#to get a shiny unovan one too
goldensunset · 5 months
was trying to shiny hunt for oshawott earlier and i like picked up my oshawott plushie and gently cradled it in my arms as if it would help
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Emmet would totally not get why the Hunting Guild is so terrified of the Black Dragons, especially Fatalis. He'd look at it and think he's an oversized shiny charizard. And considering how popular that line is in Kanto, you can bet he's faced his fair share of Charizards
Emmet being completely unafraid of "classic" boss monsters because in his mind, they're a really big pokemon. Pokemon that don't fight fair, but can be still *outwitted*.
Emmet, fumbling a pokedex/hunter guide: "Verrry interesting! You look to be similar to a Heatran recorded in northern Sinnoh! Although your proportions and enviroment suggest otherwise."
Akantor, the size of a building: *revs up to cause a volcanic earthquake*
Emmet, realising: "Ah. Best I ascend for this trip." *summons Archeops to Fly him to a higher point*
I feel like Emmet does pause when he sees certain monsters. Notably ones like Astalos and the Soulseeker Mizutsune - ones that look a bit too similar to Unovan Legendaries.
He's also doesn't have a deathwish. If he recognises a threat as being "off the tracks", then he has no shame in Abandoning the Quest or using sneaky tactics to wear down his threat.
Eelektross is pretty amazing for hanging onto monsters weak to Thunder-damage. And ofc Galvantula is a genius for crafting combo-Pitfall/Thunder traps with her webs. Durant and Excadrill are also helpful in creating foxholes or pitfalls mid-battle.
Emmet does make sure his team are nice and healthy. He doesn't understand why he has to be finished after 60 mins... it's curry picnic time :3
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reides · 7 months
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it's time for a reides update!!! this post is going to focus on reides the kingdra's generation 6 adventure!
first of all, you might be wondering why there's no post devoted to the ribbons of generation 5. like i mentioned briefly towards the end of my gen4 post, the gen5 pokemon games have no ribbons in them... not even one for entering the unovan hall of fame! thankfully, this weird lapse in the ribbon trend was relatively short-lived, as ribbons came back in earnest for generation 6! and so the grind continues...!
this generation of the pokemon games includes both the kalos AND hoenn regions. thanks to my friends and our shared memories of playing these games together, i have a whole lot of personal fondness for this generation - so i knew that i'd enjoy this segment of reides' journey. also, since reides hails from emerald version, it meant that he was going to have a bit of a homecoming.
of course, i gotta take a quick moment to mention my other ribbon master posts! they can all be found in my ribbon master tag or on my neocities blog.
now then, let's get started!!!
luckily, since i got my first file of y to the post-game and never replayed it, i was able to use playthrough from Way Back When in reides' ribbon quest. this saved a whole lot of time, of course! for those who don't know, gen6 of pokemon introduced a somewhat controversial decision. in an attempt to streamline the ribbon page, gamefreak consolidated all of the contest and battle tower ribbons into two fancy plaques. on one hand, this is kind of sad, as it meant that 48(!!!) ribbons were now just... 2. that meant for way less scrolling on the ribbon page. however, on the other hand, it's kind of cool, too, as the contest memory ribbon and the battle memory ribbon are both styled like plaques and are really, really gorgeous.
since reides managed to gather all of the relevant ribbons, he got two shiny gold plaques for his hard work. you can see those plaques in the bottom row of this picture, which i took upon his arrival in kalos.
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it's worth noting that, in generations 6 to 8, the golden battle memory ribbon has a requirement of 8 battle tower-related ribbons. in these gens, if you have less than 8 battle tower ribbons, you get a silver plaque instead. a few months ago, however, gamefreak made a FANTASTIC decision and changed the golden battle memory ribbon's requirement to 7 ribbons! this was likely implemented to make up for the now-defunct gen4 wifi servers. it was great news for people who didn't have the means of connecting to the fan servers that i detailed in my gen4 post. regardless, i was still really happy to have the gold plaque at this part of my journey. i didn't regret my decision to take on the world ability ribbon in the slightest... even if the sight of a perfectly normal machamp now makes me tense up out of fear of dealing with a hacked no guard sheer cold user.
anyway, my first order of business was definitely opening up pokemon amie so i could FINALLY play with reides!
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i was looking forward to this for such a long time!!! i immediately fed him a bunch of poke puffs and pet him a whole bunch. i would've done this even if i didn't have to do it to get a ribbon - but it turns out that maxing out your pokemon's affection in amie is, in fact, a requirement for one of the gen6 ribbons! namely, you need your pokemon to ADORE you for the best friends ribbon.
there's actually a way to grind for this ribbon so that you can get it pretty quickly! i'd feed reides pokepuffs until he was full, then i'd pet him until he started spawning music notes instead of hearts. at that point, i'd play three rounds of tile puzzle on easy mode so that i could get more pokepuffs, reset his appetite, and get my petting to spawn hearts again. each round of this puzzle game can be completed really quickly, so i figured it was the optimal difficulty for my purposes - but any minigame would definitely work! the tile puzzle game also gives you some cute little pictures of your party as you complete each puzzle, which i thought was a great added bonus! sometimes, additional pokemon would photobomb, too.
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for maxing out reides' affection, i got a throne fit for royalty.
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i then visited bonnie in lumiose city, where she was chillin over in prism tower. (apparently, she only shows up after you beat lumiose's gym leader - namely, her brother, clemont.) she was impressed with the bond that reides and i shared and we got the best friends ribbon.
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we then scuttled on over to the pokemon league, which we challenged in order to get the ribbon for entering kalos' hall of fame. i'm still sad that we couldn't get one in unova, but i digress... maybe someday, be it in a remake or some sort of new adventure set in unova. (since we're going to unova for the upcoming indigo disc dlc, maybe it'll even be there!)
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at any rate - i somehow forgot that kalos' league is absolutely amazing! each member of the elite four is so iconic, and they each have BEAUTIFULLY decorated rooms that reflect their respective personal styles very well. i had to take a photo of champion diantha's room; it was just so, so gorgeous. the stained glass flooring reminded me a lot of terapagos' terastal form! the place's aesthetics aside, reides was pretty much able to solo the league on his own... what a champ! even though he did most of the heavy lifting, my whole party (including this random gengar named gaspar that i got wonder traded way back when; he was in my party when i arrived so i decided that he could come along) got kalos champion ribbons.
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it was then time to take on one of my favorite little mechanics introduced in the kalos games: super training! while ev training off wild encounters is my usual go-to nowadays, i really like this feature. back in the day, it pretty much introduced me to the concept of ev training, so i feel like it deserves a whole lot of my respect, haha. i had all of the courses unlocked thanks to my training in the past, but i still had to clear all 30 of them with reides. i got to work on that while i was doing some super training of my own - i.e. while i was walking on a treadmill. lmao.
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eventually, reides had all 30 of the necessary medals for the training ribbon. i hopped in a cab to go see the character who'd give it to me and learnt that super training is a whole Thing in kalos; the term 's.t. meatheads' had me losing it.
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though i put it off for as long as i could, it was finally time to face gen6's battle tower - the battle maison. thankfully, gamefreak realized that they went a little too wild with gen4's six battle tower-related ribbons and i only had to get two battle maison-related ribbons in gen6. the first of these ribbons would be from beating one of the normal battle modes (namely, emerging victorious against the chatelaine at battle #20 of it). the second one was for achieving a streak of 50 on one of the super battle modes, which would require beating the chatelaine at battle #50. i decided to take on the single battle mode for this ribbon master quest, which... may have been quite the choice. it was my first time taking the maison on, and i heard (both from friends and from various posts made by people online) that the single battle mode was the hardest one. you may be wondering why i opted to choose that mode, then. unfortunately, i don't really have an answer for that. I Just Did. HAHA. speaking more seriously, i'm generally more comfortable with battling one-on-one, so i opted to go with what was familiar to me versus what would be easier to me. as it turns out, the first battle maison ribbon (the skillful battler ribbon) was incredibly easy to get on reides. i used the same ol' team of albatross, origin and reides and yoinked it on my very first try. after breezing through it, i had one HELL of an ego. "gen4's tower was way worse," i told myself. "if my team got through that, they can get through anything." I WAS WRONG. AND THIS SMALL CHILD WAS RIGHT.
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my streak in the super singles battle mode broke several times in the 30s; more times than ever before!!! my team was being hard-countered. even when i opted to replace reides with persana the suicune (you only need your ribbon master for battle 50; it's fine if you don't have them present in your party for the full streak), we were still having an incredibly hard time. i knew that i couldn't brute force my way through the maison if i wanted to get through gen6 in a timely manner. so i opted to try out a very, very popular little strategy for grinding wins in it.
this strategy involved none other than the cute steel bug known as... durant.
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(fair warning: this part of my post is gonna get a little technical!)
wild durants typically have the swarm or hustle abilities. however, truant is available to durants as a hidden ability... and a truant durant is the absolute crux of this strategy.
truant is a strange little ability that makes it impossible for your pokemon to attack consecutively; your truant pokemon can attack on turn one but will then spend the entirety of turn two lazing around. this ability sounds like it'd be absolutely useless on a durant, right? it probably would be... if our awesome little bug didn't learn entrainment at level 44.
entrainment allows your durant to change its target's ability to match its own ability. this isn't permanent, of course - a pokemon who got its ability changed by entrainment gets its ability back to normal once it's switched out, or after the battle ends. but pokemon in the battle maison are very rarely switched out, so... you see where i'm going with this, surely!!!
the truant durant strategy basically relies on outspeeding your opponent and landing entrainment on them so as to pass the traunt ability to them. after doing that, you swap your durant out for another pokemon. it can't just be any pokemon for this strategy to work, though. you'd need one with the move protect, as well as a stats-boosting move, such as dragon dance or shell smash. by using protect on the turns that you expect your opponent to attack on and using your stats-booster on its traunt-afflicted turns, you can safely max out your pokemon's stats and proceed to sweep the entire enemy team. the general pattern is therefore as follows:
your durant uses entrainment, giving the opponent traunt
you swap to your stats-boosting pokemon*
your stats-booster uses protect, avoiding damage from the opponent
your stats-booster uses its stats-boosting move*
repeat 3 and 4 until your stats-boosting pokemon has maxed out stats
* = your pokemon takes no damage, as it is a traunt turn for your opponent.
please note that this order shifts a bit if your durant gets knocked out on turn one! if it does, you get a free swap *into* a traunt turn, so your stats-boosting pokemon doesn't need to start off with protect and can get right to boostin'.
in order to get a traunt durant, i knew that i'd have to use sweet scent in order to spawn horde encounters. within hordes, pokemon have a small chance of having their hidden ability. however... i also needed that durant to have a speed boosting nature so that it could outspeed whatever enemies it faced. ideally, i wanted a jolly one; one that would have reduced special attack for increased speed. i COULD have simply caught a small army of truant durants, but i was wary of testing my luck like that and decided to test it in another way that was, hopefully, less time consuming. basically... i hatched ralts eggs until i got a jolly one with synchronize. with this ralts leading my party, the pokemon that i encountered had a 50% chance of being jolly natured, themselves - even while the ralts was fainted. i then grabbed my sweet scent user - a cute little spritzee - and got to challenging hordes of durants. after catching 3 truant ones, i finally managed to get my hands on a jolly natured durant with the traunt ability. i named her 'donatella.'
then came the matter of my stats-boosting sweeper pokemon. i went through my boxes and noticed that i had a ton of leftover pokemon from various breeding projects during my y playthrough. (just as this gen opened my eyes to ev training, it also opened by eyes to iv breeding!) i saw that i had an adamant dratini with perfect ivs, as well as its hidden ability. i knew that dragonite's hidden ability, multiscale, would give it some tankiness in the battle maison (it reduces the damage that the pokemon takes when its hp is full), and i also knew that dragonite could learn dragon dance (a move that increases both speed and attack) as well. i decided that it was finally this little dratini's time to shine after spending years and years in my pc. i named her 'venus.'
finally, there was the matter of my third pokemon. using one of my already-trained pokemon was definitely an option, but i saw a LOT of people online talking about how cloysters with the skill link ability can easily hard-counter the super single battle chatelaine's team. to employ strategy, you give your cloyster a focus sash and have it use shell smash on the first turn of the battle. the focus sash keeps your cloyster safe from being ohko'd on that first turn, and, after getting the shell smash buffs, it can outspeed most of the battle chatelaine's team. skill link allows cloyster to land the MAX NUMBER!!!! of hits for multistrike moves, giving its icicle spear attack a whole lot of power - enough power to k.o. the chatelaine's tornadus and thundurus. while the chatelaine's choice scarf-wielding landorus potentially poses a problem (as it may outspeed your cloyster and potentially finish off the last of its hp), you can easily circumvent this by using ice shard on it, instead.
this little strategy works consistently, so i figured i'd raise a skill link cloyster, myself... just to be safe. while trying to hatch a jolly ralts with synchronize, i actually hatched an adamant one with synchronize, too - so i used him for my little shellder hunt. i fished a suitable shellder up from the sea in no time at all and named her 'applause.' here is a picture of my new battle maison warriors, all ready for the training grind:
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i ev trained this trio of pokemon by giving them power items (which boost the amount of evs that you get per battle) and by taking on hordes via sweet scent. since i had the same ev build in mind for all three of them AND since gen6 introduced the party-wide exp share, i was able to ev train them all at once. i took out weepinbells on route 19 for attack evs, wingulls on route 8 for speed evs, and hoppips on route 7 for special defense evs. you can make this process SUPER fast if you use a high-levelled pokemon with earthquake or surf, as you can take out all 5 members of the horde with one use of the move!
once everyone was all ev trained, i levelled them up by repeatedly challenging cafe le wow in lumoise city while keeping the party-wide exp share on. it was during this training-fest that reides finally hit level 100, too!
in the end, this was my battle maison team:
donatella the durant (choice scarf) ability: truant nature: jolly evs: 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense - entrainment - toxic - x-scissor - iron head
venus the dragonite (lum berry) ability: multiscale nature: adamant evs: 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense - earthquake - fire punch - dragon dance - protect
applause the cloyster (focus sash) ability: skill link nature: adamant evs: 252 atk, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense - shell smash - icicle spear - ice shard (for landorus) - protect
this team worked like a dream for the whole maison, and i was able to get my streak of 50 wins on my very first attempt with it.
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admittedly, i kept applause the cloyster in my pc until the final battle, during which i swapped donatella the durant out for her and slotted reides in, as well - but i was just so relieved to maintain an unbroken streak. there were a few thorny situations, so i don't think this team is entirely unbeatable or anything of the sort, but i definitely recommend the truant durant strategy if you're struggling with the maison. it felt SOOOO great to finally get through it... i did NOT expect it to be as difficult as it was.
also, in hindsight, i could have likely sped this process up a whole lot more if i followed donatella up with applause the cloyster rather than venus the dragonite. i seriously underestimated skill link; that thing lets icicle spear hit like a TRUCK! furthermore, venus needed to use dragon dance 6 times to max out her attack and speed stats, whereas applause's shell smash would only need 3. so... you know. i do think that dragonite offered better coverage, at the very least, so all's well that ends well, i guess. while it may have taken longer to clear the maison with venus, i'm really happy that i was able to raise her properly. that alone is a huge reward, since i LOVE dragonite. more pals sharing in reides' ribbon master journey is always a good thing, too, right?
once i got those final two ribbons, reides' time in kalos reached its end. before leaving, i randomly decided to raise a kangaskhan, because i remembered how cute mega kangaskhan was and wanted one for myself. (shoutout to my friend, rachel, who traded me a kangaskhan with awesome ivs Way Back When and made it super easy for me to raise one of my own!) i named this new kangaskhan 'chips,' since i was snacking on some really delicious sour cream and onion chips at the time, and decided that she'd accompany reides on his adventure, too. (...along with her little baby, of course. that goes without saying!)
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with kalos' ribbons handled, it was time for reides' homecoming! i plopped him back into pokemon bank and then booted up my copy of omega ruby. he was all ready to go home to hoenn. hilariously enough, i didn't have a file in the post-game for omega ruby. if this ribbon master challenge has taught me anything, it's that i have a shocking amount of pokemon games that i drifted from without ever completing. fake fan alert. (I'M KIDDING!!!!!) but, anyway... i only had to wrap up some wild plot cover-legendary-related business and nab my 8th badge, so it wasn't like i had to replay the entire game. i really enjoyed how everything played out, and it was also a treat to meet wallace again. he's one of my fav pokemon characters ever, and his oras redesign is absolutely incredible!
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immediately after getting my 8th badge, i slotted reides into my team and rushed on over to the pokemon league. since my alpha sapphire file is currently devoted to my shiny badge quest (which will hopefully be a post of its own, someday!), it was actually my very first time taking on the pokemon league in the oras games. not gonna lie, i had low expectations, as i figured it'd be a simple 1:1 reskin of the rse league rooms - but it kind of took my breath away.
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like the kalos league, the revamped hoenn league was utterly gorgeous. i tore through it with my team until we eventually faced the LEGENDARY steven stone. it was reides' first time facing him as a champion, as, in emerald, wallace was champion, instead. since he was a level 5 horsea while the rest of my team faced wallace in emerald, i gave him a shot at a hoenn champion battle and let him take steven on.
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once reides single-handedly took down steven, my team entered the hoenn hall of fame. even though reides already had a hall of fame ribbon from hoenn, he actually got a second one for entering the oras one!
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after weeping openly at omega ruby's beautiful credits, we then headed to lilycove city. once there, we took a bit of a break from the ribbon grind and paid a visit to the cove lily motel. it turns out that some small indie company called gamefreak had just checked in. i talked to the game director, who was amazed upon seeing reides. since reides was from emerald version, he noted just how far he had come and gave us the time travel award. as lovely as this award is (you can even put it up in your secret base!), it's worth noting that the art featured on it is inexplicably shiny locked?!?! so reides had his normal kingdra colouration in mine! it's still a beautiful award, though, so i edited it for the purposes of this post!
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i put the award up in my secret base and focused on a much-anticipated part of reides' ribbon master quest: the hoenn contests (part two)! the contests on oras are similar to the ones in rse - however, instead of giving ribbons for each and every contest win, the oras contests give a brand new ribbon for each *master* contest win. this meant that reides needed to take on the master contests for each of the 5 contest categories (the same ol' cool, beautiful, cute, clever/smart, and tough ones). like i mentioned all the way back in my gen3 post, oras also took the sheen limitation away, so i was finally able to max out reides' contest stats. since his stats were already really good, i didn't have to feed him too many pokeblocks for him to have the perfect contest spread.
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i was so proud of him for finally having everything maxed out!! it's truly what he deserves. the contests themselves were also pretty easy. i'm not sure if it was necessary or if having perfect contest stats meant that they hit a cap, but i went and picked up the red, blue, pink, yellow, and green scarves from the pokemon fanclub in slateport and put them on reides just in case. also, while i couldn't use the amazing rest + snore combination of rse fame, i used the double team + secret power one (which i learnt about thanks to this post on the ribbons subreddit). my general strategy was:
turn 1: double team for the 1st pumped-up star.
turn 2: double team for the 2nd pumped-up star.
turn 3: secret power! (big boost thanks to being pumped up!)
turn 4: double team for the 3rd pumped-up star.
turn 5: secret power! (for yet another big boost thanks to being pumped up!)
the audience wasn't too pleased about the repeated double team on turn 2, but that didn't matter, as reides was able to win each and every contest category on his first attempt.
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since he got the 5 ribbons for winning each contest category at its master rank, reides also got the contest star ribbon as an added bonus!
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this was the last ribbon that i needed in gen6, which meant that reides' time in hoenn had come to an end. after wandering around the region a bit, peeking into various friends' secret bases and seeing the sights... it was time to pack our bags once more and gear up for the next part of reides' adventure.
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gen7 has even less ribbons than gen6, but i never thought that the battle maison would end up being such a big challenge in gen6 - so who knows how gen7 will go?! (...i do, actually, because i was slightly evil and grinded out gen7's ribbons before making this post. sorry. i won't spoil it, though.) regardless, i hope you enjoyed reading about reides' gen6 journey!
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pokemoncryptids · 2 months
Pelipper mail!
[Oh! It's a letter from Polaris!]
"Dear Delta,
Hello :)
I did promise that I would send you letters while I was away! This is going to be the first one.
Sinnoh is nice, just as cold as I remember. Probably worse since we’re up north. Had to buy Bird a new puffer jacket haha.
The best part about being back in Sinnoh is all the snacks I missed. You just can’t get Manapua and Onigiri in Johto like you can in Sinnoh. Or at least as far as I know, I haven’t been looking overly hard…an adventure for later!
The sanctuary is doing well! I went and visited Theta while Bird was taking a nap in the office, and she’s starting to really settle in. She’s much less skittish, and came right up to me for a sniff when I said hello. Of course, having a litter of adopted sneaslet kits doesn’t hurt either. Did I tell you that we're naming the sneaslet kits after the letters in the Greek alphabet too? There are five kits so they're going to be named: Gamma, Epsilon, Zeta, Iota, and Psi. If we ever get a shiny I’ll name it after you haha.
….I’m trying not to let Bird see it, but something has been itching at me since being back at Sinnoh. I don’t like it. It’s not like- the danger sense. I know you’re looking after the not kids so that does soothe me. But something is like- settled??
It’s Spring in Sinnoh right now, and the second we got off the plane there was a Sunshower. I think it’s Her. Enamorus, I mean. I feel- more here. Something. I feel something. It’s hard to put a finger on it. I’ll figure it out eventually.
I guess one perk at least is that people know me here. Did you know our neighbors back in Johto think I’m a cryptid? Andrea told me that. They think I’m some sort of spirit. It’s a bit funny. The bakeries and shops know my order here and let me get away with getting samples for Bird to try. Of course is also bad that people know me here. The paparazzi are fucking hounds Delta. Sigh.
Hm. I should take you to Sinnoh sometime. I mean, you’ve probably already been to Sinnoh, but there’s a lot that I think you haven’t experienced, especially without me as your tour guide haha. It’s very spiritual here, especially in and around the temple areas up north. There’s a guy who hand carves and paints palm-sized idols of Gods for pocket altars. I know you have the big altar, but I did commission an idol of Suicune for you anyway. I also got you a blue patterned kerchief to wrap her in when she’s done. I commissioned one of Enamorus as well, for good measure, although that one will take longer since he’s never made one of her before. Forgotten God and all that.
The spring air really is nice here. Crisp. Cool. Don’t get me wrong, I miss home, but it’s so warm in the house all the time cause the not kids aren’t built for the cold like I am.
Oh! And! For the record. The Suicine Idol isn’t the only thing I got for you. Mwahaha! You will simply have to wait and find out about that one though.
Sending you love and energy!
[A letter was sent in response]
Hello Polaris.
It would be cruel of me not to sent a response, as my migranes have been too bad for me to take up any kind of commission work lately. I've mainly been living off savings from my readings. Don't worry. I'll scrape by, but hey. Now I have all the time in the world to respond to you.
I've actually never been to Sinnoh before.
I'm glad to hear Theta is well. I think about her a lot.
Not sure how to feel about having a pokemon named after me.
Maybe your danger senser has been going off because I haven't been over a lot to look after them. In my defense. Tari kicks me out whenever I come over unless I hide somewhere else in the house. I've been talking a lot to the blond haired boy, he's much calmer than the rest. Much more reasonable.
People have spoken to me about the strange sounding Unovan who follows the red head teen around. I have assured them that you are a tired tired guy, who wants nothing to do with magic or curses or being chosen at all.
Thank you for the gifts. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate.
All I can give you is this letter, and my well wishes.
I love you, as always.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Zorua Erin is actually a shiny Hisuian one, so his little eyes are sad and needy. He just looks at s/o with them and a little whimper and suddenly they can't go grocery shopping because their son is lonely and dying. Poor Ingo gets manipulated by Erin on accident, too. S/o probably gets one of those like cat backpacks, so they can take him with them.
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Inka and Emma are normal Unovan Zorua, and one of them (Inka) torments s/o. They struggle to keep up with the playful Zorua, but eventually just let her go a bit wild. Emmet picks them and puts an end to it with a giggle about the girls needing a nap.
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Also, sorry, I just found a bunch of cute gifs of Zorua and Zoroark...
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kindredcookbook · 6 months
hi there!! could i please have some recipes for a fickin of eevee from pokemon? :D i really like sweets/deserts, cheese (no cheesecake though), and any kinds of meats/rice meals! kinda like a mix of sweet/savory! tysm !!
hello, oh little one of great potential!
it was really fun researching foods that eevees like to put together this list! since evidence points to a diet full of berries and grains, i tried to go for meals which have that sort of foraging-feel, as well as some meals which a lucky eevee might be fed by a trainer!
parasect stuffed peppers - i’m not sure if you are a bug-eating eevee, but since eevees are widely assumed to be based off foxes or cats, i thought that some eevees who do eat bug pokemon might enjoy this fun recipe for parasect-inspired stuffed peppers! as the recipe says, you can add meat or fish chunks to the stuffing, and serve these with rice! the other ingredients also strike me as the sort of thing a hungry eevee might forage in the pokemon world, and the red pepper should add that nice dash of sweetness.
oyakodon - a delicious, comforting dish of meat, rice and egg which has become a big favourite in our house recently. the texture of this meal is just amazing! i always think of eevees as egg-eaters- but maybe that’s my own bias, because when i’m hungry during a shiny hunt, just imagining frying up one of those green and white eggs gets me drooling…
stewed hamburger steak - a super-yummy, filling meat dish which is famously unovan yet served with a twist in kanto, johto, hoenn and sinnoh. there’s cheese with this one, too, and don’t forget to eat your greens on the side!
cheesy spanish rice - on a trip to paldea, why not stop to make this delicious cheesy rice? lots of goodness in this side dish. pair with a spanish or mexican meat dish if you want a larger meal!
mini fruit tarts - gather up your supply of oran berries and give these mini tarts a go! the perfect sweet snack for long journeys, and you can use all different kinds of fruit or berry according to your tastes.
moist chocolate cupcakes - these cupcakes are a perfect shade of eevee-brown. i think they would be really cute with some extra decoration if you’re feeling fancy; fondant or paper eevee ears, chocolate icing eevee tails, berry eevee eyes… the possibilities are endless! …and of course, how could i leave out these real-life poffins!
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battle-subway-ghost · 11 months
Never been good at introducing myself. But, here we go.
I'm Paris. Or Ghost. Either one works. Ghost is a nickname, and has been an alias for a while now. I don't really care which one you want to call me. Anyways, I'm 24, and my pronouns are he/him.
I used to fight in the Battle Subway a lot. So if you remember a guy named "Ghost" from there, that's probably me. That's all over now though, I've been living in Galar for a while now. Still connected to my Unovan roots though. Imagine some braviary sound effects here, I don't fucking know.
If you think you recognize me, firstly no you don't. I keep my face private for a reason. Secondly, don't come up to me if you aren't looking to have a battle. Not gonna force you but I don't like talking to strangers outside of that.
So my horse accidentally posted a video of me getting attacked by my rival's Froslass. So my face is kinda out there now. Don't fucking harass me or shit like that, don't be a weirdo. (and no, this doesnt mean ill be posting more pictures of myself. Don't ask.)
Anyways. Enough about me, here's my team.
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I've also got a battler in-training, and 3 rattata that I keep as pets. I might as well give 'em all a graphic here.
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FAQ because people in real life keep asking me this:
Q: Cheri looks very pink. Is that normal? A: Yes, he does. It probably is.
Q: Is that a shiny alolan rattata? A: No. Bean is albino.
Q: What's wrong with Grungle? A: Nothing. He's a weird subspecies or hybrid, not sure which yet. Either way, he's turning blue. This is safe.
Dunno what else to say here. My main interests are battling, so if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask me. I'm not an actual EXPERT on it or anything, but it's whatever.
Hello! This is the OOC part of the introduction! I follow from @act11as, and ooc posts will be tagged as such, and will usually have the color green. I don't always do this, as it can be grating to look at after a while.
Muse is an adult, mod is a minor. Don't be weird, or I'll screenshot your ask and make fun of you with my friends. Into the hall of shame with you.
(Weird: NSFW/Suggestive asks, fetish mining, etc. Do not fucking do these.)
ALL TRIGGER WARNINGS WILL BE TAGGED AS "[word] tw"! This is to make it easier to blacklist things! if I ever miss something or you need me to tag something in specific, shoot me an ask or a dm! I'll try to remember.
Guidelines/Rules I guess?
ANY kind of Pokemon Irl blog can interact! Eeby deebies, sapient pokemon, evil teams, whatever! I cannot guarantee that Paris will be nice to you, (ESPECIALLY an evil team) or believe you.
IN CHARACTER anon hate is perfectly fine! Be an asshole to Paris! I'm fine with (again, in character) homophobia, whatever. Keep in mind that I won't always respond to these however, especially if they go too far in my eyes.
PARIS CAN AND WILL BE AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR! He doesn't know all the details, he can be wrong, he can flat out lie. Just something to keep in mind!
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are always open! Feel free to torment this guy whenever you so please. (links go to the source posts for all 3 lol)
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) andMusharna malice (sending nightmares) are always on! Once again feel free to torment this guy.
Magic anons are usually off, unless I specifically specify otherwise!
Organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Paris' pokemon should be tagged like this.
#rival tag - Tag for posts mentioning/about Paris' rival. (rival?)
#mylah tag - Tag used for @/tinkatinktrain- who was formerly anonymous.
#bluebird anon/bluebird tag - Tag used for @/blu3b1rdsss, similar situation to the above.
Previous arcs/Lore:
#A Frosty Reception / #A Frosty Reception 2.0 - Takeovers of one of Paris' childhood friends. done twice because I kept getting sick :(
#Gone Fishing Arc - Paris fucked off into the woods and almost never returned! Good look into his character.
#Kicked to Kanto - Smaller thing, what it says on the tin.
#Team Fauna - Inconsistently tagged, but should have the vital bits in the general area? (Check "Cult tw" if otherwise). Paris goes undercover in a cult. He's very smart.
#Unraveling arc - Post Team Fauna- Something strange is going on with Paris' reality...
#Greyed Walls Event - ((ONGOING)) The aftermath of Unraveling. Our Paris is missing, and a curious foxlike entity has gotten involved... (Askblog-style event- this is an AU of Paris, set in a post-apocalyptic world!)
And finally, for music enjoyers- Here's his playlist! Only on Spotify as of right now, I am working to fix that, because fuck spotify.
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crystalelemental · 6 months
Unit Teambuilding - Neo Champion Nate
Who wants to bet that someone on Reddit will argue that actually this proves Nate is the real protagonist of BW2, because this Shiny Haxorus is only obtained when you complete your Pokedex, which could only be done if he did all the stuff with the legendary Pokemon. Who wants to bet me? I already won by the way.
General Overview Nate finally gets his alt, and all of his pent up fury at the world is released, in the form of a black Haxorus that is out for blood.  Usually I try to be somewhat thorough in my rundown of a pair's talents, but I'm going to cut to the chase on this one.  240% sync damage on grid, his new Circle effect can give up to 40% bonus move and sync damage depending on Unovan count, Field EX Role for a multiplicative 50% bonus.  Effectively, 420% sync damage.  By himself.  For free.  All conditionals are absurdly easy to apply.  This is all you need to know about Nate to justify his existence.
But wait, there's more!  Nate has a ton of interesting traits, including an AoE buddy move that unfortunately doesn't get no-penalty effect, but is 300BP and therefore a second nuke.  He also has the new Circle effect, which is basically a second Master Passive, but it works for sync too.  Nate, by himself on an all-Unova team, is +90% physical damage dealt, and -45% physical damage taken.  Like.  Free.  For completely free.  He always crits, caps attack on first trainer move, and gets that Buddy move back every time the team uses sync.  All of this around a very proficient rate of boosting PMUN for himself.  His role is take first sync, AoE explode sides, then fire off a compressed Buddy move with sync strength, and with a rotation or Circle -> sync -> Buddy and a full Unova team, gets 200% bonus damage on said Buddy move. There are sync nukes with less power than that.
So what are the flaws?  Well...he's Nemona. You know how Nemona operates on burst damage, then has nothing once used up? NC Nate is the same. You sync, you Buddy move, then you wait for someone to sync. Scale Shot is atrocious damage. And with Circles being 2MP and an impermanent field effect, this starts to cut into damage. Nate isn't built for the long haul that way. He needs partners. And outside of Iris and C!Iris? His only Dragon-type partner is BT Leon (or BP Zinnia if you want to be cute). Every other dragon is special. And it's rare that you want two different offensive types in a match. Not that he can't make it happen for off-typing, but you get the idea. His ideal partners aren't plentiful. But in truth? I kinda like these flaws. Every pair has to have some kind of limitation, and this feels more aligned to interesting teambuilding than other top meta pairs. Like, because of the limitations in play? If he isn't ending the fight after his Buddy move, his partner is picking up some slack. And Unova-specific boosts with Dragon Zone means base Iris is contributing. And that's just great. I love when a really good pair drops and actually brings up the lower tier with it.
EX, Role, and Move Level? Nate is a fascinating case.  Move Level is, I think, justifiable at 1/5, if you're going for more supportive effects.  You know.  Like I would.  But you'd still want the EX and Role, because Field role is huge for his potential support.  It's what ratchets Iris up to absurd levels of power.  Obviously, 3/5 is when Nate goes off the rails and becomes a killing machine.
Team 1: NC Nate, C!Iris, Hilbert Nate and Iris are the obvious pair, as both contribute bonkers Dragon-type damage to the team.  C!Iris has the added benefit of being an offensive debuffer, giving Nate the defensive backbone to keep trucking.  Iris' main problem is her own setup.  She relies on Atk/crit support, and for Unova, there's...really only one option.  Hilbert.  Hilbert is nigh-required for a full Unova team, due to C!Iris' needs.  You could just ignore that, though.  Bring whoever you want and let Iris serve as debuffer/flinch bot.  Not like Nate will need the help.
Team 2: NC Nate, Iris, H!Caitlin Now, if you are insane like me, this is at least worth discussing.  Base Iris can make use of all of Nate's effects, making her a surprisingly fun choice for a 1/5 Nate.  H!Caitlin supplies all the Atk/Spd the team needs, as well as some defensive backbone, and full Unova privileges.
Team 3: NC Nate, SS N, H!Caitlin Okay, now let's talk some bullshit.  Off-type is a possibility for Nate, given the raw damage output he can provide.  One really, really fun option is SS N.  SS N operates on a two-turn rotation of attacks, and relies on hitting a denial on sides to succeed.  Off-type, this is incredibly hard without a lot of support.  Support in the form of +90% move damage with potential PMUN stacks.  H!Caitlin is chosen for defensive backbone, speed control, and the last bit of Atk that N needs.  Also just because she is optimal.
Team 4: NC Nate, Colress, S!Hilda/Lenora "I don't care about any of that nerd shit!  This is Nate's time to shine, I want him to do maximum damage!"  Colress, you're up bro.  -6 Def by first sync, GG EZ.  You can throw in Summer Hilda if you want super good defensive bulk and Topsy Turvy, or you can throw in Lenora for added Leer and some team healing.  Either or.
Final Thoughts Nate is one of those Strikers who embodies the damage type he was born into.  His sync is immaculate.  The added effects of the new Circle, the Master passive, and the Zone are all tremendous, and would serve him well regardless of his raw power.  When combined, the man is a menace.  I can think of little to fault Nate with, in truth.
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startgamc · 6 months
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Public Vs Private Info — Kotone
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Public Info
—What an open book this girl is.
Kotone moved from Hoenn to Paldea at the beginning of the school year on a scholarship program for Uva academy.
Her ancestry is a mix of Johto and Sinnoh.
Her academic focus is in Pokemon breeding. She has a wealth of knowledge that she's ready to share at the drop of a hat.
She's very reckless and can be found in the oddest places around the school and across Paldea. Climbing trees, atop buildings, climbing steep cliffs. No one has ever seen her suffer from injuries related to this.
Her main Pokemon team are incredibly unapproachable with the sole exception being Clodsire.
She has a weird regional variant Cyclizar???
Occasionally she raves with the Segin Squad Team Star Base
She completed her gym challenges and achieved Champion rank in Paldea.
She's been nicknamed a "Murkrow" for her propensity for finding and collecting shiny things.
She's been accepted to Blueberry Academy as an exchange student this Winter and will be traveling abroad.
Semi-Public Info
—What you've heard is only a fraction of the whole story
Kotone was born in Verdanturf on May 27th.
Her mother's side of the family is from Johto — specifically Ecruteak city. Her father's side hails from Solaceon Town, Sinnoh.
Her biggest media influences was watching the Croconaw Hunter and Unovan Ninjask Warrior on TV when she was a kid.
She has a secret base in route 117 back in Hoenn. She accidentally left some of her old toys there.
She has an older sister, roughly 6 years older than her who started her journey in Hoenn. Her sister has since moved on to other regions after seeing all Hoenn had to offer.
Their relationship is okay, but her sister is never not busy and only has time for the occasional phone call here and there.
Her dad is a master electrician who gets work across many different regions setting up pokemon gym equipment and contraptions.
Her mother was not only skilled at handling contests as a Stage Manager, but she also was a very well-respected coordinator in her hayday. Kotone has her stories practically memorized.
Kotone is absolutely neurodivergent - autistic and adhd specifically. She's never been formally diagnosed.
If you're friends with her, she will gift you rare/shiny objects that she finds while adventuring. Expect to find gold nuggets and pearls thrust into your hand.
Private Info
— You need to be at least level 7 friend to unlock my tragic backstory
The Skitty charm that she carries around on her bag was a gift from her sister. She carries it everywhere for luck.
Kotone was around 4 years old when her sister started her Pokemon journey. Kotone does not have many memories of her from childhood as a result.
Kotone was bullied harshly when she was growing up. Mostly verbally/socially. Rarely did other kids hit her because she would hit back harder. This was something her sister taught her to do.
She has extreme anxiety about the friendships she does have and is very insecure in her relationships, but she's good at hiding this side to her. Usually.
Her parents are unintentionally neglectful due to having intensely busy work schedules.
This is the source for Kotone's reckless behavior and thrill-seeking nature. People pay attention to you when you do stupid shit.
Area Zero fucked her up a lot more than she lets on. Though she appears cheery on the surface, confronting AI Turo (or Sada) and almost dying in the process left her even more anxious and depressed.
She's only kept up the facade to keep her friends from worrying about her too much.
Kotone still goes in and out of Area Zero however because she finds the unique Pokemon there fascinating and spends a lot of time observing them.
She came back from Kitakami with a lot more insecurities regarding her friendships.
Unknown Info
— And so it was lost to time
Kotone is Katsumi's descendant and is affected by the bloodline curse inflicted on their lineage by Giratina.
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wuzhere75 · 2 years
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Honse with da Goofy Ah haircut
I got tired of worms and wyrms so I’d decided to crack open the fakemon region again (this is the same one Patygyrm is from, it’s based off the Pacific Northwest). I decided to work on a throwaway regional variant of the Zebstrika family that was Normal/Ground but after I thought about it a bit more, I came up with a concept I really love. I’m probably going to work out a few kinks in the design and properly render it at some point “later” (an undertermined amount of time in the future).
If you couldn’t read my terrible handwriting
(Whatever I end up naming the region) Blitzle+Etergaroe (Equine+Eternal+Quagga+Burro)
The Primitive Plains Pokémon
Based off three toed horses and other prehistoric equines; the extinct quagga; programs trying to “breed back” extinct animals such as the quagga and the tarpan; the theory that horses and grass evolved alongside each other; pampas grass; the grassy landscape of the Palouse region of the PNW; and the feral/“wild” horses and donkeys/burros found in eastern Oregon and other parts of the western US.
Also I find it pretty strange that their is no proper grass Pokémon even though the type is literally named Grass.
In the ye olde days of the region, there was an ancestor of the equine family of Pokémon. However, some event caused this species to go extinct. In modern times, the remains of this Pokémon and others of that era are found in fossils too degraded to be straight up revived. Someone gets the idea that they could “breed back” these species of Pokémon in the Pleistocene Park type scenario, and somebody with a lot of money of shady origin is willing to fund the project. Most of the project resulted only in disappointment, with the only “success” being a breed of Blitzle that lacked electricity but has a grassy mane. This didn’t prevent them from getting dumped out in the desert to cover up their creation, with the hopes they would just starve to death.
It’s been decades since the project shut down, with the group of Blitzle and their evolution, dubbed Etergaroe, that suddenly appeared one day, thriving despite arid conditions. In fact, this species thrives a bit too well, eating much of the native plant life into endangerment with non-native plant life (such as pampas grass) thriving in their wake. This has resulted in the regions government promoting the culling of this species, but the population seems to still be holding stable.
Blitzle and Etergaroe are far shorter but more densely built in comparison to their Unovan counterparts (think a pony compared to a normal horse). They are slightly slower but have a touch more bulk. Etergaroe is less impulsive and “agro” than Zebstrika, but still ill-tempered with a streak of stubborn thanks to some Mudsdale in their pedigree (the sketch back from when it was still Normal/Ground made this ancestry a lot more obvious). This makes them undesirable for inexperienced trainers, though those who have a soft spot for this Pokémon claims they are loyal and protective with the right touch.
For the shiny I combined literal “blue grass”, pink pampas grass (as you can see in one of the reference photos), and “red” dirt. I think it looks neat.
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snapvalentine · 2 years
My friend, I love you, but you’re bringing me down
In which Val encounters a weird skull in the coastlands and gets a touch unwell over it. Meanwhile, Volo tries to have a heart-to-heart with his buddy, and it turns about as foreboding as expected.
been wanting to write little scenes of val and volo for a bit!! may write more, albeit very out of order. may put them all together in a lil fic one day. who knows....
(for a lil context, val has a shiny hypno for a partner and volo uses they/he pronouns)
The sun-soaked sands of Hideaway Bay have never felt more inviting than they do now. Any roving Ambipom or Sealeo having seemingly retired for the evening early, leaving Val in his torn coat and sweaty chest wrap, alone. And that was just fine with him at the moment. He barely had the mind to notice just how hot it was getting under his Unovan leather. He was warned it was going to be a balmy evening for the coastlands, but the only thing Val could bring himself to care about, sat cross-legged on the loamy beachside, was the large, loose pokemon skull sunk into the seafoam.
And it was in pristine condition.
It’s head is like clay. A light and faded lavender clay. It can be molded, changed. But Val doesn’t dare alter it. An unknown reverence for the thing in his heart. He traces the pads of his fingers over small, squared horns and on the underside of the skull, feeling the debris and sand stuck in the corners of flat teeth, and feeling the holes where nostrils would have been just a few layers of hide and sinew above, a bit further down the length of the snout than where he expected they’d be placed. This thing looked like any other Aerodactyl skull he’d seen on school trips as a kid, but the sparks that shot just under his fingertips, as he ran moist palms over the soft, malleable head, carried with them such an unparalleled appeal.
The only other thing Val can muster to think of in this moment is Volo. Volo knows so much of Hisui’s legends and fauna. Val can’t help but wonder if they would know something about this too. If they’d feel the same unfounded sense of care for this thing as Val did. 
Surely. Surely. 
Volo found a certain care and nostalgia for even the gloomiest of tales they could muster, when they were in the mood to even recount a tragedy. Surely they would understand how Val felt now. How everything in this moment felt so. Beyond him. So new. So enthralling.
Then, a hot spark shoots through the back of his head. The tips of Val’s fingers leave perfect indents in the skull’s forehead. His jaw goes slack for a moment, before his breathing stills and steadies once more. The spark turns to a comforting buzz before quickly fading.
Val oh so carefully places the skull back into the seafoam, so Lugia’s waters may lap at the thing’s teeth once more. And Val gets to his feet and his spine ices in place for a moment and leaves him lovingly stunned, observing white ripples worm and seep their ways between crooked molars, and for once he understands Volo’s intrigue; their raw and running desire to know the unknown.
And yet. 
Volo does not need to know about this. 
Volo doesn’t need to know everything. Not at all.
This moment is just a gift for Val to have.
Val stumbles from out the wood just as the blue dark of night begins to settle beneath the trees and under cliffsides. In a moment, a nearby Hypno’s ears twitch, and the pokemon rushes to her partner’s side to assist him through scratching bramble that clambers along the hill. Vim curls the tip of her snout and mutters steady ‘hyp. hyp. hyp.’s as Val assures her he’s just fine. She does not let go of his arm, but at least eases up on her death grip. Her scaly pink skin glimmers lightly in the last few rays of the sun and she flags down the sunflower merchant just off in the distance with an easy, slow wave.
Volo comes bearing down the grassy hills with his trademark grin, jangling the entire way. Togetic follows in eager pursuit, and happily chirps and flutters around her psychic-type friend upon catching up.
“Ah, my friend! You had your dear Hypno worried sick!” Volo teases and shakes a finger just at Val’s nose. “And well. You had worried me a bit as well. But I stayed strong for dear Vim! Who knows where she’d be without me?”
Vim waggles her nose in the merchant’s direction with a furrowed brow and a roll of the eyes. Volo just chuckles into the back of his hand. But his typical mirth doesn't last long, upon taking in Val’s appearance. The time-walker was red in the face from the heat, no surprise, but he looked. Off. Out of it. Volo adjusts the brim of his hat out of habit and cocks a brow. 
“Just what were you doing out in the bay, anyhow? Can’t imagine us finding much of interest with the Remoraid.” He dots his sentence with an involuntary snicker. Also out of habit.
Val purses his lips for a moment, dry and cracked. He can’t exactly say he remembers. Val’s thoughts come slow and his words a bit of a slurry. “There weren’t any pokemon out there, you know.” He pauses, glancing back at the trees, at the faint hint of sea just beyond the woods. “There’s just. Nothing was there.”
In the time it takes for Val to return to his senses, Volo presses the back of his hand to the smaller man’s forehead and frowns like a disappointed parent. “Valentine, you’re feeling feverish. You truly can’t remember what you were doing?”
Val couldn’t respond. He hated that he couldn’t. Arceus, why couldn’t he remember? Why did his brain feel like a vat of sludge? Nothing happened. Nothing happened.
…And Volo only called him by his full name when he was worried. Or trying to soften him up. He didn’t want Volo to worry about him. He still couldn’t help the notion making his blood sizzle a bit. And moreover, now, twisting his stomach. All these months later, and he still wanted an absolutely no-strings-attached relationship with the merchant. 
Don’t feel bad for him. Like his dopey ass could compare to Volo’s own burning scars. Don’t feel Bad for him. It makes him sick. It makes the shame burn in his face redder than the 90 degree heatwave melting the evening beaches.
And clearly, Val wasn’t keeping watch of his own expressions, as he never did. Because Volo’s piercing gaze eased from one of concern to one of a gentle warmth, only ever reserved for him. Volo places a firm hand on the other’s back and eases him forward. “...How about we just turn in for the night?”
And Volo only ever talked like this when they wanted to coax Val into doing something. Even if it was just out of worry. 
…Val couldn’t say he necessarily minded it, in all honesty. Good intentions or bad.
But Val had spent enough time with the merchant by this point. They weren’t completely unreadable anymore, and Val could tell when they weren’t being genuine. They were never Not genuine around him anymore. Not in a while, anyway.
There was a slight waver in Volo’s steady foundation as he kept an eye on the terrain ahead. But everytime he noticed the time-walker studying him, he’d turn back into the soft, chipper-toned salesman from before. And he’d try to keep Val’s mind busy with light-hearted bits of gossip he’d heard around Jubilife that week. Whether it was to distract Val from his own problems or from Volo himself, Val couldn’t be sure. Then again, Val wouldn’t put it past Volo to be a very skilled multitasker.
Val huffed to himself. Volo wanted to say something else. Val knew that. Volo knew that Val knew that. And eventually, Volo relented, trailing off from a story about Cyllene and a Dustox with an awkward silence and near audible swallow.
“...I do apologize if I’ve been pushy these past few weeks. I know the prospect of finishing our collection has made me a bit. Eager.” Volo tightens their jaw a moment, a slight dusting of red on their cheeks. “If you’d like, I can look for the rest of the plates on my own. Just have you accompany me. Like before.”
The crunch of gravel under Volo’s boots is suddenly more present than ever. They do not look Val in the eyes anymore. “The last thing I’d want is to make your time here weigh any heavier on your mind.”
Val glances at Volo, perplexed. He was used to Volo being a bit out there. Val couldn’t say he wasn't either, especially not around this region, but the rare moments Volo spoke out of tune, spoke so very morbidly genuine, it always struck Val. Those were lines he always locked away in his mind for safekeeping, just in case.
Volo notices Val’s raised brows and lips parted in an uneasy contemplation. He huffs from his nose, grin threatening to appear again. “That is to say, I don’t want you getting sick on my behalf! Not for my silly little indulgences, you know?”
Val turns away and fiddles with the torn insides of his coat pockets, rolling ripped fabric between fingers. He beats back the guilt swimming in his guts again. “It’s not your fault.” He pauses. “It’s not you. I think I’m just-”
“-Overwhelmed?” Volo tries to finish.
Val shakes his head. “I don’t about that. I just. Don’t feel like we’re any closer to figuring out what’s wrong with me. I just want to know what I did so I can fix it, you know. I don’t know what Arceus thinks I’m supposed to gain from being kept in the dark.”
Volo frowns, grim again, and again avoiding Val’s gaze like his life depended on it. He tilts the brim of his hat, and the dark of the evening obscures his eyes. 
“...I can’t say I understand It’s ways either, my friend. Arceus’ decisions continue to remain… enigmatic. Perhaps that knowledge is simply not meant for us.” Their voice is so very at peace for someone always so very hungry for information, for understanding. “And yet, something tells me that I can still be proven false.”
Their lips curve up into a smile again. Their eyes are still hidden, but their smile. It’s another gentle one. For some reason, the fact that it’s so sweet and familiar chills Val’s heart just a hair. 
Val mutters his friend’s name as a question, and receives a warm hand ruffling up his hair in response. Volo’s sweet smile turns into a wide grin, and they shake another finger. “We’ll get our answers soon, Valentine.”
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Okay, this is going to be. A little incoherent. But I blame @rearranging-deck-chairs for Daemon-posting and getting me in that headspace of rotating the blorbos with some Creachurs. That being said, it's time for a vague AU that smushes Pokemon into Doctor Who and resultant Spydoc Thoughts (also, plot spoilers for ScVi's late game)
So, Thirteen's team is very... haphazard. She didn't put thought into planning them, they just kind of happen to her. There's very little rotation, just occasionally giving breaks to team members.
Togekiss - Twelve had a Togepi for a while. Like, a Very long while. Hell, Clara probably got her for him (not that he knew that for a time), and it took until Bill for the two of them to become close enough that she evolved into a Togetic. Usually, the Doctor puts aside their old team upon regeneration, but Twelve specifically wanted to pass her along as part of his wish that his next self would carry that hope and kindness. It... doesn't always work out, but Thirteen can't quite make herself give up on that. Togetic gets evolved into Togekiss sometime during season 11, after Thirteen properly accepts that she's travelling with her fam.
Porygon - I just adore the idea of Thirteen with a Porygon, okay? The whole line suits her very well. She picks it up fairly early - while she's still stuck on Earth and building her little teleporter post-WWFTE, most likely. Could she evolve it? Easily! Will she? Eh, probably not. It enjoys hanging out in her sonic and making friends with the TARDIS and eating Ryan's data (when it can)
Absol - She gets an Absol stalking her sometime during season 12 (pre-FOTJ) and can't shake him, so eventually he becomes an unofficial team member. He's not trying to be a bad omen, really, he just can't help but sense disaster around her. Flux is... a bad time for him
Beldum - This one is in the same boat as Porygon, where she could evolve it but never sees the point. She picks it up on a junk planet pre-Tsuranga and it just vibes with her. It gets along with her Porygon quite well
Helioptile - Just. Just look at it and tell me it doesn't scream Thirteen. Funky little electric lizard friend. The Doctor catches her sometime in season 11 and names her Tiny in honor of the P'ting
Sandy Shocks - My reasoning behind this one is twofold. A) it's fitting that the Doctor would have a paradox mon, and this one suits her vibes best. B) if any Doctor deserved a Pokemon that's the result of experimentation by an unethical and obsessed scientist who is also a deeply shitty mother, it's Thirteen. She picks this one up late - barely pre-Flux, some solo adventure with Yaz where they find one and it takes a shine to her (and vice versa)
Silvally - As with Sandy Shocks, this Pokemon suits the themes of Thirteen really well. She finds them during Flux, most likely, as a Type: Null that Tecteun kept (analogous to the Ood?). The two of them don't have all that long together, in the grand scheme of things, but they evolve relatively quickly
For the Master, he did plan his team much more deliberately, and he actually does some rotation.
Zoroark (Unovan) - Is this obvious? Yes. Will that stop me? No. He's trying very very hard to cultivate an appearance of over the top evil for the most part, and underlining how much of a deception O was with a Pokemon known for deceit is very in line with his actions
Lycanroc (Midday) - What his Zoroark spends most of its time illusioned as when he's O. Might well have belonged to the original O, just to drive the point in
Meowscarada - It's a dramatic magician cat that's part Dark type. He chose this on purpose and honestly, it's probably a shiny to boot
Farigiraf - He probably chose this one for the Psychic typing and good resistances, but the whole 'secondary head overtaking the primary upon evolution' thing feels like it should be a metaphor
Tyrantrum - Gives that Rock type coverage once he ditches Lycanroc, but its vulnerabilities and short temper fit him a little too well
Toxapex - Solid type coverage for a lot of things he's weak to, and it has the patience a lot of his other team members lack. Sometimes you just need to lay your plans and be able to sit back and wait
Aegislash - This one is almost purely for the sake of decent team comp. That being said, I feel like it fits well with Toxapex; willing to play the long game and adapt to the circumstances
Iron Jugulis - As with the Doctor, it makes sense for the Master to have a paradox Pokemon. One of the robotic future iterations made most sense, given the Cyberium, and a futuristic Hydregion - a Pokemon I can't help but associate with Ghetsis, and thus Immense Suffering - felt apt
Mimikyu - There is no Pokemon more suited to this vaguely upright bundle of identity issues shaped like an approximation of a Time Lord than this. He's probably aware of this but it latched onto him and they relate to each other. He makes it little Doctor outfits while he's Rasputin-ing
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destinybcnds · 5 months
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Public Vs Private Info — Kotone
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Public Info
—What an open book this girl is.
Kotone moved from Hoenn to Paldea at the beginning of the school year on a scholarship program for Uva academy.
Her ancestry is a mix of Johto and Sinnoh.
Her academic focus is in Pokemon breeding. She has a wealth of knowledge that she's ready to share at the drop of a hat.
She's very reckless and can be found in the oddest places around the school and across Paldea. Climbing trees, atop buildings, climbing steep cliffs. No one has ever seen her suffer from injuries related to this.
Her main Pokemon team are incredibly unapproachable with the sole exception being Clodsire.
She has a weird regional variant Cyclizar???
Occasionally she raves with the Segin Squad Team Star Base
She completed her gym challenges and achieved Champion rank in Paldea.
She's been nicknamed a "Murkrow" for her propensity for finding and collecting shiny things.
She's been accepted to Blueberry Academy as an exchange student this Winter and will be traveling abroad.
Semi-Public Info
—What you've heard is only a fraction of the whole story
Kotone was born in Verdanturf on May 27th.
Her mother's side of the family is from Johto — specifically Ecruteak city. Her father's side hails from Solaceon Town, Sinnoh.
Her biggest media influences was watching the Croconaw Hunter and Unovan Ninjask Warrior on TV when she was a kid.
She has a secret base in route 117 back in Hoenn. She accidentally left some of her old toys there.
She has an older sister, roughly 6 years older than her who started her journey in Hoenn. Her sister has since moved on to other regions after seeing all Hoenn had to offer.
Their relationship is okay, but her sister is never not busy and only has time for the occasional phone call here and there.
Her dad is a master electrician who gets work across many different regions setting up pokemon gym equipment and contraptions.
Her mother was not only skilled at handling contests as a Stage Manager, but she also was a very well-respected coordinator in her hayday. Kotone has her stories practically memorized.
Kotone is absolutely neurodivergent - autistic and adhd specifically. She's never been formally diagnosed.
If you're friends with her, she will gift you rare/shiny objects that she finds while adventuring. Expect to find gold nuggets and pearls thrust into your hand.
Private Info
— You need to be at least level 7 friend to unlock my tragic backstory
She was very young when Team Aqua and Team Magma unleashed Groudon and Kyogre on Hoenn. As a result, she gets severe anxiety during tropical storms/floods and hides in her room to wait them out.
The Skitty charm that she carries around on her bag was a gift from her sister. She carries it everywhere for luck.
Kotone was around 4 years old when her sister started her Pokemon journey. Kotone does not have many memories of her from childhood as a result.
Kotone was bullied harshly when she was growing up. Mostly verbally/socially. Rarely did other kids hit her because she would hit back harder. This was something her sister taught her to do.
She has extreme anxiety about the friendships she does have and is very insecure in her relationships, but she's good at hiding this side to her. Usually.
Her parents are unintentionally neglectful due to having intensely busy work schedules.
This is the source for Kotone's reckless behavior and thrill-seeking nature. People pay attention to you when you do stupid shit.
Area Zero fucked her up a lot more than she lets on. Though she appears cheery on the surface, confronting AI Turo (or Sada) and almost dying in the process left her even more anxious and depressed.
She's only kept up the facade to keep her friends from worrying about her too much.
Kotone still goes in and out of Area Zero however because she finds the unique Pokemon there fascinating and spends a lot of time observing them.
She came back from Kitakami with a lot more insecurities regarding her friendships.
Unknown Info
— And so it was lost to time
Kotone is Katsumi's descendant and is affected by the bloodline curse inflicted on their lineage by Giratina.
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[Games in 2023: Pokemon DLC "The Indigo Disk"]
Here it is!  Part 2 of the Scarlet and Violet DLC!  As a refresher for context: I really loved base Violet, and appreciated what Teal Mask had to offer despite it not entirely living up to expectations.  Will Indigo Disk close things out on a high note?  What is the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero?  And how much did I abuse the feature to invite your favorite characters to Blueberry Academy for my own nefarious purposes?
This will contain spoilers for base SV, Teal Mask, AND Indigo Disk!  If you want a tl;dr: Indigo Disk gives you LOADS of fun (and challenging) stuff to do, and despite its story plays things safer than I was personally expecting after the resolution of the base game, I’m still glad I bought the DLC.
Accessing the Indigo Disk content requires beating both The Way Home and The Teal Mask.  This is full-on postgame material, and the levels of the Pokémon you’ll find and fight reflect that, ranging from high 60s on lesser trainers up into the early 80s on the final story foes.  Not to mention all trainer battles here are Double Battles, which adds a significant new wrinkle to how fights are approached.  This is Serious Business.  We also get new TMs, new clothing and accessory options, and more Pokémon!  I felt like there were fewer options unlocked by the Indigo Style Card than the Teal one, but I really liked what was there, plus there are quite a few other options found through other means.  As for Pokémon, the new Blueberry Dex is slightly larger than the Kitakami Dex, and only overlaps with Paldea by around 60 Pokémon as opposed to Kitakami’s Dex being only half new.  Lots of Pokémon are back, including several that are on the Switch for the first time—if I recall correctly, the only ones still left out are Patrat/Watchog, the Elemental Monkeys and their evolutions, and Furfrou.  We’ve also got Dex entries for Walking Wake and Iron Leaves now, which is especially nice alongside the introduction of new Paradox Pokémon rounding out both of those Legendary trios.  As for other new Pokémon, we’ve got new evolutions for Duraludon and Dipplin (surprisingly), DLC mascot Terapagos, and…a new Mythical?!  Huh.  Kinda thought we were done with those to be honest.  I haven’t looked too much into it, but it seems like this guy will actually trigger a sequence of events, which we haven’t seen since…Victini?  Do we count BDSP, or PLA?  Whatever, I’m excited!  There are also old Legendaries to catch; I’d say they’re more accessible than Dynamax Adventures, but the list isn’t quite as comprehensive. (Also they’re all shiny locked.) And, as advertised, every single starter from Generations I through VIII can be caught in the wild here!  …After grinding enough points to purchase an upgrade.  More on that later.
The new map is a special facility called the Terarium, contained within Blueberry Academy in the Unova region.  It’s sort of an artificial nature preserve, divided into four different biomes each full of various species of Pokémon, bigger than Kitakami but not as massive as Paldea itself.  Feels like just the right size!  Each biome is fairly meaty in its own right, with lots of interesting landscapes to explore and some well-designed caves to boot.  One in particular is a reimagining of Chargestone Cave, and it does not disappoint!  The music changes a bit depending on the biome but stays recognizable, mixing in some Unovan inspiration with slight hints of Area Zero to reflect the influence of Terastal energy in the facility.  Oh, and the Flying Taxi on the loading screen is carried by Skarmory this time!  It’s a nice place, a wonderful setting for a miniature Pokémon adventure.
So, the story.  You’re escorted to Blueberry Academy by its Director, Cyrano—I like the guy, reminds me of Cabanela from Ghost Trick, and I LOVE his Honedge scarf! (Sadly, the Honedge line is not in this game.) You explore, meet the school’s self-styled Elite Four, and reunite with Carmine and Kieran, the later of whom has completed his evolution to Jerk Rival and become the academy’s Champion.  The previous Champion, uh, “arranges�� for you to challenge the Elite Four for the right to fight the Champ, and we’re off.  The BBE4 can be fought in any order, though they do have listed ranks to suggest a sequence; I wouldn’t be surprised if this was in response to fan reaction over the lack of communication of boss levels back in Paldea.  Each is holed up in a different biome with a different “trial” for you to pass before they’ll fight you.  Not a single one was easy, though I struggled the least with Crispin, true to his #5 rank.  Lacey was the one who gave me the most trouble, though.  They’re all likable characters in their own way, though if I had to pick a favorite…probably Amarys?  Anyway, after beating them you get a shot at Kieran, which was another extremely close call for me, but I managed to pull through!  It was a satisfying little boss rush.
Things then abruptly shift when Briar finally reappears, gathering a small group of students for an emergency scouting expedition into Area Zero, approved by Geeta herself.  It ends up just being you, Briar, Carmine, and Kieran, which…yeah, that makes sense.  Though having Geeta and Rika suddenly show up made me hope a little.  Kieran’s only coming because he thinks catching a Legendary Pokémon of his own will let him finally beat the player, but as this scenario progresses he starts to act a bit more like his old self.  The scenario in question involves returning to the Zero Lab, finding a secret path leading even deeper, and diving into Area Zero’s Underdepths.  Remember how sick it was seeing Area Zero for the first time?  The Underdepths are like, twice as sick.  It’s great.  As is standard fare, you need to defeat a few Pokémon to open gates forward, but what makes these Pokémon interesting is that they’re all Tera Pokémon with the brand new Stellar Tera Type, a type which contains the powers of ALL types.  Stellar-type Terastallization does not change the Pokémon’s defensive Type interactions, only offensive, giving a boost to one move of each type per battle.  So, you use a powered-up Rock move?  Further uses of that and any other Rock move are standard-power.  It’s an interesting way to build upon Terastallization’s versatility, and when used in Tera Raids, it just boosts every single move the Pokémon uses while Terastallized, which I imagine will be immensely helpful if one were to grind Raids for any reason.  Very interesting, and this gauntlet gives you ample opportunity to acquaint yourself with it before you get ahold of it yourself.
At the very end of the Underdepths, your party finds none other than Terapagos…who Kieran chucks a Master Ball at.  Uh, okay, cool.  You then have a boss battle against Terapagos in its Terastal Form, the one with the flat shell made of pentagonal plates, which is way smaller than I imagined it being.  I dunno, I thought it’d be more on the scale of like…Kyogre?  In any case, this round is easy, and Kieran and Briar are both confused and decide to Terastallize Terapagos and see if that unleashes its full power.  It does.  Terapagos takes on its final form, the one Heath depicted in the Violet Book…also weirdly small.  Maybe twice as tall as a person?  Not planet-sized.  I mean, I didn’t think we’d actually get to catch a planet-sized Pokémon, but…y’know.  This is Stellar Form Terapagos, which has an augmented Stellar Tera Type that boosts every move even outside of Raids, and it’s no slouch: it was a close match, but my level 100 Ceruledge with Bitter Blade and Leftovers was able to conquer it, especially with help from Carmine at first and Kieran at the end.  What’s interesting is that this round has multiple phases, with Terapagos taking away your Terastallization to create a barrier several times and changing its defensive Type for good measure.  After a long, hard fight, you’re able to catch Terapagos (it broke out of Kieran’s Master Ball), and as you return to Blueberry Academy, Kieran apologizes and asks if you can still be friends.  Roll credits.
The idea of Kieran, a character who snaps in his obsessive pursuit of strength, is sound in theory.  However, I feel like it was lacking in punch.  The key factor is almost certainly just time: Teal Mask speedruns the formation of Kieran and the protag’s friendship and then immediately shows it fall apart, with little to no time to let it sink in and actually matter to the player.  I stuck to the “Kieran is my friend” angle throughout Indio Disk, but it did feel like an act, and when he says he looked up to you for so long (like, an entire day!) it rang somewhat hollow.  That being said, I do rather like the way he stamps down his sense of failure to help you in the final round against Terapagos.  I guess I like Kieran about as well as I like a good chunk of Pokémon characters at least.  He can’t compete with Arven, though.  Oh and Briar doesn’t go nuts or turn evil or anything, she’s just excitable I guess.
I wasn’t entirely satisfied regarding Terapagos and Area Zero either: there wasn’t a clear definitive answer to any questions that had been raised.  Upon rewatching the ending and the postgame scene at the Crystal Pool, I think what we’re meant to take away is that Terapagos has been sleeping deep in the Earth for a long time, and the impact that formed Area Zero caused its power to leak out.  It is able to manipulate spacetime to some extent: Turo says that his time machine specifically pulls Pokémon from other timelines, which seems to be the truth about Paradox Pokémon.  How this enables advanced robotics and AI, I still don’t quite know, nor does it explain why Paradox Pokémon existed in Area Zero before the time machine was built.  But, it seems that Terapagos did not in fact come to Earth on a meteor, and there’s no particular reason for its abilities to terraform its environment, transform itself and other Pokémon, and bend time.  Which is…kind of a bummer, honestly.  The Way Home took Pokémon out of its comfort zone in a great way, and the Team Star Bosses and Arven were all written surprisingly well; to go from that high point to a standard, lukewarm story about finding and catching a powerful new Legendary…I can’t help but be a bit disappointed.  I hate the idea of getting mad at something for not conforming to my own expectations, so I’ve been trying to consider different angles and find one that leans the most in the story’s favor…but, maybe it’s fair that my expectations were where they were?  I don’t know.  I’m curious to find out how other players feel.
Oh, one other story-ish thing: if you’ve completed the Bloodmoon Beast scenario, Perrin shows up in the Terarium!  Apparently she’s just been hired to take photos for Blueberry Academy’s promotional material; she has another cool thing to show you, but tells you to catch 200 Pokémon in the Terarium first, justified in that she’ll follow you and take pictures for said promos.  I like that there’s a reason this time, her just saying “catch mons first” in Kitakami was fine, I could accept it as a video game thing, but it was very transparently that and I appreciate the effort to dress it up here.  Once you’ve caught enough Pokémon, she’ll show you two photos of strange, unidentified Pokémon in the familiar setting of Area Zero: two new Paradox Pokémon, obviously version-exclusive.  You need to search Area Zero for the locations in the photos, where the Paradoxes are standing there just waiting to be caught.  Unfortunately, there’s only one of each, complicating the process of trading them to complete the Dex…which is a little odd.  You can catch multiple specimens of every other Paradox—they even gave you a second Koraidon/Miraidon!  Personally I’m hoping these will be in Raids later like Wake and Leaves, because I really, really want to train a Gouging Fire…
Anyway, it wasn’t until I completed the story that I really began to interact with the other major feature at Blueberry Academy: the League Club.  I took an initial glance at it and decided to save up my BP (which stands for “Blueberry Points” now), but at this point I had no goal other than to grind for it.  You obtain BP primarily (near exclusively) through completing Blueberry Quests, abbreviated to BBQs, which is terrible but also hilarious.  Whenever you’re in the Terarium, you can bring up a menu that shows your current BP and a list of 3 active BBQs; these include things like “catch a Pokémon,” “take a picture of a Pokémon in X biome,” “pick up X items off the ground,” and such.  When you complete one, you are automatically rewarded BP and get a new BBQ to refill the list.  After completing 10 BBQs, you are additionally given a fourth, special quest for a larger amount of BP, which tend to involve things like picnics and Raids.  There’s a lot to like about this system: it provides constant rewards for microachievements similar to the research tasks in PLA, always giving you a few directions to follow if you so choose, and are much more digestible here.  One thing arises that frustrates me, however, that being repetition.  BBQs are chosen randomly, so if it’s not already on your list, it’s fair game no matter how many times you’ve already seen it today.  There have been several times where I’ve completed task A, to see it replaced by task B, to complete task B, only to see it replaced by task A again.  The first day of doing BBQs I was told to photograph swimming Pokémon at least a dozen times in a few short hours. (And let’s not forget that these photos clog up you Switch album.) I also dread seeing the “make a TM” quest, because in the entire Terarium there is exactly 1 TM Machine and I don’t always want to drop whatever I’m doing to head over to it.  The sandwich-making missions also feel like a hassle, but I’m not the biggest fan of the picnics as is, that one’s definitely just me.  I’ve also seen people say they really enjoyed grinding BBQs, so maybe this entire irritation is just a personal problem.
But once you have your BP, what can you spend it on?  Well, in addition to being used in the school store and cafeteria, there’s a computer in the League Club Room where you can access a list of requests for donations from other clubs, all of which come with a reward.  Essentially you’re paying to unlock or improve features, ranging from throwing styles to camera settings to League Club Room design.  What caught my eye immediately, however, were the options to “improve biodiversity” in each of the biomes.  This is how you unlock the previous gen starter Pokémon as wild encounters.  It costs 3000 BP per biome, with BBQs only very rarely giving you more than 100.  Admittedly it’s not as bad as I initially feared, but since these are more or less required to get enough Dex entries to satisfy Perrin, I would recommend saving up as a priority.  I feel like I should’ve expected at least one more hoop to jump through to get wild starters, but it isn’t really a huge deal.  Small price to pay for unlimited babies.  Additionally, after catching Terapagos you unlock the ability to invite characters from Paldea to visit Blueberry Academy!  The eight Gym Leaders are available right away, but you can also unlock the teachers from your old school, the Elite Four, and even Geeta.  Your guests will hang out in the League Club Room for a bit, and you can speak with them (or the members of the BBE4) to have rematches, get some items, and trade Pokémon with them; sometimes they’ll even have interactions amongst themselves.  I’m a huge fan of this feature: rematches were limited in the base game, and this amends the situation while expanding upon the bonding sequences that gave Uva/Naranja a lot of its charm.  The first one I focused on was Raifort, of course; naturally she hates being in a place as new-fangled as Blueberry Academy, but now you owe her a favor, and she keeps giving you bribes to further butter you up to become her puppet.  She’s great.  She also talks about the Abyssal Ruins, that’s a callback I’m quite pleased with. (Conversations about going swimming in Unova…my gosh, she really is Cynthiacore…)
Catching Terapagos also unlocks a few more things.  Briar calls you to her classroom and explains that your Tera Orb has been upgraded from being exposed to the intense Terastal energy in the Underdepths, enabling you to Terastallize in consecutive battles without ever charging it.  Oh.  Cool!  This gives you the chance to play around with the feature a lot more, and won’t intrude on the online experience at all since you can still only Terastallize once per battle.  And, as teased in the trailers, you can speak with Amarys to upgrade Miraidon to fly freely anywhere.  Forget that crappy glide, you can soar across all of Paldea from high above Glaseado’s peak!  You know that impassable rock wall in the northeast?  I flew all the way up that!  You can perch on the edge, but an invisible wall keeps you from going any further, BUT that’s okay because just being able to get up there is so cool!  I will say, the controls not inverting the Y-axis is weird and unintuitive, but that’s something I can cope with.  The game really sets you free, and it’s so, so great to experience.
Indigo Disk is extremely fun, extremely rewarding, and gives you plenty of new reasons to keep playing SV going forward.  The story is serviceable, a notable downgrade from where SV ended but inoffensive on its own.  Pokémon does tend to be lopsided that way, doesn’t it?  Nevertheless, SV almost immediately became one of my favorite games in the series, and now that we have both waves of DLC, I’m confident in thinking I’ll remain fond of it for a good long while.
It should be noted that an “Epilogue” to the DLC has been announced for January.  The files are there already; I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers, but I’ve seen enough to know this won’t be anything large scale.  We’re NOT getting a secret third wave of DLC here.  But it does seem like this will involve the new Mythical Pokémon, potentially clear up some lingering questions about Kitakami, and expand upon a certain feature of Indigo Disk, so I’m looking forward to it.  Hard to say if I’ll type up a full collection of thoughts for it, but one thing I am fairly certain of is that it’s going to be a fun time.
0 notes
blind-as-a-noibat · 10 months
🍰 A note with pretty cursive on shiny paper. "Happy birthday, Caben!! I hope everything has been delivered safely! We will celebrate the next one together for sure! Your gifts are waiting for you!" There is a big box of various gifts: plushies of Caben's team in small sizes so that he car carry them around, an assortment of green, yellow and brown macarons, as well as books Emmet thought Caben would like!
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It took the new teenager a little bit of effort to read the note, he hadn't really learned a whole lot of cursive and Unovan was only his second language, but once he got through it Caben found the promise for spending his next birthday with his brothers to be a bit exciting. He hasn't celebrated his birthday with a bunch of people in a long while so he isn't too sure as to what he should expect to happen next year. But that is far in the future so no real point in speculating so early.
The plushies were neatly sorted in a single line before he took a look at the books Emmet had gotten him. The synopses of them were certainly interesting and definitely seemed like something he'd enjoy. He'll save the macarons for later after he's had dinner, still needs to get the ingredients for his stew later along with some fresh bread.
He sent a quick text to Emmet thanking him for the gifts and informing him that everything had arrived to Alfornada safely.
Now it's time to crack one of the books open and let his team meet the little plushies of their likenesses.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I hope you’re having a good day and wanted to say that I love your Zoroark Kitsune AU! Did you have any fluffhc for the children of the twin deities? I can’t help but imagine fraternal triplet zorua*children playing on the grounds! The children also play with the local zorua and zoroark that keep a close eye on the children if they wander too far from the shrine. The deities may be busy at times, but are often well informed by the local pokemon that their children are out of harms way.
The girls are naturals at shapeshifting, although not quite perfect. Their brother isn’t far behind! Maybe there is a night when a storm is particularly menacing and the lighting scares and delights the girls as they cling to Emmet’s leg and another leaps into his arms giggling. Their brother puffs up and immediately bolts wrapping his arms around s/o waist. Ingo would feel a bit left out until another booming thunderclap send his son clinging to his legs, buried face desperately pressed against his side for comfort!
*Emmet’s identical daughters fluffy white fur and Ingo’s son(dark fur and maybe a shiny?). S/O maybe hyperovulated with two eggs- and one split..?
cw: poly obviously, twins coparenting as a unit
Triplets work! (Ironically this is the Emin Punishment™️. Fraternal son and identical daughters.) I actually had the reverse in mind with Ingo's son getting the Hisuian Zorua genes while Emmet's daughters got the Unovan Zorua genes. (Mostly because he Hisuian Zorua seem meeker and, well, a bit sadder than the chaos I think Emmet's twins bring.)
Scenarios could include them shape-shifting into a like actual Zoruas so you have a sad looking fox kit following after you (Erin), one trying to trip you (Inka), and the last one trying to climb up your pant leg for attention (Emma).
The village likely celebrates their birth immensely and congratulate you for your children. They're quickly beloved and revered by worshippers. Ingo is trying to hold all three children at once while Emmet is just giggly over the sheer amount of babies. Eventually, you each all end up holding one. Emma lounging in Ingo's arms, Inka in Emmet's, and Erin in yours. They're so sleepy and tired from just existing.
The twins often jokingly debate whose kid are whose, but don't actually care. Emmet does claim the twins while Ingo claims the boy, but both have no genuine idea. It's not like they're biologically different so the variety in the children was solely provided by you. All of them just call Ingo 'dad' and Emmet 'papa'.
Erin is actually a shining example of how Zorua act, being essentially mute around strangers and when he's transformed. He's nervous and unsure of what to say. This stress almost always nearly destroys his disguises. The boy goes running back to Ingo in tears, deeply embarrassed about his inability to hold form properly.
Emma prefers to stalk around you or Emmet when she can, adoring the affection you both give her. It's a bit terrifying when she says she wants to be a goddess of vengeance just like Emmet. The younger twin manages to find this cute somehow. She also follows Ingo around and asks him about his duty as a god of parenthood and families. It's then you learn that Emmet not only just acts out retribution, he also is in charge of safe travels.
Inka has decided she wants nothing to do with this god nonsense and is running away at every given opportunity. Returning when she realises that the shrine provides her with spiritual energy and life. Her rebellion has turned into calling Emmet by his first name and rejecting his affection and attention. He's deeply upset by this.
Erin imitates Ingo's duties perfectly and loves to learn about what he does. His smile maybe small, but his attention is entirely on his dad's words. Ingo loves how much his son looks up to him and wants to be the best role model for him.
Emmet takes all the children to hunt despite them not needing to. He claims it's an important survival skill, and they need to learn it despite the opposition from both you and Ingo. Naturally, the girls are talented in it. They pair off together and become a terrifying duo. Though, poor, sweet Erin proves himself monster at hunting to the point Emmet is showering him in praises. You can only smile awkwardly as he drops off 'gifts' for you and Ingo. His tail swishes proudly, white fur tipped in blue swaying cutely.
Bonus: People bring their babies to the shrine to show off to Ingo and pray for his blessing. He adores each and every child brought before him. Emmet has to plead with him to stop using all his spiritual energy to provide such strong blessings to every child he sees. Ingo refuses. (All this worsens his urge to be a dad.)
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