#takuan vagabond
cyborgmarx · 6 months
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averydavery · 1 year
Vagabond | バガボンド Shit post ❤️
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mechadeimos · 4 months
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formaesvacio · 9 months
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Vagabond Manga by Takehiko Inoue
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1. Stuff I learned from reading Vagabond.
Estimated reading time: 16 minutes.
Vagabond is a manga (Japanese comic) written and drawn by Takehiko Inoue about the life of the most famous swordsman from Japanese history, inspired in true events and characters from that time (around 1600's).
I'll write some quotes and then my interpretation, my input, and stuff I thought about.
I divided the post in parts so it can be read a bit at a time.
Takuan: “There is no light for those who do not know darkness. Live on and endure the shadows Takezou! And brightness shall come your way”
Not everything in life is happiness, and happiness as a goal is a bad idea because during many moments in life there will be unavoidable tragedy (earthquakes, the death of a loved one, an illness, breaking up with your partner), and we have to do stuff like working 8 hours a day which is not usually enjoyable.
If we accept that a part of life is “suffering” and/or doing things we don’t like, we will have a better time in life because we won’t fight and try to avoid something unavoidable. Trying to avoid things you have to do only leads to stress, and to becoming a good for nothing. For example when you have to do a bunch of work, but instead of doing it, you start checking social media or procrastrinating somehow else, eventually you just feel more tired and stressed than you should be and haven't got any work done.
Experiencing tragedy is a natural thing, if we endure and overcome tragedy, and learn from it, we will be able to have amazing moments in life, and appreciate them more.
Takuan: “Don’t be preoccupied with a single spot. See everything in its entirety, effortlessly. That is what it means to truly see.”
If you focus too much on a single thing, it can be at work, at a hobby, doing whatever, you might miss the bigger picture.
Sometimes when working on solving a problem, for example, healing lower back pain (it’s a good example), we think our lower back is the problem, and we think we need to apply heat, rest, and then strengthen our lower back. In many cases, we need to strengthen the parts around the lower back that support it, the legs and glutes, work on having a better posture by strengthening our chest, the upper back, and the abdomen. 
Sometimes thinking that a very specific thing is the problem won’t let us see the stuff around it that could be what’s actually causing the problem.
This quote could also mean: after you practice something a lot, and learn a lot of information about it, part by part first, practicing those parts separately, then all parts together at the same time, eventually you’ll be able to “truly see”, to be really good at something, and to get the bigger picture easily, applying all those individual skills without thinking about them consciously.
This can also be applied to life in general, the more information we learn (like science facts and useful practical information), and the more we practice things, all becomes easier in general.
Musashi: "These wicked thoughts… they're distracting me from the way of the sword."
Takuan: "Wicked thoughts?" "Are you suggesting that Otsu (a female character) is wicked?"
Musashi: "No, I didn't say that! It's just that… My thoughts about her are."
Takuan: "Your thoughts aren't wicked. They're perfectly natural feelings. You think these feelings go against the way of the warrior. But they only get twisted and bent out of shape when you repress them and try to keep them contained."
Absolutely any thought that goes through your mind is natural, and it’s not a good idea to think they’re wrong, or that something’s wrong with you because of having those thoughts. Everyone will have many useless thoughts yes, and thoughts that you shouldn’t pursue. If you keep thinking about something too much, it's likely you'll eventually do something about it. For example, when you do something about a thought that will cause trouble (like messaging with your ex, or like taking steps that can lead you towards cheating on your partner with someone from work, or like stealing something).
Whenever there’s a thought that is a bad idea, or “useless”, the best thing is to just keep doing something else and see that thought from a distance, it will go away eventually. To achieve this, it’s useful to have things to do (like hobbies, or work), and engaging in those activities with minimal distractions. Meditation is also a useful practice to improve concentration and stop thinking about so many things at once.
Even if thoughts are outside of our control, we can bias ourselves into having better and more useful thoughts (or, worse ones). When we engage in a certain activity for a long time, it will be natural to have ideas related to that activity, and less ideas about something we're spending less time doing. We actually have a huge amount of control when it comes to influencing ourselves in a positive or negative way.
To give an example, spending a lot of time on social media will worsen every aspect of daily life because it will increase our negative thoughts, such as thinking the world is awful, thinking people are stupid (because people mostly post impulsive things), thinking we want something that others have (possessions and experiences). It will increase our anxiety (because we will want to keep looking at our phones) and it will make us feel unsatisfied because of all these thoughts, and because it messes up with our dopamine (reward) system, we will feel more tired and uninterested in life in general.
Takuan: “Once your heart is preoccupied, your sword will not be true. Then you will die.”
Engage in what you’re doing, try not to get distracted, and try to enter into the state of flow* at least once a day.
When we’re doing a task, such as work, reading, or playing videogames, if we keep looking at our cellphone for whatever reason, usually our productivity decreases more than 60%, we take a lot longer to finish what we’re doing, we don’t learn as well what we’re doing, and we get a lot more tired.
If you don’t believe me, watch yourself carefully next time this happens, and then try to put your phone in a drawer in silence, at least for 1-hour periods (also avoid checking any social media early before doing other things, leave that for the afternoon, or just don't), if you do this often, you’ll see what I mean.
When we’re too distracted and don’t practice doing things with no interruptions, we won’t get good at doing anything, such as work, a sport, a board game, anything.
This skill is like a muscle, the more we practice doing activities with no distractions, we will be a lot better at it, we will make less mistakes. Being in the zone* like many sport athletes while doing anything feels great and is great to work this skill.
*Being in the zone, or flow state, is a state of mind in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity. It usually takes about 20 minutes before you can access this state. I’ve felt it many times while doing sports, working on character animations, and playing certain video games, games like Tetris or "Bullet Hell" games are really good for practicing this skill. This can be achieved at work if you're not being interrupted every 10 minutes.
Sekishusai Yagyu: “There is no limit to technique. There is always room for improvement.”
Whatever you do, you can always get better at it if you keep working on it in a smart way.
Sometimes simply practicing the way one's used to won’t help improve much though. Different approaches, learning different information, and learning skills about different subjects will increase one's general knowledge, and you’ll become better at everything in general.
Even people who are "not talented" at something can work hard and get good at it.
As a side note here. Specialization is good, but overspecialization is a bad idea, someone overspecialized will have a very narrow understanding of the world. An example can be a medic who's great at doing surgeries, but doesn't know much about anything else.
Inei Hozoin: “Swimming in the middle of an ocean, one can never realize how vast it truly is.”
Paying too much attention to one detail, and we’ll miss the bigger picture.
We usually try to achieve things by doing whatever our body and mind dictate at that moment. We can try taking a short break, investigating, thinking it through and then acting. It's most likely this will bring better results.
Sekishusai Yagyu: “Invincible. It’s merely a word. To be “invincible”. The more you think about it. The more you squint your eyes in desperation to see, the more obscured the answer becomes.”
Sometimes we get way too fixated to some ideas or goals.
It’s usually hard to distance ourselves from some ideas because of our culture, our environment, and our biology. I’ve found it very useful to learn basic psychology, philosophy, and biology to better understand myself, other people, and the world. Learning facts from science is also hugely important if we want to better understand everything in general.
Words are a huge simplification of objects and concepts that we probably don’t understand fully. For example, the word “tree”, we use it to refer to a zillion amounts of trees, small trees, big trees, cherry blossoms, oak trees, etc. We can be very biased due to these big simplifications our language does, and because of how each one of us uses language differently.
Taking a distance from our own ideas, our dreams or goals, our usual activities, and learning about random facts, reading a good novel, all these will give us a lot of new insights and will help to avoid being so fixated with the same stuff that can cloud our judgment a lot. What we do daily or often causes us to think or behave in a certain way or to have a specific ideology or tendency, doing something different can have a huge positive impact and help us better understand many things.
Musashi: “The “me” in your mind. The story in your mind. That story reflects your own self, your true self. It reflects you as you are now.”
Be careful, do not think dishonestly, understand what truly is and isn’t.
Sometimes we believe that other people are just like us, and that their situation is like ours, this is not always the case. Talking with people, being honest with them, really listening to what they say, having deep conversations can provide a lot of insights about other people's lives, feelings, and beliefs. Some stories (novels, series, etc.) do the same, but you must pay close attention and ponder on it to really get it. For example, watching some youtubers analyzing characters and events from different series turns out to be a great place to learn.
By understanding that every person is in a different environment from us and have different biology from ours, we can truly get that some people are going through something completely different from us.
Another example; being stressed, angry, or tired won’t leave you with any resources to have empathy for others. I’ve found out I’m really tired and unfriendly right after work. Also, if I use my cellphone (or social networks) a lot during the day, I end up being more moody and tired than I should (it consumes a huge amount of energy and time if you analyze and experience it objectively).
We all have different biases, there’s no such thing as an “unbiased” person or thought, but we can try to better understand everything and have a less biased judgement.
Inei Hozoin: “Young one, you hold such aggression in you. I thought you were going to kill me.”
Musashi: “You’ll have to excuse me, but, you have it all wrong. I felt like you were going to strike me with that hoe. Or was I just imagining things?”
Ine Hozoin: “Bah, you’re still wet behind the ears… It’s that clumsy bloodthirst of yours… Me as well as others—we are only mirrors reflecting your own bloodthirst… Your own bloodthirst turns everyone you encounter against you.”
The way we behave (usually an unconscious thing) can cause others to be uncomfortable, or even aggressive to us. I try to be more aware of the way I look at other people, what I say, and sometimes even about my body language. I can remember times when other people, women and men have seemed to be troubled by me being there with them (ha). It’s usually a 50/50 thing, it’s not only about you, other people can have upsetting behaviors. But being more aware of the way we behave around other people can help everyone have a better time, simply by staring at someone for a couple of seconds at the wrong time and place, we can make them feel very uncomfortable (at the gym or at work for example).
We can all have a better time by trying to be a bit more easy going. This isn’t easy, it will take a lot of practice. Learning more about people and having more empathy takes time.
*There's a book named The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease that helped me understand a bunch of stuff after reading it and then putting what I had learned into practice a little at a time. I noticed I did a bunch of stuff that was very obvious and that could upset other people. It's a lot of fun seeing what other people do, and how some are very obvious with their body language, some aren't, and some are really hard to figure out.
Takuan: “Musashi, you’ve become kinder. You’re getting stronger I see. All truly strong people are kind.”
Self-confidence is a result from learning information and technique through time, and also a result from being honest with yourself, with others, and from doing things right. There's no need to worry about things like your reputation or about results when you're doing your best and are not lying to other people.
Being kind to others and being generally more calm should come out of those good practices as a result.
Some people confuse being kind with naivety, which is not the case at all, someone self-confident will know how to deal with people that try to take advantage of them by setting limits and stopping them immediately. Besides, being nice to others usually results into them being nicer too, there will always be exceptions.
To further clarify my idea. The “self-confidence” classes or coaches that teach to for example, seduce someone by being dishonest is not real self-confidence, it’s just a pretending game that will only cause a bunch of problems in the long term. On the other hand, assertiveness training is a different thing not to be confused with crappy pretending training, it's something that's useful to many people in many contexts.
“There are always crossroads inside the mind. The middle path is the best.”
When we tend too much towards something, we become extremely biased and don’t consider options that could be best. Social networks (and internet in general) are a good example, they have an incredibly advanced algorithm that throw at you all information that you want to see that’s related to things you like and things you can like, even if it’s fake information. The algorithm is trying to point you in a very specific direction and pushing you more to be in an extreme end of certain ideas, values, or ideologies (making conservatives more conservative, and making liberals more liberals). Besides, they are mind boggling, exhausting, and don’t leave us with anything useful (maybe with a couple of funny memes).
Before eliminating some choices we can make, it’s great to have input from other sources (even listening to ideas from people we don't like and trying to make sense of them), and try not to always listen so much to our own biases like we usually do.
We should try to find a balance between order and chaos, and try to flow, not limiting ourselves too much so we can keep learning, growing, changing (for the best).
I tend to have too much order in my life, when this happens, I get bored, tired, angry, and think about doing crazy things to find some chaos (which is not a good idea). Some other people's lives are 99% chaos, they sleep under 6 hours daily, never get a bunch of important things done, and have eating disorders since their lives don't have any kind of logical structure or order. They could use more structure in their daily lives so they don't end up just wasting a bunch of time daily and feeling tired, or end up doing a lot of random things that lead to nothing.
It’s great to find your weekly activities where you have order, even writing down a daily schedule if necessary, and finding other activities on some weekdays and weekends that will get you “chaos”, this doesn’t mean you have to go out, get drunk, puke, sleep at 6 am, and feel like your brain is going to blow up the next day. It can be small things like going out with friends for a couple hours, doing something different from the usual with your partner, taking a hike, trying to learn something new, taking a class, traveling somewhere, etc. (things you don't usually do and don't know what to expect of them).
Musashi: “What is the meaning of “strength”? It’s to have a mind that doesn’t sway, while continuing to move and change.”
In order to achieve anything, we need to continuously work on it, progressively (this is probably the most important thing many people don’t get, everything must be worked on starting with baby steps), and not giving up if it’s something important, and something realistically achievable.
This is a hard process, learning new information, practicing, making mistakes, learning from them, making more mistakes, moving on. Becoming our better selves by embracing new information instead of rejecting anything new on the spot and just keeping our old ideas, learning to distinguish from useful and not useful information, lies from truth.
All this needs to be done to have “strength”, this is what you’d need to do to learn a language at an advanced level, to get good at coding, to continuously work on and improve the relationship you have with your partner, to get good at your job, etc.
I have another post where I talk a lot more about this last quote and related ideas:
I’ll finish by paraphrasing Musashi from The Book of Five Rings:
-Training morning and evening will give you what will seem to be miraculous skill.
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turtletoads · 1 year
love it when characters actually face the consequences of their actions
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yukiaone · 2 years
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soupcrouton · 1 year
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darkangel-117 · 9 months
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Viland Saga // Berserk // Vagabond
“Listen to me Thorfinn. You have no enemies. No one in the world is your enemy. There is no one you need to hurt.”
~Thors Snorresson
“You're going to be alright. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again...soon.”
“Preoccupied with a single leaf... you won't see the tree. Preoccupied with a single tree... you'll miss the entire forest. Don't be preoccupied with a single spot. See everything in it's entirety... effortlessly. That is what it means to truly see.”
~Takuan Soho
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jetaloen · 8 months
Idk if this has been answered before, but what character inspired you to create Rohan?
i have talked about it a little bit on other sites, but not here i dont think....I LOVE SHARING MY INSPS
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so i do have this pic that kinda shows characters/random elements that inspired rohan. most the actual shit about him is drawn from samurai champloo and vagabond tho
his background is based off jin from samurai champloo. jin's parents die and he is taken in by a dojo, where he trains constantly to compensate for his lack of family and structure. as a result, he is leagues above his peers, who ostracize and fear him. that's literally exactly what rohan is too, except i made rohan's PARENTS run the dojo he's in, and THEY make him train constantly with the reasoning that it will ensure rohan's future. i love themes of alienation in childhood, but i also love when characters are trapped in toxic family dynamics. jin grows into his role as a swordsman though he eventually must leave after he's forced to murder his master, but rohan resents his lack of choice and feels trapped, so despite his skill (that he doesn't appreciate until he comes to hisui) he yearns for a life where he isn't pressured.
personality wise, rohan is mostly based on soho takuan (vagabond), ryoji kaji (nge), and shunsui kyoraku (bleach). they are all easy-going but perceptive characters who, to varying degrees, can cut right into people when they need to. rohan is really similar to volo in some aspects as well, namely in terms of his tenacity. the whole point in originally creating rohan was to ponder the type of character that could realistically befriend someone that selfish and immature. i came to the conclusion over time that volo needs someone who will show him—the real him—a little care and empathy, someone older, wiser, and more mature; but it is imperative that that person must still go to war with volo on his level. and rohan will fight volo over and over until he dies, because that is what reaches volo the best: the determination to stop him. rohan knows this, even if volo doesn't recognize it himself.
other little elements of his character just kind of happened randomly.....such as catcher wrist wrappings to match volo's hisashi iwakuma pitch. he also wears brightly colored, patterned kimono usually typical of women's clothing bc i love ukiyo-e art, where a lot of the subjects are women, courtesans, and kabuki actors, all with intricate, patterned clothing. while the dragonfly print kimono is taken from PLA, most men in warring states/edo period japan typically would wear something more understated for everyday attire. if anyone had something to say about his clothes, he could just kick their ass i suppose lol
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sebastianinjapan · 11 months
June 10 - Kinkakuji and Daitokuji
First night in Kyoto was nice. The futons are significantly better here, so I got a much more comfy sleep. The room is quite small compared to our last hotel but it’s basically just a hovel that I use to store my items and body at night. While the hustle and bustle of Tokyo is hard to replicate, Kyoto is still quite a busy place with transit constantly packed aswell as restaurants. Todays excursions took us to two culturally significant locations the first being the Golden Temple (reconstructed after an arson attack) and the Daisen-In which is a zen garden of high renown. The Golden Temple was nice but the location was more-so a tourist destination so it felt more commodified than previous temple/shrines we have visited. The temple itself, covered completely in gold leaf is inaccessible so we had to look at it from across a small lake. Out of the two locations the Daisen-In was for sure my favorite. Luckily for us a tour guide was there when we arrived and she spoke English. She proceeded to give us in-depth explanations of the significance of the garden aswell as various zen words. She even took us to a room which is usually barred off, which was the quarters of the monk Takuan!! Personally this was a real treat for me as this monk is depicted in my favorite manga Vagabond, and it felt so special to be in the place that he resided in. A specific zen word written by the previous temple head really spoke to me so I purchased a print of it and the very man who wrote it was present!!! He even signed it. What a lucky day.
Feeling at ease I walked the entire distance back to the hotel which was about 4 miles. I soaked in the city of Kyoto on my walk, catching an early glimpse of the Kyoto National Garden which we will visit as a class in a later date.
Academic Reflection
For our reading in the Golden Temple, we read a short excerpt by the famous Japanese author Mishima. These short passages spoke volumes to me, and had a deep emotional impact when I read it. The prose of Mishima was unlike anything I’ve read in recent time, and particularly his musing on the impertinence of life and the path one goes down really struck me. Conflicting with the reading the temple was quite beautiful, but the temple I saw today is a rebuilt version of it after it was burned down. The building itself stood the test of time, avoiding destruction from many years of war which is rare for buildings in Japan as I’ve come to learn. The arsonist is the protagonist of the novel, providing a interesting psychological breakdown of how one reaches absolute dissolution of one’s being.
Our readings pertaining the Zen Buddhism and the gardens they meditate by provided a deeper insight on the very alien practices (alien for a Westerner). The readings described the garden we visited with perfect detail (I was even able to name rocks when our tour guide asked us to guess), and being there after reading on the importance of this location filled me with a strange feeling. Like I was witnessing something wonderful. I’m not really sure how to describe it, maybe the Zen dry garden played its own effects out on me. I think as time passes and I’ve had time to reflect on the experience, I may learn something about myself. It is to early to tell.
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lettieriletti · 7 months
Vagabond Deluxe 29 – Seconda Ristampa
Vagabond Deluxe 29 – Seconda Ristampa
Musashi Miyamoto, ormai celebre in tutto il Giappone come il miglior spadaccino esistente, è arrestato e rinchiuso in una cella, colpevole di aver combattuto una battaglia illegale, contro più di settanta uomini. Il monaco Takuan accorre in suo aiuto: è il momento di un confronto, di riflettere su quanto è accaduto e su cosa succederà, di scavare in fondo all’anima, senza paura di scoprire…
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enlazonna · 1 year
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"Preocupado de una sola hoja, te perderás del árbol. Preocupado de un sólo árbol, te perderás de bosque entero. No te preocupes de un sólo punto. Ve todo en su totalidad... si un esfuerzo. Esto es lo que realmente significa "ver". " - Takuan Extracto del manga "Vagabond" del maestro @inouetake88 🙌🏻 #vagabond #vagabondmanga #mangaart #takehikoinoue #vagabondart #miyamotomusashi #buddhism #zen — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/LK6lMeF
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mechadeimos · 6 months
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ashitanozak · 3 years
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vagavagabond · 2 years
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