#the roci crew
Oh man. The Roci crew is a fuckin MESS rn 😭
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rocicrew · 6 months
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And we're gonna capture it. We are?
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souldagger · 4 months
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some quick cibola burn sketches from the last couple of days (ft. the roci crew & an elvi)
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naomiholden · 2 years
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That’s the wisdom of the pines.
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battlestarbones · 4 months
roci crew truly found family of all time. simply unparalleled.
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doolallymagpie · 9 months
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Space Marine Scout Amos and Fire Caste “just a diplomat’s assistant’s bodyguard” Cotyar, in need of a Chapter and Sept, respectively (and a Chrisjen, who I haven’t decided on re: whether she’s a human or a weird blue critter here; it’ll depend on what mini I find that has her vibes I guess)
Both of ‘em use bits from the Catachan kit: just the arms in Amos’s case, and a torso as well in Cotyar’s
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The fact they’re going this hard for Miller like dude just do the honourable Virmire survivor thing and blow it up yourself bro
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Holden & Amos are walking perfectly at pace with each other consumed by watching Naomi ❤️‍🩹‼️
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Holden’s arm on Amos hits 💥 me in the feels
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Holden & Amos never exchange a look between them but have an entire interaction that is non-verbal communication.
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Amos squirming away from Holden’s hand because it’s now holding his coat.
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Holden’s finally let go of Amos’ coat, you can see it fall back to his side.
I love that Amos is the only one with an unzipped coat. Something so endearing about that.
And the fact they are still using TACHI gear!
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Holden gotta Holden. Of course he has to touch the soil. He can’t not touch things.
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MATCHING JACKETS - Family dynamics
This walk together 🥰
Alex helping Naomi. Holden in the middle. Amos leading the way.
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Holden gradually taking the lead from Amos.
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The beauty of those four dots walking together ❣️
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incognitajones · 1 year
Hello! For Trick or Treat prompting, The Expanse + "gathering" or "frost" from the seasonal list (I did not realize you'd written for The Expanse and now I'm rushing off to read root system because marriage of convenience Prax and Amos sounds AMAZING) - If that doesn't spark any ideas, I'm always interested in your rogue one takes too. "longing" feels a little on the noise for that, so maybe "blustery"?
Ahhhh, thank you so much for your interest in "root system"! I had a lot of fun writing that fic. 😊 And here's some Expanse found family for you to fill the "gathering" prompt:
The numb chill of space flowed in with Naomi as she followed Amos through the Roci's airlock. A lattice of frost from the warmer air inside the ship crept along the edges of her faceplate. The hatch sealed behind them and she started shedding gear, popping off her helmet with a hiss and clumsily shrugging out of the oversuit. A shudder ran up her spine. Lately, every time she went outside the ship, she was cold for hours afterward. It felt as though she'd never get warm enough after the Chetzemoka. 
Amos, on the other hand, was sweating. He unzipped the top half of his inner suit and peeled it down, tying the sleeves around his waist over his undershirt. Then he tossed her uniform jacket over from where she’d left it hanging in her locker. “Put that on before you start shivering.”
“Dinner is served as soon as you two get up here,” Holden’s voice came over the intercom. “Clarissa and I finally perfected her pancit recipe.” 
Naomi made a face, and Amos laughed at her. “Aw, come on, the cap’s cooking’s not so bad.”
“He never makes it hot enough,” she grumbled. “None of you Earthers do.” “Just because you like your taste buds burned off…” Amos shook his head. 
They were still amiably bickering about food as they entered the galley. Clarissa looked over with lines of concern etched on her forehead—she got anxious when people disagreed in front of her. Amos grinned at her, though, and she relaxed. 
Naomi took her usual seat and Holden handed her a cup of tea. She curled her hands around its heat with a sigh. He set a bowl of pancit in front of her and sat down next to her, his arm resting warm against her side. 
Amos grabbed a bowl from Clarissa and slung his leg over the bench to sit. “Not bad, Peaches,” he mumbled around a mouthful of noodles. “Not bad at all.”
“I helped,” Holden said mildly, scooping some into his own bowl.  
“You chopped a few things,” Clarissa allowed. She manipulated her chopsticks with precision to take a small, neat bite. Somehow she hadn’t yet abandoned her perfect table manners in the face of the rest of the crew, who’d learned to eat fast and furious. 
The pancit might be a little bland for Naomi, but it was still good—filling and hot. The warm meal helped dispel a little more of the chill she carried inside her. Listening to Holden and Amos argue about the espresso setting on the coffee machine did the rest. Hiding a smile, she lifted her bowl to her mouth to slide in the last few noodles. 
“I’ll clean up,” she said, setting down the empty dish.
Amos shook his head. “It’s my turn.” 
It wasn’t, but Amos was still feeling protective enough of her that it wasn't worth arguing with him, and Naomi wasn’t so virtuous she’d insist on doing a chore someone else was volunteering for. “Then I’ll check the Prax panels after dinner,” she said. “The filters are due for a cleaning.”
Clarissa aligned her chopsticks across the top of her empty bowl. “I meant to ask, why do you call them Prax panels?” she asked. “I’ve never heard that before.”
“Our friend the botanist, who put them together,” Amos said. “That was his name.”
“How’s he doing, by the way?” Naomi asked. “Back on Ganymede?”
“Working hard,” Amos said. “Lotta repair work to get those agridomes up and running again.” He reached for the serving dish and dumped another mound of pancit in his bowl.
“To absent friends,” Holden said, raising his cup. Amos and Clarissa did the same, tapping their drinks together. 
“Absent friends,” Naomi echoed, thinking of Prax and Alex and Bobbie and Avasarala and all the others who’d shared this place with them. She touched her cup to Holden’s and drank, feeling the warmth spread through her.
A/N: I know pancit isn’t supposed to be hot, but I see Naomi as someone who likes most of her food to be spicy! (it’s a Belter thing)
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breakonthroough · 3 months
Parallels in Trigun and One Piece.
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Today I would like to share my thoughts about the parallels and references in One Piece, which I noticed for myself when watched the anime Trigun — both versions old and new (and yes, I came to them after I caught up with OP ongoing). I may have imagined something, but some parallels suggest themselves. I think Oda-san, like many other mangakas, took a lot of inspiration from Yasuhiro Naitou's classic work.
Analysis may and does content ! spoilers !
1. First of all, from the direct references and easter eggs of Oda-sensei, I would note the similarity of Sanji holding a wounded Zoro on his shoulders, bandajed like a cross, in the Wano arc with Nicholas D. (!) Wolfwood, with his big weapon-cross at the ready. It was a funny gag from Odacchi :)
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2. Then, the "Sandsteamer" in Trigun reminded me very much of the "Sea Train" in OP. I don’t know if this is a reference or not, but they definitely have something in common. The principle of movement of steam vehicles in an atypical environment.
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3. Another point - the antagonist character of one of the episodes (just about the Sandsteamer), Brilliant Dynamites Neon, very much reminded me of Arlong, both with his toothy design and his charisma.
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4. Well, the gang of the Donquixote family reminded me in many ways in its diversity of Knives’ organization “The Gung-Ho-Guns”. (And also it reminded me the BB crew too).
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5. Well, the most important parallel for me is the clear and definite similarity of the story and the contrast between the main characters of Trigun - Knives Millions and Vash the Stampede with the Donquixote brothers. I’ll go into more detail here, because there are plenty of references, besides the fact that each of them is a handsome blond.
▪️If Vash, in fact, bears little resemblance to Rocinante, except for his wounded and scarred body and the fact that, unlike his brother, he is also kind and soft-hearted. Both of them often play the fool, posing as awkward, stupid simpletons (with different goals, of course), and at the same time almost never show outsiders their deeply sad soul, traumatized by losses and experiences.
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▪️Doflamingo personality as character imo was largely inspired as personality of Knives, as it seemed to me. The parallel is that he and his brother are similarly representatives of a superior (in their opinion) race, but they only treat ordinary people differently.
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▪️Knives and Doflamingo, unlike their kind brothers, are evil incarnate. Proud, arrogant and cruel. Intolerant and merciless towards human weaknesses and any manifestations of kindness and gentleness. Both have a justified and (from their pov) very logical reason to hate people as a race and the whole world order.
And both also have a plan to destroy the world that does not suit them and build their own, ideal one. Both of them are involved in the murder of people dear to their brothers (father for Roci, Rem for Vash). Well, in both cases, the good brothers are trying with all their might to prevent the implementation of the grandiose plans of the evil brothers.
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▪️Well, I must say that the showdown between Vash and Knives ends in the anime much less disastrously than that of Doffy and Roci. But even in the general plans of these scenes, analogies and parallels are visible, as it seemed to me. 😢
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Well, as you know, the brilliant refers to the great. I'm glad that for all their similarities, these stories and characters turned out to be different. Oda may have been inspired by the work of his predecessor, but he created his own epoch-making story with a great plot and beloved, touching characters.
Russian translation below 👇
Параллели и отсылки к Тригану в One piece.
Сегодня я хотела бы поделиться своими мыслями насчёт параллелей и отсылок в One piece, которые отметила для себя, когда посмотрела аниме Триган — обе версии (да, я дошла до них уже после того, как нагнала онгоинг Куска). Что-то, возможно, мне померещилось, но кое-какие параллели напрашиваются сами собой. Думаю, Ода-сан, как и многие другие мангаки, немало почерпнул для вдохновения из ставшей классикой работы Ясухиро Найто.
1. Прежде всего, из прямых отсылок и пасхалок Оды-сенсея я бы отметила сходство Санджи, держащего на плечах раненого Зоро, перемотанного как крест, в арке Вано с Николасом Д. (!) Вулфвудом, с его оружием-крестом наперевес. Это был смешной гэг от Одаччи:)
2. Затем, Песчаный Пароход мне очень сильно напомнил Морепоезд. Не знаю, отсылка это или нет, но что-то общее в них точно есть. Принцип движения парового транспорта в нетипичной для него среде.
3. Ещё один момент — персонаж одного из эпизодов (как раз про Песчаный пароход), Brilliant Dynamites Neon, очень сильно напомнил мне Арлонга, как зубастым дизайном, так и своей харизмой.
4. Ну и банда семьи Донкихот мне во многом напомнила своим разнообразием организацию Найвса "The Gung-Ho-Guns".
5. Ну, и самая главная для меня параллель — явная и определенная схожесть истории и противопоставления главных персонажей Тригана — Найвса Миллионса и Вэша Урагана с братьями Донкихот. Тут остановлюсь подробнее, ведь отсылок, помимо того, что каждый из них прекрасный блондин, предостаточно.
Если Вэш, по сути, мало чем напоминает Росинанта, кроме израненного и покрытого шрамами тела и того, что он, в отличие от брата, также добрый и мягкосердечный. Оба они часто придуриваются, изображая из себя неловких глуповатых простаков (с разными целями, разумеется), и при этом почти никогда не показывают посторонним свою глубоко печальную и травмированную потерями и переживаниями душу.
Дофламинго же, как мне показалось, во многом списан с Найвса. Параллель в том, что они с братом аналогично являются представителями высшей (по их мнению) расы, только относятся к обычным людям по-разному.
Найвс и Дофламинго, в отличие от своих добрых братьев — воплощённое зло. Гордые, высокомерные и жестокие. Нетерпимые и беспощадные к человеческим слабостям и любым проявлениям доброты и мягкости. У обоих есть обоснованная и очень логичная с их точки зрения причина ненавидеть людей и существующее мироустройство. А также есть план по разрушению не устраивающего их мира и построения своего собственного, идеального. И тот, и другой причастны к убийству дорогих для их братьев людей (отец для Росинанта, Рем для Вэша). Ну и, в обоих случаях, реализации грандиозных планов злых братьев всеми силами пытаются помешать добрые.
Ну и, должна сказать, разборки между Вэшем и Найвзом заканчиваются в аниме куда менее плачевно, чем у Доффи и Роси. Но даже на общих планах этих сцен видны аналогии и параллели, как мне показалось. 😢💔
Что ж, как известно, гениальное отсылает к великому. Я рада, что при всей своей схожести, эти истории и персонажи получились все же разными. Ода, возможно и вдохновлялся работой предшественника, но создал свою собственную эпохальную историю с великолепным сюжетом и любимыми, трогающими за душу персонажами.
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rocicrew · 6 months
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souldagger · 6 months
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a couple quick expanse character sketches from this week :]
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naomiholden · 2 years
me staring at my unfinished sense8 au gifset in my drafts like ,,,,
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battlestarbones · 4 months
just went to rewatch a bit from the expanse TV finale and I was like "why is Holden piloting the ship?? bitch can't fly for shit!!" BECAUSE I FORGOT THEY FUCKING KILLED ALEX MY BABYGIRL MY BELOVED
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
Bobbie/Naomi is like: these two keep meeting in the occasional major crisis, hanging out for a bit, and leaving each other
and then they don’t leave
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goldenandhappy · 2 years
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Roci: “Will you remember me even after I die ?”
- Puts his smile on his jolly roger (and consequently on every piece of clothing he’s ever worn)
- Calls his crew the Heart Pirates
- Litterally tattooed the heart on his skin. Multiple times.
- Spent 13 years of his life planning a revenge against the man who killed this man, effectively breaking the gears of the world, and putting in motion the biggest changes that ever occured in it.
Everything that happenned in the story since PH to Wano happenned because Law loved this man. (And i’m not yet counting The Rocky Port Incident, since we don’t know what happenned there exactly)
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