chagoto · 1 year
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. @_aki.ya Today's Lunch Today's Confection. Today's Tea. . #Todaystea #gallery #tea #Chinesetea #Taiwantea #cha #cha_goto #Taiwan #Lesson #teapot #tealife #teatime #teacup #teaparty #Glass #Black_tea #Oolong_tea #Green_Tea #Roasted_tea #setagayaku #setagaya #sangenjaya #confection #onlinelesson #lunch #Confection. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBh21chB-f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chiuroad · 1 year
茶與四季-草圖提案 (歡迎洽談圖像授權)
If any customer is interested in this set of sketches. Please get in touch with me to discuss cooperation matters. 若有茶品牌對組圖感興趣,歡迎聯繫洽談合作!
。春 / 採摘春芽 / 雨露 / 桐花 。夏 / 靜置發酵 / 溫度 / 金針 。秋 / 烘焙乾燥 / 香氣 / 桂花 。冬 / 熟藏沖泡 / 底蘊 / 茶花
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kochilltea · 5 days
🍵 Exploring the Delightful World of Fruit Tea: A Refreshing Journey for Your Palate🍵
In a world where a cup of tea is more than just a beverage, fruit tea emerges as a delightful concoction that tantalizes taste buds and refreshes the soul. Unlike traditional teas, fruit tea offers a burst of natural flavors and vibrant colors, making it a popular choice among tea enthusiasts seeking a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Join us on a flavorful journey as we delve into the captivating realm of fruit tea, exploring its origins, health benefits, and diverse flavors.
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🌱 Origins of Fruit Tea🌱
Fruit tea, also known as herbal tea or tisane, has a rich history dating back centuries. Originating from ancient civilizations such as China and Egypt, fruit tea was initially brewed for its medicinal properties and aromatic allure. Over time, the art of blending dried fruits, herbs, and flowers evolved, giving rise to a diverse array of fruit tea varieties enjoyed worldwide.
🌿🍵 Health Benefits of Fruit Tea🌿🍵
Beyond its exquisite taste, fruit tea boasts a myriad of health benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, fruit tea supports immune function, promotes hydration, and aids in digestion. Additionally, certain fruits and herbs used in fruit tea blends possess anti-inflammatory and calming properties, making it a soothing choice for relaxation and stress relief.
🍊 Exploring Flavor Profiles
One of the most enchanting aspects of fruit tea is its endless variety of flavor profiles, each offering a unique sensory experience. From tangy citrus blends to sweet berry infusions, fruit tea captivates the palate with its diverse range of tastes and aromas. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, fruit tea provides a refreshing escape from the ordinary, transporting drinkers to sun-kissed orchards and lush tropical gardens with every sip.
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🍹🌟 Popular Fruit Tea Blends🍹🌟
At Kochill Tea, we pride ourselves on curating premium fruit tea blends crafted from the finest ingredients sourced from around the globe. Our collection features a tantalizing assortment of flavors, including:
🏝️ Tropical Paradise: Dive into a blissful oasis with our Tropical Paradise blend, combining exotic fruits such as pineapple, mango, and passionfruit for a taste of paradise in every cup.
🍓 Berry Bliss: Indulge in the luscious sweetness of ripe berries with our Berry Bliss infusion, featuring a harmonious medley of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries for a burst of berrylicious flavor.
🍋 Citrus Zest: Energize your senses with our Citrus Zest blend, boasting a zesty blend of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits that invigorate the palate and uplift the spirit.
☕ Tips for Brewing the Perfect Cup
To fully savor the vibrant flavors of fruit tea, proper brewing techniques are essential. Here are some tips to ensure the perfect cup every time:
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🌟 Conclusion
In a world filled with endless beverage options, fruit tea stands out as a refreshing and invigorating choice that delights the senses and nourishes the body. With its rich history, health benefits, and diverse flavor profiles, fruit tea offers a captivating journey for tea enthusiasts seeking a flavorful escape. At Kochill Tea, we invite you to indulge in the enchanting world of fruit tea and discover the joy of sipping nature's bounty, one delicious cup at a time. Cheers to a life steeped in flavor and wellness!
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lustfound · 1 year
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_ 回來第一日 就是狂喝三種茶 I missssssss TW tea 💚 _ #teaathome #taiwantea (at Home Sweet Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpR75SBv4tZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iammeigui · 1 year
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Tour of Wanhua, a late post. Former name, BangKa. A word we share with Taiwan! 🛶 The walk started from Longshan Temple Station, to a peanut shop, a historical market, herb market, Longshan Temple and ended with a more traditional afternoon tea time 🍵 There's a lot to learn and discover in #taipei! Happy Lunar New Year 🐰 Walk in Wanhua with @walkin.taiwan, they have English host! Experience 🍵 柳隅茶舍 LiuYu Teahouse #lunarnewyear #waterrabbit #exploretaiwan #taiwan #goprohero10 #bangka #localmarket #herbmarket #longshantemple #tea #teatime #taiwantea (at Longshan Temple Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cntlri7p8V8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gloria0110 · 2 years
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🌟我喜歡喝茶,從第一口的芬芳或是苦澀,經歷了喉韻,一直到最後的生津甘來,就好象某一天,我遇見了你~~ 讓我感受到了你的多種樣貌,每一種都讓人驚喜,每一次的再遇見,總期待著你會帶來什麼樣的不同感受! 💕喝茶跟喝咖啡一樣,也是生活的儀式感,你愛喝茶嗎? 跟大家分享 #馥優精品茶X中華六福茶業 ,這個來自桃園中壢在地的茶行經營至今已有27年了,經營台灣各茶區的高山烏龍茶、台灣大萊種.小萊種紅茶、雲南普洱茶及各式茶具.力求在事業上做到誠信及茶葉上的進步,他們的茶產地、季節、價位、品質都是正確且到位的,讓客戶喝的心安、愉快。 這次是在瀏覽YOUTUBE時,滑到他們的頻道,覺得老闆介紹的很專業,所以上了他們的官網,訂了幾款茶~不藏私,馬上來分享: 🍀奇蜜烏龍$2800/台斤 來自台灣奇萊山茶區1900-2100M海拔的高山,遇到小綠葉蟬叮咬,而產生明顥的自然蜜香,可說是十年一遇,特別用低溫乾燥讓茶葉喝起來紮實香甜,清爽甘醇,擁有花香.蜜香風味,沖泡時間久也不易苦澀 ,現在夏天我拿來做冷泡茶,清爽甘醇又解渴,產量不多,喜歡的朋友手腳慢就買不到了~ 🍀奇萊山秋茶 原價$2600/台斤,限特$2200/台斤(超優惠) 高海拔奇萊山茶區,終年雲霧縹緲,晝夜溫差大、冬天經常飄雪,所以稱作高[冷]茶。 茶葉外型緊結厚實,風味霸氣.甜感濃郁,茶湯水色明亮,清徹而不混濁。 我都會至少泡三次,第一泡浸泡50秒,第二泡40秒,第三泡30秒,因產地海拔高,茶葉葉肉肥厚,我泡到七.八泡都還覺得風味很棒~ 而且很多茶友喝到這款菜都成為它的鐵粉,都會直接買半年~一年的份備著喝,因為茶季只有生產短短幾天,產量有限,賣完就買不到了,所以有些客人會升級喝奇萊山的春、冬茶,有更細緻的香氣、滋味。 🍀阿里山 川金萱 原價$1600/台斤,限特$1200/台斤(限量優惠) 之前喝過金萱茶,帶的是淡雅的牛奶香氣,但喝到了這款 “川金萱”,卻是带有類似龍眼的果肉香氣,讓我驚為天人,問了老闆才知道,原來是因為茶農的名字有個”川”字,所以用”川”來命名,致敬他的傳統烏龍茶發酵工藝。烏龍茶發酵的好,茶會有花香、果香、沉穩、舒服的特性,真的要謝謝老闆跟我推薦這款這麼好喝的茶~ 🍀龍潭小葉蜜香紅茶 是小葉種茶樹種製作而成, 茶湯呈現深紅琥珀色,晶瑩透亮,甜而不膩,擁有成熟水果與堅果的芬芳,香氣上揚特色明顯,下午茶時刻泡上一杯,配上甜點,讓人心情特別的美好~ 🎁多款茶包,我買了: 四季春清香烏龍茶$10元/包 四季春烏龍茶屬於小葉種烏龍茶的一種,茶樹抗寒性強,一年四季皆可生產,有烏龍茶的韻味、又有綠茶的香氣。 喝起來口感清香,甘甜~ 阿薩姆紅茶$10元/包 茶湯水色深紅,茶香中伴隨著蔗香,麥芽、焦糖味,我除了直接喝,也會加入鮮奶,自製好喝的鮮好茶~ 冬蟲夏草普洱熟茶$20元/包 普洱熟茶在發酵時加入冬蟲夏草真菌菌絲,所以喝起來帶有蟲草的微苦香氣及普洱熟茶的木質調風味,泡越久喝茶湯越溫潤~ 這些茶包都是由茶師親自挑選.烘焙的茶品,去製作的茶包,在品質風味上都非常有水準。無論冷泡.熱泡都很合適,像我工作出門前會丟一包茶包到保溫杯裡,到現場就有熱熱的好茶可以喝~~ 推薦給也愛喝茶的朋友~~ 馥優精品茶X中華六福茶業 地址:320桃園市中壢區環北路577號 LINE ID:@200uxzpy(馥優官方帳號) trihuytang(焙茶師&業務) 電話:03-4623045(門市) 0938376889(業務) 信箱:[email protected] 馥優精品茶— https://www.facebook.com/buyo.teashop/ 馥優精品茶—https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORvZLdK78_Gwhw5JtuokcA #中壢茶行 #馥優精品茶 #中華六福茶具茶葉專門店 #茶童阿福 #自在的豆腐 #普洱茶 #普洱生茶 #普洱熟茶 #烏龍茶 #奇萊山茶 #新茶上市 #台灣茶 #高山茶 #高山烏龍茶 #茶葉禮盒 #oolong #oolongtea #taiwantea #巴達山 #鴻泰昌 #老茶 #普洱老茶 #taiwan #대만 #線上購物 #美安夥伴商店 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZgUoVhXZk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afutanuuntii · 2 years
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Fiore di tè di Taiwan. • Taiwanese flowering tea. • 台湾産の花茶。 ••• #fioredite #fiore #taiwan #tetaiwanese #oradelte #culturadelte #floweringtea #bloomingtea #hanacha #huacha #flower #taiwanese #taiwantea #taiwanesetea #teatime #teaculture #pyrex #marieantoinette #花茶 #台湾 #台湾茶 #台湾産 #中国茶 #茶文化 #ティータイム #お盆 #提灯 #tè #tea #茶 (presso Okayama-shi, Okayama, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWvy1JBDG-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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niguramu · 2 years
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再入荷:茶則 M , mebuku https://www.niguramu.jp/products/188mbtcsp/ @naoko_mino 茶葉を茶壺などに移す時に利用する「茶則(茶量)」。 茶則以外で、小物トレイや料理を盛りつける小皿としてもお使いいただけます。 ガラスの模様は作家が一点一点フリーハンドで描く、手間のかかる細かな手仕事です。 ガラス面に、細かな模様を樹脂(グルーガン)で描き、サンドブラストで樹脂コーティングしていないガラス面を吹き削り落として凹凸をつくります。この凹凸は主に器の「下面または外側」に施すため、料理をのせる上面や飲料をいれる内側は平らなガラス面となり、食材の映えるガラス器の仕様になっています。 #茶則 #ガラス #Teacaddyspoon #Tea #caddyspoon #minonaoko #naokomino #glass #japan #japaneseclaft #japanesemodern #glassart #japaneseart #teaceremony #teatime #taiwantea #chinesetea #japanesetea #restaurant #工芸 #三野直子 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch03bW6vGhE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miaokitchenvlog · 11 months
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taiwanvintage · 4 years
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🏮𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭  When you travel to Chishang, the must do things are riding a bicycle to see the ”Kaneshiro Takeshi Tree”, and eating a ”Quan Mei Xing Bento”.  【全美行池上便當 Quan Mei Xing Bento Box】 📍 No. 1, Zhongzheng Road, Chishang Township 🕙 08:00-20:00  #taiwanvintage #vintagestyle #vintage#bendo#駅弁 #台東#chishang#orientalvintage #taiwantravel#taiwantrip#taiwan #vintagetaiwan#taiwantea  #buildingphotography#台湾  #台湾好きな人と繋がりたい #台湾🇹🇼 #台湾行きたい  #台湾に行きたいわん#vintagestylephotography  #vintageinspired (hier: 全美行池上鐵路月台便當) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhNAEQDNsJ/?igshid=1nezsirrj81xy
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chagoto · 1 year
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. Today's Tea. . #Todaystea #gallery #tea #Chinesetea #Taiwantea #cha #cha_goto #Taiwan #Lesson #teapot #tealife #teatime #teacup #teaparty #Glass #Black_tea #Oolong_tea #Green_Tea #Roasted_tea #setagayaku #setagaya #sangenjaya #confection #onlinelesson https://www.instagram.com/p/CooYclLr9A2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wolf1980taka · 5 years
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昨日は#メリケンパーク にて#台湾 イベント。 今度行く花蓮のお茶も南投縣のお茶も楽しめたし、#虎航 (@tigerairtw_jp )さんの模型(1/200)も気になったし、現地の人にカタコトでも台湾語使って通じたし、ええイベントやったね。 . P.S.フェイスブック何故か登録してしまいました。気になる人はまた連絡してね。 . . . #japan #kobe #ilovetaiwan #taiwan #event #tigerair #taiwantea #team_jp_ #art_of_japan_ #traveler #喝茶 #天后宮 #飛機 #模型 #神戸 #神戸港 #イベント #我愛台灣 #ぼにすま #カメラ散歩倶楽部 #旅人の交換日記 #海外旅行 #けしからん風景 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #台湾好きな人と繋がりたい (神戸 メリケンパーク) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zzBkngeDB/?igshid=55cn2fdu96dh
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white2tea · 5 years
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#dassai #agedoolong #taiwantea #white2tea https://www.instagram.com/p/B0LgvcYJ3Hw/?igshid=1i8synok0k5ow
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yuanrongtang-blog · 5 years
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世佳茶葉/元融堂也榮獲邀請至越南台灣形象展-珍珠奶茶館展出,製茶專業獲得肯定,繼續帶著台灣好茶飛往越南,將台灣優質品牌與產品推廣給越南的朋友們。 短短三天的茶展,接收到越南當地朋友滿滿的熱情。看看我們的越南茶展遊歷。
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alvinmarktan · 5 years
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Traditionally, this is what they used to store tea leave in here in Taiwan. You gotta love the tea culture here. . A visit to Liao Mayor’s tea house on the last day of the SketcherTour Nantou: https://youtu.be/2p5TCX0EZBs . . . . . . . #alfdoodles #sketchingmyfood #НевскаяПалитра #素描 #スケッチ #instaart #artistsoninstagram #alvinmark #artistsg #watercolouringfood #taiwantea #sketchingtaiwan #南投速寫 #sketchertournantou #teaculture (at Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2gT1UfnwYp/?igshid=lv1kp8049qio
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