're only accelerates the process
-in addition to in its Tropicana they start to lay off people from Sunkist I mentioned it and they were planning on doing it and now they're doing it in earnest it is a lot of people this more people getting laid off and you want to know about it's probably around 700, from suncast and they employ about 20 million in Florida it's a gigantic company and yeah you saw John remillard loading up on Sunday the light and he thought it's going to take it over and you can't it's not about stock and he tried to take it over it they wouldn't let him buy any and his license is revoked on many stock exchanges under many aliases and he has brokers who are not allowed to do trading for him he is being blocked off from everything which is not normal and there's some complaints and says he's a precursor and I don't have anything so we have to look into it and he's right it's ridiculous every grocery store except one pantry I mean that's pitiful you want inventions so he's pretty much thinking that a lot and he thinks he's in trouble and we think he is too
-the guys are in the mental hospital for like an hour or two they sleep down the road and he knows about it and he's sick of that s*** and you people can't fool people all the time fancy to go in the hospital all the time that's a dangerous business you're in and you're getting repaired where she doesn't have money for that so watch out that's where all of venom
-there are many companies like Sunkist and Tropicana in Florida that they're laying people off from they make a lot of products with fruits and those companies are laying off tons of people and the phosphate level is too high they're reducing amount of phosphates to use it's taking a lot of people sick and it's hard to eat fruit because of that and it's one thing that they're screwing around with and they're hitting themselves with that made it easier for Max to do their job you can't tell who You are and you seem to be poisoning yourself and rooting yourself and this is like your state it kept saying nobody listening he'll figure
-we did studies about our son's situation and it seems to be okay and that foreigners and minorities here and some mixed people around are going to manage the social security for their own and there's a bunch of them on it we just mentioned the numbers of the morlock and they're high numbers on social security and if they want to start a war of some kind of we push that envelope and yeah even those who are special who are minorities I kept on it so they're going to have trouble with that and they're kind of really bullies and mean they're going to force them to work he goes to work and doesn't give a crap it just looks at him so you know fix it it's your job too the last few jobs like well I guess you guys are screwed any of the contracts go and they let like fighting stuff that was simply right to fight go this is terrible they're horrible people and they're not very smart
-you're not very kind and introduce products very poorly and think they run everything and they haven't figured it out yet looks like their kids
, there's a large number of people who are trying to figure out what we're talking about and it's not really that hard
-huge numbers of people don't know what to do when they're shopping it's hard to find anything that has anything that's good for you and it seems are tough it's tough to it's tough to pick so we also know there are a few other things happening we have some companies that are laying off a lot of people and we need we mean massive numbers and not only in Florida but really these people have like no support and they suck at work that's terrible so we are listing off a few
-A&m raceways yeah there's a raceway and it is the Canadian store and gas station and we are going to see them laying off just tons of people huge numbers I'm getting laid off and today it's just about as many people as you can lay off I've been laid off a huge huge number so that's not it by the way this more that is a big company in Florida it's 50% of the gas station that convenience stores and they're laying off half their employees and that's pretty much what the morlock are
-Walmart Walmart is number one in employing morlock and they are they off huge numbers of them huge it's a giant giant giant layoff and we're talking about Florida and it is a big deal okay this store is by far the largest. The number of layoffs in Florida are horrendous it's probably 35% of those working and more later and he's going to check out his stuff
Thor Freya
Hera move it ok
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lez32trans · 11 months
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Lamb of God Lutheran Church 621 South Sunkist Ave Anaheim California 92806 Church every Sunday at 9am and every Thursday is outreach to the community from 9am 12pm . They are alway accepting can goods ,clothings to help out people in need
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
312 of 2023
Words that start with SUN ☀️ [True or False]
Created by joybucket
The sun is out where you are right now. ☀️ You were born on a Sunday. You're taking this survey on a Sunday. Sunday is your favorite day of the week. You've met someone named Sunday. You go to church every Sunday. ⛪️ You used to go to church on Sundays, but you don't anymore. ⛪️ You've never gone to a church on a Sunday. ⛪️ You enjoy eating fudge brownie sundaes. 🍨🤎 You think hot fudge tastes great on sundaes. You've applied sunscreen within the last 24 hours. You've had an extremely itchy sunburn. 🥵 You can't remember the last song you sung. You own a sunlamp. You use a sunlamp so you won't get depressed in the winter. You've taken a picture of a beautiful sunrise. You've taken a picture of a beautiful sunset. You've watched a sunset on the beach. You've recently seen a beautiful sunrise or sunset. You like to sunbathe in the summer. You prefer to lay out in the actual sun rather than lay in a tanning bed. ☀️ You've met someone named Sunny. You've had a dog named Sunshine. You've had a cat named Sunshine. You've planted sunflowers. 🌻 You like sunflowers. 🌻 You've taken a selfie with a sunflower. 🌻 You're currently sitting in front of a sunlamp. You own a pair of sunglasses. 😎 You've worn sunglasses indoors. You've suffered from sunstroke after staying out in the sun for too long. You can think of at least one song you like with the word "Sun" in the title. You think McDonald's has good ice cream sundaes. 🍨 You're familiar with the story in the Bible of the time God made the sun stand still. ☀️ You've gotten blisters on your skin from staying out in the sun for too long. The vehicle you drive has a sunroof. You've explored a sunken ship. 🚢 You own a sundress. You just learned that there is a plant called sunn. You're currently sunburned. You know someone with the last name Sunnock. You frequently have a sunny disposition. 😃 You like to drink SunKist.
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jasonstiff · 2 years
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100°-106° Sunday & 105°-112° Monday! Holy Cow it's hot, and Holly Cow watched me make Sunkist, Starburst, Skittles and Signature yummy waters. Stay cool and safe, California! . . . . . #California #Chico #Redding #RedBluff #NorCal #sun #heat #heatdanger #HeatAdvisory #staycool #water #fan #AC #Sunday #Monday #weather @sunkistsoda @starburst @skittles @safeway @safewaydeals (at Chico, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf2b_upvHnM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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milkibana · 2 years
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zical-moved · 4 years
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tfw ur all powerful god dog’s seperation anxiety gets really bad while youre at work so she splits a rift in reality to come visit u!! :)
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cinnamonscramble · 3 years
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1. Yes, it was Always an entire Mello Yello or Sunkist (maybe both), but there was also a giant bag of Doritos as well.
2. You have to add rocks to the bottle to prevent the wind from blowing the bottle over during kickoff... and y'all remember when pop bottles in the 90s had that giant plastic cap on the bottom of the bottle.
3. Scrappy was a dope ass beagle.
4. The movie didn't come out yet, but O vividly remember my cousin ripping lines from the D3: The Mighty Ducks movie trailer.
5. Eff sticker patches and ticks!
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phlebphlob · 4 years
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It is Sunkist
Bottom text
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mspoodle1 · 6 years
Because I’m technically challenged with a keyboard. lol
I tried replying to you guys in the comments of the cat drawing and epically failing. It tagged half of you and not the others then I ran out of room to write my own comments.
Anyways, thank you for all of your sweet comments. It means more than you know. You guys are absolutely the best and I love you all! ♥♥♥
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halflifesilly · 3 years
today.................sunkist saturday. tomorrow? sunkist sunday
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arocoomer · 3 years
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Happy Sunkist Sunday
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tpell73 · 4 years
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#sunrise #sunday #brooklyn #sunkist #sky #staygold #nature #winter #phonetography #avisualstimulant (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RhFYbFJW1/?igshid=1g92p8x86xtup
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thealienkangaroo · 3 years
Here we are, HLVRAI Fans! My HLVRAI theme Park!! This is the main sign.
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There are four snack vendors. Sunkist's hut has small snacks, Darnold's got drinks, Forzen's got Ice Cream, and Benrey's got a whole Beach-themed barbecue with steel drum music playing as you eat.
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Now for the rides. Tommy's Soda Slinger is a slingshot!
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Bubby's Moon Adventure is a ride that not only lets you get an all-around tour of all the G-World Parks in the area, but it's also a ride that'll take a good look at you!
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Dr. Coomer's Journey to the Lambda Labs 3D! is a movie ride! Put on your 3D glasses and Join Dr. Coomer on a rocky and wacky ride to the lambda labs!
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G-man's ride is Status: Hired! A drop tower that will visualize what it's like to fall into stasis!
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Gordon's Roller-coaster, The ResCas Blaze! There's plenty of dips, dives, and loops on this adrenaline rush of a coaster!
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We can't have FUNVRAI without Benrey having his own rollercoaster. Benrey: To Xen and Back! is a ride that will make you lose your socks! Travel on Xen grounds and simulate Benrey's Boss Fight through all the chills this ride has to offer!
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When Benrey and Forzen aren't pranking the scientists of Black Mesa, they're manning their own Laser-Light show! Every Thursday - Sunday in November and October, come catch your two favorites playing with the lights in the G-Man stadium!
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