#the warriors of kyoshi
bestepisode · 2 months
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The Warriors of Kyoshi
Aang brings Katara and Sokka to Kyoshi Island to ride the giant koi fish, but after a close encounter with the unagi, the team is captured by a group of female warriors. Aang reveals he is a reincarnation of Kyoshi Island's founder, Avatar Kyoshi, though the villagers do not believe him and plan to throw the three friends to the unagi. After Aang frees himself and demonstrates his airbending, the villagers celebrate the arrival of the Avatar. Word of his presence eventually reaches Zuko, who sets sail to Kyoshi Island immediately. Sokka befriends the Kyoshi Warrior leader, Suki, who teaches him the warrior skills of Kyoshi. She manages to change his sexist attitude in the process while also developing a crush on him. However, Zuko arrives and attacks the village, forcing Team Avatar to leave the village and draw Zuko away. As they depart, Aang manages to ride and control the unagi, using the creature's water spray to douse the flames raging through the village, saving it from total ruin.
The Blue Spirit
Zhao is promoted to admiral and enlists the help of a group of professional archers called the Yuyan Archers. Meanwhile, Sokka and Katara become sick due to being exposed to a storm previously, so Aang goes to an herbalist to find a cure. After finding it, Aang is caught by the Yuyan Archers and imprisoned by Zhao. A warrior with a blue mask rescues him, and they escape together. Aang discovers the warrior is none other than Zuko and wonders if the two of them could be friends. Zuko attacks, but Aang escapes and cures his friends.
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vampirecorleone · 1 year
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"He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday." | "They snuck up on me." | "Right. And then they kicked your butt."
Avatar The Last Airbender Rewatch: The Warriors Of Kyoshi
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zukosdualdao · 1 month
“the only reason you should be interrupting me is if you have news about the avatar” something So Fascinating (and a little bit hilarious, admittedly) about zuko taking meditation so seriously when he is also. Like That. seems to indicate that on some level, he knows he has a lot of emotional issues, and while he’s not always very graceful about it, he does take iroh’s advice (because i cannot imagine anyone else from the fire nation taught him meditation as part of his training tbh) to heart. this duality is also immediately highlighted by “uncle, you taught me keeping a level head is the sign of a great leader. now, whatever you have to say, i’m sure i can take it” being followed by an IMMEDIATE emotional outburst upon iroh telling him they have no idea where the avatar is. he’s so real for this. and also so sixteen.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Warriors of Kyoshi
Two in one day, look at me go! Do not expect this rate going forward.
Before we start. I'd like to give thanks to the writers for putting the place name in the episode title. As someone who has been attempting to spell things phonetically, but has no familiarity with non-english names and has therefore screwed up many many times, I am grateful.
I really didn't notice Zuko's voice in the last episode but he's back to sounding like a muppet in this one.
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My man that meditation is not working. Nor is the hair. After that burst of flame how do you have hair left?
Somehow I missed last episode that they had named the lemur. Welcome to the gang, Momo!
So this is going to be the 'Sokka faces his sexism' episode. I'm going to get really nitpicky here. Sokka says "You need to give girls space when they do their sewing" and Katara responds "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Well, nothing actually! It's Katara who makes the leap and ties the two ideas together. Sokka then 100% puts his foot in his mouth (and follows through with getting his pants in his face) and I love the way Katara responds to it! Sew your own pants Sokka! But I gotta say, if Sokka had only kept his mouth shut he would have been in the clear.
"Where we're going you won't need any pants" is not a relaxing statement Aang.
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Appa rocking the Justin Bieber look.
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Guess Katara threw those pants harder than I thought she did. He's only got one tooth left.
'Lookit me! Lookit me! Mom are you looking? Mom did you see me? Mom are you watching? Mom did you see? Mom watch this! Mom look at me!' -Aang, while harassing the local wildlife.
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Growing up in the South Pole, jumping into any body of water is absolutely insane, so yeah this tracks.
I love how Momo is the most enthusiastic watcher.
What do koi eat? There must be a lot of it here.
The fish is doing all the work!
Nessie on roids.
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They caught Momo! I love how this implies that Momo carries the same status as a threat that the humans do. They don't blindfold him though. Do you think they had a bag big enough for Appa?
Yikes this is turning into an after school special. Rule of thumb: if you have to flanderize your character in order to make them objectionable enough to be a candidate for the lesson of the week, maybe that's not the right character to use to teach the lesson?
Is this Water tribe or Earth kingdom territory? The warriors are in green, but everyone else is in water tribe blue. Assuming the colour coding we've seen with fire and water extends to earth, maybe the warriors are assigned there?
Kyoshi is a place and a person. Now picturing Aangland. Also I guess the warriors are from here after all.
Aang is really good at finding ideally placed sharp edges on which to cut his ropes.
I like the game of telephone sequence and how the colours gradually change from blue to red.
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Needs to eat but too tired to get up. We've all been there buddy.
Katara absolutely going for the jugular in the breakfast scene. Speaking of, Sokka's line reads in that whole scene are just beautiful. Offended and cranky, but still showing genuine appreciation for breakfast.
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First time Katara's made me laugh out loud. She's spot on.
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This painter's line reads are great too!
Your dance lesson? Sokka you're letting me down. You're making me want to watch the warriors beat you up. You're the best warrior in your village? You're the only warrior in your village. You won by default. (Although it must be said that he does refer to his potty break pals as warriors, so maybe he thinks of himself as the best of many).
Sokka how is your shirt staying closed? And you totally brought that on yourself.
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Passed out Momo.
Oh lord AANGY?
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Do you think one of those warriors could be convinced to do the Sokka treatment on Aang too? His head's getting a little big. Parallels!
Warrior lady Sookie has some very poor line readings. She's not helped by the fact that she's contrasted with Sokka, whose voice actor is probably the best in the show.
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Aangy seen here being very unmonkly. The back and forth here is great.
"I got you!" Yeah Sookie he did. "You're not going to get it in one day, even I'm not that good." Maybe you aren't but Sokka is.
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Nessie on roids has enough thinking skills to use his own self as a table. Well done Nessie. Don't hurt yourself.
Did the airbender forget he could airbend? He's being flung around through the AIR by Nessie. Just bend!
It's a good thing Katara is a waterbender, otherwise going into the water while wearing head to toe furs would have absolutely drowned her.
How does Katara know Zuko's name? Or recognise his ship?
How does Katara bend water out of Aangy's lungs? Doesn't she have no training at all? I feel like that could have gone horribly.
Momo includes himself in the 'girls come quickly' statement.
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This has Mexican stand off vibes, as does the music. Also why are people hiding from firebenders in wooden houses?
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This is why I don't like after school special plots. Sokka's been learning their technique for a couple of days and he's already better at it than Sookie. Which retroactively justifies all his patronising sexism from earlier in the episode.
Fire breakdancing is shockingly efficient. He took out three opponents while flat on the ground. Also Zuko is getting some serious air on his jumps.
That's twice now that Zuko has reacted to Aang's presence by saying "Finally."
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Did Zuko happen to be carrying a bag of coal dust? Either way he's dead.
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Katara gives the single most stupid advice possible 'get inside this flammable building children!' and follows it with straight up lying to Aang's face. I'm glad he called her on it. And I'm glad she was so quick to change back to what she's been trying to tell him the whole episode (we need to LEAVE). You were right all along Katara, don't bend the truth now to make him feel better.
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BIG SIGH. I don't know if this is bad writing, bad line reading, or both. It's just so corny.
So now he remembers he's an airbender. Also I hope he had some sort of air shield when he hit the water.
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Roid Nessie's water breathing dragon traits coming in handy. And I thought that was just worldbuilding. That's two episodes in a row where what looked like worldbuilding was also plot. Sneaky!
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Ha! They're going to rust.
Appa caught him! With his paws!
If I was the leader of Kyoshi, I gotta say I wouldn't be thanking the avatar. Thank you for luring the fire nation to our previously neutral territory and then having the decency to fix the immediate problem that caused, though long term we're still screwed. Assuming that Zuko's actions represent fire nation actions, Kyoshi's neutrality is gone and the houses no longer have roofs. Do you think the fire nation does reprisals?
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So pretty.
And I've been spelling Suki incorrectly. I guess the gimme with the episode title was too good to be true. Gotta check my hubris. I need a Sokka treatment myself.
Final Thoughts
This episode ANNOYS me. First, the good:
I'm glad that the show touched on the status of avatar going to Aang's head. The first couple of episodes firmly characterised Aang as not wanting to be the avatar, but you'd have to be superhuman not to let it go to your head just a little. And Aang wouldn't be anywhere near as fun to watch if he was superhuman.
I also like that Aang explicitly verbally acknowledges that Katara was right, and that he can put into words the ways he was wrong and the lesson he learned. The lesson has a better chance of sticking if he can actually articulate it.
I like how this show is consistently sticking to actions having both good and bad consequences that can't be bended/handwaved/magic-ed away. In episode two, the flare went off and now the village at the south pole has a giant gash in it and Sokka and Katara had to leave home. In this episode, Aang stayed too long and now the village has burned down. There's no magic fix. This makes the world of the show feel real, and feel like something that's worth caring about. Actual stakes mean actual investment by the viewer is not wasted.
Katara got a turn with the brain! She was right about Sokka being a sexist jerk, right about Aang getting a big head, right about Zuko following them if they leave. I like Katara being right.
The bad:
I am not liking the direction that Aang and Katara's relationship is going. It's fine for Aang to have a little crush, and it's fine for Katara to baby him (he is younger, and judging by the ages of all the children in her village apart from her brother, Katara's been a mini-mom for a while). But it's jarring when those opposing perceptions are so blatantly juxtaposed. I think this is one of the places where the fact that I'm an adult and this show is for kids is making itself known. If I had watched this at 8 or 9 years old, I probably wouldn't have even picked up on the opposing dynamics. I can't quite articulate why it doesn't sit well with me. It just doesn't.
And now, the Sokka arc. BIG SIGH. Sokka needed to grow past his sexist tendencies. No argument there. But his sexism boils down to believing in the gendering of tasks and that said gendering has a basis in fact. That there are man things and woman things. That men ARE better at man things and women ARE better at women things, with the corresponding (though unacknowledged) belief that women are worse at man things and men are worse at woman things. Sokka was supposed to have these beliefs challenged and ultimately overturned in this episode by meeting, and being beaten up by, Suki and her warriors, women who excel at (what Sokka thinks of as) man things. Suki and her warriors do challenge the first part of Sokka's original beliefs, that being a warrior is a man thing. But after a 45 second training montage he gets the best of her.
Being a warrior seems to be Suki's full time job. We never see her out of her armour; this is her role in the village, a role she has presumably trained for for many years. And Sokka gets the best of her in the training room, and fends off Zuko after she fails to do so herself. If Sokka surpasses Suki so quickly at what she has devoted her life to, I guess being a warrior is naturally easier for men. And sure, women CAN be warriors, Sokka outright says it (although Suki kind of has to correct him as he only get halfway there), but putting aside the dialogue and looking at the action, Sokka's just better.
For that matter, given that Sokka was quite literally the only man over four years old in his village, he must have been used to seeing women fulfilling a male role. Unless his demonstrated subpar fishing skills could feed the whole village, the women were going hunting. Which is why I said he was flanderized earlier. He might want to believe in the gendering of tasks because it makes him feel manlier or more connected to his interpretation of his culture, or heck maybe it give him a sense of purpose or makes him miss his dad less, just spitballing here. But there's no way he hasn't spent every day since the men left for war seeing that belief be contradicted. And sure, he could have some cognitive dissonance going on, especially since he seems to have staked his whole identity on his manliness, but would that cognitive dissonance be enough to insult a pack of warriors to their face while tied up, then insult them even worse while they're actively practising with their weapons? I guess teenage boys have done stupider.
I'm probably reading too much into this.
The meh:
Zuko in this episode is literally just filling the villain of the week slot, and serious step down in narrative focus after the last episode, where he got a whole arc.
So I have problems with this episode. I like the avatar stuff temporarily going to Aang's head, but I don't think it redeems the rest of the episode. It won't be going on my rewatch list.
Last, totally vain complaint: this episode was nowhere near as pretty as the Southern Air Temple. That one had beautiful contrasts with blue/purple air and red/orange fire. This one is just beige.
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atlapanoramas · 1 year
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Season 1, Episode 4 "The Warriors of Kyoshi" - part 1
Nice dress, Sokka!
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ididgettomeetyou · 1 year
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azulasnailtech · 2 years
Day One: Kyoshi Warrior Sokka
Happy @zukkaweek! Have a tiny little ficlet! Canon compliant, Book One: Water, Chapter Four: The Warriors of Kyoshi. 386 words. Very slight allusion to n/sfw thoughts but on the whole this fic is T at most.
In the weeks since their first meeting, Prince Zuko hasn’t spared much thought for the Boy. He has a name, probably, but that's not pertinent to Zuko’s mission, Zuko’s purpose, Zuko’s future, Zuko’s life. 
What’s pertinent is this: the Avatar is a master airbender in the body of a child; the Avatar does not use the grand scale of power described in all the myths — or any bending other than air at all — unless his tattoos and eyes have started to glow; the Avatar travels on a swift but eye-catching sky bison; the Avatar travels with the Girl, a novice waterbender with a great deal of raw power, and the Boy, a novice warrior who fights dirty.
It is because of the Boy’s willingness to fight dirty that Prince Zuko thinks about him now, alone in bed after yet another failure to capture the Avatar. It is not because the Boy looked pretty in that makeup.
Or, well, it is because the Boy looked pretty in that makeup… but not for the usual reason a hotblooded young man like Zuko might think about the only other boy his own age he’s seen in years, late at night, alone in his bed. Absolutely not! It’s just that the Boy might weaponize his prettiness in that makeup as a distraction tactic, so that’s something Prince Zuko needs to plan for.
It’s not a matter of huge concern. Prince Zuko is singleminded in his efforts to apprehend the Avatar, has been for three years. He will simply knock the Boy out of the way just as he did today, will not linger over deep red lips and icy blue eyes framed in black. And anyway, all the girls of Kyoshi Island wore that same makeup, and none had joined the Avatar as he and his Water Tribe sidekicks fled. Maybe the Boy wore that makeup only as a local custom, and it will never grace his face again.
But Zuko remembers their first meeting, and he remembers the second, and the Boy looks pretty without makeup too.
Prince Zuko flips over to lie on his stomach, keeps his hands up by his head, clutches the sheets there tightly in balled fists so his hands do not stray down, and resolutely ceases to think about the Boy any longer.
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anonymous-gambito · 2 years
Do folks in Kyoshi Island actually turn people into sea serpent food or was it like, a joke?
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
The Warriors of Kyoshi re watch takeaways :)
I honestly forgot how funny the bickering between Katara & Sokka can be. It’s easy to mess up sibling bickering & banter but the show perfectly walks the line between realistic & relatable & just plain funny. Katara throwing Sokka’s pants at his face when he starts spewing sexist crap about girls & sewing was so funny
Suki!!! 😃 I loved the Kyoshi Warriors introduction. Pretty brutal that they were ready to throw the guys to the unagi but also based. Anyway it makes sense. How else can they stay out of the war other than taking a hard stance on outsiders? Also, I remember my family dying laughing at the Avatar fanboy with a frothing mouth & I still find him hilarious
Zuko telling Iroh he knows to keep a level head & can handle bad news & blowing up making the candles go wacko when Iroh says there’s no news of the Avatar is another moment that always cracks me up 😂
Okay Aang was super annoying in this episode not gonna lie. Katara literally got forced into the role of mother of the group, the only one who cared about food or planning while Aang showed off for his fan girls & tried increasingly obnoxious ways to impress her without actually just being helpful. And the move where he put himself in danger to manipulate her? And only apologized when he got his way & she was paying attention to him? Ugh
Suki & Sokka’s dynamic is so fun. Suki was so clearly flirting with Sokka even while she got him to humiliate himself (calling him a strong warrior & getting him to attack her knowing she could take him down no problem). Also Sokka saying he would he honored if Suki showed him some moves & the two of them sparring together *chef’s kiss* 💖💖💖 Plus Sokka got to unlearn misogyny. That would’ve gone from sorta funny to annoying fast.
Seeing the burning wreckage of the Kyoshi village is pretty sad. And I’m sorry but Aang isn’t… wrong to blame himself? Zuko gets a lot of hate for this from fandom but my issue with that is…. No duh? He’s the villain at this point in the story he’s going to act villainously I’m not sure what else to say about it. Aang should’ve listened to Katara telling him they couldn’t stay there long though. He let himself get carried away by the praise he was receiving & it led to the village being attacked by the Fire Nation, something they had so far avoided 😔
I really loved the end between Sokka & Suki when he apologizes for treating her like a warrior when he should’ve treated her like a girl. “I am a warrior, but I’m also a girl” is such a good line. This episode said Sukka rights 💖 I would’ve loved if Suki could’ve joined the gaang in this episode. Maybe the live action show will give us Suki joining early? That’d be neat.
Anyway that’s all I have for this episode :)
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thefacestealer · 2 years
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The statue of Avatar Kyoshi
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nco05 · 1 month
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bestepisode · 3 months
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months
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Forget about canon, I want Kyoshi Warrior Ursa.
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zukosdualdao · 1 month
“our technique is about using our opponents’ force against them” !! saw a post a while ago (i think it’s in my drafts) about kyoshi island very likely being a settlement of people previously from the water tribes (probably the swt since they have to still be much closer to there then the north pole.) suki’s explanation about the kyoshi warriors fighting techniques sounds a Lot like the philosophy regarding waterbending techniques, even though the warriors are obviously nonbenders.
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meliake · 3 months
rewatching Avatar is so weird because Sokka is literally the only thing keeping them alive and fed. He constantly is like,
'guys we're out of supplies/ we need to stop/ we're attracting too much attention with the flying bison we should walk' etc.
Like in the ´The Storm' when they're completely out of money and supplies the one to get a job in hopes of making money (he never actually gets paid, the world hates him) is Sokka.
In 'The Waterbending Scroll,' it's Sokka who's concerned about their lack of supplies when Aang sends them in a wave down the river, and is making sure they're careful with their spendibg when in town shopping.
He's also seen to catch fish and gather nuts (I know more often than not he fails to catch things on screen but it's implied he's the one that does most of the hunting and gathering)
It's like- Aang totally would have starved to death or gotten completely off track with often they're completely out of food and money
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atlapanoramas · 1 year
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Season 1, Episode 4 "The Warriors of Kyoshi" - part 2
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