#this was kinda tough but fun
I wanna hear some stuff about Saitō Hajime! Maybe a short bit about him having just gotten summoned to Chaldea and how he gets settled in? Like, what's his priorities about having shown up to a new place, and how does he prefer to get situated and spend his time?
I'd definitely like to see how he interacts with Okita while he's at it too (be that brief or totally otherwise!), and (very optionally regarding the 3 character limit, not sure if in-passing counts lol) what his thoughts at least are regarding Izou as well.
You can just assume basic canon Chaldea otherwise though, with a rather chill default Master. They/them Guda works fine, I'm just here to hear about Saitō :)
Hello, thank you for the ask!!! I am getting to know Saitō Hajime's character as well, so I can't say this will be perfectly in character; but I'll do my best ^^
Saitō Hajime's Life in Chaldea (ft. Guda, Okita and a teensy bit of Izou)
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- Saitō seems rather nonchalant at first, calmly thinking; "Ah, looks like I'll be serving a new lord this time."  
- Hoping that he'll be in for an interesting time, he's intrigued to see what his new Master will be like. All the glitz, glam and sparkling leylines that transport him to Chaldea don't really excite him much.
- Despite his rather laid-back approach to his summoning, a part of him vows from the very start to leave if Chaldea ends up being more of a risk to his morals or integrity than he desires. Before he can even face his master, Saitō has already steeled his resolve to place his loyalty within himself first. 
-If things get too dangerous too soon, he'll bounce right outta there. - This is because in his past life, Saitō was one of the few members of the Shinsengumi that survived even after the fall of the Tokugawa ruled that they fought loyally on behalf of- until their eventual defeat at the hands of the implementation of the Imperial Family Empire's new rule. - If he could survive a time as turbulent as that, then heck, he'd do his utmost to live this time as well.
- When Guda greets him, with their warm smile, chill personality and friendly approach; Saitō is pleasantly pleased. He could get used to a master like this!! Impressed by the amount of free reign that servants have in Chaldea, Guda quickly gets onto his good side. - To him, this is completely the opposite to life in the Shinsengumi; with its rigid rules, practices and codes of honor. He won't have to worry about being sentenced to the ritual slicing open of his stomach if he decides to take a break now and then. He can enjoy his free time however he wants, and get in some training against brand new opponents. If things stay that way, Chaldea will be right up his street! - In his spare time, he may like to enjoy a good meal with faces both old and new; cheerily chatting over a good drink.
- It's there that he reunites with Okita for the first time in centuries!! As soon as they lock eyes, the two erupt into some friendly banter and teasing; ribbing each other over their life decisions.
"Oho, if it isn't Okita-chan.~ How's life faring for you? Still the same Meagre-chan from before?"
"I don't want to hear that from you, Shabbygumi. You're looking worn out, as usual!"
- Though they start out with some harsh roasts, the two begin bonding over their skills in no time. Saito greatly values as a fellow peer of his, and despite their differences, Okita cares about him as well. - Those two have experienced all sorts of trials and struggles besides one another, giving them a bond of familiarity that only comrades could share. That doesn't mean that he's not going to tease Okita, though. Not at all.
-Before they've even realised it, the two of them are often going together to the canteen to eat Soba together, Saito meeting many new faces along the way!
- Also, Chaldea's Soba is addictive to Saito. There's no way in hell he'd miss out on trying out the canteen's new recipes!
- Saito is also quite loyal to Hijikata, his vice-commander playing an important role within his past life. But he's a bit bewildered by this Hijikata's obsession with pickles, though.
"Ah well. He's as headstrong as before, that Hijikata."
- As for other activities, he'll get in some training too within the stimulation rooms in order to keep his Invincible Blade at the epitome of power- though he may not openly admit to doing that. He may be the sort to keep his training private (gotta stick to his laid-back exterior!)
- As he also has a rather neat and classy fashion style, if Chaldea has any tailoring or clothing areas; you may catch him there as well. - Life is good at Chaldea. Saito doesn't mind it at all. However, he's worried for his Master. The levels of battle, conflict and war they were enduring was beyond his wildest imagination, leaving him feeling a bit concerned for their sake. - If it was anybody else, he could just leave them at any time, or turn tail and flee when the time was right; but around a Master like that, who was standing so strongly and cracking such witty jokes despite the trials they faced...no way in hell was Saito going to leave them behind!! - So instead, he resolves himself to be Master's support by being the kind of person Master can talk to if they feel like giving up or throwing in the towel. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're alright, even if he has to drag them out of Chaldea by force. He wants to see his Master put themselves first.
- On that note, Saito digs his Master's sense of humor. A master he can joke around and have a good chat with makes for perfect company. He's glad that he could become acquaintance with such an interesting person.
- Finally, in regards to Okada Izou...let's just say that their ideals are at a loggerhead with one another. Saito respects him for his skill, yet doesn't really agree with the amount of risk Okada put his life in during his tenure as an assassin.
- As for Izou, he tends to be rather sensitive to criticism- even if it's of the joking kind; which means that they may butt heads a little before bonding over some much-needed drinks! After a bit of punching, I think they'd become great friends; with Saito's cool nature balancing Izou's defensive one.
- Is Chaldea the best place for Saito? Not really. But would he feel like leaving once he's there? Probably not. Despite the scale of danger he faces with every battle, he enjoys his Master; his allies' company, and the amount of free license he has to just act as he wants whenever he wants to. For him, it's a pretty nice summoning.
"Looks like I'll be here for longer than expected. I'll be in your care from now on as well, Master."
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effen-draws · 1 year
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Some intellect concept paintings for the fourth chapter of the swap fic!! I originally just wanted to do some sketches for a all of swap!Kim's skills (since I've had rough drafts for them for over month now) but I got... very carried away. So yeah you get some paintings instead!
Here's a little doodle I made in between painting:
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lunarneo · 4 months
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February's monthly sticker on my Patreon!
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freaky-flawless · 5 months
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The return of some old faces
I finally got around to fleshing them out, so here's some more info on them under the cut:
They're all students at New Salem University and share a dorm room together. Demonique and Luci have been longtime friends, attending elementary and middle school in Hell before transferring to Monster High together, while Fangel is newer to the friend group, but feels as though she's always belonged with these ghouls.
Fangel attended Belfry Prep her whole un-life until she was able to escape that stuffy and intolerant environment once she graduated and started college. She never agreed with traditional vampire values, and always kept friends outside of school that were different monster types, and she's absolutely thriving in campus life.
Demonique may or may not have feelings for her vampire friend, but knows that she's already in a happy and committed relationship, and so she keeps her feelings hidden. Aside from that she's super chill and often the voice of reason. She's also incredibly creative, and is apart of all kinda of clubs on campus.
As Lucifer's eldest child, Luci is set to become the new ruler of Hell once her father retires. She's actually pretty hyped about it, and figures a business degree will help her become an effective ruler. She's the campus's resident party girl, and given her popularity, she's known for throwing the biggest college parties around. Given her status, she's able to get away with more than the average student, but she tries not to abuse this power too much.
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skeletalheartattack · 8 months
i haven't played minecraft in years, but with the armadillo winning the vote, i think about how wolves don't really have much going on in terms of their utility. like anytime i tame a wolf, i end up just kinda keeping them sitting at home.
i think if mojang really does feel like wolves are deserving of armour, with the addition of armadillos, they really need to update wolves to be more useful as companion mobs, because personally... i never feel the urge to bring a wolf with me when im going out to do things, especially if it involves combat.
like, what do dogs do best? fetching stuff and digging, right? like i wish that i could just mill about with a wolf and they track a scent or something and start digging into the dirt and then proceed to bring you that item. like it could range from rarely digging up iron nuggets to digging up vegetables or whatever, yknow. combine the fetching stuff with combat and you wouldn't have to manually pick up stray arrows or items from mobs your wolf kills.
the only other thing i wish you could do with wolves is automate their health in some way, like give more utility to the bowl item so you can place it down for them to eat from so you don't have to constantly manage their health by looking at their tail. just minor quality of life stuff i guess.
idk, that's just my thoughts. i do like wolves in minecraft, they just feel rather lacking with the way some new mobs have so much going on, like the sniffer and allay and so on.
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asterlizard · 9 months
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Light Yagami cosplay
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19871997 · 2 days
#prefacing this w ik in fanfiction they're all just our little barbie dolls we're making kiss and it doesnt matter whatsoever but like Do you#understand how much love and respect and loyalty there is between connor and leon irl#like in connors nhlpa ama he immediately no question said that leon's the nhler who knows him best + that he's spent his entire professiona#career w him. whenever leon's asked what he thinks of connor the first sentance out his mouth is 'you [the media] know. he knows' and then#he carries on talking about how he's the best player in the world + connor never hesitates to return the sentiment#and between the two of them it's not sentiments they sau it like its fact bc it is#and their whole 'cup or bust' thing every analyst and their mother have taken it as a 'they're going to win in edmonton or not at all' in t#e sense that they want to stay in edmonton n stay together <- like not even in an insane person edmonton polycule type of way in the they'r#the best players in the world and have insane chemistry on the ice and are eachother's best friends type of way#like a reason why their pp is so lethal is bc those two on a line + the other team down yeah ofc thats going to be automatic#and leon saying that their best beats anyone else's best no doubt and connor talking about building the team from the ground up like leon w#s there when they got boo'd off the ice in 2014 he was a part of building the team that's thier damn team and in turn the sheer amount of#respect the rest of the team have for them and they have for the rest of the team and the trust that while they're the best players they#don't have to play for all of them n that's part of thier whole like. our fourth line stands up to any other first line rock solid belief#like and ofc thier on ice hugs and lockerroom hugs and that moment in the sportsnet knee injury doc and how they mention that they're best#friends whenever theyre asked and how their gf's are also best friends and also their damn dogs#NOT TO MENTION. he's my ride or die. im really lucky our paths crossed here in edmonton. as a friend it was really tough to watch that#<- leon's insane 2022 playoff run on a broken ankle#and the way leon's been dubbed the german gretzky and connor's been the next next one since he was 15 and the way they have such a solid#control of the lockerroom together and i dont know if they've ever said conflicting things to the media and how they've said that they push#eachother to be better (connor saying that leon told him to score more)#and their little taps throughout their season and bringing back their team from the dead and leon being the one to make connor laugh in#pressers and on the bench#ALL TO SAY. like i am a mc.matt.drai enjoyer in the threesome/winners room/asg/2997 are actually quite abnormal about eachother and matthew#has never been normal about anything in his life and this might be fun. kinda way#but 2997 are soulbonded in ways quite possibly none of us will ever be able to truly understand#<- also i do mean this genuinely like they're not normal people but both of them are not normal#SORRY FOR RAMBLING. i just wish there was better written fanfiction.#<- wish to be the change you see in the world innit tho#so funny to me how the eh is just canadian innit.
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synthaphone · 1 month
so there's a Stop Making Sense cover album coming out in honor of the movie's 40th anniversary, and i listened to the preview tracks that are out, and the best thing about it so far, for me, is that its reminded me that Girlfriend is Better is a really fucking good song
#i think girl in red's cover is fun but whenever i listen to it i have to listen to the original afterwards and be like DAMN!!!#i don't really like that she jumps into the chorus and 'stop making sense' parts early- kind of messes with the build up of the song for me#the original track is so killer. a song of all time#nothing is better than that!!!#i need a text post tag#i love MUSIC!!!! AAAAAAA (as a casual listener... i don't know like. any fucking music theory or terminology)#the thing about most of the tracks out for the cover album so far#is that they're like. not really very transformative?? they're very straightforward#so hayley williams is obviously having fun and doing a fine job singing burning down the house#but also its like. this isn't bringing anything new to the table for me... very listenable though. burning down the house!!!!#meanwhile in the little preview she's done; miley cyrus is sure putting a spin on psycho killer. but i don't like it#very excited for the full album to drop because i want to hear what kevin abstract does with once in a lifetime#and i love the national but i'm kinda like. can they do anything interesting with Heaven? i hope so! but i'm kinda expecting to be let down#like they'll just cover it straight and it'll be like. yep that sure is the national covering heaven by talking heads#im hoping they'll add something fun with drums... it'd dramatically change the vibe of the song but like. i like the national's drums#at the end of the day i think part of the problem is that talking heads are a tough act to follow
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hysterical-cats · 1 year
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evilest kitty on the planet
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ravinoforre · 11 months
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One last doodle before my vacation ends and the daily grind begins again
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revvethasmythh · 4 months
live footage of me doing combat on tactician difficulty
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driftpng · 11 months
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so my special interest is cooking & i've been getting back to looking into & learning it for a good while now. Anyways Here's The Steak I Made yesterday that turned out nice looking i think
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girlwithfish · 12 days
I had the conversation lol
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wolfplushlz · 6 months
Oh drones my boi got drawn yeaa
Try silhouette drawing and I also found a fun thing so will probably put it in the next piece idk yet
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Without effect
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modernday-jay · 1 year
hey gamers (especially my fellow trans brothers) i got a serious question: are you gonna be playing hogwarts legacy
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neriyon · 1 month
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Hey look, an idea I stole from @zylphiacrowley (chain of idea stealing haha), feat. very startled Hawu'li. More details for each relationship under the cut for anyone curious.
Tataru: She and Hawu'li are very close friends, all the way from the first days he spent with scions. They like to hang out, talk (mostly gossip) about stuff over tea, and while other scions take to Tataur's big moneymaking plans with a healthy dose of caution, Hawu'li is always ready to go do anything she asks. She's also the one Hawu'li usually goes to when he needs some advice or just someone to listen to his woes.
Y'shtola: I've mentioned this before but she reminds Hawu'li of his older sisters. They used to be on purely professional terms up till ShB, and have since made steady progess to become friends. The two of them can usually be found reading books in a same room or chatting about Y'shtola's research (Hawu'li is always curious to learn more).
Lyse: I actually first marked her as a friend, but then remembered Hawu'li is a Gridania starter so uh, family it is. Lyse has kinda decided to take the role of a caring big sister/mother figure by herself - despite being only 2 years older. These two lively idiots (affectionate) do get along well, and occasionally send letters now that Lyse is busy with Ala Mhigo stuff.
Estinien: "Boyfriend of my boyfriend" haha. They both date Aymeric, so they are part of the polycule together, despite not having too much romantic feelings towards eachother. They do trust and appreciate eachother a lot, and are in some sort of friends with benefits status. Hawu'li's can be a bit much for Estinien at times, but it's pretty common to see them sharing some casual contact which Estinien seems to like after spending time alone. They also share the single idiotic braincell over money related things (do not let them to the market without supervision!)
Thancred: Kinda between close friends and regular friends tbh. I feel like Thancred would get annoyed by Hawu'li's energy levels, but he'd also be smart enough to just dump the catboy on someone else when in need of some peace and quiet. Hawu'li finds him pretty nice and trusts him a lot, but does not really appreciate that Thancred prefers to keep him in the dark about most things - meanwhile Thancred feels he's a good kid but a bit too young and airheaded to be trusted with everything.
Ryne: Cat sees teenager, cat adopts teenager. While not as close as with twins, Hawu'li happily treats Ryne as part of the family and takes care to check in on her regularily after ShB. He often brings her gifts and books, staying over for some coffee and biscuits to talk about how scions are doing. Ryne tends to come to Hawu'li about any relationship troubles, and when she and Gaia start going out he's the first one to hear about it (and congratulate them, haha)
Minfilia: This is an intersting one, since Hawu'li usually befriends everyone quickly (if they want to be befriended). But somehow Minfilia's position as the leader of Scions made Hawu'li kinda hesitant to bother her too much, so kinda like with Y'shtola, their relationship stayed pretty professional. In hindsight, Hawu'li definitely regrets he didn't get to know her more.
G'raha: Boyfriends! As close as can be, spending lot of time together. Reading, talking about anything interesting they've learned, visiting new places, going on dates… pretty much anything. G'raha has great tolerance for Hawu'li's clingyness and doesn't mind some pda, so Hawu'li tends to stick to him a lot. Also just cat things: they will often knock their heads together and even start playfighting every now and then.
Alphinaud: Little brother! While more snobbish during ARR, Hawu'li does see some of himself in the boy, and does his best to keep him safe and help him however he can. Likes to gently tease Alphi (usually with Alisaie), but will be uncharacteristically ready to throw down with anything threatening his lil bro (he may or may not have growled at Fourchenault when he was talking about disowning twins).
Alisaie: Little sister and partner-in-mischief! Like with Alphi, they are very close and protective of eachother, with the exception that Alisaie seems as ready to fight to protect Hawu'li as he does to protect twins. They often tease Alphi together, or go channel their excess energy in some friendly sparring. Or run off to see who can climb some trees faster.
Urianger: Hawu'li likes him a lot, but unfortunately can only understand him like 30% of the time. However he's just happy to sit there listening anyway, and usually Thancred or Y'shtola know to check if he actually got the important parts. They like eachother's company, and somehow just hanging out with Urianger seems to calm Hawu'li down a lot, which has been a godsent to everyone.
Krile: Still a pretty new friend, but one that Hawu'li is eager to get to know more. He is however tiiiiiny bit nervous about it, since Krile and G'raha are clearly close, and he really really really wants to get well along with his boyfriend's close friend. Krile thinks he's a nice lad, and hopes he'd relax a bit and drop the random bouts of overly polite behaviour.
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