#treat that elf like a selkie
welcomingdisaster · 5 months
crablor is out sealglor is in.
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Meetings on a Rising Tide
Part of The Iridescence Fictional Universe
Precious Sea Glass Series
Pairing: [Dragon] Pero Tovar x [Nereid] f!Reader
Series Rating: E (Explicit, minors DNI)
Word Count: 1.6K
Summary: Pero meets the one he chooses to claim as his own, the one whom calls to his very magical core, while war rides on the horizon. You have never met a being whom your magic called out to before, this dragon who can see beyond the bloodline you carry.
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War was coming.
Everyone knew it, the feeling of that swelling tension bearing down on all things.
Mercenaries of all manner could be found sharpening their weapons, soldiers and fighters honing their training, while farmers and craftsmen prayed to the Immortals for it to come with minimal losses. Fathers and mothers kissed and coddled their children more often, hushed goodbyes whispered in the still of night between desperate touches and kisses, and the spell casters poured over tomes and cauldrons and runic emblems to prepare for the coming bloodshed.
He watched it all from his dreyerie above the village, rarely did he take his bipedal form to mingle among the people below and even less as the blood on the wind began to grow thicker, for this was a war he had no reason to fight. The Elder Fae attempting to wage war against the Immortals had been brewing for centuries before this village had even been imagined, and the losses on all sides would be heavy no matter how much the fools prayed.
His great wings unfurled as he spotted the form of William heading into the village, the elf was a good ally and excellent archer thanks to nearly four hundred years of training, and as he yawned Pero shook out the stiffness in his muscles before jumping to glide down into the field. The village knew of his presence, he’d long since negotiated the cost of livestock when he couldn’t find whales to feast on, and none of them gave him a second look as his form shifted and he strode toward the elf waiting at the village center for him.
“Brother, there you are.” He gripped the man’s forearm and nodded, granting the man a soft hum of greeting, but as they made their way to the village’s only communal drink house the dragon spotted something shining out of the corner of his eye. His gaze followed it and every instinct to possess ripped through him, blazing like the wildfire in his veins, the alluring woman was clad in a draping gown of fabric that gleamed in blue tones like the ocean’s surface.
Adorning her head was some sort of intricate headdress laden with small pearls, colorful sea glass, and lovely shells woven together with green sea grass and hemp strips. He might’ve thought her Selkie as she spoke to the fishmonger’s wife Marta who was one of the seal-people but she lacked any furred cloak to indicate such. “I see you’ve noticed the Ocean Lord’s daughter.” Pero turned his head sharply to look at William as the elf smiled; the softness in that look tore a growl of warning from the dragon despite his attempts to quell such a sound.
All it did was draw gazes his way, including hers, and Pero could see the blend of surprise and curiosity in her gaze before she was ushered away to the baker’s husband by a visibly furious Marta. He knew many of the magic born feared him, for valid reasons given what he was, but to openly display her hostility like this meant the little Nereid was important to the seal-people of this area. “The Selkie have been trying to convince her to marry into the pod for decades now, but she’s always refused even their strongest warriors.” William’s explanation made Pero smirk at Marta, who glared right back, but the dragon decided that he would appease his curiosity this day.
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You truly loved the village of Kvia, it had been erected on the shores just outside of your sea home, but sometimes it was exhausting to be amidst the cheerful faces. You hadn’t sought recognition or any sort of seat of power over any of these people and they insisted on treating you as if you were royal, all because the Ocean Lord was your Father and you were one of his favored daughters, and this made it a constant competition for your favor.
Marta was kind but the Selkie was relentless in her attempts to convince you to wed one of her brethren, to become a member of their pod and show them favor, but in truth you had no interest in any of the people of Kvia. You were not a young creature and they often chose to forget that you’d called this place your home long before they were even born, the Selkie would never live to match your own span of life and perhaps it was selfish but you were afraid to love anyone that would leave you long before the Immortals reclaimed your soul.
“When you plan to head to the shores please let me know, I can have Gawain accompany you.” Marta’s hopeful expression was clear and you found yourself sighing softly.
“Marta, I’m not interested in any of the people here romantically-“
“Nonsense, you just haven’t met the right one my dear. Besides, you’re a Nereid so it makes sense for you to wed a Selkie since we can join you in the seas without any special magics.”
Your eyes closed as you tried to maintain your control, knowing that if you grew angry the waves would grow choppy in response, but your patience was truly beginning to wear thin with her. A rumbling growl filled the air before you could reply and you found yourself looking with many others, seeing two mercenaries standing in the roadway, but your eyes landed on the man with tanned skin and black scaled armor that was watching you. Heat rolled off his frame along with the strong scent of soot and volcanic rock, his eyes were dark enough to mask it but in the light they flashed molten gold and revealed the slit pupils, but the sudden zing of your magic swelling to match his sent a thrill down your spine.
Marta ushered you off to Jaxom’s stall with a whisper, advising you against engaging him at the risk of antagonizing the dragon and his elf companion, but you couldn’t help the way your gaze followed them. Bidding Jaxom a hasty farewell and hurrying after the two, despite the dismayed sound of Marta calling your name, all you wanted was to see him up close. Slipping into the drink house and looking around, seeing the two at a corner table, you were about to go over when Gawain himself stepped into your line of view.
The Selkie was built more like a bear than a person, layers of fat hiding the muscles you knew he had, and while there were plenty of seal-women who would be attracted to his very round belly and the coarse cloak of hair that he left untamed and long you were not one of them. “Couldn’t wait for me to walk you home today? Am I finally going to be graced with your favor, Princess?” Gawain was the exact kind of arrogant, cocky, bull seal that left you fuming for hours after sealing with their antics for any reason; unlike some of the bulls he was large and he didn’t take no for an answer unless he lost in a fight.
“I’m not here for you, Gawain, and I don’t need you to walk me down to the shore.” If he noticed the clipped tone of your voice he certainly didn’t mention it and the Selkie moved to loop his arm over your shoulder as the rest of the drink house went quiet, every single Were was growing tense and one of the ogres that served in the local militia placed a hand on his dagger waiting for you to react. As you slipped out of range of the bull’s massive arm you felt the searing presence and heard the rumbling snarl before gasping as the dragon put himself between you and Gawain, he wasn’t as tall or holding nearly as much bulk but the power coming off him was unmistakable.
His voice nearly shook you to the core, low and raspy dripping with venomous fury. “I do believe you were refused, it is best you don’t continue to sniff where you are unwanted, friend.” Gawain’s pale skin flushed with fury but the Selkie wasn’t stupid enough to challenge a dragon, blustering with a noise of irritation before returning to his pod mates, and you found yourself being addressed by the fiery man now as he turned to you.
A scar bisected his left eye that you could only assume came from another dragon, not much could do damage to those scales after all, and you didn’t think much as you stood up on your toes to run your thumb along the discolored skin. “You are here for me, cristal marino?” The way his eyes closed and he leaned into the touch of your hand reminded you that you’d just touched him without asking, moving to draw your hand back, but his closed gently around yours and returned it to his cheek. “It is in my nature to crave beautiful, shining, things; if you choose me there will be no going back.” His voice dripped with intent and for the first time in millennia your magic pulsed and met his, your aura meeting his own creating a misting of warm steam as you smiled.
“Then prove to me you are a good choice, I shall wait for you…”
Something about him called to you, the Immortals had put him in your path today for a reason, and you knew just by looking at him that under his fire he was a good man.
“Tovar. I am Pero Tovar, mi cristal marino.”
Not a diamond or pearl, not any sort of precious stone, you were his sea glass. Beautiful in your simplicity, and you already loved him for it.
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Merpeople biology
Shark: The shark species are the most aggressive of the merfolk, merfolk of every shark type have been found throughout the world. The males present with hemi penises, unlike their animal counterpart it is believed that the males of the shark species use both penises during mating, though more study is needed as their mating habits are under studied.
Octopus: The species lives alone until mating season, then the males will seek out females in their homes to start mating rituals. The male will seek out the largest female he can find, once he finds one he finds acceptable he will start the courting rituals. If there are no other males to fight with the courting male will bring meals and shiny things to the female, if the female accepts these gifts then the actual mating will begin. Unlike the cephalopods the males have two penises, one penis located at their pelvis and the other is a hectocotylus (a specialized tentacle used to deliver sperm), the hectocotylus is able to detach from the male, once detached the male can still feel and move the penis as if it were still attached to his body. Octopi merpeople do not die after mating, in some cases the male will stay around until the offspring is old enough to swim on their own, there have been some cases where the male and female pair up and mate for life.
Selkie: The myths hold true for this subspecies, the Selkie has a pelt of seal fur that allows them to shift into a seal. Once they remove said coat they transform into a human, once in said human form a Selkie is almost indistinguishable from a true born human, the only differences being as follows
Larger and rounder eyes than a typical human
Darker pigmented spots on the skin that mimic those of a seal's spots
Elf like ears
Little is known about their mating habits with other Selkies but if they are courting a human they will attempt to get their desired mate to accept their seal coats. One of two known subspecies to have the ability to transform.
Merrow: The Merrow another merfolk from myth, their red caps allow them to breathe and live under the water. Much like the Selkie if a Merrow's cap is taken from them they can no longer live in the water, they will try to bargain with the human who took their cap. Marrying a Merrow is said to bring luck and prosperity to the entire town they reside in, no matter how long a Merrow spends on land they will always yearn for the sea. If they find the opportunity to regain their cap and return to the sea they will do so with no second thought of their family on the land.
Clownfish: Much like the actual fish Clownfish merfolk live in a school setting where they have a mating hierarchy, though unlike the fish all males have a chance to mate with the dominant female, though the less dominant males will mate less often. It is uncommon but not unheard of for males to seek out a new female if they are displeased with her, however if they are pleased with her she will be brought gifts and treated kindly and gently.
Hagfish: Really not much is about Hagfish mating, they come up from the deep water and into shallow water to try and find a mate. There have been reports that hagfish merfolk stay locked together after mating but these reports have not been substantiated.
Giant variant: There is a gene mutation for all subspecies of merpeople, this mutation is rare and causes accelerated growth. Along with this growth the mutation causes the subject to have a prolonged lifespan and a strange ability to control the size of their genitalia, this ability seems to be used to allow the subject to mate with others who are smaller than them.
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moonlightreal · 2 years
Field Guide chapter 5
The chapter on elves and fey. Considering both traditional fey and the more Tolkein-derived elves.
Mythological Roots
So many different beings are cast under the mythological fey umbrella.  Big, small, good, evil, humanlike, animalish.  Sometimes thought to be soulless.  Now more considered personified forces of nature.  Many peoples believed the trees had spirits, most famously personified as dryads.  Other fey are similar to animals, like satyrs and kelpies.  The two courts, seelie and unseelie.  Household helper spirits.  Belief in changelings persisted in Ireland until the late eighteen hundreds.  As is usual, the mythological background is available elsewhere so I’m condensing it quite a lot.
Elves, Fey, and Modern Mythology
Midsummer Night’s dream, Cottingly fairy photographs, the Victorian fairy art era.  Most otherkin find inspiration later in time, with Tolkein and beyond.
War for the Oaks, Charles DeLint, Mercedes Lackey’s urban elves, Laurel K Hamilton has a naughty elf series too.  A movie called The Seventh Stream, Stardust, the Sandman comics, ElfQuest, and Changeling: The Dreaming.  Changeling resonates because its characters are both human and fey.
I the writer of Moon Light Real encourage magical beings to check out Changeling: the Dreaming and its reboot Changeling: the Lost.  They’re fiction, they’re games, but they have interesting thoughts on being magical on earth.
Elves are a larger group of otherkin and are more Tolkien inspired than mythologically., of the “tall slim and elegant type.”  Lupa mentions that most elves she knows have that appearance physically.
A group of elves called the Elenari have shared memories of escaping other planets under threat by “the Corruption.”  There are different subtypes of Elenari and they come from different worlds, including the realm of Alorya.   They also have a system of magical healing that you can learn on youtube.  
Another group, the Silver Elves (newer site) have written quite a few books.  I haven’t read any of them yet so I can’t say what they’re like.  
There are also otherkin who call themselves Tuatha de Danaan or sidhe, identifying strongly with Celtic mythology.
Faeries and Fey Kin
While elves tend to follow a type, fey come in many shapes and sizes.  Lupa heard from satyrs, phouka, selkies, and general faeries, and some people who are more than one kind of faerie at once.  Past lives are the most common explanation for fey nature, but fey walk-ins also occur.  Many fey know what they are in childhood, then rediscover their nature later.
There’s a marvelous story here, and I wish I could tell you all the stories Lupa got from her survey because a lot of them are marvelous but we’d be here forever, but this one I’ll paraphrase.  A sidhe had been making magical “human treats” for their co-workers, enchanted to make them more tolerable to work with and awaken any of them who had nonhuman natures.  The sidhe’s roommate ate some and didn’t react the same way the co-workers were.  Turns out the roomate was a satyr, named Lysander who answered the survey.  I want the recipe for these “human treats.”  
In the surveys fey reported feeling “different” more than other kinds of otherkin.
Traditional Lore vs. Modern Day Experience
The seelie/unseelie split seems to modern fey to be less about good/evil and more about creation/destruction both as forces for good.  The “destruction” is more about testing or changing things.
Some fey are sensitive to iron, some are not.  For those who are it can manifest as weakness in the joints or a skin reaction.  Or magical trouble.  Fey who us magic may not be able to use magical tools made of iron, or of any metal.
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roselightfairy · 3 years
If you're still doing fic recs, do you have any favorite AUs?
Oh, do I!! This is an EXCELLENT prompt, and I’ve had a lot of fun compiling this list tonight. I’ve ended up grouping it into two different sections: modern AU (because there are a lot of those!) and “other,” which are…non-modern AU, haha. For the most part I’ve left out UA (universe alteration, in which the universe is the same but something about the story changes), because I can’t think of any of those right now – but I know there are some really good ones of that as well!
like, comment, subscribe by DeHeerKonijn
Summary: A collection of fics that take place in my modern ‘verse, wherein Minas Tirith is a bustling city, Gimli is a professor at the university, and Legolas is a model-slash-influencer-slash-layabout.
Come on, you all knew this was going to be first on the list. The amount of worldbuilding @deheerkonijn has put into this series is absolutely breathtaking, and what you see on Tumblr is probably only the half of it. (Go stalk her Twitter, even if you don’t have a profile – I do it all the time!) This series is all she’s written for it so far, plus the fic that we cowrote about the OC roommates. But aside from that, the series has a whole assortment of always sexy, always funny, always sweet stories about Legolas and Gimli; go read them all!
No Place Like HoME by Flamebyrd
Summary: In which our heroes play a MMORPG called Heroes of Middle-Earth.
THIS IS SO GOOD. I love this premise so much, haha – Legolas and Gimli are just regular humans (with regular names, even!) and a rivalry they don’t even know about – but it turns out they’ve been playing each other in a game for quite awhile! It’s cute, fun, and creative, and I wish there were more.
life’s just a game (and it’s just your turn) by plinys
Summary: Legolas and Gimli try to have phone sex (or well, headset sex) with some unforeseen consequences.
I ADORE that these two as gamers is a fic idea that exists more than once, and this one is so fluffy with just a hint of spice (and a hefty dose of embarrassment, haha, but they deserved it!). Read it and grin!
Hold My Number by katajainen
Summary: It's a Saturday night at the A&E, and Gimli only wants to get to the triage nurse and be done with this whole stupid business.
That is, until he meets a tall, dark stranger (a ridiculously pretty one).
I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. The crowning glory of meet-cutes (though it’s more of a meet-ugly, really), in which Legolas and Gimli meet at the emergency room for very embarrassing reasons . . . and hit it off right away, in a way that is adorable, delightful, and funny to watch. Read for their embarrassing stories, their adorable dorkiness (they’re gamers again!), and their undeniable chemistry.
Perfect Fit by mssileas
Summary: "Both of them were painfully aware that their physical differences were shockingly obvious – much more so than their also very different personalities. And that they usually led people to assumptions they weren't shy of declaring."
Or, Legolas single-handedly disproves all prejudice, and Gimli loves it.
This is a lovely (and smutty, so be warned) modern AU oneshot that challenges the stereotypes of these two based on how they look – and how they would probably be treated, if they were a couple in our world. If you’re interested in the modern AU premise but not the smut, there’s another oneshot set in this ‘verse, Christmas Body, that is mostly just fluff!
Other (non-modern):
The Earth Moves Under Our Feet (It’s A Loco Motion) by notanightlight
Summary: The West is still Wild. Gimli is working on the railway, Legolas is a gunslinger, and someone needs to turn this train around.
WILD WEST AU WILD WEST AU!! This story is one of my favorite things ever because it’s a WILD WEST AU and Gimli is an Irish immigrant and Legolas is an outlaw and they meet in a near-death situation and bond! It has wonderful worldbuilding, excellent banter, and little moments of flirting that almost hide below the surface of the aforementioned near-death situation, but not quite. ;) Please go read it, or listen to the amazing accompanying podfic by Morvidra, which is an astounding performance.
Nothing Doth Fade (But Suffers a Sea-Change) by notanightlight
Summary: Gimli has always heard stories about the seals that lived near the cliffs of Castle Durin. “They aren’t what they seem,” they’d tell him. Gimli never knew what to think of those stories, until the night he met a stranger on the shore, with the sea in his eyes and moonlight on his skin.
@notanightlight has too many amazing AUs to list them all here, but I have to give a shout-out to this one because SELKIES but also ANGST and SORROW and BETRAYAL but FORGIVENESS and HOPE and – I don’t know. It plays with a common and really sad trope, but gives our characters a way through that is hard and painful, but worth it, in the end – a story in which everything is not all okay, but in which that doesn’t have to be the end, if everyone is willing to work. Plus, Thranduil makes an appearance and he is magnificent.
Wild Hunt by consumptive_sphinx
Summary: There’s a knock on the door.
It isn’t quite dusk; it isn’t too dangerous yet. But still, it’s late to be out on Midwinter’s Night. What if he was held up somewhere?
Legolas takes a nail with him when he opens the door. “Gimli. It’s late.”
Fae AU!! consumptive_sphinx has many wonderful AUs and you should check out their whole profile, but I had to give this one a shout-out. It’s mysterious and tender and packs a whole lot of story between the lines of its 917 words and made me yearn for more!
The Monstrous Fellowship by IchijouKenichiro
Summary: Astrin's cousins Fíli and Kíli left to fight the forces of Mordor over two years ago, but there's been no word from them for the last six months. Being a woman of action and the one who always is there to get them out of trouble, Astrin disguises herself as the male warrior Gimli and joins the army to fight for them. But the regiment she joins is anything but typical. With troublesome hobbits, a religious fanatic, the undead, a golem, and even an elf, are the greatest dangers to come from her fellow man? And what secrets are they all holding onto?
A parody of Terry Prachett's "A Monstrous Regiment"
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is ACTUALLY a Monstrous Regiment rewrite of LOTR, with the Fellowship in the place of the Regiment, and the characters are – actually matched up really, really well. Full disclosure: I read this before I read Monstrous Regiment and went in fully prepared to ship Polly and Maladict… but it turns out they were extremely shippable anyway, so that turned out all right. ;) Seriously – this is an excellent fic, such a fun story, and such a good homage!
Aulë’s Gift by daisynorbury
Summary: "Our friendship endures these strange periods of inequality. You can't remember, and I can't forget."
A new chapter in Adina's classic Back to the Beginning cycle, wherein Aulë granted Gimli perpetual reincarnation. Two thousand years into the Fourth Age, Legolas meets the ninth version of his dearest friend. Told mostly from Gimli's amnesiac POV.
I don’t know if this story fully counts as an AU, but I’ve been longing to rec it for several lists and just – couldn’t ever quite find a category it fit into. AU is close enough, since even though the world is meant to be Middle-earth far in the future, it’s different enough to feel like another world. This is a reincarnation story of Legolas and Gimli set in the series referenced above (and recommended in a different list), and it deals with the extreme complication of the situation with so much sensitivity and grace that it rivets me. Even if I didn’t know @daisyfornost, it would be so obvious to me that an absolutely unbelievable amount of thought and care went into the worldbuilding, the writing, the creation of this story. It is such a labor of love, and that love is evident throughout the whole thing. Please go read it, but I warn you that you will have lots of feelings.
Thank you again for this amazing prompt, anon! Reminder to all that this is in no way a comprehensive list – I’m sure I’ve left out so many other wonderful stories. Please feel free to add your own, if you reblog this! And my usual reminder to please leave the author a comment if you read any of these and enjoy it. <3
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theradioghost · 4 years
Hi! Do you have any recs. for fantasy podcasts that are not horror? Found family is great, romance is fine as long as it is not the only thing happening. I like TAZ, critical role, and the penumbra podcast.
Yes! Weirdly fantasy seems to be one of the genres that modern audio fiction dips into a lot less but there’s some really good stuff out there.
Alba Salix, Royal Physician/The Axe and Crown: a fairytale-ish high fantasy medical sitcom, where the titular short-tempered witch and her assistants have to treat the magical ailments of their kingdom while also foiling various nefarious plots. In the same feed, the latter is a spinoff following the crew at a local tavern attempting to keep the business running and one-up their rivals; it’s incredibly heartfelt and genuinely one of my favorite shows in my (very long) subscription list.
Inn Between: not a D&D actual play, but a story about what is very clearly a D&D party, glossing over their main adventures and focusing on the moments between, where they sit down at their favorite inn and get to know one another bit by bit. All found family, all the time, every bit of it excellent, and very character driven.
The Prickwillow Papers: having graduated from college, a young half-elf ends up moving back home with her parents, desperately applying for incredibly competitive internships so she can finally be licensed to use magic. she expects this to be her biggest problem until she encounters a foul-mouthed fairy exile who demands help in regaining her own magic and returning home. contains gems like beth eyre playing a lesbian selkie, or a scene where two rival assassins hired to kill the protagonists instead end up admitting their feelings for one another during a duel.
Modern Fae: Diya moves to a small Texas town and takes up a job at a bookstore, only to discover that her new neighbors are all figures of myth and legend, and that someone may be coming after town residents. does a really nice job of bringing in less overused myths. currently on hiatus afaik but I miss it desperately
Kalila Stormfire’s Economical Magick Services: urban fantasy. A young witch, thrown out of her coven after a spell gone disastrously awry, attempts to set up an independent business in a city where the gods figure prominently in everyday life and diplomatic relations with the fae are front page news. However, to achieve success she’ll have to grapple not just with her clients’ problems, but with her own, not to mention rising tensions in the city around her and a strange saboteur who seems to be trying to drive away her customers. Also one of my personal favorites.
Dark Ages: high fantasy comedy. The eccentric, dysfunctional, constantly-at-odds staff of the Rivercliffe Museum of Mostly Natural History attempt (with varying degrees of effort, competence, and success) to keep their faltering museum running, despite issues ranging from the long-prophesied Dark Lord Returning To Seek Dominion Over The World only to end up hanging around their exhibit halls, immortals and wannabe immortals and Death Herself constantly at odds with one another, obnoxious old college classmates, lawyers, evil plants, dragons, dwarf organized crime, and Useless Bisexuals Who Will Not Just Admit That They Like Each Other. Has a theme song which goes harder than it has any right to.
The Adventures of Sir Rodney The Root: also high fantasy comedy. A witch has turned famed knight Sir Rodney into a piece of inanimate wood. Now his compatriot Sir Gilbert, an imperious runaway princess, a haughty wizard, a creepy child raised by fairies, a ghostly stoner possessing the corpse of a unicorn, a smooth-talking thief, and a minstrel with no respect for the fourth wall have to collect a series of dangerous magical relics in order to turn him back.
Hit the Bricks: set 100 years after The Wizard of Oz, a modern-day teen moves to an old Kansas farmstead with her mother only to be swept up along with her cousin into an Oz where the old heroes have gone missing and things have started to fall apart. I cannot describe this in any way that does it justice, but this show is wildly underappreciated and extremely good
Also, although I have not yet listened to them myself, I’ve heard good things about Sidequesting, Windfall, Going Lowbrow (”a gay screwball fairy tale romance musical”), VALENCE, The Two Princes, and Otherworld. The people who make Alba Salix also make The End of the World and Other Bothers, which to my understanding is a sort of actual play hybrid and I’ve only encountered praise for it, so that may be worth looking into as well!
Side note, since you’ve listed a couple of actual plays there, I personally very much enjoy The Chimera and would recommend Season 2, where they play D&D 4e set in Greyhawk! (Full disclosure, I provided some brief voice clips for this one.)
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Another HypMic AU
Why “another”? The first one is here (and that may have influenced parts of this one).
Again, not all the specifics of this AU have been ironed out.
This one’s a world where all kinds of mythical creatures coexist with humans and, if they’re not already humanoid, can take human forms. Due to dilution of bloodlines over time, some families are mixed human/creature. The Party in this case created the division system to lead a human rebellion against the mythical creatures, although that’s hard to enforce against mythical creatures in hiding...
I like the MTR portrayals of this in particular, so I ended up drawing them (also because I keep proving I can’t draw Jakurai’s eyes decently and this is a way to circumvent that). The Hifumi in this image came out really well, I think. 
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Ichiro: steam dragon, a red Western-style dragon which thrives in hot temperatures, breathes fire and can be commonly found in volcanoes or other warm places.
Jiro: water dragon, a blue flightless dragon, somewhat akin to the Loch Ness monster or an aquatic dinosaur, commonly found near large bodies of water, but is not picky about temperature.
Saburo: ice dragon, a white spiky dragon which thrives in cold weather, breathes ice and has stumps for wings. The spikes can be used as projectiles, but since Saburo is a child version of this kind of dragon, the spikes haven’t fully grown in yet and so for now, he’s just an annoying kid/dragon hatchling who’s too smart for his own good.
Samatoki: centaur (a pun on the “horse” in his name). Despite the fact the equine parts of him make it hard to wear certain kinds of vintage clothing unless he fully assumes human form, he nonetheless holds a lot of pride in his status as a mythical creature. If you want to really piss him off, treat him like a horse.
Jyuto: wererabbit (again, a pun on the animal in his name, but slightly inspired by Wallace and Gromit). Mostly, this just means enhanced kick strength, enhanced senses (bar sight, which sucks even for a human) and a mild desire for carrots when in human form, although most wererabbits would also have enhanced sight.
Riou: selkie (inspired by his former occupation and the scene in Rhyme Anima episode 8). Much like the mythology goes, he’s human unless he has a seal skin. His father was the selkie in this case and he taught Riou survival cooking.
Ramuda: Frankenstein’s monster. The scientist in this case is (mainly) Rei. Essentially human, bar an uncanny ability to conduct electricity and some ice resistance from his creator.
Gentaro: ghost. Claims to specifically be the ghost of a dead author, although whether this is true has yet to be confirmed due to his lying and ability to become corporeal.
Dice: elf. As per the mythos, distinguishable via the pointy ears and a very proud but wise race. Dice is still dedicated to gambling (particularly where leprechaun gold or other treasure is involved), but is also trained in the use of a bow and nature magic...which he sometimes forgets to use in his quest for survival... (Otome is human in this AU, meaning Asuka Mikado is an elf.)
Jakurai: gorgon. Wears something to cover his eyes so he doesn’t accidentally turn anyone to stone - typically a blindfold since he can use the sight of his snakes as well as his own, although occasionally he’ll wear sunglasses. The snakes have weak venom, but are mostly quite harmless. If he ever gets into a fight, he’ll only ever use his petrification as a last resort.
Hifumi: vampire. Similar to the portrayal in Demi-chan wa Kataritai, Hifumi has all the known vampire weaknesses, but they don’t kill him outright unless a human can be killed by that cause too (he gets easily sunburnt, dislikes garlic etc.). Can turn into a bat, but sucks at being one. Took on a job as a host because it suited his lifestyle well...although any sparkles the clients see are a side effect of vampire hypnotism and they’re not really under his control.
Doppo: werewolf. Depending on how angered/courageous he’s feeling, his alternate form can end up being a dog instead of a wolf. Also has all the standard weaknesses of his kind, but won’t die from them unless a person can be dead from that cause too. Gains some animosity from his coworkers on nights with a full moon, particularly his balding boss, because it’s believed he’s ditching simply because he’s escaping responsibility.
Sasara: a kuchisake otoko. The reason his division is represented by a fan is because of the fan he uses to hide his own disfigurement (the one on his mic and/or the one he’s often portrayed holding) and this is also the reason he pursued manzai as a career - to get audiences to smile, regardless of what they look like or were thinking prior to watching Sasara at work.
Rosho: a griffin. Went searching for his own variety of treasure and that’s how he became a manzai entertainer and later, a teacher - he decided he would protect talent rather than a physical treasure (see ch. 8 of the DH & BAT manga).
Rei: ice dragon (adult). As you might expect, the steam, water and ice dragons are related (they’re each quadrupedal with long necks, although the water dragon has flippers instead of legs) which is how each Yamada brother is a different type, but Rei holds some contempt for Ichiro because that’s the only one of his offspring capable of flight.
Kuko: poison dragon, an Eastern-style dragon which somewhat resembles the dragon on his Hypnosis Speaker, although it is purple and spits poison, it’s commonly found where poisonous gases naturally occur and it’s distantly related to the steam, water and ice dragons. It’s capable of drifting on clouds, but not outright flight like the steam dragon.
Jyushi: a mummy. Uses the bandages as part of his chuunibyou delusions, although they’re not entirely necessary for human life and can be annoying to have around at times. Has extreme heat tolerance but is also prone to drying out easily, like all of his kind.
Hitoya: a leprechaun. Gained his greedy nature from his kind but his job from his brother. Still jealous of Jakurai, even though they are different types of mythical creature.
Yotsutsuji: an orphaned child who stumbled upon the secret of the mythical creatures and ended up sympathising with them. May or may not also have his own mythical creature lineage, although exactly what creature that lineage comes from is unknown. His fate is currently unknown.
Nemu: human, unlike her brother. Holds some contempt for mythical creatures, which is what caused her to join the Party.
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battlemaiden13 · 4 years
What supernatural creature would the UT, UF, US, FS, and HT bros be if they weren't skeletons/if they were part that and part skeleton? Sorry of this is a stupid question 😅
13: It’s not a stupid question! It did have me stumped for a while but I’m pretty happy with what I came up with and hope you enjoy. Sorry it took this long though.
SansImp, likes to prank others and cause mayhem. Sans doesn’t clean up his own messes preferring to watch the outcomes of his pranks as they unfurl, although he has been known to apologise on occasion. 
PapyrusBrownie, a household spirit. He will help around the house, with chores and such if you treat him nicely and present him with the appropriate gifts. If not however he will turn on you trashing your house out of resentment, luckily it’s pretty easy to get on his good side. 
RedRedcap. A malevolent, murderous dwarf, goblin, elf or fairy found in Border Folklore. He shrinks down when he adores his red cap to cause mischief and mayhem to those around him. Basically he’s a little shit. 
EdgeGenie. He likes structure and rules and so will follow them to a T. Although being a genie also allows him to have a bit of mischief especially when it comes to the interpretation of different wishes. 
BlueMermaid, one of the friendly ones, not the murdery ones. He’s sunny disposition and adventurous nature serves him well both underwater and above land as he can morph between the two choosing to walk on land or swim underwater with a vibrant blue tale
OrangeSelkie, he can turn into a seal or appear human. Well human enough for a walking skeleton. He can often be found basking in the sun in his seal form or taking naps with his skin as he has to keep it with him. 
LordA Vampire. The dark aesthetic of the classic vampires suit him plus he loves having the ability to control others. He adores drinking the blood from a wine glass and you know he goes all out with the creepy old castle and everything.
MuttIncubus (male form of a succubus). He appears in the dreams of females in order to engage in sexual activities. It’s a simple and easy task, in the meantime he lives with his brother and just chills until he needs to recharge. He’s activities also allows him to seek out the next victim for his brother
Axe Draugr or zombie. They are basically the same thing, both are the walking dead and feast on flesh. With Axe’s head wound he was already slow but in this au he would of died from it, rising again due to something amiss with magic now with a taste for flesh not only for survival but now to fill a hunger. 
CrooksWendigo. Usually humans that turn into creatures from cannibalism, underground Crooks had to do whatever it took to survive, including eating other monsters turning him into the mindless bulky creature he is today. 
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moonaft · 4 years
Shine in Pearl - Review
As usual, spoilers up to The Killing Frost and the June 2020 Patreon story.
Patrick, why are you moping?
If I have the timeline right, Patrick met Simon in the Mists and not in Tremont. In any case, I’m glad he found Simon and then Dianda.
Patrick’s being reflective - I suppose Simon has always been in the shadows, first in his brother’s, then his wife’s. Here’s hoping Saltmist finally allows him to stand on his own.
“Pixies are not considered an asset by the greater majority of Faerie” And we will judge everyone’s character by how they treat pixies. Toby likes them too.
I love how Patrick throws shade on Sylvester. I’m really getting the impression that Simon was always an afterthought. His parents weren’t expecting twins and he grew up in the shadow of his brother.
It took me a while to see how Patrick’s love of Simon shines in his thoughts.
It comes back to the sea, and Dianda.
Patrick, don’t do this. It’s not like you’ve fallen out of love with Dianda, it’s just that you think you’re dragging her down. And you haven’t spoken to her about that.
So magic changes with the land as well? That might explain why Dean and Peter, born in the Undersea, don’t have their father’s magical scents. Perhaps the further you get from your Firstborn, the more your magic resembles where you were born and less like your parents.
So Simon’s magic is already changing.
Fuck off, Eira. Rhew of the Glass Shadow, another of her daughters.
Simon doesn’t have a Daoine Sidhe child, and he and Eira know it.
... Is that a reference to Tybalt? Has he shown up in the Mists?
“who never asks anything of me as long as his spies report that I’m continuing to do my job.”
Amphitrite is a good Firstborn and we love her. She worries for the Selkies :(
It’s ok Patrick can’t propose, Dianda will do it.
I assume they improved on this water breathing potion over the next century.
Oh God he’s a Romantic. Weighing down his pockets with stones?
Dianda’s heart broken :(
Oh God, she didn’t know if the potion would work.
He wants to see her home! He thought he’d never see it.
You can feel Dianda’s giddiness rising off the page.
And Patrick still nearly drowned. I think they worked out those kinks by the time Dean was born.
At least Dianda doesn’t subscribe to “Poor communication kills”
“My lady is a treasure to me” I love this man and how he loves wholeheartedly.
I suppose Patrick, used to Golden Hinds, isn’t terribly surprised by a women with an animal’s lower half. A women constantly dripping water without cause is a different story.
“The water inside his body is happy where it is” That has alarming implications.
Oh that’s cute.
Hi Simon! Given the ending of The Killing Frost, I should have expected to see your POV and still wasn’t expecting it.
He’s been drinking this tonic and poison for 60 years now? When does he stop? Certainly by The Winter Long and after, he can’t be brewing it. Possibly after August disappears in 5 years.
I mentioned this in The Winter Long, but Simon has a tendency to make impossible choices his own decision, as if to grant him control over the situation. It’s one form of coping, and he’s enough of a liar to convince himself that it’s want he wants.
“The best of what the Daoine Sidhe could be: measured, kind, protective of those with less than himself.” I don’t know anyone who would describe the Daoine Sidhe in that manner. Did Simon get that from his parents? By all accounts, they were measured, kind, and protective of those with less than themselves.
Simon doesn’t know about Luna’s true self, not at this point. Does he ever? It might make more sense to shove a Kitsune in a bubble off the Rose Road than a literal rose.
“It had not chafed. Not then, and not now.”
And his eyes are open to Amandine now. A pet, not a partner. Yeah, that hurts. And Dianda can see it too, a century later.
And he’s back to lying to himself. He doesn’t do well alone, so he needs people with him, and he needs to convince himself that he enjoys being in that relationship. And he’s convinced August wouldn’t stay with him.
“Might that she would be kinder to him than my own keepers had ever seen fit to be to me.” Ouch. And no matter how bad things are now, they’re about to get a lot worse.
And how did Simon discover he has a gift for making poisons? Potentially, he could be a back up resource for making the elf shot cure if Walther’s busy.
Well, that’s not a good thing to come upon. Yep, neither Dianda nor Patrick thought to let anyone on land know where they were going.
And he can’t mourn with anyone besides the pixies. He makes the plans to relocate them even as he starts to mourn, and his wife and employer wouldn’t care about his grief.
And he’s jealous of them! They truly love each other in a way that Amandine never did.
If Dianda and Patrick wanted Simon to divorce Amandine before August disappeared, they must have started having those conversations immediately. The earthquake is five years away.
This passage about how Simon’s an excellent liar is heartbreaking. The only reason my heart isn’t breaking itself apart is because it will eventually end up fine.
Simon pulls away from Patrick here, mirroring the Beach Reunion scene where he doesn’t.
“I could never have been worthy of either of them” Love the Simon/Dianda hint here as the last line.
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deniigi · 5 years
What are some of the other characters like in the selkie verse? Like, is Steve Rogers a normal guy who still got frozen or a part of the fae or someone who got lost in time via fae circles keeping people captive? Does Wilson Fisk know about the fae and that’s part of his motivations or did he just piss off multiple members of the fae by coincidence? I love your verse so much and I’m just so curious about it!
hi anon!
I can’t say for sure, since I’m still figuring things out, but Cap is still a human  and Fisk is still a human, too. I think Fisk is just becoming aware of the fae and trying to figure out how he could use them to his advantage. Cap, on the other hand, is aware of the fae and has been trying to pretend that he isn’t for nearly a century, but that’s led to him doing a lot of strange things with zero explanation. He’s been a treat for historians thus far.
I think Clint has a teeny, distant bit of elf heritage that he is (hilariously) unaware of, although all the fae around him think they are so funny when they call him Legolas.
Bucky is a cu sidhe, a kind of murderous black dog.
That’s what I’ve got for you so far, anon. We’re on this journey of development together lol.
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tails-and-scales · 5 years
Sai’s Bitty Group
So I didn’t mean to end up with so many bitties- I swear I didn’t but stars are holiday events fun! Everyone in the shop still gets personal time to just snuggle Sai and everyone is able to play and help out. I’ll eventually get to writing stories for them. Gonna try to not go for anymore bitties, but I’m not one to turn away a little one that needs me
(I may actually spread a few of my new holiday bitties out to another muse of mine that could use the companions-)
Laminae - Mumcher (Horrortale Toriel)
Layl - Nightmare 
Fajar - Dream 
These three are from the wonderful @dotchi13‘s shop
Torque - Fullsized Chain
Boisenberry - Fullsized Mamba
These two are from @vex-bittys‘ shop, such good lamia!
Aishi - Snowberry
The good ice kitsune is from @fairysmolsxoxo‘s shop 
Dusk - Nocturne 
Sajan - Ascella
Dusk is my personal Nocturne and Sajan is the Ascella that took to Laminae, I’m not gonna be adopting him out
Winona (Goes by None) - Strawberry Nightmare
This sweetie is from @skelebitty-store-and-shelter‘s shop
Rutilus - Alpha (Full sized)
Salutaris - Papy Sweet (full sized)
These two are from the @wonderland-isles
Sneachta - Seal Selkie Sans 
Pierre - Gargoyle Monster Kid 
Galdur - Baku Charm (Reapertale Gaster) 
Angel - Banshee Chestnut (Fell Frisk) 
Uligo - Humidity (Alphyne Amalgamate) 
Kamaji - Soot Spirit Elegy (Geno Blooky) 
Hertogi - Centaur Indigo (Rouxls Kaard) 
Lilac - Drider Lilac (Underswap Muffet) 
Squall - Ifrit Safren (Underfell Asriel) 
Anam - Cat Sith Mettaton 
Capri - Capricorn Pixel (Errortale Toriel) 
Sol - Syrah (Reapertale Grillby, Ravenclaw robes) 
Chacha - Faun Chaos Times (Skeletal Chara) 
 Pumpkin - Will o' Wisp Pumpkin (Pie Papyrus) 
 River - Manticore Charon (Underswap Gaster) Lion lower half 
Drogon - Dragon Chili (Underfell Sans) 
Petal - Patchwork Doll Capri (Monster Frisk) 
Star - Wish (Reapertale Asriel) 
Kitsi - Doppleganger Frisky 
Autumn - Qilin Quiche (Tendertale Sans) 
Fjer - Raven Charcoal (River Person) 
Skydda -  rå Floof (Ralsei) 
Acer - Treat (Underfell! Goner Kid)
Vanga - Child Blackjack (Deltarune! Lancer)
Ascia - Tooth (Deltarune! Susie)
Ao - Limnad Blue Raspberry (Underfell Undyne)
Kyubey - Tunda Lemon (Underfell Alphys)
Rhaegal - Tiger Familiar Dragon (Underfell Papyrus)
Alepoú - Teumessian Fox Flambe 
Blomma - sânziană Twitchy (Underfell Flowey)
Castillo - nephilim Aphelion (Outertale Asgore)
Feri - rusalka Minnow (Muffet)
Duusu - Mayura Entropy (Jevil)
Smokey - cha kla Button
Astrum - tzitzimitl Milky
Viserion - Wyvern Mikal (Monster Kid
Fenrir - warg Blackberry (Underfell Gaster)
Hazel - tanuki Hazelnut (Chara)
Heiwa - Genie Jangle (Deltafell Jevil)
Kulta - chrysomallus Altair (Outertale Asriel)
Sarah - Sahariel (Torie and Sahana (Paitence SOULl)
Flora - Floralia (Skeleton! Frisk) 
Imelda - Maize (Dancetale! Alphys)
Fluffy - Fluffybuns (Undertale Asgore) 
Alphie - Alphie (Alpha Flowey Underfell) 
Echo - Mirror (Echo Flower) 
Tamlen - Nea (Wood Elf Papyrus)
Talus - Copper (Fawn! W.D. Gaster)
Dorian - Vermilion (Sand Cat! Grillby)
Napsta - Napstatune (Blogger! Napstablook): 
Blackberry - Bat Youkai Edgeberry (SF! Sans)
Bun - wolpertinger Powder (Dancetale! Nice Cream Guy)
Fortis - 2-K (Tailplates Monster Kid, variant of Handplates) - 
Flùr - Petal (Flowey, green petals, yellow stem; fused with green soul)
Azure - Berry (Swap Sans)
Dolus - Trick (Underfell Monster Kid)
Bud - Buddy (White petal Flowey, Sans like personality)
Catulus - Inu Youkai Softie (SF Papyrus)
Koibito - gashadokuro Souffle (Tendertale Papyrus)
Dulcis - Candy person Butterscotch (Underpie Frisk, based on a butterscotch pie)
Corail - Reef (Alpha/Omega Flowey, Undersplash)
Lavender - Lavender Kindness Bell (6 petal Flowey)
Nix - Chilly (Winter Napstablook)
Holly - Ellie (Noelle)
Rouquin - Gingerbread (Holiday Chara)
Baie - Holly (Holiday Flowey)
Caraegis - Frosty (Wheelchairbound Winter Mettaton)
And this big list is from the holiday events that @ticklishjevil as hosted, along with a few that were gifts or regular adoptions
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riddledeep · 5 years
Fairy Social Ladder
The Fairy Caste System
The subspecies of Fairy you are determines your social status and many of your life choices. Anti-Fairies and the Refracted rarely care what subspecies you are, but many Fairies avoid socializing with people who aren’t in their league. Walk into any Fairy school and you’ll notice that friend groups usually contain members of closely-ranked subspecies rather than roommates.
The social ladder was designed by the Eros family long ago according to Fairy fertility cycles. Back then, its main purpose was to help parents betroth their children to a partner whose heat cycles and instinctive social behaviors would line up well with theirs, and to help sort out messy legalities like inheritance rights. This morphed into the caste system we know today. The social ladder is mentioned often in my fanfics, especially Origin of the Pixies.
Fairies take the species of their father and the crown of their mother. If both parents have wings, their children will have blended wings; if only one parent has them, most of their offspring will have wings but it’s possible for one to be born without. Many low-class drakes search for higher-class damsels so their offspring are treated as higher status than they really are upon closer inspection. 
Naiad - A wingless Fairy (one born without or one who no longer has wings); the von Strangles ceremonially cut their wings off
The social ladder was far more strict before H.P.’s time. Back then, Fairy children had to memorize the social ladder and greet others according to whether they ranked above or below them. In modern times, Fairy World no longer demands such behavior, but the social ladder still plays an influential role in Fairy culture.
As Poof’s generation grows, the social ladder gradually becomes less important. School teachers deliberately seat kids who would not normally socialize near one another in an attempt to upend the system. In the future, the social ladder may be scorned and rejected altogether.
You can view the original social ladder posts with screenshots HERE on my main blog (Didn’t want the pictures here due to length)
This post brought to you by “I don’t read fantasy just to see regular humans with wings” gang
1) Common Fairies (Faedivus fae)
Patron: Dragonfly (Free-tailed bat; peregrine falcon)
Crown: Six-pointed floating crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 18 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Balls
Ambassador Token: A pocket copy of Da Rules listing only major cloudland laws
Food Weakness: Rump roast
Holotype: Finella Sunbeam
Common fairies are the highest-ranking species in Fairy society. They have elaborate courtship rituals involving dances, and a bonded pair will notch the costas in one another’s wings in the same pattern, individual to the pair (The notching tradition has since spread to other subspecies, but it originated with the fairies). Common fairies are the only subspecies capable of swiveling their wings independently, which makes them the fastest and most agile fliers in the Seelie Court. However, their wings cannot fold directly backwards. Due to sharing genetics with dragonflies, fairies panic around live fish unless exposed to them frequently from a young age.
2) Cherubs (Faedivus ciconiidae)
Patron: Stork (Common raven)
Crown: None naturally
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Ovals
Ambassador Token: A decorative metal arrow about four inches long, piercing two small "hearts"
Food Weakness: Pancakes
Holotype: Aphrodite Eros
Despite their stork genetics, cherubs are classified as a fae race. The majority work with the Eros family, spreading love throughout the universe. Curiously, they’re obsessed with counting seeds. Cherub wings carry the most dominant genes in the Seelie Court; if you mate with a cherub, you’re guaranteed to get a baby with feathered wings unless something goes horribly wrong.
3) Nixes (Faedivus pisces)
Patron: Dobsonfly (Greater bulldog bat; great horned owl)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; chronically damp to the touch
Ambassador Token: A single fancy fork, spoon, and knife
Food Weakness: Lobster bisque
Holotype: Horace Sapphiro
Nixes are stereotyped as the socialites of Fairy society; they are associated with music, poetry, and plays. They typically want their way and are infamous for drowning people who stand against them. Their clothes are always wet, and they lose their ability to do magic when their damp coats are removed. Nix damsels have fish tails. Nixes are responsible for creating coin sith (fairy dogs), though you won’t find a nix who’ll take the blame for it.
4) Leprechauns (Faedivus leipreachán)
Patron: Click beetle (Brown long-eared bat; great green macaw)
Crown: Green hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Somewhat clover-shaped
Ambassador Token: A cooking pot
Food Weakness: Potatoes
Holotype: Sienna Partridge
Leprechauns tend to congregate around Ireland and stereotypically wear green. They’re associated with rainbows and sometimes with greed. In return for releasing them after capture, they are obligated to give you any 49 things you ask for, such as pieces of gold, kisses, smacks to the face, or even years of service (Most people demand gold, not knowing they have other options). The one thing they can’t give is forty-nine children. They lose their ability to do magic if turned upside-down. Generally, leprechauns can only produce children once, and only crossbred leprechauns have wings.
5) Eastern Elves (Faedivus cobble)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: Two wooden slippers
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Thomas Kite
Eastern elves are the elf subspecies most likely to reside in Fairy World. They have the special ability to turn a piece of any nonliving material they desire into shoes or clothes (sans a few particular materials such as smoof); because of this, almost all of them work in Fairy World’s clothing industry. Although they don’t commonly become godparents, they frequently interact with humans by working on their projects at night. Eastern elves are the only elves to naturally have wings. They lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes 
6) Western Elves (Faedivus coquito)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: A baking pan
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Chestingwood Brown
Western elves are probably the most common fae to roam Earth, and are majorly concentrated around Europe and the Midwestern United States. They can summon cookies out of thin air when pleased (no wand required), though they grow immune to the intoxicating effects of sugar with age. Western elves can’t poof and do not naturally have wings, but they can travel through trees. They keep their eyes on humans and report back to Fairy World. Western elves lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes.
7) Northern Elves (Faedivus septentrio)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: A small white pouch that holds more than you’d expect
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Lachlan Buckle
Northern elves are best adapted for life in the cold, hence their name. Since they have natural skill with tools, wood, and cloth, they work closely with Kris Kringle spreading holiday joy to humans all over the world. Northern elves can’t poof and do not naturally have wings, but they are excellent organizers and are thought to take great pride in their work. Most northern elves are drones who defer to Kris Kringle as their gyne; only the Head Pixie rivals that man for high high number of devoted, careful workers. Northern elves lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes.
8) Selkies (Faedivus arctocephalus)
Patron: Seals (Lesser bulldog bat; goose)
Crown: Pink coral
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Scallop
Ambassador Token: A pink seashell
Food Weakness: Clam chowder
Holotype: Grace Swiftly
Selkies turn into seals if they wear their sealskin coats, and are “forced” to follow any orders given to them by someone else wearing their coat. Anti-selkies and selkie refracts do not have coats and merely reflect their counterpart. Selkies wear crowns of pink coral and their wings function more like fins and aren’t great for flying with. Their patrons are all seals, though the species of seal can vary.
9) Swanee (Faedivus cygnus)
Patron: Swan (Black scoter duck; swan)
Crown: Winged caps
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; feathery
Ambassador Token: A bathrobe
Food Weakness: Toast
Holotype: Lia Lazulia
Swanee are similar to selkies, although they have feathered robes instead of sealskins; ‘swanee’ is a more gender-neutral term for the swan maidens of myths. They are bound to whomever wears their feathered robe. Anti-Swannee have horns under their hats; according to their culture, only the most dominant anti-swanee may display their horns. Anti-swanee do not have anti-robes and merely reflect the relationships of their counterparts.
10) Aluxo’ob (Faedivus milpa)
Patron: Owlfly (Jamaican greater-eared funnel bat; American crow)
Crown: Large, extravagant metal and fabric crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Bells
Ambassador Token: A colorful puzzle pyramid with rotating sides
Food Weakness: Popcorn
Holotype: Marion Ru
Aluxo’ob are associated with wisdom. They pride themselves on hard work, love puzzles, and are completely invisible unless you look directly at them. They also have the ability to hear what you say about them in conversation no matter where you are. They frequent the Mesopotamia and South American areas of the word. Because they lose power if shut indoors with no open exits, they tend to be claustrophobic. The plural form is aluxo’ob; the singular is alux.
11) Qalupalik (Faedivus crepito)
Patron: Cockchafer (Northern ghost bats; willow ptarmigan)
Crown: Simple three-pointed crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; stark white until they shed exoskeleton
Ambassador Token: A small, fuzzy blanket
Food Weakness: King crab
Holotype: Philip Na
Qualupalik frequent the northern areas of the United States and Canada. You can hear them coming from a ways off in flight because their patron is the cockchafer. They are associated with cleverness, patience, innovation, and wilderness survival. They wear coats called amautis and steadily lose magic the longer they’re outdoors with their hoods down. Historically they engaged in changeling children traditions, though this is now frowned upon.
12) Imps (Faedivus gryllidae)
Patron: Cricket (Spotted bat; cricket warbler)
Crown: None naturally; usually bald; have two antennae
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Rectangular (Vertical)
Ambassador Token: A wooden flute
Food Weakness: French fries
Holotype: Archer Clay
Imps have antennae and no natural crowns, although crossbreeds will show the crowns of their mothers. Their wings chirp if they become flustered or excited because their patron is the cricket. They bounce a lot when they walk and have a special influence over temperature. They lose the ability to do magic if you hold the tips of their antennae together so they touch.
13) Habetrots (Faedivus embroidera)
Patron: Cuckoo wasp (Dayak fruit bat; Australian white ibis)
Crown: Pointed hat with a star at the tip; damsels also have two ribbons trailing from their hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; fluffy
Ambassador Token: A pair of knitting needles
Food Weakness: Lamb chops
Holotype: Brendan Wulhave
Habetrots, although there aren’t a lot of them, tend to frequent the rural areas of Fairy World, mostly tending sheep and various magical farm animals. Their specialty is knitting and sewing. They have the highest turnover rate of any magical being due to the fact that they can have blood drawn by and be killed by magical objects. Like their insect counterparts, they’re considered beautiful but elusive. They curl into balls of fluff when startled.
14) Barbegazi (Faedivus diaemus)
Patron: Snow scorpionfly (Honduran white bat; black-capped chickadee)
Crown: Five-pointed crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Slightly pine tree shaped
Ambassador Token: Thick snow boots
Food Weakness: Granola
Holotype: Andréa Nightly
Barbegazi have large bare feet which they use for snowboarding down mountains. The white bat-like wings of full-blodded barbegazi are recessive and are not often passed to their offspring. Barbegazi more common on Earth in the north than in Fairy World. They do not function well when it’s hot and stick to cold parts of the world. Despite their bat-like wings, they are clearly Seelie Courters; they do not have any bat instincts, and instead have the instincts of snow scorpionflies.
15) Far Darrig (Faedivus mus)
Patron: Rats (Desert long-eared bat; golden eagle)
Crown: Pointed hat; does not float
Heat Cycle: Take after the non-far darrig parent
Shape of Nymphs: Look like rats with pointed hats
Ambassador Token: A bronze brooch in the shape of a proud rat
Food Weakness: String cheese
Holotype: Alfred Indigo
Far darrig love to play, and luckily they’re easily entertained. Perhaps unluckily, their sense of humor tends towards comedic slapstick. They often lack boundaries, but it’s rare for one to continue bothering someone after they’ve been politely asked to stop. They can jump quite high. Beneath the practical jokes they’re real sweethearts and fiercely loyal to anyone they’ve fallen in love with, rarely putting themselves and their own wants first in any situation. They also like snuggles an awful lot. They always take their wings and any insect behaviors from the non-far darrig parent
16) Korrigans (Faedivus myrmeleontidae)
Patron: Antlion (Indiana bat; bowerbird)
Crown: Pointed hat with a ribbon or two curling off the back
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Oval; resemble pine cones
Ambassador Token: A curious wand that creates bubbles out of soap
Food Weakness: Maple syrup
Holotype: Arietta Moonbeam
If you think korrigans are pretty in the shadows, wait until you see them in direct sunlight- their hair will turn white, their eyes will turn red, their wings will shrivel, and their skin will wrinkle. Furthermore, spending too many minutes in the sun will drop them to their knees, and they won’t be going anywhere without someone carrying them. They usually travel in the form of a ball of light or bubble. Korrigans cannot name all seven days in the week if asked to do so.
17) Sylph (Faedivus flavus)
Patron: Eastern amberwing (Yellow-winged bat; common barn owl)
Crown: Tall pointed hats with brims, covered in yellow stars
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Cupcakes
Ambassador Token: A writing quill made from the feather of a peacock
Food Weakness: Soy sauce
Holotype: Luisa Highcrown
Sylph are creatures of the air and rarely touch the ground. They have the largest wing:body ratio among the fae. They’re stereotyped as studious and shy. Sylph hold power over the wind, though their talents are often lackluster in other areas- particularly where water is concerned. If you splash even a little water on a sylph, they’re powerless and mostly immobile until they dry off.
18) Banshees (Faedivus turgidus)
Patron: Cicada (Giant golden-crowned flying fox; three-wattled bellbird)
Crown: Very large crowns with very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Look somewhat ghostly
Ambassador Token: A tome briefly outlining various languages and monetary systems used by various Alien races throughout the universe
Food Weakness: Deviled eggs
Holotype: Brigid Lightwish
Aside from the part about how they go into anxiety attacks around people who are going to die soon, banshees are pretty regular Fairies. Damsels generally don’t like other banshee damsels and often refuse to speak to one another. As a general rule, male banshees are all mute and don’t like calling attention to themselves. Banshees frequent the Ireland area, usually in the skies whereas the leprechauns prefer the ground. If you cover a banshee’s mouth with your hand or another object, they’ll be immobilized.
19) Duende (Faedivus denudo)
Patron: Housefly (Philippine naked-backed fruit bat; rock dove)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Oval (Horizontal)
Ambassador Token: A set of elegant bookends shaped like dragonflies
Food Weakness: None (Unless they’re a crossbreed)
Holotype: Cosmo Elkwood
Duende have no natural crown, and no gravitational field to hold a crown even if they’re crossbreeds. They tend to have very weak levels of magic, but are kindly souls who are considered trustworthy, especially with children (they’ll lead lost children through forests and back to their parents). On an unrelated sidenote, don’t let them clip your toenails unless you want to lose that foot.
20) Gnomes (Faedivus poacae)
Patron: Aphid (California leaf-nosed bat; American flamingo)
Crown: Pointy caps, usually red
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; chronically damp to the touch
Ambassador Token: A flower pot enchanted to ensure any seed planted will indeed survive to maturity
Food Weakness: Maple syrup
Holotype: Mallardi Fern
Gnomes have the greenest thumbs in Fairy World and take it upon themselves to look after plants; the majority of gnomes are found on Earth rather than the clouds. They will break out in hives if they come in contact with soap; too much exposure for too long can make them violently ill and even kill them. Gnomes can shapeshift into any kind of plant (but no animal or object) even without a wand. They’re stereotyped for having a phobia of fire. Gnomes and pixies have a long rivalry for biological reasons (aphids vs. wasps).
21) Satyrs (Faedivus satyrus)
Patron: Goat (Long-legged bat; Andean flamingo)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Take after the non-satyr parent
Shape of Nymphs: Giant balls of colored fluff with pink faces
Ambassador Token: A stylus and quill sharpener
Food Weakness: Applesauce
Holotype: Primrose Starfall
Satyrs don’t seem like traditional Fairies. Their feet are hooves and they grow thick, colorful hair around their chests and lower body. Their culture prizes this fluffy hair and its actually against their beliefs to wear clothing unless donning a disguise. Satyrs have wide diets and their habitat ranges throughout the cloudlands as well as Earth; satyrs are a species who interact regularly with humans. They always take their wings after the non-satyr parent.
22) Wraiths (Faedivus phasma)
Patron: Head lice (New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat; cockatiel falcon)
Crown: None naturally
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Flat below and rounded on top
Ambassador Token: A handspun tablecloth of white lace
Food Weakness: Poppy seed muffins
Holotype: Cain Lightray
Wraiths have translucent skin, so one can view their organs. They turn colors depending on what they eat (like their patron insect, head lice). Pure wraiths have no natural wings or crown; some crossbreeds might have wings, but they are always incapable of flight. The more bold colors touching a wraith’s skin, the sicker they get. Since Fairies turn to dust upon death, transparent wraiths are very popular among institutions studying biology. They’re incredibly rare.
23) Goblins (Faedivus avaritia)
Patron: Fungus gnat (Little goblin bat; rook)
Crown: Five-pointed crowns, each point tipped with a small ball
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Mushrooms
Ambassador Token: A large silver coin shaped like a star
Food Weakness: Mushrooms
Holotype: Leroy Lang
Goblins are thought to be both oblivious and greedy with a fascination for gold, gems, and other precious, shiny things. Fungi are their main food source, and they’re often viewed as a scavenger race. Most live underground or on the fringes of Fairy society due to heavy negative stereotypes towards their species. They are impervious to cold and cannot freeze. They overheat easily if not careful.
24) Kobolds (Faedivus auxiliaris)
Patron: Ladybug (Egyptian fruit bat; red-billed oxpicker)
Crown: Colorful top hats (Many colors, but never green)
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Diamonds
Ambassador Token: A ladybug crafted from a ruby
Food Weakness: Candy corn
Holotype: Morley Arrowsmith
Kobold culture is tight-knit and highly encourages charity and friendship in every way. They strive to please and are always excited to help you. Their goal is to complete work quickly and look for more, but the work quality is often questionable. You’ll hurt they’ll feelings if you say so and they may lash out if you deny their help. Their magic doesn’t work near cobalt. They have an affinity with fire.
25) Ishigaq (Faedivus caecus)
Patron: Ice crawlers (Silver-haired bat; blue jay)
Crown: Cloth with a long feather sticking out behind it
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Slightly snowflake shaped
Ambassador Token: Five elaborate miniature candles and a tiny candelabra for them
Food Weakness: Truffles
Holotype: Cosmo Comet
Ishigaq are traditionally a mountain-dwelling species who thrive in Fairy World’s icy mountains. They never leave footprints and only crossbreeds have fingerprints. All ishigaq are either blind or have very poor eyesight. When shadows are dark enough, they act as physical barriers their race must swim through or walk around.
26) Amazons (Faedivus galla)
Patron: Fowl ticks (Anti-Fairy and Refract patrons unknown)
Crown: Feathered headdress
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Five-petaled flowers
Ambassador Token: None; they want no business with Fae politics
Food Weakness: Chicken
Holotype: Karia
Amazons are a small population who have secluded themselves in Fairy World’s Cherish Jungle. They’re capable of crossbreeding, although rarely do since they’ll be thrown out by their own people for it. Amazons worship a chicken goddess called the Cycling Hen and wear colorful headdresses. They don’t like visitors, and not a lot of people even remember they exist. They lose most of their energy if their headdresses are removed.
27) Trolls (Faedivus troglodytarum)
Patron: Termites (Hoary bat; burrowing owl)
Crown: Fertile 12 months every 25 years
Heat Cycle: Fertile every autumn
Shape of Nymphs: Troll (No exoskeleton, just tough troll skin)
Ambassador Token: A hand-carved storage box for a wand
Food Weakness: None
Holotype: Libindi Rata
Trolls are a Fairy subspecies with green, blue, or gray skin who generally live underground. Unless someone else brought them along, you’ll never find trolls in Fairy World- they can’t climb the Bridges and they can’t poof. Their stone cities are really something to be admired. Some say trolls grow more beautiful with age, but trolls would probably be offended to hear you imply they aren’t beautiful now. Although not quite as offended as they might be to find out people still believe they’re uncultured swine- they’re actually very proper people with great pride in their politeness.
28) Púca (Faedivus virens)
Patron: Emerald ash borers (California myotis; chestnut-tailed starling)
Crown: Three-pointed crown
Heat Cycle:  Fertile 8 months every 25 years
Shape of Nymphs: Like fresh loaves of bread
Ambassador Token: A pair of strong walking shoes that will always be the wearer’s size
Food Weakness: Corn chips
Holotype: Fletcher Reed
Púca always have some tint of green skin, and usually antennae, as well as natural three-pointed crowns. Being creatures of luck, they are heaily associated with Anti-Fairies; they share a repulsion for known good luck charms. However, they wander on their own and are not attracted to bad luck like Anti-Fairies are. There are very few of them in existence.
29) Dwarves (Faedivus taenarius)
Patron: Harvester ants (Dwarf little fruit bat; kiwi)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile only in warm weather
Shape of Nymphs: Don’t seem to have one
Ambassador Token: A large gem; type varies by zodiac year
Food Weakness: Mushrooms
Holotype: Quartz Glaswin
The majority of dwarves are crossbreeds, with a gender ratio skewed towards males. Dwarves are magical “dead zones” who even drain the magic out of magical objects they spend enough time around. They’re immune to the magic of others unless said other is really focused, powerful, and willing to expend so much energy. Dwarf bites are venomous; they won’t cause death like a brownie bite, but are very painful and the after-effects last a long time. They sometimes abduct lawn gnomes. Generally, dwarves suffer from agoraphobia.
30) The Huldufólk (Faedivus cibus)
Patron: Crane fly (Nathusius’s Pipistrelle; blue-footed booby)
Crown: Striped pointed hat that doesn’t float
Heat Cycle: Fertile only in cold weather
Shape of Nymphs: Pentagons
Ambassador Token: A tin pail with a colored stripe around its middle
Food Weakness: Sugary cereal
Holotype: Lorian Weidenburker 
The huldufólk are descendents of elves who thrive in Iceland. They are the only fae species who still practice the changeling children tradition; huldufólk are completely incapable of producing milk for their offspring and often rely on humans to do it. Mostly, they can only digest milk and grain products, so they eat a lot of cereal. According to myth, you should never accept food from one of the huldufólk no matter how sweet and tempting it may appear, lest you end up cursed. The huldufólk are stereotyped as heavy partiers; despite this, they can barely fly two yards without getting totally exhausted.
Note - The following five subspecies are known as the red-flag races; Fairies highly discourage mating with them, the cherubs do not legally uphold marriages to them, and they are each seen as dangerous in some way.
31) Will o’ the Wisps (Faedivus lepidoptera)
Patron: Moths and butterflies (Six-spot burnet motht; greater bird-of-paradise)
Crown: Six-pointed floating crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile from late winter to early summer every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Cones
Ambassador Token: A vase filled with chamomile
Food Weakness: Butter
Holotype: Ilisa Maddington
Will o’ the wisps are famous for their flashy butterfly wings and paralyzing saliva. There’s a stark contrast between the drakes and damsels. Female wisps keep harems and are seen as domineering, while and most males are seen as dumb (most likely due to all the inbreeding that occurred not long ago). Betrothing your child to a will o’ the wisp is out of the question for most parents to begin with. Notably, wisps possess a watered-down poison called the Kiss of Frost, which is capable of paralyzing the limbs if it gets in the mouth. It’s only potent while a female wisp is in season, and they can’t utilize it until they’re young adults.
32) Finfolk (Faedivus lympha)
Patron: Minnow (Soprano pipistrelle; pacific gull)
Crown: Wetsuit with a star on the head
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round
Shape of Nymphs: Conch shells
Ambassador Token: Salt and pepper shakers shaped like leaping fish
Food Weakness: Worms (Especially candy ones)
Holotype: Moira Plunge
Finfolk have no natural crowns and no wings. Historically, they’ve kidnapped people and dragged them underwater, turning their caprives into spouses and servants. If a finwife pairs with a finman, both become drastically weaker and less attractive; they generally try to marry outside their subspecies. On land, they must always wear “wetsuits” (They cannot breathe if their gills aren’t kept damp). They aren’t often seen on land.
33) Pixies (Faedivus quadratum)
Patron: Paper wasp (Spectacled flying fox bat; purple-crowned fairywrens)
Crown: Broken crowns which they cover with pointy gray hats
Heat Cycle: Infected with Wolbachia pipientis; adults asexually produce a nymph approximately every 500 years. Though they can’t reproduce the natural way, pixies do grow more interested in seeking partners for 18 months of their 500-year cycle.
Shape of Nymphs: Hexagons
Ambassador Token: A simple silver key dangling from a bracelet of coiled phone wire
Food Weakness: Animal crackers
Holotype: Fergus Whimsifinado
Pixies are an all-male, asexually-reproducing species who are all genetically identical. They carry the Wolbachia bacterium which renders them all asexual and incapable of reproducing with any other species. Pixies live by a corporatism or dictator system of government and are led by the Head Pixie. Covering a pixie with inside-out clothes will shut them down like a butterfly net, and wearing inside-out clothes will prevent a pixie from using any magic on you. Anti-pixies are green and yellow, while pixie refracts are brown and purple.
34) Redcaps (Faedivus ruberconlis)
Patron: Robber fly (Eastern red bat; cardinal)
Crown: Tall pointed cap that must be regularly coated in blood
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round except in very cold areas
Shape of Nymphs: Pyramids
Ambassador Token: Clay that never dries out
Food Weakness: Roast beef
Holotype: Whittle Snowla
Redcaps have three additional eyes hidden under their hats. They will die if their hats are off their heads too long and, once they come into their adult wings, they must regularly soak their hats in blood to survive. Despite the name “redcap,” their hats can be various colors depending on what they’ve killed and how close they are to needing to kill again. They are immune to all poisons.
35) Brownies (Faedivus mundus)
Patron: Assassin bug (Common vampire bat; cassowary)
Crown: Colorful fabric hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round
Shape of Nymphs: Octagons
Ambassador Token: A water bottle that resists acid and always stays cold
Food Weakness: Ham
Holotype: Ky Braddocki
Brownies fall at the bottom of the social ladder mainly because of their venomous bites. Their saliva contains inrita, a substance that drains magic; they can easily disable magic locks by licking around them, allowing them to sneak inside buildings easily. Inrita is deadly to Fairies and can paralyze Anti-Fairies and Refracts. Though dangerous, they are also seen as helpful since their instincts prompt them to clean constantly.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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hakuryuu · 5 years
1, 6 (abt torredaga maybe?? i always see u tag it and wonder!!!), 19 aaaand 31 !!!
1. Tell us 3 useless facts about your favourite OC!: I CANNOT POSSIBLY PICK A FAVORITE OC I AHVE…..SO MANY but i’ve been thinking abt dorado a lot recently while i try to assemble her story so!
1) loves to be up high
2) has a little pipe that doubles as a measuring spoon for one of the chemicals that runs her plane, the pipe is an old one that was a gift
3) knows how to sail!
6. Tell us about a setting/world you’ve created!: torredaga is the world that me and my friends are (were??) playing a tabletop rpg in!! i say “were” because we technically just finished the whole campaign but we may go back someday, AND i can talk about it for this question anyway cause we built the world together!! torredaga is actually the name of a tiered city built into the side of a cliff and its where a lot of the game takes place, other notable locations are the empire and its capitol helios (which the god ilios founded near the end of his life after searching for a cure to the rat plague), the pelisian islands (which the goddess reylith became the goddess of after landing there on her search for the cure and starting a relationship with a local selkie who was ruling the main island), and erdash’s stronghold (which the deity erdash founded on their quest for a cure and where most of the dwarves live/come from/have relatives)(it also has very stringent anti-rat-plague measures so theyve never had an infection i think). in this world most if not all dwarf names start with ‘er’ to honor ‘erdash’, so there’s erdan, ermax, ermia, erlaz, etc. magic in this world is done through ghosts and crystals (which have ghosts in them): to do magic, you draw a circle. the type and design of the circle varies depending on what you want your magic to do. the concept is kind of a mix between fma alchemy circles and the magic system in the bartimaeus trilogy. my character, noonday, does a lot of experimenting with magic, so she’s invented ghost mics, which are little earpieces that use the power of a ghost to be essentially the same as walkie-talkies, teacups with circles in the rim that when broken will explode or will trap someone briefly, etc etc! in this world is also The Vanta, or (as our KidZ named her) “vanessa”, who was an elf that was left behind when the elves left torredaga to keep an eye on the four remaining elves who DIDNT leave (who became the four gods). she got stuck in a knife at some point but also founded a weird underground refugee city of children (called neverland) where if you drink the water you become a furry and have to join the army. theres SO much in torredaga i love the world i could talk about it for HOURS ask me more questions about torredaga
19. What are some of the coolest or most interesting (to you!) hobbies/pastimes your OCs have?: OK HONESTLY noonday’s hobby of being a, like, magic scientist, or just like constantly fucking around with new ideas of what to do with magic and coming up with a ton of weird and useful shit along the way, is SO fun and cool and interesting to me, i love it, it was one of my favorite parts of playing her. also my oc sonia from this too shall pass (that was my….2013 nanowrimo) makes rings and i think thats dope as fuck
31. On a scale of one (tucks them in softly and lets them Rest) to ten (murders their whole family before their eyes) how bad do you treat your OCs?:
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SGJGDKSLNFDNGJFN I TEND TO……….ive become nicer to my characters in recent years which is probably like a positive expression of my internal state, or something? MY HISTORY OF KILLING CHARACTERS IS STORIED, i killed half the entire cast in the first chapter of my 2015 nano and then worked backwards through their timeline while their reincarnated counterparts worked forwards chronologically which in hindsight was a super cool way to write a story i wish bitter order hadnt been so absolutely horrible in every other conceivable way….i was gonna say that at least one main character in all of my nanos 2010-2015 dies BUT in nano 2012 TECHNICALLY none of the main characters died and the main character turnadot was only transported to the realm of the gods to spend a lonely immortal life maintaining its borders to protect the fabric of the mortal world SO. but as far as meanness goes i like happy endings so i tend to put my characters through a lot of like…..emotional and mental turmoil in the form of like dangerous quests or interpersonal conflict or internal conflict, and then try to resolve it in a fun and satisfying way SO OVERALL I WOULD RATE MYSELF AT A MAYBE 6 OR 7
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askmyboys · 5 years
More OCs (bc I have no self control)
Name: Sam | Species/Race: Selkie | Gender: Male | Appearance: (Human Form: He is rather pale looking, and actually has a bit of a bushy beard even in this form, his hair is a weird combination between grey-ish and brown and its also completely a bit of a scraggly mess, his eyes are also a sapphire blue, he usually just wears the pelt/skin he had shed to cover him up when in this form, he isn't really keen on losing that, however, its rare you'd ever see him in human form anyways since this old boyo loves the sea) His true seal form would be that of the Bearded Seal, his whiskers are rather long, as is the claws he has on his flippers, and his teeth are actually a bit sharper than you'd think, and his eyes are a darkened color (most likely a dark brown) in this form. | Personality: While he doesn't absolutely hate humans, he won't attack unless provoked, he doesn't really trust them and he can be rather grumpy to most, even some of his own kind he can be a bit grumpy towards, he just can't understand their trust in humans so easily, its almost like trusting a dangerous predator that you know the things they could do to you, he'll never understand, while most selkies either want a mate or something typical as that he does not care for such a thing, he doesn't want a mate, and honestly he does prefer to be alone most of the time, even if someone is near, at least have the decency to be quiet and let him hear the sounds of the sea, show an old seal some respect will ya? He's definitely not like the other selkies, in any way, they love going on land, looking for potential mates, or anything typical, sure they usually return to the sea but he'd prefer to stay in the sea, it'd be harder to lose his pelt that way and truth be told, its much more relaxing and calm than on land to him, he loves the sounds, and the sights he can see. | Side Facts: He is basically a grumpy old man, however he doesn't complain as much as you'd think he would, and even if he does, he'd do it mostly within his head, he isn't much of a talker but if he has to he will, don't expect him to be very good at keeping a conversation for a long period of time however, and of course don't expect him to trust you just so easily as the rest of his kind does.
Name: Murry | Species/Race: Selkie | Gender: Male | Appearance: (Human Form: He is as pale as they get, in fact he's so pale he looks sickly even, but he can assure you, he's not... It's just the color of his skin! His eyes in human form don't change much, they are still a brown color, just a bit lighter than when in seal form, his hair is a tan color and surprisingly enough he likes to keep it clean and not messy, he usually just wears the pelt/skin he had shed once on land as he doesn't want to lose it while traveling on land, which he loves to be on land actually, he loves to explore but he usually wants to return to the sea by the end of the day so it's best he keeps it with himself) His true form is that of a spotted seal, his fur is a mixture of grey and a beige looking color along with little black spots covering almost all of his body, all over his belly and back, he has one spot in particular on his belly shaped like a heart actually, the claws on his flippers are actually fairly sharp however he would never purposefully harm someone with them, and his teeth are also fairly sharp, not to worry though- he only uses those for catching food. | Personality: He's as friendly as can be actually, he's so curious about what's out there on land, sure, he does always return to the sea at the end of the day, he just can't help but be curious about what could possibly be out there on land, he can be VERY childish which would often get him into some trouble but he does have a good heart, the rest of his kind knows that so they aren't too bothered by him, he can be very clumsy so don't be surprised if you see him fall while in human form or even make a mistake while in the water, he actually doesn't mind humans and is curious about them so it can be rather easy to gain his trust, he doesn't much care for finding a mate, while he'd never truly be against it, he just hasn't really bothered to go looking for one, he does love company though and he can be pretty talkative at times as well. | Side Facts: If you ever happen upon him be prepared for a lot of questions, because this lil selkie has a lot to ask, he just can't help but be curious as to what its like just being a normal human, living on land every day, what is land even like in some places? He's one curious boyo, however there are times where he does love to just lay back, relax, and listen to the sounds around him, its mostly when he's ready to sleep of course but some occasions its best to just take it easy for awhile. Basically, Murry is a lil ball of sunshine, he's pure and nice, he's very childish and even clumsy, and doesn't mind humans whatsoever so long as they don't attack him or anything, even then he won't fight back, he'd just try to run/swim away if anything, he's lucky he can be extremely quick in the water, however not so quick when on land unfortunately.
Name: Fallon | Gender: Male | Height: 100ft | Eye Color: Hazel | Hair Color/style: Reddish-Brown (his hair is really floofy looking, while it isn't messy, it is just very very poofy looking) | Appearance: He usually wears casual clothing, t-shirts, jeans, etc the basics, his most notable appearance are his sharp claws, fangs, and his large elf-like ears, other than that he looks... well normal for a giant's standards | Personality: He is unusually shy and can easily get anxious, yet very kind unlike most giants are, he would never hurt a tiny or especially ever eat one of them, that thought alone makes him sick to his stomach, truth be told he tries his absolute best to avoid tinies at all costs, he's too much of a nervous wreck around them and he just knows he'll mess up one way or another... He'll wind up hurting them or something of the sort, but if he can't avoid one then he'll try and be as friendly and kind as he can be, he doesn't want to scare them, and he knows how scary giants can be even if he is one of them... Side Facts: His entire family thinks something went wrong with him, he doesn't want to hurt these beings that are beneath him? That are weaker than him, the beings that are meant to be no more than food, a pet, a mere plaything? He even wants to... p r o t e c t them? His father will not have it whatsoever, his family won't have it either really, they have always been vicious predators, his father n mother absolutely regret choosing the name Fallon purely because Fallon is the name of a leader, and he is no such thing... They regret his birth anyway, and if they could they would take it all back. Fallon tries to avoid his kind a lot more than he should have to, his family especially, the random giants out there even make fun of him or just degrade him, in fact most of the others think he would be more fitting for a tiny than a giant anyways, much more fitting as a prey item, Fallon tries not to let it get to him but it does overwhelm him a lot, he's... truly got no way he can stick by, he gets lonely a lot, but there's not much he can do about that bit unfortunately... Secretly, aside from his fear and worries of accidentally hurting a tiny being, he... he really wouldn't mind having some company, they'd definitely be better than his family or any of the others.
Name: Davin | Gender: Male | Height: 200ft | Eye Color: One eye is red while the other is black | Hair Color/Style: His hair color is black, and the style is one of a: Long Fringe Side Swept Undercut | Appearance: He has a full set of razor sharp teeth, it seems like just looking at them would even give you a cut, razor sharp claws and long pointed ears with some piercings in them, he really doesn't care what he wears either, clothing is clothing really, he's not a FANCY type of a giant that's for sure, he has also a bit of a thick goatee (circle goatee) going on. | Personality: Absolutely cruel, evil, and a complete sadomasochist, he is definitely a predator at heart and he certainly takes pride in it, he doesn't care if he gets hurt if anything he enjoys it and he enjoys inflicting pain back, whether it be to a tiny or to even one of his own kind, if anyone gets in his way, he won't stand for it, he won't even be kind to his own family, truth be told his family regrets the day he was born... His name means a precious being, however he is anything but precious, his entire family weren't really predators however, nonetheless, they are still completely terrified of him, and he seems to be glad of that fact as well. | Side Facts: His family basically treats him as if he were the Devil's own offspring, he doesn't mind at all, if anything he takes pride in being known as such, he has actually almost killed both his parents before, his mother had tried to step in before he could even get his hands on a tiny that had stumbled into their place, the moment she stepped in he attacked her, his father tried to get in and pull him off and luckily he did, however he left some pretty bad marks that would scar both of the parents mentally and physically... He never stayed behind, after that night he broke through a window and escaped like the beast that he was into the night, he mostly lived on his own, fending for himself which he wasn't too bad at really, even the other giants consider him to be a 'feral' which is rare you see those kinds... Nonetheless, they don't dare approach or say a word to him, they try to avoid and leave him alone, and his family... They'd rather never see him again if they could help it... They tried their best to help him of course before he ran away, they really did, but no matter what, he had always acted like a beast, he was an unruly child and even now he's still unruly to this day...
Name: Titan | Age: N/A | Height: 500ft | Eye Color: Royal Purple | Appearance: He wears a dark purple galaxy hoodie, along with some plain black shorts, his finger bones are as sharp as claws, and he has two sets of fangs on each side of his mouth, and he has bull horns protruding from his head, other than that he's a pretty casual skeledude when it comes to clothing | Personality: He does have some ill intent, its usually when he's hungry, other than that he just takes things too far occasionally, ...okay most of the time, he can definitely be a little shit, a prick towards mostly everyone, even his own kind aren't safe... He doesn't exactly like humans however he won't just kill them for no reason of course, he does love to mess with them and tease them and he can take things a bit too far, he might accidentally hurt or kill someone but it usually isn't on purpose (basically he's a little erm... well tol shit who teases and pesters the absolute hell out of people) | Side Facts: I'll just say this on the side facts bit yes, he is inspired by Undertale- no he is not a version of Sans- I didn't really wanna do that, but I was inspired so yeah. Titan is actually very chubby despite being nothing but bones, of course that may be because he will eat pretty much anything, sweets, spicy foods, humans, even his own kind! Whatever he deems to be tasty is going straight down his gullet, (he only truly eats humans and his own kind if he's actually hungry, most of the time however he is just messing with them because its really fun to him) unless its animals- he surprisingly won't eat those, he may or may not have a soft spot for animals truth be told. ...He'll truly only eat animals if he's just absolutely starving He also has a fairly large hoodie collection, it ranges from rather plain looking hoodies, ones with patterns on them, or just semi-colorful ones in general, a lot of the colorful ones range from purple, blue, green, red, and many MANY more, he is usually v e r y lazy, its only when he's truly after something or someone he really wants only then will he be very active, he does have magic he can use to make chasing down prey easier but eh, not much fun in that, he'll only occasionally use teleportation.
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Unfortunately, elves already have a very defined place in my fantasy world. There are elves that fall outside the norm, but they fall into that group that isn't quite enough to make up their own class of people. :/
Suggestions would be more than welcome! I was gonna message you, but then I thought I'd post this publicly in case anyone else had feedback. Here's what I have so far.
Angels- Of the humanoid creatures, they're the most naturally powerful magic users. They all have very light hair/eyes and the iconic feathered wings. They're very self-righteous and see all others as beneath them. They don't actually do much with their powers, but they claim they're the pinnacle of purity and perfection. Fallen angels are sort of a thing, but they're only really acknowledged as separate by other angels. They're the ones that are viewed as embarrassing or impure, and most angels don't want to associate with them. Other creatures just see an angel as an angel. The only real way to distinguish a fallen angel is that they're more likely to wear casual clothes with color, while most angels wear fancy, white clothes. Oh, angels are also all technically genderless. They can choose to present as whatever gender, but they aren't assigned one at birth.
Elves - Elves are really proud as well, but not nearly as self righteous. They value hard work and knowledge. They're very advanced and are often magically talented due to study and practice rather than natural ability. They're also a lot more colorful than angels. This is a weird metaphor, but if you compared them to laundry, angels would go in the whites and elves would go in the brights. Their hair and eyes come in a variety of colors, and there are a larger number of dark skinned elves than dark skinned angels. Traditionally, they keep their hair long as a sign of pride. Delinquent elves looking to challenge expectations will often cut their hair in defiance. Most elves see this as improper, but they'll still begrudgingly respect the skills of a delinquent elf as long as they're hardworking. Basically, elves tend to be more traditionally feminine, but if an elf cuts their hair and becomes a blacksmith, they may be considered strange, but other elves will at least acknowledge their skills as a blacksmith.
Fairies - They tend to work more closely with elves than any other creatures. Aside from that, they tend to be shy. They're also not nearly as prideful, and they value morality more than anything. If you're a good person, fairies don't care how you look or what you do in your spare time. They're the most diverse of the three mentioned so far. They don't have much of an internal hierarchy, instead preferring to work as a unit as much as possible. They're guardians of nature, so they have to work together to keep the seasons changing and the plants healthy. They don't have time for being judgmental. Just don't shirk responsibilities or harm nature and you'll be fine.
Dwarves/halflings - They're different races, but their cultures are very similar. They're very down to earth and practical, and they're more likely to get their hands dirty with manual labor than messing about with books and magic. They tend to not be fond of the pride of elves and especially angels, but they judge individuals based on their own actions rather than stereotypes. Dwarves are more rough and hairy. They're inclined toward mining and blacksmithing or other things that take substantial muscle. Halflings resemble children even when fully grown, and they're more likely to be farmers or shepherds. Both races get along quite well with one another, though halflings are on better terms with elves than dwarves are.
Nymphs - This includes elementals, dryads, sirens, and similar creatures. They're mostly solitary, so they don't have communities or social expectations in the same way as the previous creatures. They usually run wild in bogs where there's plenty of shelter and resources for their needs. I haven't figured out a ton about them, but yeah. I might as well throw selkies in here, too. They're more friendly and live in oceans rather than bogs, and they're all female unlike nymphs, but they're also solitary and prefer to roam free.
Gorgons, orcs, and ogres - I haven't given them as much thought yet. I'm including them here just to specify that there are less humanoid creatures. I have characters that would fall into this category, but I haven't decided any specifics (or even which creatures, exactly, I want to include).
Spirits - These are the closest I have to humans in appearance, but they're generally pacifists and empaths. They don't engage in combat or use offensive magic. They exist to find those who are suffering and help them through their struggles. They also don't need things like food because they're immortal. The only form of sustenance they get is through the wellbeing of those around them.
Dark humanoids - I'm still picking a name for these creatures, but they resemble the undead without actually being undead. They're pale, have sunken features, and lurk in shadowy places. There are different classifications based on abilities, including shapeshifters, banshee-like creatures, and soul-suckers. They're not universally hostile, but they're stereotyped as such and are considered dangerous by most. There are certainly those who would do you harm, but you're just as likely to find an amicable individual among these creatures. Because of the way they're viewed, they tend to be solitary, though there are a small number of social groups.
Dolls - These are artificially created beings typically only belonging to wealthy and powerful magic users (mostly elves). They are created typically for no purpose outside of being dolls. They're like a cross between Pearls from Steven Universe and real world pets. They aren't slaves and aren't typically treated with active cruelty, but they're treated like children or even like cats or puppies. They're something to dote on and show off, and they're expected to behave in a way that's most convenient for their owners. They don't get to pursue their own dreams or goals or decide what they want to do with their lives. It's meant to be unclear whether or not this is unfair, because they're not technically a species of their own. They're designed by their owners, and their level of apparent sentience is dependent on how they're made. There are simple, childlike dolls that don't express much desire for anything outside of their pampering, but there are also very complex dolls that would be nearly indistinguishable from humans if they were to be part of this world. They're like my fantasy equivalent of androids because I love artificial intelligence.
There are also unicorns, gryphons, phoenixes, and dragons. Of these creatures, dragons are the closest to elves in intelligence, though really they're superior to all other species in terms of both that and magical power. They can shape-shift, though that's not their signature ability, and they're mostly content to stay in their dragon form. They don't play a role like dragons in fairytales, and "slaying a dragon" isn't considered a noble quest or even acceptable. Dragons are respected, and killing one would be akin to murdering one of your own species. Most wouldn't stand a chance even if they tried, though.
I also have three other humanoid species that I'm unsure where to put. There's a cyclops-like species, except they aren't at all like the ones seen in Greek mythology. They're just like humans but with one big eye. The other two include a species similar to spirits, but with combat abilities, and they're the least diverse in appearance. They all have straight black hair and black eyes. They're very distinguishable. The last species is also very distinguishable. They're similar to fairies in a lot of ways, except fairies are tiny and have wings. Also, this species all have very puffy hair. On animecharactersdatabase.com, I came across a character named Moa from Show By Rock. Her hair is the kind of puffy I'm talking about.
Then there's the possibility of humans or something similar. That's about where I am.
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vuroguro · 7 years
it’s wild to me that fantasy writers don’t consider how queer things would be treated in their little made up worlds like
even as a DM when i write a campaign and build a world i make sure to include visible themes and explanations there-upon
why are my elves so chill with gender shit? well the majority of them have fairly similar biology and are actually predisposed to being intersex; the differences are small and ultimately insignificant. they get this distinct racial trait from the fey they come from who as ethereal beings have no real use for boxes and categories such as gender. many elves are trans and/or nonbinary. some elf cultures such as high elves and those closer to their fey origins even choose their gender as they age rather being labeled at birth... homosexuality and bisexuality and the like are as common as anything else. it’s also worth noting that many fey cultures heavily embrace asexuality and/or aromanticism due to the fey instinct of not becoming bound to others via attraction (the tale of the selkie who had their skin stolen by a human they fell for is more culturally influencing than you think) some fey races are even immune to all forms of attraction and do not experience it (i.e. think natural charm resistance)
why are my halflings so passive-aggressively homophobic? well you see their culture being that of farming and family rearing does no lend itself to families that do not produce children. anyone not married with children in adulthood is seen as strange or unusual. a halfling community would likely still be stand-offish of gay couples who can have kids, or gay couples who adopt, but more accepting. honestly though anything that disturbs the routine is looked at funny. it should be noted almost no halfling would ever be rude enough to say queerphobic things to your face; it’s just not done... imagine it’s like having a family who ask constantly when you’ll get married. then you bring home your SO and nobody seems to want to discuss it but you keep getting Looks
don’t even get me Started on my dwarves; their birth rate of 4 dmabs for every 1 dfab means that there is a high stack put upon having kids (intersex ppl are surprisingly not common since the dwarves are made by divine intervention of stone rather than ethereal similarity) not like the halflings who do it for tradition, but more an urgent survival need to continue family bloodlines and the dwarven race itself. being trans or nonbinary is no biggie to dwarves who all share surprisingly similar appearance attributes (i.e. everybody has a beard and as long as you have a beard you look like you fit in) but if you’re dfab you have a Responsibility to have kids and if you’re a trans woman you may have those same expectations placed upon you unwittingly... it’s pretty self explanatory tbh. if you’re nonbinary you May get some looks and some chortles about Adopting Silly Elf Culture but nothing so bad as true hatred unless the dwarrow in question is especially elf-damning. homosexuality and bisexuality are sort of compulsory and considered good due to building bonds and ties, with bisexuality being the more gladly accepted orientation
MY GNOMES ARE MY FAVORITE it is within gnome culture to be bi or pan as a sort of default. gnomes understand preferences just fine, but as a race have the concept that gender should not necessarily matter. poly relationships are popular, gender identities are easily accepted, the only thing you might find that escapes the understanding of a vast knowledge-hungry gnome culture is having no labels at all. if you find yourself beyond explanation and say as much to a traditionally raised gnome, they might just set about labeling you as quick as they can. it’s not a very gnomish thing to see something inexplicable and then not try to find an explanation. naturally, not all gnomes are like this... but god forbid you go to a gnome city and not have a straight answer to “what gender are you” or “what’s your orientation.” they tend to struggle greatly with nomadic dragonborns who give very few shits about labeling lol
while nomadic dragonborns have hardly any labels at all, dragonborns from devoted sects of the bahamut have extremely strict labels that leave little wiggle room; you are what you are, behave as these roles instruct, etc.
humans are a mixed bag, but most of them are explainable based on their deities and location. a human from a big city will probably run into all kinds of folk and have very little room for homophobia unless it was a belief passed down in their family. humans from a smaller town will gawk more and have assumptions built into their community due to being sheltered away from different mindsets. human with a family-centric or law-centric deity is likely to have stronger homophobic or queerphobic themes than a love-centric or joy-centric deity... note that this is similar with evil alignments, too! lawful evil and chaotic evil deities have very different opinions on what is acceptable and what is not. for example, lolth dotes twice as much on those who show an inkling of the fey within them i.e. being queer af is kind of a fey staple
✧ ・゚ : * QUEER WORLD BUILDING *:・゚ ✧
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