#to stop hating Jews and Christians and everyone else
chaifootsteps · 3 months
Oh my god your ask box is open.
Ummm didja see how Viv liked fanart of Vox telling Val he's beautiful after his wings get clipped?
That author who wrote that fic of Angel being told he's beautiful paralleling with the goddamn creator liking and encouraging Val content to sympathize with him....
No hate to that artist but when you're the creator you need to have more fucking responsibility. She isn't condemning Val. She's woobifying and downplaying his actions to the point where she likes her *rapist character* being sympathetic and "beautiful" but has the gall to say Angel is a "loser".
And while I'm at it, she also like a comment about "people simp for horror characters like Patrick Bateman and Leatherface--"
Shut. Up.
Shut the fuck up.
The directors and actors condemn the actions of those killers. Christian Bale said he hates Patrick Bateman and thinks there's nothing good about him. That "sigmas" are missing the point and need to get a life.
LeatherFace is mentally challenged and doesn't understand what he's doing. He's surrounded by a psychopathic family who loves him and obviously doesn't teach him right from wrong.
Scott Cawthon punishes the fuck out of William Afton. Spring-locked painfully, tormented by the souls of the kids he's killed, crushed, burned.... his own son said that he'd burn in Hell.
I could go on and on. Also Jason Voorhees kills 2 rapists. Freddy Kruegar is burned for his crimes.
These people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Viv coddles, woobifies, sympathizes, and downplays Valentino. The abusive rapist. Compared him to a *high school girl* for fucks sakes.
What Val does to Angel is also not over the top or goofy. It's *very real*. The abuse is very realistic and isn't unbelievable.
Alastor isn't a rapist. So stop bringing that up.
You can't control what people do with your content. But you can control what you encourage and how you view serious topics.
So much for her 3 day Threads meltdown where she screamed about caring about SA victims.
She's a rape fetishist just like Raph. Why else would she keep him around? I don't care that they have these fetishes, but stop pretending it's good SA rep.
Also Mimzy is meant to be Jewish. Rosie is a blood libel. Why are Jews in Hell? Fuck off with that "chicken" bullshit.
Fucking vile, Medrano.
And to be clear, I don't care if a portion of the fandom wants to expand on Valentino with headcanons, sit on him like a baby bird, and adopt him as their silly little rabbit. That's villains and fandom, that just is what it is.
The problem is when Viv does it, when she coddles Valentino and insists everyone else do likewise or else. Viv isn't a member of the fandom, she's the creator, and one who's made it her business to shout down and belittle every single fan who's uncomfortable with Valentino. That's a different, shameful thing, and it's absolutely disgusting.
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lepartidelamort · 1 month
US Now Saying the Obvious: Instead of Telling Jews to Stop Killing, They Will Just Bring Gazans to America
Andrew Anglin
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Someone please ask fat retarded Republican Jew-lovers if they want millions more Arab immigrants.
Because that is what their lunatic support for the mass murder of children in Gaza is going to lead to.
How stupid? How fat?
What is the purpose of supporting Israel? Why would you support the sickening Jews of all people? If you were going to support anyone murdering children, why the Jews, who hate you, who think you’re an animal that was born only to serve them?
If it’s “Evangelical Christianity,” you can forget it, because I know for a fact no one believes that horseshit anymore, save maybe the fattest of the fatties. All of these Zionist mega-churches are either closed down or filled with Mexicans, and Mexicans don’t have opinions on anything.
From the beginning of this nightmare, it was obvious that the government was going to move towards massive immigration of the Palestinians. The Jews are telling you “these are human animals and they’re all terrorists” – then the Jews turn around and tell you they’re sending them over to move in next door to you.
The Gazans do not even want to leave. But you’re going to bring them here, to the country that funded bombing their homes and killing their families?
New York Post:
Top Biden administration officials are mulling over plans to potentially welcome into the US a small number of Palestinians fleeing the region amid the bloody Israel-Hamas war, according to a report. One idea officials floated over recent weeks is to tap into the United States Refugee Admissions Program to grant refugee status to those who escaped the Gaza Strip into Egypt, CBS News reported, citing documents. That effort would likely require cooperation with Egypt. Palestinians who have family in the US may also get admittance, per the report. US officials have reportedly been considering various arrangements to that effect and multiple federal agencies are involved with the plans. To gain entrance into the US, would-be refugees would likely need to pass screenings assessing their medical condition, eligibility, and any security concerns.
Yeah, sure.
No one else is passing any screenings. People just walk across the border.
They would also likely have to provide evidence that they are fleeing some form of persecution. That could prove tricky for individuals who claim to be fleeing persecution from Israel, which is a key US ally in the region. Individuals may be able to claim they are fleeing Hamas, which the US designates as a terrorist organization.
Refugee status provides individuals the ability to gain permanent residence in the US, an avenue towards citizenship, and financial assistance. Such a policy would mark a dramatic shift for the US refugee program, which has generally not permitted Palestinians into the country en masse.
Again, it was obvious from the beginning.
Jew-lovers are willing to sacrifice anything for the Jews. It is like satanic possession. They will destroy their own children to help the Jews kill children.
That psychopathic dweeb Mike Johnson says he believes it’s his duty “as a Christian” to service the Jews in the most disgusting ways a man can comprehend, as well as in filthy modes beyond human comprehension.
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This is disqualifying. You cannot have a top political official who follows a religion that requires him to swear allegiance to a foreign country. That is just obviously not viable.
What if he thought the Bible said that Chinese people were the chosen ones, and it was the duty of the US to send infinity money to China? Do you see that this is not workable? You cannot have government officials swearing allegiance to a foreign country.
The Arabs that come over through this program (which will obviously be more than just Palestinians) should be sent to live in the neighborhoods of Jew-lovers. No one else deserves this. Everyone else was saying the Jews should be defunded and boycotted.
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The Dependence of the Words
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by Obadiah Sedgwick
Paul and Silas (on their journey) make a stop in Philippi, a chief city in Macedonia, ver. 12. They had a special calling for it, ver. 9. Being there, the next Sabbath, they devoted themselves to praying and preaching, ver. 13. And each of these activities was crowned with a blessed outcome.
By the former, Lydia was converted, ver. 14, 15. By the latter, the devil was exorcised from a damsel, ver. 16, 18. The word of God and prayer are the great power of God to change the heart and conquer Satan.
But if we trouble the devil, the devil will not cease to trouble us. It has been the fate of the best ministers to do the most good and find the most affliction. Look at ver. 19 and you will see that Paul and Silas were arrested and brought before the rulers.
Good God! That Paul should be questioned because he cast out a devil! But this is not the matter of objection, nor the immediate cause of trouble (her master saw that the hope of their profits was gone). How far will love of the world drive a man against God's servants? Even Paul himself was brought to trial when he cut off the profits that the devil brought. Covetous hearts and good ministers can never agree; they would rather sell the truth than lose their profit.
But now before the magistrate, what is their accusation? What! That Paul and Silas cast out the devil? No; that the masters of the damsel were hurt and disadvantaged by their preaching? No, though this was the reason, yet something else was the excuse. This would seem too base, and therefore they brought another charge against them that they knew would easily stick, ver. 20. These being Jews, greatly trouble our city, and ver. 21. Teach customs, which are not lawful for us to accept or observe, being Romans.
As if they said, they are a couple of divisive and schismatic fellows, men of a peculiar spirit, given to innovation, who speak strange things about one Christ, about belief, and about repentance, and we don't know what.
They needed to say no more, immediately there was an uproar, and without any more ado, right or wrong, they received justice. The magistrates tore their clothes and ordered them to be beaten, ver. 22.
And this was not enough, besides the whip, they had to go to prison and be kept safe and secure, ver. 23. Hatred of goodness often leads evil men to acts of injustice; and he who hates a good man will often become a bad judge.
But they are in prison and in stocks, and the jailer is as diligent to carry out the command as the rulers were unjust in giving it, ver. 24. He threw them into the inner prison and made them fast in the stocks.
The providence of God is strange; Paul and Silas were sent to prison to convert a jailer, to free him who had bound them, to heal him who had whipped them; God has some special plans for the times and places of his servants' suffering. Well, at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God, ver. 25. No prison can prevent our communion with God. Prayer will reach heaven in spite of all opposition, and even a suffering Christian can be very cheerful.
But now see the consequences of this, their prayers shook heaven and heaven shook the earth, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bonds were loosened, ver. 26.
I do not marvel that prayer can break the bonds of iron, when I know it is able to break asunder the bonds of death itself.
The jailer awakes, sees the prison doors open, and for all he knew, an escape of all his prisoners, for whose lives, probably it is, that he must pay his own; and therefore in a passionate desperation, draws out his sword to kill himself.
Paul espies him, and cries out with a loud voice (hold, hold) Do yourself no harm, for we are all here, not a man of us that has stirred.
Which when he had searched and found, Oh! what a strange alteration is in this jailer? Vers. 29. He came in trembling. What! He who before made them to bleed, does he now tremble? He that before cast them into the stocks, does he come trembling to them? What were they? Or what could they do? Shackled and scourged, and imprisoned persons, that he trembled before them? But so he did. Scorners will become tremblers, when God has once touched their hearts. Yet this is not all; He also falls down before them. He is upon his knees to ask them forgiveness, for his cruel usage. And then he brings them forth.
Object. But what of all this? All this may arise from sparks of pity and humanity.
Sol. Nay, but there is a greater matter than all this: Sirs, said he, What shall I do to be saved? (As if he had said) I am in a miserable condition, I have lived wickedly, and done wrong to many of the people of God, and in particular to you; Good Lord! what shall become of me? You are the ministers of Christ, I beseech you have pity on me, and show unto me what I may do to save this poor soul of mine.
What does Paul and Silas answer him? They said, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. And I beseech you mark it, how immediate their answer is to his question; they do not say, as the High Priests to afflicted Judas, Look thou to that; they do not upbraid him with his hard and cruel usage; They take not that advantage, and say, Nay, now does your conscience trouble you for being so wicked, and scourging us so sharply? Yea, and so let it; do you come for direction and comfort to us, whom you have so shamefully abused?
No, they forget the injuries, and presently pour in the oil. They instantly direct him into the true way of life, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
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tjmystic · 3 months
Short version: racists, stop co-opting religious symbols, because now I can't tell who's just religious and who's using those symbol to declare their racism.
Long version (under the cut):
Something happened to me in the late 2000s where I stopped seeing crosses as a source of comfort. Like, I have one in my bedroom, but I mean seeing crosses on other people, like on necklaces and things. As a kid, seeing them made me feel safe, to a degree, because I automatically "knew" that I had something in common with the people wearing them.
And then I started listening to the kinds of things that most of those people said, and all of the comfort bled away.
I'm still Christian, but I never see a cross anymore and think, "Oh, that person believes the same things I do!" More often, they believe the exact opposite. I generally hate to be an idealism purist, same as claiming to know everything and have all of the answers, but I DO know that Christianity has rarely been what Jesus wanted, and never when it was the predominant religion of the ruling class. Even though what these people practice clearly ISN'T Christianity, though, the religion itself and its symbols mostly make me feel uncomfortable now.
Well, I'm starting to feel the same way with Stars of David. And I DETEST that. Because, just like with my religion, I KNOW that Judaism is NOT what Zionists and evangelical hate groups are trying to make it into. I know that more Jewish people than not oppose the genocide in Palestine because they've been victims of countless genocides themselves and know that "never again" means for everyone, not just Jews. I know that Judaism is not a religion or ethnicity built on hate. But, just like I know the same about Christianity while evangelicals and fundamentalists clearly don't, I know this about Judaism while Zionists don't. I can't even say there's a significant difference between the two, because, at least in America, nationalism has tainted both to the degree that most public figures of both Christianity and Judaism are the loudest supporters of Israel. And now I'm wary every time I see a Star of David in someone's profile picture, because I don't know if it's from a Jewish person who's rightfully proud of their heritage and/or religion, a Jewish person loudly reaffirming their faith by asserting that their beliefs don't condone genocide, or a Zionist who co-opted the symbol for their hate crimes or support of them.
I hate it.
I mean, what next? Am I going to start feeling uncomfortable when I see the aum? The crescent? The yin yang symbol? Which group is going to take a religion -- an inherently neutral thing -- next and turn it into something vile that makes me question the morals of everyone associated with it?
I don't hate religions. I love the ways that people have faith and express it. I love the different ways that so many human beings see God or the divine. Religion is not the enemy because, to paraphrase David Mitchell, people have killed each other in the name of anything, whether it was politics or religion or something else, since the dawn of time. Removing religion just removes the comfort and sense of identity that a lot of people cling to in their darkest moments. But the more that wicked people appropriate symbols of faith, the harder it is trust that any religious person believes what they say instead of using their beliefs as a justification for cruelty. Especially since the people who are loudest about belonging to a specific religion are usually the ones doing the most harm.
And in case it wasn't clear (and because reading comprehension on this site is notoriously poor), this is NOT a place for antisemitism. Get out of here with that bullshit. Jewish people are just as much people as everyone else and have just as much of a right to their faith and ethnicity. Zionists, however, are scum who typically hide behind either Judaism or fundamentalist Christianity as an excuse to kill innocent people and colonize land that doesn't belong to them.
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izmrw · 7 months
A comment that I saw on YouTube and my response to it
“What makes me mad and sad is people calling Israel oppressors when this whole conflict started and has gone on for decades because
Palestine hates Jews and refuses to live in peace beside them. They claim ownership of Jews ancestral homeland (that they colonised even though they claim otherwise), start an almost century long conflict, and then cry that they are the victims when the first leader of Palestine essentially said Hitler was right!
I don't agree with what Israel's government is doing, but let's not act like this conflict isn't anti-Semitic at its core.
If you replace the word Palestinians with Nazis do you feel sad? If Israel was bombing neo-Nazis proclaiming to be innocent would you stand up for those neo-Nazis?
This conflict could end right this second if Palestine would stop being anti-Semitic. I see so many people claiming this isn't just about religious persecution, and yet I saw with my own eyes on social media an Israeli say they just want the conflict to end and to live in peace, and the response they received was 'We pray for you for death, destruction, torment, disasters, misfortunes, and eternal suffering. We will pray for your bodies to burn with diseases that have no cure. Sickness take you to the depths of hell and make you firewood for hell. God is with Palestine and we won't stop until all of you are dead'.
(Not only does this make me sick to know that someone could even think to type this and be so malicious, but as someone with Jewish heritage it's also a little frightening.)
And this was on a post about unicef calling for action to protect children in both countries...
Why is that the Holocaust is considered one of the worst events in history, but when Jews fight back against the people that want them dead, they become evil and vile?
Idk man supporting Palestine doesn't sit right with me.
Everyone is free to do what they want, and I'll still support this channel cause I come here for kpop content, but I don't agree with anyone supporting either side quite frankly.”
this has nothing to do with religion, i has nothing to do with anti-semitism and honestly its sad that you’d compare the likes of innocent palestinas to neo-nazis. it has never been about religion this is a political war, let me explain.
75 years ago america decided to take palestine’s land and make it for jewish people after the world war. since 1948 palestinas are being murdered, this is a genocide. if you compare the death toll from israelis to palestinas its way more on their side. israel is being backed by the usa, they have military weapons and everything else whereas palestina has what? israel are commiting WAR crimes, they refuse to stop cease-fire when it has been agreed on by both sides, even russia doesn’t do that, bombing children’s hospitals and civilian towns, cutting off their access to food, water, electricity, all basic necessities to live.
israelis want to live “peacefully” with palestinas? isreal has never wanted to live peacefully with palestinas, they wouldnt have been bombing them for the last 75 years if that were the case, but also does that even sound right? palestinas should live peacefully with their oppressors, the ones who killed their family, friends everyone?
Israelis have been murdering innocent palestinas since 1948 and the retaliate for what the first? maybe second time? and all of a sudden it’s “my heart goes out to israel” where was this support for palestine when they were being slaughtered, when children were dying.
let me make a comparison for you, in the last 10 days more palestina children have been killed than in the ukraine conflict which started in 2022. israel claim to want to eradicate hamas, but it’s truly them trying to kill all palestinas.
you claim its religion but let me explain to you why it’s not. palestine used to be a peaceful country where muslims, jews and christians lived together as jerusalem is important for all of them. however after america forced their israel agenda on the land, it became moreso an apartheid for jewish people, now palestine is mainly muslim and christian, you compared palestinas to NAZIS? which is a grave misinformation on its own but you could not be further from the truth. the israeli government has called palestinas children of between the law of humanity and the law of the jungle, isreali politicians have said that thwir is a gal between the lives of israeli children and palestinian children, saying their lives aren’t worth as much, israel has also compared them to the likes of rats, which is very similar in what hitler did when he started the holocaust.
you also mentioned jews are fighting back against the ones that want them dead
strike 1, misinformation. first of all a lot of jewish people aren’t zionist, israelis are not even not the oppressed, they are the oppressor. isreal brought a gun to a, no not even a knife fight, but a a paper sword fight. the power is very mismatched.
the comment with palestinas wanting them dead, cannot be further from the truth, let me remind you again that palestina used to be 1/3 jewish, and also how are you so sure its not from an israeli, but fine let’s assume it’s not, the i guess it’d be from a radical-hama which is a terrorist organisation, think about it, because of a terrorist organisation that they claim they want to kill, innocent lives are being lost, when like ive said before, its not about eradicating hamas, israel bombed the children’s hospital in gaza, made up a fake story claiming that hamas bombed it and for what?
the entire thing is also politics usa is backing israel because they made israel, they pulled back all their ressources from ukraine to send to israel and Biden requested 69bil for help for israel (it would cost less to fix homelessness is the usa) china wants to support Palestine because they want to strip the usas power and become the 1. themselves.
you say palestine stole jews homeland which is strike 2, misinformation (again) I citied this from the internet and went to fact-check this with multiple different websites.
Can Jews have their own country? They are forbidden according to Torah, Talmud, their own highly rated scholars and the bible. The problem is that Israel has degenerated to a secular liberal state who do not follow their own religion anymore and the arguments for it are from the perspective of secular liberalism not religion.
like i said jerusalem is important for all 3 major religions claim that Palestine stole that is ridiculous, why should jerusalem be for jews only, by your way of thinking, isn’t that Islamophobic and anti-christianity?
twisting the genocide of palestinas to anti-semitism is misinformation.
being neutral is ignorance.
i hope before you decide to go compare palestinas to nazis again, you think about what i said, and educate yourself more.
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princesscolumbia · 9 months
So I'm once again seeing so-called "conservative" content on my dash...
...and I'm just not having it.
There's a LOT that goes into my worldview and the way it was formed and the nuances and philosophy that formed who I was growing up and who I am now, but, to use the broadest of all possible strokes, it boils down to this:
Whatever side Nazis take is the side I will go out of my way to end!
Everyone who just stood up (and has a Nazi armband in their back pocket, safely out of sight so you think we'll give you pass to vomit the shit you let clot your corrupted, rotting cranial cavity), SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP!
And yes, we have Nazis. Turns out they didn't all get the bullet after killing all the queers, Jews, and whatever people of color they could get their hands on (SHUT UP! Fuck your Holocaust denial! You don't get a FUCKING VOTE if you try to PISS ON THE GRAVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!), some of them just hid because they knew what would happen to them if they opened their mouths and tried that shit again!
But here we are a few generations later and it seems the Nazis forgot how hard we stomped down on them eventually.
I was an American Conservative once, too. I learned from all the right places and right people about how modern conservatism was a good thing and the right thing and we had to "stop the libs" in order to keep our country from turning into a new Soviet state or something.
And in some ways, I haven't changed my mind, but that's for another post, because the opinions I still have from then are STILL THE OPPOSITE OF THE SIDE NAZIS ARE ON!
Even up to the start of the pandemic, I was still staunchly conservative, pushing back against what I saw as liberal pushes to subvert our country and make things worse for everyone.
Then: "...oh, uh...that's a Nazi. Saying the same things I'm saying. That's okay, 'cause the conservatives in leadership positions will surely repudi...ate...them... They're agreeing with them."
"Well, that's okay, I'm sure my fellow conserv...I'm surrounded by Nazis, aren't I?"
Myth after conservative lie after "evangelical christian" talking point were knocked over like pins in a bowling alley. Things that I had been told over and over were just facts of life were having the masks ripped off and exposed for being the greedy old rich white man trying to fuck over the "punk kids," usually largely people of color and queer folk.
Am I mixing metaphors a little? Yeah, probably, but I'm fucking MAD AS FUCK that these FUCKERS ARE GOING TO BE A THING EITHER I OR MY DAUGHTER HAS TO DEAL WITH!
Why do I hate Nazis so much? Well, in no particular order:
They burn books that contain opinions that they don't like
They don't actually produce anything, they just consume and conquer and play a shell game with their economy (whatever the size) and when the music's about to stop they hold the band at gunpoint and keep things going until it eventually collapses, then they blame someone else. (Usually, the Jews, and if that doesn't work they blame the queers)
They concoct psuedoscience to support their beliefs, resulting in intellectual stagnation that, if passed down to their children, becomes entrenched
Oh, and in case I may have glossed over this part:
Scratch a Nazi and you'll find a school bully. Plant a school bully and in 10-20 years you'll have a fresh-from-the-plantation Nazi. (word choice was deliberate, because you can't corrupt a child to view their fellow human beings as sub-human without showing them how to treat them as sub-human)
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And I think we all know what Steve Rogers did with Nazis.
Did you question the results of the 2020 election? I mean, there were a bunch of people saying some really bad things about election tampering and the like.
...and they all turned out to be white supremacists and Nazis. All their "evidence" was smoke and mirrors and if you questioned the Nazi rhetoric you were a dirty [N-word] or [K-word] or [F-word] or [T-word] and probably voted for Biden!
Did you think the Jan. 6th Insurection was a grassroots movement and it was just a bunch of people trying to take their country back? Yeah, and I'm sure a bunch of them thought so too...but even more of the insurrectionists turned out to be white supremacists and Nazis. And look at that, they were being FUCKING ORCHESTRATED by Republicans who wanted to seize power from duly elected officials. And supported by Nazis.
We're at the point in history where they're not even trying to hide what they're doing, or if they are trying, they're failing. ("Project 2025," anyone?) The same people who are saying the quiet part out loud now (how they think Jews should be put to death and blacks should be enslaved and brown people need to be mass deported regardless of nation of birth and all queer folk should be rounded up and shot, etc.) are the same people who believe that Trump should have king-level powers and immunity and cheered on the passage of laws that restrict medical care for women and children (with the goal of extending that restriction to adults that fall into the category of "people we don't like") and the same people who cheer for Putin as he spins lies out of whole cloth to invade Ukraine and the same people who declared the vaccines were going to kill you or plant trackers in your body and the same people who said respiratory masks were the government trying to police your actions and the same people who said that the rioters carrying tiki torches and calling for racial segregation were "just good American boys who don't mean any harm" and the same people who...
...I think you get the point.
The Nazis were in our midst the whole time, they just weren't waving a flag or wearing an armband.
I've been burned. I've been burned badly. I've had my trust in the conservative movement gutted, my faith in America shaken, and my previous worldview shattered. You'd better believe I'm hyper-aware when it comes to dog whistles, false flags, and code-speak. And remember, I used to be one, so I know the conservative playbook.
I may not be able to actually kill a Nazi, but get 'em banned on social media? Get 'em blocked on chat apps? End their influence before it starts wherever I can? You bet your ass I'm going to take whatever action I can to end the threat before it becomes my daughter's problem.
Because my daughter is growing up well aware that one mom is queer and the other mom Gets Looks™️ and is culturally guilty of being queer by association. My kiddo is well aware the world she's going to inherit is a place that could be very, very bad.
And my daugher is neurodivergent.
Which means she has a hardwired sense of fairness and justice.
Which means she's going to step up in the bravest and most noble way possible, and I want to make sure when she finds that hill to die on that her mom has done the hard work before her and she's not actually gonna die on that hill.
'cause she hates Nazis as much as I do.
And that means it's bad news for Nazis, because my hatred of Nazis pales in comparison to how much I love and want to protect my daughter.
So if you're a Nazi, just remember, I'm with The Captain.
No, not that one, this one:
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And remember, if you're standing with the Nazis? Even if you say you're "not a Nazi," it's awfully hard to tell, what with the red, white, and black flag you're standing under.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
Ruixiong Saves Christmas/My Brother’s Keeper
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"Really, guys, I mean it! How good of a Santa Claus can I be if I'm keeping you from celebrating your Jewish Christm-"
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"...... sorry, Ruixiong. It's not at all a holiday to celebrate the birth of any deity or whatnot, it's not even any of our most important holidays throughout the year. We can’t even call it a ‘holiday’ like Christians would for Christmas or somesuch. That would go to that like Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot...”
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"It's the commemoration of the recovery of Judea and the rededication of the Second Temple after which the Maccabees revolted against the Seleucid Empire. You see, the Maccabees rose against Antiochus IV Epiphanes, which at the time was imposing conversion into Hellenism, According to the Talmud, the Temple then had to be purified, which enta-."
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"....It's a victory against the Greeks by the Jews, and our Temple was taken back and purified."
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"OHH!! So a war victory and reaffirmation of your people!! Like if the Han would have succeeded against the Manchus and resisted forced cultural imposition!"
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"....You know what, sure. We'll go with that."
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"So what's with the importance of the candles?"
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"Oh! That's due to the Miracle of the cruse of oil as the Temple of Jerusalem.
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As the Maccabees searched for pure oil to light the menorah with, they found just one cruse of pure oil which still had the seal of the High Priest, the symbol of pure oil. This cruse contained just enough pure oil to keep the menorah lit for one day. In order to make pure oil however, individuals making the oil must be in a state of spiritual purity. Being soldiers returning from the battlefield, the Maccabees were deemed impure, and therefore could not make pure oil. Since the process of ritual purification after touching a corpse lasts seven days, the Maccabees could only produce additional pure oil after eight days: seven days of becoming pure including one day, once pure, to actually make the oil. Therefore, the Maccabees would have been unable to light the Menorah for seven days before the completion of new pure oil. Miraculously, the one cruse of oil had lasted for all eight days, and by that point new pure oil was ready.
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"So there are some rituals to the lighting of the menorah, for certain, but eh. Guy and I and are terrible Jews for not even attending any sermons for Lord knows how long. We can look up what to do if we miss out on lighting any candle."
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"So it still needs some kind of pri- I mean rabbi to provide any input?"
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"Not necessarily. It can just be Phoebus and I."
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"Well, let me join you! I am absolutely all about war victories and the resistance against conquerors! In fact, I think it'd be great if all of us join you! Especially the Captain, who HATES conquerors!"
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The brothers briefly exchange glances before Guy speaks on their behalf. "...................No thank you, Ruixiong. We really would rather just have it be the two of us."
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"Wh-..... are you afraid I might fuck something up? Is it one of those 'Jews Only' rules like with your Passover?"
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"N-no. We just- .... Look. Hannakuh is much more personal for the two of us than just a celebration of the Temple of Jerusalem, or as a war victory. All the more if we are having to involve Josep or even Giovanni beyond cooking for us. If we are to invite everyone to our celebration, we'll have to include them and we really don't want that."
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"Wh-... why not??? Was it something they did? Was this before Rashid and I joined your Crew? Did this happen in the Magellan Expedi-"
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"Please stop asking anymore questions. It's nothing personal against them in particular. Even they understand. Please drop it, Ruixiong. Can we get moving so we can go home?"
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"We still have to get that Caga Tio fixed..."
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"I'm working on it! Just let me focus, please! Maybe I just need to unwind. What else do we have to do to help you prepare as Santa Claus?"
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startrek-readerslog · 2 years
Short Story Dump 1
Let’s try out the short story dump! I will include all the story titles and authors in the tags.
Cabin E-14 by Shane Zeranski: 
Dr. Phlox is deemed the best person to decontaminate the crew quarters of resident time traveler Daniels. 
A light hearted yet interesting Phlox POV! I think it was a little Phlox depth with a loved one he loved and lost along with a little foreshadowing of Tucker’s demise.
Rounding a Corner Already Turned by Allison Cain:
Porthos and Malcom switch bodies.
I love my Star Trek with shenanigans. There is a silly chase scene, funny moments of both human in dog body and dog in human body. This is my first home run.
Insantiy by A. Rhea King:
The crew comes in contact with a device that makes them live their worst fear.
A little bland, a little forgettable, but well written. Each of the crews fears was interesting to think about.
Savior by Julie Hyzy:
The Enterprise runs into a time traveler trying to change the future of his planet, they try to stop him.
Wow I really had to read about Space jesus and what would have happened if we all were Christians huh? This Jew is a little sad about that.
Have Beagle Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos by Louisa M. Swann:
Porthos is a legendary spy.
I hated this one. It was almost unintelligible. I hated the premise. This is also a professional commission work! Not fanfic!! How was it so bad?
Earthquake Weather by Louisa M. Swann:
Trip can’t sleep but everyone else sure can.
Given this is the same author as the last one I was apprehensive, but it was benign. A little mystery moment that felt reminiscent of the show.
Hero by  Lorraine Anderson:
Janitor saves the day.
This is certainly one of the shortest stories (4 pages). The idea of a person who doesn’t have any special talents still having a place on the ship makes my heart a little happy.
Mother Nature's Little Reminders by A. Rhea King:
Tornado on an away mission; Trip has some flashbacks.
Wow making Trip responsible for the death of his grandfather because he loved his dog too much is like...a lot. Cute T’Pol and Trip moment tough.
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wegmans · 2 years
also so more about palestine. everyone even my parents told me before not to be worried about getting in because i have a US passport and the israelis will kiss my feet and whatever. and that i NEED to go to jerusalem because its so beautiful and historic and important for all the abrahamic religions. and yet. i hated it the most. because it WAS beautiful and historic and the people themselves were lovely. but every 200ft there is an IDF checkpoint where if your skin is dark or your hair curls in a certain way they will stop you in the most blatantly second-class citizen way and ask you "where are you going. why are you here. show me your passport. what do you want from this place." nobody else, not the christians from europe or america and definitely not the israeli citizens, only the ones who look arab enough. it is the first time in a decade that i have felt like i was in high school where the white people would see my name and ask if i was related to bin laden or if i was behind 9/11. except this time instead of just being a shitty racist joke, they are strapped with ak47s and can arrest you if you argue with them. government-sanctioned. my cousins said they're used to it and it doesn't bother them anymore but like. one of the most beautiful cities in the world and i hated it and i never want to go back. it just made me angry and sad and i dont even live there im just a pale arab foreigner who most people mistake for a jew. if there is anyone who wants to radicalize palestinians more than anyone, its the fucking israeli government. it isnt fair and it makes me so unbelievably frustrated that i can literally never do anything about it. and if you even suggest doing anything about it the entire country of america considers you a terrorist and youll get arrested if you say it too loudly in certain (most) places in palestine. it makes me feel hopeless and i dont know if i could ever be strong enough to endure it and fight it the way they do
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newsource21 · 5 months
In our Brave New World — actually a Cowardly Old World — where DEI rules education, the great Ivy League universities have moved toward DEI Great Pretenders as presidents. At a minimum, a woman. Better if black. Even better if colored and Muslim. Or black and gay. Or, if not gay, then black and Gay.
Competence is not the criterion. Adequacy is sufficient. Magill? She is adequate. Gay? Even less so, according to standard academic standards. Scholarly integrity barely matters. The selection committees look not at the content of their character but at the color of their skin and the shape of their reproductive organs. In a world in which no one who is woke knows what a woman is, the DEI selection-and-appointment committees keep landing on the “Person of Pregnancy Potentiality” card.
The universities now are evil. They teach evil. They brainwash children into pursuing an agenda of evil. Amerikkka is the Great Satan, as the tenured anti-war demonstrators of the 1960s and ’70s chanted 50 years ago, taught their apostles of the ’80s and ’90s, and now see inculcated into contemporary zombies. By now, those radicals of the ’60s and ’70s are making do on Social Security, are too weak to fight off muggers, fear the subways, and cannot afford gasoline at more than $5 a gallon. In other words, they have become conservative Republicans. That entire hippie anti-war generation now poll as the GOP’s loyal seniors, having confronted their Frantz Fanon reading lists in real life. They planted the seeds of evil that have germinated — and, with anti-Semitism added, Nazi Germanated — on the campuses, even as they now vote Republican, early enough in the day to qualify for the 5:00 p.m. dinner special at Denny’s.
I have said forever that Jews are society’s canary in the coal mine. Nor am I the first who so has observed. When evil is perpetrated against Jews on Monday, you can be certain that everyone else will feel it in spades by Thursday. Hitler murdered 6 million of us. He murdered 75 million of everyone else. Do the math. Those haters never stop with Jews. There simply are not enough Jews around to satisfy their lust for hate or to quench that thirst.
The universities have been toxic and poison for the past 40 years, centers of The New Hate. They were liberal before, but reasonably so. Professors accommodated conservative students; I know because I was one at 1970s Columbia. Students did not apply political litmus tests to friendships. I know because Mitch was a Communist with a Trotsky beard, and Steve the Radical Leftist (“But don’t call me a Communist!”) was his best friend. And yet, we were a threesome — with our girlfriends — when the neighborhood Olympia theater, which showed two old movies for a dollar, played Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.
In today’s world, Communist Mitch would not be caught near me. Even only Radical Steve would avoid me. In fact, Mitch would avoid Steve like the Plague. And no one anywhere would be seeing Blazing Saddles because such movies no longer are allowed above ground. Yeah, the fat guy passing rectal gas after eating beans — that would be socially acceptable. But a black sheriff with an implied elongated frankfurter? An Indian speaking Yiddish? The repeated articulation of the forbidden N-word that hip-hop “artists” and rappers repeat throughout their “works of art”? Fuggediboudit.
There should have been an outcry long before Claudine Gay’s and Liz Magill’s minions began beating up Jews publicly. The anti-Semitism steeped into the colleges’ and universities’ curricula are a pittance compared to the anti-Americanism, the anti-capitalism, the anti-Christianity.
These universities have been bought by Arab Muslim sheikhdoms intent on exporting their Islamism to America. They pay the professors’ salaries obliquely by buying and paying for the Middle Eastern Studies departments that breed hatred for the West, taught by Arab Muslim professors who hate the America where they are, and also by a fair share of extreme radical non-Muslims. Beyond that, the Arab Muslim sheikhdoms pay full tuition for tens of thousands of their own Arab Muslim citizens to be students at American universities. Those troublemakers are cash cows because they do not apply for scholarships or need DEI approval; rather, their governments pay full freight for them.
You want proof? Look at the list of more than 30 Harvard student groups that signed a letter against Israel and Jews: the vast majority foreign students, Arabs and Muslims. You scan the list:
African American Resistance Organization Bengali Association of Students at Harvard College Harvard Act on a Dream Harvard Arab Medical and Dental Student Association Harvard Chan Muslim Student Association Harvard Chan Students for Health Equity and Justice in Palestine Harvard College Pakistan Student Association Harvard Divinity School Muslim Association Harvard Middle Eastern and North African Law Student Association Harvard Graduate School of Education Islamic Society Harvard Graduate Students for Palestine Harvard Islamic Society Harvard Law School Justice for Palestine Harvard Divinity School Students for Justice in Palestine Harvard Jews for Liberation Harvard Kennedy School Bangladesh Caucus Harvard Kennedy School Muslim Caucus Harvard Kennedy School Muslim Women’s Caucus Harvard Kennedy School Palestine Caucus Harvard Muslim Law School Association Harvard Pakistan Forum Harvard Prison Divest Coalition Harvard South Asian Law Students Association Harvard South Asians for Forward-Thinking Advocacy and Research Harvard TPS [Temporary Protected Status] Coalition Harvard Undergraduate Arab Women’s Collective Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo Harvard Undergraduate Muslim Women’s Medical Alliance Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Students Association Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee Middle East and North African Graduate School of Design Student Society Neighbor Program Cambridge Sikhs and Companions of Harvard Undergraduates Society of Arab Students
So we have these way-out leftist universities with Muslim Arab imports who hate America, sprinkled with apostate Jews who hate Jews and especially their parents, and an even larger majority of people born to Catholics and Protestants who also are society’s dregs, outliers protected by Ivy and Ivory walls, all in a community teaching American kids four years (often delayed into five years) of pure unadulterated garbage.
They do it because they cannot be fired —  practically the only job in the world where a person cannot be fired, no matter how lazy and incompetent. “Tenure” is a lifetime guarantee as long as the dolt avoids moral turpitude. And, armed with that vocational invincibility, they construct absurd reading lists that present their zombies with only one world of thinking.
Even the Columbia University I attended in the 1970s was like that. I majored in political science. Almost every reading list in every class seemed to have The Marx-Engels Reader as required reading. Almost always The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.
I once had to see a doctor in the University Health program for a sinus condition. He was a nice guy, and as he was helping cure me, he also started playing “Conservative Footsie” with me. It was something like what homosexuals did in the 1940s and 1950s, afraid to reveal their orientations, yet searching for fellow travelers on that journey. It was scary for them. They looked for clues, hints — and G-d forbid if they read someone wrong. So they “played footsie.” A hint here. A giggle there. And if they were wrong, as long as they did not explicitly reveal, none the worse.
That was “Conservative Footsie” at 1970s Columbia. The doctor dared not risk his job in Health Services by revealing himself a Republican. And yet, though non-Jewish, he saw my yarmulka, and he knew that we Orthodox usually are the most right-wing Americans. We were MAGA even when Trump was donating to the Clintons. So this doctor, while pumping some saline solution into one nostril — a moment when I was atypically compromised — asked what I was reading for class. I told him: “Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. Frantz Fanon. Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. Frantz Fanon. Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. And Frantz Fanon.” He asked me, warily, “Have you ever been assigned to read Ayn Rand?”
“Have you ever heard of Ayn Rand?”
“I’m sorry. I never heard of him. Was he a Columbia alumnus?”
“Actually, it’s not ‘he’ but ‘she.’ And I don’t want to prejudice you about her. I am just asking you this one favor: If you wake up tomorrow with clearer sinuses and an ability to breathe easier, will you agree to read a book called Atas Shrugged?”
Oh, come on, I thought. I have so many reading assignments every day. All I do is read, except when Commie Mitch and Radical Steve are up for Mel Brooks. I had to ask my question:
“How many pages is it?”
I had no idea what I had walked into.
“It’s a million pages. And that’s only the radio address. So, instead, do me a favor and read either We the Living or The Fountainhead. OK?”
“Yes, it’s a deal. If I can breathe better tomorrow, I will go down to Fourth Avenue, where all the used books are sold, and will dig one up and read it.”
I ended up reading We the Living. As soon as I was done with Kira Argounova, I was so transformed that, yes Regis, I went for The Million … pages. I read Atlas Shrugged.
Four years of Columbia University, and the best education I ever got was when my nose would not stop dripping even with Sudafed.
It took rabid anti-Israelism and pure Jew-hatred at the Ivies to bring out what else is now going on in the coal mine. The gas is not just leaking but is being spewed. And it is almost all our universities, except for those listed in the last edition of The American Spectator print magazine. The non–Ivy League universities are no less evil than the Ivies. It is just that the Ivies are more prominent, have a longer and more storied history, and, therefore, live off their reputations. The Ivies get away with so much that would plunge other universities into oblivion. Because they have names like Harvard and Yale, Columbia and Penn, Princeton and Cornell, and Dartmouth, they are deemed above reproach. Not to mention Brown — the perfect Ivy name in the Age of DEI: Brown. Poor Stanford and Berkeley barely get mentioned, having arrived later on the West Coast and apparently unable to grow ivy on their walls as easily as weed in their dormitories.
Some of America’s smartest kids pay insane amounts of money — or, more accurately, their parents do — not for a Harvard or Yale edjimication but for a Harvard or Yale degree. That is what they are paying for: the degree. Eight Poison Ivies. Eight Degrees of Separation — from reality.
When American presidents name Supreme Court justices, most lack the courage to name great jurists from law schools other than Harvard or Yale. President Donald Trump alone had the courage to name a great judge, Amy Coney Barrett, graduated from Notre Dame Law School, where she could study great ideas while in an environment supportive of her deeply devout Catholic faith. But most of the cowards in the White House, Democrat and Republican alike, “play it safe” by naming graduates of Harvard and Yale. That way, no matter how mediocre their picks — Sotomayor and Ketanji are Exhibits A and B — they are blanketed with an aura of protection.
No one may dare inquire into their lack of academic achievement or intellectual substance if they are Hispanic or Black women, particularly grabed with a Harvard/Yale degree. That is how the DEI candidates now slink through the Senate. They are immune from a Clement Haynsworth or G. Harrold Carswell strict scrutiny.
And how did they get into those schools? Did their LSATs match those of white males who were denied admission to ensure that more Sotomayors and Ketanjis got in? Really, what were their LSAT scores? Can’t dare to ask.
Ivy League educations are marked by artificially inflated grades, as are all colleges’ and universities’ grades in this era of the Participation Trophy: just show up, and  — Mazal Tov! — you have a law degree from Harvard and Yale and now are Supreme Court eligible.
The entire situation in academia is rotten. Rot from the bottom to the top. Rot in the faculties. Rot in the reading lists. Rot in the course requirements. Rot in the “majors” now offered. Rot in the administrations. Rot among the presidents. Rot among the boards of directors who oversee the rot.
It started with beating up the Jews, the canaries. But it has exposed that DEI and woke ideology have destroyed academia. And the billionaires whose larger-than-life egos fund the garbage, knowing full well that it is garbage, but desperate to see their names on a dorm building or a students’ union or, at least, some campus toilet somewhere, lack the decency to stop funding it.
Each and every one of them who made his billions by virtue of American capitalism is a mini-George Soros wielding his money to destroy America.
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rourhksapocolypse · 9 months
So, the other day I mentioned to my brother (who is in leave, atm) @deadcatwithaflamethrower 's post about Ashoka being potentially anti semitic, and he just looked at me and asked, "So?"
This may seem insensitive. But it's actually profound.
When I was a kid, this kind of thing was silly. It was stupid. Why should I care that Brad Pitt broke off a "stable?" marriage because of Mr & Mrs Smith? Should I stop enjoying a dumb action movie because a marriage stopped?
A week ago or so, Mom made a fuss about me only wearing an undershirt at work, when that keeps my top shirts clean (and her making a fuss meant one of my only pure white shirts got permanently messy).
Why? Because it is unprofessional, and because, apparently, my corner of Colorado only associates undershirts as wife beaters and "Gay People Clothing". Because Queen wore undershirts without a top shirt.
Am I supposed to be offended by that? Am I supposed to change my ways so they don't think I'm gay? When I'm autistic, probably FIM Asexual, and leaving a social life or friends that aren't family because I drive people away by accident?
These thoughts come because of one simple question. "Have I become too 'Woke'?"
The answer, obviously, is yes. Because, as Mom put it, I had three mothers growing up, and only one of those wasn't a sibling. Because everyone, at all times, corrected me to what they thought was right, leaving me unable to form my own opinion, however well meant those controlling tendencies were.
Now, for those offended, those genuinely hurt, I'm gonna quote Xomniac in This Bites! here:
"I can't speak for you. I don't know what You've been through. I don't know your pain, your hardships. I can support you, but to keep the cycle of hatred from flourishing, I can't speak for you. You have to speak up and take action yourselves."
Is Disney hating on Jews with casting a traditionally "Jewish" actor as a greedy Imperial? Or are they just playing on public perception and image, using what's already there to convey the message?
Or is it even purposeful? Because I've hurt a lot of people with word choice and action that I didn't consider would hurt them. And all I can do is look for brightness in these dark times.
As I wrote this I remembered something else from the radio, K-LOVE, specifically. A guy who reads Bible passages and adds context in his little segment, Ruis Balau, once mentioned that he was having dinner conversation with his family and his daughter asked why he was focusing so much on the bad that he wasn't talking about the good in the world anymore.
Because, that was one of his jobs, as a Christian. Or, part of what he's supposed to do, same as me. To acknowledge the bad, yes, but to shed light onto the world with kindness and caring.
Am I falling into the same cycle of focusing on the bad and forgetting about the good?
Are we?
As the American people, are we forgetting the good in the world, and thus only spreading more of the bad?
Are we nitpicking enough, that we forget to appreciate what we have?
I needed to get this out of my head, so I leave my questions here, unanswered.
Goodnight, and get home safe. Hug your families and loved ones, if you have any left. Send love and support, monetary or emotional, to all those who need it in your lives.
Maybe that's me (and yeah, probably).
Maybe that's Flamethrower, who lost one of the last people who cared about her growing up and fears for her children, struggling with politics and money troubles.
Maybe it's someone I know nothing of and whose existence is meaningless to me, but everything to you, dear reader.
I don't know, but love them like a dog to his/her "Best Friend in the Whole Wide World" (tm).
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princeofgod-2021 · 1 year
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John 1:4
Luk 6:22 "People will hate you because you belong to the Son of Man. THEY WILL MAKE YOU LEAVE THEIR GROUP. They will insult you. They will think it is wrong even to say your name. When these things happen, know that great blessings belong to you. ERV
This is one sure way to differentiate between Christians: by the strength of their relationship with the Lord and the depth of their Impact in the body of Christ.
You are meanly isolated against your wish, by agents of satan outside the Church, and by your fellow [uncommitted] Christians.
Mat 13:23 And the seeds sown in the good soil stand for those who hear the message and understand it: THEY BEAR FRUIT, SOME AS MUCH AS ONE HUNDRED, OTHERS SIXTY, AND OTHERS THIRTY." GNB
The Sower’s Parable sheds light on certain issues of concern in Church: we all receive Grace but we could Produce based on our varying levels of seriousness or commitment to God’s jobs.
1Co 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, AND HIS GRACE TO ME HAS NOT BEEN IN VAIN. IN FACT, I WORKED HARDER THAN ALL OF THEM – yet not I, but the grace of God with me. NET
Paul worked harder and did not waste Grace. This means some believers worked less and some wasted Grace.
Then, because of Jealousy, a line begins to separate them. It’s automatic, folks.
Act 13:44-46 The next Sabbath ALMOST EVERYONE IN TOWN CAME TO HEAR THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE LORD. WHEN THE JEWISH PEOPLE SAW THE CROWDS, THEY WERE VERY JEALOUS. THEY INSULTED PAUL AND SPOKE AGAINST EVERYTHING HE SAID. But Paul and Barnabas BRAVELY said: We had to tell God's message to you before we told it to anyone else. But you rejected the message! This proves that you don't deserve eternal life. NOW WE ARE GOING TO THE GENTILES. CEV
Paul was trying to Minister to the Jewish believers, but Jews, seeing his great success, frustrated his work and forced him to start preaching [absolutely] to Gentiles.
Their stand shows they don’t belong to the Lord; they were supposed to support Paul to increase productivity, but no!
On satan’s side, he would wage furious wars against Paul for destroying his kingdom and freeing people enslaved under him.
1Th 2:1-2 For you yourselves, brothers, are conscious that OUR COMING AMONG YOU WAS NOT WITHOUT EFFECT: BUT AFTER WE HAD FIRST UNDERGONE MUCH PAIN AND BEEN CRUELLY ATTACKED as you saw, at Philippi, by the help of God we gave you the good news without fear, THOUGH EVERYTHING WAS AGAINST US. BBE
If your life makes outstanding impacts for God, you face terrible oppositions from all sides. Sometimes, you are totally alone and confused.
2Co 1:8-9 Brothers and sisters, we don't want you to be ignorant about the SUFFERING WE EXPERIENCED IN THE PROVINCE OF ASIA. IT WAS SO EXTREME THAT IT WAS BEYOND OUR ABILITY TO ENDURE. WE EVEN WONDERED IF WE COULD GO ON LIVING. IN FACT, WE STILL FEEL AS IF WE'RE UNDER A DEATH SENTENCE. But we suffered so that we would stop trusting ourselves and learn to trust God, who brings the dead back to life. GW
Asia was the place God told Paul not to go yet. That tells you the level of opposition satan prepare for him there.
If God almighty would put Paul on hold from going there, then you know this is it!
Act 16:6-7 They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been PREVENTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM SPEAKING THE MESSAGE IN THE PROVINCE OF ASIA. When they came to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to do this, NET
It was as though Paul had been marked by satan and his sentries of wickedness were waiting for him in most places, because of the havoc he was coming to wreck to the kingdom of darkness.
Within the Church too, such Christians are reviled just because of their excellent work.
Mat 5:10-12 "Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! "HAPPY ARE YOU WHEN PEOPLE INSULT YOU AND PERSECUTE YOU AND TELL ALL KINDS OF EVIL LIES AGAINST YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FOLLOWERS. Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. THIS IS HOW THE PROPHETS WHO LIVED BEFORE YOU WERE PERSECUTED. GNB
Anyone who is lazy, irresolute and poorly committed to God’s kingdom business – or any business for that matter – will always have reason to hate the serious-minded worker because serious work speaks out against laziness.
Comparisons are made and the lazy could be sacked.
Num 14:22-24 Because all these men, having seen my glory and the signs which I have done in Egypt and in the waste land, still have put me to the test ten times, and have not given ear to my voice; They will not see the land about which I made an oath to their fathers; not one of these by whom I have not been honoured will see it. BUT MY SERVANT CALEB, BECAUSE HE HAD A DIFFERENT SPIRIT IN HIM, AND HAS BEEN TRUE TO ME WITH ALL HIS HEART, HIM I WILL TAKE INTO THAT LAND INTO WHICH HE WENT, AND HIS SEED WILL HAVE IT FOR THEIR HERITAGE. BBE
Prophets were always hated because, apart from their being dedicated to God, their Ministry commonly decries the misdemeanours of the people.
It’s a double-edged sword, beloved.
But there’s a factor that makes that line of separation bolder: By how much do you know God?
Dan 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: BUT THE PEOPLE THAT DO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG, AND DO EXPLOITS. KJV
Closeness to, and knowledge of God will give men edge over all competitors, and set him apart.
Dan 6:3 Then this Daniel was made overseer of the presidents and satraps, BECAUSE AN EXCELLENT SPIRIT WAS IN HIM. And the king was planning to set him over all the kingdom. MKJV
God will set you apart and plant you amongst the excellent ones, in Jesus name.
Join us on Friday for more digging into scriptures and peruse of this intriguing subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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automatismoateo · 2 years
Marjorie Taylor Greene is Using White Supremacist and Nazi Propaganda to Attack the LGBT Community via /r/atheism
Marjorie Taylor Greene is Using White Supremacist and Nazi Propaganda to Attack the LGBT Community
Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to White supremacist and Nazi propaganda to attack the LGBT community. She recently said that in a few generations no one will identify as straight or cisgender and anyone else who holds this view is also using White supremacist and Nazi propaganda to make there points as well.
For reference, here's what she said:
“They just want you to think that all of a sudden the entire population is steadily turning gay or turning trans. Just generation, generation, generation. Probably in about four or five generations, no one will be straight anymore. Everyone will be either gay or trans or nonconforming or whatever the list of 50 or 60 different options there are.”
Read this statement very carefully because this is almost word for word what White supremacists say about replacement theory. For those who don't know what replacement theory is it's the belief that the reason White populations are decreasing in places like the United States is because there is a conspiracy to "replace" White people with people who are not White and they believe that all of this is is being directed by the Jews because of fucking course they believe that. And this is exactly what Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying. She is literally trying to attribute the rise in the number of people identifying as queer to an effort to replace straight cisgender people with queer people. As oppose to the fact that society is becoming, you know, more accepting of the idea that trans people deserve to be happy. Again, the language she is using is almost identical to White supremacists talking about replacement theory, but take out "White" and put in "straight and cisgender."
In terms of the Nazi propaganda she's using she's taking it straight from Mein Kampf. I'll show you some examples:
"Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people."
This is exactly what Marjorie Taylor Greene is doing. She's using language that can be understood by the dumbest person in the room.
"The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses."
This is another thing she's doing. Nothing she said was based on logic or being reasonable because she just wants to rouse anger and fear against people in the LGBT community.
"Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively... yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side."
This is especially important considering how much of her belief is based on anti-intellectualism. Nothing she said is factual or true in anyway, she's trying to distort the truth as much as possible to make herself sound as correct as possible. And she's also betting on her audience not fact checking her, which many of them won't.
From the replacement theory, to speaking to the dumbest person in the room, to trying rouse fear and anger in straight cisgender people, people to not investigating the facts objectively, to taking pieces of the truth and misrepresenting to make it favorable to her argument she's using White supremacist and Nazi propaganda to attack the LGBT community and encourage violence and death against them. She wants to not only convince straight cisgender people that they are the ones being attacked, but also remove queer people from existence and she wants the masses of America to do it. This is wrong, this is hateful, this is evil, and she and anybody else who agrees with her needs to be stopped.
If you're wondering why I posted this in the atheist subreddit it's because Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Christian nationalist, she's literally identified herself as one, and she's using her Christian nationalism to justify her desire to basically genocide the LGBT community. Christian is one of the biggest threat to the United States. The people who stormed the capitol were also Christian nationalists.
When fascism come to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
Submitted July 13, 2022 at 03:05PM by Bisexual-Demigod (From Reddit https://ift.tt/SwyPnOD)
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hexjulia · 2 years
“The Man Who Was Thursday” is one of the hidden hinges of twentieth-century writing, the place where, before our eyes, the nonsense-fantastical tradition of Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear pivots and becomes the nightmare-fantastical tradition of Kafka and Borges. It is also, along with Chesterton’s “The Napoleon of Notting Hill,” the nearest thing that this masterly writer wrote to a masterpiece.
Chesterton is an easy writer to love—a brilliant sentence-maker, a humorist, a journalist of endless appetite and invention. His aphorisms alone are worth the price of admission, better than any but Wilde’s. Even his standard-issue zingers are first-class—“Americans are the people who describe their use of alcohol and tobacco as vices”; “There is more simplicity in the man who eats caviar on impulse than in the man who eats grape-nuts on principle”; “ ‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no true patriot would think of saying. . . . It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober’ ”—while the deeper ones are genuine Catholic koans, pregnant and profound: “Blasphemy depends on belief, and is fading with it. If anyone doubts this, let him sit down seriously and try to think blasphemous thoughts about Thor.” Or: “The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange.” Or: “A key has no logic to its shape. Its logic is: it turns the lock."
But he is a difficult writer to defend. Those of us who are used to pressing his writing on friends have the hard job of protecting him from his detractors, who think he was a nasty anti-Semite and medievalizing reactionary, and the still harder one of protecting him from his admirers, who pretend that he was not. His Catholic devotees are legion and fanatic—the small Ignatius Press has taken on the heroic job of publishing everything he wrote in a uniform edition, and is already up to the thirty-fifth volume—but not always helpful to his non-cult reputation, especially when they insist on treating his gassy Church apologetics as though they were as interesting as his funny and suggestively mystical Christian allegories. He has a loving following among liberal Catholics, like Garry Wills and Wilfrid Sheed, and even nonbelievers, like Martin Gardner. But his most strenuous advocates are mainly conservative preVatican II types who are indignant about his neglect without stopping to reflect how much their own uncritical enthusiasm may have contributed to it.
If you want stability allied to imagination, Catholicism has everything else beat. Although Chesterton did not officially convert until 1922, well after the war, his drift toward what he called “Orthodoxy” was apparent in the years just after the publication of “The Man Who Was Thursday.”
And right around here is where the Jew-hating comes in. A reader with a casual interest in Chesterton’s life may have a reassuring sense, from his fans and friendly biographers, that his anti-Semitism really isn’t all that bad: that there’s not much of it; that a lot of it came from loyalty to his younger brother Cecil, a polemical journalist in the pre-war years, and to his anti-Dreyfusard friend Belloc; that he had flushed it out of his system by the mid-twenties; and, anyway, that it was part of the time he lived in, a time when pretty much everyone, from Kipling to T. S. Eliot, mistrusted Jews—when even the philo-Semites (give them a home!) were really anti-Semites (get them out of here!).
Unfortunately, a little reading shows that there’s a lot of it, that it comes all the time, and that the more Chesterton tries to justify it the worse it gets. The ugliness really began in 1912, when he joined his brother in a crusade against the corruption of the Liberal Government, using a scandal that involved Rufus Isaacs, a Cabinet minister, and his brother Godfrey, a businessman. 
This campaign—and, perhaps, the courtroom loss as well—set off something horrible in the older brother, and, after Cecil died, in 1918, in the war, Chesterton’s hatreds became ugly and obsessive. There had been mild Jew-bashing in his work before, based on the ethnic generalities that everyone engaged in—the Jews are all alike in his stories, but then the French and the Italians are all alike, too. From then on, however, Chesterton hammers relentlessly at the idea that there is “a Jewish problem,” the problem being that Jews are foreigners, innately alien to the nations into which they’ve insinuated themselves. Writing in 1920, he tells us that Jews are regarded, by the Arabs in Palestine, as “parasites that feed on a community by a thousand methods of financial intrigue and economic exploitation.” Chesterton then adds that this charge may not be entirely true but needs to be addressed by the Jews—as though they were compelled to consider themselves permanently on trial by their persecutors. Later in the decade, writing about a journey to America, he says, in defense of Henry Ford, “No extravagance of hatred merely following on experience of Jews can properly be called a prejudice. . . . These people of the plains have found the Jewish problem exactly as they might have struck oil; because it is there, and not even because they were looking for it.”
It’s a deeply racial, not merely religious, bigotry; it’s not the Jews’ cupidity or their class role—it’s them. In his autobiography, Chesterton tries to defend himself by explaining what it is that makes people naturally mistrust Jews. All schoolboys recognized Jews as Jews, he says, and when they did so “what they saw was not Semites or Schismatics or capitalists or revolutionists, but foreigners, only foreigners that were not called foreigners.” Even a seemingly assimilated Jew, in Chesterton’s world, remains a foreigner. No one born a Jew can become a good Englishman: if England had sunk into the Atlantic, he says, Disraeli would have run off to America. The more he tries to excuse himself, the worse it gets. In his autobiography, he writes of how he appreciates that “one of the great Jewish virtues is gratitude,” and explains that he knows this because as a kid at school “I was criticized in early days for quixotry and priggishness in protecting Jews; and I remember once extricating a strange swarthy little creature with a hooked nose from being bullied, or rather being teased.”
The insistence that Chesterton’s anti-Semitism needs to be understood “in the context of his time” defines the problem, because his time—from the end of the Great War to the mid-thirties—was the time that led to the extermination of the European Jews. In that context, his jocose stuff is even more sinister than his serious stuff. He claims that he can tolerate Jews in England, but only if they are compelled to wear “Arab” clothing, to show that they are an alien nation. Hitler made a simpler demand for Jewish dress, but the idea was the same. Of course, there were, tragically and ironically, points of contact between Chesterton and Zionism. He went to Jerusalem in 1920 and reported back on what he found among the nascent Zionists, whom he liked: he wanted them out of Europe and so did they; he wanted Jews to be turned from rootless cosmopolitans into rooted yeomen, and so did they.
Chesterton wasn’t a fascist, and he certainly wasn’t in favor of genocide, but that is about the best that can be said for him—and is surely less of a moral accomplishment than his admirers would like. He did speak out, toward the end of his life, against the persecution in Nazi Germany, writing that he was “appalled by the Hitlerite atrocities,” that “they have absolutely no reason or logic behind them,” that “I am quite ready to believe now that Belloc and I will die defending the last Jew in Europe.” Yet he insisted, “I still think there is a Jewish problem,” and he denounced Hitler in the context of a wacky argument that Nazism is really a form of “Prussianism,” which is really a form of Judaism; that is, a belief in a chosen, specially exalted people. (For what it’s worth, although he mistrusts Judaism, he detests Islam; Judaism is merely pre-Christian but Islam is a kind of parody Christianity. All the favorite historical arguments for Jesus—that he had to be either crazy or right, and he doesn’t seem crazy; that he changed the world with a suddenness not plausible in an ordinary human; that the scale of the edifice he inspired is proof of divine inspiration—apply just as well to Muhammad, and they can’t both be the guy.)
The trouble for those of us who love Chesterton’s writing is that the anti-Semitism is not incidental: it rises from the logic of his poetic position. The anti-Semitism is easy to excise from his arguments when it’s explicit. It’s harder to excise the spirit that leads to it—the suspicion of the alien, the extreme localism, the favoring of national instinct over rational argument, the distaste for “parasitic” middlemen, and the preference for the simple organ-grinding music of the folk.
His defenders insist that, whatever harm he did to himself and his reputation by his prejudices, the often long, always didactic, and specifically Catholic books to which he devoted himself after his conversion more than make up for it, since they are both profound and genuinely universal, insisting on a pan-national commonality in the true faith. I have had these books—“The Everlasting Man,” a study of Jesus and Christianity; his life of St. Francis; his defense of Thomas Aquinas—pressed on me by Catholic friends with something like the same enthusiasm with which I have proselytized for the pre-Catholic Chesterton. It is hard for a nonbeliever to evaluate this kind of writing, which, despite its evangelical exhortations, is really written to comfort and encourage the already convinced. We choose a religion, when we do, not for the tenets of a creed but for the totality of a circumstance, for a tone and a practice and an encompassing condition: “It feels like home” (or “like my father’s puppet theatre”) is about the truest thing that the convert can say about his new faith. As Chesterton would have been the first to admit, nobody has to argue so strenuously for what he actually believes. Nobody gets up on a soapbox and shouts about the comfort of his sofa and chairs. He just invites other people to sit in them.
In these books, Chesterton becomes a Pangloss of the parish; anything Roman is right. It is hard to credit that even a convinced Catholic can feel equally strongly about St. Francis’s intuitive mysticism and St. Thomas’s pedantic religiosity, as Chesterton seems to. His writing suffers from conversion sickness. Converts tend to see the faith they were raised in as an exasperatingly makeshift and jury-rigged system: Anglican converts to Catholicism are relieved not to have to defend Henry VIII’s divorces; Jewish converts to Christianity are relieved to get out from under the weight of all those strange Levitical laws on animal hooves. The newly adopted faith, they imagine, is a shining, perfectly balanced system, an intricately worked clock where the cosmos turns to tell the time and the cuckoo comes out singing every Sunday. An outsider sees the Church as a dreamy compound of incense and impossibility, and, overglamorizing its pretensions, underrates its adaptability. A Frenchman or an Italian, even a devout one, can see the Catholic Church as a normally bureaucratic human institution, the way patriotic Americans see the post office, recognizing the frailty and even the occasional psychosis of its employees without doubting its necessity or its ability to deliver the message. Chesterton writing about the Church is like someone who has just made his first trip to the post office. Look, it delivers letters for the tiny price of a stamp! You write an address on a label, and they will send it anywhere, literally anywhere you like, across a continent and an ocean, in any weather! The fact that the post office attracts timeservers, or has produced an occasional gun massacre, is only proof of the mystical enthusiasm that the post office alone provides! Glorifying the postman beyond what the postman can bear is what you do only if you’re new to mail.
The books became narrower as they got bigger. The problem of how you reconcile a love of the particular with a set of universal values seemed easy; the Catholic Church was large enough to provide a universal code and ritual for life with plenty of room for variation among lives within it. The trouble is that Catholic universalism is not so convincing to those whose idea of local variation involves a variation on the Catholic ritual, or wanting some other ritual, or wanting no ritual at all. Chesterton’s vision has no room in it for tolerance, except as a likable personal whim or an idiosyncratic national trait. (That he was personally tolerant, on this basis, no one can doubt.) The history of persecution, of Albigensians and Inquisitions, is constantly defended in the inevitable “though it can only be regretted/still it must always be remembered” manner.
The wonderful spirit of early Chesterton—who is equally religious but not so neatly dogmatic—got channelled into the Father Brown detective stories, which he wrote for money and from increasingly flagging inspiration, and into the torrent of weekly journalism, which he kept up right until his death. The later essays are often as brilliant as those of the early nineteen-hundreds. Chesterton on the virtues of the newly invented cartoon, on the absurdities of Prohibition in America, on social manners within New York skyscrapers is still wonderful. (Musing on how an American always takes off his hat in an elevator, he writes that the very word “elevator” “expresses a great deal of his vague but idealistic religion,” and he goes on, “Perhaps a brief religious service will be held in the elevator as it ascends; in a few well-chosen words touching the Utmost for the Highest. . . . The tall building is itself artistically akin to the tall story. The very word skyscraper is an admirable example of an American lie.”) But often one has the sense of a man chained to a paradox assembly line in a prose factory. Too much journalism does drain a writer; turns his tics into tocks, dully marking the time until the next check.
And then he seemed very dated very soon. There are two great tectonic shifts in English writing. One occurs in the early eighteenth century, when Addison and Steele begin The Spectator and the stop-and-start Elizabethan-Stuart prose becomes the smooth, Latinate, elegantly wrought ironic style that dominated English writing for two centuries. Gibbon made it sly and ornate; Johnson gave it sinew and muscle; Dickens mocked it at elaborate comic length. But the style—formal address, long windups, balance sought for and achieved—was still a sort of default, the voice in which leader pages more or less wrote themselves.
The second big shift occurred just after the First World War, when, under American and Irish pressure, and thanks to the French (Flaubert doing his work through early Joyce and Hemingway), a new form of aerodynamic prose came into being. The new style could be as limpid as Waugh or as blunt as Orwell or as funny as White and Benchley, but it dethroned the old orotundity as surely as Addison had killed off the old asymmetry. Chestertonian mannerisms—beginning sentences with “I wish to conclude” or “I should say, therefore” or “Moreover,” using the first person plural un-self-consciously (“What we have to ask ourselves . . .”), making sure that every sentence was crafted like a sword and loaded like a cannon—appeared to have come from some other universe. Writers like Shaw and Chesterton depended on a kind of comic and complicit hyperbole: every statement is an overstatement, and understood as such by readers. The new style prized understatement, to be filled in by the reader. What had seemed charming and obviously theatrical twenty years before now could sound like puff and noise. Human nature didn’t change in 1910, but English writing did. (For Virginia Woolf, they were the same thing.) The few writers of the nineties who were still writing a couple of decades later were as dazed as the last dinosaurs, post-comet. They didn’t know what had hit them, and went on roaring anyway.
In the late twenties, many people lost their bearings, and Chesterton began to drift farther right than he had before. Though he never fully embraced Mussolini, he was in spirit as good a Falangist as you could find: he dreamed of an anti-capitalist agricultural state overseen by the Catholic Church and governed by a military for whom medieval ideas of honor still resonated, a place where Jews would not be persecuted or killed, certainly, but hived off and always marked as foreigners. All anti-utopians cherish a secret utopia, an Eden of their own, and his, ironically, was achieved: his ideal order was ascendant over the whole Iberian Peninsula for half a century. And a bleak place it was, too, with a fearful ruling class running a frightened population in an atmosphere of poverty-stricken uniformity and terrified stasis—a lot more like the actual medieval condition than like the Victorian fantasy. (Just as William Morris’s or Ruskin’s medieval guilds were the leisure activities of a Victorian moneyed and altruistic class projected backward in time, Chesterton’s medieval London was really a nostalgic vision of late-Victorian London suburbs, small craftsmen gathered around the village green.)
He died, at the age of sixty-two, in his beloved country town of Beaconsfield (Disraeli had previously been its most illustrious resident), worse for wear after decades of non-stop writing, editing, and lecture-touring. His coffin was too big to be carried down the stairs, and had to be taken through a window. But even in his final years the sinuosity of his mind and the beauty of his line remained strong. (Besides, if obviously great writers were allowed onto the reading list only when they conform to the current consensus of liberal good will—voices of tolerance and liberal democracy—we would probably be down to George Eliot.)
Chesterton’s conundrums of imagination and fact retain their grip on us, because they remind us that we know two things. We know that we have our experience of a limited world, Surbiton or Notting Hill or Telegraph Hill. We also know that this experience doesn’t feel limited, that it includes far more—all of myth and religion and meaning, as the children’s puppet theatre does. The desire for mystery and romance can’t be argued out of importance, but it can’t be willed into existence, either. It is a mistake to believe that the man with the golden key is “only” a puppet when he acts out a story that alters the inside of your head; it is also a mistake to cover your eyes and wish away the strings.
We can take the belief in that puppet to be a delusion, as the rationalists did. Or we can take it to be an intimation, as Chesterton did, of the existence of another world, in which the things that we sense as shadows will become real, and we will see ourselves as puppets that have come alive in the hand of God. Or we can believe that the credit we give the puppet show is the credit it deserves, that the wonder of it cannot be explained, up or down, but only experienced; that the side we see is the side there is to look at, and that the white radiance of wonder shines from inside, which is where the light is."
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virovac · 3 years
Well...that explains the ending being such a shift
The message of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" is that we all deserve to die. All of us. Everyone. Every single last human. If you accept the other as equal, then you're a degenerate fool and you should die for it. If you fear and hate the other and act accordingly, then you're a xenophobic thug and you should die for it. You should die for being savage and primitive, and you should die for being civilized and self-righteous. You should die for living in a smug and hypocritical town like Arkham, you should die for living in a drunken crumbling shantytown or reservation like Innsmouth, and you should die for living in the imperial palaces of Y'ha-nthlei. The Deep Ones are our own reflection cast upon the surface of the water. It's an ugly reflection. It should die. The book of life and the book of death are one and the same; there's only one verdict for anyone. "Mene, mene, tekel uparshim," as Zadok quoted in his heavyhanded callback to "The Doom that Came to Sarnath" and the Biblical story that inspired it. Our days have all been counted. Our verdicts have all been handed down. We're all sentenced to death for the crime of being human. I wouldn't describe "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" as primarily racist, misogynist, classist, or xenophobic. Overshadowing everything else is its unbridled and nearly indiscriminate misanthropy. In fact, for all its flaws in execution, it might just be the most artfully and passionately misanthropic story I've ever read. Ideology has a way of making its taboos outlast its values. Formerly Christian atheists have anxieties about hell long after they've had their last dreams of heaven. The European antisemitic belief in the greedy and treacherous Jew has long outlasted the belief that Judas betrayed Jesus for money on which it was originally based. Former Jews avoid eating pork long after they've stopped celebrating the Matan Torah. Some of the anxieties being channeled into the story are reflective of the interwar zeitgeist of the west during the 1920's and 30's. The ideological mishmash of traditional Christianity, 18-19th century Enlightenment philosophy and Imperialism, the newer creeds of Socialism and Egalitarianism, and the reactionary knee jerk of Fascism. All of the "western" world embraced all of these things at once, with all the problems that that entails. And I don't think there was any one country in which all of them were as simultaneously visible as the United States of America. Everything was simultaneously right and wrong. Everything that people had believed in until recently had just betrayed them in the Great War. The sense that another, even worse disaster was inbound on its heels was validated by the end of the 1930's. A lot of these anxieties also make much more sense in the context of the author's own life. By the time he wrote "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," Lovecraft had been chewed up and spat out again by nearly all of the contradictory ideologies of early twentieth century America, and some others. His abusive mother taught him to hate himself. His white supremacist aunts taught him to hate anything that wasn't upper class, English speaking, and Germanic. His New York friends taught him to hate oppression, racism, and social inequality. Government propaganda taught him to hate communism. Poverty taught him to hate capitalism. They all taught him to love something as well, but as I said above, taboos tend to outlast values. My impression of Lovecraft, based on his writings and biography, is that by the end of his life he had been inundated with many contradictory belief systems, and not managed to completely repudiate any of them even after they failed him. All those contradictory taboos and judgments just chasing each other around and around and around without rest. If so, I can definitely see how a story like "Innsmouth" may have been a vent for these emotional woes.
Leila Hann
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willow-salix · 3 years
OK, I'm going to put something out there, hate me if you want but I honestly dont care.
Can everyone PLEASE STOP using the word witch in a derogatory way? Please.
It's insulting, it's hurtful, it's rude and it's not true.
Now I understand that you might not want to swear, that you might not want to call someone a bitch or a twat, I get that, but calling them an evil witch does NOT make it better.
Witchcraft is a religious practice, it's the act of enacting change through ritual and prayer, exactly like many other religions.
Being a witch is what someone is, it's part of their religious practice and I am getting freaking sick to the back teeth of people using it in a derogatory way.
We are not evil. We are not the bad guys, society, fiction, the media and the church have painted us this way. You wanna know what we were? Your healer, your midwife, your friend, that's what we were and that's what we are still. We are NOT EVIL. We are NOT BAD.
Witchcraft is a religious practice, and if you would not say anything derogatory to anyone else, if you would not even think to say anything nasty about a Muslim, a jew, a Christian, a Buddhist, because that's wrong, that's intolerant, that's nasty, then stop doing it to us.
I understand that it's learned behaviour, that it's something that's done a lot, but it's time we stood up for this and changed that.
This is a subject that makes me very very angry and I'm getting sick to the back teeth of having to spell this out to people.
If you wouldn't say it to or about any other religion don't do it to us!!
It's not exactly rocket science now is it?
Here are just a few examples of what we deal with, this article was from the start of the pandemic when England was on lockdown...
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The newspaper refused to print a retraction because, and I quote "because it wasn't aimed at any one individual personally therefore it wasn't derogatory it was satire."
Where during that pandemic did you see papers making fun of Muslims for not being able to attend their celebrations? You didn't, they were praised for staying home. Christians? Praised for going online. That or religious services were allowed inside because religion , but us, being outdoors, was not.
The pagan police association got involved, the police said it was a hate crime. Yet nothing was done about it because ours is a religion that is dismissed, ignored and used as canon fodder for jokes and attacks and no one cares.
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We have a yearly meet up, Witchfest, biggest witch festival in Europe, in Croydon, London. The last time we had one we had protestors holding crosses and basically screaming at us and hurling abuse at us. If that had been any other religion they were attacking it would be all over the news and people would be yelling about how intolerant and nasty it was. With us we got nothing. Police didn't even come. Mostly because we are not evil and we just didn't engage and ignored as best we could while being insulted.
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We invuted them in for tea as it was very cold, but we're evil and will kill them, right?
I was on webtoon the other day, a character threw a hot cup of tea in their love rivals face. Cue the screaming of burn the witch, sizzle bitch. I politely asked people to think about what they were saying and how it would look to us. Did they care? Did they fuck.
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Back in the days when I actually tried watching Coronation Street there was this...
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This is just a small example of the shit we put up with on a daily basis.
At school I was attacked, verbally and physically for being a witch, I'm talking bibles thrown at my head, hair set on fire.
At work, in the job I currently work in, I had a customer point out my pentagram, ask me if iw as Jewish and when I said no I'm pagan, he asked what that meant, I said I practice witchcraft he started screaming at me in my shop of how I was evil and shouldn't be working in a store that caters for children.
I run a pub meeting for pagans to meet in the community, I've had abuse there too, and unfortunately it's normal.
We are the forgotten and ignored religion when it comes to tolerance and respect.
So, what I'm saying here, in short, is that we are not a joke, we are not something that should be insulted and used as a cheap plot point. We are not there to be made fun of or abused because you can.
We are valid! We count! We are just as worthy of support as any other religion.
Please think twice before you use witch as an insult again. Be nice, be kind, don't use us in a derogatory way.
Thank you.
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