#theorize <3
vulpixisananimal · 18 days
"Just that easy?" (You say, holding up the five orbs you'd taken from the saviors. A moment later they started to glow and float to the door in front of you.)
[Just that easy~ Lucky you, getting to skip the year long treck to get those orbs~]
"It's still weird you can do that." (You roll your eyes, look at you, Cadence, about to go on another grand adventure diving into some crypt or castle or something. Wasn't two enough already?)
"Well this is familiar at least." (The house felt cold, empty, and frozen. Despite that, you could still feel a powerful rythm coarsing through it. You could feel your heart beat with it.)
[Well since YOU know about how to move to a beat already I wont explain~]
"Very helpful."
[Thank you, thank you.]
(You take your steps forward. Already falling back into motion. Past the first few hallways and the world starts to twist into a familiar mazelike pattern. You see your first enemy.)
[A little sadness blob! You've beaten sadness before, haven't you?]
"Sadness? It just looks like a slime."
[. . . . . Perfect! I can teach you about how we do things here in Vaugarde then~]
"Can't I just kill it and move on?"
[Nope~ Tutorial time~]
(You were getting the hang of this. It was similar to the crypt, enemies move in paterns, and you could tell that patern by hand shapes. Rock, paper, scissors, not that hard. Aparently, you were Rock AND scissors, something of a rarity.)
(You weaved throug sadness, still getting used to just how they worked. Damn, it was strange here. Monochrome, frozen in time, hard to find usable items, and. . .)
(A pain in your side, not paying attention, you fumble. Dammit, don't forget, new world new rules. The sadness you were up against was paper, and you were weak to that. You had to keep track of the beat AND what hand symbols sadness had?)
(You strike back, beat, beat, beat, step.)
(You trip up. You try and move, and-)
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(The star looked like they wanted to gloat so bad. Or tease you. Or anything like that. You just sat on the tree root absolutly fuming with rage.)
"So." (You reply.)
"How'd it go-"
"I just died!!!" (You yell back.) "I got hit with something and died! And suddenly I'm falling from the sky again and ending up right back here!"
"Oh congratulations! What a miracle! Let's all here it for our little Comet for cheating death~"
"I want to strangle you."
"But then who will help you out then~"
(You hate them you think.) "Alright. Later then. What WAS that anyway."
"You're in a time loop! Neat, isn't it?"
(You were doing well this time. You started to recognise familiar rooms and halls. Sure, the place was getting shuffled constantly, but there was a method to the madness.)
(Hah! You really did feel right at home.)
(It took a bit, but you finally had a key to the next area. You knew something was going to be in the way, something always was. But that was more than alright.)
(Finally getting to the door to the next area, you unlocked it, and moved on.)
(Ha, right on cue, it didn't look like any dragon or wraith you'd fought before, it looked almost like... Some carnaval ride. With a big ol ball for a head.)
(No time like the present, you go to attack.)
[Congratulations! I have no idea where you are!]
(Loop had been a reluctently amazing helper so far. But as you got higher in the house things got less coherant. Like the world itself was breaking down. Now, you were wandering repeating halls trying to find a, what was it, "key-knife"?)
[Keyknife~ And you're looking for a Change God statue, an unbroken one.]
(Very helpful. You continue. It was tough here on the third floor, but you will push on. You had to. Find the salt-shaker looking sadness, kill it, take the star charm, and use it on the right line of tears this time!)
(At least the beat was consistent, unlike these hallways.)
(Eventually, you made it. More frozen statues, more halls, and. . . .)
[. . . . . Oops.]
"Oops?!?" (You were staring at a locked door and no key.)
[I may have forgotten one tiny teensy little details on the last floor about a key hidden there. For this door.]
". . . . I am going to attack you next I see you."
Loop 14
(This time you remembered the key. Truly, it was hidden in a perfect place. In a book that said "please do not look" on it. Lesson learned, you got to the door from last time.)
(It wasn't too much further untill you found... Something? A state of that God, the Change God? Unlike all the others, it was intact.)
(. . . You close your eyes.)
(. . . !!!)
(There was a flash of. . . Something. Looking around, it didn't look like anything changed, but, no you were holding a knife? Is this the thing Loop was talking about?)
[You got the KeyKnife! Now you can get rid of the Kings Hair.]
(You move quickly. Damn, you didn't expect to be attacked by a sadness so fast, or so strong. It was supposed to be the that miniboss sadness then the King! But no! The hallways were twisting, turning, breaking, and it had lead you right to this weird sadness!)
(The music was so intense.)
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[Good work! I've never seen this type before~]
(Wow! Very helpful! Dammit, it was rock craft, and tough, you tried keeping up, things were moving fast, you slip up, and-)
(You're dead. Again.)
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dorianpavus · 11 months
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THE DEAD THREE Baldur's Gate 3, 2023.
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lycheemeadow · 1 month
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side / order
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illuminakisser · 2 months
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ok info about whats theorized to be medkits nightmare GO
Title of game : . (its a period)
Icon is the same as base game, background is the default one
The music playing is just overtime slowed down by a lot
1. MAP
You spawn on a road with sidewalks that have candles, you have a lantern in your inventory.
As you walk you will occasionally see an exit sign.
Halfway, pillars stretch up from the ground, most are normal but some are shaped like hands that reach to the sky. On top of the hands are weird figures with glowing green eyes and horns that look like something from the flaming horns series?
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(thats the closest thing i could find,,,)
At the end of the road is the default Happy Home, though with minor modifications. An exit sign is right at the stairs and pointing at the door. Tube tvs are inside the home, a giant one at the middle against the wall with two stacks of tvs in the corners. The left side has one tv off, while the others are full of red static. They don't do anything when interacted with.
Note: This sorta resembles the thumbnail for scythe's teaser.
They also look like the TVs in broker's secret room (i reached the image limit so cant show ough)
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Outside to the left and on top of the house are the same weird green eyed figures.
There are many figures running around saying various phrases,
phrases that ive seen:
"you traitor"
"do something"
"be useful"
"please help me"
"Useless support"
"Help me!"
"please just heal me"
"Please heal me"
"How's your eye?" (Idk if this is random dialogue or subspace dialogue)
Though, some of these figures are saying things from medkit ally dialogue.
Ingame dialogue phrases:
"Do I really want to work with a rebel on my team?" - Banhammer
"Hey!! Great seeing you!!" - Subspace
"How's that eye doing??" - Subspace
You are chased by an overseer eye, it can't be stopped permanently. Though, it can be halted by positioning yourself in the right area, however, it has good pathing and can jump extremely high, so you can't hide from it.
Getting caught by it results in an image showing up on the screen, this rewards you a badge the first time you see it.
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Random note: the eye is weirdly clean? im not sure if its medkit's eye or not since I remember soda saying that subspace just threw the eye away,, (not sure if this is still canon)
After this you get kicked from the game with the message "You must kill him to become him."
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The interesting thing is that this is the description of the overseer eye cosmetic.
This probably means something like "you must kill overseer to become him" or something but what does that mean who is killing overseer huh what
↑ ok theories have been made (thank u discord user ankles0560 for the medkit part)
The one killing him might be either medkit or katana.
KATANA : there is dialogue between katana and ban hammer
Ban Hammer: "You can't get involved with the business of the dudes higher up." Katana: "And who will stop me?"
↑ I will expand on this later but im eepy rn help
MEDKIT : ok the whole thing is about Medkit so the kick message is probably the overseer eye talking to Medkit,,
Soda has said that if Katana knew more about Medkit, he would kill him. This could mean multiple things but very interesting hm
Another interesting thing is the jumpscare noise, it is a jumpscare noise used in old games.
The interesting part is what it is, the noise is actually the sound of the subspace tripmine slowed down, whether this was just coincidence or because of the subspace thing is unknown, it might even be both?
Not really related to the tower but just what we know about the cult
A religious group within lost temple, not everybody from lost temple is a member of it.
It is mentioned in Medkit's phone dialogue.
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Every member of the cult is missing an eye.
Soda has mentioned that the reason why Sword's eye isn't missing is because he wasn't born in lost temple.
CORRECTION: Sword was born in lost temple, but wasn't raised in it. The point still stands that this is the reason why he hasn't lost an eye.
Based on dialogue between medkit and banhammer, it has been around for a while now. (THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME)
It is unknown what the goals or structure of the cult are currently.
They have a uniform, Medkit, Scythe, and Broker share the motif of outfits of mostly teal.
Scythe calls Vine Staff "blessed" in her dialogue with her, this is related to the cult somehow since in the same conversation Vine says "No! You and your creepy family can buzz off!"
^ According to broker, her curse is rare but she isn't the first one to have it.
They call themselves a family, and call Overseer their Father.
Overseer info:
There is barely any, but this is what we know.
They are referred to as a leader, it is unknown whether they are the faction leader or just the cult leader.
Scythe refers to him as a deity, whether they truly are one, manipulated the cult into believing they are, or the cult simply calls him a deity is unknown.
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An alternative is that she isn't talking about overseer here at all, though if that is so we don't know if she's talking about a sfoth deity or a different one. ← if it is a sfoth deity, it is most likely to be darkheart or venomshank (or maybe even ghostwalker? idk)
btw soda said this. soda wdym
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Feel free to add more info or things i missed/got wrong in reblogs or comments!!
pls do say more info if you have it im making this based on what the guys im theorizing with are saying i didnt have time to do more than 1 playthrough
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
“Ok in the original error message on Grammy night there’s the the code that says DPT which obviously now is the acronym for Tortured Poets Department but backwards and it’s counting down 3-2-1 from back to front IT’S LIKE IT’S STARTING FROM THE END INSTEAD OF THE BEGINNING or from the last page instead of the first chapter and the word scramble is literally a red herring and the original error is web speak for the system crashing BECAUSE THERE’S BEEN A GLITCH THE SYSTEM IS OVERLOADED so she has to go back to basics with a typewriter instead in the latest tease but also the betting Swifties are saying the Apple Music scramble is spelling out Glitch backwards too and the original error message is a black page with white font but the NEW error message is white with black font they’re like TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN and now she’s teasing 13– THIRTEEN WHAT?!—“
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omrarchive · 4 months
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simon in season 3 of young royals
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tommdale · 4 months
Poppy Playtime Theory
(Chapter 3 Spoilers Ahead)
I think that whoever we play as was attacked by Huggy Wuggy during the Hour of Joy
I mean think about it:
(Chapter 3 photo spoilers below)
Whoever we play as is so scared of Huggy Wuggy, while hallucinating (in Home Sweet Home, the gas-induced dream right after entering) we came up with the much scarier version of him, indiciating that he scares us more than the others (because why wasn't it mommy or even catnap in the dream?)
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And in the second dream (after being knocked down by CatNap towards the end), we hear the haunting screams of people being murdered during the Hour of Joy while we look at Huggy Wuggy, then the blocks he stands on (the ones that spell his name from Chapter 1)
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The Hour of Joy tape that Poppy shows us reveals that he lept from his stand to attack people, meaning that we'd associate the empty stand with the Hour of Joy if we were there for it, right?
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AND it's already confirmed that we worked there, with Mommy AND Ms. Delight saying they remembered us. And on top of all that, Ms. Delight thought we were dead. She tells us she remebers us then asks "How are you alive?"
My general theory for the player is that we worked closely with Elliot Ludwig, enough to know what was going on to be haunted by everything that happened, and close enough to Elliot to have remembered the news report about him in our poppy gas induced fever dream
I believe we were attacked by Huggy during the hour of joy and was somehow the sole survivor, thus making our way back to the facilty, haunted with survivor's guilt, wanting to find anyone that survived
If you have any alt theories please tell me :] I am sick and rotting with the release of Chapter 3
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summershouto · 11 months
the exploration of crocodiles gender is so interesting. Because, like, a lot of people interpret him as trans based on his stuff with Ivankov. And taking it a step further with crocomom stuff he is often theorized as assigned female at birth, having a child (luffy) then later transitioning via Ivankov. Which is solid, agreed, makes sense.
But also it’s fun to think the potential of croc identifying as nonbinary..he never felt a strong attachment to any gender or specific pronouns. BUT , as noted with zoros backstory and kuina, women don’t have the same opportunities as men do. Kuina was smart- she knew people would underestimate her and croc would conclude the same.
Crocodile wanted power; wanted to be strong, and he knew he couldn’t accomplish that in their world as a woman. He places an emphasis on gender now (SIR crocodile) that he doesn’t care about for himself, but because of how he wants the world to perceive him in order to be taken seriously.
And crocomom bc ofc - this is especially true after luffy is born. If croc let the world know, he would always be a Mother first and his achievements fell second.
so he identifies as a male. It has the double advantage of hiding the baby’s mother and he could start fresh as a man before the world knew his name. He never cared how he presented or how others perceived him…he just wanted to succeed above all else
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i-hear-a-sound · 6 months
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like to charge reblog to cast. accord come home
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
Death Predictions for Avatar
🟢Definitely not dying🟢
Lo'ak: bro's being set up as the new mc, JamCam's definitely not gonna kill him off
Tsireya: as the new mc's love interest, she's safe, cause this is a traditional blockbuster and we can't have a happy ending without the mc starting a family of his own after all the fighting's done.
Tuk: the Sully family has suffered enough after Neteyam
🟡Possibly dying🟡
Jake: with Lo'ak being set up as the new mc, I could see Jake dying in the final conflict of movie 5, or passing away in a flashforward of old age
Kiri: they're clearly setting her up to be a messiah-like figure and messiah-like figures have a nasty habit of sacrificing themselves to save everyone else. I could see her death being similar to Princess Yue from the less-blue Avatar, like the humans somehow find a way to harm Eywa and Kiri sacrifices herself to bring Eywa back or something.
Spider: whether or not he dies is gonna hinge entirely on what Quaritch's character development demands, cause that seems to be the reason Spider's character exists. Just how Neteyam's death was used to motivate Jake, Neytiri, and Lo'ak's characters, if Spider dies, it will be used as motivation for Quaritch. It could be a positive "my son would've wanted this so I'm gonna be good now" thing or a "my son is dead and I got nothing to lose so i'm gonna kill everybody" thing.
Norm: Norm is important enough that the audience would feel sad if he died, but he's not important enough that the plot would suffer from his absence, so I can definitely see him on the chopping block.
Mo'at: she's a grandma. Grandmas die sometimes :(
🔴Definitely dying🔴
Quaritch: I'm calling it right now. Quaritch is gonna be an asshole throughout the whole franchise, and then at the last second he's gonna have a change of heart, do one (1) good thing, and then die so he won't have to face the consequences of his actions. This has been cliche since Terminator 2, but then again JC wrote terminator 2 so can you really call it cliche if you made the cliche?
Aonung: Sylwanin, Tom Sully, Tsu'tey, Neteyam... I'm starting to think JC has something against older siblings. Sorry Aonung.
Wainfleet: the second Neytiri learns he's the guy who shot Neteyam it's over for his bald ass.
Scoresby: Payakan should've gone for the head and he's not gonna make the same mistake twice.
Ardmore: she's the head honcho now. Probably gonna get an arrow to the chest in A3.
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xbraveheartx · 8 months
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Some more Romeo refs from the gallery! Call me crazy… but are those… teeth I see, inside the hole of his cheek?
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Love language
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spookberry · 1 year
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A sweet boogey-monster that lives in your dreams ~🎶
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majora-is-lurking · 10 months
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They’re my emotional support besties your honor 🫶💕
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2th-ache · 9 months
hey so
I've been watching the side order direct and I've noticed that
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There are a lot
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And I mean a LOT of meat grinders designed around the map
So i was thinking, are oceanic species being grinded up to human paste (again), to make the perfect life? maybe.
BUT what if, this time, it isn't used to make a 'new perfect life' but to resurrect an old one?
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We see here that fish bones that, I assume were already dead before, are coated in some kind of black goo/ink that reanimated them.
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And we see the swirling debris that look like old possessions (?), that are maybe from the past and time of humans or maybe they are from these dead, grinded up subjects that was used to revive these dead fish bones
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We also see multiple machines that make mem cakes and we know from octo expansion that these mem cakes only exist as proof or a memory of a dead blended up test subject and what concerns me is that these are still being produced after agent 8 defeated kamabo co.
So it's not far to say that subjects are being blended up yet again by some unknown force again, cough cough tartar cough cough.
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What am I trying to say? Well seeing these meat grinders, mem cake factories, and reanimated fishes, plus the story mode of splatoon 3 has this storyline of brining back mammals, it's safe to assume that side order's storyline is going to be akin to tartar or another new antagonist bringing back extinct humans from the dead by their bones and the experiment to do so has gone highly wrong and agent 8 has to stop them (give my girl a break geez.)
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Anyways, thank you for reading to my rant, here's a Pearl drone throwing a bomb to help you <3 (say thank you)
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
tbh possibly the funniest move nintendo has ever made was rereleasing sksw, The Timeline Game, like a year before totk, getting all the new botw fans obsessed with the timeline lore, and then fucking everything up with zero explanation in totk. i hope they never explain it i hope they just leave it like this forever
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