#the tyets
I've been listening to this song a lot recently, so here's the translation. I've posted The Tyets before, they're an urban music band from Catalonia. Usually they make fun songs with lots of jokes and double meanings, but this time it's different, this is a very sweet song for their niece.
Here's the lyrics and the translation:
I en aquel festival que tant ens agrada Dels que tenen food trucks amb llumetes penjades Que organitza el cunyat i ens regala entrades Que hi toca Pau Vallvé i propostes rares Va i me germana d'imprevista Treu un sobret amb una pista Un dibuixet que ens fa ser avis i tiets
And in that festival that we like so much One of those with food trucks and hanging lightbulbs That our brother-in-law organizes and gives us tickets Because Pau Vallbé and weird proposals are playing My sister comes and, all of a sudden, Takes out a little envelop with a clue A little drawing that makes us grandparents and uncles
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família (×2)
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
I just el mateix any que va marxar l'avi Surt una panxeta i els papes són avis D'això va la vida, tot és momentani Gaudeix de cada dia que va massa ràpid I no sé com ets, Olívia Però ja t'estimem una mica Jo que he vist la Clara de petita I apareixes tu
And precisely the same year that grandpa left A little tummy appears and our parents are grandparents This is what life is about, everything is momentary Enjoy every day, because it goes by too quickly And I don't know what you're like, Olívia But we already love you a little I saw Clara as a child And now you show up
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família (×2)
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
I a sobre va tocar Bugambílies I jo em sentia el protagonista Avui l'únic que vull és veure't Olívia Sempre seràs la gran de la nova família Va i me germana d'imprevista Treu un sobret amb una pista Un dibuixet que ens fa ser avis i tiets
And on top of it, he [Pau Vallvé] played [his song] Bugambílies And I felt like the main character Today the only thing I want is to see you, Olívia You'll always be the eldest of the new family My sister comes and, all of a sudden, Takes out a little envelop with a clue A little drawing that makes us grandparents and uncles
I ens vam pasar el concert plorant, Olívia Quin moment tan bonic i estrany Olívia Pensava que es casaven va i ens diuen Que serem una més de la família
And we spent the concert crying, Olívia What a beautiful and strange moment, Olívia We thought they were getting married and they go and say That we'll be one more in our family (×2)
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worldmusicandcinema · 2 months
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COTI X COTI | The Tyets
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hufflepuffhabs · 2 months
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Tu i jo cremant València 🔥
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no-passaran · 5 months
Feina ideal: la gent que va fent "prrrrrr!" "skeeeee" i sorollets varis pel darrere de les cançons de The Tyets
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jackleopard · 5 months
also, assigned catalan at birth spotify wrapped
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musictomyremember · 13 days
estaré millor demà · MARLENA · The Tyets
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aroaceofthesea · 6 months
Hi so the 8th of december one of my fave catalan groups is playing in london so if youre from there this is your sign to get obsessed with them and get tickets. Here you have one of my fave songs from them
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wosofanlwob · 10 months
this song omg such summer vibessss
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witchcraftingboop · 11 months
Ok, I'll bite: absolutely dumbest thing you've seen on magical Tumblr, like, the kind of thing that just stuck in your brain and cannot be removed because of how indescribably stupid it is, the "How can you be this dumb and still be alive?" kind of thing.
In a literal sense: glitter candles. It's an actual fire hazard, and people still insist on making them. A coworker of mine actually just the other day gave me a candle with a puddle of glitter on top and glitter all around the inside and outside of the glass holder. Also a witchcraft shop near-ish my apt was just crammed full of candles coated top to bottom in glitter, and he was actively trying to sell them. Glitter-coworker also allegedly sold 20 before I told her they're a fire hazard. Absolutely wild.
In a practical sense: the idea that you can't practice malefic magic because you'll tip the balance of the universe. That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and it gets toted across Witchblr in one form or another, and the very idea of it just sounds exhausting to me. How do you function knowing your every negative action causes the universe to fall out of balance and target you specifically to right the wrong? Y'all need to start researching what actual karma is before you give yourself and everybody around you anxiety
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sinfullydivination · 5 months
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The Tyet, also known as the Knot of Isis, is a symbol that translates as “welfare” or “life.” The tyet iconography first appears in the 3rd dynasty, yet is believed to originate around Predynastic period.
The association with goddess Isis did not appear until later in Egyptian history. Knots were commonly used as amulets to symbolize the bound and release of magic. This knot was associated with the goddesses: Nut, Hathor, Nephthys, and Isis.
It was common place to place the tyet around the deceased neck. The tyet was often made out of stones like carnelian, red jasper and/or red glass. The red stones were said to protect the dead and in the NK, BotD spell, it states that the jed jasper tyet would “drive away those who would commit crimes against them.” The Tyet was also made out of green faience, too, though, and this was to symbolize the renewal of life.
It is typically seen paired with the Djed pillar, a symbol that was often associated with Osiris- most commonly with the spine of Osiris. How could you support yourself without welfare in line with it?
Image from: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/548207
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satoransky · 11 months
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was tagged by @palaugranetes (idk how long ago) to post my lockscreen, last played song, last selfie and last saved pic
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This song has become very popular in Catalonia. I hadn't translated it before because its lyrics are full of jokes and colloquialisms so it's difficult to translate, but I really wanted to share it.
The Tyets is a Catalan band that makes trap and reggaeton-ish music, but in this song they've incorporated a cobla (traditional ensemble of sardanes, considered the national music/dance of Catalonia) to their urban song. You can hear the characteristic instruments and beat of the sardana in the chorus.
It's quite common among Catalan pop and rock bands to use traditional instruments (mostly the gralla/dolçaina) and some traditional forms of singing (mostly cant valencià d'estil), but sardanes had so far been left out of this because they're often negatively stereotyped as old-fashioned and its popularity among elderly people made it unappealing to the younger generations. However, turns out the familiarity of these sounds still rings close to our hearts, and people (regardless of age) can't help it but to dance when they hear it!
The translation is under the cut.
The lyrics are light-hearted and use a lot of colloquialisms and slang, they joke about gossiping. The title (coti x coti) would be translated to "gossip 4 gossip", but using a slang word for "gossip".
No ho puc evitar, ja no sé com fer-ho
M'ha arribat a les mans, un coti ben salsero
Que ha mogut tot el mercat, no me'l puc treure del cap
Si vols aquest secret, doncs per tres l'has de canviar.
I can't help it, I don't know how to keep it anymore
A very juicy gossip has reached my hands
It has shaken all the market, I can't get it out of my head
If you want this secret, you'll have to exchange it for three others.
No en vull saber res
Intento no creuar-te la mirada
No em crec històries inventades
De tu ja no em puc creure res.
I don't want to know anything about it.
I try not to make eye contact with you
I don't believe made up stories
I can't believe anything you say anymore.
Ahir em vaig trobar l'Aleix i em va dir que tenia cotis
Posseïa info, tenia bones refes
No sabia perquè, però s'ajuntaven les notis
El mercat está palmant i tu estàs holding
Yesterday I ran into Aleix and he told me that he had gossip
That he owned info, he had good references
He didn't know why, but news were stocking up
The market is croaking and you're holding.
Tira la manta, peli de terror
No vulguis correr a la sort del traïdor
I esque et miro davant de la platja i em dius que no, que no
Throw the blanket, horror movie
You better not want to run a traitor's end
And I look at you in front of the beach and you tell me no, no.
Que no ho pots evitar, ja no saps com fer-ho
T'ha arribat a les mans, un coti ben salsero
Que ha mogut tot el mercat, no te'l pots treure del cap
Si vols aquest secret, per tres l'hauràs de canviar
That you can't help it, you don't know how to keep doing it
A very juicy gossip has reached you
Which has shaken all the market, you can't get it out of your head
If you want this secret, you'll have to exchange it for three others.
Repeat chorus.
Hurray! (Note: sardana dances end by all the dancers holding their hands to the middle and shouting "visca!" together)
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hufflepuffhabs · 6 months
Happy Monday Tumblr 🧡🤗
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jackleopard · 11 months
I need someone to explain to me why I love Epic Solete by The Tyets so much
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aroaceofthesea · 6 months
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quirkthieves · 3 months
tag dump: ishizu ishtar
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