#then you'd just be posting on 4chan.
teamseaslug · 9 months
This is literally the only smart person on that idiotic post ngl
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molsno · 1 year
I don't think there's enough discussion of the transmisogynistic voyeurism that's extremely widespread in online spaces. it's definitely a problem offline too but it's become significantly more pervasive and inescapable online.
transmisogynistic voyeurism is an obsession with trans women's internal lives. while traditionally it's usually been focused on our bodies, hormones, sexualities, transitions, and other such aspects that portray us as exotic, artificial, hypersexual mimics of "real" women (this is still largely the case among conservatives), it's taken on a new form in the past several years as society's understanding of transness has slowly improved.
in more recent years, the fascination with trans women and transfemininity, particularly in purportedly progressive spaces, has shifted to focus on the "artificiality" of our womanhood from a sociocultural perspective, rather than from a biological and sexual perspective.
it's become common to see screenshots from 4chan and other similar communities of trans women or transfem eggs posting about their unusual kinks, often with racist or antisemitic undertones. screenshots of ostensibly closeted trans women being transphobic to openly trans people have become commonplace. whenever a trans woman is revealed to be racist or a sexual predator, she becomes the new topic du jour, where everyone has to weigh in and publicly disavow her actions.
you might be thinking, what's the problem with this? after all, shouldn't we be holding racists, antisemites, transphobes, and sexual predators accountable? and while the answer to that question is an unambiguous, resounding "yes!", the problem here is the unusual focus on trans women in particular, and the fact that what's happening doesn't even remotely resemble accountability.
bigotry is not a uniquely transfeminine trait. anyone can be a bigot. however, by and large, even supposed trans allies, people who put "trans women are women" and "terfs dni" in their bio, still secretly see trans women as fundamentally male, due to having been "male socialized" (a notion which very strongly contradicts our own lived experiences). thus, when they see post after post after post of trans women being bigoted, it reifies tme people's beliefs that we are all holders of male privilege who have never had to face oppression before coming out as trans.
this idea is problematic for a number of reasons. first, it denies the experiences of trans women who have been oppressed by other systems before coming out as trans. for example, multiple times in just the past few weeks, I've seen trans women of color accused of being racist, even against people of their own race; as if having to face racism all their lives wasn't bad enough, now they're assumed to be perpetrators of it. however, this idea also ignores the very real effect that transmisogyny has had in shaping our lives, even when we didn't know we were trans ourselves.
when we attempt to talk about this topic - the perception that tme people have of trans women being uniquely bigoted, we are by and large brushed off as seeking to "excuse the actions" of bigoted trans women so that we can be bigoted ourselves. this abject refusal to actually engage with what we are saying to instead paint us as the very people we're constantly made to publicly disavow lest we face social ostracization (even if we have no idea who said people even are) further reifies the stereotype of us as privileged men.
I want you to imagine for a moment if trans men were subjected to this kind of voyeurism instead. on an average day scrolling through tumblr, you'd see a post of a trans man's nsfw blog where he shares posts about how rape should be legal, right alongside his bloodplay and cannibalism kink posts, accusing trans men of normalizing rape and murder. another post would show a screenshot of the trans guy who proclaimed to have been hitler in a past life, accompanied by comments demanding trans men take responsibility by purging their community of people like him. you'd scroll down a little further and see a screenshot of a terf blog with "dysphoric female" in bio where they complain about how a trans man they know has been brainwashed by "gender ideology" with all of the comments hoping they figure out their gender identity but still vehemently disavowing them and asserting they would feel unsafe around such a person even after coming out.
the reason that doesn't happen is because biological essentialism runs rampant even in queer spaces. trans men, who were afab, are often presumed to be incapable of harm due to having been "female socialized". trans men don't have their kinks publicly shared to paint them as dangerous because they're generally assumed to be victims of sexual violence, not perpetrators. trans men aren't collectively held accountable for the actions of one trans man they don't even know because a trans man doing harm is believed to be an anomaly, and thus can be dealt with on an individual basis. that last example is especially laughable, because trans men who were formerly terfs are often lauded as heroes for sharing their stories and offered condolences for having been victims of "cult brainwashing".
the fact that this kind of voyeurism does happen to trans women is because, having been amab, we are presumed to be the perpetrators of harm rather than victims. that's not to say that trans women can't be bigoted or dangerous; clearly they can, or else this kind of voyeurism couldn't exist in the first place.
trans women can be racist, trans women can be antisemitic, trans women can be transphobic, trans women can be sexual predators, and so on. these things are all true. however, they are not more likely to be true of trans women than of other demographics. that's the point I'm trying to make here.
stop and consider for a moment, what accountability actually means. are racist, antisemitic trans women being held accountable when you share screenshots of the bigotry they post anonymously on 4chan? does that screenshot you reblogged of an assumed transfem egg being transphobic to an out trans person hold them responsible for their transphobia? is that racist trans woman who's a convicted sexual predator sentenced to prison being held accountable when you share detailed documentaries about her crimes? are they facing consequences for their actions because of you raising awareness about them?
in the vast majority of cases, the answer is no. what's really happening is that you're raising outrage about trans women, and demanding that all of us publicly disavow and distance ourselves from them, even when we have no idea who they are, so that you won't come after us next. you're upholding the idea that trans women hold a "male privilege debt" that we can never fully repay but must endlessly strive to repay regardless. this obsession with our perceived socially male traits has got to stop.
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cherrytea556 · 8 months
Lore Rekindled; The Lore Olympus that should have been
To be honest, I checked out the rekindled version before the original one and now having reading the original as well, it's extremely odd. Y'know goodbye volcanic high where the original was a mess but a group of 4chaners made a parody game which turned out to be of better quality than the original? This is like that but replace 4chan with tumblr users, mainly @genericpuff whose series is pinned in their tumblr blog where you can check all of the episodes, especially updated ones. In this post, I will be praising this series of how it fixes the problems of the original
The Pacing
One thing I notice about lore olympus and lore rekindled is the pacing. Not just the flow of the story but where it chooses to focus on. Now in lore olympus, the pacing is kinda a mess and its mainly to do with what it focuses on. An example is the magazine plotpoint; in the original, its basically kinda there in between doses to focus on other stuff like persephone and hades together, persephone's sa (i'll get to that later), eros story, zeus and hera etc...The flow generally isnt that bad per say (except for persephone's sa cuz that was way too quick) but for a story meant to be a romance between hades and persephone, you'd think it idk, it would focus on persephone and hades specifically, not eros which is another example of; its flashbacks. Eros specifically has such a dragged out flashback in episode 12 which we didnt need or at least with that much exposition when it should've naturally expand in the story and that's what rekindled does. The magazine plotline has turned into the first conflict of persephone and hades as we see how it affects their lives and relationships. This works for its pacing better because it doesn't give you too much stuff to jumble with, making the narrative more concise and easier to understand where the story is going. And with the flashbacks, rekindled cuts out the fat in the flashbacks from the original to a perfect balance where it gives exposition of the characters while also leaving mystery for the audience to be intrigued, my favourite one would have to be this (though it more of a nightmare than a flashback specifically speaking);
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It's of persephone in a greenhouse her mother placed her in with this red eye thing following her from outside the greenhouse. I have no idea of this lurker if its her metaphorical rage or a danger in her life but either way, i am intrigued by its presentation.
The Characters
When reading lore rekindled and lore olympus, the characters are definetly an odd experience. For lore olympus, the characters arent exactly uh....great per say. I think the main reason for this is how their ultilised, with characters like eros, hera, hectate etc being there to mostly be a matchmaker for hades and persephone even if it was initially seen as wrong like with hera and hectate, be antagonistic as a way to have conflict between hades and persephone like minthe, demeter and recently leuce even if ones had reasons too like minthe with hades emotionally cheating on her and demeter because lets be honest, she had a point. Then there's hades and persephone, whoo boy where to start with them.
Hades starts off as a creep eyeing at persephone during a party, specifically at her body and still lusts persephone even being aware that shes 19 and he's 2000 years old. Also is a shitty boss, father AND contributes to slavery with it while being adressed in some way, doesnt change him which isnt good for a character that's meant to be the main protagonists love interest.
Persephone though, I can get the self insert vibes. From favouritism towards the story, being who most of the men in the story are attracted too, portrayed as a 'cinnamon roll' (they actually said that early on in the story, im not kidding) who cant do no wrong. She acts like a teenager rather than a young adult which makes the scenes where shes sexualised just more uncomfortable (and they already unnecessarily were) along with adding that uncomfortability to the romance
But with rekindled, they expanded on the characters much more than they originally were. Persephone for instance has turned from a 'sexy baby' legal teenager to an actual young relatable adult with agency and allows her to screw up (e.g, getting drunk on her own rather than eros drunking her). Her adult attitude makes the romance between her and hades not only more palpable, but also strays away from the infantilisation/uncomfortable sexualisation of her character which is nice to see. Hades also is written well in the series from how it acknowledges his faults while still making him likable. And thats the same for every character really, their personalities are much more fleshed out and nuanced which makes their characters feel real to life, gaining effectiveness for more emotional scenes with them. An interesting thing too is that they even expanded the magazine guy's character from making fake news for profit into feeling guilt over what they done, standing up for persephone which is a pretty nice change.
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No Sa Plotline
Not like you cant have sa in your story ever but if you never planned it from the beginning and only did when people tell you that the scene you drew from your comic was sa then....maybe just not do it. Lore olympus does exactly that where while an attempt was made, it goes on to retcon it into making apollo (the guy who sa'd persephone) into a lesser evil like that would made a difference instead of just cutting it out from the very beginning. Lore rekindled thankfully just made apollo into his pilot version, a shitty bf but more likeable and expanded upon (which should have been his portrayal from day 1). His shittiness doesnt come up in the story, more like self absorbness/egotisticalness although with its recent chapter of the magazine guy offering persephone lunch, it might reveal some cracks or at least further down the story it will be revealed to us which futhers how effective rekindled character writing is in how its expansion of characters would give us the feels. That or portray him as not a good match for persephone, either way much better than the original.
Lore olympus has a pretty good artstyle (at least in s1/the early episodes, s3 is just kinda goofy) but lore rekindled has got a good artstyle which is on top, more consistent too. Here's some examples;
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It's objectively funnier than lore olympus, no question asked
All in all, if you want to read lore olympus, i recommend you to read the lore rekindled one instead as it's better in every way. Give it a read.
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inkperch · 4 months
Bored, have my backstory headcanons for the Vees when they were alive:
-He was a nobody.
-Literally a nobody.
-If the internet had been around when he was alive, he'd be one of those guys who spend all their time on reddit and 4chan posting Incel vs Chad memes and not realising it's a self report-
-Instead he just. Seethed. At how nobody wanted him. Fantasised constantly at doing Canon Val Things but was too cowardly to do so when his victims could fight back.
-died from a random illness in his late thirties, his coworkers missed him for a few weeks but quietly whispered between themselves that yeah it's sad to see a guy die so young but there was always something off about him... (as bored gossips do)
-worked some dead end job, I don't know enough about the time frame he lives in to get me specific
-used car salesman before it was cool
-wanted to be on tv
-spent most nights drinking himself into a stupor rambling about how he was gonna make it big one day, he knows it!
-scam artist on the side, good at fast talking you out of realising it but the quality of the scams was. Less than good. Even getting a customer completely and utterly on the hook he'd barely get a 20 out of them-
-auditioned for a lot of roles, got none of them, put the blame in all the wrong places instead of actually working to hone his genuine natural talent for the screen
-saw TV as an easy road to fame and money (regrets it in hell, regrets it so much in hell-)
-eventually tried to scam someone it was really, really stupid to scam. Got the cinderblocks and a river treatment
-timid, shy, dorky art student
-if you got her talking she'd tell you for hours about the fashion sketches in her sketchbook
-if you really let her cook you'd hear the full history of the last century of fashion trends
-got bullied. A lot
-took out her frustrations by being an absolute nightmare online
--like. Canon Vel behaviour is the happy medium of the shit she was saying on anon and what she'd dare say in person-
-probably doxxed at least one person over fandom beef she wasn't even involved in
-got hit by a speeding car, driver was never caught
-isn't actually all that happy about being an influencer, but hey, it's hell, people clap when she tells someone to die in a hole-
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prokopetz · 2 years
Hi! This might be kind of a weird question, but do you know if there's an online community space like AO3 to post original tabletop game systems (specifically, systems that are derivatives of existing games, e.g. If I took a monopoly box set, used all the same pieces and board and stuff that came in it, but played an entirely different game with a completely new ruleset.) Is there somewhere I could post my Monopoly-2.0 rules so others could enjoy it? (Should I literally just put it on AO3?) Thanks!
I can't speak to board games, as it’s not my area, but as for tabletop RPGs, there isn't really a centralised archive for fan-created hacks of existing, published games. There are some older forums dedicated to the topic, but they tend to be insular, devoted to hacks of specific systems (typically Dungeons & Dragons), or both. About the closest you're going to get to a community that's dedicated to the development and promotion of fan-created RPGs in a broader sense is 4chan's /tg/ subforum, and, well, it's fucking 4chan.
What a lot of independent tabletop game designers do these days is sign up for a publisher account on itch.io. It's definitely not ideal, since itch.io is a commercial site, and the learning curve for getting yourself set up on it is not gentle, but there's a thriving community there that's managed to make it work.
(As for AO3, I've actually discussed the matter with some of the site's organisers, albeit briefly, and the consensus seems to be that fan-created hacks of commercially published tabletop games do fall within AO3's remit, with the caveats that a. there's presently no robust community of fan-game creators on the site, and b. most of the site's volunteers are unfamiliar with the particulars of tabletop game publishing and would not feel qualified to curate such material, so you'd pretty much be on your own. This is reflected by the fact that most tags related to tabletop RPGs other than Dungeons & Dragons are currently treated as synonyms of the "Original Work" tag, making them effectively impossible to filter on. That can change, of course, but somebody's gotta be first!)
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onecornerface · 6 months
the time I trolled 4chan as a fake flat earther for six hours in 2012
In July 2012, I got on 4chan and pretended to be a flat earther. I passionately argued for flat earth theory for six hours with almost no break. I kept a single thread going the whole time, getting over 400 replies. I’m not sure if I still have a PDF of the thread, but I do have some quotes from people who responded to me. Looking back over this a decade later, I am proud.
[CW: Slurs]
"There's no way you're actually this dumb. There's just no way."
"the flat earth society is one of the best trolls i've ever seen, in all those days of /b/"
"I tried some scientific research on this topic a while ago. I ordered a pizza, got two because the first was not what I ordered. I let the first dry out under a light bulb. Eventually, after a couple weeks, living creatures started populating Planet Pizza, after a while orbiting their home planet. This is proof, that the earth is flat. tl;dr Earth is a pizza, probably on a bigger pizza which probably is in a room with an even bigger pizza."
"Sir your thesis contradicts climate, you don't know what refraction is, you can't explain day and night, ebb and flow and you're also paranoid and/or outright stupid since you believe in conspiracy theory."
"You are a stupid faggot, and the whole of society would be better if you stopped breathing it's air. ...unless, of course, you're a troll. In that case, I'll award you an 8/10."
"I however, HAVE BEEN TO SPACE. Twice. I assure you, having orbited the planet many times, it is indeed a sphere. OP is an idiot, his only defense against me is 'omg gimme proof' which I can, and once given, 'u r part of the illuminatee' Ugh. Ignorant dumb ass piece of shit."
"Damn OP 9/10"
"If we dealt with this on a daily basis i would kill myself."
"Yes my jimmies are rustled, because I hate ignorant, inbred fucks like OP. Go die in a hole. Oh wait, you couldn't, you'd be scared of just falling through into space."
"10/10 OP good trolling, keeping in character and sounding legit"
"9/10 OP. My jimmies will be rustled for the whole rest of the day after reading this tripe."
"[S]ome eyebrows must be raised in the direction of the /b/ros still continuing to argue about this. Better standard should be expected from you guys, but taking away nothing from OP. Excellent work."
"If you're not a failtroll you are, by far, one of the most deluded and idiotic people I've ever seen post on /b/, which is a tremendous feat."
"9/10 for commitment"
"love this thread op 10/10 for still being here." (This was three hours in.)
">Focuses on the obscurely worded >Ignores every other point >Provides no answers About what I was expecting."
"Go hung yourself, please Humanity doesn't need such stupid people like you are"
"I'd believe someone who says the earth is flat compared to someone who claims otherwise and can't grammar correctly."
"I haven't laughed so hard at something on /b/ for a long time."
"OP, I'm not gonna bother asking you anything. I just wanted to let you know this is the best thread I have seen as long as I can remember. You truly are amazing. Good fucking job."
"nice arguments though i am in awe of your reckless faggotry and ignorance and skills of producing believable logical fallacies."
(Four hours in) "I can't believe this thread is still going. OP is the most successful troll of all time."
">Earth is flat >Every other celestial body is round >mfw 1/10"
"Great thread. You are not a troll, I saw you other times here and I knew personally a man from this society."
"holy shit 0 of fucking 10"
"Billiard balls are also flat. Isn't it obvious that they sprites?"
"10/10 OP wins"
">almost 5 hours of this shit 10/10"
"Big respect OP. OP is alpha as fuck"
"but seriously, OP is the man destroying everyone with his devasting arguments for hours huge respect man if i would suck a cock then I'd suck yours and I'd propably come before you do"
"3/10. Painfully obvious troll, yet impressive to see so many anons actually failing to make a compelling argument."
"Willy Wonka travelled around the world in 80 days, and ended up back where he started, just in time for tea. You can't explain that."
"Did you ever wonder what happened to Amelia earhart? She flew too far. Gov't shot her down past the ice wall. They obviously couldnt have her come back from that trip, she would tell everyone"
"I myself subscribe to modern rational empiricism, in accordance to which OP's arguments are absolute bullshit. And yet the attempts to challenge his unfalsifiable beliefs have proven mostly futile. A great majority of those posting in this thread have no idea why they should believe the earth is round."
"There has to be trolling here, I seriously can't believe what I am reading."
"this is beyond epic"
"I'm starting to enjoy this so i'm upping you from a 2/10 to an 8 but it ends now."
"OP is now argueing since 6 hours. This is the longest discussion I've ever seen in my life. Of ALL discussions, not only 4chan."
"arguments presented thus far by flatty: >did you personally do the experiment? no? then the results are invalid >here's my evidence; as demonstrated in this experiment someone else did also >oh; you did the experiment itself and it basically shows that the earth is round? >there's probably crazy gravity or some shit; hell if i know or >just because we can't explain every one of these phenomena and a spherical model can doesn't mean we're wrong. i'm serious you guys also >pictures lie and you should never believe them; despite mind boggling quality and quantity available for universal use online"
"Explain how we can have fat asses and tennis balls but a flat fucking earth."
"9/10 OP, well done!"
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irithnova · 3 months
Can't believe I'm discourse posting again but whatever.
While I may not have 100% been on board with the uh. Rusame edging response post because I have extremely "problematic" ships myself and have described Mongolia and China's relationship as being "married/divorced" so I'm not really any better than the edging shit in that sense, I think a lot of the replies were made in extremely bad faith and some pretty nasty people took advantage of the situation in their own ways.
The person who was vagued about had the right to respond of course and yeah it can be classified as ship hate considering it was put in the tags however people are seriously running over the fact that the poster themselves are Uzbek-Korean so yeah they'd understandably have some complex feelings about Russia and America if you know even the general history. The post perhaps wasn't worded that well and was an attack on rusame simply because of a comedic analogy of the relationship made by a shipper, but that anger didn't just come from like. Absolutely nowhere.
You had people in the comments slinging fucking 4chan lingo at OP (same person who did this supports a well known Zionist in the fandom why am I not surprised) and then much bigger content creators making posts and comments about how OP and their entire friendgroup are nothing more than butthurt sjws who are pushing people out of the fandom (and I can't believe people are still unironically using "sjw" in 2024 I guess anything is possible).
Extremely bad faith actors coming out of the woodworks who have had problems with OP and their friendgroup for completely different reasons using OPs hate post about rusame and the subsequent dogpiling as an excuse to publicly lie about the nature of the friendship and how it broke down. I find it extremely cowardly that months ago, when confronted privately about bad behaviour such as gossiping behind people's backs and confronted with the fact the person she was gossipping with is a prolific emotional abuser and racist, Verta blocked everyone and said she didn't want to get involved in "drama".
Now that someone within the group - a minor no less, who barely engaged with Verta herself during the course of her contact with them group, is being publicly dogpiled by multiple big creators - NOW Verta has the courage to come rear her head, engage in drama be like "they're all a bunch of sjws who hate white people!".
If you want to go back to 2016 for fresh "SJWS/feminists OWNED!" compilations, be my guest.
I find it extremely ironic how Verta is calling OP "fandom police" when Verta herself tried to gatekeep someone's identity/relationship to China....over hetalia art. I guess it's not policing when you want to be a bigot, but it's policing when someone from a certain background has unpleasant feelings towards a ship.
A lot of the vague posting about "WOW I LOVE RUSAME SO MUCH" afterwards I think was also extremely childish considering *gestures to the fact that OP is Uzbek-Korean* so yeah. They made an angry post about rusame that should have been handled privately between them and the person they were vaguing about however they do have some extremely personal reasons as to why they may have strong feelings about it.
It wasn't just an ordinary "rusame sucks and rusame shippers should die lol!" post made by an angry rando who likes perhaps Russia x [different country] and is butthurt at the attention rusame is getting but the way people are responding with "rusame is the beat ship evaa <33" posts in response to it - you'd think that was what OP posted instead of like. An emotionally charged (but poorly handled) post about Russian and American imperialism as someone who's family/countries has been affected by both.
Again I'm not in a place to judge rusame shippers considering the shit I ship and say - you can do what you want and I actually like cold war stuff myself. I just find a few of the responses extremely childish considering the circumstances surrounding why the post was made and a few were absolutely done in bad faith in order to paint OP as being nothing more than an angry sJw!!1 when. Again. *Gestures at Uzbekistan's history with Russia and Korea's history with America*
Also. I'm sorry but rusame is the most popular ship in the fandom right now. You guys will live if (1) child who comes from that background makes an emotionally charged post about it. There's no need for an onslaught of personal attacks and hateful anons. Jesus Christ I received death threats for shipping Monchu and I didn't even respond like that.
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eeveecraft · 1 month
You'd Think After I Made a "Stop Selling Systemmates" Post
That it would send a message that I am NOT okay with unethical sh!t like this:
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Yet another weird-ass blog, but this time, with only one post. And said blog followed us.
Do I-- do I really need to say why this is fucked up? Just, creating sentient life with the sole intention of them being your love interest, but as an extra added layer of fucked up, you purposely create them to be callous, violent, and abusive! Also, reading the tags, what the fuck do you mean, "tulpas dni," you LITERALLY followed a TULPAMANCY blog and are putting pro tulpa tags in there.
This is a troll right? Some sysmed trying to make batsh!t-looking Tulpamancy accounts to make the community look bad? Wouldn't be out of the question because they've literally tried that with "demo systems" before. Or maybe they're not a sysmed, but like, some 4chan troll who thinks this sh!t is the funniest thing since your mom jokes were invented.
Anyway, like the previous callout, I don't feel bad showing screenshots because this account literally only has one post. Still, just, block them, don't send asks or harass them, just spread awareness, block them, and limit their reach.
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
honestly i think if this site finally dies to a ceo meltdown (which might be the only thing that can kill it lmao) i think... it would be for the best to just leave this place and the communities it fostered buried
I won't go to cohost, or bluesky, or anything. Y'all can catch me on my already made social (1) (discord. Im not giving anybody my facebook account with my full name on it after the death threats ive gotten over the years here) if you want, but this site has been going downhill ever since the advent of cringe culture and ace discourse circa 2015. It feels like recent months have been hurtling towards the logical conclusion of the turbo-echo chamber this site exists in. I seriously miss the era where it was just superwholock jokes and the only drama you'd hear about was the occasional bone-stealing witch level shit that everybody would go "lmao what" about and then go back to their regularly-scheduled movie discussions. Maybe i'll go back to pinterest at most and spend the rest of my time in fandom and furry forums and AO3. It would compel me to write and draw a lot more.
And honestly, I think tumblr finally getting the plug pulled on its long-dying life support may be legitimately helpful for a lot of the users who yanked this site's culture away from that and into the echo chamber. They might like, go outside for once. I know "touch grass" is a cliche or whatever but I do think a lot of this echo chamber can be chalked up to sitting on the computer all day and never getting exposed to anybody outside of your self-imposed internet echo chamber. Go outside, get some fresh air.
Also, it won't be the end of the world. If your free time and happiness is really that contingent on any one social media site then it may be for the best to take it away from you. Learn how to entertain yourself without it. There's a whole world out there to explore. Find something else to do. Pick up new hobbies, look into events in your area. Get really into some weird niche hobby and spend all that time doing that instead of just posting on a different website if this one's finally done. Remember that 4chan guy whose life turned around after he got really into raising shrimp instead of discoursing on 4chan all day? Maybe it's time to find your shrimp raising hobby instead of just posting the same things and perpetuating the same cycles on a different site.
I'm not saying to go full amish and abandon the internet altogether but i am saying that if this website has consumed so much of you that the prospect of it imploding is this upsetting to you, maybe you need to start raising shrimp for a while. I think it would be good for you.
Idk man, I'm chilling in my chair here but if it goes, she goes. I'll find something else to do, but this site hasn't been the tumblr I stuck around for for a long time now, so it won't be the end of the world for me if it ends. I'd just grab my favourite mutuals discords and head out to get more into the furry fandom and write more fic instead. I never wanted to be exposed to this much of the everything on this site anyway, I joined for the memes and the fandom content way back in 2010 and then just never really left.
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mzannthropy · 7 months
Sam Claflin and the Ageism Comments
I've been meaning to make this post for... well, months now, the reason why I've been dragging my feet on it is that, honestly, it's such a non issue for me, but I just cannot abide how fucking stupid people can be.
So, what's up with all the "Sam Claflin looks too old on Daisy Jones and The Six", "Sam Claflin has aged comments"?
If these comments came only from incels of 4chan and Reddit, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, bc that's the type of stuff I expect from them. But, disappointingly, they came from DJATS fans.
Also just the sheer perplexity over people being surprised that a person is, gasp, ten years older than what they were ten years ago. Therefore, I have to speak up.
More under the cut.
Around the time DJATS was released, I re-listened to the audiobook, and I distinctly remember Daisy saying, upon meeting Billy for the first time, that he had lines around his eyes, even though he couldn't have been older than 29. Sam was 35 during the filming of DJATS, so yeah, he is older than his character, but I don't understand why this would be such a huge problem? Actors often play characters younger than them, but it's not just that. Maybe they couldn't find a suitable 29yo actor to play Billy, which is not an easy role. (Even Sam didn't get it on the first try, but they gave him a chance bc they knew he was good.) Also I just don't see what difference the ages of characters make in this story. They could be anything from late 20s to late 30s, even early 40s. It's a documentary about a band, not a coming of age story. I think that... it seems to me (and I could be wrong in my assessment) that for whatever reason, this fanbase is really young. (Didn't the book blow up on tiktok?) Maybe they presumed the characters would be closer to their own age, especially as gen z have this weird thing when it comes to age. I don't know. It's bizarre.
So what did Sam really look like on DJATS? Well, most of all, he lost a lot of weight. And sometimes it happens that when a person loses a lot of weight, depending on how thin they get, it might age them. I don't know how you can expect someone to get down to a size where they've left with hollow cheeks without this making them look older. In addition, Billy is a recovering alcohol/drug addict. Those things are generally not good for you.
So even if Sam did look older on DJATS--what does it matter? Is it not bringing the character to life that matters, the talent, the hard work he put in becoming Billy? Learning to play a whole musical instrument, making sure to get it right with regards to his character's struggle with addiction, by consulting the people who worked with actual rockstars who had the struggles in the 70s? Is that not what it is about?
If you only like films and shows with young people under a certain age, then watch those. There's plenty of YA out there for you to peruse.
Sam has been in the business since 2010. In that time he played such a variety of roles that a chunk of the audience don't even realise it's the same guy. He likes challenging himself, he has lost and gained weight as his roles demanded.
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Sam is 37 now and he looks exactly how a normal 37yo man would look. He's just more handsome than most. He is a very down-to-earth person and doesn't hang out with the Hollywood elite. He doesn't shoot up his face with botox. And good thing he doesn't. I'd rather have him with a few lines in his face than lose that smile, his most valuable asset.
I'd like to bring attention to another feature of Sam, not something that perhaps many notice, and not something you'd immediately notice when it comes to Sam, bc he mostly keeps them in his pockets--his hands.
These are not the hands of a person that looks too old.
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But hey, it's okay. You don't have to like Sam. There's plenty of young male celebs for you to fawn over. Us oldies will keep Sam, thank you very much.
(Note: yes I know women get it worse, but I made this post about Sam.)
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meezer · 5 hours
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when you catch a scammer in a lie and they freak out and delete their whole shit lol
if I may ask a favor of you, please report @ruteccxru for spam, because you can't report impersonation on tumblr unless you're the actual person being impersonated. this loser is impersonating adult content creator @/thedollbella by posting her pictures, asking people to DM them to "get the good stuff" (probably to send them a phishing link) and, worst of all, tagging this trans woman's pictures with "transmasc" and "trans man" and shit like that because they're a complete idiot who does not know what that means (and proved it when confronted).
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props to whatever 4chan piss-head was running the account. you tried, unfortunately you are just not smart enough to pull it off. I suggest getting a job.
I would never police any actual person's gender like this, but I saw some huge red flags that this might be a bot-run account or a scam, and I was right. you can see how shaky their reasoning is for using the transmasc tag, right? I have a cock ergo I am a man? you'd think someone who identifies as a trans girl IN HER BLOG DESCRIPTION would know better than to say that. at the very least, she would explain her reasoning. this reads to me like someone whose only knowledge of trans people is conservative propaganda trying to capitalize on an actual successful trans actress but failing miserably because they don't... know anything. either that or a really dumb large language model.
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lawgweirdcore · 1 year
aimless rambling about the backrooms
so recently I saw some people on twitter talking about the news that Kane Parsons (aka kanepixels) has a feature film version of his backrooms shorts in development at A24. In particular there was discourse about the anonymous 4chan user who wrote the original story and how they would feel about how far the concept has expanded (and how much profit they probably missed out on by posting anonymously.)
I saw quite a few people with the take that Kane's work and other stuff done with the intention of expanding that story "ruined" the original appeal. To be honest I feel like this really is just a "if you don't like it don't watch it" scenario.
The way I see it there's no real definitive "canon" for the backrooms. If you feel that only the original story is valid, and that it's vague nature is what makes it good, that's fine! nobody is stopping you from enjoying it in that way. I myself am not the biggest fan of the nondescript scribble monsters that have appeared in some backrooms derived works, but I still really like the story that Kane has crafted around the concept, and the videos themselves are LUDICROUSLY impressive for something primarily made by a 17 year old. (Even with the massive amounts of potential free time I had at that age due to being homeschooled I would never have had the dedication to pull something like that off.)
I think the series retains the mystery and intrigue a lot better than the old wiki lore, which seemed intent on fully explaining and mapping out every tiny detail. Despite the issues I take with them though I think both the wiki and series are completely valid as separate derivative works. Nothing but your own time and dedication is stopping you from taking it in your own direction if you wish.
I personally think it'd really be interesting to see an interpretation that really expands on the idea of the backrooms being a natrual ecosystem taking on the form of manmade structures. I've thought before that if you were to have a monster or creature in the backrooms a really fitting idea would be living shop mannequins, maybe that can only move when not seen. (I admit that's not exactly much more creative than the old scribble monsters though as it basically just amounts to slapping together two doctor who monsters) Maybe they wouldn't have an actual quantum lock and they wouldn't move as fast as weeping angels, you'd just turn your back and the next time you look one of them has turned their heads, y'know? Maybe they wouldn't be a prevalent monster and there's just like 5 of them lined up in a single room somewhere.
It does kinda suck that the original author will never get any proper recognition or compensation for the concept though, I guess the original SCP was a similar case? don't know the history on that too well. I suppose the concept is effectively in the public domain as there's basically no way of tracking down or confirming the identity of the original author?
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
Questions about ships aside it's really interesting to get a perspective on what fandom was like back then. (Chris ask)
I'm a 2000's baby so I started enjoying RE as such in 2013 (approx) with RE6 lol.
This is like history class.
this fandom went through a few different phases.
pre-RE4 RE fandom was very chill and very small. this was really in an era before much strife, when the monsterfuckers reigned supreme. people mostly talked about the games as games, and those who did talk about the story had an almost limitless canvas in terms of possibilities as to where the series would go post-CVX. i would actually say that this was the most creative that RE fandom ever was.
RE4 was the first major schism. RE4 turned a good chunk of the fandom into angry, bitter purists. #NotMyRE. fights over whether ganadaos were zombies or not. overdramatic crying, wailing laments that RE was dead because RE was apparently defined by fixed camera angles and tank controls. anyone who came into the fandom through RE4 was othered and shunned. the aeon vs cleon fight went mainstream. thirst for leon exploded.
RE5 was the dawn of a new era. capcom queerbaited chris, which brought in a flood of gays to save RE fandom from itself. there were still people who were screaming that RE was dead, and RE5 convinced some other people that the screamers were right, but RE5 marked the first time in RE's fandom history that women and queers were the dominant voices in fandom spaces instead of cishet men. cishet men were pushed into specific forums and places like 4chan while women and queers dominated livejournal, deviantart, and the tiny baby infancy of twitter.
RE6 killed the fandom. like, straight up. anyone still in fandom who cared about gameplay at all gave up on the series after RE6. cleons gave up on the series after RE6, leaving aeons to go unchallenged. and as a content drought set in, people just fell the fuck away and the fandom basically disappeared for a long, long time. if you searched for RE here on tumblr, all you'd find was aeon shit and like. weird CGI porn of chris fucking reboot dante. it was weird.
RE7 brought back the gameplay side of fandom, but RE fandom as a whole didn't re-emerge until RE2make in 2019, and that was the start of the current era.
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ottiliere · 2 years
do you have any more stuff on dirks kf thread? i love that idea
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referencing some of the stuff in this post, specifically dirk's.... art. how it's mainly shock value content...highly graphic, self-hating, misanthropic, nihilistic, 90s and early 2000s edgy humor art taken a disconcerting turn for the sexual. and, okay. this content would not be enough to warrant a kf thread on its own. what's been established is that his physical assault of hollywood director dave strider is what put him on the map and by extension in the crosshairs of the types of people who...use kf. people would start digging into his internet history, tracing his digital footprint, you know. his deadjournal, the boorus he uses, they'd identity an art style and essentially go to town tracking down everything he's ever made and posted, even if it was posted anonymously (4chan).
and, like. the things he draws... I don't know how to describe this but to him this isn't really vent art, and he's not, like, a shadman. (most of*) what he draws isn't drawn with the intent of it being hot, or appealing. it's... again, shock value. I think he thinks you'd have to be really stupid to think anything he draws is funny (the actual joke he's making is that he's stupid enough to waste his own time and energy doing all this shit, and the ACTUAL joke beyond that is that he knows it's stupid and is doing it as a joke and is so elevated beyond both criticism of the work itself and of the creation of the work on a sincere AND ironic level. you cant touch him because engaging seriously at all with anything he makes makes you a dribbling drooling IDIOT), but I dont think he cares about people getting off to his weird shock value porn.... though at some point he would have? earlier in life. like i do think he would've had a kind of puritanical phase where he realizes how wrong the way he was raised was, but I also feel like he quashed this relatively quickly on realizing that it just made his everyday life that much more humiliating. his creation of shock value porn SPECIFICALLY the porn part. is not to get off to it or to be sexy or to help anyone else get off. it is all part of the joke. if you get off on it you're stupid and missing the point but no more so than if you are out here laughing at his non-jokes. I don't think he'd LET himself be sex repulsed, basically. he'd feel that way for a little while but he is so surrounded by it that letting himself be disgusted by it feels weak. he isn't a kid he's not some girl or whatever. it's sex it's no big deal to him because why would it be. no seriously like tell me why why would he even be thinking twice about something like this. elaborate on it.
Like. I just really lean into the idea of him delibrately quashing a natural aversion to sex that comes from a history of being violently assaulted...to me that ties into him fueling his own internalized bizarreness refusing to get help or admit weakness etc. it's similar to the involuntary agere** and the bedwetting; if he could only look his own humanity and weakness in the face and come to terms with it he could heal but he will NOT let himself do this, no self-reflection no criticism just straight ahead into oblivion forever it does NOT get any better than this it isn't even that bad now it was never that bad then and you're projecting OBVIOUS STYLE if you think he's ever even struggled with jackshit.
but anyway.
the people hobbling together everything he's ever made, into one big thread... with the masses completely misinterpreting his intentions, the message, the motivation he had behind these pieces... he would be so mad. like he's not even mad about the insults, he does not give a shit about that, it's how little people are understanding that is what's truly offensive to him. like none of you get it you're all just laughing at the barest most obvious layer of absurdity out there. you're not even thinking not even for a second you're all so stupid compared to me and you'll live and die and you'll never fucking know it I'm going to blow my brains out on camera in front of you I'm going to kill you you are so fucking stupid how do you even justify your own existence etc etc etc.
*I can see him being, like, a legit puppet fetish artist. like these pieces are about the same quality of any of his other works but there's a much more sincere quality to them than any of his other art that depicts more grotesque topics. if people genuinely made fun of this stuff I think it's one of the things that would genuinely make him grind his teeth into dust. they don't fucking GET IT.
I'm envisioning the prominent features of this thread consist of, like, compiled scs of his deadjournal account...which if you don't know is like livejournal but they do not filter anything you write or anything like that. it’s got a smaller audience, no one reports you and no one monitors it. so i imagine he uses this as an outlet for utter bullshit fabrications of his life, like blatantly untrue ironic traumaventing with some stake in his emotional state at the time (e.g., extremely exaggerated stories of him being kidnapped and trafficked and tortured and shit, really long ramblings/lies that are adjacent to how he goes down stupid one-sided conversational rabbitholes) mixed in with EXTREMELY occasional genuine breakdown vents. kf members would tear all of them apart, but especially the latter kind once they figure out what they're looking for. like every once in a while someone does manage to hit a legitimate pressure point I think, like some weird analogy he makes a couple times. someone makes a random guess and happens to describe something that like actually happened to him and hes like stunned for a second over it.
in general i feel like this would just be so monumentally terrible to him. like hes aware of the extent to which people do not "get" him but. his little brain would boil at this he'd be so mad i think he would break things in his home. need to draw him sitting at his desk about to physically explode.
**I forgot to post meta about this in response to an ask I got. we've talked about it for cumulative hours and written fic of it and it is like. the cause of timeline branchiations. I cannot get into it now. it will be so long.
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eatzmoth · 1 year
The Madness? Of Mono Yellow
If you've been on the internet in the past few years there's a chance you've heard the phrase "the madness of mono yellow." Maybe you can't place your finger on where it came from or maybe you know exactly what im talking about. The source of this phrase comes from the 4chan post that started the idea of the backrooms. 
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No this post is not going to be about the backrooms. Instead, just for a moment, I want to talk about the picture of the backrooms. It's considered a liminal space. Defining liminal space is kind of tricky and there are many meanings and there are some great videos out there that talk about them and their nature so i'd go check them out! The best way I can describe a liminal space is by an area that invokes a certain feel to it, with usually a mix of creepiness, nostalgia, and artificialness. Usually liminal spaces have a certain type of lighting that helps gives us this kind of feeling. But what about the lighting that makes it creepy, nostalgia, and artificial? Creepy and artificial can be explained by the low lighting and "underbaked" almost game like quality it gives the photo. How can lighting be nostalgic? The truth is lighting plays an important role in our lives and sometimes, as an autistic person, I feel like im the only person who really appreciates it (and at times the most effected by it.)
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If you were born before 2010 you might know what im talking about, but didn't lighting feel warmer? No im not talking about the actual feel of them. What I mean is the tone of a light bulb. Some lights are on more on the warmer end of the light spectrum and some are on the more cooler end of the spectrum. I don't know why but I remember the only places where you'd experience truly white lightbulbs or lightbulbs on the cooler end of the spectrum where school, industrial buildings, and sometimes hospitals. These were places where I actually experienced the most discomfort due to my sensory issues and I never really understood until I started to research about it. I feel like in the past few years truly white lights or more cool leaning lights have become popular. I think it's because it's considered more modern. Some of my most prevalent memories with this shift in tone has to be when my parents ran out of the lightbulbs they had stocked up on and had to get new ones that had the more cooler tone, and funny enough when our local target changed it's design. I remember walking into the bathroom and turning the lights on and immediately running to my mom about it. Also my local target still had the same design as it did from the late 90s and when they changed it they updated the lights and whole atmosphere to be more "industrial." Nonetheless it feels like I cannot escape this new cooler tone lightbulbs and it's made my sensory issues noticeably worse. I'll never understand when older people talk about pleasant everything looks now compared to like the decor in the 60s/70s. Obviously I wasn't alive then but I feel like the 60s/70s can be described by the color yellow and yellowish lighting. It seems more friendly and inviting to me but again, it's because im autistic. I think you also see this more because of the whole minimalist aesthetic becoming popular.. something I equally hate. 
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I believe this is what brings the nostalgic feel to certain liminal spaces. Theres been a noticeable decrease in the use of yellow toned lighting throughout the decades and if you were born in the 90s or early 2000s you may especially get nostalgic over this kind of lighting whether you realize it or not. If you have read up to this I just want to say thank you, this was basically just a brain dump but i'd like to hear other people's thoughts about this!!
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fj0t0lf · 7 months
2. Do you idolize or have interest in any specific criminal or crime case? Who or what, if so?
3. One thing that annoys you about the side of Tumblr you're on or the wider community around it?
7. What's a moral limit you'd never cross?
9. Has your account ever been terminated? If so, how many times?
2. the criminal i'm most interested in is seung-hui cho by a long shot
3. misinfo. it's getting less and less common, but seeing people parrot common misconceptions like chris harper-mercer's alleged 4chan post, haji-daoud nabi greeting tarrant and not the person inside al-noor who's heard immediately beforehand, and literally everything dave cullen has ever said
7. honestly there's lots but mainly just for practical reasons. i don't think i would have it in me to kill someone slowly without adrenaline wearing off, same for other gradual crimes
9. only once so far
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