#there's the business with fawles
dullahandyke · 27 days
and like sidenote if i can make a post with a target audience of zero. i feel like fhsy was to d20 what aa3 was to ace attorney but aa3 pulled it off better for reasons i cannot explain
#it is. the amatonormativity#^ guy who was REALLY pissed about the sandra lynn stuff#like yknow that bit in the first ep where brennan is like 'oh this drama is going down' and so like the pcs investigate it#probs bcos they think itll like kick off their new quest#and then it turns out to be like. petty romantic drama.#thats kind of a microcosm of the entire season for me#not to say there werent parts i liked (looks at the picture of baron i printed out and hung on my wall)#(and most of the leviathan stuff was brilliant and ayda is a role model for me)#but its all so tied up in the rest of that shit that i dont rlly wanna rewatch it the way ive rewatched fy 6+ times#likening this to aa3 bcos of the rlly noticeable uptick in romantic content in it compared to the rest of the trilogy#like prior to that all that rlly comes to mind is like. 2-3 and pearl's shipping shenanigans and larry existing#but in aa3 both mia and phoenix have past lovers who play big parts#theres a married couple theres tigre and viola (who sidenote i ENTIRELY missed as romantic my first playthru. i am dense)#there's the business with fawles#like it felt like romance played a large part in every case in aa3#where even when it came up in 1 + 2 it was usually ancillary (2-3 excepted but like. ppl regard that case as a fluke in most regards)#you COULD argue that maggey and adrian also inject some romantic presence in the story#but idk it just doesnt feel as central or prevalent as in aa3#like i saw a post abt adrian and celeste being cousins in the aa anime being not just the sailor moon 'best cousins' thing#but like. reinforcing the themes of familiar devotion as aa2's core. and that was rlly foundational to my understanding of the game#even tho its a change that comes from an adaptation#whereas you Couldnt make that change in aa3 without it changing A Lot of shit#where was i going with this. shrug.#the zelda and tracker relationship drama was entirely manufactured as punishing the pcs for not centering npcs#whose relationship issues were ancillary to the overarching plot they were focused on and which hadnt rlly been brought up beforehand#'why didnt gorgug call zelda :/' do u want zac to pause the kalina mystery to roleplay good relationship communication with the dm??#like its one thing looking at sy as a narrative but looking at it as a ttrpg campaign with limited time and a need to split character focus#i dont see what it did for the story besides give gorgug something to angst abt. didnt rlly feel like there was character growth or an arc#sigh. MANDATORY DISCLAIMER its been at least a year since i watched sy and longer before that since ive played aa3#but at the time my feelings were strong and have only calcified. romance as a theme in something not generally abt romance
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doctorsiren · 8 months
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So I said this in the tags of my last post, but then I went wacky and doodled up some pages of this other AU idea that stemmed from the idea of that comic I did
In this AU, Miles goes to Diego Armando’s office a few weeks after the Fawles trial. There is no cocky, arrogant, or smug air about him like there was during the trial and instead he seems really shaken and nervous. Diego’s like “hey what’s wrong?” And Miles is quiet but then says that he needs help. He tells Diego that he can’t get the image of Fawles’s suicide out of his head and that he has no one he can talk to about this. Diego asks about Miles’s mentor, but Miles says that there’s absolutely no way he could ever go to his mentor for help with emotional stuff because it would show “weakness” and he also isn’t comfortable with von Karma. To make a long story short (because I’ve thought so much about this), Miles ends up pleading with Diego to protect him from von Karma just in case he goes after him for switching sides to be a defense attorney. He knows that von Karma will see him as weak and a traitor for switching teams after a single case, but Miles can’t be someone he’s not. Diego points out that Miles seems to be trying to be who von Karma wanted him to be. So he asks Miles what he wants to be, and Miles responds by saying he wants to be his dad (just like in my 1985 animatic 😭).
So Miles decides to renounce prosecution. He rips off his cravat and throws it in the garbage in Diego’s office and declares that he’ll become a defense attorney. He also asks Diego is he could be his mentor to help him in both being better at defense law and also just being better with interacting with people.
He joins the Grossberg Law Offices and works alongside Mia and Diego to gather evidence on Dahlia Hawthorne, as he now too believes that she has done terrible things.
After Diego is poisoned, Miles freaks out because people just keep dying or getting hurt around him and it scares him. (Oh…baby boy just wait until Mia dies too-)
He takes the case to defend Phoenix, gets TERRIFIED when Phoenix eats the poison necklace, and then at the end, Phoenix was like “oh wow! You’re a defense attorney now?? Lmao when did that happen??” Bc he had been too busy simping over Dahlia. But Miles tells him that he should still pursue law so that they could work together and also so that Phoenix’s law classes and studying wouldn’t have gone to waste. So Phoenix becomes a lawyer and works with Miles and Mia at the Fey & Co Law Offices until she dies and then it becomes Edgeworth & Co Law Offices because he had been a lawyer for longer.
I like the idea that in this AU, Phoenix and Miles obviously have huge crushes on each other, but these idiots still refuse to acknowledge or admit it <3
Also :((( when Diego wakes up, he still goes on his whole antagonist arc as Godot, and Miles refuses to tell Phoenix the truth about who he is. See, I also like the idea that in this AU, Nick and Miles are still as cagey with their past and truths as they are in normal AA
As you can see, I am perfectly normal !! I think about ace attorney a very normal amount!! 🤭
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mote-historie · 10 months
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Ruth Jacobi, Spaziergängerin mit Gans, Humorous street snapshot from the Jewish Quarter of a woman walking a goose by the collar as if the fawl were her dog in the streets of New York City, 1928
Ruth Jacobi was the sister of Lotte Jacobi. Photography ran in the Jacobi family. Lotte and Ruth's great-grandfather, Samuel Jacobi, visited Paris between 1839 and 1842, where he obtained a camera, a license, and some instruction from L.J.M. Daguerre and then returned to Thorn to set up a studio. He prospered at his trade and eventually passed the business on to his son, Alexander. Alexander, in turn, handed the business down to his three sons, the eldest of whom was Lotte and Ruth's father, Sigismund. 
Ruth Jacobi emigrated in 1935 to New York, where she opened a studio together with her sister Lotte Jacobi.
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some-zer0 · 1 year
Jotting down some of the main ideas of my Assistant Dahlia AU so I can reference them later! This is a long post, so I'm putting it under the cut.
•Like in canon, when Fawles escapes, Valerie tells Dahlia she's going to meet him and tell him the truth. But, unlike in canon, Dahlia decides to run off and hide in a major city instead of, y'know, stabbing Valerie and framing Fawles. By a stroke of fate, she finds out that Mia lives there as well, and shows up on her doorstep asking her "darling older cousin (whom I so admire and adore)" for a place to crash
•At first, Dahlia sticks close to Mia's place, but after a while that gets too boring so she decides to tag along with Mia at work (and if her backup plan is to shove Mia in the way if Fawles or Valerie find her, then hey)
•Dahlia acts as the cynical skeptic to Mia's rookie faith, forcing her to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Instead of "believe in your clients to the very end," Dahlia is very much "why should you believe in your client at all?" This actually results in Mia's faith in her clients being stronger, since she has to constantly defend them outside of court
•Dahlia still doesn't get along with Diego, lmao, but it's more along the lines of them finding each other super annoying. Diego thinks Dahlia is mean, stuck-up, and using Mia for her own gain; Dahlia thinks Mia can do better than that weirdo. Although they don't get along, they do both care about Mia (despite Dahlia's best attempts at hating her) so sometimes they end up agreeing, which is unsettling for everyone involved
•Edgeworth is still the prosecutor for Mia's first case, but because the defendant isn't Fawles the trial lasts several days instead of one, so Mia, Edgeworth, and Dahlia actually get to interact outside of court. Dahlia-Edgeworth interactions are very much "self-recognition of bitchiness through the other's equal amount of bitchiness." Mia is so very tired of both of them
•Diego is still co-counsel for Mia's first trial and Mia still ends up losing (albeit not because of a suicide on the stand). Mia is distraught when she gets home and Diego is busy comforting her, so Dahlia is able to slip out unnoticed and confront Edgeworth in his office. Dahlia's confrontation of Edgeworth ends up rattling both of them. Dahlia is disturbed by the fact that she's not only gotten so attached to Mia, but also that she's ended up believing in Mia's client as well. Edgeworth is disturbed by the fact that he may have just unfairly convicted an innocent person. Cue an identity crisis for both of them
•Mia takes a few more cases after her first trial, fueled by a determination to appeal her first client's case once she has more experience. I think I'll leave these cases ambiguous, since the thing I want to focus on is Dahlia's character development over the course of these cases. At least one of these interim cases has Payne as prosecution, and the last case is definitely Edgeworth again (but Mia wins this time). Edgeworth confronts Mia after and DL-6 gets brought up. (Dahlia: "What the FUCK are you two talking about?")
•Mia's fear that by leaving Kurain she's abandoned Maya bleeds into Dahlia's misgivings over having pushed for Iris to live at Hazakura, so when Dahlia finds out about Pearl's existence she decides to visit Kurain. She wants to check in on Maya and Pearl, since (as the spiritual-powerless daughter of the person who'd originally been slated to be Master) she doesn't have good memories of living in Kurain under her mother's care, but she's also avoiding visiting Iris by visiting Pearl instead
•The above point definitely revolves around my headcanon that Dahlia is the older twin, so there was originally supposed to be a strong chance of her becoming the future Master, but because she didn't have spiritual powers (or at least not strong ones) that chance faded away and Morgan sent her and Iris to live away from Kurain. Prior to it becoming obvious that Dahlia wasn't going to be able to channel, though, Morgan pushed her extremely hard in an attempt to awaken her powers
•The visit to Kurain is generally awkward but okay until the last day, when Dahlia gets into a huge fight with Morgan. Dahlia storms off and ends up impulsively heading over to Hazakura, where she runs into Fawles, who's been hiding there for the past few months. Mia shows up, having been called by Maya after Dahlia and Morgan's fight, only to find Fawles dead and Dahlia's hands bloody
•Dahlia originally refuses to accept Mia as her defense, although she finally ends up caving at the last moment. Edgeworth is once again the prosecutor for the trial. Dahlia definitely makes Mia's job hard, insisting she murdered Fawles in cold blood. Over the course of the trial, however, the events that led Dahlia to fake her death in the first place are slowly revealed, and the final twist is that it had been Iris who accidentally killed Fawles after she witnessed Fawles grab Dahlia during their confrontation. Dahlia is declared not guilty and Iris is arrested instead, although her sentence ends up being relatively light due to the circumstances (aka she genuinely believed Dahlia's life to be in danger and hadn't intended to kill Fawles)
•After her trial, Dahlia decides that she wants to be in control of her own life from now on. Although it's a bit cliche, I think that she decides to start studying law, although she wouldn't intend to be a defense attorney. I'm split between her wanting to be a prosecutor in order to ensure that those who hurt others are properly held accountable (thereby serving as a foil to Edgeworth) or her wanting to go into family court so that she can help other kids who are stuck in a bad family situation (like she wishes someone had done for her and Iris, and also so that she can protect Maya and Pearl if necessary)
•I also think it would be hilarious if at some point after the focus of this AU, Phoenix ends up becoming Dahlia's weirdgirl friend. Like, he's still an art major and Dahlia's not an actual lawyer yet, so he's not really an assistant, but he keeps running into Dahlia and hanging around to help her out (because for some godforsaken reason he's taken more law classes than her at this point, even though he acts like he hasn't 90% of the time). This is partially because I think that a Dahlia-Phoenix friendship would be absolutely hilarious, and partially because it grants the possibility of Dahlia inadvertently trapping Phoenix and Edgeworth in a conversation with one another, which I think she would find simultaneously hysterical and deeply concerning
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
DadWorth AU: Part 3 (Justice For All)
Justice for All has to be one of the angstier parts of this AU, right up there with some ideas I have for Apollo Justice. Especially considering the whole Miles “chooses death” thing. So, let’s dive into it!
< Part 2 | Part 4 >
Reunion, and Turnabout
Things fast forward a couple of months after the end of Rise from the Ashes. Gumshoe’s been taking care of Kay since Miles kind of fucked off. He’s been doing his best, and so are Sebastian and Klavier -- who have been trying to cheer up their third musketeer ever since they found out what happened. But Kay is miserable.
So, now summer break is here for her, Gumshoe decides to take her out to the mountains for the day to get out in nature and hopefully get her mind off of things. Even if it is for a little while.
However, that plan is totally ruined when he gets a call about a murder nearby. He’s the only detective in the area, so they have to go down to Kurain Village to check it out. And that’s where they run into Phoenix for the first time since the end of Rise. Both he and Kay are not doing well in the aftermath of that case, and neither are really sure what to do around each other. Needless to say, the whole interaction is awkward.
Gumshoe does not pick up on this. He asks Phoenix if he could keep an eye on Kay while he takes care of the investigation. After some hesitation and deliberation, Phoenix agrees. So Kay becomes his partner button and Phoenix finally get to interact one-on-one with each other during the investigation for Reunion.
This is the first time they get to do this, since they were either with Maya or Ema on previous cases. It’s still a bit awkward, but when Phoenix finds out that she’s studying to be a defense attorney, things get a little bit easier as they find common ground.
Phoenix unknowingly starting to settle into a mentor role? Yes.
Kay is super turned off by Morgan Fey (getting chills up her spine and a faint memory of Dahlia Hawthorne -- she saw the Fawles trial. Phoenix also gets the same vibes from her.) And is surprisingly good with Pearl.
Her reaction to learning that Franziska is the prosecutor for this case catches Phoenix’s attention. Kay hasn’t heard from Franziska outside of a few text messages to check in on her over the past few months, so the fact that she’s in the country and Kay’s only finding out about it now makes her wonder what’s going on.
Kay goes to meet with Maya at the detention center with Phoenix, and kind of gets overly excited when she sees that Maya is channeling Mia because if you remember, she looked up Mia. Mia was an idol for her. So getting to meet her -- even if it is through spirit channeling -- is the highlight of her week.
And then we get to the trial. Phoenix asks Kay if she wants to stand co-counsel and Kay immediately jumps at the chance to say yes. So this is technically her first trial (she’s excited for it, but a little bit sad that Miles isn’t there to see her). Franziska, on the other hand, is surprised that Kay is standing at the defense’s bench with Phoenix Wright, leading to a lot of things including seeing Kay as a traitor (reason why will be explained later.)
So, Kay stands in for Pearl as co-counsel. As a result, her spirit channeling abilities are not revealed until much later. In the second trial day, she’s not present due to Gumshoe’s intervention and keeping her busy (something which Pearl agrees to so long as Kay and Phoenix get Maya a Not Guilty).
The investigation moments are full of small bonding moments between Phoenix and Kay as they get to know each other a bit better.
So, Team Wright-Faraday get a Not Guilty verdict as promised. Kay’s super proud of herself for managing to do this and it puts her on cloud nine. Franziska only believes that Phoenix won because he had a semi-competent co-counsel with him (Aunt Fran starting to show that she’s proud of Kay a little bit, but is still incredibly pissed that she lost.) Overall, she isn’t sure how to feel about Kay in that moment, and it all comes down to one simple reason:
This is the first time Kay has smiled in months. Everyone who knows her is relieved to see it back.
After the case is closed, Maya does thank Kay for helping and Kay in return does try to cheer her up after the whole “morgan stabbed maya in the back” thing starts to settle in. Am I saying Maya and Kay friendship? Maya and Kay friendship. It starts here.
So, things are starting to look a little bit better for Kay.
The Lost Turnabout
It’s not... Kay’s not involved in this one. Teenage shenanigans happen here as the new school year at Themis starts up.
The first day of school is always pretty easy, but it gets pretty depressing for Kay when one of her professors decides a good idea to break the ice by talking about some of the more ridiculous things that have happened in court cases. It gets the class laughing, and isn’t a bad idea...
Unfortunately for Kay, though, the professor also brings up a certain defense attorney cross-examining a parrot. The memory of that trial brings up a whole lot of feelings for Kay and she just kind of falls quiet for the rest of the day.
But luckily, Klavier and Sebastian have known Kay for a year now, and they realize something’s wrong. So they (primarily Klavier, since he instigates the whole thing) decide to do something about it and distract her. Here is where teenage shenanigans come about.
Just wholesome fun with what is slowly becoming a favorite chaotic trio that ends with everyone collapsed on a couch with an old movie playing in the background. ...and possibly a few appearances from other characters. Who knows?
Kay only finds out about Phoenix’s trial after the fact from Maya, and she’s not sure whether to be impressed that Phoenix managed to do all that with amnesia or laugh about it. She decides to do both.
Turnabout Big Top
It all starts with Phoenix going from ace attorney to ace babysitter as he’s in charge of four teenagers and one small child. Over the past few months, he’s gotten acquainted with Klavier and Sebastian as well, especially after the trio used the Wright & Co. Law Offices as their own personal hangout spot to get homework done and hide out when needed (thank you Kay).
The only reason Kay is brought on as co-counsel for this case is because a: its winter break so she doesn’t have school to worry about and b: the time frame is the same as when Miles was arrested the year prior. If Phoenix is having a rough time, then so is Kay. Especially since this will also be her first birthday since the whole incident. She’s also at Wright & Co. for the same reason when Maya calls up with the case.
This case is not the best distraction for Kay, but at least its something. Lesson learned: as a lawyer, you gotta take the good with the frustrating. Things get worse with Franziska prosecuting again. Kay still doesn’t get what’s up with her and why she’s still getting called a traitor.
The boys are also in on this case because why not, though they don’t stand as co-counsel but rather just help with the investigation. Because we all know that Kristoph and Blaise wouldn’t agree to them standing on the defense’s side, one more than the other.
Kay openly admitting to getting a headache while trying to figure out what the heck is actually going on during the first trial day. She grew up with the Master of Logic himself, so trying to make sense of this without all the information is making her head run in circles. But she’s not going to give up.
It’s revealed when Franziska confronts Phoenix & Co. outside of the lodging house later that day that the reason Franziska calls Kay a traitor is that she deliberately is siding with the man responsible for Miles’s “death”, something that she never thought Kay would do.
Kay never blames Phoenix for what happened to Miles. She mostly blames Gant (and von Karma somewhat) for it. They were the ones who pushed him, not Phoenix. So, when Franziska openly blames Phoenix for what happened, Kay gets pretty pissed. 
When Phoenix and Maya continue their investigation, Kay goes to confront Franziska on that matter and just goes off. Months of bottled up emotions just kind of explode outward, and Franziska is the unfortunate target of it all. This blow-up is also the first time that Kay refers to Miles as her dad. Which hits pretty hard. Franziska starts regretting a few choices she’s made today. Klavier and Sebastian pull her away as she starts to break down.
So they just... let her cry it out in the circus’s cafeteria. They end up being the ones who find out about the incident with the lion (once Kay’s calmed down) rather that Phoenix and Maya. The story has them racing over to them, catching the duo just as they’re about to enter Acro’s room and things go about pretty much the same way they do canonically from there.
The next day is a bit hard, and its easy to pick up on the tension between Kay and Franziska here. Taking a page out of the anime, Kay, Klavier, a reluctant Sebastian and Maya recreating the crime for the entire court. She does feel bad about having to indict Acro, though, due to the circumstances surrounding everything.
Kay does a pretty good job, something which Gumshoe relays as a message to her, at the end of the trial, much to her surprise. Who else would be proud of her is something that she wants to know.
Meanwhile, Miles Edgeworth wonders how he’s going to tell his daughter that he’s still alive upon his return to the country. (and yes, he was the one who told gumshoe to tell kay that he was proud of her)
Farewell, My Turnabout
So, Kay at this point still doesn’t know that Miles is alive. He wants to get everything settled before he makes any grand reveals to anyone. He’s also still trying to figure out how to do it since that wasn’t supposed to happen. Kay wasn’t supposed to think he was dead. He told her that he was leaving, sure, but Kay was also half-asleep when he did. So, misunderstandings~
Meanwhile, Phoenix takes the girls (Maya, Pearl and Kay) to the Hero of Heroes Grand Prix. Kay’s gotten decently close to the members of Wright & Co. over the past few months, that much is clear by now.
Kay gets upset about Corrida’s murder because ya know. Jammin’ Ninja fan. She hopes that Engrade gets locked away for doing it. Maya thinks she just doesn’t like the Nickel Samurai, which isn’t that far off. Kay just doesn’t like Engarde thanks to reading Klavier’s tabloid magazines. She never gets to explain the contents of those magazines, though. Phoenix finds out about them later.
Things take a sharp turn when Maya is called to the front desk to answer her “call”. Kay goes with Maya because ya know. Buddy system. (”girls don’t let each other go anywhere alone, nick!” “*sigh* i will never understand teenagers...”)  i think. you know. where this about to go--
So, yeah. Kay gets kidnapped alongside Maya. She puts up a pretty decent fight against de Killer (look at the people she was around growing up, Kay probably does know a little self-defense), but in the end, she still gets ‘napped. And so, Phoenix has to defend Engarde or the two girls will “disappear”.
Things are made worse, as Phoenix is accosted by two teenage boys who can’t get in touch with their third musketeer who didn’t show up for school that day. He’s just trying to do his job, but Klavier and Sebastian are really stubborn and will not leave him alone.
And everything gets worse when Miles makes his grand revival. And then is made the prosecutor for this case. So, Phoenix is not having a very good week at all.
Phoenix and Gumshoe are doing the best to keep the fact that the girls are being held hostage from Edgeworth and the boys. Emphasis on try. All three know that there’s something going on, but they can’t figure out what.
Meanwhile, Kay and Maya are in a wine cellar. Kay has tried several times to break down the door, but it hasn’t worked. de Killer took their phones, so they have no way of contacting the outside. They’re screwed unless they can escape.
Maya realizes that they do have a way to contact the outside and uses her spirit channeling powers to contact Mia, and with Kay’s help manages to explain what’s going on and giving a message to Mia to give to Phoenix.
So, Pearl finally reveals her spirit channeling powers. It freaks Phoenix out at first, but he gets over it quickly because at this point, he’s kind of used to Fey Family Weirdness.
The first part of the trial goes on as pretty much the same as it did before. Afterwards, Phoenix does his best to keep the fact that the girls are kidnapped from Miles because he’s gonna flip the fuck out. And he fails. And Miles kind of does flip out.
So, de Killer and Engarde (more so de Killer because he did his research, he knows the connection with Kay that Edgeworth has) have two pawns to work with and dangle over both the prosecution and defense. And now Edgeworth has two assistants on his side: Sebastian and Klavier, who don’t want to see Kay hurt. However, as future prosecutors, they can’t do much to help Phoenix. So, they help out with the investigation (and using the excuse as this being extra credit for anyone who asks why there are two teenagers here.)
On the other side, Maya and Kay break out of the room they were locked in thanks to a card Maya finds. Things go about as well as they do canonically, but with more struggle. Kay makes a fucking mess trying to defend herself and Maya from de Killer, which will later show the police that something definitely went down here (and concerning the heck out of a good handful of people in the process).
Kay may not know the truth about the Yatagarasu yet, but she sure is acting like the Yatagarasu.
The investigation goes about as well as you expect it to. Klavier and Sebastian are doing their best, but they can’t do much since they’re still only students. And Miles is worried as hell for Kay and ends up wanting to tear Engarde apart. Klavier is right to not like Engarde, as was Kay earlier.
When the trial starts up again, you have both the prosecution, the defense and a few members of the gallery nervous as hell. Gumshoe is doing his best to find the girls, but Miles and Phoenix still need to stall for time.
They do their best, but things are going about as well as they do canonically with Edgeworth being more on edge due to Kay being in danger. And the last time he saw her was when he left. So, he wants to be able to reconcile with her.
Things go on much like they do in canon. The note, Gumshoe’s accident, etc. Mia’s with Kay, doing her best to help, but she’s not sure what more she can do because the girls are weak and tired from being held captive for so long.
More worry on both parts.
When de Killer threatens to kill Maya and Kay when Edgeworth and Phoenix press him and try to get more time, Miles is also there to beg him to leave them alone. This is also the first time that Miles openly refers to Kay as his daughter.
Not much is different there out. They manage to expose Engarde as the asshole that he is, the girls are released and Engarde is declared guilty.
The scene with Franziska at the airport and Phoenix giving Miles the whip takes place a bit earlier, as that’s where Miles goes first before going to meet with Kay. Because he’s still trying to figure out how he’s going to talk to Kay again.
Phoenix and the others meet Maya and Kay at the hospital (Kay and Maya were held captive without much food or water for about three days, and Kay has a few minor injuries from de Killer, so they do need medical attention). Maya has a tearful reunion with Mia (as channeled by Pearl), and Kay gets tackled by her friends on both sides.
And then Miles Edgeworth walks into the room a short while later and Kay does not know what to say. She thought that he was dead for over a year, and a lot of things start bubbling to the surface. She starts tearing up because she thought she would never see Miles again, and he with her.
As soon as he gets close enough, Kay hugs him and calls him stupid in a couple different ways. Miles accepts it and apologizes for making her worry. He promises not to vanish like that again, and returns the promise that Kay made in part 2: to not keep secrets from her again.
So, what they didn’t get at the end of part 2, Miles and Kay finally get at the end of JfA: a chance to actually rebuild and reconcile their relationship without anything getting in the way.
So Justice for All ends on a pretty good note.
That may be the end of Justice for All, but it’s not the end of the story. There are still more ripples to come and fun shenanigans.
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reddiamondgamer · 3 years
A Wrightworth fic 2
(Words fucking suck, English is not a real language, the end. Check the end notes on A03 for a funny bit. TW for mentioned suicide and implied pedophilia)
Previous Next A03
Miles Edgeworth was an ace prosecutor with a perfect record if he ignored the instance when the defendant had killed himself on stand and the party to blame walked away with a false frown on her face and crocodile tears trailing down her cheeks. He wouldn’t submit to the dazzling sight that was the golden, thread-like chain that conjoined himself and his childhood friend, Phoenix Wright. Phoenix- Wright was simply a dear friend who he wouldn’t trade for the world, nothing more and certainly nothing less. He refused to acknowledge the thought of anything romantic or intimate with the man, especially not when said man already had a girlfriend, who he still needed to look into more to assure she was a good choice for Wright.
Miles’s thoughts drowned out the sound of the arcade around him, the blurry yellow and blue forms of Butz and Wright moving around in front of him. He thought back to when he’d first realized he could see soulmates, remembering how he’d been fascinated by the markings and links between people. His father had explained it was an ability he shared with his late mother and that he should learn from how soulmates formed relationships, some romantic, some platonic, and some he couldn’t begin to wrap his head around despite his many attempts.
“Father, what is the golden chain around my wrist?” Miles asked, presenting his wrist to his father with a confused expression.
His father turned to look at him with equal confusion, clearly not seeing what the boy was referring to. His eyes suddenly shone with realization.
“Miles, that’s what links you to your soulmate, your mom had the same ability to see the soulmate markings. It means that you’ll find someone who’ll always be by your side.”
Those words were all Miles needed for his eyes to light up and sparkle, his heart bursting with excitement. He couldn’t believe he was able to find someone like that thanks to his strange vision. He had someone he could be with forever and love just like his parents.
A few years had passed since that day and Miles discovered his golden chain connected to a boy in his class that he’d never noticed before, a shorter boy with spiky hair. He frowned when he realized his soulmate’s eyes were filled with tears, becoming aware of the situation around him.
His classmates were accusing his soulmate of stealing his lunch money, something he knew fully well that he’d lost much earlier than then. Everything he’d learned from his father began storming and swirling around in his mind as he stood up without thinking. He was running on pure instinct, his arm shooting out and fingers forming into a strong point.
Miles let out a chuckle at the childhood memories, unaware of the fond smile on his face. He glanced up, intending to see what idiocy Wright and Butz were up to now, but not expecting the former to be so close to his face. He maneuvered backwards, accidentally colliding with some racing game.
“Sheesh, I just wanted to see what you were busy looking at. You’ve been standing there for five minutes straight.” Wright spoke, brows furrowed with a small tilt upwards near the inner edges. He was holding a strange inflated alien with metallic purple skin in his right hand and a cluster of tickets in his left.
“What do you want, Wright?”
“Larry just got kicked out of the arcade, so I came to let you know.”
A few questions popped up in Miles’s head, but he elected to not ask any, already quite aware of Butz’s stupidity and lack of logic and reasoning skills. He hoped to never deal with Butz in court, also aware that it’d end up being a disaster. Letting out a groan, he nodded at Wright to confirm he’d been listening.
“Are we required to leave as well?”
“No, it was just Larry alone being, well, Larry. You know how he is.” Wright adjusted his vibrant red scarf over his shoulder, jogging Miles’s memory of the girlfriend that had been mentioned before. Maybe now was a good time to inquire more about this woman, wanting to be sure that she was suitable for his soul- friend. He wouldn’t spare another thought about the irritating golden chain.
“That scarf, it was gifted to you by this girlfriend you’ve mentioned previously, correct?”
From that simple question, Wright’s eyes seemed to sparkle, his eyes squinting and cheeks raising as he grinned. Miles had to stop himself from committing the image to memory, not in the mood to have his heart flutter in the same way it always had. This man is taken, taken by someone he’s clearly given his heart to.
“Yeah! My Dollie made this for me along with this sweater! She also gave me this necklace!”
Miles squinted as he took in the details of the strange amulet Wright produced from under his scarf, noting that it looked as if there was an eyedropper vial inside it. There were a few strange droplets within the vial that he wanted to inspect further, but he was stopped by Wright putting the amulet back under his scarf.
“Dollie keeps asking for the amulet back, but I know she’s just joking around. This is a symbol of her love for me!”
“How long have the two of you been together now?” Miles asked despite how continuing to question Wright was making his chest ache.
“Almost eight months! I remember meeting her like it was yesterday, I was studying some cases in the court records room and she came up to me and gave me the necklace! We’ve been together ever since!”
Something in Miles’s head clicked. He had been in the courthouse around that period of time after the Terry Fawles case, visibly cringing when he remembered that case. He knew now that Fawles had, at the least, not been guilty of the illegitimate kidnapping and murder and that Dahlia Hawthorne and the late Valerie Hawthorne had been working together. The trial had ended with no verdict, but he knew that defense attorney, Mia Fey, had bested him. He wished Fawles had not chosen to take his own life on the stand, wanting to indict him for the clearly impure intentions he had towards the younger Dahlia Hawthorne.
“Why are you making that face?” Wright questioned, drawing him out of his thoughts.
“I am simply recalling a past trial from around that time period. It was truly the worst case I could have been given to debut with.”
“I could’ve met you sooner?!”
Wright had apparently only listened to what he was more interested in, which was any information pertaining to the possibility of them reuniting sooner than planned.
Miles let out a sigh and shook his head, mildly amused by Wright’s reaction. He stepped forward and simply flicked his friend’s forehead.
“We would not have been able to meet at that time, I was preoccupied with the failure of said trial.”
“Failure?” Wright tilted his head with the question, an action that once again made Miles struggle.
“The defendant ingested poison on the stand, taking his own life to prevent the witness from being incriminated. It was not a pleasant sight to behold.”
Miles was unaware of what that single conversation was a predecessor to, but he was aware that he still needed to look further into the woman that Wright was enraptured by. He still had no evidence that this woman wouldn’t harm or break Wright’s heart.
The rest of the time spent at the arcade was filled with watching as Wright either failed or succeeded against the games that were set up to waste money. He was dragged into a few games that couldn’t be played alone, expecting to be annoyed, yet still somehow enjoying his time there.
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digitalstowaway · 3 years
How does Miles in the mia and miles au fall in love with phoenix?
The way you fall asleep. Slowly, and then all at once <3
Okay but seriously, Miles falling in love with Phoenix is slow and involves a lot of bad memories resurfacing.
It starts when Mia tells him that she's having her first court case since the Terry Fawles trial. They had promised each other, as children would, that they would be there for each others' second trials. And Mia went to his, so it's only fair that he makes time to go to hers.
But then he sees the trial information the night before, and he sees her client's name and he makes up an excuse for why he can't go. She says she understands. And of course, she does. Lawyers are busy and don't always have time to step out to watch a trial that isn't their own. When she comes back a little shaky and tells him what happens, he tries not to pay attention to how his heart drops when he hears that Phoenix ate the necklace. He holds back on asking if he's okay. He pretends that Phoenix Wright is just a dumb college boy he's never met before. He pretends that his concern is just his growing empathy Mia is teaching him and has nothing to do with any kinship he may feel for a person he hasn’t spoken to in years.
And then Mia moves out from Grossberg Law, and she says she's helping a former client ("You know, the one from the final Dahlia Hawthorne trial?") through law school so they might have a little company from time to time. When he freezes, she assumes it's because he's not good with people. So, she assures him that she'll shoo the kid out of the office before Miles gets there.
He and Phoenix are good at avoiding each other. As far as Miles knows, Phoenix has no idea Miles works with Mia once the office is closed. Occasionally, Miles will ask about her intern, and she’ll say that he’s doing well. He’s sharp and dedicated. Says he wants to find a childhood friend who became a lawyer years ago. Miles hopes that there’s another childhood friend who also became a lawyer. It would make everything much simpler.
The night comes when Redd White steps into Mia’s office, and Miles’ heart races and he pushes Mia behind him. He doesn’t remember much of the struggle over that stupid clock, but when he wakes up there’s Phoenix Wright standing over him, eyes wide and sputtering a dozen questions all at once.
What a reunion, Miles thinks as he feels a trickle of blood on his neck.
Phoenix helps him up and drags him out of the room, and Miles doesn’t want to notice how nice he smells or how strong he is. He tries not to pay attention to how he really grew up. He doesn’t want to spend minutes comparing the concerned face in front of him to the hazy memories of childhood. And he doesn’t need to worry much because his vision fades before Phoenix can re-introduce himself. When he wakes up, Mia is curled up in a chair next to his hospital bed, sound asleep. Phoenix Wright is nowhere to be seen. And he thinks it’s for the best.
It’s tricky when he enters court and sees Phoenix across the room at the defense bench. He plans on not holding back. Phoenix has to learn that he can’t show up in his life again and expect everything to be just fine. Phoenix has to face Miles Edgeworth, Demon Prosecutor. Not Miles Edgeworth, little boy in a classroom trial with foolish optimism.
But then, of course, Miles finds himself caring less about proving Will Powers’ guilt and more about following whatever Phoenix is doing. He leaves the courtroom shaky and angry and corners Phoenix.
“Don’t ever show your face in front of me again.”
He ignores Mia’s shouts of “What the hell was that?” that follow him down the corridor. He goes home and tries grounding himself. He can’t identify whatever emotions that make it hard to breathe. All he knows is that his life was perfectly fine without Phoenix.
It’s disproven when he’s sat in the defendant’s chair and he sees in his father at the bench, tearing apart von Karma.
He suspects he has some feelings for Phoenix sometime after his own trial when he’s exhausted and laying awake in his own bed after days of sleeping on an uncomfortable cot. He suspects he has feelings when he wakes up after hours of dreamless sleep and realizes that for the first time since his childhood, there were no nightmares.
His suspicions grow from there. When he sees how he treats Maya like a sister, when Mia weaves him into a story and he wants to hear more, when he thinks about how Phoenix put all that time and energy into finding him, when Phoenix brings Lana back to him, when he’s presumed dead and can’t stop thinking about him, when he catches himself near tears when he gets the terrifying phone call from Larry, and when he doesn’t hesitate to take his defense badge.
Miles is a man of logic and evidence. He lays out his feelings and inspects each and every one and then dissects every encounter where Phoenix may have hinted at any mutual feelings. Ultimately, he texts Mia.
Yeah, you idiot. Phoenix has the biggest crush on you. I’m tired of hearing about it.
He hides in bed like a child when he reads it, his heart pounding in his ears. And he declares to himself that he must be in love with Phoenix Wright.
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youngbounty · 4 years
Would Miles Edgeworth Recieve Mia Fey’s Blessing
One of the things I notice in Narumitsu headcanons, stories, comics, etc. on here is the idea that Mia would, for some reason, not support Phoenix dating Edgeworth. Now, Mia had died in Turnabout Sisters, meaning that she no longer has any business going into Phoenix’s life. Though, for the sake of using this argument, I’m going to use canon reasons for why I find this idea to be false. I’m also going to clarify that this is Phoenix Wright from the trilogy, so no one can use the “this is before *insert trilogy thing that happened* before Edgeworth was no longer an asshat.” We can all agree that Miles Edgeworth stopped being a complete and total asshat after Turnabout Goodbyes, right? Are we all in agreement to that? Good. Can we also agree that, due to Miles Edgeworth’s trauma he was dealing with, him and Phoenix had little to no interaction and could not have the foundations of any relationship whatsoever? Yes? Good. We are now on the same page, meaning that Phoenix could not be in a relationship of any kind with Miles Edgeworth before Turnabout Goodbyes where most of everyone would be raising some eyebrows at the idea of Phoenix Wright being in a relationship with Miles Edgeworth during his asshat days. Moving on.
Let’s start off with a possible time for Phoenix to start a relationship, ignoring the Dahlia/Iris situation because maybe Phoenix decided to settle down on a relationship despite his ex girlfriend drama from college. Since Miles Edgeworth would not be allowing contact of any kind with Phoenix until after Turnabout Goodbyes, we can start it out between Turnabout Goodbyes and the time he wrote “Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death.” Now, what would Mia know about Miles Edgeworth at this point? To understand this, we need to go down the list of times when Mia had met with Miles Edgeworth. The first time was Turnabout Beginnings, being the reason why so many people think she would not support Phoenix having a relationship with him. But then, we also have Turnabout Sisters and Turnabout Samurai to consider. In Turnabout Sisters, Mia had possessed Maya in order to expose Redd White by handing Phoenix a list of people he had blackmailed, which Phoenix had presented to the court. In Turnabout Samurai, Mia had appeared to help Phoenix investigate and gain information from Cody, who becomes a valuable witness. She also appears with Phoenix during the second trial of Turnabout Samurai. She has witnessed Edgeworth’s general way of prosecuting, which was very normal for the most part. No withholding evidence or anything like what happened in Turnabout Sisters, if Mia ever knew what he did, or Turnabout Beginnings, which Mia did say that Edgeworth was affected by, after Terry Fawles’ suicide. Also, keep in mind that five years have passed since then, meaning that Mia can see some maturity on Edgeworth’s part. Wouldn’t be enough to consider him trustworthy, but not enough to automatically not take Phoenix’s word for it, if he says that Edgeworth isn’t a bad person. After this is Turnabout Goodbyes where Mia is never shown at any point, since Maya cannot summon her. 
With this, we can conclude that, while Mia does have reason to not consider Edgeworth a trustworthy man for Phoenix’s affections, due to Turnabout Beginnings, it’s also not enough to declare him as a bad person for Phoenix. If Phoenix has, indeed, known Miles Edgeworth as a child and had been around him more times than Mia was channeled, she has no reason to doubt Phoenix’s judgement. After all, if she was to speculate what kind of a man Miles Edgeworth is based on what she has seen from him, she doesn’t have a reason to say “no.” There is the possibility that Mia may’ve gotten the story of Edgeworth through Maya, but even that would also include the time Miles Edgeworth had helped out Phoenix in Turnabout Samurai. As for Turnabout Sisters, considering that Mia knows of Miles Edgeworth’s involvement with DL-6, she’d conclude that he was blackmailed by Redd White, who is known for blackmailing prosecutors, judges and all kinds of higher-ups, including Marvin Grossberg, who abandoned Maya’s defense for a painting. Between trusting your sister’s protection under a man that values his painting over her little sister and Phoenix trusting a man that was blackmailed by the same guy for being a possible killer of his father, Mia really wouldn’t have any room to talk. If anything, she’d be more understanding than anyone of Phoenix’s feelings. He trusts Edgeworth despite what kind of man he became. How can Mia not understand something like that? Doesn’t she also have someone that’s a prosecutor, who also became very bitter and cold after a certain case that will be brought back later after Turnabout Goodbyes? No, not Diego, I mean the other one that is Chief Prosecutor.
Now, at this point, Mia would question Phoenix if he is sure that Edgeworth is someone he can trust. Though, at the end of the day, Mia knows she doesn’t really know who Edgeworth is. Even Maya knows more of who Edgeworth is than Mia does. If Maya is supportive of Phoenix being in a relationship with Edgeworth, then I don’t see why Mia couldn’t be. I also don’t see why Maya wouldn’t be supportive of their relationship, after Turnabout Goodbyes, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Mia will have no problem. She trusts Phoenix and Maya. It does not matter that Edgeworth was an asshat in Turnabout Beginnings, because that was five years ago and, as far as Mia is concerned, Edgeworth has not proven to not be trustworthy. Even if she knew of what Miles Edgeworth did in Turnabout Sisters and Turnabout Samurai, she’d also know that Miles Edgeworth was likely blackmailed in Turnabout Sisters and helped out phoenix in Turnabout Samurai. Mia would especially give Edgeworth her blessing, if she knew what had happened in Turnabout Goodbyes. In conclusion, Mia Fey would be supportive of Phoenix’s relationship with Edgeworth?
What about the events of Justice For All then? Wouldn’t Edgeworth, leaving the fake suicide note and Phoenix hurt and angry be enough to damage any blessing Mia would have for Edgeworth? Absolutely not! First off, we need to clarify when Phoenix would’ve been able to start any relationship with Edgeworth. Since Miles Edgeworth was studying abroad in Europe until Farewell my Turnabout, we can conclude that it would’ve been then. At this point, only Pearl would’ve been able to summon Mia and there is no way Phoenix would break the News to her, unless he wants a whoopin from a passionate Pearly, who thinks Phoenix is Maya’s special someone. Now, Phoenix could break the news to Mia, while she is being summoned, but then that would mean it would have to have been during trial or the Defendant’s Lobby, most likely the Defendant’s Lobby and away from Matt Engarde’s ears. Sounds like the only reasonable times Phoenix would’ve started a relationship with Edgeworth before informing Mia? Good.
At this very moment, Mia has seen Phoenix’s anger over Edgeworth leaving the suicide note. If she didn’t know about the events of Turnabout Goodbyes, she’d still be aware that Edgeworth was dealing with personal issues. She knows about DL-6, so she can make her own conclusions. If anything, Phoenix would be more upset than Mia, who’d be more sympathetic than anything. Though, I doubt if Mia didn’t know about the events of Turnabout Goodbyes, considering that Maya would definitely want to tell the story to her sister, since it does affect them and what happened to their mother. At the time Phoenix would have the opportunity to start a relationship with Edgeworth, even while ignoring his anger towards Edgeworth for the fake suicide note, Mia would experience the outcome of it. She’d see that Edgeworth is making sacrifices and doing everything he can to find Maya. Mia would be the most dependent on Edgeworth. The fact Phoenix told Mia that he can’t break Edgeworth’s trust, after everything he’s done, then realizing that he trusted Edgeworth before getting the, “yes, you do,” from Mia, tells us how much she knows about Phoenix’s feelings. If Phoenix loves and trusts Edgeworth, Mia would understand and, again, support it. Why wouldn’t she support Phoenix dating the man that saved her sister? After Farewell my Turnabout, I can’t see Mia not finding the events of Turnabout Beginnings being water under the bridge. 
Any other time passed Farewell my Turnabout should be proven what I’ve mentioned above. As I said, after Farewell my Turnabout, I can’t see Mia not allowing the events of Turnabout Beginnings being water under the bridge or bygones be bygones. Mia has seen Edgeworth in court, how he conducts a trial and how he handles a situation of blackmail and hostages, which was better than Grossberg ever did. How could Mia not give Edgeworth her blessing, after he saved her sister from Shelly De Killer of all people? Even Phoenix would let bygones be bygones, if someone like Manfred Von Karma did the same for Trucy in a similar fashion. 
Mia isn’t stupid or petty. She might be a protective mother of sorts, but she’s not going to dictate who Phoenix has feelings for or how he lives his life. Now, Mia did tell Phoenix to forget about Dahlia and never bothering to mention about Iris, but that could be more for Iris’ sake than Phoenix’s. I’m sure Mia did intend on informing Phoenix or having him reunite with Iris at some point, but Iris was escaping from an abusive situation with her sister. The point is, Mia isn’t someone that’s going to keep Phoenix from pursuing a romantic relationship. It’s not to say she won’t warn Phoenix, if he is dating someone that he shouldn’t trust, but in the case of Miles Edgeworth, Mia won’t need to. Any point in time that Phoenix would start a relationship with Edgeworth, Mia would have no reason to object to it. She may get upset, if the relationship started before the suicide note, but again, Farewell my Turnabout will be enough to let that be water under the bridge. 
This goes into my main issue with having Mia be upset or “concerned” for Phoenix having a relationship with Edgeworth. It makes her seem petty and hypocritical and Mia is anything, but that. I’m sure a lot of people will be like, “you’d be angry too, if someone called you a ‘bimbo.’” Aside from the fact that was in the English version and we don’t know if that’s what he actually called her in the original Japanese, that was said on trial. It’s expected for the opposing attorneys to rip each other a new one. Heck, even Mia wasn’t afraid to rip Edgeworth or even Godot a new one. That’s kinda expected in court. If it is because of Edgeworth withholding evidence and a witness, how is that any different from what’s expected or even better than what Lana Skye did, who was supposedly Mia’s college friend. Even Mia’s boyfriend said that was expected. Also, keep in mind that it was their first case that took place five years prier to Phoenix meeting Edgeworth again. 
I think the reason people have Mia respond negatively to Phoenix dating Edgeworth is mostly because they see Turnabout Beginnings and think, “Oooooh, Mia must not like Edgeworth then” and I find that to be inaccurate. True, Mia didn’t like Edgeworth in Turnabout Beginnings, but other things have happened since then. Edgeworth had helped out Phoenix, saved Maya, helped make peace with Franziska and will eventually help Phoenix again in T&T by going in his stead. That’d be like making the claim that Phoenix would have an issue with Apollo dating Klavier, if that were possible, which would make Phoenix look hypocritical and petty. Does the main conflict for Phoenix dating Edgeworth have to involve a third party or his mentor/parental figure being overprotective? No romantic relationship is without its hurtles and, more times than not, it isn’t by a third party. If a parental figure gets involved, it often means the two were never meant to be together to begin with. 
Considering what Mia saw with Edgeworth and even the kind of people she trusted like Grossberg, who threw her sister under the bus over an ugly ass painting, I doubt Mia would find it a big deal for Phoenix to pursue a romantic relationship with Edgeworth. At best, she might be skeptical, if it happened before the suicide note, but would be completely fine if it was after or during Farewell my Turnabout. Now, Maya pursuing a relationship with Franziska, on the other hand, might be a different story, but that’s for another topic.
What do you guys think?
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amethysttribble · 5 years
One day... one day I’m gonna write the fic about rookie detective Dick Gumshoe being paired up with rookie prosecuter Miles Edgeworth. It’s gonna be from Gumshoe’s perspective and he’s this mid-20s guy who’s trying to do good in the world and be a hero. And then he meets Bratworth.
And Dick can’t stand this kid. He hides it well, he’s respectful, he’s professional (by Gumshoe standards). But this Edgeworth is a real tool, demanding everything be checked twice, acting flippant and snooty and condescending. Dick didn’t join the force to be talked down to by a teenager.
But Edgeworth is also competent, he doesn’t make mistakes and he never pushes too far. So he and Dick figure out a good working relationship, and it’s fine. Stilted, but fine.
Then Prosecuter von Karma comes to visit.
Dick and Edgeworth are working in the prosecutor’s office, going over files and practicing statements for tomorrow’s trial (the kid’s second trial). And in walks Mr. von Karma, with his cane and his scowl and his tsk tsk tsk.
Edgeworth shoots to his feet, back straight and face blank, and all that cocky bravado is just... gone. Dick looks at Edgeworth and it’s the first time he sees the kid he is. Young, vulnerable, and out of his depth.
Von Karma talks about the Terry Fawles case. Don’t fail next time, boy. Don’t disgrace yourself or the von Karma name, boy. Prove yourself worthy of the effort, boy.
Miles nods. “Yes sir.” He’s stiff as a board.
Dick was a beat cop until very recently. Most of that... a fair portion of that... Dick’s gotten a lot of domestic calls. He’s made very few domestic arrests, but so many calls, so many answers. He knows the signs of that better than he could ever know the ins and outs of evidence law.
Edgeworth suddenly makes a lot more since. Poor kid.
But though his first instinct is fists swinging and damsel rescuing, Dick also knows that there really isn’t anything he can do. He’d carry lollipops in his coat for the children, business cards for the adults, “Hey, just give old Gumshoe a call anytime you need, pal! I’ll carry your groceries in.” Very few call, less still ask to file a charge. Edgeworth is right at that age (old enough not to trust others, young enough to trust himself). He’d never ask for help.
So Dick starts calling the kid, “Mr. Edgeworth” instead of pal, just to give him that respect and legitimacy he craves. He requests to work with the kid, because Dick can take the verbal abuse (the salary abuse) while others would be less lenient. He tries his damn best to help the kid win. Every. Last. One. Of his cases. Because Dick doesn’t want to know what happens to Mr. Edgeworth if he loses.
Slowly but surely, Edgeworth defrosts. Underneath that vermillion armor of his... kid’s got a good heart and lots idealism. He’s so kind to the witnesses, the victims, the families. It’s stilted but it’s there, and goddamn, Dick’s gotten fond of him. It tears him up every time the kid retreats to his office or the bathroom to have a meltdown (all that stress, all those stories, that von Karma shaped shadow looming). He leaves coffee and tissues where they can be found and says nothing.
Edgeworth doesn’t want words. He wants results, he wants loyalty, he wants a person who feels safe and his own and non-threatening. Edgeworth wants justice.
And Dick can’t save him from that German fellow or whatever keeps the circles under his eyes deep. But Dick can help give him justice.
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fictionfromafar · 3 years
The Secret Life Of Writers by Guilluame Rosso
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The Secret Life Of Writers
By Guillaume Musso
Translated by Vineet Lal
Weidenfeld & Nicholson (Orion)
Publication Date: 22 July 2021
Despite being a regular reader of French crime fiction this is actually the first novel I have read by Guillaume Musso. What I didn’t know until the release of The Secret Life Of Writers is that actually Musso is currently the bestselling crime writer in his native France. When that competion includes the likes of Michel Bussi and Pierre Lamaitre, it makes it a real achievement.
I believe that this is the fourth book released in the UK written by Guillaume Musso, although I see there have been different titles released in different English language markets. The most recent title released in the UK was The Reunion and The Secret Life Of Writers is the first book of Musso’s to be translated by Edinburgh based Vineet Lal (who has previously translated Grégoire Delacourt). Lal has stepped into the large shoes of the highly esteemed Frank Wynne.
Set on the fictional Isle of Beaumont set on the French Mediterranean coast close to Toulon, the story opens through the first person narrative of aspiring young author Raphaël Bataille who is on the trail of enigmatic writer Nathan Fawles. Twenty years earlier Fawles announced his retirement as an author after three successful and highly influential novels and moved to a remote location on Beaumont.  Bataille has had the manuscript for his first novel rejected by several different publishers and so he decides to apply for a job in the island’s book shop with the hope of getting close to the author and receiving advice from him.  On his arrival he discovers an island that maybe isn’t unwelcoming but is ill prepared for strangers with no hotels and accommodation in private houses very rare. The book shop owner Audibert warns our narrator that attempting to visit Fawles could well put him at risk at getting shot.  Undeterred Bataille finds that risk was very real.  Yet it transpires Bataille is not the only person looking to quiz Nathan Fowles as a young Swiss journalist Mathilde Monney is also trying to get close to him and this is where the writer does find some use in taking to the eager young man.
The island is also ill-equipped for police investigations and when word reaches the village that a body has been found on a beach at the sound of the island, Bataille accompanies a police man has he drives his three wheeling Piaggio Ape as fast as he can (around 40kmph) along the narrow road that follows the rugged coast down the island. It is a clear demonstration of how Musso can visually make a serious situation appear quite farcical.
The discovery leads to a blockade of the island by the mainland police. When the body is examined it is found she must have been stored in a large freezer somewhere on the island. Her identity is revealed as part of a Bonnie and Clyde duo which used to operate around Évry, Essonne south of Paris, it becomes clear that the roots of this go far beyond Beaumont.  
The unravelling of these mysteries and hidden secrets from the past has emerged from entirely different parts of the world and it is truly a pleasure to read them all unfold. Many of the revelations transpire during a dangerous duel between Fawles and Monney. Musso isn’t afraid to break the rules when it comes to his narrator as well. Such is the skill and deceptive writing skills of Musso that a story that initially appears to be a cosy crime story in an idyllic location with amusing dialogue actually recalls back to dreadful crimes during the darkest episodes in recent European history.
Vineet Lal’s expressive translation of Musso’s dialogue is captivating and these are the real instances in the book where the humour of the story is displayed. This is particularly apparent when Musso has something to say about the book publishing business. The island’s bookshop is very old fashioned only stocking what is termed “literature.” The aloof book seller Audibert is in Bataille’s eyes setting himself “up like a judge… to decide what was or wasn’t literature felt like pretension of the highest possible order.” He even claiming that France has less than five thousand real readers!
Fawles bluntly gives Bataille advice: “if you think writers have the same moral virtues as they give their characters, then you’re really naïve. And even a bit thick!”
He also warns him that “being a writer is the least glamorous think in the world, you live like a zombie, all alone and cut off from everyone else… You spend your nights sweating blood and tears to churn out a sentence that three-quarters of your readers won’t notice – the handful of readers that you have, that is.”
The Secret Life Of Writers is a thoroughly enjoyable read and I would strongly encourage anyone with a taste for crime or European fiction to read it. Guilluame Musso effortly blends suspense, intrigue, tension and humour with strong characterisations and a real sense of setting. He deserves to be better known in English language territories. I have already bought The Reunion and anticipate reading it soon.
Just to add, there was a little bit of personal resonance for me as back in 1998-2000 I was working in the town of Évry which is referred to several times in the book and during that time I took a trip to Toulon where I visited the Isle of Porquerolles which served as inspiration for Musso for Beaumont just about the time that Fowles was supposed to have moved there.
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✘ To all your active muses - what's your biggest regret?
Truth | Maya, Phoenix, Franziska & Mia: 1/10
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“Not realizing that Ms. Deauxnim was actually my mother sooner and… and not saying anything to her. Like, ‘I love you’ or ‘Where’ve you been all these years?’. I still miss her a lot…”
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“Hmm… mine would have to be… eating that bottle necklace Dahlia gave me. It… was a really stupid move on my part, I admit it. Of course, Mia did find a way to convict her after all, but I feel like the case would’ve ended sooner if I were more cooperative back then.”
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“Why do foolish fools always stick their foolish nose into my business?! …Hmph! If I must be entirely truthful, I suppose I should get it over with. My biggest regret is…” The woman took a deep breath and clutched her right arm tightly. “Seeing Papa’s execution up close. He… he was hanged and it… it was mortifying. Since I was a family member, I was obliged to come, however… it was something I’d rather not have seen in my entire life.”
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“Not catching Dahlia before Mr. Fawles killed himself. I was still a rookie, but even so, I should’ve had at least one decisive piece of evidence to catch her. I still can’t believe she walked out of there as if nothing had happened…!”
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dullahandyke · 2 days
Sidenote I was never her biggest fan but whenever I see someone talk abt dahlia hawthorne as if she's some evil seductress who breaks hearts for fun I feel the intense urge to hit them with hammers. Fucker can you read????
#waves my hand at The Fawles Business!!!!! hello???????????#pretty much every mention of fawles i see is (rightfully) condemning him#but often ppl dont connect that to dahlia as like. a character. theyre just like ew a creep good thing hes not relevant#happy and well 14yo girls dont frame their adult tutor who theyre 'in a relationship with' and send them to death row#and they certainly dont jump into a river KNOWN for tearing bodies to pieces in hopes of running away from home!!!#all the murders she attempts are motivated by a fear of her past being revealed!#valerie was going to tell fawles about her betrayal which would have set him out looking for revenge against her#fawles died to a suicide pact he initiated with her (again when she was FOURTEEN) rest in shit fucknuts#she poisoned diego because he was asking too many questions#and she accidentally killed doug while aiming for phoenix because he kept showing people evidence that indicted her#is she spiteful? YES! but not in a maneater way!#she HATES mia (and the rest of the feys by extension) for FINALLY CATCHING HER!#and THAT is what drives her participation in the hazakura plot!#like im not an apologist or whatevs. shes treats iris horrifically and she is very cruel when shes cornered#but the idea that shes some sort of praying mantis type is wildly inaccurate#the presence of romance only starts when shes groomed by a grown fucking man who makes a suicide pact with her#(and like u could say she was manipulating him or covering her bases and wouldnt have done it herself but THAT IS STILL CONCERNING!!)#and she lives a normal fucking life UNTIL valerie intervenes and makes her scared that that life is going to collapse!#anyway all this to say dahlia hawthorne get behind me
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xheavy-dirty-satanx · 7 years
so yeah
finally I’m able to upload this ~~
I finished it a week ago but I was busy and I could’t upload it before ;A;
@boxwineconfession ^^
(I tried to write this post in spanish and I couldn’t omg what’s wrong whit me is your fucking first lenguage Mónica stop denying it xD)
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When the IRS does an audit, it may happen by random selection or  they may have determined  the financial information you've provided could be inaccurate.  If you've received a notice of an audit, then contact us to set up a free consultation.  We can advise you and protect your rights in an audit.
When you engage Tax Resolution Attorney Kelly J.  Gwin, you are working with a passionate and experienced attorney whose sole practice is dedicated to resolving your Individual tax debt issues.   Kelly uses her knowledge, skills, wisdom, experience, education, degrees, licenses, and training to strategically minimize taxpayer liability.  She takes the stress away from the taxpayer; she makes your problem her problem.  
Juris Doctor, Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport, FL, 2001
Bachelor of Arts (with Distinction), Business Management, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL
Associate of Science, Legal Assisting, St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg, FL
Member, Florida Bar, 2001-Present
Member, United States District Court, Middle District, 2002-Present
Member, United States Tax Court, 2017-Present
Member, Orange County Bar Association
Member, Fawl - Florida Association of Women Lawyers
Member, Cfawl- Central Florida Association of Women Lawyers
Member, Sfawl- Seminole Florida Association of Women Lawyers
Member, National Association of Enrolled Agents
Member of  Florida Society of Enrolled Agents
Recognized by the Supreme Court of Florida for Pro Bono work
Recognized by Stetson University College of Law for Pro Bono work
Guest Lecturer, St. Petersburg College, Pinellas County Area High Schools, Melbourne Chamber of Commerce
Kelly J. Gwin was born in Toledo, Ohio.  She has lived in Florida most of her adult life, is the proud mother of amazing teenage boy/girl twins and two four footed fur babies.  When not hard at work resolving your tax debt issues, Kelly loves to meet new people, travel and scuba dive.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
DadWorth AU: Part 1 (Pre-Trilogy)
I’ve been thinking about that one post I made a while ago about Edgeworth becoming Kay’s legal guardian after Turnabout Reminiscence, so here’s an outline of what happens with that.
| Part 2 >
So, it all starts with Edgeworth going to actually check if Kay was alright after Reminiscence and the whole gunshot. And then he gets an idea in the back of his mind to take her in. He has no idea why he does this, but its mostly because he sees himself in Kay and doesn’t want her to go through what he did (something he will never admit)
He consults Badd about this. Although there is an initial back and forth between the two, Badd eventually does agree that he should take custody of her. (He would do himself, but Yew is still out there, and he’s afraid that she would go after Kay if she was with him. Yew would never suspect that Kay would be with Edgeworth.) The only condition on Edgeworth’s part is that Badd does whatever it takes to keep von Karma from finding out about it.
If von Karma finds out, Miles isn’t sure what he’s going to do to him or to Kay. (Miles is terrified of von Karma, but will never admit it... yet.) Badd agrees to keep it under wraps and helps him through with the process. So, Edgeworth becomes Kay’s official guardian.
The only ones who know that Edgeworth is Kay’s guardian initially are Badd and Gumshoe -- the latter proving to be very helpful because Miles is new at this and has no idea what to do, and Gumshoe is ridiculously good with kids.
Franziska eventually does find out and teases Miles for it. He makes her swear to not tell her father about this, and after some deliberation, she agrees.
So, Franziska becomes cool Aunt Fran (though she’s more like an older sister than an aunt, but the name stuck.). She teaches Kay how to speak German on the side.
Kay becomes a little more interested in law than canonically thanks to being surrounded by lawyers and detectives. She gets an interest in trials, and asks Miles if she can come and see his when she learns he’s finally gonna get to stand in the courtroom. He agrees, under the condition that Kay both finish her homework and get her room cleaned.
Miles doesn’t expect her to actually be able to fulfill her end of the deal. But alas, she does. He doesn’t mind... at first. Because as we all know, that first case does not end well. At all. Because its Turnabout Beginnings.
Edgeworth freaks out again after calming down from what just happened, because Kay saw all of that. So, he goes out to find her. Luckily, Kay is with Gumshoe -- he kept her from seeing what had happened to Fawles. Miles is surprised that Kay turns to comfort him when she sees that he was scared. (something that he will deny to this day), but this is also the first time that Miles feels any sort of paternal instinct, and something slowly starts to awaken.
keep in mind, though: what Kay sees Mia do out there to help Fawles does stick with her a little bit. Gumshoe explains that’s what defense attorneys are supposed to do. They’re not all like Yew. Under Miles’s nose, Kay does start to idolize Mia after reading about her case the following year, and starts to follow her career a bit.
Miles eventually does decide that Kay needs a few friends her own age when Gumshoe brings up that she isn’t doing very well at that in school. And then he learns that another detective has a younger sister around Kay’s age who is also having trouble making friends.
Needless to say, with two people conspiring together, Kay becomes rather good friends with Ema Skye -- much to Miles’ and Lana’s relief. ...until they get into all sorts of trouble, and there is a little bit of regret. But its better than the alternative.
Fast forward a little bit and it’s 2015. Ema and Lana invite Kay out to dinner, and Miles agrees since he’s busy himself (the only condition is that Kay gets her homework done before hand, which is the usual condition that Kay has to agree to before she goes out anywhere, so to her it’s not a big deal.)
And then Miles gets a call from Lana later that night that has him booking it to criminal affairs.
Yeah... Kay’s involved in SL-9. She was there with Ema when she was attacked. Both girls come out unhurt -- thank god -- but it still scared Miles half to death. This is why Miles takes the case -- because of what happened to Kay. It’s something that he never clarifies on, which catches the attention of von Karma. Miles was insistent on the matter, and gave no explanation why whatsoever. So he’s careful. A little too much. The whole Demon Prosecutor stuff starts, and all the rumors surrounding Edgeworth also begin to make their appearance.
Miles doing his best to throw himself into his work to keep von Karma’s eye off of him puts a strain on his relationship with Kay. He does what little he can, but it’s hard when he’s overly stressed by multiple outside forces. Kay keeps pushing, but it does little to actually break that wall. Edgeworth eventually does start to open back up, but it’s not enough,
Things are fine -- even if they are a little bit more distant -- between Edgeworth and Kay from there on. For the next year and a half, nothing really changes. Kay keeps trying, and Edgeworth’s affection dwindles as he becomes more jaded due to the media and von Karma’s involvement in his career.
Change comes about when Kay starts high school and Miles gets a new case on his desk that involves an old name that he hadn’t heard in years.
And that takes us into Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
I want to go on with this into the games and those events, as well as the ripple effect this causes with the Investigation games. I have a lot of ideas in mind. This is just an outline, so I apologize if things don’t make sense either.
I’m just thinking about this a lot and want to share ideas.
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dollarblitz-blog · 7 years
Is it true that you are one of those shutterbugs who take pictures of practically everything from what you had for breakfast to the squirrel out your kitchen window? Or, on the other hand the humorous look on the substance of your pet? Rather than rapidly presenting on your facebook page, you might need to transform your obsession for photography into a cash making wander. That tap on your cell phone camera ­could mean cash in the bank. One path is to offer your photographs as "stock photographs" by means of telephone applications that pull in organizations hoping to purchase one of a kind, normal or nearby photographs.
Foap is one of the applications that give cell phone clients and picture takers the chance to win cash from their photographs. With this application, you can transfer your photographs to the Foap Market where they are appraised. Photographs that measure up get distributed in the Foap Market. Photographs offer for $10; you get $5 and they get $5 for every photograph sold. The best news is that a similar photograph can be sold again and again and you acquire each time!
As per Foap, giving an assortment of photographs is by all accounts the way to more deals and they prescribe your portfolio contain:
Photographs of individuals
Photographs of varying work circumstances (at the workplace, woodworker, steward, and so forth.)
Photographs of travel
Photographs of urban areas
Shut everything down
Photographs of things (screws, drug, signs, books, PCs, apparatuses, packs, links and so forth)
Photographs of nature
Photographs of creatures
With regards to offering your photography, the web has a plenty of destinations to look over. For the business disapproved of picture taker who needs to transform their imagination into money or an undeniable business, here are some different sites to consider:
iStock Photo – deals here may win you a sovereignty rate of 15% for each download or up to 45% as a selective giver.
SmugMug – will enable you to fabricate an online grandstand for your work with a possibility for a customer facing facade.
Alamy – cases to be the world's biggest stock photograph library, gaining picture takers 60% eminence charge on any pictures they offer.
Fotolia – each time one of your photographs offer, you may procure an eminence in the vicinity of 20% and 63% of your deal.
Dreamstime – eminences extend from 25-half yet in the event that you turn into a Dreamstime selective picture taker, you could appreciate 60% sovereignties on the greater part of your pictures.
PhotoShelter – on the off chance that you need to hold finish control of your work, you might need to consider an expert site with worked in business from PhotoShelter.
Shutterstock – profit extend from $0.25 to $28 for a picture that offers. Their free Contributor Success Guide is there to enable you to begin.
123RF – on the off chance that you get a kick out of the chance to transfer heaps of pictures, this could be a decent decision for you. Eminence depends on your donor level.
Can Stock Photo – cases to pay a portion of the most noteworthy commissions in the business.
In general, what would you be able to acquire by offering your photographs? One recipe I ran over had a "general guideline" acquiring potential that assessed $1 earned every month per picture submitted (in light of a mean normal of some offering lower and some higher). Absolutely doesn't seem like much. Be that as it may, the way to higher gaining is to present a higher volume. On the off chance that 100 pictures could get $100 a month, at that point ascertain that out by 1,000.
Not each picture submitted will pass quality control. The most ideal approach to acquire is take extraordinary shots, take in the ropes, and attempt more than one site. The magnificence is that you can for the most part present a similar photograph on more than one site, expanding the capability of offers!
Here is some understanding from my picture taker companion, Tom Fawls:
Yes, you CAN profit with it, however you're not going to get rich doing it. Every one of these locales have certain picture size and quality models. You must be affirmed to offer, by presenting various pictures for assessment. Once that happens, every single photograph is investigated by the site to decide if THEY think it will offer.
On the off chance that it's affirmed, each time somebody licenses the picture you acquire a charge. Contingent upon the site and the kind of enrollment the purchaser has obtained you'll normally wind up acquiring an astounding $0.25 to $0.33 (yes, that is pennies, people!). Obviously the more photographs you have available to be purchased, the more cash you're probably going to make.
Since I am low maintenance picture taker, from the 11 destinations I offer through, I commonly make a couple of hundred dollars every year. I do know a few people who make into the thousands, yet like games, motion pictures and "typical" photography, that is just a couple of best picture takers.
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