#to fill in all the missing moments
paperiee · 3 months
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It wasn't perfect, but it sure was beautiful...
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
About Kim's polaroid collection
It was easy for me to miss the first time around, but...
Chay was hiding those polaroid pics for Kim to find at random moments.
Each picture was left as a gift.
This particular one was hiding in the guitar strings.
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The rest of them in the box? Each one was almost certainly collected from a different hiding place. Each one with a hand-written message.
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Each picture is not just picture but a memory of happiness added to Kim's life when he least expected it.
Now excuse me while I yeet myself out a window.
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
hate going for christian weddings sometimes because i always see the prettiest women with the ugliest men, the sermon is always some shit about wives being slaves (but not like bad slavery, mutual slavery except the husband is a benevolent master which makes it okay) and making babies for their husband, the music is always lame, the mc is always weird and obnoxious, and older women keep fucking asking me when it's gonna be my turn and never take no for an answer.
#mine#personal#brief storytime in the tags#one of my family friends got married and i was happy she was happy#her parents are like an aunt and uncle to me#i was happy to share that moment with them#we cried and laughed together#and my friends#their other daughters were on the line and looked gorgeous#it was just beautiful watching us all grow up in a way and move on to “the next” together#BUT#im a pastor's kid#and my dad loves weddings#he drinks them in whenever he can now especially because they make him happy and he's had to attend a lot more funerals this year#he's been burdened a lot by how many people he's had to bury and how many hospital visits he's had to do#so i was happy to see him happy too#it just all felt so bittersweet to me#because i know how badly my parents want this for me and for themselves#there was a daddy-daughters dance at some point and i could feel my dad beaming beside me watching that#and i was a little sad about it because i was like im never gonna give you that#this could be the best thing i could ever give you and i will never give you this#i can never kneel at an altar in front of a pastor and swallow that sermon#i would never marry a man in my generation#if i married a woman you and almost the entire tent filled with people that watched me grow up would not attend#my happiest day would be another funeral for you#it was worse because im kind of a small celebrity in this community because of my parents and their siblings who are politicians#so people i barely knew kept coming up and asking me when it would be my turn and how they so looked forward to the day#and i was like i love that we're a community here and i missed the pestering of aunts since i left church#but at the same time i was glad to remember why i left#there is no freedom to be myself at all with them because all they do is project their beliefs and ideas on me because that's what children
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deeva-arud · 6 months
I'm the paranormal activity on your dash :]
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ashmp3 · 3 months
i was at the dentist appointment today and tell me why she complimented my teeth the whole time and you know ME miss “jeonghan tic tac teeth” to say i was geeked is an understatement. She said, and i quote “Most important your teeth are all so healthy no cavities anywhere and they are all in such a beautiful shapes” and i was like Ummm no do you see how the lateral incisor from the left is smaller and she said “You are so critical. Imagine if you had big square teeth it would clash with you image - Yours go naturally with your thin frame” LMFAOOOOO she said “vitak stas” to paint the picture better. she also commented how unusually sharp my canines are 🥰 And in the middle of the cleaning she stopped and said “You should wear contacts your eyes are so beautiful - what a rare and striking shade of blue” (i told her i do wear them usually but i’ve been staring at my laptop screen whole day and my eyes were hurting) 10/10 experience i always love going to the dentist maybe that’s why they love me too
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bitterpngs · 1 year
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[ID: two drawings of yuuji itadori from jujutsu kaisen. he is holding a bunny in his arms and has it placed next to his face. he is grinning happily with one eye closed. he is wearing his school uniform and he has acne all over his face. he also has an ear piercing. he also has two scars. a diagonal one between his eyes and another on the corner of his mouth. there are sparkles surrounding him. the background is purple and the figures are a soft white with a pink gradient. in the second picture, purple bunnies are in the background as a pattern. end ID] 
🐇 🐇 🐇 ❗❗❗
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shartfinz · 10 months
my problem with art is I don't have an obsession with random media that I can make cringe aus for I like mcr that's real people 😭 I miss liking Homestuck more I could actually draw when I liked Homestuck more
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they could have had the moment after the bathroom fight be longer, have them step even closer, have the fight be more sexually charged and it would be perfectly tonally right and nothing that new for succession. if for nothing else, then to make it less.. dismissible... cause i'm pretty sure there's eros in this relationship lmao. ..... jesus. against my better judgement my thoughts just keep circling back to that mattmac interview. cause it's one thing to say everyone has their own interpretation but it's another to say it's projection
and i'm not saying this to dampen people's enthusiasm about the finale or tomgreg. cause the authors are dead for good and it's our playground now. i just like being called insane for the right things, and seeing sexual tension between tom & greg in s1-3 and most of s4 is not one of them.
hey, really appreciate this anon. i'm with you, they definitely could've heightened the sexual tension in the fight scene while staying 'on tone.' for me, it's just frustrating and/or confusing knowing that tomgreg 'won' last night (e.g., in being solidified as a 'forever' pairing), yet nevertheless feeling like there was something else still in the room, holding their chemistry back/preserving grounds for 'projection,' even if subtly.
more than anything, though--why confirm stewy as queer in the finale but not push beyond subtext with tom/greg? why maintain plausible deniability with one ship if you're still choosing to ally yourself with lgbtq+/alienate homophobic audiences with another? not to sound jealous of kenstewy fans (lmao definitely am), it's just too bad, that in choosing to make one queer-affirming concrete judgment call, they didn't take it a step further/make others.
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floydsteeth · 1 month
I miss sleeping inside a box like when I was 9
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friend-frog · 5 months
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Okay so it took my a sec to collect my thoughts about one does not love breathing but finally, I have put them all together.
There is a reason that my shortcut to ao3 links first to you fic. I didn’t create this shortcut, google simply decided that since I visited your fic so much it should quick link me there. Since I really can’t put it all into words I’ll give you that.
You made me love Félix, a character I never really cared for but gosh darn it have you made me another of his fans.
You wrote Marinette how I feel she deserves to be written. Not perfect, not crazy, just flawed and stuck. She carried this fic on her back and I praise her for it (Marinette’s my favourite character but don’t tell anyone that)
The way you wrote the finale, the depth of story. It felt real. It felt like one of those TV shows that if the story had been shit you wouldn’t have minded because ‘hey, it has my favourite guys in there’ but then the story went and was amazing and you’re just left sat on the floor wondering how you got there.
I would read the spin-off where Félix and Kagami did big-boy business all day and had tense chess matches where they dissected each other’s souls.
I’d read Emile going evil, or Marinette and Adrien’s silly trip abroad while Adrien fails to propose a million times. I’d read Chloé using her bad bitch powers to push the business global while Zoé and Luka tried to follow along.
You built these characters into something so tangible and I thank you for it.
Thank you,
Tl;dr fic very good, pat pat
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sizzle oh my gosh i am hugging you so tight and crying into your shoulder 🥺💛
thank you for enjoying my story and thank you for taking the time to tell me! it means so, so much that you stopped by to offer such nice compliments. seriously, it's people like you who make me feel happy to have persevered and completed odnlb!
i know it felt like a plot-driven story (and jklsdfjkldf ok it was) but it was just as much character driven. getting a good understanding of the odnlb cast as well as defining their arcs was what really fueled the narrative! so the fact that you ended up liking all of them and how they ended up (even felix!) makes me feel like i did a good job.
i'm so glad this story means that much to you! it is you who i should be thanking for stopping by to grow my heart ten sizes 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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pebblezone · 1 year
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Living life yay huzzah yay
#a#I have beef with my school. am I happy here? absolutely. do I think we are beyond lame for not having an actual guy? 100%#letters don’t count!!!!!!!! having a capital letter for your school doesn’t count!!!!!!!!!!#like it’s not even a complete absence of a team no just like a silly little physical guy than runs across the field#and can be all cute on stuff on shirts and be stuffed animals it’s the marketing potential they’re missing out on#though I guess I’d rather have no physical dude than one which sucks complete ass I’m talking about pen state fuck that guy#I need to watch the gnomes again wait oh my fucking god I was thinking like damn I did the gnomeo juliet ace attorney moment#but my brain is knee deep in hellsing so idk how to connect them but bruh every piece of media has some form of rivals#I’m not emotionally invested in andercard but the idea of Catholic and Protestant gnomes is really funny#and they’re already British!! lovely!!! at some point in college I need to use gnomes for a grade I can’t let that be a high school only bit#did you know that gnomeo and Juliet is technically owned by Disney? add that to your marvel cinematic universe#oh gnomeo and Juliet poster we’re really in it now#did you know that the version of hello hello that’s in the movie featuring lady Gaga is not on streaming services? they take lady Gaga out#it’s really unfortunate the echos and duet aspect make the song it’s not just one or the other it’s Two Gnomes!!#have two exam grades back that I have not looked at out of fear#either they’ll be bad and I’ll watch hellsing to make myself feel better Or they’ll be good and I’ll watch hellsing as a reward#unrelated but it looks like a gutter on the other side of my dorm got busted and I’m trying to figure out if it’s always been like that#maybe it has and I’m not a gutter glorifier like I thought I was…. rip observational skills#I have a group project I have to work on and it’s evil I do not enjoy the class and it’s not very lgbt slay girlboss of me#but god dammit I am not filling out a fucking gender unicorn for your class that’s between me and my tumblr drafts from 2019#it gets a credit out of the way and I never have to take it again I am so strong#man what does it say about society that I’m more excited about Econ than wgs (it says nothing the Econ professor is just goofy and fun)#(also he does more than read off of slides and show those like buzzfeed social experiments)#but none of that is important since next week is when things get fucked and I’ll end up with more free time! yay strikes!!#update: made it back from project zone those fuckers held me hostage using social norms#it’s okay though I’m sooo strong and brave#talkingcore
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monster-noises · 1 year
I am plauged!!
My brain doesn't like to stop coming up with new comic ideas and it's such a fucbgnkgmejcndKing problem!
I've had a sudden concrete idea for a Plot for Virgil and Thomas (and the whole of the Golden Hand honestly) and it's.. so So tempting to throw it on the 'current works' pile as if Haggarty and FaHI aren't Enough gjfjfnnendjc
It is humanly impossible to write 3 webcomics at once. Humanly impo s s i b l e .
If i write them like the 200-some-odd page GN's I kinda want them to be it may be.... Easier. And take less than a lifetime to achieve
But st i lL
It sounds like such a fun Romp!!!! With such a different vibe from the other two!!!!!! Like the three of them together kinda wrap up my core artistic/narrative intrests in a nice little trifecta.....
And writing a sort of bad-guys-save-the-day spy+action story in the sort of ridiculous sci-fi world of Andromadis just sounds like Such a good time...
Who Doesn't want to read about five of the United Cosmos' most notorious mercinaries (and their boss) begrudgingly take on a Government Plot that could unravel the entire galactic system? Mostly in the name of their own self interest but who knows what lessons they could learn along the way???
I would love to read that. Personally.
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vagueiish · 5 months
i think that it's gonna be oli's canon that he and asta did meet before the events of the game. like, briefly. and very shortly before, mere days
and, yeah, asta did try to seduce the guy and bring him back to cazador. but oli's hella insecure + he's demi. so like not really interested (yet) (i mean, come on, he wants to know how he could be into someone only five minutes after meeting) + he's almost willfully oblivious to flirting (and also thanks some timely intervention from a family friend! what luck!!!) so he's safe. barely.
mostly i want this big, dumb interaction where asta tries to be seductive and oli's like ????? the whole time. something along the lines of:
oli, trying to make polite conversation while waiting out the rain: so, uh... what's your name? astarion: whatever you want it to be, darling~ oli, not exactly unused to being flirted with but isn't exactly super used to it and doesn't want to make assumptions: is... is that elven, or...?
#i wonder. did astarion always go for seduction? or was he savvy enough with people to realize#that sometimes all he'd have to do is be like 'aw i lost my puppy' or some shit and he'd be able to get people#to follow him to their dooms that way?#because a sob story about a dying grandma or lost puppy or whatever#would have worked on oli far better than any pick up lines lmao#i imagine there'd be some points where asta was like 'nah this guy isnt biting. time to move on'#and then oli seems almost receptive which keeps him going#oli would in some ways be a perfect victim:#clearly far from home#clearly not of means#wouldnt take much digging to realize that he wouldnt really be missed should something happen to him#tho asta wouldnt be able to get him drunk. considering he finds all alcohol gross yucky#i have a rough outline of how the meeting would go#and the end of their encounter is almost sweet. if filled with intense amounts of dramatic irony lmao#basically oli's like 'youre a good person! :) im glad kind people like you exist in this city#bc the experience has sucked ass for me so far!!!!'#and astarion gets to sit there for a moment like ....what a naive idiot. jfc#he does (fortunately or unfortunately) find a replacement victim shortly after#idk. maybe it's a nice little respite for him to deal with someone like oli?#oli doesnt recognize him after the crash#im unsure if asta would recognize oli....#ship: blood sweat & tears (s!asta x oli)#oc: could it be this misery will suffice? (oliver)#to the void with love
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arklay · 2 years
am i the only one that gets like post posting fics/edits ough? idk how to describe this lmao
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
its impossible for you all to understand how much of my thoughts r in sweeney references. like there is one person on this earth who understand and its my sibling who is similarly inclined...
#bc i cant at work just be like. I had him and then . but with lamp. i can say the first thing that comes to mind#which lets say hypothetically its oot and im trying to get all the poes and theres one left.omg just have to get this one FUCKING poe. so#easy. go to the cunt. its under that little thangy on the other side of the river from the stairs to kakariko. spoilers if yr trying to#find all the poes in oot but im gonna go ahead n tell you nothing is worth dealing with this cunt.#but anyeays. Omg there he is. shoot him. he runs away#im riding on epona teying to catch him trying to shoot HE KEEPS FUCKING GETTING AWAY. IT TOOK ME 2. FUCKING. HOURS.#and like. my 3rd to last attempt. i was so. so fucking close. like one more shot i wouldve gotten him yk. so close. but he gets away. and#Immediate immediate reaction was I had him and then . his throat was there beneath my hand. NO I HAD HIM !!! HIS THROAT WAS THERE NOW HELL#NEVER COME AGAIIIIIIIIN. it was very funny#bc i was genuinely shaking with rage look i dont often relate to sweeney im gonnacome out and say bad dude yk. in that moment ? i was like#no to be honest there IS a hole in the world like a great black pit and its filled with people who are filled with shit and the vermin of#the world inhabit it . and yk who one of those vermin is. That fucking poe that fucking poe i hate him i want him dead.#i want his wife. Dead. i want his wife. Dead. i want his wife. Dead. i want his w#my fav video i miss it..#but anyways yes its near constant. i cant even say yes eithout my brain going yesss... Isnt that her . Shadow-on-the wall 😏? where Theree#Primping making herself even prettier than USUALL if possible.pretty women etc#i cant say oh no without going OH NOOOOO!!! ohhhg goddddd... dont i know you... she said....................#i love final scene mainly bc i love hearing all the sweeneys realizing its lucy Spoilers btw. not bc its like an avting momentbut bc its SO#FUNNYYYY. 2006's oh god genuinely sends me into hysterics. hs says oh no in lowercase and then goes oHhhfh goD...... its so funny#and who is it that does the rly ling OH NOOOO. its the original one ITS SO FUNNYYY#first of all the kittle bahbuh!!! after Its only a miserable old be- is so long its so funny#and then awkward beat of silence and then OH NOOOOOOO!!!!! and then he says oh my god . in the most harrowed voice ever#ITS SO FUNNYYYY#everybody go listen to final scene Firstly it is my favorite sweeney song probably. love loven ofc 2012 number one 4everr the lyrics r#slightly different from every other version bc 2012 sweeney Technically likee. well its set in a different time period normal sweeney is i#think like. late 1800s? 2012 is 1930s bc of the parallels with like capitalism and what have you.. so the framing device is its a group of#factory workers talking abt sweeney GUYS 2012 IS SO FUCKING GOOD IT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL.#but ya its be like. og sweeney is set during the industrial revolution so like yk. n then the 1930s with labor unions n all that was going#on.. u get it u get it anyways. its so good but some kf the lyrics r sliiiightly tweaked just to like. suit the time period better and im#going to say something blasphemous . 2012s lyrics r so much better and flow nicer and dont sound as stilted like. the older ones dont sound
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