#thank you wifu
metalcliche · 1 year
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@rebelcliche asked: 2, 5, 7, 34
[2] . How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
I think that the word itself is something that he doesn't necessarily use *loosely*, but it's not always used as it's intended. Sometimes he uses it sarcastically to people he's clearly not friendly with.
That said, he does take the concept of friends very seriously. Like, people who become part of his inner circle are like family to him. Especially because he doesn't have much in the way of family. He's a very loyal guy, so people who he considers friends are people who he'll care about for the rest of his life.
[5] . Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Absolutely not. Like, I feel like as much as he might think otherwise at times, Eddie has a very honest face. I also think he doesn't like crying in general, much less making himself cry. If you ever see him cry, it's 100% real tears.
Like, he can play up being sad in like a camp-y way when he'd running his D&D campaigns for NPCs. But that's about it lol.
[7] . What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
I'd probably yell something like "Dio isn't even that great a singer! He's so overrated!" or something to that effect. To which he'd object, of course.
A partner or friend would probably just need to call his name three times like bettlejuice, lol. Jk. But legit just hearing their voice calling for him would be enough to catch his attention. His ears are tuned to the voice of his loved ones.
[34] . How do they greet someone they like / love?
I imagine he's for *sure* that guy who likes to sneak up on his partner and/or surprise them. Probably gets love tapped occasionally for it lol. He's got that mischievous streak, ya know?
Friends aren't safe from it either on occasion.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
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Here’s to another year of questionable life decisions! Lol hope you have an amazing birthday <3
Lolol thank you!
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moodcrab · 3 months
Fixing Skyrim's Daedric Quests
Part II - Clavicus Vile
Honestly this was the most underwhelming Daedric Quest in Skyrim, but Skyrim is by no means unique in this as it's just the most recent in a long line of underwhelming Clavicus Vile quests in the Elder Scrolls franchise. Vile, the god of wishes, deals and dodgy monkey palm style tricks forms a natural counterpart to the Divine Zenithar, god of honest work and trade, but for some reason there isn't a Vile quest that isn't "Go to dungeon and kill X". Skyrim, to its credit, tried to make it interesting with Barbas, but still resorted to "go to this cave and kill this guy."
The whole story of Sebastian, the mage who wished for a lycanthropy cure for his daughter only for Vile to grant him an axe, is a truly boring misunderstanding of what Vile is all about. An axe isn't a cure, not even in an ironic double meaning of the word cure. Any axe, indeed any weapon or spell, can kill a werewolf, but he didn't wish for his daughter to be killed, something he could easily do without making a deal with the devil. There are several ways to cure lycanthropy in Tamriel, death is not one of them. If you have cancer but you die in a car accident you are not cured of cancer, literally the opposite in fact. This isn't a mind bending M Night plot twist, it's bullshit. Not only is a dead werewolf not a cured one, he didn't wish for his daughter to be killed, so there's nothing stopping him from just throwing the axe in the sea and going to find a Glenmoril Witch. Vile gains nothing from this arrangement, and Vile doesn't enter into arrangements that don't benefit him.
A true Vile wish would have cured the lycanthropy in such a way that causes unforeseen consequences that end up killing the daughter, dooming her soul to The Fields of Regret, his realm of Oblivion. The wish would be technically granted, but it backfired horribly. The only thing remotely Clavicus Vile-ish was the big "rug pull" at the end of the quest where he offers you the axe if you kill Barbas, and like, no. No thanks. I have access to better axes, I'm not killing a dog for this *two handed 🤮* one. I never wanted this axe, there is no reason in the quest to even use the axe yourself let alone grow attached to it, unlike Barbas who has now accompanied me all through the quest. This isn't a choice.
Quest: Best Wishes
The quest opener is being moved from Falkreath to Morthal, because vanilla Morthal has no general store. Well, now it does. Compared to all the other stores you visit it will have a unique look, very mysterious and quirky with oddities on the shelves, and the owner will be an eccentric character with a cute dog. For the quest to activate you must have traded at the store a few times and reached a level. On entering, the owner will be distraught and refuse to trade unless you agree to find his dog who has gone missing.
You go on a bit of a dog hunt. Asking around Morthal gets you little useful information. In fact, if you ask certain people, they will say some curious things; like they have no idea who you're talking about, or that there isn't a general store in Morthal at all, "Oh that old place? That closed down when I was a child after old man whatever died"...
You eventually track the dog down outside the city and, surprise, it talks! Barbas explains the situation, that he is the somewhat loyal side kick of Clavicus Vile, who has an offer for you. He also makes it clear, this offer is an invitation only, you would walk away right now if you were wise. Assuming you aren't a pussy, you of course return Barbas to the shop and hear the offer.
The shopkeeper transforms into Vile, in all his jovial Skaafin glory. He tells you about a wish he has recently received, one that he would like your help in granting. There's this would be merchant in the city of Whiterun named Ysolda, who you have likely already met as she is a very popular wifu, she has been a devout Zenithar worshipper for years, but has become impatient with waiting for her hard work to pay off. She really wants to be a trader, and has prayed to Vile to make it so. If you agree to take care of it for him, he will reward you. As Barbas has recommended, you can quit the quest right now. Or...
You head to Whiterun and start investigating Ysolda. It's up to you how the wish gets granted, depending on what you discover about her:
1. She would like to buy the Bannered Mare of her friend Hulda, who isn't ready to sell. So you could ruin the business to make Hulda desperate to sell, but Ysolda would get a ruined inn. Or you could forge Hulda's will and stage an "accident", so Ysolda inherits the inn at the expense of her friend's life.
2. She has done some work with the Khajiit caravans, learning what she can about mercantile skills, but expressing how hard and horrible their lifestyle sounds. Investigating this will lead you to a secret meeting between Ysolda and an Orc. The Orc hands Ysolda a "the goods" but Ysolda complains there isn't enough. The Orc explains how dangerous getting it is. Ysolda doesn't care, she tells him he needs to go get more. If you follow the Orc to Sleeping Tree Camp you'll witness his death at the hands of the giants there. On his body there is an incriminating note, which you could show to the Whiterun guard captain, who will banish her from the city as punishment. Ysolda will spend the rest of her days with the Khajiit caravan, living as a vagrant and exiled from her home, but a trader, just as she wished.
3. As Barbas, who will accompany you, advises, you could warn Ysolda and break your side of the bargain. She believes your story (how else could you have known about the wish?), but depending on your speechcraft and personality attribute - because a fixed Skyrim would obviously have attributes - you either strike the right amount of fear into her that she flees to the temple to seek sanctuary, or you miss your mark and she decides to go check out this shop in Morthal for herself. When she gets there Vile will reluctantly let her take over the store, but if Ysolda repents she will one day become a Priestess of Zenithar, and convert the shop into a fledgling temple.
Just Deserts
When you return to the general store in Morthal it will have transformed into an abandoned ruin.
Any outcome of options one or two will please Vile, he will award you his Masque which will be light or heavy armoured dependant on which skill is higher for you and it will have a powerful speechcraft, personality and price discount enchantment. You also have the opportunity later on to take over and run the shop yourself.
If Ysolda comes to Morthal to take over the store, Vile will be annoyed at you and Barbas for being boring, but will accept that the wish is technically granted and Ysolda, now his devotee, will be spending her afterlife in his realm. You get the Masque but she gets the store ( unless you marry her...)
If you break your deal and save Ysolda, you get a curse; permanent debuffs to speechcraft, personality and prices. The cost of being a hero is high, especially when it comes to the Daedra. (Maybe Ysolda can lift the curse once her temple is up and running, but that will be a while).
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socksandbuttons · 11 days
Thanks to this episode I can now see Monty accompanying Earth to the Barbie conventions like a good couple would do
And Earth accompanying Monty to the Undertale fan conventions
Plus Monty with a Papyrus fan uniform as same idol fans in Japan lol
DBSNDF THE MAN WILL SUPPORT HIS WIFU... and earth in turn supports his interests (she WOULD like deltarune *looks at noelle and ralsei*) Monty being a huge papyrus fan... amazing fantastic thank you
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i drew you a pic... im sorry you got upset ! so i drew you belly fetish porn with your wifu
…oh fuck…t-that’s ho-
Interesting drawing, my little bunny. Thank you.
It’s totally not going into my stash.
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Snowball! Snowball! Snowball! Snowball!
I love Snowball. They're amazing. She's so pretty. Moth Mommy. The detail of them becoming what they think Dabi needs? Very nice.
Oooh, a new kind of play! And not just because Snowball is involved. I don't think we've ever had this kind of punishment before in your fics! Very nice (especially when Dabi is constantly thinking about the amount of control Shigaraki has over his quirk, over the destruction he can cause and chooses not to, both literally and mentally to Dabi).
Poor Dabi. So many conflicting sensations and emotions. They're being so mean to him (in the best way possible).
Snowball has no experience with social norms, but I'm sure they'll get the hang of it soon, lol. She seems to be a quick learner after all.
Oh my God I forgot you said that Spinner would get laid, lol.
Compress, Compress you went on a date with your kindle???
Nobody here is sane. The fic deserves its title oh my god this is amazing. Though you are right, the Ao3 only readers will be in for a surprise.
I'm so glad you like them! I liked the idea of them being able to change their body to best suit what kind of play they think he needs (like maybe having a cock when Tomura is away for longer, or lactating to give their baby boy a treat 😏)
This is definitely a new avenue of play and I'm glad it's been well-recieved so far! Normally I don't focus so much on physical punishments like this, but I thought it helped highlight the difference between Shig and Snowball's domming styles!
Poor Dabi is just an absolute mess and it's what he deserves
Snowball is never going to be allowed in front of other people again lol, they cannot trust hee to not see Dabi getting stressed out and decide he needs cuddles or pussy Right Now, so she has to stay in their bedroom
Lol Spinner's pillow took the form it thought he needed (anime wifu) and was used for its "purpose" (getting him off). Meanwhile, Compress was having a nice time with his Kindle and things escalated unintentionally 🤣
Thank you so much for commenting!
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honeylavender27 · 7 months
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first is the art I commissioned from my awesome friend and wifu @asm0s, and the second is also commissioned art from the equally awesome @stellawolfe30. thank you both so much for loving Apis and listening to me ramble about her and other ocs!
finally getting around to making a OC post for Apis, she doesn't belong to any particular fandom and is manly a comfort OC. she's a teddy Bear demon or Bearkin the teddy part being added due to her smaller-than-average size for her kind. (also because I was partially inspired to make her after watching clips from the Sleepy Princess anime) she knows minor illusion magic to glamor her appearance in public, her main ability is Volukinesis the manipulation of insects (specifically Bees and Hornets/Wasps) a trait she gets from her mother's side. as such she makes a living working with bees, selling honey and honey-related sweets at farmers' markets. later adding special plants and flowers after meeting her partner Chunhua and occasionally mentoring others wanting to take up beekeeping. she found that her talent could extend to hornets/wasp species and after a few years of trial and error was able to raise a colony of her own. thanks to being able to change their behavior over time, she was slowly able to get them to co-inhabit with her main bee colony as extra protection from outside pests as well as security to her home. she's married to a Monkey demon named Chunhua, and lives together on a small farm. originally their marriage had been an act to keep Apis's father from trying to arrange a marriage but the two ended up making it official. Chunhua does most of the farm work so Apis takes care of the housework and of course, handles the beekeeping. Extra Facts!: Apis is the middle child of 5 siblings, two older twin brothers, a younger brother, and a sister. her father makes his own mead, operating a small meadery with his eldest sons, with her stepmother running a connected store/bar. Apis's biological mother originally opened the storefront, and like Apis was a voluketic beekeeper, unfortunately, she passed away due to an accident. she's closest with her twin brothers and still keeps in contact, but she is in low contact mainly with her father and stepmother due to her decision to leave home, as well as marrying Chunhua. her younger half-siblings and she never had much of a relationship due to age differences and thus aren't really a part of the drama. her older brothers originally did visit and tried to convince her to return home but changed their tune after seeing their little sister thriving and happy. they were 100 happy in supporting the marriage lie and were just as happy to hear when they tied the knot officially. (although they were sad there was no wedding, but Apis and Chunhua made it up to them by letting them plan their first-anniversary party.) Apis and Chunhua honestly aren't PDA at all preferring to keep most if not all affections in privet. It's largely cause of that they preferred a courthouse ceremony over any kind of wedding, followed by a short road trip to various botanical gardens, fairs, and markets. Their "wedding bands" are literally just two painted metal rings they got at the souvenir shop at one of the gardens they visited. There are more but i feel like this post is really long so imma end it here, idk maybe if there's more i want to add i'll do another smaller post or i'll reblog an addon maybe. i will be doing a post for Chunhua soon to go with this one!
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winterchimez · 10 months
Mutuals who just radiate positive energy-
weeee another moot game!! thank you anon <3
ps. im tagging the ones that i interact/talk to the most!!
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@sungbeam - hear me out folks. beam is literally one of the sweetest human bean you'll ever find here cs honestly never in a million years i'd imagine us to be moots when i've been following her works WAY BEFORE writing myself 😭 though now we're just two crackheads who literally scream abt anything/everything everyday now lmao 🤡
@cloverdaisies - there is a reason why i call her my love bcs it is what it is. i love her sm, clo is just always there for me and checking up on me daily, like???? yes everyday i thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful soul 🤧💚
@flwoie - my OG best supporter of my works!! sona's been there since the beginning of my writing journey and it always flatters me how she speaks highly of my works (bcs i myself do not think of it that way honestly before meeting you???) the way how she only has nice things to say is just- 🥹🥹🥹
@hanniluvi - i met soph through sona bcs of how she recommended my hyunjae series to her (which btw i'll always be grateful for both of your reviews and thoughts abt my first baby 🥹) soph's the sweetest and always tagging me in lot of the moot games too!!
@cupidjyu - another sweet meimei 🥹 honestly both her and her works just straight up radiate positive energy 24/7 like 🥹🥹🥹 yumi's just so sweet and cute i love interacting with her always!
@zzoguri - another one of my biggest supporters!! i enjoy every single conversation i have with moni and i find myself smiling all the time as i chat with them 🤧 and thank you too for actually reaching out to me first in the dms!
@heemingyu - sana was the first one to hop into my dms and i can't tell you how grateful i am for that 😭 (bcs im shy and don't usually start the convo first ajskdjdj) i love how we've just naturally be able to talk to each other well & literally have some of the same interest too!! (ps we will ignore the fact how she's always sending me sangyeon stuff and enjoys watching me lose my shit- 💀)
@stealanity - our big sister matty!! i've mentioned this in a previous moot game but she's literally the sweet unnie who would send you a positive message always and just makes your day a whole lot better 🫶🏻
@haet-sal - my fellow hyunjae wifu!! lacey is just so freaking hilarious yall i can't even begin how many times she has made me cackle so hard 😭
@i520cm - my fellow malaysian moot!! 🇲🇾 another one who makes me cackle bcs ipah would literally pop up in our gc and suddenly drops a random ass topic which makes us drop dead cs of how funny it is 😭
@daisyvisions - my fellow ult fav sangyeon stan!!! daisy has always been so sweet and nice to me since the beginning and i can't tell you how happy i was when you first interacted and followed me 😭 i always love talking to you whenever!!
@kinouuu - we just recently became moots but the way how boki's already giving me such sweet and positive energy vibes is just 🫶🏻 i look forward to having more convos! (and im still shooketh and so happy with the fact that ive finally found a fellow irish moot!!! 🧡)
@etherealcheol-mp3 - another recent moot!! im so happy you reached out to me first in dms and i can't believe that we've already been able to talk about so many things!! hehe i look forward to more convos with you toro & YALL I FINALLY FOUND A FELLOW 01 LINER 😭😭😭😭😭
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lexsssu · 15 days
Hi! I’m new around here. I just wanted to asdfghjkleneb (and ask a question maybe no pressure to answer) in your inbox for a bit bc I’ve been reading your stuff and oh my lord, you’ve got me SIMPING for these fictional men! I’m particularly obsessed with your newest piece in the Love Notes with Alastor and Adam. They’re so silly, and Lucifiel (that adorable dragon wifu is so chaotic without meaning to; it’s so funny) is a god tier girlie for shenanigans!
If it’s alright to ask, I was wondering if you’ve got anymore lore on Lucifiel?? And if the Great Tomb of Nazarick™️ will be making some kind of appearance or mention ??
I love your stuff, thank you for writing and making Lucifiel my new blorbo :)
Ayyyy, I'm glad you're enjoying the fics, esp Alastor and Adam's pieces <3 I particularly enjoyed writing for them too~
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As for some more lore...Lucifiel pre-isekai had a mangy pet cat she'd picked up as a stray in some random alley one night. Took her a while to get him to trust her, but she got him to warm up to her persistent affections soon enough. It's why she's not so easily discouraged when it comes to the husbandos with not so pleasant personalities-- HAHAHAHA
Her pet cat's name is Taiga <3
As for Nazarick in the context of our Hazbin AU with Lucifiel in it, it'll definitely come up sooner or later in future works even as a passing mention by our bbygirl which will no doubt intrigue her new boys and her worried 'father' HAHAHAHAHA
Thank you again for reading & enjoying my work and esp for sending an ask!
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Where were we? Right, Claire was about to choose between Wilfred and Sugar when crazy-ass June bust in, ffs. Ok Claire, moment of truth, just interact with one of them and let’s put this needless bullshit to rest already.
-Ok, don’t worry, I’m gonna make this as devastating as possible!
Ok, you don’t have to.
-I want to!
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-Get fucked, Wilfred, lmao! Starve to death for all I care!
WOW OK man I did not see this coming, everything is coming up Sugar!! Wilfred no offense but how weak is your d game that she slept with you once and ran right back to Sug when he looks like this?? Beyond over for you.
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-Oh darling, I knew you’d pick me! -You did?
You did???
-Of course! Our love is for life, my mating call that you answered was very clear on that!
Sure it was! Claire do you maybe want to take another stab at choosing? 
-Pay attention to ME, I’m furious and devastated!!!
Ya whatever, you’ll live.
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Now that the Sophito affair to remember is over, Eliza is an one-man woman for the first time! How you feeling about this brand new lifestyle, Liz?
Ya whatever, you’ll live too.
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We have once again arrived at a juncture of events for which I have no comment so I’m gonna present them factually. 1) Sophito is on a date with that llama guy who was super into him in the dorms.
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2) The cow mascot shows up and starts a fight with the llama. A gentleman through and through, Sophito autonomously flirts with Cheerleader Kea while his date is getting beaten up. 
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3) Sophito unceremoniously ends his llama date and asks Kea out.
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4) While on his Kea date, Sophito goes in the hot tub where Claire is and Kea follows him. Sophito attempts to cuddle Claire, which I immediately cancel.
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5) Sugar senses something is wrong and creepily comes over. While I’m loling about it-
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-I’m sorry, but being loyal to Reginald is simply something I physically cannot do! 
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7) I return to Sophito’s date which is going great and I’m thinking Kea might be wifu material-
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8) -WHEN ELIZA BANGS WILFRED AGAIN AND GETS CAUGHT. FUCK. Reginald of all the times you could have taken a break from your crypto trance this is the 2 minutes you pick???
-I earned 10k before age 20 to give to our future sociopathic child and this is how you thank me?!? -Oh please, tell me in what currency that 10k is and then maybe I’ll feel bad! Wilfred: 😊😊😊
To be fair I think Eliza does feel bad this time because she slapped Sophito back when he caught her ‘cheating’ but didn’t slap Reginald :( 
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Not that bad, though!
-Omg so it is I who’s won Eliza’s tiny, metallic heart??
Oh yes, Wil, you win by default since you’re the only contender left!
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Our night appropriately ends with our pool table being struck by lighting and catching fire. Sadly, there were no victims.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Hello there! I saw that you're writing with Seán, and if it's possible I'd like to request something with him and his gf coming out as bi to him and he kind of also questions his sexuality.
It's cool if you don't want to write it. In that case though have the best day/night because I love your writings!💚
Hey! I've seen you lurking on my posts a lot, even checked out your blog, and wowie are you poggers! Anyways, I'm going to cut out the part of Jack questioning his own sexuality since he is a real person (that let's be honest probably gets scrutinized and judged a lot about shit like this) and I do not at all want to delve into his personal feelings. But I'll do everything else!!
Thank god he had downloaded Tumblr durring quarantine. Without that he might have been at a bit of a loss as to what you were explaining to him
All of the gay shit posts on there really guided him
You were a bit nervous at first, already being in a relationship with a popular content creator after all. What would his fans think, much less Jack himself
To your immense relief, all the Irish man did was ask if this meant that you didn't love him anymore. Which sounds fucked up but it meant he still cared
(He looked so sad whe he asked though it almost broke your goddamn heart)
After reassuring him that, 'no no baby I still love you. this doesn't change anything' did he brighten up
Asks a lot of questions
'Can we celebrate pride together next june?'
'Would it be too much if I bought you a rainbow shirt?'
'Does this mean I can gush about anime wifus with you?'
You had cringed at the last one
It didn't change jack shit between the two of you. You were still (Y/n) and Jack; goofballs till the end
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boiling-potato · 2 years
Bro I’m not just excited about Lo and Logan! but also Ink!!!! 😭 she’s my wifu!!! 😍🥰🥰😘😭😭💕💕
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Oh my goodness anon!! that's very sweet of you to say!! Thank you so much I'm really glad you like her!! (。◔// ᵕ //◔。)💕💕💕✨✨
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athania1309 · 1 year
I reincarnated as Penelope Eckhart
Chapter one ()
I was a regular student who was technically reading my favorite manhwa until this happened
" " - saying
I opened my eyes to be greeted by a man "will you be my daughter", as I reached out to his hand out of desperation to get out of the slums "yes" I said meekly
"Aak" I woke up abruptly to the pain in my arm wait... where am I this isn't my room ... someone said, "Your finally awake, I prepared you bath" 
'Huh wtf did I do... wait why is my hair purple?' I looked at a nearby mirror and was surprised with what I saw whaaaaaaaat why is this face so familiar... could it be wait no no no no no I calmed myself down... that man so it wasn't a dream
"What was your name again" I asked, the maid said "Its Emily ma'am"
"Go get my breakfast I'm awake now" I said in a monotone voice the maid was shocked but left, I went  to the mirror and to my surprised I saw Penelope's face in the mirror but way younger 'this can't be happening to me I thought this happens in novels, I guess I've been reading too much novels... but this is supposed to be the OG Penelope's body not mine T^T i wonder what happened to my poor body ' I thought long and hard on why this could've happened to me... wait that shooting star i wished at 'nooooooo sh*t i thought i wouldn't happen... but damn I'm pretty'
Suddenly the Emily barged in my room with my food "your food is here madam", she said "I hope you enjoy it" she smirked, i saw a slop of food which couldn't be considered even food, ew is this what Penelope suffered through all these years, Reynold you damned bastard.
"Emily," I said coldly, "how long have i been here" 
"2 years ma'am" she said
One year huh if Penelope was adopted at twelve then i should be fourteen by now.... this should be a... good thing i guess i hope the past year the OG Penelope didn't do anything stupid 
I looked at my food and started eating it seeing i had no choice cause if i throw a tantrum the poor maid will go tell the duke and i might die earlier than usual so that choice is a big fat no same with forcing the maid to eat it aigooo my poor stomach. If i don't cause trouble my stepbrothers shouldn't be hating on me by the time of Penelope's debut
"urk" this is is disgusting, my hand forcibly started eating when the Duke arrived 
"What are you doing" he said, "Your Grace", Emily was shocked seeing him, oh god i never thought i would be happy seeing you
His eyes widened in shock "WHAT THE H3LL HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING MY DAUGHTER ALL THIS WHILE", "take her away" he said
"AAH wait im so sorry Your Grace" Emily begged while being taken out
"Are you okay Penelope" he asked, I forced a smile "I'm ok Father"
He looked shocked somehow, did hit the jackpot if i remember using Penelope's memories and according to the manwha/novel an incident happened a year ago thanks to reynold (i don't really know when this happened sorry T^T)
i hoped yall liked this
to be...... "continued"
You guys can also find this in my Wattpad the name is Kuroo's wifu ❤️
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flyinggerbilking · 2 years
I hope you and your wifu slept well and are doing better<3 I hope yall have an amazing awesometastical day ahead of you and I’m sending many blessings y’all’s way! May chaos shine upon you lovelies. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕💕🖤💕💕
tonight and this morning have been taxing on me, and us...hopefully the day is better.
Thank you so very much tho😊😊😊😊
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Masterlist 29
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annasweetbean · 1 year
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My plastic wifu’s are so prettys ∩^ω^∩ 💕✨
They came in finally!! Thank you so much Sweet Beanie babyling for this gifts! 💕✨🧁🏰🌹💕
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