#this had to get split again lol
Nothing's Wrong with Dale: Part Nineteen
It’s been a week, but you’re fairly certain your fiancé accidentally got himself replaced by an eldritch being from the Depths. Deciding  that he’s certainly not worse than your original fiancé, you endeavor to keep the engagement and his new non-human state to yourself.
However, this might prove harder than you originally thought.
Fantasy, arranged marriage, malemonsterxfemalereader, M/F
AO3: Nothing's Wrong with Dale - Chapter 19 - MoonshineNightlight - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Seven.5] [Part Eight] [Part Nine] [Part Ten] [Part Eleven] [Part Twelve] [Part Thirteen] [Part Fourteen] [Part Fifteen] [Part Sixteen] [Part Seventeen] [Part Eighteen] Part Nineteen [Part Twenty] [Part Twenty-One] [Part Twenty-Two] [Part Twenty-Three] [Part Twenty-Four] [Part Twenty-Five] [Part Twenty-Six] [Part Twenty-Seven] [Part Twenty-Eight] [Part Twenty-Nine] [Part Thirty] [Part Thirty-One] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Three] [Part Thirty-Four]
You freeze, you know you do, but you can’t help it.
You freeze, you know you do, but you can’t help it. You hope you appear only mildly surprised rather than scared. Those credentials are not the sort the locals Grandfather had been introducing you to had. They’re on an entirely different level. “How impressive,” you say, hoping your breathiness comes across as admiration rather than shock. “What an unusual combination of studies.”
“Actually, it seemed like a natural progression to me, though others do seem surprised,” Dr. Louisa says, clearly believing your affectation. You refuse to look at Breighton to gauge her reaction to your own. Nothing good can come of that. “My primary interests lay in how the human body reacts to different compounds—both positively and negatively. To my estimation, it was only a matter of time that I began to wonder how it might react to compounds from the Depths—or how the beings from there would react.”
“As Dale’s fiance,” Breighton inclines her head to you. Her voice gives nothing unusual away as she continues, “is interested in medicine, I knew I had to introduce you two.”
“Oh?” Dr. Louisa asks, looking mildly more interested. “Where did you study?”
You know she’s asking what university, but all you can offer is a self-deprecating smile. Given the look in her eyes, you’re fairly certain she knows what you’re about to say, “My schooling was completed at South Ardere Academy and I do not have any formal medical accreditations—merely an interest.”
“Of course, of course,” Dr. Louisa says with a gracious smile that still makes you feel rather stupid. “I know that such studies are not required, but an interest is better than none. So many people have no interest in the study of their own bodies, their own health, their own life,” Dr. Louisa smirks at Teresa, who merely smiles back cheerfully, and Julion, who scowls, “and I’ve never understood how they can stand to live with such ignorance.”
“People tend to think of their health and their bodies as something that merely is,” you volunteer, for all you think she’s being rather harsh—people have so many things to worry about after all. “Until something goes wrong.”
“Too true,” Dr. Louisa says with a nod. “Is that what piqued your interest?”
“Yes, I had some health difficulties when I was young,” you reply, trying to keep any defensive comments about that part of your life to yourself. Breighton already knows and none of these were noble heirs as far as you could tell. You don’t need to prove your worth as a bride to them. Instead, you simply don’t want to look a fool. “Which resolved around when I left childhood behind. Still, it has left me with an appreciation for my current health and a general desire to learn more in the area of medicine.”
“I can see how that might come to pass,” Dr. Louisa allows before a hint of condescension enters her expression. “Although medicine is an immensely complex topic. Certainly challenging to have as an amateur hobby—but a worthy one, of course.” 
It’s clear the last part is only a false reassurance, but before you can defend yourself, Breighton speaks up.
“She seems to have done well by it,” Breighton says mildly. You chance a glance at her and she doesn’t appear concerned about grilling you on your potential for abusing the dark arts or as though she is testing you. However, she’s the only one you know Grandfather told about his theory–for all, according to the Steward, she didn’t believe him. Maybe this is her one concession to his worry, introducing you to this expert. She doesn’t seem to be pushing anything beyond the introduction though. But she’s the type that hardly ever reveals what she’s thinking unless she wishes too. The stray thought that you’d like to see her play your brother in poker flits through your mind. “As she is the one who initially helped Sanctif Ellon the other night.”
“Oh, yes, I remember him,” Dr. Louisa nods, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Someone had the quick thinking to give him some ephedra they had on hand.” She turns back to you. “That was you?”
“Yes, I always carry some of the basics with me,” you reach into your pocket and bring out a similar vial of allergy tonic—replenished that night. “I have a similar, rather severe allergy so I carry single doses of a few tonics or medicinal tea bags on me whenever possible.”
“That seems quite useful,” Teresa remarks, leaning in to take a look. “This would help anyone having such a reaction?”
“Not everyone, but most would find it helpful.” You offer her the little bottle. “My other teas are more for headaches, exhaustion, and so on rather than to combat a more advanced or specialized condition.”
“The allergy remedy is only a stopgap,” Dr Louisa cautions, reaching out to pluck the bottle from Teresa’s fingers. She studies the handmade label with mild interest before giving it back to you. You carefully accept it from her white gloved hand. “But this is as well labeled and portioned as anything in my kit. Helpful, to have them labeled for a layman’s use.”
You slip it back into your pocket, into the little pouches you hand sew into the lining for just that purpose. Are you overreacting? Thinking everything she says is a dig at you? “As you said, I am a layman, in the end. It is the easiest way for me to think. I am not versed in medical notation.”
“That’s really only useful to doctors,” Dr. Louisa acknowledges. “I think more people would benefit from having these basics as you called them on hand. But my interest has moved beyond human medicine these days. Although I still peer review and analyze certain papers with a focus on botany and chemistry, my particular areas of skill.” She waves a careless hand. “Easiest method for keeping up with current achievements and breakthroughs. I have shifted experimental focus.”
You open your mouth, hoping to steer the conversation away from her interest ‘beyond’ and to whatever peer review work she does with typical, human medicine. “What—” But you can’t get the words out fast enough or loud enough. 
“Yes,” Julion says, a frown on his face as he narrows his eyes at Dr. Louisa–not having even noticed that you attempted to say something. “Rather than focus on human illness and disease, you instead have switched your focus to the Depths.”
Dr. Louisa glares in response to his clear derision. “I have widened my focus and therefore widened the available materials at my disposal to help develop cures and aid. There are plenty of straightforward thinkers focused on what is convenient in this world.”
“Are there truly useful materials in the Depths?” Alent of Senga asks, skepticism heavy in his voice. Your desire to actually hear the answer to his question and your wish for the conversation to go in any other direction war in your stomach. Perhaps you shouldn’t have had those appetizers. 
Personally, you agree with Alent. You doubt the existence of any plants in the Depths that is: one, useful; two, in sufficient quantities; and three, accessible. And any material from the Depths would need to be all three to be of great aid in medicine for humans—in your estimation at least. But most of your reading had been about demon reactions to plants and materials from this world, not their own or humans to theirs. You’d love to read a book on the subject—really, to learn about it any other way than trapped in this conversation.
“Of course,” Dr. Louisa’s voice is sharp. “How could there not be? There is still so much to understand and discover. We are making greater strides than ever before.” 
She sounds as though she has had to make a similar speech before, as if she has had to defend her area of research often—you wouldn’t be surprised if she had. You’re not sure you’re convinced that experiments with plants from the Depths can be anything other than reckless and dangerous. 
“Now that the principles of experimentation have been widely agreed upon and adopted,” Dr. Louisa continues, “now that we have more reliable methods of opening doors to the Depths, we can finally begin to do more than stumble blindly or unleash unrestrained beasts on our enemies.
“Despite the comparative rarity that is the intelligent demon, they have made far greater strides in the opposite direction than we have. They’ve been exploring and taking advantage of our realm for years. Now we can finally start doing the same.”
Well, that's a discomforting thought. You’ve never considered the appearance of demons on your world as such a venture. From what you’ve read, there does not appear to be any sort of coordinated effort between large groups of demons, but perhaps if it were subtle enough, humans wouldn’t even notice. 
Everything you’ve read or heard has suggested that as intelligent demons are outnumbered by animalistic, vicious demons, they primarily form small, isolated communities where they can eek out enough to survive on. The intelligent demons who come up to the surface are usually loners or pairs who desire a life outside of the Depths or were exiled from there. But much of that information comes from “Memoir of the Dark”, written by the demon Duke of Sitran in Vaomen a hundred years ago and it is unclear how reliable a narrator he was as he is one of the few demons to ever pen such a book about the Depths or demonic society, if it can even be called such. 
“Look,” Alent says, frowning with a thoughtful expression on his face. “I’m all for further knowledge, even knowledge for its own sake, and I think that truly exploring the Depths and learning anything more about it that we can is a noble goal. But,” he emphasizes, “I don’t know we’re at the stage where I feel comfortable introducing all this into medicine. That's an immensely complex and delicate science we are honestly still beginners at without our own materials and compounds and techniques. Introducing the Depths and things from there into that study seems… distracting and overwhelming—too many new factors to control for.”
“Yes,” Teresa says with a nod and you unconsciously mirror her because you agree as well. Your fascination with the debate and the fact that you haven’t had to give any opinion on the Depths helps you to breathe a little more naturally. “I’m not sure how plants from the Depths can do anything more than muddle with the aspects of medical treatment we are still struggling to understand within our own realm.”
“I disagree,” Kenneth of Helmsfirth says, shaking his head, and his mustache, for emphasis. “We need to take advantage of the strides Vaomen has been making and what better arena of study to make that information useful than in health. What makes adding the study of these plants or animal materials any different from adding in such things from a newly discovered island here?”
An interesting point, but…
“Because the Depths is a fundamentally different realm than ours?” Julion says with a roll of his eyes. “There are multiple principals and compounds and even laws of nature unique to the Depths and more that we might not even be aware of. I agree that mastery of what we have should be the priority. My understanding is that most plants or other compounds from the Depths are corrosive to us anyways. That’s why the only use we have for such things so far is as poison. My—”
“With,” Dr. Louisa cuts in, talking over whatever he was going to say next, “the Depths, a degree of caution, of course, must be taken into consideration, however to say the only uses for their plants we’ve found is poisons is false. Mixing extracts from Depth plants with our own has yielded quite a few exciting and useful results.”
Despite yourself, you want to hear more. There had been some discussion in some of the books you’ve managed to skim from Dale’s study that mentioned plants from the Depths, but in relation to summoning rituals you couldn’t understand. And so you’d been forced to move past them in your search for information about possession. But you want to go back and read them, if only it wasn’t such a risk.
“For instance, the most recent discovery was the use of a combination of yarrow and klint strengthens and stabilizes the yarrow and makes its effects as a fever reducer last longer,” Dr. Louisa says. “If jutnay is steeped in local mint tonic and then dried, powered and taken as a suspension, throat soreness can be soothed and recovery is faster than the mint tonic alone.”
You raise your eyebrows, both treatments, with yarrow and mint tonic for fever and throat ache, are familiar to you, but both have an inconsistency to them and are usually not the most recommended treatment because of that. You never would have thought that something from the Depths could temper them—or temper anything really.
“And the discoveries are not limited to only medicine,” Dr. Louisa continues. “As you mentioned, too much is still unknown about the Depths and studying only demons is short-sighted. There are plenty of other potential uses for the materials. Take my gloves,” she holds them out. “Every few days, I steep them in a combination of wood ash and ygrine, a plant found commonly in the Depths.”
“To what end?” Alent asks, looking baffled.
“Detection,” Dr. Louisa replies smugly, holding her gloved hands to the group. Dawn’s ire, not more demon detection methodology, you think. Wasn’t the sanctif enough? “If my gloves touch demonic flesh or the flesh of a human possessed by a demon, it will stain their skin and therefore reveal their true nature. The Depths leaves invisible particles on all those it touches. It is within demons. The only false positives we’ve had was with a ring of back alley summoners. It turned out they were not possessed themselves. This reveals that a summoner who has reached into the Depths would likely also appear stained, but most practitioners are intelligent enough to use gloves in their experiments so it is a minimal consequence.”
“What about false negatives?” Julion pushes. “If a demon spent enough time above or cleansed themselves vigorously enough, could they also deceive these treated gloves?”
“We are still isolating all the test cases,” Dr Louisa allows, but steamrolls ahead. “In theory, yes, they could cleanse themselves—however, for a demon in its own form or one who is possessed, it would take far longer for the materials to leave their system than just a bath. From what we’ve been able to discover, it would take months to fully purge their system.”
“I suppose that is useful,” Julion admits grudgingly, “But most demons are not masters of disguise, even the intelligent ones—at least not as a long game.” Are they not? Julion waves his hand, dismissively, “They deceive for a day or two—however long it takes them to achieve their objective. Most of those who are possessed did so by contract and are known.”
“That you are aware of,” Dr Louisa counters. “You cannot prove that. Also, remember what I said about the use-case of finding those amateurs dabbling in demonic studies or summonings. Such practitioners are often a great danger to others. Protection forces being able to identify those individuals is also quite valuable. The city guard of Hetlund has already credited our gift of a few pairs and materials with preventing a number of messy, botched summonings from unleashing who knows what on the city.”
“That I can believe,” Alent says, a hint of disgust in the curl of his lip. “The destruction one overconfident fool with the right materials—or the wrong ones—can cause is incredible.”
You suppress a shudder at how close you all came that night in Northridge when Dale did just that.
“One benefit to being so close to Northridge, ey, Breighton?” Gilliana of Manataba says with a grin.
“Yes, any smugglers seeking to do so as close to my mother’s territory as Connton should be quite wary indeed,” Breighton says with some pride in her voice. “Even if their city isn’t in Northridge, they mirror a number of our tight regulations. There’s not been a call for a purge or a botched summoning in over a decade here. I appreciate the risk Vaomen and a number of the universities are will to take for knowledge, but I prefer not having to worry about rampaging demons at a moments notice because a graduate student got in over her head, thank you very much.”
Dr. Louisa is already shaking her head. “The laws in Northridge are archaic, Breighton, and you know it. I mean no offense to your parents, and what happened to your brother and his wife was a tragedy, but it's no more sensible than banning all sea travel because someone drowned in a storm.”
Breighton’s expression doesn’t change but she seems to grow colder. “You are entitled to your own opinions on the matter, and given your field of study, I am not surprised. However, I do caution you from saying something to that effect near Lady Northridge. You will regret it.”
It’s clear the others agree with Breighton as they nod or murmur agreement. Only Teresa still looks cheerful when compared to how somber the others grew. You wonder if they too, knew Dale’s parents personally before their deaths. Even Teresa’s sunny disposition has taken on a sharper edge, like the prospect of Grandmother Northridge taking this smug doctor to task is what is making her smile so.
“Of course,” Dr. Louisa says, in mild but false surprise, a gloved hand pressed to her heart. “I would never.”
You’re fairly certain she would, if she would not be ostracized from this group for being so impolite to the host who is also Breighton’s mother. 
“Regulation and law may slow discovery or quickly bringing a product to market,” Julion cautions, “but they save lives.”
“Balance is the key to such matters,” Dr. Louisa says magnanimously. Then she turns to you in a manner that can only spell trouble. “In fact, with the new Lord and his wife inheriting Northridge, perhaps some of these concerns can be addressed more delicately. Do you have any specific plans in this area at the moment?”
“No,” you reply automatically, cursing her for seeming to finally remember you are present. So much for not having to speak on anything demonic. “That is not currently a priority for us at the moment, especially given how strongly the current Lady and Lord feel on such matters.” Still, you don’t want to leave it like that, not when this woman is liable to pick at you for something controversial–you can see it in her eyes that she likes instigating arguments, not just debates. “However, I would venture to say that Lord Dale, despite his personal history, does not feel as strongly as his grandparents regarding a complete ban—to my knowledge.”
“And yourself?” Dr. Louisa presses regardless of the offering you gave her.
You take a few seconds to think, wanting to walk the right line. “I would agree that such matters require caution and that regulation is necessary,” you say slowly, “but a complete ban could also be considered flawed. Ignorance can be as dangerous as leniency. However, as I said, we have other priorities at the moment and so I haven’t discussed such matters with the current Lady nor with Lord Dale in any capacity and cannot speak for them.”
“A diplomat’s answer,” Dr. Louisa brushes off, pouting.
“And so a wise one,” Julion replies as his reflex was to disagree with Dr. Louisa, just generally. “given her position.”
“I’m certain as we take on our responsibilities,” you say slowly, wanting to seem more decisive but also knowing you shouldn’t, that it isn’t your place yet. You again, pointedly do not look at Breighton. “A number of laws and regulations will rise to our attention for debate and consideration, at which point Lord Dale, myself, and our magistrates will deliberate appropriately.”
“Come now, Louisa,” Kenneth says, cajoling, “You ask too much of a young betrothed in their family stronghold on a niche topic on which they have strong biases. What would you have her say? Lady Breighton is right here.”
“Yes, and you know what a stickler and curmudgeon I am,” Breighton says as dryly as ever causing the others to laugh.
“Oh yes,” Alent says, rolling his eyes. “Breighton abhors the new and never goes against convention.”
“Well, she does study rocks,” Teresa adds with a teasing smile. She nudges Breighton. “I’ve always said it would only a matter of time before she became as rigid and boring as what she studies.”
That causes another round of laughter and you feel your spine relax. Luckily, no one seems to be trying to take you to task for your non-answers, including Dr. Louisa. Perhaps this matter would come to rest and you could ask Dr. Louisa about her recent non-demon peer reviews. A safe topic could surely be found or steered to. You just need to find the ability to speak up instead of just responding to the rest of them.
“…saw her go off with Aunt Breighton.” A familiar voice reaches your ears and any tension you’d lost is right back in its familiar place. He really does have spectacular timing. “Ah, see? Over there.”
With a resigned churn of your stomach, you turn to find Dale and Grandfather approaching your group. 
[Part Twenty]
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fiepige · 9 months
Did somebody say more Hobie GIFs?
No? Well have some anyways <3 (Theme: Hobie and all his hand gestures) Part 1
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Misc. photos from the past year or so ~
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. napping bapy boye sneeping on his own foot as if it were a pillow#2. The little primrose that I have seems to bloom sporadically all year around as long as I bring it inside and don't let it freeze#in the winter. This was a flower that came up randomly like mid november lol#3. Rainbow where you can see a little bit of a second rainbow near the bottom of it :0#4. CHILDREN.... love to see them.....#5. Halloween Candy ranking tierlist. not important enough to post on it's own. so throwing it in with one of these I guess lol#I am also not really a candy person at all and prefer bready stuff like cakes rather than chocolate bars (if I even have to have sweets#at ALL which usually I prefer savory food). I suspect the apple is controversial but.. I do love apples .... huzzah#actually am having applle and peanut butter snack right now as I'm writing this lol#6. Various bowls/cups/etc. that I got from a store at COMPLETELY different times like.. years apart from each other#yet at some point realized that they all mostly match in paint color and seem to be part of the same pattern#But I totally didnt make that connection until a few years ago when I was putting up dishes. I just bought them all invidually because it's#like 'oh cool! a cat' *1 year later* 'oh cool! a cat!' etc. lol.. I guess it must be a popular design if it's been around being sold that#long.#7. carne asada burrito and matcha bubble tea... oughhgh.... again one of my very rare meals where I actually go and get something..#probably my favorite meal currently. Something about the Chronic Anemia makes me crave beef burritos madly despite only having one#maybe twice a year or so ghjbhj.. plus the beans.... onions.... many of my Diet Forbidden foods... Also of course the little aishas#are there.... somehow they shall split the meal together even though it's like 10x bigger than their bodies.. they are also hungry#and vastly anemic... huzzah to them...#8. I've had this shirt for a long time but it fits very weird so I can never find a way to use it in outfits?? But I recently had#an appointment where a doctor needed to be able to look at my back and it's one of the only actual Shirts that I have (mostly i just own#long robes or tunics or jumper dress type of things that would be hard to lift up or etc. like... I dont even own a single normal 't-shirt'#or anyting aside from one giant tshirt that I sleep in in the summer lol.) So I wore this there.. I forget how much I love the pictures on#it.. how pleasant... little hummingbird... AND I think one of the flowers is supposed to be columbine ... !#photo diary
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thrilling-oneway · 3 months
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i don't remember if i ever shared my vbs one. wtv
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
trying to craft a funger oc like aughhhh i can see him i can picture him in my head right now [image of the most off putting little man possible]
#he does not have a name yet but he DOES have a vague concept. author from the eastern union who got drafted into the military and--#--met another guy during the 1 week he had b4 getting shipped out to basic training. they immediately develop a WAY intense relationship--#--and constantly send letters to each other. author is a total chickenshit and comes to cope w the violence of war thru--#--alcoholism and a complete retreat into his obsession w the other man. gets a couple wires crossed and has his lust morph into more + more#--violent fantasies that the other man plays along w bc its Fun+Wild (at its core its the authors desire for CONTROL. if hes the one--#--bringing the pain then hes safe. even better if its with the single person in existence he feels like he can trust during that--#--period of time). manages to live throughout the rest of the war and rushes back to his lover. spends a slowly degrading week w him where-#--the man comes to realize what he thought of as simple metaphor+exaggeration was TRUE desire from the author + the author flounders--#--without the then expected+familiar terror day in and day out. culminates in the man demanding the author leave and never try to contact--#--him again (saying their romance was wild and exciting and unlike anything hed ever experienced but the only good way it couldve ended--#--was if the author died out on the front and forever left him Wanting without the actual reality of those desires realized) and the--#--author either tries to shoot himself or the man (fails to do so. lol) b4 running off to the first train out of town. worlds messiest guy#ya it leans a bit into samarie territory but hes fun. his theoretical ending b would probably have smth to do w sylvian worship + marriages#even more vague idea for his moonscorched form is a sopping wet pathetic red wolf ('red wolf' being one of the mans terms of endearment--#--thru their wartime love letters) w its legs tangled up in barbed wire so it has to drag itself around. red bc its incredibly--#--thin skin (<-- do you get it .) splits and bleeds thru with every movement. a lot of whining and incoherent babbling as it hesitates to--#--ACTUALLY attack anybody. should have some cock horror element but ive no ideas on that front LOL#skill ideas are persistence predator (more melee damage dealt the less mind hes got- a backstory choice where he focuses entirely on the--#--love letters rather than splitting focus on his on-pause career with short stories) and an unnamed one playing into his terror/lust deal-#--where he gets a buff to either melee damage or speed when his phobia is active. want to come up with at least one more though#mmmaybe him being an author doesnt play that well into his concept as a whole but hes my strangeguy so whatever
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munamania · 9 months
so guys um. really fun update as a result of me once again being really good at understanding and responding to social situations. im pretty sure the friend im seeing is convinced we r like in a relationship or About to be and im just now realizing the extent of that and how quickly im slamming the brakes/going to attempt for smth more casual. um.. girl help
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taexual · 2 months
Dude where do I even start :ccc
This chapter, I really couldn't wait to have some free time and read it peacefully (peacefully meaning, squealing and losing my shit at every paragraph)
I loved the plotting ok, the attention to details, the way they all worry about each other and just fight against this urge to bury Sid alive, so inspiring and wholesome :D
Also, something I've absolutely always loved about your writing is this continuous narration of the characters thoughs, interactions and quirks, like it may be the simplest of things for other people (like writers in general and stuff) but for me these moments -of Luna finally exchanging a gossipy stare with Maggie, or Jungkook feeling devastated when Oc took her hand away, and then making sure that it wouldn't happen again-, they just add so much endearment, personality, depth to the story. Idk, it feels like every comma you write has a purpose, and will eventually add up to some beautiful metaphors, and revelations.
What does it feel like to be such a talented writer??
Now, regarding the lovey dovey stuff... What the actual fuck are you trying to do to me? I swear I cannot look more deranged giggling at my phone every 32 seconds jfc, have some compassion.
Like jk demanding that kiss in the park? Had me doing flips
The “I never knew how to love you quietly."
AND OC RECITING HIS ENTIRE SPEECH??!? ‘We have Sociology together, I saw you sleeping in class, very cute by the way, the professor does not know how to shut up, have you seen that new Studio Ghibli film, I recently watched their classic with some friends, My Neighbour Jungkook, I’m Totoro by the way, I thought maybe—wait—no—’”
“Not one period, nothing,” you continued, a melancholic haze in your eyes. “Just commas and an endless stream of thought. You could have asked me to bury a body, I would have said yes.”
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The rain listened. It had become a fundamental part of your present and a prophet of your future: the two of you were going to spend the rest of your lives listening to the rain and falling in love.
This destroyed me actually, get me someone to listen to the rain and fall in love with, rn please and thank u
Also watch me try and write 'transfixing. Beguiling. Effulgent. Pulchritudinous' next time I'm falling asleep to test my writing abilities fr, just you wait
He was almost ready to call Rated Riot’s next song “Smile Lines” and just sigh dreamily into the microphone for five minutes while Yoongi played gentle piano chords in the background.
As if their entire discography wasn't like this already, at least in my mind it is. But yeah, I can totally see him doing something like that next time oc does anything remotely endearing (breathing basically)
Ugh idk what to say, you have me screaming and crying for this couple, these characters and their story all the time, and I love you for it. There are also things I forgot to mention because my phone refuses to actually save things in the Clipboard, but overall this made my week, as your updates always do (and that paired with Ateez's performance in Coachella in a couple of minutes?? Yeah life feels worth living again 🤭🤭)
Thank you sm for this, take care of yourself pleaseee, ill be waiting for the next one cccc:
oh how i wish i could thank you eloquently, instead of going sskdhfksh at every word of your message 😭 i must stress that the fact that you noticed (!) these little moments between characters and you've enjoyed (!!!) them is the absolute highest reward i could get 🙏🏻 it's so easy to skim, you know?
babe making you giggle is my main purpose in life at this point, i don't know what to tell you. and you'RE SO RIGHT OMG he's so whipped for her, their next album is just going to be jungkook morphing from this 🥰 into just this ❤️ (like me for you rn, fr)
i also hope you have more peace and quiet to do the things you enjoy in your life!! i love you!!! 🥺🤍🤍🤍🤍 bless ateez btw
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 3 months
damn my gyno put in my case notes that i appear 9 months pregnant 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl help i thought i was only a 6 at most 😭😭😭😭
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diningpageantry · 7 months
haaaaiiii guyyyyssss (gn) probably gonna be on here more often again soon. life events occurring. have occurred? still occurring, i suppose.
i'll probably post abt it more in depth at some ltr point, still in the very early stages of some stuff. i dont want to classify them as positive or negative things, however they're certainly things.
there's a lot of thoughts in my brain (hah), and ultimately i want to share them, but for now this is kind of me waving at everyone with a smile while my life has an "under construction" sign
#the last sentence also pertains to system stuff bc there was a major split from a significant alter#so like imagine an 'under new management' sign as well#not a host shift tho afaik but the split has resulted in a new fronter who's very active and has been co-con very frequently since#i've been having a Time recently in ways i'll ltr divulge abt but i finally established a solid communication with her today and that helped#i dont know how many splits/alters had broken off because intuition is saying a few but she's the most present and active in my awareness#i think we settled on her name being Lily but that may not be concrete#for a few alters i get like a single letter for their name and i try to work with them to find a name within that letter that feels right#one of my oldest and closest alters has only had the letter 'E' for the longest time and he and i cant find a solid name yet#every now and again im like 'edgar??? edwin??? edward??? emil???' and he's like 'fuck if i know' so like. fair enough dude.#i wonder if he'd like ez/ezara given that's a name we picked for ourselves pre-diagnosis however he doesn't fit that name in my opinion#ANYWAY. Lily is a teen girl in very much every way possible and she's very much an ANP#she is loved but as i type that she made it clear she's having an eyeroll reaction but that is the best i've got lol#i dont really mention system members often on here and mention them moreso to friends however i have a feeling she'll want a sideblog tbh#which is not something i've created/done for alters before as generally most of the system choose to be more private#but she seems extremely social and i want to give her her own space#i hesitate to give her an okay posting on her own on here mainly because i am an adult and i consider this blog an adult space#but im also okay discussing her in reference if that makes dense#anyway. yeah. as you can probably imagine shit has been Going On given there was a major split/restructuring but again that's for later#that's enough rambling from me lol ttyl
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
What's the "#pivotgang" thing about?
hooooo boy 💀💀 long story short, back in october 2022 m/bappe took a dig at galtier's tactics on ig after a game didn't go his way, then deleted the post; galtier was made to comply with his demands and changed things to better suit his needs, and the rest is history lol (psg possibly bottling the league). the hashtag he used under his post was the titular #pivotgang
here and here are two articles explaining the whole thing in detail, and here and here are emmanuel petit and thierry henry raising their eyebrows at him for it
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aliennooboo · 1 year
#nonsims#been thinking of the support group that starts this sunday#in a way my brains are all 'you don't need to go if it makes you uncomfortable!!! you can just stay home!!! that would be sooo comfy!!!'#but at the same time i recognize that stepping out of my comfort zone might be very good in this particular case#not that i haven't been out of my comfort zone all my life lol#i just know that i need Something that feels real and important in my life#i need to build myself some kind of a life where i will still have things to live for if/when i lose the most important people in my life#and you know what. i counted the social things i've done independently as an adult#like sure my bf's friends visit us a few times a year#but for me those visits are 100% tied to my bf and i would never see those people without him cos they're HIS friends#i do always refer to them as our friends but the reality is that i would never hear from them again if me and the bf split up#so i counted the stuff i've done independently (school or work or hanging out with mom/grandma/bf not included)#i've had dinner with my coworkers TWICE (i didn't want to go but i didn't dare stand out by not going)#i've been to a bar with my work partner ONCE (after one of those dinners)#i see my BFF 2-3 times PER YEAR#that's it. that's my independent social life for AT LEAST the last 12 years#so you know if i were to go to the support group and attend all 11 meetings...#that would be like the biggest social thing for me in my whole adult life#and it's so funny cos it's an AUTISM support group!!! my biggest social thing would be an autism support group!!!#so i'm trying to get into this mindset that i'll go at least this first time to see what it's like
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Me: Oh, so how long's the White Hat fic gonna be?
You: Probably around 80k-100k
Me: Oh oka- Wait... *looks at your AO3*
*sees that all your current works add up to about 84k*
Me: ... So what you're saying is... the WH fic is going to be as long, if not longer, than all of the other Villainous fics you've ever done combined???
Ok well when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous 😂
But yes.
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alectology-archive · 2 years
getting a lobotmy for myself is not enough. I need to get my hands on RJ’s outline for the books. I’ll only know peace then.
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zemnarihah · 1 year
ive obtained a guitar
#my mom had one that she said i could take. and for the longest time i was like no i should wait until ive been doing bass longer before#adding smth else. but then i was like. right now im rlly enjoying doing music and i have the time and the desire to do it. so like.#it seems silly to not. so i have it im gonna try and learn over the summer and see if i can keep up with both. and then when school starts#again if it comes down to splitting time between them ill have a few months in each of them almost like 7 on bass. and they're similar#enough to eachother that i think a lot of stuff will probably cross over right? idk i was looking into it and it seems like a lot of more#experienced players will play at least a little bit on the other as well. and i also saw an article that said learning the other will help#improve more on the first one as well#i mean the thing is. it is just for fun. but also i think it would be so cool if i could get to the point where i can make my own songs jus#to post on here or smth. i think that would be rlly fun but like if i never do. i still just like it and its fun so its fine if i suck#but ya im gonna do it if it ends up ruining everything i can just quit like whatever#the sad thing though is. its an acoustic waahhhh#if i keep going obviously i eventually am gonna get an electric bc i was trying to think of songs i could learn on acoustic and i literally#could not think of a single one i like. LMAO my parents had a copy of sheet music for stairway to heaven (i think my sister must've tried t#learn it at some point?) so i took that too. bc it was literally the only one they had besides a big book of mormon ones lol. so im gonna b#that guy that only plays stairway to heaven lolllllll
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rosesradio · 2 years
i: a scrapbook, worn and hoarded selfishly, because i cannot let go, though i have nothing to add. the picture inside the display has changed, though your letter remains; in the pocket of my journal, with countless others from countless others.
you: a donation box, with little hesitation. you told me once that letting go was hard; though as soon as you no longer heard my voice, you no longer heard my song. and my letter, my loving, lengthy response, ashes mingling with the dirt where it belongs.
#poetry#i guess--feel free to make fun of me lol just being a silly goose--#i guess i no longer care in a sense but i still keep things. i don't know how i'm supposed to feel about keeping things#but my ex wrote me a letter and i still have it. but the one i gave to him. when we kinda reunited. he said he burned it.#and obviously i was hurt but i was so desperate for company i forgave him. and we had a good time#and then when we drifted apart the second time. he unliked my spotify playlist. which sounds really stupid lmao but hold on#the playlist was for my novel i'm writing. it's a whole thing. he's the first person i told about it and read some to#and he really liked it. my mom said i was 'putting too much into it' like fantasy and romance...as if every book doesn't have that...#he gave me songs for the playlist and we talked for hours and i wrote a lot to read to him. and then when everything stopped with us i kinda#stopped writing it. and he still had the playlist saved i guess which was fine. the sorta split was mutual and amicable i guess#but to see he unsaved it kinda hurt because it's like he didn't believe in me anymore? but i'm sure it's not that#maybe he just got a new girlfriend lol. i'm pretty sure that's why he burned my letter#but#i'm sure if i texted him things would have been great for a little while. but then i'd just give him another piece of my heart--#and get burned again so. it's for the best#but i'm alright now. just reflecting#tw vent#(just in case)#rose.txt
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pepprs · 2 years
posts like that break my stupid fucking heart lol. i hate being in this situation and i hate that i hate it because im convinced im delusional about how bad it is right now and that it’s my fault for being a terrible selfish daughter and also it could be SO much worse. but no im not entirely terrible or selfish and yes this situation is bad even if it’s not the absolute worst it’s ever been or ever could be. i know we’re working on fixing some parts of it but that does not negate that i am living a suffocated life right now and never have fully known that freedom even when i haven’t lived in this house and still have so much work to do to finally get it and im so overwhelmed by this that i keep putting it off and running away
#purrs#also it’s like.. how does ANYONE live without the autonomy and shit you inevitably get as an adult. or the way people take you seriously#more and give you space and stuff. because i know i will miss some aspects of living like this but i think life after this will be so much b#better and freer. yeah it’s scary to make your own choices and move your own ways but also ummmm i am not living in a good situation and#there are so many fucked up things happening here. also i was gonna say something else ughhhh what was it. omg#OH yeah well idk if this was The thing but my parents don’t want me to ever have a place of my own bc they’re worried about my safety. i am#also worried about my safety but i think maybe i would like some independence. and i can’t work it out in my head lol#OHHHHH WAIT i remember. ok. so also. im 23 years old. my mom moved out of her parents home when she was 25 but she was already like dating a#and stuff and i.. well you know. but it’s like im 23 but i don’t think im even going to be able to afford a place of my own that is also#nice to live in. so i am going to have to find a roommate which is fine and also i want one anyway bc again i think it’s safer living w#other ppl and not just me and i just have to make sure that my future roommate/s are like.. not as bad as my 2 roommates i had on campus LOL#but it’s like I don’t think im going to be able to even split the cost for a place that is more than just bedrooms a bathroom and a common a#area. and ite like. when in my life if at all am i going to have other rooms to furnish besides my own bedroom. and when in my life am i#gonna be acceptable to my parents to live by myself. and when in my life do i stop talking to them every single day and depending on them fo#for every single decision. when in my life is my mom gonna treat my 40 h/w job (that in fairness i just started and technically haven’t EVEN#starred) with the same seriousness as my dad’s 40 h/w job. and when in my life is this fucking pandemic gonna end so i can go to conferences#and not be a burden or a disappointment and when in my life am i gonna find a life partner etc etc etc. i know i sound naive ungrateful#entitled etc etc and i don’t know what to say about that other than that my mom would think the same and already does lol but im tired of#longing and i would like to be able to function at a bare minimum level of freedom and comfort <3#delete later#also my parents don’t want me living in the city on top of not wanting me to live independently. so. lol <3
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